CEV Tail Lights

July 14, 2016





CEV 9350

CEV 9350: Many 1972 -1976 US mopeds, and some Italian scooters and motorcycles, had this “oval with flat sides” single bulb lamp. It meets 1972 US DOT requirements of having a brake light and shining to the sides. Original USA 9350 versions also had red lenses with side reflectors. Rear red side reflectors were required, but they did not have to be part of the light. 

## 0 CEV# 0 price    9 3 5 0    P A R T S
07.0 10630.4 $2.00 bulb 6V 21/5W #1154
07.1 10630.1 $2.00 bulb 6V 15/3w    
07.3 10630.3 none  bulb 6V 18/3w

07.5 10630.5 $1.20 bulb 12V 21/5W #1157
07.6 10630.6 $2.50 SIM lower bulb 12V 15W 15×44 festoon
07.7 10630.7 $2.00 SIM upper bulb 6V 5W
08.1 19955.0 $12.0 mount with no license bracket
08.1 19955.0 $8.00 mount with no license bracket, used
08.2 16590.0 $30.0 mount with license bracket
08.2 16590 .0$18.0 mount with license bracket, used
08.3 02748 .0$45.0 long high mount with license bracket, used,
08.3 02748 .0$00.0 weakened, needs reinforcement like most
09.0 03211 .0none  red lens with reflectors, says CEV 174
09.2 03211.2 $35.0 red lens, no reflectors, says CEV 174
09.3 03211.3 $24.0 red lens with side reflectors, generic
09.3 03211.3 $00.0 fits tight on mirror, requires mirror edge filing
10.0 22253.0 $1.90 lens screw M4 x 72 phillips
10.2 22253.2 $2.00 lens screw long bolt-thru with nut
10.2 22253.2 $0.00 for when the body’s screw post is broken off
11.0 00000.0 $1.00 M6 x 20 hex bolt
12.0 00000.0 $0.25 M6 lock washer
13.0 03212.0 40-55 lamp body chrome, used various
13.2 03212.2 $52.0 lamp body black
13.2 03212.2 $35.0 lamp body black, good-used
13.3 03212.3 $15.0 SIM lamp body, no bulbs or wires, see below
13.3 03212.3 $00.0 requires modification and a special bulb
15.1 19606.0 $4.00 rubber gasket

9  CEV 174 w/reflectors
9.2 CEV 174 no reflectors
9.3 generic w/reflectors

13.2 CEV 9350 black
13.3 SIM 78 black

8 19955, 8.2 16590
8.3 02748 “long”










.#   MMI#    price    9 3 5 0    L A M P S
21  9350CR none  9350 chrome  new, CEV lens new with side reflectors
22  9350CR none  9350 chrome used, CEV lens new,  no side reflectors

23  9350B   
none  9350 black     new, CEV lens new with side reflectors
24  9350B   $75.0 9350 black     new, generic lens, with side reflectors

.#   MMI# price    9 3 5 0    L A M P S   w i t h   M O U N T S
31  9359.2   none  9350 chrome, CEV lens w/ref, 19955 mount
32  9359.2B none  9350 black,    CEV lens w/ref, 19955 mount
33  9359.4B $95.0 9350 black,    CEV lens no ref, 19955 mount
34  9359.3   none  9350 chrome, CEV lens w/ref, 16590 mount w/lic
35  9359.3B none  9350 black,    CEV lens w/ref, 16590 mount w/lic
36  9361CR  none  9350 chrome, CEV lens w/ref, 02748 long mt. w/lic
36  9361CR  none  the one shown has a bent and weakened mount top

21. CEV 9350 chrome

22. 9350 used, no-side-reflector lens






23. CEV 9350 black

36. CEV 9361CR









#   MMI#    price    9 3 5 0   R E P L I C A 
25  SIM 78  $50.0 SIM 78 black new, SIM lens new with side reflectors

Sim 78 looks good in photos but it has several issues.
1. It does not have the wire connectors.
2. The connectors have to be bent and placed just right, to clear the back wall.
3. The act of adding and bending the connectors loosens the rivets.
4. The center rivet may need a thin tiny washer slid under it, to make it solid.
5. The lower tail light bulb is a special kind, a festoon. There are no 6 volt versions that can fit. There is only a 12V 5w 11 x 39mm. So on a 6 volt moped the running light will be only about half as bright.
6. The upper brake light bulb fits tight, almost to the point of the bulb breaking when removing or installing.
7. The ground wire inside eyelet gets bent when the mount screw is tightened. It is relocated to the outside.




CEV 9400 Series

In 1977 the CEV 9400 Series “rectangular” series rear lamps came out. They have two separate bulbs. Top is brake light and bottom is tail light.

CEV 9400, 9401, 9417: The brake light bulb is a low wattage type with a small glass.

top bulb 6V 10w, bottom 6V 5w, no ignition ground resistor
black $94.0 
grey  $74.0 Piaggio 185026

9401  use 9400
top bulb 6V 10w, bottom 6V 5w, no resistor

top bulb 6V 10w, bottom 6V 5w  or 12V
no ignition ground resistor, price $65$45
on Tomos (12V) ’86-10
on Puch (6V) ’78-86


CEV 9400.1, 9401.1, 9417.1: These are the same except for the bulb holder and upper bulb. The bulb holder is made for a “large glass” brake light bulb. This can be for a brighter brake light on battery powered motorcycles. Or it can be for many US model mopeds with a special “external ignition ground” that powers the brake light. On those the brake light bulb needs to be 6V 21W in order to have good spark with the brakes on. 

9400.1  superseded to 9400.2
top bulb 6V 18w large glass, bottom 6V 5w, no resistor

9401.1  superseded to 9400.2
top 6V 18w large glass, bottom 6V 5w, no resistor

9417.1  superseded to 9417.2
top 6V 18w large glass, bottom 6V 5w, no resistor



CEV 9400.2, 9401.2, 9417.2: To solve the problem of loosing spark if the brake light burned out, CEV made versions special for USA mopeds, with a power resistor hidden inside. If the brake light burned out, the resistor would allow the engine to stay running. In ’78-79 the 9400.2, 9401.2 and 9417.2 superseded the 9400.1, 9401.1, and 9417.1.

top bulb 6V 10w, bottom 6V 5w, with ignition ground resistor 

black $109  on ’80-83 Grande
grey  $89.0 Piaggio 185028

9401.2  superseded to 9400.2
top bulb 6V 10w, bottom 6V 5w
with ignition ground resistor
on Garelli ’77-78 and some ’79-83
on Tomos ’77 and some ’78

top bulb 6V 10w, bottom 6V 5w
with ignition ground resistor, price $75$55
on Tomos ’79-85 and some ’78
Garelli ’84-86 and some ’79-83




————-9 4 0 0—P A R T S——————-
04818  0$8 bulb housing for 9400, 9401, 9417
xxxxxxxxx   says 19314, small glass BL, no resistor

04818.1 $15 bulb housing 9400.1,9401.1,9417.1
xxxxxxxxx   says 19477, large glass BL, no resistor

04818.2 $22 bulb housing 9400.2,9401.2,9417.2
xxxxxxxxx    says 19314 behind resistor

Left CEV 04818, right 04818.1





18596 x0$1 9400 lens screw ST#6 x 1.5″ 38mm
18596.1 xxx original for when the post is normal

18596.1  $1 9400 long screw ST#6 x 1.7″ 44mm

18596.2  $1 9400 long screw ST#6 x 2.0″ 51mm
18596.1 xxx for when part of the post breaks off
18596.3  $2 9400 long screw #6-32 x 2.5″ 63mm
18596.3  $1 9400 long screw shortened to 60mm

18596.1 xxx for when all of the post breaks off

04816 x$28 red lens with clear bottom, original
04818 xxx x says CEV 210, with side reflectors
213452 $22 red lens with red sides, replica
000000 $15 red lens with orange sides, replica

04814   $70 tail lamp body for 9400, says 19317
04815   $70 tail lamp body for 9401, says 19318
04927   $65 tail lamp body for 9417, says 19845

19609 x0$8 fender mount rubber for 9400, 9401

CEV 19609, for less-curved more-flat fenders

10628.2 $2.00 bulb 6V 5W small glass
10628.3 $2.00 bulb 6V 10W small glass
10629.2 $2.00 bulb 6V 15W large glass

19626 x0$6 resistor 3.9 Ω 10W, original is 4Ω
19626.1  $4 resistor 6.2 Ω 10W, for brighter BL

22222 x  N/A mount bolt for 9401 M6x40 all-thread

—- Solid Mount Parts, like on most mopeds

a  o31075 $0.50 hex nut M6
b  031845 $0.20 lock washer M6
c  031925 $0.20 plain washer M6
d  Cwedge $7.00 wedge with hole
e  025253 $1.00 hex bolt M6x20

—- Flexible Mount Parts, like on 1978-2011 Tomos

f  219869 $7.00 shoulder nut M6 11 hex
g  031926 $0.30 plain washer M8
h  219946 $5.00 vibration rubber 8 x 12
i  219866 $6.00 distance tube 6 x 9 x 5.5

9400 and 9401 are solid mount, M6 stud and a plastic post.
9417 is either solid or flexible mount, M6 stud and M6 bolt.


Left 9417, and right 9401 on Tomos






2a. Replica CEV Tail Lights

222639  CEV 9417 replica with red sides  N/A
1 bulb type, 12V 10/5W (uncommon in USA)
wires: black=ground, orange=brake, green=tail






222639-O1 CEV 9417 replica, orange sides N/A
1 bulb type, 12V 10/5W (uncommon in USA)
wires: black=ground, orange=brake, green=tail

These lamps look exactly like the original CEV 9417 on the outside. But inside the bulb holder-mirror is different. It is a single bulb type that cannot be swapped for an original 2-bulb type. In the USA, in motorcycle parts stores, the single dual filament bulb has limited choices in volts and watts. There is just 12V 21/5W #1157 or 6V 21/5W #1154. 

Because of the bulb availability, this lamp with a 6V 21/5W #1154 bulb is a good substitute for 9417.1 or 9417.2, without any resistor. But it is not a good substitute for 9417 because 6V 10/5W or 12V 10/5W dual filament bulbs are unavailable in USA auto parts stores. 

The three male blade connecters have a tiny barb on top. The barb can be depressed with a tiny screwdriver. That allows the connectors to be removed. Then the original lens and/or bulb holder can be transferred onto it. But modification is required. More to follow…


222639-O2 CEV 9417 replica orange sides $39
2 bulb type, 12V 10W top, 12V 5W bottom
wires: green=ground, black=brake, blue=tail

This lamp also looks exactly like the original CEV 9417. Inside it has a 2 bulb holder-mirror. The bulbs can be 6 or 12 volt, and 5 or 10 watt. A 1970’s bike needs 6V, but a 1990’s or later needs 12 volt bulbs. 

This entire lamp is a good substitute for CEV 9417.

Many 1970’s US-model bikes had a “secret” ignition ground resistor hidden inside this light. It allowed the bike to run even when the brake light was missing or burned out. This new light cannot hold a resistor, but one can be added to the ignition ground wire above the engine. The resistor costs $5 or $6, listed above.