1. 505/1 Versions ’75-90+
1. 505/1 Parts Lists
2. 504/1 Versions ’73-80+
2. 504/1 Parts Lists

505 has a large flywheel-magneto and an internal pedal shaft. Uses a 1-chain (motor) rear wheel.
504 has a small flywheel-magneto and no pedal shaft. Uses a 2-chain (motor + pedal) rear wheel.
Nationality: The engines are made in Germany, but are sold in different European countries, as well as North and South America and other places. Each country has it’s own laws about how fast and powerful a moped can be. That is why there are so many different speed versions. In Germany, there are two kinds of mopeds:
Mofas are 25 km/h (16 mph), no licence required, minimum age 15, no passengers. “Mofa” is short for motorisertes fahrrad (motorized bicycle).
Mopeds are 40 km/h (25 mph), drivers license required (any class), minimum age 16. “Moped” is short for motor mit pedale (motor with pedals).
This is why Sachs 504 and 505 engine cylinders either say “40km” or “25km”, in the casting.
Where’s the governor? There is not a “governor” yet the speed and power are governed. Several things are intentionally restricted to limit how much air the engine breathes. The cylinder ports open late and close early, the carburetor and intake are small, the exhaust is small. Each thing has about the same influence. Sachs designed it to be tamper-proof, for safety reasons, so unlicensed riders won’t be able to go over 16 mph. No fun intended.
1. Sachs 505/1
Sources: 505/1 Service Manuals
3034.8/1 Feb 1975 505/1A /1ANL /1B
3034.8/2 Feb 1977 505/1A /1ANL /1B
3034.8/3 Apr 1980 505/1A /1ANL /1B /1C /1D
0000.0/0 0oo 1980 505/1A /1ANL /1B /1C /1D (USA)
Sources: 505/1 Parts Manuals
3034.6/2 Nov 1977 505/1A /1ANL /1B /1C
3034.6/4 Mar 1981 505/1A /1ANL /1B /1C /1D
3034.6/6 May 1984 505/1A /1ANL /1B /1C /1D /1BS /1BX
Sources: Hercules Parts Manuals with 505/1 Engines
980.008.0211 May 1975 Hercules/DKW M4-511 505/1B
980.008.0253 Jan 1980 Sachs Suburban, Prima 505/1A, 1B, 1D
980.008.0252 Feb 1980 Sachs Prima G3 urban 505/1A, 1B, 1D
980.008.0255 Feb 1980 Sachs Seville (oil inject) 505/1AI, 1BI, 1DI
A1977-on kw hp cylinder Sachs 505/1 Versions
A1977-on kw hp says version speed limit of main country
A 1976-83 1.3 1.8 40km 505/1A 48=25/30mph USA
exhaust 26/26×400, 24×200, carb 85/12/101 or 101A #52
a 1975-83 1.25 1.7 40km 505/1A NL 40=25mph Netherlands
exhaust 20/26 id x 600, carb 85/12/101 or 101A #52 jet
B 1975-83 1.1 1.5 25km 505/1B B 25=16mph Germany
exhaust 20/26 x 600, carb 85/10/101 or 101A #50 jet
1976-80 0.75 1.0 25km 505/1B 32= 20mph USA
exhaust 20/26 x 450, carb 85/10/101 or 101A #50 jet
C 1977-83 1.8 2.5 40km 505/1C 50=31mph Spain
exhaust 26/26 id x 400, carb 85/12/104 or 104A #58
D 1979-83 1.5 2.0 40km 505/1D 48=30mph USA
exhaust 26/26 id x 460, carb 85/12/104A #58 jet
s 1984-on 0.75 1.0 25km 505/1B S 25=16mph Sweden
exhaust 14/26 id x 650, carb 85/10/101A #50 jet
x 1984-on 1.1 1.5 25km 505/1B X 25=16mph Germany
exhaust 20/26 id x 600, carb 85/12/101A #52 jet
C 1984-on 1.8 2.5 40km 505/1C
exhaust 26/26×400, 24×200, carb 85/12/101A #52
D 1984-on 1.5 2.0 40km 505/1D
exhaust 20/26 id x 600, carb 85/12/101A #52 jet
All 505/1 versions AaBCD BsxCD have a foot brake mechanism. Pedaling backwards applies the brake.
Only some 505/1 versions ADD have a no-foot-brake mechanism. Pedaling backwards does nothing.
1975-83 A = 505/1A a = /1ANL B = /1B C = /1C D = /1D
1984-on s = 505/1BS x = 505/1BX C = /1C D = /1D
0o0 quantity Sachs 505 Parts Group A price colors: new used
000 AaBCD sxCD part number price description d = 10
0A1 00100 0100 0287.140.200 none crankcase BBx set (cylinder studs close in)
0A1 11011 0011 0287.140.203 $85.0 crankcase AaCDCD set (cyl studs far out)
0A1 00001 0001 0287.140.215 none crankcase DD set (cyl studs far out, for CDI)
0A1 00000 1000 0287.140.221 none crankcase s set (studs close in, solid mount)
0A2 44444 4444 0240.058.106 $2.00 cylinder stud M6-1 x 32
0A3 44444 4444 0944.142.002 $0.20 washer 6.2 x 12 x 1.5
0A4 44444 4444 0242 129 001 $0.30 nut M6 – 1.0
0A5 66666 0666 0251.121.000 $7.00 motor mount rubber bush
0A6 11111 1111 0960.136.000 none front wires grommet (1-big-hole for internal spark coil)
0A6 11111 1111 0960.135.000 $4.00 front wires grommet (no-hole for external spark coil)
0A6 00001 0001 0265.190.000 none front wires grommet (bigger hole for Motoplat CDI)
0A7 11111 1111 0260.020.000 none rear wires grommet (2-hole)
0A7 11111 0111 0260.029.000 none rear wires grommet (3-hole)
0A7 00011 0011 0260.020.005 none rear wires grommet (4-hole)
0A7 00000 1000 0260.020.010 none rear wires grommet (5-hole)
0A8 33333 0333 0247.144.100 $5.00 mount distance tube 8.5 x 12 x 48
0A9 11110 0000 0244.168.000 none closing cap Ø13 (covers manual shift hole)
A10 11111 0111 0244.167.100 $24.0 mag. cover chrome SACHS used 125.5 ID
A10 11110 0000 0244.167.102 none magneto cover chrome plain
A10 00001 0001 0244.167.001 none magneto cover for elec ign or alum. flywheel
A11 ddddd dddd 0240.188.002 $1.20 allen screw M6-1 x 70
A12 111000000 0650.131.000 $2.50 drain plug seal ring 10×14
A13 11100 0000 1726.080.100 $0.00 drain plug M10-1
A14 11111 1111 0240.191.002 $0.70 case screw M6 x 20 allen
A15 44444 4444 0240.187.002 $1.20 case screw M6 x 55 allen
A16 11111 1111 0250.084.005 $5.00 oil seal 16x24x4
A17 11111 1111 0250.155.300 $4.00 clutch cover gasket
A18 11111 1111 0277.117.000 $14-6 clutch cover says SACHS
A18 11111 0000 0211.151.201 none clutch cover plain
A18 00000 1000 0211.166.100 none clutch cover large (covers sprocket)
A19 11111 0111 0240.140.207 $8.00 oil level screw plug M14-1 gray plastic
A19 00000 1000 0640.117.301 none oil level screw plug M20-1
A20 55555 2555 0640.027.002 $1.50 cover screw M5-0.8 x 12 slot sunk raised
A20 55555 2555 0640.027002r $0.80 cover screw M5-0.8 x 15 phillips sunk raised
not shown:
A21 33333 3333 0000.000.000 $2.00 motor mount bolt M8 x 70 hex with long shank
Engine cases: The engine cases for 505/1B (25km) are intentionally made different so that the 505/1A,1C,1D (40km) cylinders cannot fit. The cylinder studs are farther inward. That is also why a Sachs cylinder base gasket has slots instead of holes, to fit both types.
Speed conversion: To convert a 25 km to a 40 km you have to change the engine case set, the cylinder, the intake, the clutch plates, the carburetor, the exhaust, and maybe the sprocket(s). That is too many things to be practical.
1977-83 A=505/1A a=505/1ANL B=505/1B C=505/1C D=505/1D
1984-on B=505/1B s=505/1BS x=505/1BX C=505/1C D=505/1D
0o0 quantity Sachs 505 Parts Group B price colors: new used
000 AaBCD BsxCD part number price description a = as required x = some
0B1 00100 00000 0213.146.210 none cylinder ’77-78 B 25km angled fins requires B4
B01 11000 00000 0213.146.215 none cylinder ’77-78 Aa 40km angled fins requires B4
B01 00010 00000 0213.146.230 none cylinder ’77-78 C 40km square fins requires B4
0B1 00100 10000 0287.137.114 none cylinder ’78-on BB 25km angled or 0287.137.151 black
B01 11000 00000 0287.137.119 $0.00 cylinder ’78-on Aa 40km angled or 0287.137.153 black
B01 00011 00011 0287.137.134 none cylinder ’78-on CDCD 40km square or 0287.137.155 black
0B1 00000 01000 0287.137.148 none cylinder ’84-on s 25km grooved square fins
0B1 00000 00100 0287.137.164 none cylinder ’84-on x 25km grooved square fins
0B2 11111 11111 0998.004.001 $5.00 spark plug NGK BR6HS =Bosch W7A=W175T1
0B3 11111 11111 0250.156.200 $3.00 intake gasket (qty 2 with flange)
0B4 xxxx0 00000 0211.152.000 none flange adapter only for early pre-’78 cylinders
0B5 11111 11111 0250.160.101 $1.50 rubber o-ring 1.5 x 17
0B6 01000 00000 0267.114.505 none intake pipe a Ø12.0
0B6 00001 00001 0267.114.404 none intake pipe DD Ø12.5
0B6 10100 10100 0267.114.402 $24.0 intake pipe ABBx Ø14.0
0B6 00011 00011 0267.114.403 $0.00 intake pipe CDCD Ø14.5
0B6 00000 01000 0267.124.000 none intake pipe s Ø16.0
0B7 22222 22222 0244.100.008 $0.20 washer M6
0B8 22200 20200 0940.085.102 $1.00 intake bolt M6 x 35 hex
0B8 00022 00022 0240.003.104 $1.00 intake bolt M6 x 25 hex
0B8 00000 02000 0940.204.002 $1.00 intake bolt M6 x 20 phillips
0B9 11111 11111 0291.021.100 none start cable B9i+B12 long =0291.021.000
0B9 11111 11111 0291.021100r $21.0 start cable B9i+B12 long 2.8+40.6 x 46.6″
B9i 11111 11111 0291.021100i $11.0 inner cable ∅4.5-∅6 end =D8i 47″
B10 11111 10111 0291.022.200 48-33 decompressor original
B10 11111 10111 0291.022200r $24.0 decompressor replica
B10 00000 01000 0240.182.002 none screw plug original M10-1.5
B11 11111 11111 0660.018.000 $7.00 start cable rubber boot =D9
B12 11111 11111 0291.024.011 $7.00 cable conduit 2.8+40.6″=D10
B13 11111 10111 0250.154.000 $6.00 cylinder base gasket
B13 00000 01000 0250.154.001 none cylinder base gasket
B14 11111 11111 0818.202.000 $2.00 flywheel washer 10.7 x 20 x 1.7 wave type
B15 11111 11111 2842.016.000 $2.00 flywheel nut M10-1.00 hex17
B16 11111 11111 0230.100.300 $7.00 oil seal 15 x 35 x 7 =0230.106.200
B17 11111 11111 0244.153.000 $4.00 washer 30 x 36.8 x 1.5
B18 22222 22222 0232.120.003 $10.0 ball bearing 6202 C3
B19 aaaaa aaaaa 0246.009.003 $8.00 crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 0.1
B19 aaaaa aaaaa 0246.009.004 none crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 0.15
B19 aaaaa aaaaa 0246.009.007 $6.00 crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 0.2
B19 aaaaa aaaaa 0246.009.000 $6.00 crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 0.3
B19 aaaaa aaaaa 0246.009.001 none crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 0.5
B19 aaaaa aaaaa 0246.009.005 $4.00 crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 0.8
B19 aaaaa aaaaa 0246.009.002 $4.00 crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 1.0
B20 11111 11111 0246.005.000 $2.00 woodruff key M85 3 x 3.7
B21 11110 10010 0288.114.002 $145. crankshaft AaBCBC stroke 42
B21 00001 01101 0288.114.005 none crankshaft DsxD stroke 44
B22 22222 22222 0245.000.000 $1.00 piston pin clip Ø12
B23 11111 11111 0216.003.105 $12.0 piston pin Ø12 (11.98) x 31.8
B24 11100 11100 0286.378.005 $75.0 piston assy AaBBsx standard Ø38.0(37.95) x 53.0
B24 11100 11100 0286.378005r none piston assy AaBBsx generic Ø38.0(37.95) x 53.0
B24 11100 11100 0286.378.006 $60.0 piston assy AaBBsx oversize Ø38.6(38.55) x 53.0
B24 00011 00011 0286.378.051 none piston assy CDCD standard Ø38.0(37.95) x 50.5
B24 00011 00011 0286.378051r $55.0 piston assy CDCD generic Ø38.0(37.95) x 50.5
B24 00011 00011 0286.378.052 none piston assy CDCD oversize Ø38.6(38.55) x 50.5
B25L11111 11111 0215.009.000 $9.00 lower ring std Ø38.0×2.0
B25L11111 11111 0215.010.001 $14.0 lower ring o.s Ø38.6×2.0
B25u11100 11100 0215.009.000 $9.00 upper ring std Ø38.0×2.0
B25u11100 11100 0215.010.001 $14.0 upper ring o.s Ø38.6×2.0
B25u00011 00011 0215.100.100 $9.00 upper ring std Ø38.0×1.5
B25u00011 00011 0215.100.102 $9.00 upper ring o.s Ø38.6×1.5
B26 11111 11111 0232.157.001 $12.0 needle bearing Ø12 Ø15 x 13
B27 11111 11111 0246.009.001 $5.00 washer 15.3 x 20 x 0.5
B28 11111 11111 0246.008.003 $7.00 washer 25.3 x 34 x 0.2
B29 11111 11111 0230.107.000 $6.00 oil seal 15 x 30 x 5.5
Decompression Valve: The aftermarket decomp valve looks different from the original (made in Germany by Karcoma). You can see it’s longer, but when installed it’s about the same. Many of these sold elsewhere do not fit in the outer hole. Ones sold here have been machined slightly smaller to allow installation.
Start cable: There are different Sachs 504/505 start cables on different bikes. The cable upper end depends on what start lever, and the cable length depends on what frame and handlebar. The one cable offered here is single ended for a 70’s Magura start lever with pinch screw. It is also extra long to fit most bikes. It does not fit other controls like on Taiwan mopeds such as General. Those require double ended cables. See Sachs Cables to get the appropriate start cable for your type of bike.
1977-83 A=505/1A a=505/1ANL B=505/1B C=505/1C D=505/1D
1984-on B=505/1B s=505/1BS x=505/1BX C=505/1C D=505/1D
0o0 quantity Sachs 505 Parts Group C price colors: new used
000 AaBCD BsxCD part number price description a = as required
0C1 33333 33333 0232.155.001 $8.00 bushing 13.2 x 18 x 10
0C2 11111 10111 0285.123.000 $0.00 gear shaft assy
0C2 00000 01000 0285.161.001 $0.00 gear shaft assy
0C3 11111 11111 0247.105.000 $0.00 bushing
C3a 00000 01000 0244.075.005 $0.00 washer 13.2 x 20 x 2.0
0C4 11111 11111 0244.164.000 $7.00 closing cap ∅18
0C5 11111 11111 0245.121.000 $2.00 circlip 13 x 1 (external inverted)
0C6 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.006.007 none shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.15
0C6 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.006.006 none shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.2
0C6 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.006.001 none shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.3
0C6 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.006.003 none shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.4
0C6 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.006.000 none shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.5
0C6 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.006.004 $7.00 shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.6
0C6 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.006.002 none shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.8
0C6 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.006.005 none shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 1.0
0C7 11111 11111 0244.006.005 $8.00 washer 13.2 x 18 x 1.0
0C8 11111 10111 0285.122.101 $0.00 drive shaft 77T and 22T
0C8 00000 01000 0285.122.106 $0.00 drive shaft 78T and 22T
0C9 11111 11111 0230.108.000 $7.00 seal 15 x 32 x 5.5
C10 11111 11111 0236.105.101 19-10 sprocket 11 tooth
C10 11111 11111 0236.105.12T $23.0 sprocket 12 tooth
C10 11111 11111 0236.105.13T $23.0 sprocket 13 tooth
C11 11111 11111 0244.189.001 $3.00 washer 12.3 x 22 x 1.5
C12 11111 11111 0242.124.000 $2.00 nut M12-1.0 x 7 hex 19
Version 1 ’77-83 A=505/1A a=505/1ANL B=505/1B C=505/1C D=505/1D
Version 2 ’84-on B=505/1B s=505/1BS x=505/1BX
Version 3 ’84-on C=505/1C D=505/1D
00o0 quantity Sachs 505 Parts Group D price colors: new used
000 AaBCD BsxCD part number price description a = as required
0D1 11111 11111 0640.107.100 $2.50 push pin M8-1.0
0D2 11111 11111 0242.121.000 $2.50 hex nut M8-1.0 x 4
0D3 11111 11111 0248.150.200 $6.00 start clutch lever
0D4 11111 11111 0239.136.200 $5.00 starter spring
0D5 11111 11111 0247.140.000 $5.00 spacer ∅7.6 ∅12 x 21.2
0D6 11111 11111 0250.173.000 $2.00 seal ring 8 x 12
0D7 11111 11111 0240.181.102 $8-$3 start lever shaft M8-1.0
0D8 11111 11111 0291.021.100 none start cable D8i+D10 long =0291.021.000
0D8 11111 11111 0291.021100r $21.0 start cable D8i+D10 long 2.8+40.6 x 46.6″
D8i 11111 11111 0291.021100i $11.0 inner cable ∅4.5-∅6 end =B9i 47″
0D9 11111 11111 0660.018.000 $7.00 start cable rubber boot =B11
D10 11111 11111 0291.024.011 $7.00 cable conduit 2.8+40.6″=B12
D11 11111 11100 0284.016.000 $8-$3 pressure cup
D11 00000 00011 0284.016.100 none pressure cup
D12 11111 11111 0242.000.000 $2.50 hex nut M10-1.00 x 6
D13 11111 11111 0244.157.000 $3.00 washer 10 x 29.3 x 4
D14 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.154.004 $3.50 washer 24.8 x 44 x 0.2
D14 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.154.006 $7.00 washer 24.8 x 44 x 0.3
D14 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.154.000 $4.00 washer 24.8 x 44 x 0.5
D14 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.154.001 $3.50 washer 24.8 x 44 x 0.8
D14 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.154.002 $2.50 washer 24.8 x 44 x 1.0
D14 aaaaa aaaaa 0244.154.005 $5.50 washer 24.8 x 44 x 1.2
D14 00100 00000 0244.154.003 none washer 24.8 x 44 x 1.7
D14 00100 00000 0244154003s $9.00 substitute 1.0+0.5+0.2
D15 11311 11133 0258.014.200 $12-5 metal plate (internal) 1.7mm
D16 22222 22233 0245.122.200 18-13 spring washer =0245.122.100
D17 22222 22200 0258.015.000 $15–7 friction plate (external) 3.3mm
D17 00000 00033 0258.015.002 none friction plate (external) 2.2mm
D18 22022 22211 0258.014.201 $12-5 metal plate (internal) 2.5mm
D19 11111 11100 0258.012.100 $10–6 clutch hub splined 15.3mm
D19 00000 00011 0258.012.101 none clutch hub splined 16.1mm
D20 11111 11100 0247.141.000 19-11 inner guide ring
D20 00000 00011 0247.141.001 none inner guide ring with 3.5 hole
D21 11100 00000 0284.015.000 41-30 centrifugal weight (no spot), spring 100
D21 00011 00000 0284.015.001 none centrifugal weight (red spot), spring 101
D21 00011 00000 0284015001s $52.0 cent wt 201 with pin ground off, spring 101
D21 00000 11100 0284.015.002 none centrifugal weight (white spot), spring 102
D21 00000 00011 0284.015.201 $48.0 centrifugal weight with 3.5 pin, spring 101
D22 11111 11111 0258.016.000 $15–7 outer guide plate
D23 22222 22222 0244.112.000 $5-$3 washer with oil holes 11.9 x 23 x 1
D24 11111 11111 0284.014.000 35–22 clutch drum with gear 19T
D25 11111 11111 0232.132.101 $11.0 bush 11.7 x 16 x 16.5
D26 11100 00000 0239.137.100 $5.00 cent. weight spring
D26 00011 00011 0239.137.101 none cent. weight spring (stiffer than 100)
D26 00000 11100 0239.137.102 none cent. weight spring
1977-83 A=505/1A a=505/1ANL B=505/1B C=505/1C D=505/1D
1984-on B=505/1B s=505/1BS x=505/1BX C=505/1C D=505/1D
0o0 quantity Sachs 505 Parts Group E price colors: new used
000 AaBCD BsxCD part number price description x = some
0E1 11111 11111 0944.120.004 $0.00 washer 16.2 x 22 x 0.8
0E2 11111 11111 0247.149.000 $0.00 spacer 16.3 x 20 x 9.3
0E3 11111 11111 0245.020.001 none circlip 16 x 1.5 external
0E4 11111 10111 0944 120 002 $0.00 washer 16.2 x 22 x 1.0
0E4 00000 01000 0944 120 004 $0.00 washer 16.2 x 22 x 0.8
0E5 11111 10111 0237.106.001 $0.00 starting wheel 44 teeth
0E5 00000 01000 0237.106.000 none starting wheel 32 teeth
0E6 11111 00000 0237.106.101 $0.00 pedal shaft with o-ring recess for case with or without oil seal
0E6 11111 00000 0285.121.000 $0.00 pedal shaft assy E3,E4,E5,E6 with o-ring recess
0E6 00000 11111 0237.106.301 $0.00 pedal shaft no o-ring recess for case with oil seal
0E7 x111x 1111x 0239.051.001 none brake spring
0E8 x111x 1111x 0252.007.201 none driver with two rings of spurs
0E9 11111 11111 0250.164.000 $2.00 o-ring 1.5 x 13 use 2 for ’78-80 cases without oil seal
E10 x000x 0000x 0232.048.203 $22.0 driver tube bare no spurs for no foot brake ’79?-on
E10 xxxx0 00000 0232.048.202 $22.0 driver tube bare with spurs for foot brk 1-flat ’77-79?
E10 xxxx1 11111 0232.048.402 none driver tube bare with spurs for foot brk 2-flats =0232.048.302
E10 xxxx0 00000 0285.120.000 none driver tube assy 10-15 w/spurs for foot brk 1-flat ’77-79?
E10 xxxx1 11111 0285.120.200 none driver tube assy 10-15 w/spurs for foot brk 2-flats ’79?-on
E11 11111 11111 0244.165.000 $0.00 washer 23.5 x 32 x 1
E12 11111 11111 0250.165.000 $2.00 o-ring 19 x 2
E13 xxxx0 00000 0248.153.400 none brake lever with one flat ’77-79?
E13 xxxxx 1111x 0248.153.600 none brake lever with two flats ’79?-on =0248.153.500
E14 x111x 1111x 0244.052.000 none retaining tab washer
E15 x111x 1111x 0242.030.105 $27.0 hex nut M21-1 Left Thread 20.8 ID
Because the model year range for the quantity columns AaBC is ’77-83, and the change happened in ’78-80, some models were before the change and some were after. That is why there are x’s in the quantity columns. The letter “x” here means “some”.
Some 505/1 engines, 1A and 1D were also made with no foot brake. On those, items E7, 8, 13, 14, 15 were not used, and the driver tube bare was 0232.048.203 instead of 202 or 302 or 402. That is why there are x’s in the quantity columns in the first row of E10.
1977-83 A=505/1A a=505/1ANL B=505/1B C=505/1C D=505/1D
1984-on B=505/1B s=505/1BS x=505/1BX C=505/1C D=505/1D
0o0 quantity Sachs 505 Parts Group F price colors: new used
000 AaBCD sxCD 00 part # 00 price name part# colors: Sachs Hercules
01a 11110 0000 0273.100.002 none muffler chrome 28-60 od x 568 end 11a AaBC
02a 11110 0011 0273.100.027 none muffler chrome 28-60 od x 588 end 10a AaBCCD
02b 11100 0010 0273.100.024 none muffler black 28-60 od x 588 end 10b AaBC
02c 00000 0100 0273.102.106 none muffler black 28-65 od x 658 end 10c x
02d 00001 0001 0273.102.107 none muffler chrome 28-65 od x 658 end 10c DD
02e 00000 0100 0273.102.110 none muffler black 28-65 od x 658 end 10e x
02f 00000 0000 0273.102.? 00 none muffler chrome 28-65 od, end 10f restricted
003 11111 0111 0251.139.007 $7.00 muffler clamp Ø28.5 id chrome
004 11111 1111 0251.113.105 $6.00 header clamp Ø28.5 id (or muffler)
005 11111 0111 0251.113.105 $6.00 muffler clamp Ø28.5 id for no slots
06a 11111 0110 0251.078.003 $7-$5 mount clamp Ø60 chrome 3 kinds
06b 00001 0001 0251.100.003 $19.0 mount clamp Ø65 chrome
007 00000 0101 0273.107.000 $16.0 baffle for Ø65 #2c, 2d, 2e
008 11111 0010 0273.104.000 21-13 baffle for Ø60 #1a, 2a, 2b
009 11111 0111 0273.123.003 none asbestos cord ∅3
10a 11110 0000 0273.105.017 none end cap Ø60od straight chrome for #2a
10b 11110 0000 0273.105.016 none end cap Ø60od straight black for #2b
10c 00001 0101 0273.108.007 $58.0 end cap Ø65od straight chrome for #2c,2d
10e 00000 0010 0273.108.006 none end cap Ø65od straight black for #2e
10f 00000 0010 0273.108.? 00 none end cap Ø65od str chr restricted for #2f
11a 11110 0000 0273.105.002 $58.0 end cap Ø60od rounded chrome for #1a
012 11111 0111 0244.100.008 $0.20 washer 6 x 10 (some 6 x 12)
013 11111 0111 0245.023.002 $0.25 lock washer 6
014 11111 0111 0242.129.001 $0.30 plain nut M6
017 01100 1000 508.190.2002 none exhaust 1-piece 22 od pancake
017 01100 1000 508.190.2002 none aBs Sweden S, others
21L 00011 0000 927.191.0249 none header left 26-26 od x 460
21L 00011 0000 927.191.0249 none CD US-30 Hercules, Columbia
21R 00011 0000 927.191.0248 none header right 26-26 od x 460
21R 00011 0000 927.191.0248 none D US-30 Prima G3, General
22L 1xxxx 0010 0273.124.102 none header left 26-26×400 24×200 =505.190.0101
22L 1xxxx 0010 0273.124.102 none AC US-25 Hercules, Columbia
22R 10000 0000 540.190.0102 $52.0 header right 26-26×400 24×200
22R 10000 0000 540.190.0102 $00.0 A US-25 Prima G3, General
23L 01100 0101 0273.124.107 none header left 22-26 od x 600 =504.190.0101
23L 01100 0101 0273.124.107 none aBxD Germany DE, others
23R 01100 0000 540.190? 000 none header right 22-26 od x 600
23R 01100 0000 540.190? 000 none aB ? Germany DE, others
24L 00100 0000 504.190.0105 none header left 22-26 od x 450
24L 00100 0000 504.190.0105 none B US-20 Hercules, Columbia
24R 00100 0000 540.190.0104 none header right 22-26 od x 450
24R 00100 0000 540.190.0104 none B US-20 Prima G3, General
25L 00100 0000 504.190? 000 none header left 16-26 od x 650
25L 00100 0000 504.190? 000 none B ? Switzerland CH
Exhaust header pipe: From a distance or a photo you can tell the speed and power by how thick the exhaust header pipe is. Thinner pipes are on less powerful, slower versions.
Header pipe diameter: The inner diameter is specified. Add 2.0 or 2.5 mm to get the outer diameter. In the example “26 x 400 and 24 x 200” means the first 400 mm has an ID of 26 and the last 200 has an ID of 24. The first 350 mm of the exhaust header pipe is exposed to view and rest is hidden inside the tail pipe (muffler).
Header pipe side: Sachs 504 and 505 exhausts can be on either side of the bike, left or right.
2. Sachs 504/1
Sources: 504/1 Service Manuals
3030.8/0 Apr 1973 504/1A /1ACH /1ADK /1ANL /1B
3030.8/1 Feb 1974 504/1A /1ACH /1ADK /1ANL /1B
3030.8/2 Nov 1975 504/1A /1ACH /1ADK /1ANL /1B /1BS
3030.8/3 Sep 1977 504/1A /1ACH /1ADK /1ANL /1B /1BS /1C /1DNL
3030.8/4 Feb 1979 504/1A /1ACH /1ADK /1ANL /1B /1BS /1C /1DNL
Sources: 504/1 Parts Manuals
3030.6/2 Nov 1975 504/1A /1ACH /1ADK /1ANL /1B /1BS
3030.6/3 Jan 1978 504/1A /1ACH /1ADK /1ANL /1B /1BS /1C
0000.0/0 Mar 1985 504/1A /1ACH /2ACH
Sources: Hercules Parts Manuals with 504/1 Engines
980.008.0209 May 1975 Hercules/DKW 504/1A /1ACH /1ADK /1ANL /1B /1BS
980.008.0254 Feb 1980 Sachs Sundancer 504/1A /1B /1D
A1977-on hp cylinder Sachs 504/1 Versions
A1977-on hp says version speed limit of main country
A 1973-80 1.8 40km 504/1A A 48=30mph USA 40=25mph Germany
exhaust 26/26×400, 24×200 carb 85/12/101 or 101A #52
1976-80 1.5 40km 504/1A B 40=25mph
exhaust 20 “pancake” carb 85/12/101 or 101A #52
a 1973-78 1.7 40km 504/1A NL 40=25mph Netherlands (Sparta)
exhaust 20/26 x 600 carb a 85/12/102 #50
1973-78 1.7 40km 504/1A NL 40=25mph Netherlands (KTM)
exhaust 20 “pancake” carb KTM 85/12/101 #52
å 1974-79 1.0 40km 504/1A DK 30=19mph Denmark
exhaust 20/26 x 600 carb 85/10/103, 103A #45
1974-79 0.8 40km 504/1A CH 30=19mph Switzerland
exhaust 20/26 x 600 carb 85/8/101A #48
B 1976-80 1.0 25km 504/1B 32=20mph USA
exhaust 20/26 x 600 carb 85/10/101, 101A #50
1973-80 1.5 25km 504/1B A 25=16mph
. exhaust 14/26 x 600, carb 85/10/101, 101A #50
1973-80 1.3 25km 504/1B B 25=16mph Germany
. exhaust 20 “pancake” carb 85/10/101, 101A #50
b 1975-80 1.0 25km 504/1B S 00=00mph Sweden
exhaust 20/26 x 600 carb 85/10/101, 101A #50
C 1977-80 2.5 40km 504/1C 50=31mph Spain
exhaust 26 x 460, carb 85/12/104 or 104A #58
d 1979-80 1.0 25km 504/1D NL 20=12mph Netherlands
exhaust 14/26 x 650, carb 85/10/101A #50
A 1976-80 1.8 40km 504/1A 40=25mph USA (Sparta)
exhaust 20/20 x 460 carb 85/12/101 or 101A #52
k 1976-80 1.8 40km 504/1A 48=30mph USA (KTM)
exhaust 26/26 x 460 carb 85/12/101 or 101A #52
1973-80 A = 504/1A a = /1ANL å = /1ADK, /1ACH B = /1B b = /1BS
1978-80 C = 504/1C d = /1DNL 1976-80 A = /1A Sparta k = /1A KTM
000 quantity Sachs 504/1 Parts Group A
000 AaåBb CdAk part number price description
0A1 11000 0011 0287.136.302 none crankcase ’73-77 AaAk
0A1 00011 0000 0287.136.300 none crankcase ’73-77 Bb
0A1 00100 0000 0287.136.308 none crankcase ’75-77 å
0A1 11000 1011 0287.136.402 none crankcase ’78-80 AaCAk
0A1 00011 0000 0287.136.400 none crankcase ’78-80 Bb
0A1 00100 0000 0287.136.408 none crankcase ’78-80 å
0A2 44444 4444 0240.058.106 $2.00 cylinder stud M6-1 x 32
0A3 44444 4444 0944.142.002 $0.20 washer 6.2 x 12 x 1.5
0A4 44444 4444 0316.057.002 $0.30 nut M6 – 1.0 (different from 505)
0A5 44444 4444 0251.121.000 $7.00 motor mount rubber bush
0A6 11111 1111 0960.136.000 none front wires grommet (1-big-hole for internal spark coil)
0A6 11111 1111 0960.135.000 $4.00 front wires grommet (no-hole for external spark coil)
0A7 11111 1111 0260.020.000 none rear wires grommet (2-holes)
0A7 11111 0000 0260.029.000 none rear wires grommet (3-holes)
0A8 22222 2222 0247.144.100 $5.00 mount distance tube 8.5 x 12 x 48
A10 11111 1111 0244.167.100 $22.0 mag. cover chrome SACHS, new 112.5 ID
A10 11110 0000 0244.167.102 none magneto cover chrome plain
A11 77777 7777 0240.188.002 $1.20 allen screw M6-1 x 70
A15 55555 5555 0240.187.002 $1.20 case screw M6-1 x 55 allen
A17 11111 1111 0250.155.300 $4.00 clutch cover gasket
A18 11111 1111 0277.117.000 $16-8 clutch cover says SACHS
A19 11111 1111 0240.140.207 $8.00 oil level screw plug M14-1 gray plastic
A20 55555 5555 0640.027.002 $1.50 cover screw M5-0.8 x 12 slot sunk raised
A20 55555 5555 0640.027002r $0.80 cover screw M5-0.8 x 15 phillips sunk raised
not shown:
A21 22222 2222 0000.000.000 $2.00 motor mount bolt M8 x 70 hex with long shank
Engine cases: The engine cases for 504/1B (25km) are intentionally made different so that the 504/1A, 1C, and 1D (40km) cylinders cannot fit. The cylinder studs are farther inward. That is also why a Sachs cylinder base gasket has slots instead of holes, to fit both types.
Speed conversion: To convert a 25 km to a 40 km you have to change the engine case set, the cylinder, the intake, the clutch plates, the carburetor, the exhaust, and maybe the sprocket(s). That is too many things to be practical.
1973-80 A = 504/1A a = /1ANL å = /1ADK, /1ACH B = /1B b = /1BS
1978-80 C = 504/1C d = /1DNL 1976-80 A = /1A Sparta k = /1A KTM
000 quantity Sachs 504/1 Parts Group B a = as required x = some
000 AaåBb CdAk part number price description
0B1 00011 0000 0213.146.210 none cylinder ’73-78 Bb 25km/h angled fins requires B4
0B1 11000 0011 0213.146.215 none cylin. ’73-78 AaAk 40km/h angled fins requires B4
0B1 00100 0000 0213.146.220 none cylinder ’75-78 å 40km/h angled fins requires B4
0B1 00000 1000 0213.146.230 none cylinder ’78-77 C 40km/h square fins requires B4
0B1 00011 0000 0287.137.114 none cylinder ’78-80 Bb 25km/h angled fins
0B1 11000 0011 0287.137.119 none cylin. ’78-80 AaAk 40km/h angled fins
0B1 00100 0000 0287.137.000 none cylinder ’78-80 å 40km/h angled fins
0B1 00000 1000 0287.137.134 none cylinder ’78-80 C 40km/h square fins
0B2 11111 1111 0998.004.001 $5.00 spark plug NGK BR6HS =Bosch W7A=W175T1
0B3 11111 1111 0250.156.200 $3.00 intake gasket (qty 2 with B4)
0B4 xxxxx xxxx 0211.152.000 none flange adapter for pre-’78 cylinders
0B5 11111 1111 0250.160.101 $1.50 rubber o-ring 1.5 x 17
0B6 01000 0000 0267.114.405 none intake pipe a Ø12.0
0B6 10111 0011 0267.114.402 $24.0 intake pipe AåBbAk Ø14.0
0B6 00000 1100 0267.114.403 $0.00 intake pipe Cd Ø14.5
0B7 22222 2222 0244.100.008 $0.20 washer M6
0B8 22222 0011 0940.085.102 $1.00 intake bolt M6 x 35 hex
0B8 00000 2200 0240.003.104 $1.00 intake bolt M6 x 25 hex
0B9 11111 1111 0291.021.100 none start cable B9i+B12 long =0291.021.000
0B9 11111 1111 0291.021100r $21.0 start cable B9i+B12 long 2.8+40.6 x 46.6″
B9i 11111 1111 0291.021100i $11.0 inner cable ∅4.5-∅6 end =D8i 47″
B10 11111 1111 0291.022.200 48-33 decompressor original
B10 11111 1111 0291.022200r $24.0 decompressor replica
B11 11111 1111 0660.018.000 $7.00 start cable rubber boot =D9
B12 11111 1111 0291.024.011 $7.00 cable conduit 2.8+40.6″=D10
B13 11111 1111 0250.154.000 $6.00 cylinder base gasket
B14 11111 1111 0644.011.000 $2.00 flywheel washer 8.5 x 18 x 1.5 wave type
B15 11111 1111 2842.001.000 $2.00 flywheel nut M8-1.00 hex13
B16 11111 1111 0230.100.300 $7.00 oil seal 15 x 35 x 7 =0230.106.200
B17 11111 1111 0244.153.000 $4.00 washer 30 x 36.8 x 1.5
B18 22222 2222 0232.120.003 $10.0 ball bearing 6202 C3
B19 aaaaa aaaa 0246.009.003 $8.00 crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 0.1
B19 aaaaa aaaa 0246.009.004 none crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 0.15
B19 aaaaa aaaa 0246.009.007 $6.00 crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 0.2
B19 aaaaa aaaa 0246.009.000 $6.00 crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 0.3
B19 aaaaa aaaa 0246.009.001 none crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 0.5
B19 aaaaa aaaa 0246.009.005 $4.00 crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 0.8
B19 aaaaa aaaa 0246.009.002 $4.00 crank shim washer 15.3 x 20 x 1.0
Decompression Valve: The aftermarket decomp valve looks different from the original (made in Germany by Karcoma). You can see it’s longer, but when installed it’s about the same. Many of these sold elsewhere do not fit in the outer hole. Ones sold here have been machined slightly smaller to allow installation.
Start cable: There are different Sachs 504/505 start cables on different bikes. The cable upper end depends on what start lever, and the cable length depends on what frame and handlebar. The one cable offered here is single ended for a 70’s Magura start lever with pinch screw. It is also extra long to fit most bikes. It does not fit other controls like on Taiwan mopeds such as General. Those require double ended cables. See Sachs Cables to get the appropriate start cable for your type of bike.
1973-80 A = 504/1A a = /1ANL å = /1ADK, /1ACH B = /1B b = /1BS
1978-80 C = 504/1C d = /1DNL 1976-80 A = /1A Sparta k = /1A KTM
000 quantity Sachs 504/1 Parts Group C price colors: new used
000 AaåBb CdAk part number price description a = as required
0C1 11111 1111 0232.155.000 $8.00 bushing 13.2 x 18 x 10
0C5 11111 1111 0245.121.000 $2.00 circlip 13 x 1 (external inverted)
0C6 aaaaa aaaa 0244.006.007 none shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.15
0C6 aaaaa aaaa 0244.006.006 none shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.2
0C6 aaaaa aaaa 0244.006.001 none shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.3
0C6 aaaaa aaaa 0244.006.003 none shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.4
0C6 aaaaa aaaa 0244.006.000 $7.00 shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.5
0C6 aaaaa aaaa 0244.006.004 none shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.6
0C6 aaaaa aaaa 0244.006.002 none shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 0.8
0C6 aaaaa aaaa 0244.006.005 $8.00 shim washer 13.2 x 18 x 1.0
0C7 11111 1111 0244.006.005 none washer 13.2 x 18 x 1.0
0C8 11111 1111 0285.112.001 $35.0 main shaft assy good-used
0C8 11111 1111 0285.112.001 $00.0 1 x main shaft
0C8 11111 1111 0285.112.001 $00.0 1 x layshaft wheel
0C8 11111 1111 0285.112.001 $00.0 1 x supporting ring
0C8 11111 1111 0285.112.001 $00.0 2 x washers
0C8 11111 1111 0285.112.001 $00.0 15 x rollers
0C9 11111 1111 0230.107.000 $6.00 oil seal 15 x 30 x 5.5
C10 11111 1111 0236.105.101 $19.0 sprocket 11 teeth
C11 11111 1111 0246.056.000 $3.00 washer 12.3 x 22 x 1.5
C12 11111 1111 0242.124.000 $2.00 nut M12-1.0 x 7 hex19
1973-80 A = 504/1A a = /1ANL å = /1ADK, /1ACH B = /1B b = /1BS
1978-80 C = 504/1C d = /1DNL 1976-80 A = /1A Sparta k = /1A KTM
000 quantity Sachs 504/1 Parts Group D
000 AaåBb CdAk part number price description a = as required
0D1 11111 1111 0640.107.100 $2.50 push pin M8-1.0 x 13.5
0D2 11111 1111 0242.121.000 $2.50 hex nut M8-1.0 x 4
0D3 11111 1111 0248.150.200 $6.00 start clutch lever
0D4 11111 1111 0239.136.200 $5.00 starter spring
0D5 11111 1111 0247.140.000 $5.00 spacer ∅7.6 ∅12 x 21.2
0D6 11111 1111 0250.173.000 $2.00 seal ring 8 x 12
0D7 11111 1111 0240.181.102 $8-$3 start lever shaft M8-1.0
0D8 11111 1111 0291.021.100 none start cable D8i+D10 long =0291.021.000
0D8 11111 1111 0291.021100r $21.0 start cable D8i+D10 long 2.8+40.6 x 46.6″
D8i 11111 1111 0291.021100i $11.0 inner cable ∅4.5-∅6 end =B9i 47″
0D9 11111 1111 0660.018.000 $7.00 start cable rubber boot =B11
D10 11111 1111 0291.024.011 $7.00 cable conduit 2.8+40.6″=B12
D11 11111 1111 0284.016.000 $8-$3 pressure cup
D12 11111 1111 0242.000.000 $2.50 hex nut M10-1.00 x 6
D13 11111 1111 0244.157.000 $3.00 washer 10 x 29.3 x 4
D14 aaaaa aaaa 0244.154.004 $3.50 washer 24.8 x 44 x 0.2
D14 aaaaa aaaa 0244.154.006 $7.00 washer 24.8 x 44 x 0.3
D14 aaaaa aaaa 0244.154.000 $4.00 washer 24.8 x 44 x 0.5
D14 aaaaa aaaa 0244.154.001 $3.50 washer 24.8 x 44 x 0.8
D14 aaaaa aaaa 0244.154.002 $2.50 washer 24.8 x 44 x 1.0
D14 aaaaa aaaa 0244.154.005 $5.50 washer 24.8 x 44 x 1.2
D14 00111 0000 0244.154.003 none washer 24.8 x 44 x 1.7
D14 00111 0000 0244154003s $9.00 substitute 1.0+0.5+0.2
D15 11333 1111 0258.014.200 $12-5 metal plate (internal) 1.7mm
D15 22000 2222 0258.014.201 $12-5 metal plate (internal) 2.5mm
D16 22222 2222 0245.122.200 18-13 spring washer =0245.122.100
D17 22222 2222 0258.015.000 $15–7 friction plate (external) 3.3mm
D18 11111 1111 0258.012.100 $10–6 clutch hub splined 15.3mm
D19 11111 1111 0247.141.000 19-11 inner guide ring
D20 11111 1111 0284.015.000 41-30 centrifugal weight (no spot), spring 100
D21 11111 1111 0258.016.000 $15–7 outer guide plate
D22 22222 2222 0244.112.000 $5-$3 washer with oil holes 11.9 x 23 x 1
D23 11111 1111 0284.014.000 35–22 clutch drum with gear 19T
D24 11111 1111 0232.132.101 $11.0 bush 11.7 x 16 x 16.5
D25 11111 1111 0239.137.100 $5.00 cent. weight spring
1973-80 A = 504/1A a = /1ANL å = /1ADK, /1ACH B = /1B b = /1BS
1978-80 C = 504/1C d = /1DNL 1976-80 A = /1A Sparta k = /1A KTM
0o0 quantity Sachs 504 Parts Group F price colors: new used
000 AaåBb CdAk 00 part # 00 price name part# colors: Sachs Hercules Sparta
01a 10111 0000 0273.100.002 $110. muffler chrome AåBb 28-60 od x 568 end 11a
01b 00000 0010 0000.057.002 none muffler chrome A 24-55 od x 568 end 11b
02a 10111 0000 0273.100.027 $110. muffler chrome AåBb 28-60 od x 588 end 10a
02b 10111 0000 0273.100.024 none muffler black AåBb 28-60 od x 588 end 10a
02d 00000 1001 0273.102.107 none muffler chrome k 28-65 od x 658 end 10c
003 10111 1001 0251.139.007 $7.00 muffler clamp Ø28.5 id chrome
004 11111 1111 0251.113.105 $6.00 header clamp Ø28.5 id
005 10111 1001 0251.113.105 $6.00 muffler clamp Ø28.5 id for no slots
06a 10111 0000 0251.078.003 $7-$5 mount clamp Ø60 chrome 3 kinds
06b 00000 1001 0251.100.003 $20.0 mount clamp Ø65 chrome
06c 00000 0010 0000.057.006 $15.0 mount clamp Ø55 chrome
007 00000 1001 0273.107.000 $16.0 baffle for Ø65 #2d
08a 10111 0000 0273.104.000 21-13 baffle for Ø60 #1a, 2a
08b 000000 010 0000.057.011 $9.00 baffle for Ø55 #1b
10a 10111 0000 0273.105.017 none end cap 60 od straight chrome for #2a, 2b
10c 00000 1001 0273.108.007 $59.0 end cap 65 od straight chrome for #2d
11a 10111 0000 0273.105.002 $58.0 end cap 60 od rounded chrome for 1a
11b 00000 0010 0000.057.008 $49.0 end cap 55 od rounded chrome for #1b
012 10111 1111 0244.100.008 $0.20 washer 6 x 10 (some 6 x 12)
013 10111 1111 0245.023.002 $0.25 lock washer 6
014 10111 1111 0242.129.001 $0.30 plain nut M6
017 01010 0000 508.190.2002 none exhaust 1-piece flat pancake aB NL, others
20R 00000 0010 0000.057.003 $55.0 header right 22-22 od x 460 A US-25 Sparta
21L 00000 1001 927.191.0248 none header left 26-26 od x 460 Ck US-30 KTM
22L 10000 0000 0273.124.102 none header L 26-26×400 24×200 A US-25 Hercules
22R 10000 0000 540.190.0102 $52.0 header R 26-26×400 24×200 A US-25 Kynast
23L 01111 0000 0273.124.107 none header left 22-26 od x 600 aåBb DE, DK, others
24L 00011 0000 504.190.0105 none header left 22-26 od x 450 Bb US-20 Hercules
24R 00011 0000 540.190.0104 none header right 22-26 od x 450 Bb
25L 00010 0100 504.190? 000 none header left 16-26 od x 650 Bd NL, others
Gasket Set 0286 125 051
Before 1977 it was for 504/1 and 504/2. From 1977 on it was for 504/1, 504/2, 505/1 and 505/2 .
1975 Sachs 504 Gasket Set 0286 125 051
1 – 0250.155.300 $4.00 gasket clutch cover
1 – 0250.154.000 $6.00 gasket cylinder base
2 – 0250.156.200 $4.00 gasket intake pipe
1 – 0250.161.000 $7.00 gasket float bowl (replica)
1 – 0250.162.000 $4.00 gasket carburetor top
1 – 0230.107.000 $6.00 oil seal 15 x 30 x 5.5 left crank (clutch side)
1 – 0230.100.300 $7.00 oil seal 15 x 35 x 7 right crank (mag. side)
1 – 0230.108.000 $7.00 oil seal 15 x 32 x 5.5 sprocket
1 – 0250.160.101 $1.50 o-ring 1.5 x 17 (20od) air filter
1 – unknown $1.50 o-ring 2.0 x 9 (13od) for 504/2 shift lever
1 – 0650.131.000 $2.50 copper ring 10×14 drain plug
1 – 0250.173.000 $2.00 copper ring 8 x 12 starter pin
2 – 0962.013.000 $1.00 fiber ring carb fuel inlet banjo
. $54.50 separately, $40 in a set
1977 Sachs 504 and 505 Gasket Set 0286 125 051
supersedes and replaces the 1975 version
1 – 0250.155.300 $4.00 gasket clutch cover
1 – 0250.154.000 $6.00 gasket cylinder base
2 – 0250.156.200 $4.00 gasket intake pipe
1 – 0250.161.000 $7.00 gasket float bowl (replica)
1 – 0250.162.000 $4.00 gasket carburetor top
1 – 0230.107.000 $6.00 oil seal 15 x 30 x 5.5 left crank (clutch side)
1 – 0230.100.300 $7.00 oil seal 15 x 35 x 7 right crank (mag. side)
1 – 0230.108.000 $7.00 oil seal 15 x 32 x 5.5 sprocket
1 – 0250.084.005 $5.00 oil seal 16 x 24 x 4
2 – 0250.164.000 $2.00 o-ring 1.5 x 13 use 3 for ’78-80 cases without oil seal
1 – 0250.165.000 $2.50 o-ring 2 x 19 505 right pedal shaft seal
2 – 0250.160.101 $1.50 o-ring 1.5 x 17 (20od) intake pipe and air filter
1 – unknown $1.50 o-ring 2.0 x 9 (13od) for 504/2 shift lever
1 – unknown $1.50 o-ring 2.0 x 6 (10od) for 505/2 shift lever ?
1 – 0650.131.000 $2.50 copper ring 10×14 drain plug
1 – 0250.173.000 $2.00 copper ring 8 x 12 starter pin
2 – 0962.013.000 $1.00 fiber ring carb fuel inlet banjo
. $69.00 separately, $55 as a set