Mostly chrome levers: Until the 1980’s, all controls in this family had chrome levers. The 1960’s levers are actually chrome plated steel, but the 70’s and 80’s levers are polished stainless steel, like silverware. They are stamped and formed from sheet metal, so they are hollow inside.
Some black levers: In the 80’s Domino levers changed to solid black plastic.
Cable holes: Domino 1960’s to 80’s controls are divided into four families according to their cable holes.
D has all holes threadless bottomed for no adjusters.
V has threaded brake and threadless throttle and start.
G has threadless brake and threaded throttle and start.
E has all holes threaded bottomless for adjusters.
D, V, G, E Shared Parts
“shared” means it is used on many different controls
MM# price description specs
Domino# 0 Piaggio#
D1 00 $19.0 sliding block
000.00.000 123392 new CNC alum. remake
D2 00 $5.00 pinch screw M4 dome end
107.02.062 123391,
D3 00 $6.00 twist tube set screw
107.02.060 123389,
D3w $4.00 set screw for wrap-around
000.00.000 000000,
D4 00 $5.00 grip washer ∅25
000.00.000 123390,
only needed when grip is too long and installed too far in
If grip rubs, move it farther outward on the twist tube.
D6 0 $21.0 twist tube ∅25 x 100/125
000.00.000 123393 steel, plain type with no flange
D6a 0 21-16 twist tube ∅25 x 100/130
000.00.000 174993 steel, assist spring type with flange
D6L 0 $26.0 twist tube ∅25 x 110/140
000.00.000 000000 steel, assist spring type with flange
D6BL $27.0 twist tube ∅25 x 120/150
000.00.000 000000 steel, assist spring type with flange
D6w $34.0 twist tube ∅25 x 100
000.00.000 000000 wrap-around type, takes 2-end cable
D6wr $24.0 twist tube ∅25 x 100
000.00.000 000000 wrap-around type, modified Magura
D7 00 $2-$1 nut M6 flange
101.02.550 121780a,
D8 00 $7-$3 brake pivot bolt M6 x 25 slot
107.02.062 121780,
D9 00 $7.00 spacer tube brake ∅6 ∅8 x 12
000.00.000 123388,
D9a 0 $7.00 spacer tube start ∅6 ∅8 x 10
000.00.000 123397,
D10 0 $5.00 R/L brake light actuating plate
000.00.000 148680a tab snaps into hole in lever
D11 0 $9.00 spring R/L brake return
101.02.023 121779 can be for a long type start lever
D12 0 $9.00 spring start lever return
497.02.671 000000 can be for a brake lever
D13 0 $3.00 start pivot bolt M6 x 23 slot
101.02.002 121781,
D14 0 $4.00 brake cable anchor pin
101.02.002 114282,
D14a $8.00 start cable anchor pin
117.02.109 114283,
D14b $4.00 start anchor pin substitute
117.02.109 114283 substitute is D14 plus ∅8 centering washer
D15 0 $4.00 clamping lock tube
101.02.018 123394a This has a cone end that digs into the bar.
If loose, then handlebar is worn. Relocate the control on the bar.
D16 0 $1.50 R clamping bolt M6 x 18 allen
101.02.017 123394,
D17 0 $1.50 L clamping bolt M6 x 20 allen
117.02.107 123395,
Domino# Piaggio# MM# Domino Levers 1978
000.00.000 000000 fulcrum length price description
118.02.004 135689 V19 0 22.0 070 $17.0 stainless steel
117.02.108 000000 D000 22.0 110 none stainless steel
352.02.413 000000 D19 0 22.0 115 $13-9 stainless steel
000.00.000 000000 D19C 22.0 115 24-17 D19+D9a+D12
118.02.555 000000 D19p 22.0 115 none nylon black
000.00.000 000000 D20e 24.5 135 none early chrome plated
000.00.000 114222 D20a 24.5 135 25-18 bl, stainless
427.02.491 148680 D20 0 24.0 140 23-15 ball, bl ss w/D10
000.00.000 156378 D20n 24.0 140 $17.0 ball, stainless
000.00.000 000000 D20C 24.0 140 $26.0 D20+D9+D10+D11
107.02.548 000000 D20p 24.0 140 none nylon black
331.02.335 000000 D20m 24.0 155 none ball, bl stainless
Domino# Piaggio# MM# price Domino Grips 1978
101.02.009 122184 D21 0 $15.0 R grip ∅24 x 105
116.02.103 122185 D22 0 $8.00 L grip ∅22 x 105
000.00.000 000000 Dset none grip set 105
Normale (ribbed) black
121.02.124 000000 D21g none R grip ∅24 x 105
122.02.126 000000 D22g none L grip ∅22 x 105
000.00.000 000000 Dgset none grip set 105
Normale (ribbed) grey
000.00.000 000000 D21r $12.0 R grip ∅24 x 105
000.00.000 000000 D22r $4.00 L grip ∅22 x 105
000.00.000 000000 Drset $12.0 grip set 105
ribbed Magura replica black
000.00.000 000000 D21rg none R grip ∅24 x 105
000.00.000 000000 D22rg none L grip ∅22 x 105
000.00.000 000000 Drgset none grip set 105
ribbed Magura replica grey
133.02.154 000000 D21a none R grip ∅24 x 105
177.02.181 000000 D22a none L grip ∅22 x 105
000.00.000 000000 Daset none grip set 105
Tipo America corta (waffle short)
271.02.255 000000 D21a none R grip ∅24 x 120
270.02.254 000000 D22a none L grip ∅22 x 120
000.00.000 000000 Daset none grip set 120
Tipo America lunga (waffle long)
335.02.428 000000 D21c none R grip ∅24 x 120
335.02.439 000000 D22c none L grip ∅22 x 120
000.00.000 000000 Dcset none grip set 120
Motocross lunga (texture long)
Domino# Piaggio# MM# price Domino Grips 1979-on
000.00.000 000000 D21b $15.0 R grip ∅24 x 105
000.00.000 000000 D22b none L grip ∅22 x 105
000.00.000 000000 Dbset none grip set 105
Motocross corta (texture short)
000.00.000 000000 D21m $6.00 R grip ∅24 x 120
000.00.000 000000 D22m $6.00 L grip ∅22 x 120
1990.82 00 000000 Dmset none grip set 120
Ciclomotore (block grid)
D23 0$13.0 assist spring 4-loop
518.02.597 174994,
D23T $9.00 substitute 3-loop
000.00.000 000000 Tomos 223709 for Hidria controls
G24 0 $4.00 A1b cable adjuster M5 round
511.02.590 000000 with nut, for G and E type, not D and V
D25 0 $3.00 cover plate
000.00.000 000000 for when there is no switch
D26 0 $1.20 cover plate screw
000.00.000 000000 M4 x 10 phillips sunk raised
V29 0 $6-$4 A3a adjuster M6 round
000.00.000 103964 with nut, for V type, not D or G
V29s $5.50 A3b adjuster M6 round slotted
270.02.258 000000 with nut, for E type, not D or G
V29h $3.00 A2a adjuster M6 hex
000.00.000 000000 with nut, substitute
D, V, G, E Controls and Housings
“diamond” means it has a mount for a diamond-shaped switch
“assist” means it has a throttle return assist spring
“lo” means it has a mount for a lower thumb switch
“bl” means it has a threaded hole for a brake light switch
MM# price description
Domino# Piaggio/Garelli# perch lever grip slide tube
VA none R control silver no bl, no lo, no ball
0000.00 122365? 000000 V5e, D20e, D21, D1, D6,
’68-71 Vespa Ciao
V5e none R housing silver no bl, no lo
0000.00 122366,
VAd none R control diamond no bl, no ball
0000.00 126330 000000 V5de, D20e, D21, D1, D6,
’70-72 Vespa Ciao Lusso
V5de none R housing diamond no bl,
0000.00 126331,
VB none L control silver no bl, no lo, no ball
0000.00 000000 000000 V18e, D20e, D22,
’68-71 Vespa Ciao, ’70-72 Ciao Lusso
V18e none L housing silver no bl, no lo
0000.00 000000,
’68-71 Vespa Ciao, ’70-72 Ciao Lusso
VA0 75-65 R control bl lo silver no ball
0000.00 128584=142502 V5, D20a, D21, D1, D6,
’72-75 Vespa Ciao
VA1 70-55 R control bl lo silver
0000.00 147741 000000 V5, D20, D21, D1, D6,
‘76-77 Vespa Ciao
V5 00 34-22 R housing bl lo silver
0000.00 128585,
VB0 $60.0 L control bl silver no ball
0000.00 126993=142501 V18, D20a, D22,
’72-75 Vespa Ciao
VB1 65-45 L control bl silver
0000.00 147740 000000 V18, D20, D22,
‘76-77 Vespa Ciao, ’78 Bravo with plastic tank
V18 0 $25.0 left housing bl silver
0000.00 126994,
DA0 none R control bl silver
0300.03 000000 000000 D5, D20, D21, D1, D6,
DA1 none R control bl silver
0000.00 000000 000000 D5, D20, D21a, D1, D6,
D5 00 none R housing bl silver
0000.00 000000,
DB0 50-35 L control bl silver
0000.00 000000 000000 D18, D20, D22,
DB1 45-30 L control bl silver
0000.00 000000 000000 D18, D20, D22a,
D18 $20.0 left housing bl silver
0000.00 000000,
Dw0 $79.0 R control bl wrap-around no-thread
0000.00 000000 000000 D5w, D20, D21, none D6w,
’76-77 Cimatti City Bike, ’77-78 Rizzato Califfo
D5w $45.0 R housing bl silver wrap-around type
0000.00 000000.
Dw1 none R control bl wrap-around M5-thread
0000.00 000000 000000 G5w, D20, D21, none, D6w,
G5w 0 $55.0 R housing bl wrap-around
0000.00 000000,
DB0 50-35 L control bl silver
0000.00 000000 000000 D18, D20, D22,
D18 $20.0 left housing bl silver
0000.00 000000,
DA2 none R control bl assist silver
0000.00 000000 000000 D5a, D20, D21a, D1, D6a,
’78-on models
D5a none R housing bl assist silver
0000.00 000000,
DB2 none L control bl silver
0000.00 000000 000000 D18, D20, D22a
’78-on models
D18 $20.0 left housing bl plain silver
0000.00 000000,
GA0 none R control bl plain, no ball
0000.00 506851.0.131 G5, D20a, D21, D1, D6,
’76-77 Garelli Sport (hard tail)
GA1 none R control bl silver
0000.00 506351.0.131 G5, D20, D21, D1, D6
’75-77 Garelli Eureka
GA1a none R control bl silver
0000.00 506901.0.131 G5, D20, D21a, D1, D6
’76-77 Garelli Gulp, ’77 Gran Sport, Super Sport
G5 00 $75.0 R housing bl silver
0000.00 000000.0000 adjuster not included
GB0 none L control bl silver
0000.00 506851.0.142 G18, D20a, D22,
’76-77 Garelli Sport (hard tail)
GB1 45-32 L control bl silver
0000.00 506351.0.142 G18, D20, D22,
’75-77 Garelli Eureka
GB1a 45-32 L control bl silver
0000.00 506901.0.142 G18, D20, D22a,
’76-77 Garelli Gulp,’77 Gran Sport, Super Sport
G18 0 $23.0 left housing bl silver
0000.000 506351.5.212,
DA1b none R control bl black
0000.00 000000 000000 D5b, D20, D21a, D1, D6,
’78-on models
D5b none R housing bl black
0000.00 000000,
DB1b none L control bl black
0000.00 000000 000000 D18b, D20, D22a,
’78-on models
D18b $23.0 left housing bl black
0000.00 000000,
DA2b none R control bl assist black
0000.00 000000 000000 D5ab, D20, D21b, D1, D6a,
D5ab none R housing bl assist black
0000.00 000000,
DB2b $45.0 L control bl black
0000.00 000000 000000 D18b, D20, D22b,
D18b $23.0 left housing bl black
0000.00 000000,
DA1dbnone R control bl diamond black
0000.00 000000 000000 D5db, D20, D21a, D1, D6,
D5db none R housing bl diamond black
0000.00 000000 ,
DB1dbnone L control bl diamond black
0000.00 000000 000000 D18db D20, D22a,
D18db none left housing bl diamond black
0000.00 000000,
VA2 $95.0 R control bl lo assist silver
0000.00 147741 000000 V5a, D20, D21, D1, D6a,
‘76-77 Vespa Ciao C7E-SC, /B
V5a none R housing bl lo assist silver
0000.00 147742?,
VBd 55-35 L control bl diamond silver
0000.00 148568 000000 V18d, D20, D22,
’76-77 Vespa Ciao C7E-SC, /B
V18d $24.0 left housing bl diamond silver
0000.00 148569,
VA1g $75.0 R control bl lo plain, grey
0000.00 163315 000000 V5g, D20, D21, D1, D6,
‘76-77 Bravo (metal tank)
V5g 0 25-20 R housing bl lo grey
0000.00 163316,
VB1g 60-45 L control bl plain grey
0000.00 163274=307151 V18g, D20, D22,
’76-77 Bravo (metal tank)
’78-80 Vespa Ciao, Bravo, ’78-83 Grande
V18g $29.0left housing bl gray
0000.00 163275=307153,
VAdg 75–65 R control bl diamond grey
0000.00 163241 000000 V5dg, D20, D21, D1, D6,
‘77 Vespa Bravo/B
V5dg $39.0 R housing diamond grey
0000.00 163242,
VBdg 50-30 L control bl diamond grey
0000.00 163162=307247 V18dg D20, D22,
’78-80 Vespa Ciao/B, ’77-80 Bravo/B, ’78-83 Grande/B
V18dg $26.0 left housing bl diamond grey
0000.00 163163=307248,
’78-80 Vespa Ciao/B, ’77-80 Bravo/B, ’78-83 Grande/B
GA2d none R control bl assist diamond silver
0000.00 507251.0131 G5ad, D20, D22, D1, D6a,
‘77-82 Garelli VIP, ’77-79 Super Sport, Super Sport LTD,
‘77-79 Garelli Gran Sport, Gran Sport LTD, Rally Sport
G5ad $70.0 R housing bl assist diamond
0000.00 000000.0000 adjuster not included
GB2d $45.0 L control bl diamond silver
0000.00 506903.0142 G18d, D20, D22,
‘77-82 Garelli VIP, ’77-79 Super Sport, Super Sport LTD,
‘77-79 Garelli Gran Sport, Gran Sport LTD, Rally Sport
G18d $26.0 left housing bl diamond
0000.00 506852.5212,
VA2g 90-75 R control bl lo assist grey
0000.00 175055=307152 V5ag, D20, D21, D1, D6a,
’78-80 Vespa Ciao, Bravo, 78-83 Grande
V5ag 62-47 R housing bl lo assist grey
0000.00 175054=307154,
VB1g 60-45 L control bl plain grey
0000.00 163274=307151 V18g, D20, D22,
’76-77 Bravo (metal tank)
’78-80 Vespa Ciao, Bravo, ’78-83 Grande
V18g $29.0 left housing bl gray
0000.00 163275=307153,
VA3g 80-55 R control bl assist square grey
0000.00 175056=307249 V5asg D20, D21, D1, D6a,
’78-80 Vespa Ciao/B, Bravo/B, ’78-83 Grande/B
V5asg $33.0 R housing bl assist square grey
0000.00.0000 307250,
’78-83 Vespa Grande/B
V5adg $49.0 R housing bl assist diamond grey
0000.00.0000 175057,
’78-80 Vespa Ciao/B, Bravo/B
VB1g 60-45 L control bl plain grey
0000.00 163274=307151 V18g, D20, D22,
’76-77 Bravo (metal tank)
’78-80 Vespa Ciao, Bravo, ’78-83 Grande
V18g $29.0 left housing bl gray
0000.00 163275=307153,
VA2b none R control bl assist black
0000.00 000000 000000 V5ab, D20, D21, D1, D6a,
V5ab none R housing bl assist black
0000.00 000000,
VB1b 60-45 L control bl black
0000.00 000000 000000 V18b, D20, D22,
V18b none left housing bl black
0000.00 000000,
DA3b $88.0 R control bl assist diamond black
0000.00 000000 000000 D5adb D20, D21a, D1, D6a
’78-80 Cosmo Colt, Colt 2
D5adb $69.0 R housing bl assist diamond black
0000.00 000000,
DB3b $47.0 L control bl diamond black
0651.06 000000 000000 D18db D20, D22a,
’78-80 Cosmo Colt, Colt 2
GA3m none R control bl assist diamond black
0000.00 507991.0.131 G5adb, D20m, D21m, D1, D6BL,
’80-83 Garelli Sport, Rally Sport, Ltd, Super Sport, Ltd
‘83-85 Garelli Basic, VIP-N, Monza GT
G5adb none R housing bl assist diamond black
0000.00 000000.0000,
GB3m none L control bl diamond black
0000.00 507991.0.142 G18db, D20m, D21m,
M6 thread start cable adjuster, unlike all others in this family.
’80-83 Garelli Sport, Rally Sport, Ltd, Super Sport, Ltd
’83-85 Garelli Basic, VIP-N, Monza GT
G18db none left housing bl diamond black
0000.00 000000.0000, M6 thread start hole
G18db $26.0 left housing diamond black
0000.00 000000.0000,
GA4 $90.0 R control bl assist black
0000.00 000000 000000 G5ab, D20, D21b, D1, D6a,
G5ab none R housing bl assist black
0000.00 000000.0000,
DB4 $50.0 L control bl plain black
0000.00 000000 000000 D18b, D20, D22b,
G18b $26.0 left housing bl black
0000.00 000000.0000,
E type controls began in the early 1980’s. They have all cable holes threaded for cable adjusters (adjustable cable stops). In the late 1980’s Domino E type replaced Domino D type controls.
EA2 none R control bl assist black
0000.00 000000 000000 E5ab, D20, D21b, D1, D6a
E5ab none R housing bl assist black
0000.00 000000,
EB2 none L control bl plain black
0000.00 000000 000000 E18b, D20, D22b,
E18b none L housing bl black
0000.00 000000 no start lever mount
EA3 none R control bl assist diamond black
0000.00 000000 000000 E5db, D20, D21b, D1, D6a
’87+ Jawa 210
E5db none R housing bl assist diamond black
0000.00 000000 000000 not MMI#D5C
EB3 none L control bl diamond black
0000.00 000000 000000 E18db, D20, D22b, no start lever
’87+ Jawa 210
E18db $25.0 L housing bl diamond black
0000.00 000000 000000 no start lever mount
not MMI#D18C
The V5 silver and V5g dark gray housings are exact replacements for D5. There are only two differences. 1) the brake cable hole is threaded-bottomless instead of bottomed-threadless. That means a 6mm adjuster must be added to the brake cable. That’s easy. 2) there is a small threaded hole on the bottom side for mounting a thumb button. It is unnoticeable.
The V5adg housing is an exact replacement for D5ad. The color is different and the brake cable hole is threaded-bottomless instead of bottomed-threadless. That means a 6mm adjuster must be added to the brake cable. That’s easy.
The V5ag dark gray housing is an exact replacement for G5b. There are only two differences. 1) the brake cable hole is threaded-bottomless instead of bottomed-threadless. That means a 6mm adjuster must be added to the brake cable. That’s easy. 2) there is a small threaded hole on the bottom side for mounting a thumb button. It is unnoticeable.