
July 13, 2012

Murray      made by Murray (USA)       Puch 1-speed engine

MurrayMurray mopeds were made from 1979 to 1982 in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee
by Murray Ohio Manufacturing Company.

Murray made the frame and did the final assembly. But most of the components were European made, like the Puch (Austrian) engine, Leleu (French) hubs, Magura (German) controls, CEV (Italian) electrics, Bosch (German) ignition. Some of the components were American made, such as the Stewart-Warner speedometer and the Peterson headlight. The frame was made in Tennessee USA to be compatible with Puch frames. So the engine covers are the same as Puch Magnum. Here is a history of Murray bicycles from Wikipedia:


Murray Ohio Manufacturing Company was founded in 1919 to make fenders, fuel tanks, and other automobile parts. The company was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, and the factory was unionized by the United Auto Workers (UAW) and AFL–CIO. In the mid-1930s, the company began production of bicycles, mostly for the youth market. Other products included pedal cars and electric fans. Until 1939, Murray manufactured all of its products for branding and sale by other manufacturers, especially Sears, Roebuck & Co. From 1939 through 1942, Murray made the body parts for the Crosley automobile.

1939 Murray Mercury

1939 Mercury Pacemaker, made by Murray

In 1939, Murray introduced its Pacemaker Series Mercury bicycle at the 1939 New York World’s Fair. Styled by the industrial artist and designer, Viktor Schreckengost, the streamlined machine, with an elaborate diecast metal headpiece, was finished in black, chrome, and polished aluminum, the deluxe version of the Mercury Pacemaker line. However, the Mercury was an expensive bicycle, and sales were few. It was produced only in limited numbers until 1942, when the war stopped consumer bicycle production.

After the war, Murray became known as a manufacturer of low-cost bicycles, and placed its own brand on some products. Since the 1930s, Murray had been producing bicycles that, while stylistically different, imitated designs by other U.S. manufacturers, including Schwinn and AMF. This occasionally brought Murray into legal conflict with competitors, as when Schwinn filed against Murray for duplicating a Schwinn knurling and machining process on its rims.

Most Murray bicycles were for the youth market, often featuring one-piece steel Ashtabula cranksets and internally brazed frames using inexpensive seamed or straight-gauge steel tubing. These low-cost parts and materials undercut the prices of Murray’s competition, selling millions of bicycles (often with retailer names) to department stores, hardware stores, and general retailers. Schrekengost styled more than 100 mostly youth bicycles for Sears, Western Auto, Firestone Tire, and other retailers, including the Spaceliner, Western Flyer, and Firestone. By modifying chain guards, luggage carriers, lighting, handlebars, and truss rods, Schrekengost gave each bicycle a distinctive look while retaining the same welded tube frame design.

Like its competitor, American Machine and Foundry (AMF), Murray left Cleveland in the 1950s and moved its factory and assembly plant to the American South, choosing a factory site in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, with corporate headquarters located in Brentwood, Tennessee. Originally a non-union plant, the Lawrenceburg facility began operations in 1956, and over the next several decades, the complex grew to become one of the largest facilities of its type in the United States: 42.7 acres under roof. One of its more famous former employees is former Senator Fred D. Thompson. It later became a UAW plant, producing both bicycles and lawn and garden equipment.

Youth bicycle production received a boost with the 1965 introduction of Murray’s version of the small-tired, banana-seat, wheelie bike pioneered by Schwinn, the Murray Wildcat. The Wildcat was also styled by Schreckengost, who gave it his own interpretation of a chopper motorcycle, with high-rise handlebars, a tall sissy bar, and a flared rear fender. A series of models followed, including the Eliminator, Firecat and Hotshot. In 1977, again following a youth trend, Murray introduced its BMX model.

During the 1980s, in an attempt to overcome declining sales, Murray began selling its bicycle line in lower-cost mass market stores and discount chains such as Target, K-Mart, and Wal-Mart. While the practice enabled the company to increase sales of overall units, profits failed to meet expectations as a result of reduced margins imposed by mass retailers. Additionally, many independent bicycle dealers (IBDs) resented the new competition, and in retaliation some dealers refused to stock or promote Murray bicycles.

In June 1988, the Murray Ohio Manufacturing Company was acquired by the British investment group Tomkins plc. In 1996, Murray Inc., the last major U.S. bicycle producers with Huffy Bicycle and Roadmaster (formerly AMF), received a major blow when U.S. courts ruled that imports from China were not a “material threat” to U.S. companies. Within three years, Huffy, Roadmaster and Murray ceased manufacture of bicycles in the United States.

In 1998, Murray moved bicycle production from Lawrenceburg to a non-union factory in Mississippi. Production of all U.S.-made bicycles halted in 1999. In 2000, the Murray brand was acquired by Pacific Cycle, a U.S. distributor of bicycles produced in Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China. Murray has since been used as a brand for imported Chinese bicycles sold by Pacific Cycle. Pacific Cycle was later acquired by Dorel Industries.

Murray Mopeds

1980 Murray Brochure 1

1980 Murray Brochure 1

1980 Murray Brochure 2

1980 Murray Brochure 2


















1980 Murray Brochure 3

1980 Murray Brochure 3

1980 Murray Brochure 4

1980 Murray Brochure 4



















1980 Murray Brochure 5

1980 Murray Brochure 5

1980 Murray Brochure 6

1980 Murray Brochure 6


















1979-80 Murray Models

8315   1.5hp 25mph,  silver,   solo seat,   plain black rear shocks, painted fenders, spoke wheels
8320   2.0hp 30mph,  silver,   solo seat,   plain black rear shocks, painted fenders,  spoke wheels
8415   1.5hp 25mph, yellow, long seat, chrome coil spring shocks, painted fenders, spoke wheels
8420   2.0hp 30mph, yellow, long seat, chrome coil spring shocks, painted fenders, spoke wheels
8416   1.5hp 25mph,   blue, long seat, chrome coil spring shocks, chrome fenders, spoke wheels
8421   2.0hp 30mph,   blue, long seat, chrome coil spring shocks, chrome fenders, spoke wheels
8515   1.5hp 25mph, green, long seat, chrome coil spring shocks, chrome fenders, Sport Mag II wheels
8520   2.0hp 30mph, green, long seat, chrome coil spring shocks, chrome fenders, Sport Mag II wheels

1981-82 Murray Models

8315   1.5hp 25mph, silver, solo seat, plain black rear shocks, painted fenders, spoke wheels
8320   2.0hp 30mph, silver, solo seat, plain black rear shocks, painted fenders, spoke wheels
8316   1.5hp 25mph, silver, Kromag-type frame, fenders and seat same as Sears Free Spirit
8321   2.0hp 30mph, silver, Kromag-type frame, fenders and seat same as Sears Free Spirit
8515   1.5hp 25mph, green, long seat, chrome coil spring shocks, chrome fenders, Sport Mag II wheels
8520   2.0hp 30mph, green, long seat, chrome coil spring shocks, chrome fenders, Sport Mag II wheels

Weight was 107 lbs for spoke wheel models, 116 lbs for mag wheel models.


1981 Murray

1981 Murray 8320 (2.0 hp)

1981 Murray 1.5hp

1981 Murray 8315 (1.5 hp)












1981 Murray deluxe

1981 Murray 8520 (2.0 hp)

1981 Murray 8321

1981 Murray 8321 (2.0 hp) a “Kromag-rebrand”
It is 100% the same as a Sears Free Spirit, made in
Austria by Kromag, but VIN label says Murray Ohio.















1981 Puch Series B

1981 Puch Series B
90% same as Murray

Murray Components (Parts)

The frame is made in the USA by Murray, same as Puch Series B, made in Austria.

Carburetor: Bing 1/14/166 (2.0hp), short elbow, Puch type carb

Gas valve: 12 x 1 spigot left, Gas cap: 40mm quarter turn
Gas tank: same as Sears Free Spirit

Sprockets: 1.5hp had 13 x 45T, 2.0 hp had 16 x 45T (same as Puch Maxi)

Murray headlight made by PetersonMurray speedometer made by Stewart Warner for PetersonHead light: Peterson PM-720, PM-404 bezel,
Westinghouse 4186 sealed beam bulb 6V

Speedometer: Stewart Warner “backward sideways”

Electrical wiring: Bosch 6-wire magneto, same as Puch,
1 .blue is ignition (points to spark coil)
2. blue-black ignition ground (powering the horn)
3. yellow is head light
4. light grey is tail light
5. green is brake light
6. grn-blk is brk lt. gnd

AMF Mopeds

July 13, 2012


Flag 1    AMF     made in USA by AMF     McCulloch or Minarelli engine


Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia:  Aug 2014

AMF Roadmaster Mopeds for 1981 The perfect choice when you need a second car.

“The perfect choice when you need a second car.”

American Machine and Foundry was once one of the largest recreational equipment companies in the United States. The company was founded in 1900 by Rufus L. Patterson, inventor of the first automated cigarette manufacturing machine. Originally incorporated in New Jersey but operating in Brooklyn, the company began by manufacturing cigarette, baking, and stitching machines. AMF moved into the bowling business after World War II, when AMF automated bowling equipment and bowling centers became profitable business ventures. Bicycle production was added in 1950. The company was once a major diversified manufacturer of everything from tennis racquets to bowling equipment. Until the mid-1980s, AMF’s range of consumer goods included powered model airplanessnow skis, lawn and garden equipment, Ben Hogan golf clubs, Voit inflatable balls, exercycles and exercise equipment, Hatteras yachts, Alcort sailboats, Nimble bicycles, motorized bicyclesmopeds, and SCUBA gear. At one time, AMF owned Harley Davidson motorcycles. Aging production facilities and increasing quality control problems in some product lines caused sales declines in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The company’s vast diversified output proved difficult to efficiently manage, and after suffering a series of losses, the company began to sell off most of its manufacturing operations.

1958 AMF Roadmaster Luxery Liner 3-speed

1958 AMF Roadmaster
Luxury Liner 3-speed

AMF Roadmaster Bicycles  In 1950, after purchasing the Roadmaster line of children’s and youth bicycles from the Cleveland Welding Company, American Machine and Foundry entered the bicycle manufacturing business with its newly formed AMF Wheel Goods Division. In 1953, after a prolonged labor strike, AMF moved bicycle manufacturing from a UAW-organized plant in Cleveland, Ohio to a new facility in Little Rock, Arkansas. The new plant was heavily automated and featured more than a mile of part conveyor belts in six separate systems, including an electrostatic induction painting operation.

Taking advantage of the increase in its target markets in the aftermath of the baby boom, AMF was able to diversify its product line, adding exercise equipment under the brand name Vitamaster in 1950. As demand for bicycles continued to expand, the company needed a new manufacturing facility to keep up with demand. In 1962, the company moved its operations to Olney, Illinois, where it built a new factory on a 122-acre site that would remain the company’s principal bicycle manufacturing location into the 1990s.

1979 AMF 10-speed has same colors as 1979 AMF model 125 moped

1979 AMF 10-speed has
same colors as 1979
AMF model 125 moped

After two decades of consistent growth, the AMF Wheel Goods Division stalled under the long-distance management of a parent company bogged down in layers of corporate management and marginally profitable product lines. Manufacturing quality as well as the technical standard of the Roadmaster bicycle line – once the pride of the company – had fallen to an all-time low. Bicycles made at the Olney plant were manufactured so poorly that some Midwestern bike shops refused to repair them, claiming that the bikes would not stay fixed no matter how much labor and effort was put into them. The division’s problems with quality and outside competition were neatly summed up in a 1979 American film, Breaking Away, in which identical secondhand AMF Roadmaster track bicycles were used by competitors in the Little 500 bicycle race. Despite this product placement, the film’s protagonist expressed a decided preference for his lightweight Italian Masi road racing bike, deriding the elderly Roadmaster as a ‘piece of junk’.

In 1997, the Roadmaster bicycle division was sold to the Brunswick Corporation. However, it had already become evident that production of low-cost, mass-market bicycles in the US was not viable in the face of foreign competition, and in 1999, all U.S. production of Roadmaster bicycles ceased. Brunswick sold its bicycle division and the Roadmaster brand to Pacific Cycle, which began distributing a new Roadmaster line of bicycles imported from Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China. Pacific Cycle still uses the Olney facility for corporate offices and as a product inventory and distribution center.

AMF Bowling CentersAMF Bowling products  In 1943, Rufus Patterson’s son, Morehead Patterson, took over AMF. After WWII ended, Patterson determined that the company had to ‘grow or die’. Searching for new products, he encountered a prototype of an automatic bowling-pin setter. To get the cash to develop the invention, Patterson swapped AMF stock to acquire eight small companies with fast-selling products. After incorporating key features developed by Leslie L. LeVeque, the AMF Pinspotter, perfected and put on the market in 1951, helped to turn bowling into the most popular US participative, competitive sport.

AMF Ad in 1981, when fear of high gas prices made many Americans buy mopeds and small cars.

AMF Ad in 1981, when fear of high gas prices made many Americans buy mopeds and small cars.

AMF High-tech products  In 1949 American Machine and Foundry developed the pretzel bender, a new automatic crispy styled baked pretzel-twisting machine that rolled and tied them at the rate of 50 a minute, more than twice as fast as skilled hand twisters could make them, and conveyed them through the baking and salting process. To expand its line of recreational equipment, AMF bought W. J. Voit Rubber Corp. (tread rubber, scuba gear), Ben Hogan Co. (golfing equipment), and Wen-Mac Corp. (engine-powered toy airplanes). By 1961, AMF controlled and operated 42 plants and 19 research facilities scattered across 17 countries, producing everything from remote-controlled toy airplanes to ICBM launching systems. AMF was the builder of the launching silos for the Titan and Atlas ICBMs, and also developed the rail-car launching system for the solid-fueled Minuteman ICBM. In the late 1950s and early 1960s the company ran neck-and-neck with General Dynamics in the construction of nuclear power reactors. AMF sold Pakistan and Iran their first nuclear reactors. Peter Karter was among the young engineers working on the reactors AMF built in Pakistan and Iran under the Atoms for Peace program. In 1960 the company moved its headquarters from 249 Madison Avenue, Manhattan, to suburban Westbury, New York. In the early 1960s, American Machine and Foundry partnered with the French company SAFEGE to design, construct and market a monorail for American cities. The AMF Monorail was exhibited at the 1964 New York World’s Fair where it traversed a continuous elevated loop around the Amusement section of the Fair. It was displayed as a practical form of future transportation.

McCullochAMF Roadmaster Mopeds

Info AMF After building elevated monorails and nuclear missile launchers, you would think making a moped would be relatively easy. But AMF was late in the game, and had to rush through the design. In 1977, Europe had 30 years experience making mopeds. There was a huge demand for mopeds in the US, more than Europe and Asia could satisfy. Other American bicycle makers Murray and Colombia were beginning to make mopeds with European engines and components. AMF had plenty of bicycle making expertise, but not small engines. So AMF teamed up with McCulloch in 1977 to make this BHE900 rear friction-drive one-speed automatic 49cc two-stroke moped engine. McCulloch already made high quality, compact, light weight two-stroke engines for the hand-held-power-equipment industry – chain saws, blowers, trimmers, etc. But the AMF moped engine was a brand new design. The presence or absence of a pull starter supports that. Gardening equipment engines adapted to bicycles have rope-pull starters, while “pure” bicycle engines can only be pedal started. In about a year it went from just a sparkle in an engineer’s eye, to 1000’s of units rolling off the assembly line by the end of 1978.


McCulloch BHE900 Moped Engine

McCulloch-AMF parts p1

McCulloch engine p1

McCulloch BHE800 engine parts p3-4

McCulloch BHE900 engine parts page 3-4

McCulloch parts p3

McCulloch engine p4










1980 AMF 110, T.K. carb

1980 AMF 110, T.K. carb, separate fuel pump

Myrons Mopeds does not have any AMF/McCulloch parts, except for a few random bits, and things used on other mopeds, like piston rings, bearings, gas cap, fuel hose, spark plug, crank nut, etc. The above parts list says there are different reed valves for the D and E engine versions, but gives the same part numbers for replacement parts. The reed valve and carburetor are the only things that are different on those more powerful engine versions. When the details of this become known, you will read about it here.

model #     carb   fuel pump   power   speed      AMF Models
400612B     T.K.   separate   1.0 hp   20 mph   110, 115, 120
400612C   Keihin   separate   1.0 hp   20 mph   110, 115, 120
400612D    Zama    built-in    1.0 hp   20 mph   115, 120, 125
400612E    Zama    built-in    1.0 hp   20 mph   115, 120, 125

 AMF Roadmaster (110)

1978-79 AMF Roadmaster Model 110 Model 115 Model 115km

1978-79 AMF Roadmaster
Model 110 (20mph)
bicycle fork, no F susp.
0.25 gallon gas tank

980 Roadmaster orange Model 115 orange w/orange fenders 25 mph, 1.5 hp

1978 AMF Roadmaster
Model 110, 2.0 – 16″ tires
orange w/orange fenders
20 mph, 1.0 hp, 68 lbs
Grimeca drum brakes,
 Sun Metal rims

1980 Roadmaster orange Model 115 orange w/orange fenders 25 mph, 1.5 hp version

1980 AMF Roadmaster 
Model 110 orange/orange
Messenger black saddle 
20 mph, 1.0 hp, 68 lbs
170 mpg, list $379

1979 AMF Roadmaster engine cover removed

1979 AMF Roadmaster,
engine cover removed,  Zama carb with built-in diaphragm fuel pump. Carlisle flat-top tires










In 1980 this was the lowest priced new moped, at $379, the highest was $1069, for the Puch Magnum MkII. 

 AMF Roadmaster (115)

1978-79 AMF Roadmaster Model 110 Model 115 Model 115km

1978-79 Roadmaster
Model 115 (20mph)
bicycle fork, no F susp. 
0.25 gallon gas tank

1978 AMF Roadmaster
Model 115 
red with orange fenders
20 mph, 1.0 hp, 68 lbs
Peterson head, tail lights
Carlisle flat-top tires

AMF 110/115 head light says "Ride Carefully" "1 hp 20 mph" "max rider wt. 215 lbs"

AMF 115 headlight
says “Ride Carefully”
“1 hp     20 mph”
“max rider wt 215 lbs”

1979 AMF Roadmaster with engine uncovered

1979 AMF Roadmaster
with engine uncovered. It’s a friction drive, on flat-top tire, with an automatic centrifugal clutch










1978-79 AMF Roadmaster Model 110 Model 115 Model 115km

1978-79 AMF Roadmaster
Model 115KM (??mph)
bicycle fork, no F susp.
0.25 gallon gas tank

1978 AMF All Pro Model 120 ? red w/lite grey fenders 20 mph, 1.0 hp, 72 lbs

1978 AMF All Pro
Model 115KM ?
red with white fenders
20mph?, 1.0hp?, 68 lbs
Messenger solo saddle

AMF 110/115 Parts List

AMF 110/115 Parts

AMF 110 to 130 parts

AMF 110 to 130 Parts










 AMF Roadmaster XL (120)

1978-79 AMF Roadmaster Model 120

1978-79 Roadmaster XL
Model 120 (20mph)
front suspension fork
0.38 gallon gas tank
updated electrical wiring

1979 Roadmaster XL orange w/white fenders front suspension, speedometer

1979 Roadmaster XL
Model 120 orange/white
Stewart-Warner speedo
AMF front suspension
updated electrical wiring
Peterson gold bullet HL

AMF 120 Parts List

AMF 120 Parts List

AMF 110 to 130 wheel parts

AMF 110 to 130 Parts











AMF Roadmaster XL (125)

1978-79 AMF Roadmaster Model 125

1979-80 Roadmaster XL
Model 125 (20mph?)
front suspension, speedo
0.38 gallon gas tank
updated electrical wiring

1979 Roadmaster XL Model 125 wheat with gold fenders gold "bullet" headlight Stewart-Warner speedo

1979 Roadmaster XL
Model 125 wheat/gold
Peterson gold bullet HL
F susp, Sun Metal rims
Grimeca drum brakes
Messinger gold saddle
Stewart-Warner speedo

AMF 125 Parts List

AMF 125 Parts List

AMF 120/125 Parts

AMF 120 to 130 Parts











1979 Roadmaster XL Model 125 wheat with gold fenders

1979 Roadmaster XL
Model 125 wheat/gold
engine part # 400612D  The C or D suffix means it has a Zama carb with built-in fuel pump, and a better reed valve.

1980 Roadmaster XL
Model 125 wheat/gold
This one has no engine, mountain bike bars, and bicycle lights. Many road masters have become sidewalk masters.

1980 Roadmaster XL Model 125 ? (25mph) white/wheat/gold fenders 0.83 gal tank, no speedo gold Peterson headlight normal rear lift lever

1980 Roadmaster XL
Model 125 ? (20mph?)
white/wheat/gold fenders
0.83 gal tank, no speedo
gold Peterson headlight
normal rear lift lever












AMF Flyer 1981 page 3-4

AMF Roadmaster mopeds 1981 flyer page 3-4
left, 130, wheat/gold, 25 mph, 1.5 hp, 88 lbs, F susp, speedo, handlebar mount lift lever
mid,  120, colors redwood/wheat, 20 mph, 1.0 hp, 72 lbs, front suspension, speedometer
right, 110,  orange/orange, 20 mph, 1.0 hp, 68 lbs, no front suspension, no speedometer


AMF 110 115 115KM Electrical and Wiring

Electrical Wiring








AMF 120/125/130 Electrical Wiring

AMF 120/125/130
Electrical Wiring










AMF Roadmaster XL (130)

1980 Roadmaster XL Model 130 (25mph) white w/gold fenders 0.83 gallon gas tank engine lift lever on bars Peterson "bullet" HL Stewart Warner speedo

1980 Roadmaster XL
Model 130 (25mph)
white/wheat/gold fenders
0.83 gallon tank, speedo
engine lift lever on bars
gold Peterson bullet HL

1980 Roadmaster XL Model 130 (25mph) white w/gold fenders 0.83 gallon gas tank engine lift lever on bars Peterson bullet HL gold

1980 Roadmaster XL
Model 130 (25mph)
white/wheat/gold fenders
0.83 gal, speedometer
engine lift lever on bars
gold Peterson bullet HL

AMF 130 Parts List

AMF 130 Parts List

AMF 130 to 140 parts

AMF 130 to 141 Parts










AMF Roadmaster mopeds 1980-1981 page 1-2

AMF Roadmaster mopeds 1981 flyer page 1-2, Minarelli V1 engine model 140/141 
Left, dark w/light tank and fenders. Right, light w/dark tank and fenders. (not made?)
Only “dark w/light tank and fenders” was made, with solo or long seat, 25 or 30mph.

















AMF Roadmaster (140 or 141)

1980 AMF Golden Arrow, Minarelli V1 engine with black plastic fan shroud that is normally light grey

1980 AMF Golden Arrow,
Model 140 (30 mph) with black fan shroud that is normally light grey, same rims and tires as 110.
0.83 gallon gas tank

1980 AMF Golden Arrow Model 140 (30mpg) Minarelli V1 engine

1980 AMF Golden Arrow
Model 140 (30 mph)
Minarelli V1 engine
Messenger black saddle
Grimeca hubs and brakes
extra left starter lever

1981 AMF Roadmaster Model 140, solo seat Minarelli V1 engine

1980 AMF Roadmaster
Model 141 (25 mph)
wt 100 lb, Minarelli V1
0.83 gallon gas tank
Carlisle 2.25 – 16 tires










1982 AMF Roadmaster Model 140 (twins) Minarelli V1 engine

1982 AMF Roadmaster
Model 141 (25 mph)
Minarelli V1 engine
Dellorto SHA 14/12 carb
Peterson black bullet HL
Huret speedometer

1983 AMF Roadmaster Model 140 solo seat metallic grey with silver Minarelli V1 engine 25 or 30mph versions

1983 AMF Roadmaster
Model 140 (30 mph)
metallic grey with silver
Minarelli V1 engine
extra left start lever

AMF 140/141 Parts List

AMF 140/141 Parts

AMF 140 wheel parts

AMF 140/141 Parts











AMF Model 140 and 141 are identical, except for the Minarelli engine. The long seat option must have began in late 1981 or 1982, because only a solo seat AMF 140 is listed in the 1981 Buyers Guide. After 1980, the 110, 120, 130 rear engine models were apparently not made, because all of the 1981 and later AMF’s pictured on the internet are the Model 140/141 Minarelli-engine kind. The Minarelli AMF lasted until 1983-84 when sales were way down.

The End of AMF Mopeds

KEZ (sold AMF parts)EZ RiderBy the mid-1980’s, falling gas prices, new state moped laws, and the craze for Japanese scooters, ended the demand for mopeds in the US. Sometime around 1984, AMF sold their remaining moped and parts inventory to “E-Z Rider”, also known as K.E.Z. Industries Inc, 430 E 16th St, Paterson NJ 07514. KEZ sold AMF Roadmaster parts to moped dealers across the US, starting in 1985. They only sold the frame parts, not the McCulloch or Minarelli engine parts. By the late 1980’s there were not many moped dealers left in business.  

Dialex EZ Rider

1979 Wards E-Z Rider made in USA by Dialex Minarelli V1 engine

1979 Wards E-Z Rider   made in USA by Dialex
Minarelli V1 engine

Dialex EZ Rider plastic gas tank with logo

Is this E-Z Rider the same one who, 5 years later, sold AMF parts to moped dealers?

There seems to be a connection between two E-Z Riders. In 1979-1980 there was an American made moped called E-Z Rider, made by Dialex Industries, Inc. 123 S. Newman St. Hakensack, New Jersey 07671. Like AMF, it was sold by Montgomery Wards department stores. Like AMF, it had a Minarelli V1 engine with a mix of American and Italian components. The Dialex E-Z Rider had a plastic gas tank with this logo embossed on it. Notice how both E-Z Rider logos are spelled the same and both companies are from New Jersey. Most likely Dialex Industries either became, or was bought by, KEZ Industries.


Myrons Mopeds does not have any actual AMF moped parts for sale, except for the many things that are the same as other mopeds, and maybe some random bits and pieces. This collection of information is here for several reasons: 1) artwork and history for your enjoyment, 2) to help find what parts go where or what might be the same, 3) to refer to particular parts by name, number, illustration, or photo.  

Here are links to Project Moped Manual for AMF Moped Manuals. This is a 1979 AMF Roadmaster Owners Manual. The rear McCulloch engine is separate, 1978 McCulloch BHE900 Engine Owners Manual. These download in a minute or two, in PDF format.


AMF 140 head light

AMF 140 head light
chrome ring says PM-404
Peterson Manufacturing

AMF 140 oil mix sticker

AMF 140 oil mix sticker

AMF 140 rear wheel

AMF 140 rear wheel

AMF 140 rear frame

AMF 140 rear frame









AMF 110 rear hub

AMF 110 rear hub

McCulloch engine

McCulloch engine







AMF  Tires

For the friction drive models 110/115/120/125/130 the original Carlisle (made in USA) tires are labeled “2 – 16 moped”. But 2.0 – 16 size tires are difficult or impossible to get. Most mopeds with 16″ rims have 2.25 -16, or 1/4 inch wider. The front Carlisle 2 -16 with zig-zag tread is 2.0 inch wide, but the rear tire with the smooth flat top is actually 2.20 inch wide. In front there is plenty of room for a 2.25 -16 but in the rear there is barely room for the original tire that is 2.2 inch wide. A 2.25-16 is also 2.20 (or 2.25) inch wide. It might not rub if the axle is spaced to center it, but otherwise it would rub.

Considering that, it is better to use actual 2.00 – 16 tires, or the equivalent 20 x 2.125 bicycle tires. There are 20 x 2.125 bicycle tires with a smooth top, but rounded. Those would be best. Worst would be a knobby style. The smooth top lasts longer.



July 13, 2012

Contents:  1. Hero Motors and MAL
Contents:  2. 1993-95 Hero-Majestic
Contents:  3. 2000-05 Hero-Majestic
Contents:  4. 2000-05 Hero-Puch
Contents:  5. 2000-05 Yumbo
Contents:  6. 2000-05 TVS


1. Hero Motors and MAL

Exerpt from

Hero Motors is a former moped and scooter manufacturer based in Delhi, India. It is a part of multinational company Hero Group, which also currently owns Hero Motocorp (formerly Hero Honda) and Hero Cycles, among others. Hero Motors was started in the 1960s to manufacture 50 cc two-stroke mopeds but gradually diversified into making larger mopeds, mokicks and scooters in the 1980s and the 1990s. Noteworthy collaborators and technical partners were Puch of Austria and Malaguti of Italy. Due to tightening emission regulations and poor sales, Hero motors have discontinued the manufacture of all gasoline powered vehicles and transformed itself into an electric two-wheeler and auto parts manufacturer.

Excerpt from

Hero Motocorp Ltd., formerly Hero Honda, is an Indian motorcycle and scooter manufacturer based in New Delhi, India. The company is the largest two wheeler manufacturer in the world. In India, it has a market share of about 46% share in 2-wheeler category. The 2006 Forbes 200 Most Respected companies list has Hero Honda Motors ranked at #108. On 31 March 2013, the market capitalisation of the company was INR 308 billion (USD 5.66 billion). Hero Honda started in 1984 as a joint venture between Hero Cycles of India and Honda of Japan. In 2010, when Honda decided to move out of the joint venture, Hero Group bought the shares held by Honda. Subsequently, in August 2011 the company was renamed Hero MotoCorp with a new corporate identity. In June 2012, Hero Motocorp approved a proposal to merge the investment arm of its parent Hero Investment Pvt. Ltd. into the automaker. The decision comes after 18 months of its split from Honda Motors.

Majestic Auto 1990's logo

1990’s MAL logo

Excerpt from

Majestic Auto Limited (MAL): The company was originally incorporated as a private limited company on 23.4.1973 under the name “Majestic Gears (P) Limited”. It was manufacturing various bicycle components for M/S Hero Cycles Pvt. Ltd. It was promoted by Sh. Satyanand Munjal, Sh.Brijmohan Lall Munjal and Sh. Om Parkash Munjal of Hero Cycles Limited. The company, having understood the requirement of Indian markets of two wheeler industry, decided to go in for producing of a suitable moped in the year 1975. This company converted to a public limited company on 2nd April,1977. The name of the company had been changed to M/s Majestic Auto limited and a fresh certificate of incorporation was obtained on 9th August,1977. In 1978, the company diversified into the manufacture of 49cc mopeds under the brand name of “Hero Majestic”. The Company has since then recorded a phenomenal growth, every year, in its production capacity. The Company became full-fledged public limited company on 29th October 1985.

Majestic Auto 2010's logo

Majestic Auto Limited logo 2014

MAL, established in 1973, is a part of India’s well-known Hero Group of Companies comprising 30 companies, each one having established its own respective production line in India and in International Market. The turnover of the Hero Group in 2004-2005 was over US $ 4 Billion. Hero Group of Companies have a number of prestigious collaboration to their credit namely Honda Motors and Showa of Japan. MAL has diversified in 1999 in the field of Fine Blanked Components in technical collaboration with Feintool of Switzerland. Company is supplying components for the major automobile companies of India like Maruti, Tata Motors, Mahindra & Mahindra, Ford, Toyota & General Motors, Bosch India, Hero MotoCorp, Fiat and Force Motors. MAL has further established a modern unit to manufacture various types of silencers for Hero Motorcycles, Stator & Rotor assembly for LG Electronics and Tecumseh.

Handy Bikes in 1980's 1055 W 5th Ave Columbus OH 43212

Handy Bikes in the 80’s
1055 W 5th Ave
Columbus OH 43212

Handy Bikes 2014

Handy Bikes in 2014

Handy Bikes Corp. in Columbus Ohio was the US importer of Hero Majestic mopeds, from about 1993 to 2005. They also sold many bicycles, and imported Hercules/Sachs mopeds, Sachs engines and sold certain 70’s-80’s new moped models in the 1990’s, like Colombia “Open Road” aka “Mopet”, with a large monotube frame and a Solo (not Sachs) engine. Their phone number 614-299-0550 and location at 1055 W 5th Av Columbus Ohio, has been the same since at least the 1970’s. In the early 1990’s Bill Cummings was their national sales executive. Bob Jones (BJ) was their main moped expert until 2012 when he retired. BJ helped 1000’s of people with moped parts and service, for several decades. Everyone salutes them! 

In 2013 Handy Bikes liquidated the moped parts inventory and became strictly a bicycle-only store. At least two other stores do, or did, sell Hero Majestic mopeds:

Moped World    they may also have parts

Five Flags         was active in late 2000’s, not available Aug 2014

1977 Mopeds    has some Hero Majestic parts shown, more not shown


2. 1993-1995 Hero Majestic

Hero, Hero-Majestic    made in India by Hero-Majestic    Majestic Auto Ltd.


Info Hero Majestic

Info Hero Majestic

1993 Hero-Majestic Ankur components: Majestic Auto Limited (MAL) one-speed 49cc 1.5 hp automatic engine, belt drive, points/magneto ignition, 12 volt AC lights, ULO tail light, CEV round head light, 2.25 x 17″ tires, MAL cast aluminum hubs, MAL exhaust, MAL large-mono-tube frame, painted blue or red, MAL fenders, painted white, MAL forks, chrome, MAL rear shocks, covers, Paradise-MAL speedometer, MAL two-person long seat.

1993 Hero Majestic Ankur

’93 Hero Majestic Ankur

1993 Hero Majestic Ankur

’93 Hero Majestic Ankur

1993 Hero Majestic Ankur red from flyer

’93 Hero Majestic Ankur










1993 Hero-Majestic Pacer components: Majestic Auto Limited (MAL) one-speed 49cc 1.5 hp automatic engine, belt drive, points/magneto ignition, 12 volt AC lights, ULO tail light, CEV round head light, 2.25 x 17″ tires, MAL cast aluminum hubs, MAL exhaust, MAL frame, MAL separate gas tank, 12×1 female gas valve, 30mm? push-in gas lid, MAL fenders, MAL forks, chrome, MAL rear shocks, covers, Paradise-MAL speedometer, MAL two-person long seat.

1993 Hero Majestic Pacer

1993 Hero Majestic Pacer

1993 Hero Majestic Pacer

1993 Hero Majestic Pacer   no turn signals

1995 Hero Majestic Pacer

1995 Hero Majestic Pacer   no turn signals









1993 Hero-Majestic Panther components: Majestic Auto Limited (MAL) one-speed 49cc 1.5 hp automatic engine, belt drive, points/magneto ignition, 12 volt AC lights, ULO tail light, no turn signals, CEV round head light, 2.25 x 17″ tires, MAL cast aluminum hubs, MAL exhaust, MAL frame, MAL separate gas tank, 12×1 female gas valve, 30mm? push-in gas lid, MAL fenders, MAL forks, chrome, MAL rear shocks, covers, Paradise-MAL speedometer, MAL two-person long seat.

1993 Hero Majestic Panther no turn signals

1993 Hero Majestic Panther
no turn signals

MAL cylinder & piston alum. w/chrome bore

MAL cylinder & piston
alum. w/chrome bore

MAL crankcase set

MAL crankcase set

MAL rings 40x2.0 GI

MAL rings 40 x 2.0 GI










3. 2000-2005 Hero Majestic

2000 Hero-Majestic Panther components: Majestic Auto Limited (MAL) one-speed 49cc 1.5 hp automatic engine, belt drive, CDI (electronic) ignition, 12 volt AC lights, ULO tail light, round turn signals, CEV round head light, 2.25 x 17″ tires, MAL cast aluminum hubs, MAL exhaust, MAL frame, MAL separate gas tank, 12×1 female gas valve, 30mm? push-in gas lid, MAL fenders, MAL forks, chrome, MAL rear shocks, covers, Paradise-MAL speedometer, MAL two-person long seat.

2000 Hero Majestic Panther

2000 Hero Majestic Panther  CEV head, ULO tail light
round turn signals

2000 Hero Majestic Panther round turn signals CEV 1210 head light CEV-clone tail light

2000 Hero Panther
CEV pancake head light
CEV-clone rect. tail light
round turn signals

2000 Hero Panther top tank in Handy Bikes showroom

2000 Panther top tank
in Handy Bikes showroom  CEV round head light  round turn signals

2001 Hero Majestic Panther

’01 Hero Majestic Panther  CEV pancake head light round turn signals











2003 Hero Majestic Panther, Pacer, Gismo

Handy Bikes USA 2003 Hero Majestic flyer


















2004 Hero-Majestic Pacer components: Majestic Auto Limited (MAL) one-speed 49cc 1.5 hp automatic engine, belt drive, CDI (electronic) ignition, 12 volt AC lights, Fiem tail light, Fiem rounded-rectangular turn signals, Feim or Saturnus? rectangular head light, 2.25 x 17″ tires, MAL cast aluminum hubs, MAL exhaust, MAL frame, MAL separate gas tank, 12×1 female gas valve, 30mm? push-in gas lid, MAL fenders, MAL forks, chrome, MAL rear shocks, covers, Paradise-MAL speedometer, MAL two-person long seat.

2004 Hero Majestic Pacer Fiem rectangular signals Fiem square tail light Saturnus? rect. head light

2004 Hero Majestic Pacer
Fiem rectangular signals
Fiem square tail light
Saturnus? rect. head light

2005 Hero Majestic Pacer

2004 Hero Majestic Pacer Fiem rectangular signals Fiem square tail light Saturnus? rect. head light

2005 Hero Majestic Pacer

2004 Hero Majestic Pacer

Fiem (India) makes automotive lights, signals, mirrors, non-automotive lights indoor, outdoor, street lights, solar panels, and more.

Fiem (India) makes automotive lights, signals, mirrors, non-automotive lights indoor, outdoor, street lights, solar panels, and more.









2005 Hero Majestic Pacer

2005 Hero Majestic Pacer Fiem rectangular signals Fiem square tail light     Fiem rectangle head light

2005 Hero Majestic Pacer Feim rectanglular signals Feim square tail light CEV-clone rect. head light

04 Hero Majestic Pacer Fiem signals & TL Saturnus? rect. HL

2003 Pacer magneto

2003 Pacer magneto (for reference not for sale)

2003 Pacer flywheel

2003 Pacer flywheel (for reference not for sale)










2005 Pacer instruments

2004 Pacer instruments   Paradise-MAL speedo

2005 Pacer rear lights

2004 Pacer tail and signal lights have the Fiem logo

2005 Pacer engine right

2004 Pacer engine right pedal thread 14mm ?

2005 Pacer turn signal lens

’04 Pacer turn signal lens made in India by Fiem









2005 Hero Majestic Ankur was sold new, online by

2005 Hero Maj. Ankur
Fiem lights

2003 Hero Majestic Ankur carburetor is a Vespa Dellorto clone

2003 Hero Maj. Ankur carburetor is a Vespa Dellorto clone










2006 Hero Majestic Pacer

Handy Bikes USA 2006 Hero Majestic Pacer flyer

This was a 2006 model, but was made in 2005.



2006 Hero Majestic Ankur

Handy Bikes USA 2006 Hero Majestic Ankur flyer

This was a 2006 model, but was made in 2005.



Non-USA versions

2008 Hero Majestic Student

2008? Hero Student
is a kickstart Ankur,
same engine but 60cc

2008 Hero Student controls

Hero Student (Euro model) controls









Unfortunately, Myrons does not have Hero Majestic parts, except for a few semi-universal things. 


4. 2000-2005 Hero Puch

Hero-Puch    made in India by Hero Motors    various engines

Puch Remakes Not Puch

Puch remakes: After Puch went bankrupt in 1987, the Puch name and the equipment and “recipes” needed to make mopeds were sold. There were four Puch re-makers:

Piaggio (Italy) around 1988. Piaggio made the Puch Super Maxi.

Maxwell (Turkey) about 1988. Maxwell made a Puch Super Maxi.

Manet (Slovakia) around 1994. Manet made the Puch Korado.

MAL (India) around 1990. MAL made Hero-Puch, TVS and Yumbo.



Info Hero Puch and Avanti

Info Hero Puch

Info Hero Puch

Info Hero Puch

Info Hero Puch

Info Hero Puch









2000 Hero Puch Automatic

2000 Hero Puch Automatic

2001 Hero Puch Automatic

2001 Hero Puch Automatic


Myrons has serviced a few Hero Puch Automatics that had things made imprecise, or off-center (like the clutch drum), or with poor quality materials (like the fork rubbers). So many of them, perhaps only some of the ones exported to the US, have excess engine vibration from the imbalanced large rotating things, like the clutch drum and the flywheel.




2000 Hero Puch Automatic components: 35mph 3.2 hp 49cc (or 41mph 4.2 hp 65cc) Puch remake one-speed automatic engine, kick-start (no pedals), steel chrome traditional spoke wheels with cast aluminum hubs

2000 Hero Puch Shakti 2G 2-Gears, manual shift no clutch (India model)

2000 Hero Puch Shakti 2G
two gears, manual shift
no clutch (India model)

2001 Hero Puch Turbo Sport

2001 HP Turbo Sport

2001 Hero Puch 65

2001 Hero Puch 65 (India model)
 two gears 65cc  41mph (67kph)










2005 Hero Puch Turbo Sport components: 35mph 3.2 hp 49cc (or 41mph 4.2 hp 65cc) Puch remake 2 (or 3) speed foot-shift (no clutch) engine, kick-start (no pedals), aluminum die cast “5-star mag” wheels, 2.50 – 16 tires

2005 Hero Puch Turbo Sport

2005 Hero Puch Turbo Sport
(USA) two gears 49cc 35mph


Here are some Hero-Puch reviews:









2005 Hero Puch Turbo Sport AG

2005 Hero Puch Turbo Sport is a beautiful bike. Thousands of people use this machine faithfully in India, where it is called Hero Puch Shakti.

1985 Puch Austro Daimler

1985 Puch Austro Daimler, a technologically advanced pedal moped, made in Austria, designed by Porsche.














1999? Hero Puch Maxwell (for Europe)

1998-00 Hero Puch Maxwell (made in India) 
While Porsche did help design the Austro Daimler for Puch in the early 1980’s, they did not help design the Maxi. The sign implies they did.

1985 Puch Maxi Sport LS 2

1985-86 Puch Maxi Sport LS 2-speed (made in Austria)
This was the last and the best “real” Puch moped. The first Hero Puch mopeds, made in India, were Euro-model remakes (1-speed kick start) of this (2-speed automatic).
















5. 2000-05 Yumbo

Yumbo  made in India by Hero-Majestic  MAL engine

Yumbo was a brand name of kids motorcycles, ATVs, scooters, and mopeds, imported to the USA by Mod Cycles Corporation, 7547 NW 52 St, Miami FL 33166. These two mopeds were 2 out of about 10 models in the 2004 Yumbo sales brochure.

2002 Yumbo Free, Roadpower, Dakar


2004 Yumbo Free and Yumbo Sport

The Yumbo Free is the same as a Hero Puch Automatic.

The Yumbo Sport is the same as a Hero-Majestic Ankur.


2005 Yumbo Free (Euro model)


2005 Yumbo Free close ups





6. 2000-05 TVS

TVS  made in India by Hero-Majestic  MAL engine

2001 TVS Sport and TVS Champ

2001 TVS XL-Super and TVS Scooty

The TVS Champ is the same as a Hero-Majestic Panther. 

















2005 was the last year for most 50cc US models

2005 was the last year of production for Hero and many other brands of mopeds and scooters intended for sale in the USA, because 2006 was the first year that US EPA required under-250cc on-road motor-driven-cycles to meet clean air emissions standards. While many of the 4-stroke engines were already clean enough, like the 100, 125, 150, and 200cc scooters, most of the two-stroke 49cc engines were not able to meet the strict standards. As a result most 49cc US-model  mopeds and scooters stopped selling those non-EPA-compliant models. Some switched to four stroke engines. Some, mainly just Tomos, were able to “clean up their act” and developed a clean two-stroke 49cc moped. 




Myrons Mopeds does not have specific Hero, TVS, or MAL parts, other than things that are compatible with other mopeds.


July 13, 2012

India Flag


Avanti      Avanti       made in India by Mont Motors     Garelli remake


Info Avanti 2001

Info Avanti 2002

Info Avanti 2003












Mont Motors Limited is located in Rajasthan, India. It was established by Pacco Group of Companies in 1997-98. Mont Motors was the first in India to manufacture mopeds in 1984 with technical collaboration from Agrati Garelli of Italy.

The main products of Monto Motors Limited are as follows: 

Mopeds (Garelli VIP engine):                  Motor Cycles:                        Mini HD:

Avanti Auto Power   1-speed                  Bright Bike                              Avanti X-Bike
Avanti Carrier         1?-speed                  100cc Motor Cycle                  Avanti Zipper
Avanti Mont             1-speed                   125cc Motor Cycle                 Avanti Zip Zap
Avanti Kobra            2-speed                  150cc Motor Cycle                  Avanti Kid Bike
Avanti Super Sport  2-speed                   Gazzab                                  Avanti Club 70
Avanti Porta            2-speed                   Blaster                                   Kid Harley


Info Avanti color 2

Info Avanti color 1

Info Hero Puch and Avanti














Avanti Speed Versions


2000’s Aravali (Avanti) Autopower from Uruquay






  Cosmo Stinger       made in India by Mont Motors     Garelli remake




Myrons Mopeds does not have specific Avanti or Cosmo Stinger parts, other than things that are compatible with other mopeds. The only exception is a new red 2001 Autopower that was parted out. Those parts will be shown here eventually. 




Kinetic Mopeds

July 13, 2012



From I Love India .com:

Kinetic Motor Company Ltd. Kinetic Engineering is credited with bringing in India the concept of personalized transport. It is a part of the Firodia Group of companies, one of the pioneering groups in automobiles sector in India, founded in the year 1972 by Mr. HK Firodia, known as the doyen of the Indian Automobile Industry.

1972 Kinetic Luna, from Narendra Kumar Firodia

Kinetic Motors introduced the concept of personalized transportation in India in 1972 when it launched Kinetic Luna. Thereafter, it has been continuously serving Indian automobile industry.

In 1984, the company entered into a Joint Venture with Honda Motor of Japan, to produce advanced scooters in India. Both the companies introduced in collaboration a gearless scooter with advanced features like TLAD suspension, auto choke and auto fuel cork. In 1998, Kinetic bought the controlling stakes from Honda becoming the first Indian JV partner to buy out the foreign majority shareholder.

Kinetic has a dealership network of more than 400 dealers and authorized service centers across the country. It is a leading exporter of vehicles across the globe with thousands of vehicles exported to the United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and Australia. It has bagged the Exports Excellence award nine consecutive years.

The company acquired Italiano series of scooters from Italjet Moto. The acquisition involved all global distribution rights as well as relocation of total production lines to India. Kinetic also has partnered with SYM Motors of Taiwan to produce some two wheeler brands.

Kinetic produces a complete two-wheeler portfolio which ranges from mopeds, scooterettes, scooters to bikes. Manufacturing plants of the company are at Pithampur (for scooters), Ahmednagar (for scooterettes and mopeds) and Koregaon (for bikes).

Kinetic Products:
Bicycles: Comet, Aquila, GF series, Stryker, Boss, Velocity
Scooters: Blaze, Zoom, 4S, Nova series, SYM Flyte
Mopeds and Scooterettes: Kine, Zing 80, Luna
Load Carrying Vehicles: V2, King



Soni 2

Soni 2 was an early 1970’s moped sold in the USA, made by Kinetic. The non-USA version was called Luna. It is a remake of a 1968-69 Vespa Ciao C9E, with 19″ tires.

Soni 2 did not have the 1972 USA DOT equipment like the 1972 Vespa Ciao C7E did (tail light that shines to the sides, and a brake light that does not dim the headlight).

1968 Vespa Ciao (C9E)

1974 Kinetic Soni 2

1979 Kinetic Soni 2










Paul Soni of America: Not many Soni’s were sold in the US. Photos and literature are scarce. One or two of these pink Soni 2 parts labels is all that identifies Paul Soni of America Incorporated as the importer-distributor.

Kinetic Engineering Limited was the manufacturer, in Ahmednagar India, the label says.

Soni is not listed in any of the mid-to-late 1970’s US moped hand books. Yet here is a photo of a 1979 Soni with USA lights and reflectors. On the ’79 the seat support is moved forward where the frame is stronger, the fork is telescopic not cantilever, and the lights and reflectors are USA compliant.




Kinetic TFR was a  1994-03 moped sold in the USA. The non-USA version was called Luna TFR. The TFR is essentially a Magnum but with a fixed drive pulleys instead of  variable “V-Drive”. 

Cosmopolitan Motors was the importer to the US, in Hatboro Pennsylvania. During the 1990’s Cosmo also had a sales office in Los Angeles. This flyer says the address: 10850 Wilshire Blvd #400 Los Angeles CA 90024.

Thousands of Kinetic TFR’s were sold in the US, especially 1995 models. They had 12V lights and several colors, including purple, but black or red were the most common.

1994-03 Kinetic TFR

1996-98  TFR (image reversed)

1994-95 Kinetic TFR












Kinetic TFR engine, transmission and gear box parts


TFR Parts list is from Moped Division free downloads:

Kinetic TFR Parts Catalog

Kinetic TFR Repair Manual




Kinetic Magnum was a  1993-2000 moped sold in the USA. The non-USA version was called Luna Magnum. It had a variable (two speed) belt drive instead of fixed (single speed)

Mar-Cel Company was the importer to the US, in Clinton, North Carolina. The Kinetic Magnum has a stamped sheet frame and a Piaggio remake engine and drivetrain with 12V lights. It is similar to a 1980’s Piaggio Si.

The 1993 Kinetic Magnum in the sales flyer below does not have any USA-required lighting and safety equipment. It’s a two-person moped that says “V-drive” on the left (drive belt) side. 

Each of these Magnum photos shows a bulge in the left rear side cover. That identifies a Kinetic or a Piaggio as a variator model. Single speed models have no rear bulge or not as much.

1980 Vespa (Piaggio) Si

’93 Kinetic Magnum (Luna shown)

1999 Kinetic Magnum

’00 Kinetic Magnum











Kinetic Magnum engine, transmission and gear box parts


Magnum Parts list is from Moped Division free downloads:

Kinetic Magnum Parts Manual



Kinetic TFR-USA was a  1999-05 moped sold in the USA, imported by Cosmo. The non-USA version was called Luna Magnum.

Kinetic TFR-USA is a partial remake of a Vespa Si, with a variator (variable-diameter v-belt pulleys) drivetrain and 12V lights. That and an improved exhaust (longer header) allow a TFR-USA to take off faster and climb hills better than a non-variated TFR.

Kinetic TFR-USA

Info Kinetic 3

Kinetic TFR-USA

Info Kinetic 4

Kinetic TFR-USA












Kinetic Parts for Sale

Moped Division has most original Kinetic parts, for US models. 

Myrons Mopeds has most of the many Kinetic parts that are the same as Piaggio.

Kinetic and Piaggio part numbers: Kinetic parts listed below that are the same as Piaggio have blue Piaggio part numbers. Kinetic parts that are different from Piaggio have blue zeros. Kinetic parts that are not used on Piaggio have white zeros (blank).


fig qty  1 is TFR, 2 is Magnum, 3 is TFR-USA
fig 123 Piaggio# Kinetic#   price   Engine Parts

01 100 000000 03006421 none  case set TFR
00 011 000000 05006780 none  case set Magnum
02 111 000000 03040010 none  dowel tube Kinetic
03 111 112967 03017010 $5.00 case gasket
04 111 113708 03008240 $75.0 crankshaft with ∅12 bushing
05 111 120070 03054010 none  piston bushing use 5847
05 111 000000 00005847 $4.00 bushing 11.72 14.02 12.0 see note 1
06 222 113681 03144020 $3.50 crank washer 15.4 x 21 x 0.5
07 111 008753 96515001 $10.0 crank bearing 6202-C3
08 111 112978 97014901 $6.00 crank seal 15 x 24 x 5
09 111 155111 03100010 $2.00 case ground terminal
10 555 030055 03159310 $1.00 case bolt M6 x 38 (or 40) hex
11 555 006966 94306001 $0.25 case lock washer
12 555 020106 92606001 $0.30 case nut M6
13 222 000595 03038010 $3.50 upper cylinder stud M7 x 120
14 111 000595 03038020 $4.00 lower cylinder stud M7 x 129
15 111 000000 03009010 none  piston bare 38.4 x 12-20-16
16 111 000000 03010010 none  #1 ring 38.4 x 1.5-1.3 chromed
17 111 000000 03010020 none  #2 ring 38.4 x 1.5-1.3
18 111 132233 03000010 $7.00 piston pin 12.0 x 31.5
19 222 006612 03141010 $1.50 piston pin clip 12
20 111 152793 03017020 $4.00 cylinder base gasket
21 111 000000 03005287 $0.00 cylinder
22 111 000000 03017030 none  head gasket Kinetic
23 111 000000 03003246 none  head
24 111 113245 03004010 none  decomp valve
25 222 113247 03144870 none  spring cup
26 111 113242 03191050 none  valve spring
27 111 113246 03156010 $3.50 clevis clip
28 111 012768 95802001 $1.80 split pin 1.8 x 14
29 111 113242 03192020 $5.00 decomp spring
30 333 003057 93707601 $0.20 washer 7
31 333 020106 94307001 $0.50 lock washer 7
32 111 113243 03066010 $8.00 forked plate
33 444 020107 92607001 $0.60 head nut M7
34 111 121908 16036090 $5.00 spark plug NGK BR5HS
35 111 155475 03189020 $6.00 spark plug cap generic
36 111 000267 03115010 $2.00 flywheel key M96a
37 111 103137 03023010 $10.0 points cam
38 111 102943 03144030 $3.00 notched wave washer
39 111 000000 19022100 none  flywheel rotor Kinetic
40 111 102931 03106390 $3.00 rotor inspection plug
41 111 152040 03047100 $12.0 fan cover (used)
42 444 000000 93705501 $0.20 fan cover washer 5
43 444 S15585 90405001 $0.50 fan cover screw M5 x 14 (or 16)
44 111 121504 15047280 $9.00 air cover (used)
45 111 S13963 93705501 $0.20 air cover washer 5
46 111 S08455 90405001 $0.50 air cover screw M5 x 14 (or 16)
47 011 000000 15002730 none  engine assy
47 100 000000 04144900 $1.00 seal washer 6
48 100 000000 90106024 $0.80 hex screw M6 x 8 (or 10)
49 100 000000 15002730 none  engine assy






Angel and Speedbird

July 13, 2012

 AngelAngel            made in Taiwan by TYM       TYM engine


Angel was made by T.Y.M. Industrial Co. Ltd, 554 Chung Cheng Rd, Yongkang Hsiang, Tainan Hsien, Taiwan, ROC. The owners manual uses this address: T.Y.M. Industries Co., Ltd.  No. 2-26, Yeng-Hang, Yong-Kang, Tainan Hsian  Taiwan, Republic of China. TYM made motorscooters and mopeds, including the Speed Bird brand of moped. The importers were the Cham Company, 11853 E. Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs CA 90670, and Enersav, Inc. PO Box 964 Winona MN 55987. The engine, made by TYM, is a copy of a Laura M48 (Holland), but the clutch and reed valve are different.




Info Angel small




Angel AP48: The early version had stamped sheet metal frame and an old fashioned cantilever fork. 

This is obviously a remake of a 1974 Honda PM50. Most PM50 parts should be the same, but not all.

Angel AP48

1977 Angel AP48

Angel gas tank bolt-on fuel valve

Angel gas tank
bolt-on fuel valve

1974 Honda PM50 Novio











Angel CP48: This is an AP48 with a telescoping fork and chrome fenders.

Info Angel color 2

1978 Angel CP48

Info Angel color 1

1978 Angel CP48













Angel BP48: This is a steel tube frame with a separate gas tank. Most (or maybe all) of these models have the Speed Bird brand name.

1977 Speed Bird

1977 Speed Bird

1977 Speed Bird BP48

1977 Speed Bird BP48












Angel BP48-S: This is a BP48 with different floorboards, different wiring, and chrome fenders. Some of these models have the Speed Bird brand name and logo.

1979 Angel BP48-S gold

1977 Angel BP48-S

1977 Angel BP48S

1977 Angel BP48S
provided by Donald Bush











Angel BP48-S

1983 Angel BP48-S

1983 United  BP48-S

Some time around 1981, the General Moped Company, Inc became a distributor for Angel mopeds and parts. This very late Angel was given the model name “5 Star” by General, because that was their “line” name in the early to mid 1980’s.  This later BP48-S had a bullet headlight holding a bigger Tatung speedometer.

There was also an identical bike, TYM BP48-S, called “United” likeley imported by United Moped in Fountain Valley CA.



Angel and Speed Bird Wiring Versions

1983 Angel BP48-S engine top view

1983 Angel BP48-S
engine top view

The Angel “late” engine wires are visible in this photo.
This is a 4-wire WTEMCO magneto.

Black is “ignition” to coil and kill switch.
There is no external ignition ground like on the earlier Angel wiring version.
Yellow is “main lights”.
Red is “battery charging”.

Green/yellow is “battery charging ground”




Angel Wiring Diagram

Angel Wiring Diagram

The Angel “early” engine wires are shown in this diagram.
This is a 3-wire WTEMCO magneto.

Black is “ignition” to coil and kill switch.
Pinkish-Brown is “ignition ground” and “lights”.
Yellow is “battery charging”.

When the head light burns out, the engine looses spark, unless the headlight switch is turned “off”. If the head light switch is disconnected, the engine will not run, because the pinkish brown wire is not grounded. Ground it at the engine to restore spark. 


Angel Service Manual – Carburetor Service

Angel service p9

Angel service p10

Angel service p11

Angel service p12

Angel service p13









NVT, Scorpion and Mizer

July 13, 2012

 England flag

NVT history: Condensed from Wikipedia

NVT was a British motorcycle manufacturer from 1972 to 1978, formed by the British Government.

Triumph had been owned by the BSA Group since 1951, but by 1972 the merged BSA-Triumph group was in serious financial trouble. British Government policy at the time was to save strategic industries with taxpayers’ money. They decided to bail out the company, provided that to compete with the Japanese it merged with financially troubled Norton Villiers, a subsidiary of British engineering conglomerate Manganese Bronze.

The merged company was created in 1973. As BSA was both a failed company and a solely British-known brand (the company’s products had always been most successfully marketed in North America under the Triumph brand), the new conglomerate was called Norton Villiers Triumph.

NVT inherited four motorcycle factories—Small Heath (ex-BSA); Andover and Wolverhampton (Norton); and Meriden (Triumph). Still short of development cash, the company was restricted to launching developments of existing products, most notably around the popular Norton Commando. With its classical parallel twin probably by now overdeveloped, from March 1973 the Roadster, Hi Rider, and the Interstate all began to use a new 828 cc engine. Later NVT also produced the Easy Rider moped including a “sixteener” version with a Morini engine and pedals, and the NVT Rambler 125/175 cc with Yamaha engines. 

NVT was eventually liquidated in 1978. Even though Norton Villiers Triumph is no more, motorcycles bearing the Triumph name are still being made; the marketing rights to Triumph were sold to the Meriden workers’ co-operative in 1977 and in 1983, sold on to a new Triumph Motorcycles Ltd company situated in Hinckley, Leicestershire.

’76-77 NVT Eazy Rider (ER), 2. ’76-77 NVT Ranger, 3. NVT ER4L (UK model)


From The Empire Strikes Back, by Mark Daniels

The first Eazy Rider ER1 and ER2 step-through automatic models were introduced in March 1976, and were assembled near Birmingham, at Shenstone in Staffordshire.

There’s some speculation that NVT made the chassis, but seems unlikely since the swing-arm and pressed steel chain guard appear on other, variously branded, Italian-built machines which are generally credited to Bianchi/Italtelai manufacture. The NVT frame however, never appears on any other Bianchi/Italtelai made bikes, though tube sizes and some forms are fairly similar, so it seems possible that Bianchi/Italtelai could have made the chassis to Bob Trigg’s specific design, so maybe the Easy Rider range wasn’t quite a totally bought-in machine assembled from off-the-peg components.


Late 70’s NVT Eazy Rider (UK models) sales flyer


NVT Eazy Rider US and UK models:
ER     Morini MO-1 engine (1-speed) step-thru
ER2   Morini MO-2 engine (2-speed) step-thru
ER2L Morini MO-2 engine (2-speed) top-tank

NVT Ranger Morini MO-1K off road

NVT Eazy Rider UK models:
ER2L   Morini MO-2 (2-speed automatic) top-tank
ER4L   Morini MO-4 (4-speed foot shift) top-tank
ER4TL Morini MO-4 (4-speed foot shift) top-tank

NVT ER and ER2 specs: tires 2.25 – 17, weight 110 lbs, total length 66.5″,
mono-tube frame gas tank 0.95 gallon, vent button behind seat, sprockets 12 x 28T.

NVT ER and ER2 components: Domino 1970’s controls, chrome (stainless) levers,
double-ended brake cables with both ends mushroom type,
Grimeca hubs, 90mm brakes, 11mm axles, Lucas 679 (England) tail light, CEV “bullet” headlight,
CEV round chrome switches, brake light switches in parallel, normally open when installed.

Some US models have “small” Bosch magneto, dark grey colored flywheel, with internal ignition ground,
and a third source coil powering the brake light.

Some US models have a Dansi 101286 magneto, gold colored flywheel, with an internal ignition ground.
The lighting coil is split into two outputs, so it looks like two source coils but it is actually three. 

NVT service info

NVT ER gas valve 10×1
male, spigot back, with 
long detachable shaft

NVT Eazy Rider Wiring
Dansi 101286 magneto
internal ignition ground













Scorpion history: From The Empire Strikes Back, by Mark Daniels

Towards the end of 1977 NVT announced the securing of export orders to the USA of 1,000 Easy Rider mopeds per month.  Export market American mopeds were mainly sold as either NVT Easy Rider or, from August 1977, as Scorpion SC1 (step-through frame, single-speed auto), SC2 (step-through frame, two-speed auto), and SC-2X Scrambler models (sports styled, two-speed auto). Frame plates indicated these machines as ‘Manufactured by Scorpion Inc. Crosby, Minnesota’, a snowmobile manufacturer established from 1959, who marketed the mopeds as a product diversification.

US model NVT mopeds were imported by Scorpion, Inc. Box 300B, Crosby Minnesota USA. Before August 1977 they were sold as NVT, and after that they were re-branded as Scorpion.

Info NVT color  j
Left, 1977 NVT Eazy Rider ER1 or ER2. Right, 1978 Scorpion SC1 or SC2.
On the left side the MO1 and MO2 engines are the same. You can’t tell the model from these photos.


1. 02-1978 Scorpion ID, 2. 1977 Scorpion SC1, 3. 1978 Scorpion SC2X


SC1: Morini MO-1 engine says Cuyana,
Weight 102 lb

SC2: Morini MO-2 engine says Cuyana,
Weight 105 lb

SC2X: Morini MO-2 engine says Cuyana
top tank, long seat with storage. Weight 113 lb



Cuyuna: The Cuyuna Development Co. made snowmobile engines, named for the Cuyuna Iron Range in Minnesota, near Crosby MN. Their stickers are on Scorpion moped engines, made by Franco Morini.



Specs and Equipment: tires 2.25-17, fuel mixture 40:1, CEV sealed beam headlight,
Lucas 679 tail/stop lamp, steering lock, mirror, luggage rack, speedometer/odometer,
Dellorto carburetor with automatic releasing choke.

Brake cables are 2-ended with mushroom ends.





In 1978 Fred Zak began selling Scorpion mopeds in his shop “West Side Recreation” in Little Falls Minnesota. Little Falls is 48 miles from Crosby, MN the home of Scorpion. Zak sold 100 Scorpions in 1979. Gas was high $0.79/gal and Americans wanted things like mopeds that save gas.  

Sometime around 1980-81 moped sales slowed, and Scorpion sold its snowmobile and moped business to Arctic Enterprises. Arctic did not want to dabble in mopeds, so they stored all of the Scorpion moped parts inventory in a warehouse.

In 1982 Fred Zak purchased the Scorpion inventory from Arctic Enterprises and formed Falls Mopeds, Inc. The Mizer was born! Fred with sons Bob and Fritz assembled 30-40 Mizer mopeds, made out of individual parts, not assemblies. The frames and frame parts were painted and Mizer stickers and stripes added.  


1982 Mizer 2 with Morini MO2 engine, restored by Dan Van Bruggen in Big Lake Minnesota USA.

Mizer components: Mizer has the same parts as Scorpion, including the special double-ended brake cables.







Carabela Parts

July 13, 2012

Mexico flag

            Mexico-made mopeds



Carabela      made in Mexico by Acer-Mex      Minarelli clone

Carabela Engine

Carabela Engine

1977 Carabela Moto-Matic

1977 Carabela Moto-Matic












Carabela components: Minarelli V1 remake engine (with different, bigger ports and more fins), Dellorto SHA 14/12 carburetor, CEV lights and switches, Domino controls and levers, Grimeca-compatible cast aluminum hubs and brake plates, Grimeca axles and brakes, CEV 6932 magneto, CEV speedometer with LH driver, and CEV reflectors. 



July 13, 2012

Portugal flag



made in Portugal      Casal engine


1980 Casal Mopeds (US models)

1980 Casal Mopeds (US models)

Casal Record Mundo 50ccMetalurgia Casal started in 1953, in Aveiro, Portugal, making mostly agricultural engines. Business leader João Casal met representatives of Zündapp at a trade fair in Hanover in the early 60’s, and then started to build mopeds with Zündapp engines. From 1966-on he made his own engine, the Casal engine, which is a modified copy of the Zündapp, to be built in a many variants. In the 70’s Casal exported their products to UK, US, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and others. Car production was also planned, but not realised.

HuVo Casal record bike 50cc went 139mph

HuVo Casal record bike
50cc went 139mph

Casal had always done 50cc racing, with the Dutch company HuVo, but in 1980-81 they did some world record setting with Dutch riders. In 1980 Jan Nijhuys took the standing start 50cc  1/4 mile record with a Casal Sparta Plompen, 15.26 seconds. Then in 1981 Jan Huberts rode the HuVo Casal 50cc streamliner to an astounding 224kmh (139mph). Sadly, as the increased purchasing power in their home country Portugal, their most important market, slowed down the sales of mopeds, bankruptcy was a fact in February 2000. In connection with this, unfortunately, parts of the company’s archives were destroyed. Today it operates as a Suzuki representative in Portugal (adapted from Wikipedia).


Casal K177 Futurmatic

Casal K177 Futur Matic

1979 Casal K177

1979 Casal K177

Casal K177 red

Casal K177, M140 engine

Casal M140 Engine

Casal M140 1-spd auto
Bing Ø12 carb
Bosch 6V magneto









1969 Casal K196 same as Zundapp KS50

1979 Casal K196 (for US)
same as Zundapp KS50
with Casal M148 engine
2-speed manual grip shift

1978 K196 engine left Motoplat magneto

1978 M148 engine left
Motoplat magneto
similar to 70s Derbi

1978 K196 engine right

1978 M148 engine right
gear shift lever on top
clutch adjuster at center
oil check plug at bottom

Casal M147 2-speed

Casal M147 2-spd kick
(like M148 2-spd pedal)
Bing Ø17 carb
Motoplat 6V magneto










1978 Casal K196 restored by B. Small

1978 Casal K196 restored by B. Small

1978 Casal K196

1978 Casal K196







Casal K196 ID plate

Casal K196 ID plate










Links to Casal Manuals and Specs:

Casal Owners Manual

Casal K196 (US) Owners Manual back cover

Casal K177 (US) has Engine M140, 1-speed automatic
horizontal cylinder, 40.0×39.7 bore & stroke, 8.5:1 comp ratio
1.0, 1.5, 2.0hp versions, Bing Ø12 carb, Bosch magneto
16 x 2.25 tires, 68mm brake drums, wt. 98lb 
Casal K196 (US) has Engine M148, 2-spd grip shift, pedals
Casal K168 (US) also has M148, almost same as M147 kick, 
vertical cylinder, 40.0×39.7 bore & stroke, 8.5:1 comp ratio
2.5? hp, Bing Ø17 carb, Motoplat magneto 
K196: 17 x 2.75 tires, 120mm brakes, wt. 150lb, alum rims
K168: 14 x 2.75 tires, 120mm brake drums, wt. 135lb
Casal M140 Engine exploded view

Casal M140 1-speed automatic engine, from a Taiwanese Sprinter owners manual, compacted.


Casal components: (K177 model) Bing 12mm carburetor (bell type), Bosch 80mm magneto, Magura controls/levers, VDO speedometer, Merit switches?, ULO tail light, 68mm brake drums. This is a light duty model. Casal uses the same components as a German moped. Read why, in Casal’s introduction and history, above.

Casal components: (K168 and K196) Bing 17mm carburetor (bell type), Motoplat magneto, Magura controls/levers, VDO speedometer, Merit switches, 120mm brake drums. These are heavy duty models.

Casal Cylinders and Pistons: Casal pistons and cylinders are made in Germany by Mahle. Piston info is found in pistons and rings The “tall crown” Casal piston has the highest pin-to-top distance (23mm) of any of Myron’s 50cc moped pistons (Minnarelli and Sachs are next highest at 22mm). 

Casal Non-USA Models:

Casal K166 Boss (for UK) says "The Mens Model"

Casal K166 Boss (for UK)
says “The Mens Model”

Casal K168 Boss

Casal K168 Boss

1992 Casal K168 engine

1992 Casal K168 engine







Casal SS4 (UK model)

Casal SS4 (UK model)
4-spd “Sixteener Special”

Casal Ø40mm Cylinder

Casal Ø40 Cylinder


These cylinders are for other Casal models not covered here. They will be available for purchase from mopedland (link below) sometime soon.






Casal K188 Enduro

Casal K188 Enduro

Casal M112 engine

Casal M112 engine

Casal 48mm cylinder

Casal Ø48 Cylinder
has the same 48mm
bolt spacing as the Ø40


Note that Casal engines are Zundapp copies or compatibles.



For Casal models try this:

For Casal official photos:

For a complete database on all Portugese mopeds and motorcycles:



July 13, 2012


         Cosmo     made in Italy (’77-82) or India (’99-02)      various engines

Cosmo is the trade name of Cosmopolitan Motors, formerly in Hatboro Pennsylvania USA. In the 1950’s they were the US importer of Jawa CZ. In the 1960’s, 70’s, and 80’s they were the US importer of Parilla, Capriolo, MV Agusta, Bimota, Benelli, Bianchi, Montesa, Garelli, and Beta motorcycles. In the 1990’s they were the US importer of Kinetic mopeds, made in India. Some of their current products are electric bicycles. Visit their website at also distributed Italian motorcycle parts and accessories, Pirelli, Tommaselli, AGV, Sidi, Grimeca, Domino, Regina, Dellorto, Marzocchi, Costa, Baruffaldi, etc. and their own line of mopeds and mini-cycles.

Here is shown and explained the complex family of Cosmo branded mopeds, US models, with different makes, models and year ranges:

Piccoli Motori small

1977-1980 Cosmo Colt, Colt 2Blazer, Blazer 2

These were top-tank (Colt) and step-thru (Blazer) mopeds with Morini MO-1 or MO-2 enginesThe Cosmo Colt 1 chassis is the same as a Baretta Magnum. The Cosmo Blazer is the same as a Malaguti Commuter. The chassis is the same as a Baretta 38. They are all made by Piccoli Motori in Bologna, Italy. See below.

1981-1982 Cosmo Colt 3, Colt 3A, Colt 4, Colt 4B

These were top-tank tube-frame mopeds with Morini M-1 or M-101 engines. The 1980 Cosmo Colt 3 is the same as a 1978 Malaguti Pilot. They are both made by Malaguti in San Lazzaro di Savena, Italy. See below.

Piccoli Motori small

1981-1982 Cosmo Colt 5

This was a top-tank moped with Sachs 505 oil injected engineThe Cosmo Colt 5 chassis is the same as a Baretta Magnum. They are both made by Piccoli Motori in Bologna, Italy. See below.

1980-1983? Cosmo Amico Scooter

This was a scooter-like pedal moped, with a Minarelli V1 engineIt had small tires and a fully enclosed body like a scooter. It is the same as 1970’s Testi Amigo (Euro model) except for lights. See below.

1999-2002 Cosmo Stinger

This was a top tank pedal moped, with a Garelli remake engine, made in India by Monto Motors. The Cosmo Stinger is the same as an Avanti Supersport, both with a Garelli 2-speed remake engine, 35mph. See Avanti.



1977-79 Cosmo Mopeds

1977-78 Cosmo Mopeds and Mini Cycles


Cosmo 1977-78 Mopeds & Cycles

Brandxx Model  xx   Engine  x Maker
Cosmo Colt    xx x Morini MO-1   Piccoli
Cosmo Colt 2 xx x Morini MO-2   Piccoli
Cosmo Blazer 1x   Morini MO-1   Piccoli
Cosmo Blazer 2xx Morini MO-2   Piccoli
Benelli Blazerxx x Benelli G2 xx  Motobi
Benelli G2xxxxx x Benelli G2 xx  SEIMM
Cosmo Mini cross Morini S5K2   Piccoli?

Colt was top tank frame, Blazer was step-thru.


1978 Cosmo Colt 2
Morini MO-2 engine

1977 Benelli Blazer
Benelli G2 engine

1978 Cosmo Colt 1
Morini MO-1 engine

1978 Cosmo Blazer
Morini MO-1 engine









1978 Cosmo Blazer, made by Piccoli, Morini MO-1 engine 
provided by Marty Kupferschmidt of Montello, Wisconsin

79 Malaguti Commuter
Morini MO-1 engine

1978 Baretta 38
Minarelli V1 engine








1978-79 Cosmo Colt

1979 Benelli G2
restored by B. Small

Cosmo 1979-80 Mopeds & Cycles

Brandxx Model  xx   Engine  x Maker
Cosmo Colt 1  xx x Morini MO-1   Piccoli
Cosmo Colt 2 xx x Morini MO-2   Piccoli
Cosmo Colt 3 xx x Morini M1 xx Malaguti
Cosmo Blazer 1x   Morini MO-1   Piccoli
Cosmo Blazer 2xx Morini MO-2   Piccoli
Benelli Blazerxx x Benelli G2 xx  Motobi
Benelli G2xxxxx x Benelli G2 xx  SEIMM
Cosmo Mini cross Morini S5K2   Piccoli?


1979 Colt 2 Morini MO-2 engine

1979 Cosmo Colt 1
Morini MO-2 engine

1979 Baretta Magnum
Minarelli V1 engine

1980 Colt 1 Morini MO-1 engine

1980 Cosmo Colt 1
Morini MO-2 engine

1980 Cosmo Colt 3 Morini M1 engine

1980 Cosmo Colt 3
Morini M1 engine









Cosmo 1981-82 Mopeds & Cycles

Brand   Model  xxx   Engine     Price   Wt     Colors
Cosmo Colt 1 xxxxx Morini MO-1 $629    95  black,red,silver,blue
Cosmo Colt 3  xx Morini M1 reed $750    95  black,red,white,blue
Cosmo Colt 3A xxx Morini M101  $799  100  black,red,white,blue
Cosmo Colt 4xxxx Morini M101  $849  100  black,red,white,blue
Cosmo Colt 4Bxxx Morini M101  $925  105  same w/side boxes
Cosmo Colt 5xxxxx Sachs oil inj $699  100  black,red,white,blue
Cosmo G2xxxxxxxxx Benelli G2  $619    95  blue, orange, white
Cosmo C2xxxxxxxxx Benelli G2  $649    95  same but long seat
Cosmo Amicoxxxxx Minarelli V1 $799  120  off white
Cosmo Mini cross Morini S5K2? $579    90  red and white
Benelli 250/4xxxxx xxxxxxxx   $3495  350  red
Benelli 500/4  xxxxx xxxxxxx   $2995  500  red, silver
Benelli 750/6  xxxxx xxxxxxx   $3995  550  red, silver, green


1981 Colt 3 Morini M1 engine

1981 Cosmo Colt 3
Morini M1 engine

1981-82 Cosmo Colt 4B
Morini M101 engine

1982 Colt 4 Morini M101 variator

1982 Cosmo Colt 4
Morini M101 engine








Veglia smallCosmo Blazer components: CEV lights, switches, Domino controls, Grimeca wheels, 90mm brakes, Dellorto SHA 14/12 or 14/9 carburetor, CEV or Veglia speedometer with LH driver.


OSL smallVeglia smallCosmo Colt components: CEV lights, switches, Domino controls (Colt 1 and 5) or OSL controls (Colt 3 and 4), Grimeca wheels, 90mm brakes, Dellorto SHA 14/12 or 14/9 carburetor, CEV or Veglia speedometer with LH driver.



Cosmo Amico Scooter

Cosmo Amico Scooter

 Cosmo Amico   made in Italy by Testi        Minarelli V1

Info Cosmo Amico Scooter

Info Cosmo Amico Scooter

In Europe the Testi Amico was made and sold from about 1970 to 1980. But US-model versions were made in about 1979-1980, and sold in the early 1980’s. They were imported and distributed by Cosmopolitan Motors in Pennsylvania.





PV controlsCosmo Amico components:  Minarelli V1 engine, PV levers/controls. CEV lights, round chrome switches. CEV speedometer with LH driver (small tire ratio?). Grimeca 10″ Razze Incrociate style mag wheels, Grimeca 90mm brakes, and 11mm axle parts. Dellorto SHA 14/12 carburetor parts. CEV 6932 magneto, CEV ignition parts, all single ended (universal) cables.