Lazer 4-Stroke

July 28, 2014

The name Lazer was originally used for a 1977-78 moped, made in Taiwan by Jui Li, imported by North American Roosevelt Industries, with a Minarelli two-stroke engine. See Lazer (Taiwan) .

In the mid-2000’s the Lazer name was re-used for a 2007-later moped, made in China by Bashan, imported by SSR Motorsports in Norwalk CA, with a 4-stroke Chinese engine. SSR sells many off-road bikes, quads, and on-road scooters and mopeds. They have dealers across the US that sell their products, and parts. See SSR Motorsports.


SSR Lazer 5 red

SSR Lazer 5 red


SSR Lazer 5 black

SSR Lazer 5 black







SSR Lazer 5 silver

SSR Lazer 5 silver









Laura Engines

July 27, 2014

Laura header

M48 Engine

M48 Engine


Welcome. Laura engines are made in Holland (now The Netherlands).



M48  The Laura M48 is used on 1976-80 Batavus and ROG mopeds in the US. In Europe and Canada the M48 is also on Solo, and early 1971-73 Tomos, and others.

M56 engine

M56 engine

M54  In Europe and Canada, the 1973-77 Laura M54 is on Solex Tenor and others. The Laura M54 is basically an M56 top end (piston, cylinder, and head) on an M48 bottom end.

M56  The Laura M56 is used on 1978-80 Batavus mopeds in the US, and others in Europe. After 1980 it was re-made in Korea by Daelim Motor Corp. for the brand known as Trac (made by Kia) in the US. The M56 remake was on 1982-86 Trac Clipper, Eagle, and Hawk models. The M56 remake engine is 99% the same.


1. 1972-75 Laura M48 Parts List for Info 

2. 1972 Laura M48 Service Manual  



1. 1972 Laura M48 Parts List – For Information Only

This Laura M48 parts list is for European models. It was originally in four languages, Dutch, French, German, and English. This version is English only. It is interesting to see the differences in the speed versions. The Dutch artwork is high quality, like their machinery. This material was made available from Mr. B. Small, in Maryland USA, for you to enjoy and use!


1972 Anker Laura M48 parts list header 1972 Anker Laura M48 parts list p2 1972 Anker Laura M48 parts list all 1972 Anker Laura M48 carburetor1972 Anker Laura M48 magneto 1972 Anker Laura M48 parts list carb and magneto 1972 Anker Laura M48 tools



2. 1972 Laura M48 Engine Service Manual

M48 Service Manual p1

M48 Service p1

M48 Service p2

M48 Service p2

M48 Service p3

M48 Service p3

M48 Service p4

M48 Service p4

M48 Service p5

M48 Service p5









M48 Service p6

M48 Service p6

M48 Service p7

M48 Service p7

M48 Service p8

M48 Service p8

M48 Service p9

M48 Service p9

M48 Service p10









M48 Service p11

M48 Service p11

M48 Service p12

M48 Service p12

M48 Service p13

M48 Service p13

M48 Service p14

M48 Service p14

M48 Service p15

M48 Service p15












Laura M48 Service Manual p16

This beautiful technical illustration, in the tradition of the Dutch masters, is by Stijn Hoogenbos.




CEV Magnetos and Parts

July 16, 2014

CEV  Contents:

A. Parts Listed by Type

B. Parts Listed by Magneto

CEV#  years  pla    rotor stator
CEV#  years   plate   id x od  slots

1. 60’s-70’s  7432⇒ 80 x 94  3+2 13035⇒ 
6034   early 60’s Guzzi 125cc
6054  early 70’s Garelli Brianza

6098     late 60’s unknown
6834  early 70’s Garelli 354 (US)
6852   early 70’s Bianchi Avanti (US)
6861   early 70’s Minarelli V1 (US)
6869   late 60’s Garelli Record (UK)
6876     xxx 70’s Minarelli V1 (US)

2. 60’s-70’s  9611 80 x 94  3+2 ⇐13036 
6067   early 60’s Minarelli P3 
6068     xxx 60’s Minarelli P4

3. 60’s-70’s  7989⇒ 80 x 90   3    ?????⇒
6826     xxx 60’s Gilera 106, 107 (US)
6878     xxx 63 Moto Guzzi Stornello 125

4. 60’s-70’s12950 80 x 80   2  ⇐13036
6859   early 70’s Morini MO1 (US)

5. 70’s-80’s 13373  80 x 94  3+2 04221⇒ 
6917     late 70’s Moto Guzzi Dingo (UK)
6923     xxx 70’s Minarelli V1
6939     late 70’s Garelli Gulp (US)
6940     xxx 70’s Minarelli V1 (US)

6. 70’s-80’s 13373  80 x 94  3+2 ⇐04229 
6919    xxx 70’s Garelli
6938     xxx 70’s Demm

6948     xxx 70’s Minarelli P4
6952     late 70’s Rizzato (US)

7. 70’s-80’s 13471  80 x 80    2    04221⇒
6931    70’s-80’s Minarelli V1
6932    70’s-80’s Minarelli V1 (US)

8. 70’s-80’s 13471  80 x 80   2    ⇐04229
6420     late 80’s Morini M1 (US)
6933     late 70’s Garelli, Demm (US)
6949     late 70’s Sachs 504 (US)

T1. Tomos  13085  94 x 90  3+1 ⇐04229
6943     1988-91 Tomos A3 (US) 12V 50w
6951     1985-86 Tomos A3 (US) 6V 28/10w

T2. Tomos  13923  80 x 90  3+1 ⇐04229
6418     1986-88 Tomos A3 (US) 12V 28w
6436     1986-88 Tomos A3 (US) 12V 75w





A. Parts Listed by Type



C.E.V. electrical components are made in Italy since the 1920’s by Fratelli Pagani (Pagani Brothers). CEV lights, switches, speedometers, and magnetos are used on most 1970’s and 80’s European mopeds. C.E.V. is a trade mark that stands for Costruzioni Elettromeccaniche Venegonesi. English translation: Venegonese Electromechanical Constructions. Venegono Inferiore and Venegono Superiore are small municipalities within the Province of Varese in northern Italy. In the 2000’s CEV became part of ZADI.

CEV magnetos here are grouped in families. Magnetos in a family have the same rotation (anti-clockwise ⇐ or ⇒ clockwise), stator base plate, points and condenser, but different flywheels (for different engines) and different coils (for different lighting equipment).

CEV magneto number on the flywheel identifies both the flywheel and the stator.

Prices: bright green is new, dark green is good-used 

CEV points 1960’s-80’s have four versions.
2, 4. 00  13035 $26.0 points M18a
3. 0 000 13036 none  points M14a
5, 9. 00  04221 $16.0 points M18
6,7,8,10 04229 $16.0 points M14

CEV condensers 1960’s-80’s have two versions.
13694 $15.0 condenser early M32a Ø18×25, no flange
07365 $13.0 condenser (most) M17 Ø18×25 with flange

CEV base plates 1960’s-80’s have seven versions.
00 CEV#  price  rot plate wheel coils slots 
2. 0  07432 none   ⇒  Ø94  Ø80  45 3+2 slots M5
3. 0  09611 none   ⇐  Ø94  Ø80  45 3+2 slots M5
4. 0  07989 none   ⇒  Ø90  Ø80  45 3 slots

5, 6. 13373 $40.0   Ø94  Ø80  48 3+2 slots M4
7. 0  13085 $75.0   Ø90  Ø94  57 3+1 slots
8. 0  13923 none    Ø90  Ø80  48? 3+1 slots
9,10 13471 $58.0   Ø80  Ø80  48 2 slots M4


CEV source coils 1960’s-80’s have two sizes (for 80 or 94 mm i.d. flywheel), three types (ignition, ignition-spark or lighting). Lighting coils have several versions. Many are the same except for the wire length or color.

04277 none  ignition coil 48 Ø80 internal ground
04287 72-57ignition coil 48 Ø80 external ground: no wire   

04307 75-60ignition coil 48 Ø80 external ground: blue wire
04354 75-60ignition coil 48 Ø80 external ground: long blue
04359 none  ignition coil 57 Ø94 external ground: blue wire
04359 $65.0 substitute   57 Ø94 Ducati = Tomos 213733

04233 none  lighting coil 48 Ø80 6 volt 18 watt? black wire
04288 30-25lighting coil 48 Ø80 6 volt 28 watt: no wire
04308 $30.0 lighting coil 48 Ø80 6 volt 28 watt: black wire  
04355 $30.0 lighting coil 48 Ø80 6 volt 28 watt: long black
04360 $40.0 lighting coil 57 Ø94 6 volt 28 watt: yellow wire
04360 35-20 substitute   57 Ø94 Ducati = Tomos 213734

CEV flywheels (rotors) generally do not interchange because they can have different timing angles. The timing angles are 1) the angle between key groove and the high side center of the points cam, and 2) the angle between the four magnets and the key groove. The second timing angle is determined by the first and the rotation. 

Flywheel keys: The woodruff key groove in the flywheel can have three different widths, 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0 mm. 

Keyless installation: Flywheels with the same size and rotation can interchange if the flywheel is installed without the woodruff key, at the correct angle. ’70’s French mopeds Peugeot and Motobecane do not have woodruff keys. The key is more for convenience in servicing, rather than for preventing slippage.   

Sources: Most bike makers parts catalogs do not disclose the component makers part numbers. So much of this information was gathered from actual parts samples that came from known bike models. CEV part numbers came from a 1985 Marina Mobili Inc (MMI) price list and from the CEV section in their catalog-notebook. They were the biggest USA importer and distributor of CEV and other moped parts, independent of the bike brands. 





B. Parts Listed by Magneto





1960’s-70’s CEV magnetos with
7432 base plate 80 x 94, 13035 points

CEV 6034 Moto Guzzi

1965 Guzzi Stornello 125 Sport

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0? key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 2 wires
= lights 6V 25w? 
= ignition (points to coil)
# qty price  CEV#     internal? spark coil
3   1 $26.0 13035 points M18a x
7   1 $15.0 13694 condenser M32a
13 1 none  07432 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots

CEV 6054 Garelli

1972 Garelli Brianza

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0? key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 25w? 
= ignition (points to coil)
= external ignition ground

# qty price  CEV#     external spark coil
3   1 $26.0 13035 points M18a x
7   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
13 1 none  07432 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots




CEV 6098

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0? key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 2 wires
= lights 6V 25w? 
= ignition (points to coil)
# qty price  CEV#     internal spark coil
3   1 $26.0 13035 points M18a x
7   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
13 1 none  07432 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots


CEV 6834 Garelli 354

1968-70 Broncco TC-4, TS-4

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0? key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 25w? 
= ignition (points to coil)
blue = external ignition ground
# qty price  CEV#     external spark coil
3   1 $26.0
13035 points M18a x
7   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
13 1 none  07432 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots


CEV 6852 Bianchi Avanti

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0? key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 25w? 
= ignition (points to coil)
blue = external ignition ground
# qty price  CEV#     external spark coil
3   1 $26.0 13035 points M18a x
7   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
13 1 none  07432 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots


CEV 6861 Minarelli V1

1970-74 Cimatti Chic (some), City Bike,
Fantic Broncco TX-7,
1974 Carabela Moto Pony 60

CEV 6861 with internal spark coil

CEV 6861 with external spark coil

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0? key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 25w? 
= ignition (points to coil)
light blue = external ignition ground
# qty price  CEV#     external or internal spark coil
3  1 $26.0 13035 points M18a
7   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
13 1 none  07432 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots

Superseded by 6940. For early to mid 1970’s Minarelli V1 with metal fan cover, 2 (not 3) cover base screws, 94mm 3-screw stator plate mounts. 


CEV 6869 Garelli 354

1968-69? Garelli Record, Junior

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0? key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 23W (missing)
= ignition (points to coil) (faded to grey)
blue = external ignition ground (disconnected)
# qty price  CEV#     external spark coil
3  1 $26.0 13035 points M18a
7   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
13 1 none  07432 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots


CEV 6876 Minarelli V1

1975-76 Carabela, Cimatti, others

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0? key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 23W
= ignition (points to coil)
blue = external ignition ground
# qty price  CEV#  external spark coil
1   1 none  F6876 flywheel (rotor) says 6876
1a 1 none  S6876 stator assembly
2   2 $2.50 13061 points/cond screw M4 x 10 small head
2a 1 $0.80 13494 points screw washer
3   1 $26.0 13035 points M18a
4   1 none  00000 points adjustment cam
5   4 $0.80 13514 coils screw M4 x 22 with washer #8 x
7   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
10 1
$2.00 12192 lubrication felt
12 1 none  13125 felt holder
13 1 none  07432 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots
14 3 $0.70 00000 stator screw M4 x 12 slot

For early to mid 1970’s Minarelli V1 with metal fan cover, 2 (not 3) cover base screws, 94mm 3-screw stator plate mounts. 

This aluminum flywheel has the same 80mm ID, but a bigger OD. It was superseded by 6940, with smaller OD. That is why there is room for a bigger flywheel on Minarelli V1 engine cases. A lot of older bikes had bigger flywheels.



1960’s-70’s CEV magnetos with
9611 base plate 80 x 94, 13036 points

CEV 6067 Minarelli P3

late 50’s-60’s Gabbiano

rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0? key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 2 wires
= lights 6V 25w? 
= ignition (points to coil)
# qty price  CEV#     internal spark coil
3   1 none  13036 points M14a x
7   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
13 1 none  09611 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots


CEV 6068 Minarelli P4

rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0? key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 2 wires
= lights 6V 25w? 
= ignition (points to coil)
# qty price  CEV#     internal spark coil
3   1 none  13036 points M14a x
7   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
13 1 none  09611 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots




1960’s-70’s CEV magnetos with
7989 base plate 80 x 90, 13035 points

CEV 6826 Gilera 106, 107

1965-68 Sears Allstate (Gilera) 106 SS

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0? key
stator plate o.d. 90, 3 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 25w? 
= ignition (points to coil)
green = external ignition ground
# qty price  CEV#     external spark coil
3   1 none
 points without pivot post ?? x
7   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
13 1 none  07989 stator plate bare


CEV 6878 Moto Guzzi Stornello

1963 Moto Guzzi Stornello 125






1960’s-70’s CEV  magnetos with
12950 base plate 80 x 80, 13036 points

CEV 6859 Morini MO (early MO1)

1967-75 Italjet Kit Kat, others
1969-73? Aprilia Dary folding moped

CEV 6859 on Morini MO Gyromat, 1969 Italjet Kit Kat (US)

rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 2.5 key
stator plate o.d. 80, 2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 28/10w
= ignition (points to coil)
blue = external ignition ground
# qty price  CEV#     external spark coil
4   1 none  13036 points M14a
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
10 1 none  12950 stator plate bare 80 x 80 2 slots



1970’s-80’s CEV magnetos with
13373 base plate 80 x 94, 04221 points

CEV 6917 Moto Guzzi

late-70’s to 80’s Moto Guzzi Dingo (UK)

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0? key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 18w
= ignition (points to coil)

# qty price  CEV#  external spark coil 
1   1 none  F6917 flywheel (rotor) says 6917
2   2 $2.50 13061 points/cond screw M4 x 10 small head
3   1 $0.80 13494 points screw washer
4   1 $16.0
04221 points M18
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
6   4 $0.80 13514 coils screw M4 x 22 with washer
7   1 $2.00 13448 lubrication felt substitute
8   1 none  04277 ignition coil copper wire
9   1 none  04233 lighting coil black wire
10 1 $40.0 13373 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots
11 1 none  S6917 stator assembly
12 3 $0.70 00000 stator screw M4 x 12 slot


CEV 6923 Minarelli V1

1970’s non-US-model mopeds 

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0 key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 18w (15w head + 3w tail)
= ignition (points to coil)

# qty price  CEV#  internal spark coil 
1   1 none  F6923 flywheel (rotor) says 6923
4   1 $16.0 04221 points M18
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
10 1 $40.0 13373 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots


CEV 6939 Garelli VIP

1975-86 Garelli Gulp, VIP (vertical cylinder)

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 2.5 key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 28/10w 
= ignition (points to coil)
= external ignition ground

# qty price  CEV#  external spark coil
1   1
$120  F6939 flywheel (rotor) says 6939
2   2 $2.50 13061 points/cond screw M4 x 10 small head
3   1 $0.80 13494 points screw washer
4   1 $16.0 04221 points M18
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
6   4 $0.80 13514 coils screw M4 x 22 with washer
7   1 $2.00 13448 lubrication felt substitute
8   1 72-57 04287 ignition coil copper and blue wires
9   1 30-25 04288 lighting coil yellow wire
10 1 $40.0 13373 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots
11 1 $180  S6939 stator assembly
12 1 $315  06939 magneto assembly
13 3 $0.70 00000 stator screw M4 x 12 slot

These crack at the points cam when over tightened. The flywheel center is weak, because the center tapered hole is wide, and the key groove is located where the outer cam surface is low. There isn’t enough thickness there to handle a large tightening torque.


CEV 6940 Minarelli V1

1976-77 Carabela, Gitane, others

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0 key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 28/10w 
= ignition (points to coil)
= external ignition ground

# qty price  CEV#  external spark coil
1   1 $110  F6940 flywheel (rotor) says 6940
2   2 $2.50 13061 points/cond screw M4 x 10 small head
3   1 $0.80 13494 points screw washer
4   1 $16.0 04221 points M18
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
6   4 $0.80 13514 coils screw M4 x 22 with washer
7   1 $2.00 13448 lubrication felt substitute
8   1 75-60 04307 ignition coil copper and blue wires
9   1 $30.0 04308 lighting coil black wire
10 1 $40.0 13373 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots
11 1 $180  S6940 stator assembly
12 1 $295  06940 magneto assembly
13 3 $0.70 00000 stator screw M4 x 12 slot

For early to mid 1970’s Minarelli V1 with metal fan cover, 2 (not 3) cover base screws, 94mm 3-screw stator plate mounts. 



1970’s-80’s CEV  magnetos with
13373 base plate 80 x 94, 04229 points

CEV 6919 Garelli

1970’s non-US-model mopeds 

rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0 key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 18w
= ignition (points to coil)

# qty price  CEV#  internal spark coil 
4   1 $16.0 04229 points M14
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
10 1 $40.0 13373 stator plate bare


CEV 6938

1970’s Demm 22 (Euro)


rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 2.5 key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
black = lights 6V 23w
= ignition (points to coil)
# qty price  CEV#     internal or external spark coil
4   1 $16.0 04229 points M14
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
10 1 $40.0 13373 stator plate bare


CEV 6948 Minarelli P4/P6

mid-1970’s  from Minarelli P4/P6 parts catalog

rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0? key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 28/10W
= ignition (points to coil)
xxx # Minarelli# qty price  CEV#  external spark coil

00082 82.0021.9 1 none  06948 magneto complete
00821 82.0008.6 1 $16.0 04229 points M14
00823 82.0131.6 1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
00825 82.0182.6 1 $2.00 13448 lubrication felt subst.
00826 82.0221.6 1 none  F6948 flywheel (rotor) says 6948
00828 82.0429.6 1 $40.0 13373 stator plate bare 80 x 94
00000 82.0027.6 1 $180  S6948 stator assembly
00972 07.0205.9 1 none  04277? ignition coil copper wire
00974 07.0118.6 1 none  04233? lighting coil black wire
49106 49.0619.9 4 $0.20 00000 lock washer M4
49170 49.0675.6 1 $0.80 13494 points screw washer
49204 49.0814.6 2 $2.50 13061 pts/cond screw M4x9 sm.

49206 49.0816.6 4 $0.80 00000 coils screw M4 x 20 phil.


CEV 6952 Rizzato

1975-77 Rizzato Califfo (1-speed vertical cylinder)

rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 2.5 key
stator plate o.d. 94, 3+2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 28/10W
= ignition (points to coil)
blue = external ignition ground
# qty price  CEV#  external spark coil
1   1
none  F6952 flywheel (rotor) says 6952
2   2 $2.50 13061 points/cond screw M4 x 10 small head
3   1 $0.80 13494 points screw washer
4   1 $16.0 04229 points M14
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
6   4 $0.80 13514 coils screw M4 x 22 with washer
7   1 $2.00 13448 lubrication felt substitute
8   1 75-60 04307 ignition coil copper and blue wires
9   1 $30.0 04308 lighting coil black wire
10 1 $40.0 13373 stator plate bare 80 x 94 3+2 slots
11 1 $180  S6952 stator assembly
12 1 none  06952 magneto assembly
13 3 $0.70 00000 stator screw M4 x 12 slot



1970’s-80’s CEV magnetos with
13471 base plate 80 x 80, 04221 points

CEV 6931 Minarelli V1

1970’s Many bike makes, Euro models

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0 key
stator plate o.d. 80, 2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 18w (15w head + 3w tail)
= ignition (points to coil)
# qty price  CEV#     internal spark coil
1   1 $90.0 04394 flywheel (rotor) says 6931 (= 6932)
2   2 $2.50 13061 points/cond screw M4 x 10 small head
3   1 $0.80 13494 points screw washer
4   1 $16.0 04221 points M18
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
6   4 $0.80 13514 coils screw M4 x 22 with washer
7   1 $2.00 13448 lubrication felt substitute
8   1 none  00000 spark coil red wire and spark wire
9   1 none  04233? lighting coil
10 1 $58.0 13471 stator plate bare 80 x 80 2 slots
11 1 none  00000 stator assembly
12 3 $0.70 00000 stator screw M4 x 12 slot

Same as 6932 except the coils. Flywheels are same except for markings.


CEV 6932 Minarelli V1

1977-89 Cimatti, Testi, other Italian makes
1978-85 General, Lazer, other Taiwan makes

CEV 6932 Magneto 80mm

rotation: clockwise (right)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0 key
stator plate o.d. 80, 2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 28/10w
= ignition (points to coil)
blue = external ignition ground
# qty price  CEV#     external spark coil
1   1 $90.0 04212 flywheel (rotor) says 6932
2   2 $2.50 13061 points/cond screw M4 x 10 small head
3   1 $0.80 13494 points screw washer
4   1 $16.0 04221 points M18
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
6   4 $0.80 13514 coils screw M4 x 22 with washer
7   1 $2.00 13448 lubrication felt substitute
8   1 75-60 04307 ignition coil blue and copper
9   1 $30.0 04308 lighting coil black wire
10 1 $58.0 13471 stator plate bare 80 x 80 2 slots
11 1 $190  04266 stator assembly
12 3 $0.70 00000 stator screw M4 x 12 slot
13 1 $280  06932 magneto assembly

For late 1970’s to late 1980’s Minarelli V1 with plastic fan cover, 3 (not 2) cover base screws, 80mm 2-screw stator plate mounts. 




1970’s-80’s CEV  magnetos with
13471 base plate 80 x 80, 04229 points

CEV 6420 Morini M1

1985-90 Motomarina Sebring (1-speed case reed)

rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 2.5 key
stator plate o.d. 80, 2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 28/10w
= ignition (points to coil)

green = external ignition ground
# qty price  CEV#     external spark coil
4   1 $16.0 04229 points M14
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
10 1 $58.0 13471 stator plate bare 80 x 80 2-slot

US-model Morini moped engines first had Dansi 1976-79 (MO1 and MO2), then Dansi or Bosch, 1978-84 (M1), then CEV magnetos in 1985-90 (M1), approximately.


CEV 6933 Garelli, Demm (horizontal cylinder)

1975-86 Garelli Eureka, Sport, Gran Sport
Rally Sport, Super Sport, Basic (H1 or H2 engine)
1976-79 Demm Smily, Scout

CEV 6933 Stator

rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 2.0 key
stator plate o.d. 80, 2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 28/10w
= ignition (points to coil)

blue = external ignition ground
# qty price  CEV#     external spark coil
1   1 $90.0 04271 flywheel (rotor) says 6933
2   2 $2.50 13061 points/cond screw M4 x 10 small head
3   1 $0.80 13494 points screw washer
4   1 $16.0 04229 points M14
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
6   4 $0.80 13514 coils screw M4 x 22 with washer
7   1 $2.00 13448 lubrication felt substitute
8   1 75-60 04307 ignition coil blue and copper
9   1 $30.0 04308 lighting coil yellow wire
10 1 $58.0 13471 stator plate bare 80 x 80 2 slots
11 1 $190  04272 stator assembly
12 3 $0.70 00000 stator screw M4 x 12 slot
13 1 $280  06933 magneto assembly 6933


CEV 6949 Sachs 504/1 

1975-79 KTM Foxi Deluxe

rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 80, M22-1.5 puller, 2.0 key
stator plate o.d. 80, 2 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 28/10w
= ignition (points to coil)
blue = external ignition ground
# qty price  CEV#     external spark coil
1   1 $100  F6949 flywheel (rotor) says 6949
2   2 $2.50 13061 points/cond screw M4 x 10 small head
3   1 $0.80 13494 points screw washer
4   1 $16.0 04229 points M14
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
6   4 $0.80 13514 coils screw M4 x 22 with washer
7   1 $2.00 13448 lubrication felt substitute
8   1 72-57 04287 ignition coil blue and copper
9   1 30-25 04288 lighting coil yellow wire
10 1 $58.0 13471 stator plate bare 80 x 80 2 slots
11 1 $190  04272 stator assembly
12 3 $0.70 00000 stator screw M4 x 12 slot
13 1 $290  06933 magneto assembly 6933

Most other 70’s mopeds with Sachs 504 engines have Bosch or Motoplat magnetos.



Ducati clone CEV magnetos with
13085 base plate 90 x 90, 04229 points

CEV 6943 Tomos A3

1989-91 Tomos Golden Bullet, TTLX (some)

rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 94, M26-1.5 puller, 3.0 key
stator plate o.d. 90, 3+1 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 12V 50w (external regulator)
= ignition (points to coil)

# qty price  CEV#  external spark coil
1   1 $95.0 04351 flywheel (rotor) (says 6943),
4   1 $16.0 04229 points M14
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17

CEV 6943 was a replacement part for Iskra 1215, and was also on some bikes, perhaps when Iskra was unavailable. It was not in any late 1980’s Tomos USA parts manual.


CEV 6951 Tomos A3

1985-86 Tomos A3 Bullet (vin codes 01, 02)
Silver Bullet (04, 05, 07, 08, 09), Golden Bullet (11)

rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 94, M26-1.5 puller, 3.0 key
stator plate o.d. 90, 3+1 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 6V 28/10w
= ignition (points to coil)
blue = external ignition ground

# qty price  CEV#  external spark coil
1   1 $110  04351 flywheel (rotor) (says 6951),
2   2 $2.50 13061 small head screw M4x10
3   1 $0.80 13494 points washer 4
4   1 $16.0 04229 points M14
5   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
6   1 $2.00 12192 lubrication felt
7   1 none  13125 felt holder
8   4 $0.50 13514 coils screw M4x22
9   1 none  04359 ignition coil 57 Ø94 blue & copper
9   1 $65.0 Ducati substitute Tomos 213733
10 1 $40.0 04360 lights coil 57 Ø94 yellow wire
10 1 35-20 Ducati substitute Tomos 213734
11 1 $75.0 13085 stator plate bare (says 13085)
2 1 $185  04358 stator assembly
13 3 $0.70 00000 stator screw M4x12 slot
14 1 $295  06951 magneto assembly 6951

All of the separate parts of the CEV 6951 magneto interchange with Ducati, except for the felt and felt holder. So they have the same Tomos part numbers as Ducati.



1970’s-80’s CEV magnetos with
13923 base plate 80 x 90, 04229 points

CEV 6418 Tomos A3

1986-88 Tomos A3 Bullet (VIN code 12)
1986-88 A3 Bullet TT (14), A3-01 Bullet (20)

rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0 key
stator plate o.d. 90, 3 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 12V 28w
= ignition (points to coil)

blue = external ignition ground
# qty price  CEV#     external spark coil
7   1 $16.0 04229 points M14 
8   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
26 1 none  13923 stator plate bare 80 x 90 3-slot
See Tomos A3 Engine Parts for full parts list.

During 1986 Tomos transitioned from CEV to Iskra (Yugoslavian-made Bosch-compatible) magnetos, but nothing else changed. The Golden Bullet still had a 75 watt 2-wire magneto with internal ignition ground, and an external solid state voltage regulator. The Bullet still had a 28 watt (later 50) 3-wire magneto with external ignition ground, and no external voltage regulator.


CEV 6436 Tomos A3 

1986-88 Tomos Golden Bullet (13), Golden Bullet TT (19)

rotation: anti-clockwise (left)
flywheel i.d. 80, M19-1.0 puller, 3.0 key
stator plate o.d. 90, 3 screw slots, 3 wires
= lights 12V 75w external regulator
= ignition (points to coil)
# qty price  CEV#     external spark coil
7   1 $16.0 04229 points M14 
8   1 $13.0 07365 condenser M17
26 1 none  13923 stator plate bare 80 x 90 3+1 slot

See Tomos A3 Engine Parts for full parts list.

Besides the bottom lighting coil there is an additional thin lighting coil on top, wired in series. The top ignition source coil is thinner, to make room for the additional lighting coil.

1986 was the debut of solid-state voltage regulation, where all the lights are powered by one generator wire. This eliminated the need for multiple lighting output wires and source coils. The generator makes enough watts for all the lights to be on at once. But most of the time some of the lights are turned off. Then the extra watts are absorbed by the regulator, and “wasted” by warming up the frame. So the lights always stay the same brightness, no matter how many are on or off. No more external ignition ground means the engine never looses spark because of the lights, like pre-1987 Tomos.


Dansi Magnetos

July 16, 2014


1. Parts by Type

2. Index and Identification 

3. Parts for US-models with Aermacchi engines

4. Parts for US-models with Morini engines

5. Parts for EU-models with Morini engines

6. Parts for US-models with Benelli engines

7. Parts for EU-models with Benelli engines

8. Parts for EU-models with various engines



1. Dansi Parts by Type

Dansi Dansi bicycle generator

Armando Dansi and his company made bicycle generators and lights in Varese, Italy, since the 1930’s. 

Dansi magneto generators (power dynamos) were on 1950’s to 1980’s Italian small motorcycles and mopeds, such as Aermacchi, Benelli, Cagiva, Fantic, Italjet, Lambretta, Lem, Malanca, Rizzato, Zannetti, and non-Italian brands such as Flandria, NSU and NVT.

On US-models 1960 to 1990, Dansi magnetos were original on mini-cycles and mopeds with engines by Aermacchi (Harley Davidson),  Benelli (Benelli and Moto Guzzi) and Morini (Arciero, Baretta, Benvenuti, Beta, Bianchi, Cimatti, Cosmo, Colt, F. Morini, Fantic, Garelli, Intramotor-Gloria, Indian, Italjet, Italvelo, Italtelai, LEM, Malaguti, Motobecane Sebring, Negrini, NVT, Pacer, Scorpion, Snark, Spisni Lino, Velomec, West Wind).

Sources: Some Benelli part numbers are from original parts catalogs displayed on Benelli Bauer. Some are not listed in Benelli Bauer. They are from original parts catalogs and suppliers lists.


6 points (contacts) ruttori (contatti) and 8 stator plates (piatti statore)

Dansi Points
mm# sgr# rot M#  Dansi# price 0  ’76-on 00000  70’s  000000   60’s

mm# sgr# rot M#  Dansi# price 0  Benelli# 00  Benelli# 0000 Benelli#  

1D 01.3235 M00 000000 $18.0 SD5/B
1S  01.3236 M00 000000 $26.0 799.001.0.799 G221/4

2D 01.3239 M00 000000 $29.0 779.002.0.799 CS0004
2S  01.3240 M00 000000 $19.0 M56/2

3D 01.3558 M18 408800 $16.0 779.014.0.799 
3S  01.3557 M14 000000 $16.0 


Dansi Condensers
sgr#   rot.  M#  Dansi# price     
’76-on 00000 70’s  00000   60’s

sgr#   rot.  M#  Dansi# price    Benelli#       Benelli#        Benelli#
type   rot.   capacitance  size

00.0000     M00 000000 none 723.001.0.799 G221/6
∅18 flange type, 0.29mf ∅17.9 x 21 with wires  use M17D

07.0074   M17D 403966 $15.0 723.002.0.799 G26/2
∅18 flange type, 0.29mf ∅17.9 x 21, no wires  can use M17

07.0207     M17 000000 $13.0 
∅18 flange type, 0.30mf ∅17.8 x 25, no wires


 Flywheel Nuts
  price   ’76-on 0000  70’s  00000  60’s 000 for
price    Benelli#       Benelli#       Benelli#  engines

none G7090  GM
$00.0 flywheel nut M9-1.0 x 12, ∅13 x 6, hex14 x 6
$00.0 superseded by UI7090 

$9.50 UI7090 G2
$00.0 flywheel nut M9-1.0 x 16, ∅13 x 10, hex14 x 6

none I9020   FA, 4M
$00.0 flywheel nut M9-1.0 x 14, ∅13 x 8, hex14 x 6

$7.00 substitute for GM, G2, FA, 4M
$00.0 flywheel nut M9-1.0 x 9 hex 12 (uses a 12 socket)

none 00000  4M-1978
$00.0 flywheel nut not yet identified


Dansi Flywheel Pullers 
fig# part# 0 price    all have M19-1.00 thread unless noted

1.  P19100  $18.0 flywheel puller M19-1.0 thread
2.  P19x22  $19.0 flywheel puller M19-1.0 and M22-1.5


Dansi Coils
H  S  W  L  price Dansi# M#  Benelli# 00  Benelli# 0000 Benelli#
H  S  W  L  for magneto#

Ignition Source Coils internal ground, one wire
4 46 00 00 none  0000 M00 713.001.0799 R3086/D
0 00 00 00 for ASL308NB (R3086) .
4 4? 00 00 none  0000 M00 713.009.0799 R2063/F
0 00 00 00 for (R2063) .
4 4? 00 00 none  0000 M00 713.008.0799
0 00 00 00 for (FA3774) .
4 47 12 72 $75.0 0000 M20
0 00 00 00 for 101441 ( .
4 47 00 00 none  0000 M00
0 00 00 00 for 101662? .
4 47 14 72 none  6218 M00 SGR 00.1348
0 00 00 00 replacement .

Ignition Source Coils external ground, two wires
4 47 14 72 none  0000 M27
0 00 00 00 for 101732, 101765, 101813 .

Ignition Spark Coils
4 47 10 72 none  6400 M00 713.006.0799 N14/B
0 00 00 00 for 100892 (, others .
4 47 10 72 none  6400 M00 SGR 00.1137
0 00 00 00 replacement .

000 D18 106 713.006.0.799  N/A     N14/B (lower) internal spark coil B

Lighting Source Coils
4 46 00 00 none  0000 M00 000.000.0799 R3086/B
0 00 00 00 for ASL308NB (R3086) .
4 4? 00 00 none  0000 M00 713.010.0799 R2063/C
0 00 00 00 for ??????? (R2063) .
4 47 00 00 none  0000 M00 713.005.0799 N14/C
0 00 00 00 for ??????? (FA3774) .
4 47 00 00 none  0000 M00 713.005.0799 N14/C
0 00 00 00 for MDP44? .
4 47 15 72 $65.0 6533 M21
0 00 00 00 for 101441 6V 25/10w .
4 47 00 00 none  0000 M00
0 00 00 00 for ???????  6V18w? .
4 47 00 00 none  0000 M00
0 00 00 00 for 101662? 6V25w? .
4 47 15 72 $65.0 0000 M28
0 00 00 00 for 101813 6V25w .



Dansi#   M# 0 Benelli# 0000 Benelli# 00 price 0 Benelli# .

000000 M00 742.005.0.799 N/A     G221/11
000000 M00 felt greaser
000000 M15 793.007.0.799 $2.50 G221/3
000000 M00 points screw M4x8 small head
000000 M16 793.007.0.799 $0.20 G221/3
000000 M00 points screw lock washer M4 x 9 x 1
000000 M00 793.008.0.799 $0.00 R2063/E
000000 M00 ignition coil screw M5

000000 M22 776.013.0.799 $0.40 G221/8
000000 M00 coil lock washer M4 x 7 thin
000000 M25 793.041.0.799 $1.20 G221/7
000000 M00 coil screw M4 x 25 slot
000000 M00 $1.60 G0000
000000 M00 coil screw and washer M4 x 25
000000 M00 783.006.0.799 N/A     SD404/1
000000 M00 screws and washers




2. Index and Identification

Look up your magneto number to see what section the parts are in.

D<<rotation o.d plate years  in section
ADL54? 000 110  1Da  60-66  6. US Benelli
ADL54/ANB 110  1Da  65-68  6. US Benelli
ADL60 000  110  1Da  60-63  8. EU various

ADL2S 000  110  2Db  60-67  8. EU various
ADL250B 0  110  2Dc  00-00  8. EU various
ADP44 000  110  2Dc  62-72  7. EU Benelli
ADL8 0000  110  2Db  00-00  8. EU various
MDL102 00  110? 2De  00-00  8. EU various

MDL111 00  110  2Dd  70-73  4. US Morini
ADP220VS   fan   2Dd  65-67  6. US Benelli
ADP244S 0  110  2Dd  69-73  6. US Benelli
MDP44 000  110  2Dd  67-73  7. EU Benelli
100892 D    110  2Dd  70-74  7. EU Benelli
100884 D    103  3Db  78-80  7. EU Benelli
101441 D    103  3Db  76-77  6. US Benelli
101662 D    103  3Db  74-84  7. EU Benelli
101813 D    103  3Db  77-80  6. US Benelli

S >>rotation o.d plate years  in section
ASL111          110  2sc  67-70  8. EU various

ASL204NS   110  1Sb  67-73  6. US Benelli G314
ASL234NS   110  1Sb  73-74  3. US Aermacchi
ASL251S 0   110  1Sb  00-00  3. US Aermacchi 

ASL5N 000  110  1Sc  60-68  6. US Benelli
ASL6? 000   110? 1Sc  00-00  5. EU Morini

ASL205NS   110  1Sc  65-75  6. US Benelli
ASL206S? 0 110? 1Sc  71-72  4. US Morini
ASL233S 0   110  1Sc  71-72  4. US Morini
ASL233NS   110  1Sc  71-72  4. US Morini
ASL308NB   103  1Sc  73-76  6. US Benelli
ASL314B  0  103  1Sc  73-74  7. EU Benelli
ASL236NS   110  2Sc  00-00  3. US Aermacchi
ASL237 00   110  2Sc  72-72  3. US Aermacchi
MSL105 00  110  2Sc  74-80  7. EU Benelli
ASL207?  0   110  2Sd  65-66  6. US Benelli 

ASL222S 0   110  2Sd  64-66  3. US Aermacchi 
ASL223VS     fan  2Sd  66-69  4. US Morini
ASL232S  0  110  2Sd  70-72  6. US Benelli
MSL111 00  110  2Sd  00-00  5. EU Morini
101286 S    103  3Sc  75-79  4. US Morini
101603 S    103  3Sc  00-00  5. EU Morini
101732 S    103  3Sc  75-77  4. US Morini
101765 S    103  3Sc  76-80  4. US Morini
102690 S    103  3Sc  00-00  5. EU Morini

Stator Plate Versions with links to photos
mm# o.d. slots   slots   points under   upper   lower
mm# o.d. slots   type   points points 0 coil 00  coil    Dansi#

1Da  ∅94 2+3 plain 5 xx  1D smooth  4 x 46? 4 x 46?
000  Benelli SD6 .
1Sb  ∅94 2+3 stepped 4  1S   ribbed  4 x 46? 4 x 46?
000  Benelli G221/1, Aermacchi .
1Sc   ∅94 2+3 stepped 4  1S smooth  5 x 43  4 x 46  3842
000  Benelli R2063/B = 772.001.0.799, Morini .
2Db  ∅94 2+3 stepped 4  2D smooth  4 x 47  4 x 47
000  various .
2Dc  ∅94 2+3 stepped 4  2D   ribbed  4 x 47  4 x 47
000  Benelli, various .
2Sc   ∅94 2+3 stepped 4  2S   ribbed  4 x 47  4 x 47
000  Aermacchi .
2Dd  ∅94 2+3 long step 4 2D smooth  4 x 47  4 x 47
000  Benelli SD462/3 = 772.006.0.799 G2,GM, Morini
2Sd  ∅94 2+3 long step 4 2S  smooth  4 x 47  4 x 47  2 versions
000  Benelli M56/1, Aermacchi 29549-65PA, Morini .
2De  ∅80 2     plain 4  xx 2D smooth  4 x 47  4 x 47
000  various .
3Db ∅94 2+3 stepped 4  3D smooth  4 x 47  4 x 47
000 Benelli G2 .
3Sc   ∅80 2     plain 4  xx 3S smooth  4 x 47  4 x 47
000 Morini mmi# M44 and M44A .

This identification data is from measurement of actual plates and from internet images. Only the older “1” type plates have Dansi numbers. The others have no markings. So here we use mm numbers with encoded digits. Digits 1 and 2 encode the points. Digit 3 encodes the outer diameter and mounting slots. Knowing the plate identity helps to identify the points and coils, and visa versa.

eng  Benelli# 000 Benelli# 0000 Benelli#  magneto#.
FA 000.000.0799  G221 0  ASL205NS .
FA 000.000.0799  G7094 0  MSL105? Export FA .
3VK 000.000.0799  G221 0  ASL205NS .
3VK 000.000.0799  000000 ADP220VS .
3VK 000.000.0799  000000 100884 ’78 3VK-NT .
3VK 000.000.0799  G7094 0  MSL105? Export FA 1976 .

4M 000.000.0799  G314 0  ASL204NS .
4M 427.016.0799  R2063   ???????  ’70’s Turismo .
4M 000.000.0799  000000 ???????  ’78 Turismo .

4MS 000.000.0799  G26 00  ASL5N
4MS 000.000.0799  G221 0  ASL205NS .

GM 427.022.0799  FA3774  ???????, Motorella .

GM, G2 00.00.00 427.005.0799  N14  0  MDP44 ’67-73 Gentleman, Bobo .
G2 427.027.0799  N14  0  100892 ’70-75 Bobo, Guzzi Chiu .

G2 000.000.0799  000000 101662 2, ’78-G2, G2 Elle .
G2 000.000.0799  000000 101441  G2-US .
G2 000.000.0799  000000  ???????  Gentleman 1974 .
G2 000.000.0799  000000 101813 G2-US .
GK 000.000.0799  N134 0  ADP244S .

90 000.000.0799  R3086   ASL308MB

125 000.000.0799  M56 00  ASL207?
125 000.000.0799  M246 0  ??????? ’65-69 Cobra 125 .
175 000.000.0799  M375 0  ASL232S .
250 000.000.0799  SD596   ADL54?
250 000.000.0799  SD595   ADL54/ANB .

00 000.000.0799  000000



3. US models with Aermacchi engines


ASL222S  82 x 110 alum. rotor, ∅94 3+2 long-slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 5

’65-66 Harley Davidson M50, MS50
29529-65P   $19.0 points 01.3240 M56/2
32726-65P   $15.0 condenser 07.0074 M17D
11212P-00   $0.00 woodruff key 2.5?
29595-65P   none  flywheel nut M9-1.0
29595-65P   $7.00 substitute M9-1.0 x 9 hex12
29549-65PA none  base plate ⇐ 3+2 long-slot = Benelli M56/1


82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, puller M19-1, type 5

’73-74 Harley Davidson X-90, Z-90
$26.0 points 
condenser 07.0074 = M17D
none  base plate ⇐ 3+2 slot = Benelli G221/1


ASL236NS  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 5

’70-73 Harley Davidson ML65 Leggero
29529-65P   $19.0 points 01.3240 M56/2
32726-65P   $15.0 condenser 07.0074 M17D
11212P-00   $0.00 woodruff key 2.5?
29595-65P   none  flywheel nut M9-1.0
29595-65P   $7.00 substitute M9-1.0 x 9 hex12
29549-65PA none  base plate ⇐ 3+2 slot
29549-65PA none  long slots got shorter but # stayed the same


82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, puller M19-1, type 5

’72 Harley Davidson Rapido 125
29529-65P $19.0 points 01.3240 M56/2
32726-65P $15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D




ASL251S  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, puller M19-1, type 5

’70’s Harley Davidson
000 $19.0 points 01.3240 M56/2
000 $15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D





4. US models with Morini engines


ASL223VS   82 x fan alum. rotor, ∅94 3+2 long-slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 5

’66-69 Chris  Cycle (Wilier) M2, M2V with Morini 3CV engine
$19.0 points 01.3240 = M56/2
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D


ASL233S  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 2

’71-72 Indian MX100, Motorsport 100 off-road, Morini 101 engine
ASL206  none  magneto ASL233S
ASL6/1   none  rotor (flywheel)
ASL6/2   none  base plate
ASL6/4   none  lights coil
ASL6/6   $26.0 points 01.3236 = G221/4
ASL6/10 $15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D
ASL6/18 none  ignition source coil (internally grounded)
12.7005 $0.00 flywheel key
13.3002 $0.00 flywheel nut

Link to Indian Dirt Bike Parts Manuals


ASL233NS  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 5

’71-72 Indian Bobcat on-road mini-cycle, Morini 101 engine
ASL206/SC  none  magneto ASL233NS
ASL6/1 000 none  rotor (flywheel)

ASL6/2 000 none  base plate
ASL6/4 000 none  lights coil

ASL6/6 000 $26.0 points 01.3236 = G221/4
ASL6/10 00 $15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D
ASL6/18B 0 none  ignition source coil with ground wire

12.7005 00 $0.00 flywheel key
13.3002 00 $0.00 flywheel nut


MDL111  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 long-slot stator
rotation Destra, puller M19-1, Morini 29.0006, type 1

’70-73 Indian (Italjet) MM5A, JC5A Morini S5K, S5K2 engine
and ’70’s EU models with Morini F5M2, M4 engine

MDL111/6   $29.0points 
MDL111/10 $15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D


101286  ∅82 x 103 steel rotor, ∅80 2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, Morini 29-0034, type 4

’75-77 Intramotor-Gloria Morini MO1 engine
’76-79 NVT, Malaguti Morini MO1, MO2 engine
’76-79 Pacer Sport (some), others Morini MO1, MO2 engine

M#  qty  price  description

M14   1 $16.0 points CEV-type for left rotation
M15   2 $2.50 screw for points & cond. M4 x 8 small head
M16   1 $0.20 lock washer for points screw Ø4 x 9 x 1
M17   1 $15.0 condenser M17D
M22   5 $0.40 thin lock washer for cond. & coil screws Ø4
M00   2 $1.00 29-6022 stator plate screws M4 x 12 phillips

M12   1  N/A    felt wiper, early type
M20   1 $75.0 ignition coil up. 47-12-72 1 short cond. wire
M21   1 $65.0 lighting coil lo. 47-15-72 long grn, long blk
M24   2 $0.50 ignition coil screw M4 x 20 slot
M25   2 $0.50 lighting coil screw M4 x 25 slot

M26   1  N/A    steel flywheel, says 101286 ( same as 101765)
M44   1  N/A    stator plate with cut-out for spark coil
M45   1 $190. stator assembly OD ∅80, slots ∅65, at 9 & 3 o’clock
M83   1 $4.50 woodruff key M83 12-7025 2.5 x 9 (x 3)

M00   1 none  29-0034 magneto 101286 = M26 + M45

M20 ignition coil for Dansi 101286

M20 ignition coil
for Dansi 101286

M21 lighting coil for Dansi 101286

M21 lighting coil
for Dansi 101286









101765  ∅82 x 103 steel rotor, ∅80 2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, Morini 29-0045, type 5

’76-85 Motomarina, Scorpion Morini MO1, MO2 engine
’77-80 Motobecane Sebring Morini MO1, MO2 engine
’76-80 Pacer (some), others Morini MO1, MO2, M1, MO4B engine
M#  qty  price  description 
M14   1 $16.0 points CEV-type for left rotation
M15   2 $2.50 screw for points & cond. M4 x 8 small head
M16   1 $0.20 lock washer for points screw Ø4 x 9 x 1
M17   1 $15.0 condenser M17D
M22   5 $0.40 thin lock washer for cond. & coil screws Ø4
M00   2 $1.00 29-6022 stator plate screws M4 x 12 phillips

M12A 1  N/A    felt wiper, late type
M25A 4 $0.50 ign and light coil screw M4 x 25 phillips
M26A 1 $150. steel flywheel, says 101765 (=101286)
M27   1 none  ignition coil up. 47-14-72 long grn, to cond.
M28   1 $65.0 lighting coil lo. 47-15-72 long black wire
M44A 1  N/A    stator plate, no cut-out for  spark coil
M45A 1 $200. stator assembly OD ∅80, slots ∅65, at 9 & 3 o’clock
M83   1 $4.50 woodruff key M83 12-7025 2.5 x 9 (x 3)

M00   1 $330. 29-0045 magneto 101765 = M26A + M45A

M27 ignition coil for Dansi 101765

M27 ignition coil
for Dansi 101765

M27 ignition coil for Dansi 101765

M28 lighting coil
for Dansi 101765









101732  ∅82 x 103 steel rotor, ∅80 2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, Morini 29-0045, type 5
superseded in early 1977 by 101765

’75-77 Intramotor-Gloria (some), others, Morini MO1 engine
M#  qty  price  description
M14   1 $16.0 points CEV-type for left rotation
M15   2 $2.50 screw for points & cond. M4 x 8 small head
M16   1 $0.20 lock washer for points screw Ø4 x 9 x 1
M17   1 $15.0 condenser M17D
M22   5 $0.40 thin lock washer for cond. & coil screws Ø4
M00   2 $1.00 29-6022 stator plate screws M4 x 12 phillips

M12   1  N/A    felt wiper, early type
M25   4 $0.50 ignition and lighting coil screw M4 x 25 slot
M26A 1  N/A    steel flywheel, says 101732 (same as 101286)
M27   1 none  ignition source coil (upper) 47-14-72 1 long green, 1 to condenser
M28   1 $65.0 lighting source coil (lower) 47-15-72 1 long black wire
M44   1  N/A    stator plate, early (same but with cut-out, for internal spark coil)
M45A 1  N/A    stator assembly OD ∅80, slots ∅65, at 9 & 3 o’clock
M83   1 $4.50 woodruff key M83 12-7025 2.5 x 9 (x 3)


M27 coil: Because the service manuals did not mention the “external ignition ground” troubleshooting procedure, where you ground the green wire to get spark, many people have replaced the coils, both the internal M27 ignition source coil and the external spark coil (transformer), when they did not need them. As a result, the supply of M27 source coils has ran out.  

M44 plate: The M44 stator plate bare (for 101286) and the M44A (for 101765) have different part numbers and different felt wipers, but they do interchange. The M44A has no cut-out for a internal transformer spark coil, and so is a later design. The M44A is made stronger.  

On a moped with a Morini engine, the number on the Dansi flywheel tells 1) what magneto it has, external (101765 or 101732) or internal (101286) ignition ground, 2) what brake light wiring the bike has, series brake light switches (9342 normally closed) in parallel with the light for 101765 or 101732, or parallel brake light switches (9343 normally open) in series with the light for 101286, 3) what CEV 9530 tail light version it has, one with a brake light resistor hidden inside (101765 or 101732), or with no resistor (101286).This matters a lot when troubleshooting a bike that has no spark. Bikes with external ignition ground often loose spark because of a loose brake light wire. On those you always ground (connect to the frame) the green magneto wire first, and then re-check for spark. That way you will know if the problem is external, in the bikes wires and lights, or internal in the magneto, such as dirty points.



5. EU models with Morini engines


ASL6?  82 x 110? aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 1

various models off-road with Morini 101 engine
Morini#  price
29-0022  none  magneto without B.A.T.E.
= without bobina alta tension esterna (external high tension coil)
ASL6/2   none  base plate
ASL6/3   none  internal spark (high tension) coil
ASL6/4   none  lights coil
ASL6/6   $26.0 points 01.3236 = G221/4
ASL6/10 $15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D
12.7005   $0.00 flywheel key
13.3002   $0.00 flywheel nut


MSL111  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 1

’60’s models with Morini M4 engine
$19.0 points xxx 01.3240 = M56/2
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D


102690  ∅82 ∅103 steel rotor, ∅80 2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 2

1980’s models with Morini M1K engine
$16.0 points xxx 01.3557 = M14
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D


101603  82 x 103 steel rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, Morini 29.0045, type 2

70’s-80’s models with Morini M4? engine
$16.0 points xxx 01.3557 = M14
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D



6. US models with Benelli engines


ASL5N  ∅82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 2

1965-68 Benelli Fireball 50 with Benelli 4MS engine
106 none  G26  magneto ASL5N
110 $0.00 I 9020  flywheel nut
099 $2.00 G7274  woodruff key #M81 2.0 x 3.7
193 none  G221/1  base plate
196 $26.0 G221/4  points 01.3236
194 none  G26/1  ignition coil
195 none  G26/3  lights coil
198 $15.0 G26/2  condenser 07.0074 M17D


ASL205NS  ∅82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 5

1965-66 Riverside 450 SS Sport 50 with Benelli 4MS engine
1965-68 Riverside Moped with Benelli FA engine
1974-75 Benelli 3V, 3VK with Benelli 3V, 3VK engine

106 none  G221  magneto ASL205NS
110 $0.00 I 9020  flywheel lock nut
099 $2.00 G7274  woodruff key #M81 2.0 x 3.7
193 none  G221/1  base plate
196 $26.0 G221/4  points 01.3236
194 none  G221/2  ignition coil
201 none  G221/9  lights coil
198 $15.0 G221/6  condenser 07.0074 M17D


ASL20  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 long-slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 2

1967-68 Riverside Lightweight 175, 1967 Scrambler 175




ASL207?  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 long-slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 2

1965 Riverside Touring 125, 1966 Scrambler 125
156 none  M56  magneto
158 $0.00 M58  flywheel nut
144 $2.00 G7274  woodruff key #M81 2.0 x 3.7
178 none  M56/1  base plate
181 $19.0 M56/2  points
182 none  M56/3  ignition coil
182 none  M56/4  lights coil, green and black wires
187 $15.0 G221/6  condenser M17D


82 x 110? aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 5

1965-69 Ward Riverside 125 Lightweight
1965-69 Benelli Cobra 125, 1966-71 Cobra 125 Trail
156 none  M246  magneto
158 $0.00 M58  flywheel nut
099 $2.00 G7274  woodruff key #M81 2.0 x 3.7
178 none  M56/1  base plate
181 $19.0 M56/2  points
182 none  M56/3  ignition coil
182 none  M246/B  lights coil
187 $15.0 G221/6  condenser


ADP220VS  82 x fan aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 long-slot stator
rotation Destra, M19-1 puller, type 5

1965-67 Riverside Scooter 350-S with Benelli 3V engine




ADP244S  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, M19-1 puller, type 5

1969-69 Benelli Buzzer, Hornet GK engine
1970-73 Benelli Buzzer 65, 1970-72 Buzzer 65 Jr GK65 engine

1971-72 Benelli Hurricane 65 GK65 engine
072 none  N134  magneto ADP244S
069 $0.00 G7090  flywheel nut
076 $2.00 G7274  woodruff key #M81 2.0 x 3.7
161 none  SD426/3  base plate
158 $29.0 CS 0004  points 01.3239
153 none  G221/2  spark coil
153 none  G314/A  lights coil
159 $15.0 G221/6  condenser


ADL54/ANB  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, machined flywheel, Benelli SD595, type 5

1965-68 Benelli Sprite 125  OHV engine
$18.0 points 01.3235 = SD5/B
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D = 1984/F


ADL54?  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, machined flywheel?, Benelli SD596, type 5

1965-68 Benelli Sprite 200, 250 OHV engine
1967-68 Benelli Barracuda 250 OHV engine

$18.0 points 01.3235 = SD5/B
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D = 1984/F


ASL204NS  ∅82 ∅110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 5

1967-69 Benelli Dynamo 50 Compact, 1969 Dynamo 50 Trail (69) 4M
1970-71 Benelli Dynamo 65 Compact, Woodsbike, Scrambler (71) 4M65
1972-72 Benelli Dynamo 65 Compact, Woodsbike, Scrambler (72) 4M65
1970-72 Benelli Cougar 65 (71-on)
1970-73 Benelli Mini Enduro 65
106 none  G314  magneto ASL204NS
110 $0.00 G7090  flywheel nut
110 $0.00 I 9020  flywheel nut (Dynamo 50 only)
099 $2.00 G7274  woodruff key #M81 2.0 x 3.7
193 none  G221/1  base plate
196 $26.0 G221/4  points 01.3236
194 none  G221/2  ignition coil
194 none  G314/A  lights coil
198 $15.0 G221/6  condenser 07.0074 M17D


ASL232S  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 5

1970-72 Benelli Volcano 180
148 none  M375  magneto ASL232S
150 $0.00 M58  flywheel nut M10?
136 $2.00 G7274  woodruff key #M81 2.0 x 3.7
206 none  M56/1  base plate
208 $19.0 M56/2  points 01.3240
209 none  M375/C  ignition coil
209 none  M375/B  lights coil
203 $15.0 G221/6  condenser 07.0074


∅82 x 103 steel rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, M19-1 puller, type 4

1973-76 Benelli Banshee 90 with 90 single
1973-74 Benelli Panther 125 with 125 single 

116 none  000.000.0799  R3086  magneto ASL308NB
114 $0.00 264.004.0799  I 9020  flywheel nut
121 $2.00 958.006.0799  G7274  woodruff key #M81 2.0 x 3.7
198 none  772.001.0799  R2063/B  base plate
202 $26.0 799.001.0799  G221/4  points 01.3236
203 none  000.000.0799  R3086/B  coil
203 none  713.001.0799  R3086/D  coil
200 $15.0 723.001.0799  G221/6  condenser M17D


101441  82 x 103 steel rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, M19-1 puller, type 4

1976-77 Benelli Blazer with Benelli G2 engine
1976-77 Moto Guzzi Robin, Chiu with Benelli G2 engine
000  M00 none  magneto 101441
074  M00 $9.50 UI7090 flywheel nut M9-1.0 x 16
074  M00 $00.0 ∅13 x 10 inside, hex14 x 6 outside

102  M00 none  stator plate for 1-piece CEV-left points
103  M00 none  G221/11 felt wiper/greaser
104  M15 $2.50 G221/3 points & condenser screw
104  M15 $00.0 M4 x 8 small head, replacement

105 M17D$15.0 G221/6 condenser M17D
106  M20 $75.0 ignition source coil (lower) 1 short wire
107  M18 $16.0 points, 1-piece CEV-left-hand type
108  M21 $65.0 lights coil 6V 15/10w (upper) grn, blk
109  M22 $0.20 G221/8 thin lock washer ∅4 x 7 x 0.5
110  M25 $0.50 G221/7 coil screw M4 x 25 slot
111  M00 none  steel flywheel, says 101441 
112  M00 none  SD404/1 screws and washers kit
113  M00 $0.70 stator plate screw M4 x 12 slot

Benelli Blazer was the USA version of the Benelli Bobo.

Moto Guzzi Robin (sheet frame) was the USA version of the Moto Guzzi Chiu. The Moto Guzzi Robin (monotube frame) was the same as the Benelli G2. The Moto Guzzi Robin with stamped sheet-metal frame had either a Dansi 101813 external ignition ground magneto, or a Dansi 101441 internal ignition ground magneto. The blue one above with 101441 had normally open brake light switches connected in parallel, so the brake light did not get power until either switch was closed. If the green wire became disconnect, the engine would still run.

The late 1970’s Dansi steel magneto flywheels for Benelli look like the late 1970’s Morini ones, but the rotation is opposite, clockwise and the stator plate is very different. The stator plate has 5 mounting slots, not two, and is larger. The stator plate has two upper mount screws and one lower. The upper lighting coil is notched for the screw installation. The lower ignition coil is not notched.


Dansi 101813 on Moto Guzzi Robin
101813  82 x 103 steel rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, M19-1 puller, type 5

1977-80 Benelli G2 with Benelli G2 engine
1977-80 Moto Guzzi Robin with Benelli G2 engine

000  M00 none  magneto 101813
M00 $9.50 UI7090 flywheel nut M9-1.0 x 16
074  M00 $00.0 ∅13 x 10 inside, hex14 x 6 outside

102  M00 none  stator plate 
103  M00 none  G221/11 felt wiper/greaser
104  M15 $2.50 G221/3 points & condenser screw
104  M15 $00.0 M4 x 8 small head, replacement

105 M17D$15.0 G221/6 condenser M17D
106  M27 none  ign. source coil (lower) grn, short
107  M18 $16.0 points M18
108  M28 $65.0 lights coil 6V 25w (upper) 1 black
109  M22 $0.20 G221/8 thin lock washer ∅4 x 7 x 0.5
110  M25 $0.50 G221/7 coil screw M4 x 25 slot
111  M00 none  steel flywheel, says 101813 
112  M00 none  SD404/1 screws and washers kit
113  M00 $0.70 stator plate screw M4 x 12 slot

Moto Guzzi Robin (sheet frame) was the USA version of the Moto Guzzi Chiu. The Moto Guzzi Robin (monotube frame) was the same as the Benelli G2. The Moto Guzzi Robin with stamped sheet-metal frame had either a Dansi 101813 external ignition ground magneto, or a Dansi 101441 internal ignition ground magneto. The orange one above with 101813 had normally closed brake light switches connected in series, so the brake light was normally shorted out, until either switch was opened. If the green wire became disconnected, like when the brake light wires were unplugged, the engine would not run.

External ignition ground: On a 101813 the ignition coil has an external ground, the green wire. It must always be grounded in order to have spark. The green wire powers the brake light. Normally the brake light switches are closed, taking all the electricity from the brake light. Opening either brake light switch causes the brake light to go on, opposite to all normal light switches. Normal light switches close to make the light go on. Think of it like turning off your shower, by turning on the garden hose.



7. EU models with Benelli engines


100892 82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, M19-1 puller, type 1

1970-74? Benelli Bobo with Benelli G2 engine
071 none  427.027.0799 N14  magneto 100892 ?
074 $9.50 264.025.0799 UI7090 flywheel nut M9-1.0 x 16
074 $00.0 ∅13 x 10 inside, hex14 x 6 outside wheel

061 $2.00 958.006.0143 G7274  woodruff key
102 none  772.006.0799 SD462/3  base plate
103 none  742.005.0799 G221/11  felt greaser
104 none  793.007.0799 G221/3  points screw M4 x 8 small slot
104 $2.50 793.007.0799 replacement M4 x 8 small phillips
105 $15.0 000.000.0000 G26/2  condenser M17D
106 none  713.006.0799 N14/B  spark coil

107 $29.0 000.000.0000 CS0004 points 01.3239
108 none  713.005.0799 N14/C  lights coil
109 $0.20 776.013.0799 G221/8  lock washer ∅4 thin
110 $0.50 793.041.0799 G221/7  coil screw M4 x 25(23) slot
111 none  780.003.0799 N14/A  flywheel rotor Bobo
112 none  783.006.0799 SD404/1  screws and washers
113 none  983.042.0125 MU1147 stator plate screw M4 x 10 slot
113 $1.20 983.042.0125 MU1147 replacement M4 x 10 phillips


MDP44  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, M19-1 puller, type 1

1967-70? Benelli Gentlemen with Benelli GM engine
1970-73? Benelli Bobo 1 with Benelli G2 engine

1970-73? Benelli Bobo 2 with Benelli G2 engine
071 none  427.005.0799  N14  magneto MDP44?
074 $9.50 264.025.0799 UI7090 flywheel nut M9-1.0 x 16
074 $00.0 ∅13 x 10 inside, hex14 x 6 outside wheel

061 $2.00 958.006.0143  G7274  woodruff key
102 none  772.006.0799  SD462/3  base plate
107 $29.0 779.002.0799  CS0004  points 01.3239
106 none  713.006.0799  N14/B  spark coil
108 none  713.005.0799  N14/C  lights coil
105 $15.0 723.002.0799  G26/2  condenser M17D


  ∅82 x 103 steel rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 4

1973-74 Benelli 125, 250 twin cylinder
$19.0 points xxx
01.3240 (two sets)
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = 35708600 = M17D


ADP44  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, M19-1 puller, type 2

1970-73 Benelli Gentleman with Benelli GM engine
1962-72 Moto Morini Corsarino 50
points xxx 01.3239
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D



MSL105 82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 1
Benelli = G7094/4

1974-on Benelli 3VK with Benelli 3VK engine
1976-on Benelli Export FA with Benelli FA engine

$19.0 points xxx 01.3240 = M56/2
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D


  ∅82 x 103 steel rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, M19-1 puller, type 2

1978? Benelli 3VK-NT (Export FA) with 3VK engine
000  M00 none  magneto 100884



101662  82 x 103 steel rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, M19-1 puller, type 2

1978-on Benelli G2 Version A pedali G2 engine
1974-on G2 Elle with G2K engine

071 none  magneto 101662?
074 $0.00  flywheel nut
061 $2.00  woodruff key
102 none  base plate
107 $16.0  points M18 01.3558
106  ignition coil
108  lights coil
105 $15.0  condenser M17D


101662  82 x 103 steel rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, M19-1 puller, type 2

Benelli ? with Benelli G2 engine
100 M00 1  N/A    magneto 101662? 
102 M00 1  N/A    stator plate for 1-piece CEV-left points
103 M00 1  N/A    G221/11 felt wiper/greaser
104 M15 2 $2.50 G221/3 points & condenser screw
104 M15 2 $00.0 M4 x 8 small head, replacement

105 M00 1 $15.0 G221/6 condenser M17D
106 M00 1  N/A    spark coil (lower) 1 spark wire
107 M18 1 $16.0 points, 1-piece CEV-left-hand type
108 M00 1  N/A    lights coil 6V 18W (upper) 1 black? wire
109 M22 4 $0.20 G221/8 thin lock washer ∅4 x 7 x 0.5
110 M25 4 $0.50 G221/7 coil screw M4 x 25 slot
112 M00 1  N/A    SD404/1 screws and washers kit
113 M00 3 $0.70 stator plate screw M4 x 12 slot




’70’s Benelli Turismo 50, Cross 50 with Benelli 4M engine
134 427.016.0799 R2063  magneto
150 264.004.0799 I9020  flywheel nut
109 958.006.0143 G7274  woodruff key
192 793.008.0799 R2063/E  ign coil screw M5
193 772.001.0799 R2063/B  base plate M5↑, M4↓
194 713.009.0799 R2063/F  ignition coil
195 723.001.0799 G221/6  condenser
197 779.001.0799 G221/4  points
198 713.010.0799 R2063/C  lights coil
199 793.041.0799 G221/7  lights coil screw M4 x 25



1978 Benelli Turismo 50 with Benelli 4M engine
’70’s Moto Guzzi 50 TT with Benelli 4M
087 000.000.0799 00000  magneto
089 000.000.0799 00000  flywheel nut
083 958.006.0143 G7274  woodruff key
100 000.000.0799 00000  base plate
091 000.000.0799 00000  ignition coil
092 000.000.0799 00000  ign coil screw
093 723.002.0799 G26/2  condenser
095 779.001.0799 G221/4  points
096 000.000.0799 00000  lights coil
097 000.000.0799 00000  lights coil screw


1970-73? Gentleman with engine GM
070 427.022.0799  FA3774  magneto
067 264.025.0799  G7090  flywheel nut
073 958.006.0143  G7274  woodruff key
152 772.007.0799  000000 base plate
160 779.002.0799  CS0004 points
159 713.008.0799  000000 ignition coil
158 713.005.0799  N14/C    lights coil
154 723.003.0799  000000  condenser


Gentleman 2 with engine G2
070 000.000.0799  000000 magneto
067 000.000.0799  UI7090 flywheel nut
073 958.006.0143  G7274    woodruff key
152 000.000.0799  000000 base plate
160 779.002.0799  CS0004 points
159 000.000.0799  000000 ignition coil
158 000.000.0799  000000 lights coil
154 723.001.0.799 G221/6 condenser



Gentleman 1974 with engine G2
070 000.000.0799  0000000  magneto
067 000.000.0799  0000000  flywheel nut
073 000.000.0799  0000000  woodruff key
152 000.000.0799  0000000  base plate
160 000.000.0799  0000000  points
159 000.000.0799  0000000  ignition coil
158 000.000.0799  0000000  lights coil
154 000.000.0799  0000000  condenser


Moto Guzzi Chiu with engine G2
fig#  Benelli# 00 Benelli# 00000 Dansi#
009 000.000.0799  00 00 00  magneto
009 000.000.0799  00 00 00  flywheel nut
012 000.000.0799  00 00 00  woodruff key
000 000.000.0799  00 00 00  base plate
015 000.000.0799  40 39 92  felt greaser
016 000.000.0799  40 39 66  condenser
017  48 70 88 70 000.000.0799  40 88 00  points
018  48 71 50 70 000.000.0799  40 49 61  spark coil
019 000.000.0799  40 29 86  lights coil
020 000.000.0799  00 00 00  screw set


Euro model with engine
000 000.000.0799  0000000  magneto
000 000.000.0799  0000000  flywheel nut
000 000.000.0799  0000000  woodruff key
000 000.000.0799  0000000  base plate
000 000.000.0799  0000000  points
000 000.000.0799  0000000  ignition coil
000 000.000.0799  0000000  lights coil
000 000.000.0799  0000000  condenser


8. EU models with various engines


MDL102   ∅82 x 110? aluminum rotor, ∅80 2 slot stator
rotation Destra, type 1, different coils, curvy

$29.0 points xxx 01.3239
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D



ADL8  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, machined, type 2

$29.0 points xxx 01.3239
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D


ADL250B  82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, puller M19-1, type 4

60’s-70’s models
$29.0 points xxx 01.3239
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D


ADL2S 82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, puller M19-1, type 2

1960’s models
$29.0 points xxx 01.3239
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D


 ∅82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Destra, puller M19-1, type 2

early 60’s models
$18.0 points 01.3235 = SD5/B
$15.0 condenser 07.0074 = M17D = 1984/F


 ∅82 x 110 aluminum rotor, ∅94 3+2 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, M19-1 puller, type 5

1968 Beta Camoscio
$19.0 points 01.3240
$15.0 condenser 07.0074


Dn60A ∅82? x 110? aluminum rotor, ∅94? 3 slot stator
rotation Sinistra, 20mm condenser (19.8 hole)

1950’s MV Agusta


Please select one of the branch choices.

July 15, 2014


July 14, 2014

updated 2022-01

A 12V sealed battery (maintenance free) with an acid 6-pack. It's easy to add the acid, to "activate" it. Then it must be kept charged, every two months, or put in use.

A 12V sealed battery with an acid 6-pack.






Lead-Acid batteries: These batteries are sold dry and sealed, for freshness and maximum strength. Battery acid must be added before use. It is included with the battery, unless stated otherwise. Read the instructions with each battery. Wear eye and skin protection. Use baking soda to neutralize spills.

Battery Charging: All lead acid batteries need to be kept charged, at least every 2-3 months, or they will become weaker and weaker with age. After 2 years of sitting they are less than 25% of their original strength. That’s why these batteries are sold dry. For a lead acid battery, life begins at the moment the electrolyte (dilute sulfuric acid) is added. 

Volts, Amps and Hours: The last number means the amp-hours. A 6N2 will deliver 2 amps for 1 hour (or 1 amp for 2 hours). A 6N4 will deliver 4 amps  for 1 hour (or 1 amp for 4 hours). Bigger batteries produce more amp-hours.   


Battery Charts

6 Volt Battery Chart 2008

6V Batteries Conventional

12V Battery Chart

12V Batteries  Conventional

12V Battery Chart - Yumicron p1

12V Batteries Yumicron p1

12V Battery Chart Yumicron Type p2

12V Batteries Yumicron p2

12V Battery Chart - Sealed Type

12V Batteries Sealed Type









6 Volt Battery List  (US models)

App colors:  small motorcycles, scooters, mopeds
Yuasa battery charts, moped parts catalogs
green or green means normally in stock
n.a. or none means not available


Cateye turn signal battery compartmentCateye turn signal battery pack 5-C cell NiCads 6.0V






Cateye   5-pack of vintage-size C-cell NiCads 5.5V    n.a.
These turn signal kits were a popular accessory on 70’s mopeds.
But there was not any extra electricity so they were not too bright.
All of the NOS batteries, made in 1980, have become weak or dead.
Modern C-cell NiCad batteries are wider, and do not fit in the box.
They can be soldered in series, and mounted on top, or elsewhere.
Here is a link to some freshly made ones:


6N2 Flat shape  2 3/4″ wide,  3 3/4″ tall,  1 3/4″ deep

battery acid for 6N2 size $8   150cc (6 oz)

6N2-2A dry, with acid pack  $27.0 
wires: male bullet, fuse + male bullet

Honda 50cc 1959-62 C100 Super Cub, C110 Super Sports Cub (top tank)
      not 60-62 C102 Super Cub, 62-69 CA102 Honda 50 (both elec start)
Honda 50cc 1961-62 CA100T (C100T) Trail 50, 62-70 CA100 Honda 50
Honda 50cc 1962-69 CA110 Sport 50 (top tank)
Honda 55cc 1962-63 C105T Trail 55, 63-65 CA105T Trail 55
Honda 65cc 1965-69  S65 (CS65) Sport 65,
Angel 1977-79 AP48, BP48, Speed Bird BP48, BP48S

Battery 6N2-2A vintage


6N2-2A-L1 dry, with acid pack  $32.0
wires: male bulletfuse+dual fem.bullet+male bullet

(some) Lazer 1977 Sport 50 (top tank with Minarelli V1)


6N2-2A-L2 dry, with acid pack  $32.0
wires: male bulletfuse+dual fem.bullet+male blade

(most) Lazer 1977 Sport 50 (top tank with Minarelli V1)

xxxxxxxxxx 6N2-2A-I1 dry, with acid pack  $32.0
xxxxxxxxxx wires: 6mm eyelet, fuse+dual fem.bullet+female bullet

(some) Indian AMI-50 Chief 1978 (early)

Indian Battery wires (late) 6N2-2A black = fem bullet red = fem + dbl fem bullet


6N2-2A-I2 dry, with acid pack  $32.0 
wires: female bullet, fuse+dual fem.bullet+fem bullet

(most) Indian AMI-50 Chief 1978-81

xxxxxxxxxx 6N2-2A-1 dry, with acid pack  $27.0   
xxxxxxxxxx wiresfuse + male bullet, male bullet

xxxxxxxxxx 6N2-2A-2 dry, with acid pack    $27.0   
xxxxxxxxxx wires: female bullet, male bullet

Battery 6N2-2A-3


6N2-2A-3 dry, with acid pack    $27.0   
6mm eyelet groundfemale bullet

Kawasaki 1970-72 G4TR Series (100cc), 70-71 F5 (350cc)   
Kawasaki 1971-72 F8 (250cc), 72 F9 (350cc) 
Yamaha 1970-71 HT1, HT1B 90 Enduro, 72 JT2 Mini Enduro (60cc)    
Yamaha 1969-70 CT1, CT1B, CT1C 175 Enduro   
Yamaha 1968-71 DT1, DT1B, DT1C, DT1E, 250 Enduro   
Yamaha 1970-71 RT1, RT1B 360 Enduro   


6N2-2A-4 dry, with acid pack  $27.0    
wires: female bullet, female bullet

Suzuki 1980-81 FA50 Shuttle
Suzuki 62-68 M30 Suzi (50cc), M31 Suzi (55cc)
Suzuki 1973-77 GT185, 71-72 TC90J,R,
Suzuki 19
72 RV90 Rover, 69-72 TS250 Savage 

xxxxxxxxxx 6N2-2A-6 dry, with acid pack  $27.0  same as 6N2-2A-2
xxxxxxxxxx wires: female bullet, male bullet

Battery 6N2-2A-8


6N2-2A-8 dry, with acid pack  $27.0 
wires: male bullet, fuse + female bullet

Honda 1978-79 NC50 Express

6N2A  Tall shape  2 3/4″ wide,   4 1/8″ tall,   1 3/4″ deep 

Battery 6N2A-2C-1

battery acid for 6N2A size $8   175cc (7 oz)

6N2A-2C-1 dry, without acid  $22
2-prong plug: male blade,  fuse + male blade
B60-6   superseded to 6N2A-2C-1

Honda 1969-70 Z50A Mini Trail

Battery 6N2A-2C-3

6N2A-2C-3 dry, with acid pack  none
4-prong plug: male blade, fuse + male blade
(2 of the 4 prongs are for an ignition “kill” jumper)
(unplug the battery and the engine stops running)

Honda 1977 NC50 Express
Honda 1971-73 SL70, 72-73 CT70

6N4 Square Shape  2 3/4″ wide,  3 5/8″ tall,  2 3/4″ deep

battery acid for 6N4 size $8   240cc (8 oz)

6N4-2A dry, with acid pack $30.0   
wires: female bullet, female bullet

Suzuki 50cc 1964 M12 Sports 50, 66 M15, 67 M12 Cavalier, 69 AS50 Maverick
Suzuki 50cc 1970 AC50 Maverick, 71 TS50 Hustler, 71 AC50 Scrambler
Suzuki 50cc 1974 TS50 Gaucho, 71 F50, F50R Cutlass, 79-83 FS50, FZ50 Rascal
Suzuki 75cc 1975-77 TS75, 80cc 64-65 K10, 65 K10D, 64-65 K11 Sports 80
Suzuki 100cc 1966 & 73-78 A100 Go-fer, 69 AC100, 73-77 TC100, TS100
Suzuki 120cc 1965 B100, 66-67 B120, 67 B105P, B100P
Suzuki 125cc 1973-76 RV125, 86-88 SP125, 185cc 1971-76 TS185 Sierra

xxxxxxxxxx 6N4-2A-3 dry, with acid pack $30.0
xxxxxxxxxx wires: female bullet, male bullet

Kawasaki 90cc 1969-72 G3SS (up to eng#235610) , 69-70 G3TR (up to eng# 235610)
Kawasaki 100cc 1972-73 G5, 71 G3TR (up to eng#235610)
Kawasaki 120cc 1967-69 C2TR Roadrunner, 67-69 C2SS Roadrunner

Battery 6N4-2A-4


6N4-2A-4 dry, with acid pack $30.0
wires: male bullet,  fuse + male bullet

Honda 1967-68 P50, PC50, 79-80 83-85 XL100S, 86 CT110 Trail 110
Honda 1979-84 XL125S, 79-83 XL185S, 78-81 XL250S, 79-81 XL500S
Trac (Daelim) 1984-90 Liberty, Escot, Image with DK50 engine (not Liberty ES)
Trac (Daelim) 1986-90 Olympic, Clipper, Hawk with DP50 engine

Battery 6N4-2A-5


6N4-2A-5 dry, with acid pack $30.0
6mm eyelet ground female bullet

Kawasaki 90cc 1973-75 MC1, 73-74 G3SS, 72 G3SS (eng#235611 and up)
Kawasaki 100cc 76-77 KH100B, 76 KV100A, 76-77 KM100A, 76-78 KE100A
Kawasaki 100cc 1974-75 G5, 73-75 G4TR, 75 G3SS, 71 G3TR (eng#235611 & up)
Kawasaki 125cc 1971-73 F6 Series, 175cc 71-75 F7 Series
Yamaha 1979-87 QT50 Yamahopper, 82 MJ50 Towny, 78-81 LB50 Chappy, LC50
Yamaha 1983-84 RX50, 1987-92 YSR50, 77-83 DT100, 70-73 RT360 Enduro
Yamaha 80cc 1973-80 GT80, GT1 Mini Enduro, 76-78 LB80 Chappy, 81-83 DT80

6N4-2A-6 dry, with acid pack  $30.0
4-prong plug: male blade, fuse + male blade
(2 of the 4 prongs are for an ignition “kill” jumper)
(unplug the battery and the engine stops running)

Honda 1980-83 NC50 Express
Honda 1980-81 NA50 Express II
Honda 1980-82 CT70 Trail, 83-85 XL80S, 80-84 CT110 Trail

xxxxxxxxxx 6N4-2A-8 dry, with acid pack $30.0  same as 6N4-2A-6    
xxxxxxxxxx 4-prong plug: male blade, fuse + male blade

6N4A Tall Shape   2 3/8″ wide,   5 1/8″ tall,   2 1/8″ deep


6N4A-4D dry, without acid     $28 
6mm eyelet ground female bullet

Yamaha 80cc: 1962-66 YG1, 70-71 G6S, G6SB, 72 G7S
Yamaha 100cc 1972-73 LT2, LT3 100 Enduro, 75-76 RS100
Yamaha 175cc 1972-73 CT2, CT3 175 Enduro
Yamaha 1973-75 RD60, 1982-83 XT125, 82-83 XT200

6N4B Flat Shape    3 7/8″ wide,   3 7/8″ tall,   1 3/4″ deep


6N4B-2A dry, with acid pack  $31   
wires: female bullet, female bullet

Suzuki 1979-80 OR50, 71 TC120, 73-77 RV90,TC125, 78-81 TS100 Honcho
Suzuki 1971-81 TS125 Duster, 77-81 TS185 Sierra, 73-81 TS250 Savage
Suzuki 1983 SP100, 71-77 TC125, 82-83 SP125, 73-81 TS250
Suzuki 1982-85 SP250, 78-79 SP370, 76-77 TS400 Apache, 80 SP400
Suzuki 1980-82 GN400, 81-83 SP500


Battery 6N4B-2A vintage


6N4B-2A-V  dry, with acid pack  $34
male bulletfuse + dual fem.bullet+male blade

General 1978-83 5-Star (top tank with Minarelli V1), 5-Star ST (Sachs 505)
Grycner 1979-83, aka Clinton, Jui Li (all step thru with Sachs 505)
AMS 1980-86 Sierra 50 (Sachs 505), Tahoe 50 (top tank Sachs 505)


6N4B-2A-3 dry, with acid pack  $32 
wires: male bullet, female bullet

Kawasaki 1973-75 F9 Series (350), F11 Series (250)
Yamaha 1988-90 DT50, 74-76 DT100, DT175, DT250, 74 DT360, 75-76 DT400

xxxxxxxxxx 6N4B-2A-4 dry, with acid pack   $29 
xxxxxxxxxx wires: male bullet, fuse + male bullet

Honda 1969-70 PC50A (US model)

Battery 6N4B-2A-5

490-2035-5  6N4B-2A-5 dry, wit acid pack  $30 
4-prong plug: male blade, fuse + male blade
(2 of the 4 prongs are for an ignition “kill” jumper)
(unplug the battery and the engine stops running)

Honda 1978-83 PA50 Hobbit 

6N4C  Tall Square  2 3/4″ wide,   4 1/8″ tall,   2 3/4″ deep

Battery 6N4C-1B


6N4C-1B dry, with acid pack    N/A 
2-prong plug: male blade, fuse + male blade

Honda 1974-79 CT70 Trail
Honda 1977-79 XL75, 80-82 XL80S, 81-82 XL100S

6N5.5  Standard   3 3/8″ wide,   3 7/8″ tall,   2 5/8″ deep


6N5.5-1D with acid pack  $31 
6mm eyelet,  fuse + 2 female bullets

Honda 1964-79 CT90/CT200 Trail 90
Honda 1969-75 ST90, SL90, 67-70 CL90 Scrambler

xxxxxxxxxx 6N5.5-1D-1 w/acid pack $28 
xxxxxxxxxx wires:
male bullet fuse + 2 female blades

Honda 1969-70 CL70 Scrambler

6N6 Thin Shape  3 7/8″ wide,   4 3/8″ tall,   2 1/4″ deep

Battery 6N6-1B


6N6-1B  w/acid pack       none
wires: male bullet,  fuse + 2 female bullets

Honda 90cc 1964-79 S90 Super (C90), 66-69 Honda 90 (C90M)
Honda 90cc 1963-66 CA200 Honda 90 (C200 Touring 90) (top tank)

xxxxxxxxxx 6N6-1D  w/acid pack       none  (discontinued by Yuasa)
xxxxxxxxxx wires: 6mm eyelet,  fuse + 2 female bullets

xxxxxxxxxx 6N6-1D-2  w/acid pack    none
male bullet female bullet

Kawasaki 1982 AR50, AR80, 82-01 KE100B, 79-81 KE100A, 79-81 KM100A
Kawasaki 1974-75 KS125, 76-83 KE125A, 76-78 KE175B,D
Kawasaki 1978-84 KL250A, 77-79 KE250B

Top of 6N6-3B

6N6-3B  w/acid pack   none 
no wires, 6V 6Ah

Honda 1970-73 SL100 Motosport, CL100 Scrambler, CB100 Super Sport
Honda 1971-93 SL125 Motosport, 74-76 MT125 Elsinore, 73-80 CB125S
Honda 1973-78 XL175, XL250, 74-76 MT250 Elsinore, 74-78 XL350

Top of 6N6-3B-1

6N6-3B-1  w/acid pack   none  
no wires, 6V 6Ah

Yamaha 1978-81 DT175, 77-79 DT250, 75-76 DT400, 76-82 XT500

B39-6 Very Thin  4 15/16″ wide,   4 15/16″ tall,   1 7/8″ deep

Top of B39-6

B39-6 with acid packet   $29  
no wires, 6V 7Ah

BSA 250 (6V), 350 (6V), 650 (6V)CZ 1982-99 125, 82-91 175,
Puch Cobra 80, Daytona 50, Monza 50 (Euro models)
Vespa (Piaggio) mopeds 1970’s-80’s (with turn signals):
Vespa 1976-84 C7E (Ciao), 77-80 EEV (Bravo), 78-84 048/068 (Grande)
Vespa (Piaggio) scooters 1960’s-80’s (no turn signals):
Vespa 1965-79 VBC (150 Super), 67-83 VMA (125 Primavera)
Vespa 1963-84 V9A (Vespa 90), 65-79 VLB (150 Sprint)
Lambretta (Innocenti) scooters 1960’s-70’s (no turn signals): 125, 175

B49-6 Very Tall  3 3/4″ wide,   6 5/16″ tall,   3 5/16″ deep

xxxxxxxxxx B49-6  with acid  pack   none
xxxxxxxxxx no wires, 6V 8Ah

BMW 250cc R25, R25/2, R25/3
BMW 500cc R51, R51/2, R51/3
BMW 650cc R69S
Vespa 1968-73 VSD (180 Rally), 72-79 VSE (Rally 200)

6B8L Standard   4 3/4″ wide,   3 3/4″ tall,   2 3/4″ deep

Top of 6N6-3B-16CB8L-B  dry, with acid pack   none
no wires, 6V 8Ah

Yamaha 83-86 CA80 Riva, 84 CV50 Riva

6N11, 6YB11 Long  5 7/8″ wide,  3 15/16″ tall,  2 3/4″ deep

Top of 6N11-2D6N11-2D  dry, with acid pack  none   use 6YB11L-2D
6YB11L-2D dry, with acid pack   none
Yumicron, 30% more cranking power than 6N11

Honda 1970-73 C70M Honda 70 (elec start)
Honda 1980-81 C70 Passport (elec start)
Yamaha 83-87 CV80 Riva (the last 6 volt US-model motor-driven cycle?)

6N11A Tall Shape  4 13/16″ wide,  5 1/8″ tall,  2 3/4″ deep

Top of 6N11A-1B

490-2062   6N11A-1B with acid  none
no wires, tall 6V 11Ah

BMW 1955-69 (one cylinder) R26 (260cc), R27
Harley Davidson SS350
Vespa 60’s-80’s 6V scooters (with turn signals) :
Vespa 1965-79 VBC (150 Super), 67-83 VMA (125 Primavera)
Vespa 1963-84 V9A (Vespa 90), 65-79 VLB (150 Sprint)

6N12A Thin Shape   6 1/8″ wide,  4 9/16″ tall,  2 1/4″ deep

Top of 6N12-2D78-1096    6N12A-2D without acid  $35 
no wires, thin 6V 12Ah

Honda 1969-70 CA175 Touring (CD175)
Hpnda 1978-79 CM185 Twinstar, 80 CM200T Twinstar

B38-6A Tall Shape  4 11/16″ wide,  6 15/16″ tall,  3 1/4″ deep

Top of B39-6B38-6A with acid    none
no wires, 6V 13Ah

BMW 1955-69 (2 cyl) 500cc R50/2, R50/6,
BMW 1955-69 600cc R60, R60/2, 650cc R69, R69S


12 Volt Battery List (US models)

App colors:  small motorcycles, scooters, mopeds
Yuasa battery charts, moped parts catalogs
green or green means normally in stock
n.a. or none means not available

B2.5L Box Shape  3 3/16″ wide,  4 1/8″ tall,  2 3/4″ deep

xxxxxxxxxx CB2.5L-C dry, with acid pack  none  generic 
xxxxxxxxxx YB2.5L-C dry, with acid pack
  none  Yuasa
xxxxxxxxxx wires: male bulletfemale bullet

Honda 1982 MB5 (50cc)

Battery YB2.5L-C-1

YB2.5L-C-1 dry, with acid pack  none  Yuasa
4-prong plug: male blade, male blade
(2 of the 4 prongs are for an ignition “kill” jumper)
(unplug the battery and the engine stops running)

Honda ’82-83 NU50 Urban Express

B3L Flat Shape   3 7/8″ wide,   4 3/8″ tall,   2 1/4″ deep

Top of 12N9-3A-1CB3L-A  dry, with acid pack  none generic
YB3L-A  dry, with acid pack  none Yuasa

Honda 1990 NS50, 83-84 XL200R Twinstar
Honda 1982-87 XL250R, 84-85 XL350R, 82 XL500R, 83-87 XL600R
Yamaha 1984 XT250, 85-00 XT350

Top of YB4L-BCB3L-B  dry, with acid pack  none generic
YB3L-B  dry, with acid pack  none Yuasa

Yamaha 1984 XT250, 85-00 XT350  

B4L Flat Shape  4 3/4″ wide,   3 5/8″ tall,   2 3/4″ deep

Top of YB4L-BCB4L-B  dry, with acid pack  none  generic
YB4L-B  dry, with acid pack  $46.0 Yuasa

Aprilia 2000-01 SR50, 00-03 Scarabeo 50, 00-05 RS50,RS250, 04-05 Mojito,Rally
Honda 84-85 NQ50 Spree, 84 NN50MD Gyro, 83-84 NB50M Aero
Yamaha 1986-87 CE50 Riva Jog, 88-91 CG50 Riva,
Yamaha 87-01 SH50 Riva Razz, 89-90 CW50 Zuma, 97-01 CW50 Zuma II


T4L, TX4L Flat Sealed  4 1/2″ w,  3 3/8″ t,  2 13/16″ d

Top of YT4L-BSCTX4L-BS with acid  $42  generic
YTX4L-BS with acid  $56  Yuasa

Honda 1985-87 NB50 Aero, 86-87 NQ50 Spree, 87-01 SA50/SE50 Elite, 88 ZB50
Honda 1985-86 TG50 Gyro, 91-96 CT70 Trail, XL250R, 86-87 TLR200
Tomos 2001-12 Revival, Revival TS, 05-12 Streetmate, 08-13 Streetmate-R
Tomos 2005 LX Limited, 2006-08 Arrow-R
Yamaha 1992-01 CY50 Riva Jog, 01-04 YJ50R Vino

T4B Very Flat Sealed 4 1/2″ w,  3 7/16″ t,  1 9/16″ d

Top of YT4B-BSYT4B-BS dry, with acid pack  none  Yuasa

Yamaha 2006 TTR50E Electric Start
Yamaha 2001-04 YJ50R Vino, Vino Classic
Yamaha 2003-07 TTR90E Electric Start, TTR125E,EL Electric Start

B5L (12N5)  Flat Shape  4 3/4″ wide,  5 1/8″ tall,  2 3/8″ deep

Top of YB4L-B12N5-3B with acid   none  use YB5L-B
12V 5Ah, original on:

Suzuki 250cc 1969 T20, TC250 Scrambler, 70-72 T250, T250-II, T250-J, T250-R
Suzuki 1973-77 GT250 Hustler, 86-88 T200, TC200, 85 SP600, 90-91 DR650S
Suzuki 1969 T305, TC305 Scrambler, 79 T350, 72-75 TS400 Apache,
Yamaha 1968 YAS1/C (125cc), 69-70 DS6B, DS6C (250cc), 69 R3 (350cc)

xxxxxxxxxx  YB5L-B  with acid   none Yuasa (or CB5L-B generic)
xxxxxxxxxx  replaces 12N5-3B, 30% more cranking power

Honda 1982-83 C70 Passport (elec start), 83-84 NH80MD Aero, 84 NH125 Aero
Yamaha 1982-83 XT500, 84-89 XT600, 86 SRX600

Top of 12N5-4B12N5-4B with acid   none 
plus and minus are opposite of 12N5-3B

Honda 1962-65 CL72 Scrambler 250

12N5.5 Flat Shape  5 5/16″ wide,  5 1/8″ tall,  2 3/8″ deep

Top of YB4L-B12N5.5-3B with acid none   
12V 5.5Ah

Yamaha 125cc 1968 YAS1/C, 69 AS2/C, 250cc 1968 YR2/C
Yamaha 1984-85 RZ350, LS2 (100cc), 70-71 HS1, HS1B (90cc)
Vespa 1977-84 VSX (P200E, PX200E)
Vespa 1978-84 V9B (Vespa 100, 100 Sport), 81-85 VNX (Vespa PX125E)

12N5.5A Box Shape  4 1/16″ wide,  4 1/2″ tall,  3 9/16″ deep

Top of YB4L-B12N5.5A-3B with acid none   
12V 5.5Ah

Yamaha 1972 LS2 (100cc), 75-76 RD125, 73-75 RD250, 72 DS7 (250cc)
Yamaha 350cc 1970-72 R5, R5B, R5C, 73-75 RD350, 76-79 RD400

B7/B7L (12N7) Flat    5 5/16″ wide,   5 1/4″ tall,  3″ deep

Top of YB4L-B12N7-3B with acid    none   use YB7L-B
12V 7Ah, original on:

Harley Davidson 1973-76 Z90, 73-78 TX125, 75-78 SXT125, 74-78 SS125, SX125
Harley Davidson 1974-78 SS175, SX175, SS250, SX250
Kawasaki 1966-70 W1, W2 (650cc)
Yamaha 1968 YG5S, YG5T (80cc), 68 YL2C/CM (100cc), 69-70 L5TA (100cc)
Yamaha 1969-71 AT1E, AT1B, AT1C 125 Enduro, 72-73 AT2, AT3 125 Enduro

rxxxxxxxxx  YB7L-B  with acid     none  Yuasa (or CB7L-B generic)
xxxxxxxxxx  replaces 12N7-3B, 30% more cranking power

Yamaha 1974-81 DT125 Enduro, 81-82 SR185 Exciter, 1977 XS360-2, 78-81 SR500

B9/B9L (12N9) Flat  5 5/16” wide,   5 1/2″ tall,   3″ deep

Top of 12N9-3A12N9-3A with acid   none  generic
12V 9Ah

Honda 1960-62 CB72 Hawk (250cc), CB77 Super Hawk (305cc)
Honda 1963-66 CA72 Dream Touring 250, CA77 Dream Touring 305

Top of YB4L-B12N9-3B  with acid   none  use YB9L-B
12V 9Ah, original on:

Kawasaki 1976 KH500A, 73-71 H1 Series (500cc)

xxxxxxxxxx  YB9L-B  with acid    none Yuasa (or CB9L-B generic)
xxxxxxxxxx  replaces 12N9-3B, 30% more cranking power

Honda 1985-87 CMX250C Rebel, Rebel LTD

Top of 12N9-3A-112N9-3A-1 w/acid  none  use YB9L-A2
12V 9Ah (discontinued by Yuasa)

Yamaha 200cc 1968 YCS1, 70-71 CS3B, CS3C, 72 CS5, 74-76 RD200

xxxxxxxxxx  YB9L-A2  w/acid  none Yuasa (or CB9L-A2 generic)
xxxxxxxxxx  replaces 12N9-3A-1, 30% more cranking power

Kawasaki 1986-94 EX250 Ninja, 88-93 EL250, EL250HS, 83 EX305-B GP

Top of 12N5-4B12N9-4B-1  w/acid   none  use YB9-B
12V 9Ah, original on these ’66-76 models

Honda 1966-69 CB160 Sport 160, CL160 Scrambler 160
Honda 1968-73 CB175 Super Sport, CL175 Scrambler
Honda 1967-68 CL160D Scrambler 160D (electric start)
Honda 1974 CL200 Scrambler, 74-76 CB200T
Kawasaki 1966-71 A1 (250cc), 66-71 A7 (350cc)

xxxxxxxxxx  YB9-B  none Yuasa (or CB9-B generic)
xxxxxxxxxx  replaces 12N9-4B-1, 30% more cranking power

Honda 1976-77 CJ360T, 78-79 CB400T1 Hawk 1
Honda 1982-83 CM250C Custom, 81-82 CM400T Twinstar
Honda 1984 CH125 Elite, 85-86 CH150 Elite Deluxe
Vespa 1978-84 VLX (P150X, PX150E)

B10L (12N10) Flat  5 5/16″ wide, 5 3/4″ tall, 3 9/16″ deep

Top of YB4L-B12N10-3B  with acid  none  use YB10L-B
12V 9Ah, original on these models:

Yamaha 1964-66 YA6 (125cc) (electric start)

xxxxxxxxxx  YB10L-B  with acid  none Yuasa (or CB10L-B generic)
xxxxxxxxxx  replaces 12N10-3B, 30% more cranking power




July 14, 2014

Motobecane Crankshafts

These are for 1970’s Motobecane mopeds with type AV7 (1970’s versions).

Motobecane Crankshafts: are the same for variator and non-variator pulley-clutches.
Top is used, pre-1980, shorter right side threads. Takes special 16mm bearings 6302QR 16x42x13.
Bottom is new 1980-later original, machined to 15mm at bearings, to take ordinary bearings 6302 15x42x13.

Myrons offers new pre-1980 crankshafts, that take special 6302QR bearings.

But Myrons does not offer the special bearings for the original cranks.

Instead we offer a new original 1980-later crankshaft that has been machined from 16mm to 15mm at the center where the bearings press on. The press fit is precise and correct. The piston pin and needle bearing are new, included, and factory sealed in wax, that peels off. Two 6302 bearings, and two 15x21x4 seals are included. Price is $180.

It is long enough to take the 1980-later hex nut, sold separately at $10. But it will also take the pre-1980 square-hole nut, if the extra threads are ground off.






July 14, 2014

Horn types

AC and DC: Most mopeds do not have a battery, so the electricity is all AC alternating current from the generator (magneto). Motorcycles and some mopeds do have a battery. Their electricity is DC direct current. Horns are made for either AC or DC. DC horns sound like a beeeeeeeep. The pitch is steady because the battery voltage is steady. AC horns sound like a wrong answer buzzer. The pitch goes up and down with the rpm of the engine. AC and DC horns look similar, but do not interchange. All modern scooters and motorcycles have 12 volt DC horns. They are common. Some older Taiwanese mopeds have 6 volt DC horns. AC buzzers are “old school” and are not on anything modern.

Factors that affect AC horn loudness

Internal corrosion: Used moped horns that are on bikes loose loudness after many years. That is from corrosion on the aluminum sound plate and the zinc-plated steel surface it buzzes against. Horns that have been kept in a sealed wrapper do not loose loudness.  

Headlight on or off: AC moped horns are loud with the headlight off, but quiet with the headlight on. That is because the horn and headlight share the same generator power, which is not well regulated, and limited in wattage. When the headlight is off the horn gets 10-15 volts, and when the light is on it gets 5-8 volts. The effect gets worse the more watts the headlight uses. 

Generator power: AC horn loudness depends on the generator power. You never know if a horn that works on a Peugeot for example, would work on a Puch, until you try it. Or it might work good on Puch at low rpm, but not high. Maybe visa versa on Garelli. 

Voltage regulation: Before the mid-1980’s there was a lot less generator power, typically 6 volt 25 watts. With the advent of solid-state AC voltage regulators, generator power was increased, typically 12 volt 50 watts. The regulated AC voltage eliminated the problem of the horn getting loosing loudness when the headlight was turned on.

Factors that affect DC horn loudness

Internal corrosion: Used moped horns that are on bikes loose loudness after many years. That is from corrosion on the aluminum sound plate and the zinc-plated steel surface it buzzes against. Horns that have been kept in a sealed wrapper do not loose loudness.  

Battery power: Motorcycles that have electric start have large batteries with plenty of power available for the horn. But pedal or kick start mopeds with small batteries can have a weak horn caused by a weak battery.

Horn testing

You cannot easily tell whether a horn is good or bad. You cannot easily look inside because it is riveted together. You cannot perform a valid test of it unless you have the moped it is intended to go on, running, with working horn wires and button.


Horns for Sale

6 volt AC horn, 18 watt $28  freshly-made in Italy





Switches Menu

July 14, 2014

updated 2022-01


A. Handlebar Switches
Separate from controls


B. Handlebar Switches
Integrated into controls


C. Brake Light Switches


D. Switches not on the handlebar


All in One means all of the buttons in one switch unit: lights, horn, and engine stop. Most 1950’s-60’s mopeds had an “All in One” type switch, either CEV, Aprilia, or others, mounted on the left handlebar.

USA switches: Before 1972, on motorcycles and motorized bicycles, switches did not have to meet US DOT requirements. They did not have to be in a certain place. They did not have to say what they were for. They did not have to be reachable without letting go of the handlebar. But after 1972 they did have to meet those safety requirements. 



Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)

From  Fratelli Pagani was born in 1906 in Milan and evolved together the Italy’s evolution throughout the XX century. It was the first factory of batteries in Italy and began to invest for design the first hand-lamps. It started a wide range of innovations still in use: birth of first case, birth of first anti-black-out lamp, invention of first headlamp, creation of dynamo lamp.

Following the opening of the headquarters in Venegono Superiore (VA) in 1937, the C.E.V. brand was born (Constructions Electromechanical Venegonese) for the production of on-board instrumentations for aeronautic purposes. In the ‘50s, in Milan, the production of batteries stopped and the production efforts focused on the creation of flashlights and lamps. Instead, in Venegono, the production of equipment and headlights went on for motorcycle market. In the ‘70s, CEV company produced mainly for great customers including some international leaders in the batteries and lamps sectors and joined in the distribution process of Italian and foreign large organised distribution networks.

In 2001 CEV was acquired by Zadi Group


In 1966 Merit Werke began in Germany, then later moved to Malta, in the Mediterranean. They still make automotive switches, with the same MW logo, but with the name Merit Malta.



Italian made Aprilia electrical components were on 1960’s and 70’s motorcycles.








July 14, 2014


1. a. Wedge bulbs (all glass, push on)
1. b. Festoon bulbs (glass tube, push on)
1. c. Screw base bulbs (screw on)
2. Bayonet base bulbs (push and turn)
3. Plate base headlight bulbs

4. Bulb information



Most moped light bulbs are standard automotive bulbs. Most bulbs are made in 6 volt or 12 volt versions, But finding 6V bulbs is difficult since all cars are 12V since the 1970’s. In all of these magneto/generator powered head lights, a 12 volt bulb will replace a 6 volt one, but won’t be as bright.


wedge bulbs1a. Miniature All-Glass Wedge Bulbs:
044.687   6V 1.2w          5mm wedge Osram  $3.00 
for Tomos speedos (CEV) late 80’s

ELG74     12V 1.2w  74  5mm wedge Flüsser $3.00
for Tomos speedos (CEV black) 1990 to 2002

6V1.7W     6V 1.7w       10mm wedge    N/A

12-1080 12V 3w    194 10mm wedge  $1.00 or $5.00 for 10

1b. Festoon Bulbs – look like glass fuses 
festoon bulb 8 x 28 SV7-8 endsFor hi-beam indicator inside “bullet” headlight: 
20.0908    6V 0.6w 000  6 x 31    SV6 ends     $2.00
10626.5    6V 1.5w CEV  8 x 28    SV7-8 ends  none 
For some Euro tail lamps:
14210.00   6V  3w  000  8 x 30   SV8.5-8 ends  $2.00

ELB6428  12V 3w  CEV   8 x 28    SV7-8 ends  $2.00
ELB6428  12V 3w  CEV   8 x 31    SV7-8 ends  $2.00
14100.0   12V 5w  000  11 x 39  SV8.5-8 ends $2.00
festoon bulb 11 x 36 #211
00000.00  6V  5w  000  11 x 39  SV8.5-8 ends  none
For some Euro head lamps:
000.000    6V 15w  000  15 x 44  SV8.5-8 ends $3.00
200019   12V 10w  000  11 x 44  SV8.5-8 ends $2.00
12V15W  12V 15w  000  11 x 44  SV8.5-8 ends $2.50


6V 0.6W E10 bulb1c. Bulbs with E10 screw base, single contact
6V0.6W    6V 0.6w            $1.50
for 76-80 Peugeot speedometer
14460      6V  6w  yellow   $2.50  
for early Solex 3800 head light

6V 6W E10 yellow bulb

2. Bayonet Base Bulbs

 These bulbs have little nubs on the base. You push in and rotate clockwise to install.

Bulbs 2aBA7s bulbBulbs with BA7s base, 7mm bayonet single  
10632.1     6V 0.6w  CEV   N/A   use 7V 0.7W
7V0.7W     7V 0.7w           $1.00
6V1.0W     6V 1.0w           $1.50
SAE1262    6V 1.5w           $1.50
SAE3898   12V  2w           $1.50
for 78-80 Motobecane/03-07 Tomos/other VDO

55 BA9s bulbBulbs with BA9s base, 9mm bayonet single
6V0.8W     6V 0.8w   47   $1.50  long glass
200002     6V 1.5w   51   $1.50  small glass
6V2.0W     6V  2w            $1.00  small glass
6V3.0W     6V  3w            $2.00  small glass
6V4.0W     6V  4w            $2.50  long glass
200003    12V  2w   53    $1.50  small glass
200004    12V  2w   53    $1.50  long glass
for 1987-on Tomos turn or hi beam indicator
12V3W    12V  3w   57      N/A     large glass
SAE3893 12V 4w Everglo  $2.50  long glass
1423000 12V 4w xxxxxx  $2.00  small glass

63 BA15s bulb

BA15s base, 15mm bayonet single, small glass
ELB5006   6V  5w    63     $2.00
for 77-later Puch, must have this to be bright
6V8W       6V  8w    00     $2.50 for Cateye turn sig.
SAE81      6V 10w   81     $2.00
SAE57     12V  5w   67     $1.50
SAE97     12V  8w   97     $1.50
SAE89     12V 10w  89     $1.50

BA15s base, 15mm bayonet single, large glass
SAE87       6V 13w      87    none   = 6V 15cp
SAE1129   6V 18w  1129   $2.00 = 6V 21cp
6V 21w  0000   $2.50
6V24W      6V 24w  1133   $2.00 = 6V 32cp very large glass
SAE1003 12V 12w  1003   $1.50 = 12V 14cp
12V 21w  0000   $2.50
SAE1156 12V 27w  1156  $2.00 = 12V 32cp

cp = w * 15/12.57 = w * 1.19


1176 BA15d bulbBA15d base, 15mm bayonet two-contact, equal nubs
2-filament kinds conduct through the shell, like most bulbs.
6V15.15w   6V 15/15w      none  2-filaments 2-contacts
12V21.6c  12V 21/6cp 1176   $2 2-filaments 2-contacts
12V17.5w 12V 17/6w  1158   $3 2-filaments 2-contacts
for most 1950’s car’s turn/brake/tail light. Obsolete.
1-filament kinds do not conduct through the metal shell.  
12V4cp     12V 4cp     1178   N/A  1-filament, 2-contacts


BAY 15d base, 15 bayonet 2-contacts, unequal nubs
10630.1    6V 15/3w   CEV   $2.50
10630.3    6V 18/3w   CEV   none 
for Vespa Ciao tail light
SAE1154   6V 21/5w  1154  $2.00
SAE1157  12V 27/8w 1157  $1.00      box of 10 $6.00
24V216c  24V 21/6cp           $1.50



12V 35-35w BA20d bulbBA20d base, 20 bayonet 2-contacts, unequal nubs
6V25.25   6V 25/25w          $7.00
for Derbi Variant Sport 1986-89
20-0018 12V 35/35w Narva $5.00
for Tomos Revival/Streetmate
044.701 12V 25/25w           $5.00
for Tomos ’90-on, square HL, ’95-05 Kinetic TFR


 3. Plate Base Headlight Bulbs

These are all for head lights, for higher power and precise focus.

P15d (P15d-1) 15×30 “3-hole plate” double plate bulbs 212V 35-35 P15d bulb
6V25.25    6V 25/25w      P15d base  $12   
500310    12V 35/35w      P15d base  $12
12V5050  12V 50/50w      P15d base  $10



12V 45-45w P15d-3 bulbP15d-3 base, 15×25 “3-tab plate” double
12V35.35  12V 35/35w     P15d-3 base   N/A




12V 15w P26s bulbP26s base, 15×26  “stepped plate” single
C-1432      6V 15w       P26s base    $4.50
for 1984-86 Puch with square Niox headlight
and for many 60’s-70’s non-US-model mopeds
20-0023  12V 15w      P26s base    $7.00
for Tomos Arrow-R and Streetmate-R (dual HL)



PX15d base, 15×24 “plain plate” double
632729   6V 15/15w    PX15d base      N/A
632787  12V 15/15w    PX15d base     $7 
632843  12V 18/18w    PX15d base    N/A
633905  12V 25/25w    PX15d base    N/A





4. Bulb Info

Mopeds frequently burn out bulbs, from both vibration and surges of electricity. Because there’s no battery, the voltage varies a little. At idle the lights are very dim, but at full speed they’re bright. Hopefully they’re not bright white, as that means they might burn out soon. Yellow is good but orange is too dim.

Head light: For some reason, many old 6 volt mopeds need 12 volt bulbs, or else they burn out. Some might even need a 12V AC voltage regulator ($25) added on in addition to 12V bulbs, to help prevent bulb burn out. All 6 volt mopeds can use 12 volt headlight bulbs, but the headlight is dimmer. On most 6 volt mopeds (with head and tail powered by same wire) using 12 volt headlight bulbs, the tail light is brighter. On some 6 volt mopeds using 12 volt headlight bulbs, the tail light is dimmer.

Tail light: European mopeds with 4-coil Bosch 90mm magnetos, like 1977-86 Puch, or 1977-79 Batavus, need a 6V 21W headlight bulb instead of a 12V 26W #1156, in order for the tail lite to be bright.

Brake light: Some bikes have issues where the brake light is needed for the ignition to function. On those with a single 2-filament bulb, they might loose spark when the brakes are applied with a 12 volt #1157 bulb. Then they need a 6 volt #1154 light bulb. On those with two 1-filament bulbs and a secret hidden resistor inside (connected in parallel with the brake light), they normally do not loose spark when the brake light bulb is wrong, burned out, disconnected or missing. See tail lights. 

Battery power: Large motorcycles and cars have headlights powered by battery. With a battery the voltage is steady and limited. Those lights do not burn out often (except maybe from vibration). When several lights are powered by one battery wire, and one of them burns out, the others are normally not affected.

Generator power: Small motorcycles and mopeds have headlights powered by generator. With a generator the voltage rises and falls with engine speed, and can become too high at times. When several lights are powered by one generator wire, and one of them burns out, the others get more voltage and become brighter. Then soon they also burn out from that over-voltage. For example, you are riding along and you speedometer light suddenly gets brighter. That might mean your tail light just burned out, and soon the head and speedometer light will follow.

Watts matching: With generator power and without a solid-state voltage regulator, for each generator output wire, the total watts of all the bulbs powered by that wire must match the rated watts of that generator output. Generators (magnetos) usually have more than one lighting output. For example a 1977 Batavus has a 6-wire Bosch magneto with 3 lighting outputs 6V 5W (for 6V 5W bulb), 6V 10W (for 6V 10W bulb), and 6V 22W (for 6V 21W plus 6V 1.5W bulbs). When the correct bulbs are used, the watts match. Then the lights are not too bright going fast, and not too dim going slow. 

Voltage regulation: Bulb watts matching and multiple lighting outputs became obsolete in the 1980’s with the advent of low-cost efficient and reliable solid-state (electronic) voltage regulation. A regulator makes the generator behave like a battery, with a maximum voltage limit. Some makes had this earlier in the 1970’s, like Motobecane. Under the headlight was a 2 inch box with cooling fins. A thing that looks like a 80’s power transistor is screwed into it. It is actually a dual zener power diode, that regulates in both directions for AC, in this case 6 volt. It limits the voltage to below about 7 VAC. Almost all modern AC voltage regulators are 12 volt, since 6 volt equipment also became obsolete in the 1970’s and 80’s.