Bosch Magnetos 90mm

July 16, 2017

Bosch  Contents:
        1. Magnetos

        2. Parts



1. Magnetos

A. 90mm  i.d. flywheel (rotor), 90mm stator plate 
magneto# 0  rot wires  for  engine

0212 110 002  ♦♦♦♦♦ EU Puch xx E50
0212 112 019   Ο EU Sachs x 505/1A, ANL, B, C, D
0212 112 053   Ο EU Laura  x M48
0212 112 053 ♦♦♦ US TYM  xx M48
0212 112 070   Ο EU Garelli   G2
0212 112 095   Ο EU Sachs x 505A, ANL, B, C, D
0212 115 023   Ο EU Flandria dry clutch
0212 120 020   Ο UK Garelli   G2
0212 120 021   Ο US Laura  x M48
0212 120 023   Ο US Volvo-P marine
0212 120 026 ♦♦♦♦ US Sachs x 505/1B
0212 120 027 ♦♦ UK Puch xx Monza
0212 120 029 ♦♦♦♦ US Sachs x 505/1B
0212 122 006   Ο EU Sachs x 505/1C
0212 122 030   Ο CA Laurax M48
0212 122 053   Ο CA Laurax M54
0212 124 014 ?  ♦ US Sachs x 1251/6A
0212 124 015 EU Sachs x 501/4A?
0212 124 038 ♦♦ US Puch xx E50
0212 124 039 ♦♦ US Solo  xx 236, 237, 254, 255
0212 124 040 ♦♦ US Sachs x 505/1A, B, D
0212 124 041 ♦♦ US Laura  x M48
0212 124 042 ♦♦ US Puch xx E50
0212 124 043 ♦♦ US Puch xx E50
0212 124 044 ♦♦ US Puch xx ZA50
0212 124 045 ♦♦♦ US Sachs x 505/1A, B, D
0212 124 057 ♦♦♦ EU Sachs x 505/1B
0212 124 062 ♦♦♦ EU Sachs x 505/1B, BX, D
0212 124 066 ♦♦♦ EU Puch xx E50
0212 ???  ???   ♦ Ο EU Puch ?
0212 125 001    Ο US Puch MS,E50  LM/URC1/116/27/5 L1
0212 125 ???    Ο US Puch MS,E50  LM/UR  1/115/17    L5
0212 125 ???  ♦♦♦ US Puch MS,E50  1M/URP1/116/29/18L1
0212 125 ???  ♦♦ US Puch MS,E50  LM/URP1/115/27     L1

B. ?? mm i.d. flywheel (rotor), ?? mm stator plate
magneto# 0  LM/UR0 rot wires  engine

0212 441 006 ???♦♦♦ US Sachs 1001/4A?




1. Magnetos

Bosch 0204-110-002   
Puch Magnum X,  4401271-on Puch E50 engine
1-wire 1-coil clockwise

Same as 0212-124-043 with no lights coils.


Bosch 0212-112-019   superseded by 0212-112-095 
non-US models, no brake light Sachs 505/1A, ANL, B, C, D
2-wire 2-coil anticlockwise 6V 18W, internal ignition ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #     solder type
1  1  0283 130 001 1217 031 439 stator assembly
03  1  0000 000 000 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare
06  1  0265 113 003 1214 210 042 generator armature 18W (yellow)
09  1  2783 039 001 1217 013 021 points late type one piece (black)

14  1  0265 052 003 1237 330 035 condenser short solder type
17  1  0265 142 002 2204 211 045 ignition armature-transformer


Bosch 0212-112-053 
non-US models with no brake light  Laura M48 engine
2-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 17W internal ignition ground

# qty  Laura #   Bosch part #     solder type
01  1  48 18 22 1217 031 344  stator assembly 
02  1  48 18 23 0000 000 000 spark plug wire  
03  1  48 18 28 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare 
05  3  82 34 00 0000 000 000 base plate screw M4 x 14
06  1 
48 18 29 1214 210 ??? generator armature 17W (yellow)
07  7  84 74 00 0000 000 000 washer M4
08  4  82 34 22 0000 000 000 coil screw M4 x 22
09  1  48 18 26 1217-013-012 points early type, no pivot post
11  1  48 18 21 0000 000 000 flywheel
12  1  48 18 31 0000 000 000 condenser-to-points wire
13  1  48 18 32 0000 000 000 cond.-to-stop-switch wire (black)
14  1  48 18 30 1237 330 035 condenser short solder type
15  1  48 18 34 2201 005 007 oil wick
16  1  48 18 24 0000 000 000 rubber boot for ignition coil
17  1  48 18 25 2204 210 ???  ignition armature-transformer

This early 70’s Bosch magneto was modified and reused in the late 70’s on Angel and Speed Bird mopeds, US models made in Taiwan. See below.


Bosch 0212-112-053
Angel (TYM) ’78-83 US models  Laura M48 remake
3-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 25/10W external ignition ground

# qty  Angel part#   Bosch part #     solder type
00  1  78601 40100 0212 112 053 magneto assembly
01  1  00000-00000 1217 031 344 stator assembly
03  1  00000-00000 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare
06  1  00000-00000 1214 210 ???  generator armature 25W (yellow)
09  1 4811POINTS   1217 013 021 points late type one piece

14  1 4811CONDEN  1237 330 035 condenser short solder type
17  1 4811COIL 000 0000 000 000 ignition armature (black & brown)

This was an early 70’s 0212-112-053 with different coils. The ignition armature had more windings and an external ignition ground for powering a brake light. The lighting armature had more windings and more watts. 

Comparison of Laura M48 Flywheels:

Left is 0212-112-053. Right is 0212-124-041. They have the same cam position, relative to the key groove. That is the ignition timing angle. They also have almost the same magnet timing angle. They have the same key groove width and center taper


Bosch 0212-112-070
Garelli ’70’s Gulp (Euro) Garelli Gulp engine
2-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 18W internal ignition ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #     solder type     
1  1  0283 130 001 1217 031 439 stator assembly
03  1  0000 000 000 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare
06  1  0265 113 003 1214 210 042 generator armature 18W (yellow)
09  1  2783 039 001 1217 013 021 points late type one piece (black)

14  1  0265 052 003 1237 330 035 condenser short solder type
17  1  0265 142 002 2204 211 045 ignition armature-transformer


Bosch 0212-112-095 
non-US models, no brake light Sachs 505/1A, ANL, B, C, D
2-wire 2-coil anticlockwise 6V 18W internal ignition ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #     description
1  1  0283 130 004  0000 000 000 stator assembly
03  1  0000 000 000 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare
06  1  0265 113 004 1214 210 042 generator armature 17W (yellow)
09  1  0283 116 002 0000 000 000 points late type with eyelet-wire (black)

14  1  0265 052 007 2207 330 041 condenser with screw post for eyelet-wires
17  1  0265 142 004 0000 000 000 ignition armature-transformer with eyelet-wire

This solder-less magneto has eyelet connector wires on ignition coil and points, and screw-post type condenser.

Bosch 0212-115-023  
Flandria Bermuda  Flandria dry-clutch engine
3-wire 3-coil  clockwise 6V 20/5W internal ignition ground

# qty  Flandria#  Bosch part #     description      same illustration
1  00 00 00   1217 031 ???  stator assembly
03  1  00 00 00   1217 031 000 stator base plate bare

06  1  00 00 00   1214 210 ???  generator armature 20W (yellow/red)
09  1  00 00 00   1217 013 021 points late type one piece (black)
14  1  00 00 00   1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type

17  1  00 00 00   2204 211 ???  ignition armature-transformer
20  1  00 00 00   1214 210 ???  generator armature 5W (green/red)


Bosch 0212-120-020
’73-75+ Concorde Bimatic (UK)
2-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 24W internal ignition ground



Bosch 0212-120-021  
Batavus ’72-75 early US models
Laura M48 engine
3-wire 3-coil clockwise  6V 20/5W internal ignition ground

# qty  Laura #   Bosch part #     description      same illustration
48 18 22 1217 031 286 stator assembly
03  1 
48 18 28 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare
06  1 
48 18 36 1214 210 ???  generator armature 20W (yel/red)
7a  2  00 00 00 0000 000 000
bush (spacer tube) Ø8 x 12
8a  2  00 00 00 0000 000 000 upper coil screw M4 x 34
8b  2  82 34 22 0000 000 000 lower coil screw M4 x 28

09  1 
48 18 26 1217 013 021 points late type one piece (black)
14  1 
48 18 40 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
17  1 
48 18 25 2204 210 013 ignition armature-transformer
20  1  48 18 37 1214 210 ???  generator armature 5W (grn/red)


Bosch 0212-120-023
Volvo-Penta marine outboard made in Sweden
2-wire 2-coil clockwise  12V 30W internal ignition ground   

# qty  Bosch part #     description
01  1  0000 000 000 stator assembly 
06  1  0000 000 000
 generator armature 12V 30W (yellow)
09  1  1217 013 012 points early type, no pivot post (black)

14  1  1237 330 035 condenser short solder type
15  1  2201 005 007 oil wick
17  1  2204 211 041 ignition armature-transformer


Bosch 0212-120-026  superseded by 0121-120-029 
mid-80’s US 1.0hp models Sachs 505/1B engine
4-wire 4-coil anticlockwise 6V 19-5/10W internal ign. ground


Bosch 0212-120-027
Puch ’70’s Monza (UK model) Puch 1-speed kick engine
5-wire 4-coil anticlockwise 6V 19-5/10W internal ign. ground

black = ignition
yellow = lights
green = brake light?
lilac and lilac/black = battery?


Bosch 0212-120-029   
mid-80’s US 1.0hp models Sachs 505/1B engine
4-wire 4-coil anticlockwise 6V 19-5/10W internal ign. ground

These have 4 coils like the Laura one above. The ignition coil is also the transformer (spark) coil.


Bosch 0212-122-006  
mid-70’s models Sachs 505/1C
3-wire 3-coil anticlockwise 6V 18/5W  

#  qty  Sachs part#    Bosch part #     description 
1  1  0286 254 002 1217 031 ???  stator assembly
03  1  0000 000 000 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare

06  1  0265 139 001 1214 210 055  generator armature 18W (yellow/red)
09  1  2783 039 001 1217 013 021 points late type one piece (black)
14  1  0265 052 003 1237 330 035 condenser short solder type

17  1  0265 142 002 2204 210 000 ignition armature-transformer
20  1  0265 139 006 1214 210 ???  generator armature 5W (green/red)


Bosch 0212-122-030
Batavus ’78 Bingo Canada model Laura M48-02
Batavus ’74 Go-Go Canada model Laura M48-02
2-wire 2-coil clockwise  6V 17/5W


Bosch 0212-122-053
Solex ’74 Tenor Canada model Laura M54
2-wire 2-coil clockwise  6V 17/5W


Bosch 0212-124-014 
Sachs ’70’s 1251/6A engine 125cc
5-wire? 4-coil           6V 35/10w 

ignition armature    1.3 Ω  is Bosch 1214-210-069 = Sachs 0265-139-012
lights armature       0.2 Ω
tail light armature   7.2 Ω or 5.9 for new
stop light armature 0.9 Ω or 0.9 for new
test leads shorted <0.2 Ω



Bosch 0212-124-015
Attex ’72-73 (Coleman) Sport 5.3 Sachs 50S
4-wire 4-coil  clockwise 6V 25-4/5W

gray = tail light
grn/red = brake light
yel/red = head light
lite blue = ignition


Bosch 0212-124-038   
Puch ’74-75 N up to #6547172 US model Puch 1-speed E50
Puch ’74-75 S, Nostalgic to #8421028 US model Puch E50
4-wire 4-coil clockwise 6V 22-5/18W CEV 9350 tail light 

#  qty  Puch part#    Bosch part #     description  
00  1  349.150.8000 0212 124 038 magneto assembly
01  1  349.150.8102 0000 000 000 flywheel-rotor
2  1  000.000.0000 1217 031 414 stator assembly
18  1  366.150.0122 
1214 210 069 ignition armature (blue)
16  1  349.250.8142 
1214 210 492 gen. arm. 10W (green & grn/blk)
20  1  349.250.8112 
1214 210 064 generator armature 22W (yellow)
21  1  349.150.8192 1214-210-460 generator armature 05W (gray)
23  1  500.250.0132 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
26  1  302.350.0150 1217 013 021 points late type one piece


Bosch 0212-124-039
Odyssey US models Solo 236, 237, 254, 255
Colombia US models Solo 254, 255 engine

5-wire 4-coil clockwise 6V 22-5/10W  

#  qty   Solo #    Bosch part #     illustration 124-040
0  1  23 00 395 0212 124 039 magneto assembly
02  1  00 00 000 1217 031 415 stator assembly
18  1  05 20 148 
1214 210 069 ignition armature xxxxxx (blue)
16  1
  05 20 151 1214 210 492 gen. arm. 10W (grn & grn/blk)
20  1  05 20 149 1214 210 064 generator armature 22W (yellow)
21  1 
05 20 150 1214 210 490 generator armature 05W (gray)
23  1  05 20 147 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
26  1  05 20 146 1217 013 021 points late type one piece


Bosch 0212-124-040    
Hercules US models Sachs 505/1A, 1B, 1D
 US models Sachs 505/1A, 1B, 1D

Grycner (some) US models Sachs 505/1A

5-wire 4-coil anticlockwise 6V 22-5/10W

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #     description
01  1  0283 129 000 1215 254 ???  flywheel-rotor
2  1  0283 130 001 1217 031 431 stator assembly, bare wires
02  1  0283 130 000 1217 031 429 stator Grycner, bullet plugs
03  3  0240 106 100 0000 000 000 base plate screw M4 x 14
04  3  0244 108 000 0000 000 000 plain washer 4.1 x 9 x 1.2
14  4  0240 122 002 1213 429 042 coil screw fillister head M4x31
15  5  0245 023 000 0000 000 000 lock washer M4
16  1  0265 139 021 1214 210 492 gen. arm. 10W (grn & grn/blk)
17  2  0247 106 005 0000 000 000 bush (spacer tube) Ø8 x 9
18  1  0265 139 020 1214 210 069 ignition armature xxxx (blue)

19  2  0232 115 000 0000 000 000 bush (spacer tube) Ø8 x 6
20  1  0265 139 022 1214 210 064 generator armature 22W (yel)
21  1  0265 139 023 1214 210 490 generator armature 5W (gray)
22  1  2865 008 000 2201 005 007 lubricating felt
23  1  0965 091 000 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
24  1  0241 021 004 0000 000 000 points screw fillister head M4x10
25  1  0644 031 000 0000 000 000 plain washer 4.3 x 8 x 0.5
26  1  2783 039 001 1217 013 021 points late type one piece


Bosch 0212-124-041
Batavus ’76-80 US models Laura M48 engine
Flandria ’76-80 Bermuda US model Flandria engine

5-wire 4-coil clockwise 6V 22-5/10W

# qty  Laura #  Bosch part #     description
150  1  48 18 95 0212 124 041 magneto assembly
152  1  48 18 51 1214 210 069 ignition armature (blue)
153  1  48 18 55 1214 210 064 generator armature 22W (yellow)
154  1
  48 18 54 1214 210 492 gen. arm. 10W (grn & grn/blk)

155  1  48 18 56 1214 210 490 generator armature 5W (gray)
156  1  48 18 40 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
157  1  48 18 53 1215 254 ???  flywheel says 0212 124 041

158  1  48 18 52 1217 031 415 stator assembly with blade plugs
159  1  48 18 26 1217 013 021 points late type one piece (black)
160  1  82 34 04 0000 000 000 points screw M4 x 10
161  1  84 34 00 0000 000 000 ondulated washer M4
162  1  82 74 01 0000 000 000 plain washer M4
163  3  82 34 00 0000 000 000 stator screw M4 x 14
164  3  84 74 00 0000 000 000 plain washer M4
165  2  82 37 30 0000 000 000 lower coil screw M4 x 30
166  2  84 34 00 0000 000 000 coil screw washer M4
167  2  48 18 58 0000 000 000 lower distance tube Ø8 x 6
168  2  82 37 30 0000 000 000 upper coil screw M4 x 31
169  2  84 34 00 0000 000 000 coil screw washer M4
170  2  48 18 59 0000 000 000 upper distance tube Ø8 x 9
171  1  48 18 34 2201 005 007 oil felt


Bosch 0212-124-042  
Puch ’75-76 N after #6547172 US model Puch 1-speed E50
Puch ’75-76 S, Nostalgic after #8421028 US model Puch 

Puch ’76-77 Rigid, Maxi, Maxi-S, Newport US model Puch 
all with ULO 250-2 two-bulb tail light

5-wire 4-coil clockwise 6V 22-5/10W

#  qty  Puch part #    Bosch part #     description
01  1  349.250.8102 1215 254 635 flywheel 042 for 1-speed
2  1  000.000.0000 1217 031 431 stator assembly, no wire plugs
18  1  349.250.8122 1214 210 069 ignition armature xxxxxx (blue)
16  1  349.250.8142 
1214 210 492 gen. arm. 10W (green & grn/blk)
20  1  349.250.8112 
1214 210 064 generator armature 22W (yellow)
21  1  349.250.8192 1214 210 490 generator armature   5W (gray)
22  1  364.450.6181 2201 005 007 lubricating felt
23  1  500.250.0132 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
26  1  302.350.0150 1217 013 021 points late type one piece


Bosch 0212-124-043
’77-86 US models Puch 1-speed E50 engine
’78 Free Spirit US model Puch E50 engine
JC Penney
’78-79 US model Puch E50 1-sp engine
’78-80 US model Puch 1-speed E50 engine
6-wire 4-coil clockwise 6V 26/5/10W external ignition ground

Bosch 0212-124-044 
’78-86 US models Puch 2-speed ZA50 engine
6-wire 4-coil anticlockwise 6V 26/5/10W external ignition ground

#  qty  Puch part#    Bosch part #     description
0  1  000.000.0000 1217 031 438 stator assy, no wire plugs
04  1  349.210.8122 0000-000-000 rubber grommet for 1-speed
4a  1  321.110.6101 0000-000-000 rubber grommet for 2-speed
05  1  349.350.8122 1214 210 554 ignition armat. (blu & blu/blk)
06  1  364.450.5132 1237 330 035 condenser short solder type
07  3  000.901.3941 0000-000-000 
washer M4 x 8 x 2.1
08  3  000.900.3253 0000-000-000
serrated lock washer M4
09  3  000.00.27458 0000-000-000
pan head screw M4 x 15
10  1  349.350.8112 1214 210 556 generator armature 26W (yel)
11  1  349.350.8142 1214 210 555 gen. arm. 10W (grn & grn/blk)
12  1  349.350.8192 1214 210 557 generator armature 5W (gray)
13  1  349.350.8102 1215 254 658 flywheel 043 for 1-speed
13  1  321.150.8102 1215 254 674 flywheel 044 for 2-speed
14  1  000.900.4503 0000-000-000 woodruff key 3 x 3.7
15  1  000.901.2943 0000-000-000 hex nut with flange M10-1.0
16  1  302.350.0150 1217 013 021 contact set (points) late type
17  1  364.450.6181 2201 005 007 lubricating felt pad
27  4  000.000.0000 0000 000 000 coil screw phillips head M4 x 31
28  4  000.000.0000 0000 000 000 bush (spacer tube) Ø8 x 8


Bosch 0212-124-045
’79-85 (most) US model Sachs 505/1A,D
Grycner ’78-79 (some) US model Sachs 505/1A
’80 Prima US model Sachs 505/1A,B,D
3-wire 2-coil  anticlockwise 6V 23/15W  external ignition ground

#  qty  Sachs part#    Bosch part #     description
1  1  0283 130 002 1217 031 449 stator assembly
02  1  0283 129 002 1215 254 ???  flywheel
14  4  0240 105 000 0000 000 000 
coil screw phillips head M4 x 22
16  1  0265 139 024 1214 210 554 ignition arm. (blu & blu/blk)
17  1  0265 139 025 1214 210 532
generator arm. 23W (yellow)
18  1  0965 091 000 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
19  1  2865 008 000 2201 005 007 lubricating felt
20  1  0241 021 004 0000 000 000
points screw fillister head M4x10
21  1  0644 031 000 0000 000 000 
plain washer 4.3 x 8 x 0.5
22  1  2783 039 001 1217 013 021 points late type one piece


Bosch 0212-124-057 superseded by 0212-124-062
early-80’s non-US models, with brake light Sachs 505/1B
3-wire 3-coil anticlockwise 6V 19/10W has different armature coils

Bosch 0212-124-062
early-80’s non-US models, with brake light Sachs 505/1B, BX, D
3-wire 3-coil anticlockwise 6V 19/10W internal ignition ground

#  qty  Sachs part#    Bosch part #     description
1  1  0283 129 006 1215 254 ??? flywheel
02  1  0283 130 006 1217 031 ???  stator assy
14  2  0240 122 002 0000 000 000 coil screw phillips head M4 x 30
16  1  0265 139 032
 1214 210 ??? generator arm. 10W
17  2  0247 106 005 0000 000 000 distance bush

18  1  0265 142 006 1214 210 554 ignition armature (blue)
19  1  0265 139 033 1214 210 ??? 
generator arm. 19W (yellow)
21  1  0265 052 007 2207 330 041 condenser M32 screw-post type

22  1  2865 008 000 2201 005 007 lubricating felt
25  1  0283 116 002 0000 000 000 points M19B late type with eyelet wire


Bosch 0212-124-066
 mid-80’s non-US models, with brake light  Puch 1-speed E50
3-wire   clockwise 6V 19/10W    

#  qty  Bosch part #     description
21  1  2207 330 041 condenser M32 screw-post type

25  1  0000 000 000 points M19B late type with eyelet wire


Bosch 0212-???-???   internal spark coil
Puch late 60’s Puch engine
4-wire 3-coil anticlockwise 6V 25/2/3W?

#  qty  Puch part#    Bosch part #     description
0  1  000.000.0000 1217 031 282 stator assy

ignition = black
headlight = yellow
brake light = green
tail light = grey

This early Puch stator is identified by the grommet. The ignition-spark coil is missing. 


Bosch LM/UR 1/115/17 L5 internal spark coil
Sears Allstate Mo-Ped Puch# 050.5000.0
3-wire   anti-clockwise 6V 27/5w?

Same timing and interchanges with 1970’s Puch 1-speed 0212-124-043 (except for fan screw holes). 


Bosch 0212-125-001
= Bosch LM/URC1/116/27/5 L1
internal spark coil
Sears Allstate
Puch# 302.
3-wire  anti-clockwise 6V 17/5W?
wires have bare ends for a screw terminal strip

The Sears Allstate Parts Manual is where this specification and illustration are from. It lists the light bulbs: head 6V 15/15W and tail 6V 2.4W, brake 6V 3W. So the magneto rating must be close to 6V 17/3W.

Notice how the 1972-75 Batavus magneto 0212 120 021 is identical to this except for the points.  


Bosch 90mm flywheel for Sears Allstate front view Bosch 90mm flywheel for Sears Allstate
Bosch 1M/URP1/116/29/18L1
Bosch 1M/URCP1/116/29/18L1
Allstate Mo-Ped Puch# 364.1.50.600.0
3-wire 3-coil anticlockwise 6V 29/18W



Bosch LM/URP1/115/27L1
Sears ’58-60 Allstate Mo-Ped Puch 
3-wire 3-coil anticlockwise 6V 27/5W


Bosch 0212-441-006  
Sachs 1960’s 100cc engine
??-wire  anticlockwise 6V 40/6W




2. Parts for Sale

Price colors: new, usedN/A or none is not available.


Flywheel Nut $2.00 nut M10-1.0, hex 17 (most)

Flywheel Puller $19.0 puller M26-1.50 thread

Bosch# 00000 Magnetos (∅90 rotor and ∅90 stator)
0212 005 007 none  superseded to 0212-005-024
0212 112 070 $210  Garelli Gulp (Euro)  2-wire 2-coil internal transformer
0212 120 021 $210  Laura 48 18 ?? 000  3-wire 3-coil internal transformer

0212 124 038 $220  Puch 349.150.8000 4-wire 4-coil
0212 124 039 $210  Solo 23 00 395 000 5-wire 4-coil
0212 124 040
none  Sachs 0212 024 040 5-wire 4-coil
0212 124 041 $210  Laura 48 18 95 000 5-wire 4-coil
0212 124 042 $180  Puch 349.250.8000 5-wire 4-coil
0212 124 043 $180  Puch 349.350.8000 6-wire 4-coil

0212 124 044 $180  Puch 321.150.8000 6-wire 4-coil
0212 124 045 $230-180 Sachs  3-wire 2-coil external ignition ground

Bosch# 00000 Points (contact set) for ∅90, aftermarket
0217 013 012 $14.0 Laura 48 18 26 xxxx M19A early, no pivot post
0217 013 021 $16.0 Laura 48 18 26 xxxx M19 no wire
0217 013 ???  $15.0 Sachs 0283 116 002 M19B with wire

0217 013 012
early type

0217 013 021
late type

early with post

late plate no post







Points: 1950’s-60’s had “early” points, no pivot post. The early pivot post was part of the base plate, but it unscrews. 1970’s-80’s had “late” points, with pivot post. These replace the older points, once the post is removed. The early and late points have the same Laura part number, because the new parts replace and supersede. 

Bosch# 00000 Condenser (capacitor) ∅18 aftermarket
1237 330 035 $15.0 Laura 48 18 30 M32A ∅18 x 21
1237 330 037 $12.0 Laura 48 18 40 M36 tall ∅18 x 31
2217 330 041 none  superseded to 2217 330 050
2217 330 050 $15.0
Laura 56 18 30 M32 ∅18 x 21

1237 330 035

1237 330 037

2207 330 050







Eyelet Connectors (ring terminals)
60¢ each #8 hole, uninsulated, at left
50¢ each #6 hole, insulated, at middle
80¢ each #6 hole, uninsulated, at right

Condenser: 1950’s-60’s had short solder-type condensers, but can have long. 1970’s-80’s had short or long solder-type condensers. Either solder-type can be replaced with a screw-on type, by adding eyelet connectors to the wire ends.

All 3 condensers have the same diameter 18.0 mm. So a short can replace a tall type, and a screw-post can replace a solder type. They all interchange, except for the tall type, which only fits “big” Bosch Ø90 magnetos.


Bosch# 00000 Flywheels (rotors) ∅90 inner diameter
1215 254 ???  none  for 0204 110 002 Puch Magnum X use 042

1215 254 ???  none  for 0212 112 053 Laura (Euro) use 041
1215 254 ???  0$90  for 0212 112 070 Garelli Gulp (Euro)  

1215 254 ???  $130  for 0212 124 038 Puch 349.150.8102 use 042
1215 254 ???  $140  for 0212 124 039 Solo 05 20 ???
1215 254 ???  none  for 0212 124 040 Sachs 0283 129 000 use 045

1215 254 ???  $110  for 0212 124 041 Laura 48 18 53
1215 254-635 0$90  for 0212 124 042 Puch 349.250.8102
1215 254 658 $110  for 0212 124 043 Puch 349.350.8102 use 042
1215 254 734 $100  for 0212 124 044 Puch 321.150.8102
1215-254 ??? $100  for 0212 124 045 Sachs 0283 129 002  

Bosch# 00000 Stators Base Plate ∅90 outer diameter
1217 031 000 0$40  base plate bare, 3-screw

Bosch# 00000 Stator Assemblies ∅90 
1217 031 286 $150  for 0212 120 021 Laura 48 18 22, 3-male-pin plug
1217 031 414 $120  for 0212 124 038 Puch, no plugs use 415
1217 031 415 $120  for 0212 124 039 Solo, no plugs use 431
1217 031 429 none  for 0212 124 040 Sachs-General, bullet plugs
1217 031 431 $120  for 0212 124 040 Sachs 0283 130 001, no plugs
1217 031 415 $130  for 0212 124 041 Laura 48 18 52, blade plugs
1217 031 431 $120  for 0212 124 042 Puch, no plugs use 438
1217 031 438 0$90  for 0212 124 043 Puch, no plugs use 431
1217 031 438 0$90  for 0212 124 044 Puch, no plugs
1217 031 449 none  for 0212 124 045 Sachs 0283 130 002, 4-blade plug
1217 031 449 $130  for 0212 124 045 Sachs-General, bullet plugs

“no plugs” means no connectors on the wire ends. They attach to a screw-terminal strip, instead of plugging in.
These have good wires. But some cost $10-$20 less, because the wires are cut or damaged.
Points are not worn out. Everything is cleaned, prepared and tested. Condenser is good, as are coils and wires. 

Bosch# 00000 Ignition Armatures (source coils) 54 hole spacing
1214 210 069 $80-50 Sachs 0265 139 020  1-wire

1214 210 554    $75    Puch 349.350.8122  2-wire










Bosch# 00000 Lighting Armatures (source coils)
1214 210 042 none Sachs 0265 113 003 17W 1-wire
1214 210 055 none Sachs 0265 139 001 18W 1-wire
1214 210 064   $30 Sachs 0265 139 022 22W 1-wire

1214 210 490   $40 Sachs 0265 139 023 05W 1-wire

1214 210 492   $35 Sachs 0265 139 021 10W 2-wire
1214 210 555   $45 Puch   349.350.8142 10W 2-wire
1214 210 556   $30 Puch   349.350.8112 26W 1-wire
1214 210 557   $50 Puch   349.350.8192 05W 1-wire

















Bosch# 00000 Armature-Transformers (spark coils)
2204 210 013 0$90 Sachs 0265 142 002
2204 211 045 $100 Sachs 0265 142 002

Bosch# 00000 Coil Screws for ∅90
1213 429 042 $0.50 Sachs 0240 122 002 M4 x 31 phillips 
1213 429 ???  $0.50 Laura 00 00 00 xxxx M4 x 34 phillips
Bosch# 00000 Bushes (spacer tubes) for ∅90  
0000 000 000
$2.00 Sachs 0232 115 000 Ø8 x 6
0000 000 000 $2.00 Sachs 0247 106 005 Ø8 x 9
0000 000 000 $4.00 Laura 00 00 00 xxxx Ø8 x 12
Bosch# 00000 Bushes (spacer tubes) for ∅80  
0000 000 000 $2.00 Sachs 0247 106 002 Ø8 x 8