Bing Carburetor Service

May 3, 2008

Bing VergaserContents:

1. Carb Elbows: Long and Short

2. Exploded View and Parts Names

3. Carburetor Service Info Sheet

4. Float Needles: Rubber tip and Metal tip

4. Floats

6. Fuel Mixture is Controlled by Five Things


1. Carb Elbows Long and Short

Sachs Bings can have long or short cable elbows.

Puch Bings can have long or short cable elbows.











Sachs Bing Cable Elbows: Left photo above, left is the long carb elbow, used on KTM Foxi, Sparta Buddy, and most Sparta Foxi models. Right, is the short carb elbow used on other Sachs engine models. The Sachs elbows are 7mm, not 6mm threads like Puch ones. The bigger elbow allows the throttle cable small end to pass through the 6mm adjuster. So Sachs double-ended throttle cables do not come with adjusters. The adjuster stays with the elbow. Puch Bings have 6mm elbow threads, and 5mm adjuster threads, too small for the cable end to pass through. So Puch double ended throttle cables have the 5mm adjuster trapped in them.    

Puch Bing Cable Elbows: Right photo above, left is the long carb elbow, used on Maxi models, also with the black choke extension. Right, is the short carb elbow used on Magnum type models. The current aftermarket “Puch” throttle cables are made for the short carb elbow. They idle way fast if used with the long elbow, because the slide is not allowed to go fully down to idle. Myrons sells a long elbow throttle cable, for Puch Maxi, made from a modified “Puch” throttle cable. The wire needs to be about 12mm longer. The long elbow comes on Maxi type sheet metal frame models. The short elbow comes on Magnum type tube frames, such as Sears Free Spirit or JC Penney Pinto. The short elbow is so your foot does not hit it when you get on and off the bike. See the exploded view diagram below. Other Bing moped (under 15mm venturi) carburetors are the Sachs Bing, Kreidler Bing, Solo Bing, Tomos Encarwi, Batavus Encarwi, Trac Encarwi. Much bigger Bing carburetors are also on BMW, KTM, Penton, Sachs, Maico, DKW motorcycles, all made in or near Germany.


2. Exploded View and Parts Names
















3. Carburetor Service Info Sheet

Below, the choke slide and throttle slide must be installed simultaneously. It is difficult. The throttle slide has a slot that must line up with a prong in the carb body. The top of the choke slide slides onto a deep wide notch at the bottom of the choke rod, so moving the choke rod moves the choke slide. It often gets left out or disconnected. When the choke slide is disconnected from the choke rod, the choke will be “on”, blocking off the air supply, whenever the throttle slide is down or closed. Normally when a Puch is given full throttle, the choke slide and rod are lifted all the way up until it clicks. The click is the choke rod clip #24 settling into the clip groove near the middle of the choke rod #23. When the throttle cable is not adjusted tight enough, the choke is not lifted all the way off, and it does not click until you manually reach down and pull up on the choke rod. When the throttle cable is adjusted too tight, the engine races and does not idle slow, even with the idle screw loosened all the way. See also General Carburetor Service and Jetting for how to clean and adjust carbs in general. 


White Flakes

These white flakes were the cause of a customer’s Puch not running. By chance a tiny spec broke off and lodged in the main jet.






















4. Bing Float Needles 

All “Bing Puch Carbs” have the slotted float type float needle with a rubber cone tip, except for some of the Sears Free Spirit 1/14/163  and 1/14/164 carbs, which have a Sachs Bing type float needle that does not lock into a slot in the float and has a metal cone tip.


5. Floats

The original 1970’s floats were white. They weigh 5.6 grams when new. Modern replacements are black. They also weight 5.6 grams. 

After years of exposure, the original white floats gradually absorb ingredients from the fuel and oil. They turn color, first light gold, then gold, then orange-gold, then light brown. The darker the color the more wight they gain, and the less they float.  Orange-gold used floats weigh 5.8 g, light brown ones weigh 5.9, brown ones weigh 6.0 g.


6. What part controls mixture depends on how much throttle opening

Slide Carburetors Diagram





Ignition and Magneto Service

April 20, 2008

Welcome to Ignition and Magneto Info for 1970s and 1980s mopeds, USA models with brake lights.

Contents:   1 Magnetos    Magneto-Points Ignitions

Contents:   3. Clip-on Condenser   4. Magneto Wires Chart 

Contents:   5. Hot Wiring     


1. Magnetos

Moped magnetos have two parts, a rotating flywheel/rotor, and a stationary stator.

They have two functions, producing the source of ignition spark, and generating power for lights.

Most magnetos worldwide have two functions that are independent and unrelated. The lights function independently of the ignition, and the ignition functions independently of the lights.

The fact that the headlight comes on when the engine is turned over does not mean that the spark is good or bad, because head lights (except Angel/Speed Bird and Motobecane) are separate from ignition.



The best resource for moped electrical is Moped Army Wiki.

Tomos A3 Stator

Typical Stator Assembly: At left is an original 1974-1986 Tomos A3 stator, the stationary part of the magneto. Left is the points, right is the condenser, top is the ignition source coil (with two output wires, black and blue), bottom is the lighting source coil, with one output wire, yellow, at top right (not the yellow from condenser to points). The ignition source coil has an external ground (the blue wire), while the lighting coil has an internal ground (the solder joint at lower right).









2. Magneto-Points Ignitions




Below is another Myrons hand-out sheet explaining internal and external ground ignition circuits.


3. Clip-on Condenser

How to tell if the condenser is bad:

This is a very useful troubleshooting technique. A condenser can be added temporarily without removing any parts. At left is a “Clip On Condenser” a valuable tool. When a running bike is having ignition misfires due to a bad condenser, this external condenser will reduce or stop the misfiring or “hiccuping”. It can be any older automobile condenser. It can be located anywhere along the wire that runs from the points, inside the magneto, to the spark coil outside the engine. It only takes a few seconds to “T” the condenser off the coil wire, clip the ground somewhere, and go riding.


External condenser diagram










4. Magneto Wires Chart

Myrons Magneto Wires: what the wires do and which are needed to run

Myrons Magneto Wires: what each wire does, and which are needed to run


The Magneto Wires Chart above is like a master key that unlocks a lot of different mopeds. Knowing the color and function of the magneto wires allows a moped engine to be “hot-wired” to run without any of the bikes wires.


5. Hot Wiring

“Hot wiring” is the same as making an engine run, say on a work bench, completely separate and disconnected from the bike. Certain magneto wires matter, and must go to certain places. Other magneto wires are for lights only. The ignition wire must always go from the magneto (points, condenser, and source coil) to the spark coil, and not also to ground. The ignition ground wire must always go from the magneto (source coil ground) to ground. You can make this happen easiest with alligator clips on the ends of wires, like little jumper cables, called clip leads.


To make any moped motor run on a work bench, you need some clip leads, a spark coil, a good spark plug, and the knowledge of what each magneto wire does. For example, on most Puchs, blue is ignition, and blue/black is ignition ground. On a Garelli, black is ignition and blue is ignition ground. On a Derbi, green is ignition and blue is ignition ground. Sometimes the wire colors are faded to grey, dark brown, or black. Then slice some skin off with a sharp knife to expose the true color inside.



6. Extending a Copper Core Spark Plug Wire



Tomos Wiring Diagrams

April 13, 2008

Welcome to New Tomos Wiring Diagrams, 1992 and later, A35 and A55 engines (not A3 1976-91). 

Tomos 1992-93

Tomos Bullet A35
Bullet TT, 1992-93

Tomos Colibri 1992-96

Tomos Colibri

Tomos Sprint 1993-97

Tomos Sprint 1993-97

Tomos Targa 1994-95 Tomos Targa LX 94-95

Tomos Targa 1994-95
Tomos Targa LX 94-95








Tomos Targa 1996-97 Tomos Targa LX 96-97

Tomos Targa 1996-97
Tomos Targa LX 96-97

Tomos Sprint 1998-01

Tomos Sprint 1998-01

Tomos Targa 1998-01 Tomos Targa LX 98-01

Tomos Targa 1998-01
Tomos Targa LX 98-01

Tomos Revival 2001-02

Tomos Revival 2001-02








Tomos Revival 2002-07

Tomos Revival 2002-07

Tomos Sprint 2002-07

Tomos Sprint 2002-07

Tomos Arrow 2005

Tomos Arrow 2005

Tomos Arrow-R 2006-08

Tomos Arrow-R 2006-08








Tomos Streetmate 05-07

Tomos Streetmate 05-07

Tomos Streetmate 08-12 Tomos Str.mate-R 08-13

Tomos Streetmate 08-12
Tomos Str.mate-R 08-13

Tomos Revival 2008-12+

Tomos Revival 2008-12+

Tomos Sprint 2008-13 Tomos ST  2008-2013 Tomos LX  2008-2012

Tomos Sprint 2008-13
Tomos ST 2008-2013
Tomos LX 2008-2012









California Vehicle Codes

August 12, 2007

Welcome to Myrons Mopeds – Moped Laws – California (each state and country is different).

There has been confusion throughout the state of California ever since 1996 about the moped laws. Most people think you don’t need a license, if it’s under 50cc and has pedals. The confusion comes from the dual definition of motorized bicycle, which came out in 1996. In the 1970’s when mopeds came to the USA, you did not need a license. Ever since about 1981 you have needed a drivers license on a moped. Since 1989 it’s been a motorcycle class license. From 1996 to 2014, 20 mph 1000 watt electric bicycles don’t need a license. Since 2000, motorized scooter laws came out. In 2014, electric bicycle speed and power limits became 28 mph and 750 watt. California has more motorbike and oddball vehicle laws than most states. 

In a nutshell, the California laws for mopeds are the same as motorcycles, except for the motorized bicycle license plate. The requirements are M2 or M1 drivers license or permit, liability insurance, helmet, moped license plate, plus street legal lighting and safety equipment.


CVC 406(a) defines a “motorized bicycle”, commonly called a moped, as a two- or three-wheeled device having fully operative pedals for propulsion by human power, or having no pedals if powered solely by electrical energy, and an automatic transmission and a motor that produces less than 4 gross brake horsepower and is capable of propelling the device at a maximum speed of not more than 30 miles per hour on level ground. 
CVC 312.5(a) defines an “electric bicycle” as a device which has fully operative pedals and an electric motor with an output of not more than 750 watts.
(1) A “class 1 electric bicycle,” or “low-speed pedal-assisted electric bicycle,” is a bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 20 miles per hour.(2) A “class 2 electric bicycle,” or “low-speed throttle-assisted electric bicycle,” is a bicycle equipped with a motor that may be used exclusively to propel the bicycle, and that is not capable of providing assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 20 miles per hour.(3) A “class 3 electric bicycle,” or “speed pedal-assisted electric bicycle,” is a bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 28 miles per hour, and equipped with a speedometer.
24016. (b) A person operating an electric bicycle is not subject to the provisions of this code relating to financial responsibility, driver’ s licenses, registration, and license plate requirements, and an electric bicycle is not a motor vehicle. 

California Vehicle Codes – Moped Related

Compiled from the 2016 California Vehicle Code by Shaun Strahm, Myrons Mopeds


312.5(a) Electric bicycle: is a bicycle with operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts.

(1) A “class 1 electric bicycle,” or “low-speed pedal-assisted electric bicycle,” is a bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 20 miles per hour.

(2) A “class 2 electric bicycle,” or “low-speed throttle-assisted electric bicycle,” is a bicycle equipped with a motor that may be used exclusively to propel the bicycle, and that is not capable of providing assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 20 miles per hour.

(3) A “class 3 electric bicycle,” or “speed pedal-assisted electric bicycle,” is a bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 28 miles per hour, and equipped with a speedometer.

313 Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device (EPAMD): 2 wheels side by side, 12.5mph max (Segway).

400 Motorcycle: any motor vehicle with 2 or 3 wheels, a seat, and weighs under 1500lbs.

405  Motor-Driven Cycle: any motorcycle less than 150cc, but not a motorized bicycle.

406 Motorized Bicycle: 2 or 3 wheels, pedals & gasoline motor, or no pedals & electric, under 4hp, under 30mph.

407 Motorized Tricycle or Quadricycle: 3 or 4 wheels, gasoline motor, under 2hp, under 30mph.

407.5 Motorized Scooter: 2 wheels, handlebars, designed to be stood upon, and is not 313, 400, 405, 406, or HSC108550.

415 Motor Vehicle: any vehicle that is self-propelled. Exceptions: Motorized wheelchairs, motorized tricycles, and motorized quadricycles are not motor vehicles when driven by disabled persons or senior citizens who are unable to walk. A toy, HSC 108550, is also not a motor vehicle.

467(a)  Pedestrian: a person who is afoot or (1) propelled by human power, other than a bicycle, or (2) an electric personal assistive mobility device (EPAMD).

467(b)  Pedestrian also includes a person who has difficulty walking and is operating a motorized wheelchair or motorized tricycle.

Motorized Bicycles (Mopeds) CVC 406:

4020. Motorized bicycles are exempt from registration.

5030 Motorized Bicycles 406 (mopeds) are required to have a special license plate.

The DMV Form 230 Motorized Bicycle Instructions and Application (PDF) is one form for four purposes.
1. for original application (when the moped has never had a CA moped plate)
2. for transfer of ownership (when the moped has or once had a CA moped plate, and is sold)
3. for lost plate or document (when either the license plate is lost or the registration document is lost)
4. for if the vehicle has been destroyed or dismantled

The form says to mail it to the Sacramento main DMV. Most of the local DMV offices cannot process Form 230.
The form does not say the fee amount. It was only $5 in the late 80’s and early 90’s.
Since he 2000’s, sending $20 has always been enough. It usually takes 2-3 weeks, but occasionally 2-3 months.

5031 Application Form contents

5032 5-Day grace period (retail sale)

5033 Can apply by mail

5034 Special dealer license plate

5035 10-Day grace period (transfer)

5036  Service Fee of $5

5037  License plate required after 1981

5038 DMV keeps records of stolen mopeds

5039  Moped dealer not required to be licensed

24015 Mopeds must have headlamp, tail lamp, stop lamp, reflectors, mirror, horn & muffler.

23135  Unlawful to drive a modified moped

24015(c) Equipment required on motor-driven cycles & motorcycles does not apply to mopeds

Drivers License Laws:

12500  Unlawful to drive a motor vehicle, motorcycle, or motorized bicycle unless licensed.

12501  Government employees, farm workers, off-highway vehicles don’t need a license.

12502 A nonresident may operate a motor vehicle with a license from their home jurisdiction.

12503 An adult nonresident whose home state or country does not require a drivers license may operate a motor vehicle owned by him without a license for a period of 30 days.

12509(a) Instruction Permit Requirements: must be over age 15 and either is taking or has completed both driver education and driver training, or must be over age 17 ½.

12509(b)  Instruction Permits are valid for no more than one year (12 months).

12509(c) For cars, must be with a person over 18 with valid license in the front seat.

12509(d) For motorcycles and mopeds, must not carry a passenger or drive at night or on freeways.

12513 Special Junior Permit Drivers License for persons over age 14:

12513(a) Only issued when there is absolutely no other means of transportation to and from school.

12514 The Junior Permit can last until age 18, but is revoked if violations occur.

12804.9  Drivers License Classes: A(big rig), B(bus), C(car), M1(motorcycle), M2(moped)

12804.9(b)(4)  Class M1: 2-wheeled Motorcycles, Motor-driven Cycles, Motorized Bicycles 406

12804.9(b)(5)  Class M2: 2 or 3-wheeled Motorized Bicycles 406

12804.9(g) M1& M2 driving test not required if you complete the motorcycle safety class.

12804.9(h)  Any licensed driver may operate a short-term rental moped without an M2 endorsement.

12804.9(i) Under 21 must complete the motorcycle safety class to get an M1 or M2 license.

12814.6 Special Drivers License for persons under 18: Requirements and Restrictions.

12814.6(a)(3)  Must have had an Instruction Permit for 6 months.

12814.6(a)(4to5)  Must have completed drivers education, drivers training, and 50 hours of practice driving.

12814.6(a)(8)(A)  First 6 months: Must not drive between 12am and 5am or with anyone under 20 years old unless accompanied by a licensed driver over 25.

12814.6(a)(8)(B)  Second 6 months: Must notdrive between 12am and 5am unless with a driver over 25.

12814.6(f) A police officer cannot stop a vehicle only to check for  12814.6(a)(8)(A)or(B) violation.

16020 Financial Responsibility (Insurance) required on all motor vehicles.


21200 Bicycles driven on public streets are subject to same laws as motor vehicles.

21200.5 Unlawful to drive a bicycle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

21201(a)  Bicycles must have a rear brake that can skid the tire on dry pavement.

21201(b)  Bicycle handlebars must be below the level of the operator’s shoulders.

21201(c)  Bicycle size must be small enough to stop with at least one foot on the ground.

21201(d)  Bicycles at night must have headlight, rear reflector, pedal and side reflectors.

21201.5  Unlawful to sell a bicycle without reflectors.

21202  Bicycles must stay on the far right of the road way unless it’s unsafe to to so.

21203  Unlawful to hitch rides on another vehicle..

21204  Unlawful to ride a bicycle in any position other than astride a permanent seat.

21205  Unlawful to carry an object that prevents keeping at least one hand on the handlebar.

Bike Paths and Sidewalks:

21206  Local authorities may regulate the operation of bicycles on sidewalks.

21207  Local authorities may establish bicycle paths that are separate from roadways.

21207.5  Motorized bicycles not allowed on bicycle paths unless local authority permits.

21208  When a bicycle lane is alongside a roadway bicycles must ride in it.

21209  Motor vehicles are not allowed in bicycle lanes.

21210  Unlawful to park a bicycle on the sidewalk in a way that blocks pedestrian traffic.

21211  Unlawful for a pedestrian or a vehicle to block a bicycle path.

21212 Persons under 18 years old must wear a bicycle helmet when operating a bicycle.

Motorized Scooters CVC 407.5:

21220 Intent of the Legislature

21221 Same responsibilities as motor vehicles, accident reporting, obeying officers, parking, etc.

21221.5 Can’t drive under the influence

21223 At night must have headlight and reflectors

21224 Insurance and registration not required

21225 Local authority may require registration

21227 Motor must cease to function when throttle is released

21228 Must stay to the right except to pass or avoid hazards

21228 When making a left turn, must stop, dismount, and cross the road as a pedestrian

21229 Must stay in bicycle lane if the roadway has one

21230 May drive on bike trails, unless local authority prohibits.

21235(a) Can’t drive without brakes

21235(b) Can’t drive on streets above 25mph unless in a bicycle lane

21235(c) Must wear a bicycle helmet, properly fastened.

21235(d) Must have a valid drivers license or permit.

21235(e) Can’t carry passengers

21235(f) Must have at least one hand on handlebar

21235(g) Can’t drive on the sidewalk

21235(h) Can’t have handlebars higher than shoulders

21235(i) Can’t park on the sidewalk

21235(j) Can’t hitch a ride on another vehicle

22411 Can’t drive over 15mph

21663  Unlawful to operate or move a motor vehicle on the sidewalk, except electric carts used by postal workers, electric wheelchairs and motorized tricycles used by disabled and elderly.

Golf Carts, Bike Lanes, Freeways, Roller Skates, Misc:

21100.4  Local authorities may regulate electric carts used by postal workers on the sidewalk.

21114.5  Local authorities may allow electric carts on the sidewalk, when operated by postal workers, disabled persons, or persons over 50 years old.

21716 Golf Carts may be driven on streets with a 25mph or less speed limit.

21960 Local authorities may regulate freeway access to pedestrians, bicycles, and motor-driven cycles

21966  Pedestrians not allowed to walk in bicycle lanes when there is a sidewalk next to it.

21967  Local authorities may regulate the operation of skateboards on streets and sidewalks.

21968  Unlawful to operate a motorized skateboard on any street, bike lane, or sidewalk.

21969  Local authorities may regulate the operation of roller skates on streets and sidewalks.

23130.5  Noise limits: big trucks 82dbA, motorcycles 77dbA, all other motor vehicles 74dbA.

Electric Bicycles CVC 312.5:

24016  Special Requirements & Exemptions for Electric Motorized Bicycles 312.5

24016(a)(1) Must meet same federal safety standards as for bicycles.

24016(a)(2) Motor must cease to operate either when brakes are applied or switch is released.

24016(b) Don’t need drivers license, insurance, or registration. 312.5 is not a motor vehicle.

24016(d) Unlawful to modify a motorized bicycle 312.5 to increase it’s speed.

Motorcycle Equipment:

24951(b)(4)  Turn signals required on motorcycles and motor-driven cycles made after 1973.

25650 Motorcycle headlights, 1 or 2, must be on at night.

25650.5  Motorcycles made after 1978, headlights, 1 or 2, must be on all the time.

25651 Motor-driven cycle headlights

26709  Mirrors required:1 on motorcycles, 2 on cars, must have clear view of what’s behind.

27150 All motor vehicles must have an adequate muffler.

27800 Unlawful to carry a passenger on a motorcycle or motorized bicycle unless it’s equipped with a passenger seat and passenger footrests.

27801(a)  Unlawful to drive a two-wheel motorcycle with a seat height that prevents the driver’s feet from reaching the ground when astride the seat,

27801(b)  or with handlebars higher than the level of the driver’s shoulders.

27802  Motorcycle helmets must meet federal standards and be approved.

27803(a) Drivers and passengers of motorcycles and motorized bicycles must wear helmets.

Other Policies:

Persons who have had their drivers license suspended because of a DUI, or revoked because of poor vision or a medical condition such as epilepsy, are sometimes granted an M2-Only driving permit, to-and-from work or school only. The person must be in otherwise good standing for this exception.

Sometimes mopeds are allowed on certain freeways. Every freeway on-ramp has a sign that says “Pedestrians, Bicycles, Motor-Driven Cycles Prohibited”. But on certain stretches where there are no parallel surface roads, bicyclists have lobbied to have the signs removed, or sometimes just the word “Bicycles” blanked out. Wherever they allow bicycles on, there’s always a sign later that says “Bicycles Must Exit”. Local examples are I5 through Camp Pendleton (bicycles only not mopeds), between San Clemente and Oceanside, I15 through the Cajon Pass, from Cleghorn Rd to Hwy 138, I15 through Rancho Bernardo at Lake Hodges. Through ths Santa Ana River corridor along the 91 Freeway there’s a 2 mile strip of bike path, from Green River Rd to Gypsum Canyon. See Laws/Caltrans Policies for how light motorcycles are unfairly prohibited on these and other corridors. Long distance bicycling guide books are a good source of information. So is CABO, California Accociation of Bicycling Organizations website.


Moped Safety Equipment Laws USA 1976

August 8, 2007

Below is another historical article, reprinted from AMERICAN BICYCLIST and Motorcyclist, March 1976, a trade magazine, announcing moped laws to American bicycle dealers:

Dealer checklist: your lines must meet federal standards

by Serge D. Seguin, Chairman, Motorized Bicycle Association

Under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Department of Transportation (DOT) has issued federal motor vehicle safety standards which apply to vehicle equipment. Many of these standards are applicable to motorized bicycles.

In February 1974, several manufacturers of motorized bicycles [Motobecane, Peugeot, Sinfac(Solex)] petitioned NHTSA for recognition of the motorized bicycle as a separate vehicle category and the establishment of safety standards appropriate to it’s low power and speed. Though NHTSA declined to establish a separate category, effective October 1974 it established a sub-category of motor-driven cycle (a vehicle with a motor that produces 5 brake horspower or less). This defined the motorized bicycle as a motor-driven cycle whose maximum speed is 30 mph and relaxed certain motor-driven cycle standards for this new sub-category. The brakes on these lower speed vehicles are exempt from fade requirements. Both brake controls may be on the handlebar. The stop lamp may have a photometric output of one-half of the existing motorcycle standard. Turn signals are not required.

However, the equipment standards for motorized bicycles are very specific and strict – far more stringent than the standards promulgated in the many countries in which the motorized bicycle is now in use as a principal means of transportation. It is important that you, the dealer, be able to recognize if the motorized bicycle you are considering selling meets the federal standards. If it does not, the potential penalties are severe, including recall of “illegal” vehicles and the possibility of a fine for each vehicle sold. There are presently over 15 million motorized bicycles in use throughout the world, and the potential for sales in the United States is great. But in order to realize this potential, the motorized bicycle to be sold must conform to all standards.

Federal standards apply to lights, brakes, tires, controls, and display equipment. Each machine must have a certification label. Look carefully at the motorized bicycle offered to you for sale. Only if it conforms to the following checklist, does the vehicle meet the basic federal standards applicable to motorized bicycles.


  • Head Lamp: One White. Must pass moisture, corrosion, vibration and recession tests. Sealed beam conforms. Headlamp must move up and down for aiming.
  • Tail Lamp: One Red. Should be a combination stop-tail lamp. Must be identified by SAE number. Must have double filament bulb. [later relaxed]
  • Stop Lamp: One Red. Must be activated by either hand brake.
  • Reflectors: Two Amber on both sides at front, Two Red on both sides at rear, and One Red on back, all permantly affixed and identified with with SAE number.

B. BRAKES  In order to meet the federal standards on braking performance, almost all motorized bicycle will need drum brakes. to check the lining thickness of the drum brake shoe, an “inspection window” must be provided in the brake backing plate.

C. TIRES   Each tire must have at least six treadwear indicators so that it may be inspected to determine visually, whether the tire has worn to a depth of 1/16 inch. Some specific markings must appear on the tire:

  1. The symbol DOT
  2. A coded tire identification number.
  3. Tire size in inches
  4. Max load rating in lb, and corresponding inflation pressure in psi.
  5. Speed restriction or rating
  6. Number of plies and cord composition
  7. The word “tubeless” (TL) or “tube type” (TT) as applicable.
  8. The load range letter (most often “B” which is 300lb/tire).

D. CONTROLS AND DISPLAYS  There must be two engine stops on a motorized bicycle. One of them must be located on the right handlebar. It must be labeled “ENGINE STOP” and must have “OFF” and “RUN” positions marked.

  1. An electric horn is required, with button on left handlebar, with marking “HORN”.
  2. [The other engine stop is the] Manual Fuel Shut-off Control. It must have the “OFF” marking when the control is forward, the “ON” marking when the control is downward. Optionally it can have a “RES” or RESERVE marking when the control is pointing upward.
  3. manual choke must have a label “CHOKE”.
  4. The speedometer must be illuminated when the headlamp is activated. Markings must be in mph.

 CERTIFICATION LABEL   Each motorized bicycle must have a certification label – either riveted or permanently affixed so that it cannot be removed without destroying or defacing it. The label must be affixed to the structure as close as practicable to the intersection of the steering post with the handlebars.

The label must have the following information:

  1. Name of Manufacturer
  2. Month and Year of Manufacture
  3. Groos Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)
  4. Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) for each axle.
  5. Vehicle Identification Number
  6. Vehicle Type “MOTOR-DRIVEN CYCLE”


Now you know more about why US mopeds are the way they are. This explains why the earlier 1974-1976 US model mopeds all had sealed beam headlights and double filament tail lights. By 1977 most US mopeds switched to single-filament two-bulb tail lights and non sealed beam headlights, after the sealed beam headlight and double filament tail light requirements were dropped.

The rules about lights, controls, tires, brakes, button locations, etc are different in most other countries. They use a non-electric “ring ring” horn, no brake light, no side reflectors. They can have all their buttons on the left. Their lights are smaller and not as bright as USA ones, generally.

California Motor Vehicle Pollution Laws

August 5, 2007

In California, motor vehicle air pollution laws are in the California Code of Regulations (CCR).  It says any street motorcycle with a 49cc or under engine is exempt from California Exhaust Emission Standards.


13 CCR § 1958 Exhaust Emissions – Motorcycles

Cal. Admin. Code tit. 13, § 1958

Barclays Official California Code of Regulations Currentness

Title 13. Motor Vehicles

Division 3. Air Resources Board

Chapter 1. Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Devices

Article 2. Approval of Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Devices (New Vehicles) (Refs & Annos)
§ 1958. Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures – Motorcycles and Motorcycle Engines Manufactured on or After January 1, 1978.

(a) This section shall be applicable to motorcycles, motorcycle engines, and the manufacturers of either motorcycles or motorcycle engines produced on or after January 1, 1978. Motorcycles and motorcycle engines are excluded from the requirements of this section if:

(1) The engine displacement is less than 50 cubic centimeters, or

(2) An 80 kilogram (176 pound) driver cannot

(A) start from a dead stop using only the engine, or

(B) exceed a maximum speed of 40 kilometers per hour (24.9 miles per hour) on a level paved surface.

(b) Exhaust emissions from new street-use motorcycles and motorcycle engines, subject to registration and sold and registered in this state, shall not exceed:

Table of Standards

  Engine Exhaust Emission Standards (g/km)  
Model-Year Displacement Hydrocarbon (HC) Carbon
  (in cubic centimeters) + Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) Monoxide
================ =================== ============================ ========
1978 through 1979 50 to less than 170 5.0 (HC only) 17
  170 to less than 750 5.0+0.0155(D-170)  (HC only) 17
  750 or greater 14 (HC only) 17
1980 through 1981 All (50 cc or larger) 5.0 (HC only) 17
1982 and later 50 cc to 279 cc 1.0 (HC only) 12
1982 – 2/28/1985 280cc or greater 2.5 (HC only) 12
3/1/1985 – 1987 280cc or greater 1.4 (HC only), as a corp. avg. 12
1988 through 2003 280cc to 699cc 1.0 (HC only), as a corp. avg. 12
1988 through 2003 700cc or greater 1.4 (HC only), as a corp. avg. 12
2004 through 2007 280cc or greater 1.4 (HC+NOx), as a corp avg 12
2008 and later 280cc or greater 0.8 (HC+NOx), as a corp avg 12

Find out more about the California Motor Vehicle Pollution Laws »

United States Motor Vehicle Pollution Laws

August 5, 2007

In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ), has limits for motor vehicle emissions. There are exhaust emissions limits and there are evaporative emissions limits. Below is a excerpt from the EPA Regulatory Announcement of Dec 2003:

EPA Finalizes Emission Standards for New Highway Motorcycles – December 2003

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is adopting more stringent emission standards for new highway motorcycles. Under the current standards, which are over 20 years old, today’s motorcycles produce more harmful emissions per mile than a car or even a large sport utility vehicle (SUV). These new standards will reduce the combined hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions in the exhaust by 50 percent as well as the harmful health effects of mobile source air toxics.

Final Rule Highlights

EPA has been working to reduce emissions from motor vehicles for over thirty years, including emissions standards for highway motorcycles that we adopted in 1978. In this final rule, EPA is adopting new emission standards for exhaust and evaporative emissions from highway motorcycles. The standards are based on comparable requirements adopted in California. The final rule extends the California requirements nationwide two years after they initially take effect in California. In addition to updating exhaust emission standards for currently regulated motorcycles, the new emission standards will include previously unregulated motorcycles with engines of less than 50 cubic centimeters displacement (scooters and mopeds). We are also adopting new evaporative emission standards to control the loss of gasoline (described as “permeation”) through the walls of fuel hoses and fuel tanks. The permeation standards apply to all classes of highway motorcycles.

Before 2006 model year, Class 1 was Class 1b (50 to 169cc), Class 1a (under 50cc) was exempt. Because of the new EPA standards, most 49cc two-stroke motorcycles, scooters, and mopeds stopped being made after 2005. Tomos and only a scarce few others still make two-stroke street motorcycles, which must meet the same standards as four-stroke engines.  

Highway Motorcycle Exhaust Emission Standards

Engine Size Implementation HC HC+NOx CO
Class (cc) Date (g/km) (g/km) (g/km)
======== =========== ============ ======= ======= =======
Class 1 less than 170 2006 1.0 12.0
Class 2 170 to 279 2006 1.0 12.0
Class 3 280 and above 2006 1.4 12.0
Class 3 280 and above 2010 0.8 12.0

HC = hydrocarbons (unburned gasoline or oil), CO = carbon monoxide = poisonous odorless gas

NOx = nitrogen oxides (with water makes nitric acid, leads to acid rain)

Click here to see the real thing:

Consumer information from EPA about non compliant inexpensive gas scooters:

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions to the EPA about Motorcycle Emissions Laws:

Here is an exerpt from the above link:

Would new emission standards make it illegal to customize my motorcycle?

Many motorcycle owners personalize their motorcycles. Indeed, this is one of the joys of owning a motorcycle, and owners take their freedom to customize motorcycles very seriously. We are not changing existing provisions of section 203(a) of the Clean Air Act, as established in 1977, which states that it is illegal “for any person to remove or render inoperative any device or element of design installed on or in a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine in compliance with regulations under this title…after such sale and delivery to the ultimate purchaser…”. In other words, owners of motor vehicles cannot legally make modifications that cause the emissions to exceed the applicable emissions standards, and they cannot remove or disable emission control devices installed by the manufacturer.

We use the term “tampering” to refer specifically to actions that are illegal under section 203 of the Clean Air Act; the term, and the prohibition, do not apply generally to the wide range of things that a motorcycle enthusiast can do to legally personalize their vehicle, only to actions that cause the emissions to exceed the standards. The new emissions standards do not change this “tampering” prohibition. In fact, it is not within EPA’s ability or discretion to change this statutory prohibition, which Congress put in place more than 20 years ago. Owners are still free generally to customize their motorcycles in any way, as long as they do not disable emission controls or cause the motorcycle to exceed the emission standards.

Highway Motorcycle Evaporative Emission Standards

Other emissions can come from the crankcase on a four-stroke engine, a result of blow-by past the rings, and from fuel that escapes into the air through permeation and evaporation, on all combustion engines.

 More to follow…


Tomos EPA Certification Labels

August 1, 2007

Vehicle Emission Control Information labels are required on all 49cc 2006-on US models.

More discussion to follow…

Motorcycle Noise Emission Control Information labels have been required since the early 1980’s.

Besides exhaust emissions and permeation (evaporative) emissions, there are also noise emissions limits. Noise limits have been in effect since the 1980’s. Since then it has been illegal to change the exhaust to a louder one, even though most motorcycle owners do it anyway.

Above left, 2009 Tomos LX Emission Label says 1.4 HC+NOx g/km, Engine Family: 9TOMCO.04A79

Above left, 2010 Tomos (all 6 models) Emission Label says 1.4 HC+NOx g/km, Engine Family: 8TOMCO.04A79

Above right, 2010 Tomos Noise Label says 70dbA @5415rpm.

Above left, 2011 Tomos ST Emission Label says 1.0g/km HC, 12g/km CO, Engine Family: BTOMCO.04A79

Above left, 2012 Tomos Sprint & ST Emission Label says 1.0 g/km HC, 12 g/km CO, Engine Family: CTOMCO.04A79

Above right, 2012 Tomos Noise Label, 70dbA @5415rpm. It’s been the same for many years.


Trans Fuel
Year Make/Model Exhaust Emission Limits Engine Family Permeation Family Oil Octane
==== = =========== =================== ============ ============== ==== ====
2006 Tomos not required ATF-A 90
2007 Tomos not required ATF-A 90
2008 Tomos ST 1.0g/km HC, 12g/km CO 8TOMCO.04A79 not required ATF-A 90
2009 Lazer 1.0g/km HC, 12g/km CO not required
2009 Tomos LX 1.4g/km HC+Nox 9TOMCO.04A79 not required ATF-A 90
2009 Tomos Smate 1.4g/km HC+Nox not required ATF-A 90
2010 Tomos Smate 1.4g/km HC+Nox 8TOMCO.04A79 not required ATF-A 90
2011 Tomos ST 1.0g/km HC, 12g/km CO BTOMCO.04A79 BTOMPMETAL 10 10W30 87
2012 Tomos ST 1.0g/km HC, 12g/km CO CTOMCO.04A79 CTOMPMETAL 10 10W30 87


Peugeot Ignition Upgrade to External Transformer

July 22, 2007

Please, beware. Before you blame the magneto or the coil, always first connect the black engine wire to ground, with an clip lead or something equivalent, and disconnect the brown engine wire. This isolates the engine from the rest of the bikes wiring. Usually this will fix the problem of no spark. Usually it’s just a loose brake light/ignition ground wire, often inside the headlight, or unplugged at the brake light switch and unplugged at the brake light (or the brake light filament burned out). Read more in the ignition sections.

Welcome to Myrons Mopeds Peugeot Ignition Upgrade tutorial.  This is an explanation of how to repair 1976 to 1979 Peugeot two-coil ignitions, with a clear-coated-copper colored lighting coil on the bottom and light golden colored ignition coil on the top. After 1979, Peugeot 103 & 102 mopeds came with a “star” magneto, where several coils are arranged radially like the rays of a star. Those 1980 and later “star” magnetos already have this external transformer upgrade.

Above is the parts book exploded view of the 1976-79 Peugeot 103 magneto, with external ground (the black wire on top). On the bike, this whole assembly is rotated 80 degrees clockwise. The fingernail-sized notch in #2 stator plate, for the spark plug wire and grommet, should be in the 12 o’clock position, straight up, not in the 9:30 position shown here.

Below is the 1980 Peugeot 102/103 magneto, with internal ignition ground, that always has spark no matter what the lights are doing. At bottom is #32, the external transformer, aka “the coil”, that’s bigger and isolated from the engine heat. Both of these Peugeot factory upgrades, internal ignition ground and external transformer coil, made the 1980’s bikes more reliable than the 1970’s models. Most Peugeot 103 mopeds in the USA were the early years 1976 to 1979. In 1981 Cycles Peugeot USA stopped selling motorized bicycles, but continued their main product, bicycles. So the newer magneto/ignitions were in the US for only one year, while the early magneto/ignitions were in the “boom” years.      

What is a “Upgrade to External Transformer”?  All ignitions have a transformer, commonly called “the coil”. The transformer changes the pulses of electricity from low voltage to high voltage. On most mopeds and larger engines, the transformer coil is located outside the engine. On Peugeot, some older mopeds, and most hand-held gardening equipment engines, the transformer is located inside the engine, to save space, weight, and cost. If the high voltage spark plug wire comes from inside the engine, like on a chain saw, then it has an internal transformer. If the spark plug wire comes from outside the engine, then it has an external transformer. The Peugeot Ignition Upgrade is modifying the internal transformer to work with an external one, and then adding an external transformer (ignition coil), mounted on the frame, just right of the carburetor.

Why does it need an upgrade?  The original coils go bad, sending sparks that damage the points and condenser, or sparks that jump (arc) through the coil and into the aluminum wall of the stator plate. The result is the engine misfires (hiccups), or worse, spits and sputters chaotically, unpredictably, especially when hot. The cause is tiny cracks in the insulation that let sparks escape. Some old coils go bad this way, by deterioration from old age. Peugeot and certain other “new old stock” coils are no good, because of their age, 35 years old (1977 to 2012).

Below is Myrons Mopeds display board, normally hanging above and near the cash register at the shop. It shows the original Peugeot ignition on the left, and the upgraded Peugeot ignition on the right, before and after. 

Notice that everything is the same, except on the upgrade ignition, (1) the coil has a horizontal cut through it, and (2) the brown (maroon) ignition wire has a “T” with a branch going to the new external ignition coil (red). Those two things are all that’s different. They are easy to say, but not easy to do.

At the bottom of the display board is a Peugeot ignition coil (internal transformer) with it’s outer (secondary) windings completely removed, exposing the few hundred inner (primary) windings. The outer windings do not need to be removed completely. Each of the thousands of hair-thin outer (secondary) windings needs to be cut. If too many are left uncut they can still cause some residual misfiring. Below is a close up of the Peugeot ignition coil with it’s outer (secondary) windings removed. Some of them are shown at left, and below embedded in the outer insulation shell. They are hair thin, and clear coated with varnish. Some of the individual hairs are barely visible.

Below is that same coil, showing inner windings even with, or a hair below the first steel plate.

What are the symptoms?  Very often the points will have a white crust from sparks arcing across. Below left is an example of the white frosting around the outer edge of the round contacts. When the engine is running, the whole magneto might be lit up in blue flickering light from the strong sparks jumping, brighter than the spark plug spark. Normally the points spark a little, but not steady and bright. The sparks that jump the points also damage the condenser. You can’t see the little burnt spots inside the condenser, but they’re there. Another symptom of a bad Peugeot ignition coil is black dots or lines near the high voltage output wire. Below middle and right, are two bad coils with burnt spots on the back side where sparks were escaping. It’s only about 1/2 inch away from the stator plate aluminum wall. When a spark jumps there, it makes the spark plug not fire.

Why does it often happen only when fully hot?  When solid things get hot they expand slightly. Any microscopic cracks that are closed tight when the engine is cold, will be opened up wide when the engine is fully hot. Open cracks in the insulation are shortcuts for sparks to jump through, or leak out of, instead of going to the spark plug and jumping the gap there. Usually it takes 10 to 20 minutes before a misbehaving Peugeot cuts out and leaves the rider to pedal back home. Once back home and cooled down it might re-start and run fine.

How it’s done:


1. Remove the flywheel nut. An impact wrench, air or electric is needed, because the flywheel turns with the nut. Or else a piston stop is used in the spark plug hole to stop the piston from rising, and the flywheel from turning. Put oil on the threads before and after removal.

2. Remove the flywheel. There’s no key to locate where it goes (what timing angle) on the crankshaft. A flywheel puller tool pulls on the center threaded hole in the flywheel while a bolt pushes on the crankshaft.

3. Remove the stator assembly. Two slot head screws secure the stationary part of the magneto to the engine case. Check if the threads on the crankshaft got damaged during the flywheel removal, by screwing the M10 x 1.00 flywheel nut on with your fingers. Often the threads are damaged (flared) from the removal and a M10 x 1.00 die is needed to repair the threads. In severe cases, careful grinding and rethreading are needed. That is very difficult/expensive but so is a new crankshaft.

4. Cut through the outer windings. A hand-held disk grinder is what Myrons uses. The cut can and should be wide, so you can see what’s at the bottom. Below left is a coil that is cut to a perfect depth on the sides, but needs more depth in the middle. The perfect depth is the gold colored insulation layer that lies above the inner (thick) windings, and below the outer (thin) windings. Below right is a coil that is cut too deep. It’s only perfect below the P in the word “deep”. The individual thick windings are visible. Some of the first layer of inner windings is cut through. Also there are cut marks in the steel plate, near the bolt holes. If the cut was made farther away from the bolt holes, either way, then cutting to the depth of the steel plate would not be too deep (because the windings are rounded).


Below is a Peugeot coil cut just almost perfect, with only a few outer windings still showing. Some lines of gold plastic are visible at the very bottom of the trench, surrounded by the copper of the outer super fine hair thin (invisible) windings.

The above example also shows Myrons technique of cutting the coil in place, without removing it. When the cut is just above the 7mm hex M4 nuts, the proper depth is near the level of the steel plate.

5. Replace the condenser.   Since the display board was made, Peugeot 20mm condensers have become not available. So the board does not show how an external automotive condenser can replace the original burned out internal one. Any automobile from the 1950’s and 60’s has a suitable condenser. There are different mounts. You must mount it, somehow, onto or near the external ignition coil, which is grounded to the frame. The condenser shell must be grounded solid to the frame. Another “T” can be made from the brown wire, for the external condenser. The original condenser should be removed, and the three wires that went to it all soldered to each other and covered with shrink wrap and positioned so that they never touch or rub against anything, especially the flywheel, and stay there forever.

6. Put the flywheel back on.  Clean the crankshaft taper and the flywheel center tapered hole. Clean the points and check them with an ohmeter for continuity, both open and closed. Clean and grease the points cam with high melting point silicone grease, for points. With the spark plug removed, locate top dead center, by feeling the top of the piston with a pen or pencil. While holding the crankshaft at the exact TDC position, place the flywheel on the shaft with the fire mark (line) on the flywheel 7/8 to 1 inch away (toward the front of the bike) from the rubber grommet where the original spark plug wire came out of. While holding both the crankshaft and the flywheel in that position, strike the center rivets of the flywheel with a steel hammer. This will make it “stick” to the tapered crankshaft.

7. Put the flywheel nut back on.  In the same way it was removed, either with a piston stop or with an impact wrench, tighten the M10 x 1.00 flywheel nut. Do not hold onto the flywheel, or it might slip and change the timing setting. Once tight, check if the mark on the flywheel is still 7/8 to 1 inch in front of (toward the front wheel) of the mark on the engine (which is the pointer on the black rubber grommet for the original spark plug wire). Once the nut is fully tight (25 ft lbs) the flywheel never slips.

8. Adjust the points. Adjust the points gap until they open on the mark. An ohmeter across brown wire and ground, with the black (ignition ground) wire unplugged, will read near zero when the points are closed and near infinity when they’re open. There are some triangular notches for prying the points by twisting a small flat head screwdriver. The more wider the points gap is, the earlier they open. Too wide a gap means they’ll open before the mark. Too small a gap means they’ll open after the mark. The flywheel rotates clockwise, when viewed from the right side of the bike. As the piston rises, the points are closed. When the piston gets almost at the top, at 1.5mm BTDC, which is about 1 inch along the edge of the 5 inch flywheel, the points open, and the marks line up. Set the points to make that happen and tighten the screw.

9. Install the external coil (and condenser). Many (1978-79) Peugeots already have a mounting bracket for the external coil. Some (1976-78) Peugeots do not have any coil mounting bracket. Then one from a Puch, or a custom made bracket, must be welded on exactly right, to barely fit under the right side engine cover.

10. Reconnect the wires and put the spark plug back in. Always ground the black wire if there is no spark. It gets a ground in the left headlight bolt. The ignition ground black wire is often loose there, because tightening the headlight bolt makes the inside locknut looser. Always do this first, way before suspecting somethings wrong in the magneto. If the engine looses spark when idling slow, at the instant the brake is applied, then put in a new NGK B6HS spark plug. If it still does it, reduce the spark plug gap a little.

 Are there other ways to do it?  Yes. Instead of slicing the original coil, a Puch ignition source coil can be used. It must be from a 6-wire 1977-later, with a blue and a blue/black wire, not a 4 or 5-wire 1977-earlier, with only a blue wire. The bolt holes are closer together on Puch, about 52mm instead of Peugeot’s 55mm, but the bolts bend in and still work. The clearance between the stack of steel plates and the flywheel is much more, with the Puch coil, but it still gives a good strong spark. Another way to do it is to swap out the entire magneto for a 1980 “star” magneto, if you can get one, then rewire the brake light the “1980 way”, which is right and left momentary closed switches in parallel, and brake light in series with that, rather than the “1976-79 way”, which is right and left momentary open switches in series, and the brake light in parallel with that. See more in wiring diagrams.

What external coils will work?  Any 1970’s or older moped or small motorcycle, with magneto and points ignition, external coil will work. More modern 1980’s and later CDI (capacitor discharge ignition) coils are too small. Car coils are too big. The best kind is the Bosch coil (transformer) used on Puch mopeds. The worst are certain generic India or China made ones, with a weaker spark.

Where did this idea come from?  Starting around 1980, Shaun used to replace a lot of Peugeot condensers, like over 100. Sometimes the points would still have arcing, even with a new condenser. When that happened, 2 or 3 condensers, connected in parallel and externally mounted, were needed to stop the misfiring. Trouble was, the new condenser(s) would not last long. Soon Shaun realized that the Peugeot coils were sending sparks to the new condensers and causing them to “burn out”. When Cycles Peugeot, western USA, moved out of Compton CA, Royal Cyclery bought plenty of new Peugeot coils, like 100, and lots of new complete stator assemblies, like 50. These new original parts lasted into the late 1980’s. By then some of the new coils were bad almost right out of the box. Out of desparation, in about 1988, Shaun got the idea of changing to a different source coil, since all of the Peugeot ones were turning out to be bad. He found that of all the different moped source coils at Royal Cyclery, only the Puch 6-wire one was suitable. All others were either too small, too scarce, or did not have the external ground blue/black wire needed to operate the Peugeot brake light and be compatible with the Peugeot wiring. Gradually through the 1990’s all the Puch source coils got converted to Peugeot upgrade ones. By the late 1990’s there were almost none available. Shaun did about 50 Peugeot Ignition Upgrades from 1988 to 2000 using Puch source coils. Again out of desparation, in the year 2000, he got the idea to use the core of the Peugeot one. He found by trial and error how to cut away the outer windings and re-use the core as a source coil. From 2000 to 2010 Myrons Mopeds has done about 80 Peugeot Ignition Upgrades, recycling the Peugeot coil by cutting it, in place. Now this highly valuable information is free to the public, courtesy of Myrons Mopeds. May your Peugeot 103 never spit, sputter, or say bad things again!

Jet Drills

January 27, 2007


Above, a Tomos A55 idle jet (M4 thread) is physically bigger than a Puch Maxi main jet (M3.5 thread), but the hole size is much smaller. The photo shows how the #25 jet, 0.010" (ten thousandths of an inch), will allow the thinner wire of the wire wheel to pass through the hole, but not the thicker wire of the wire brush. This is a useful cleaning technique.

Above, a Tomos A55 idle jet (M4 thread) is physically bigger than a Puch Maxi main jet (M3.5 thread), but the hole size is much smaller. The photo shows how the #25 jet, 0.011″ (eleven thousandths of an inch), will allow the thinner wire of the wire wheel to pass through the hole, but not the thicker wire of the wire brush. This is a useful cleaning technique.

This will help you visualize how small these drills and jets are!

Moped main jets range from 0.018″ (#77 drill) to 0.026″ (#71 drill). 

Moped idle jets, like Tomos A55, are 0.011″ (smaller than #80).

An average human hair is 0.003″ (three thousandths of an inch).

So moped jet holes are 4 to 9 hairs wide!

Shauns well used jet drill container from the 1980's

Shaun’s well used drill container from 1987


Jet Drills: All through the late 1980’s and 1990’s, Shaun (at Royal Cyclery and later at Myrons Mopeds) used the USA-made jet drills to service carburetors. The drill sizes are an American wire gauge. They did not vary in size. Those 20-piece Drill Sets 61 to 80, cost $40 in 2015, $33 in 1998. and $29 in 1987. Some are in clear plastic round dome containers, and some are in conventional metal drill set boxes.



Drill Set 61-80 USA-made

Drill Set USA-made

Jet Drills made in China

Set 1 China-made

China-made Drills: In the 2000’s there were many China made tools sold in “surplus” tool stores. The China made 20-piece Drill Sets 61 to 80, sell for $7 to $10, or one fourth as much. They have an excellent blue plastic container, that only lets out one at a time. But the drill sizes are all wrong. From about 2010 to 2014, Myrons Mopeds sold these inexpensive drill sets, not knowing that the drill sizes were inexact, to say the least.

So although the China sets cost one forth as much, they only have about seven or eight different sizes, and they lack the smaller sizes below 0.4 (or sometimes 0.6) mm. Each set is different.


Jet Drills made in USA

Jet Drills made in USA

Set 2 China-made

Some have poorly made drills, twisted funny, bigger at the cutting end, or lumpy, varying in thickness. Some have poorly made cutting tips, so they might wander, grab and break, or not cut well.

Despite the poor quality and inexactness, the inexpensive drills are still useful for cleaning purposes, but not for measuring and maybe not for drilling. Fortunately, brass carburetor jets are the easiest thing to drill, with a drop of oil and a pilot hole already there.



Micro Drills and Wires for Sale Individually

These drills are measured at the shank (the smooth part). At the cutting edge they are 1 or 2% bigger.

These wires are steel guitar strings, cut into 5 inch lengths. 

“Metric” jets have a number that literally means hundredths of a millimeter, so a 64 jet is 0.64 mm.

Micro Drills for sale

inch   mm/#  price     moped jets that it cleans
0.011   wire     N/A Gurtner Motobecane diffuser – two idle holes (.013)
0.0135 #80  $6.00
0.0145 #79  $5.00
0.0157 0.40  $3.00 Dellorto 38 (.0162), Bing 42 (.0162)
0.016   #78  $4.00 Dellorto 40 (.0168), Bing 44 (.0167)
0.017   wire  $0.50 Dellorto 42 (.0177), Bing 46 (.0175)
0.018   #77  $3.50 Dellorto 44 (.0186), Bing 50 (.0188)
0.019   ——  $2.00 Dellorto 46 (.0194), Bing 52 (.0194)
0.0197 0.50  $2.00 Dellorto 48 (.0202), Bing 54 (.0200), “Metric” 51 (.0201)
0.0200 #76  $3.50 Dellorto 49 (.0207), Bing 56 (.0206), Gurtner 210=52 (.0210)
0.021   #75  $4.00 Dellorto 51 (.0215), Bing 58 (.0213), Gurtner 220=54 (.0220)
0.0225 #74  $5.00 Dellorto 55 (.0231), Bing 62 (.0229), Gurtner 230=56 (.0230)
0.023   ——  $2.00 Dellorto 56 (.0235), Bing 64 (.0234), Gurtner 240=58 (.0236)
0.0235 0.60  $2.00 Dellorto 58 (.0242), Bing 66 (.0239), Gurtner 245=59 (.0239)
0.0235 0.60  $1.50 Dellorto 58 (.0242), Bing 66 (.0239), Gurtner 250=60 (.0242)
0.024   #73  $3.00 Dellorto 60 (.0247), Bing 68 (.0248), “Metric” 63 (.0248)
0.025   #72  $3.50 Dellorto 62 (.0255), Bing 70 (.0254), “Metric” 65 (.0256)
0.026   #71  $4.50 Dellorto 66 (.0268), Bing 74 (.0267), “Metric” 68 (.0268)
0.0275 0.70 x N/A  Dellorto 70 (.0280), Bing 78 (.0280), “Metric” 71 (.0280)
0.028   #70  $4.00 Dellorto 72 (.0287), Bing 80 (.0287), “Metric” 73 (.0287)
0.0292 #69  $4.50 Dellorto 78 (.0306), Bing 84 (.0301), “Metric” 77 (.0303)
0.030   wire     N/A Dellorto 80 (.0312), “Metric” 79 (.0311), Gurtner K80 (.0311)
0.031   #68  $4.50 Dellorto 82 (.0318), “Metric” 81 (.0319)
0.0315 0.80  $2.00 Dellorto 84 (.0324), “Metric” 82 (.0323)
0.032   #67  $3.00 Dellorto 86 (.0331), “Metric” 84 (.0331)
0.0325  —— $2.00 Dellorto 88 (.0337), “Metric” 86 (.0339)
0.033   #66  $4.50 Dellorto 90 (.0343), “Metric” 88 (.0346)
0.034   wire     N/A “Metric” 90 (.0354)
0.035   #65  $3.00 “Metric” 92 (.0362), Gurtner MB (side mount) diffuser (.0358)
0.0354 0.90  $2.00 “Metric” 94 (.0370)
0.036   #64  $3.00
0.037   #63  $2.50
0.038   #62  $1.50
0.039   #61  $1.50
0.0394 1.00  $1.00


Deluxe 40-piece Micro Drill Set

Jet Drills 80-72 and 71-60

Myron’s Mopeds two case deluxe micro drill set, 80 to 72 (small) and 71 to 60 (large) plus many in-between sizes.
Price none, sorry no more.

Slide clear top plastic until hole is over drill (and pointer is on desired drill number). Only lets one drill out at a time. Never take out more than one at a time, or they can get mixed. The case keeps them organized. If any get lost, dull, or broken, individual drills can be bought at some hardware stores for $3-$4 each.

Useful for sizing to tell how big a jet really is (sometimes they’re drilled out or labeled wrong).

Useful for cleaning varnish or corrosion coating the inside of an old jet. It doesn’t really clean out any other way. The drill is used as a file, held with a needlenose pliers.

Useful for drilling jets to make a new size, as an alternative to buying ones. The drill is held with a needlenose pliers, and the jet is rotated with your fingers, with a drop of oil. To go down in size, fill the hole with solder and re-drill it smaller.




Here is a pin vise, a mini drill chuck, price $8








Other Tools for Cleaning Jets

Using a micrometer to measure a 0.017 wire

Using a micrometer to measure a 0.017″ wire

Guitar steel string 17 thousandths of an inch

Guitar string

Guitar Steel Strings in the smaller sizes are excellent tools for cleaning small holes. Here is a 0.0170 inch steel wire guitar string, perfect for cleaning out a 1974-85 Tomos stock jet size 46 that has a 0.0175 inch hole. A Honda Express NC50 (Keihin) carburetor, has a long brass idle jet tube with a tiny jet hole at the far end, too far for a drill to reach. For that, only a 2 or 3 inch piece of 0.010″ steel guitar string will reach to clean it. Ultrasonic cleaners, carb spray, or soaking are not effective for that. Other examples are a Sachs 52 jet 0.0190 would be cleaned by a 0.018″ wire, or a Motobecane 230 jet 0.023″ would be cleaned by a 0.022″ wire. The wire has to be a little smaller than the hole. Plain steel strings range from 0.008″  to 0.017″ in steps of 0.001″. Wound strings range from 0.017″ to 0.065″. 


Torch Tip Cleaner Set

Torch Tip Cleaner Set

Root Canal Files

Root Canal Files (say ahhh)

Welding Torch Tip Cleaners are another excellent tool for cleaning small holes. The tip has a cutting surface but not the sides. So it is made to clean the hole without widening it.

Wire Feeler Gauge Sets: There are also wire gauge measuring sets that look the same as the torch cleaner set shown.

Dentist’s Root Canal Files are also good for cleaning small holes. Color coded files range from 0.06 to 1.10 mm (0.0024 to 0.0433 inch).