B6 Petcock

July 15, 2022

B6. 12 push-in (clamp-on) spigot right

Links to photos of examples:

2001?-on DiBlasi R7E-V2  folding mini-cycle, #2091 spigot right, clamp #166

This B6 petcock #2091 was on left side of 2001?-on DiBlasi R7E-V2
Before that, B5 #2024 was on  left side of 1997-00? DiBlasi R7E
Before that, A5  #141  was on  left side of 1989-97  DiBlasi R7TB

Before that, A5  #141  was on  left side of 1982-89  DiBlasi R7WT
Before that, A5  #141  was on  left side of 1979-82  DiBlasi R7ST
Before that, A3  #102 was on right side of 1974-79  DiBlasi R2

B6 12 push-in spigot right  $20.0


B5 Petcock

July 15, 2022

B5. 12 push-in (clamp-on) spigot back

Links to photos of examples:

1997-on DiBlasi R7E  folding mini-cycle #2024 spigot back, clamp #166

This B5 petcock #2024 was on  left side of 1998-00? DiBlasi R7E
Before that, A5  #141  was on  left side of 1974-97  DiBlasi R7TB,WT,ST and R2

B5 12 push-in spigot back  $20.0



B2 Petcock

July 15, 2022

B2. 15 push-in (clamp-on) spigot down

B2 15 push-in
sp down 4180  N/A

Links to photos of examples:

1983 Derbi Variant SLE original

This valve replaces side-mounted Derbi Variant valves. It’s a vertical valve, but on a Derbi it is in a horozontal position. Since there is no curved-up reserve tub, there is no reserve. An aluminum curved-up reserve tube is optional for $12 more.




B1 Petcock

July 15, 2022

B1. 13 push-in (clamp-on) spigot right

B1 13 push-in
spigot right  $22
made in Italy by OMG

Links to photos of examples:

1976 Vespa Bravo with plastic tank, original
2001 Tomos TX50 original
2003 Tomos MC50 original

This valve is for Vespa Bravos with plastic gas tanks (some 70’s European models and some 1976-77 US models), and for Tomos off-road models. Tomos #237248. It is all metal, well made, and not prone to breaking like the black plastic ones are.



A41 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A41. 16x1.5 female vacuum-operated automatic

A41 vacuum petcock M16-1.5 thread, price: none

Fits Honda Spree and many other scooters

A40 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A40. 14x1 female vacuum-operated automatic

A40 14×1 vacuum
G2IX9 634176 
Honda NX50 $15

Replaces Honda 16950-187-671 and 16950-GN2-671. 6mm hose spigots

Links to photos of examples:

1981 Honda NX50 original





A38 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A38. 22x1 female spigot down

A38 22×1 spig. down
for 70’s Jawa   none
←res on↓ off→

Links to photos of examples:

1978 Jawa 207 original
1979 Jawa 207 original
Jawa 207 with A38 installed with cover off

The chrome replacement Jawa petcock A38 is at left. Original is at right.  The handle does not stick out of the hole in the side cover like the original did. So it is a little hard to reach but not too hard.




A37 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A37. 16x1.5 female spigot down

16×1.5 spigot down  N/A
16950-045-005   Off-On only

In most cases, spigot right (above) can substitute for spigot down. The valve can be aimed at any angle, so “right” can become “back”.

Honda Design: Note that the little arrow on the handle points opposite to the handle. So off is arrow left (handle right), on is arrow up (handle down), reserve is arrow down (handle up).





A36 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A36. 16x1.5 female spigot right

A36 (bottom) 16×1.5 spigot right $20
↑reserve ←off on↓ made in Taiwan

This is a vertical mount valve for ’82-83 Honda NC50I Iowa, and some 60’s and 70’s Honda motorcycles and ATV’s.

Indian valve substitute: The threads fit an Indian 4-stroke moped. This valve A36 will substitute for an Indian gas valve A35, but the cover panel would have to be left off. With the cover on you cannot reach the handle.

Honda Design: Note that the little arrow on the handle points opposite to the handle. So off is arrow right (handle left), on is arrow up (handle down), reserve is arrow down (handle up).

A36a with reserve $34


A36 is a modern substitute 16×1.5, made in Taiwan. It is a vertical design, mounted horizontal. The cover panel must be removed, or a large hole cut, to allow access to the substitute valve. There is no reserve capacity on the substitute, since the reserve tube is horizontal.

A36a is valve A36 with a added aluminum reserve tube that curves upward.


A35 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A35. 16x1.5 female side mount

A35 Indian 16×1.5 side-mount   Not Available

A  turnbuckle nut    none  M16-1.5 R and L
B  outer seal ring     none  12 x 16 x 2
Bs  B substutute     $5.00 10 x 16 x 1
C  valve body  xxx   none  20.9 ID
D  trap filter disk     none  19 x 1.5
E  trap seal ring  x  none   15 x 19 x 2
F  trap cup xxxxx    $5.00 M20-1.0 thread (Trac Eagle)
seal disk xxxx    $11.0 20.5 x 3.25 4-hole D10
H  handle plate x     none  21.3 OD
I   wave washer (2)  none  20 x 16 x 0.3
J   face plate  xxxx   none  17 ID
K  face screw (2)    
$1.50 M3 x 6


A35 is an original Indian 16×1.5 side mount, made in Taiwan. All 3 rubber seals have decomposed.

The 2 seal rings do not normally leak if they are undisturbed, but the seal disk does. There are two ways the seal disk can leak.

1) It can keep supplying the carburetor with gasoline when in the OFF position. This leak can be stopped temporarily by pinching the fuel hose with a small vise grip or C clamp.

2) It can leak gasoline outside of the valve when the handle is in any position. Other things besides the seal disk can cause this kind of leak. Some of those things are: improper assembly, damaged handle plate, missing wave washer, damaged valve body, pieces of the old seal disk still stuck to the valve body sealing surface.

Outer seal ring: The 17mm substitute outer seal ring sits in a 16 mm groove. But it has to fold to pass over 14.5 mm thread tops on its way in, Once in it can be unfolded and does fit, but tightly.