1. General Torque Specs
Metric Bolts Stud Bolts Spark Plugs
2. Moped Torque Specs
Garelli Honda Minarelli Morini Peugeot
Puch Sachs Tomos Vespa (Piaggio)
Three main things affect the tightening torque:
1) Smaller (thinner) bolts require less torque than big (thicker) ones.
2) Weak (low grade) bolts require less torque than strong (high grade).
3) Bolts with Dry threads require more torque than lubricated ones.
Torque Units: 1.00 n-m (newton meter) is equal to 0.102 kg-m (kilogram meter), or 0.738 ft-lb (pound foot)
All torques listed here are converted to ft-lb. That allows easy comparison of multiple sources.
1. General Torque Specs from Internet
x thread x 4.8 00 4.8 8.8/9.8 8.8/9.8 10.9 0 10.9 0 12.9 0 12.9 ⇐ class (grade)
x thread x lubed x dry x lubed x dry x lubed x dry x lubed x dry METRIC BOLTS
x thread x ft-lbs x ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs x ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs 0 hex sizes
0M4-0.70 0.7 00 0.8 00 1.7 00 2.3 01 2.4 01 3.2 11 2.8 01 3.8 01 07
0M5-0.80 1.3 00 1.8 00 3.4 01 4.5 01 4.9 01 6.5 01 5.7 01 7.6 01 08
0M6-1.00 3.5 00 4.5 00 6.5 01 8.5 01 9.5 01 12.0 11.50 12.501 09 10
0M7-1.00 6.0 00 8.0 00 11.20 13.20 17.01 21.01 18.01 22.01 10 11
0M8-1.25 8.5 00 11.5 0 16 00 20 00 24 01 30 01 25 01 28 01 12 13 14
M10-1.50 17 00 21 01 32 00 40 00 47 01 60 01 55 01 70 01 14 15 17
M12-1.75 29 00 39 01 55 00 70 00 80 0 140 01 95 0 120 01 17 19
M14-2.00 47 00 60 01 88 0 110 0 130 0 165 0 150 0 190 01 19 21
x thread x alum. x alum. steel x steel STUD BOLTS threaded into
x thread x lubed x dry x lubed x dry aluminum or steel (iron)
x thread x ft-lbs x ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs 0 hex sizes
0M4-0.70 1.0 00 1.3 00 1.5 00 2.0 01 0 7
0M5-0.80 00.11 00.11 00.01 00.01 08
0M6-1.00 04.01 05.01 06.01 08.01 09 10
0M7-1.00 07.01 09.00 10.00 13.00 10 11
0M8-1.25 09.00 12.00 14.00 18.00 12 13 14
M10-1.50 18.00 24.00 28.00 37.00 14 15 17
M12-1.75 32.00 43.00 49.00 65.00 17 19
M14-2.00 51.00 68.00 78.0 104.00 19 21
M10 – 1.00 000 M12 – 1.25 000 M14 – 1.25
alum 0 iron 000 alum 0 iron 000 alum 0 iron
head 0 head 000 head 0 head ooo head o head
ft-lbs x ft-lbs x0 ft-lbs x ft-lbs x0 ft-lbs x ft-lbs SPARK PLUGS
07-9 x 07-11 00 11-15 11-18 0 18-22 18-25
Moped Torque Specs from Service Manuals
Here blue text means engine and black text is non-engine.
xmm-0.0..0 ft-lbs 1979 torque specifications GARELLI
0M6-0.0 0.0-5.8 side cover screws
0M6-0.0 0.0-5.8 crankcase screws
0M7-0.0 0.-10.9 head nuts
0M9-0.0 22-25 H-cyl. flywheel nut
M10-0.0 22-25 V-cyl. flywheel nut
M12-0.0 25-29 clutch nut
M14-0.0 43-47 sprocket nut
M14-0.0 58-61 V-cyl. countershaft nut
xmm-0.0..0 ft-lbs 1979 torque specifications HONDA Express
0M6-0.0 6.5-8.7 head nuts
M10-0.0 21-25 clutch nut
M10-0.0 22-29 pivot shaft nut
M12-0.0 00-00 rear wheel nut
xmm-0.0..0 ft-lbs 1975 torque specifications HONDA PC50
0M5-0.0 5.1-8.0 valve adjust nuts
0M6-0.0 5.8-8.7 valve cover nuts
0M6-0.0 6.5-8.7 head nuts
0M6-0.0 5.1-8.7 case and cover bolts
0M6-0.0 6.5-8.7 camshaft and intake bolts
M10-0.0 22-28 flywheel and clutch nuts
M12-0.0 15-22 oil drain plug
xmm -0.00 ft-lbs 1978 torque specifications MINARELLI
0M4-0.0 1.3-1.5 V1 clutch lever pinch bolt #5130
0M6-0.0 3.6-4.3 V1 oil check and drain plugs
0M6-8.8 7.3-8.7 V1 case and side cover bolts, head nuts #5550
0M6-8.8 7.3-8.0 V1 intake bolts #5610, start leaf screw #5840
0M9-0.0 0- 21.7 V1 cone clutch nut #6270
M10-0.0 32-33 V1 sprocket #4840
M10-0.0 33-35 V1 flywheel nut #4750
xmm -0.00 ft-lbs 1977 torque specifications PACER w/MORINI
0M5-0.0 00-04 MO1 exhaust nuts
0M6–0.0 00-04 MO1 pedal pin nuts
0M6–0.0 00-07 MO1 handlebar clamp bolts
0M6-0.0 00-07 MO1 head nuts
0M6-0.0 7.0-8.5 MO1 case and cover bolts
0M8 25-29 20 MO1 flywheel nut
0M10-0.0 25-29 MO1 clutch nut
0M10-0.0 25-25 MO1 shock bolts
0M11-0.0 25-29 MO1 axle nuts
0M12-0.0 25-29 MO1 sprocket nut
xmm -0.00 ft-lbs 1977 torque specifications PEUGEOT
0M6-6.8 00-06 103 case bolts
0M6-8.8 00-09 103 case bolts
M10-0.0 00-18 103 flywheel nut (16 hex)
M11-0.0 00-25 103 clutch nut (21 hex)
M20-0.0 00-32 103 variator nut (32 hex)
xmm-0.00 ft-lbs 1980 torque specifications PUCH
0M5-0.0 00-04 Fender bolts
0M6-0.0 00-05 Pedal pin nuts
0M6-0.0 00-06 Crankcase and clutch cover screws, Kickstand and manifold bolts
0M6-0.0 00-07 Cylinder head nuts
0M7-0.0 10-12 Handlebar bolts
0M8-0.0 00-09 Rear shock bolts
0M8-0.0 00-11 Fork top bolts
0M8-8.8 00-29 Swing arm bolts
0M8-8.8 00-23 Engine mounting bolts
M10-0.0 00-25 Flywheel nut
M10-0.0 00-20 Clutch nut 1 speed
M10-8.8 00-40 Fork clamp bolts (Magnum MkII)
M11-0.0 00-20 Front axle nuts
M12-0.0 00-20 Rear axle nuts
M12-0.0 25-36 Countershaft 2 speed nut
M16-0.0 21-24 Clutch nut 2 speed
M24-0.0 00-20 Fork top plugs (Magnum MkII)
M26-0.0 00-30 Steering head nut
xmm-0.0..0 ft-lbs 1977 torque specifications SACHS
0M4-0.0 2.2-3.0 stator screws
0M6-0.0 5.9-7.4 cylinder nuts
0M6-8.8 7.4-8.8 case screws
0M8-0.0 17-20 504 flywheel nut
M10-0.0 27-30 505 flywheel nut, clutch nut
M12-0.0 37-44 sprocket nut
xmm-0.00 ft-lbs 1988 torque specifications TOMOS
0M6-0.0 00-05 A3 Engine cover screws
0M7-0.0 00-09 A3 Cylinder head nuts
0M8-8.8 00-18 Engine mount bolts
M10-0.0 00-22 A3 Flywheel nut
M10-0.0 00-18 A3 Clutch nut, rear shock bolts
M11-0.0 00-24 Axle nuts
M12-8.8 00-26 Swing arm bolt, fork top bolts
M14-0.0 00-13 Spark plug
M14-0.0 00-59 A3 Countershaft nut
M22-0.0 00-44 A3 Sprocket nut
xmm -0.0 ft-lbs 1970 torque specifications VESPA
0M8-0.0 10-24 Fixed pulley nut 13 hex
0M8-0.0 14-18 Crankshaft nut, Variator pulley nut
M10-8.8 26-39 Rear wheel mount bolts 17 hex
M11-0.0 28-30 Ciao front axle nut 17 hex
M14-0.0 40-43 Freewheel hub nut 36 hex
M25-0.0 22-29 Ciao steering nut 32 hex