Puch Parts

August 18, 2012

updated 2024-07


Shared Parts: Many parts on Puch mopeds are shared by other European brands. Shared parts such as bulbs or tires are listed in separate sections according to what they do or who makes them. For example, parts for a Puch magneto are in Bosch magnetos, parts for a Puch carburetor are in Bing carburetors. Here are the shared parts sections that contain Puch parts.



1975-86 Puch Maxi and Magnum series,
and rebrands Sears, JC Penney, Murray

US models 1. ’78 Puch Maxi, 2. ’78 Puch Maxi Luxe, ’78 Puch Newport

US models 1. ’78 Sport MkII, 2. ’78 Magnum XK, 3. ’78 Magnum MkII

US models 1. ’78 Sears Free Spirit, 2. ’78 JC Penney, 3. ’80 Murray

1. ’69 Puch Maxi (Euro), 2. ’78 Puch GN (US model)



Engine Parts

Brands/Austria/Puch/ E50 Engine Parts 

Brands/Austria/Puch/ ZA50 Engine Parts

Brands/Austria/Puch/ Exhaust

Parts/Engine/ Pistons and Rings

Parts/Engine/ Bearings and bushings

Parts/Engine/ Seals and seal rings

Parts/Engine/ Nuts keys shims clips etc. 

Parts/Carburetor/Bing/ Bing 1 Puch
This “round Bing” carburetor was on Puch Maxi since 1969. There are other round Bings.

Parts/Carburetor/Bing/ Bing 15, 17, 18
This “square Bing” carburetor was on some Puch models since 1983.  


Frame Parts

Parts/Frame/ Gas Valves

Parts/Frame/ Gas Caps

Parts/Frame/ Steering Parts

Parts/Frame/ Covers

Parts/Frame/ Shocks, Seats

Parts/Frame/ Forks, Swingarms

Parts/Controls/ Magura

Parts/Cables/ Puch Cables

Parts/Drivetrain/ Pedal Parts

Parts/Drivetrain/ Sprockets

Parts/Drivetrain/ Chains

Parts/More/ Reflectors

Parts/More/Speedometer/ VDO

Parts/More/ Fork Locks and Keys/European Locks




Wheel Parts

Parts/Wheels/ Tires and Tubes

Parts/Wheels/ Leleu Wheel Parts 
Leleu made the ’75-86 spoke wheels and the ’79-86 “5 Star” mags.

Parts/Wheels/ Grimeca Wheel Parts
Grimeca made the ’77-79 “Snowflake” mag wheels.

Parts/Wheels/ Brakes

Parts/Wheels/ Spokes

Parts/Wheels/ Wheels


Electrical Parts

Parts/Electrical/ Switches

Parts/Electrical/ Bulbs

Parts/Electrical/ Headlights

Parts/Electrical/ Tail Lights

Parts/Electrical/ Horns, Wiring

Parts/Ignition/ Plugs, Wires, Coils

Parts/Ignition/ Points, Condensers

Parts/Ignition/ Bosch Magneto Parts










July 14, 2012


1. Sealed beam SB 
2. Replaceable bulb RB 
3. Converting SB to RB 
4. Headlights and Parts
    4a. CEV made in Italy
    4a. Saturnus made in Slovenia
    4b. Luxor made in France
    4c. ULO made in Germany
    4d. Taiwan made in Taiwan
    4e. Honda made in Japan



Prices are colored bright green for new, and dark green for good-used items.


1. Sealed Beam SB Headlights

Sealed beam means the entire glass lens in front and mirror reflector in back, are evacuated of air. The bulb cannot be replaced without replacing the whole glass. These 4.5 inch round head lights, sealed beam or non-sealed, interchange with some tractor lights, auto and motorcycle fog lights, forklift, golf cart, and utility vehicle lights. There are even clear plastic 4.5″ round 12V landscaping lights that can interchange. 

Sealed beam 4667-1  
1. 171, 2. 172, 3. 4667, 4. 4667-1, 5. 4568, 6. 4415

SB Headlights, 4.5 inch round
# price make part# volts watts  beam  connectors

1 none   CEV 171    6V 20w   normal  2-rear blades
2 none   CEV 172    6V 20/20w  hi-lo  3-rear blades
3 none   GE 4667    6V 18w   normal  2-rear blades 
4 $15.0 GE 4667-1 6V 18w   normal  2-side blades note 1
0 none   GE 4767    6V 25w   normal  2-rear blades Peugeot 103 SP
0 none   We 4158    6V 25w   normal  2-screws Motobecane 76-77
0 $17.0 We 4583    6V ?? w   normal  2-screws note 2
0 $17.0 GE 4776  12V 25w   normal  2-screws
5 $15.0 We 4568  12V 25w   normal  2-screws Motobecane 78-80
0 $15.0 Wa 4416  12V 30wspot light  2-screws
6 $17.0 Wa 4415  12V 35w   normal  2-screws
0 $20.0 Wa 4440  12V 40/40w  hi/lo  3-rear blades


Note 1. To use a 4667-1 with 2 side blades on a bike with a 2 or 3 rear blade plug, the individual connectors must be removed from the plug. A tiny screwdriver must push in the barb that keeps the connector from backing out.

Note 2. We is Westinghouse, Wa is Wagner


2. Replaceable Bulb RB Headlights

The bulb is not sealed in. It can be removed and replaced without replacing the whole glass, at a much lower cost. 

RB-a/b/c headlights take automotive bulbs with a BA15s base. Bulbs with this base have an 18 to 27 watt rating. That matches the headlight power output of most mopeds. There are three bulb choices, 12V 27w (1156), 6V 21w and 6V 18w (1129). The bulbs are for car turn signals. The 1156 12 volt bulb is sold in every US auto parts store and in some convenience stores. It works on 6 volt bikes but is dimmer.

RB-a/b/c headlights are offered in single filament only, for three reasons. 1) The socket requires a bulb with equal nubs. Common dual filament USA auto bulbs have unequal nubs and unequal filaments. 2) Most moped generators require about 20 watts for each filament. There are 21/5 watt dual filament, but on a generator-powered moped that would quickly burn out the 5W filament, because the generator makes 20 watts. The generator watts must match the total bulb watts, or there will be an under or over-voltage. A 5 watt headlight would get super bright from an over-voltage, and soon burn out, in a few minutes. 3) There are plenty of automotive dual filament headlight bulbs, but they have too many watts and the wrong type of socket.

RB-Ha/b/c/d/e headlights are for mopeds with stronger generators, or motorcycles with moped-size 4.5″ headlights. The bulb is a halogen type. They run hot and require the glass to be clean and free of fingerprints. 12V 55W H3 bulbs are easy to get at USA auto stores. The bulb socket screws onto metal back reflector.

RB-Ha/b/c/d/e headlights are offered in single filament only (no hi and lo beam).


1-2. CEV 171R, 3. RB-a/b/c, 4. RB-Ha/b/c/d/e

RB Headlights, 4.5 inch round
#  price  part# volts watts bulb

1 none   cev171R 6V 21w  6V21
3 $32.0 RB-a      6V 18w  1129
3 $32.0 RB-b      6V 21w  6v21
3 $32.0 RB-c    12V 27w  1156
4 $28.0 RB-Ha   6V 25w  H3
4 $28.0 RB-Hb   6V 35w  H3
4 $25.0 RB-Hc  12V 25w  H3
4 $25.0 RB-Hd 12V 35w  H3
4 $25.0 RB-He 12V 55w  H3

#  price     part#   volts watts  RB Headlight Parts
$17.0 cev04811 bulb socket for CEV 171R 
$1.50 cev18890 socket clip for CEV 171R
$2.00 cev10343 w-clip for CEV rim, uses 4-5
2 $2.00 SAE1129   6V 18w 1129 incandescent bulb
2 $2.50 H101C      6V 21w 6V21 incandescent bulb
2 $2.00 SAE1156 12V 27w 1156 incandescent bulb

4 $7.00 H3.0625   6V 25w H3 halogen bulb

4 $7.00 H3.0635   6V 35w H3 halogen bulb
4 $5.00 H3.1225 12V 25w
H3 halogen bulb
4 $5.00 H3.1235 12V 35w
H3 halogen bulb
4 $2.00 H3.1255 12V 55w H3 halogen bulb


3. Sealed to Non-sealed Conversion

Sealed beam conversion: This upgrade conversion is for sealed beam headlights with a metal back side, not glass. It is a service procedure, not a part replacement. Any metal-backed sealed beam headlight can have a 1 inch hole cut in the back. The hole accepts a snap-on bulb socket. The socket holds an easy to get, low cost automotive bulb, 1156 or compatible. When the bulb burns out, the entire glass does not have to be changed. This is a big advantage.

Metal back: CEV 4.5 inch round headlights with metal backs, can be converted. So can vintage Japanese headlights with metal backs, like most ’60’s to 80’s small Hondas and Yamahas have. 

Same plug: When Myrons Mopeds performs the conversion, the wires are transferred over so they still plug in the same way as before.

Hi-lo becomes lo-lo: The high and low beam wires are connected together, so the hi-lo switch does not change anything. The benefit is there are many bulb choices that are inexpensive and easy to get.

Snap-on bulb socket: If you want to perform the conversion, the bulb and snap-on bulb socket can be ordered separately. It has spring loaded wings that hold it in a one inch hole. That is the size just big enough to pass an 1156 bulb through. The snap-on bulb socket has only one wire. A second wire must be soldered to the metal socket. If the 2 or 3 blade plug from the old headlight is transferred to the RBH wires, the bike wires and plug will remain the same.


  Honda Express headlight upgrade
1. CEV 171 upgraded,  2. CEV 172 upgraded, 3. Honda Express

# 0,0 price   part#  Convert sealed beam to RB 
1,2,3 $7.00 E8764  snap-on bulb socket for 1″ hole
1,2,3 $2.00 SAE1129   6V 18w 1129 incandescent bulb
1,2,3 $2.50 H101C      6V 21w 6V21 incandescent bulb
1,2,3 $2.00 SAE1156 12V 27w 1156 incandescent bulb
1 00  $32.0 service  SB 6V 21w    to RB 6V 21w
2 00  $32.0 service  SB 6V 21/21 to RB 6V 21w
3 00  $32.0 service  SB 6V 20/20 to RB 6V 21w

The service takes one day. Return shipping costs $11 (to USA).




4. Headlights and Parts


# price each  Headlight Clips takes 4-5
1 $2.00
CEV w-clip CEV#10343
2 $2.00 Luxor w-clip MB#54132
3 $2.50 ULO w-clip Puch#349.3.53.809.1
4 $2.00 Taiwan w-clip
5 $1.50 large w-clip

These can be bent slightly to adjust the tension.



CEV 4a. CEV Headlights

C.E.V. electrical components are made in Italy since the 1920’s by Fratelli Pagani (Pagani Brothers). CEV lights, switches, speedometers, and magnetos are used on most 1970’s and 80’s European mopeds. C.E.V. is a trade mark that stands for Costruzioni Elettromeccaniche Venegonesi. English translation: Venegonese Electromechanical Constructions. Venegono Inferiore and Venegono Superiore are small municipalities within the Province of Varese in northern Italy. In the 2000’s CEV became part of ZADI.


CEV 4.5 inch Round Headlights

The chrome ring says “Tipo 105″ which is 105 mm at the lip of the glass, and 112 mm (4.5 inch) at the edge. The 4.5” size is also on farm equipment and auxillary vehicle lights.


CEV headlight 1211 
1   $0.50  18541   screw 3mm for plastic (takes 3)
2   $37.0  4910    glass lens/reflector 1211
3   $10-5  4909    pancake housing for 1211, black  
4   $0.25  3444    washer M6 lock 
5   $0.50  3171    bolt M6 x 20 hex
6   $3.00  19782  rear cover plate for 1211
7   45-35  1211    thin HL black RB with 6V 21w bulb

CEV headlight 2143 Sealed beam 4667-1

CEV headlight 2157
8   $0.50  3309    bolt M5 x 15 slot head
9   2818  4522    ring bezel CEV Tipo 105 new
10 $2.00  10343  spring w-clip CEV type (takes 4-5)
11 $35.0  4525.6 short bucket black
11 $75.0  4525.6 short bucket chrome
12 $70.0  2143    short HL black SB, 4667-1 glass

CEV headlight 2152
13 none    2152       short hi/lo HL black SB, CEV 172 glass
14 none   10626.5  bulb, festoon 6V 1.5W, hi-beam indicator
15 $7.00  0007.12s socket, hi beam indicator, no  jewel
16 $18.0  0007.12  jewel, hi beam ind. no socket, new
17 none    4630.2    short hi/lo bucket black

CEV headlight 2139 Sealed beam 4667-1

CEV headlight 2158

18 $70.0  0096    bullet bucket black
18 $65.0  0096c   bullet bucket chrome used
19 90-75 2139    bullet HL black SB, 4667-1 glass

The CEV 2158 bullet shaped replaceable bulb headlight comes with a block off plate over the speedometer hole. Any 60 mm round speedometer fits into the hole, such as CEV, VDO, Huret, or Veglia. The glass is generic, not CEV, like in the photo.

CEV headlight 2155
20 none   2155     bullet hi/lo HL black SB, CEV172 glass
21 $65.0 0096.3  bullet hi/lo bucket black
1 $65.0 0096.3s bullet hi/lo bucket silver
21 $65.0 0096.3k bullet keyhole bucket silver

22 $0.00 2157     short HL black RB, generic glass
23 $100  2158     bullet HL black RB, generic glass

24 $3.00 19793   cover for speedo hole, black, snaps on 
25 none   18528   3-prong plug socket 
26 $1.50 18529   female blade connector, wider type for headlight



CEV and Saturnus Rectangular Headlights

CEV Saturnus old

Both CEV and Saturnus made rectangular head lamps for Tomos mopeds 1989 to 2017. They use a large base 12V 25/25w BA20d hi-lo bulb. They are wider than the older round lights, but not as tall. Note how the CEV glass has lots of certifications on it, including SAE and DOT. Then notice how the Saturnus glass has only the E10 certification.


1989-2013 Tomos head lamps, L CEV, R Saturnus CEV rectangular head light complete 
1. CEV 322 and Saturnus, 2. CEV 322


CEV rectangular headlight parts
#   Tomos#   price   Saturnus Rectangular
0    227100   $40.0 Saturnus rectangular headlight
1    227100a  $5.00 Saturnus housing upper half
1l   227100b  $5.00 Saturnus housing lower half
2    044701   $5.00 bulb 12V 25/25w
2    232942   $5.00 bulb 12V 35/35w

3    227102   none   Saturnus bulb socket 
4    227103?  none   Saturnus socket clip
5    227435c  $1.00 M6 nut-plate (2 ea)
6    031995   $0.20 M6 washer (2 ea)
7    026288   $0.80 M6 x 16 hex bolt (2 ea)

8    227101?  $40.0 Saturnus headlight glass bare
9    227449   $1.00 screw A3.5 x 32 phillips (2 ea)

#   Tomos#   price   CEV 322 Rectangular
10  227435   $45.0 CEV 322 rectangular headlight
11  227435a  $5.00 CEV housing upper half
11l 227435b  $5.00 CEV housing lower half
12  044701   $5.00 bulb 12V 25/25w
12  232942   $5.00 bulb 12V 35/35w

13  227448   $35.0 CEV bulb socket clipless type
15  227435c  $1.00 M6 nut-plate (2 ea)
16  031995   $0.20 M6 washer (2 ea)
17  026288   $0.80 M6 x 16 hex bolt (2 ea)
18  227447   $70.0 CEV 322 headlight glass bare
19  227449   $1.00 screw A3.5 x 32 phillips (2 ea)



4b. Luxor Head Lights

Luxor head lights, made in France, are on all Motobecane and some Peugeot mopeds. The bezel ring and clips do not interchange with CEV. 

Luxor Headlight for Peugeot 103 SP

# price  Peugeot# Headlight for Peugeot 103 SP
none   6040  Luxor headlight complete
$5.00 7300  Luxor Peugeot grommet
none   6032  SB headlight 4767 6V 25w sealed beam
$32.0 6032r RB headlight, with 6V 21w replaceable
75306838  Luxor 1710 ring/bezel
4a $4.00 0000  Luxor inner adaptor ring
1- .50 0110  M6 x 12 hex bolt
$0.25 5610  M6 lockwasher
$2.00 6988  Luxor W-clip, takes 4 or 5  
8  3515 0000  Luxor bucket, wrinkle black


Luxor Headlight for Motobecane
# price    MB#  Headlight for ’75-77 Motobecane (6V)
1   $45.0 53762  HL assy white w/rot. switch
2   602053433  Luxor 1710 ring/bezel
3   $1.50 19569  M5-0.9 x 15 (coarse) screw
4   none   53431  SB headlight 4158 6V 25w
4   $32.0 53431r RB headlight, with 6V 21w replaceable
5   $3.00 53432  Luxor inner adaptor ring
6   $2.00 54132  Luxor W-clip, takes 4 or 5
7   $1.50 18324  M8 x 1.25 x 16 hex bolt
8   $0.70 00137  M8 toothed lockwasher
10 $10.0 53628  bucket bare, white, for rotary
12 $00.0 53534  rotary switch, 6V system


Luxor Headlight for Motobecane
# price    MB#  Headlight for ’78-80 Motobecane (12V)
1   $45.0 54331  HL assy flat black w/slide switch
2   602053433  Luxor 1710 ring/bezel
3   $1.50 19569  M5-0.9 x 15 (coarse) screw
4   none   54129  SB headlight 4568 12V 25w
4   $32.0 54129r RB headlight, with 12V 27w replaceable
5   $3.00 53432  Luxor inner adaptor ring
6   $2.00 54132  Luxor W-clip, takes 4 or 5
7   $1.50 18324  M8 x 1.25 x 16 hex bolt
8   $0.70 00137  M8 toothed lockwasher
10 none   54133  bucket bare for slide sw, white
10 $10.0 54291  bucket bare for slide sw, flat black
10 none   54316  bucket bare for slide sw, gloss black
12 $00.0 21439  slide switch, 12V system






ULONiox4c. ULO-Niox

Niox German-made head light fixtures are made for ULO German-made rings, housings, and clips. They do not interchange with CEV. On US mopeds, Niox 4.5″ round headlights in a ULO housing were on ’78-81 Puch Magnum, ’76-80 Solo Odyssey and Kreidler. Niox square headlights were on 1984-86 Puch Maxi Sport LS, Maxi Sport LS II, Cobra, Cobra II, and Austro Daimler. 

#   price   Puch part#       ULO-Niox Round Headlight 
1   $80.0 349.3.53.800.0 ULO round HL assembly
2   $2.500000 903.0773  bulb 6V 21w BA15s  
3   $25.0 349.3.53.803.0 ULO ring/bezel
4   $2.50 349.3.53.809.1 ULO clip takes 4
5   4535 349.3.53.808.0 Niox round lens/reflector
6   $18.0 349.3.53.819.2 Niox bulb socket
8   $30.0 349.3.53.801.2 ULO bucket/body
9   $0.200000 900.3271  M6 washer
10 $0.8000000    24948  M6 x 16 hex bolt
11 $7.00 349.3.53.813.1 ULO rubber cover
#   price   Puch part#       ULO-Niox Square Headlight 
22 $4.50 bulb 6V 15w plate type
25 $00.0 Niox square lens/reflector



4d. Taiwan Headlights

Taiwan head lights, made in Taiwan, are on General, Angel, Indian, etc. The rim does not interchange with CEV. The Taiwan spring “W” clips are different than CEV ones.

#   price   Indian#       Taiwan Round Headlight 
9   none   D210-00-50 SB headlight 6V25W 4767
9a $32.0 D210-subst. RB-b headlight 6V21w
10 $30.0 F350-00-50 ring/bezel chrome
11 $2.00 F352-00-50 w-clip (takes 4-5)
12 none   F351-00-50 housing (bucket) chrome
12 $40.0 F351-subst. housing (bucket) black
13 none   F354-00-50 wires hole grommet
13 $1.50 F354-subst. slit hose substitute
22 $2.00 H650-90-50 phillips-raised-flat screw M5 x 9



4e. Honda Headlights



Honda NC50/PA50 Headlight Repair

The plastic mounts on Honda Express NC50 and Hobbit PA50 plastic headlight housings often break. That has consumed the supply of replacement headlight housings. 

Here is a way to repair and re-use the broken housing:

Two metal brackets are added outside of the broken mounts. These have rubber grommets that cushion and protect the plastic headlight shell from cracking. But they could also be without grommets.




Bianchi, Snark, Italvelo

July 13, 2012

   Bianchi      made in Italy by Italvelo or Italtelai      Minarelli V1 or Morini  MO1 or MO2 engine

Italtelai smallItalveloBianchi, the worlds oldest still-operating bicycle manufacturer, celebrated it’s 125th anniversary in 2013. Millions of ciclisti worldwide ride the celeste green machines.

1977 Bianchi Matic Morini MO-1 engine

1977 Bianchi Stardust, Morini MO-1 engine



1977 Snark Eagle
Minarelli V1 engine 1hp

Bianchi moped models include the Bianchi Eagle 30 (or 25 or 20), made by Italvelo, with Minarelli V1 engine. It is the same as a Snark. See Snark, in Misc. Italian Mopeds.

Left, a sweet Bianchi Stardust (says Bianchi Matic), made by Italvelo, with Morini MO-1 engine. Not shown, the top tank Bianchi Satellite, made by Italtelai, with Morini MO-1 or MO-2 engine.



1977 Snark Eagle
Minarelli V1 engine 2hp

Bianchi components: Minarelli V1 (Snark models) or Morini MO-1 or MO-2 engine (Bianchi models), Dellorto SHA 14/12 (or 14/9) carburetor, CEV lights and switches, Domino controls and levers, Grimeca hubs and brakes, CEV 6932 magneto (on Minarelli), Dansi magneto (on Morini), CEV speedometer with LH driver (step thru models) or Huret speedometer with LH driver (top tank models).





Snark      made in Italy by Italvelo or Italtelai     Minarelli or Morini

1977 Snark Flyer

1977 Snark Flyer

Italtelai smallItalvelo


Snark is a fictional animal in the Lewis Carroll nonsense poem, “The Hunting of the Snark”. It was a trade name made up by Snark Moped, Inc, 300 Milik St, Carteret, New Jersey 07008. The Snark Satellite and Bianchi Satellite, made by Italtelai, are the same as Pacer Super Sport and Arciero top tank mopeds, all with Morini Franco Motori engines.

 Left, the Snark Standard (bottom blue) and the Snark Deluxe (top red), with Minarelli V1 engine, are made by Italvelo. A Snark Deluxe is the same as a Bianchi Stardust. See Bianchi above.


1979 Snark Flyer

1979 Snark Flyer

1978 Snark top tank

1978 Snark top tank

Snark fork

Snark fork


1978 Snark Satellite Morini MO-2 engine

1978 Snark Satellite
Morini MO-2 engine











Snark components: Morini MO-1 or MO-2 engine, Dellorto SHA 14/12 (or 14/9) carburetor, Domino chrome levers/controls, Dansi magneto, CEV electrics, Grimeca hubs with 90mm drum brakes, 11mm axles, CEV speedometer (Huret on top tank) with LH driver.




Italvelo    made in Italy by Italvelo    Morini MO-1 engine


Italvelo is not in the Wheels of Italy Motorcycle Encyclopedia, perhaps because they made mostly bicycles. Italvelo made Aspes, Bianchi, Snark, Italvelo, Velomec step-thru mopeds. See Aspes, Snark and Velomec in Misc. Italian Mopeds. The list grows…

1977-78 Italvelo I-78, Morini MO-1 engine
CEV speedometer with blue face, PV controls (black levers)

1977 Italvelo moped, Morini MO-1 engine
Huret speedo (white), Domino levers (chrome)












Italvelo components: Morini MO-1 engine, Dellorto SHA 14/12 carburetor, Grimeca hubs, brakes, 11mm axles, CEV lights and switches, Domino or PV controls, Huret or CEV speedometer with LH driver.

HuretPV controls






July 13, 2012

 Testi    made in Italy by Testi    Minarelli V1 engine

History: Testi is an Italian surname that means “texts” or “verses”. Read more at Registro Storico Testi (Testi Historic Register).

Testi and Minarelli learned about two-stroke engines from Sachs: Umberto Testi’s son Erio Testi worked in his father’s bicycle factory until 1953, when he was sent to Austria, at Fichtel and Sachs, to learn about small two stroke engines. After Erio returned, he transferred the two stroke engine knowledge to his friend Vittorio Minarelli. Vittorio then later went on, after years of automotive engineering study and practice, to form Fabricca Bologna Minarelli FBM, which sometime later became the successful Motori Minarelli. That is why all Testi’s have well-made Minarelli engines.

Testi makes Gitane, Cosmo Amico, Silver Foxi, and other minor brands. Like Minarelli, they were modest and “behind the scenes”, content to sell their products “plain” so that marketing companies could put their own names and logos on. Marketing names wanted you to think they made it themselves, so they would hide the true maker identities.


USA Models

1977 Testi Mini Cricket
VIN plate location

1977 Testi Mini Cricket “Autumn Reflection”, provided by B. Small






1977 Testi VIN plate









1977 Testi Mini Cricket and 1978 Testi Cricket

Comparing all of these photos, including the European models, you can see the Cricket is more heavy duty than the Mini Cricket, thanks to a reinforced frame, stronger rear shocks, wider fenders and tires. 

The original controls on most Testi mopeds are made in Italy by PV. But the 1977 Mini Cricket is shown with German-made Magura controls. That is likely an upgrade, because the PV controls break easy.




1978 Testi OKS V1 Minarelli V1 engine

1978 Testi Gran Prix
Minarelli V1 or V2

1980 Testi Cricket V2 Minarelli V2 variator eng

1980 Testi Cricket V2
Minarelli V2 engine

The elusive Minarelli V2 variator engine is 100 times less common than V1. Here is one.







Non-US Models

Testi Cricket

Testi Cricket
(Euro) monotrave frame

Testi Mini Cricket V1

Testi Mini Cricket V1
(Euro) monotrave style

1981 Testi Cricket 4M Minarelli 4-spd manual

1981 Testi Cricket 4M
Minarelli 4-spd manual
(Euro model)










Veglia smallPV controlsTesti components: Minarelli V1 (or V2) engine 20(1.0hp), 25(1.5hp), 30mph(2.0hp) versions, Dellorto SHA 14/12 (or 14/9) carburetor, CEV lights and switches, Domino or PV controls and levers, Grimeca hubs and brakes, CEV 6932 magneto, CEV or Veglia speedometer with LH driver.

Rizzato Parts

July 13, 2012
1978 Califfo moped made by C. Rizzato Padova, Italy distributed by Promark Products Ohio USA

1978 Califfo moped made by Cesare Rizzato
distributed by Promark Products Ohio USA

Rizzato       made in Italy by Cesare Rizzato

The famous Atala bicycle company was founded in Italy in 1921 by Cesare Rizzato. In the 1970’s the Cesare Rizzato and Company produced mopeds in Padova, Italy.

Rizzato Califfo was imported to the US by Promark Products, in Ohio USA. Components: Dellorto SHA 14/9 or 14/12 carburetor, Domino 70’s chrome controls with “wrap-around” type throttle, Grimeca 90mm hubs and brakes, 11mm axles, CEV lights, CEV round chrome switches, CEV handlebar mount speedometer with LH driver.

1978 Rizzato Callifo Rizzato 1-spd engine

1978 Rizzato Califfo
Rizzato 119 engine









Rizzato La Mopette was imported to the US by G.B. Enterprises, in 6535 N Clark St, Chicago, Illinois USA.

1978 Rizzato La Mopette

1978 Rizzato La Mopette

1978 Rizzato La Mopette

1978 La Mopette

1978 Rizzato La Mopette sold by G.B. Enterprises in Chicago

La Mopette sold by G.B. Enterprises









1978 Rizzato La Mopette ID badge

1978 La Mopette ID

1978 Rizzato cylinder

Rizzato 119 cylinder
piston port induction



From the photos it is obvious that at least most of the La Mopette parts are the same as Califfo. But some things are not visible and therefore uncertain.






Rizzato 119 engine

Rizzato Callifo left side

Rizzato 119 motor left

Rizzato Califfo right side

Rizzato 119 motor right








Rizzato Engine



1978-80 Rizzato Califfo (US model) Parts List

After about 1980, ’78-80 Rizzato Califfo mopeds and parts were distributed by Califfo American, Inc. in Norwalk Ohio USA. Their parts list below gives many specifications, thankfully. So equivalent parts can possibly be found. 

After 1982, ’78-80 Rizzato Califfo mopeds and parts were distributed by Growth Products, Inc. at 124 Lake St, Crystal Michigan 48818 USA




Other Rizzato Models (non-US)

1980 Rizzato Califfo 80 with case-inducted Rizzato 122 motor

1980 Rizzato Califfo 80, Rizzato 122 motor

1980 Rizzato Califfo 80

1980 Rizzato Califfo 80
is still 49cc under 2hp

Rizzato 122 motor

Rizzato 122 motor
case reed induction









90's Rizzato Califfone tubone type frame

90’s Rizzato Califfone
tubone type frame
(Euro model)

1998 Rizzato Buffalo (Euro model)

1998 Rizzato Buffalo
(Euro model)

Rizzato Buffalo engine

Rizzato Buffalo engine

These late 1980’s and later Rizzato mopeds were not sold in the USA. So parts for these are only known by pictures and/or customer’s measurements, in some cases. Many of the things look familiar.









July 13, 2012

Pacer               made in Italy by Italtelai            Morini MO1, MO2 or M1 engine

PaItaltelai smallcer is not in the WoI Encyclopedia, but Italtelai is. Italtelai began in 1972, and means “Italian frames”. They made chassis for Arciero, BianchiPacer, Portofino, Snark, and other US export models. They all used Motori Morini Franco engines and Spisni Franzoni forks. 


Pacer History

Before 1976 there were only a handful of mopeds sold in the US, mostly major brands like Piaggio, Peugeot and Puch.

In 1976 US laws for mopeds were established, amid high demand for fuel efficiency. This allowed many dozens of brands to be imported in 1976-77.  Americans were afraid that gasoline would be in short supply so they bought small cars, small motorcycles, and mopeds. 

Pacer small

01. PI service manual: 1976-77 Pacer mopeds, made by Italtelai were first imported to the USA and distributed by Portofino International Inc, PI, at 55 Lamar St, West Babylon, New York. The PI service manual does not have any brand name or date, but shows a ’72-75 Morini Gyromat engine (with a ’72-79 aluminum cylinder). The engine on the bike was a ’76-77 Morini Gyromat, same as 1972-79 Morini MO1.


02. PMBI owners manual: In 1977, PI became Portofino Moped & Bicycle International Inc, PMBI, at 495 Smith St, Farmingdale New York. The PMBI owners manual does not have any brand name or date but shows a 1972-79 Morini MO1 engine. That was the engine on the bike.


03. PMBI-CPS service manual: In 1977-78, PMBI became PMBI-CPS, at the same address. The PMBI-CPS service manual does not have any brand name or date. It shows a Gyromat engine but also shows a 1972-79 Morini MO1 engine, and part of step-thru gas tank with the Pacer name and checkered white and black stripe below it.


04. AIC parts manual: In 1978, PMBI sold the Pacer name and inventory to Aeon International Corporation, AIC, at 2165 Fifth Ave, Ronkonkoma, New York. The AIC parts manual has a date of 6-1978. It shows 1974-79 Morini MO1 and MO2 engines.



05. AIC owners manual: The AIC owners manual has the Pacer name and logo. It does not have any date but shows a 1979-89 Morini M1 engine. It also contains a recommendation of 50 to 1 for synthetic two-stroke oil.  Synthetic oil was a new thing in the very late 70’s.



06. MMI parts catalog: In 1981-82, AIC sold the Pacer name and parts to Marina Mobili Inc, MMI, at 146 W Commercial Ave, Moonachie New Jersey 07074. MMI imported and distributed Pacer mopeds and parts to USA moped shops until around 1990. The 1980 MMI catalog did not contain Pacer, but 1983 and later catalogs did.




Pacer Models

1976 Pacer II

1976 Pacer step-thru moped had a CEV 9350 tail light and a CEV 2139 “bullet” headlight, with the Huret speedometer mounted inside (or block off plate).

Pacer 1 had no speedometer, stamped luggage rack,and silver painted fenders.
Pacer II
had a speedometer, stamped luggage rack, and silver painted fenders.
Pacer III
had a speedometer, tubular luggage rack and “chrome” stainless fenders.

For 1977 the Pacer III was called Pacer Deluxe, and Pacer I and II were discontinued.


1977 Pacer Deluxe (P14)
Morini MO1 engine


1977-78 Pacer Deluxe has 2.25-16 tires, 0.9 gallon tank, quarter-turn 30mm gas cap, M10-1.0 male gas valve with extender, Morini MO1 engine in 20, 25 or 30mph versions. The 1977-later tail light was CEV 9400.2 or 9400 depending on magneto and wiring.

The 1977-later headlight was a shorter CEV 2143 with the speedometer mounted on the handlebar above it.



from 1982 MMI parts catalog

1977 Pacer "Pacer" Morini MO-1 engine

1979 Pacer Deluxe 
Morini M1 engine


1979-80 Pacer Deluxe was exactly the same as ’77-78 except the engine was a Morini M1 with a case reed valve. The M1 engine accelerated as fast as the MO2 two-speed did, but was much simpler and much less costly to produce.




1978 Pacer Sport made by Italtelai Morini MO-2 engine

1978 Pacer Sport (P78)
MO1 or MO2 engine

1977-78 Pacer Sport has 2.50-16 tires, mono-tube (tuboni) frame with long U-shaped 0.67 gallon gas tank, clamp-on pop-up gas cap, gas tank vent button under the front of the seat, Morini MO1 or MO2 engine in 20, 25 or 30mph versions.

1979-80 Pacer Sport had a Morini M1 engine with case reed valve.



1980 Pacer Super Sport

1980 Super Sport (P80)
Morini M1 engine

1977-78 Pacer Super Sport has 2.25-16 tires, 2.0 gallon tank, quarter-turn 40mm wide-wing gas cap, M10-1.0 male gas valve, Morini MO1 or MO2 engine in 20, 25 or 30mph versions.

1979-80 Pacer Super Sport has a Morini M1 engine with a case reed valve. It took off quicker because of more torque.





Pacer Wiring

Pacer w/Dansi 101765
external ignition ground

Pacer w/Dansi 101286
internal ignition ground

Each of the three bikes can have two different wirings, depending on what Dansi magneto version the engine has.

Dansi 101765 and 101732 magnetos have an external ignition ground powering the brake light. The brake light switches are normally-closed, connected in series, and in parallel with the brake light, shorting it out most of the time.

Dansi 101286 has an internal ignition ground. The brake light is powered by a second output on the lighting coil. The brake light switches are normally-open, connected in parallel, and in series with the brake light.




1977 pacer frame

1977 Pacer P14 frame
made by Italtelai

All three Morini engines MO1, MO2 and M1 call for 30W non-detergent motor oil in the transmission. This was an old recommendation, now obsolete. Modern multi-viscosity motor oils are better than 1970’s 30W. The quantity is one pint, or the level of the check plug. All take a long 3/4″ spark plug like NGK BR6ES.

There are three speed versions possible for each engine:
20 mph (1.0hp) has a 09mm carb, 45 jet, 13 x 40T sprockets, 88L chain
20 mph (1.0hp) also a restricted cylinder, restricted ∅9 intake pipe
25 mph (1.5hp) has a 12mm carb, 48 jet, 12 x 28T sprockets, 82L chain
25 mph (1.5hp) also a restricted ∅12 intake pipe
30 mph (2.0hp) has a 12mm carb, 52 jet, 12 x 28T sprockets, 82L chain
30 mph (2.0hp) also a ∅14 intake pipe


Pacer Specifications






HuretPacer components: Morini engine: MO1 or MO2 (1976-78) or M1 (1979-1985), Dellorto SHA 14/12 (or 14/9) carburetor, Domino chrome levers/controls, Dansi magneto, CEV electrics, Grimeca hubs and 90mm brakes, Huret speedometer with LH driver. All three Pacers have the same center stand.

There is a modern Pacer moped, made by Hero Majestic, in India, in the 2000’s. That is a “horse of a different color”.

Motron Parts

July 13, 2012

Motron              made in Italy by Motron          Minarelli V1 engine

1987 Motron GL4

1987 Motron GL4

Motron (Motron S.p.A.) was founded in Modena, Italy in 1961 by Eduardo Po, when he took over Moto RomeoRomeo made competitive sport bikes with 50cc 15hp Minarelli shifter engines, plus mini bikes and mopeds with Minarelli V1 50cc 1.5hp automatics. in the 1960’s and 70’s.

In 1976 Eduardo’s sons Ermanno and Adriano took over, modernized the company, and changed the name from Romeo to Motron. (First they wanted to use “Motrom” which is short for Moto Romeo. But then they made the “m” an “n” so it would sound different from “Motom”, an established brand).

Motron made excellent Minarelli powered tuboni (large-mono-tube step-thru frame motorcycles) from the late 1970’s to the end of the 1980’s, such as the popular 50cc 4-speed liquid cooled GL4.


Motron in the USA


In early 1978, Motron Corporation of America, in Palos Verdes, California began to import and distribute Motron mopeds to USA moped dealers. There were 3 models, all with Minarelli V1 engines. Each US model came in 3 speed versions 20, 25 or 30mph. See Minarelli Motor for engine parts and speed version info. 


Minarelli ’76-79 V1,  ’69-76 V1 early,  ’79-86 V1 late

Minarelli ’76-80 V2 variator trans.







1978-80 Motron US-models:

1978.0 Motron Sprint   wt(lb) seat oo ooooooo wheels     engine  oooo  colors
1978.0 Motron Sprint       97  solo  no speedo  spoke Minarelli V1 oooo yellow
1978.0 Motron Medalist  100  solo  no speedo  spoke Minarelli V1 oooo olive. silver-blue
1978.0 Motron Classic    102? solo  no speedo  mag   Minarelli V1 oooo silver

1979.0 Motron Sprint       97  solo  no speedo  spoke Minarelli V1 oooo yellow
1979.0 Motron Medalist  100  solo  no speedo  spoke Minarelli V1 oooo olive, silver-blue
1979.0 Motron Classic    102? long  no speedo  mag   Minarelli V1 oooo silver

1979.5 Motron Sprint       97  solo  no speedo  spoke Minarelli V1 late  yellow
1979.5 Motron Medalist  104  long  no speedo  mag   Minarelli V1 late  olive
1979.5 Motron Classic    104  long  no speedo  mag   Minarelli V1 late  red
1979.5 Motron Fairway   104  long  no speedo  mag   Minarelli V1 late  yellow
1979.5 Motron Fairway   107? long  no speedo mag   Minarelli V2 oooo silver

1980    Motron Sprint       97  solo  no speedo  spoke Minarelli V1 late  yellow
1980    Motron Medalist  104  long  no speedo  mag   Minarelli V1 late  silver
1980    Motron Fairway    99? long  no speedo  spoke Minarelli V1 late  yellow
1980    Motron Classic    104  long  no speedo  mag   Minarelli V1 late  red
1980    Motron Fairway   104  long  no speedo  mag   Minarelli V1 late  yellow
1980    Motron Fairway   107? long  no speedo mag   Minarelli V2 oooo silver, brown. red


’78 Motron Medalist
silver-blue, spoke whls
Minarelli V1 engine
wrap-type throttle
CEV 2157 headlight
8188, 8189 switches

1978-79 Motron Corporation of America brochure

















1979 Motron Sprint
yellow, spoke wheels
Minarelli V1 engine
Dom DA3 DB3 controls
CEV 2157 headlight
8188, 8189 switches

1979 Motron Medalist

’79 Motron Medalist
olive, spoke wheels
Minarelli V1 engine
Dom DA3 DB3 controls
CEV 2157 headlight
8188, 8189 switches

late ’79 Classic
red, snowflake mags
Minarelli V1 late
Dom DA3 DB3 controls
CEV 1211 headlight
8193, 8194 switches












late-’79 Medalist
olive, snowflake mags 
Minarelli V1 late
early type long seat
CEV 1211 headlight
8188, 8189 switches

Info Motron

late-’79 Medalist
olive, snowflake mags 
Minarelli V1 late
early type long seat
CEV 1211 headlight
8188, 8189 switches

’80 Motron Fairway
silver, snowflake mags
Minarelli V2 engine
late type long seat
CEV 1211 headlight
8193, 8194 switches
















1980 Motron Fairway 
yellow, spoke wheels, no speedometer
Minarelli V1 late engine, long seat
Domino DA3 and DB3 controls
CEV 1211 “pancake” headlight
8193, 8194 “diamond plastic” switches

’80 Motron Fairway
yellow, mags, no speedo
Minarelli V1 late
Dom DA3 DB3 controls
CEV 2157 headlight
8188, 8189 switches

1980 Motron Classic

1980 Motron Classic
red, snowflake mags
Minarelli V1 late
Dom DA3 DB3 controls
CEV 1211 headlight
8193, 8194 switches












Motron Non-Engine Parts


  • Myrons only has some of these parts, the things that are the same as other Italian 1970’s mopeds.
  • Over half of these Motron parts are listed elsewhere in the Parts menu, grouped by the part type.  
  • This list is mostly for referring to, specifying, explaining and cross referencing parts.


1978-79 Motron parts



1980 Motron parts







Veglia small

Motron components: Minarelli V1 or V1-L engine 20(1.0hp), 25(1.5hp), 30mph(2.0hp) versions, Dellorto SHA 14/12 (or 14/9) carburetor, CEV lights and switches, Domino controls and levers, Grimeca hubs and brakes, CEV 6932 magneto, CEV or Veglia speedometer with LH driver.


July 13, 2012

NegriniNegrini            made in Italy by Negrini     Morini MO1, MO2, M1, S5K2

Negrini mopeds, scooters and small motorcycles have been made in Modena, Italy since 1950.


"From bicycle to anti-dive" a history of Negrini, page 1

“From bicycle to anti-dive” a history of Negrini, from “Motociclisimo d’Epocha” (Vintage Motorcyclist) magazine April 2005

Negrini History p2

Negrini was founded by Pietro Negrini in 1950. The first Negrini mopeds had IMC (Industria Meccanica Calzolai) 3-speed engines.

Negrini History p3

Negrini made 61,632 units in 1960, 132,548 in 1965, and 320,000 in 1970. Pietro Negrini’s son Mauro took over the company in the 70s.

Negrini History p4

Here is Mauro Negrini, on a fishing trip, 65 years old in 2005, still with the passion. Some Negrini’s had CO.ST.A. anti-dive front suspension.














1962 Negrini moped

1962 Negrini Gioietta

1978 Negrini Leprotto (Italy model)
provided by Primo of Budoia (Pordenone)

’70’s Negrini Boomerang (Italy model)











Negrini USA

Negrini USA was formed when the US laws changed in 1976, and moped Negrini USAdemand in the US was very high because of fear of high gas prices. Some time around 1979 Negrini USA Inc became Marina Mobili, in Moonachie New Jersey.

 Negrini mopeds are rare in California because they had no west coast distribution center. So out of 150 moped shops in the greater Los Angeles area, none, or almost none, were Negrini dealers. 


Above, side one of what may be Marina Mobili's first flyer.

This could be Marina Mobili’s first flyer, side one.

Negrini Flyer back

This could be Marina Mobili’s first flyer, side two.

Marina Mobili  The business location on 146 W Commercial Ave, in Moonachie NJ, that was originally called “Negrini USA Inc”, became known as “Marina Mobili Inc”. The phone number 201-438-5700 that was originally for Negrini USA Inc, became the phone number of Marina Mobili Inc. From this it appears that Negrini USA changed their name to Marina Mobili. The most likely reason is they wanted to expand into selling more brands than just Negrini. They went on to become the biggest independent moped importer in the USA, taking on dozens of brands of bikes and components, mostly Italian and American at first. Soon they expanded to parts from France, Germany, Taiwan, Holland and Spain. So this flyer is historically important. This material was donated by Mr. B. Small of Maryland USA, for you to use and enjoy!



Negrini-MMI flyer front

Negrini/MMI early flyer for moped dealers

Negrini-MMI flyer back

Dealer Flyer shows  MMI was Negrini

MMI made this Negrini brochure for USA moped dealers

MMI made this Negrini brochure for USA moped dealers


Marina Mobili’s first product brands were Bosch, CEV, Cintin, CO.ST.A., Dansi, Dellorto, Domino, G.E., Grimeca, Huret, Kryptonite, Master, Michelin, Minarelli, Morini, Negrini, and Pirelli brands. They are listed on this early flyer for moped dealers.







1977 models

The Negrini Leprotto was the low cost version of the Gazelle, with painted fenders instead of polished stainless steel, an all steel standard fork instead of the stiff and precise CO.ST.A. motorcycle type fork (cast aluminum with steel tube), and with P.V. controls with plastic levers instead of Domino controls with polished stainless steel levers. Both the Leprotto and Gazelle had the same detachable gas tank and classic Italian moped steel tube step-thru frame.

1977 Negrini Gazelle step-thru tube frame Grimeca wire wheels Morini MO-2 engine Domino controls

1977 Negrini Gazelle
step-thru tube frame
Grimeca wire wheels
Morini MO-2 engine
Domino SS levers

1978 Negrini Leprotto Morini MO1 engine Grimeca wire wheels P.V. controls with black plastic levers

’77-78 Negrini Leprotto
(low cost Gazelle)
Morini MO1 engine
Grimeca wire wheels
PV controls not Domino
steel fork, not CO.ST.A.

1977 Negrini Harvard 16-ray aluminum wheels
Morini MO2 engine
1976-77 all iron cylinder black with smaller fins

1977 Negrini MX Sport top tank tube frame Morini MO2 engine

1977 Negrini MX Sport
top tank tube frame
Morini MO2 engine  Grimeca aluminum whls.  CEV chrome switches











Left, 1977 Negrini Harvard (step thru) with optional Morini MO2 engine, with only 30 miles on the odometer. Right, 1978 Negrini MX Sport (top tank) with standard Morini MO1 engine, with only 138 miles traveled total.

Left, 1977 Negrini Harvard (step thru) with optional Morini MO2 engine.
Right, 1978 Negrini MX Sport (top tank) with standard Morini MO1 engine.

1977 Negrini Harvard flyer

1977 Negrini Harvard flyer












1978 models

Other than the Leprotto, all Negrini mopeds had high quality CO.ST.A motorcycle type suspension for precise control. Other than the Leprotto, all Negrini mopeds had high quality Domino “70’s chrome” controls with polished stainless steel (SS) levers that look like chrome. Of course, like an Italian meal is not complete without pasta, so all Negrini mopeds had high quality CEV electrical equipment, Dansi or Bosch ignition, Grimeca wheels and brakes, CBA exhausts, and for desert, Dellorto S.H.A. 14/12 (or 14/9) flat slide carburetors facing to the right side.

1977 Negrini Harvard step-thru “tubone” frame 16-ray aluminum wheels Domino SS levers solo seat

’77-78 Negrini Harvard
step-thru “tubone” frame
16-ray aluminum wheels
Domino SS levers

1978 Negrini MX Sport top-tank tube frame Grimeca Razze Incrociate aluminum wheels Morini MO1 engine "late" iron cylinder with aluminum fins

1978 Negrini MX Sport
Grimeca aluminum whls Morini MO1 engine
1977-79 iron cylinder with silver aluminum fins

1979 Negrini Gazelle II Morini MO2 engine Grimeca aluminum wheels Domino controls adjustable rear shocks

1978-79 Negrini Gazelle
Morini MO2 engine
Grimeca aluminum whls
adjustable rear shocks











Negrini Gazelle Flyer

’77-78 Negrini Gazelle
This is the early Negrini USA logo. It resembles the 1960’s logo. It says “Sole Importers & Distributors”.

Negrini Harvard Flyer

1977-78 Negrini Harvard
This is the “Negrini Moped” logo, simplified.

Negrini MX Sport Flyer

1977-78 Negrini MX Sport
This MX Sport is equipped with a Bosch ignition coil, while the Gazelle and Harvard have Dansi ones. That means the magneto might also be Bosch on some models, Dansi on most others.
















1979 models

Negrini MX Sport was a gift for the Penthouse Pet of the Year runner up in 1979

Negrini MX Sport, a gift for the 1979 Penthouse Pet of the Year runner up

1979 Negrini MX Sport II Grimeca die cast aluminum wheels Morini MO2 engine locking storage box

’78-79 Negrini MX Sport II
Grimeca aluminum whls
Morini MO2 engine
storage compartment    CEV plastic switches











1980-82 models

1980 Negrini MX Sport II top tank tube frame different under tank Morini M1 engine with case reed valve for more torque

1980 Negrini MX Sport II
Grimeca spoke wheels
locking compartment
Morini M1 reed engine
Domino 70s chrome levers  CEV plastic switches

1980 Negrini MX Sport II Morini M1 engine Grimeca spoke wheels locking storage box CEV plastic switches

1980-81 Neg. MX Sport II
Morini M1 reed engine
Grimeca spoke wheels
locking storage box

Negrini Gipsy Cross (early)

Negrini Gipsy Cross    Morini S5K2 forward kick off road

Negrini (1981 prices)

Gazelle III (spoke)   $689
Harvard II (mag)     $745
MX Sport II (spoke) $749
MX Sport II (mag)   $799
MX KPN City Cross   $879
MX Gipsy Cross (off road)
(see here for Gipsy Cross) 
1980-81 greyscale pictures, model names and specs from 1981 Buyers Guide p58



1980 Negrini Harvard II bigger tank, longer seat Grimeca alum. wheels Morini M1 engine

’80-82 Negrini Harvard II
bigger tank, longer seat
Grimeca alum. wheels
Morini M1 reed valve eng.  Domino 70s chrome SS   CEV plastic switches

1980 Negrini Gazelle III Morini M1 engine Grimeca spoke wheels long seat, Domino controls CEV plastic switches

1980-81 Neg. Gazelle III
Morini M1 reed engine
Grimeca spoke wheels
long seat, Domino SS
CEV plastic switches

1981 Negrini Gazelle III Morini M1 reed engine Bernardi aluminum wheels Long seat CEV plastic switches

1981-82 Gazelle III
Morini M1 engine
Bernardi alum. whls
long seat, CEV plast

1981 Negrini MX KPN City Cross - moped Morini M1 engine 19" front 17" rear

1981-82 Negrini MX KPN
City Cross, trail moped
Morini M1 reed valve engine Domino 70s chrome levers
19″ front 17″ rear tire













Negrini Parts

All Negrini mopeds have 2.25-16 tires except KPN has 2.50-19 front, 2.50-17 rear, and Gipsy Cross has 2.50-16 F & R.

All Negrini non-engine “frame” parts are in this one illustration. Morini engine parts are separate. Each item in the illustration can have several different versions in the parts list.

Negrini Parts Diagram, for all US models 1977-1982

Negrini Parts Diagram, for all US models 1977-1982. Click to enlarge.

Ref.     MMI Notebook Rev. 6/84  pg 2-11        MMI      Myrons     Myrons       
No.       official name and description                Part No.  Page Link   Part No.    Myrons Mopeds comments
H-1       CEV headlamp chrome rim               04522.2 head lights   04522
H-1A     CEV headlamp rim retaining clip        10343    head lights   10343
H-1B     CEV headlamp rim bolt M5 x 20         3309     head lights    3309
H-2       CEV 171 6v 21w sealed beam           02738       bulbs      not avail. original on Negrini, can be recycled
H-2A     GE 6v 18w sealed beam #4667          H-2A        bulbs      GE4667   replaces CEV 171 but burns out easier
H-2C     GE 12v 25w sealed beam #4776        H-2C        bulbs      not avail. there is a 12v35w Wagner substitute
H-2E     CEV 171 housing w/6v21w bulb         H-2E         bulbs      not avail. see bulbs, there is a GE substitute
H-2F     GE 6v 25w sealed beam #4767          H-2F        bulbs      not avail. there is a 12v35w Wagner substitute
H-2H     GE 6v 25w sealed beam screw type   H-2H        bulbs     not avail. there is a 12v35w Wagner substitute
H-3       CEV long headlamp shell                  0096B   head lights    0096
H-3A     CEV long headlamp complete            2139B   head lights    2139
H-3B     CEV short headlamp complete          2157B   head lights    2157
H-3CR   CEV long headlamp shell chrome       0096CR head lights    0096
H-4       CEV headlamp washer toothed         3444     hardware    M6 tooth
H-5       CEV headlamp bolt M6x20 hex          3171     hardware    6×20 hex
H-6       CEV headlamp reflector rectangle     04828   reflectors    04828
H-7       CEV horn (AC buzzer)                       527        horns          527
H-8       Front harness w/chrome switches     H-8        wiring      wiring
H-8A     Front harness w/plastic switches       H-8A      wiring     not avail.
H-9       6mm flat washer                           H-9      hardware  M6 washer
H-10     6mm hex bolt for horn                    H-10     hardware  M6x20 hex
H-10A    6mm spring washer                       H-10A    hardware  M6 washer
H-10B   6mm lock washer                          H-10B    hardware  M6 lwash
H-11     6mm self locking nut                      H-11     hardware  M6 nylock
H-12      Domino brake lever                        D-20      domino        D20
H-13      Domino silver starter/brake control   DB-1     domino        DB1
H-13A     Domino black starter/brake control   DB-2      domino        DB2
H-14      Domino starter lever                      D-19      domino        D19
H-15      CEV chrome horn & light switch       8040.5    switches     8040.5
H-15A    CEV plastic horn & light switch         8188      switches      8188
H-15Y     Kill button for Gypsy Cross             H-15Y     switches   not avail. universal kill button will substitute
H-16       Handlebar – Harvard & Gazelle        H-16     handlebars  not avail.  
H-16A     Handlebar – Negrini Gazelle III        H-16A    handlebars  not avail.  
H-16G     Handlebar – Gadabout                   H-16G   handlebars  not avail.  
H-16H     Handlebar – high rise chopper        H-16H   handlebars  not avail.  
H-16K     Handlebar – Negrini MX KPN           H-16K    handlebars  not avail.  
H-16MX   Handlebar – MX Sport, Sport II      H-16MX  handlebars  not avail.  
H-16Y     Handlebar – MX Gypsy Cross         H-16Y    handlebars  not avail.  
H-17       M6 x 30 allen bolt                        H-17      hardware  6×30 allen
H-17A     M6 x 45 allen bolt                        H-17A     hardware  6×45 allen
H-17B     M6 x 35 allen bolt                        H-17B    hardware  6×35 allen
H-17C     M6 x 70 allen bolt                        H-17C    hardware  6×70 allen
H-18       Handlebar clamp silver – Negrini     H-18          forks      not avail.
H-18A     Handlebar clamp black – Negrini     H-18A       forks      not avail.
H-19       CEV Round chrome ignition switch  8177.1   switches   8177.1
H-19/1    Black dot stoplight switch            9343      switches    9343
H-19/1A   White dot stoplight switch           9342      switches    9342
H-19/2    Stoplight switch rubber boot        15863     switches    15863
H-19A      Plastic ignition switch                  8189     switches    8189
Ref.     MMI Notebook Rev. 6/84  pg 2-12        MMI      Myrons     Myrons       
No.       official name and description                Part No.  Page Link   Part No.    Myrons Mopeds comments
H-20     Domino silver throttle control            DA-1       domino        DA1
H-20A   Domino black throttle control            DA-2      domino        DA2
H-20Y   Throttle control – Gypsy Cross          H-20Y    domino    not avail.
H-21L   Domino left grip 22 ID ribbed             H-21L    domino       D22
H-21R   Domino right grip 25 ID ribbed           H-21R    domino       D21
H-23    Chrome cap headset nut                   H-23      steering   not ready
H-24    Headset spacer                                      H-24      steering   not ready
H-25    Fork top plate silver Costa                    H-25       forks      not avail.
H-25A   Fork top plate black Costa                    H-25A     forks      not avail.
H-25L   Fork top plate Negrini Leprotto            H-25L     forks      not avail.
H-26     Bolt for Costa fork top plate                H-26         forks      not avail.
H-27    Headset upper steering post cone       H-27      steering   not ready
H-28    Headset bearings in race                       H-28      steering   not ready
H-29    Headset upper frame race                    H-29     steering   not ready
H-30   Headset lower frame race                  H-30      steering   not ready
H-31   Headset lower fork race                     H-31      steering   not ready
H-32   Headlamp support bracket silver          H-32        forks      not avail.
H-32A  Headlamp support bracket black         H-32A      forks      not avail.
H-32-43 Costa fork assy – Negrini Gazelle      H-32-43   forks      not avail.  462 mm- Gazelle, MX Sport, Harvard 
H-32-43A Costa fork assy MX II, Gaz III        H-32-43A forks      not avail.  502 mm- Gazelle III, MX Sport II
H-33    Headlamp support bracket bolt          H-33         forks      not avail.
H-34    Costa fork assy upper link                    H-34         forks      not avail.
H-34A  Costa fork tube plastic top cover       H-34A      forks      not avail.
H-35    Costa fork spring                             H-35        forks      not avail.
H-35L  Leprotto fork spring                         H-35L       forks      not avail.
H-35/1 Pin for securing Costa fork spring      H-35/1     forks      not avail.
H-35/2 Lower spring retainer for Costa        H-35/2     forks      not avail.
H-36    Costa fork tube 462mm – Gazelle       H-36        forks      not avail.  462 mm- Gazelle, MX Sport, Harvard 
H-36A  Costa fork tube 502 – Gaz III, MX II   H-36A      forks      not avail.  502 mm- Gazelle III, MX Sport II
H-36K  Costa fork tube 525mm – KPN           H-36K      forks      not avail.  525 mm tubes- Negrini MX KPN
H-37    Costa top tree silver 20mm head tube H-37      forks      not avail.   top tree 20mm-Gazelle, MX Sport
H-37A  Costa top tree silver 22mm head tube H-37A     forks      not avail.  top tree 22mm- Gaz III, MX Sport II
H-37K  Costa top tree blk Ø21 head tube KPN  H-37K     forks      not avail. top tree 21mm- Negrini MX KPN
H-37L   Leprotto fork top tree                      H-37L     forks      not avail. top tree 20mm?- Negrini Leprotto
H-38    Front fender support – Neg. Harvard   H-38     fenders    not avail.
H-39    Clip for fork tube dust cover Negrini    H-39      forks      not avail.
Ref.     MMI Notebook Rev. 6/84  pg 2-13        MMI      Myrons     Myrons       
No.       official name and description                Part No.  Page Link   Part No.    Myrons Mopeds comments
H-39K    Bottom clip for fork boot Neg. KPN     H-39K       forks      not avail.
H-39/1K Top clip for fork boot Negrini KPN      H-39/1K   forks      not avail.
H-40      Fork tube dust cover                       H-40         forks     not avail.
H-40A    Fork tube dust cover w/cable guide    H-40A       forks     not avail.
H-40B    Fork tube dust cover accordion type  H-40B       forks     not avail.
H-41      Front fender                                    H-41        fenders    not avail.
H-41A    Front fender Gazelle III, MX Sport II   H-41A     fenders    not avail.
H-41C    Front fender chrome Negrini Gazelle   H-41C    fenders    not avail.
H-41G    Front fender grey Gazelle, Leprotto    H-41G    fenders    not avail.
H-41K    Front fender white plastic – KPN        H-41K     fenders    not avail.
H-41W   Front fender white Negrini Leprotto   H-41W    fenders    not avail.
H-41Y    Front fender – Negrini Gypsy Cross    H-41Y    fenders    not avail.
H-42      Costa fork bottom leg right silver      H-42         forks     not avail.
H-42A    Costa fork bottom leg right black      H-42A       forks     not avail.
H-42K    Costa fork bottom leg right KPN        H-42K       forks     not avail.
H-42L    Leprotto fork bottom leg right          H-42L        forks     not avail.
H-43      Costa fork bottom leg left silver        H-43         forks     not avail.
H-43A    Costa fork bottom leg left black        H-43A       forks      not avail.
H-43K    Costa fork bottom leg left for KPN     H-43K       forks      not avail.
H-43L    Leprotto fork bottom leg left            H-43L       forks      not avail.
H-44      Front fender bolt 6 x 25mm             H-44      hardware  6×25 hex
H-45      Wheel rim 36º 1.20×16 (for 2.25-16)  H-45    wheel parts not avail. for Gazelle, Harvard, MX Sport F&R
H-45A    Wheel rim 36º 1.20×17 (for 2.25-17)  H-45A  wheel parts not avail.  there’s a link to rims in wheel parts
H-45B    Wheel rim 36º 1.50×16 (for 2.50-16)  H-45B  wheel parts not avail. for Negrini Gypsy Cross F & R
H-45K    Wheel rim 36º 1.35×19 (for 2.50-19)  H-45K  wheel parts not avail. for Negrini MX KPN front
H-45/1K Wheel rim 36º 1.35×17 (for 2.50-17) H-45/1K whl parts  not avail. for Negrini MX KPN rear
H-46      Spoke+nipple 171×2.5 (appr 6 7/8″)   H-46       spokes    503151 for (16″3X) Gazelle, MX Sport, Harv rear
H-46A    Spoke+nipple 155×2.5 (appr 6 1/4″)   H-46A     spokes    000932 for (16″2X) Gazelle,MX Sport,Harv front
Ref.     MMI Notebook Rev. 6/84  pg 2-14        MMI      Myrons     Myrons       
No.       official name and description                Part No.  Page Link   Part No.    Myrons Mopeds comments
H-46B  Spoke+nipple 173×2.5 (approx. 7″)     H-46B     spokes     000932  for Italian 16″ 3-cross spoke pattern
H-46C  Spoke+nipple 166×2.5 ( 6 11/16″ )     H-46C     spokes      52951   for Negrini Gypsy Cross ?
H-46D  Spoke+nipple 188×2.5 (appr 7 9/16)   H-46D     spokes     503203  for Italian 17″ 3-cross spoke pattern
H-46K  Spoke+nipple 181×3.0 (appr 7 3/16)   H-46K      spokes     232798  for Negrini KPN 19″ front
H-46/1K Spoke+nipple 152×3.0 (appr 6 1/8)  H-46/1K  spokes     232733  for Negrini KPN 17″ rear
H-47     Fork leg bolt 8 x 10mm allen             H-47       hardware   8x10allen 
H-47A   Fork leg washer                             H-47A    hardware   M8washer
H-47B   Bolt 8 x 25 allen head                      H-47B    hardware  8x25allen
H-48     Rim liner for 16 and 17″ wheels         H-48          tires      rim strip  use 20″ bicycle ones
H-48C   Air valve caps                                H-48C      tires      valve cap metal caps have rubber seals 
H-48K   Rim liner for 19″ wheels                   H-48K       tires       not avail.  use 24″ bicycle ones
H-49    Tube 2.25 – 16 (inside tire)            see tubes     tires      37-0162  see tire section for more choices
H-50    Tire 2.25 – 16 (street tread)          see tires      tires       87-4550  see tire section for more choices
H-51    Front wheel hub 90 mm complete     H-51       grimeca    H51
H-51K  Front wheel hub 105 comp. KPN        H-51K      grimeca    not avail.
H-52    Front axle 11mm x 150 (5 7/8″)        H-52     wheel parts  H52
H-52K  Front axle 12 x 165 (6 1/2″) KPN       H-52K   wheel parts  not avail.
H-53    Brake cable adjuster 6mm w/nut      H-53     cable parts  A2    this is both a wheel part and a cable part
H-54    Outside axle nut M11x1, 10mm tall    H-54    wheel parts  209277  these have been scarce since 2013
H-54K  Outside axle nut M12x1, 12mm tall    H-54K  wheel parts  H54K
H-55    Wheel washer 11mm inner diameter  H-55    wheel parts  H55
H-55K  Wheel washer 12mm inner diameter  H-55K  wheel parts  H55K
H-56    Inner axle nut M11x1, 6mm tall         H-56    wheel parts   H56
H-56M Inner axle nut M12x1, 6mm tall         H-56M  wheel parts  H56M
H-57    Axle spacer 11mm ID, 4mm tall         H-57    wheel parts  H57
H-58    Front wire wheel brake cover 90mm  H-58       grimeca    H58  same F brake panel on spoke or mag wheel
H-58K  Front brake cover for 105mm KPN     H-58K     grimeca    H58K KPN has 105mm F drum 12mm F axle
H-59    Brake lever at hub                          H-59      grimeca    H59    there are different styles of these…
H-60    Brake cable anchor at wheel             H-60    cable parts  P5 (H60) also known as a “Grimeca pinch bolt”
H-61    Axle spacer 11mm ID, 4mm tall         H-57    wheel parts  H57 
H-62    Axle spacer 11mm ID, 4mm tall         H-57    wheel parts  H57 
H-63    Brake cam for Grimeca 90mm           H-63      grimeca    H63
H-63K  Brake cam for Grimeca 105mm KPN   H-63K    grimeca     H63K
H-64     Brake shoe set 90 x 18 spoke wheel  H-64      brakes     H64  steel hub has room for easy-on coil springs
H-64A   Brake shoe coil spring for H-64         H-64A    brakes     H64A  two small coil springs per spoke wheel 
H-64C   Brake shoe 90 x 18 (1/2 of H-64)      H-64C    brakes     H64   this is just one shoe, R and L are the same
H-64K   Brake shoe set 105 x 20 KPN            H-64K    brakes     229740 these are the same as modern Tomos. 
H-64M   Brake shoe set 90 x 18 mag wheel   H-64M    brakes     H64drill H-64 with 2 holes drilled for U spring
H-64/1K Brake shoe coil spring for H-64K     H-64/1K  brakes    H64/1K  two big coil springs per spoke wheel
H-64MS Brake shoe “U” spring for H-64M      H-64MS   brakes    H64MS  one large “U” spring, hard to install
H-65     Axle locknut M11x1 6mm tall 17 hex  H-65      grimeca    H65
H-66     Cone for wire wheel (11mm axle)    H-66      grimeca    H66
H-66M   Cone for mag wheel (12mm axle)    H-66M   grimeca     H66M
H-67     Ball bearing 1/4″ (sold each)           H-67    wheel parts  H67  for all Grimeca wheels except Puch rear mag
The front aluminum mag wheel has 11 axle, 32 cups. The front steel hub wire wheel has 11 axle, 32 mm cups.
The rear  aluminum mag wheel has 12 axle, 35 cups. The rear  steel hub wire wheel has 11 axle, 32 mm cups.
To be more heavy duty, the rear “mag” center is bigger. This requires a “U” type brake spring, difficult to install.
Ref.     MMI Notebook Rev. 6/84  pg 2-15        MMI      Myrons     Myrons       
No.       official name and description                Part No.  Page Link   Part No.    Myrons Mopeds comments
H-67A    Ball bearings 1/4″ set of 20 – 11mm  H-67A  wheel parts  H67   Ø11 axle, Ø32 cup, 20/whl (spoke + F mag)
H-67M   Ball bearings 1/4″ set of 22 – 12mm  H-67M  wheel parts  H67   Ø12 axle, Ø35 cup, 22/wheel (rear mag)
H-68      Dust cover – spoke wheels F & R      H-68       grimeca      H68    
H-68M   Dust cover – R mag  12mm  axle      H-68M    grimeca      H68M  
H-69      Bearing cup 32mm spoke wheels      H-69       grimeca      H69    
H-69B    Bearing cup ??mm Bernardi mags     H-69B                      not avail.    
H-69M    Bearing cup 35mm  – rear mag        H-69M    grimeca      H69M    
H-69S    Bearing cup 32mm  – front mag        H-69S     grimeca      H69S    
H-70      Single seat with tool compartment    H-70        seats         not avail. 
H-70A    Seat post                                     H-70A      seats        H70A    
H-70B    Seat post clamp                            H-70B      seats       H70B    
H-70C    Long seat – Gazelle, MX Sport II       H-70C     seats       not avail.   
H-70K    Long seat – Negrini KPN                   H-70K     seats      not avail.
H-70MX  Long seat – Negrini MX Sport           H-70MX   seats      not avail.
H-70S    Long seat – universal                      H-70S      seats      not avail. 
H-70Y    Long seat – Negrini Gypsy Cross       H-70Y     seats      not avail. 
H-71      Leather strap on tool bag                H-71        tool kit     not avail.    
H-71A    Tool box under seat                        H-71A     tool kit     not avail.   
H-71B    Cylindrical tool box under seat          H-71B     tool kit     not avail.    
H-71K    Tank mounted tool bag – KPN           H-71K     tool kit     not avail.  
H-72      Gas cap – plug style for 1 1/2″ hole   H-72       gas caps    H72      40mm push-in, Negrini Harvard
H-72A    Gas cap – screw type Gazelle III       H-72A     gas caps    H72A    30mm quarter turn, Gazelle III
H-72H    Gas cap – flip top Neg. Harvard        H-72H     gas caps    H72H   clamp-on pop-up, Neg. Harvard
H-72MX  Gas cap – screw type MX Sport       H-72MX   gas caps   H72MX  40mm quarter turn wide wing
H-72P    Gas cap plug type for 1 1/16″ hole    H-72P      gas caps    H72P    30mm push-in, Negrini Leprotto
H-73      Frame – Negrini Harvard                 H-73        frames     not avail.
H-73A    Frame – Negrini Gazelle                   H-73A     frames     not avail.
H-73B    Frame – Negrini MX Sport               H-73B      frames     not avail.
H-73C    Frame – MX Sport II, Gazelle III       H-73C     frames     not avail.
H-73D    Fuel tank support bar MX II             H-73D     frames     not avail.
H-73E    8 x 35mm bolt                               H-73E    hardware    M8x35 hex
H-73F    8mm self locking nut                       H-73F    hardware    M8 nylock 
H-73G    8mm flat washer                           H-73G    hardware    M8 washer  
H-73K    Frame – Negrini KPN                       H-73K      frames     not avail.
H-74      Steering post lock                          H-74       steering      not ready
H-74A    Key blank for H-74 lock                   H-74A     steering     not ready
H-74B    Fork lock – Gaz. III, MX Sport II       H-74B     steering     not ready
H-74C   Key blank for H-74B lock                  H-74C     steering     not ready
H-74S    Steering post lock screw                 H-74S      steering    not ready
H-75     Throttle cable complete 47″             H-75        cables       C3 
H-75A   Throttle cable inner wire 47″            H-75A     cables       W2 
H-75Y   Throttle cable – Gypsy Cross            H-75Y     cables       not avail. 
H-76     Rear brake cable complete 69″         H-76        cables        C2 
Ref.     MMI Notebook Rev. 6/84  pg 2-16        MMI      Myrons     Myrons       
No.       official name and description                Part No.  Page Link   Part No.    Myrons Mopeds comments




Moto Guzzi

July 13, 2012

updated 2020-01

 Moto Guzzi      made in Italy by SEIMM Moto Guzzi    Benelli 1-sp engine

Moto Guzzi is the oldest European motorcycle manufacturer in continuous production. “Established in 1921 in Mandello del Lario, Italy, they played a historic role in Italy’s motorcycling manufacture, its prominence worldwide in motorcycle racing, and industry innovations—including the first motorcycle center stand, wind tunnel, and eight-cylinder engine. from Wikipedia)

1974 Moto Guzzi Chiù formed sheet-steel frame made by Moto Guzzi

1974 Moto Guzzi Chiù (Eu)
SEIMM sheet frame

1971 Moto Guzzi Chiù (Eu)
SEIMM sheet frame

Moto Guzzi Trotter



Towards the end of the 1960s, the arrival of Japanese manufacturers caused a crisis in the European motorcycle industry.




SEIMM: From 1967 to 1973 Moto Guzzi was owned by SEIMM Moto Guzzi. By 1964, Moto Guzzi was in full financial crisis. Emanuele Parodi and his son Giorgio had died, Carlo Guzzi had retired to private life, and direction passed to Enrico Parodi, Giorgio’s brother. Carlo Guzzi died on November 3rd, 1964 — in Mandello, after a brief hosptial stay in Davos. In February 1967, SEIMM (Società Esercito Industrie Moto Meccaniche), a state controlled receiver, took ownership of Moto Guzzi. The SEIMM oversight saw Moto Guzzi adapting to a cultural shift away from motorcycles to automobiles. The company focused on popular lightweight mopeds including the Dingo and Trotter — and the 125 cc Stornello motorcycle. Also during the SEIMM years that Guzzi developed the 90° V twin engine — designed by Giulio Cesare Carcano — which would become iconic of Moto Guzzi.” (from Wheels of Italy)

Moto Guzzi mopeds: There are two kinds of Moto Guzzi mopeds, US models. They are mostly the same except for different frames, wiring and lights. 


1978 Moto Guzzi Robin

1978 Moto Guzzi (US)
SEIMM mono-tube frame
Benelli 1-speed engine

1979 Benelli G2 (US)
SEIMM mono-tube frame
Benelli 1-speed engine


1978-79 Moto Guzzi (mono-tube): This is the mono-tube or tubone (thick tube with gasoline inside) Moto Guzzi, made by SEIMM Co., that is almost the same as the Benelli G2. See Benelli.

The 1978-80 mono-tube moped has a clockwise 3-wire Dansi 101813 magneto with an external ignition ground. So loose brake light wires can cause it to not run. See CEV/Dansi.



1980 Moto Guzzi

1980 Moto Guzzi ID plate

1980 Moto Guzzi (mono-tube): This is the same as the 1978-79 except for headlight is shorter, speedometer is in a black plastic housing above the headlight, side covers are black and not as long.

The ID plate says made in 1980, 1981 model





1977 Moto Guzzi Robin (US) brochure

1976-80 Moto Guzzi Robin (sheet frame): This is a stamped sheet metal frame Moto Guzzi Robin, made by SEIMM Moto Guzzi S.p.A. Mandello del Lario Italy. It is the US version of the Moto Guzzi Chiù.

Moto Guzzi mopeds were  imported to the USA and distributed by Berliner Motor Corp, Railroad St and Plant Rd, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey 07604. There were more sold in the New Jersey area. Almost none were sold in California. 




Moto Guzzi magnetos:

1976 Moto Guzzi Robin Dansi 101441 magneto

1976 Moto Guzzi Robin Dansi 101441 magneto

The 1976-77 sheet frame Robin has a clockwise 3-wire Dansi 101441 magneto with an internal ignition ground.

See more at Dansi Magnetos





Dansi 101813 magneto
on ’78 Moto Guzzi Robin

The 1977-80 sheet frame Robin has a clockwise 3-wire Dansi 101813 magneto with an external ignition ground.





Moto Guzzi Chiu (Robin)
petcock 12×1 left or back

1976 SEIMM Moto Guzzi Robin (sheet frame)
Has a front basket instead of a speedometer.








PV controlsMoto Guzzi Robin (sheet frame) components: 2.25-16″ tires, Benelli one speed automatic engine, Dellorto SHA 14/9 carburetor, #45 jet. Dansi 101441 or 101813 magneto, see above. CEV 2143 headlight, CEV 9350 tail light, CEV round chrome clamp-on switches, PV controls, Grimeca hubs (rear hub is special, Benelli only) and brakes, no speedometer (has front basket instead), LH speedo driver, 12×1 female spigot left or back gas valve.




PV controlsVeglia smallMoto Guzzi (mono-tube frame) components: 2.25-16″ tires, Benelli one speed automatic engine, Dellorto SHA 14/9 carburetor, #44 jet. Dansi 101813 magneto (external ignition ground type). CEV 2139 bullet head light, CEV 9400.2 tail light (with resistor for external ignition ground magneto), CEV plastic slide clamp-on switches, PV controls, Grimeca hubs (rear hub is special, Benelli only) and brakes, Veglia speedometer with LH driver, 12×1 female gas valve with special long detachable shaft that goes through a hole in the side panel.



Project Moped Manual has the Moto Guzzi Robin (Chiù) owners, service, and parts manuals available for free downloads.

Harpers Moto Guzzi carries some Moto Guzzi moped parts. Myrons only has things that are on other Italian mopeds.


July 13, 2012

 Lem Motor   Lem            made in Italy by Lem Motor     Minarelli or Morini engines

Lem began in 1973, at Lippo di Calderara, near Bologna, Italy. They made mopeds, scooters and mini bikes. In 1983 LEM motor’s production plant was moved to the present location of Kola Predosa, Italy, another nearby town. Since the 1980’s, LEM, like Italjet, has specialized in off road and racing motocross motorcycles for children. Since the late 1990’s Lem has been the world leader in that industry.

1976 Lem Chembol Raid

1976 Lem Chembol Raid
Morini 4-spd engine

1978 Lem Pratikal

1978 Lem Pratikal Kit
Minarelli V1 engine

1977 Lem Pizeta

1977 Lem Pizeta
Minarelli V1 engine

All 3 of these early Lem moped models say “Chembol” on the front fender. 






1980's Lem Stratos

1980’s Lem Stratos
Minarelli 4-spd engine
different frame than 70’s

1978 Lem Pratikal

1978 Lem Pratikal
long seat version
Morini MO-2 engine


1970’s Lem monotrave frames can be identified by the 45mm clamp-on pop-up gas lid facing the right, the shape of the rear rack bars, the style of shocks and shock mounts, plus the cone taper under the seat. The 1970’s Italtelai tubone frame, looks like the Lem but has no taper cone, allowing for a very low seat. 




Info F. Morini

Info F. Morini

F. Morini         made in Italy by LEM Motor          Morini MO-1 or MO-2

F. Morini Chembol

F. Morini Chembol

F. Morini gas tank

F. Morini

F. Morini (Lem) with Morini MO2 engine

F. Morini Chembol
Morini MO2 engine








Lem MotorLem Motor  makes the F. Morini line, a trade name made by the importer and US distributor, Herdan Corporation, Port Clinton, PA. Long lasting Herdan (aka Hermy’s) is still in business importing Italian motorcycle parts and accessories. Note that F. Morini is NOT the engine maker, Franco Morini Motori, nor the world famous motorcycle maker, Moto Morini.

1978 Morini Chembol aka LEM Pratikal

1978 F. Morini Chembol
aka LEM Pratikal

LEM Pratikal ID plate

1978 F. Morini ID plate

1980 F. Morini Chembol Morini MO-1 engine

1980 F. Morini Chembol
Morini MO-1 engine
aka Lem Pizeta

The F. Morini Chembol (Lem Pratikal) and the Safari 300MT, Safari Cobra, and Safari MZV have the same frame, fork and fenders. See Lem above. 

The F. Morini Chembol Mini (Lem Pizeta) is the same as ?



PV controlsF. Morini Components: Morini MO-1 or MO-2 engine, Dellorto SHA 14/12 or 14/9 carburetor, clamp-on pop-up gas lid, 10 x 1 male gas valve, 12 tooth front sprocket (this version does), and a all-cast iron cylinder (unlike most which are iron sleeve with aluminum fins). The red one with solo seat has PV levers with black plastic blades and Grimeca wheels, while the green one with long seat has Domino levers/controls with chrome lever blades and Bernardi wheels.
