Vespa (Piaggio) Engine Parts

December 26, 2020

9 Piaggio parts catalogs for US models are combined here, by using 9 quantity columns, labeled C, C, C, C, G, P, G, S, S.

5 of those catalogs also have 7 turn signal versions, labeled Ct, Ct, Ct, Bt, Bt, Gt, Gt.

C ’67-71 Ciao C
C ’72-75 Ciao C, Ct
C ’76-77 Ciao C, Ct, Bravo B, Bt

C ’78-80 Ciao C, Ct, Bravo B, Bt
G ’78-80 Grande 048 G, Gt
P ’80-83 Ciao PX P

G ’81-83 Grande 068 G, Gt
S ’79-83 Si S
S ’84-85 Si S

The quantity is 1 or more if the part is on all of the models in that catalog, or zero if the part is not on any of the models in that catalog, or light blue if the part is only on some bikes or models.

The part number color is green for carburetor parts, orange for magneto and ignition parts, red for top-end parts, blue for engine parts.


#   price         quantity
01 $0.1.CCC CGP GSS Piaggio# engines yrs model code mph
01 none   100 000 000 112963 engine 67-71 Ciao xxxxC  25

01 none   010 000 000 144262 engine 72-72 Ciao xC, Ct 25
01 none   010 000 000 152439 engine 73-75 Ciao xC, Ct 25

01 none   001 000 000 147521 engine 76-77 Ciao x  C, Ct 25
01 none   001 000 000 161242 engine 76-77 Bravo  xx B  25
01 none   001 000 000 162928 engine 76-77 Bravo  xx Bt 25
01 none   000 100 000 166965 engine 78-80 Ciao xxxx Ct 25-30
01 none   000 100 000 166966 engine 78-80 Ciao xxxx C  25-30
01 none   000 100 000 166967 engine 78-80 Bravo xx  Bt 30
01 none   000 100 000 166968 engine 78-80 Bravo xx  B  30
01 none   000 100 000 182366 engine 78-80 Ciao xxxx Ct 20
01 none   000 100 000 182367 engine 78-80 Ciao xxxx C  20
01 none   000 100 000 182038 engine 78-80 Bravo  xx Bt 20 25 30
01 none   000 100 000 182039 engine 78-80 Bravo  xx Bt 20 25
01 none   000 010 000 307142 engine 78-80 Grande x  G  25-30
01 none   000 010 000 307173 engine 78-80 Grande x  G  20
01 none   000 010 000 307186 engine 78-80 Grande x  Gt 25-30
01 none   000 010 000 307196 engine 78-80 Grande x  Gt 20
01 none   000 001 000 193580 engine 80-83 Ciao PX x  P  30
01 none   000 001 000 213443 engine 80-83 Ciao PX x  P  25
01 none   000 001 000 213445 engine 80-83 Ciao PX x  P  20
01 none   000 000 100 308449 engine 81-83 Grande xG  25-30
01 none   000 000 100 308447 engine 81-83 Grande xG  20
01 none   000 000 100 307842 engine 81-83 Grande x  Gt 25-30
01 none   000 000 100 308448 engine 81-83 Grande x  Gt 20
$320  000 000 010 191871 engine 79-83 Si xxxxxx S  25-30
01 none   000 000 010 191228 engine 79-83 Si xxxxxx S  20
01 $0.1.  CCC CGP GSS carburetors Dellorto SHA-12
01 $0.1.CCC CGP GSS Piaggio# carb  jet  version mph 
02 none   111 000 000 113344 12/10 #43CCCtCCt 25
02 none   001 000 000 131257 12/10 #43 xxx BBt 25
02 none   001 100 000 114338 12/7   #39  CCtCCt 20
02 none   000 100 000 182378 12/10 #43 xxx CCt 25-30
02 none   000 100 000 141902 12/7   #39 xxx BBt 20-25
02 none   000 100 000 157180 12/10 #45 xxx BBt 30

02 none   000 010 100 307174 12/7   #39 GGtGGt 20
02 none   000 010 100 353881 12/12 #49 GGtGGt 25-30
02 none   000 001 000 177647 12/7   #39 xxxx   P 20
02 none   000 001 000 188327 12/10 #42 xxxx   P 25
02 none   000 001 000 157501 12/10 #49 xxxx   P 30
02 none   000 000 010 191230 12/7   #39 xxxx  S 20
02 none   000 000 010 191863 12/10 #42 xxxx  S 25
02 none   000 000 010 168549 12/10 #49 xxxx  S 30
02 $73.0 000 000 000 000000 12/10 #42 replacement *
02 $73.0 000 000 000 000000 12/12 #51 replacement *
02 $00.0 000 000 000 000000 * must reuse choke lever

1. 102939 condenser, 2. 103133 points, 3. 144241 early condenser,
4. 162935 condenser for turn signal models, 5. 14825 flywheel

1. 120391 ignition feed coil, 2. 120397 lights feed coil, 
3. 162929 lights, 4. 162930 aux, 5. 162933 ign, 6. 185048 aux

01   $0.1.CCC CGP GSS Piaggio#  engine electrical
11   none   100 000 000 103466 ignition feed coil C

11   $700  011 110 100 120391 ignition feed coil CCCGG
11   none   001 010 00o 162933 ignition feed coil Ct Bt Gt
11   none   000 100 100 185047 ignition feed coil Ct Bt Gt
11   none   000 000 010 189813 ignition feed coil S
11   none   000 001 000 212403 ignition feed coil P

41   $10.0 111 111 111 103137 points cam
42   $3.00 111 111 111 102943 wave washer 10276
43   $85.0 111 110 100 103485 flywheel CCCt
CCGG says 103485
43  140-90 00
1 110 100 148125 flywheel CtBtCtBtGtGt xx 990195
43   none   000 001 0
11 176418 flywheel PSS for pts says 991355
43   none   000 000 00
1 223818 flywheel S for CDI   says 992295
45   none   111 111 111 122390 lights red output plug
46   $0.80 111 111 111 071482 connector female blade
47   $0.80 111 111 111 S15005 lights coil eyelet-4
48   $0.50 444 444 444 S16404 coils lock washer M4
49   $1.50 442 224 240 S15612 coils screw M4 x 18 phil
49A $1.50 002 220 204 S15650 aux coil screw M4 x 22 phil
50   $0.80 111 111 111 S00622 points wire washer M3 plain
51   $0.80 111 111 111 S05962 pts wire lock washer M3 star
52   $1.20 111 111 111 S10028 points wire screw M3 x 8 slot
53   $17.0 111 111 111 103133 points
54   $0.00 001 111 100 180823 ignition wire 46 56 57 61
54B none   000 000 011 189815 ignition wire 00 56 57 61 117
54A none   000 000 000 114471 ignition wire 46 56 57 61 117
55   $9.00 001 110 111 102939 condenser with 61 only note 1
55A none   100 000 000 114471 cond. with 61 46 56 57
55B none   010 000 000 144241 cond. with 61 46 56 57 117 note 2
55B none   010 000 000 152440 cond. with 61 46 56 57 117 68
55C $29.0 001 111 100 162935 cond. with 61 120 & long wires
55D none  
000 000 001 187555 cond. with 61 56 117
56   $0.00 111 111 111 142561 ign wire grommet (non-blinker)
57   $0.00 111 111 111 073943 ign wire boot (non-blinker)
58   $1.50 222 222 222 S00838 cond & pts screw M4x8 slot
59   $0.70 222 222 222 S12554 cond & pts washer M4
60   $0.00 001 110 101 149000 felt with mount BtCtBtGtGt
61   $0.80 111 111 110 014501 connector eyelet-3 to points
66   $55.0 011 110 100 120397 lights feed coil CCtCCtCBGG
66   $55.0 001 110 100 162929 lights feed coil BtCtBtGtGt
66   none  
000 000 010 189812 lights feed coil S
66   none   000 001 000 214547 lights feed coil P
67   $0.30 222 222 222 S03054 lights coil washer-4
68   $0.00 111 111 111 102941 felt wiper bare
87   $3.00 111 111 111 102931 flywheel inspection plug 7400
104 none   110 000 000 121908 spark plug B5HS CC use BR5HS
104 none   001 101 000 143541 spark plug B5HS CCP use BR5HS
104 none   
000 010 100 137776 spark plug B6HS GG use BR6HS
104 $5.00 000 000 011 A15029 spark plug BR6HS S
104 $5.00 000 000 000 000000 spark plug BR5HSS
105 $69.0 001 010 000 162930 aux lights coil CtBtGt
105 none   000 100 100 185048 aux lights coil CtBtGt

108 $8.00 111 110 100 155475 spark cap metal non-res?
108 none   000 001 011 029465 spark cap metal resistor?
109 $4.00 111 111 101 155753 spark cap rubber boot
109 none   000 000 010 071671 spark cap rubber boot S
114 $0.00 001 110 101 S15544 felt screw M4x? slot BtCtBtGtGtS
115 $0.00 001 110 101 S12554 felt washer BtCtBtGtGtS
116 $0.00 001 110 101 145298 tie strap x  BtCtBtGtGtS
117 $0.00 111 111 111 071054 connector male blade note 3
118 $0.00 111 111 111 S15008 connector fem blade + male note 3
119 $0.00 111 111 111 000000 engine stop branch note 2
120 $1.00 111 111 111 122429 connector female blade 3mm

Note 1. Original condenser said “Facet”, orig. points said “Icet”, coil said “Femsa”.

Note 2. In 1967-71 the engine could only be stopped by the decompression lever. In 1972 an engine stop switch was added. So an engine stop branch wire was added on to the condenser wire.

Note 3. 117 plugs into the engine stop wire. 118 plugs into the spark coil.


1. 113243, 2. 120871 and 152793, 3. 124533, 166038 and 164310

01 $0.1.CCC CGP GSS Piaggio#  top-end parts
13 $0.20 222 222 222 003057 head washer ∅7
18 $0.50 333 333 333 020106 head lock washer ∅7
28 $0.60 333 333 333 020107 head nut M7 hex11
79 $8.00 111 111 111 113243 decomp cable hook plate
81 $5.00 111 111 111 113242 decomp cable spring
82 none   222 222 222 113247 valve spring cup
83 $1.80 111 111 111 012768 split pin 1.8 x 14
84 $3.50 111 111 111 113246 clevis clip
85 none   111 111 111 113244 valve spring
86 none   111 111 111 113245 decomp valve

89 $45.0 111 101 000 124533 cylinder head CCCCP
89 $45.0 000 010 100 166038 cylinder head GG
89 none   000 000 011 164310 cylinder head SS
90 $3.50 333 333 333 000595cylinder stud M7 x 120 5049
91 none   110 000 000 120871 cylinder gasket CC
91 $4.00 001 111 111 152793 cylinder gasket CCGGSS 9181
93 $16.0 000 220 000 166945 ring ea. std. xx  38.2 x 2.0gn

93 $10.0 202 22
0 000 077775 ring ea. std, 1os 38.4 x 2.0gn
93 $14.0
202 220 000 098196 ring ea. 1os,2os 38.6 x 2.0gn
93 $10.0
202 220 000 098197 ring ea. 2os,3os 38.8 x 2.0gn
93 $14.0 000 00
1 111 182519 #1 ring ea. std. 38.2 x 2L
93 $10.0 000 001 111 182518
#2 ring ea. std. 38.2 x 1.5gn

93 none 
010 111 111 G68473 #1 ring std, 1os 38.4 x 2
93 $14.0 010 
1 111 132515 #2 ring std, 1os 38.4 x 1.5gn

93 $13.0 010 111 111 137690 #1 ring 1os,2os 38.6 x 2L
93 $9.00 0
10 111 111 137693 #2 ring 1os,2os 38.6 x 1.5gn

93 $11.0 010 111 111 137691 #1 ring 2os,3os 38.8 x 2L
93 $10.0 0
10 111 111 137694 #2 ring 2os,3os 38.8 x 1.5gn

1. USA piston, 2. 20-12-16 pre-’84, 3. 21-10-17 ’84-on, 4. rings

01 $0.1.CCC CGP GSS piston assy size rings 20-12-16 mm
94 $60.0 000 110 000 182591 Std 38.2 2.0 2.0 says USA

94 none   100 110 000 112979 Std 38.4 2.0 2.0
94 none   100 110 000 152381 1os 38.6 2.0 2.0 2973
94 none   100 110 000 152382 2os 38.8 2.0 2.0
94 $50.0 011 000 000 132521 Std 38.4 2.0 2.0 3517
94 none   011 000 000 137681 1os 38.6 2L  1.5 48F12
94 $65.0 011 000 000 137682 2os 38.8 2L  1.5
 says 2M
94 $60.0 000 001 110 191034 Std 38.2 2L  1.5 4514 Asso 3517
94 $70.0 000 111 110 182592 1os 38.4 2L  1.5 says 1M
94 none   000 111 110 182593 2os 38.6 2L  1.5
94 $0.1.CCC CGPGSS piston assy size rings 21-10-17 mm

94 none   000 000 001 196123 Std 38.2 2L  1.5 4554
94 none   000 000 001 196115 1os 38.4 2L  1.5
94 none   000 000 001 196116 2os 38.6 2L  1.5
94 $0.1. CCC CGPGSS piston parts

95 $7.00 111 100 000 150868 piston pin           ∅12
95 $7.00 000 011 110 132233 piston pin           ∅12 x 31.5
95 $7.00 000 000 001 166921 piston pin ’84-on ∅10 x 31.5
96 $2.50 222 222 220 006612 piston clip           ∅12 snap ring
96 $1.00 222 222 220 000000 piston clip subst. ∅12 wire type
96 none   000 000 002 006610 piston clip ’84-on ∅10 snap ring
97 none   100 000 000 123028 piston bushing use 120070
97 $4.00 011 111 110 120070 piston bushing see note 1
97 none   000 000 001 166920 piston bearing ∅10 ∅13

01 $0.1.CCC CGP GSS Piaggio#  engine parts
37   $0.00 000 000 000 ??????? ground terminal only on some?
38   $0.30 555 555 555 020106 case nut M6 hex10
39   $0.25 555 555 555 006966 spring washer ∅6
40   $1.00 555 555 555 030055 case bolt M6 x 38 (40)
44   $12.0 111 111 110 152040 fan cover good-used
62   $10.0 111 111 111 103137 right crank bearing 6202
63   $1.00 111 111 111 S08455 air deflector screw
65   $0.30 111 111 111 S13963 air deflector washer
80   $1.20 444 444 444 S15585 fan screw M5x12 phil-wide
88   none   100 000 000 114046 air deflector C
88   $$.$$ 011 000 000 121504 air deflector CCtCCtBBt
88   $$.$$ 000 101 011 190310 air deflector CCtBBtPSS
88   $$.$$ 000 010 100 353883 air deflector GGtGGt

99   $3.50 222 222 222 113681 crank shim 15.4-21×0.5 10289
100 $75.0 111 111 110 113708 crank w/ 12×14 bushing 5179
100 none   000 000 000 000000 crank for 12×15 bearing
100 none   000 000 001 184154 crank for 10×13 bearing 5183
101 $5.00 111 000 000 000267 flywheel key M-96
101 $2.00 000 111 111 000267 flywheel key M-96a 5036
102 $5.00 111 111 111 112967 case gasket
103 none   100 000 000 121044 case set C
103 $$.$$ 011 100 000 131250 case set C, C, B, B
103 none   001 000 000 160947 case set Bt
103 $$.$$ 000 110 000 157531 case set C, G    big port
103 $$.$$ 000 110 000 146659 case set Ct, Gt big port
103 none   000 100 000 146699 case set Bt

103 none   000 001 011 168595 case set P, S, S
103 none   000 000 100 308460 case set G oil inj, big port
103 none   000 000 100 308435 case set Gt oil inj, big port

106 $6.00 111 111 111 112978 crank seal 5900 15x24x5
107 $10.0 111 111 111 S08753 left crank bearing 6202C3
113 $0.00 001 110 100 122181 fan cover clip BBtBBtGGtGGt

001 $0.1.CCC CGP GSS Piaggio#  items not illustrated
000 $o.00 111 111 111 000000 alignment tube ∅6.5 ∅7.5 x 17
000 none  222 222 222 008977 front engine mount bolt M6 x 120 hex
000 $1.00 111 111 111 031092 rear engine mount bolt M6 x 25 hex
000 $0.50 555 555 555 006176 engine mount washer M6 wide
000 $2.00 111 101 000 113732 belt tension lever Ciao non-var
000 $$.$$ 001 100 000 124680 belt tension lever Bravo var.