
May 14, 2016

Contents:  Avanti Batavus  Derbi Motobecane

Contents:  Peugeot Puch  Sachs  Tomos  Vespa


Avanti (Garelli VIP remake)

2001 Avanti Autopower

Avanti cover set:  none









Batavus (Laura M48 engine)

Laura M48 magneto (right) and clutch (left) covers are the same.

Laura, Motobecane, Batavus, Badger, Solo, Angel, Speed Bird magneto covers all interchange, because they all have a 124 mm inner diameter. Here are some original examples:

Motobecane magneto cover

1970’s Motobecane

Batavus clutch cover

’70’s Batavus (Laura M48)

Laura engine cover

early 1970’s Laura M48


1970’s Angel (TYM)









Solo type 254/255

Solo type 236/237

Tas BE-48 (Solo 236)









Here are some examples with the 1980 Motobecane replacement covers installed. For Solo and Tas engines a piece of wire is required, wrapped around engine and the replacement cover tabs.

Replacement cover
installed on Solo

Batavus M48 with late Motobecane magneto cover

Replacement cover
installed on Batavus









1980’s Motobecane engine cover
124mm ID, black, with tabs, price $19.0

Above, this one cover fits and replaces all of those covers above. It is exactly for a early 1980’s Motobecane. But it fits anything that takes a 124mm ID round cover.  It is deep enough for stock mopeds. But it is not deep enough for some Motobecane CDI magnetos, or any that are much taller than stock. It comes with two rubber clips to hold it onto the metal “ears” on the engine case.






Derbi Covers

Part #  # ←pic#….Description Price      Applications
########### ### ################### #### #########################
000.821.5100 1 footrest right $25 1976-1979 Derbi SL, SLE
000.821.5500 2 footrest left $35 1976-1979 Derbi SL, SLE
000.821.5180 chaingaurd left grey N/A 1976-1979 Derbi SL
000.823.0150 9 engine cover right grey $80 1976-1979 Derbi SL
000.823.0200 10 engine cover left grey $70 1976-1979 Derbi SL
000.872.2220 chaingaurd right gold 1976-1979 Derbi SLE
000.871.5180 chaingaurd left gold 1976-1979 Derbi SLE
000.873.0150 engine cover right gold N/A 1976-1979 Derbi SLE
000.873.0200 11 engine cover left gold $50 1976-1979 Derbi SLE
000.851.5180 TT chaingaurd left black 1976-1986 Derbi TT
000.853.0150 12 engine cover right black $80 1976-1979 Derbi TT
000.853.0200 13 engine cover left black $60 1976-1979 Derbi TT
0A0.???.???? 14 engine cover L blk used $50 1984-1986 Derbi SL (no cavity)
original only 5 center cover (early non) $70 1976-1979 Derbi SL, SLE, TT
000.821.8220 6 center cover (non reed) N/A 1976-1982 Derbi SL, SLE, TT
0A0.220.0561 7 center cover (reed) $70 1983-1986 Derbi SL, SLE, TT
000.871.5100 3 footrest right $35 1986-1989 Derbi Variant Sport
        continued … 1980-1986 Derbi SL, SLE
000.871.5500 4 footrest left $50 1986-1989 Derbi Variant Sport
        continued … 1980-1986 Derbi SL, SLE
0F0.221.0221 chaingaurd right N/A 1986-1989 Derbi Variant Sport
0F0.152.0181 chaingaurd left N/A 1986-1989 Derbi Variant Sport
000.853.0150 engine cover right N/A 1986-1989 Derbi Variant Sport
000.853.0200 engine cover left N/A 1986-1989 Derbi Variant Sport
0A0.182.0221 8 center cover N/A 1986-1989 Derbi Variant Sport

Derbi Center Panels: The center panel choke button is supposed to push the Delorto carburetor choke lever down, and later allow it to release back up after the bike is started and the throttle is momentarily maxed out. But it often does not work properly, and it is finicky. When it sticks, either on or off, you must wiggle or move the center panel to make it click, or else remove the panel and operate the lever directly. The main cause is an incorrect angle of the carburetor. Loosen the clamp and rotate one way or the other. The carb should be vertical, but the finicky panel might require it to be slightly tipped. Because of this difficulty, many Derbi owners have cut holes in, or removed and discarded their center panels. Derbi fixed the problem on the 1986-1989 models by using a choke cable and a right handlebar lever. No more reaching down and fussing. 

Derbi Center Panel Choke Button Parts: There are three different “feet” that press onto the vertical plastic button shaft. Here are shown the correct ones, for reference purposes. Some are for sale but not yet listed. Also the steel tongue at the front is for sale but not shown here.



Motobecane side covers are listed in Motobecane 40, 50, 50V Parts, section 28-29 frame parts.


Motobecane 50 Leg Shields

This is an original leg shield set #20250, and mounting bracket set #20290.
It is new but there are some minor scratches, from years of being kept on parts shelves.
These have all sold. Only the lower mount kit is available.

Here is a diagram of some 1950-60’s Motobecane leg shields. The mounts are different.


Motobecane Flywheel Cover

70’s- 80’s Motobecane flywheel-magneto cover, 124mm ID

Motobecane magneto cover black new $19.0 with tabs
Motobecane magneto cover gray used $25-30 original without tabs





Peugeot 103, General and Taiwan clones

Peugeot 103 covers

Peugeot 103 original covers N/A

Peugeot 103 chrome covers $45/set
These are the same as the type 2 black ones below.







Peugeot 103 side covers,  1. original N/A2. repro plastic $45/set3. repro fiberglass $40/set
Type 2 fits well. It says PEUGEOT in raised letters. The new soft plastic has some scratches.
Type 3 requires rubber washers at front bolts. They have a small 1/4″ to 3/8″ gap at the frame.


Covers #3 have a 3/8″ gap where they are supposed to touch the frame.
Rubber risers go under the front screws. They make installation difficult.


All of these models take the same side covers:

1976 Peugeot 103 LVS

1976 Peugeot 103 LVS

1980 Peugeot 103 SPB

1980 Peugeot 103 SPB

1975 Peugeot Sport

1975 Peugeot Sport
General copied this

1981 General 5 Star

1981 General 5 Star
and many compatibles








Peugeot 102 covers

Peugeot 102 covers

Peugeot 102

L    L side cover, used, blue              N/A
L1  L toolbox, used, blue                 $50
L2  L toolbox, used, bluish silver      $45
L3  L toolbox, used, bluish silver      $45
L4  L toolbox, used, blu-sil, 1 knob   $35
R    R side cover, new, blue              N/A
R1  R toolbox, used, blue, 1 bracket $35
R2  R tool. used blu-sil, no brackets $25
R3  R tool. used blu-sil, no brackets $20
R4  R tool. used blu-sil, no brackets $20


magneto cover Peugeot alum rough  $25


1. Maxi 1-speed covers generic


Puch Maxi, Newport, Sport

1 410200 side panel set Puch 1-speed black generic     $39

2 000000 side panel set Puch 1-sp used black orig xlnt N/A
2 000000 side panel set Puch 1-sp used black rough    $30

Puch Maxi 1 and 2 speed covers

3 000000 side panel set Puch 2-sp used black rough    $60

5 204900 screw M5 x 46 with black knob  replica new   $3
204900 screw M5 x 46 with black knob original used  $8
204900 screw M5 x 46 with gray knob original used  $12
5 000000 screw M5 x 45 phillips head substitute new   50¢

6 000000 left side panel Puch 1-sp used black rough   $30
6 000000 left side panel Puch 2-sp used black rough   $45
6 000000 left side panel Puch 1-sp used grey rough    $55

7 000000 right side panel Puch 2-sp used black rough $45
7 000000 right side panel Puch 1-sp used black rough $25

Puch Maxi side covers exploded view

Puch Maxi side covers exploded view

7 000000 right side panel Puch 1-sp used grey rough  $45

8 205100 screw M5 x 36 with black knob  replica new   $3
205100 screw M5 x 36 with black knob original used  $8
205100 screw M5 x 36 with gray knob original used  $12
8 000000 screw M5 x 35 phillips head substitute new   50¢

Right screws: 2 long and 1 short.   Left:  1 long and 2 short

1977 Puch Maxi

1977 Puch Maxi


All of the Maxi one speed models have the same covers: Maxi, Maxi Luxe, Maxi Sport, Sport, Newport. All of the Maxi two speed models have the same covers: Maxi II, Maxi Sport LS 2, Sport MkII, Newport II.


magneto cover Puch used            $20-$40



Puch Rigid cover set

Puch Rigid cover set, black

Puch Rigid, GN, Maxi N

Puch 1978 GN

1978 Puch Rigid

This is the no rear suspension model.







Puch Magnum side cover set

Puch Magnum, Sears, JC Penney side covers.

Puch Magnum, Sears Free Spirit, Murray, JC Penney

side panel set Puch Magnum used black original   N/A
right side panel Puch Magnum used black original N/A
left side panel  Puch Magnum used black original  N/A

side panel screw with knob aftermarket  M5x15    $3
side panel screw with knob original new  M5x15    $6
side panel screw with knob original used M5x15    $3

side panel screw wide slot head subst.     M5x15   50¢


15 mm cover screws
L aftermarket,  R original


1978 Magnum MkII

1978 Magnum

Sears Free Spirit

1978 Sears

1981 Murray

1981 Murray

1978 JC Penney







Sachs and Hercules

Sachs 504, 505 engines

Sachs 505 magneto cover Sachs 504 magneto cover

Left: 0244.067.100 magneto cover for Sachs 505
125.5 mm ID, chrome, good-used $22 or new $26

Right: 0244.167.100 magneto cover for Sachs 504
112.5 mm ID, chrome, new original $22


Hercules or Sachs mopeds

side covers (chain guards)      none available



Vespa (Piaggio)

Cover Fasteners (Quarter-Turn Slot-Head)

A 132872 named  total
A 132872 length  length

A 185818  34.0   43mm $4.00
A 1979-85 Si rear and middle
A 1982-on Bravo (all)
A 1986-on Si (all)

132871 00mm 41mm $4.00
B 1977-80 Bravo rear
B 1978-83 Grande rear
B 1979-85 Si front

C 143615  27.5   37mm $4.00
C 1972-80 Ciao rear and middle
C 1980-on Ciao PX rear and middle

132872 00mm 33mm $4.00
D 1977-80 Bravo front (can use E, 2mm shorter)
D 1978-83 Grande front, center-front and center-rear

143614  23.5   31mm $7.00
1972-80 Ciao front (can use D, only 2mm longer)
E 1980-on Ciao PX front

122957 spring  34mm $3.00 same for all

67-71 Ciao cover fasteners, different from 72-on
These can be purchased at UK Ebay.


Vespa Ciao Side Covers

1990’s Piaggio Ciao side cover set black none   Fits ’72-80+ Vespa Ciao. 
Includes the chrome emblems but not the fasteners.
Fasteners are front D, middle C, rear C.

Battery Boxes and Covers

Battery boxes were on early 70’s Ciao (US models with brake light), and late 70’s to early 80’s Ciao, Bravo, and Grande “blinker” models (equipped with turn signals and different switches and equipment). These side box covers have been scarce since the late 1980’s. They often fall off, and nobody is reproducing them. If you know of a source please tell Shaun by email.

The larger size box 227 x 160 mm is on Grande. Price $10 per box without lid, good-used.

The smaller box 222 x 158 mm is on Ciao and Bravo. $12 per box without lid, good-used.

Vespa battery boxes and covers have two sizes.
A large cover will fit a small box, but not visa versa.

Piaggio box sticker
42 mm aluminum
price $6 each








Vespa Ciao (small) side box cover set   N/A 


Vespa Grande (large) side box cover set  N/A









Motobecane Controls

April 11, 2016

Contents:   1. 1970’s controls
Contents:   2. 1960’s controls
Contents:   3. Parts Manuals


1. 1970’s Motobecane (model 40, 50, 7)

New price is green, used price is dark green.

 #   1978#  price   description   RIGHT SIDE
01x 53412 $75-50 right control assy silver #2 to 22, no grip
01x 54161 $75-50 right control assy black #2 to 22, no grip
02x 53414 $10-5 right brake lever chrome
02x 53414 $12.0 right brake lever chrome long
03x 22095 $2.00 throttle and brake pinch screw
04x 19692 $6.50 throttle slider bare
04x 23114 $8.00 throttle slider with screw
05x 19695 $7.00 twist tube metal
06x 16639 $3.00 twist tube retaining screw and nut
07x 23122 $3.00 spacer for decomp pinch bolt 8mm long

08x 21654   N/A   right grip grey  ribbed original 100mm long
08a 24028   N/A   right grip black ribbed original 100mm long
08b  #3&4 $12.0 set of black ribbed 70’s Magura grips 100mm
09x 23123 $6.50 decomp pinch bolt and nut 17mm long
10x 53416 $24.0 decomp knob, says engine stop, new, can use #40
10x 53416 $18.0 decomp knob, says engine stop, used
10a 53416   N/A   decomp black rubber cover pre-77, says M
11x 14903   N/A   throttle/choke cable adjuster 60’s style M5-0.9
11x 23089 $5.00 throttle/choke cable adjuster 70’s type M5-0.9
11a 23089 $5.00 decomp adjuster (pre-77 & 78-80) M5-0.9
11b 53819 $7.50 decomp adjuster (most 1976-77) M7-1.0
12x 21222 $4.50 brake adjuster A3c with nut
13x 21157 $1.50 star nut black plastic for brake adjuster M6-1.0
14x 52437 $3.50 clamp and pivot step-screw, right 27mm
15x 00057 $2.00 thin washer (see note below) Ø6 x Ø10 x 0.5?
16x 54168 $5.00 thumb lever left or right 77-on
16x 52326 $6.00 right (decomp) thumb lever pre-77

17x 53413 $40-25 right control housing silver
17x 54162 $35-20 right control housing black
18x 13392 $0.50 screw M5 x 10 slot
19x 53512 $2.00 stop light switch holder
20x 53415 $5.00 right brake helper spring
21x 20960 $2.50 pivot bolt chrome and nut
22x 01511 $1.50 nut for pivot bolt M5 flange

 #   1978#  price    description   LEFT SIDE
31x 53382 $75-50 left control assy silver #11 to 44, no grip
31x 54163 $70-45 left control assy black #11 to 44, no grip

33x 21457 $30-18 left control housing silver
45x 23428 $18-12 left control housing black
36x 20103 $3.50 clamp and pivot step-screw, left 23mm
37x 20053 $3.50 choke pinch bolt spacer 3mm long
38x 14322 $7.00 choke pinch bolt and nut 12mm long
39x 54168 $5.00 thumb lever left or right 77-on

20025 $7.00 left (choke) thumb lever pre-77
40x 53417 $6.00 choke lever black rubber cover, says choke
41x 53417 $8.00 thumb lever white rubber cover, says M
43x 22337 $19-14 left brake lever chrome
43x 22337 $22-17 left brake lever chrome long
44x 21877 $13.0 left brake helper spring
46x 21655 $15-10 left grip grey  ribbed original used 100mm
46a 24029 $12-10 left grip black ribbed original used 100mm
46b  #3&4 $12.0 set of black ribbed 70’s Magura grips 100mm


#15 washer: 00057 goes under the lever, not over like shown.
It needs to be left out if the lever binds when the screw is tight.

Motobecane right (start) and left (choke) thumb levers.
Before 1977, right 53206 and left 20025 were different.
From 1977 on, both were the same 54168, but flipped.
54168 and 53206 are the same except for the handle.
Simply bend the handle to make one from the other.
20025 is from the 1960’s, and has a different fold.

1970’s Motobecane chrome steel brake levers,
135 mm long with brake light tab for US models.
Long levers 150 mm were only on 1980 bikes.
They were not in any ’78-’80 parts catalogs.


















2. 1960’s Motobecane (Wards Riverside)

Cable parts are listed in Cables, Hardware/Cables K-Z

1979# 1960#  price   description  RIGHT SIDE
21654 15511    N/A   right grip grey ribbed
19695 16547    N/A   twist tube metal
53413 16546    N/A   right housing
20960 15517    N/A   pivot bolt
53414 15515    N/A   right brake lever aluminum
19692 15584    N/A   throttle slider
22095 00691  $0.00 throttle pinch screw



1979# 1960#  price   description  LEFT SIDE
21655 00000    N/A   left grip grey ribbed
20960 15517    N/A   pivot bolt
22337 50032    N/A   left brake lever aluminum
21457 15513    N/A   left housing
20025 15519    N/A   choke lever
20103 15520    N/A   choke pivot screw







3. Parts Manuals

1961 Wards Riverside Manual

These manuals are the source of the parts illustrations and information.




In 1960’s Motobecane parts manuals,
“control” means cable (outer conduit and inner wire)
“cable” means inner wire
In 1970’s Motobecane parts manuals,
“cable complete” means cable (conduit and inner wire)
“cable (inner)” means inner wire
“handgrip” means control, “handgrip rubber” means grip
“handgrip body” means control housing


1979 Motobecane 50 Parts

1979 Motobecane 40 Parts

1977 Motobecane 40 and 50 Parts




















October 24, 2015


1. Cogged Belts

These are also called timing belts and synchronous belts, because like a chain, they cannot slip. There are not many mopeds or mini-cycles with cogged (toothed) belts.

Besides different lengths and widths there are also different pitches and profiles (tooth shapes). So there are thousands of possible cogged belts. The belt length is the tooth count times the pitch. So a 610-5M belt has 610/5 = 122 teeth.

type T10 profile
10mm trapezoidal

type T5 profile
5mm trapezoidal

type S5M profile
5mm high torque

type 5M profile
5mm rounded teeth









Di Blasi: The 1997-on DiBlasi R7E has a cogged drive belt 18mm wide, and has 122 teeth that repeat every 5mm (5mm pitch). 122 x 5 = 610 mm length. One replacement that is shorter is 600-5M-18, with 120 teeth. It fits and meshes correctly, but only when the adjustment slots are lengthened. A 610-5M-18 with 122 teeth is the original size.

Here is a 610-5M-18 in New Jersey.



T5x395-20 (395-T5-20)


Laura M56: This engine from Holland is on 1978-80 Batavus and 1982-85 Trac mopeds. The original belt was 20mm wide, had 79 teeth with 5mm pitch. 79 x 5 = 395 mm length. The tooth profile was T5, not 5M. Very similar belts 400-5M-20 and 395-5M-20 do not mesh right.

T5x395-20, price none 


T5x390-20 (390-T5-20)

Laura M56 with shaved teeth: For many years, there was only a shorter belt available. 78 x 5 = 390 length. It required shaving down the tooth tops of the big pulley. 100’s of bikes had that done. Those bikes would still need a one-tooth-less belt.

T5x390-20, price $18.0



T10x510-25 (510-T10-25)


Jawa 210 and 225: The 1983-1995 Jawa 210 and 225 moped models have a cogged belt 25mm wide, and has 51 teeth type T10, that repeat every 10mm (10mm pitch). 51 x 10 = 510 mm length. A 25T10/510 with 51 teeth is the original size.

Here is a 25T10/510 or 510-T10-25 or T10x510-25 in New Jersey. 



2. V-Belts


Angel or Speed Bird (non variator)
15.0 x 10.0 x 907 original xx $15  Sanwu (Taiwan) 895 3013

Batavus VA, HS50, Starflite (non variator M48 25,30mph)
13.0 x 10.0 x 820 480891 xx Laura (Holland) 480891 A
13.5 x 08.7 x 826 automotive $23.0 Gates XL-9319 13A0815
13.5 x 08.7 x 826 automotive none 17320 (32017)
12.7 x 07.9 x 813 industrial x  none 4L320

Batavus VA, HS50, Starflite (non variator M48 20mph)
09.5 x 09.0 x 860 480893 xx Laura (Holland) 480893
00.0 x 00.0 x 000 substitute  none

Derbi Variant SL, SLE, TT Var. Sport, DS50 (variator)
17.6 x 08.5 x 630  82 26 370  $18 Derbi (Spain) Variant

Honda PA50 Hobbit/Camino (variator)
15.0 x 9.0 x 1085 23100-148-7030 B type Mitsuboshi (Japan)
13.5 x 8.7 x 1080 automotive none 17420 (42017) 13A1065
12.7 x 7.9 x 1067 industrial x  none A40 or AX40

Honda NU50 Urban Express (variator)
00.0 x 00.0 x 000 23100…    Mitsuboshi (Japan)
16.3 x 10.3 x 864 industrial   $18  B31 (also BX31)

Motobecane 7, 40, 50, 50V, ’57-64 Wards (variator and non-var.)
14.0 x 09.0 x 830 14756  Optibelt (Germany) 172 115 MB 112 030
16.3 x 10.3 x 864 industrial x none B31 (also BX31)
13.5 x 08.7 x 826 automotive $10 17320 (32017) 13A0815 slips a little
14.0 x 07.9 x 828 substitute  $21 D24 Ventico (France)
12.7 x 07.9 x 813 industrial    none AX30

Peugeot 103 models (variator)
13.0 x 08.5 x 870 48815  Hutchinson 5497 Peugeot N°11 048815
13.5 x 08.7 x 877 automotive $21  17340 (34017) 13A0865
12.7 x 07.9 x 864 industrial    $21  AX32 (also A32)

Peugeot 103 (non variator)
09.5 x 08.5 x 845 48987  Hutchinson 5379 Peug. N°11 048 98700
09.5 x 09.0 x 845 substitute $12  D 255 Ventico (France) D 255

Peugeot 101, 102 (non variator)
09.5 x 8.0 x 735   46068 xxx $12  Hutchinson 5378 Peug. N°11 046 06800
09.5 x 8.3 x 737   industrial  none 3V290 or 3VX290
09.5 x 8.0 x 740? substitute $14  D 213 Ventico (France) D 213

Solo Odyssey (non variator 1 or 2 sp)
10.0 x 06.0 x 730  00 57 176 $18  Optibelt (Germany) Solo 00 57 176
09.5 x 08.3 x 725 industrial   none 3V285 or 3VX285

Vespa Ciao C7N, C7E (non variator)
09.7 x 09.0 x 970  102905 x  $19  Pirelli (Italy) 2931-102905/9
11.9 x 07.9 x 978 automotive $15  15380 (38015) 11A0965 orig pulley 94
09.5 x 09.0 x 972 automotive none 10A0960C  original pulley 94mm
09.5 x 09.0 x 952 automotive none 10A0940C  smaller pulley 75-80mm
09.5 x 09.0 x 937 automotive none 10A0925C  smaller pulley 65-70mm

Vespa Ciao C7V (variator)
13.0 x 07.0 x 975 102906 xx $15  Pirelli (Italy) 2632-102906/9
12.7 x 07.9 x 965 industrial  none A36 AX36

Vespa Bravo, Grande (variator)
13.0 x 7.0 x 1050 130937 xx Pirelli (Italy)
12.7 x 7.9 x 1041 industrial x none 2410 (4L410)
12.7 x 7.9 x 1041 industrial x $19.0 AX39
11.9 x 7.9 x 1042 automotive none 15405 (40515) 11AV1030 slips a little

Vespa Si, Boxer (non variator)
09.5 x 9.0? x 1143? 124593   Pirelli (Italy)
09.5 x 1140/1150 substitute  none

Vespa Si, Boxer (variator)
13.0 x 7.0 x 1143? 122192 xx Pirelli (Italy)
12.7 x 7.9 x 1092 industrial x none  2430 (4L430)

Vespa (unknown) (non variator)
09.7 x 8.5 x 1050 unknown    $15   TD? 5332



V-Belts Explained

The smooth sides of V-belts are what grips the pulley. The harder the pull, the more it grips, because of the V angle. The top and bottom do not touch anything. 

Moped V-Belts

First is a graphic showing the cross-sectional shapes and sizes of replacement V-belts that can be used on mopeds and small scooters. V-belts for variators (variable pulleys) are the “low profile” type, called “variable speed belts”. V-belts for fixed pulleys are the “high profile” type, called either “classic” or “cogged”, see below.  

V-belts are made by Gates in different styles, widths, and lengths. Here the width choices from 9.5 to 17.5 mm. Larger or smaller sizes are omitted. 

9.5 mm  3L, 3V, 3VX
10.0 mm 10X, SPZ, XPZ
11.9 mm automotive 15
12.7 mm 4L, A, AX
13.0 mm 13X, SPA, XPA
13.5 mm automotive 17
15.9 mm 5V, 5VX
16.0 mm SPB, XPB
16.7 mm 5L, B, BX

17.0 mm 17X
17.5 mm automotive 22

Smooth or Notched: The notches, or cogs, on V-belts are not teeth, like on toothed belts. They are relief slots that help the belt bend easier, for less friction and more efficiency. Equipment that originally had smooth belts can use cogged belts, and visa versa.



Laura M48 engine versions

Batavus/Laura M48 20mph v-belt: So far there is only a part number and a photo, but no width, length or belt number available. It’s size can only be estimated from this photo. If anyone knows, please tell Shaun by email.


More about V-belts:



History of L.A. to Anaheim Roads

September 2, 2015

El Camino Real bell

As you drive the same streets everyday, you know your local streets by name, and where they go to. But did you ever wonder how the streets in your local area came to be the way they are?

The author, Shaun Strahm did, in his local area of Fullerton California. He wanted to know 1) where all the streets came from, and 2) where the “real” El Camino Real went. That is what this blog is about.



Coverage Area

Coverage Area

The History of the Land
Native People Period
Spanish Period 1697-1821
Mission San Gabriel Arcángel
Spanish Ranchos
Mexican Period 1821-1846
Red Hill
Rancho Los Coyotes
Rancho Santa Gertrudes
Rancho San Juan Cajón de Santa Ana
Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana
Rancho Paso de Bartolo
Rancho Cañada de La Habra
Rancho San Joaquin
Rancho Los Alamitos
Other Mexican Ranchos
American Period 1846-on
Newport Boulevard
1889 Finley Map of Orange County
Anaheim Transportation

The Oldest Maps
Kirkman 1860 Map of L.A. County

One Mile Square Grid
1870 Stearn’s Ranchos Map
Garden Grove Boulevard
1873 Stearn’s Ranchos Map
The Horse-Drawn Wagon Roads
Railroads Revolutionize Transportation

1915 Auto Club Map
(coverage area added)

The Oldest Maps Combined
Myron’s 1860 All-In-One Topographic Map 
Old Roads on the Map
El Camino Real (viejo)
El Camino Real (nuevo)
El Camino Real (nuevo abajo)
Spanish Period Roads
Other Early Roads
Stage Routes



There are several different possible routes through the coverage area, north Orange County and southeast Los Angeles County, for the early mission road. There are also many places that claim to be on the El Camino Real. Since the early 1900’s the romance of the Spanish missions and trails have been used to attract visitors to places or customers to products. There are many historic maps that approximate the route. At right is one, that uses the nearest automobile road of the day, to make a glamorous automobile tour. In general, the actual trail never went due north or due west. It was always at some angle, generally northwest.  

In order to understand the places names on early maps, much other information had to be gathered, especially names of places and land owners, families, and dates. Old adobe home sites are called by different names on different maps, depending on who owned them at the time. The early Spanish maps were distorted because they did not use observation balloons, instead they paced off distances and measured angles. So several historic maps had to be combined to reduce omissions or distortions. 



Here is the history of the Los Angeles to Anaheim area, relating to the layout of the land. 

History of the Land

The Tongva people were here first.

The Tongva people lived in reed huts.

Native People Period

Southern California is believed to have been inhabited by semi-nomadic hunters since 8000 BC. Three thousand years later in 5000 BC, seed and shellfish gatherers lived among large game hunters in this region. By 800 AD, the people of this region had developed a diversified hunting and gathering economy with extensive trade networks, social and political structures, and religious institutions. The descendants of these people are believed to have been those whom the Spaniards of the 1500s encountered and would later name the Gabrielino—derived from Mission San Gabriel—in the late 1700s. See below, the 1860 Map of Los Angeles County that shows dozens of Indian settlements/campsites. Many Indian settlement names became modern city or place names, like Cahuenga, Cucamonga, Topanga, Temescal, Tujunga.


Actual Camino Real in Baja

Actual Camino Real in Baja

Spanish Period 1697-1821

Starting in the 1500’s, Spanish ships sailed along the coast of the South and North America, looking for harbors and a short cut back to Europe. From their ships, they made maps and named all of the coastal places after religious figures. Most of the San and Santa place names were established in the 1600’s, as Spain was planning it’s colonization of the Americas.

The first Europeans to walk on California land was the Portola Expedition in 1769, led by Gaspar de Portolá, to look for the best routes and places for missions and settlements. They charted and named the rivers, mountains, and places along the way. The first European settlements in Orange County and southern Los Angeles County were Mission San Gabriel in 1771, Mission San Juan Capistrano in 1776, El Pueblo de Los Angeles in 1781, Rancho Los Nietos in 1795, Santa Ana Viejo (Olive) in 1812, and the Diego Sepúlveda Estancia in 1823.


Old Mission San Gabriel site

Old Mission San Gabriel site in Montebello

Mission San Gabriel Arcángel

From Wikipedia: Mission San Gabriel was founded on September 8, 1771 by Father Junipero Serra. The planned site for the Mission was along the banks of the Río de los Temblores (the River of the Earthquakes—the Santa Ana River). The priests chose an alternate site on a fertile plain located directly alongside the Rio Hondo in the Whittier Narrows. The site of the Misión Vieja (or “Old Mission”) is located near the intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard and Lincoln Avenue in Montebello, California (known to the natives as Shevaanga). In 1776, a flash flood destroyed much of the crops and ruined the Mission complex, which was subsequently relocated five miles closer to the mountains in present-day San Gabriel (the native settlement of ‘Iisanchanga). The Mission is the base from which the pueblo that became the city of Los Angeles was sent.

Legend has it that the founding expedition was confronted by a large group of native Tongva peoples whose intention was to drive the strangers away. One of the padres laid a painting of “Our Lady of Sorrows” on the ground for all to see, whereupon the natives, designated by the settlers as the Gabrieliños, immediately made peace with the missionaries, because they were so moved by the painting’s beauty. Today the 300-year-old work hangs in the Mission’s sanctuary.


Spanish Ranchos

1834 Diseño de los parages llamados

1834 Diseño de los parages llamados (design of the places called) Santa Gertrudes, Coyotes, Bolsas, Alamitos y Sierritos

In 1802, Spanish governor José Joaquín de Arrillaga gave to Juan Pablo Grijalva, a Spanish soldier who was with the De Anza expedition, permission to use the 63,414-acre land known as Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana. Upon Grijalva’s death in 1806, the land passed to his son-in-law, Jose Antonio Yorba and his grandson, Juan Pablo Peralta.

In 1784, Spanish governor Pedro Fages gave to Manuel Nieto, a former sergeant in the Spanish army, and a member of the Portola expedition in 1769, permission to use all of the 167,000 acres of land known as Rancho Los Nietos, between the Santa Ana River and the San Gabriel River, and from present day Whittier to the Pacific Ocean. Neito built an adobe home in 1795 near the Indian village of Sejat, on the San Jose Creek. Upon Manual Neito’s death in 1804, the land passed onto his wife and four children. The flood of 1867-68 destroyed the original home.  

The Nieto family operated the cattle ranch until 1834, when Mexican Governer Jose Figueroa officially declared the Rancho Los Nietos land under Mexican rule and ordered its partition into six smaller ranchos. The partitioning of Rancho Los Neitos was done as follows:
Los Alamitos (little poplars), 28,612 acres, to (son) Juan Jose Nieto
Las Bolsas (pockets), 33,460 acres, to Catarina Ruiz (widow of (son) Jose Antonio Nieto)
Los Cerritos (little hills), 27,054 acres, to (daughter) Maria Manuela Nieto de Cota and her husband Guillermo Cota
Los Coyotes (coyotes), 48,806 acres, to (son) Juan Jose Nieto
Santa Gertrudes, 21,298 acres, to Josefa Cota (widow of (son) Antonio Maria Nieto)
Palos Altos (tall woods), not illustrated, unknown acres, to (son) Juan Jose Nieto


1823 Carta esferica de Alta California

1823 Carta esferica de Alta California

Mexican Period 1821-1846

The first ranchos of Los Angeles and Orange Counties are on the 1823 Carta at right, Berdugo, Bernardino, Flores, Gutierrez, Nieto, Yorba, as well as the missions and pueblos. 

There were not many maps made in the Spanish and Mexican periods. The Spanish land surveyors used natural landmarks like rivers, trees, rocky outcrops, or distant mountain peaks as corner points for their property lines. One prominent rocky outcrop is Red Hill, in what is now Tustin. It is the corner of Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, Rancho San Joaquin, and Rancho Lomas de Santiago. A nearby plaque at 11911 Red Hill Ave commemorates the landmark. 

Red Hill 

Red Hill was identified on Spanish maps as Serrita de las Ranas (translation: Hill of the Frogs). The original route for El Camino Real ran close to the hill. The landmark peak was used by the Spanish and Mexican explorers traveling up and down the coast. The nearby frogs thrived because of a swampy bog that connected the hill and the back bay in Newport Beach. The bog disappeared with the development of the city of Tustin. The red color results from the mineral cinnabar (mercuric sulfide, HgS, the major source of mercury). Mercury was mined there up into the 1930s. The mines are closed off and the appearance of the hill is preserved as a California historical landmark.


Coyote ranch house

Rancho Los Coyotes headquarters in 1900

Rancho Los Coyotes

In 1840, Juan Jose Nieto sold Rancho Los Coyotes to Juan Bautista Leandry, an Italian immigrant who settled in California in 1827, and was married to Maria Francisca Uribe. They built an adobe house on the hill, in what is now Buena Park, near the south end of Lockhaven Drive. Leandry died in 1842, and his widow, Maria Francisca Uribe, married Francisco O’Campo. Uribe renamed the ranch “La Buena Esperanza” (the good hope) but it was still generally known as Los Coyotes. Rancho Los Coyotes would later become the cities of Buena Park, Cerritos, Cypress, La Mirada, and Stanton


Rancho Santa Gertrudes

Rancho Santa Gertrudes was a 21,298-acre 1834 Mexican land grant, resulting from a partition of Rancho Los Nietos. It included the former Tongva site known as Nacaugna.  

From Wikipedia: At the request of Manuel Nieto heirs, governor José Figueroa in 1834, officially declared the 167,000-acre Rancho Los Nietos grant under Mexican rule and ordered its partition into five smaller ranchos: Las Bolsas, Los Alamitos, Los Cerritos, Los Coyotes, and Santa Gertrudes. Josefa Cota (widow of Antonio Maria Nieto, son of Manuel Nieto) received the Rancho Santa Gertrudes grant. Lemuel Carpenter (1808–1859), who had married Maria de Los Angeles Dominguez, a niece of Josefa Cota, bought the rancho in 1843 from Josefa Cota, his aunt by marriage.

With the cession of California to the United States following the Mexican-American War, the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo provided that the land grants would be honored. As required by the Land Act of 1851, a claim for part of Rancho Santa Gertrudes was filed Lemuel Carpenter in 1852. Carpenter, who was deeply in debt to John G. Downey, killed himself in 1859. In 1859 the rancho was sold at a sheriff’s auction to John G. Downey and James P. McFarland. 17,602 acres of the grant was patented to McFarland and Downey in 1870. A claim for part of Rancho Santa Gertrudes was filed by Thomas Sanchez Colima with the Public Land Commission in 1852, and 3,696 acres of the grant was patented to Thomas Sanchez Colima in 1877. Rancho Santa Gertrudes would later become the present-day cities of Downey and Santa Fe Springs.


1852 Diseño del parage llamado (design of the place called) Coyotes Viejos y Rincon de Santa Ana

1852 Diseño del parage llamado (design of the place called) Coyotes Viejos y Rincon de Santa Ana

Rancho San Juan Cajón de Santa Ana

East of Rancho Los Coyotes was 35,971 acres of land, granted to Juan Pacifico Ontiveros in 1837, by Mexican Governor Juan B. Alvarado. Ontiveros built an adobe house in 1841, in what is now Placentia, on Crowther Ave and Porter Way. In 1853, Ontiveros sold 21,527 acres to Abel Stearns. In 1855, Ontiveros bought a rancho in present-day northern Santa Barbara County, then built an adobe house and lived there until his death.

In 1857, Ontiveros sold 1,160 acres that would become Anaheim, to George Hansen who was working for 50 German-American families from the San Francisco area. In 1863, Juan Pacifico Ontiveros gave his sons Juan Nicolas Ontiveros and Patricio Ontiveros 3,900 acres of Rancho San Juan Cajón de Santa Ana. At this time, they were both married. Juan Nicolas and Patricio did not keep their share very long, and in 1864, both deeded their share to their brother-in-law, Augustus Langenberger (married Pietra Ontiveros).

In 1865, Daniel Kraemer started the influx of settlers to Placentia in 1865, when he purchased 3,900 acres. Rancho San Juan Cahon de Santa Ana would later become the cities of Anaheim, Brea, Fullerton, and Placentia



Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana

Old Santa Ana Historical Lamdmark

Old Santa Ana
Historical Lamdmark

Juan Pablo Grijalva, a Spanish soldier who traveled to Alta California with the De Anza expedition, was the original petitioner for the 63,414-acre land that became known as the “Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana”, formerly “Rancho Lomas de Santiago”. He died in 1806 before the grant was approved and in 1810 the land went to his son-in-law, Jose Antonio Yorba and his grandson, Juan Pablo Peralta

Juan Pablo Grijalva built an adobe, in about 1801, one of the first in Orange County, at what is now 1087 N Santiago Blvd in Orange. A few years later and a mile north of there, where the Santa Ana River bends around the Peralta Hills, Juan Pablo Peralta and Jose Antonio Yorba built small adobe homes. Those early adobes were ruins by 1860. A plaque commemorates the site, that was first called “Santa Ana” but later “Old Santa Ana” after the city of Santa Ana was formed in 1869 several miles south. It is also the place where the original Camino Real crossed the Santa Ana River. Jose Antonio Yorba built an elaborate adobe hacienda, El Refugio (the Refuge), located near present-day First and Sullivan Streets in Santa Ana.

After the Mexican Cession of California to the United States, grant was patented to Bernardo, Teodoro and Ramón Yorba in 1853 by Mexican governer Jose Figueroa. Bernardo Yorba built his famous “Hacienda de San Antonio” on the north bank of the Santa Ana River, at what is now Esperanza Rd and Echo Hill Ln in Yorba Linda. The spacious two-story adobe had living quarters, guest rooms, and space for craftsmen, laborers and servants. Ramon Peralta built an adobe at what is now 6398 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd, That is the only adobe in the Santa Ana Canyon still standing today. It has a small museum featuring artifacts excavated at the site, and timeline mural, and other exhibits. In 1854, the Yorba family sold Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana to José Antonio Andrés Sepúlveda. Sepúlveda later lost the land due to bankruptcy caused by fighting to uphold his land claims in court. In 1869, William Spurgeon and Ward Bradford purchased 74.27 acres of the ranch to form the city of Santa Ana. Santa Ana became the county seat of government when Orange County was formed in 1889. Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana would later become Santa Ana. Orange, Villa Park, Anaheim Hills, El Modena, Tustin, Costa Mesa, and a part of Irvine.


1853 Pio Pico adobe in 1910

1853 Pio Pico adobe in 1910

Rancho Paso de Bartolo

From Wikipedia: Rancho Paso de Bartolo was given in 1835 by Governor Jose Figueroa to Juan Crispin Perez. The name refers to a San Gabriel River ford called Paso de Bartolo Viejo (Old Bartolo’s Crossing). 

Initially property of the San Gabriel Mission, the Rancho Paso de Bartolo land became a part of the original 300,000-acre Rancho Los Nietos grant. After an appeal by the mission padres, Rancho Los Nietos was later reduced to 167,000-acre, and Rancho Paso de Bartolo was once again a possession of the mission. Following secularization of the missions, Rancho Paso de Bartolo was granted in 1835 to Juan Crispin Perez, a manager at the mission.

In 1843, Bernardo Guirado, a worker at the mission, acquired 876 acres of Paso de Bartolo from Perez. Later, Joaquina Ana Sepulveda, widow of Juan de Jesus Poyorena, acquired another 208 acres. In 1847, Juan Crispin Perez died leaving the rancho to his family. After the Mexican-American war, former Governor Pío Pico began purchasing pieces of the estate from the heirs of Perez, and by 1852, he acquired 8,991 acres of the rancho. The land grant was patented with 876 acres to Bernardo Guirado in 1867, 208 acres to Joaquína Sepulveda in 1881, and 8,991 acres to Pio Pico and Juan C. Perez in 1881.

Pío Pico built a home in 1853. The home was damaged by the flooding of 1867, which set the San Gabriel River to its present course, and was nearly destroyed in 1882 by flooding. The structure was completely redone into its current form, adding American-style elements into the traditional Califorino design. In 1892, Pio Pico was evicted from the property by Bernard Cohn, an American lawyer. When taking what he thought was a loan from Cohn in 1883, Pico, who could not read or write English, had conveyed the deed for the property, and courts ruled with Cohn. Pico died a pauper two years later at his daughter’s home. Rancho Paso de Bartolo would later become the cities of Montebello, Whittier, and Pico Rivera.


Rancho Cañada de La Habra

From WikipediaRancho La Habra (also called “Rancho Cañada de La Habra”) was a 6,698-acre Mexican land grant given in 1839 by Governor Juan Alvarado to Mariano Reyes Roldan. The name refers to the “Pass Through the Hills”, the natural pass to the north between the Chino Hills and Puente Hills into the San Gabriel Valley, first discovered by Spanish explorers in 1769. The La Habra grant was shaped like a wedge pointed south.

California’s Mexican Governor Juan B. Alvarado awarded the land grant of 1.5 square leagues to Mariano Reyes Roldan, a 40-year-old ayuntamiento (municipal council member) of Los Angeles. Roldan named it Rancho Canada de le Habra. Roldan sold the rancho to Andrés Pico. As required by the Land Act of 1851, a claim for Rancho Paso de Bartolo was filed with the Public Land Commision in 1852. The grant was patented to Andrés Pico and Francisco de Uribe de Campo in 1872. Abel Stearns purchased the land in 1861, however, after the drought in 1863, and forced to sell. Most of the new purchasers were Basque sheep growers. Domingo Bastanchury and Jose Sansinena were partners until 1889, when Sansinena acquired a 5,000-acre sheep ranch that included most of La Habra and La Habra Heights. Jose Sansinena died in 1896.  Rancho La Habra would later become the cities of La Habra and La Habra Heights.


Rancho San Joaquin

1841 Sitio de San Joaquin

1841 Sitio (site) de San Joaquin (later Irvine Ranch)

This interesting color map of Rancho San Joaquin (before it was Irvine Ranch) shows approximately where El Camino Real went through Irvine. The map is tilted so that north is the upper left. The Camino Real crosses the southeast lindero (boundary) on the right. The lindero goes southwest into Cañon de Lagos (Canyon of Lakes, later called Laguna Canyon), to the playa (beach). The southwestern half of the rancho is the golden colored Lomarios de la Costa (Hills of the Coast, later called San Joaquin Hills). Along the top of the map are the Sierra de Santa Ana (Santa Ana Mountains), which form the northeast boundary. Shown are the aguajes (springs), and the mojoneros (corner points). Prominent on the lower left is the Boca de San Joaquin (later called Newport Bay). There are three successive lagoons illustrated, heading inland, which are lower and upper Newport Bay. The original casa is shown near where the University of California Irvine is now. At the left the Camino Real passes la Cienega de las Ranas (marsh of frogs) which is shaded blue. The royal road has to veer east to avoid the frog bog. That is why the El Camino Real (nuevo) does not go straight through Irvine to Santa Ana. During the wet season the marsh would extend from Upper Newport Bay almost all the way to Red Hill. 

Rancho San Joaquin became Irvine, Tustin, Santa Ana Heights, Newport Beach, Corona del Mar, Laguna Beach 


Populus Fremontii sapling in wash

Populus Fremontii sapling in wash

Rancho Los Alamitos

This southern fragment of Rancho Los Neitos was granted to Juan Jose Nieto, son of Manuel Nieto. Where the Los Angeles River, San Gabriel River, the Rio Hondo and Coyote Creek all empty into the San Pedro Bay, are areas that flooded each year. The native Fremont cottonwood trees, also known as Alamo cottonwoods, would sprout each year in the riverbeds and grow to a few feet tall. Then the seasonal winter rains would flood the riverbeds and wash everything away. So the wide riverbeds with many small Alamo trees were given the name Los Alamitos.

Fremont Cottonwoods (Populus Fremontii) are native and very common in Southwestern USA riparian settings, where there is water below ground. In winter the leaves turn yellow, in stark contrast to surrounding golden brown or pale green trees and brush. From a distance, in winter, you can tell where water is at. Follow the ribbons of yellow to where the most Alamo cottonwoods are, then hope for an above-ground spring.    

There is a rich history spanning all the periods. Read more at

Rancho Los Alamitos became Los Alamitos, Seal Beach, and Long Beach

Freemont Cottonwood trees along Los Angeles River

Fremont Cottonwood trees in fall/winter along the Los Angeles River












Other Ranchos of Orange County and southern L.A. County:

orange Rancho Lomas de Santiago became Irvine and some of the Cleveland National Forest

green Rancho Trabuco became Mission Viejo and Rancho Santa Margarita

grey Rancho Niguel became south Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Aliso Viejo

grey Rancho Cañada de los Alisos became Lake Forest

pink Rancho Mission Viejo (never had a mission but was near one) became Ladera Ranch

orange Rancho Boca de la Playa became north San Clemente

orange Rancho Las Bolsas became Huntington Beach, Garden Grove, Westminster, Fountain Valley

yellow Rancho Cañon de Santa Ana (St. Anne Canyon) became Yorba Linda

grey Rancho La Bolsa Chica became Huntington Beach

Too many to go into details.


1889 (The First) Map of Orange County

1889 (The First) Map of Orange County
Before this it was southern Los Angeles County.

1846-on American Period

Newport Boulevard

Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana is the largest and longest rancho, shaded green on the map, that extends all of the way across the county. It’s southeast boundary, with Rancho San Joaquin and Rancho Lomas de Santiago, would later become the most important line in Orange County. The line runs perpendicular to the coastline from Newport Bay to Red Hill, and then on to a certain spot on the Santa Ana River. All of the streets in central Orange County are parallel or perpendicular to that Red Hill-to-Newport Bay boundary line. Newport Blvd is parallel to the line and about a mile north. Northwest of Newport Blvd the streets are not tilted (except Anaheim) and the cites of Anaheim, Santa Ana, Tustin, Orange were developed in the 1800’s. Southeast of Newport Blvd the streets are tilted, and the land was not developed until the 1900’s. Read how Mr. James Irvine did not want his land farmed or developed. Visit Irvine Historical Society at, or the Irvine Historical Museum at 5 San Joaquin, or the Irvine Historical Park and Library at 13042 Old Myford Rd.



The 1857 settlement of Anaheim was situated twenty-seven miles southeast from Los Angeles on the crossroads of wagon trails between San Pedro, San Bernardino, and Salt Lake City, and on the stage road between Los Angeles and San Diego. The boundaries were:

“Commencing at a point on said rancho where there is a stake, and which stake is 9 chains and 50 links south, 70 1/2 degrees west of the western comer of a small garden belonging to said Ontiveros, and which is situate about 3 1/4 miles westerly of the house now occupied by said Ontiveros, and running thence . . . from said point north 15 1/2 degrees west 42 chains, thence south 74 1/2 degrees west 116 chains and 50 links, thence south 15 1/2 degrees east 100 chains, thence north 74 1/2 degrees east 116 chains and 50 links, thence north 15 1/2 degrees west 58 chains to the place of beginning, and containing in all 1165 acres of land …”

The location and angle of Anaheim was chosen to make the main wagon trail from Los Angeles to San Diego go through the center of town. The location also allowed a down-sloping irrigation channel to bring water from the Santa Ana River. The nearly square boundary was originally a living fence made from thick rows of willow, with a gate on each side, to keep the cattle out. The paths around the fences eventually became the North St, South St, East St, West St of early Anaheim. There is a plaque marking the “San Pedro Gate” on the west side, that stages and horse-drawn wagons moved to and from the Port of San Pedro, or the closer Anaheim Landing in Seal Beach. Anaheim vinyardists hauled their wine several miles to the landing for shipment to San Francisco.

Here is a excerpt from “The German Settlement at Anaheim” by Dorothea Jean Paule.

Stagecoach fording a river

Stagecoach fording a river in the late 1800’s.

Anaheim Transportation

To transport products of Anaheim to market was a major problem. Roads in the early days were little more than wagon trails and did not allow for rapid transportation. Rivers had to be forded for lack of bridges, and there was constant danger from bandits. There was a stage carrying mail and express which passed through the colony every Tuesday from San Francisco and Los Angeles to San Diego, returning through on Saturday. There was also passenger and express service to and from San Pedro, thirty-five miles distant, on the arrival and departure of the steamer from San Francisco. This service, however, was far from adequate for shipment of viticultural produce to the main Pacific Coast port, San Francisco. Ocean travel was the only expedient means of transportation from the southern coast to the metropolis of the north. It was essential that Anaheim have a seaport, not only as a point of embarkation for products being sent to market, but also as a receiving point for goods and materials needed for the course of living in the colony.
It was very shortly after the first residents arrived at their Anaheim homes that search for a near seaport began. In the January 4, 1860, edition of the Daily Alta California, complaint was registered in a letter from an Anaheim resident of having to trade at San Pedro. “Some of our citizens are going down soon to the beach – only ten miles distant – to see whether we cannot have a port of our own. ” At one time in the quest for a port closer than San Pedro, a site fifteen miles east of the colony was examined. This location was sixty miles from San Bernardino, twenty miles from San Juan Capistrano, and thirty-five miles from El Monte. There was an estuary here of one-half mile which entered into the land for a distance of eight or ten miles. A sand spit half a mile wide ran parallel with the shore at this point. Water inside the spit and in the estuary was about twenty feet deep. A chart was made of this location and displayed in the store of J. P. Zeyn and Co. in Anaheim, and it was agreed that the Superintendent of Coast Survey should be asked to have the place examined. It was rumored that silver mines were discovered between Anaheim and San Juan Capistrano, and an agent of a company of miners who wanted to send machinery for crushing and amalgamating auriferous quartz in Bear Valley in San Bernardino County also examined this prospective port to see whether machinery could be landed there.
The Los Angeles Star on February 23, 1861, mentioned that a project for a landing on the coast about twenty miles from Anaheim was temporarily given up, but not abandoned, “as the trade to the tin mines, San Bernardino, etc. may yet render it necessary.” It is possible that this is the same location as that stated above as fifteen miles from the settlement.
A site for Anaheim’s port was ultimately selected in October, 1864, on the ocean twelve miles south of the town. The Anaheim Lighter Company was formed in the early sixties by citizens of the community for the purpose of financing this port. Each member of the company was assessed to build a and from the steamers which called at the port, one end of the cable being fastened at the warehouse and the other anchored near where the steamer would stop. Eight or ten men pulled the cable. Depth at the port was seven feet in the slough at low tide. A hard, level road was built across the twelve miles to the Landing. At last a shipping point for wine, corn, wool, and other products not only from Anaheim but also from the neighboring country was established. Freight was landed at this port for points as far distant as Salt Lake City, being taken by wagon team to San Bernardino and by pack mules from there to Salt Lake City. A record from the year 1872 shows that thirty or forty teams were making the trip daily from the Landing to Anaheim, and one day’s report mentioned seventy teams. Usually two coast steamers stopped at the Landing each week. Anaheim Landing served Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Arizona, as well as Anaheim, for many years, but never achieved a major seaport name for itself. The Lighter Company was terminated with the coming of the railroads to Anaheim.

The Southern Pacific Railway came to Anaheim with a branch in January, 1875, its terminus there for nearly two years before it extended to Santa Ana. The community had wanted a railroad for many years, so when the Southern Pacific constructed this branch, there was great rejoicing. The editor of the Anaheim Gazette in relating the advent of the railroad wrote: … there is assured a paradise of wealth and refinement in Southern California. All praise to God, who, after years of frowning, smiled upon our land with an exceedingly gracious smile. Santa Fe built its road into Anaheim in 1887, and as a result of its depot being some distance out of town, the boom hotel, Hotel del Campo, was built and a streetcar company organized with a track down Center Street connecting the stations of the two railroads.
Just as Anaheim needed a port, it needed an irrigation system, for without irrigation there could not have been an agricultural colony at Anaheim. The colony site near the Santa Ana River was selected because of proximity of water. Procurement of water from the Santa Ana was of vital importance in the early days and continued to be important for many years in the life of Anaheim, until the population of the Santa Ana Valley became greater than the river could adequately supply.


El Camino Real bellThe Oldest Maps of Los Angeles 

Kirkman 1860 Map of Los Angeles County

This is one of the best historical maps of Los Angeles County, compiled by George W. Kirkman in 1937. Towns in parentheses were not founded until after 1870.

  • Portola’s first exploring route is shown as a thick red dashed line with flags at each campsite.
  • El Camino Real (official Spanish roads) are shown as double red stripe.
  • Mission roads (created before 1851) are shown as double green stripe.
  • Old roads (from ancient, up to 1890) are shown as a thin double black stripe.
  • Historic battle fields, Indian villages, gold mines are also shown.
  • Look up your neighborhood to see what it once was, if anything besides empty land.


1860 Map of Los Angeles County
Layer 1: Earliest “layer” of Indian campsites or settlements, from before 1769.
Some Indian names lasted, like Azusa, Cucamonga, Malibu, Temescal, Topanga.
Other names did not, like Abahagna, Gaucha, Pubugna, Pasinogna, Tequisquite.
Layer 2: Over that in red is the route traveled by the Portola Expedition in 1769.
Little red flags mark the places they camped as they walked north from San Diego.
Many inland places were named that year, usually after royal or religious figures.
Layer 3: Over that are the 1770-1830 missions and connecting roads (caminos).
The Camino Real turned north in Tustin, and crossed the Santa Ana River in Olive.
Then it went northwest through Whittier. There a branch went north to San Gabriel.
Layer 4: Over that are 1830-1870 towns, stagecoach routes and wagon roads.
Anaheim-San Pedro road ran southwest to Anaheim Landing and Port of San Pedro.
Anaheim-Los Angeles road became Harbor Blvd, merging with Camino Real.



Stearn’s Ranchos Maps

Abel Stearns was born in Massachusetts in 1798, and moved to Los Angeles in 1829. He bought his first rancho, Los Alamitos, from Juan Jose Nieto in 1842. He bought more ranch land from Nieto in 1853. By the 1860’s, Abel Stearns owned much of the land in the Los Angeles basin. Besides being a cattle rancher, businessman, and land developer, Stearns was also a talented amateur surveyor and map maker. His maps were made independently, and so include certain things that other maps do not. Stearns chose to include or omit things on the map, ultimately to sell parcels of land. Having accurate, complete maps would help sell the parcels. Also helping to increase the lands value was creating a one square mile grid of access roads, orientated north and south, east and west. The property boundaries (grid lines on the map) were dirt access roads that later became the major streets of north Orange County. Some of them are still called “road”, such as Ball Rd.

One Mile Square Grid: If you are familiar with northern Orange County, California then you know how easy it is to navigate and estimate distances with the square grid of major streets spaced one mile, and minor streets spaced 1/2 mile apart. You can thank Mr. Stearns for that.   



1870 Stearns Ranchos Map of Los Angeles

1870 Stearn’s Ranchos Map with modern streets overlay



First Standard South

First Standard South is 2 miles north of Red Hill (Cerrita de las Ranas), a rancho corner point.

Garden Grove Blvd: Garden Grove Blvd is on a major survey line called First Standard South, which is exactly 24 miles south of the San Bernardino base line. Somehow the survey teams north and south of the line did not know or care that they disagreed with each other. The squares north of Garden Grove Blvd do not line up with those to the south. As a result, all of the north-south streets had to end, turn left, and resume a block over, at Garden Grove Blvd. Since the 1950’s most of those have been made to gently curve left where they cross, so that a non stop flow can occur, on a green light. A few have been made to curve way to the right. Other than that, everyone loves the square grid street system. Learn about ranges, townships, sections and the U.S. Rectangular Survey System here




1873 Map of Stearns Ranchos

1873 Stearn’s Ranchos Map


The Horse-Drawn Wagon Roads: Whether you had a pony, a horse, a mule, an ox, a donkey, a burro, a horse drawn carriage or wagon, or a team of horses or mules pulling a carriage or wagon (the bus or big rig of the day), you took bumpy dirt roads and had to cross rivers and streams. Crossing places were chosen with hard flat bottoms. It took three days to go from Los Angeles to San Diego by stage, with two overnight stops. So going 40 miles then, averaging 5 mph, was an 8 hour trip. That was like driving 400 miles today at a 50 mph average, time-wise, but felt worse because of all the bumps. If it had rained recently then the streams would be too deep to cross. So you would not be able to go certain places, until the streams and rivers returned to normal. Only some river crossings had bridges, on well used major roads. 



Olive in about 1880

View of Olive in about 1880. Olive is the oldest non-native community in Orange County besides San Juan Capistrano.
The view is east, looking down what is now Lincoln Ave on the right, with Orange-Olive Rd crossing to the left.
In 1780 this was a junction on the El Camino Real that 100 years later became this bustling American community.



1912 Los Angeles Railway Map portion

1912 Los Angeles Railway Map portion


Railroads revolutionize transportation: What a difference those perfectly flat straight and smooth steel rails make, compared with hard packed dirt, or sometimes mud or sand. Railroads came to Los Angeles in the late 1860’s. First was the north-south straight line from Los Angeles to San Pedro. More to follow about railroads and stagecoach routes…






The Oldest Maps Combined into One

This is the result: Detailed and precise early roads, combined with modern roads, on one map. 


1896 LA to Anaheim combined topo

1896 LA to Anaheim combined topo


The Oldest Roads in the Area:

Portolá Routes (green dot dashed red line) The Portolá Expedition made two journeys in 1769 and 1770, looking for places for missions and settlements. Along the way they charted the land and named all of the places they saw. The routes hugged the hills and often crossed into and over the hills. The Kirkman 1860 Map above shows the Portola routes 1 and 2, and the campsites with the dates they stayed at. Most of the El Camino Real followed the Portola Routes, but not where it crossed over hills.

One can only imagine what Gaspar de Portolá, Father Crespi, and soldiers Manuel Nieto, José Antonio Yorba, Juan José Domínguez and the others were thinking as they walked. Was it easier to cross streams where the ground is sloping? Yes. Were there less swamps and marshes where the ground is sloping? Yes. Could you see distant landmarks better when on higher ground? Yes. Were you more likely to find natural resources such as edible plants and animals, minerals, wood, or even gold? Yes, if you were lucky. 


El Camino Real (viejo) (purple dot dashed red line) The original 1771 camino real viejo (old royal road) stayed close to the hills. From Mission San Juan Capistrano it went first north following San Juan Creek, past Rancho Mission Viejo, Rancho Trabuco, Rancho Niguel, and then turned northwest through Rancho Cañada de los Alisos, and through Rancho San Joaquin (later Irvine Ranch) to just before Tustin. 

From there the ECR turns north to get around the marsh called “Cienega de las Ranas” and passes close to Red Hill. It becomes Foothill Blvd, then Old Foothill Blvd, followed by Hewes Av, passing close to El Modena (now Panorama Heights), Hewes St, through Orange, across Santiago Creek, through Villa Park, along Santiago Blvd to Olive. The “Old Santa Ana Site”, at present day Orange-Olive Rd and Lincoln Ave, is where the Yorbas and the Peraltas built their adobe homes, creating the first settlement after the founding of Mission San Juan Capistrano in 1776. The original Camino Real passed by there, and crossed the Santa Ana River at the community of Olive. It says that on the “Old Santa Ana” site marker there, shown above. Visit “Olive through the Ages” at

Santa Ana River historic crossing point near Olive

Santa Ana River crossing

The 1770’s crossing point and route through Placentia is only estimated, with a dashed red line. The evidence for that is the “Old Santa Ana” site marker inscription, the 1855 Anaheim Site Map and 1852 Diseño of Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, all shown above, and the graphic on the right. They show the El Camino Real (viejo) through Placentia, but not accurately. The alternate crossing point farther east upstream must have been used in the early 1800’s, because there was no trace of the 1700’s crossing and road on the earliest 1896 USGS Topographic Map. The bedrock mouth of the Santa Ana canyon held the river steady there, but further down it was free to change directions, and did after large floods. That could explain how the original river crossing place and trail segment became unused, erased and forgotten.  

After crossing the Santa Ana River (originally called “Rio de los Temblores” river of earthquakes), the ECR went north through Placentia, through Rancho San Juan Cajón de Santa Ana, turning westward at Palm Dr, then skipping over Fullerton Creek to form part of Imperial Hwy, in Brea. A short piece of east-west running Lambert Rd is on the trail. Then it angles northwest through the La Habra valley, and becomes the eastern end of Whittier Blvd.  This route follows the hills, but does not hug them, like the exploratory route taken by Portola. Later years would see the camino nuevo coming north up Harbor Blvd, to rejoin with the camino viejo in La Habra. Northwest through Rancho La Habra it passed by 201 E La Habra Blvd, the birthplace of La Habra. A historic marker there says “The first post office, officially naming this settlement “La Habra,” was granted in 1896 and was established in a corner of Coys Store, located on this site. El Camino Viejo, the old road between the missions, passed this corner, which became a central trading point in the fertile La Habra Valley.” Further on northwest, the trail would come to be known as Whittier Blvd, through Whittier and Pico Rivera.

After crossing the San Gabriel River (which changed course in places after floods), the ECR continues still in a northwest direction, following Whittier Blvd all the way into East Los Angeles. There Telegraph Rd used to meet Whittier Blvd. Before that it was the junction of El Camino Real (abajo) and El Camino Real (viejo). Skipping over to Boyle Heights, the trail approached  “El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles” (the Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels), along what is now Ceser E Chavez Ave. From Los Angeles the El Camino Real continued northwest along Sunset Blvd, through Hollywood and the Cahuenga Pass, along the 101 Hollywood Freeway towards Mission San Fernando.


El Camino Real bellEl Camino Real (nuevo) (white dot dashed red line) Sometime, perhaps around 1775, el camino real nuevo (the new royal road) came into use. It did not stay close to the hills, like the camino viejo. In Tustin it split off from the camino viejo, and headed north-west, instead of north.  It passed through what later would become Santa Ana. El Camino (nuevo) Real crossed about 4 miles downstream of El Camino Real (viejo), and then turned almost north, to pass through what later would become the centers of Anaheim and Fullerton. The new Santa Ana River crossing point allowed a straighter path from Tustin to Los Angeles that was about 3/4 the distance. It soon replaced the camino viejo.

The official El Camino Real route, in Wikipedia, is  I-5 to Anaheim, Anaheim Blvd, Harbor Blvd, Whittier Blvd to Los Angeles. South of La Habra and north of Tustin, the official “El Camino Real” is not the original camino (viejo). The official “El Camino Real” is the camino (nuevo), there. In La Habra the camino nuevo merges with the camino viejo. So north of there they are the same, and the official ECR is el camino real viejo, the old royal road.


 El Camino Real (nuevo abajo) (yellow dot dashed red line) Sometime, perhaps around 1780, el camino real nuevo abajo (the lower new royal road) came into use. South of Anaheim, el camino nuevo abajo splits to the northwest, from the northbound camino nuevo. This path follows a more straight line to Los Angeles, by crossing the San Gabriel River at a lower point, and just missing the southwest corner of the Coyote Hills in Buena Park. It follows the I-5 from Anaheim northwest, up to Gilbert St, then splits more north, passing under the 5-91 interchange and through Buena Park High School just north of Magnolia and Orangethorpe. Part of Dale Ave is the camino nuevo abajo, where it curves, for no reason, at the west end of the Fullerton Airport. Parts of Malvern Ave, La Mirada Blvd, and Rosecrans Ave were the trail. Further north through Santa Fe Springs, Meyer Rd and then the northern part of Telegraph Rd were the camino real (nuevo abajo).


Evidence of El Camino Real (nuevo abajo) through Buena Park and La Mirada

Evidence of El Camino Real (nuevo abajo) through Buena Park and La Mirada
1. 1870 Stearns Ranchos Map of Los Angeles – uniquely provides old trails, in detail 
2. Modern Map – La Mirada Blvd and Malvern Ave are the old trail on the 1870 map
3. (maps 1 & 2) Combined 1870 Stearns Ranchos map with illustrated modern roads
4. 1896 USGS Topographic Map – provides accurate terrain and scale for a base map
5. 1860 Kirkman Map – provides El Camino Real versions and trails, but not accurate
6. (3, 4, 5) Combined Historic and Modern All-In-One – map 4, with 3 & 5 illustrated


The above mosaic of six small maps of the La Mirada – Buena Park area shows the process that was used throughout the large map. By comparing landmarks, maps are correlated in scale and in position. Once the known landmarks agree, then historic items can be be illustrated onto a modern map, or modern items can be drawn on a historic map. It’s like having clear sheets or layers, over a base map. Peeling back the clear sheets is literally turning the pages of history. 


The camino real nuevo abajo crosses the floodplain of the San Gabriel River at Telegraph Rd, about 3 miles south of where the camino viejo crosses at Whittier Blvd. So the northern part of Telegraph Rd is older than the telegraph. Further on northwest it passes through Pico Rivera, Commerce, then East Los Angeles, where the camino abajo rejoins the camino viejo at Whittier Blvd near Gage Ave in East Los Angeles.       


More historic routes to follow…


Jawa Parts

August 28, 2015

                      Jawa 207 Parts List

Sources: Below is a combined list made from the above seven manuals. MM notes or names are in aqua blue.

N/A means not available   Link goes to that part’s By Type section    $10 means on sale for $10

# qty  part no.  price  description 
–    207 17 005  N/A  Engine complete (207.011 with 8.5 compression ratio)
–    207 17 105  N/A  Engine complete (207.111 with 8.5 compression ratio)
–    207 17 302  N/A  Engine complete with Bing carburetter
–    207 17 320  N/A  Engine complete (207.300, 207.311 with 8.5 comp ratio)
–    000 00 000  N/A  Engine complete (207.392, 207.394 with 9.2 comp ratio)
1.   1  28-1101  N/A  Engine boxes cases complete
2.   1  28-1103  N/A  Engine boxes with bushes

Jawa 207 parts 1

Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 1: Engine Cases and Bearings

3.   1  28-1131  N/A  L.H. transmission cover
4.   2     43204 $9.00 Bearing 6203 open 17x40x12
5.   2     43006 $8.00 Bearing 6004 open 20x42x12
6.   2     43005 $6.00 Bearing 6001 open 12x28x8
7.   2     50112 $6.50 Crank seals 17x28x7
8.   1     50113 $7.50 Trans. seal 28x38x7
9.   1     50101 $7.50 Drive seal 20x30x7
10  1  28-1113    $7  crankcase gasket
11  1  28-1132  $10  transmission gasket
12  4  28-1112  Link  Cylinder stud M6x114
13  1  28-1116  $25  Ignition magneto cover
14  1  28-1119  $15  Spring clip for cover
15  4  01-1115    $4  Centering bush 6.5×7.8×7.8
16  2     20211  Link  Screw M6x45 pan slot
17  4     20209  Link  Screw M6x35 pan slot
18  6     20208  Link  Screw M6x25 pan slot
19  1  01-1114  $10  Screw M14-2.0×12 oil filler
20  1  01-1119    $3  Seal washer Ø14
21  1     20112    $4  Screw M8-1.25x12 oil drain
22  1  01-1123    $2  Seal washer Ø8.3 Ø15 x 2
23  1     20308  Link  Screw M5-0.8x10 oil check 
24  1  28-1141  Link  Seal washer Ø5


Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 2

Jawa 207 Parts 2: Piston and Crankshaft

# qty  part no.  price  description
1   1   28-1205  $120  crankshaft (with 2 & 3)
2   1   28-1201    $40  Con. rod with bottom bearing
3   1   28-1212    $20  piston pin bushing Ø14x16x12
4   1   28-1218    N/A  Piston “B” std. 38.97 (for 39.02)
4   1   28-1218/1 Link  Piston “B” 1st  39.23 (for 39.28)
4   1   28-1218/2 N/A  Piston “B” 2nd 39.47 (for 39.52)
4   1   28-1218/3 N/A  Piston “B” 3rd 39.73 (for 39.78)
4   1   28-1218/4 N/A  Piston “B” 4th 39.97 (for 40.02)
5   2   28-1220    Link  Piston ring  std   39.02 x 2.0 GI
5   2   28-1220/1 Link  Piston ring 1st  39.27 x 2.0 GI
5   2   28-1220/2 Link  Piston ring 2nd 39.52 x 2.0 GI
5   2   28-1220/3 Link  Piston ring 3rd 39.77 x 2.0 GI
6   1   28-1221    N/A  Piston pin  Ø14 x 32 
7   2   05-1222    Link  Lock ring  piston clip for Ø14 pin
8   1 355-12-033  $6   Pin Ø4 x 6 (for ignition timing)

Jawa 207 piston 14mm pin

Jawa 207 piston

Jawa Pistons: Jawa 39mm cylinders, pistons and rings are slightly bigger than others. A Motobecane mid-size “E” cylinder is 38.99, while a Jawa “B” cylinder is 39.02 mm. Jawa pistons have “rounded M” and “circled S” logos stamped on top, the size code “B  Y” (or “1B Y” or “2B Y” etc), and the arrow that points toward the exhaust side. Jawa pistons are classified in the manuals as A, B, or C by tiny (100 microns) size differences. The actual replacements are all “B”. To see the pistons for sale, with prices and more info, click the link in the price column to go to the Pistons section. Scroll down to Pistons with 14mm Pins, at the bottom of the list. To see the rings for sale, click the price link to go to the Rings section. Scroll down to 39mm rings, for standard rings, specifically “39.02 x 2.00 GI”. 


Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 3

Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 3: Cylinder and Head

# qty  part no.  price  description
1   1  28-1303  N/A  Cylinder head bare
2   1  28-1305  $15  Decomp body with 3+4
3   1  28-1308  N/A  Washer trapped in body
4   1     50007    $6   O-ring 8od 4id (in body)
5   1  28-1314  $12  Decomp Valve
6   1  28-1315    $7  Decomp Support
7   1  28-1316    $5  Decomp Spring
8   1  28-1317    $3  Decomp Valve clamp
9   1     30018    $3  Split pin 1,6×10
10  1     50302   $5  O-ring 12od 8id (on head)
11  1     62106   Link   Spark plug NGK B5HS
12  1  28-1400 $180 Cylinder w/matching piston
12  1  28-1400 $120 Cylinder new, but no piston
13  2  28-1408    $5  Stud  M5 x 23 exhaust stud
14  2  28-1410    $3  Stud  M5 x 27 intake stud
15  1  28-1006    $8  cylinder base gasket
16  4     25103  Link  Nut M6 for head
17  4     27007  Link  Plain washer 6,4


Jawa 207 parts 4

Jawa 207 Parts 4: Intake Pipe, Air Cover

# qty  part no.  price  description
1   1  28-1511  $35  Suction Branch  air cover
2   1  28-1514    $8  Piping  air intake hose
3   1  28-1505  $30  Suction piping  intake pipe
4   1  28-1504    $8  Sealing 30 x 5 carb gasket
5   2     20114  Link  Screw M5x12 hex bolt
6   4     27401  Link  Lock washer 5.1
7   2     21020    $3  Screw M4x25 countersunk slot
8   1  28-1008   $9  Insulator 32 x 5  heat block
9   2     25101  Link  Nut M5
10  2    10006    $5  Sealing 32 x 5  intake gasket



# qty  part no.   price   description
–   1  2-66232     N/A  Carburettor Jikov 2909 9 for 25mph)
–   1  2-66232     N/A  Carburettor Jikov 2912 (Ø12 for 30mph)
1   1  2-65258    $70  Carburettor body Ø9 bare, no choke rod
2   1  2-3219      $15  Emulsion tube  needle jet M9-1.0
3   1  2-65254    $18  Cover  carb top cover with choke
4   1  2-21218    $10  Mover  throttle slide Ø14 x 26
5   1  2-31155    $15  Mover needle  jet needle Ø2.0 x 35
6   1  2-3350       $8  Lock  jet needle clip and spring plate
7   1  2-4838       $6  Mover spring  throttle spring Ø9.5 x 35
8   4  1-2455       $2  Screw M4-0.70 x 12 sunk-slot head
9   1  2-2434       $7  Cable guide adjuster M6-0.75
10  1  2-2516      $2  Nut  adjuster thin nut M6-0.75
11  1  2-2358      $7  Mover stop screw (idle speed) M5-0.8
12  2  2-4825      $3  Spring Ø8 x 13 (for both idle screws)
13  1  2-2503      $5  Regulation screw (idle mixture) M5-0.8
14  1  1-3130/58 N/A Main jet 58 M6-1.0 for 2909 carb
14  1  1-3130/63 $15 Main jet 63 M6-1.0 for 2912 carb
15  1  2-3160/35 $20 Idle jet 35 M4-0.7 thread
16  1  2-65257   N/A  Double float complete  float
17  1  2-31159   N/A  Suspension shaft  float hinge pin
18  1  2-65253   $30  Float needle and seat M7 x 13.5
19  1  2-5213      $3  Sealing Ø5/2,5 fiber washer Ø2.5 x Ø5
20  1  2-2751     $12  Diaphragm  choke plate
20a 1  2-xxxx     N/A  Choke rod with spring
21  1  2-4836     N/A  Diaphragm spring  choke spring
22  1  2-24145   $10  Diaphragm screw  choke pivot screw
23  1  2-2491     $10  Branch  fuel inlet banjo Ø6 hole Ø7 hose
24  1  1-2596     $10  Branch screw  banjo bolt M6-1.0 hollow
25  3  1-5209      $2  Sealing Ø10/6,2 fiber washer Ø6.2 x Ø10
26  1  2-21221   $15  Float chamber  float bowl bare
27  1  2-5312     N/A  Sealing of float chamber  float bowl gasket
28  2  1-4308  $0.25  Spring washer 4,1  M4 lock washer
29  1  2-2753  $7.00  Drip tray
30  2  1-4106   $0.50  Screw w/cylindrical  head  M4-0.7 x 8 
31  1  2-65255 $3.00  Drain plug M6-1.0 x 8


Jawa 207 parts 6

Jawa 207 Parts 6: Exhaust, above Welded, below Clamp-on

# qty    part no. price description
–   1 207 01 100  N/A  Exhaust welded complete
1   1 207 01 104  N/A  Exhaust welded bare
1a  1   07-1604   N/A  Front pipe (clamp on)
1b  1 228 01 042 N/A  Rear pipe (clamp on)
1c  1    28-1641  N/A  Clamp (clamp on)
1d  1    28-1649  $10  Gasket (clamp on)
1e  1       20122  Link  Screw M6 x 14 (clamp on)
2   1 228 01 048  $30  Insert complete
3   1 228 01 054  $35  End piece complete
4   1    28-1007     $8  Exhaust flange gasket
5   1    28-1610   N/A  Sealing Ø2 x 180 asbestos
6   2       20103   Link  Screw M6 x 12
7   2       25103   Link  Nut M6
8   2       25101   Link  Nut M5
9   2       27401   Link  Washer 5,1
10  2       27003   Link  Washer 6,1
11  3       27402   Link  Washer M6


Jawa 207 Parts 7: Running Clutch and Starting Clutch
6a & 7a (ring spring) is in the 207.011 and 207.311 manuals
6 and 7 (3-spring) is in the 207.111 (1978) parts manual only
So they had the 3-spring running clutch shoes for one year only.

# qty    part no.   price   description
1   1 00 28-2103 $48.0 running clutch drum
2   2 00 28-2128 $9.00 starting clutch jaw
3   2 00 28-2113 $7.00 starting clutch spring
4   2 00 28-2114 $2.00  starting clutch clip
5   1 00 28-2116 $42.0 starting clutch drum
6   3 228 21 046 $16.0 clutch jaw for 3-spring
6a 3 00 28-2127 $23.0 clutch jaw for ring-spring
7   3 228 21 049 $9.00 spring for 3-spring clutch
7a 1 00 28-2121 $13.0 spring for ring-spring clutch
8   1 000  50115 $6.00 sealing ring 15 x 24 x 7
9   1 000  50009 $2.00 external retaining ring 15
10  1 00 28-2138 $40.0 outer flywheel-plate
11  1 00 28-2132 $12.0 Screw M8 x 25 (thin 24 hex)
12  1 00 28-2133 $7.00 tab washer  
13  1 00 28-2136 none  felt ring
14  1 000  50305 $11.0 sealing ring Ø100 x 5
15  3 000  21007 $1.50 screw M5 x 10 sunk slot


Jawa Clutch

Jawa Running Clutch “ring spring” type




Jawa Flywheel

Jawa Flywheel/Drum










Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 8

Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 8: Drive Shaft and Drive Gears

# qty part no. price  description
1   1  28-2205 $45  Crankshaft Gear 20T
2   1  28-2209 N/A  Shaft w/Gears 12/34T
3   1  28-2214 N/A  Driveshaft w/Gear 36T
5   1  28-2221  $8  Engage spring
6   1  28-2222  $3  Engage washer
7   1  28-2225 $12  Engage shaft
8   1  28-2226  $5  Engage wheel knob
9   1  28-2206  $7  Crank washer 15 x 24 x  1.9
10 26 28-2207  $1  Loose needles Ø2×12
11  3    40003 Link  Ball Ø5
12  1    34001  $3  Lock ring 19
13  1    34004  $3  Lock ring 18
14  1    33013  $2  Engage pin Ø3 x 26 (or 22)
15  1    45010 N/A  Chain 97 links 086-1
16  1    45005 Link  Master link 086-1 (MM #6c)


# qty  part no.  price  description
4   1  08-????    N/A  Sprocket 10 teeth (for 25km/h models, 208.450, 208.502, etc)
4   1  08-2220   N/A  Sprocket 11 teeth (for 30km/h models, 207.011, 207.111, 207.377 etc)
4   1  28-2220  $25  Sprocket 12 teeth (for 40km/h models, 207.011, 207.111, 207.385, etc)
4  207-27-306  $25  Sprocket 13 teeth (for 50km/h models, 207.300, 207.311, etc
4  207-27-302   N/A  Sprocket 14 teeth (for 50km/h models, 207.385, 207.392, etc)

Jawa Chain: The Jawa motor chain is not a standard 415 moped chain, although it has the same pitch and width. It has thicker pins, 4.4 instead of 4.1mm. More importantly, it has bigger rollers, 8.4 instead of 7.7mm. Because the Jawa sprockets are made for bigger rollers, they look similar to worn out standard sprockets. The valleys between the teeth are wider and deeper, making the tops of the teeth more pointed. So a 415H moped chain will work OK, but not great, on unworn Jawa sprockets. But if the Jawa sprockets are worn, the chain might skip and jump off.   


Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 9

Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 9: Pedal Shaft and Pedals
Standard 9/16-20 thread pedals and 1/2 x 1/8 chain

# qty  part no.  price  description
1   1 07-2254  $45  Pedal shaft welded
2   1 28-2260  Link  Pedal arm 5.3″ straight left
3   1 28-2259  Link  Pedal arm 5.3″ straight right
4   1    70090  Link  Bicycle 9/16″ pedal left
5   1    70091  Link  Bicycle 9/16″ pedal right
6   2    00000  Link  Wedge pin 9.5 mm
7   1    25103  Link  Nut M6 (comes with pin)
8   1    27007  Link  Washer 6.4 (comes with pin)
9   1 28-2268   $3  Washer 17 x 36 x 1
10  1    45011  Link  Bicycle 1/2 x 1/8 chain 86 link
11  1    45008  Link  master link (comes with chain)





Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 10a

Jawa 207 Parts 10: Rear Shocks

# qty    part no.  price  description
—  2  207 39 165  N/A Shock Ø8 Ø8 x 330 lite grey
—  2  207 39 170  N/A Shock, heavy duty chrome
1   2  207 35 101  N/A Bottom body black
2   2  207 35 109  N/A Top body with rod
3   2  207 35 112  N/A Rubber bottoming block
4   2  207 39 ???  N/A Chrome cover  (207.111, 311)
4   2  207 39 166  N/A Light grey cover (207.011)
5   2  207 35 116  N/A Spring
6   4  200 35 008  N/A Rubber bushing
7   4  200 35 009  N/A Steel sleeve Ø8 x Ø12 x 25?



Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 10a: Swinging Fork Frame


Jawa 207 pedal chain

Jawa 207 swing arm 
spiral chain adjusters.
Pedal shaft is swing arm pivot.

#b #a qty   part no.   price   description
— —         207 39 306  N/A  Frame welded bare   (207.305)
— —         207 39 305  N/A  Frame w/swing arm (207.305)
— —         207 31 100  N/A  Frame welded bare   (207.111)
—  1   1    207 30 101  N/A  Frame w/swing arm (207.111)
4   2   1        28-3018  $15  Intake silencer aluminum
5   3   1           70105  N/A  Air filter metal netting use foam
5   3   1       70105sub   $2  Air filter foam type 1.2×1.6×0.4″
10 4   1        05-2127    $1  Rubber hose 5/16″ ID, 1″ long
6   5   1           20205  Link  Screw M5x 40
13 6   1           20225  Link  Screw M5 x 10
7   7   12         20308  Link  Screw M5 x 10
8   8   20         25101  Link  Nut M5
9   9   20         27401  Link  Washer 5,1
19 10  8          27003  Link  Washer 5,3 thick

Jawa 206 pedal chain

Jawa 28, 207 rigid
M5 eye-bolt adjusters

Jawa 207 pedal chain

Jawa 207.311 “late”
M5 eye-bolt adjusters
with back plates

12 11  1       28-3028  $15  Seat tube Ø25.8 Ø22 x 220
—  12  1  207 37 150  $65  Center stand swing arm type
14 13  1       28-3032   $7  Stand spring Ø15 x 95mm
—  14  1  207 30 120  N/A  Stand pin Ø10 x 68mm
17 16  2          34201   $2  Ring 7  Eclip Ø7 for Ø10 pin
30 17  3          20114  Link  Screw M5 x 12
27 18  4          25103  Link  Nut M6
28 19  6          27402  Link  Washer 6.1
29 20  2          27007  Link  Washer 6.4
—  21  1 201 208 050  Link  Screw M8 x 50 post clamp
35 22  2          20024  Link  Screw M8 x 60 rear engine
55 23  1          21204  Link  Screw M8 x 45 front engine
22 24  7          25104  Link  Nut M8
23 25  7          27403  Link  Washer 8.2

Jawa ID sticker

ID plate (1970’s USA)

—  26  6 210 120 084  Link  Washer 8.4  upper shock washer
—  27  4 732 900 060   $2  Ring 6 E-clip Ø6 for Ø8  pin
—  28  1 203 206 030  Link  Screw M6 x 30
39 29  1       28-3204 $10  Guide “U”-shaped metal
40 30  1       28-3205  $7   Roller original phenolic
41 31  1       28-3206  $7   Bushing 6.6 x 9 x 11
—  32  1  207 30 111  N/A  Sleeve spacer for chain “line”
46 33  1  207 39 050  $30 used Rear fender light grey
—  34  2  207 30 115  N/A  Rod  rear fender brace
56 35  1  207 39 052  N/A  Tail lamp bracket for round type
— 35a 1  207 39 171  N/A  Tail lamp bracket for square type
50 36  1         50700  N/A  Grommet for tail lamp wires
—  38  1  207 32 101  N/A  Swing arm
—  39  1  207 30 110  N/A  Swing arm pin
—  40  2  207 32 120  N/A  Bushing  swing arm bushing
—  41  1  207 56 191  $10  Chain adjuster LH  spiral type
—  42  1  207 56 193  $12  Chain adjuster RH  spiral type
52 43  2  359 31 011  N/A  Cup  steering bearing cups
63 44  1      28-0002   $5   Tranzimo protector

62 45  2         20103  Link  Screw M6 x 12  tranzimo protector bolts
—  46  2  228 43 011  N/A  Holder  rear fender brace eye bolt
—  47  2  228 43 012  N/A  Cup  rear fender brace cup
60 48  1         70092  $15  Frame plate  identification sticker
61  —  2      28-0003   $6  Adjuster eyelet type M5 (not shown)
—  50  549633011000 N/A  Steering lock with keys


Jawa Center Stands

Left, Jawa 207 37 150, swing arm type stand, goes outside the frame
Right, Jawa 28-3400, rigid frame centerstand, goes inside the frame

Chains opposite: See below about how the Jawa pedal chain is on the left side of the bike. and so is not like most other mopeds and bicycles. Weird!

Motor chain is special: See above and in the link to Chains, how the Jawa moped chain has bigger rollers than all other mopeds. Weird!


Jawa 28 and 206 Parts 10b: Rigid Type Frames
This “b” section is for rigid frame only items.
Parts that are on both “rigid” and “swing arm”
frames are combined in the “a” section above.

# qty  part no. price  description
1   1  07-3001  N/A  Frame
11  2  05-0023  N/A  Support
15  1    28-3033  $8  Pin Ø10 x 88
16  2     27010  Link  Washer 10.5
18  1  07-3037  N/A  Rear support
20  1  07-3053  N/A  Bracket
21  2     20330  Link  Screw M6 x 14
24  2     20109  Link  Screw M8 x 16
25  1  28-3060  $15  Chain cover
26  2     20148  Link  Screw M5 x 16
32  1  28-3073  N/A  Upper clamp
33  1  28-3074  N/A  Lower clamp
34  1  28-3075  N/A  Tube for seat
36  1     20015  Link  Screw M8 x 65
38  1  28-3203   $4  Roller arm
42  1     21603  Link  Screw M6 x 22
43  1  07-3301  N/A  Luggage carrier
44  1  07-3305  N/A  Support LH
45  1  07-3306  N/A  Support RH
47  1  07-3353  N/A  Fender bracket
48  2  07-3311   $7  Bracket
51  1  28-3400  $35  Center stand
53  2  01-6052  N/A  Band
54  2  01-6053  N/A  Lug
57  1     70095  N/A  Reflecting glass
64  2  28-3036  N/A  Bushing pedal shaft


Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 11 Wheels
Not shown: the two rear bearings #10, rear center tube #2,
and the right rear bearing shields #6, #4 and felt seal #5.

# qty part no. price  description
1   1 28-4003 N/A  Front wheel
2   2 28-4004  $5  F/R Center spacer 16x42
3   1 28-4005 N/A  Front wheel hub
4   4 28-4008  $5  Front shield Ø18/29×5
5   4 28-4009  $5  F/R Felt ring Ø17/27×7 
6   4 28-4010  $5  F/R Shield 17.7 27.8 0.5
6a 0 28-4767 N/A  Stepped washer/spacer
7   2 07-4019 N/A  F/R Rim 1.5″ for 2.25-16
7  207 57 019 N/A  F/R Rim 1.5″ DOT 2.25-16
8  36 07-4016 Link  F/R Spoke inner 2.6x160
9  72    25001 Link F/R Spoke nut M3-0.50
10  4    43001 $6.00 F/R Bearing 6001-Z
11  2    34104  $4  F/R Inner-type circlip 28
12  1 28-4024 $50 used Front brake assy.
13  1 28-4026 N/A  Front cover, no hole
13 207 57 018 $40 F cover, inspection hole
14  4 28-4027 $35 F/R Brake jaw Ø85 x 20
14 4 EBC 804 brakes see
15  4 28-4031 N/A  F/R Brake spring 43mm
15  4 Grimeca  $2  F/R Brake spring 39mm
16  2 28-4032 $15 F/R Brake cam
17  2 28-4033  $5  F/R Brake arm (lever)
18  2 28-4034 Link  F/R Washer 10,2
19  2    27007 Link  F/R Washer 6,4
20  2    25103 Link  F/R Nut M6

Jawa Brake Plates

Jawa Brake Plates/Panels/Covers, both on right side

21  8    27402 Link  Washer 6,1
22  1 28-4040  $7  Front axle Ø12 x 130
23  3 28-4041 $10 F/R Spacer Ø17 x 8
24  1 28-4042 N/A  F. Ring for no speedo
24a 0 07-4755 $35 Speedometer driver
25  2    55032 Link  F/R Tyre 2.25 – 16
26  2    55023 Link  F/R Tube 2.25 – 16
27  2    55012 Link  F/R Rim strip
28  3    27011 Link  F/R Washer 13 plain
29  2    26101  $3  F/R Axle Nut M12-1.5

30  2    27405 Link  F/R Lock washer 12,2
31  1 207 57 023  N/A  Rear hub with rim
32  1     28-4070  N/A  Rear wheel hub

Jawa Front Wheel Parts

Jawa Front Wheel Parts

33  1 207 57 021  $55 used Rear brake assembly
34  1     28-4073   $7  Rear helper spring torsion type
35  1     28-4076  N/A  R. brake cover bare, no insp. slot
35  1 207 57 022  $40 R. brk cover bare, inspection slot
36  1     07-4091  $40 Sprocket 35 teeth for 086 chain
37  1 228 56 020  $10 Rear shield Ø18/28 x 5
38  1     28-4095  $25 Rear axle Ø12 x 170
39  1     28-4097   $7  Rear outer spacer Ø17 x 35
40  1        21401  Link  Screw M6 x 16
41 36    07-4021  Link   F/R Spoke outer Ø2.6 x 160
42  1        70040  $35  L.H. freewheel M35-1.0 18 teeth


Jawa brake shoes
L, 2.5 lining for Ø85 drums
(on Jawa spoke wheels)
R, 5.0 lining for Ø90 drums
(on aluminum wheels)

Jawa Spokes: Jawa spokes for 16″ rims are all 160mm long (198mm for 19″ rims). There are two kinds, inner and outer. The outer ones go through the hub holes from inside to outside, and have a longer and sharper bent section. The inner ones go through the hub holes from outside to inside, and have a shorter bent section. Each wheel has 18 inner and 18 outer spokes, alternating, for a total of 36. It was an educated guess which part number was for which type. Inners were 07-4016 and outers were 07-4022, at least in this list. Nowhere else is this difference noted. It does not matter much, since either type of spoke will work, with some minor bending during tensioning/truing. 

Jawa Freewheel

Jawa Brakes: Jawa brake shoes are not like any other western European or Asian brake shoe. Most are for a 85mm drum diameter. Some Jawa mopeds with aluminum “mag” wheels have 90mm drums. For those Jawa made the same brake shoes, but with thicker lining, 5mm instead of 2.5. 

Jawa Left Hand Freewheels made by Velo

Jawa LH 18T Freewheels made by Velo, say what year they were made, here 1976, 77, 78.

Jawa Freewheel: The “free wheeling hub” with sprocket, for the pedal chain is on the left side of the bike. All other US mopeds, except Benelli, and virtually every bicycle, with a freewheel, has a pedal chain on the right side. A right side freewheel screws onto a hub and tightens clockwise, as the bike is pedaled. So the hub has a standard right hand thread. But a left side freewheel needs an opposite thread, so it tightens counter-clockwise, as the bike is pedaled. Jawa specifies the freewheel thread in the Model 28 Parts List. It is M35 x 1.0 L.H. (left hand). So Jawa freewheels and rear hubs are special.

Notice how the back side of a Jawa freewheel, lower right, looks like the front side of a conventional freewheel, top left, except for no removal slots. For many years Shaun mistakenly thought Jawa freewheels were conventional right hand thread ones that were missing the removal tool slots. It is not easy to tell the direction of such a fine thread. Tragically some of those special left hand freewheels got thrown away in the 1990’s along with a few Taiwan bicycle ones that were truly missing the removal slots.

Just a reminder, freewheels tighten by pedalling. No tool is needed to install one. But removal requires a special tool, which comes in different styles and sizes. If the bicycle or moped is pedaled hard, then the freewheel will become very tight and difficult to remove. 


Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 12

Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 12: Fork 1979 to 1983 (207.300 series)

#  qty   part no.  price  description
1    1  207 47 300  N/A  Forks complete
2    2  207 41 336  N/A  Ball race seat
3    1  207 41 321  N/A  Slider L/H
4    1  207 41 331  N/A  Slider R/H
5    2  228 41 007  N/A  Spring
6    2  207 41 327  N/A  Upper spring catch
7    1  207 41 337  N/A  Head bolt M12
8    1  207 41 xxx  N/A  Headlight holder (Euro)
9    2  207 41 326  N/A  Stop
10   2  207 41 335  N/A  Bellows
11   2  207 41 315  N/A  Bush
12   2  228 40 008  N/A  Guide bush
13   2  220 00 007  N/A  Strap
14   2  359 41 147  N/A  Clip
15   2        xxxxxx  N/A  Split pin
16  42         40001  Link  Ball 5mm
17   1  207 47 310  N/A  Front mudguard
18   1  207 43 302  N/A  Mudguard stay
19   1  207 43 003  N/A  Mudguard stay
20   1         26101  Link  Nut 12
21   1         27011  Link  Washer 13
22   6         20308  Link  Screw M5 x 10
23   4         25101  Link  Nut M5
24   8         27401  Link  Washer 5,1
25   8         27003  Link  Washer 5,3
26   3         20330  Link  Screw M6 x 14
27   1         25103  Link  Nut M6
28   1         27402  Link  Washer 6, 1
29   2         27007  Link  Washer 6, 4


Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 12a

Jawa 207 Parts 12a: Fork 1970 to 1978 (28, 206, 207)

#  qty  part no.  price  description
1   1   28-5100  N/A  Front suspension complete
2   1   28-5016  N/A  Upper goggles  
2   1   07-5713  N/A  Upper goggles  (for 207.011)
3   1   28-5022  N/A  L.H. slide piece (for 19″ rim)
4   1   28-5023  N/A  R.H. slide piece (for 19″ rim)
3   1   07-5030  N/A  L.H. slide piece (for 16″ rim)
4   1   07-5024  N/A  R.H. slide piece (for 16″ rim)
5   2   28-5032  N/A  Spring
6   2   28-5033  N/A  Upper spring catch
7   2   28-5034  N/A  Nut
8   2   28-5037  N/A  Plug
9   1   28-5047  N/A  Headlight holder (Euro)
10  1   28-5012  N/A  Nut
11  151-41-007  N/A  Nut open 
12  1   28-5013  N/A  Washer 27
13  1   28-5018  N/A  Plate 
14  1   28-5018  N/A  Plate
15  4   28-5113  N/A  Guide bush
16  2   07-5115  N/A  Sealing cup 
17  2      50003  N/A  Sealing o-ring 20 x 16
18  42    40001  Link  Ball 5
19  1   07-5155  N/A  Front mudguard (for 16″ rim)
20  1   07-5160  $12  Upper front mudguard strut (for 16″ rim)
21  1   07-5165  N/A  Lower front mudguard strut (for 16″ rim)
22  6      20308  Link  Screw M5 x 10
23  2      20309  Link  Screw M5 x 12
24  4      25101  Link  Nut M5 
25  8      27401  Link  Washer 5,1
26  8      27003  Link  Washer 5,3
27  1      20330  Link  Screw M6 x 14
28  3      25103  Link  Nut M6 
29  3      27402  Link  Washer 6,1



Jawa 207 Parts 13: Controls, Cables
1970-78 sliding-block type throttle: In the 207.011 parts list, the throttle was not sold complete, only separate. It had a spiral ridge inside the twist tube, a 5 inch slot in the handlebar, and a slider inside. The cable ran inside the handlebar.
1977-81 wrap-around throttle: In the 207.111 parts list, the throttle was sold only complete and not separate. It had no slider and only a 1/2 inch slot in the handlebar. The cable exited away from the bar. 

# qty  part no.  price  description
1a 1 207 47 028 $65  Handlebars for slide throttle (207.011)
1b 1 207 47 064 N/A  Handlebars for wrap-around (207.111)
1c 1 207 47 316 N/A  Handlebars bolt-on for wrap (207.300, 305)
1d 1    28-5213  N/A  Spindle bolt M8 long (207.011, 111)
1e 1       27008  Link  Washer 8,4  (207.011, 111)

1f 1    07-5216  N/A  Handlebars cowl  (207.011, 111)
1g 1 550 46 022  $5  Spindle taper cone  (207.011, 111)

2a 1 353 46 112 $15  Catch throttle slide, early (207.011)

3   1 228 46 043 $22  R.H. lever holder
4   1 220 46 002 $25  L.H. lever holder was 20-5102
5   2 228 46 041 $25  Lever R or L, ball end, was 28-5227
6a 1    ??-?????  N/A  Throttle assembly slide type (207.011)
6b 1    36-5380  N/A  Throttle assembly wrap type (207.111)
6b 1 236 46 005 N/A  Throttle assembly late wrap (207.300, 305)
7a 1 353 46 101 $22  Twist tube with grip for slide (207.011)

7b 1 236 46 014 $22  Twist tube with grip for wrap (111,300,305)
8a 1 353 46 105 $15  Housing for slide throttle (207.011)
8b 1 236 46 015 N/A  Housing for wrap throttle (111, 300, 305) 

9   1    36-5388  $10  Plug  throttle plug aluminum (207.011, 111)
9   1 236 46 013 N/A  Plug  throttle plug late type (207.300, 305)
10  1 228 46 012  $7  Lever  lever, decompression

11  1 353 46 112 $10 Catch  lever mount, decomp
12  1 228 46 053 N/A  Spacer tube for decomp lever
13  1    28-5223  N/A  L.H. rubber grip
14 to 21                 Cables    see below                       
25  1       70088  $25  Brake light switch
26  1       20602  Link  Screw M6 x 5
27  1       21007  Link  Screw M5 x 10
28  2       20229  Link  Screw M5 x 20
29  2       20205  Link  Screw M5 x 40
30  2       25101  Link  Nut M5
31  2       27401  Link  Washer 5,1
32  1       27003  Link  Washer 5,3
33  4 203206025 Link  Screw M6 x 25
34  4       27402  Link  Washer 6.1
35a 1 220 65 000 N/A Light/horn switch body
35b 1 550 65 150 $30 Light/horn switch body (207.011, 111)
35  1 550 65 150 $30 says “353 65 140” 
35c 1 220 65 013  N/A  Light/horn switch body (207.300)
37  1       20316  Link  Screw M3.5 x 28
38  1       27407  Link  Washer
39  1       25110  Link  Nut M3.5
40a 1 220 65 001 $15 Lt/horn switch cover grey with no label
40b 1 220 65 012 $15 Lt/horn switch cover chrome chrome label 
40c 1 220 65 012 $15 Lt/horn switch cover chrome w/black label 
41   1     51 120  N/A  Decomp lever sleeve says “engine stop”

Jawa Switches

Jawa 207 Switches







Jawa throttles 1970-1981

Jawa 207 slide type and wrap around throttles

Jawa Supreme with Domino controls

Jawa Supreme with Domino controls









Jawa Cables
Each cable was made in long or short versions. Long is for tall hi-rise handlebars like on the 207.311.
US models 1976-81 had Jawa controls. Those had inline brake light switches on the brake cables.
US models 1982-83 had Domino controls. Those had brake light switches on the controls, not the cables.
The 1982-83 top tank had low bars, short cables. The 1981-83 step thru had high bars, long cables. 

Jawa 207 Cables

14. Throttle Cables
14a 1    28-5240  N/A  short grey 2-end for slide (207.011)
14a 1    28-5240  N/A  short black 2-end for slide substitute
14b 1 207 47 068 N/A  short black 2-end for wrap (207.111)
14b 1 207 47 068 N/A  short black 2-end for wrap substitute
14b 1 207 47 320 N/A  long black 2-end for wrap (207.300)
14b 1 207 47 320 N/A  long black 2-end for wrap substitute
14c 1 
207 ?? ???? N/A  
long black 1-end Domino (207.3xx)
14c 1 207 ?? ???? N/A  long black 1-end Domino substitute

15. Rear Brake Cables
15a 1 207 47 057 N/A  short grey 1-end with gap w/switch (207.011)
15a 1 207 ?? ???? N/A  short black 1-end with gap w/switch (207.111)
15b 1     28-5246 N/A  short grey 1-end (no gap for switch) (207.0xx)
15c 1 207 47 325 N/A  long black 1-end with gap for switch (207.300)
15c 1 207 ?? ???? N/A  “bare” long black 1-end with gap substitute
1 207 ?? ???? N/A  “bare” short black 1-end with gap substitute
15d 1     28-5246 N/A
 “bare” long black 1-end (no gap) substitute
15d 1     28-5246 N/A  “bare” short black 1-end (no gap) substitute
16  2    28-5271   $3  Cable stop step-ferrule Ø8-Ø4 x 9

17. Front Brake Cables
17a 1 207 47 047 N/A  short grey 1-end with gap w/switch (207.011)
17a 1 207 ?? ???? N/A  short black 1-end with gap w/switch (207.111)
17b 1    28-5255  N/A  short grey 1-end (no gap for switch) (207.0xx)
17c 1 207 47 322 N/A  long black 1-end with gap for switch (207.300)
17c 1 207 47 322 N/A  “bare” long black 1-end with gap substitute
17c 1 207 47 322 N/A  “bare” short black 1-end with gap substitute
17d 1 207 47 322 N/A  “bare” long black 1-end (no gap) substitute
17c 1 207 47 322 N/A  “bare” short black 1-end (no gap) substitute
18  1    28-5272  N/A  Cable spring assist spring

19. Decomp. (Start) Cables
19a 1 228 46 050 $32  short grey 2-end w/lever (207.011) 34″ conduit
19a 1 228 ?? ???? N/A  short black 2-end w/lever (207.111)
19b 1 228 46 056 N/A  long black 1-end no lever (207.300)
19c 1 228 ?? ???? N/A  “bare” long black 1-end substitute
19c 1 228 ?? ???? N/A  “bare” short black 1-end substitute

20-23 Cable Ends
20  3 353 46 031   $7  Cable pinch bolt Ø8 with set-screw
21  3 550 46 031   $2  Cable pinch bolt M6-1.0 set-screw
20  3 353 46 031  $3  Cable pinch bolt substitute
22  2 228 46 011 N/A  Brake cable upper end (adapter pin)
23  2       34404  N/A  Brake upper end ring (adapter pin clip)


Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 14

Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 14

#  qty   part no.  price  description
1   1     28-7107  $40  R.H. cowl side cover
2   1     28-7116  N/A  L.H. cowl side cover
3   1     28-7122  $35  Upper cowl center cover
4   2        25104  Link  Nut M8
5   8        20308  Link  Screw M5 x 10
6   9        27003  Link  Washer 5,3
7   1        25101  Link  Nut M5
8   1     28-7205  N/A  Tank welded
9   1     28-7218  N/A  Cover  felt
10  1    05-3340  Link  Plug  gas cap 40mm push-in
11  1      70-053  Link  Discharge cock type 14 K
12  1    28-7218         Gasket Ø13 fiber washer
13  1    28-7227   N/A  Hose  fuel line (ID 1/4″)
14  2    28–????  N/A  Label “Babetta”
14  2    28-7701  N/A  Label “Jawa”
14  2    28–????  N/A  Label “Transistor 40”
15  1    01-9999  N/A  Seat complete
16  1 302620011  N/A  Bolt  special stud
17  1 420620007  N/A  Socket of seat fitting
18  2 503200504  N/A  Adapter 28
19  2 100620030        Washer 28







Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 15

#  qty   part no.  price  description
–   1 207-61-140  N/A  Alternator assembly for 
–   1 228-61-150  N/A  Alternator assembly for 207.011
–   1 207-61-120  N/A  Alternator assembly 207.111, 300
1   1     28-6002  $85  Rotor internal 6-pole magnet
2   1     28-6010  N/A  Stator assembly early type
2   1 228-61-151  N/A  Stator assembly for 207.011
2   1 228-61-121  N/A  Stator complete 207.111, 300
3   1     28-6011  $30  Ring with pulse coil white wire for 207.011
3b 1 207-61-003  N/A  Ring w/pulse coil yellow wire 207.111, 300
4   1     28-6020  N/A  Ignition coil 207.011
4b 1 228-61-005  $35  Ignition coil 207.111, 300
5   2        20201  Link  Screw M4 x 14
6   1 228-61-153  $30  Horn/Stop coil  207.011, 111, 300
7a 1      28-6027  $45  Lighting coil I
7a 1 228-61-027  $35  Lighting coil I  207.011, 111, 300
7a 1 207-61-142  N/A  Lighting coil I
7b 2      28-6036  $60  Lighting coil II
7b 2 228-61-036  $40  Lighting coil II  207.011, 111, 300
7b 1 207-61-143  N/A  Lighting coil II
8   6        20202  Link  Screw M4 x 30
9  10       27400  Link  Washer 4,1
10  1       20131  Link  Screw M5 x 25 rotor bolt
11  1       27401  Link  Washer 5,1
12  1       27003  Link  Washer 5,3
13  2       20247  Link  Screw M4 x 22
14  1    28-6226  N/A  Alternator wiring (early)
14a  207-60-171  N/A  Alternator wiring 207.011
14b  207-60-331  N/A  Alternator wiring 207.111, 207.300
14c  207-60-152  N/A  Alternator wiring
15  1 150-49-005 N/A  Bushing grommet

Jawa Magneto Coils

Jawa Magneto Coils

Jawa 207 magnetos have four source coils (and one pulse coil). Two of them are combined in series to make one. So there are three independent generator outputs, ignition (coil 4b), lighting (coil 7a plus 7b), and horn or brake light (coil 6). The ignition never has anything to do with the lights. The brake light does not make the head light dim at all. So it is like three separate little generators, all in one place. More about Jawa electrical can be found in the Wiring Diagrams gallery. Scroll down to “J” Jawa.





Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 16

Jawa 207 ’76-80 Parts Diagram 16

#  qty   part no.  price  ’76-80 Headlight
1   1  207 47 060  N/A  Headlight housing for no switch
1a 1  223 42 001  N/A  Headlight housing for switch
2   1         70093  $35 Rim chrome bezel
3   1  207 47 048  $12 Ring adapter
4   1         70094  Link  Sealed beam 6V 25W
5   6         55033   $3  Spring clip 207 34 594
6   1         62042  $30 Ignition switch
7   2         21002   $2  Screw M4 x 8
8   2         20117  Link Screw M8 x 25
9   2         27008  Link Washer 8.4
10 2         25200  Link Nut M8
11 2         21030  Link Screw M4 x 16
12 2         25109  N/A  Nut M4 special shape plastic
13 1 408 2870.13  $2 Screw M5 x 20 slot
14 1 408 1040.06  $3 Distance ring 9mm
15 1        14002  $50 Speedometer with clamp
16 1 555-40-010   $7 Rubber ring
17 1      07-4780 $18 Cable M10-1 caps, 2.2mm square ends


#  qty   part no.       price  description
–   1 443 311 199 101 N/A Headlight complete
2   1 443 958 111 217 N/A Cover
3   1 443 950 711 316 N/A Cover
4   1 443 954 221 002 N/A Adapter
5   2 443 952 121 003 N/A Screw w/inner thread
6   1 443 953 203 001 N/A Insulating washer
7   1 443 954 600 001 N/A Compression spring
8   2 443 952 001 003 N/A Lock washer
10 1 443 950 522 959 N/A Clip

Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 16a

Jawa 207 Parts 16a (Euro head light)

12 2 443 950 287 674 Link Screw M3 x 6
13 2 443 950 021 009 Link Screw M4 x l4
14 2 311 214 420 041 Link Washer 4,1
15 1 443 950 287 678 Link Screw M6 x l6
16 1 443 950 288 238 Link Washer 6,1
17 1 443 950 286 102 Link Nut M6
18 1 345 355 201 630 N/A Switch
19 1 443 958 113 002 N/A Bush
20 1 443 958 111 218 N/A Parabolic mirror
21 1 443 958 118 005 N/A Cable
22 1        228 60 129 Link Bulb 6V 15/15W




Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 17

Jawa 207 Parts 17 Transistor Ignition

# qty  part no. price  description
1   1 30-6500  N/A Transimo
2   1 30-6514  N/A Transistor KD-602
3   2    20220  Link Screw M3 x 6
4   2    27406  Link Washer 3,1
5   1 30-6573   $4 N/A Cover
6   1    62038  N/A Protection cover rubber boot
7   1 28-6234  N/A Plug wire with spark plug cap
8   1    62039  N/A Cable terminal OKS-12 plug cap
9   2 01.1787  N/A Cable eyelet
10 1 01.1787  N/A Cable eyelet
11 1 28-6206  N/A Conductor #15  black
12 1 28-6223  N/A Conductor #58 yellow
13 1    62011   N/A Flat tube female blade connector
14 5    62012  $2  Cylindrical tube female bullet connector
15 5 30-6214  N/A Insulating tube Ø8 x 30mm
16 1 28-6227  N/A Insulating tube 0,5m




Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 17a

Jawa 207 Parts 17a Thyristor Ignition

# qty     part no.        price  description
1  1  443 213 220 810  N/A Thyristor
2  1  443 212 210 800  N/A Coil
3  1  443 930 220 560  N/A Bracket
4  1  0000 207 66 001  N/A Bracket
5  1  0000 207 60 015  N/A Plug lead
6  1  371 511 341 000  N/A Plug cap
7  6  443 858 000 012  N/A Cable end
8  2  443 858 008 002  N/A Cable end
9  3  443 858 006 032  N/A Cable end
10 1  0000 359 60 122  N/A Cable end
11 6  0000 228 60 015  N/A Cable end
12 1  273 125 031 534  N/A Grommet






Jawa Service Bulletin Aug 1981

Jawa Service Bulletin Aug 1981

Jawa Ignition Upgrade Kit

Jawa Ignition Upgrade Kit

In 1981 Jawa moped dealers across the US were sent this Service Bulletin #1. It says how to update pre-1978 (model 207.011) ignitions by replacing the old red Tranzimo unit, and the old stator ring with pulse coil, with the newer system, shown at right. The new system had been in use for two years on the 207.111 models, and was proven to be more reliable. Too bad MM does not have any more of those ignition upgrade kits.






Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 18a

Jawa 207 Parts 18a Rear Lamp (’76-78)

Jawa Tail Light PM428

Tail, stop, license lamp
PM420 (stud mount)

# qty part no.  price  description
–  –   3296-061  N/A  Tail Lamp PM420-15
1  1   3296-061  N/A  Lamp housing
2  1   3296-061 Link Lens used
3  2 34544-001 $0.50 Screw
4  1       34213 $1.00 Nut 3/8-24 fine
5  1       34213 $0.50 Lock washer 3/8″
6  1       60507  Link  Bulb 6V #1154

PM made Jawa tail lights

1976-80 tail lamps are made by PM






Jawa 207 Parts Diagram 18b

Jawa 207 Parts 18b Rear Lamp PM421 (’78-80)

# qty part no.   price  description
–  1  70106 Link Tail lamp PM421-15
1  1  70100 Link Lamp housing (body)
2  1  70101 Link Lens
3  2  70102  N/A Screw
4  3  70103  N/A Screw
5  1  60507  Link Bulb 6V 10/3W

Peterson PM421 tail light

Tail, stop, license lamp PM421







Jawa 207 Parts 20: Tool kit, all metal pump
says made in Czechoslovakia by Velamos

Parts Diagram 19 was Speedometer Parts. The speedometer and cable were merged with the headlight parts. The speedo driver and special stepped spacer were merged with the wheel parts.

# qty     part no.    price  description
1  1       207 00 101  N/A  tool tray
2  1       228 75 002  N/A  universal wrench
3  1       200 75 012   $7  spark plug socket
4  1       220 75 009   $5  socket 13/17mm
5  549 900 006 700  $10  screwdriver
6  1       555 71 024   $8  socket 10mm
7  1       555 71 023   $4  handle rod
8  1     413 035 001  $25  air pump original with new hose

Jawa Tail Light

Tail, stop and license lamp PM421
Under rack are pump and tool tray








Jawa Hardware: Original screws (bolts), nuts, washers, from the parts sections above are listed again below. Above, they all have a link in the price column, that goes to the Parts by Type/Hardware page. Any metric nuts and bolts with the same dimensions will substitute for the Jawa originals, but some things, like screw heads, might look slightly different. Some of the original hardware items are still available, listed below, with photos. 

Jawa Original Hardware List
20024 Screw M8x60 hex head
20103 Screw M6x12 hex head
20109 Screw M8x16 hex head
20112 Screw M8x12 hex head
20114 Screw M5x12 hex head
20122 Screw M6x14 hex head
20131 Screw M5x25 hex head
20148 Screw M5x16
20201 Screw M4x14 pan slot
20202 Screw M4x30 pan slot
20205 Screw M5x40 pan slot
20208 Screw M6x25 pan slot
20209 Screw M6x35 pan slot
20211 Screw M6x45 pan slot
20220 Screw M3x6 pan slot
20225 Screw M5x10 pan slot
20229 Screw M5x20 pan slot
20247 Screw M4x22 pan slot
20308 Screw M5x10 dome slot
20309 Screw M5x12 dome slot
20316 Screw M3.5×28
20330 Screw M6x14
20602 Screw M6x5 set screw
21002 Screw M4x8 sunk slot
21007 Screw M5x10 sunk slot
21020 Screw M4x25 sunk slot
21204 Screw M8x45 hex head
21401 Screw M6x16 hex head
21603 Screw M6x22 pan slot
25101 Nut M5-0.80 plain
25103 Nut M6-1.00 plain
25104 Nut M8-1.25 plain
25109 Nut M4-0.70 plain
25110 Nut M3.5-0.60 plain
26101 Nut M12-1.50 plain
27003 Washer 5,3 Ø5 thick
27003 Washer 6,1 Ø6 plain
27007 Washer 6,4 Ø6 plain
27008 Washer 8,4 Ø8 plain
27010 Washer 10,5 Ø10 plain
27011 Washer 13 Ø12 plain
27400 Lock washer 4,1 Ø4 split
27401 Lock washer 5,1 Ø5 split
27402 Lock washer M6 Ø6 split
27403 Lock washer 8,2 Ø8 split
27405 Lock washer 12,2 Ø12 split
27406 Lock washer 3,1 Ø3 split
27407 Lock washer

Where else to get Jawa moped parts has many things that does not, and visa versa. also has many things.,_207,_Transistor_40


Where else to get Jawa moped information has more useful information and photos. Translate from Hungarian.




Frequently Asked Questions

August 22, 2015

Do you have any 6 volt ignition coils?

No. A 6 volt coil is for a 6 volt battery ignition. The only vehicles that I know of, that have 6 volt ignition coils are vintage ones from before the 1970’s and 80’s. 1980’s and later cars and big motorcycles all have 12 volt ignition coils. Big motorcycles, like cars have “battery ignitions” where the ignition power source is a battery. Small motorcycles and mopeds have “magneto ignitions” where the ignition power source is a generator. The ignition coils for small motorcycles and mopeds do not say any voltage.

Do you have a rebuild kit for my engine?

You cannot accurately guess what it needs. You will need to get a tech person to:
1. Get the engine unfroze
    feel if it has compression, if not then

2. Disassemble and diagnose what is bad

the least might be just piston rings, which I have

    if the crankshaft and cylinder are bad, then it is not worth fixing
I do not have a engine for sale. Generally, you need to find another whole bike to get that. You hopefully won’t need an engine, but you do not know yet. There is not any engine/transmission that I know of that would fit, although people do occasionally put an engine from a different bike. That requires engineering skills and some luck. For any given moped or motorcycle, the engine costs almost as much as a whole bike.

Do you have the original ignition coil for my moped?

Chances are that if you did find the original ignition coil, and put it on, it would still have the same problem. That coil does not have to be the original one. Any ignition transformer coil for a magneto points ignition (not a 6V or 12V battery ignition coil), would function, if the rest of the ignition was good. Read about ignition troubleshooting online and on my website. Get help from a technical person if necessary. Here are the most likely causes of weak or intermittent spark:

Is there an external ignition ground that goes outside to power the brake light, that must be grounded to get spark?

Is there continuity through the points, when they are closed? Or are they “dirty”?

Is the condenser bad, causing heavy sparks to jump across the points?

Do the points even open enough, or is the points cam rusty, and the points wiper worn so there is no gap?

Has the flywheel been put in the wrong position, so that the spark is at the wrong time, and/or weak?

Has anything been changed, like a different flywheel?

These are the likely things, in order of most likely first.


August 21, 2015

updated 2021-10
thin screen format


1. Tools
Tire tools
Wheel tools
Piston tools
Timing tools

2. Special Tools




Prices in green are new, dark green are good-used. N/A means not available.


1. Tools


Tire Tools

Tire leversTire levers
for removal or install
8.5 inch, tool steel
08-0003  $6 each


Quick stick

Quick stick
for tire install only
for sliding, not prying
61149 6 inch Teflon $5



Wheel Tools

Park cone wrench

Cone wrench 15 mm
for moped wheels with
cones and loose bearings
6170 Park SCW-15 $10


Spoke wrench round


Spoke wrench round
for all bicycle spokes
6127 8-slot $5


62194 pedal wrench 15mm Park PW-5 $10


Spoke wrench straight
for all motorcycle spokes
15-1521  6-slot   $6


Freewheel remover
Sun Tour type
Park FR-6  $12



Freewheel remover
Atom type
Park FR-6 modified  $26






Park pedal wrench

Pedal wrench 15mm
semi-thin, for pedals
62194 Park PW-5  $14


Myrons pedal wrench 15mm


Pedal wrench 15 mm
Myrons $10



Spark plug wrench


Spark plug socket wrench
13/16″ hex (21 mm)
34-2111 9 inch  $10



Plug wrench


Spark plug socket wrench
2-piece 21 mm $6




Spark plug sockets 21 19 16mm

Spark plug sockets
21 hex (13/16) for NGK BR6ES (14 mm)  $3
19 hex ( 3/4″ ) for NGK DR6ES (12 mm)
16 hex ( 5/8″ ) for NGK CR6ES (10 mm)




Spark plug socket wrench
for Motobecane   $6.00
short type 21/13 mm





Spark plug socket wrench
21/27 mm portable $3




Allen Wrenches

T-handle allen (hex) wrenches
.10 mm $2.50  .   3/8″ $2.50
0 8 mm $2.50  . 5/16″ $2.50
0 6 mm none   .   1/4″ $2.50
5.5 mm $2.00  . 7/32″ $2.00
0 5 mm $2.00  . 3/16″ $2.00
4.5 mm $2.50  . 5/32″ $2.00
0 4 mm $2.00  . 9/64″ $2.00
0 3 mm none  .   1/8″ $2.00
2.5 mm $1.50  . 7/64″ $1.50
0 2 mm $1.50  . 3/32″ $1.50

L-type allen (hex) wrenches
.14 mm $4.00  .
.12 mm $3.00  .
.10 mm $2.50  .   3/8″ $2.50
0 8 mm $2.50  . 5/16″ $2.50
0 6 mm $1.50  .   1/4″ $2.50
5.5 mm $2.00  . 7/32″ $2.00
0 5 mm $1.50  . 3/16″ $2.00
4.5 mm $2.50  . 5/32″ $2.00
0 4 mm $2.00  . 9/64″ $2.00
0 3 mm $1.50  .   1/8″ $1.50
2.5 mm $1.50  . 7/64″ $1.50
0 2 mm $1.50  . 3/32″ $1.50
1.5 mm





Holder Tools



Flywheel holder large
useful for unfreezing engines
Myrons  $15





Piston Tools




Piston pin press
for pin ∅12
Peugeot 68467  $35





Piston bushing press
for pin ∅12 bushing ∅14
Myrons  $30





Piston stop
deluxe N/A




Piston stop
plain $14



The piston stop keeps the piston from rising all the way up, and thus prevents the crankshaft from rotating. When the piston is parked against it, the crankshaft nuts can be tightened (or loosened) to the proper torque. Without it the crank nuts cannot be fully tightened or loosened. There are also holder tools that fit into the windows in the flywheel. They perform the same function as a piston stop. A piston stop works on any engine with a straight spark plug, not angled, like most two stroke engines have.



Pullers (extractors)  screw-on type

Flywheel puller M17-1.0 deep for Vespa

Screw-on puller M17-1.0
deep for Vespa/Piaggio flywheel
Buzzetti  P1710d $22.0



Flywheel puller M19-1.0

Screw-on puller M19-1.0
for 80 mm ID flywheels CEV, Dansi
generic  P19100  $18.0




Screw-on puller M19-1.0 and M22-1.5
Buzzetti  P19x22  $19.0



Flywheel puller M20-1.0 for Peugeot

Screw-on puller M20-1.0
= 69254 for Peugeot 102, 103 flywheel
Buzzetti  P20100 $18.0



Screw-on puller M22-1.0
for 3-piece bicycle cranks
Takagi (Japan) P22100 $24



Flywheel puller M22-1.5

Screw-on puller M22-1.5
for 80 id flywheels Bosch, Motoplat
Buzzetti  P22150 $17.0



Flywheel puller M24-1.0

Screw-on puller M24-1.0
for Motobecane clutch
Buzzetti  P24100  $15.0




Screw-on puller M24-1.0 and M26-1.0
generic  P24x26  $19.0



Flywheel puller M26-1.0


Screw-on puller M26-1.0
for Motobecane (Novi) flywheel hub
generic  P26100  $15.0



Screw-on puller M26-1.5 and M22-1.5
generic  P26x22  $19.0



Screw-on puller M26-1.5 internal
for clutch on Derbi and Honda PA50
Derbi  PI26150  $35  good-used



Screw-on puller M30-1.5 internal
for Adler clutch on Benelli and Demm
Benelli 48 91 27 70  PI30150  $43




Pullers (extractors)  2-or-3 bolt type


3-bolt puller
for Solex flywheel
P3B001   $22




2-bolt puller
for Minarelli and Puch clutch
two 6mm pull bolts
P2B001  $15.0




2-bolt puller large 6 inch reach
has 3/8″ pull bolts, but can be 6 mm
has two snap on bearing tips
Proto 4214  P2B002  $40





Pullers (extractors)  2-or-3 jaw

#  price  jaws      good-used unless noted
1   $19  7  x 11″  Snap-on CJ118-1 very wide, very adjustable
2   $22  4.5 x 7″  heavy duty
3   $18  3 x 7.5″  Proto 866-B
3a   $5  3 x 7.5″  Proto jaw long (each)
3a   $2  3 x  4″    Proto jaw short (each)
4     $5  4 x 6.0″  one broken jaw, needs welding
5     $5  2.5 x 4″  lightweight
6     $5  2.5 x 4″  lightweight
7     $1  2.5 x 4″  lightweight broken handle
8   $22  3.0 x 3″  Proto 4250N heavy duty 3-jaw
9     $2  2.5×2.5″ non-adjustable
10   $4  3.0 x 3″  non-adjustable


Timing Tools

Timing tools

0,5 none  vintage dial gauge (mm) and holder, fits Motobecane barely
0,6 $40.0 modern dial gauge (inch) and holder, works but “jumpy”
7,8 none  Peugeot 69258  requires a feeler gauge
0,9 $45.0 Sachs 0276.135.100
,10 none  Motobecane 100013
,11 none  unidentified
,12 none  unidentified

Timing tools are piston position indicators. They tell you where the piston is at.

Ignition timing is when the spark happens. It is a little Before Top Dead Center (BTDC). There are two ways of stating the ignition timing, crankshaft angle in degrees, or piston position in mm. Ignition timing for mopeds is about 20 to 25 degrees BTDC (crankshaft angle), or 1.5 to 2.0 mm BTDC (piston position). The spark happens at the moment the points open.

Points gap is the maximum gap. It can be within a range of 0.014 to 0.018″. Setting the points gap also sets the ignition timing. A wider maximum gap setting causes the points to open earlier, making the ignition timing angle larger (more advanced). A thinner maximum gap setting causes the points to open later, making the timing angle smaller (more retarded).

Using a timing tool in the spark plug hole is needed when there are no timing marks on the edge of the flywheel. 



Other Tools

Wrenches, sockets, stamp sets, chain tools, others.





2. Special Tools




Benelli Tools


abcde. fghij  engine     tools for these 1970’s UK models
10000.00000 G2K ’78 Motorella     1-speed automatic
01000.00000 G2 0 ’00 G2 w/pedals  1-speed automatic
00100.00000 G2K  ’00 G2 elle, G2KS 1-spd automatic
00010.00000 3VK ’78 Magnum 3V  3-speed cable shift
00001.00000 3VK ’78 Export 3V     3-speed cable shift
00000.10000 5M    ’00 50 Turismo  5-speed foot shift
00000.01000 5MS ’78 50 Magnum  5-speed foot shift
00000.00100 5MS  ’76 50 Cross       5-speed foot shift
00000.00010 5M125  125 Turismo  5-speed foot shift
00000.00001 5M125  125 Enduro    5-speed foot shift

0# 0 Benelli# 0 abcde. fghij  price    colors:  new/used  original/replacement
01 11000.11111 none  sprocket puller
02 11111.00000 $40.0 flywheel holder
02 01000.00001 $40.0 sprocket holder
03 00000.11111 none  flywheel holder
03 10000.11100 none  sprocket holder
04 00000.00010 none  sprocket holder
05 11111.11111 none  flywheel puller M19-1.00
05 00.  P19100 
11111.11111 $18.0 flywheel puller same
06 00011.11111 none  pinion puller
07 00000.11100 none  pinion holder
07 00000.00011 none  pinion holder
08 00000.11111 none  clutch fitting tool
09 00000.11111 none  clutch disks holder
10 01000.00000 $45.0 gear holder
10 11100.00000 $45.0 Rimoldi clutch holder
11 11100.00000 $43.0 Adler clutch puller internal M30-1.5
12 11100.00000 none  clutch housing puller
13 11100.00000 none  Rimoldi clutch puller 2-bolt
13 69.  P2B001 11100.00000 $15.0 clutch puller same






Laura Tools


 colors: new used  original replacement 
0#   Laura#  price      M48 Tools 

116 485009 48-33 bearing puller for 6302 bearings 42 OD
116 485009 $7-$5 bearing puller cage half only, 42 OD (takes 2)
322 565018 $10.0bearing puller rod/stud only (takes 2)

117 485001 $10.0 driver tube ∅20-15.5 x 170 for 6302 bearings 15 ID
118 485010 none  flywheel holder for M48 ∅90 ID use 304 instead
119 485005 45-32 clutch holder and puller
120 485002 $28.0 flywheel puller 26-1.5 & 22-1.5
120 P26150 $20.0 flywheel puller M26-1.5

121 485003 $35.0piston bushing press (original)
122 485004 none  timing gauge (piston indicator)
123 485006 none  fitting sleeve ∅21 for clutch seal 20-42-7 offset
124 485007 none  crank end protector M10 for flywheel removal
125 485008 $10.0 crank support plate for bearing installation
126 485011 $10.0 driver ring ∅48 for L clutch seal 20-42-7 offset
127 485012 $8-$6 driver ring ∅36 for R crank seal 14-30-7

  #   Laura#  price    M56 Tools
301 485002 see 120 flywheel puller 26-1.5 & 22-1.5
P22150 $20.0  flywheel puller M22-1.5
302 485003 see 121 piston bushing press
303 485008 see 125 crank support plate
304 485010 $13.0 flywheel holder for M56 ∅80 or M48 ∅90 ID
305 565001 42-28clutch holder
306 565002 38-25clutch puller 3-bolt M5 x 65
307 565003 19-15ratchet wheel holder
308 565004 $15.0 ignition adjusting tool
309 565005 $28.0 clutch nut special socket
310 565006 $10.0 driver ring ∅38-17 for L drive seal 17-35-7
311 565007 none  driver ring ∅29-15 for pulley seal 15-30-5
312 565008 $10.0 driver ring ∅30-20 for R drive seal 20-26-4
313 565009 $10-6driver ring ∅34-15 L,R crank seal 15-32-7, 21-32-7
314 565010 $10-6driver tube ∅25-20.5 for right end of drive shaft 
315 565011 $10-6driver tube ∅22-17.5 for pulley bearing 6203 17id
316 565012 $12.0crank end protector M8 for flywheel removal
317 565013 $9.00 fitting sleeve ∅18 for drive seal 17-35-7
318 565014 $9.00 fitting sleeve ∅16 for pulley seal 15-30-5
319 565015 $10.0fitting sleeve ∅21 for R crank seal 21-32-7
320 565016 $9.00 driver tube ∅22-15.5 for crank bearings 6202 15id
321 565017 $15.0clip spreader-installer for clutch clip
322 565018 48-33 bearing puller for 6202 bearing 35 OD
322 565018 $7.00bearing puller cage half only, 35 OD (takes 2)
322 565018 $10.0bearing puller rod/stud only (takes 2)



Minarelli Tools


0colors: new used   original replacement
MMI# Minarelli# price    C# is from Cimatti and Motron
C1600  00.0000.0  none  wrench open 32 steering cone
C1610  00.0000.0  none  wrench octagon 32 steering nut
C1620  00.0000.0  none  wrench 10 and 17
C1630  00.0000.0  none  allen wrench 5
C1240  00.0000.0  none  spark plug wrench 21

C6900  00.0000.0  none  points tester

06920 05.0050.0  none  sprocket puller
06930 05.0064.0  $38.0 V1 case splitter U50-1
06930 05.00064.0 none  V1/V2 case splitter
06950 05.0080.0  $29.0 CEV flywheel puller U1-2 M19-1
p19100  0.0000.0 
$18.0 flywheel puller same

06960 00.0000.0  none  sprocket holder U2-8
06970 05.0081.0  none  V1 clutch holder U35-2
06970  05.0335.0  none  kick start nut holder
06980  05.0007.0  none  V1 clutch puller 2-bolt
p2b001  0.0000.0
  $15.0 clutch puller same

06990 05.0332.0  none flywheel holder 3-prong U49-2
00000 00.0000.0  none  flywheel holder 2-prong U29-1

06990  05.0338.0  $25.0flywheel holder adjustable
09000  00.0000.0  none  V1 tool kit (not shown)
09010  05.0251.0  none  guide for crankshaft seal
09020  05.0252.0  none  guide for pedal shaft seal
09030  05.0371.0  none  driver for crank & drive seals
09040  05.0250.0  none  guide for drive shaft seal
09050  05.0370.0  none  driver for pedal shaft seal
09060  05.0335.0  none  clutch nut wrench 14mm (not shown)



Morini Tools


Morini#  price  colors: new used  original replacement
14-0500 none  1980 Morini Franco Motori tool kit
14-0501 $25.0 flywheel puller M19-1.0 and M22-1.5
14-0503 $29.0 sprocket puller
14-0506 $19.0 clutch & flywheel holder, adjustable
14-0507 $15.0 sprocket holder
14-0508 none  clutch & gear puller 2-bolt adjustable
$15.0 clutch puller same

14-0509 none  manual-clutch holder
14-0510 $24.0 manual-clutch hub holder
Morini#  price    Morini tools not in kit
14-0511 none  case splitter
14-0513 none  variator disc assembly press
14-0514 none  variator disassembly disc.



Motobecane Tools


Motobecane Tools (2)

0 MB#   price     colors: new used  original replacement
100001 $0.00 circlip spreader pliers
100002 $0.00 circlip squeezer pliers
100003 $0.00 grease zerk socket wrench
100004 none  piston stop
100004 $14.0 piston stop
100005 $40.0 flywheel holder
100006 $0.00 bushing puller
100007 $0.00 magnet extractor
100008 none  piston pin tool
100009 none  pedal bushing press
100010 $0.00 crank seal installer
100011 60-40bearing puller assy
100012 $22.0 fork top tool re-ground
100013 none  timing gauge
100014 none  steering race press
100015 $0.00 crankshaft support plate 120 x 30
100016 $0.00 bearing installer tube
100017 none  feeler gauge metric
100018 none  spoke wrench
100019 none  fork wrench 32 hexagon or octagon
100019 23-15 fork wrench 32 octagon (not shown)
100020 none  clutch puller M26-1.0 black original
P24100 $15.0 clutch puller same

100021 none  cam puller M24-1.0 says Novi
P24100 $15.0 cam puller same

100022 none  freewheel clamp wrench
100023 $22.0 flywheel nut square drive
100024 $40.0 motor mount press
100025 $40.0 piston pin press
100026 none  variator vise holder
100027 $38.0 pulley strap holder
100028 $0.00 grease applicator
100029 none  spark plug wrench compact
100030 $0.00 ?
100031 none  timing light
001229 none  fork wrench





Peugeot Tools



 Peugeot Tools 1

Peug# price     part# colors:  shown  not shown
Peug# price     colors: new used  original replacement

68048  N/A   Decompressor pin riveting tool
68049  N/A   1.5mm feeler gauge
68457  N/A   PEUGEOTEST test light for continuity of points and wires
68460  $25  Clutch drum holding strap
68467  $35  Tool for mounting and removing wrist pin
69079  0$8  10mm socket FACOM made in France
69083  $14  16mm socket FACOM made in France
69084  $10  17mm socket FACOM made in France
69085  $10  21mm socket FACOM made in France
69092  N/A   Snap ring pliers (original)
69097  $45  Crankshaft extractor
69098  $18  Crankshaft end protector (for M10x1 end)
69104  $18  Torque handle for extended nut (installing crank)
69105  $10  Extended nut attachment for crank installation M10-1.0
69106  $10  Extended nut attachment for crank installation M11-1.0
69107  $10  Ext. nut attachment M12-1.0 (not for Peugeot 103)
69108  $15  Left crankcase guide
69109  $15  Left crankcase drift
69110  $15  Left crank seal guide sleeve
69111  $20  Right crankcase base
69112  N/A   Right crankcase guide for the seal
69113  $13  Right crank seal guide sleeve
69114  $15  Right crankcase drift
69115  $18  Right crankcase guide for the bearing
69137  0$8  Stepped spacer for installing the crank at the proper angle
69140  $15  Cutaway clutch drum for testing lining clearance
69141  $18  Clutch assembling stand for testing lining clearance
69142  $10  Knurled nut M11x1 for holding clutch while removing pulley
69143  $15  Tapered sleeve for resetting crank into clutch
69145  N/A   Special grease for clutch balls
69151  $12  Base for holding oil seal sleeve 69110, while replacing clutch side seal
69153  $18  32mm socket FACOM made in France
69158  N/A   Gas tank sealant
69254  $35  Flywheel extractor (original made in France)
69255  N/A   Bench mounted engine support
69256  $18  Wrist pin centering tool for installing the pin
69258  N/A   Ignition advance timing tool
69259  $12  Driving pulley holding tool
69260  N/A  Engine support spring compressor rod
69646  $35  Rotor holding wrench for magneto
69802  N/A   Torque wrench with reducer and lengthener


Peugeot Tools

Peugeot (moped) tools at Myrons Mopeds in July 2016



Puch Tools


o# qty:  a is 1-speed   b is 2-speed   c is 1-speed auto-start 
# abc 000.0 part# 0  colors: new used  original replacement
01 111 000.050.7012 none  flywheel puller M26-1.50

01 111 000.0 P26150 $19.0 flywheel puller same
10 111 000.000.0278 none  dial indicator with holder
02 111 350.170.0120 $12.0 bearing installer 17 id for 6302, L17
03 111 905.012.1010 none  ignition timing (buzz) box
0010 905.014.0010 none  #2 bearing puller 2-arm for E20
04 010 905.014.0020 none  #1 bearing puller 2-arm for cover
04 010 905.014.0060 none  #1 puller cage 21/2 for cover bearing
0010 905.014.0100 none  #2 puller cage 21/6 for E20 (outer) 
0010 905.014.0170 none  #1 puller cage 21/02 for cover bearing
05 111 905.016.1012 none  flywheel holder adjustable
09 010 905.031.1012 none  assembly table U-shaped table
06 111 905.033.1041 $10.0 crankshaft support plate protects crank
07 111 905.034.1010 $38.0 #7 bearing puller with ring, no cages
07 111 905.034.1010 $22.0 #7 bearing puller no ring, no cages
08 111 905.617.1010 none  reamer & holder adjustable 12mm by Hunger
0– 111 905.631.1062 none  engine holder (non-rotating)
09 010 905.631.1081 none  crank sleeve ∅20 tapered, protects seal
10 111 905.632.1010 none  dial indicator holder only
11 010 905.632.1070 none  crank shim measurer 98mm
12 010 905.632.1090 none  trans. shim measurer 130mm
13 111 905.633.1050 none  piston bushing press ∅12 ∅14
13 111 905.633.1050 $32.0 piston bushing press same
14 010 905.633.1112 none  bearing installer 20 id for E20
15 010 905.633.1121 none  seal installer depth: left 12, right 0
0020 905.634.1050 none  #7 puller cage set L17 inner
0- 020 905.634.1050 $33.0 #7 puller cage (1) L17 inner

16 101 905.634.1090 none  clutch hub puller 2-bolt M6
16 101 000.  P2B001 $15.0 clutch hub puller same

0020 905.634.1100 none  #7 puller cage set E20 inner
07 202 905.634.1110 $50.0#7 puller cage set 6302 outer
07 202 905.634.1110 $30.0#7 puller cage (1) 6302 outer

17 002 905.634.1130 none  #7 puller cage set oil pump gear
18 111 905.634.5010 none  steering cup press
19 111 905.635.4012 none  spoke wrench long single size
19 111 905.635.4012 $5.00 spoke wrench round multi size
20 111 905.635.4021 none  axle cone wrench 15mm

20 111 905.635.4021 $10.0 axle cone wrench 15mm Park (USA)
21 111 905.635.4040 none  freewheel remover 2-prong ∅38
22 111 905.636.1080 none  engine holder (rotating type)
23 010 905.636.1092 $45.0 second gear locking device
23 010 905.636.1102 $55.0 clutch locking device
0001 905.636.1111 none  clutch locking device (auto-start)
24 010 905.641.1012 none  spring pliers
0– 111 906.621.0010 none  Puch low scale ohmmeter
0– 111 906.622.0020 none  Puch ignition tester



Sachs Tools


00 qty  a = 504   b = 505 0 price:   new/used  
# ab 000 Sachs# 0 price   colors:  original/replacement

01 11 0276.065.101 $40.0 piston pin press, no insert (works without it)
01 11 0276.065.101 $8.00 piston pin press, no band, no insert
02 11 0277.083.000 none  insert for piston pin press ∅11.8 ∅7.8
03 11 0276.023.001 $12.0 locating pin solid ∅11.8 x 50
04 11 0278.022.005 $12.0 protective sleeve for left crank
05 01 0276.156.000 none  protective cap for 505 10mm ID
06 11 0276.135.100 $45.0 ignition timing gauge (piston indicator)
07 10 0976.130.001 none  flywheel puller M22-1.50 for 504 (most)
10 0000. P22150 $17.0 flywheel puller same
07 01 0276.150.005 none  flywheel puller M26-1.50 for 505 
07 0
1 0000. P26150 $19.0 flywheel puller same
08 11 0276.182.000 $15.0clutch holder
09 11 0276.180.002 $43.0 hook wrench multi-tool
10 11 0276.181.100 $39.0 flywheel holder adjustable
11 11 0276.019.101 none  crankshaft support plate
12 11 0276.175.000 none  revolution counter
13 11 0276.170.000 none  torque wrench
14 11 0276.179.000 none  puller for sprocket
15 11 1476.013.000 none  bearing puller assy a, b, c
  a 11 1476.011.000 $10.0 puller tube bare
  b 11 1440.027.001 $27.0 puller push bolt
  c 11 1476.012.000 none  puller push bearing (not necessary)
16 11 1447.009.000 $33.0 clamping ring 58 id
17 22 1476.014.002 $10.0 puller cage (each) for 6202 bearing
18 11 0276.081.000 none  mounting jig base, tips and locks
19 11 0276.082.000 none  mounting jig swivel unit
20 11 0276.085.005 none  mounting jig clamp screw
21 01 0276.088.006 none  mounting jig main bracket for 505
22 10 0276.000.000 none  mounting jig adaptor bar for 504
23 11 0276.000.000 none 
 mounting jig assy 18, 19, 20, 21, 22



Solex Tools


Solex tools

Solex#   price    colors: new used  original replacement 
200001 none  reamer for decomp valve
200002 none  stud extractor
200003 none  21 mm deep socket
200004 none  stator plate puller
200004 none  stator plate driver tube
200005 none  flywheel puller 3-bolt
P3B001 $28.0 flywheel puller same
200006 none  front brake adjuster
200007 none  bearing puller
200008 none  clutch limiter
200009 none  piston stop (stroke limiter)
200010 none  engine mount plate



Tomos Tools


colors: new/used   original/replacement   
a = ’74-85 A3,   b = ’86-91 A3,  c = ’92-06 A35,  d = ’02-18 A55
 abcd   price       x = some
011.008  1111 none  gauge pin
700.334  1111 none  flywheel puller M26-1.50 for Ducati, Zem, Iskra
 P26150  1111 $19.0 flywheel puller same

702.856  1111 $13.0 crank bearing/seal driver (from case)
704.467  1000 none  L17 bearing inner race puller
704.467  1000 $27.0 L17 bearing inner race puller 2-bolt clamp-on
706.472  1111 none  extractor bridge required for 706.485
706.485  1111 none  extractor for left countershaft bearing ∅12
706.485  1111 none  slide hammer extractor for any ∅10 bearing
706.761  1000 none  early tool?
708.253  1100 $35.0 con rod bushing press ∅10 x ∅14
710.807  1111 none  drive gears backlash tool
712.024  0000 none  starter device spring holder (not shown)
712.025  0000 none  starter device spring holder (not shown)
714.011  1111 none  repair stand for rear 2 mount holes
716.714  0000 none  con rod bushing press ∅12
730.159  0000 none  clutch drum holder (not shown)
731.148  1000 none  early repair stand?
731.155  0111 none  6203 bearing puller (from shaft)  cage set
731.183  0000 none  chain sprocket holder (not shown)
731.798  1100 $27.0 A3 clutch spring installer part A goes in vice
731.798  1100 $32.0 A3 clutch spring installer part B
732.152  1100 none  riveter for J-spring anchor (not shown)
732.193  1111 none  dial gauge supporter
732.202  1111 none  flywheel holder 2-prong version
732.268  1100 $28.0 A3 roller clutch installer ∅12.7 ∅18.9
732.367  1111 none  main shaft bearing driver ∅15.75 ∅19.0 
732.746  1111 none  flywheel puller M26-1.50 use 700.234
735.753  1111 none  crankshaft mounting fork
732.767  1000 none  main shaft bearing driver use 732.367
735.888  1111 none  case splitter set for 3-M4-bolt stator holes
736.533  0x00 none  flywheel puller CEV M19-1.00 for CEV
 P19100  0x00 $18.0 flywheel puller same
736.913  xx10 none  brake U-spring spreader for ’78-95 mag wheels
737.080  1100 none  oil pump centering pin
737.535  0011 none  A35 clutch spring installer part A
737.535  0011 none  A35 clutch spring installer part B
737.536  0011 none A35 roller clutch installer ∅14.0 ∅19.0 x 75
975.709  1111 none  dial gauge

Top left is 731.798 Part A on a #2 A3 clutch.
The L-shape tang prevents rotation.
Top right is 731.798 Part B.
737.535 Part A would be larger for the larger hole of a #2 A35 clutch. 

Bottom is 731.798 Part A inverted, on a #1 A3 clutch.
The flat sided post prevents rotation.
Bottom right is 731.798 Part B.
737.535 Part A would have splines for the splined hole of a #1 A35 clutch





Puch E50 Engine Parts

August 9, 2015


Puch 1 speed Automatic E50
A. Case Parts
B. Cylinder Parts
C. Clutch Parts
D. Drive Parts
E. Gaskets, Seals, Bearings


11 Puch parts catalogs, for USA 1-speed models, are combined here, using 11 quantity columns. Two speed models are in a separate section below.

Price is for each.
green or light green means new
dark green means good-used

Quantity is how many of each item are specified for 1-speed models in that catalog and parts group. If the power version is listed, the quantity is only for that power version.
black means the part is for all 
light blue means for some
light grey means as needed

6.  7/76 ’75-76 Maxi-N, Maxi-S, Nostalgic

7. 10/7676-77 Rigid, Maxi, Maxi Sport, Newport

8. 10/7878 GN, Maxi, Maxi Luxe, Sport, Newport

8. 7/7878 Magnum XK

9. 1/7979 GN, Maxi, Maxi Luxe, Sport, Newport L

9. 8/7979 Magnum XK

0. 1/8080-83 Maxi, Maxi Luxe

1. 4/8180-82 Series B

4. 1/8484 Maxi, Maxi Luxe, Maxi Sport LS

5. 1/8585-86 Maxi, Maxi Luxe, Maxi Sport LS

6. 1/8685-86 Cobra

6. 1/84 ’84-86 Austro Daimler (Maxi Plus)




A. Case Parts


fig      catalogs     NO means Newport with Oil injection
#    678899 01456   Puch part#    price
   A. Case Parts Group
1    110000 00000 349.110.8320 none  case set ’76-77
1    001000 00000 349.110.4320 none  case set ’78 NO
1    001111 11111 349.110.3320 none  case set ’78-86
1    000000 00001 344.110.0500 none  case set ’85-86 Cobra 1505743 on
2    444444 44444 360.110.0341 $4.00 cylinder stud M6 x 103 (105)
3    100000 00000 349.310.3351 none  clutch cover bare early
3    111111 11111 349.510.3351 $20.0 clutch cover bare
3a  001000 00000 349.210.4351 none  clutch cover NO
3b  001000 00000 000 900.4861 none  align pin NO 
4    111111 11111 349.110.3491 $5.00 cover gasket 4-hole
4a  001000 00000 349.110.4491 $4.00 cover gasket 6-hole NO
4b  000000 00000 349.110.7491 $6.00 cover gasket Maxi Plus
5    111111 11111 00000  26482 $1.00 drain seal washer A8 x 14
6    111111 11111 000 901.1053 $2.00 drain plug M8 x 10 hex
7    220000 00000 00000  24365 $1.00 case drain seal washer A6 x 12
8    220000 00000 000 900.1305 1-.70 case drain screw M6 x 9 
9    888888 88888 000 900.1216 1-.60 case screw M6 x 30 ch-slot
10  555555 55555 000 900.1308 1-.70 case screw M6 x 50 ch-slot
11  111010 11111 000 901.1001 $1.00 rear up bolt M8-1.0 x 75 
11  111111 00000 000 900.1162 $1.00 rear up M8-1.0 x 80 hard tail
11  111111 11111 000 901.1001 $1.00 rear lo bolt M8-1.0 x 75 
11  111010 00000 000 900.1162 $1.00 rear lo M8-1.0 x 80 hard tail 
11a 111010 11111 000 901.1002 $1.00 front bolt M8-1.0 x 90
11a 000101 00000 000 900.1162 $1.00 front bolt M8-1.0 x 80
14  222222 22222 000 900.3211 $0.30 rear mount lock washer B8
15  222222 22222 000 902.2021 $0.60 rear mount nut M8-1.0 plain
15  111111 11111 000 902.2914 $1.50 front mount nut M8-1.0 nylock
16  111111 11111 364.110.6601 $3.00 oil filler plug M10
17  111111 11111 00000  27071 $1.50 filler seal washer M10 x 14
18  444044 00000 000 900.9460 $1.50 screw M6 x 25 sunk-slot
18  001000 00000 000 900.9460 $1.50 ’78 Newport with oil inj.
18  000400 44444 D00.966.0082 $1.50 screw M6 x 25 sunk-phil
18  003000 00000 D00.966.0082 $1.50 ’78 Newport with oil inj.
19  111010 01000 349.210.0342 40-27 mag cover chrome/grey
19  111010 10110 349.410.0342 20-10 cover blk/grn-gold scratched
19  000010 10111 349.710.0342 42-23 mag cover chrome/black
19  000000 00000 349.810.0342 38-23 cover chr/blk no logo Sears
19  000101 00000 349.110.1342 none  mag cover black/black

19a 111010 00000 349.110.0361 none  plastic panel grey
19a 111010 10110 349.210.0361 none  plastic panel grn-gold
19a 000111 11111 349.410.0361 none  plastic panel black
20  222222 22222 000 900.3202 $0.40 lock washer A4
21  222222 22000 000 900.1509 $0.80 cover screw M4 x 10 slot
21  000000 00222 000 900.1509 $1.20 cover screw M4 x 10 phil



B. Cylinder Parts


fig    catalogs    
#   678899 01456   Puch part#    price
   B. Cylinder Parts Group
1   111111 10110 000 902.0728 $3.50 spark plug for 1.0 hp versions
1   111111 10110 Bosch W95T1 = W10AC = NGK B4H
1   111010 11111 000 902.0726 $5.00 spark plug for 1.5 hp versions
1   111111 11111 Bosch W145T1 = W8AC = NGK BR5HS
1   000101 00000 000 902.0724 $5.00 spark plug for 1.5 hp versions
1   111111 11111 Bosch W175T1 = W7AC = NGK BR6HS
1   111111 11111 000 902.0724 $5.00 spark plug for 2.0 hp versions
1   111111 11111 Bosch W175T1 = W7AC = NGK BR6HS
2   444444 44444 000 900.2014 $0.30 head nut M6
3   444444 44444 000 00 24804 $0.20 head washer 6
#   678899 01456   Puch part#    price
  7-fin Alu-Chr
4   111010 11110 349.410.0011 $25.0 7f head 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
4   001010 10110 349.210.2011 none  7f head black 1.0 hp
5   100000 00000 349.110.0041 $5.00 7f gasket 0.4 1.0 hp note 1
5   100000 00000 349.210.0041 $6.00 7f gasket 0.2 1.5-2.0 note 2

5   011010 10110 328.110.8041 $2.00 7f gasket 1.5 1.0 hp 1-layer
5   011010 11110 349.110.0041 $5.00 7f gasket 0.4 1.5-2.0 note 1
6   111010 10110 349.810.0050 $00.0 7f cylinder & piston 1.0 note 3
6   001010 10110 349.310.2050 none  7f cyl & piston 1.0 black note 3
6   111010 11110 349.110.0050 $00.0 7f cylinder & piston 1.5-2.0   
#   678899 01456   Puch part#    price
  7f pistons see note 4

7   110000 00000 349.110.0060 none  7f piston 38-12-17-26 1.0 hp
 110000 00000 349.110.1060 some 7f piston 38-12-17-21 1.5-2.0
7   001010 11110 349.110.0069 none  7f piston 38-12-17-26 1.0 hp
7   001010 11110 349.110.1069 some7f piston 38-12-17-21 1.5-2.0
8   222020 22220 331.110.1601 $9.00 7f piston ring 38 x 2 GN note 5
8A 111010 11110 349.115.1221 $4.00 7f intake gasket 19×15 note 6
8B 111010 11110 349.115.1221 $2.00 7f replacement 23×14
8C 111010
11111 000 050.1315 $3.50 7f exhaust gasket
#   678899 01456   Puch part#    price
  shared parts
9   222222 22222 000 900.4855 none  ring gap pin ∅2 x 6 note 7
9A  111111 11111 000 901.2943 $5.00 flywheel nut M10-1 x 8 flange
9B  111111 11111 000 900.4503 $2.00 flywheel key M85 3.0 x 3.6
9C 222020 22222 000 00 24773 $0.30 intake nut M6 x 5 steel
9D 000202 00000 000 900.9006 $0.70 intake bolt M6 x 16 allen silver
9E  222222 22222 000 900.3212 $0.30 intake washer A6 curved
9F 222222 22222 000 902.2919 $2.50 exhaust nut M6 x 8 brass orig
9F 222222 22222 000 902.2919 $1.80 exhaust nut M6 x 8 brass 
9G 222222 22222 000 900.3213 $0.25 exhaust washer B6 spring
10 111111 11000 331.110.0111 $12.0 piston pin ∅12 x 31
10 000000 00111 349.110.1111 none  piston pin ∅12 x 31
11 222222 22222 000 901.4701 $1.50 piston clip B12
12 111010 10110 349.310.0131 $6.00 base gasket 0.5 original 1.0 hp
12 111010 10110 349.310.0131 $3.00 base gasket 0.5 generic
12 111010 11111 349.110.0131 $7.00 base gasket 1.0 original 1.5-2.0
13 111111 11110 349.110.0211 $4.00 bushing 11.55 14.03 12 note 8
13 111111 11110 349.110.0213 none  bushing 11.98 14.03 12 note 9
14 111111 11110 349.110.1150 $00.0 crank w/bushing 17-22-17
14 111111 11110 ’75-83 except ’78 Newport, ’84-86 Maxi, Maxi Luxe
14 001000 00000 349.110.4150 $00.0 crank w/bushing 17-22-17
14 001000 00000 ’78 Newport with oil injection and auto start
14 000000 00111 349.310.1150 none  crank w/bushing 17-17-17
14 000000 00111 ’84-86 Sport LS, Cobra to 1506062
14 000000 00001 349.410.1150 none  crank w/bearing 17-17-17
14 000000 00001 ’85-86 Cobra from 1506063
15 111111 11110 000 901.3801 $7.00 L crank seal 17-40-7
15 000000 00111 000 902.3851 $9.00 L crank seal 17-40-7TC
16 111111 11111 000 900.6203 $16.0 L crank bearing 6203-C3
17 111111 11110 000 902.3835 $9.00 R crank seal 22-40-7
18 111111 11110 000 900.6233 $10.0 R crank bearing 6203NR
19 000000 00111 000 902.3851 $9.00 R crank seal 17-40-7TC
20 000000 00111 000 900.4617 $2.00 circlip ext. 17 x 1
21 000000 00111 000 900.6254 none  R crank bearing 6203ST note 10
#   678899 01456   Puch part#    price
  8-fin Hi-torque
22 001010 10000 349.310.4011 $30.0 8f head black 1.5-2.0
22 000000 00110 349.310.4011 $00.0 8f head black 2.0 hp
22 000000 00110 349.810.4011 none  8f head black 1.5 hp

22 000000 00010 349.110.4011 none  8f head silver 1.5
22 000000 00011 349.110.4011 none  8f head silver 2.0
22 000000 00001 349.710.4011 none  8f head silver 1.5

23 001000 00000 349.310.4050 $00.0 8f cyl & pist blk use 610.4050
23 000010 10100 349.610.4050 $00.0 8f cyl & pist blk use 210.6050
23 000000 00010 349.210.6050 $00.0 8f cyl & piston black ’85-86
23 000000 00010 349.110.6050 none  8f cyl/piston silver ’85-86
23 000000 00001 349.110.6050 none  8f cyl/p silv Cobra to 1505807
23 000000 00001 349.610.6050 none  8f cyl/p silv Cobra 1505808 on
#   678899 01456   Puch part#    price
  8f pistons 38-12-17-23 note 4
24 001000 00000 350.310.0069 some 8f piston 2*2.0 rings
24 000010 10110 349.210.5069 some 8f piston L, 2.0 rings
24 000000 00001 345.110.0069 none 8f pis. 1*2.0 Cobra to 1505807
24 000000 00001 349.110.0069 none 8f pis. 2*1.5 Cobra 1505808 on
25 001010 10111 328.110.8041
$2.00 8f head gasket 1.5 for 1.5 hp
25 000000 00111 349.110.0041 $5.00 8f head gasket 0.4 2.0 note 11
26 002020 20222 000 901.1912 $3.00 8f exhaust stud M6 x 30 note 13
26 002020 20222 000 901.1912 $3.00 8f intake stud   M6 x 30 note 13
27 001000 00001 331.110.1601 $9.00 8f upper ring 38 x 2 GN note 5
27 000010 10110 328.110.9601 $10.0 8f upper L-ring 38 x 2 L
27 000000 00001 349.110.6601 $9.00 8f upper ring 38 x 1.5 GN
28 001010 10110 331.110.1601 $9.00 8f lower ring 38 x 2 GN note 5
28 000000 00001 349.110.6601 $9.00 8f lower ring 38 x 1.5 GN
29 001010 10111 349.215.1221 $6.00 8f intake gasket 38 round
30 111010 11111 000 050.1315 $3.50 8f exhaust gasket

#   678899 01456   Puch part#    price
  9-fin Magnum
34 000101 00000 328.410.4011 $0.00 9f head black
35 000101 00000 349.110.0041 $5.00 9f head gasket 0.4mm note 1
36 000101 00000 328.710.4050 $0.00 9f cylinder & piston black
37 000101 00000 350.310.0069 some 9f piston 38-12-17-23 note 3
38 000202 00000 320.110.0601 $9.00 9f piston ring 38 x 2 GN note 5
42 000101 00000 328.210.5131 none  9f base gasket 0.3 mm note 12
43 000202 00000 00050.1.1014 $3.00 9f exhaust stud M6 x 28 note 14
44 000101 00000 328.110.9081 $0.00 9f centering sleeve
45 000101 00000 329.115.3221 none  9f intake gasket 32 round
46 000101 00000 368.116.8151 $4.00 9f exhaust gasket


Note 1: 328.110.0041 is a replacement head gasket. It is a single layer, 0.4 mm. Original ones had 4 layers, each 0.1 mm.

Note 2. 349.210.0041 is an original head gasket 0.2 mm with two layers. It was only on ’75-76 models with 1.5 or 2.0 hp. It was replaced with 328.110.0041. Use 328.110.0041.

Note 3: 349.810.0050 and 349.310.2050 are 7-fin cylinders for 1.0 hp versions. They have a restricted intake port that is made tamper resistant with a hardened steel restrictor tube with a very tight press fit. It cannot easily be removed or cut bigger.

Note 4: Pistons are listed in Engine/Pistons-and-Rings/Pistons in section 12-17. 12 is the pin diameter. 17 is the upper length from pin edge to top edge. 21, 23, or 26 is the lower length from pin edge to bottom edge. Aftermarket pistons have the same upper length and pin, but can have different lower lengths. A longer lower length opens the intake port later and closes it sooner.

Note 5: 331.110.1601 is an original 38 x 2 GN piston ring with rounded outer edges. 320.110.0601 is an original 38 x 2 GN piston ring with sharp outer edges. The replacement for both types is the same, 38 x 2 GN with sharp outer edges.

Note 6: The 349.115.1221 square hole intake gasket is a substitute for the 349.215.1221 round hole type.

Note 7: 900.4855 is a tiny pin pressed super tight into the piston. It locates the ring gap in a part of the cylinder wall wherre there are no holes (ports) for the ring ends to catch on and do damage. The pin is a tight fit even when the piston is 400°F. A replacement pin can be made by cutting a 6.0 mm section of a 2.0 mm drill bit.

Note 8: 349.110.0211 is a bronze piston pin bushing with an 11.55 mm inner diameter. Installing requires a special press tool. It requires precision reaming with special tools  to 12.0 mm after it is pressed into the rod. It has to be pressed in first because tight fit makes it smaller after installation, and the ends get distorted by the press tool. After installing the oil hole has to be drilled.

Note 9: 349.110.0213 is a pre-reamed piston pin bushing with an 11.98 mm inner diameter. Installing requires a special press tool. It still requires light precision reaming to 12.0 mm after it is pressed into the rod. After installing the oil hole has to be drilled.

Note 10: 900.6254 is a special bearing with a 1 mm shorter center race. The shorter race makes room for the 17 x 1 circlip 900.4617.

Note 11: ’78-83 8-fin (hi torque) 2.0 hp models had no head gasket.

Note 12: Use base gasket 349.310.0131.

Note 13: Puch calls the stud size 18, but that’s not counting one of the threaded ends. The total length is 30 mm.

Note 14: Puch calls the stud size 16, but that’s not counting one of the threaded ends. The total length is 28 mm.


fig    catalogs   Intake Pipes 50-60 Short for E50 note 1
#   678899 01456  hp  Puch part#    price    carb-cyl  mount
50 000000 00000 1.0 3135, 3206  0 $20.0   6.7-sqr   38 note 2
51 000000 00000 1.5 3135, 3205  0 $20.0   8.5-sqr   38 note 3
52 000000 00000 2.0 3135  0000  0 $35.0 14.7-sqr   38 note 4
53 111000 01000 2.0 349.115.1301 $35.0 14.7-sqr   38
53 100000 01000 1.5 349.115.1301 $00.0 same
54 001000 00000 2.0 349.215.4032 none  14.7-14.7 38 oil inj
55 000111 10111 2.0 349.215.1301 $38.0 14.7-14.7 32-38 n 5
55 000010 10111 1.5 349.215.1301 $00.0 same
56 000101
00000 1.0 349.215.1301r none  6.7-14.7 32-38 n 6
57 001101 00000 1.5 349.415.1301 $30.0 12.7-12.7 32-38

58 001000 00000 2.0 349.115.3301 $30.0 12.7-12.7 38
58 011000 00000 1.5 349.215.1301 $00.0 same
58 111000 00000 1.0 349.215.1301 $00.0 same
59 000010 10110 1.5
 349.215.3301 $25.0 12.7-9-12 38 note 7
59 000010 10110 1.0
 349.215.3301 $00.0 same
60 001000 00000 1.5 349.315.4032 $35.0 12.7-12.7 38 oil inj

Note 1: These are good used originals from 1975-86 US models. They are for E50 (1 speed) engines with 7-fin, 8-fin, or 9-fin cylinders. That means all except Dart (Mini Maxi) and Austro-Daimler (Maxi Plus). The normally flat base gets curved over time from the pressure of the mount bolts. Then fresh air can leak in. The remedy is to machine or file the base flat.

Note 2: This 3135 pipe has a ∅6.7 plastic restrictor 3206 pressed into the carb end. It is on 1.0 hp versions of  ’78 Sears Free Spirit and ’78-79 JC Penney Pinto, Swinger.

Note 3: This 3135 pipe has a ∅8.5 plastic restrictor 3205 pressed into the carb end. It is on 1.5 hp versions of  ’78 Sears Free Spirit, ’78-79 JC Penney Pinto, Swinger and ’79-82 Murray 8315, 8415, 8416, 8515.

Note 4: This 3135 pipe has no restrictor. It equals 349.115.1301. It is on 2.0 hp versions of  ’78 Sears Free Spirit, ’78-79 JC Penney Pinto, Swinger and ’79-82 Murray 8320, 8420, 8421, 8520.

Note 5: 349.115.3301 replaces 349.115.1301

Note 6: 349.215.1301r has a ∅6.7 plastic restrictor 321.315.1311 pressed into the carb end. It is on 1.0 hp versions of ’78-79 Puch Magnum XK.

Note 7: 349.215.3301 replaces 349.115.3301. It says 12, but is actually 9 mm in the middle and 12 at the ends.



C. Clutch Parts


fig      catalogs 
#   678899 01456    Puch part#    price
   C. Clutch Parts Group
1   111111 11111 000 900.4617 $2.00 circlip ext. 17 x 1
2   111111 11111 000 901.3943 $9.50 shim washer 17-24-1.1
2   111111 11111 000 901.3927 $7.00 shim washer 17-24-1.3
2   111111 11111 000 900.3923 $7.00 shim washer 17-24-1.5
2   111111 11111 000 900.3928 $5.00 shim washer 17-24-1.7
3   111111 11111 349.
212.0111 $6.00 clutch bushing 15-17-21.5
4   111111 11110 349.312.1022 $0.00 drum 21T-normal note 1
4   000000 00111 345.112.0022 none  drum 19T-reverse note 2
4   000000 00000 345.112.1022 none  drum 19T-reverse note 3
5   111111 11111 000 901.3929 $8.00 shim washer 15-22-1.3
5   111111 11111 000 901.3924 $7.00 shim washer 15-22-1.5
5   111111 11111 000 901.3930 $5.00 shim washer 15-22-1.7
5   111111 11111 000 901.3028 $5.00 shim washer 15-22-1.8
5   111111 11111 000 901.3972 $3.00 shim washer 15-22-1.85
5   111111 11111 000 901.3942 $2.00 shim washer 15-22-1.9
5   111111 11111 000 901.3973 $2.00 shim washer 15-22-1.95
5   111111 11111 000 901.3970 $5.00 shim washer 15-22-2.0
5   111111 11111 000 901.3949 $7.00 shim washer 15-22-2.1
5   111111 11111 000 901.3971 $8.00 shim washer 15-22-2.2
6   111111 11111 000 900.4619 $1.50 circlip ext. 15 x 1
7   111111 11111 000 00 23340 $1.50 woodruff key 3 x 5 M86
8   111111 11000 349.112.5040 $0.00 clutch hub assy 2-shoe
8   000000 00111 349.112.6040 $0.00 clutch hub assy 3-shoe
8a 111111 11000 349.112.5042 $0.00 clutch hub bare
8b 111111 11000 349.112.5050 $0.00 clutch shoe pair
8c 222222 22000 349.112.0061 $0.00 clutch shoe spring
8d 222222 22000 349.112.0071 $0.00 adjuster M10-1.0 x 7.5
8e 222222 22000 000 900.4610 $1.50 circlip ext. 10 x 1
9   111111 11111 000 900.3210 $0.50 spring washer M10
10 111111 11111 000 900.2011 $2.00 clutch nut M10-1.0 x 8
11 111111 11111 000 900.4635 $1.50 start c-clip 4.4-6.0 x 0.8
12 111111 11111 349.112.0081 $0.00 start plate
13 111111 11111 349.112.0091 $4.00 start plate clip
14 111111 11111 349.112.0151 $0.00 start washer 5-15-1
15 111111 11111 000 900.6840 $6.00 start bearing
16 111111 11000 349.112.0141 $0.00 start pin 25
16 110000 00000 349.512.0141 $0.00 start pin 24.5
16 110000 00000 349.612.0141 $0.00 start pin 23.4
16 000000 00111 349.112.7141 $0.00 start pin 25 see note 4
17 111111 11111 000 900.4606 $2.00 e-clip 9 x 0.7 for 6 groove 
18 111111 11111 000 050.1221 $0.00 rubber washer
19 111111 11111 349.312.0221 $4.00 start spring
20 111111 11111 000 900.3793 $0.00 start seal
21 111111 11111 349.312.0281 $7.00 start shaft
22 111111 11111 000 900.4766 $2.00 circlip ext. 14 x 1
23 111111 11111 349.112.3311 $0.00 start lever

Note 1: 349.312.1022 is for ’75-83 all and ’84-86 Maxi, Maxi Luxe. It has a normal-cut gear 21 tooth.

Note 2: 345.112.0022 is for ’84-86 Sport LS and ’85-86 Cobra. It has a reverse-cut gear 19 tooth.

Note 3: 345.112.1022 is for ’84-86 Austro Daimler (Maxi Plus). It has a reverse-cut gear 19 tooth.

Note 4: 349.112.7141 is a start pin that replaces 349.112.0141 but with washer 349.112.1151.

fig      catalogs         for 1978 Newport with oil injection
#   678899 01456    Puch part#    price
   Auto Start Clutch
1   001000 00000 000 900.4617 $2.00 circlip ext. 17 x 1
1a  001000 00000 000 901.3943 $9.50 shim washer 17-24-1.1
1a  001000 00000 000 901.3927 $7.00 shim washer 17-24-1.3
1a  001000 00000 000 901.3923 $7.00 shim washer 17-24-1.5
1a  001000 00000 000 901.3928 $5.00 shim washer 17-24-1.7
2   001000 00000 349.212.0111 $6.00 bushing 15-17-21.5
3   001000 00000 349.112.4020 none  drum assy 21T
4   001000 00000 349.112.4022 none  drum bare 21T
5   001000 00000 349.112.4320 none  start shoe set
6   003000 00000 349.112.4301 none  start shoe spring
7   001000 00000 349.112.4341 none  start plate
8   003000 00000 000 900.4608 $0.00 circlip ext. 8 x 0.8
9   001000 00000 000 901.3930 $5.00 shim washer 15-22-1.7
9   001000 00000 000 901.3028 $5.00 shim washer 15-22-1.8
9   001000 00000 000 901.3972 $3.00 shim washer 15-22-1.85
9   001000 00000 000 901.3942 $2.00 shim washer 15-22-1.9
9   001000 00000 000 901.3973 $2.00 shim washer 15-22-1.95
9   001000 00000 000 901.3970 $5.00 shim washer 15-22-2.0
9   001000 00000 000 901.3949 $7.00 shim washer 15-22-2.1
9   001000 00000 000 901.3971 $8.00 shim washer 15-22-2.2
10 001000 00000 000 900.4619 $1.50 circlip ext. 15 x 1
11 001000 00000 00000  23340 $1.50 woodruff key 3 x 5 M86
12 001000 00000 349.112.4110 none  start drum assy
13 001000 00000 349.112.4111 none  start drum bare
14 001000 00000 349.112.4100 none  clutch shoe pair
15 002000 00000 349.112.0061 $0.00 clutch shoe spring
16 002000 00000 349.112.0071 $0.00 adjuster M10-1.0 x 7.5
17 002000 00000 000 900.4610 $1.50 circlip ext. 10 x 1
19 001000 00000 000 901.2943 $5.00 flange nut M10-1.0 x 8





D. Drive Parts


fig      catalogs 
#   678899 01456    Puch part#   price
  D. Drive Parts Group
2   222222 22222 000 900.4616 $1.50 circlip ext. 16 x 1
#   678899 01456    Puch part#   price
  plain sprockets
3   110000 00000 000 561.1322 $00.0 sprocket 11T 1.0 NY
3   110000 00000 349.113.0131 $00.0 sprocket 13T 1.0 hp
3   110000 00000 349.113.0141 $00.0 sprocket 14T 1.5 hp
3   110000 00000 349.113.0161 $00.0 sprocket 16T 2.0 hp
#   678899 01456    Puch part#   price
  coated sprockets note 1
3   001111 10110 000 050.1316 $00.0 sprocket 11T 1.0 NY
3   001111 10110 349.113.1132 20-10 sprocket 13T 1.0 hp
3   000000 01000 349.113.1132 20-10 sprocket 13T 1.5 hp
3   001010 10110 349.113.1142 20-10 sprocket 14T 1.5 hp
3   001111 10111 349.113.1152 $00.0 sprocket 15T 1.5 hp
3   000000 01101 349.113.1152 $00.0 sprocket 15T 2.0 hp
3   001000 00010 349.113.1162 20-10 sprocket 16T 1.5 hp
3   001111 11110 349.113.1162 20-10 sprocket 16T 2.0 hp
4   111111 11111 000 901.3801 $7.00 drive seal 17-40-7
5   111111 11111 000 901.4656 $00.0 retaining ring int.
6   111111 11111 000 900.6203 $9.00 drive bearing 6203
7   111111 11111 000 900.4617 $2.00 circlip ext. 17 x 1
9   111111 11110 349.313.1200 $00.0 gear set 21-106 note 2
9   000000 00111 345.113.0500 none  gear set 19-96 note 3
9   000000 00010 344.113.0500 none  gear set 19-96 note 4


Note 1: The clear orange polyurethane coating on the sprocket becomes opaque and brittle with age. The coating on new original sprockets has no visible cracks. But during the first few hours of use it cracks and breaks off. So new sprockets are sold “as is”.

Note 2: 349.313.1200 gear set is for ’75-83 and ’84-86 Maxi, Maxi Luxe. It has a 106 tooth normal-cut driveshaft gear and a 21 tooth drum gear. 106/21 = 5.048 ratio.

Note 3: 345.113.0500 gear set is for ’84-86 Sport LS to 2421596, Cobra. It has a 96 tooth reverse-cut driveshaft gear and a 19 tooth drum gear. 96/19 = 5.053 ratio. ’84-86 Austro Daimler (Maxi Plus) also had these gears but they were not sold as a set and the drum was different.

Note 4: 344.113.0500 gear set is for ’85-86 Maxi Sport LS from 2421597. It has a 96 tooth reverse-cut driveshaft gear and a 19 tooth drum gear. 96/19 = 5.053 ratio.



E. Gaskets, Bearings



Gaskets and Gasket Sets

Head Gasket: On ’75-86 Puch (US models) there are five stock head gasket versions, 1.5 mm, 0.8, 0.4, 0.2 and 0.0 (no gasket). The head gasket is not needed as a pressure seal. Instead it’s secret purpose is a spacer, to fine tune the power by moving the head farther or closer to the piston. That changes the compression ratio (CR), which changes the horsepower. If the CR was 9.0 with no head gasket, then adding a 0.4 mm gasket would lower the CR to 8.4. Adding a 1.5 mm gasket would lower the CR to 7.2. See Note 1 below.

Base Gasket: On ’75-86 Puch (US models) there are five stock base gasket versions with two different thicknesses, 1.0 and 0.5 mm. A thicker base gasket raises the cylinder and the ports. That makes the exhaust and transfer ports open sooner and close later, but makes the intake port open later and close sooner. The purpose is to fine tune the engine power and characteristics. Raising the cylinder with a thicker base gasket also lowers the compression ratio which causes lower power. 

Why so many? Changing the base gasket and head gasket thicknesses is an easy and economical way to comply with power and speed limits for each country (or US state).




fig      catalogs    Intake Gasket
#   678899 014566   part number  price  description
#   678899 014566   for cylinder version

1   678899 014566 349.115.1221 $4.00 original
8A 111010 111100 7-fin Maxi use #4

2   678899 014566 349.215.1221 $6.00 original
29 001010 101110 8-fin Maxi use #1 or #4

3   678899 014566 329.115.3221 none  original
45 000101 000000 9-fin Magnum 

4   678899 014566 349.115.1221r $2.00 generic
8B 111010 111100 7-fin, 8-fin Maxi

5  8899 004566 345.115.5221 none  3-bolt original
00 000000 000001 10-fin Austro Daimler, Dart


fig      catalogs    Exhaust Gasket
#   678899 014566   part number  price  description
#   678899 014566   for cylinder version

1  678899 014566 000 050.1315 $3.50 ∅20 x 42 generic
8C 111010
111110 7-fin, 8-fin Maxi

2   678899 014566 368.116.8151 $4.00 ∅23 x 42 generic
46 000101 000000 9-fin Magnum

3   678899 014566 345.116.5041 none  
00 000000 000001 10-fin A-D, Dart



fig      catalogs    Exhaust Pipe Gasket
#   678899 014566 part number  price  description
#   678899 014566 for cylinder version

1  678899 014566 349.116.0191 $4.00 ∅26 x 34 
00 111010 
111000 7-fin, 8-fin ’75-84 all except Sport LS

2   678899 014566 345.116.0191 $4.00 ∅22 x 34 
000000 001111 7-fin, 8-fin ’84-86 Sport LS, 
000000 000111 7-fin, 8-fin ’85-86 Maxi, Cobra
000000 000111 -fin, 10-fin ’85-86 A-D, Dart

3  678899 014566 321.116.8191 none  ?? x ?? note 1
000101 000000 9-fin, 9-fin ’78-79 Magnum XK

Note 1: 321.116.8191 is a gasket for Magnum tail pipe. It’s sold as a flat strip that you roll into a circle during installation. But all have become hard and brittle. They break instead of bending into a circle.



fig      catalogs    Head Gasket
#   678899 014566   part number  price   description
#   678899 014566   for cylinder version

1   678899 014566 328.110.8041 $2.00 1.5 mm original
5   011010 101100 7-fin 1.0 hp Maxi
25 001010 101100 8-fin 1.5 hp Maxi

2   678899 014566 349.310.0041 $6.00 0.8 mm original
25 000000 000010 8-fin 1.5 hp ’84-86 Cobra
00 000000 000001 10-fin 1.5 hp ’84-86 A-D, Dart

3   678899 014566 349.110.0041 $5.00 0.4 mm generic
5   100000 000000 7-fin 1.0 hp early Maxi

5   011010 111100 7-fin 1.5-2.0 hp Maxi
25 000000 001110 8-fin 2.0 hp only some ’84-86 note 10
35 000101 000000 9-fin 1.0-1.5-2.0 hp Magnum XK
00 000000 000001 10-fin 2.0 hp ’84-86 A-D, Dart

4   678899 014566 349.210.0041 [sv-slug=”puch-3492100041″] 0.2 mm 2-layer
00 678899 014566 349.210.0041 $3.00 0.1 mm ½ of #4
5   100000 000000 7-fin 1.5-2.0 hp early Maxi

Note 10: ’78-83 8-fin (hi torque) 2.0 hp models had no head gasket.





fig      catalogs    Cylinder Base Gasket
#   678899 014566   part number  price   description
#   678899 014566   for cylinder version

1   678899 014566 349.110.0131 $7.00 1.0 mm original
12 111010 111110 7-fin, 8-fin 1.5-2.0 hp ’75-86 Maxi

2   678899 014566 349.310.0131 $6.00 0.5 mm original
12 111111 101100 7-fin, 8-fin 1.0 hp ’75-86 Maxi

3   678899 014566 349.210.5131 none  0.3 mm original
42 000101 000000 9-fin 1.0-1.5-2.0 ’78-79 Magnum XK

4   678899 014566 328.310.0131 none  0.5 mm original
00 000000 000001 10-fin 1.5-2.0 hp ’83-84 Dart, ’84-86 A-D

5   678899 014566 328.110.0131 $6.00 1.0 mm original
00 000000 000001 10-fin 1.5-2.0 hp ’84-86 A-D II

6   678899 01456  349.310.0131r $3.00 0.5 mm generic
12 111111 111111 replacement



fig      catalogs    Clutch Cover Gasket
#   678899 014566   part number  price   description

1   111111 111110 349.110.3491 $5.00 4 hole 
all E50 except ’78 Newport autostart, ’83-86 A-D and Dart

2   001000 000000 349.110.4491 $4.00 6 hole 
for ’78 Newport with autostart, oil inject

3   000000 000001 349.110.7491 $6.00 4+2 hole  
for ’84-86 A-D (Maxi Plus), ’83-84 Dart



Top End Gasket Sets

set# price     dimensions 0000 black is original
set# price head base  int  exh   blue is generic 


1. for ’75-86 Maxi series with 1.0 hp 7-fin cylinder
use the 2.0 hp set S14 for a small increase in power
S11 $16.0 1.5, 0.5, 19-38, 20
S1r $10.0 1.5, 0.5, 23-38, 20


2. for ’78-86 Maxi series with 1.5 hp 8-fin cylinder
use the 2.0 hp set S17 for a small increase in power
S12 $18.0 1.5, 1.0, 14-38, 20
S1r $10.0 1.5, 0.5, 23-38, 20  


3. for ’78-79 Magnum XK with 1.0 hp 9-fin cylinder
use the 2.0 hp set S16 for a small increase in power
S13 none  1.5, 0.5, 14-32, 23


4. for ’75-86 Maxi series with 1.5-2.0 hp 7-fin cylinder
S14 $18.00.4, 1.0, 19-38, 20
S2r $12.0 0.4, 0.5, 23-38, 20


5. for ’84-86 Sport LS, Cobra with 2.0 hp 8-fin cylinder
use the 2.0 hp set S17 for a slight increase in power
S15 $20.00.4, 1.0, 14-38, 20
S2r $12.0 0.4, 0.5, 23-38, 20


6. for ’78-79 Magnum XK with 1.5-2.0 hp 9-fin cylinder
S16 none  0.4, 1.0, 14-32, 23


7. for ’78-86 with 2.0 hp 8-fin cylinder (except Sport LS, Cobra)
S17 $17.0 none 1.0 14-38, 20
S3r $8.00 none 0.5 23-38, 20



Note 1: Here is the calculation of compression ratio with (CRg) and without (CR) a head gasket.

bore = 38 mm  stroke = 42 mm   CR = (Vt +Vs)/Vt = 9.0

Vs = swept volume = π*(38/2)²*42 = 47610 mm³ = 47.61 cc
Vt = trapped volume=Vs/(CR-1)=47610/8.00=5950 mm³=5.95 cc
CR = (Vt +Vs)/Vt = (5.95 + 47.61)/5.95 = 9.0

Vtg = Vt + 0.4 gasket = π*(39/2)²*0.4 + 5950=6428 mm³=6.43 cc
CRg = (Vtg +Vs)/Vtg = (6.43 + 47.61)/6.43 = 8.4

Vtg = Vt + 1.5 gasket = π*(39/2)²*1.5 + 5950=7740 mm³=7.74 cc
CRg = (Vtg +Vs)/Vtg = (7.74 + 47.61)/7.74 = 7.2



Seals and Seal Sets

fig      catalogs    Seals and Seal Sets
#   678899 014566   part # 00 price   description

1   678899 014560 901.3801 $7.00 seal 17-40-7
15 111111 111100 left crank  ’75-82
4   111111 111111 drive shaft ’75-86

2   678899 014560 902.3835 $9.00 seal 22-40-7
17 111111 111100 right crank ’75-82

3   678899 014560 902.3851 $9.00 seal 17-40-7TC
15 000000 001111 left crank   ’84-86
19 000000 001111 right crank ’84-86

4  111111 111100 901.3835s $24.0 seal set #1, 2, 1  ’75-82

5  000000 001111 902.3851s $25.0 seal set #3, 3, 1  ’84-86



Bearings and Bearing Sets







Wheel Parts

July 14, 2015

Tires, brakes, or spokes are separate.
Click for
Tires or Brakes or Spokes


Part number colors: MMI, Myrons, Tomos,
Garelli, Peugeot, Piaggio, Puch, Others

Spoke-type Rims Rims

Chrome steel rims
size 00000 holes 00 tire 0000
 MMI#   price 
16 x 1.35  36 0.23  2.25-2.50 H45C 0 $40.0 good used
17 x 1.35  36 0.21  2.25-2.50 H45/1K none  
17 x 1.20  36 0.21  2.00-2.25 H45A 0 none 

Aluminum rims
size 00000 holes 00 tire 0000  MMI#   price 

17 x 1.60  36 0.00  2.50-2.75 H0000  none 
16 x 1.50  36 0.00  2.25-2.50 H45B    none  

Rim strips 
  rim strip 16-17″ rubber band over spokes $2.00
can use electrical tape (protects tube from spokes)


Moped Axle types Axles

Bolt type axles (bolt head not counted in length)
part number   thread x length  price  Front

611-10145 0  M10-1.25 x 145  $12 78-85 Lazer/General ∅80
611-121450  M12-1.50 x 145  $12 78-85 General ∅110
111-00011 0  M12-1.50 x 155  $12 ?
W110-00-50  M12-1.25 x 160  $13 78-81 Indian front
part number   thread x length  price  Rear

W210-00-50  M12-1.25 x 168  $20 78-81 Indian
611-12172 0  M12-1.50 x 173  $27 78-85 Lazer/General

Smooth axles
part# 00  size 00  thread 0  price  Front

209255  12×150 M11-1.00  $20.0 ’74-91 Tomos
222584  12x000 M11-1.00  N/A ’91-06 Tomos
226086  12×220 M12-1.00  N/A ’07-13 Tomos (most)
232868  12×220 M12-1.25  N/A ’07-13 Tomos (some)
part# 00  size 00  thread 0  price  Rear
209256  12×165 M11-1.00  $21.0 ’74-91 Tomos (most)

  12×165 M11-1.00  $20.0 ’91-08 Tomos (most)
230515  12×185 M11-1.00  $23 ’08-13 Tomos
418261  12×182 M12-1.00  $20 80-86 Puch
574254  12×180 M12-1.00  N/A 76-86 Garelli VIP, Gulp

All-thread axles
part# 0  thread x length  price  Front 

138427  M11-1.00 x 140 $15    Ciao C7N (shortened 145)
20381    M11-1.00 x 145 $11.0 Garelli, Cimatti, KTM, MB…
H52xxx  M11-1.00 x 150 $19.0 Malaguti, Negrini, Pacer
400261  M11-1.00 x 155 $19.0 Garelli VIP/Gulp, Puch, Sears
G69668M12-1.00 x 150 $18    Vespa Grande
H52Kx   M12-1.00 x 165 $19.0 Negrini KPN
part# 0  thread x length  price  Rear 

217092  M11-1.00 x 165 $18    Tomos Silver Bullet, F- Vespa Si

417261 M11-1.00 x 175 $22.0 Puch mag, front Vespa Bravo
H119x   M11-1.00 x 180 $22.0 1-chain Grimeca spoke
H119L   M11-1.00 x 200 $16.0 11mm extra long
H119G  M12-1.00 x 180 $18.0 1-chain Grimeca mag
410261 M12-1.00 x 180 $18.0 Leleu-Puch 2-chain hub
H119M  M12-1.00 x 200 $15.0 12mm extra long


Axle nuts Axle Nuts 

size 00000   hex  price  part# 00   Wide Nuts (outer)
M11-1.00×10 17 $3.00 H112      outside of frame F or R
M11-1.00×10 19 $3.00 15478    outside of frame F or R
M12-1.00×11 19 $4.50 H112M   outside of frame, usually R
M12-1.50×11 19 $3.00 12-1.5    some Tomos and Columbia
size 00000   hex  price  part# 00 Thin Nuts (inner)
M11-1.00 x 3 17 $3.00 217.087 special for some speedo drivers

M11-1.00 x 4 24 $3.00 H115      large for rear wheel to not slip
M11-1.00 x 5 17 $3.00 11x17x5 special for some speedo drivers

M11-1.00 x 6 17 $2.00 H56        thin for locking cone onto axle
M11-1.00 x 7 17 $3.50 H56        thin for locking cone onto axle
M12-1.00 x 4 24 $3.50 H115M    large for rear wheel to not slip
M12-1.00 x 5 19 $2.00 12x19x5 special for some speedo drivers

M12-1.00 x 6 19 $2.50 H56M     thin for locking cone onto axle
M12-1.00 x 7 19 $2.50 12x19x7

M12-1.00 x 8 24 $5.00 11x24x8 large for rear wheel to not slip


Axle washers Axle Washers

part# 000 i.d. 0 o.d.  width  price
044124  11mm x 19 x 0.8 $2.00 special thin and wide
       11mm x 17 x 0.5  $2.00 special thin
H113     11mm x 17 x 2.0  $1.50 normal axle washer
227450  11mm x 20 x 2.0  $1 .00
H62M     12mm x 18 x 1.2  $2.50 special thin
12×2.0   12mm x 20 x 2.0  $1.00 
12×3.0   12mm x 20 x 3.0  $1.50 special thick

13×1.5   13mm x 27 x 1.5  $1.00  1/2″ SAE
H113M   12mm x 24 x 2.3 $1.80 or $1.20 used, normal axle washer


Axle Spacers 
574549  spacer 12.5×16  x  3 mm  $3.00
H57      spacer 12.5×16  x  4 mm $3.00
space5  spacer 12.5×16  x  5 mm $5.00
407041  spacer 12.5×16  x  6 mm $5.00
514549  spacer 12.5×16  x  7 mm $5.00
208253  spacer 12.5×16  x  8 mm  (use 230668) Tomos 1977-90 front-left SB
230668  spacer 12.5×16  x  8 mm $6.00 Tomos 2001-13 box swingarm models
H147     spacer 12.5×16 x  9 mm $5.00
217094  spacer 12.5×22 x 10 mm $6.50 Tomos 1977-91 rear mag outer R

222883  spacer 12.5×22 x 10 mm $6.50 Tomos 1996-later rear outer left, black
209253  spacer 12.5×22 x 11 mm $6.50 Tomos 1976-1991 rear outer R

500277  spacer 12.6×16 x 11 mm  N/A Columbia
space12 spacer 12.6×22 x 12 mm  $6.50
209263  spacer 12.5×16 x 13 mm $8.00 Tomos 1976-1991 rear outer L
H116B   spacer 12.5×16 x 14 mm $5.00
574258  spacer 12.5×16 x 16 mm N/A Garelli
227485  spacer 12.5×22 x 16 mm $6.50 Tomos 1996-later front left, black
H116     spacer 12.5×16 x 17 mm $7.50
H116A   spacer 12.5×16 x 20 mm $7.00
space25 spacer 12.6×20 x 25 mm  $7
space29 spacer 12.6×17 x 29 mm  $7
222568  spacer 12.5×16 x 40 mm $7.50 Tomos 1992-13 front 16″ mag- Slot, 10-ray, ZCW
206871  spacer 14.0×18 x 47 mm $13.0 Tomos 1974-91 front spoke
209262  spacer 12.5×18 x 57 mm  $14.0 Tomos 1976-91 either 209262 rear or 206871 front
500439  spacer 12.5×18 x 61 mm N/A Columbia cast front center
222569  spacer 12.5×16 x 64 mm $7.50 Tomos 1992-13 rear 16″ mag- Slot, 10-ray, ZCW
410231  spacer 12.8×16 x 70 mm $10 for 1980-86 Puch-Leleu sealed bearing hub
500430  spacer 12.8×16 x 81 mm N/A Columbia 2-chain cast rear center
space83 spacer 12.5×18 x 83 mm $12 Myrons Leleu/Puch SB upgrade

Sealed bearing

Sealed Bearings 
sealed bearing 10 x 26 x 8   $5.00
16100Z sealed bearing 10 x 28 x 8   N/A  
6200Z   sealed bearing 10 x 30 x 9   $6.00
6001Z   sealed bearing 12 x 28 x 8   $6.00
16101Z sealed bearing 12 x 30 x 8   $20  
6201Z   sealed bearing 12 x 32 x 10 $7.00


Bearing Balls 
  bag of 26 balls 3/16″ $2.00 Leleu rear   29 cup 12 axle
00694  bag of 22 balls 7/32″ $2.00 Leleu front  29 cup 11 axle
H67P    bag of 22 balls 7/32″ $2.00 Grim rear 30 cup 11 axle
H67xx  bag of 20 balls 1/4″   $2.00 Grim. F/R 32 cup 11 axle
H67M   bag of 22 balls 1/4″   $2.00 Grim. F/R 35 cup 12 axle
H67Ax  caged ring of 8 1/4″  $2.00 Grim. F/R 32 cup 11 axle



Bearing Cones 
    bearing cone std. Grimeca 11mm, 19.0od x12.0 $8.00
H66M  bearing cone big Grimeca 12mm, 22.0od x13.8 $16.0
69284  bearing cone front Leleu 11mm, 18.1od x13.25 $5.00
69276  bearing cone rear Leleu 12mm, 20.0 od x13.6   $19.0


Bearing cups (outer race) Leleu
   cup 29 $5.00 for all Leleu front
69648   cup 29 $10.0 for all Leleu rear
Bearing cups (outer race) Grimeca
  cup 30 $16.0 for 2-chain rear wheels
H69xx  cup 32 $7.50 for most front or rear
H69B   cup 32 $19.0 Bernardi type machined outer

H69S   cup 32 $7.50 has notches for speedo driver
H69M   cup 35 $19.0 for some rear wheels

A dual chain rear hub or wheel has a bicycle type freewheel that surrounds the right rear wheel bearing. That limits the size of the bearing.

That is why the balls are smaller on a dual chain rear hub than on a front hub. You would think they should be bigger, because they carry 3 times more weight than the front.

Bearing Dust Rings 
1a 1c H68M   Grimeca 35  $20.0 for F, 1-chain R  31 x 23 x 4
2a 2a H68     Grimeca 32  $6.00 for F, 1-chain R  28 x 20 x 3.5
2b 2c H68     Grimeca 32  $6.00 thin version
3a 3a H68P   Grimeca 30  none  for 2-chain rear 26 x 20 x 3.5
3b 3c H68P   Grimeca 30  $15.0 good-used straightened
3d 3e H68PS Grimeca 30  $10.0 rubberized seal 26 x 20 x 4

4a 4a 69280
  Leleu 29 F   $5.00 for Leleu front 29.2 x 20
5a 5a 69680  Leleu 29 R  $7.00 for Leleu rear   29.2 x 22


Grimeca brake arms Grimeca brake arm camshaft hole
Grimeca brake arms 1, 3, 4, 6, 7

Brake Arms
 brake arm straight with clevis (for pear-end cable) $15
         original on Batavus, Trac with snowflake mags
00536  brake arm curved with clevis (for pear-end cable)   $22
         original on Sachs (Hercules)
H59    brake arm with flat-sided hole (for H60 pinch bolt)   $5.00
         original on most Grimeca wheels
209258 brake arm with Ø10 hole (for M6 loop pinch bolt)  
         original on 1974-91 Tomos spoke wheels
69669  brake arm with Ø11 hole (for M7 loop pinch bolt)    $15
         original on 1970-86 Vespa (Piaggio)
6 7131  brake arm curved with cradle (for barrel end cable) $10
         orig. on 78-80 Puch, Sears, JCP, Murray with snowflake mags
Klever  brake arm long with notch (for clevis-end cable)     $18
         original on 1977-80 KTM Foxi


Loop Pinch Bolts

Grimeca Pinch Bolt

Grimeca Pinch Bolt








Brake Cable Anchors 
  pinch bolt Grimeca type    $5  see Cable Parts
       original on most Grimeca wheels 
P21  pinch bolt loop type 6mm    $7  see Cable Parts
       original on 1974-91 Tomos spoke wheels 
P22  pinch bolt loop type 7mm  $12  see Cable Parts
       original on 1970-86 Vespa (Piaggio)
P8   pinch bolt Ø8 sideways barrel $4  see Cable Parts
       useful for “making” brake cables

Pinch bolts (cable anchors) are offered in the Cable Parts section. Here are the common brake kinds.

Brake Springs

Brake Springs 
    brake coil spring for Grimeca Ø90 $2.50 38mm long
2  H64KS  brake coil spring – Grimeca Ø105 $8.00 51mm long
3  H64US  brake  U-spring for Grimeca Ø90 $12.0 free floating
4  H64VS  brake  V-spring for Grimeca Ø90 $15.0 fixed to post
5  087030 brake coil spring early Leleu Ø80   $1  30mm long
6  8703L  brake coil spring  late  Leleu Ø80   $5  29mm long
7  00000  brake coil spring Motobecane Ø80 $1  32mm long
8  00000  brake coil spring for Honda Ø110? $3  42mm long
9  00000  brake  V-spring for Honda Ø80   $10 also General, others 
10 00000 brake  V-spring for Honda Ø80   N/A comes with EBC301 brakes

Brake springs are very strong yet compact.
Hardware store springs are too weak or big.  

Grimeca Coil Type

Grimeca U-Spring

Grimeca 90x18 V-spring

Grimeca V-Spring

Taiwan V-Spring

Honda V-Spring








Grimeca Coil Spring: On steel hub spoke wheels, the center part of the hub is not as big, and there is room for dual small coil springs. Their advantage is they are much easier to install. Brakes can be folded like “from a taco to a tortilla” for installing and “from a tortilla to a taco” for removing.

Grimeca U-Spring: A second type would be the same brake shoes and brake panel, but with the two spring holes near the cam drilled bigger and a free floating horse shoe spring instead of the dual coils. This design is needed for aluminum wheels that have a bigger center portion. Without the “U” spring, the coil springs would rub. 

A U-Spring uses the same brake plate as coil springs. There is no visible difference on the outside, between a U-spring brake plate and a coil spring brake plate. 

Grimeca V-Spring: A third type is special plate and shoe set designed to be horseshoe spring only. The brake shoes each have a pencil size hole at one end. The stationary post (opposite the cam shaft) goes through the hole in each brake and has a notch at the end for the horseshoe spring. This non-floating horseshoe spring is more “V” shaped. It is held at the tip of the V by a rounded groove in the pivot post. The V-Spring brake shoes are also nicknamed “hole kind”.

There is no visible difference on the outside, between a V-spring brake plate and a U-spring or coil spring brake plate, but inside there are three differences.

1) the cam shaft on a Grimeca V-spring type has a retaining plate, while a coil spring type has no plate (to allow installation by “folding the taco into a tortilla”).

2) the pivot post on a Grimeca V-spring type is longer and has a rounded groove for the V-spring.

3) the pivot post on a Grimeca V-spring has no center groove for retention, while the coil spring and U-spring types have a center groove (for the center ridge on the shoes). 

The V-spring design has better retention and safety, but is more difficult to install, because it requires a huge force to spread. See how to spread a V-spring using a home made spreader tool, in the Wheels Service section.  

Brake Shoes see Brakes for full list
    Grimeca 90 x 18, coil springs $25.0
H64K  Grimeca 105×20, coil springs $20.0
H64U  Grimeca 90 x 18 for U-spring $27.0
H64V  Grimeca 90 x 18 for V-spring  $30.0

69275  Leleu x  80 x 18, coil springs $25.0
00000 Honda   80 x 18 for  V-spring $21.0

Brakes are listed in a separate section. Here are just some of the common ones.

Brake Cam Shafts

#    price   MMI#   Tomos# plate cam drum spring 
1    $8-6   H0000  209238 steel Ø10   90

2    $9.00
 00 000000 steel Ø10   90 coil or U
3    $16.0 H63K 0 000000 steel Ø10 105 coil spr
4,5 $9.00 H63V 0 217007 steel Ø10   90 V spring
4,5 $00.0 H63V 0 222576 alum Ø10   90 V spring
4,5 $2.50 H0000  222580 inner washer 10 x 6
6    none  H0000  219791 steel Ø10   90 V spring
7    none  H0000  229743 alum Ø12 105 coil spr
8    $15.0 H0000  230954 alum Ø10 105 coil spr
2-4 $0.60 H104A  000000 cam nut tall M6-1.00 x 6
2-4 $0.60 H105 0 000000 cam washer (qty 2) ∅6-13 x 1.0
5-8 $0.30 H0000  031075 cam nut M6-1.00 x 5
5-8 $0.20 H0000  031509 cam washer ∅6

These brake cams are for Grimeca compatible brake arms with the Ø10 x 6 hole shown. 



Brake Plate Parts

#  price   MMI#   
1  $6.00 H148  inspection plug black rubber
$7 - 4 H53 0 cable adjuster original M6 hex
$3.00 H000  cable adjuster A2 M6 hex


Helper Springs

# price   MMI#   Puch# 0000 F/R plate  arm   wheel
1 $8.00 H0000 349.140.7191   F steel bent Gri.   mag original
2 $7.50 H120R 349.140.7191   F steel flat   Gri.   mag original =H120A
2 $0.00 H120R Cimatti126056 R steel flat   Gri. spoke original
3 $3.00 H0000 349.240.7191   F alum flat   Gri.   mag original
4 $7.00 H0000 349.241.7191   R steel bent Gri.   mag original
5 none  H120L Garelli 9134294 R steel flat   Gri. spoke original =H120B
$9.50 H120LS Garelli 913424 R steel substitute #4 modified
6 $7.00 H0000 349.341.5151   R alum flat Leleu spoke original
7 none  H0000 Tomos 222582 F/R alu. flat Tomos ’89-95 mag



Sprockets and Sprocket Parts

These are listed in Parts/Drivetrain/Sprockets



fig  price   MMI#  adjuster axle  Eyelet Chain Adjusters
$3.00  407500 adjuster Ø12
$3.00  000000
adjuster Ø12
$4.00  000000 adjuster Ø12
$5.00  000000 adjuster Ø12
$4.00  000000 back plate
 Sparta style
$3.00  000000 back plate Peugeot style 
$7.00  000000 back plate Puch Magnum


fig  price   MMI# 0 adjuster axle  Spiral Chain Adjusters
1L  $5.00 H114R   adjuster Ø11 3-hole Tomos ’74-13 209212 left
1L  $0.00 H114R   adjuster Ø11 3-hole Tomos ’08-13 209212 right

1R $5.00 H114L    adjuster Ø11 3-hole Tomos ’74-07 223112 right
2L $75 H00000 adjuster Ø11 4-hole Cimatti 1310 right
2R $75 H00000 adjuster Ø11 4-hole Cimatti 1300 left
3L $7.00 H00000 adjuster Ø11 4-hole knurled handle
3R $6.00 H00000 adjuster Ø11 4-hole knurled handle
4L $7.00 H00000 adjuster Ø12 4-hole General
5L $8.00 H00000 adjuster Ø14 4-hole

6L $6.50 H114RM adjuster Ø12 solid right
6R $8.00 H114LM adjuster Ø12 solid left
7L $8.00 H00000 adjuster Ø12 solid left

7R $8.00 H00000 adjuster Ø12 solid right

8L none  H00000 adjuster Ø12 Garelli 002.551.4.143 left
8R $86  H00000 adjuster Ø12 Garelli 002.551.4.141 right
9L  $6.00 H00000 adjuster Ø12 Columbia (straightened)
9R $7.00 H00000 adjuster Ø12 Columbia (straightened)

These plate type adjusters are reversible, left and right, unlike shoes and gloves. On some models a left type is used on the right and a right type is on the left. So L types are not always on the left side, and R types are not always on the right. 




July 14, 2015

Table of Contents

A. Wheels for Sale

1. Introduction
2. Wheel Sets
3. Rear Wheels
4. Front Wheels

——————  < p a r t i t i o n  >  —————————–

B. Wheels on Display

1. brand xxx country  drum (mm) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wheel family

Grimeca Old Logo

Grimeca compatibles

1. Grimeca xxxx   Italy    90, 105
2. Bernardi xxxx
  Italy    90, 105
3. Piaggio xxxxx
  Italy     90, 105
4. KTM xxxxxxx  
Austria    90
5. Tomos xxx    Slovenia  90, 105
6. ZCW xxxxxx   China      105
7. Columbia  xx
 America   105
8. Derbi xxxxxx
  Spain      105

leleu small

Leleu compatibles

9.  Leleu xxxxx  France  70, 80, 100
10. Puch xx xxxx
Austria       80
Motobecane  France       80
12. Kreidler  xx
Germany     80

General 5 star wheel

Taiwan and misc

13. General xxx Taiwan   80, 110
14. Yuan Ta xxx
 Taiwan       90
15. Mira xxxxxx 
Taiwan      100
16. Sport Mag II
America  80, 90



A. Wheels for Sale

1. Introduction

Welcome to Myrons Wheel Parts Department.  Moped wheels are organized here into families with the same size drum brakes. The “Grimeca” family has 90 or 105mm brake drums, with mostly single chain rear hubs. The “Leleu” family has 70, 80, or 100mm brake drums, with mostly dual chain rear hubs. The “Asian” family has 80, 90, 100, or 110mm brake drums, with all single chain rear hubs.  

All mopeds had spoke (wire) wheels until 1977, when die cast aluminum or magnesium alloy wheels (mags) came out. A “mag” wheel resists bending, and never has broken spokes. Through the 1980’s there were both  “spoke” and “mag” wheels. But by the 1990’s most mopeds had aluminum “mags”.

Myrons Mopeds Wall of Wheels in 2011

Myrons Mopeds Wall of Wheels in 2011

Myrons has about 200 moped wheels, but the more popular ones are scarce. Most of Myrons wheels are in the “raw” state. That means they have not been serviced. Most used moped wheels have bad wheel bearings and/or bent rims and broken spokes. They all need at the very least fresh grease, cleaning, sanding the brake drum, lubing the brake cam. 

Some moped wheels interchange but most do not.  Using a wheel from a different moped is not as simple as swapping a car wheel. The brake anchor, the axle spacing, the rim centering, can all be different, resulting in things like tires rubbing and slowing you down, brakes not stopping good, a wobbly feel, or the chain coming off and damaging other things. When the wheel’s inner axle length is too long, the wheel is difficult or impossible to get on or off. When it’s too short, on the front, the front suspension becomes sticky or frozen as the axle nuts are tightened. When the brake anchor is too close to the frame, the brake rubs when the axle nuts are tightened. When it’s too far away, the whole brake plate/panel can suddenly detach from the frame, and rotate with the wheel, wrapping the cable around the wheel, bending the brake arm, and freezing up the rear wheel. When your wheels function and fit properly, you will enjoy riding more, with a smooth, safe, solid, and fast bike.


Terms Used to Describe Wheels:

The wheels below are described by rim width x  rim diameter, and Ø drum diameter.

So a 1.35×16″ Ø90 is a 16 inch rim, 1.35 inch inner width, and a 90 millimeter brake drum. 

A 1-chain rear wheel has a motor chain on one side, and a brake on the other side.

A 2-chain rear has a motor chain and brake on one side, and a pedal chain and freewheel on the other side.


Rim and Tire Size illustration

Rim Width is less than Tire Width 

1.20 rim takes a 2.00 or 2.25 tire
1.35 rim takes a 2.25 or 2.50 tire
1.60 rim takes a 2.50 or 2.75 tire
1.85 rim takes a 2.75 or 3.25 tire




2. Wheel Sets for Sale

.        W H E E L   S E T S        TIRES ARE NOT INCLUDED       SB=sealed bearing
17″ Puch spoke thin rims x  $280  xlnt condition/narrow Maxi rims/complete
17″ Puch spoke thick rims   $320  very good condition  click for image


3. Rear Wheels for Sale

.        R E A R   W H E E L S
wheel 16″R Garelli HD SS spoke xxx xxx  $230  new bearings/straight/heavy duty SS spokes
wheel 16″R Cimatti 42T 165 axle xx xxx  $210  xlnt bearings/straight/good chrome
wheel 17″R Colombia Open Road 57T xx  $150  all American made/SB/double chain/black
wheel 17″R Kynast Flying Dutchman 40T $180  brand new/shiney/needs fresh grease (included)
wheel 17″R Kynast Flying Dutchman 40T $150  xlnt bearings/straight/double chain/half bad chrome
wheel 17″R KTM Foxi 38T xxxx xxxx xxx  $100  good bearings/bent but useable/with brake panel

’77-80 Honda Express rear wheel A
no dents, no wear or rust on 80mm drum
Not for ’81-83 with bigger brakes 95mm.
trued, very straight, price $140

’77-80 Honda Express rear wheel B
80mm drum sanded, trued, very straight
Not for ’81-83. Those have bigger brakes 95mm.
spokes are brown, price $100










Honda Express rear wheel checking and truing set-up











4. Front Wheels for Sale

.        F R O N T   W H E E L S
wheel 16″F Italian spoke 145 axle xxxxx   $70  good bearings/straight/no speedo driver/bad chrome
wheel 16″F Cimatti spoke 145 axle xxxx  $100  xlnt bearings/straight/some spots of bad chrome
wheel 16″F Garelli VIP spoke 105 hub xx   $60  kinda straight/no brake panel
wheel 17″F Colombia Commuter 105mm $130  for sheet frame/3/8″ axle/SB/straight/rusty/complete
wheel 17″F Colombia Open Road 105mm $100  for tube frame/12mm axle/SB/straight/black/no brakes
wheel 17″F KTM Foxi spoke 145 axle xx  $120  xlnt bearings/kinda straight/fair chrome
wheel 17″F Vespa Ciao spoke 152 axle   $120  good bearings, straight, OK chrome, no speedo driver
wheel 17″F Vespa Ciao spoke 152 axle   $160  new, no speedo driver, spokes gray but rest is shiney

Suzuki FA50 front wheel
without axle or brake, good drum
spins true and free, no dents
chrome has tiny spots, price $90











These are some of Myron’s wheels. There are many more wheels not listed, Grimeca mags, other mags, Leleu, Motobecane, Tomos, Taiwan, Derbi. These wheels are still in the raw state. Most of them need service, usually truing and bearing greasing, sometimes replacing bearings and spokes. Once they are in a state that is ready to sell, they will be photographed, priced, and listed here. 


Find out more about the Wheels »