1. Top End Hardware
2. Woodruff Keys
3. Engine Nuts
4. Shim Washers
5. Circlips (Snap Rings)
6. Variator Weights
1 T O P E N D H A R D W A R E
∅10 (9.98) x 32.0 $10.0 Tomos A3 #201627
∅12(11.98) x 30.0 $10.0 Derbi #00.00.000, Solex
∅12(11.98) x 30.5 $10.0 Sachs 504,505 1A,1B
∅12(11.98) x 31.3 $9.50 Minarelli V1 #4480
∅12(11.98) x 31.5 $10.0 Puch E50,ZA50 #331.110.0111
∅12(11.98) x 31.5 $0.00 Morini #26-8001, Demm, Vespa #132233
∅12(11.98) x 31.8 $12.0 Sachs 504,505 1C,1D
∅12(11.98) x 32.0 $10.0 Tomos A35,A55 #227501
∅12(11.98) x 32.4 $10.0 Garelli H1,H2,G2,V2
∅12(11.99) x 32.9 $10.0 Laura M48,M56 #480501
∅12(11.98) x 32.9 $10.0 Peugeot 102,103 #27194
∅12(11.98) x 34.5 $0.00 Minarelli V1L #4481
∅13(12.98) x 30.0 $10.0 Motobecane #F15094
∅14(13.97) x 32.0 $10.0 Jawa #28-1221
Piston pin clips: 2-tail, 1-tail, no tail, circlip
clip ∅10 x 0.9 no tail $3.00 Honda 13115-147-000
clip ∅10 x 1.2, 1 tail $1.00 generic 132038
clip ∅10 x 1.2, 2 tail $1.00 Tomos 032038
clip ∅12 x 1.2, 2 tail $1.00 Tomos 032039
clip ∅12 x 1.2, 1 tail $1.50 Minarelli 4490, Morini 10.4001
clip ∅12 x 1.2 no tail $1.90 generic for Honda 13115.156.000
circlip ∅12 x 1.0 tail $1.00 Peugeot 22309, Piaggio S.6612
clip ∅13 x 1.2, 1 tail $1.50 Motobecane 00658, generic 132039
clip ∅14 x 1.2, 1 tail $1.50 generic 633848
Choices: 1 or 2 tails is easier to install or remove. No tail is better for high RPM, where the tail rubs and can break off. No tail clips require a notch in the piston for removal. Circlip type (aka snap ring or retaining ring) is more secure and takes less skill, but requires special pliers and weighs more.
Important: So the clip doesn’t come out and destroy the engine, it must make a “snap” or “click” sound when it snaps into the groove. Mild pulling on the clip tail with a needle-nose pliers should not dislodge it from the clip groove. If it doesn’t click, then it has lost it’s spring tension, or maybe the piston pin is over part of the clip groove. Wire clips can be bent back, to restore tension.
Nuts: M5x25, M6x5, M6x6, M6x8, M6x8, M6x18
H E A D o r E X H A U S T N U T S
steel nut M5 -0.8 x 5 $0.40 regular
steel nut M5 -0.8 x 25 $1.50 tall, Morini 13.3023
steel nut M6 -1.0 x 5 $0.30 regular
steel nut M6 -1.0 x 6 $0.60 thick
brass nut M6 -1.0 x 8 $2.50 thick, Puch #902.2919
brass nut M6 -1.0 x 8 $1.80 thick, sharp corners
steel nut M6 -1.0 x 18 $1.00 tall, coupling nut
steel nut M7 -1.0 x5.5 $0.60 regular
steel nut M7 -1.0 x 7 $0.60 thick, Grimeca hub sprocket
steel nut M7 -1.0 x 10 $1.50 thick, Motobecane #00011
Choices: Tall nuts (aka coupling nuts) are for hard to reach places. Thick nuts are for the head. They have more strength, and can hold more torque. Brass nuts are for the exhaust flange. They expand more when hot and stay tight.
Cylinder studs, oriented top end at right
M6 x 105 $4.00 Puch E50, ZA50 1970-86, #360.110.0341
M6 x 107 $4.20 Laura M56 engine, Trac 1982-86 #E1-14
M6 x 110 $3.50 generic for Puch, M56, others #407801
M6 x 112 $4.00 Jawa 207, 210 replacement
M6 x 114 none Jawa 207, 210 1970-88+ #28-1112
M6 x 115 $9.00 Laura M48 used Batavus #829680
M6 x 116 $7.50 Honda 92700-06115
M6 x 130 $4.00 unknown app
M6 x 136 $4.50 Minarelli V1 series engines, MMI #5530
M6/7 105 none generic for stripped Puch case #6/7×105
M6/7 115 none generic for Tomos A55 2002-13, #233716
M7 x 103 $5.00 Garelli horizontal-cyl eng, #205001.3.486
M7 x 112 $2.50 Peugeot 103, 102 eng. 1975-83 #827022
M7 x 113 $5.00 Garelli vert.-cylinder eng. #000351.3.486
M7 x 115 $2.80 Tomos A3, A35 engines 1974-06, #205386
M7 x 117 $4.50 Derbi Variant engines 1974-86, #31.30.050
M7 x 120 $3.50 Vespa (Piaggio) #S.595
M7 x 129 $4.00 Motobecane 50V, 50, 40 engines #14716
M6 x 100 none Honda PA50 cylinder hex bolt 95801-0610000
M6 x 120 $5.00 unknown app cylinder hex bolt
E X H A U S T or I N T A K E S T U D S
M5 x 23 $3.50 Jawa exhaust #28-1410
M5 x 27 $3.00 Jawa intake #28-1408
M5 x 30 $2.50 Morini exhaust #23-5014
M5 x 33 $2.00
M5 x 55 $2.00
M5 x 62 $3.00 Motobecane air filter
M6 x 24 $2.00 12-4-8 uneven ends
M6 x 26 $2.00 12-4-10 uneven ends
M6 x 28 $3.00 12-4-12 Minarelli
M6 x 28 $2.00 14-4-10 uneven ends
M6 x 30 $3.00 12-6-12 Tomos A55 exhaust, others
M6 x 32 $2.50 14-4-14
M5 x 62 $3.00 Motobecane air filter
M6/8 23 $5.50 step-stud for stripped thread repair
M8 x 33 $2.00 1.00 and 1.25 thread
M10 x44 $2.00 both ends 1.25 thread
C E N T E R I N G T U B E S a n d P I N S
type outer inner length price applications
pin ∅6.00 ∅6.0 x 19 $2.50 Tomos #037.290 A3 clutch & case
tube ∅9.74 ∅6.2 x 16 $4.50 Tomos #223440 A35/A55 clutch & mag
outer inner length price applications
∅7.7 ∅6.7 x 15 N/A Puch #328.910.1081 Magnum cylinder
∅8.2 ∅7.2 x 16 $2.00 Tomos #233718 A55 cylinder base
Note: These elastic sleeves get smaller when installed, like piston rings.
The installed diameter is 8.2 but the free diameter is like 8.7 mm.
You can see the large gap in the photo, that closes when installed.
2 W O O D R U F F K E Y S
1. top key is normal, bottom key is beveled
2. cutter tool makes a circular key groove
Chart of keys grouped by size and shape
Woodruff Keys for Sale
Key colors: Beige keys are in most assortments. Grey keys are not.
part# price W x H x L D 7 mm circle
M80 $2.00 2.0 x 2.6 x 6.9 ∅7
Garelli 1-spd 273.511.0046, CEV 6933 flywheel
part# price W x H x L D 10 mm circle
Ms1 $5.00 2.0 x 2.6 x 8.7 ∅10
made by grinding an M81 lower
M81 $2.00 2.0 x 3.7 x 9.4 ∅10
Sachs 504 (KTM), CEV 6949 flywheel
Sachs 504, sm Bosch 0212 010 001 flywheel
Kreidler, sm Bosch 0212 010 002 flywheel
Italjet + Morini, Bosch 0212 010 003 flywheel
Batavus/Trac M56, sm Bosch 0212 010 004 flywheel
M83 $4.50 2.5 x 3.0 x 9.0 ∅10
Garelli 2-spd 271.018.00, CEV 6939 flywheel
made by grinding an M82 lower
Mmo none 2.5 x 3.1 x 9.2 ∅10 beveled
Morini #12-7025 MO1,MO2,M1 use M83
M82 $2.00 2.5 x 3.7 x 9.6 ∅10
Derbi ’76-86 Motoplat & ’86-89 CEV flywheels
M85 $2.00 3.0 x 3.7 x 9.5 ∅10
Puch #900.4503, big Bosch flywheel
Sachs 505 big Bosch flywheel
Minarelli #4720, 4730
part# price W x H x L D 13 mm circle
M95 $8.00 3.0 x 3.0 x 10.2 ∅13 beveled
early Minarelli P4,P6 to 3-’74 pinion gear
made by grinding an M96 from 5.0 to 3.0
Min $7.00 3.0 x 4.6 x 12.2 ∅13 beveled
Indian AMI-50 E606-00-50, WTEMCO flywheel
M96 $5.00 3.0 x 5.0 x 12.4 ∅13 beveled
pre-’78 Vespa #267 flywheel & rear clutch
Morini 12-7002 MO-1, MO-K sprocket, or use M86
M96a $2.00 3.0 x 5.0 x 12.4 ∅13 top beveled
post-78 Vespa #267 flywheel & rear clutch
M86 $1.50 3.0 x 5.0 x 12.4 ∅13
Puch 1-sp clutch
Batavus M48 big Bosch flywheel
Batavus/Trac M56 clutch
Kinetic flywheel & rear pulley
Morini 12-7002 MO-1, MO-K sprocket
part# price W x H x L D 16 mm circle
M88 $3.00 3.0 x 6.5 x 15.4 ∅16
Batavus, Trac #81031 M56 trans shaft
M97 $5.00 4.0 x 6.5 x 15.5 ∅16 beveled
M90 none 4.0 x 6.5 x 15.5 ∅16
Garelli 217.036.00 2-spd primary shaft
part# price W x H x L D 19 mm circle
Mnc none 3.0 x 2.4 x 12.9 ∅19
Honda NC50, PA50 flywheel 907410-35000
Mp4 none 3.0 x 3.7 x 14.4 ∅19
early Minarelli P4, P6
M100 $5.00 4.0 x 5.5 x 18.0 ∅19
part# price Other keys not woodruff
Mtr $4.00 round (roller) ∅3 x 4
Tomos 200048 all years, all flywheels
Mts $2.00 straight 5.0 x 5.0 x 12.0
Tomos 044835 countershaft key (race track shaped)
3 E N G I N E N U T S
These are the engine nuts that go on rotating shafts, rather than stationary nuts, like the head nuts. For head nuts see Engine Top End. Some are very specific and others are more universal.
ref thread R or L hex E N G I N E N U T S
ref 0 thread 0 length price o.e.m. part#
A1 M8 - 1.00 R 8 13 $0.80 2842.001.000
plain nut Sachs 504, Batavus/Trac M56 flywheel
A2 M8 - 1.00 R 9 12 none 000361.8.446
tall nut Garelli ’74-76 1-speed flywheel
B1 M8 - 1.25 R 8 13 $0.80 020108
plain nut Vespa rear pulley, non-variator clutch
B2 M8 - 1.25 R 7 24 $7.00 131331
thin wide Vespa Bravo/Grande/Si variator
B3 M8 - 1.25 R 16 15 $10.0 13-3007
tall nut Morini MO1, MO2, M1, M101,
tall nut S5, S5K, S5K2, S5R, S5N, S5E, S5T, S5GS
B4 M8 - 1.25 L 8 13 none 00 20 161
plain nut Odyssey (Solo) flywheel
C1 M9 - 1.00 R 6 14 $4.00 4430 = 49.0326.0
plain nut Minarelli ’69-77 stub plane clutch use locktite
C2 M9 - 1.00 R 6 14 $10.0 5040 = 49.0311.0
castle nut Minarelli pre-’78 stub plane clutch use C1
C3 M9 - 1.00 R 12 14 none 6270 = 49.0311.0
flange Minarelli ’78 to 9-79 early cone clutch use C1
C4 M9 - 1.00 R 12 14 none G7090
spacer nut Benelli ’65-73 GM, GK, GK65 use C8
C5 M9 - 1.00 R 14 15 none I9020
spacer nut Benelli ’65-77 4M, 4MS, 4M65 use C8
C6 M9 - 1.00 R 16 14 $9.50 UI7090
spacer nut Benelli ’70-80 G2, G2K use C8
C7 M9 - 1.00 R 9 12 none 205011.8.446
tall nut Garelli horiz 1-sp flywheel use C8
C8 M9 - 1.00 R 09 12 $7.00 C8
tall nut replacement for C1 to C7
D1 M10-1.00 R 5 17 $4.00 D1
thin nut replacement Motobecane 20767
D2 M10-1.00 R 5 19 $4.00 D2
thin nut replacement Motobecane 20767
D3 M10-1.00 R 6 14 $8.00
thin nut Derbi 1976-86 variator/clutch nut
D4 M10-1.00 R 6 17 $4.00 828010
thin nut Sachs 504 & 505 and Batavus M48 clutch nut
D5 M10-1.00 R 7 21 $7.00 49812
flange nut Peugeot clutch nut
D6 M10-1.00 R 8 14 $5.00 901.2943
flange nut Puch flywheel nut
D7 M10-1.00 R 8 17 $1.80 900.2011
plain nut Solo, Sachs 505, Laura M48 flywheel
plain nut Tomos pre-’87 flywheel, Laura M56 pulley
plain nut Puch 1-spd and Solo clutch
D8 M10-1.00 R 9 17 $3.00 D8
plain nut replacement Motobecane 24284
D9 M10-1.00 R 14 14 $7.00 000315.8.446
tall nut Garelli 2-spd 00315.8.446, flywheel
D10M10-1 R 15 15 $4.00 D10
tall nut replacement flywheel
D11M10-1 R 15 16 $12.0 46768
tall nut Peugeot flywheel use D10
D12M10-1 R 14.5 19 $3.00 D13
spacer nut replacement Motobecane 17567
D13M10-1 R 17 19 $3.00 D14
spacer nut replacement Motobecane 24258
D14M10-1 R 18 17 $10
tall nut Derbi flywheel pre-86 use D10
E1 M10-1.25 R 6 17 $2.50 4840 = 49.0323.0
thin nut Minarelli sprocket, Honda NC50 flywheel
thin nut Morini MO1, M1, MO2 clutch 13-1003
E2 M10-1.25 R 8 14 $2.50 H210-00-50
plain nut Indian flywheel
plain nut Honda PA50 clutch and flywheel
E4 M10-1.25 R 14 15 $7.00 4750 = 49.0312.0
tall nut Minarelli flywheel nut
F1 M10-1.00 L 8 14 $12.0 0F0.2600.401
plain nut Derbi flywheel and rear pulley 1986-91
F2 M10-1.00 L 12 32 $10.0 143195
special Motobecane flywheel 1980-later
F3 M10-1.00 L 15 10 $13.0 17429
square hole Motobecane flywheel 1974-1979
F4 M10-1.00 L 30 17 none 0F0.2610.401
special Derbi clutch 1986-91 “Start” flat case reed
F5 M10-1.25 L 6 15 $2.00 6275
thin nut Minarelli after Sep ’79 cone clutch
G1 M11-1.00 R 6.5 17 $2.00
thin nut Replacement axle nut
G2 M11-1.00 R 8 14 $6.00 17454
flange nut Motobecane clutch (non-var)
G3 M11-1.00 R 21 14 $12.0 17455
spacer nut Motobecane clutch (variator)
H1 M12-1.00 R 6 24 $3.00 H1
thin nut Replacement axle nut
H2 M12-1.00 R 7 19 $2.50 H2
thin nut Replacement axle nut
H3 M12-1.00 R 7 17 $9.00 201001.2.917
thin nut Garelli 2-speed clutch
H4 M12-1.00 R 7 19 $3.00 0242.124.000
thin nut Sachs sprocket
I1 M12-1.25 R 6 17 $10.0 13-1002
thin nut Morini MO1 sprocket
I2 M12-1.25 R 10 19 $3.00
plain nut Batavus/Trac M56 sprocket
J1 M14-1.00 R6.5 19 $3.00 H214-00-50
thin nut Indian clutch nut
J2 M14-1.00 R 7 19 $5.00 200141
thin nut Tomos A3, A35, A55 countershaft
K1 M14-1.50 R 5 19 $8.00
thin nut Derbi rear pulley 1976-1986
L1 M16-1.50 R 8 24 $7.00 902.2922
thin nut Puch 2-spd clutch nut
4. W A S H E R S a n d S H I M S
Shim (precision) washers, in blue, are always required. They are all the same size for every machine.
Adjustment shim washers, in black, are “as required”. There are different sizes for each machine.
05.1 x 11.5 x 0.5.00 G369 $1.50 Benelli start clutch
10.1 x 16.0 x 2.00 $3.00 Tomos A35-A55 trans cover, rear
10.1 x 14.0 x 0.20 $5.00 Tomos A3-A35-A55 trans cover, rear
10.1 x 14.0 x 0.50 $5.00 Tomos A3-A35-A55 trans cover, rear
10.1 x 18.0 x 1.00 $2.00 Piaggio variator hub w/helical gears
10.1 x 20.0 x 0.60 321.1.13.637.1 $7.00 Puch ZA50 trans cover, rear
10.1 x 20.0 x 0.80 350.2.13.642.1 $8.00 Puch ZA50 trans cover, rear
10.1 x 20.0 x 1.00 321.2.13.637.1 $7.00 Puch ZA50 trans cover, rear
10.1 x 21.8 x 0.80 4830 $5.00 Minarelli V1 sprocket, under nut
10.1 x 22.0 x 0.60 5030 $5.00 Minarelli V1 clutch, under nut
10.1 x 24.0 x 0.80 491088 $5.00 Laura M56 drive shaft
10.3 x 22.4 x 1.20 120214 $3.50 Vespa-Piaggio rear var-clutch
12.1 x 16.0 x 0.1 0000000 0000000 N/A Kreidler clutch drum
12.1 x 16.0 x 0.2 0000000 0000000 N/A Kreidler clutch drum
12.1 x 16.0 x 0.3 0000000 0000000 N/A Kreidler clutch drum
12.1 x 17.0 x 0.4 5730 none Minarelli V1 idler shaft
12.1 x 21.0 x 0.2 0000000 25-4026 N/A Morini MO2 trans
12.1 x 23.5 x 1.0 0000000 103556 $2.50 Vespa front pulley-clutch
12.1 x 24.0 x 0.5 0000000 480899 $7.00 Laura M48 clutch washer (25 & 30mph)
12.1 x 24.0 x 0.8 000000 480899a $5.00 Laura M48 clutch washer (as required)
12.05×23.95×0.5 000000 490814 $7.00 Laura M56 clutch washer
12.05×23.95×0.8 000000 490813 $5.00 Laura M56 clutch washer (as required)
13.2 x 18.0 x 0.2 000000 25-4040 none Morini MO2
13.9 x 24.0 x 1.00 $2.00 Vespa variator rear hub, after 1980
13.7 x 28.0 x 1.00 $7.50 Vespa variator rear hub, before 1980
14.1 x 20.0 x 2.00 $4.00 Tomos A35-A55 clutch, inner
15.2 x 20.0 x 0.08 $4.00 unknown app
15.2 x 20.0 x 0.13 $4.00 unknown app
15.2 x 20.0 x 0.20 $4.00 unknown app
15.2 x 20.0 x 0.30 $4.00 unknown app
15.2 x 20.0 x 0.50 0 0246.009.001 $4.00 Sachs 505 left crank, behind bearing
15.2 x 20.0 x 0.80 $4.00 unknown app
15.2 x 20.0 x 1.00 $4.00 unknown app
15.2 x 21.7 x 0.50 0.0.0 old14562 $6.00 Motobecane clutch, var and 1-s
15.2 x 21.7 x 0.80 $7.00 Motobecane clutch, var and 1-s
15.2 x 21.7 x 0.10 $5.00 Motobecane clutch, var and 1-s
15.2 x 21.7 x 0.25 $5.00 Motobecane clutch, var and 1-s
15.2 x 21.7 x 0.45 $5.00 Motobecane clutch, var and 1-s
15.2 x 22.0 x 0.60 000.0. 25.4005 none Morini MO1, MO2 trans
15.2 x 22.0 x 0.60 321.1.13.627.1 none Puch ZA50 trans cover, front
15.2 x 22.0 x 0.80 321.2.13.627.1 $7.00 Puch ZA50 trans cover, front
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.00 321.3.13.627.1 $8.00 Puch ZA50 trans cover, front
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.10 $9.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.30 $8.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.50 $7.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.70 $5.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.80 $5.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.85 $3.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.90 $2.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.95 $2.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 2.00 $5.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 2.10 $7.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 2.20 $8.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 28.0 x 1.20 0.0.00 .131514 $2.00 Vespa rear hub, var and non-var
15.4 x 20.8 x 0.50 0.0.00 .113681 $5.00 Vespa crank washer, 1 per side
15.5 x 31.0 x 0.85 0.0.00 14588 $7.00 Motobecane Dimoby clutch
16.2 x 26.0 x 0.60 5790 none Minarelli V1 pedal shaft
16.2 x 23.5 x 0.60 $2.50 Vespa front pulley-clutch
16.2 x 24.0 x 1.00 $3.00 Tomos A3-A35-A55 pedal shaft
16.2 x 24.0 x 0.20 $$.$$ Tomos A3-A35-A55 pedal shaft
16.2 x 24.0 x 0.50 $$.$$ Tomos A3-A35-A55 pedal shaft
16.2 x 27.8 x 1.00 321.1.13.624.1 $9.00 Puch ZA50 2-speed main shaft, inner
16.2 x 30.0 x 0.10 none Motobecane pedal shaft
16.2 x 30.0 x 0.30 $7.00 Motobecane pedal shaft
16.2 x 30.0 x 0.40 $$.$$ Peugeot 102-103 clutch
16.2 x 30.0 x 0.60 $$.$$ Peugeot 102-103 clutch
16.2 x 30.0 x 0.75 $$.$$ Motobecane pedal shaft
16.2 x 30.0 x 0.80 $$.$$ Peugeot 102-103 clutch
16.2 x 30.0 x 1.00 $$.$$ Peugeot 102-103 clutch
16.2 x 32.0 x 2.00 ..200001.7.187 N/A Garelli H1/H2 pedal shaft
16.8 x 30.5 x 1.00 .0 321.112.6141 N/A Puch 2-speed start inner
16.8 x 30.5 x 1.00 .0 321.212.6141 N/A Puch 2-speed start inner
17.0 x 24.0 x 1.00 .0 337.113.1751 N/A Puch 2-speed start inner
17.2 x 24.0 x 0.10 $5.00 Tomos pre-1986 A3 crank, left or right
17.2 x 24.0 x 0.15 $8.00 Tomos pre-1986 A3 crank, left or right
17.2 x 24.0 x 0.20 $9.00 Tomos pre-1986 A3 crank, left or right
17.2 x 24.0 x 0.50
17.2 x 24.0 x 1.10 $9.50 Puch E50 1-speed clutch, inner
17.2 x 24.0 x 1.30 $7.00 Puch E50 1-speed clutch, inner
17.2 x 24.0 x 1.50 $7.00 Puch E50 1-speed clutch, inner
17.2 x 24.0 x 1.70 $5.00 Puch E50 1-speed clutch, inner
18.0 x 22.4 x 0.20 44809-044-000 none Honda ∅80 front brake speedo gear
18.0 x 22.4 x 0.20 000 1150-5079 none Taiwan ∅80 front brake speedo gear
18.2 x 24.0 x 0.05 $9.50 Puch ZA50 2-speed crank, left
18.2 x 24.0 x 0.10 $8.00 Puch ZA50 2-speed crank, left
18.2 x 24.0 x 0.20 $9.50 Puch ZA50 2-speed crank, left
18.2 x 24.0 x 0.30 $4.00 Puch ZA50 2-speed crank, left
18.5 x 24.0 x 0.12
18.5 x 24.0 x 0.20
19.0 x 22.7 × 0.80 120215 N/A Vespa-Piaggio rear var-clutch
18.9 x 23.9 x 0.1 01285 $4.00 Motobecane crank
18.9 x 23.9 x 0.2 01286 $4.00 Motobecane crank
18.9 x 23.9 x 0.3 01287 $4.00 Motobecane crank
18.9 x 23.9 x 0.5 01288 $4.00 Motobecane crank
19.2 x 25.8 x 0.10 0.0. old209073 $7.00 Tomos A3 2-speed clutch
19.2 x 25.8 x 0.20 0.0. old209119 $7.00 Tomos A3 2-speed clutch
19.2 x 26.0 x 0.30 209073 $5.00 Tomos A35 2-speed clutch
19.2 x 26.0 x 0.50 209119 $4.00 Tomos A35 2-speed clutch
20.0 x 29.0 x 0.5 69280 $5.00 Leleu front wheel hub dust ring
20.3 x 33.0 x 1.2 131513 $2.50 Vespa rear hub, var and non-var
20.3 x 24.0 x 0.5 227393 $2.50 Tomos A35 oil pump
21.0 x 27.0 x 0.10 $8.00 Puch ZA50 2-speed crank, right
21.0 x 27.0 x 0.20 $7.00 Puch ZA50 2-speed crank, right
22.0 x 29.0 x 0.5 69680 $8.00 Leleu rear wheel hub dust ring
23.3 x 34.0 x 0.5 131512 $2.00 Vespa rear hub, var and non-var
25.3 x 34.0 x 0.2 0246.008.003 $7.00 Sachs 505 left crank for centering
27.0 x 39.9 x 0.30 37742 $8.00 Peugeot 102-103 case, right
28.0 x 46.9 x 0.40 37034 $7.00 Peugeot 102-103 case, left
28.0 x 56.0 x 1.00 25-4028 $0.00 Morini MO2 clutch
30.0 x 36.7 x 1.5 0244.153.000 $4.00 Sachs 505 right crank for centering
thrust washer 1.5 $$5 Peugeot 102-103 clutch, variator & 1-spd
thrust washer 1.8 $$7 Peugeot 102-103 clutch, variator & 1-spd
folding washer $$6 Tomos A3 clutch
5. C I R C L I P S
Circlips are circular clips. Officially they are known as retaining rings. The “size” is not the actual size, but rather the size of the shaft or hole that it is for. For external rings, the shaft size “For OD” is more than the groove OD, which is more than the actual ring ID. For internal rings, the hole size “For ID” is less than the groove ID, which is less than the actual ring OD.
There is a “click” sound when the spring-loaded clip-ring snaps into the clip-ring groove. The ring should be free to rotate, but with some friction from the spring tension. If the ring is too big it will rotate with no friction. If the ring is too small it will have to be over-stretched to get on, and will rotate with much friction. That’s how to tell if a clip-ring fits properly, by feeling, hearing and seeing.
External Retaining Rings “circlips” or “snap rings”
8 x 0.8 $0.00 Puch #900.4608 3-shoe clutch
10 x 1.0 $1.50 Puch #900.4610, 1-speed clutch
10 x 1.0 $$.$$ Derbi #00.471.10, seat hinge pin
10 x 1.0 $$.$$ Benelli #, clutch shoes
11 x 1.0 $2.00 Benelli #, start clutch shaft
12 x 1.0 $2.00 Batavus #841505, M56 right crank shaft end
12 x 1.0 $$.$$ Morini #10-5006 MO2
13 x 1.0 $2.00 Sachs #0245.121.000, 504, 505 main shaft
14 x 1.0 $2.00 Minarelli #6000, V1 after Sep 79 with cone clutch
14 x 1.0 $$.$$ Puch 900.4766 1-speed start shaft
15 x 1.0 $1.50 Puch #900.4619, 1-speed clutch outer
15 x 1.0 $$.$$ Minarelli #4860, V1 right drive shaft
15 x 1.0 $$.$$ Derbi #00.471.15, 75-86 Variant drive shaft
15 x 1.0 $$.$$ Benelli #, 75-80 Benelli G2
16 x 1.0 $1.50 Puch #900.4616, drive sprocket
15 x 1.0 $$.$$ Minarelli #5800, V1 pedal shaft
16 x 1.0 $$.$$ Motobecane #14158, pedal shaft outer, before pulley
16 x 1.0 $$.$$ Tomos #032073, pedal shaft
16 x 1.0 $$.$$ Morini #10-0005, MO1
16 x 1.5 N/A Sachs #0245.020.001, 505 pedal shaft
17 x 1.0 $2.00 Puch #900.4617, 1-spd and 2-spd clutch inner
20 x 1.0 $2.00 Tomos #032077, 2-speed counter shaft
22 x 1.0 $2.50 Morini #10-5009 MO2
22 x 1.0 $$.$$ Motobecane #14563 clutch-pulley, var and non var
26 x 1.2 $2.50 Vespa #006426, front clutch non-variator outer side
26 x 1.2 $0.00 Tomos 032082 clutch inner
Inverted External Retaining Rings
13 x 1.0 $2 Sachs 0245.121.000 504, 505 driveshaft
15 x 1.0 $2.50 Motobecane #14561, left crankshaft var. and non-var.
16 x 1.0 $2.50 Motobecane #16566, pedal shaft inner, after pulley
Side-Mount External Retaining Rings “E-clips”
1.4-2 x 0.3 $1 for 1.2 groove, this is Myrons smallest item!
2-2.5 x 0.4 $2 for 1.5 groove, Dellorto PHVA needle, 2.0 mm
2.5-3 x 0.5 $1 for 1.9 groove,
3 – 4 x 0.6 $1 for 2.3 groove,
4 – 5 x 0.6 $1 for 3.2 groove, Bosch M19A points pivot post
5 – 7 x 0.7 $1 for 4.0 groove,
6 – 8 x 0.7 $1 for 5.0 groove,
7 – 9 x 0.7 $2 for 6.0 groove, Puch #900.4606, 1-spd starter shaft
7 – 9 x 0.7 $2 for 6.0 groove, Derbi #00.473.08, clutch shoes
While the other clips are named by the shaft size, these E-clips are often named by the groove size. Since they install from the side they don’t have to spread over the shaft. So the shaft size does not matter. Puch calls the “7-9 x 0.7” e-clip “BZ-circlip 6”. The groove is 6.0mm but the shaft is 7.6mm.
Low-Clearance Side-Mount External Retaining Rings “C-clips”
14 x 1.0 $2 Puch #900.4766, 1-speed starter shaft
Internal Retaining Rings “inner circlips”
12 x 1.0 $2.00 Peugeot #22309, piston clip
15 x 1.0
22 x 1.0 $2.50 Motobecane #14563 clutch
25 x 1.2 $2.50 Vespa #000674, front clutch non-variator inner side
32 x 1.2 $5.00 Derbi #00.472.32, clutch hub-drum
35 x 1.2 none Benelli #, left crankshaft
40 x 1.0 none Minarelli #03.0317.9, P6R right crankshaft
40 x 1.7 $5.00 Puch #900.4740, 2-speed drive shaft
40 x 1.7 $0.00 Garelli #000315.1.193, vert. 2-sp left crankshaft
40 x 1.7 $0.00 Minarelli #03.0318.9, P6R right crankshaft
42 x 1.7 $5.00 Batavus #841512, Laura M48 left crankshaft
42 x 1.7 $0.00 Garelli #274.030.00, vert. 2-sp right drive shaft
42 x 1.7 $0.00 Benelli #, drive shaft
49 x 1.2 $5.00 Garelli #275.955.00, horizontal 1-speed clutch
49 x 1.2 $5.00 the installed outer diameter is 49, the free OD is 50
Inverted Internal Retaining Rings
22 x 1.0 $2.00 Motobecane #14563, var. and non-var. clutch-pulley
24 x 1.2 $3.00 Vespa #16702, rear var. clutch-pulley
40 x ?.? $5.00 Puch #901.4656, 1-speed drive shaft
External C Rings
05 x 0.80 $1.50 Puch #900.4635 1-speed start clutch center pin (4.4 x 0.8 x 6.0mm)
6. V A R I A T O R P A R T S
Table of Variator Rollers
Now, do you feel like an engine nut?

Shaun has been organizing moped parts since 1986, when he made this seal and bearing chart on his Commodore 64. This actual paper was in daily use for 26 years, at Royal Cyclery and Myrons Mopeds!