Lead-Acid batteries: These batteries are sold dry and sealed, for freshness and maximum strength. Battery acid must be added before use. It is included with the battery, unless stated otherwise. Read the instructions with each battery. Wear eye and skin protection. Use baking soda to neutralize spills.
Battery Charging: All lead acid batteries need to be kept charged, at least every 2-3 months, or they will become weaker and weaker with age. After 2 years of sitting they are less than 25% of their original strength. That’s why these batteries are sold dry. For a lead acid battery, life begins at the moment the electrolyte (dilute sulfuric acid) is added.
Volts, Amps and Hours: The last number means the amp-hours. A 6N2 will deliver 2 amps for 1 hour (or 1 amp for 2 hours). A 6N4 will deliver 4 amps for 1 hour (or 1 amp for 4 hours). Bigger batteries produce more amp-hours.
Battery Charts
6 Volt Battery List (US models)
App colors: small motorcycles, scooters, mopeds
Sources: Yuasa battery charts, moped parts catalogs
green or green means normally in stock
n.a. or none means not available

Cateye 5-pack of vintage-size C-cell NiCads 5.5V n.a.
These turn signal kits were a popular accessory on 70’s mopeds.
But there was not any extra electricity so they were not too bright.
All of the NOS batteries, made in 1980, have become weak or dead.
Modern C-cell NiCad batteries are wider, and do not fit in the box.
They can be soldered in series, and mounted on top, or elsewhere.
Here is a link to some freshly made ones: batteryspace.com
6N2 Flat shape 2 3/4″ wide, 3 3/4″ tall, 1 3/4″ deep
battery acid for 6N2 size $8 150cc (6 oz)
6N2-2A dry, with acid pack $27.0
wires: male bullet, fuse + male bullet
Honda 50cc 1959-62 C100 Super Cub, C110 Super Sports Cub (top tank)
not 60-62 C102 Super Cub, 62-69 CA102 Honda 50 (both elec start)Honda 50cc 1961-62 CA100T (C100T) Trail 50, 62-70 CA100 Honda 50
Honda 50cc 1962-69 CA110 Sport 50 (top tank)
Honda 55cc 1962-63 C105T Trail 55, 63-65 CA105T Trail 55
Honda 65cc 1965-69 S65 (CS65) Sport 65,
Angel 1977-79 AP48, BP48, Speed Bird BP48, BP48S
6N2-2A-L1 dry, with acid pack $32.0
wires: male bullet, fuse+dual fem.bullet+male bullet
(some) Lazer 1977 Sport 50 (top tank with Minarelli V1)
6N2-2A-L2 dry, with acid pack $32.0
wires: male bullet, fuse+dual fem.bullet+male blade
(most) Lazer 1977 Sport 50 (top tank with Minarelli V1)
xxxxxxxxxx 6N2-2A-I1 dry, with acid pack $32.0
xxxxxxxxxx wires: 6mm eyelet, fuse+dual fem.bullet+female bullet
(some) Indian AMI-50 Chief 1978 (early)
6N2-2A-I2 dry, with acid pack $32.0
wires: female bullet, fuse+dual fem.bullet+fem bullet
(most) Indian AMI-50 Chief 1978-81
xxxxxxxxxx 6N2-2A-1 dry, with acid pack $27.0
xxxxxxxxxx wires: fuse + male bullet, male bullet
xxxxxxxxxx 6N2-2A-2 dry, with acid pack $27.0
xxxxxxxxxx wires: female bullet, male bullet
6N2-2A-3 dry, with acid pack $27.0
wires: 6mm eyelet ground, female bullet
Kawasaki 1970-72 G4TR Series (100cc), 70-71 F5 (350cc)
Kawasaki 1971-72 F8 (250cc), 72 F9 (350cc)
Yamaha 1970-71 HT1, HT1B 90 Enduro, 72 JT2 Mini Enduro (60cc)
Yamaha 1969-70 CT1, CT1B, CT1C 175 Enduro
Yamaha 1968-71 DT1, DT1B, DT1C, DT1E, 250 Enduro
Yamaha 1970-71 RT1, RT1B 360 Enduro
6N2-2A-4 dry, with acid pack $27.0
wires: female bullet, female bullet
Suzuki 1980-81 FA50 Shuttle
Suzuki 62-68 M30 Suzi (50cc), M31 Suzi (55cc)
Suzuki 1973-77 GT185, 71-72 TC90J,R,
Suzuki 1972 RV90 Rover, 69-72 TS250 Savage
xxxxxxxxxx 6N2-2A-6 dry, with acid pack $27.0 same as 6N2-2A-2
xxxxxxxxxx wires: female bullet, male bullet
6N2-2A-8 dry, with acid pack $27.0
wires: male bullet, fuse + female bullet
Honda 1978-79 NC50 Express
6N2A Tall shape 2 3/4″ wide, 4 1/8″ tall, 1 3/4″ deep
battery acid for 6N2A size $8 175cc (7 oz)
6N2A-2C-1 dry, without acid $22
2-prong plug: male blade, fuse + male blade
B60-6 superseded to 6N2A-2C-1
Honda 1969-70 Z50A Mini Trail
6N2A-2C-3 dry, with acid pack none
4-prong plug: male blade, fuse + male blade
(2 of the 4 prongs are for an ignition “kill” jumper)
(unplug the battery and the engine stops running)
Honda 1977 NC50 Express
Honda 1971-73 SL70, 72-73 CT70
6N4 Square Shape 2 3/4″ wide, 3 5/8″ tall, 2 3/4″ deep
battery acid for 6N4 size $8 240cc (8 oz)
6N4-2A dry, with acid pack $30.0
wires: female bullet, female bullet
Suzuki 50cc 1964 M12 Sports 50, 66 M15, 67 M12 Cavalier, 69 AS50 Maverick
Suzuki 50cc 1970 AC50 Maverick, 71 TS50 Hustler, 71 AC50 Scrambler
Suzuki 50cc 1974 TS50 Gaucho, 71 F50, F50R Cutlass, 79-83 FS50, FZ50 Rascal
Suzuki 75cc 1975-77 TS75, 80cc 64-65 K10, 65 K10D, 64-65 K11 Sports 80
Suzuki 100cc 1966 & 73-78 A100 Go-fer, 69 AC100, 73-77 TC100, TS100
Suzuki 120cc 1965 B100, 66-67 B120, 67 B105P, B100P
Suzuki 125cc 1973-76 RV125, 86-88 SP125, 185cc 1971-76 TS185 Sierra
xxxxxxxxxx 6N4-2A-3 dry, with acid pack $30.0
xxxxxxxxxx wires: female bullet, male bullet
Kawasaki 90cc 1969-72 G3SS (up to eng#235610) , 69-70 G3TR (up to eng# 235610)
Kawasaki 100cc 1972-73 G5, 71 G3TR (up to eng#235610)
Kawasaki 120cc 1967-69 C2TR Roadrunner, 67-69 C2SS Roadrunner
6N4-2A-4 dry, with acid pack $30.0
wires: male bullet, fuse + male bullet
Honda 1967-68 P50, PC50, 79-80 83-85 XL100S, 86 CT110 Trail 110
Honda 1979-84 XL125S, 79-83 XL185S, 78-81 XL250S, 79-81 XL500S
Trac (Daelim) 1984-90 Liberty, Escot, Image with DK50 engine (not Liberty ES)
Trac (Daelim) 1986-90 Olympic, Clipper, Hawk with DP50 engine
6N4-2A-5 dry, with acid pack $30.0
wires: 6mm eyelet ground, female bullet
Kawasaki 90cc 1973-75 MC1, 73-74 G3SS, 72 G3SS (eng#235611 and up)
Kawasaki 100cc 76-77 KH100B, 76 KV100A, 76-77 KM100A, 76-78 KE100A
Kawasaki 100cc 1974-75 G5, 73-75 G4TR, 75 G3SS, 71 G3TR (eng#235611 & up)
Kawasaki 125cc 1971-73 F6 Series, 175cc 71-75 F7 Series
Yamaha 1979-87 QT50 Yamahopper, 82 MJ50 Towny, 78-81 LB50 Chappy, LC50
Yamaha 1983-84 RX50, 1987-92 YSR50, 77-83 DT100, 70-73 RT360 Enduro
Yamaha 80cc 1973-80 GT80, GT1 Mini Enduro, 76-78 LB80 Chappy, 81-83 DT80

6N4-2A-6 dry, with acid pack $30.0
4-prong plug: male blade, fuse + male blade
(2 of the 4 prongs are for an ignition “kill” jumper)
(unplug the battery and the engine stops running)
Honda 1980-83 NC50 Express
Honda 1980-81 NA50 Express II
Honda 1980-82 CT70 Trail, 83-85 XL80S, 80-84 CT110 Trail
xxxxxxxxxx 6N4-2A-8 dry, with acid pack $30.0 same as 6N4-2A-6
xxxxxxxxxx 4-prong plug: male blade, fuse + male blade
6N4A Tall Shape 2 3/8″ wide, 5 1/8″ tall, 2 1/8″ deep
6N4A-4D dry, without acid $28
wires: 6mm eyelet ground, female bullet
Yamaha 80cc: 1962-66 YG1, 70-71 G6S, G6SB, 72 G7S
Yamaha 100cc 1972-73 LT2, LT3 100 Enduro, 75-76 RS100
Yamaha 175cc 1972-73 CT2, CT3 175 Enduro
Yamaha 1973-75 RD60, 1982-83 XT125, 82-83 XT200
6N4B Flat Shape 3 7/8″ wide, 3 7/8″ tall, 1 3/4″ deep
6N4B-2A dry, with acid pack $31
wires: female bullet, female bullet
Suzuki 1979-80 OR50, 71 TC120, 73-77 RV90,TC125, 78-81 TS100 Honcho
Suzuki 1971-81 TS125 Duster, 77-81 TS185 Sierra, 73-81 TS250 Savage
Suzuki 1983 SP100, 71-77 TC125, 82-83 SP125, 73-81 TS250
Suzuki 1982-85 SP250, 78-79 SP370, 76-77 TS400 Apache, 80 SP400
Suzuki 1980-82 GN400, 81-83 SP500
6N4B-2A-V dry, with acid pack $34
wires: male bullet, fuse + dual fem.bullet+male blade
General 1978-83 5-Star (top tank with Minarelli V1), 5-Star ST (Sachs 505)
Grycner 1979-83, aka Clinton, Jui Li (all step thru with Sachs 505)
AMS 1980-86 Sierra 50 (Sachs 505), Tahoe 50 (top tank Sachs 505)
6N4B-2A-3 dry, with acid pack $32
wires: male bullet, female bullet
Kawasaki 1973-75 F9 Series (350), F11 Series (250)
Yamaha 1988-90 DT50, 74-76 DT100, DT175, DT250, 74 DT360, 75-76 DT400
xxxxxxxxxx 6N4B-2A-4 dry, with acid pack $29
xxxxxxxxxx wires: male bullet, fuse + male bullet
Honda 1969-70 PC50A (US model)
490-2035-5 6N4B-2A-5 dry, wit acid pack $30
4-prong plug: male blade, fuse + male blade
(2 of the 4 prongs are for an ignition “kill” jumper)
(unplug the battery and the engine stops running)
Honda 1978-83 PA50 Hobbit
6N4C Tall Square 2 3/4″ wide, 4 1/8″ tall, 2 3/4″ deep
6N4C-1B dry, with acid pack N/A
2-prong plug: male blade, fuse + male blade
Honda 1974-79 CT70 Trail
Honda 1977-79 XL75, 80-82 XL80S, 81-82 XL100S
6N5.5 Standard 3 3/8″ wide, 3 7/8″ tall, 2 5/8″ deep
6N5.5-1D with acid pack $31
wires: 6mm eyelet, fuse + 2 female bullets
Honda 1964-79 CT90/CT200 Trail 90
Honda 1969-75 ST90, SL90, 67-70 CL90 Scrambler
xxxxxxxxxx 6N5.5-1D-1 w/acid pack $28
xxxxxxxxxx wires: male bullet, fuse + 2 female blades
Honda 1969-70 CL70 Scrambler
6N6 Thin Shape 3 7/8″ wide, 4 3/8″ tall, 2 1/4″ deep
6N6-1B w/acid pack none
wires: male bullet, fuse + 2 female bullets
Honda 90cc 1964-79 S90 Super (C90), 66-69 Honda 90 (C90M)
Honda 90cc 1963-66 CA200 Honda 90 (C200 Touring 90) (top tank)
xxxxxxxxxx 6N6-1D w/acid pack none (discontinued by Yuasa)
xxxxxxxxxx wires: 6mm eyelet, fuse + 2 female bullets
xxxxxxxxxx 6N6-1D-2 w/acid pack none
xxxxxxxxxx wires: male bullet, female bullet
Kawasaki 1982 AR50, AR80, 82-01 KE100B, 79-81 KE100A, 79-81 KM100A
Kawasaki 1974-75 KS125, 76-83 KE125A, 76-78 KE175B,D
Kawasaki 1978-84 KL250A, 77-79 KE250B
6N6-3B w/acid pack none
no wires, 6V 6Ah
Honda 1970-73 SL100 Motosport, CL100 Scrambler, CB100 Super Sport
Honda 1971-93 SL125 Motosport, 74-76 MT125 Elsinore, 73-80 CB125S
Honda 1973-78 XL175, XL250, 74-76 MT250 Elsinore, 74-78 XL350
6N6-3B-1 w/acid pack none
no wires, 6V 6Ah
Yamaha 1978-81 DT175, 77-79 DT250, 75-76 DT400, 76-82 XT500
B39-6 Very Thin 4 15/16″ wide, 4 15/16″ tall, 1 7/8″ deep
B39-6 with acid packet $29
no wires, 6V 7Ah
BSA 250 (6V), 350 (6V), 650 (6V)CZ 1982-99 125, 82-91 175,
Puch Cobra 80, Daytona 50, Monza 50 (Euro models)
Vespa (Piaggio) mopeds 1970’s-80’s (with turn signals):
Vespa 1976-84 C7E (Ciao), 77-80 EEV (Bravo), 78-84 048/068 (Grande)
Vespa (Piaggio) scooters 1960’s-80’s (no turn signals):
Vespa 1965-79 VBC (150 Super), 67-83 VMA (125 Primavera)
Vespa 1963-84 V9A (Vespa 90), 65-79 VLB (150 Sprint)
Lambretta (Innocenti) scooters 1960’s-70’s (no turn signals): 125, 175
B49-6 Very Tall 3 3/4″ wide, 6 5/16″ tall, 3 5/16″ deep
xxxxxxxxxx B49-6 with acid pack none
xxxxxxxxxx no wires, 6V 8Ah
BMW 250cc R25, R25/2, R25/3
BMW 500cc R51, R51/2, R51/3
BMW 650cc R69S
Vespa 1968-73 VSD (180 Rally), 72-79 VSE (Rally 200)
6B8L Standard 4 3/4″ wide, 3 3/4″ tall, 2 3/4″ deep
6CB8L-B dry, with acid pack none
no wires, 6V 8Ah
Yamaha 83-86 CA80 Riva, 84 CV50 Riva
6N11, 6YB11 Long 5 7/8″ wide, 3 15/16″ tall, 2 3/4″ deep
6N11-2D dry, with acid pack none use 6YB11L-2D
6YB11L-2D dry, with acid pack none
Yumicron, 30% more cranking power than 6N11
Honda 1970-73 C70M Honda 70 (elec start)
Honda 1980-81 C70 Passport (elec start)
Yamaha 83-87 CV80 Riva (the last 6 volt US-model motor-driven cycle?)
6N11A Tall Shape 4 13/16″ wide, 5 1/8″ tall, 2 3/4″ deep
490-2062 6N11A-1B with acid none
no wires, tall 6V 11Ah
BMW 1955-69 (one cylinder) R26 (260cc), R27
Harley Davidson SS350
Vespa 60’s-80’s 6V scooters (with turn signals) :
Vespa 1965-79 VBC (150 Super), 67-83 VMA (125 Primavera)
Vespa 1963-84 V9A (Vespa 90), 65-79 VLB (150 Sprint)
6N12A Thin Shape 6 1/8″ wide, 4 9/16″ tall, 2 1/4″ deep
78-1096 6N12A-2D without acid $35
no wires, thin 6V 12Ah
Honda 1969-70 CA175 Touring (CD175)
Hpnda 1978-79 CM185 Twinstar, 80 CM200T Twinstar
B38-6A Tall Shape 4 11/16″ wide, 6 15/16″ tall, 3 1/4″ deep
B38-6A with acid none
no wires, 6V 13Ah
BMW 1955-69 (2 cyl) 500cc R50/2, R50/6,
BMW 1955-69 600cc R60, R60/2, 650cc R69, R69S
12 Volt Battery List (US models)
App colors: small motorcycles, scooters, mopeds
Sources: Yuasa battery charts, moped parts catalogs
green or green means normally in stock
n.a. or none means not available
B2.5L Box Shape 3 3/16″ wide, 4 1/8″ tall, 2 3/4″ deep
xxxxxxxxxx CB2.5L-C dry, with acid pack none generic
xxxxxxxxxx YB2.5L-C dry, with acid pack none Yuasa
xxxxxxxxxx wires: male bullet, female bullet
Honda 1982 MB5 (50cc)
YB2.5L-C-1 dry, with acid pack none Yuasa
4-prong plug: male blade, male blade
(2 of the 4 prongs are for an ignition “kill” jumper)
(unplug the battery and the engine stops running)
Honda ’82-83 NU50 Urban Express
B3L Flat Shape 3 7/8″ wide, 4 3/8″ tall, 2 1/4″ deep
CB3L-A dry, with acid pack none generic
YB3L-A dry, with acid pack none Yuasa
Honda 1990 NS50, 83-84 XL200R Twinstar
Honda 1982-87 XL250R, 84-85 XL350R, 82 XL500R, 83-87 XL600R
Yamaha 1984 XT250, 85-00 XT350
CB3L-B dry, with acid pack none generic
YB3L-B dry, with acid pack none Yuasa
Yamaha 1984 XT250, 85-00 XT350
B4L Flat Shape 4 3/4″ wide, 3 5/8″ tall, 2 3/4″ deep
CB4L-B dry, with acid pack none generic
YB4L-B dry, with acid pack $46.0 Yuasa
Aprilia 2000-01 SR50, 00-03 Scarabeo 50, 00-05 RS50,RS250, 04-05 Mojito,Rally
Honda 84-85 NQ50 Spree, 84 NN50MD Gyro, 83-84 NB50M Aero
Yamaha 1986-87 CE50 Riva Jog, 88-91 CG50 Riva,
Yamaha 87-01 SH50 Riva Razz, 89-90 CW50 Zuma, 97-01 CW50 Zuma II
T4L, TX4L Flat Sealed 4 1/2″ w, 3 3/8″ t, 2 13/16″ d
CTX4L-BS with acid $42 generic
YTX4L-BS with acid $56 Yuasa
Honda 1985-87 NB50 Aero, 86-87 NQ50 Spree, 87-01 SA50/SE50 Elite, 88 ZB50
Honda 1985-86 TG50 Gyro, 91-96 CT70 Trail, XL250R, 86-87 TLR200
Tomos 2001-12 Revival, Revival TS, 05-12 Streetmate, 08-13 Streetmate-R
Tomos 2005 LX Limited, 2006-08 Arrow-R
Yamaha 1992-01 CY50 Riva Jog, 01-04 YJ50R Vino
T4B Very Flat Sealed 4 1/2″ w, 3 7/16″ t, 1 9/16″ d
YT4B-BS dry, with acid pack none Yuasa
Yamaha 2006 TTR50E Electric Start
Yamaha 2001-04 YJ50R Vino, Vino Classic
Yamaha 2003-07 TTR90E Electric Start, TTR125E,EL Electric Start
B5L (12N5) Flat Shape 4 3/4″ wide, 5 1/8″ tall, 2 3/8″ deep
12N5-3B with acid none use YB5L-B
12V 5Ah, original on:
Suzuki 250cc 1969 T20, TC250 Scrambler, 70-72 T250, T250-II, T250-J, T250-R
Suzuki 1973-77 GT250 Hustler, 86-88 T200, TC200, 85 SP600, 90-91 DR650S
Suzuki 1969 T305, TC305 Scrambler, 79 T350, 72-75 TS400 Apache,
Yamaha 1968 YAS1/C (125cc), 69-70 DS6B, DS6C (250cc), 69 R3 (350cc)
xxxxxxxxxx YB5L-B with acid none Yuasa (or CB5L-B generic)
xxxxxxxxxx replaces 12N5-3B, 30% more cranking power
Honda 1982-83 C70 Passport (elec start), 83-84 NH80MD Aero, 84 NH125 Aero
Yamaha 1982-83 XT500, 84-89 XT600, 86 SRX600
12N5-4B with acid none
plus and minus are opposite of 12N5-3B
Honda 1962-65 CL72 Scrambler 250
12N5.5 Flat Shape 5 5/16″ wide, 5 1/8″ tall, 2 3/8″ deep
12N5.5-3B with acid none
12V 5.5Ah
Yamaha 125cc 1968 YAS1/C, 69 AS2/C, 250cc 1968 YR2/C
Yamaha 1984-85 RZ350, LS2 (100cc), 70-71 HS1, HS1B (90cc)
Vespa 1977-84 VSX (P200E, PX200E)
Vespa 1978-84 V9B (Vespa 100, 100 Sport), 81-85 VNX (Vespa PX125E)
12N5.5A Box Shape 4 1/16″ wide, 4 1/2″ tall, 3 9/16″ deep
12N5.5A-3B with acid none
12V 5.5Ah
Yamaha 1972 LS2 (100cc), 75-76 RD125, 73-75 RD250, 72 DS7 (250cc)
Yamaha 350cc 1970-72 R5, R5B, R5C, 73-75 RD350, 76-79 RD400
B7/B7L (12N7) Flat 5 5/16″ wide, 5 1/4″ tall, 3″ deep
12N7-3B with acid none use YB7L-B
12V 7Ah, original on:
Harley Davidson 1973-76 Z90, 73-78 TX125, 75-78 SXT125, 74-78 SS125, SX125
Harley Davidson 1974-78 SS175, SX175, SS250, SX250
Kawasaki 1966-70 W1, W2 (650cc)
Yamaha 1968 YG5S, YG5T (80cc), 68 YL2C/CM (100cc), 69-70 L5TA (100cc)
Yamaha 1969-71 AT1E, AT1B, AT1C 125 Enduro, 72-73 AT2, AT3 125 Enduro
rxxxxxxxxx YB7L-B with acid none Yuasa (or CB7L-B generic)
xxxxxxxxxx replaces 12N7-3B, 30% more cranking power
Yamaha 1974-81 DT125 Enduro, 81-82 SR185 Exciter, 1977 XS360-2, 78-81 SR500
B9/B9L (12N9) Flat 5 5/16” wide, 5 1/2″ tall, 3″ deep
12N9-3A with acid none generic
12V 9Ah
Honda 1960-62 CB72 Hawk (250cc), CB77 Super Hawk (305cc)
Honda 1963-66 CA72 Dream Touring 250, CA77 Dream Touring 305
12N9-3B with acid none use YB9L-B
12V 9Ah, original on:
Kawasaki 1976 KH500A, 73-71 H1 Series (500cc)
xxxxxxxxxx YB9L-B with acid none Yuasa (or CB9L-B generic)
xxxxxxxxxx replaces 12N9-3B, 30% more cranking power
Honda 1985-87 CMX250C Rebel, Rebel LTD
12N9-3A-1 w/acid none use YB9L-A2
12V 9Ah (discontinued by Yuasa)
Yamaha 200cc 1968 YCS1, 70-71 CS3B, CS3C, 72 CS5, 74-76 RD200
xxxxxxxxxx YB9L-A2 w/acid none Yuasa (or CB9L-A2 generic)
xxxxxxxxxx replaces 12N9-3A-1, 30% more cranking power
Kawasaki 1986-94 EX250 Ninja, 88-93 EL250, EL250HS, 83 EX305-B GP
12N9-4B-1 w/acid none use YB9-B
12V 9Ah, original on these ’66-76 models
Honda 1966-69 CB160 Sport 160, CL160 Scrambler 160
Honda 1968-73 CB175 Super Sport, CL175 Scrambler
Honda 1967-68 CL160D Scrambler 160D (electric start)
Honda 1974 CL200 Scrambler, 74-76 CB200T
Kawasaki 1966-71 A1 (250cc), 66-71 A7 (350cc)
xxxxxxxxxx YB9-B none Yuasa (or CB9-B generic)
xxxxxxxxxx replaces 12N9-4B-1, 30% more cranking power
Honda 1976-77 CJ360T, 78-79 CB400T1 Hawk 1
Honda 1982-83 CM250C Custom, 81-82 CM400T Twinstar
Honda 1984 CH125 Elite, 85-86 CH150 Elite Deluxe
Vespa 1978-84 VLX (P150X, PX150E)
B10L (12N10) Flat 5 5/16″ wide, 5 3/4″ tall, 3 9/16″ deep
12N10-3B with acid none use YB10L-B
12V 9Ah, original on these models:
Yamaha 1964-66 YA6 (125cc) (electric start)
xxxxxxxxxx YB10L-B with acid none Yuasa (or CB10L-B generic)
xxxxxxxxxx replaces 12N10-3B, 30% more cranking power