Pacer made in Italy by Italtelai Morini MO1, MO2 or M1 engine
cer is not in the WoI Encyclopedia, but Italtelai is. Italtelai began in 1972, and means “Italian frames”. They made chassis for Arciero, Bianchi, Pacer, Portofino, Snark, and other US export models. They all used Motori Morini Franco engines and Spisni Franzoni forks.
Pacer History
Before 1976 there were only a handful of mopeds sold in the US, mostly major brands like Piaggio, Peugeot and Puch.
In 1976 US laws for mopeds were established, amid high demand for fuel efficiency. This allowed many dozens of brands to be imported in 1976-77. Americans were afraid that gasoline would be in short supply so they bought small cars, small motorcycles, and mopeds.

01. PI service manual: 1976-77 Pacer mopeds, made by Italtelai were first imported to the USA and distributed by Portofino International Inc, PI, at 55 Lamar St, West Babylon, New York. The PI service manual does not have any brand name or date, but shows a ’72-75 Morini Gyromat engine (with a ’72-79 aluminum cylinder). The engine on the bike was a ’76-77 Morini Gyromat, same as 1972-79 Morini MO1.

02. PMBI owners manual: In 1977, PI became Portofino Moped & Bicycle International Inc, PMBI, at 495 Smith St, Farmingdale New York. The PMBI owners manual does not have any brand name or date but shows a 1972-79 Morini MO1 engine. That was the engine on the bike.

03. PMBI-CPS service manual: In 1977-78, PMBI became PMBI-CPS, at the same address. The PMBI-CPS service manual does not have any brand name or date. It shows a Gyromat engine but also shows a 1972-79 Morini MO1 engine, and part of step-thru gas tank with the Pacer name and checkered white and black stripe below it.

04. AIC parts manual: In 1978, PMBI sold the Pacer name and inventory to Aeon International Corporation, AIC, at 2165 Fifth Ave, Ronkonkoma, New York. The AIC parts manual has a date of 6-1978. It shows 1974-79 Morini MO1 and MO2 engines.

05. AIC owners manual: The AIC owners manual has the Pacer name and logo. It does not have any date but shows a 1979-89 Morini M1 engine. It also contains a recommendation of 50 to 1 for synthetic two-stroke oil. Synthetic oil was a new thing in the very late 70’s.
06. MMI parts catalog: In 1981-82, AIC sold the Pacer name and parts to Marina Mobili Inc, MMI, at 146 W Commercial Ave, Moonachie New Jersey 07074. MMI imported and distributed Pacer mopeds and parts to USA moped shops until around 1990. The 1980 MMI catalog did not contain Pacer, but 1983 and later catalogs did.
Pacer Models

1976 Pacer II
1976 Pacer step-thru moped had a CEV 9350 tail light and a CEV 2139 “bullet” headlight, with the Huret speedometer mounted inside (or block off plate).
Pacer 1 had no speedometer, stamped luggage rack,and silver painted fenders.
Pacer II had a speedometer, stamped luggage rack, and silver painted fenders.
Pacer III had a speedometer, tubular luggage rack and “chrome” stainless fenders.
For 1977 the Pacer III was called Pacer Deluxe, and Pacer I and II were discontinued.

1977 Pacer Deluxe (P14)
Morini MO1 engine
1977-78 Pacer Deluxe has 2.25-16 tires, 0.9 gallon tank, quarter-turn 30mm gas cap, M10-1.0 male gas valve with extender, Morini MO1 engine in 20, 25 or 30mph versions. The 1977-later tail light was CEV 9400.2 or 9400 depending on magneto and wiring.
The 1977-later headlight was a shorter CEV 2143 with the speedometer mounted on the handlebar above it.

from 1982 MMI parts catalog

1979 Pacer Deluxe
Morini M1 engine
1979-80 Pacer Deluxe was exactly the same as ’77-78 except the engine was a Morini M1 with a case reed valve. The M1 engine accelerated as fast as the MO2 two-speed did, but was much simpler and much less costly to produce.

1978 Pacer Sport (P78)
MO1 or MO2 engine
1977-78 Pacer Sport has 2.50-16 tires, mono-tube (tuboni) frame with long U-shaped 0.67 gallon gas tank, clamp-on pop-up gas cap, gas tank vent button under the front of the seat, Morini MO1 or MO2 engine in 20, 25 or 30mph versions.
1979-80 Pacer Sport had a Morini M1 engine with case reed valve.

1980 Super Sport (P80)
Morini M1 engine
1977-78 Pacer Super Sport has 2.25-16 tires, 2.0 gallon tank, quarter-turn 40mm wide-wing gas cap, M10-1.0 male gas valve, Morini MO1 or MO2 engine in 20, 25 or 30mph versions.
1979-80 Pacer Super Sport has a Morini M1 engine with a case reed valve. It took off quicker because of more torque.
Pacer Wiring

Pacer w/Dansi 101765
external ignition ground

Pacer w/Dansi 101286
internal ignition ground
Each of the three bikes can have two different wirings, depending on what Dansi magneto version the engine has.
Dansi 101765 and 101732 magnetos have an external ignition ground powering the brake light. The brake light switches are normally-closed, connected in series, and in parallel with the brake light, shorting it out most of the time.
Dansi 101286 has an internal ignition ground. The brake light is powered by a second output on the lighting coil. The brake light switches are normally-open, connected in parallel, and in series with the brake light.

1977 Pacer P14 frame
made by Italtelai
All three Morini engines MO1, MO2 and M1 call for 30W non-detergent motor oil in the transmission. This was an old recommendation, now obsolete. Modern multi-viscosity motor oils are better than 1970’s 30W. The quantity is one pint, or the level of the check plug. All take a long 3/4″ spark plug like NGK BR6ES.
There are three speed versions possible for each engine:
20 mph (1.0hp) has a 09mm carb, 45 jet, 13 x 40T sprockets, 88L chain
20 mph (1.0hp) also a restricted cylinder, restricted ∅9 intake pipe
25 mph (1.5hp) has a 12mm carb, 48 jet, 12 x 28T sprockets, 82L chain
25 mph (1.5hp) also a restricted ∅12 intake pipe
30 mph (2.0hp) has a 12mm carb, 52 jet, 12 x 28T sprockets, 82L chain
30 mph (2.0hp) also a ∅14 intake pipe

Pacer Specifications
Pacer components: Morini engine: MO1 or MO2 (1976-78) or M1 (1979-1985), Dellorto SHA 14/12 (or 14/9) carburetor, Domino chrome levers/controls, Dansi magneto, CEV electrics, Grimeca hubs and 90mm brakes, Huret speedometer with LH driver. All three Pacers have the same center stand.
There is a modern Pacer moped, made by Hero Majestic, in India, in the 2000’s. That is a “horse of a different color”.