Speedometer Parts Menu

April 7, 2023











Speedometers on vintage mopeds are all mechanical type, not electronic. A driver or sender on the front wheel rotates the cable. The cable, with a spinning wire inside, goes up to the speedometer head. Inside the gauge a spinning magnet moves the needle. An odometer or mileage meter is also driven by the cable, with gears.  

Speedo families are heads, cables and drivers that have certain things in common. The head and driver threads are the same. The head and driver square cable holes are the same. So heads, cables and drivers within the same family all interchange. 

Square cable holes are a little bigger than square cable ends. A 2.0mm hole takes a 1.85 to 1.95mm cable, and a 2.75mm hole takes a 2.55 to 2.70mm cable. This is a source of confusion. 

Speedo drivers: On the front wheel is small gear box that changes the wheel rotation into the cable rotation. 

Speedo driver Side means what side of the front wheel would make the driver rotate the cable clockwise, viewed from above. Reversing the side by flipping the front wheel reverses the speedo cable rotation.

Speedo driver Type: Most drivers have the cable exiting below the axle. Most left side drivers are type d because they look like a letter “d”. Most right side ones are type b because they resemble letter “b”. But some type d’s are for right side, and some type b’s are for left. This is because the worm gear teeth can be wound left or right, like a left or right hand thread bolt.

Speedo driver Ratio means how many times the cable rotates for each wheel rotation. Larger diameter tires require higher driver ratios to achieve the same cable rotation. Smaller tires require lower ratios. The gear ratio is related to the angle of the gear teeth as well as the tooth counts.

Speedo cables can be different lengths for the same bike. Aiming the speedo driver more upward requires a shorter cable. Aiming the driver more downward requires a longer cable. When the front suspension goes over bumps, the speedo cable has to flex up and down. Aiming the driver 90 degrees to the suspension travel makes the least stress on the cable and the least interference with the suspension movement. Most newer bikes are that way. But then the cable hangs out a lot, and requires a fender eyelet to help prevent the long cable from getting snagged on things when parking or maneuvering.




CEV Speedometer Parts

April 7, 2023

CEV-2.0/2.0 speedometer family is on US models of Italian mopeds, Baretta (some), 80’s Cosmo (some), Bianchi (some), Gadabout, Italvelo (some), Intramotor Gloria, Malaguti (some), Motobecane Sebring, Motobee, Motomarina, Motron (some), Negrini (some), Rizzato, Safari, Snark (some), Testi (some), Vespa Grande (some), West Wind, Yankee Peddler, and some non-Italian mopeds, Carabela, KTM Foxi.

CEV-2.0/1.8 speedo family is on 1974 to 2002 Tomos mopeds.
    Speedo drivers and cables are listed in Tomos Speedometer Parts.

CEV-1.8/2.0 speedo family is on some Italian mopeds or mini-cycles

CEV-2.0/2.7 speedo family is on some Italian scooters, mini-cycles or motorcycles. 


A. CEV Speedometers

CEV 2.0/2.0 60mm speedometers in Nov 2024

Speed testing: They are all tested on the same drill, for comparison of speed accuracy. The odometer accuracy never varies – it either works or not. It takes up to 3 minutes at 20mph to click off one mile. Each speedometer is tested for at least 3 minutes, some over 10 minutes all together. Once all of the 17 tested speeds are retested and verified, an average speed can be calculated. First the highest and lowest are ignored. Then the remaining 15 test speeds are added up and the sum is divided by 15 to give 23.8 average. You can see that most of the speedos tested at 23, 24, or 25 mph. The accuracy is an important factor in determining the price. The condition of the glass, face, and needle are also important. 

CEV-2.0/2.0 60mm round speedometers: 15 out of 17 were originally frozen. They have all been cleaned, checked, and lubed, and tested. 

 #  dia. miles price tested
 #  mm miles price speed  error   odometer
  1  60 00130 $70  40  -1    odo works

  2  60 00004 $30  22  -19  odo works, speedo reads very low
  4  60 00009 $30  40  –1  no odo (no miles)
  5  60 04726 $40  37  -4   odo works, ugly, broken light

  6  60 00002 $30  42  +1   no odo (no miles)
  7  60 00002 $85  42  +1   odo works, goes to 60 mph
  8  60 00359 $65  41  -0   odo works

Vespa Grande came with three different 60mm speedos, CEV blue #307252, Veglia black #307168, and CEV black #307872.


B. CEV Speedo Drivers

Rinvio per contachilometri CEV 7408

CEV speedo drivers come in a wide range of styles, sizes, and ratios, perhaps 100 kinds. Here are only about half of them, the ones with small axle holes, mostly 11 or 12 mm, for lightweight motorcycles, mini-cycles and mopeds.

CEV speedo driver part numbers in the 1960’s and 70’s all had a 4-digit number starting with 7. They were sequential, here starting at 7121. Most older ones (lower part numbers) had higher ratios for larger tires 18 and 19 inch. But only the last 3 digits were stamped on the driver, at the brass end cap. After the mid 1980’s the 3-digit stamped-on numbers replaced 4-digit numbers. So a CEV 7416 is the same as a CEV 416. But some changed, like the CEV 7408 with an 11 mm axle hole became the CEV 408 with a 12 mm axle hole.

’82 MMI catalog

Grease zerk or cap: CEV drivers in the 1960’s, 70’s and early 80’s all had grease zerks for applying grease with a grease gun, up to number 7429. The 1982 Marina Mobili Parts Catalog and 1985 price list contain 9 CEV drivers from 7121 to 7429 for mopeds, mini-cycles and lightweight motorcycles. Some time after that, in the late 1980’s or 90’s, starting with number 7430, the zerk was discontinued, replaced at first by a small non-removable cap, and then a large removable grease cap. With that you just push the grease in with your finger tip. That was the most visible thing that changed. Some versions also got thinner. Here we use the older 4-digit numbers for the older grease zerk versions, and the newer 3-digit numbers for the newer grease cap versions. 

Right or left: The cable must rotate clockwise, looking down from the speedometer. So for each side of the bike there are right or left types. It happens that CEV worm gear drives are all wound in the same direction, like a normal bolt. There are no reverse threads inside. So the shape of the speedo driver determines what side of the bike it goes on. Ones that resemble a “d” go on the left, and “b” ones go on right. This is true for CEV speedo drivers, but not all other makes.

1. driver with grease zerk
2. grease cap permanent
3. grease cap removable









ID# Index: look up the ratio, then scroll down to it
CEV 001 1.4   003 1.7   004 1.7   011 1.4   012 1.6   013 1.7
CEV 121 1.8   221 1.8   238 1.9   240 0.9   252 1.5   278 1.2
CEV 287 1.3   288 1.1   289 1.6   290 1.6? 296 1.7   303 1.7
CEV 324 1.7   337 1.2   341 0.9   358 1.9   373 1.8   375 1.9
CEV 402 1.3   403 1.8   408 1.6   416 1.6   419 1.3
CEV 421 1.8   422 1.6   428 1.7   429 1.8 
CEV 430 1.8   442 2.1   456 1.6   486 1.7
CEV 508 1.9   536 1.8   543 1.3

CEV#: 4-digit has grease zerk, 3-digit has grease cap, 2-digit has none
CEV# color: violet is from the ’82 MMI catalog (Marina Mobili Inc). 

ratio color: black is from ’82 MMI, green is measured, gray is guessed

xx#  axle ratio mar  side/ cable   
xx#  hole ratio mark type hole depth price

7341   11  0.9  341   R b  2.0  07.5  $47
for OD 11.2  3.00-5

7240   12  0.9  240   L d  2.0  07.5  none
for OD 11.2  3.00-5

7xxx   12  0.9  xxx   L d  2.0  20.6  none
for OD 11.2  3.00-5
Benelli CB1160/B  ’69-73 Buzzer (3.00-5)

7xxx   10  1.0  xxx   R b  2.0  03.7  none
for OD 12.4  3.50-5, 4.00-5, 3.00-7
Di Blasi 172  ’74-79 R2 (3.50-5)
1979-1997 Di Blasi R7 had Huret

xxx  0 10  1.0  xxx   L d  2.7  03.7  none
for OD 12.4  4.00-5, 3.00-7, 2.50-8
Di Blasi 2343  ’97-on R7E (4.00-5)

7xxx   12  1.1  xxx   R b  2.7  00.0  none  
for OD 13.7  3.50-7 
Benelli CB2157  ’71-72 Hurricane (3.50-7)
maybe ’70-72 Fantic Broncco TX6 (3.50-7)

7278   12  1.2  278   R b  2.7  20.6  none
for OD 14.9  3.50-8, 2.75-9 or 2.50-10
Benelli K55/B  ’69-71 Hornet (2.75-9)
’67-72 Dynamo Compact (3.50-8)

7337   12  1.2  337   R b  2.7  22.0  $47
for OD 14.9  3.50-8, 2.75-9 or 2.50-10


7287   11  1.3  287   R b  2.0  03.7  none
for OD 16.2  3.00-10 or 3.50-10

7288   12  1.3  288   R b  2.0  06.8  none  
for OD 16.2  3.00-10 or 3.50-10

’68-70 Garelli Broncco TC4, TS4 (3.00-10)

7402   11  1.3  402   R b  2.0  03.7  none  
for OD 16.2  3.00-10 or 3.50-10


7419   11  1.3  419   L d  2.0  03.7 none
for OD 16.2  3.00-10 or 3.50-10

435   12  1.3  435   L d  1.8?03.7? none
for OD 16.2   3.00-10 or 3.50-10
Derbi 0E01620051 ’87-89 DS50

543     11  1.3  543  L d  2.0  03.7 none
for OD 16.2  3.00-10 or 3.50-10

7xxx   12  1.3  xxx   R b  2.7  03.7none
for OD 16.2  3.00-10
Benelli K104 ’70-73 Dynamo Trail, II

7252   12  1.5  252   R b  2.7  00.0  none   
for OD 18.7  2.50-14

Benelli G716 ’71-73 Mini Enduro

7422   10  1.6  422   0 0  2.0  00.0  none  
for OD 19.9  2.00-16 or 2.25-16

012 0  12  1.6 16:10 L d  2.0  04.5  $29.0
plastic India-made for Tomos ’74-’18 most
Tomos 209650 

7289   11  1.6  289   L d  2.0  03.7   none   
for OD 19.9  2.00-16 or 2.25-16
’78-80 Rizzato Califfo 16″

7290   11  1.6? 290   L d  2.0  03.7   none   
for OD 19.9  2.00-16 or 2.25-16
’78-80 Rizzato Califfo 16″

7416   12  1.6  416   R b  2.0  03.7  $49
for OD 19.9  2.00-16 or 2.25-16


456     12  1.6  456  L d  2.0  05.3  $47
for OD 19.9  2.00-16 or 2.25-16
Motron 0122

013 0  12  1.7 17:10 R b  2.0  04.5  $27.0
plastic India-made for Tomos ’02-13 Rev, Sm
Tomos 232801 

7428   11  1.7  428   R b  2.0  00.0  none  
for OD 21.1  2.50-16, 2.25-17 or 2.50-17

474    12  1.7  474   L d  2.0? 00.0  none
1987 Motomarina Sebring
shield lip on finger ring

7296   11  1.7  296   L d  2.0  00.0  none   
for OD 21.1  2.50-16, 2.25-17 or 2.50-17
MMI J103 Motron 16″, Sebring 17″

7303   11  1.7  303   R b  2.0  07.5  $49
for OD 21.1 2.50-16, 2.25-17 or 2.50-17
shield lip on finger ring and outer step

7324   11  1.7  324   L d  2.0  03.7  $49
for OD 21.1  2.50-16, 2.25-17 or 2.50-17
Cimatti C3540 shield lip on finger ring

486   12  1.7  486   L d  1.8  03.7  none
for OD 21.1  2.50-16, 2.25-17 or 2.50-17
Derbi 0F01620051 ’87-89 Variant Sport

004     12  1.7  none  R b  2.7  12.8  $39
for OD 21.1  2.50-16, 2.25-17 or 2.50-17
58556  ‘93-12 Aprilia Scarabeo 50-100

7121   11  1.8  121   L d  2.0  03.7  none
for OD 22.4  2.25-18 or 2.00-19

7373   11  1.8  373   R b  2.0  03.7 none
for OD 22.4  2.25-18 or 2.00-19

7221   11  1.8  221   L d  2.0  03.7  none   
for OD 22.4  2.25-18 or 2.00-19
wide shield lip on finger ring

430     11  1.8  430   L d  2.0  07.5  none
for OD 22.4 fits Ward 450SS with the hub
hole moved inward, and a regular CEV 2.0 cable

7429   12  1.8  429   R b  2.0  03.7  none  
for OD 22.4  2.25-18 or 2.00-19

7421   12  1.8  421   R b  2.0  07.6  none
for OD 22.4  2.25-18 or 2.00-19

536     12  1.8  536  R b  2.7  03.7   none
for OD 22.4  2.25-18 or 2.00-19

7239    12  1.8  239   L d  00.0   none
for OD 22.4  2.25-18 or 2.00-19
Benelli G227/3 Riverside 450SS


7358   9.7 1.9  358   R/L  2.0  03.7 none
for OD 23.6  2.25-19, 2.75-18 or 2.50-19
reversible right or left

7403   12  1.9  403   R b  2.7  22.0  $47
for OD 23.6  2.25-19, 2.75-18 or 2.50-19

7375   12  1.9  375   R b  2.0  03.7 none
for OD 23.6  2.25-19, 2.75-18 or 2.50-19
conduit screws on directly, no end cap

508     15  1.9  508  L d  2.7  23.5  $47
for OD 23.6  2.25-19, 2.75-18 or 2.50-19

7238   15  1.9  238   R b  2.7  00.0  none   
for OD 23.6  2.25-19, 2.75-18 or 2.50-19

Benelli M92/2 Riverside 125, Cobra 125 

442     12  2.1  442   L d  2.0  03.7 none
for OD 26.1  2.50-21 or bicycle 26 x 2.0

ultra-light off-road like a Derbi RD50



Tomos speedo drivers: In mid-2008 Tomos in Slovenia began outsourcing most production to India. Components also changed to India-made, such as the speedo driver. The part number did not change, but the square cable hole grew from 1.8 to 2.0 mm. This caused the square cable to slip often. The simple no-cost remedy is to smash the square 1.7 x 1.7 end of the cable into a rectangle 1.9 x 1.5. 

Gear ratios: Several known tire sizes and gear ratios were used to calculate all others. First the tire outer diameter (OD) for a 1.6 ratio was guessed. Then all the other tire OD’s were calculated from that. The guess was revised, tire OD’s recalculated and compared. This was repeated, to finally match the known values.

Tire size: These vintage tires all have a 100% profile. The height is 100% of the width. So a 2.25-17 tire has an outer diameter of 17 + 2.25 + 2.25 = 21.5 inch. A 2.75-16 also has that same OD. Different tire sizes can have the same outer diameter.

 gear  for     Tire sizes for CEV gear ratios
ratio  OD    tire size OD    tire size OD    tire size OD
0.9  11.2  0.00-11 00.1  3.00 - 5 11.0
1.0  12.4  3.50 - 5 12.0  2.50 - 7 12.0  4.00 - 5 13.0
1.1  13.7  3.00 - 7 13.0  2.50 - 8 13.0  3.50 - 7 14.0
1.2  14.9  2.75 - 9 14.5  3.50 - 8 15.0  2.75-10 15.5
1.2  14.9  3.50 - 8 15.0  2.50-10 15.0
1.3  16.2  3.00-10 16.0  3.25-10 16.5
1.4  17.4  2.50-12 17.0  2.75-12 17.5  3.00-12 18.0
1.5  18.7  2.25-14 18.5  2.50-14 19.0
1.6  19.9  2.75-14 19.5  2.00-16 20.0  2.25-16 20.5
1.7  21.1  0.00-11 00.1  2.50-16 21.0  2.75-16 21.5
1.7  21.1  0.00-11 00.1  2.00-17 21.0  2.25-17 21.5
1.8  22.4  3.00-16 22.0  2.75-17 22.5 
2.50-18 23.0
1.8  22.4  2.50-17 22.0  2.25-18 22.5  2.00-19 23.0
1.9  23.6  2.75-18 23.5  2.25-19 23.5  2.50-19 24.0
2.0  24.9  0.00-11 00.1  3.00-19 25.0
2.1  26.1  2.50-21 26.0  0000  26 x 2.0 bicycle 26.0


C. CEV Speedo Cables

mm inch  ⇓ end mm  ⇑ end mm  price 
conduit 0 CEV part#  part#  description 

575 22.6  1.80-1.90 1.60-1.65  $47.0 original


mm inch  ⇓ end mm  ⇑ end mm  price 
conduit 0 CEV part#  part#  description 

575 22.6  1.85-1.90  1.90-1.95  $39.0 original
575 22.6  7804/575  C3530 Cimatti

600 23.6  1.85-1.90  1.90-1.95  $44.0 original 
600 23.6  7804/600  307253 Vespa Grande w/blinkers

650 25.6  1.85-1.90  1.90-1.95  $38.0 original good-used
650 25.6  7804/650  0010B ’80 Motron
wire only   1.85-1.90  1.90-1.95  $17.0 original

700 27.6  1.85-1.90  1.90-1.95  $48.0 original
700 27.6  7804/700

750 29.5  1.85-1.90  1.90-1.95  $46.0 original
750 29.5  7804/750  ’78-79 0010 Motron

750 29.5  1.94-1.98  1.70-1.75  $18.0 replacement
750 29.5  Rep1/750  for ’74-02 Tomos (CEV 2.0/1.8)

750 29.5  1.94-1.98  1.85 x 1.6  $32.0 replacement
750 29.5  RepC/750  Rep1 modified see note 1

800 31.5  1.85-1.90  1.90-1.95  $42.0 original
800 31.5  7804/800


Note 1: RepC is made from Rep1 in 4 steps. 1. Using a tapered punch, the upper end tube is bent wider at the entrance flare, from 7.2 to 7.5 mm ID, to fit the 7.4 OD lip on the CEV speedometer. 2. A C-clip, made from a section of a paper clip, is added inside the upper plastic screw cap, if it does not screw on far enough to retain the upper end tube solid, straight and centered. 3. The 2.0+ mm weld bulge at the tip of the lower square end is ground off to make the tip a 1.9 mm square. 4. The 1.7 mm upper square end is formed into a slight rectangle by gentle hammer taps.




mm inch  ⇓ end mm  ⇑ end mm  price 
conduit 0 CEV part#  part#  description 

500 19.7  2.60-2.65 1.88-1.98  $37.0 unknown application



D. CEV Speedo Housings


CEV 04820 is a handlebar-mounted black plastic housing for a 60 mm diameter speedometer.

9408 0 none  with clamps, indicator lights, key switch
9408.1 none  with clamps, indicator lights
9408.2 none  with clamps, key switch
04820  none  with clamps, plain
04820b $33.0 without clamps, plain
19323  $7.00 clamp original new
19324  $1.00 clamp screw original M5 x 16 allen
3648 0 $0.50 clamp nut M4
$7.00 replacement clamp-screw-nut M5x25



CEV 04918 is a headlight mounted black plastic housing for a 60 mm speedometer.

It only fits on a CEV 1211 thin type headlight.

04918  $19.0 speedo housing for 1211 headlight





Bosch Menu

March 25, 2023


Bosch 90mm Magnetos

Bosch 80mm Magnetos









Welcome. The magneto has two separate functions, 1) produce sparks for ignition, 2) produce electric power for lights.

1) Ignition Pulses: The magneto produces precisely timed pulses, which are transformed into sparks by an internal or external coil.

2) Lights Power: The lights power is normally 6 volts alternating current (6V AC). Normally the correct bulbs are used, and none are burned out. But under certain circumstances the voltage can be less, like 3 volts, or more, like 10 volts. When two or more bulbs share the same generator wire, and one of the bulbs burns out, the others will get an over-voltage, like 8 or 10 volts, become instantly bright and soon burn out. The total watts of the bulbs has to match the watts of the generator, for the voltage to be 6 volts. If the bulb watts is more, then the voltage is less so the light is dim. Bosch makes magnetos with extra generator coils, one for each light, to eliminate the over-voltage and under-voltage problem.

Magneto-Generator History: Moped magnetos changed as moped lights changed over the years. In the 1960’s not many countries worldwide had laws about the brightness of moped lights or the placement of switches and buttons. Mopeds did not have brake lights or extra generator coils for them. A typical 1960’s moped had a 15 watt headlight and a 2 watt tail light, both powered by the same 17 watt generator coil.

Starting in 1972, the USA adopted safety standards for motorcycles and motor-driven cycles (Mopeds had not been defined yet). Lights, rims, brakes and tires had to be US DOT approved. Tail lights had to shine to the sides. Engine stop switches/buttons had to be reachable by the right thumb, while horn and light switches had to be reachable by the left thumb. Switches and fuel petcocks had to be labeled and say what they do. Brake lights were required.

Then in historic 1976 the USA adopted safety standards specifically for mopeds and motorized bicycles. The brake light had to be brighter (at least 10 watts) and not cause the headlight to get dimmer.

Internal and External Ignition Ground: To supply the required independent brake light power, there were two solutions. 1) Internal Ignition Ground, where the ignition source coil internal ground was kept the same, and an extra generator coil was added or 2) External Ignition Ground, where the ignition source coil internal ground was relocated to outside of the engine and used as a brake light power source. Bosch made both magneto types, in both sizes 80 and 90 mm.

Swapping Flywheels: Nearly identical flywheels can have different timing angles. That means the woodruff key groove is at a different angles to the “bump” on the points cam. So you can swap flywheels but your ignition timing would be way off.   more to follow…


Over 200 quality Bosch magneto parts attended the reunion.
The 80 mm “small” ones are left, the 90 mm “big” ones are right.
Not shown, the many engines and bikes the used parts came from.

It don’t come easy. Parts catalogs list the bike maker part numbers, but most do not also give the component maker part number.






Bosch coil part numbers come from the packaging of new coils. Sometimes empty ripped-up original boxes are pieced back together, to get the part number translation, such as Sachs-to-Bosch. 1970’s-80’s armatures also have the last 3 digits stamped on.

Bosch stator part numbers are on the back of the base plate. The first 7 digits are cast in, the same for all. The last 3 digits of the stator assembly part number are stamped on by the factory when the coils are attached.

Bosch stator identification: Each engine has a different and unique rubber grommet for the wires to pass through. A pile of used moped stators can be sorted by grommet type, which is engine type. The ones missing grommets can be matched to the grommet ones by stator part number. This is done without any books or manuals. Specifications, illustrations, or part numbers from books, manuals, internet photos are additional forms of ID. All forms of ID must agree.


Bosch Magnetos 80mm

March 25, 2023

Bosch magnetos
with Ø80 flywheel and Ø80 base plate

1. Magnetos with Parts Specified
2. Parts for Sale

1. Magnetos

Bosch 0212-005-007   superseded by 0212 005 024
(Euro)65-75 Sachs 504/1A, 1ADK, 1ANL, 1B, 1BS
2-wire 2-coil anticlockwise 6V 17W no brake light, int. ign. ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #     description
01  1  0000 000 000 0212 005 007 magneto assembly
02  1  0283 114 001 2207 031 ???  stator assembly
03  1  0265 003 000 0000 000 000 rubber coil boot
04  1  0283 115 004 0000 000 000 flywheel says 0212 005 007
05  1  0644 011 000 0000 000 000 spring washer M8
06  1  2842 001 000 0000 000 000 flywheel nut M8 x 1.0
07  1  0260 121 001 0000 000 000 insulating hose
08  1  0965 133 001 0000 000 000 ignition cable-wire
09  1  0265 109 100 0000 000 000 rubber plug cap boot
10  1  0265 100 100 0000 000 000 spark plug cap Merit
14  1  0000 000 000 2207 031 000 stator plate bare (use #2)
15  2  0244 108 000 0000 000 000 washer 4.1 x 9 x 1.2
16  2  0240 106 100 0000 000 000 oval head screw M4 x 14
17  1  0265 052 003 1237 330 035 condenser, short solder type
18  1  2865 004 000 0000 000 000 condenser-to-points wire
19  1  2865 008 000 2201 005 007 lubricating felt
20  1  0645 101 001 0000 000 000 spring washer Ø12 convex side inward
21  1  0223 001 001 0000 000 000 points cam ring
22  5  0245 023 000 0000 000 000 lock washer M4
23  1  2840 012 000 0000 000 000 points screw fillister head M4
24  1  0283 116 000 2207 013 004 points, early type without wire
25  1  0299 059 007 0000 000 000 engine stop wire black
26  1  0299 059 009 0000 000 000 lighting wire yellow
27  1  0265 154 001 1214 210 ???  generator armature 17W
28  1  0265 153 000 2204 211 ???  ignition armature-transformer
29  4  0240 105 000 0000 000 000 coil screw fillister head M4 x 22

This flywheel has a separate points cam. The points are the early no-post type. The points pivot post is screwed into the stator base plate. Unscrew it to make the normal points fit.


Bosch 0212-005-011
(Euro) Solo 236/237/254/255 engines
2-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 17W  no brake light, int. ign. ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #     same illustration
28  1 0265 153 000 2204 211 ???  ignition armature-transformer
27  1 0265 154 00? 1214 210 ???  generator armature 17W


Bosch 0212-005-015
MM5A ’72-77 Morini S5K2 engine
2-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 18W no brake light, int. ign. ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #    same illustration
28  1 0265 153 000 2204 211 ???  ignition armature-transformer
27  1 0265 154 00? 1214 210 ???  generator armature 18W


Bosch 0212-005-020
(Euro) Morini MO-1 engine
Commandos ’74 (Euro) Morini 4M
2-wire 2-coil anticlockwise 6V 17W no brake light, int. ign. ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #    same illustration
1 0265 153 00? 2204 211 ???  ignition armature-transformer
1 0265 154 00? 1214 210 ???  generator armature 17W


Bosch 0212-005-021 
Indian MM5A Morini S5K2 engine
Italjet Packaway Morini MO1?? engine
Malaguti Ronchino Morini S5T engine
2-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 17W no brake light, int. ign. ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #    same illustration
1 0265 153 000 2204 211 ???  ignition armature-transformer
1 0265 154 00? 1214 210 ???  generator armature 17W

This has same points and screw-post condenser as 0212-010-xxx types.


Bosch 0212-005-022
Casal   Casal M140 engine
Eureka (Euro) Garelli H1 engine
2-wire 2-coil anticlockwise 6V 18W no brake light, int. ign. ground 

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #    same illustration
1 0265 153 000 2204 211 ???  ignition armature-transformer
1 0265 154 00? 1214 210 ???  generator armature 17W


Bosch 0212-005-024   replaces 0212 005 007
, others  Sachs 504/1A, 1B engines
3-wire 2-coil anticlockwise 6V 18/5W internal ignition ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #     description
01  1  0000 000 000 0212 005 024 magneto assembly
02  1  0283 114 004 2207 031 132 stator assembly
03  1  0265 003 000 0000 000 000 rubber cap-boot
04  1  0283 115 004 0000 000 000 flywheel
01  0644 011 000 0000 000 000 spring washer M8
01  2842 001 000 0000 000 000 hex nut M8 x 1.0
01  0260 121 001 0000 000 000 insulating hose
01  0965 133 001 0000 000 000 ignition cable-wire
09  1  0265 109 100 0000 000 000 rubber cap-boot
10  1  0265 100 100 0000 000 000 spark plug cap Merit
14  1  0000 000 000 2207 031 000 stator plate bare (use #2)
15  2  0244 108 000 0000 000 000 washer 4.1 x 9 x 1.2
16  2  0240 106 100 0000 000 000 plate screw oval head M4 x 14
17  1  0265 052 007 2207 330 041 condenser with screw post
19  1  2865 008 000 2201 005 007 lubricating felt
22  5  0245 023 000 0000 000 000 spring ring M4
23  1  2840 012 000 0000 000 000 points screw fillister head M4 x 10
24  1  0283 116 001 2207 013 005  points, with wire and eyelet
25  1  0299 059 007 0000 000 000 engine stop wire
26  1  0299 059 009 0000 000 000 lighting wire (yellow) for 15W head, 3W tail
26  1  0299 059 016 0000 000 000 brake light wire (gray) for 5W stop light
27  1  0265 154 004 1214 210 381 lighting generator armature 2-wire 18/5W
28  1  0265 153 001 2204 211 051 ignition armature-transformer
29  2  2840 002 002 0000 000 000 upper coil screw fillister head M4 x 20
30  2  0240 105 000 0000 000 000 lower coil screw fillister head M4 x 22


Bosch 0212-005-027
JC5C, M5C, M5D Minarelli G1-KS, G1R-KS engines
2-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 17W no brake light, internal ignition ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #    same illustration
02  1  0000 000 000 2207 031 146 stator assembly

28  1  0265 153 001 2204 211 051 ignition armature-transformer
27  0265 154 003 1214 210 ???  generator lighting armature 17W

These are 50cc kids off-road mini-cycles, with no lights. But there is a lights coil.


Bosch 0212-008-002
74-75 P-1 early US models 20mph  Sachs 504/1BS
3-wire 2-coil anticlockwise 6V 15-3/5W internal ignition ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #     description
01  0283 114 003 2207 031 ??? stator assembly
0 1  0265 003 000 0000 000 000 rubber cap-boot
01  0283 115 004 0000 000 000 flywheel
0 1  0644 011 000 0000 000 000 spring washer M8
0 1  2842 001 000 0000 000 000 hex nut M8 x 1.0
01  0260 121 001 0000 000 000 insulating hose
08  1  0965 133 001 0000 000 000 ignition cable-wire
01  0265 109 100 0000 000 000 rubber cap-boot
10  1  0265 100 100 0000 000 000 spark plug cap Merit
14  1  0000 000 000 2207 031 000 stator plate bare (use #2)
15  2  0244 108 000 0000 000 000 plate screw washer 4.1 x 9 x 1.2
16  2  0240 106 100 0000 000 000 plate screw oval head M4 x 14
17  1  0265 052 006 2207 330 041 condenser M32 with screw post
19  1  2865 008 000 2201 005 007 lubricating felt
22  5  0245 023 000 0000 000 000 spring ring (lock washer) M4
23  1  2840 012 000 0000 000 000 points screw fillister head M4 x 10
24  1  0283 116 001 2207 013 005 points M31 with wire and eyelet
25  1  0299 059 007 0000 000 000 engine stop wire black
26  1  0299 059 009 0000 000 000 lighting wire yellow for 15W head, 3W tail light
26  1  0299 059 016 0000 000 000 brake light wire gray for 5W stop light
27  1  0265 154 004 1214 210 381 lighting generator armature 2-wire 18/5W
28  1  0265 153 001 2204 211 051 ignition armature-transformer
29  2  2840 002 002 0000 000 000 upper coil screw fillister head M4 x 20
30  2  0240 105 000 0000 000 000 lower coil screw fillister head M4 x 22


Bosch 0212-009-001
3-wire? 2-coil?

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #    same illustration
27  1  0265 154 004 1214 210 381  lighting generator armature 2-wire 18/5W
28  1  0265 153 001 2204 211 051 ignition armature-transformer

Bosch 0212-010-001
Sparta, Kynast
 ‘76-80 US models Sachs 504/1A, 1B, 1D engine
76-80 US models Sachs 504/1A, 1B, 1D engines

4-wire 3-coil anticlockwise 6V 27/10W internal ignition ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #     description
01  1  0283 114 003 2207 031 160 stator assembly
1a  1  0000 000 000 2207 031 000 base plate Ø80 bare
02  1  0283 115 005 0000 000 000 flywheel says 0212-010-001
03  2  0244 108 000 0000 000 000 plate screw washer 4.1 x 9 x 1.2
04  2  0240 106 100 0000 000 000 plate screw oval head M4 x 14
05  1  0283 109 000 0212 940 008 ignition transformer (spark coil)
06  1  0265 150 000 1230 522 011 protective cap for spark plug wire
07  2  0265 151 000 2200 520 002 protective cap for wires
08  1  0265 152 000 0000 000 000 cable terminal
09  1  0665 016 101 0000 000 000 ignition cable (spark plug wire)

10  1  0265 109 100 0000 000 000 rubber cap-boot
11  1  0265 100 100 0000 000 000 spark plug cap Merit
14  1  0265 154 005 1214 210 459 ignition armature
15  2  0247 106 002 0000 000 000 bush (spacer tube) Ø8 x 8
16  1  0265 154 006 1214 210 462 
generator armature 10W
17  1  0265 154 007 1214 210 463 generator armature 27W

18  5  0245 023 000 0000 000 000 spring ring (lock washer) M4
19  2  0240 122 000 0000 000 000 upper coil screw fillister head M4 x 28
20  2  0240 105 000 0000 000 000 lower coil screw fillister head M4 x 22
21  1  2840 012 000 0000 000 000 points screw fillister head M4 x 10
22  1  0283 116 001 2207 013 005 contact breaker assy (points)
1  0299 059 009 0000 000 000 lighting wire yellow
1  0299 059 021 0000 000 000 brake lighting wire green
25  1
  0965 108 013 0000 000 000 brake lighting ground green & black
1  0965 108 001 0000 000 000 ignition wire blue
27  1  2865 008 000 2201 005 007 lubricating felt
28  1  0265 052 007 2207 330 041 condenser with screw post

Sparta Stators

Sachs 504 stators are 4-wire, 3-coil. Top rear coils is ignition (blue wire). Top front is brake light (green wire and green/black wire). Bottom coil is lights (yellow wire). The ignition and light coils are grounded internally. The brake light coil has an external ground. Because of the internal ground on the ignition source coil, the points continuity cannot be checked unless the source coil is disconnected. Bosch has provided a condenser with a screw-on nut with detachable eyelet connector wires, for testing the points for continuity. Otherwise, the ohms of the coil is almost the same as the ohms of the points. See Service/Electrical/Wiring Diagrams/Sparta Foxi for more Sparta wiring info.


 Bosch 0212 010 002 Kreidler
Bosch 0212-010-002
Kreidler ’77-80 MP9 from #2409541 US models Kreidler 2-sp
3-wire 3-coil clockwise 6V 27/10W internal ignition ground

# qty  Kreidler#  Bosch part #    same illustration
0  1  215.02.83 0212 010 002 magneto assembly
01  1  008.19.33 2207 031 161 stator assembly
1a  1  008.19.32 2207 031 000
 base plate Ø80 bare
14  1
 008.19.34 1214 210 459 ignition armature
17  1  008.19.36 1214 210 463 generator armature 27W
16  1  008.19.35 1214 210 450 generator armature 10W 1-wire

This Bosch 2207 031 161 Kreidler stator assembly is the same as a Bosch 2207 031 160 Sachs 504 stator, except for the 1-wire brake light coil. But the flywheel is very different.

Use a 2-wire brake light coil for a Sachs 504, as a substitute for a 1-wire Kreidler type. The additional green/black wire must be grounded to the frame. Because there were 10 times more Sachs 504’s sold in late 1970’s California than Kreidlers, the coils for Sachs are not as scarce.


Bosch 0212-010-003
1980 Commuter US models
Morini M1
’79-80 Packaway US models Morini M1
3-wire 2-coil anticlockwise 6V 27/15W external ignition ground

  #  qty    MMI#    Bosch part #     description
0  1  29-0045B 0212 010 003 magneto assembly
094  1  000M-26B 0000 000 000 flywheel
095  1  000M-45B 2207 031  ??? stator assembly
096  1  000M-44B 2207 031 000 base plate bare
097  1  0000M-30 1214 210 461 generator armature 27W (yellow)
098  1  0000M-33 1214 210 460 ignition armature (blue & blu/blk)
102  5  0000M-16 0000 000 000 serrated washer
103  4  0000M-25 0000 000 000 coil screw fillister head M4 x 22
104  1  0000M-31 2207 013 005 points with wire and eyelet
105  1  0000M-32 2207 330 041 condenser with screw post
108  1  0000M-15 0000 000 000 points screw M4 x 10
109  1  00000000 0000 000 000 condenser cover cap
110  1  00000000 0000 000 000 condenser nut M3
111  1  0000M-37 2201 005 007 lubrication felt
112  2  00000000 0000 000 000 plate screw & washer M4 x 12
113  1  00000000 0000 000 000 flywheel plain washer M8
114  1  00000000 0000 000 000 flywheel serrated washer M8
115  1  00000000 0000 000 000 flywheel nut M8-1.00
172  2  00000000 2200 522 002 rubber boot for coil wire
173  1  00000000 1230 522 011 rubber boot for spark plug wire
174  1  00 H-79A  0212 940 008 ignition coil (external transformer)


Trac M56 Magneto Bosch 80mm

Bosch 0212-010-004
’78-80 US models Laura M56 engine
Trac ’82-85 US models Laura M56 Daelim remake
3-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 27/15W external ignition ground 

  #  qty  Laura #   Bosch part #    same illustration
000  1  00 00 00 0212 010 004 magneto assembly
094  1  56 18 41 0000 000 000 flywheel
095  1  56 18 42 2207 031 164 stator assembly
096  1  00 00 00 2207 031 000 base plate Ø80 bare
098  1  56 18 45 1214 210 460 ignition armature (blue & blu/blk)
097  1  56 18 49 1214 210 461 generator armature 27W (yellow)
104  1  56 18 26 2207 013 005 points with wire and eyelet
105  1  56 18 30 2207 330 041 condenser with screw post


1987 Safari MZV Minarelli V1-H motor Bosch 0212-010-005 
Bosch 0212-010-005
’87 MZV US models Minarelli V1-H engine (shown)
Motomarina ’85-88 Raven (some) US models Min. V1-L 
Cimatti ’75-76 Chic US models Minarelli V1 engine
Carabela ’75-76 (some) US models Minarelli V1 engine
3-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 27/15W external ignition ground

  # qty  MMI#  Bosch part #     description  xx  same illustration
000  1  0000   0212 010 005 magneto assembly
095  1  0000   2207 031 165 stator assembly
096  1  M-44B 2207 031 000 base plate Ø80 bare
098  1  M-33   1214 210 465 ignition armature (blue & blu/blk)
097  1  M-30   1214 210 467 generator armature 27W (yellow)
104  1  M-31   2207 013 005 points with wire and eyelet
105  1  M-32   2207 330 041 condenser with screw post


Bosch 0212-010-???
Kreidler ’76 MP9 to #2409540 US models Kreidler 2-sp
3-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 27/15W external ignition ground

  # qty  Kreidler#  Bosch part #   same illustration
0  1  215.02.89 0212 010 ???  magneto assembly
095  1  008.19.53 2207 031 165 stator assembly
096  1  008.19.32 2207 031 000
 base plate Ø80 bare
098  1
 008.19.54 1214 210 465 ignition armature (blue & blu/blk)
097  1  008.19.55 1214 210 467 generator armature 27W (yellow)


Bosch 0212-010-009
’78-80 w/turn signals US models Kreidler 2-spd
4-wire 3-coil clockwise 6V 32/10W  internal ignition ground

#  qty  Kreidler#  Bosch part #  see illustration for 001
0  1  215.02.90 0212 010 009 magneto assembly
01  1  000.00.00 2207 031 160 stator assembly
1a  1  008.19.32 2207 031 000
 base plate Ø80 bare
14  1
 008.19.34 1214 210 459 ignition armature 1-wire
17  1  008.19.36 1214 210 463 generator armature 27W 1-wire
16  1  008.19.?? 1214 210 462 generator armature 10W 2-wire

This 009 flywheel is the same as the more common 002. The lighting coils are different. The lights coil has more windings, and the brake light coil has two wires, green and green/black, instead of just one green wire. This provided power for recharging the turn signal battery without dimming the other lights. Read more in Wirings Gallery, scroll down to “K” Kreidler.

This 2-wire 10W generator armature 1214 210 462 is physically the same as a 2-wire one 1214 210 450, and can be a substitute. When changing from 1 to 2 wires, the additional green/black wire must be grounded to the frame.  


2. Parts for Sale

Price colors: new, usedN/A or none means not available.


Flywheel Nut $2.00 nut M8-1.0, hex 13 (most)

Flywheel Puller $17.0 puller M22-1.50 thread

Bosch# 00000 Magnetos (∅80 rotor and ∅80 stator)
Bosch# 00 wires coils price   internal ignition ground

0212 005 007  2  2  none  Sachs superseded to 0212-005-024
0212 005 024  2  2  none  Sachs internal transformer
0212 008 002  2  2  none  Sachs internal transformer

0212 010 001  4  3  $180  Sachs-Sparta
0212 010 002  3  3  none  Kreidler 215.02.83
Bosch# 00 wires coils price   external ignition ground

0212 010 003  3  2  none  Morini 29-0045B
0212 010 004  3  2  $210  Laura 56 18 ??
0212 010 005  3  2  $230  Minarelli 5360 

Bosch# 00000 Points, compact type, aftermarket
2207 013 004 $11.0 points M31A no wire
2207 013 005 $15.0 points M31 with wire

2207 013 004
early no-wire

2207 013 005
late with wire








Bosch# 00000 Condensers (capacitors) aftermarket
1237 330 035 $15.0 condenser M32A ∅18 x 21 solder type
2217 330 041 none superseded to 2207 330 050
2207 330 050 $15.0
condenser M32 ∅18 x 21 screw post type

1237 330 035

2207 330 050







Eyelet Connectors (ring terminals)
60¢ each #8 hole, uninsulated, at left
50¢ each #6 hole, insulated, at middle
80¢ each #6 hole, uninsulated, at right

Condenser: 1950’s-60’s had solder type condensers and no-wire points. The points-to-condenser wire was sold separately. 1970’s-80’s had screw post type condensers and with-wire points. No more soldering. A solder-type condenser can be replaced with a screw post type by adding eyelet connectors to the three wire ends. The three wires that go to the condenser are from the points, from the source coil, and from the spark coil.

Bosch# 00000 Flywheels (rotors) 80 mm inner diameter
Bosch# 00000 price   for Sachs 504 00 Sachs#
220?  254 ???  $140  for 0212 005 024 0283 115 004
220?  254 ???  same   for 0212 008 002 0283 115 004
220?  254 ???  0$80  for 0212 010 001 0283 115 005 #2 below
220?  254 ???  0$60  for 0212 010 001 0283 115 005 #5 below
220?  254 ???  $150  for 0212 010 001 0283 115 005 #10 below
Bosch# 00000 price   for other engines
220?  254 ???  $140  for 0212 010 002 Kreidler
220?  254 ???  none  for 0212 010 003 Morini M26B
220?  254 ???  $110  for 0212 010 004 Laura 56 18 41
220?  254 ???  $130  for 0212 010 005 Minarelli

0212 010 001 flywheels: Several individually numbered Bosch magneto flywheels for Sachs 504 engines are offered for sale below. The focus is on the condition of the surface of the points cam. All of the flywheels are otherwise straight and with a good woodruff key groove. The flywheel rotates counter clockwise, viewed from it’s outer facing side. Two views, 180 degrees apart, of each flywheel are shown below. The “A” side is the upwards ramp that opens the points. This is where the most wear occurs, and where the most smoothness and precision are needed, or else the points rubbing block wears down prematurely. The “B” side shows most of the key groove. Any rust has not been cleaned off yet, but is not a problem, other than rust on the outside surface of the points cam.

Flywheels 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 have been sold.

Flywheel 2: The cam has been cleaned. Never mind the orange rust. The cam surface is all good on the outboard side of the points rubbing block lane. But it has some pitting near the top of the up ramp on the inboard side of the lane.

Flywheel 5: It has not been cleaned yet. Looks like it would clean up good, with steel wool, then emery cloth(s) and polishing. Side A shows pits in the middle of the plateau. So the whole cam has to be sanded down evenly, then polished smooth.

Flywheel 10: Not shown, new and fresh.


Bosch# 00000 Stator base plate ∅80 outer diameter 2-slot
2207 031 000 $40.0 Minarelli M-44B bare, 2-screw

The first 7 digits of the part number 2207 031 000 are molded into all plates. When the points, condenser and coils are added the last 3 digits are stamped on. The first 7 digits identify the stator base plate, and the last 3 digits identify the stator assembly.

Bosch# 00000 Stators 80 o.d. for 80 i.d. flywheel
Bosch# 00 wires coils price   internal ignition ground

2207 031 ???   2  2  none  for 0212 005 007 Sachs 0283 114 001

2207 031 ???   2  2  none  for 0212 008 002 Sachs 0283 114 003
2207 031 132  2  2  none  for 0212 005 024 Sachs 0283 114 004 
2207 031 160  4  3  $130  for 0212 010 001 Sachs 0283 114 005 
2207 031 161  3  3  $170  for 0212 010 002 Kreidler 81933 use 160
Bosch# 00 wires coils price   external ignition ground

2207 031 ???   3  2  none  for 0212 010 003 Morini M-45B use 164
2207 031 164  3  2  $150  for 0212 010 004 Laura 56 18 42 
2207 031 165  3  2  $170  for 0212 010 005 Minarelli  use 164

Sparta Stators  
2207 031 160 stators available are #1,2,3 and 5.

These all have no connectors on the wire ends. They attach to a screw-terminal strip, instead of plugging in.
These have good wires. But some cost $10-$20 less, because the wires are cut or damaged.
Points are not worn out. They are cleaned, prepared and tested. Condenser is good, as are coils and wires.

Bosch# 00000 Ignition armatures (source coils) 47 hole spacing
1214 210 459   $80 Sachs 0265 154 005 1-wire
1214 210 460   $90 Morini M-33 2-wire










Bosch# 00000 Lighting armatures (source coils) 47 hole spacing
1214 210 ???  none  Sachs 0265 154 001 17W 1-wire
1214 210 381 none  Sachs 0265 154 004 18/5W 2-wire
1214 210 450 none  Kreidler 008.19.35 10W 1-wire use 1214 210 462
1214 210 461 $65.0 Morini M-30 27W 1-wire thicker windings

1214 210 462 $50.0 Sachs 0265 154 006 10W 2-wire
1214 210 463 $45.0 Sachs 0265 154 007 27W 1-wire thinner windings








Bosch# 00000 Armature-Transformers (spark coils) 47 holes
2204 211 051 $48.0 Sachs 0265 153 000 generic





Bosch# 00000 Points Screw  
1213 429 ???  $2.50 Sachs 2840 012 000  M4 x 8 phillips-small

Bosch# 00000 Coil Screws for ∅80 magnetos  
1213 429 ???  $0.60 Sachs 2840 002 002 M4 x 20 phillips
1213 429 ??? 
none  Sachs 0240 105 000 M4 x 22 phillips use 23
1213 429 ???  $0.50 M4 x 23 slot
1213 429 ???  $0.60 Sachs 0240 122 000 M4 x 28 phillips

Bosch# 00000 Bushings (spacer tubes) for ∅80 magnetos  
0000 000 000
$2.00 Sachs 0247 106 002 bush (spacer tube) Ø8 x 8



Ducati and ZEM Magnetos

March 20, 2023


 1. Ducati/Zem magnetos on Tomos

 2. Ducati magnetos on Minarelli

 3. Ducati magnetos on other makes



1. Ducati Magnetos on Tomos

Tomos mopeds have been equipped with Ducati, ZEM, CEV, IDM, Iskra, AET magnetos. ZEM is a remake or a rename of Ducati (DEM Ducati Elettrotecnica Microfarad).

Ducati or ZEM 31.17.11 magneto-generator is a 2-wire internal ignition ground type for countries that do not require a brake light.

Ducati or ZEM 31.17.30 magneto-generator is a 3-wire external ignition ground type for countries like the US that require a brake light. Like many other US-model moped magnetos, the brake light is powered by the ignition source coil ground. This was to meet the US DOT requirement that the headlight not get dim when the brake light was on. The two-coil generator has three outputs, the black ignition wire from the points to the spark coil, the blue ignition ground wire that is grounded through the brake light or brake light switches, and the yellow light wire the provides 6V AC 30 watts for light and horn.

Tomos US models in 1974 to 1985 had this type of magneto, with the brake light switches wired in series and normally closed when installed. If you removed the tail light and squeeze either brake, the engine would die. Starting in 1986 Tomos improved the electrical system with a solid-state-regulated single lighting yellow wire, a ignition black wire, and an internal ignition ground. So the engine never dies, on a 1986 and later Tomos with the 2-wire Iskra magneto, when the tail light wires are unplugged and the brake is applied. When the magneto type changed from 1985 to 86, the wiring also changed.

These Ducati and ZEM complete magnetos, with 94mm ID flywheel and 90mm 3-bolt stator, will interchange with 90mm ID flywheel and 90mm 3-bolt stator Bosch complete magnetos and other Bosch compatibles like Iskra, except for the width and position of the key groove that determines the ignition timing.

These are counterclockwise ⇐left rotation. Points are M14 CEV type “right hand” (the brown part looks like your right hand sideways with fingers bent). The Ducati base plate has a 17.9mm condenser hole instead of 18.0. So the condenser is MMI# M17T which is the same as a modern M17.  Source coils have M4 x 20 screws with 57 mm spacing.


⇐94 116  90   ♦ 6V 30/10
on Tomos
A3-EU ’74-85?
Tomos#   price    

221.309 $16.0 points M14
221.310 $13.0 condenser M17
700.334 $19.0 flywheel puller M26-1.5 thread

⇐94 116  90 6V 30/10 /10
on Tomos
A3-US ’74-85 Ducati
Tomos#   price   See Tomos A3 Engine Parts section 7c.

221.309 $16.0 points M14
221.310 $13.0 condenser M17
027.053 $2.50 points screw M4 x 8 phil small
700.334 $19.0 flywheel puller M26-1.5 thread
213.733 $65.0 ignition coil (upper) 4×57 = CEV 04359
213.734 35-20 lighting coil (lower) 4×57 = CEV 04360

⇐94 116  90 6V 30/10 /10
on Tomos
A3-US ’83-85 ZEM
Tomos#   price
   See Tomos A3 Engine Parts section 7c.
221.309 $16.0 points M14
221.310 $13.0 condenser M17
700.334 $19.0 flywheel puller M26-1.5 thread



2. Ducati Magnetos on Minarelli

Ducati magnetos were on 1950’s to 1980’s Minarelli engines, along with CEV and Bosch.

Spark coil: Some have an internal spark coil with the spark plug wire coming from inside the engine. Most have an external spark coil with the spark plug wire coming from a coil outside the engine. 

Specs and symbols:
⇐ is left (anticlockwise) rotation
⇒ is right (clockwise) rotation
80 is the flywheel inner diameter in mm
103 or 110 is the flywheel outer diameter
80 or 94 is the base plate outer diameter

Wires symbols:
is a red wire for ignition
o is a thick spark plug wire
   is no thick spark plug wire
♦ is a black wire for main lights

is a purple wire for battery charging, from the lights coil
◊ is a white wire for battery charging, from the lights coil
is a blue wire for brake light, from the ignition source coil


31.02.30 ⇐80 110  94   ♦ 6V 18w
on Minarelli P3, P4S, P4V, W3
Minarelli#  price   internal ignition ground, ext. spark coil

82.0012.9 none  magneto =912301? =M16-12?
82.0212.6 none  flywheel ⇐ ∅80 x 110 aluminum
82.0018.6 none  stator
82.0440.6 none  base plate ∅94
82.0006.6 $16.0 points M14
82.0132.6 $13.0 condenser M17 (requires M4x8 screw)
07.0102.6 none  ignition coil
07.0411.6 none  lights coil ♦

31.02.32 ⇐80 110  94 o  no lights 00
31.02.37 ⇐80 110  94 o♦ 6V 18w 
Minarelli P4 kit
Minarelli#  price   internal ignition ground, int. spark coil

=M42-208 none magneto
82.0440.6 none  base plate ∅94
82.0006.6 $16.0 points M14
82.0132.6 $13.0 condenser M17 (requires M4x8 screw)

31.02.39 ⇐80 110  94   ♦ 6V 18w
on P4, P4V, P4E, P6, P6/4, P6R, W3
Minarelli#  price   internal ignition ground, ext. spark coil

82.0014.9 none  magneto = 912401
82.0214.6 none  flywheel ⇐ ∅80 x 110 aluminum
82.0018.6 none  stator
82.0440.6 none  base plate ∅94
82.0006.6 $16.0 points M14
82.0132.6 $13.0 condenser M17 (requires M4x8 screw)
07.0102.6 none  ignition coil
07.0411.6 none  lights coil ♦

31.02.74 ⇐80 110  94   ♦ 6V 18w 00
on Minarelli
P6 potenza?
Minarelli#  price   internal ignition ground, ext. spark coil

82.0015.9 none  magneto
82.0215.6 none  flywheel ⇐ ∅80 x 110 aluminum
82.0019.6 none  stator
82.0440.6 none  base plate ∅94
82.0006.6 $16.0 points M14
82.0132.6 $13.0 condenser M17 (requires M4x8 screw)
07.0102.6 none  ignition coil
07.0412.6 none  lights coil ♦ 

31.02.77 ⇐80 110  94   ♦ 6V 18? 00
on Minarelli
P4? P6?.
Minarelli#  price   internal ignition ground, ext. spark coil

82.0031.9 none  magneto assy
82.0231.6 none  flywheel ⇐ ∅80 x 110 aluminum
82.0036.6 none  stator assy
82.0440.6 none  base plate ∅94
82.0006.6 $16.0 points M14
82.0132.6 $13.0 condenser M17 (requires M4x8 screw)
07.0116.6 none  ignition coil
07.0441.6?none  lights coil ♦


31.03.61 ⇒80 103  80 o♦ 6V 18w 00
on Minarelli
Minarelli#  price   internal ign. ground, int. spark coil 

82.0001.9 none  magneto
82.0201.6 none  flywheel ⇒ ∅80 x 103 steel
82.0025.6 none  stator
82.0445.6 none  base plate ∅80
82.0011.6 $16.0 points M18
82.0134.6 none  condenser no-flange ∅17.9
07.0304.6 none  ignition coil o
07.0404.6 none  lights coil ♦

31.03.73 ⇒80 103  80   ♦ 6V 18w
on Minarelli V1, G1R
Minarelli#  price   internal ign. ground, ext. spark coil
82.0029.9 none  magneto
82.0229.6 none  flywheel ⇒ ∅80 x 103 steel
82.0029.6 none  stator
82.0445.6 none  base plate ∅80
82.0011.6 $16.0 points M18
82.0134.6 none  condenser no-flange ∅17.9
07.0108.6 none  ignition coil
07.0404.6 none  lights coil


31.11.37 ⇐80 110  94   ♦ 6V? 00 00
on Minarelli
P4, P6
’81 Fantic Cabalero 125RC

82.0058.9  internal ignition ground, ext. spark coil


31.12.37 ⇐80 110  94 ♦ 6V 00
on Minarelli
’78-88 Safari Commando (US)
Minarelli#  price   external ignition ground, ext. spark coil

82.0045.9 none  magneto
82.0245.6 none  flywheel ⇐ ∅80 x 110 aluminum
82.0047.6 none  stator ♦ 6V ??w
82.0440.6 none  base plate ∅94
82.0006.6 $16.0 points M14
82.0132.6 $13.0 condenser M17 (requires M4x8 screw)
07.0127.6 none  ignition coil
07.0441.6 none  lights coil ♦

31.12.38 ⇐80 110  94 6V 25/10w
P6-70 US, P6CS US
Minarelli#  price   internal ignition ground, external spark coil
00.0000.0 none  magneto assy
00.0000.0 none  flywheel =31.12.50 ⇐ ∅80 x 110 aluminum
00.0000.0 none  stator
00.0000.0 none  ignition coil
00.0000.0 none  lights/brake coil ♦ 6V 25/10w

31.12.38 ⇐80 110  94 6V 25/10w
P6-70 US, P6CS US


#      Indian#     Minarelli#  price   P4/P6-70, P4/P6-75
0      2110.1085 00.0000.0 $0.00 magneto 31.12.38
0      2110.1118 00.0000.0 $0.00 stator
1      2110.1116 00.0000.0 $0.00 rotor 31.12.38 =31.12.50
1      2110.1116 00.0000.0 $0.00 ⇐80 110 aluminum 6V 33w
2      2300.1160 00.0000.0 $0.00 points screw
3      2300.1161 82.0006.6 $16.0 points M14
4      2300.1158 00.0000.0 $0.00 coils screw+washer
5      2300.1165 00.0000.0 $0.00 cond. screw
6      2300.1162 00.0000.0 $0.00 ignition source coil
7      2300.1166 82.0132.6 $13.0 condenser M17 (requires M4x8 screw)
8      2300.1163 00.0000.0 $0.00 lights source coil
9      2300.1164 00.0000.0 $0.00 lubrication felt
10    2300.1169 00.0000.0 $0.00 felt holder
11    2110.1117 82.0440.6 none  base plate ∅94
12    2300.1168 00.0000.0 $0.00 ignition spark coil
13    2300.1104 00.0000.0 $0.00 spark plug cap
14    2110.1090 00.0000.0 $0.00 spark plug B8HS or BR8HS

0.1   2150.5001 00.0000.0 $0.00 magneto lightweight
6.1   2150.5002 00.0000.0 $0.00 ignition source coil
1.1   2150.5003 00.0000.0 $0.00 rotor lightweight
8.1   2150.5004 00.0000.0 $0.00 lights source coil
0.1   2150.5007 00.0000.0 $0.00 stator lightweight



31.12.39 ⇐80 110  94 ♦ 6V 18w
on P4, P6
Minarelli#  price   internal ignition ground, external spark coil

#      Indian#     Minarelli#  price   P4  parts that are different
0      2120.1006 00.0000.0 $0.00 magneto 6V 18w
0      2010.5004 00.0000.0 $0.00 stator
1      2010.5001 00.0000.0 $0.00 rotor 15mm
6      2010.5002 00.0000.0 $0.00 ignition source coil
8      2010.5003 00.0000.0 $0.00 lights source coil




31.12.50 ⇐80 110  94    6V 30/10? 00
on Minarelli 125#2
’73-74 Indian ME125
Minarelli#  price   internal ignition ground, ext. spark coil
82.0440.6 none  base plate ∅94
82.0006.6 $16.0 points M14
82.0132.6 $13.0 condenser M17 (requires M4x8 screw)

31.12.54 ⇐80 110  94   ♦ 6V 00 00
on Minarelli P3? W3?
Minarelli#  price   internal ignition ground, ext. spark coil

82.0046.9 none  magneto assy
82.0246.6 none  flywheel ⇐ ∅80 x 110 aluminum
82.0050.6 none  stator
82.0440.6 none  base plate ∅94
82.0006.6 $16.0 points M14
82.0132.6 $13.0 condenser M17 (requires M4x8 screw)

31.12.59 ⇐80 110  94   ♦ 6V 00
on Minarelli
P3? W3? P4? P6?
Minarelli#  price   internal ignition ground, ext. spark coil

82.0052.9 none  magneto
82.0252.6 none  flywheel ⇐ ∅80 x 110 aluminum
82.0046.6 none  stator ♦ 6V ??w
82.0440.6 none  base plate ∅94
82.0006.6 $16.0 points M14
82.0132.6 $13.0 condenser M17 (requires M4x8 screw)
07.0126.6 none  ignition coil
07.0441.6 none  lights coil ♦



Minarelli#  price  Parts for Sale.
05.0080.0 $19.0 flywheel puller M19-1.0 thread
49.0815.6  none  points screw M4x6 small head slot use M4x8
49.0815.6 $2.50 points screw M4x8 small head phillips
49.0816.6 $0.70 coil screw M4x20 slot

82.0006.6 $16.0 points M14 for left rotation
82.0011.6 $16.0 points M18 for right rotation
82.0132.6 $13.0 condenser ∅17.9 M17T = modern M17
82.0134.6   none  condenser ∅17.9? no mount flange
82.0181.6   none  greasing felt
82.0440.6   none  base plate bare ∅94
82.0445.6   none  base plate bare ∅80



3. Ducati Magnetos on other makes

Ducati# 0 rot id od  od wires V w  Other engines
magneto#  ignition source coil type, spark coil type

31.03.27? ⇐80 110  94   ♦ 6V 18? Malanca Zeta Canada model
The number is not completely readable.

31.03.38 ⇐80 110  94   ♦ 6V 18? unknown app.

31.03.47 ⇐80 110  94   ♦ 6V 18? Morini UC4 50
internal ignition ground, external spark coil




IDM, Iskra, AET Magnetos

March 20, 2023

  1. Tomos Magnetos 
  2. Service Info


  IDM magnetos, made in Italy, are on some early-to-mid-1990’s Tomos. They are CEV-compatible, and have the same appearance.

Iskra magnetos are made in Slovenia (which was part of Yugoslavia before 1991). They are original equipment on most Tomos mopeds from 1989 to 2007. Iskra means “spark” in Slovenian.

  AET  After about 1993 Iskra magnetos were labeled AET. Iskra electric motors, AET electric equipment and Tomos mopeds were (or are) divisions of Hidria, a family of Slovenian manufacturing companies. Iskra-AET magnetos have the AET logo stamped on the flywheel, and the Iskra name cast into the back side of the stator base plate. So they can be called by either name.

Tomos mopeds, USA models, had many magnetos, but many were interchangeable. The magneto brands Ducati, ZEM, CEV, IDM, and Iskra-AET, each had different versions. They are all listed below, in order of VIN code and year range.



1. Tomos Magnetos


text colors: no turn signals, turn signals, points magneto, CDI magneto 
price colors: usednewnone = not available

vin:   digits 5 and 6 of the Vehicle Identification Number
wires: ♦ = ignition, = lights,  = brake light (external ignition ground)
wires: = battery charging, ♦◊ = CDI pulser


On A3 Engines 1974 to 1991

Ducati 31.17.30 6V 40W, Ø94 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 3-M4 stator 
magneto $200  wires
   Tomos 213.322=211.956, fits ’74-13
213.737 rotor $130  213.738 base plate none
221.309 points M14 $16.0  221.310 condenser M17 $13.0  

vin  years  on Tomos (US) models xx  (type)  magneto
00  75-76 Automatic A3 x xxxxxx     (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30 
00  77-78 A3SP  xxxxxxxx xxxXX   
 (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30 
00  77-78 A3GM  xxxXxxx xXxXX   
 (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30 
00  77-78 A3SL  xxxxxxxx xxxXX   
 (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30 
00  79-80 A3 Bullet SP xxxxx xxxx 
 (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30 
00  79-80 A3 Bullet GM xXXx xxxx 
 (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30 
00  79-80 A3 Bullet SL xxxxx xxxx   
(pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30 

ZEM 31.17.30 6V 40W, Ø94 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 3-M4 stator
magneto none  wires Tomos 213.322, fits ’74-13
213.737 rotor none  213.738 base plate none
221.309 points M14 $16.0  221.310 condenser M17 $13.0  

CEV 6951 6V 28/10W, Ø94 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 3-M4 stator
magneto none  wires Tomos 213.322, fits ’74-13
213.737 rotor CEV 6943
$100  213.738 base plate 13085 $75
221.309 points M14 $16.0  221.310 condenser M17 $13.0

vin  years  on Tomos (US) models x  (type)  magneto
01  81-83 A3 Bullet SP xxxxx xxxx   (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30 
01  83-85 A3 Bullet SP xxxxx xxxx   (pedal)  ZEM 31.17.30 

01  85-86 A3 Bullet SP xxxxx xxxx   (pedal)  CEV 6951 

02  81-83 A3 Bullet GM xXXx xxxx   (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30 
02  83-85 A3 Bullet GM xXXx xxxx   (pedal)  ZEM 31.17.30 
02  85-86 A3 Bullet GM xXXx xxxx   (pedal)  CEV 6951 

03  81-83 A3 Bullet SL xxxxx xxxx   (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30 
03  83-85 A3 Bullet SL xxxxx xxxx   (pedal)  ZEM 31.17.30 
03  85-86 A3 Bullet SL xxxxx xxxx   
(pedal)  CEV 6951

04  81-81 A3 Silver Bullet SP  xmag (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30

05  81-81 A3 Silver Bullet GM xmag (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30

07  81-83 A3 Silver Bullet SP spoke (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30

08  81-83 A3 Silver Bullet SP  5star (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30
08  83-85 A3 Silver Bullet SP
  5star (pedal)  ZEM 31.17.30
08  85-86 A3 Silver Bullet SP 
5star (pedal)  CEV 6951

09  81-83 A3 Silver Bullet GM 5star (pedal)  Ducati 31.17.30
09  83-85 A3 Silver Bullet GM 5star (pedal)  ZEM 31.17.30 
09  85-86 A3 Silver Bullet GM 5star (pedal)  CEV 6951

11  85-86 A3 Golden Bullet xxxxxx  (pedal)  CEV 6951

CEV 6418 12V 28/10W, Ø80 M19-1.0 rotor, Ø90 3-M4 stator
magneto none  wires Tomos 222.502, fits ’74-13
222.770 rotor
none  221.313 base plate 13923 none
221.309 points M14 $16.0  221.310 condenser M17 $13.0

CEV 6436 12V 75W, Ø80 M19-1.0 rotor, Ø90 3-M4 stator
magneto none  wires Tomos 222.303, fits ’74-13
222.738 rotor (stronger) none  221.313 base plate 13923 none
221.309 points M14 $16.0  221.310 condenser M17 $13.0

vin  years  on Tomos (US) models    (type)  magneto
12  86-88 A3 Bullet xxxxx xxxXxx   (pedal)  CEV 6418

13  86-88 A3 Golden Bullet xxxxxx  (pedal)  CEV 6436

14  87-88 A3 Bullet TT xxxx xxxXx  (pedal)  CEV 6418

??  87-88 A3 Bullet TT xxxx xxxxxx   (kick)  CEV 6418  

??  87-88 A3 Golden Bullet TT xxxx   (kick)  CEV 6436

19  87-88 A3 Golden Bullet TT xXX  (pedal)  CEV 6436

20  87-88 A3-01 Bullet xxxx xxxxx  (pedal)  CEV 6418

Iskra 1215 12V 50W, Ø90 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 3-M4 stator
magneto none   wires Tomos 222.010, fits ’74-13
223.176 rotor   none  223.162 base plate =Bosch $25
223.164 points M19b $15.0  223.166 condenser M32 $15.0

Iskra 1221 12V 28/10W, Ø90 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 3-M4 stator
magneto none   wires Tomos 227.090, fits ’74-13
227.086 rotor  none  227.087 stator assy  none
223.164 points M19b $15.0  223.166 condenser M32 $15.0

vin  years  on Tomos (US) models    (type)  magneto
??  88-91 A3 Golden Bullet xxXxxx  (kick)  Iskra 1215

??  88-91 A3 Golden Bullet xxxxx  (pedal)  Iskra 1215

26  88-91 A3 Bullet xxxxx xxxxxxx  (kick)  Iskra 1221

27  88-91 A3 Golden Bullet TTLX     (kick)  Iskra 1215

28  88-91 A3 Bullet TT xxxxxxxxxx  (kick)  Iskra 1221

29  88-91 A3 Bullet xxxx xxxxxX   (pedal)  Iskra 1221

30  88-91 A3 Golden Bullet TTLX   (pedal)  Iskra 1215

31  88-91 A3 Bullet TT xxxxx xxx  (pedal)  Iskra 1215

33  88-91 A3 Bullet TS xxxxxxxxx (pedal)  Iskra 1215


On A35 Engines 1991 to 2006

Iskra-AET 1217 12V 80W, Ø90 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 3-M4 stator
magneto none   wires Tomos 222.704, fits ’74-13
223.173 rotor   none  223.171 stator assy none   
223.164 points M19b $15.0  223.166 condenser M32 $15.0

vin  years  on Tomos (US) models   (type)  magneto
34  92-93 A35 Bullet  xxxxxxxxxx (pedal)  Iskra 1217

35  92-93 A35 Bullet TT  xxxxXxX (pedal)  Iskra 1217

36  92-93 A35 Colibri  xxxxxxxxx  (pedal)  Iskra 1217

37  92-93 A35 Colibri  xxxxxxXXXX (kick)  Iskra 1217

38  92-93 A35 Golden BulletXXXX (pedal)  Iskra 1217

39  92-93 A35 Golden Bullet TTLX (pedal)  Iskra 1217

40  92-93 A35 Bullet TT xx xxXXXX (kick)  Iskra 1217

41  92-93 A35 Golden Bullet TTLX   (kick)  Iskra 1217

IDM 6436 12V 75W, Ø80 M19-1.0 rotor, Ø90 3-M4 stator
magneto $230  wires Tomos 221.005, fits ’74-13
221.311 rotor   none  221.312 stator assy 13923 none   

221.309 points M14 $16.0  221.310 condenser M17 $13.0

IDM 6411 12V 50W, Ø90 M19-1.0 rotor, Ø90 3-M4 stator
magneto none  wires Tomos 229.459, fits ’74-13
229.472 rotor   none  229.471 stator assy none   

The IDM 6411 magneto has a reputation of being faulty. The CDI ignition looses spark. When that happens, both the CDI-coil unit and the magneto assembly must be replaced.

AET 11.160.053 12V 80W, Ø90 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 3-M4 stator
magneto none  wires Tomos 229.521, fits ’74-13
229.527 rotor   none  229.526 stator assy none   

vin years  on Tomos  (type)  magneto
42  93-94 Sprint   x (pedal) IDM 6436/IDM 6411
42  94-95 Sprint   x (pedal) IDM 6436/Iskra 1217/AET 11.160.053

43  93-94 Sprint  xxx (kick) IDM 6436/IDM 6411
43  94-95 Sprint  xxx (kick) IDM 6436/Iskra 1217/AET 11.160.053

44  94-95 Targa wht/grn(p) IDM 6436/Iskra 1217/AET 11.160.053

45  94-95 Targa wht/red(p) IDM 6436/Iskra 1217/AET 11.160.053

46  94-95 Targa LX  (pedal) IDM 6436/Iskra 1217/AET 11.160.053

47  94-95 Targa wht/grn(k) IDM 6436/Iskra 1217/AET 11.160.053

48  94-95 Targa LX  x(kick) IDM 6436/Iskra 1217/AET 11.160.053

49  94-95 Targa wht/red(k) IDM 6436/Iskra 1217/AET 11.160.053

56  94-95 Sprint TT (pedal) IDM 6436/Iskra 1217/AET 11.160.053

58  94-95 Sprint TT   (kick) IDM 6436/Iskra 1217/AET 11.160.053

59  95-95 Colibri xx (pedal) Iskra 1217

AET 11.160.052 12V 50?W, Ø90 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 3-M4 stator
magneto none  wires Tomos 229.444, fits ’74-13
229.484 rotor   none  229.526 stator assy none   

AET 11.170.001 12V 80W, Ø80 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 2-M5 stator
wires Tomos 230.327 or 232.976, fits ’98-13
232.976 magneto $184 ’03-06  with grommet #3 224196
230.327 magneto $180 ’97-02  no grommet for early case
230.329 rotor   none  230.328 stator assy none   

61  97-98 TX50  x xxxXx (kick)   AET 11.160.052 -wire 12V 50W 229.444
  98-02 Super Tom xxx  
(kick) AET 11.170.001
61  03-06 MC50 series  X  
(kick) AET 11.170.001

61  96-97 Sprint   xxxXx (pedal) IDM 6411
61  98-02 Sprint   xxxXx
 (pedal) AET 11.170.001
61  03-06 Sprint   xxxXx
 (pedal) AET 11.170.001.

In 1998 the 230.327 magneto changed to a “4-star” or “plus sign” design. 3 of the 4 coils were for lighting, connected in series, and one coil was for ignition. So the output wires did not change. The base plate screws changed, from three 4 mm, to two 5 mm.
1974-1997 engine cases had only mounts for 3-M4-screw stator plates.
1998-later engine cases had mounts for both 2-M5 and 3-M4-screw base plates.

In 2003 the engine case, on all models, became electric-start-ready. The magneto did not change, but the magneto part number did because a rubber grommet was added.

AET 11.170.017 12V 80W, Ø80 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 2-M5 stator
magneto $180  wires   Tomos 230.842, fits ’98-13
230.965 rotor   none  230.964 stator assy none   

vin years  on Tomos  xxx  (type)  magneto
62  96-97 Targa LX   xxx (pedal) AET 11.160.053
62  98-02 Targa LX   xxx
 (pedal) AET 11.170.001
62  03-06 Tomos LX   xx
 (pedal) AET 11.170.001
62  05-05 LX Limited xX 
(pedal) AET 11.170.017

63  96-97 Targa  xxxxXx (pedal) AET 11.160.053
63  98-02 Targa  xxxXxx (pedal) AET 11.170.001
63  03-04 Tomos  Xxxxx (pedal) AET 11.170.001
63  05-06 ST xxxxXxxxx (pedal) AET 11.170.001

64  96-97 Sprint   xXxxXx (kick) IDM 6411
64  98-02 Sprint   xXxxXx (kick) AET 11.170.001
64  03-06 Sprint   xXxxXx (kick) AET 11.170.001

65  96-97 Targa LX   xxxx (kick) AET 11.160.053
65  98-02 Targa LX   xxxx (kick) AET 11.170.001
65  03-06 Tomos LX   xxx (kick) AET 11.170.001
65  05-05 LX Limited xXx
 (kick) AET 11.170.017

66  96-97 Targa  xxxxXxx (kick) AET 11.160.053
66  98-02 Targa  xxxxxXx (kick) AET 11.170.001
66  03-04 Tomos  xxxxXx (kick) AET 11.170.001
66  05-06 ST xxxxxxxxXx (kick) AET 11.170.001

69  98-99 TT ClassicXxx (pedal) AET 11.170.001

In 2001-02 the A35 Revival was the first Tomos with electric start. The 230.842 magneto was the same as a 230.327, except it had an extra wire for battery charging, and a large flat gear on top, for electric starting.

72  01-03 RevivalXxXxx  (pedal) AET 11.170.017
75  01-03 RevivalXxXxxx  (kick) AET 11.170.017


On A55 Engines 2004 to 2017

In 2004-05 the A55 engine came out. It was cleaner and more efficient, to meet new 2006 EPA pollution standards. The A55 had a different magneto with an external pulser, which added two more wires.

AET 11.170.026 12V 80W, Ø80 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 2-M5 stator
magneto none wires ◊♦  Tomos 233.720, fits ’04-13

AET 11.170.027 12V 80W, Ø80 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 2-M5 stator
magneto none wires ◊♦  Tomos 233.735, fits ’04-13

vin years  on Tomos  xxx  (type)  magneto
06-08 Arrow-RXXxxx  (kick) AET 11.170.026

77  06-08 Arrow-RXXxxx(pedal) AET 11.170.026

78  05-05 ArrowXxxXxxx(pedal) AET 11.170.027

79  05-09 Streetmate Xx  (kick) AET 11.170.026
79  08-09 Streetmate-R (pedal) AET 11.170.026
79  10-13 Streetmate Xx  (kick) Kinetic 

80  05-09 Streetmate xx(pedal) AET 11.170.026
80  10-13 Streetmate xx(pedal) Kinetic 

81  04-09 Revival TS xxx  (kick) AET 11.170.026 

82  04-09 Revival TS xx (pedal) AET 11.170.026

From 2004 to 2009, the A55 engine had AET 11.170.017 for electric start models, and AET 11.170.027 for non-electric start models. From 2010 to 2013 all models had electric-start type magnetos, with a ring gear and extra wire. But they were made by Kinetic and said 12V 60W.

Kinetic 12V 60W, Ø80 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 2-M5 stator
magneto none wires ◊♦  Tomos 233.720, fits ’04-13
243.101 rotor $70  243.100 stator assy none   

vin  years  on Tomos  xxx (type)  magneto
87  07-09 SprintXxxxxxx  (kick) AET 11.170.027
87  10-13 SprintXxxxxxx  (kick) Kinetic 

88  07-09 SprintXxxXxx (pedal) AET 11.170.027
8  10-13 SprintXxxXxx (pedal) Kinetic

89  07-09 STXxxxxxxxxx  (kick) AET 11.170.027 
89  10-13 STXxxxxxxxxx  (kick) Kinetic

90  07-09 STXxxxxxXxx (pedal) AET 11.170.027
0  10-13 STXxxxxxXxx (pedal) Kinetic 

91  07-09 LXXxxxxxxxxx  (kick) AET 11.170.027
91  10-13 LXXxxxxxxxxx  (kick) Kinetic

92  07-09 LXXxxxxxXxx (pedal) AET 11.170.027 
 10-13 LXXxxxxxXxx (pedal) Kinetic

93  10-13 Streetmate-R  x(kick) Kinetic

94  10-13 Streetmate-R  (pedal) Kinetic 

In 2014 new US EPA air pollution standards came out. That contributed to Tomos’s (actually Hidria’s) decision to quit selling mopeds in the USA in 2013. 37 years of continuous US-model moped production, 1976-2013, came to an end. Tomos continued moped production for the European market.

In 2017 new US-model Tomos mopeds were once again being sold. 


India M1100000 12V 80W, Ø80 M26-1.5 rotor, Ø90 2-M5 stator
magneto none wires   Tomos 230.842, fits ’98-13
for Euro models



Engine cases: You don’t have to know the year or model to know what magneto(s) fit at particular Tomos. You only have to know what left-side engine case it has. The stator plate has to fit the engine case, and the flywheel has to fit the crank.


From 1974 to 1997 there were three M4-0.7 thread stator plate holes, for A3 and early A35. 3 total.

From 1998 to 2002 two M5-0.8 thread stator plate holes were added, for mid A35. 5 total, 3 unused.

From 2003 to 2006 the electric start affected the wires grommet, for late A35. 7 holes total, 5 unused

From 2003 to 2013 two M6-1.0 thread pulser coil holes were added, for A55. 7 holes total, 3 unused.


Flywheels: All the flywheels, both 80 and 90 mm ID, fit the same crank, but they can have different points cams or ignition triggers. Some flywheels do interchange, some might, and some don’t.


4. Service Info

Here is an image of the magneto section in the 1993 Tomos A35/Colibri Service Manual, by Tomos Products. 


Motoplat and Wtemco Magnetos

March 20, 2023

1. Motoplat

Motoplat magnetos are made in Spain. They are on Derbi (Spain), Casal (Portugal) and some Sachs (Germany) engines. Here are all of the Motoplat magnetos on US-model moped engines.

Table of Contents

 # Motoplat#  wires rotor stator 0 points
   Motoplat# rot abc id  od  od coils m#  on engines 

  1. 9600 035 79 110 94  50 ???   ??
  2. 9600 043 79 103 80  47 081  ’78-84 Sachs 504/1B (Euro)

  3. 9600 089 79 103 80  47 081  ’78-84 Sachs 504/1A, D (US)
  4. 9600 095 79 103 94  47 081  ’78-80 Casal K196 (US)
  5. 9600 099 79 103 94  47 080  ’77-83 Derbi Variant (US)
  6. 0602 007 79 103 94  46 081  ’83-86 Derbi Variant (US)
  7. 0602 036 79 103 94  46 081  ’80’s    Derbi Variant (Euro)

  8. 0602 062 79 103 94  46 081  ’86-89 Derbi Var. Sport (US)
  9. 0602 089 90 114 90  55 081  ’78-84 Sachs 505/1A, D (US)
10. 0616 023 90 114 90 star none ’81-86 Sachs 505/1D (US)

Wires: a is ignition, b is lights power, c is brake light power. 

External Ignition Ground: Since 1972 the USA has required mopeds to have a brake light, powered separately from the headlight, so the headlight did not dim when the brakes were applied. Most other countries do not require a brake light. So magnetos for US models are different from magnetos for Euro models. Here they are called Type 5. They have an extra output wire that powers the brake light. That wire is an external ignition ground. It must always be connected to ground in order to have spark. If the brake light or the brake light wires become disconnected the engine will loose spark and not run. 

Magneto Types: 
Type 1 has an internal spark coil,  internal ignition ground, 2 wires.
Type 2 has an external spark coil, internal ignition ground, 2 wires.
Type 3 has an internal spark coil, external ignition ground, 3 wires.
Type 4 has an external spark coil, internal ignition ground, 3 wires.
Type 4e has an external spark coil, electronic CDI no points, 3 wires.
Type 5 has an external spark coil, external ignition ground, 3 wires.



1. 9600 035
  ∅79 x 110 aluminum rotor, puller M26-1.0, rotation
6V 18w?, ∅94? stator, 4 x 50 coil holes, type 2
black is ignition?, red is lights?, external spark coil

’60’s-70’s unknown models
fig# price  colors: new, used
0$00.0 lights coil
0$00.0 ignition coil

11  $90.0 flywheel (rotor)


2. 9600 043  ∅79 x 103 steel rotor, puller M22-1.5, rotation
6V 17w, ∅80 2 slot stator, 4 x 47 coil holes, type 1
black is ignition?, red is lights?, internal spark coil

’78-80+ Sachs 504/1B (Euro) from engine# 8239162
fig# 00 Sachs# 00 price  colors: new, used
06  0265 173 000  $13.0 condenser M17
08  0265 172 000  $31.0 points 081 .
13  2842 001 000  $2.00 flywheel nut M8-1.00 x 8 hex13


3. 9600 089  ∅79 x 103 steel rotor, puller M22-1.5, rotation
6V 25/15w, ∅80 2 slot stator, 4 x 47 coil holes, type 5
blue is ignition, black is ignition ground, yellow is lights

’78-80+ Sachs 504/1A, B, C, D engines
fig# 00 Sachs# 00 price  colors: new, used

06  0265 173 000  $13.0 condenser M17 

08  0265 172 000  $31.0 points 081
11  0265 168 000  $95.0 flywheel (rotor)
13  2842 001 000  $2.00 flywheel nut M8-1.00 x 8 hex13

This Motoplat magneto 9600089 interchanges with Bosch magneto 0212 010 001.


4. 9600 095   ∅79 x 103 with 114 od, puller M22-1.5, rotation
6V 28/15w15, ∅94 2 slot stator, 4 x 47 coil holes, type 5
black is ignition, blue is ignition ground, yellow is lights

’78-80 Casal K196t
fig# price  colors: new, used

06 $13.0 condenser 
08 $31.0 points


5. 9600 099  ∅79 x 103 steel rotor, puller M22-1.5, rotation
6V 27/15w, ∅94 3+2 slot stator, 4 x 47 coil holes, type 5
green is ignition, blue is ignition ground, red is lights

’77-84 Derbi Variant SL, SLE, TT (US models)
fig# 00 Derbi# 000 price   colors: new, used

00 $00.0 magneto assy
01 $35.0 stator plate bare
02 $7.00 felt wiper
03 $35.0 lights coil
04 $1.00 lights coil screw M4x20? phillips
05 $0.20 flat washer M4
06 $13.0 condenser M17
07 $65.0 ignition source coil

08 $22.0 points 080 .
09 $1.00 ignition coil screw M4x25? phillips
10 $0.60 stator plate screw M5x10
11 $85.0 flywheel Motoplat 9600099
12 $1.50 flywheel washer M10
13 $7.00 flywheel nut M10-1.0 x 18 hex 17
14 $2.00 flywheel key #M82 2.5 x 3.6
18 $3.00 spark plug NGK B7HS or BR7HS
20 $2.50 points screw M4x8 small head
21  00000 P22150 $17.0 flywheel puller tool M22-1.5 thread


6. 0602 007  ∅79 x 103 steel rotor, puller M22-1.5, rotation
6V 25/15w, ∅94 3+2 slot stator, 4 x 46 coil holes, type 5
green is ignition, blue is ignition ground, red is lights

’78-86 Derbi Laguna, C5, RD50
’85-86 Derbi Variant SL, SLE, TT (US models)
fig# 00 Derbi# 000 price   colors: new, used
00 none  magneto assy
01 $35.0 stator plate bare
02 $7.00 felt wiper
03 $35.0 lights coil
04 $1.00 lights coil screw M4x20
05 $0.20 flat washer M4

06 $13.0 condenser M17 
07 $65.0 ignition source coil

08 $31.0
points 081 .
09 $1.00 ignition coil screw M4x20
10 $0.60 stator plate screw M5x10
11 none  flywheel Motoplat 0602007
12 $1.50 flywheel washer M10
13 $7.00 flywheel nut M10-1.0 x 18 hex 17
14 $2.00 flywheel key #M82 2.5 x 3.6
18 $3.00 spark plug NGK B7HS or BR7HS
20 $2.50 points screw M4x8 small head
21  00000 P22150 $17.0 flywheel puller tool M22-1.5 thread


7. 0602 036 ∅79 x 103 steel rotor, puller M22-1.5, rotation

’80’s Derbi Variant Start (Euro model)
# fig# 00 Derbi# 00  Motoplat#  price   colors: new, used
00 01  0F0.33.00.011 0000 000 none  magneto assy

01 10  0F0.33.00.161 0000 000 none  stator plate bare
02 00 0000 000 $7.00 felt wiper
03 13  0A0.33.30.041 0000 000 none  lights coil
04 19 0000 000 $1.20 coil screw M4x20 phillips
05 20 0000 000 $0.20 flat washer M4
06 16 6600 010 $13.0 condenser M17 .
07 14  0A0.33.30.071 0000 000 none  ignition source coil
08 15 6620 009 $31.0 points 081 .
10 08 0000 000 $0.60 stator  plate screw M5x10 phillips
11 17  0F0.33.00.121 0000 000 none  flywheel Motoplat 0602036
13 00  0F0.26.00.401 0000 000 $12.0 flywheel nut M10-1.00 x 8 hex14 LEFT thread

20 09 0000 000 $2.50 points screw M4x8 small head
21 00  00000 P22150 0000 000 $17.0 flywheel puller tool M22-1.5 thread



8. 0602 062 ∅79 x 103 steel rotor, puller M22-1.5, rotation
6V 31/15w, ∅94 3+2 slot stator, 4 x 46 coil holes, type 5
green is ignition, blue is ignition ground, yellow is lights

’86-89 Derbi Variant Sport (US model)
# fig# 00 Derbi# 00  Motoplat#  price   colors: new, used

00 23  0F0.33.30.011 0602 062 none  magneto assy
01 24  0F0.33.20.161 6801 082 none  stator plate bare
02 00 0000 000 $7.00 felt wiper
03 25  0F0.33.00.041 6607 075 none  lights coil
04 29 0000 000 $1.20 coil screw M4x25 phillips
020 0000 000 $0.20 flat washer M4

027  0F0.33.00.061 6600 027 $13.0
 condenser M17 .
026  0F0.33.30.071 6606 030 none  ignition source coil

015 6620 009 $31.0 points 081 .
10 0 0000 000 $0.60 stator plate screw M5x10
11 28  0F0.33.20.121 0000 000 none  flywheel Motoplat 0602062
13 00  0F0.26.00.401 0000 000 $12.0 flywheel nut M10-1.00 x 8 hex14 LEFT thread
21 00  00000 P22150 0000 000 $17.0 flywheel puller tool M22-1.5 thread


9. 0602 089  ∅90 x 114 steel rotor, puller M26-1.5, rotation
6V 28/15w15, ∅90 3+2 slot stator, 4 x 55 coil holes, type 5
blue is ignition, black is ignition ground, yellow is lights

’78-85+ Sachs 505/1A, D engines
fig# 00 Sachs# 00 price  colors: new, used
06  0265 173 000  $13.0 condenser M17
08  0265 172 000  $31.0 points 081 .
13  2842 016 000  $2.00 flywheel nut M10-1.00 x 9 hex17
21  00000 P26150 $19.0 flywheel puller tool M26-1.5 thread

This Motoplat magneto 0602089 blue, black, yellow interchanges with Bosch magneto 0212 124 045 blue/black, black, yellow.





Table of WTEMCO Magnetos and Applications
WTEMCO #  rotation     applications   000000            link to    
WTEMCO  # rotation     applications   000000            points   lights power  mag. part #
A. FHA11035  on Angel ’77-83 (TYM M48 clone)    M19A00 6V 20/15W
A. FHA11035  on Indian ’78-83 (PC50K1 clone)     M19A00 6V 20/15W  D120-00-50

This entire magneto is Bosch compatible, but the flywheel and stator separately are not. Bosch has a 90mm ID flywheel, and WTEMCO has a 82mm ID.


Wtemco FHA 11035 1977-83 Angel and 1978-83 Indian magneto









Pacer Cables

January 12, 2023


1. Morini MO1, 2. Morini MO2, 3. Morini M1


Cables for Sale

These are single-ended bare cables. The inner wire can slide out and be replaced separately. The specification is conduit length x total length in inches. 


’77-80 Pacer Deluxe Morini MO1 or M1 engine:
rear brake ∅1.5 61 x 67″  $10  6mm mushroom end
front brake ∅1.5 41 x 48″ $10 6mm mushroom end
throttle      ∅1.2 38 x 47″  $10  3 x 5 mm inline end
start cable ∅1.5 44 x 50″  $10  6mm mushroom end 

’77-80 Pacer Sport and Super Sport Morini MO1 or M1:
rrear brake ∅1.5 59 x 65″  $10  6mm mushroom end 
front brake ∅1.5 39 x 46″ $10  6mm mushroom end 
throttle      ∅1.2 36 x 45″  $10  3 x 5 mm inline end 
start cable ∅1.5 42 x 48″  $10  6mm mushroom end 

’77-78 Pacer Sport and Super Sport Morini MO2 engine:
rear brake ∅1.5 59 x 65″  $10  6mm mushroom end 
front brake ∅1.5 39 x 46″ $10  6mm mushroom end
throttle      ∅1.2 36 x 45″  $10  3 x 5 mm inline end 
start cable ∅1.2 44 x 50″  $10  4 x 5 mm inline end
start cable ∅1.2 44 x 50″  $10  requires D14p pinch bolt in lever



Morini MO1 and M1 Start Cable

The original start cable conduit stops at, and moves with the start lever, while the inner cable end is fixed to the engine. This is the opposite way most cables are attached. Usually the conduit stops on the engine and the inner wire attaches to and moves with the start lever. The cable is single ended, so it can slide out of the conduit and be replaced separately.

Morini 1-speed start cable and lever
for Franco Morini MO1 and M1 engines 

H77    $10.0 start cable forward-pull 43 x 50″ ∅1.5
H00.0 $00.0 sold separately:
P8      $2.00 pinch bolt a
D14b  $4.00 cable anchor c with centering washer b
D14b  $4.00 cable anchor c with centering washer b
A2a    $3.00 cable adjuster d  



Morini MO2 Start Cable:

MO-2 starting mechanism showing original wire clip MO-2 start wire is a bicycle gear wire
for Franco Morini MO2 engines
12.7061 none  start inner wire 2-sp  55″ ∅1.6 requires D14p
12.606I  $5.00 replacement inner wire  50″ ∅1.2 requires D14p
12.706S $11.0 replacement cable 43 x 50″ ∅1.2 requires D14p
H00.0 $00.0 sold separately:
none  pinch bolt ∅8 x 17 with centering grooves
P8g    $5.00 pinch bolt ∅8 x 15 no grooves





Turn Signals

January 7, 2023

So far, only some turn signals are listed under their bike brands.


Turn Signal Flashers (2-prong)

#552 12 volt 2-prong $8.00  12V 32cp Tomos 222428 flashes 2 12V 10w bulbs

#552   6 volt 2-prong $8.00  6V 32cp  flashes two 6V 8w or 6V 10w bulbs

#535   6 volt 3-prong  none  .



Gurtner Menu

November 14, 2022


D and E type ’73-83 Peugeot