Tatung, Nippon-Seiki and Trac

July 30, 2023


Japan  Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Viet Nam, and others follow JIS Japan Industry Standards. That is why some things from different Asian countries are the same, such as speedometer threads.

Jap-Eu  European countries follow DIN Deutches Institut fur Normung. The Honda PC50 and PA50 mopeds are made in Belgium and have some European-made components, such as the speedometer, speedo driver and fuel petcock. The PC50 speedo cable is Euro on top, and Japan on the bottom. The PA50 speedo cable is Japan on top, and Euro on the bottom.

figure refers to the parts manual (A is AMS, G is Grycner, F is Trac), parts group illustration, and part number in the illustration. 

colors: US models  Euro models


A. Speedometers



Tatung and Chaolong speedometers, made in Taiwan,  are on US models of 1970’s-80’s Taiwan-made mopeds; Angel, Clinton, General, Grycner, Jui Li, Indian and others. They are also on 1970’s Indian motorcycles. 


figure  Grycner#  price  
G9-1  2150-8099 $45.0 speedometer bare Tatung ∅76 mm, 50 mph
10-7  1150-8092 $00.0 M12-1.0 thread, 2.7 cable hole, 88mm cover
G9-2  2150-8098 $9.00 mounting plate
G9-3  2150-8095 $5.00 rubber grommet substitute
G9-4  621-00106 $0.20 plain washer M6
G9-5  622-01106 $0.20 spring washer M6
G9-6  616-00106 $0.30 nut M6
G9-7  2150-8094 $1.50 bulb ba9s 6V 1.5w
G9-8  2150-8096 $19.0 wire harness with bulbs

Jui Li mopeds with spoke wheels ∅80 drum
’78-79 AMS Sierra 50, Sachs 505-1A 

’78-80 Clinton, Sachs 505-1A engine 

’79-85 General 5 Star, Minarelli V1
’79-80 General 5 Star ST, Minarelli V1

’78-79 Grycner, Sachs 505-1A or 1B
’78-79 Jui Li Honey 50, Sachs 505-1A
’77-79 Lazer Sport 50, Minarelli V1
Her Chee mopeds with spoke wheels ∅110 drum
’84-85 AMS Sierra 50, Sachs 505-1A
’84-85 AMS Tahoe Sport, Sachs 505-1A
’79-80 Foxi 47, Sachs 505-1A engine
’80-85 General 5 Star ST, Sachs 505 engine
’80-82 Sachs G4, Sachs 505 engine
Jui Li mopeds with mag wheels ∅90 drum

’79-80 General 5 Star LTD, Minarelli V1
Merida or Mira mopeds
’78-81 Indian AMI-50, four-stroke engine
Merida motorcycles
’73-75 Indian ME-74, 76, 100, 125, ML-100
’75-76 Indian MI-125, 175, MS-100, 175


Taiwan Speedometers

04811-20515  Tatung 50 mm 35mph $45 
good-used but still sticky, lubed 04-23, no odometer
TYM mopeds
’77-83 Angel AP48, BP48, CP48
’77-80 Speed Bird BP48, BP48S
Wheel King mopeds

’78-79 Wheel King, Cuyler



Nippon Seiki speedometers are on Honda motorcycles and mopeds made in Japan.

37200-044-602 none  30mph wht/blk
’67 Honda P50

37200-064-681 none  M10-1.0 thread
’69-77 Honda PC50, PC50K1, PS50


37200-147-711 $45.0 35mph dark blue, used
’77-81 Honda NC50 Express
’78-83 Honda PA50 Hobbit

37202-163-600 none  40mph black
’79-81 Honda NA50 Express II

37202-192-600 none  35mph black
’82-83 Honda NC50 Express

37200-GC1-671 none  35mph black
’82-83 Honda NU50, NU50M Urban Express




Trac speedometers are on Trac mopeds and motorcycles, made in Korea by Kia or Daelim.

F-15  37100-028-800-AM (34600)
console with 70 mph speedo $55  no key switch
’87-90 Trac DH100


F-13  37100-MT1-0000
console with 35 mph speedo $60 no key switch
’83-86 Trac Hawk (deluxe), Laura M56 engine


F-3  37200-HD2-890-AM (23201)
console with 35 mph speedo $65 no key switch
’85-89 Trac Olympic, Sprint, Hawk, Clipper, DP50 engine
’84-90 Trac Image, Liberty, Escot, Daelim DK50 engine


F-13  37200-M56-8950
speedometer round, 35 mph $45  good-used
’82-86 Trac Eagle, Clipper, Hawk (standard), M56 engine




B. Speedo Drivers


  Speedo Drivers

figure  General#  price     Japan 2.7/slot 1
2-17  1150-5083 $6.00 pinion
2-18  1150-5082 none  pinion washer ∅4.5 ∅7.2 x 0.5
2-18  1150-5082 $1.00 pinion washer substitute
2-19  1150-5081 $5.00 gear ∅25.6, 2 flat sides
2-19  1150-5081 $13.0 gear & receiver ∅25.6, 36.5 mm
2-20  1150-5080 $9.00 receiver ∅25.6, 36.5, 2 flat sides
2-21  1150-5079 none  gear box washer ∅18.0 ∅22.4 x 0.20
2-22  1150-5078 none  oil seal ∅39 ∅47 x 5
2-24  1150-5076 $5.00 oil seal ∅4.5 ∅11 x 3.5
2-25  1150-5075 $7.00 wheel bearing 6201Z 12 32 x 10
Jui Li mopeds with spoke wheels ∅80 drum
’78-79 AMS Sierra 50, Sachs 505-1A 

’78-80 Clinton, Sachs 505-1A engine 

’79-85 General 5 Star, Minarelli V1
’79-80 General 5 Star ST, Minarelli V1

’78-79 Grycner, Sachs 505-1A or 1B
’78-79 Jui Li Honey 50, Sachs 505-1A
’77-79 Lazer Sport 50, Minarelli V1
TYM mopeds with spoke wheels ∅80 drum
’78-83 Angel AP48, BP48, M48 remake
’78-80 Speed Bird BP48, BP48S 


figure   AMS# 000  price    Japan 2.7/slot 11
A1-16  A1150-5084  $32.0 speedo driver M11-1.00
Her Chee mopeds with spoke wheels ∅110 drum
’84-85 AMS Sierra 50, Sachs 505-1A
’84-85 AMS Tahoe Sport, Sachs 505-1A
’79-80 Foxi 47, Sachs 505-1A engine
’80-85 General 5 Star ST, Sachs 505 engine
’80-82 Sachs G4, Sachs 505 engine
Jui Li mopeds with mag wheels ∅90 drum

’79-80 General 5 Star LTD, Minarelli V1 


Speedo Drivers 

   Indian# 00 price 0 figure  Japan 2.7/slot 11
W112-00-50 $32.0 9-12  speedo driver M11-1.00
Merida or Mira mopeds ∅90 or ∅100 drum

’78-81 Indian AMI-50
with spoke wheels
’79-80 Indian AMI-50 with Sport Mag II “7-ray” wheels
’79-81 Indian AMI-50 with Mira “snowflake” wheels



Speedo Drivers

fig  Honda# 00000 price     Japan 2.7/slot 1
11  44804-147-000   none  gear & receiver 35.5 mm
11  44804-147-000   none  receiver only ∅25.0, 35.5, 1 flat side
12  44809-044-000   none 
washer ∅18.0 ∅22.4 x 0.20
21  90752-147-003   none  brake seal  ∅34 ∅47 x 5

23  93500-04006  -0 $2.00 screw M4x6 cross
27  99140-6200-010 $6.00 wheel bearing 6200Z 10 30 x 9
’77-81 Honda NC50 Express


fig  Honda# 000000 price     Japan 2.7/slot 1
  9  44805-044-690   $6.00 pinion
10  44806-044-040   none 
gear & receiver P50 use 690
10  44806-044-690   
$13.0 gear & receiver ∅25.6, 36.5 mm
10  44806-081-000   
$5.00 gear only ∅25.6, 2 flat sides
10  44808-081-000   $9.00 receiver only ∅25.6, 36.5, 2 flat sides
11  44809-044-000   none  gear box washer ∅18.0 ∅22.4 x 0.20
12  45100-081-000   none  brake panel bare
17  90539-044-000   none  pinion washer
17  90539-044-000   
$1.00 pinion washer substitute
18  90751-044-000   none  brake seal  ∅39 ∅47 x 5
20  90753-044-000   $5.00 pinion seal ∅4.5 ∅11 x 3.5
25  96100-6201-000 $7.00 wheel bearing 6201Z 12 32 x 10
’66-70 Honda P50 (044), ’67 Honda P50 (US)
’69-70 Honda PC50A (063), ’69 PC50 Little Honda (US)
’70-77 Honda PC50K1 (081) but not PC50M or PC50L




Speedo Drivers

   Trac# 0000000  price 0 figure   Japan 2.7/slot 2
44800-M56-8930  $32.0 F8-10-0 speedo driver M11-1.00
models with spoke wheels ∅90 drum
’82-86 Trac Eagle, Hawk, Clipper with M56

’84-89 Trac Escot, Clipper with DK50, DP50


   Trac# 0000000  price 0 figure   Japan 2.7/slot 2
44800-M56-8900  $38.0 F7-10-0 speedo driver M11-1.00
models with mag wheels ∅90 drum
’82-86 Trac Eagle, Hawk, Sprint, M56 engine 
’84-89 Trac Image, Hawk with DK50, DP50


   Trac# 000000  price 0 figure   Japan 2.7/slot 11
44806-035-681    none  F8A-2-2 speedo gear
’84-89 Trac Liberty, Olympic DK50, DP50



C. Speedo Cables


  Speedo Cables

figure  General# 0 price   Japan 2.7/slot 1
10-2  1150-8097 $35.0 speedo cable black 26.6″
Jui Li mopeds with spoke wheels ∅80 drum
’78-79 AMS Sierra 50, Sachs 505-1A 

’78-80 Clinton, Sachs 505-1A engine 

’79-85 General 5 Star, Minarelli V1
’79-80 General 5 Star ST, Minarelli V1

’78-79 Grycner, Sachs 505-1A or 1B
’78-79 Jui Li Honey 50, Sachs 505-1A
’77-79 Lazer Sport 50, Minarelli V1


figure   AMS# 00o0 price   Japan 2.7/slot 11
A9-2    A1150-7498  $42.0 speedo cable black 28.6″
Her Chee mopeds with spoke wheels ∅110 drum
’84-85 AMS Sierra 50, Sachs 505-1A
’84-85 AMS Tahoe Sport, Sachs 505-1A
’79-80 Foxi 47, Sachs 505-1A engine
’80-85 General 5 Star ST, Sachs 505 engine
’80-82 Sachs G4, Sachs 505 engine
Jui Li mopeds with mag wheels ∅90 drum

’79-80 General 5 Star LTD, Minarelli V1 


Speedo Cables

   Indian# 00 price 0 fig#  Japan 2.7/slot 11
C120-00-50 $29.0 16-8  speedo cable silver 27.5″ 
C120-00-50 $12.0 16-8  speedo cable silver 27.5″ used
’78-81 Indian AMI-50
with spoke wheels
’79-80 Indian AMI-50 with Sport Mag II “7-ray” wheels
’79-81 Indian AMI-50 with Mira “snowflake” wheels


Taiwan Speedo Cables

figure 0 TYM# 0000 price   Japan 2.7/slot 1
0-00  04811-20246  none  speedo cable 38″ (longer)
TYM or Honda with ∅80 drum, cantilever fork
’77-79 Angel AP48 (PM50 remake)
’74 Honda PM50 Novio


figure 0 TYM# 0000 price   Japan 2.7/slot 1
2-33  B4811-20246 
$30.0 speedo cable 31.7″
TYM mopeds with ∅80 drum, telescopic fork
’77-83 Angel BP48, BP48S, CP48
’77-80 Speed Bird BP48, BP48S


  part# 000o0 price   Japan 2.7/2.7
2.7-2.7×28.0  $26.0 speedo cable black 28.0″
’78-79 Wheel King, Cuyler and others


  part# 0000o0  price   Japan 2.7/slot 14
2.7-slot14x27.6  $26.0 speedo cable silver 27.6″
unknown application



Speedo Cables

  part# 00000o0 price   Jap-Eu 2.0/slot 1
44830-063-010 none  speedo cable silver
’73-77 Honda PC50K1  

  part# 00000o0 price   Jap-Eu 2.7/2.0
 none  speedo cable silver
’77-79 Honda PA50 Hobbit (148)

44830-148-671 none  speedo cable black
’80-83 Honda PA50 Hobbit (148)


  part# 00000o0 price   Japan 2.7/slot 1
B4811-20246 0 $26.0 speedo cable silver 31.7″ replacement
44830-147-672 $16.0 speedo cable silver 32.1″ used original
44831-147-670  none speedo inner wire   32.1″
44831-GF0-000  none speedo inner wire   32.1″
44831-GK8-870  none speedo inner wire   32.1″

’77-79 Honda NC50 Express (147)

44830-163-670 none  speedo cable silver
’79-80 Honda NA50 Express II

44830-147-650 none  speedo cable black with grommet
44831-192-600 none  speedo inner wire
’80-81 Honda NC50 Express (147)

44830-193-670 none  speedo cable black
’81-81 Honda NA50 Express II

44830-GA6-670 none  speedo cable black
44831-192-600 none  speedo inner wire
’82-83 Honda NC50 Express (GA6)

44830-GK8-871 none  speedo cable black 32.1″
44831-GK8-870 none  speedo inner wire 32.1″
’84-87 Honda NQ50 Spree (GK8)



Speedo Cables

# Trac#   Daelim# 00000000 price 0 figure#  Japan 2.7/slot 2
1 84625 44830-M56-8900-M $32.0  F13-11 speedo cable
’82-86 Trac Eagle, Clipper with M56 engine 

2 23501 44830-MT1-0000-M $32.0  F13-11-1 speedo cable
’83-86 Trac Hawk with Laura M56 engine 

3 23501 44830-MT1-010  -M $40.0  F3-9-2 speedo cable
’84-89 Trac Escot, Clipper with DK50, DP50 
’84-89 Trac Image, Hawk, Sprint DK50, DP50

5 34080 44830-028-9400 -M $37.0  F15-4 speedo cable
’87-90 Trac DH100 Super Hawk

# Trac#   Daelim# 00000000 price 0 figure#  Japan 2.7/slot 11
4 23003 44830-HD2-890-AM $40.0  F3-9-1 speedo cable
’84-89 Trac Liberty, Olympic DK50, DP50



Garelli Models 1980-2020

July 3, 2023



Abbreviations and Color Meanings:
The 2-digit “gears” column tells how many gears and how they’re shifted. The color tells if there are pedals.
A means Automatico, M means Marce march (foot-shift), V means Velocità speeds (cable-shift).

Automatic  with pedal s: 1A, 2A
Hand-shift with pedals: 1V, 2V, 3V, 4V
Foot-shift  with pedals: 3M, 4M, 5M, 6M

Automatic,  no pedals:  1A, 2A
Hand-shift, no pedals:  1V, 2V, 3V, 4V
Foot-shift,  no pedals:  3M, 4M, 5M, 6M

The engine model color tells the type: two-stroke or four-stroke or nick-name.
1.00 hp (horsepower) = 1.01 cv (cheval vapeur) = 1.01 ps (metric horsepower)

Country code color: black means only that country, light gray means that country and others.

From cybermotorcycle.com, motomanuali.it, and official publications.
From ebay.it (search for pubblicita garelli) where every Italian publication has a year date.
From mondo50cc.forumfree.it where most bike photos are identified and have a year date.





In the 1980’s most European countries and some US states stopped requiring pedals on mopeds. So most late-1980’s and later mopeds worldwide were kick start with foot pegs, no pedals.

1980 Garelli Noi

1980 Garelli Noi 
is like a ’80 Sport (US)

1980 Garelli Ciclone 5V








EU 0cc   hp  engine gears   rims    1980
EU 049 1.2 38B auto  1A  xx  none  
Mosquito 38-B kit
EU 049 1.5 V1  0000 1A 16″spoke Garelli VIP 1
EU 049 2.0 V2  0000 2A 16″spoke Garelli VIP 2 Deluxe

EU 049 2.0 V3k  00   3M 16″spoke  Garelli VIP 3V

EU 049 2.0 V3k  00   3M 16″ 7-ray  Garelli VIP 3V SL Deluxe
UK 049 2.0 V1 000   1A 16″spoke  Concorde Matic

UK 049 1.5 H1 000   1A 16″spoke  Garelli Noi M
EU 049 2.0 H1k 00   1A 16″spoke  Garelli Noi MK
EU 049 2.0 H1-al  0  1A 16″spoke  Garelli Noi SL
EU 049 2.0 H1-al  0  1A 16″ 7-ray  Garelli Noi SL De Luxe
UK 049 2.0 H2k-al    2A 16″spoke  Garelli Noi K2V

UK 049 2.0 H2k-al    2A 16″ 7-ray  Garelli Noi K2V De Luxe
BR 049 2?  H1 0000 1A 16″spoke  Ibramotor Eureka
BR 049 2?  H1 0000 1A 10″spoke  Ibramotor Katia

UK 049 2.0 H1k 000 1A 10″ 5-ray  Garelli Katia MK

EU 049 6.5 V5ak2 0 5M 16″3-star  Garelli Gran Turismo
EU 049 6.5 V5ak2 0 5M xx  19/17  Garelli KL50 Enduro
EU 049 6.5 V5ak2 0 5M 16″3-star  Garelli Ciclone 5V
EU 125  16 Minarelli 6M 18″6-star  Garelli TSR 125 liquid cooled

EU cc   20  25  30
cc   hp  hp  hp eng gears  rims  1980  US Models
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1 00 1A 16″spoke Sport
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1 00 1A 16″spoke Rally Sport
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  H2-al  2A 16″ 7-ray Rally Sport Ltd 2
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H100 1A 16″spoke Super Sport XL
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H100 1A 17″spoke Super Sport XL
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1 00 1A 16″ 7-ray Super Sport Ltd
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  H2-al 1A 16″ 7-ray Super Sport Ltd 2
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  V2 00 2A 17″spoke VIP


1979 Garelli brochure

1980-82 Garelli (US)

New headlight: In the 1980 flyer, all models had the CEV “pancake” healight, with replaceable bulb. But the 1980 VIP below has a “bullet” headlight, rather than a “pancake” headlight, like all the other 1980 Garelli models. So not everything changes at once.

New cylinder: The 1980 Super Sport Ltd with H1 or H2 engine had the new 5-fin aluminum cylinder. It’s easy to see from a distance by the silver color, when the other model’s iron cylinders are dark gray.

The H2 engine model has a larger rear sprocket, 50 tooth instead of 32. See how in the 1980 brochure, the black bike at top left has a much bigger rear sprocket? That is how to tell a horizontal 2-speed from a distance. 

New switches: In 1980 the switches changed from 1977-80 “Garelli oval chrome” to 1980-85 “CEV diamond plastic“. The new switches were not prone to breaking like the old ones were. The control housings did not change, except for color, from silver to black.

New oil injector: In 1980 the oil injector tank was redesigned, with a less-noticeable, two-sided version. It is seen below, on both the 1980 Rally Sports and the gorgeous green 1980 VIP.

In 1980 the Sport had rear suspension and the 1977 better fork. It was the same as the Rally Sport, except it had painted fenders, not polished stainless, it had a solo seat, not a bench seat, no rear luggage rack, and no oil injector tank.

1981 Garelli Rally Sport

1980 Rally Sport 2-spd

1980 Garelli Super Sport LTD

’80 Super Sport XL Ltd

1980 Garelli Super Sport XL

1980 Super Sport XL

1980 Garelli Rally Sport

1980 Rally Sport








1980 Garelli Rally Sport Ltd

1980 Rally Sport Ltd

1980 Garelli VIP Deluxe

1980 Garelli VIP  by 
Sunday Morning Motors

1980 Super Sport Ltd










1981 Garelli Noi

1981 Noi SL De Luxe
is like Rally Sport Ltd

1981 Garelli Noi Parts Catalog

1981 Noi Parts Catalog

EU 0cc   hp  engine gears   rims    1981
UK 049 2.0 H1 000   1A 16″spoke Garelli Noi M
EU 049 2.0 H1k 00   1A 16″spoke Garelli Noi MK
EU 049 2.0 H1-al  0  1A 16″spoke Garelli Noi SL
EU 049 2.0 H1-al  0  1A 16″ 7-ray Garelli Noi SL De Luxe
UK 049 2.0 H2k-al    2A 16″spoke Garelli Noi K2V

UK 049 2.0 H2k-al    2A 16″ 7-ray  Garelli Noi K2V De Luxe
UK 049 2.0 H1k 00  1A 10″ 5-ray
Garelli Katia 1V
EU 049 6.5 V5ak2 0 5M 16″3-star Garelli Gran Turismo
EU 049 6.5 V5ak2 0 5M xx  19/17 Garelli KL50 Cross
EU 049 6.5 V5ak2 0 5M 18″3-star Garelli Ciclone 5V
EU 125  16 Minarelli 6M 18″6-star Garelli TSR 125 liquid cooled

1981 Garelli

EU cc   20  25  30
cc   hp  hp  hp eng gears  rims  1981  US Models
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1 00 1A 16″spoke Sport
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1 00 1A 16″spoke Rally Sport
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  H2-al  2A 16″ 7-ray Rally Sport Ltd 2
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H100 1A 16″spoke Super Sport XL
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H100 1A 16″ 7-ray Super Sport Ltd
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  H2-al 1A 16″ 7-ray Super Sport Ltd 2
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  V2 00 2A 17″spoke VIP


L, 1985 Rally SL 105mm brakes, 2.25-16 tires
R, 1980 Rally Sport 90mm brakes, same tires

Brake drums: After 1980 the brake drum size on spoke wheels increased from 90 to 105mm. In the 1980-81 flyer below, only the black Super Sport XL with gold mag wheels has the smaller 90mm brakes. You can clearly see the three other models with spoke wheels have bigger front brakes, but you can’t see that the rear brakes are also bigger. 

In the photo at right, you can see the difference in brake size. A 1985 Rally SL has a bigger front hub than a 1980 Rally Sport.




1982 Garelli (Brazil)


From Mark Daniels: during (1982) the company opened a third Italian manufacturing facility and an assembly unit at (near) Curitiba in Brazil.

In 1982 Garelli Gruppo Industriale had these 4 locations:

1) Via Immacolata,       22068 Monticello Brianza, Como Italia
2) Viale Matteotti 353, 20099 Sesto San Giovanni, Milano Italia
3) Ibramoto S.A. xxxxxxx  x  x  Caixa Postal 1.929,  xxxxxxx   Curitiba, Paraná Brasil (1977)
3) Ibramoto S.A. BR 376 KM12, Caixa Postal 255, Säo Jose dos Pinhais, Paraná Brasil (1979)
 Ibramoto LTDA CEP ??.100,  Caixa Postal 255, Säo Jose dos Pinhais, Paraná Brasil (1982)

1982 Garelli

EU 0cc   hp  engine gears   rims    1982
BR 049 2.2 H1  0000 1A 17″spoke
Ibramoto Garelli T-50 A
BR 049 3.5 V3mk 00 3M 17″spoke
Ibramoto Garelli 3 (top tank)
BR 049 2.2 H1 0000  1A 10″spoke
Ibramoto Garelli Katia
EU 049 2.0 H1k  000 1A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Matic
EU 049 2.0 H1k-al  0 1A 16″ 7-ray Garelli Noi SL De Luxe
UK 049 2.0 H1k 000  1A 10″ 5-ray
Garelli Katia 1V
EU 049 1.5 V1  0000 1A 16″spoke Garelli VIP 1
EU 049 1.5 V2  0000 2A 16″spoke Garelli VIP 2 Deluxe

EU 049 1.5 V3k  000 3M 16″spoke Garelli VIP 3V N

EU 049 1.5 V3k  000 3M 16″ 7-ray Garelli VIP 3V SL Deluxe
EU 049 6.5 K5mk  0  5M 16″3-star Garelli Gran Turismo

EU 049 6.5 K5mk  005M 18″3-star Garelli Ciclone 5V
EU 125  16 Minarelli  6M 18″6-star Garelli TSR 125 liquid cooled

1982 Garelli Sport

1982 Sport (US)

EU cc   20  25  30
cc   hp  hp  hp eng gears  rims  1982  U.S. Models
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0 H1 00 1A 16″spoke Garelli Sport
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0 H1 00 1A 16″spoke Garelli Rally Sport
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0 H2-al  2A 16″ 7-ray Garelli Rally Sport Ltd 2
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0 H100 1A 16″spoke Garelli Super Sport XL
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0 H1-al 1A 16″ 7-ray Garelli Super Sport Ltd
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0 H2-al 1A 16″ 7-ray Garelli Super Sport Ltd 2
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0 V2 00 2A 17″spoke Garelli VIP


World Champion: From Into the Desert by Mark Daniels: Under the team leadership of Daniel Agrati, Garelli returned to racing in 1982, devastating all competition as Angel Nieto and Eugeno Lazzarini swept to first and second places in the 125cc World Championship, and soundly secured the Constructors Cup. Lazzarini also finished second in the 50cc class.


1983 Garelli 125 GP

1983 Garelli 125 GP, rotary valve intake
provided by Elsberg Tuning in Denmark

After years of 50cc GP racing experience, competing with 50cc world champions Kreidler and Derbi, Garelli became successful in 125cc Gran Prix Motorcycle Road Racing. Garelli was 125 GP world champion in 1982, 1983, 1984, and 1985.

Read more about Garelli 50cc racing: http://www.elsberg-tuning.dk/garelli.html. The last race for a 50cc Garelli was in 1984 at the first 80cc GP race at Misano. The 50cc Garelli won the 80cc race, and set a new lap record. It made 21.5 horsepower and had a 29.5mm carburetor. That racing 50 made ten times more power than a mild mannered 50cc moped, and it went 100 mph faster!

1983 Garelli Noi De Luxe

’83 Noi De Luxe


Garelli TSR 125 produced 1983-1985. By the early 1980s the 125 class was the most popular in Italy with well over 100,000 125cc motorcycles sold annually, and Garelli approached this market. For 1983 they released the TSR 125 with a Minarelli watercooled engine. The specification was modern, with disc brakes and alloy wheels, a bikini fairing and contemporary body styling. However, it was outmatched in looks and performance by the many rivals built by Aprilia, Cagiva, Fantic, Laverda and others, and was not a commercial success.

From Stingers by Mark Daniels: In 1983, remarkably, Garelli relaunched a new 36cc Mosquito cyclemotor auxiliary engine! The wheel of time seemed to turn full circle as the friction drive motor again became offered as the Bicimosquito attachment kit, or Velomosquito complete machine version. The return of these economy models was not however any sign of further success, but an indication of the depressed state of business, and the desperate position in which Garelli now found itself. The collapsed market for motor cycles and mopeds had led to an increasing dependence on activity from its Torpedo cycle division, and return of the Mosquito cyclemotor was perceived as a means to complement this now critical sector of income.

1983 Garelli

EU 0cc   hp  engine gears   rims    1983
BR 049 2.2 H1  0000 1A 17″spoke
Ibramoto Garelli T-50 A
BR 049 3.5 V3mk 00 3M 17″spoke
Ibramoto Garelli 3 (top tank)
BR 049 2.2 H1 0000  1A 10″spoke
Ibramoto Garelli Katia
EU 035 0.0 387 x0xx 1A  xx  none
Bicimosquito motor kit
EU 049 2.0 H1k  000 1A 16″spoke Garelli Noi M
EU 049 2.0 H2k-al     2A 16″ 7-ray Garelli Noi De Luxe
EU 049 2.0 H2k-al     2A 16″ 7-ray Garelli Noi ES e-start, oil injection
UK 049 2.0 H1k 000  1A 10″ 5-ray
Garelli Katia 1V
UK 049 2.0 H2k 000  2A 10″ 5-ray
Garelli Katia 2V
EU 049 0.0 V4k  000 4M 16″spoke Garelli VIP 4 N
EU 049 0.0 V4k  000 4M 16″5-star Garelli VIP 4 Deluxe e-start, oil inj.
EU 049 2.0 M1k  000 1A 16″spoke Garelli Junior Turismo

EU 049 6.5 K5mk 00 5M 18″3-star Garelli Ciclone 5V e-start, oil injec.

EU 125 0.0 Minarelli  6M o    21/18 Garelli XR Tiger
EU 125 0.0 Minarelli  6M o    21/18 Garelli XRD Tiger
EU 125  16 Minarelli  6M 18″6-star Garelli TSR 125 liquid cooled

EU cc   20  25  30
cc   hp  hp  hp eng   gears    rims  1983  US Models
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1      1A 16″spoke Basic
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1-al  1A 16″spoke Rally SL
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1      1A 16″spoke SSXL
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  M1     1A 16″spoke Monza GT
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  V2      2A 16″spoke VIP N

’83 Garelli Monza GT (US) and Junior Turismo

Garelli Monza GT 1980-1984

’83-84 Monza GT (US)

’83 Garelli Rally SL








Monza G.T. was “born” in 1983, in the US. It’s European sister was Junior Turismo.

New worldwide laws: Because of new worldwide motor vehicle manufacturer labeling requirements, including the 17-digit encoded VIN, that became mandatory for motor vehicles made after 1980, Garelli and the other moped manufacturers like Puch, Vespa, Tomos produced and stockpiled many 1980-made mopeds, that got sold in 1981, 82 or 83. That is why there are not many 1981, 1982, or 1983 US moped models or brochures. In the early 1980’s Garelli moped dealers used the same 1979-1980 sales brochures, and sold 1980 models, for 2 or 3 years.   


1984 Garelli

EU 0cc   hp  engine  gears 00 rims    1984
EU 035 0.0 387 x0xx  1A  xx   none
Bicimosquito motor kit
EU 049 0.0 38-B auto 1A xx 16(20) Velo Mosquito 376
EU 049 1.5 H1  00×0  1A 16″spoke Garelli Basic
EU 049 1.5 H1k  000  1A 16″5-star Garelli Noi Matic TL
EU 049 1.5 H2k  000  2A 16″5-star Garelli Noi Bimatic TL
UK 049 2.0 H1k  000  1A 10″ 5-ray
Garelli Katia 1V
UK 049 2.0 H2k  000  2A 10″ 5-ray
Garelli Katia 2V
EU 049 1.5 V1  0000  1A 16″spoke Garelli VIP 1
EU 049 1.5 V2  0000  2A 16″spoke Garelli VIP 2
EU 049 1.5 V4k  000  4M 16″spoke Garelli VIP 4 N
EU 049 1.5 V4k  000  4M 16″5-star Garelli VIP 4 Deluxe
EU 049 1.5 V4k  000  4M 16″5-star Garelli VIP 4 Super Self Mix
EU 049 1.5 M1k  000  1A 16″spoke Garelli Junior Turismo
EU 049 6.5 K5mk  0   5M 16″3-star Garelli Ciclone 5V Self Mix

EU 125  16 Minarelli   6M 18″6-star Garelli TSR 125 liquid cooled
EU 125  18 Minarelli   6M 21/18  Garelli Tiger XR 125 liquid cooled
EU 125 
18 Minarelli   6M 21/18  Garelli Tiger XRD 125 liquid cooled
EU 125  24 Hiro  000  6M 18″6-star Garelli GTA 125 liquid cooled

1984 Garelli Super Sport XL, provided by Sunday Morning Motors

’84 Garelli SSXL, by Sunday Morning Motors

EU cc   20  25  30
cc   hp  hp  hp eng   gears    rims  1984  US Models
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1      1A 16″spoke Basic
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1-al  1A 16″spoke Rally SL
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1      1A 16″spoke SSXL
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  M1      1A 16″spoke Monza GT
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  V2      2A 16″spoke VIP N


After 1983, Garelli mopeds, US models, did not come with oil injector tanks.

1983 Garelli Monza GT

’83-84 Monza GT (US)
silver, spokes or mags
round head light
radial fin head

late 1984 Monza GT was like a 1985

late ’84 Monza GT (US)
was black, like a 1985

Monza GT is the US version of Junior Turismo. This beautiful piece of Italian art and engineering arrived very late, as moped popularity was fading. As a result, Garelli did not sell many Monza GT’s, and so they uncommon in most parts of the USA today. The parts are even rarer.

Monza GT owners manual

Monza GT (US)







M1 Engine: The Monza GT has a 1-speed automatic, vertical cylinder engine, with pedals. It is like the 1978-1985 VIP 2-speed, except some of the engine is different. The bore and stroke are both 40 x 39mm, but the VIP has a 1970’s style cast iron cylinder, while the Monza GT has a 1980’s style all aluminum cylinder with lots of fins. The cases are different at the cylinder base. The piston has a very high crown, like the early 1970’s European models such as Tiger, but with a boost transfer port rectangular window on the upper intake side of the piston. Apparently a Tiger piston works in a Monza GT, without the transfer port window, but makes less power. Because of these major differences, we are calling this vertical cylinder one-speed “M1” instead of “V1”. H is horizontal, V is vertical, and M is Monza vertical.

Out of about 20 moped shop buyouts in the 1980’s and 1990’s, Myrons Mopeds accumulated a “wall” of moped parts manuals, dealer notebooks, sales brochures, service and training manuals. Out of all that there was no 1984-1986 Garelli parts manuals or information. Out of 5000 mopeds serviced over 33 years, only about one or two were Monza GT’s. That’s how rare they are in Southern California. That’s why the only parts for Monza GT that Myrons has, are parts that are the same as other models.


1985 Garelli

1985 Garelli VIP-N

1985 VIP-N (US)
2.50-16 tires

1985 Garelli Basic

1985 Basic (US)

1985 Garelli Basic black

1985 Basic (US)







1985 Garelli Rally SL

’85 Rally SL (US)

1985 Garelli speedo

’85 speedo (US)

’85 Rally SL (US)







EU 0cc   hp engine  gears    rims    1985
EU 035 0.0 387 x0xx  1A  xx   none
Bicimosquito motor kit
EU 049 0.0 38-B auto 1A xx 16(20) Velo Mosquito 376
EU 049 1.5 H1  00×0  1A 16″spoke Garelli Basic
EU 049 2.0 H2k-al      2A 16″ 7-ray Garelli Basic Due De Luxe
EU 049 2.0 H1k-al      1A 16″5-star Garelli Noi Matic
EU 049 2.0 H2k-al      2A 16″5-star Garelli Noi Bimatic TL
EU 049 2.0 H1e-al      1A 16″spoke Garelli Noi M/ES
EU 049 2.0 H1e-al      1A 16″5-star Garelli Noi M Deluxe/ES
EU 049 2.0 H2e-al      2A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Matic 2V/ES
EU 049 2.0 H2e-al      2A 16″5-star Garelli Noi Matic 2V Deluxe/ES
EU 049 1.5 V1  0000  1A 16″spoke Garelli VIP 1
EU 049 2.0 V2  0000  2A 16″spoke Garelli VIP 2
EU 049 2.0 V3k  000  3V 16″ 7-ray Garelli VIP 3

EU 049 1.5 V4k  000  4M 16″spoke Garelli VIP 4 N

EU 049 1.5 V4k  000  4M 16″ 7-ray Garelli VIP 4 Deluxe
EU 049 1.5 V4k  000  4M 16″ 7-ray Garelli VIP 4 SL
EU 049 1.5 V4k  000  4M 16″5-star Garelli Supervip 4 Self Mix
EU 049 6.5 K5mk  00 5M 17/16 3s  Garelli Ciclone
EU 049 6.5 K5mki 00 5M 17/16 3s  Garelli Ciclone Deluxe Self Mix
EU 049 6.5 L5mki 00 5M 17/16 3s  Garelli Ciclone Deluxe Self Mix LC liquid cooled

EU 125  16 Minarelli   6M 18″6-star Garelli TSR 125 liquid cooled
EU 125  18
Minarelli   6M xx  21/18 Garelli Tiger XR 125
EU 125  24 Hiro  000  6M 18″6-star Garelli GTA 125 liquid cooled
EU 321
  17 Minarelli   6M oo  21/18 Garelli Trial 320

1985 Garellis

1985 Garelli (US)

’85 Monza GT (US) black, spokes or mags
square head light
straight fin head.

EU cc   20  25  30
cc   hp  hp  hp eng gears  rims  1985  US Models
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1 00 1A 16″spoke Basic
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1-al  1A 16″spoke Rally SL
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1-al  1A 16″spoke SSXL
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  M100 1A 16″spoke Monza GT
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  M1 001A 16″mags  Monza GT/S
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  V2 00 2A 16″spoke VIP N





1986 Garelli Noi TL (kick)

1986 Noi Matic TL

1986 Rally SL (US)

1986 Garelli







EU 0cc   hp  engine gears   rims    1986
EU 049 1.5 H1  000  1A 16″spoke Garelli Basic
EU 049 2,0 H2k-al 02A 16″ 7-ray Garelli Basic Due De Luxe
BR 049 2.0 H1k-al    1A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Matic TL
BR 049 2.0 H1k-al    1A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Matic
EU 049 2.0 H2k-al    2A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Bimatic TL
EU 049 1.5 V4k  00  4M 16″spoke Garelli VIP 4 N

EU 049 1.5 V4k  00  4M 16″5-star Garelli Supervip 4
EU 049 1.5 V4k  00  4M 16″5-star Garelli Supervip 4 Self Mix
EU 049 0.0 000 00   4M 16″3-star Garelli Formuno 50
EU 049 6.5 K5mk  0 5M 18″3-star Garelli Ciclone Five

EU 049 0.0 Minarelli 6M o    19/17 Garelli Tiger XLE 50
EU 125 
24 Hiro 000 6M 18″6-star Garelli GTA 125 3 FD
EU 125  18 Minarelli 6M 00  21/18 Garelli Tiger XLE 125
EU 321 
17 Minarelli 6M 00  21/18 Garelli Trial 323

1986 Garelli Brochure p1

1986 Garelli (US)

1986 Garelli Brochure p2

1986 Garelli (US)

EU cc   20  25  30
cc   hp  hp  hp eng gears  rims  1986  US Models
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1 00 1A 16″spoke Basic
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1-al  1A 16″spoke Rally SL
US 49 1.0 1.5 2.0  H1-al  1A 16″spoke SSXL
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  M100 1A 16″5-star Monza GT/S
US 49 0.0 1.5 2.0  V2 00 2A 16″spoke VIP 2-Speed


1986 Garelli Monza GT/S was gold with gold Fonder Monte 16″ wheels, square head light, straight fin head.


In this 1986 flyer, the Basic has the dark colored cast iron cylinder, while the Rally SL and SSXL have the silver-colored 5-fin aluminum cylinder.


New controls: In 1986 the Garelli controls, made by Domino, changed from “1977-85 chrome with black housings and diamond switches” to “1986-93 black with integrated switches“. Tomos also changed to these levers in 1986.   


No more US models: After 1986 moped sales in the USA had been declining, because of new license laws, lower gas prices, and Japanese scooters like the 1984-85 Honda Spree. Garelli, and other moped makers like Puch and Vespa, pulled out of the USA, but continued to produce mopeds for the European market.

1987 Garelli

EU 0cc   hp  engine gears   rims    1987
EU 049 2.0 H1k-al    1A 16″spoke Garelli Como

EU 049 2.0 H1k-al    1A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Matic TL
BR 049 2.0 H1k-al    1A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Matic
EU 049 2.0 H2k-al    2A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Bimatic TL
EU 049 1.5 V4k  00  4M 16″spoke Garelli VIP 4 N
EU 049 1.5 V4k  00  4M 16″ 7-ray Garelli VIP 4 Deluxe SL
EU 049 1.5 V4k  00  4M 16″ 7-ray Garelli Supervip 4 Self Mix
EU 049 2?  M4mk    4M 16″3-star Garelli Formuno 50
EU 049 6.5 K5mk  0 5M 18″3-star Garelli Ciclone Five

EU 049 0.0 Minarelli 6M o   21/18 Garelli Tiger XLE 50
EU 125  18 Minarelli 6M o   21/18 Garelli Tiger XLE 125

In 1987 the Basic was renamed Como.




Grimeca 5-foro mags

New logo: In 1988 Garelli modernized it’s logo to the tilted G inside a yellow square.

Garelli Team Matic was “born” in 1988 and produced in Italy up to 1991. Similar models were built in Spain or possibly Argentina. Weight around 52kg, 16in. wheels.

Grimeca 5-foro wheels were “born” in the late 1980’s. The 5 hole design was unusual and eye-catching.


’88 Garelli Team Matic
(made in Argentina)

1988 Garelli Noi TL (kick)

1988 Garelli Noi TL

EU 0cc   hp engine gears   rims    1988
EU 049 2.0 H1k-al    1A 16″spoke Garelli Como

EU 049 2.0 H1k-al    1A 16″5-star Garelli Noi Matic TL
BR 049 2.0 H1k-al    1A 16″5-star Garelli Noi Matic
EU 049 2.0 H2k-al    2A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Bimatic TL

AR 049 2.0 F1k  00  1A 16″5-foro Garelli Team Matic
AR 049 2.0 F2k  00  2A 16″5-foro Garelli Team Bimatic
EU 049 2.0 H1-al 0   1A 16″spoke Gary Uno
EU 049 2?  M4mk    4M 17″6-R-s Garelli Formuno 50
EU 049 2?  M3mk    3V  17″6-R-s Garelli Rock 50
EU 049 2?  M4mk    4M 17″6-R-s Garelli Raid 50
EU 049 2?  M4mk    4M 17″6-R-s Garelli Road 50


1989 Garelli

EU 0cc   hp engine gears   rims    1989
EU 049 2.0 H1k-al   1A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Matic TL
EU 049 2.0 H2k-al   2A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Bimatic TL

EU 049 2.0 F1k  00  1A 16″ 3-ray Garelli Team Matic
AR 049 2.0 F1k  00  1A 16″5-foro Garelli Team Matic
EU 049 2.0 H1-al 0  1A 16″spoke Gary Uno
EU 049 2?  M4mk   4M 17″3-star Garelli Formuno 50
EU 049 2?  M3mk   3V  17″3-star Garelli Rock 50
EU 049 2?  M4mk   4M 17″3-star Garelli Raid 50
EU 049 2?  M4mk   4M 17″3-star Garelli Road 50
EU 049 0.0 000 00  4M 00 21/18 Garelli Sahel 50 liquid cooled
EU 049 0.0 000 00  4M 16″3-R-s Garelli Urka 50 liquid cooled


Sahel was “born” in 1989. Urka was “born” in 1989.  In ’89 the Como was renamed Gary.

1980’s summary from wikiwand : In the eighties , Garelli motorcycles were equipped with Minarelli thermal units with horizontal cylinders. In these years the company achieved notable success in the world championship.

At the end of the 1980s, Garelli merged with Fantic Motor , also in serious financial crisis, giving life to the FM Group (acronym for Fabbrica Motocicli) which will close its doors in 1993 .


1990 Garelli Noi Matic (kick) (Argentina model)

’90 Noi Matic (kick)
(Argentina model)

Gary instruments

Gary instruments

1990 Garelli







EU 0cc  hp engine gears   rims    1990
EU 049 0.0 38-B a. 1A  xx   none
Bicimosquito motor kit
EU 049 0.0 38-B a. 1A xx 16(20) Velo Mosquito 376

EU 049 2.0 H1k-al   1A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Matic TL
EU 049 2.0 H2k-al   2A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Bimatic TL

EU 049 2.0 F1k 000 1A 16″5-hole Garelli Team Matic
EU 049 2.0 F3mk 0 3V 16″5-hole Garelli Team 3V
EU 049 2.0 H1-al 0  1A 16″spoke Gary Uno
EU 049 2.0 H2-al 0  2A 16″ 5-ray Gary Due
EU 049 2.0 H2k-al   2A 16″ 5-ray Gary Due Special

Gary Uno was “born” in 1990. Specifications:

frame and bodywork are same as a Garelli Basic
horizontal cylinder is 5-fin aluminum type
bore and stroke: 40 x 39 mm, compression ratio  9 : 1
carburetor: Dellorto SHA 14/12, ignition: electronic
lubrication: 2% oil mixture, tires: 2.25 – 16
weight 48 kg (106 lb), tank capacity 3.2 l
speedometer (all models), turn signals (Special only)
wheelbase 1130 mm

1990 Gary Uno

1990 Gary Uno

1990 Gary Due

’90 Gary Due Special







Fabbrica Motoveicoli - Garelli - Fantic

Gary: During the late 1980’s European motorcycle manufacturers lost sales to Japanese makers. Most had to merge and become government controlled. Agrati-Garelli merged with Fantic Motor, which was a division of Fabbrica Motoveicoli (motor vehicle factory), all in Italy. 

The 1989-93 Gary is a modernized 1984-88 Garelli Basic.


1991 Garelli Noi Matic

1991 Noi MK

1991 Garelli Noi (kick)

’91 Noi Matic

1991 Garelli






EU 0cc   hp engine gears  rims    1991
EU 049 2.0 H1k-al   1A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Matic TL
EU 049 2.0 H2k-al   2A 16″spoke Garelli Noi Bimatic TL

EU 049 2.0 F1k 000 1A 16″5-hole Garelli Team Matic
EU 049 2.0 F3mk 0  3V 16″5-hole Garelli Team 3V
EU 049 2.0 H1-al 0  1A 16″spoke Gary Uno
EU 049 2.0 H2-al 0  2A 16″ 5-ray Gary Due
EU 049 2.0 H2k-al  2A 16″ 5-ray Gary Due Special

EU 049 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli Sahel 50
EU 049 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli Urka 50
EU 049 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli Sahel 80

Like with Tomos mopeds, there was no more chrome in the 1990’s, only black. White wheels were also on 1992-1995 Tomos.


1992 Garelli Noi Lusso

1992 Garelli Noi Lusso

1993 Garelli Noi Matic (kick) Over 2 decades of Noi ends here.

1992 Garelli Noi Matic

EU 0cc   hp engine gears  rims    1992
EU 049 2.0 F1k 00  1A 16″ 6-ray  Garelli Noi L
EU 049 2.0 F1k 00  1A 16″ 6-ray  Garelli Noi Matic
EU 049 2.0 F1k 00  1A 16″ 3-ray  Garelli Team Matic
EU 049 2.0 H1 0x0  1A 16″spoke  Gary Uno
EU 049 2.0 H2 0x0  2A 16″ 5-ray  Gary Due
EU 049 2.0 H2k 00  2A 16″ 5-ray  Gary Due Special


KATIA BI 50 1992






South American Garelli: Around 1975 production began in Brazil and around 1985 in Argentina and continued until 1998. Meanwhile production in Italy continued until 1993.



EU 0cc   hp engine gears  rims    1993
EU 049 2.0 F1k 00  1A 16″ 6-ray  Garelli Noi Lusso
EU 049 2.0 F1k 00  1A 16″ 6-ray  Garelli Noi Matic

EU 049 2.0 F1k 00  1A 16″ 3-ray  Garelli Team Matic
EU 049 2.0 F2k 00  2A 16″ 3-ray  Garelli Team ES Bimatic
EU 049 2.0 H1 0x0  1A 16″spoke  Gary Uno
EU 049 2.0 H2 0x0  2A 16″ 5-ray  Gary Due
EU 049 2.0 H2k 00  2A 16″ 5-ray  Gary Due Special







EU 0cc   hp  engine  gears  rims    1994
AR 049 2.0 F1k 00  1A 16″ 3-ray  Garelli Team Matic
AR 049 2.0 F2k 00  2A 16″ 3-ray  Garelli Team ES Bimatic


1995 Garelli 
made in China

EU 0cc   hp  engine  gears  rims    1995-97
AR 049 2.0 F1k 00  1A 16″ 3-ray  Garelli Team Matic
AR 049 2.0 F2k 00  2A 16″ 3-ray  Garelli Team ES Bimatic
IT   049 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx Garelli Grinta scooter
IT   049 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx Garelli Queenie scooter



2001 Garelli Noi SL (kick)

1998 Garelli Noi SL (kick)

1998 Garelli Noi (Argentina model)

1998 Garelli Noi (kick)
(Argentina model)

According to Wheels of Italy, “Today the mark (Garelli) is owned by NEW GARELLI SpA, controlled by Finsec Inc., a holding company of Paolo Berlusconi.”

EU 0cc   hp  engine  gears  rims    1998-99
AR 049 2.0 H1k 00  1A 16″ 3-ray  Garelli Team Matic
AR 049 2.0 H2k 00  2A 16″ 3-ray  Garelli Team ES Bimatic

EU 049 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli FLO 50





1990’s summary from wikiwandBetween the nineties and the first five years of the new millennium, the Garelli brand was used to market mopeds and scooters of various Asian production in Italy.


Info Avanti color 2

2000-02 Avanti

2000-02 Avanti



EU 0cc  hp  eng. gears   rims     2000
US 049 2.0 Va1 0 1A 16″spoke  Avanti Mont
US 049 2.0 Va2 0 2A 16″spoke  Avanti Kobra
US 049 2.0 Va2k  2A 16″spoke  Avanti Kobra (kick)
US 049 2.0 Va2 0 2A 16″spoke  Avanti Autopower
US 049 2.0 Va2k  2A 16″spoke  Avanti Autopower (kick)
US 049 2.0 Va2 0 2A 16″spoke  Avanti Super Sport
US 049 2.0 Va2k  2A 16″spoke  Avanti Super Sport (kick)
US 049 2.0 Va2 0 2A 16″spoke  Cosmo Stinger
US 049 2.0 Va2k  2A 16″spoke  Cosmo Stinger (kick)

EU 049 0.0 000   00 00″ xxxx  Garelli FX 50
EU 049 0.0 000   00 00″ xxxx  Garelli FLO 50


2000 Avanti Autopower

2000 Avanti Autopower

2000 Avanti Kobra

2000 Avanti Kobra

Avanti and Cosmo: 2000-02 Avanti mopeds and mini-cycles, and 2000-02 Cosmo Stinger were made in India by Mont Motors. They had Avanti Va1, Va2 and Va2k (Garelli VIP remake) engines.

From Reincarnation by Mark Daniels: The Avanti in this case takes its name from a kingdom of ancient India, in the territory of present day Madhya Pradesh state and was, for a time, part of the historic province of Malwa. 


Kelvinator started the Avanti (Corporation) as an automobile company (not so unlikely when you consider that Kelvinator was merged with Nash Motors) and, in a technical collaboration with Agrati from 1984, made licence-built copies of Garelli-engined mopeds from a factory at Alwar, Rajasthan.

Agrati-Garelli Gruppo Industriale collapsed in 1992 but, unaffected by the demise of its European partner, the Indian concern continued. The 50-acre (Avanti) plant was bought over by Pacco Ind Corp (carburettors & fuel pumps) in 1999, renamed Monto (Mont) Motors and expanded into building lightweight motorcycles and scooters in partnership with the Chinese Lifan Group.


2000-02 Avanti

EU 0cc   hp  eng. gears   rims     2001
US 049 2.0 Va1 0 1A 16″spoke  Avanti Mont
US 049 2.0 Va2 0 2A 16″spoke  Avanti Kobra
US 049 2.0 Va2k  2A 16″spoke  Avanti Kobra (kick)
US 049 2.0 Va2 0 2A 16″spoke  Avanti Autopower
US 049 2.0 Va2k  2A 16″spoke  Avanti Autopower (kick)
US 049 2.0 Va2 0 2A 16″spoke  Avanti Super Sport
US 049 2.0 Va2k  2A 16″spoke  Avanti Super Sport (kick)
US 049 2.0 Va2 0 2A 16″spoke  Cosmo Stinger
US 049 2.0 Va2k  2A 16″spoke  Cosmo Stinger (kick)

EU 049 0.0 0 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli FX 50
EU 049 0.0 0 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli FLO 50
EU 049 0.0 0 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli KRS 50
EU 125 0.0 0 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli Freeland 125
EU 150 0.0 0 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli Freeland 150


EU 0cc   hp  engine  gears  rims    2002
EU 049 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli FX 50
EU 049 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli FLO 50
EU 049 0.0 0 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli KRS 50
EU 125 0.0 0 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli Freeland 125
EU 150 0.0 0 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli Freeland 150


Garelli Joker 150 150cc 2002

Garelli Panther 150 150cc 2002

Garelli Panther 250 250cc 2002

Garelli Skynet 250 250cc 2002

Garelli Skynet 400 400cc 2002


EU 0cc   hp  engine  gears  rims    2003
EU 049 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli FX 50
EU 125 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli Joker 125
EU 125 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli Panther 125



EU 0cc   hp  engine  gears  rims    2004
EU 049 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli FX 50



EU 0cc   hp  engine  gears  rims    2005
EU 049 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli FX 50



EU 0cc   hp  engine  gears  rims    2006
EU 049 0.0 000 00  00 00″ xxxx  Garelli FX 50


From wikiwand  Nuovo Garelli SpA  The Garelli brand was  acquired in 2006 by Finsec srl, a company controlled by the holding company of Paolo Berlusconi which founds the Nuovo Garelli SpA , with the aim of marketing in Europe scooter Italian and Chinese manufacturing. 

For some years the Ciclone, Vip and Capri scooters all produced in China in Jiangmen by the Baotian Motorcycle Company were on sale with the Garelli logo .

EU 0cc   hp  engine  gears  rims    2007
EU 049 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli VIP 50
EU 049 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli LX 50
EU 049 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Capri 50
EU 049 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Ciclone 50
EU 125 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Tiger 125
EU 125 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Comfort 125
EU 150 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Fashion 150
EU 150 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Mosquito 150


EU 0cc   hp  engine  gears  rims    2008-09
EU 049 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli VIP 50


From wikiwand   From May 21, 2007 , Garelli became AC Milan’s official supplier. 

As a result of the sharp decline in sales in the small displacement mopeds and scooters sector, the Nuova Garelli sought an outlet in the larger displacement market, proposing itself to purchase the failed Moto Morini . However, after weeks of unsuccessful negotiations, Nuova Garelli withdrew its offer on June 14, 2010 , at the same time issuing a harsh press release motivating the withdrawal in the face of hostility or disinterested behavior, held by the Councilor for Productive Activities of the Province from Bologna.

Epilogue and closure
After more than five years of management, constantly at a loss, in June 2011 Paolo Berlusconi sold the majority stake in Nuova Garelli SpA to the Abruzzo-based investment company Ab Capital, and the following year the company was first put into liquidation and then Nuova Garelli Srl in liquidation, the last company to bear that name, was admitted to the arrangement with creditors.

Garelli, the return to electric
In 2018, those entitled to sign an agreement with a company in San Marino for the lease of the brand and the same year, at EICMA , a new Ciclone , a 100% electric motorcycle , is presented . [6]



EU 0cc   hp engine gears  rims    2010
EU 049 3.0 000000 VA 13/13  Garelli GSP 50

EU 0cc   hp engine gears  rims    2011
EU 049 3.0 000000 VA 12/12  Garelli Flexi 50
EU 049 3.0 000000 VA 13/13  Garelli GSP 50
EU 049 0.0 hybrid 0 VA 16/16  Garelli XOe 50  https://bikez.com/motorcycles/garelli_xoe_2011.php


From wikiwand  After more than five years of management, constantly at a loss, in June 2011 Paolo Berlusconi sold the majority stake in Nuova Garelli SpA to the Abruzzo-based investment company Ab Capital, and the following year the company was first put into liquidation and then Nuova Garelli Srl in liquidation, the last company to bear that name, was admitted to the arrangement with creditors.

Garelli, the return to electric
In 2018, those entitled to sign an agreement with a company in San Marino for the lease of the brand and the same year, at EICMA , a new Ciclone , a 100% electric motorcycle , is presented.



EU 0cc   hp engine gears  rims    2012
EU 049 3.0 000000 VA 12/12  Garelli Flexi 50
EU 049 3.0 000000 VA 13/13  Garelli GSP 50
EU 049 0.0 hybrid 0 VA 16/16  Garelli XOe 50
EU 125 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Flexi 125
EU 125 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli XO 125
EU 150 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli XO 150
EU 200 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli XO 200



EU 0cc   hp  engine  gears  rims    2013-2017 
EU 049 0.0 000000 00 00/00  no models produced ???



EU 0cc   hp  engine  gears  rims    2018-2020 
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Cyclone Sic 58
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Cyclone Passion
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Cyclone Dark
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Cyclone Metal
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Cyclone Sport
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Cyclone Scout
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Audax GR 001
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Audax RM 002
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Audax AM 102
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Audax AMB100
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Audax XC 009
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Audax XC 001
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Audax XC 002
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Audax XC 003
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Audax XC 005
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Imago TK 300
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Vertus CT 200
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli Vertus FD 301
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli E-Bike Cyclone Edition
EU 000 0.0 000000 00 00/00  Garelli E-Bike Cyclone Edition Sic 58

Garelli returns in 2018 with an all-electric line.

From garelli.com: 2018 A new era begins. Thanks to the intuition of three young Italian entrepreneurs,  the Garelli brand makes it’s return with 100% electric scooters, motorcycles and bikes. 

Centennial Anniversary 1919 – 2019: In 2019 Garelli celebrated it’s 100th birthday.



Locks and Keys Menu

June 16, 2023


European Locks and Keys

Taiwan Locks and Keys

European Moped Locks and Keys

June 16, 2023


      A. LOCKS
1. Puch Locks made by Neiman
2. Motobecane Locks by Neiman
3. Peugeot Locks made by Neiman

4. Tomos Locks by Neiman, Titan, Zadi

5. Vespa Locks made by Neiman

6. Italian Locks made by Zadi

7. Garelli Locks made by Giobert

. Jawa Locks made by FAB
. Other Locks by Neiman, Clausor


      B. KEYS
10. Neiman Keys
11. Neiman-Puch Keys
12. Neiman-France Keys
13. Zadi Keys
14. Zadi-Flat Keys
15. Zadi-Mini Keys
16. Zadi-Black Keys




A. Locks





1. Puch Locks

Puch 349.121.5220 swing arm lock Neiman key
D=12.0  L=26.0  H=16.8  A=4.3  B=15.6  D1=9.9  L1=000
price $36 with two keys, or $24 with one key

Puch 330.120.0529 steering lock Neiman key
D=12.0  L=26.0  H=16.8  A=4.3  B=15.6  D1=8.0  L1=00.0
price $26 with two keys

Puch 330.120.0529 steering lock Neiman-Puch key
D=12.0  L=26.0  H=16.8  A=4.3  B=15.6  D1=8.0  L1=00.0
price $29 with one key


2. Motobecane Locks

Motobecane 19798 steering lock Neiman-France key
D=12.0  L=24.0  H=16.8  A=4.3  B=15.0  D1=9.7  L1=00.0
price none available with two keys



3. Peugeot Locks

Peugeot 15018 steering lock Neiman key
D=12.0  L=24.0  H=16.8  A=4.3  B=15.0  D1=9.7  L1=10.5
price $39 with two keys
for 1975-83 Peugeot 102 and 103 


Peugeot 61805 steering lock Neiman key
for ’79-83 Peugeot TSM
price none


4. Tomos Locks

Tomos 208911 steering lock Neiman key
D=11.7  L=26.0  H=16.8  A=4.3  B=15.4  D1=9.8  L1=12.5
$39 with 2 keys, or $27 with 1 key, no cover, no spring
for 1975-76 Tomos Automatic

Tomos 208911 interchanges with Tomos 229293.


Tomos 209783 steering lock Titan-Round key
price none  with 2 keys, no cover, no break-away screw

for 1977-91 Tomos A3 Bullet, Silver Bullet, Golden Bullet
retained by a special M4 break-away screw


Tomos 226450 steering lock Titan-Black key

price none

for 1992-95 Tomos A35 Bullet, Colibri
for 1993-02 Tomos A35 Sprint, Targa, Targa LX
retained by a special M4 break-away screw


Tomos 232892 steering lock Zadi-Black key 
D=11.6  L=26  H=16.6  A=6.0 1 B=15.5  D1=10.0  L1=12.5

price $30 with 1 key, no cover, no spring
for ’01-05 Tomos Revival, Revival-TS, Streetmate, Arrow
Tomos 233198 steering lock Zadi-Black generic key
for ’06-17 Tomos Revival-TS, Streetmate, S.mate-R, Arrow-R

After 2005 this lock was made by TBS. It was an exact copy.


Tomos 229293 steering lock Neiman long key says GKS
D=11.8  L=26.0  H=16.7  A=4.2 1 B=15.6  D1=9.9  L1=18.0

price $35 with 2 keys, or $25 with 1 key, no cover, no spring
for 2003-06 Tomos A35 Sprint, Tomos, ST, Tomos LX
for 2006-13 Tomos A55 Sprint, ST, LX
Tomos 229293 interchanges with Tomos 208911.



5. Vespa (Piaggio) Locks

Vespa 152096? steering lock Neiman key
D=12.0  L=24.0  H=?  A=4.3  B=?  D1=10?  L1=14.8
price none   L + L1 = 38.85  same as Peugeot?
for ’72-73? Vespa Ciao C7E?


Vespa 152096 steering lock Neiman key
D=12.0?  L=24?  H=?  A=4.3  B=?  D1=10?  L1=?
price none   same as Peugeot?
for ’78-83 Vespa Grande 048, 068


Vespa 155226 steering lock
 Neiman key
D=11.9  L=30.5  H=17.8  A=4.3  B=15.3
price none  without rivet and door plate
for ’74-80+ Vespa Ciao C7E, C7V, Bravo EEV and Si SIV


Vespa 155226 replacement Neiman-Zadi key
D=12.0 L=31  H=17.8  A=4.1  B=15.2
price $20 
for ’73-80+ Vespa Ciao C7E, C7V, Bravo EEV and Si SIV

The replacement lock key enters the original lock but fits tight.
The original lock key does not enter the replacement lock.



6. Italian Locks

Italian ∅19 steering lock Zadi-Flat key
D=18.7  L=21  D1=8  L1=9  D2=15  L2=5  D3=22  L3=13
for Motobecane Sebring part# J2
retained by a special M4 break-away screw

Italian steering lock
Lock MMI# H74 had key blank H74A.
for Negrini Harvard
retained by a special M4 break-away screw

Italian steering lock
Lock MMI# H74B had key blank H74C.
Negrini Gazelle III, MX Sport II
for Pacer Deluxe, Sport, Super Sport
Malaguti Commuter
retained by a special M4 break-away screw

These M4 break away screws can be made from any length of M4 screw by grinding a narrow neck near the end.


7. Garelli Locks

Garelli ∅19 steering lock Giobert-Flat key says Garelli
D=18.8  L=15  D1=8  L1=9  D2=15  L2=5  D3=22  L3=15
for Garelli


Garelli ∅18 steering lock ????? key
D=18  L=15  D1=8?  L1=9?  D2=?  L2=?  D3=?  L3=10
for Garelli
Is this “18” actually 18.8?



8. Jawa Locks

These fork locks are made in Czechoslovakia by FAB. They look like Neiman but are larger. The clip is the same as a Peugeot clip.

Jawa ∅14 steering lock FAB-Round key
D=14.0  L=26  H=19.0  A=4.0  B=26  D1=10  L1=6
price $33 with two keys



9. Other Locks

Unknown steering lock Neiman key
D=12.0  L=26  H=17.9  A=4.3  B=15.4  D1=8  L1=30.5
price $33 with two keys



Derbi seat lock Clausor key
price $30 with two keys
for ’77-86 Derbi Variant SL, SLE





B. Keys



10. Neiman Keys

In this key family there are five key shapes that all fit in the same locks; Round, Early-L, L, Long and Oval.

To know what key number you need, you must have one key that works and has a readable 6 digit number on it. There is no key number on the lock itself. Some locks have numbers, but they are not key numbers. These keys are used on Puch, Peugeot, Batavus, Hercules, Kreidler, Motobecane, Sparta, Tomos, Vespa and others.

Neiman-Round key with blank SR61N
key#     price  available
blank    none    0  SR61N

114220 $5.00  1
124330 $5.00  1
124530 $5.00  2
133250 $5.00  1
135420 $5.00  2
142420 $5.00  2
143540 $5.00  1

145120 $5.00  2
154210 $5.00  2
155120 $5.00  1
213250 $5.00  2
224510 $5.00  1
233410 $5.00  2
233450 $5.00  1

243210 $5.00  2
244250 $5.00  1
251120 $5.00  2
255410 $5.00  1
312250 $5.00  2
313450 $5.00  2
325410 $5.00  1
331540 $5.00  2
334520 $5.00  2
341130 $5.00  2
344310 $5.00  2
411330 $5.00  2
413430 $5.00  2
422110 $5.00  2
422410 $5.00  2
425220 $5.00  2
434510 $5.00  2
435210 $5.00  1
514220 $5.00  2
514410 $5.00  1
515310 $5.00  1

515430 $5.00  2
523430 $5.00  2
524130 $5.00  2
532230 $5.00  1
532520 $5.00  1

533120 $5.00  1
533410 $5.00  1


Neiman-Early-L key
key#     price  available
312340 $5.00  2


Neiman-L key
key#     price  available
blank    none   1  original

103215 $5.00  1


Neiman-Long key with no numbers
key#     price  available
000000 $5.00  2
000000 $5.00  2
000000 $5.00  2
000000 $5.00  2


Neiman-Oval key



11. Neiman-Puch Keys

To know what key number you need, you must have one key that works and has a readable 5 digit number on it. There is no key number on the lock itself. This key was only used on 1980’s Puch.

Neiman-Puch key with blank GE9 (different from Neiman)
key#     price  available
blank 0 $7.00  2  GE9
P4065   $5.00  2

P7866   $5.00  2


12. Neiman-France Keys

A Neiman-France key does not enter a Neiman-Round lock, and a Neiman-Round key does not enter a Neiman-France lock. This key was only used by Motobecane. 

Neiman-France key (different from Neiman)




13. Zadi Keys

To know what key number you need, you must have one key that works and has a readable 4 digit number on it. There is no key number on the lock itself.

Zadi key and blank ZD7

key#     price  available
blank    none   0  ZD7

1168     $5.00  1
2074     $5.00  2
2388     $5.00  1
2446     $5.00  2



14. Zadi-Flat Keys

Zadi-Flat key and blank ZD9

key#     price  available
blank    none   0  ZD9




15. Zadi-Mini Keys

These smaller keys are for a storage compartment like a glove box in a car, or under seat storage on a motorcycle or moped. They have no numbers on them. 

Zadi-Mini keys with no numbers
key#     price  available
000000 $5.00  2
000000 $5.00  2
000000 $5.00  2
000000 $5.00  2



16. Zadi-Black Keys

Zadi-Black keys with no numbers, M1 blank
M1 blank works with fork lock but not ignition lock.



Zadi-Black keys with no numbers, XL7 blank modified
XL7 blank modified works with ignition lock but not fork lock.





Veglia Speedometer Parts

April 16, 2023

Veglia-2.7/2.7 speedo family is on US model mopeds, Benelli, Moto Guzzi, Testi (some) and Vespa-Piaggio (some).

Veglia-2.0/2.0 speedo family is on US model mopeds, Baretta (some), Concord, 80’s Cosmo (some), Demm (some), Fantic (some), Malaguti (some), Motron (some).

Peugeot-2.0/2.0 speedo family is on US model Peugeot 102 and 103 mopeds. 


A. Veglia Speedometers

1. Veglia-2.  diam  Veglia# 0 part#      on US-model mopeds:
1. Veglia-2.7  60  61-47541  307168  ’78-83 Vespa Grande (no blinkers)
2. Veglia-2.7  60  61-00000  183314  ’79-85 Vespa Si
3. Veglia-2.7  48  61-47282  155587  ’74-80 Vespa Ciao, Bravo
4. Veglia-2.0  60  61-47531  1200M   ’77-80 Baretta, Malaguti
5. Veglia-2.0  48  61-47551  000000  ?




Veglia-Peugeot Speedometers

Veglia-Peugeot speedometer 60mm #56315



B. Veglia Speedo drivers

Vespa#  Veglia#  price  hole axle ratio side type conduit screws in
114744  50-1024  $33  2.75  11  1.73  R   d  2.00-17 Vespa Ciao spoke
114744  50-1024  $34  2.75  11  1.73  R   d  2.50-16 Vespa Si 4-ray mag
141303  50-1210  $52  2.75  11  1.64  R   d  2.25-16 Vespa Bravo
306937  50-1224  $55  2.75  12  1.73  L    b  2.50-17 Vespa Grande spoke
307300  50-1222  $45  2.75  12  1.73  R   b  2.50-17 Vespa Grande x-mag
MMI#    Veglia#  price  hole axle ratio side type conduit screws in
1202M   50-1026  $57  2.00  11  1.64  L    d  2.25-16 Baretta, Malaguti
Peugeot#  eglia# price  hole axle ratio side type conduit slides on
46709    00-0000  $23  2.00  11  1.73  R   d  2.25-17 Peugeot
Derbi#   Veglia#  price  hole axle ratio side type conduit slides on
00000    80-7550  $39  2.00  12 
1.73  R   d  2.50-17 Derbi ’76-86

Ratio: Some Veglia drivers are marked with the gear teeth ratio, 18/11 = 1.64 or 19/11 = 1.73.

Veglia 80-7550 on ’76-86 Derbi Variant


C. Veglia Speedo Cables

⇓ end mm  ⇑ end mm  application  Veglia 2.7/2.7
mm inch  Piaggio#  price  cable  
mm  inch  Piaggio#  price  wire

2.55-2.65  2.55-2.65  Vespa Ciao C7N
770 30.4  114745  none  silver original
811  32.0  114746  $16.0 wire only

2.55-2.65  2.55-2.65  Vespa Ciao C7E, C7V
850 30.4  158135  $34.0 silver original
891  32.0  097775  $16.0 wire only

2.55-2.65  2.55-2.65  Vespa Ciao P, PX
770? 30.4 213466  none  black original
811?  32.0 213467  none  wire only

2.55-2.65  2.55-2.65  Vespa Bravo
800 31.5  162125  $34.0 silver original
838  33.0  162126  $16.0 wire only

2.55-2.65  2.55-2.65  Vespa Grande (no blinkers)
713 28.1  307192  $30.0 black original
747  29.4  307192  $00.0 wire only

2.55-2.65  2.55-2.65  Vespa (Piaggio) Si
1038? 00 000000  none  black original
1072  42.2  00000  $16.0 wire only


⇓ end mm  ⇑ end mm  application  Veglia 2.0/2.0
mm inch   MMI# 0 price  cable  
mm inch   MMI# 0 price  wire  

1.90-1.95  1.90-1.95  1980’s Marina Mobili Inc.
650 25.6  1201M 0 $45.0 black
683  26.9  1201M 0 $45.0 black

1.90-1.95  1.90-1.95  Baretta, Malaguti
720 28.3  1201AM   none  black
751  29.6  1201AM   none  black

1.90-1.95  1.90-1.95  1980’s Marina Mobili Inc.
790 31.0  1201BM  none  black
790  31.0  1201BM  none  black


Peugeot# conduit 0  lower end  upper end  price  Veglia-2.0/2.0 Peugeot
52732  0  655=25.8″ 1.93-1.97  1.93-1.97   $37.0 original Peugeot 102, 103
60562  0  690=27.2″ 1.93-1.97  1.93-1.97   none  Peugeot 103SP, TSM (longer)
02860  0  710=28.5″ 1.87-1.90  1.72-1.74   $29.0 replacement modified (725 total)

conduit shortened 3/4″, lower end piece spread wider, upper inner diam. widened



Speedometer Service

April 8, 2023


Basic troubleshooting: Either the speedometer or odometer can work without the other, but the both need the cable and driver to be working. So if both speed and miles don’t work, it’s usually caused by a broken or slipping cable, and sometimes a broken or slipping driver. If either the speed or miles works, then then both the cable and driver must be good.

Stuck solid (frozen): Old speedometers become frozen where the cable enters. The grease there becomes sticky after many years. That causes the cable to break, or sometimes the driver. That is the main reason why 35 year old mopeds often have broken speedo cables. The other reason is the cable gets kinked. Speedometer drivers also become frozen after many years.

Unfreezing speedometers is done with a modified allen wrench with a tapered square end. It should fit snug in the square cable hole. Heat from a small torch is used to soften the hard tar. Once the square hole can turn a tiny bit, go backward. Go back and forth gradually more and more, adding drops of acetone or penetrating oil as necessary. Once it is free to turn by hand, but still sticky, then a drill is used to spin it faster than by hand, using a modified drill bit with a tapered square end. It can take days or weeks and dozens of repeated applications of penetrating oil and rotation on a drill, before all of the stickiness is gone. If any stickiness is left behind, it can re-freeze a year later.

Unfreezing drivers: See below for the detailed procedure that involves soaking in acetone.

Greasing drivers: Most 70’s metal speedo drivers had a grease zerk, but most 80’s plastic ones did not. One way to grease them without a grease gun or zerk is with spray chain lube. It penetrates in thin and then soon becomes thick. Another way is with a 5cc syringe and a 10-1.00 x 15 tall nut (for a Peugeot moped flywheel).

modified syringe greaser




A. Speedometer Tools

A. Acetone in a drip bottle with thin spout, for dissolving tar. Acetone is a powerful solvent that dissolves ink, tar, and paint. It penetrates into soft materials like rubber and vinyl, causing them to swell, distort, and become weaker. Lacquer thinner and MEK are similar to acetone. 

B. Tri Flow drip lubricant, for applying drops of oil. It contains banana oil and microscopic Teflon spheres.

C. 1.7mm cable end bent. This is for counting revolutions when measuring gear ratio on 1.8-hole drivers.

D. 1.9mm cable end straight. This is for spinning 2.0-hole speedos on a drill.

E. Modified allen wrench, ground to a 1.9mm square on the small end. This is for applying torque to a stuck 2.0-hole speedo, and for rotating back and forth once it is able to move, or around and around if it’s able to move in circles.

F. Tapered square end shaft, for spinning 2.7-hole speedos with a drill.

G. Modified allen wrench, ground to a 2.6mm square on the small end. This is for applying torque to a stuck 2.7-hole speedo, and for rotating back and forth once it is able to move, or around and around if it’s able to move in circles.

H. Small screwdriver for rotating 2.7-hole speedos.

I. Greaser made from a 5 cc syringe and a M10-1.0 x 15 hex15 tall-thin nut (for a Peugeot flywheel). It was pure luck that the nut threaded tightly onto the smooth, tapered plastic spout. Of course, this is only for M10-1.0 thread speedo drivers, which fortunately is the majority.


B. Unfreezing Huret speedo drivers

1970’s Huret speedometers and drivers become frozen (stuck solid) after 40 years. Other kinds do also but not as much. Even new speedos and driver become frozen, because the Huret grease decomposes into hard sticky tar. Out of a sample of 30 new and 10 used 70’s Huret speedo drivers, all were frozen solid.  

Speedo drivers soaking in acetone

Ten frozen Huret speedo drivers were soaked in acetone in this sealed glass jar. After 17 hours they were removed and tested. 8 out of 10 were able to move, but 2 were still stuck solid. Those 2 were re-soaked with a new batch of frozen ones.

Acetone breaks down hard insoluble tar that is like taffy, and makes it less sticky and more soluble in diesel fuel or gasoline. When first removed from a day of soaking in acetone, the tar would ooze out like warm peanut butter when compressed air was applied to the cable hole. But after 20 minutes, that same peanut butter re-solidified, as the acetone evaporated out of it. So they need to go into the diesel fuel bath right after the acetone bath, rather than drying out first. They also need rotation to spread the solvent to all areas, like stirring.

The 8 unfroze drivers were then soaked in diesel fuel along with 7 others that did not need an acetone bath. The diesel fuel dissolves the loosened tar visible on the outside, as well as some soluble tar on the inside. After 2 days of soaking, 11 out of 15 moved freely, but 4 were still sticky. Those 4 were returned to the acetone bath pickle jar. The rest were brushed, cleaned and then blow dried with compressed air. 

While waiting to be greased, 1 of the 11 drivers refroze and 2 became sticky, as acetone evaporated from the grease inside. Those 3 were returned to the pickle jar of acetone.

Greasing with a modified syringe

The remaining 8 clean and free drivers were greased with a modified syringe, made from a 5 cc syringe and a 10-1.00 x 15 tall nut (for a Peugeot moped flywheel). Each driver took 0.2 to 0.6 cc of lithium grease. The syringe has to be squeezed really hard with both hands. The grease goes in slowly. The gears are rotated in between squeezes to spread out the grease. Soon the old black grease and solvent oozes out from the thin gaps, like on the left driver in the above photo. The feel goes from gritty to greasy as the new grease pushes out solvent and grit.  

The last step was straitening the fingers as needed, with a needle-nose pliers.

17 stuck drivers became 8 ready to use drivers. For the other 9 the entire process was repeated, as many times as necessary. This is how new and used 1970’s Huret (and others) speedo drivers are refurbished in preparation for sale.






Huret Speedometer Parts

April 8, 2023

Huret-2.7/2.7 speedo family is on US models of Arciero, Bianchi (some), Demm (some), Garelli, Gitane, Motobecane, Negrini (some), Pacer, Snark (some), Velomec.
The speedometers in this family have a white face.

Huret-2.0/2.7 speedo family is on some US model mopeds but not many.
The speedometers in this family have a black face.

Jawa-2.2/2.2 speedo family is on ’74-83 Jawa mopeds.



A. Huret Speedometers

1. Huret-2.7 Motobecane, 2. Huret-2.7 60mm round MMI #H125F for Garelli. 3. Huret-2.0 60mm round, 4. Huret-2.7 48mm round




Good-used Huret-2.7 Motobecane speedos, unfrozen, lubed, and tested.

Long term testing: These were unfroze with acetone and re-lubricated with Tri-Flow. Then they sat on a parts shelf for four years in zip-lock bags. After that long, none had become stuck/frozen.

Huret-2.7 Motobecane speedometers: The cover is glass, so it resists scratching. Repeated exposure to sunlight fades the white background to yellow and the blue numbers to white. When the numbers are faded out the needle is still red, so speed can be estimated, like telling time on a clock with no numbers.

# price  miles   all are working normally unless noted 
N/A  1780  excellent condition, works good
$55  5261  dark numbers, works good, but returns to 5mph not 0
$45  2024  barely visible numbers, works good

$40  7365  invisible numbers, works good
$35  5337  completely invisible numbers, works good



Motobecane speedo service: Accessing the needle requires removing the lower plate that hides the needle. That is done by applying pressure to the two white posts that stick through the face plate.




Good-used Huret-2.7 60 mm speedos, unfrozen, lubed, and tested.

Speed Testing: A hand drill was set to spin at a constant speed (by a stop screw in the trigger). Each speedo was spun for 30-50 seconds. The final speed was recorded.

Huret-2.7 60mm round speedometers: The test speeds all agreed quite well. These have great dampening, no jumping unless noted. The clear cover is glass, not plastic. So it does not get dull or scratched.

# price  miles   all are working normally unless noted 
none 2291  test speed 21, needle moves nice, not jumpy
none 1827  test speed 22, needle moves nice, not jumpy
$65  1036  test speed 21, needle moves nice, not jumpy
$25  1535  test speed 21, needle sticks and wiggles
none 2750  test speed 21, needle moves nice, not jumpy
none 7332  test speed 21, needle moves nice, not jumpy
$70  0538  test speed 21, needle moves nice, not jumpy
none 4720  test speed 20, needle moves nice, not jumpy


B. Huret Speedo drivers

With 2.7 mm cable hole and M10 x 1 threads.

There are two ratio choices for many tire sizes.

1.6 ratio for 20″ outer diameter  2.25-14 is 18.5″
3.00-13, 2.50-14, 2.00-15 are 19″, 2.25-15 is 19.5″
3.00-14, 2.50-15, 2.00-16 are 20″, 2.25-16 is 20.5″
3.00-15, 2.50-16, 2.00-17 are 21″

1.8 ratio for 23″ outer diameter  2.25-17 is 21.5″
3.00-16, 2.50-17, 2.00-18 are 22″, 2.25-18 is 22.5″
3.00-17, 2.50-18, 2.00-19 are 23″, 2.25-19 is 23.5″
3.00-18, 2.50-19, 2.00-20 are 24″

Huret drivers are reversible for left or right side,
because the cable can attach from either end.
The cable must rotate clockwise, viewed from above.

With the cable on, left side ones look like a d.
Right side ones look like a letter b.

The date stamp says the week 01-52 and year 75-80.

The marking says the tire outer diameter and/or the ratio.



axle side o.d. ratio  price  depth  type

∅11  left  20″ D 1.6  $35.0  3.2  1-finger
dates: 2877    for 16-17″ spoke wheels
on Arciero, Gitane, Pacer, Velomec,
and some Bianchi, Demm, Negrini, Snark.
Washers may need to be added or subtracted.

axle side o.d. ratio  price  depth  type

∅11  left  23″ D 1.8 
$42.0  3.2   1-finger
dates: 1075, 2178   for 17-19″ spoke wheels
on Negrini KPN and others
Washers may need to be added or subtracted.

axle side o.d. ratio  price  depth  type

11  left  20″ D 1.6  $59.0  3.2   2-prong
dates: 1780    for 16-17″ mag wheels
Drill a finger hole in the wheel and use H127-F.
Washers may need to be added or subtracted.

Garelli 506361.7381 
axle side o.d. ratio  price  depth  type

∅11  left  20″ D 1.6  $42.0 depth 7.0   1-finger
dates: 1780      with step-spacer  for 2.25-16/17 on
’75-80 Eureka, Gran Sport, Rally Sport, Super Sport
Use H127-F with a 4mm washer behind it.

Garelli 507252.7381 
axle side o.d. ratio  price  depth  type

∅11  left  20″ D 1.6  $48.0 depth 6.0   1-finger
dates: 2877 0478    with step-spacer for 2.50-17
on ’78-82 VIP, ’83 Monza GT
(83-86 Rally SL, VIP-N, 84-86 Monza GT had CEV)
Use H127-F with a 3mm washer behind it.

Garelli 507501.7381    
axle side o.d. ratio  price  depth  type

11  left  20″ D 1.6  none   ???   2-prong
dates: unknown   for 16-17″ mag wheels
on ’77-78 Super/Gran Sport LTD
Drill a finger hole in the wheel and use H127-F.
Washers may need to be added or subtracted.

Garelli 508051.7381    
axle side o.d. ratio  price  depth  type

11  left  20″ D 1.6  none   ???   2-prong
dates: unknown   for 16-17″ mag wheels
on ’79-80 Super/Gran/Rally Sport LTD
Drill a finger hole in the wheel and use H127-F.
Washers may need to be added or subtracted.

Motobecane 17360 
axle side o.d. ratio  price  depth  type

∅11  left  23″ D 1.8  $55.0  4.0   2-finger
dates: 4176 1577 1777 2578 2778  for 2.25/2.50-17
Use H127-F with a 1mm washer behind it.

Motobecane 01494     
axle side o.d. ratio  price  depth  type

∅11  left 
20″ D 1.6  
none  4.0   2-finger
dates: unknown        for 2.00-16 tire on Model 7
Use H127-F with a 1mm washer behind it.


unknown app.
axle side o.d. ratio  price  depth  type
∅11 right 28″  2.2  none  0.0   2-finger
dates: 4174        for 27-28″ OD bicycle tire



Greasing with a modified syringe

Preparation: All of these Huret drivers were initially frozen, tarry on the inside. Some were also tarry on the outside. Scroll down for the detailed procedure for unfreezing, cleaning and lubing. All of those listed for sale have been serviced and are ready for use.




C. Huret Speedo cables

00 head M   driver   head driver head driver
thread M thread    hole  hole   end   end
M10-1.00 M10-1.00  2.0   2.75    1.9   2.6   Huret-2.0/2.7
M10-1.00 M10-1.00 2.75  2.75    2.6   2.6   Huret-2.7/2.7
M10-1.00 M10-1.00 1.80  2.00    1.7   1.9   Huret-1.8/2.0

0 part# 000   conduit   lower end  upper end  price  Huret 2.7/2.7
UN12018 00  570 22.4″ 2.56-2.63  2.56-2.63 none silver modern replacement
502951.7386 570 22.4″ 2.65-2.72  2.65-2.72 none black orig on Garelli early 70’s
18222 00000 570 22.4″ 2.52-2.55  2.52-2.55  $42  silver orig on Motobecane 50, 40, 7
191 0000000 575 22.6″ 2.60-2.65  2.60-2.65  $27  black modern replacement
H-126FB 000 575 23.6″ 2.60-2.65  2.60-2.65 none 80’s Taiwan 600 total
506961.7386 620 24.4″ 2.65-2.72  2.65-2.72  $34  black used orig on Garelli (some)
H-126AF 00   695 27.4″ 2.60-2.65  2.60-2.65  $38  80’s Taiwan 720 total
507607.7386 720 28.4″ 2.65-2.72  2.65-2.72 none black orig on Garelli (most)
446 0000000 730 28.7″ 2.58-2.62  2.58-2.62 $42  black modern replacement
UN12191 00  810 31.9″ 2.55-2.60  2.55-2.60  $49  black original on Avanti
   part# 000   conduit   lower end  upper end  price  Huret-2.0/2.7
31 0460 444  570 22.4″ 2.55-2.60  1.78-1.82  $35  black orig, 1.8-to-2.6 adapter
31 0460 444  570 22.4″ 1.78-1.82  1.78-1.82  $20  same but missing lower adapter
H-126AF 000 695 27.4″ 2.43-2.48  1.80-1.85  $30   80’s Taiwan 720 total, wire inverted
0 part# 000   conduit   lower end  upper end  price  Huret 1.8/2.0
YA12018 00   540 21.3″ 1.80-1.91  1.72-1.78  $20  silver orig on MB (Euro models)                                                                


Jawa speedometers are on 1973-83 Jawa 207 (Babetta) mopeds.

4d. Jawa Speedometers

Jawa speedometers #14002, 0-40 mph
48 mm, M10-1.0 threads, 2.2 square hole
all have been cleaned, lubed and tested
# miles   price  tested
# miles   price  speed

1  00001  $65  43.0  new
2  00002  $68  42.5  new
3  01023  $40  42.0  good-used
4  01102  $45  42.5  good-used
5  01645  N/A  46.0  good-used
6  02509  $45  41.5  good-used

#3 and #4 need the glass cleaned on the inside. This can be done with ordinary cotton swabs (Q-tips). They fit in barely through the illumination slot on the side of the can.


4e. Jawa Speedo drivers




4f. Jawa Speedo cables

0 part# 00 conduit 0 lower end  upper end  price  Jawa
07-4780   495=19.5″ 2.05-2.15  2.05-2.15  $18  silver Jawa 207 original






VDO Speedometer Parts

April 8, 2023

VDO-1.8/1.8 speedo family is on US models of Batavus, Columbia, Hercules, Kreidler, Murray, Odyssey, Puch, Sachs, Sears Free Spirit, Solo, Sparta and Tomos mopeds 2003 to 2008.

VDO-2.0/1.8 speedo family is on US-model Derbi Variant Sport 1986-89.
Speedo drivers are listed in CEV Speedometer Parts.

VDO-2.0/2.0 speedo family is on Tomos mopeds 2008-18. 

Derbi-1.8/1.8 speedo family is on US-models of Derbi Variant 1976-86.
Speedo drivers are listed in Veglia Speedometer Parts.


A. VDO Speedometers

VDO 60mm speedos on US model Puch mopeds


VDO Speedometers For Sale

30mph, Puch logo, straight needle  $60


40mph, straight needle  none


B. VDO Speedo Drivers

Metal Drivers (made up to 4/1978) Plastic Drivers (made from 4/1978 on)
mark   price axle ratio  mar side/ cable

markings 00 price axle ratio type hole  open with 1 finger

21 LH 027/1  none 12.7 1.7  L d  1.8  Columbia  dates 11/77
17 LH 29/54  none 12.7 1.7  L d  1.8  Columbia  dates
00 LV 06/63   none  11  1.7  L b  1.8  Kynast  dates 4/77
00 LV 28/18   $55.0 11  1.7  L b  1.8  unknown  dates 11/79
16 LH 29/26  $55.0 11  1.6  L d  1.8  unknown  dates 6/78

markings 00 price axle ratio type hole  open with 2 prongs

21 LH 06/70  $52.0 11  1.7  L d  1.8  KTM 1009-050-000  dates 11/76
17 LH 29/24  $55.0 11  1.7
  L d  1.8  unknown  dates 4/80
21 LH 06/61  $55.0 11  1.8
  L d  1.8  unknown  dates 1/77 7/71
21 RH 17/17  $65.0 11  1.6LRdb1.8  Batavus 42.138 dates 2/77 3/78
16 RH 032/1  none 11  1.6 LRdb1.8  Batavus 42.365 dates 4/78

markings 00 price axle ratio type hole  shielded with 2 prongs

17 LH 31/17  $70.0 11  1.7  L d  1.8  Hercules  dates 4/78 11/79
21 R023/1  $52.0 11  1.7
  R d  1.8  Puch  dates 5/77  7/77 10/77 4/78 12/78
00 RH   23/4  none  11  1.7  R b  1.8  Puch  date 5/78 (79 Magnum)

17 RV 031/5  none  11  1.7  R d  1.8  Puch  dates 7/78 8/78
23 LH 023/5  $52.0 11  1.6  L d  1.8  Sparta 06008 dates 11/74 12/76 7/77 4/78
17 RH 23/10  $52.0 11  1.7  R b  1.8  Honda PA50 44800-148-670 dates 11/77
17 RH   30/2  none  11  1.7  R b  1.8  Honda PA50 44800-148-670 dates 
markings 00 price axle ratio type hole  aftermarket with 2 prongs

AE-88 00000 $20.0 12  1.7  R b  1.8  Puch greased, photo below, sold “as is”

Markings: The brass end caps on VDO speedo drivers are marked with the tire or rim that they are geared for. 1970’s metal drivers are marked with the tire outer diameter (23, 22, 21, 20). 1980’s plastic drivers are marked with the rim size (19, 18, 17, 16). The tire OD’s are 4 inches more than the rim sizes, because moped tires are about 2 inches tall.

Batch marking: The marking that looks like a gear ratio is not. It’s some kind of batch number.

Tire marking: On some (21LH 6/61 and 23LH 23/5) the tire size marking disagrees with the measured gear ratio. 

Side: Most (10 of 14) VDO speedo drivers are for the left side. Some (2 of 14) are for right side. Some (2 of 14) are for left or right side. On those the cable can attach in two places with opposite rotation. 

AE-88 driver, greased by a modified syringe

Greasing: The 70’s metal VDO speedo drivers had a grease zerk, but the 80’s plastic ones did not. One way to grease them without a grease gun or zerk is with spray chain lube. It penetrates in thin and then soon becomes thick. Another way is with a 5cc syringe and a 10-1.00 x 15 tall nut (for a Peugeot moped flywheel).





C. VDO Speedo Cables

conduit 000  lower 000 upper
mm inch 000 end 0000  end 0 price   VDO-1.8/1.8

550 21.6  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  28-17 black original
570 22.4  42.137 Batavus VA, HS50

565 22.2  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $28.0 black original
570 22.4  42.137 Batavus VA, HS50, Starflite, Regency

570 22.4  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $17.0 silver original
570 22.4  Sparta Foxi

580 22.8  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $28.0 black original

590 23.2  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  28-17 black original

625 24.8  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  28-17 black original
630 24.8  328.153.0250 Puch Maxi

625 24.8  1.70-1.75 1.70-1.75  none  replacement
625 24.6  MP-3150 80’s Taiwan

640 25.2  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $28.0 black original

700 27.6  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  none  black original
625 24.6  367.153.0250 Puch Magnum XK, Sears FS red

700 27.6  1.70-1.75 1.70-1.75  $20.0 replacement
700 27.6  MP-3154 80’s Taiwan

750 29.5  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $20.0 replacement
750 29.5  UN12006  

750 29.5  1.65-1.70 1.65-1.70  $19.0 replacement
750 29.5
 D. 204200 020’s replacement

750 29.5  1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60  none  replacement
750 29.5
 E. 204200 010’s replacement
750 29.5
 ends are too small

790 31.1  1.70-1.75 1.70-1.75  none  black original
790 31.1  321.153.8250 Puch Magnum MkII, Sears FS silver

790 31.1  1.70-1.75 1.70-1.75  none  replacement
790 31.1  A. 217.664 Tomos ’03-on
790 31.1  white area needs grinding 4.0 to 3.3 mm

790 31.1  1.70-1.75 1.73-1.78  none  replacement
790 31.1  B. MP-3152 ’80’s Gadabout
790 31.1  white area needs grinding 4.0 to 3.3 mm

790 31.1  1.70-1.75 1.73-1.78  $22.0 modified replacement
790 31.1  MP-3152G  after grinding

830 32.7  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $25.0 black original
830 32.7  27.78.96  Kreidler (longer than necessary)

850 33.5  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $17.0 replacement
850 33.5
  UN12017  modern replacement


conduit 000  lower 000 upper
mm inch 000 end 0000  end 0 price   VDO-2.0/1.8

780 30.7  1.73-1.75 1.85-1.90  $29.0
790 31.1 0A0.165.0021 Derbi Variant Sport ’86-89

???   ??.?  1.73-1.75 1.85-1.90  none
790 31.1  0E0.165.0021 Derbi DS50 ’87-89

conduit 000  lower 000 upper
mm inch 000 end 0000  end 0 price

540   21.3  1.83-1.93 1.72-1.80  $20.0  grey replacement
790 31.1  YA12018 MBK mini-cycle 

790 31.1  1.80-1.85 1.80-1.85  none  replacement
790 31.1  C. even-better
790 31.1  white area needs grinding 4.0 to 3.3

790 31.1  1.80-1.85 1.80-1.85  $22.0 modified replacement
790 31.1  even-betterG  after grinding

conduit 000  lower 000 upper
mm inch 000 end 0000  end 0 price  Derbi 1.8/1.8

780  30.7  1.75-1.79  1.90-1.95  $47.0
780  30.7  0A0.163.0021
Derbi Variant ’75-86

800 31.5  1.75-1.79  1.90-1.95  none
800 31.5  0A0.164.0021
Derbi C5, RD50 

Derbi 1.8/1.8 cables: Many Derbi speedometer cables have a kink below the speedometer that causes the inner wire to break repeatedly. The kink is from the back of the “pancake” headlight pushing the speedo cable back. There is no easy remedy. As with any speedometer cable, any kink or sudden change in direction will eventually cause the inner cable wire to break there, because as it rotates it is being bent back and forth.    


D. VDO-Derbi Speedometers (Walker)

Derbi speedometers are made in Spain by Walker, under license by VDO. 

VDO-Derbi #000.501.6010 on all US models 1976-85

#  miles   price  condition
1   10447  $60.0 new cond test=16.5mph, worked good  flat rim original on TT
2   01953  $70.0 new cond  test=16.0mph, worked good flat rim original on TT
3   05565  $30.0 fair cond  test=16.0mph, worked good
4   03702  $30.0 fair cond  test=17.0mph, worked good
5   01944  none  good cond  test=17.0mph, worked good
6   00038  $80.0 new cond  test=16.5mph, worked good
7   00001  $90.0 new cond  test=17.0mph, worked good
8   00124  none  new cond  test=16.5mph, worked good
9   00933  $55.0 good cond  test=17.5mph, worked good shown with rubber visor ring
10 04376  $35.0 fair cond  test=16.0mph, worked good
11 16748  $15.0 bad needle  test=18.0mph, worked good shown with rubber visor ring
12 00000  $10.0 000.821.6830 rubber visor ring (optional)


E. Veglia-Derbi Speedo drivers

See Veglia Speedometer Parts









Tomos Speedometer Parts

April 7, 2023

CEV 2.0/1.8 is on 1974 to 2002 US models of Tomos mopeds.

VDO 1.8/1.8 is on 2003 to 2008 US models of Tomos mopeds.
    Speedo cables are listed in VDO Speedo Parts.

VDO 2.0/2.0 is on 2008 to 2018 US models of Tomos mopeds.
    Speedo cables are listed in VDO Speedo Parts.

Tomos 2.0/2.7 is on 2005 to 2008 US models of Tomos Arrow.



A. Tomos Speedometers

’74-02 CEV-type 40 mph M11-0.75 thread
# Tomos# price years models face hole  made by
1. 213233  none  74-79  all   dk blu 2.0  CEV see note 1
2. 214838  none  80-87  all   black  2.0  CEV see note 1
3. 222006  none  87-91  all   black  2.0  CEV-Tomos
4. 227496  none  92-02  all   black  2.0  Facomsa
’02-17 VDO-type 40 mph M10-1.00 thread
# Tomos# price years models face hole  made by
5. 232803  none  03-05  all   white  1.8  MMB
6. 232803  none  05-08  all   white  1.8  generic

7. 232803  none  09-10  Rev white  2.0  F- logo see note 2
8. 232803  none  08-17  all   white  2.0  Alpha

Note 1: #1 and 2 are listed in the CEV Speedometers section.

Note 2: #7 is on Revival-TS only. The odometer reads in kilometers.



B. Tomos Speedo Drivers

type R b is on right side, looks like a “b”
type L d is on  left  side,  looks like a “d”

  #  hole ratio mark type hole depth price

001     12  1.4 14:10 R b  2.7  15.0 none
on ’05 Arrow, ’06-08 Arrow-R
#236328 metal, for 3.00-12, M12 thread

011 0  12  1.4 14:10 R b  2.7  15.0  none
on ’08 Arrow-R, ’17-18 Racing TT
#236328 plastic, for 3.00-12, M12 thread

7408   11  1.6  408   L d  1.8  03.7  55-45
on ’74-06 models with 2.25-16 front tire
#209650 for 2.25-16 (11mm axle ends)

408     12  1.6 16:10 L d  1.8  03.3  $49
on ’07-08 models with 2.25-16 front tire
#230631 for 2.25-16 (12mm axle ends)

012 0  12  1.6 16:10 L d  2.0  04.5  $29.0
on ’08-18 models with 2.25-16 front tire
#209650 for 2.25-16 (12mm axle ends)

003     12  1.7 17:10 R b  1.8  03.3  55-40
on ’02-08 Revival, Streetmate
#232801 metal, for 2.50 or 2.75-17 tire

013 0  12  1.7 17:10 R b  2.0  04.5 $27.0
on ’08-13 Revival, Streetmate
#232801 plastic, for 2.50 or 2.75-17 tire



C. Tomos Speedo Cables

This is only for ’74 to ’02 Tomos. Cables for ’03 to ’18 Tomos mopeds (except Arrow) are in VDO Speedo Parts.


mm inch  ⇓ end mm  ⇑ end mm  price 
conduit 0 CEV part#  Tomos#  description 

600 23.6  1.73-1.77  1.88-1.98  none  original
600 23.6  7812/600 213.232 ’74-76 Tomos (low speedo)

700 27.6  1.73-1.77  1.88-1.98  none  original
700 27.6  7812/700 213.729 ’77-79 Tomos (high speedo)

750 29.5  1.73-1.77  1.88-1.98  $42.0 original
750 29.5  7812/750 214.837 ’80-91 Tomos (more bend)

750 29.5  1.73-1.77  1.88-1.98  none  original
750 29.5  7812/750 227.698 ’92-97 Tomos
750 29.5  7812/75   227.698w   $15.0 inner wire only

750 29.5  1.75-1.78  1.83-1.85  $44.0 original
750 29.5  7812/750 213.729 ’98-02 Tomos
750 29.5  7812/75   213.729w   $15.0 inner wire only

750 29.5  1.94-1.98  1.70-1.75  $18.0 replacement
750 29.5  Rep1/750  213.729 for ’74-02 Tomos 

750 29.5  1.70-1.75  1.95-2.00  $26.0 modified replacement
750 29.5 
RepT/750 Rep1 modified, see note 1

750 29.5  1.75-1.80  1.88-2.00  $15.0 incorrect replacement
750 29.5 
Rep2/750 Wrong upper thread, see note 2

Note 1: RepT is made from Rep1 in 4 steps. 1. Using a tapered punch, vice and hammer, the upper end tube is bent wider at the entrance flare, from 7.2 to 7.5 mm ID, to fit the 7.4 OD lip on the CEV speedometer. 2. A C-clip, made from a section of a paper clip, is added inside the upper plastic screw cap, if it does not screw on far enough to retain the upper end tube solid, straight and centered. 3. The inner wire is inverted. 4. The 2.0+ mm weld bulge at the tip of the upper square end is ground off to make the tip a 1.9 mm square.

Note 2: Rep2 cannot screw onto a CEV speedometer because the upper end cap thread is incorrect. It is M11-1.0 instead of M11-0.75. So the conduit, with the incorrect end cap trapped on it, is useless. But the inner wire has a good use. It can replace a broken inner wire on an Tomos 227.698 cable, original on 1992 to 2002. Some might need grinding of the 1.8+ mm weld bulge on the lower end to make the tip a 1.7 mm square.



mm inch  ⇓ end mm  ⇑ end mm  price 
conduit 0 CEV part#  Tomos#  description 

000 00.0  2.60-2.60  1.95-1.95  $00.0  
000 00.0  0000/750 236.388  ’05-08 Tomos Arrow, Arrow-R





Speedometer Parts Menu

April 7, 2023











Speedometers on vintage mopeds are all mechanical type, not electronic. A driver or sender on the front wheel rotates the cable. The cable, with a spinning wire inside, goes up to the speedometer head. Inside the gauge a spinning magnet moves the needle. An odometer or mileage meter is also driven by the cable, with gears.  

Speedo families are heads, cables and drivers that have certain things in common. The head and driver threads are the same. The head and driver square cable holes are the same. So heads, cables and drivers within the same family all interchange. 

Square cable holes are a little bigger than square cable ends. A 2.0mm hole takes a 1.85 to 1.95mm cable, and a 2.75mm hole takes a 2.55 to 2.70mm cable. This is a source of confusion. 

Speedo drivers: On the front wheel is small gear box that changes the wheel rotation into the cable rotation. 

Speedo driver Side means what side of the front wheel would make the driver rotate the cable clockwise, viewed from above. Reversing the side by flipping the front wheel reverses the speedo cable rotation.

Speedo driver Type: Most drivers have the cable exiting below the axle. Most left side drivers are type d because they look like a letter “d”. Most right side ones are type b because they resemble letter “b”. But some type d’s are for right side, and some type b’s are for left. This is because the worm gear teeth can be wound left or right, like a left or right hand thread bolt.

Speedo driver Ratio means how many times the cable rotates for each wheel rotation. Larger diameter tires require higher driver ratios to achieve the same cable rotation. Smaller tires require lower ratios. The gear ratio is related to the angle of the gear teeth as well as the tooth counts.

Speedo cables can be different lengths for the same bike. Aiming the speedo driver more upward requires a shorter cable. Aiming the driver more downward requires a longer cable. When the front suspension goes over bumps, the speedo cable has to flex up and down. Aiming the driver 90 degrees to the suspension travel makes the least stress on the cable and the least interference with the suspension movement. Most newer bikes are that way. But then the cable hangs out a lot, and requires a fender eyelet to help prevent the long cable from getting snagged on things when parking or maneuvering.