Trac Parts

August 26, 2017

Contents:   1. Trac Parts 1982-86 models with Laura M56 engine

Contents:   2. Trac Parts 1984-90 models with Daelim DP50 or DK50 engine



1. Trac Parts 1982-86 with Laura M56 engine

Many Trac parts are offered elsewhere, by type:

Tires    see Tires and Tubes  2.25-16 Clipper, Eagle, Hawk

M56 engine   see Laura Engine  scroll down to Laura M56
Rings     see Pistons and Rings  scroll down to 40 x 1.5 FG
Piston     see Pistons and Rings  scroll down to 12 pin 18 upper
xxx Bearings, seals  see Bearings and Seals  
xxx Keys, clips, nuts, shims see Engine Hardware 

Encarwi carb   see Carburetors/Encarwi  scroll to Encarwi H12 (25, 30 mph)
Encarwi carb   see Carburetors/Encarwi  scroll to Encarwi H8 (20 mph)

Ignition   Spark plug   see Spark Plugs and Points  NGK B6HS
xxx Points   xxx     see Spark Plugs and Points scroll to M31
xxx Condenser       see Spark Plugs and Points scroll to M32

Bosch magneto     see Magnetos/Bosch scroll to 0212-010-004

Chain   see Chains  #415H (1/2 x 3/16″) 98 links for 17 and 39 tooth sprockets (25, 30 mph)
Chain   see Chains  #415H (1/2 x 3/16″) 97 links for 13 and 39 tooth sprockets (20 mph)

25006  000 x 2.6 12g  front A inner  Olympic, Liberty
25007  000 x 2.6 12g  front B outer  Olympic, Liberty

25054  160 x 2.9 11g  rear  A inner  Olympic, Liberty
25055  160 x 2.9 11g  rear  B outer  Olympic, Liberty

25506  158 x 2.6 12g  front A inner  Clipper, Escot
25505  158 x 2.6 12g  front B outer Clipper, Escot

25578  159 x 2.6 12g  rear  A inner  Clipper, Escot
25577  159 x 2.6 12g  rear  B outer Clipper, Escot

35503  173 x 2.6 12g  front A inner  DH100
35504  173 x 2.6 12g  front B outer  DH100

35604  158 x 3.2 10g  rear  A inner  DH100
35605  158 x 3.2 10g  rear  B outer  DH100


Three Trac models with M56 engine and Magura controls

Three Trac M56 models with Domino controls







Six models are combined here. Each has a quantity column with these header codes:

C = Clipper with Magura controls                                  c = Clipper with Domino controls
E = Eagle    with Magura controls                                
 e = Eagle   with Domino controls
H = Hawk   with Magura controls                                 h = Hawk  with Domino controls



diag.#  Trac #  Daelim part # xx C c E e H h  price xxx description xxxx specs xxxx remarks

F1-01-1 00000 50100-M56-8950  0 0 1 1 0 0  none frame for Eagle stamped sheet metal with tank
F1-01-1 00000 50100-MT1-0000  0 0 0 0 1 1  none frame for Hawk welded tubes top-tank
F1-01-2 00000 50100-MT2-0000  
1 1 0 0 0 0  none frame for Clipper welded tubes step-thru
F1-02-1 20651 53212-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$$  steering race lower cone see steering scroll to 1″-24 Trac

F1-03-1 20648 96211-05000 XW  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$$  steering balls quantity 52  see steering 5/32″ 26 per race

F1-04-1 20650 50302-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$$  steering race lower cup see steering scroll to 1″-24 Trac
F1-05-1 20649 50301-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$$  steering race upper cup see steering scroll to 1″-24 Trac
F1-03-1 20648 96211-05000 XW  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$$  steering balls quantity 52  see steering 5/32″ 26 per race
F1-06-1 20647 53211-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$$  steering race upper cone see steering scroll to 1″-24 Trac
F1-07-1 20645 90503-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$$  steering washer xxxxxx see steering scroll to 1″-24 Trac
F1-08-1 20644 90304-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$$  steering lock nut xxxxx see steering scroll to 1″-24 Trac
F1-09-1 20646 90305-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$$  steering top nut xxxXx see steering scroll to 1″-24 Trac
F1-10-1 00000 50401-M56-8900  0 0 1 1 0 0  none frame molding
F1-11-1 00000 50402-M56-8900  0 0 9 9 0 0  none frame molding clip
F1-12-1 26530 52400-M56-8900  2 2 2 2 0 0  $45  rear shock Eagle and Clipper Ø10 x 310, Ø5.7 coil
F1-12-1 00000 52400-M56-8950  0 0 0 0 2 2  $40  rear shock for Hawk Ø10 x 320, Ø6.0 coil (heavier)

F1-13-1 21204 17620-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 0 0  $$$  gas cap Eagle and Clipper see gas caps 27mm qtr turn
F1-16-1 26533 84706-M56-8900  0 0 1 1 1 1  none carrier catch assy Eagle and Hawk
F1-20-1 01616 92000-06016 XW  2 2 2 2 4 4  50¢  hex bolt luggage rack M6 x 16
F1-21-1 06060 94111-06500 XW  2 2 2 2 2 2  25¢  spring washer Ø6.5
F1-22-1 00000 92000-10040 XW  0 0 2 2 0 0  $$1  hex bolt upper shock M10 x 40

F1-23-1 26531 92000-10036 XW  2 2 2 2 2 2  $$1  hex bolt lower shock M10 x 36
F1-24-1 05100 94101-10500 XW  6 6 6 6 6 6  35¢  plain washer Ø10.5
F1-26-1 20270 94201-10000 XW  2 2 0 0 2 2  $$6  hex cap nut M10-1.25
F1-27-1 84014 81200-MT1-0000  0 0 0 0 1 1 
none luggage rack (extender) for ’84-85 Hawk
F1-28-1 00000 81311-MT2-0000  1 1 0 0 0 0  none front basket for 1983-84 Clipper
F1-29-1 00000 81312-MT2-0000  2 2 0 0 0 0  none leg shield bracket 1985 Clipper
F1-30-1 25614 92000-06025 XW  2 2 2 2 4 4  50¢  hex bolt M6 x 25
F1-31-1 05060 94101-06500 XW  4 4 0 0 0 0  25¢  plain washer Ø6.5

F1-32-1 00000 00000-M56-0000  2 2 2 2 2 2  none pedal shaft bushing 16 x 20?

F1-34-1 00000 83551-HD2-890?  2 2 0 0 2 2 
none  fuel hose grommet Clipper, Hawk/Sprint

F2-23-1 84030 50500-M56-8900  0 0 1 1 0 0  $45  center stand ’82-83 Trac Eagle and ’76-80 Batavus
F2-23-1 84031 50500-MT1-0000  1 1 0 0 1 1  none center stand Clipper and Hawk
F2-23-2 84032 50500-M56-8930  0 0 1 1 0 0  none center stand ’84-86 Trac Eagle (upgrade for ’82-83)

F2-24-1 84033 50522-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  $12  center stand spring
F2-25-1 84034 50526-M56-8900  0 0 1 1 0 0  $10  stand pivot pipe short for ’82-83 Eagle Ø12 x 72
F2-25-1 84035 50526-MT1-0000  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$8  stand pivot pipe Clipper,Hawk,’84-86 Eagle Ø12 x 85

F2-26-1 20635 94101-12000 XW  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$1  plain washer M12
F2-27-1 84036 94201-30180 XW  1 1 1 1 1 1  50¢  split pin 3.0 x 18
F2-28-1 84037 50524-397-0000 x1 1 1 1 1 1  $14  center stand rubber bumper ’84-on (goes on stand)

E3-22-1 06050 94111-05000 XW  2 2 2 2 2 2  20¢  spring washer ignition coil mount M5
E3-21-1 82017 93500-05022 XW  2 2 2 2 2 2   70¢  pan phillips screw for coil mount M5 x 22

M1- 1-1 84015 8131?-MT2-0000  1 1 0 0 0 0  none leg shield blue for 1985 Clipper (not shown)
M1- 1-2 84016 8131?-MT2-0000  1 1 0 0 0 0  none leg shield wineberry ’85 Clipper (not shown)
M2-2-1 02616 95700-06016-05 x 2 2 0 0 0 0   70¢  flange hex bolt for leg shield  M6 x 16



diagram  Trac#  Daelim part # xx C c E e H h  price xxx description xxxx specs xxxx remarks

F2-01-1 86001 52100-M56-8900  0 0 1 1 1 1  $50  swing arm ’82-83 Eagle, ’83-86 mag wheel models threaded axles
F2-01-1 86002 52100-M56-8930  1 1 1 1 1 1  $50  swing arm for 1984-86 spoke wheel models with slide-out axles
F2-02-1 86003 90121-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$8  swing arm pivot bolt M10-1.25 x 108 plus spring anchor
F2-03-1 86004 50308-M56-8900  2 2 2 2 2 2  $12  swing arm bushing 10 x 22 x 29 long
F2-04-1 05100 94101-10000 x0x 1 1 1 1 1 1  25¢  plain washer M10
F2-05-1 06100 94111-10000 x0x 1 1 1 1 1 1  25¢  spring washer M10
F2-06-1 20234 94001-10000 x0x 1 1 1 1 1 1  40¢  hex nut M10-1.25
F2-07-1 84020 50230-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  $22-$15 front engine hanger
F2-08-1 84021 50312-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  $20  motor mount right
F2-09-1 84022 50313-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  $20  motor mount left
F2-10-1 84023 50314-M56-8900  2 2 2 2 2 2  none motor mount rubber
F2-11-1 84024 90131-M56-8900  
1 1 1 1 1 1 1.50  hex bolt M6 x 95
F2-12-1 05060 94101-06000 x x01 1 1 1 1 1  25¢  plain washer M6
F2-13-1 06060 94111-06000 x x01 1 1 1 1 1  25¢  spring washer M6
F2-14-1 04060 94001-06000 xx 01 1 1 1 1 1  25¢  hex nut M6
F2-15-1 84025 92000-08085 x 0x1 1 1 1 1 1 01.50  hex bolt M8 x 85
F2-16-1 05080 94101-08000 x 0x2 2 2 2 2 2  25¢  plain washer M8
F2-17-1 06080 94111-08000 x 0x1 1 1 1 1 1  25¢  spring washer M8
F2-18-1 04080 94001-08000 x 0x1 1 1 1 1 1  25¢  hex nut M8
F2-19-1 84026 92000-06072 x 0x2 2 2 2 2 2 1.50  hex bolt M6 x 72
F2-20-1 05060 94101-06000 x 0x2 2 2 2 2 2  25¢  plain washer M6
F2-21-1 04060 94001-06000 x 0x2 2 2 2 2 2  25¢  hex nut M6
F2-22-1 00000 94104-M56-800 02 2 2 2 2 2   $$$  washer 10.5 x ?





fig    CcEeHh    Daelim part#    price   F4 Pedal Parts
1-0   111111 41111.M56.8900
$15-8 right pedal Union block type
2-0   111111 41113.M56.8900 $15-8 left pedal Union block type
3-0   111111 41101.M56.8900 $15.0 right pedal arm 504R
4-0   111111 41102.M56.8900 $15.0 left pedal arm 504L
5-0   001100 41009.M56.8900 40-28 pedal shaft Eagle
5-1   110011 41009.MT1.8900 $40.0 pedal shaft Clipper-Hawk
6-0   111111 41109.M56.8900 $7.00 pedal chain 3/8 x 5/32 x 32L
7-0   110011 41106.M56.8900 $00.0 left spacer Clip-Hawk (shown on right)
7-1   001100 41106.MT1.8900 $00.0 left spacer 2.0″ Eagle (shown on right)
8-0   222222 41108.M56.8900 $1.50 wave washer
9-0   222222 41105.M56.8900 $2.00 pedal pin 9.0mm with 10,11
12-0 111111 40535.M56.8900 $00.0 tensioner spring
13-0 111111 40532.M56.8900 $00.0 tensioner guide
14-0 111111 40537.M56.8900 $00.0 tensioner bolt
15-0 111111 40538.M56.8900 $00.0 tensioner washer











diagram#  Trac #  Daelim part # xxC c E e H h  price xxx description xxxx specs xxxx remarks 

F11-01-1  00000 53100-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  none handlebar
F11-02-1  00000 53131-028-0000 x2 2 2 2 2 2  $10  handlebar clamp upper
F11-03-1  00000 53132-056-0001 x2 2 2 2 2 2  $10  handlebar clamp lower
F11-04-1  00000 92000-06028 x x  4 4 4 4 4 4  $$1  hex bolt M6 x 28
F11-05-1  00000 94101-06500 xx   4 4 4 4 4 4  25¢  plain washer Ø6.5
F11-07-1  00000 94111-10500 xx   2 2 2 2 2 2  40¢  spring washer Ø10.5
F11-08-1  00000 94001-10000 x x  2 2 2 2 2 2  $$1  hex nut M10-1.25
F11-09-1  00000 94101-10500 xx   2 2 2 2 2 2  40¢  plain washer Ø10.5
F11-09-1  00000 53134-M56-8900  2 2 2 2 2 2  $$4  upper rubber cushion ’84-86
F11-10-1  00000 53135-M56-8900  2 2 2 2 2 2  $$4  lower rubber cushion ’84-86
F11-11-1  00000 35300-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  light/horn switch plastic clamp-on x  see Switches CEV 8188
F11-12-1  00000 35301-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  light/horn switch clamp bracket xxx  see Switches CEV 8188
F11-13-1  00000 35150-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  engine stop switch plastic clamp-on  see Switches CEV 8189
F11-15-1  00000 93500-05000 x x  2 0 2 0 2 0  60¢  screw pan-head phillips M4 x 28
F11-16-1  00000 35155-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  engine stop switch cord (wires)

F11-17-1  00000 35305-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  light/horn switch cord (wires)
F12-01-1  84510 45464-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  right control front brk,throttle,choke  see Magura 0
F12-02-1  84511 45451-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  right brake lever aluminum xxxxxxxx see Magura 2
F12-03-1  84512 17921-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  choke thumb lever/trigger xxxxxxxxx see Magura 3
F12-04-1  84515 93500-06015 xx   2 0 2 0 2 0  $$$  screw pan slotted special M6 x 16 xx  see Magura 10
F12-05-1  84514 92700-M56-8950  2 0 2 0 2 0  $$2  choke cable pinch bolt 5.5 x 7 
F12-07-1  23218 94001-05000 xx   2 0 2 0 2 0  $$$  brake lever pivot nut xxxxxxxxxxxxx  see Magura 7a
F12-08-1  84516 45452-M56-8950  2 0 2 0 2 0  $$$  brake lever pivot bolt xxxxxxxxxxxxx see Magura 6

F12-09-1  84517 45453-M56-8950  2 0 2 0 2 0  $$$  brake lever cable anchor xxxxxxxxx   see Magura 11
-1  84550 45463-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  left control rear brake, start(clutch)   see Magura 0
F12-14-1  84551 45461-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  left brake lever aluminum xxxxxxxxx see Magura 1
F12-15-1  84552 17931-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  start lever black plastic xxxxxxxxxxx see Magura 16
F12-16-1  84558 35351-M56-8950  2 2 2 2 2 2  $$$  brake light switch cord (wires)
F12-17-1  84557 35350-M56-8950  2 2 2 2 2 2  $$$  brake light switch NC when installed see Switches CEV 9342
F12-19-1  84568 45466-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  left lever helper spring xxxxxxxxxxx  see Magura 8

F12-19-1  84569 45466-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  right lever helper spring xxxxxxxxxx  see Magura 9
F12-20-1  23229 35352-M56-8950  2 2 2 2 2 2   $$$ brake light switch rubber boot xxXx see Switches bottom
F12-24-1  84554 17932-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  start lever cable screw xxxxxxxxxxxx see Magura 17
F12-25-1  84555 17933-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  start lever pivot roll pin xxxxxxxxxxx see Magura 18
F12-26-1  84556 53166-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  left hand grip ribbed black xxxxxxxx  see Magura 14
F12-27-1  20525 38100-M56-8950  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$$  horn
F12-28-1  84560 38105-M56-8950  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$$  horn wires
29-1  84562 45470-M56-8900  1 1 1 1 1 1  $$5  cable cover (sleeve) 17 inch long black holds 3 cables
F12-30-1  84563 45460-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0 Magura type xxxX   cable  Ø   C x E      
F12-30-1  84563 45460-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0 M56 Cables xxxx     ends mm inches   
F12-30-1  84563 45460-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  rear brake cable  2  5  61.0 3.3 says nothing
F12-31-1  84566 17920-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $12  choke cable xxx  1  5  38.8 4.7 says nothing
F12-32-1  84565 17910-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $25  throttle cable xX 2  5  38.8 2.7 says nothing
F12-33-1  84567 17930-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $$$  starter cable xxx 1  5  40.2 4.2 says nothing
F12-34-1  84564 45450-M56-8950  1 0 1 0 1 0  $25  front brake cable 2  5  39.1 3.3 says nothing

diagram  Trac#  Daelim part # xx C c E e H h  price xxx description xxxx specs xxxx remarks    1984-86 models

F12-35-1 23510 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  left control assy, rear brake, clutch(start) see Domino DB7K
F12-36-1 23226 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  left hand grip 22 i.d. octagon stylexxxxx  see Domino D22K
F12-37-1 23220 00000-000-0000  0 3 0 3 0 3  $$$  pivot screw M6 special type xxxxxxxxxxx see Domino D8
F12-38-1 23511 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  left control housing (perch) xxxxxxxxxxx see Domino D18K
F12-39-1 23224 00000-000-0000  0 2 0 2 0 2  $$$  cable adjuster slotted M6-1.0 xxxxxx see Cable parts A3b
F12-40-1 23225 00000-000-0000  0 3 0 3 0 3  $$$  pivot screw nut M6 flangexxxxxxxxxxxxx see Domino D7
F12-41-1 23223 00000-000-0000  0 3 0 3 0 3  $$$  cable anchor (holdfast) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  see Domino D36
F12-42-1 23227 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  left brake lever black plasticxxxxxxxxxxx see Domino D20KL
F12-43-1 23512 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  left lower start lever black plasticxxxxxxx see Domino D19K
F12-44-1 84575 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  right control front brake, throttle, choke xsee Domino DA8K
F12-45-1 23221 00000-000-0000  0 2 0 2 0 2  $$$  clamp (wedge) bolt M6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx see Domino D16
F12-45-1 23222 00000-000-0000  0 2 0 2 0 2  $$$  wedge (cone) for clamp bolt xxxxxxxxxx  see Domino D15
F12-46-1 84576 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  right control (throttle) housing  xxxxxxxx see Domino D5L 
F12-47-1 23214 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  special screw that holds twist tubexxxxxx see Domino D3
F12-48-1 23213 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  right brake lever black plasticxxxxxxxxxx see Domino D20KR
F12-49-1 23217 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  throttle cable adjuster M5-0.8 xxxxxx see Cable parts A1b
F12-50-1 84577 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  throttle helper spring 3-loop xxxxxxxxxxx see Domino D23
F12-51-1 84578 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  choke lever pivot rivet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx see Domino D37
F12-52-1 84579 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  choke cable pinch bolt (binding screw) see Cable parts P5
F12-53-1 84580 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  choke lever right thumb  xxxxxxxxxxxxxx see Domino D35
F12-54-1 23211 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  throttle twist tube metal bare (not shown) see Domino D6A
F12-54-1 23211 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  right grip 24 i.d. octagon style xxxxxxxxx  see Domino D21K
F12-55-1 23215 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  slider screw (cable pinch screw) xxxxxxxx see Domino D2L
F12-55-1 23216 00000-000-0000  0 1 0 1 0 1  $$$  throttle slider (sliding block) xxxxxxxxxxx see Domino D1
F12-56-1 84585 17910-M56-8960  0 1 0 1 0 1 Domino type x    cable  Ø   C x E
F12-56-1 84585 17910-M56-8960  0 1 0 1 0 1 M56 Cables x x   ends mm inches    
F12-56-1 84585 17910-M56-8960  0 1 0 1 0 1  $12  throttle cable  1  5 38.9 2.4 says M56 896, pre-cut wire
F12-57-1 84586 17920-M56-8950  0 1 0 1 0 1  $12  choke cable x  1  5 38.8 4.7 says nothing, same as F12-31
F12-58– 84589s 45460-M56-895S  0 0 0 1 0 0  none rear brk cable 2  5 60.8 2.8 says M56 895S for Eagle
F12-58- 84589d 45460-M56-895D  0 0 0 1 0 0  none rear brk cable 2  5 61.1 3.3 says M56 895D for Eagle dlx
F12-58-1 84589 45460-MT1-895S  0 0 0 0 0 1  none rear brk cable 2  5 59.5 2.8 says MT1 895S for Hawk
F12-58-1 84589 45460-MT1-895D  0 0 0 0 0 1  none rear brk cable 2  5 59.5 3.3 says MT1 895D for Hawk dlx
F12-58-1 23517 45460-CL1-0000   0 1 0 0 0 0  none rear brk cable 2  6 58.8 3.6 says ESCOT xx for Clipper
MM  Trac rear brake cable Domino  0 1 0 1 0 1  $25  rear brk cable 2  5 61.0 3.6 says nothing, replaces 84589 xx
F12-59– 84588s 45450-M56-895S  0 0 0 1 0 0  none fr. brake cable 2  5 39.1 2.8 says M56 895S for Eagle
F12-59- 84588d 45450-M56-895D  0 0 0 1 0 0  none fr. brake cable 2  5 39.1 3.3 says M56 895D for Eagle dlx
F12-59-1 84588 45450-MT1-895S  0 0 0 0 0 1  none fr. brake cable 2  5 37.5 2.8 says MT1 895S for Hawk
F12-59-1 84588 45450-MT1-895D  0 0 0 0 0 1  none fr. brake cable 2  5 37.5 3.3 says MT1 895D for Hawk dlx
F12-59-1 23515 45450-CL1-0000   0 1 0 0 0 0  $25  fr. brake cable 2  6 37.1 3.6 says ESCOT xx for Clipper
MM Trac front brake cable Domino  0 1 0 1 0 1  $25  fr. brake cable 2  5 39.0 3.6 says nothing, replaces 84588 xx
F12-60-1 84587 17930-M56-8960  0 1 0 1 0 1  none starter cable x 2  5 40.6 2.9 says M56 896

Clipper, Eagle, Hawk brake plates. S and D type

These 1985-86 Trac double-ended brake cables, for M56 engine models with Domino controls, came in two versions, D or S. The D-type inner wire was 0.5 inch longer than S-type, because the Grimeca brake on the aluminum (Deluxe type) wheels was different from the Duck Chang brake plate on the (Standard type) spoke wheels. See photo at right.

The 1985-86 (M56 engine) Eagle and Hawk with cable codes M56 and MT1, had incorrectly-made replacement brake cables, front and rear. The inner wire was 0.8 inch too short. In the listing the incorrect exposed lengths “E” are crossed out. Trac forgot to include the distance of the removable slotted adjuster 23224. 

The 1984-86 (M56 engine) Clipper and 1984-89 (DMC engine) Escot, Sprint, Image with cable codes CL1 and HA1 had correctly-made replacement brake cables. The CL1 or HA1 inner wire was 0.3 inch longer than a M56-895D, or 0.8 inch longer than a M56-895S.

The 1984-89 (DMC engine) Liberty, Olympic, Blitz with cable codes HD2 had different brake cables with threaded rods at the wheel end.

Trac cables have been terribly confusing since the 1980’s. You can see why; 3 kinds of part numbers, 4 kinds of brake cables not mentioned in parts manuals, and 8 kinds of incorrectly made replacement brake cables. Finally the clouds have cleared and the sun shines again!

MM offers correctly made replacement cables. They work on both brake types D and S, thanks to the long lower cable adjuster and the upper slotted adjuster. For an S type (spoke wheel) the cable adjuster would be screwed 0.5 inch farther out than on a D type (mag wheel). That is no problem because there is plenty of adjustment range, like about 2 inches total.









## x Trac #  Daelim part # xx C c E e H h  price xxx description xxxx specs xxxx remarks


Trac SpeedometersSpeedometers: 

Row 1: Trac DH100 console with turn, hi-beam and neutral light, 70mph speedo, no key switch $80

Row 2 left: Trac 1983-85 Hawk, no key switch, new $80

Row 3 left: Trac 1985-89 Olympic, Sprint, Clipper, Image, Liberty, Escot console, with key switch, (not available).

Row 3 right: Trac 1982-85 Eagle, Clipper, used $45










2. Trac Parts 1984-90 with Daelim engine

Most Trac parts are in Parts, by type, like tires, spokes, rings, etc.

Tires    see Tires and Tubes
xxxxxxx 2.25-16 Clipper, Hawk, Sprint, Escot, Image
xxxxxxx 2.25-17 Olympic, Liberty, Blitz    2.75-10 Metro

Daelim engine   see
Rings     see Pistons and Rings  scroll down to 40 x 1.5 trapezoidal FG
Piston     see Pistons and Rings  scroll down to 12 pin 18 upper
xxxBearings, seals  see Bearings and Seals
xxx Keys, clips, nuts, shims see Engine Hardware

Mikuni carb   see Mikuni VM13 (under construction)

Ignition   Spark plug   see Spark Plugs and Points  NGK BR6HS
xxx CDI ignition (no points no condenser)

Chain   see Chains  #420H (1/2 x 1/4″)
xxxxxxx 96 links for 12 and 42 tooth sprockets on Clipper, Hawk, Sprint, Escot, Image
xxxxxxx 98? links for 12 and 42 tooth sprockets on Olympic, Liberty, Blitz


Four Trac DP50 models (1-speed pedal start)

Five Trac DK50 models (2-speed kick start)






Nine models are combined here. Each has a quantity column, with these single-digit header codes:

C = Clipper, O = Olympic,                       H = Hawk or Sprint,  B = Blitz     (Daelim DP50 pedal-start engine)
C = DPCL,x  O = DPOL,xxx                      H = DPHA        < Daelim 4-digit codes in parts manual

E = Escot,    L = Liberty, S = Liberty LS,   I = Image,               M = Metro      (Daelim DK50 kick-start engine)
E = DKES,    L = DKLI,x S =  DKLE,xxxxx  I = DKIM        < Daelim 4-digit codes in parts manual

DP50 (pedal) part quantities are black. DK50 (kick) part quantities are green. The Blitz and Metro models were not in the 1986 blue dealer notebook. For now there is no parts catalog for those 1988-90 late models. That is why Blitz and Metro part quantities are “?” and light gray.




diagram#  Trac #  Daelim part # x  L E I S O C H B M  description

F4-01-1  23210 Domino 903.03 xX  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  right control (front brake and throttle) see Domino DA7K
F4-02-1  23010 Domino 904.04 xX  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  left control (rear brake only) DK50, late DP50 Dom. DB8K
F4-02-2  23510 Domino 908.06 xX  0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0  left control (rear brake, starter) early DP50 Domino DB7K

For Domino parts 3 to 30 see above. The diagram numbers are different there. The parts are the same.

diagram#  Trac #  Daelim part # x L E I S O C H B M price  description x  cable  Ø   C x E   for models   cable
diagram#  Trac#   Daelim part # x L E I S O C H B M price  description  x ends mm inches  for models    says

F4-31-1 23015 45450-HD2-890AM 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 ?  $27 front brake cable x 2  6 42.9 5.7 Lib, Olym, Bl K.C.C.
F4-31-2 23515 45450-CL1-000xxx 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ?  $25 front brake cable x 2  6 37.1 3.6 Escot, Clipper ESCOT
F4-31-3 23516 45450-HA1-000AM 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 ?  $22 front brake cable x 2  6 35.5 4.1 Im, Hawk, Sp IMAGE
F4-32-1 23016 43450-HD2-890AM 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 ? none rear brake cable  2  6 46.5 15  Lib, Olym, Bl K.C.C.
F4-32-2 23517 45460-CL1-000xxx 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ? none rear brake cable  2  6 58.8 3.6 Escot, Clipper ESCOT
F4-32-3 23518 45460-HA1-000AM 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 ? none rear brake cable  x 2  6 58?  4.1 Im, Hawk, Sp IMAGE
F4-37-1 23021 17910-HD2-890AM 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 ? none throttle cable xxx   1  5 40?  4.7 Lib, Olym, Bl K.C.C.
F4-37-2 23022 17910-HA1-000xX  0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ?  $22 throt cable+cover x1  5 37.8 4.7 Escot, Image HA1-CL1
F4-37-3 23519 17910-HA1-010xX  0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 ? none throttle cable xxxx 1  5 37.8 4.7 Clip,Hawk,Sp HA1-CL1
F4-38-1 23023 17950-HD2-892AM 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 ?  $25 choke cable+knob  2  5 29.2 3.0 Lib, Olym, Bl K.C.C.
F4-38-2 23024 17950-HA1-000xxx 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ? none c cable+knob+cov 2  5 29.2 3.0 Escot, Image HA1-CL1
F4-38-3 23520 17950-HA1-010xxx 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 ?  $25 choke cable+knob 2  5 29.2 3.0 Clip,Hawk,Sp HA1-CL1
F4-39-1 23521 17930-M56-896xX  0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 none start cable xxxxxx 2  5 40.6 2.9 ’86 Clip,Hawk M56 896
F4-39-2 23522 17930-DKM-890AM 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 none start cable xxxxxx 2  5 42?  2.9 1986 Olympic K.C.C.

DK50 and DP50 choke: These 1984-90 Trac models with Daelim engines and Domino controls, have a Honda type push-pull choke knob, located to the lower left of the speedometer. Other 1985-86 Trac models with Laura M56 engines and Domino controls, listed above, have a right thumb lever for the choke. So when the engine changed, the choke cable changed from simple, single-ended, inexpensive and easy to get, to complicated, double-ended, expensive and hard to get.

Early DP50 start cable: The early Daelim DP50 engine models (mostly 1986) had a starting cable #39 and lever. Late DP50 models (most 1987 and all 1988-90) did not have a starting lever or cable. More on this later…


diagram#  Trac #  Daelim part # xx  L E I S O C H B M  price       description         specs         remarks

F14-01-1  20140 50500-005-890 xX  1 0 0 1 1 0 0 ? ?  $48 center stand for Liberty, Olympic
F14-01-2  20630 50500-HA1-000 xx  0 1 1 0 0 1 1 ? ?  $58 center stand Escot,Image,Clipper,Hawk/Sprint
F14-02-1  20141 50526-HD2-890AM  1 0 0 1 1 0 0 ? ?  $12  pivot pipe Ø12 x 75 for Liberty, Olympic
F14-02-2  20631 50526-HA1-000 xXx0 1 1 0 0 1 1 ? ?  $12  pivot pipe Ø12 x 81 Escot,Image,Clipper,Hawk/Sprint
F14-03-1  20265 95014-71502 xxxXx1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  $10  center stand spring 115 mm
F14-04-1  25034 94201-30250-05xX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  50¢  pivot pipe split pin 3.0 x 25
F14-05-1  20142 50610-HD2-890AMx1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?  none step bar for Liberty
F14-05-2  20632 50610-HA1-890AM  0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ?  none step bar for Escot, Image
F14-05-3  20804 50610-HS1-890AxM0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ?  none step bar for Liberty LS
F14-06-1  20266 50661-001-890AXM2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2  none step bar rubber
F14-07-1  20633 40592-HA1-000 Xx 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ?  none chain cover for Escot, Image
F14-08-1  20634 92000-06030-OD x 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ?  50¢  hex bolt M6 x 30 Escot, Image
F14-09-1  06060 94111-06500 xxXx 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ?  50¢  spring washer Ø6.5 Escot, Image
F14-10-1  05060 94101-06500 xxXx 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ?  50¢  plain washer Ø6.5 Escot, Image
F14-11-1  20635 94101-12500 xxXX 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 ? ?  50¢  plain washer Ø12.5 Escot,Image,Clipper,Hawk/Sprint
F14-12-1  20805 50620-HS1-890 xX 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0  none starter motor cover for Liberty LS
F14-13-1  00616 93481-06016-05 xx0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0  none shoulder bolt M6 x 16 for Liberty LS


diagram#  Trac #  Daelim part # xx  L E I S O C H B M  price       description         specs         remarks

F20A-1-1  20150 50100-HD2-891AM  1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ? 0  none frame Olympic or Liberty (black)
F20A-1-2  20151 50100-HD2-891AM  1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ? 0  none frame Olympic or Liberty (red)
F20A-1-3  20810 50100-HS1-891AM  0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ? 0  none frame Liberty LS (electric start) (black)
F20A-1-4  20811 50100-HS1-891AM  0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ? 0  none frame Liberty LS (electric start) (red)




diagram#  Trac #  Daelim part # xx  L E I S O C H B M  price       description         specs         remarks

F20B-1-1  20640 50100-HA1-0100 x 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 ?  none frame for Hawk, Sprint or Image (black)
F20B-1-2  20641 50100-CL1-010   0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ?  none frame for Clipper or Escot (blue)

F20B-1-3  20642 50100-CL1-010   0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ?  none frame for Clipper or Escot (red)







Model codes

M56   1982-86 Eagle
MT1   1983-86 Hawk
MT2   1983-86 Clipper
CL1    1984-89 Escot,1986-89 Clipper
HA1   1986-86 Hawk, 1986-89 Sprint, 1984-89 Image
HD2   1986-89 Olympic, 1984-89 Liberty
HS1   1986-88 Liberty LS
????   1988-90 Blitz
????   1988-90 Metro

under construction …

Bosch Magnetos 90mm

July 16, 2017

Bosch  Contents:
        1. Magnetos

        2. Parts



1. Magnetos

A. 90mm  i.d. flywheel (rotor), 90mm stator plate 
magneto# 0  rot wires  for  engine

0212 110 002  ♦♦♦♦♦ EU Puch xx E50
0212 112 019   Ο EU Sachs x 505/1A, ANL, B, C, D
0212 112 053   Ο EU Laura  x M48
0212 112 053 ♦♦♦ US TYM  xx M48
0212 112 070   Ο EU Garelli   G2
0212 112 095   Ο EU Sachs x 505A, ANL, B, C, D
0212 115 023   Ο EU Flandria dry clutch
0212 120 020   Ο UK Garelli   G2
0212 120 021   Ο US Laura  x M48
0212 120 023   Ο US Volvo-P marine
0212 120 026 ♦♦♦♦ US Sachs x 505/1B
0212 120 027 ♦♦ UK Puch xx Monza
0212 120 029 ♦♦♦♦ US Sachs x 505/1B
0212 122 006   Ο EU Sachs x 505/1C
0212 122 030   Ο CA Laurax M48
0212 122 053   Ο CA Laurax M54
0212 124 014 ?  ♦ US Sachs x 1251/6A
0212 124 015 EU Sachs x 501/4A?
0212 124 038 ♦♦ US Puch xx E50
0212 124 039 ♦♦ US Solo  xx 236, 237, 254, 255
0212 124 040 ♦♦ US Sachs x 505/1A, B, D
0212 124 041 ♦♦ US Laura  x M48
0212 124 042 ♦♦ US Puch xx E50
0212 124 043 ♦♦ US Puch xx E50
0212 124 044 ♦♦ US Puch xx ZA50
0212 124 045 ♦♦♦ US Sachs x 505/1A, B, D
0212 124 057 ♦♦♦ EU Sachs x 505/1B
0212 124 062 ♦♦♦ EU Sachs x 505/1B, BX, D
0212 124 066 ♦♦♦ EU Puch xx E50
0212 ???  ???   ♦ Ο EU Puch ?
0212 125 001    Ο US Puch MS,E50  LM/URC1/116/27/5 L1
0212 125 ???    Ο US Puch MS,E50  LM/UR  1/115/17    L5
0212 125 ???  ♦♦♦ US Puch MS,E50  1M/URP1/116/29/18L1
0212 125 ???  ♦♦ US Puch MS,E50  LM/URP1/115/27     L1

B. ?? mm i.d. flywheel (rotor), ?? mm stator plate
magneto# 0  LM/UR0 rot wires  engine

0212 441 006 ???♦♦♦ US Sachs 1001/4A?




1. Magnetos

Bosch 0204-110-002   
Puch Magnum X,  4401271-on Puch E50 engine
1-wire 1-coil clockwise

Same as 0212-124-043 with no lights coils.


Bosch 0212-112-019   superseded by 0212-112-095 
non-US models, no brake light Sachs 505/1A, ANL, B, C, D
2-wire 2-coil anticlockwise 6V 18W, internal ignition ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #     solder type
1  1  0283 130 001 1217 031 439 stator assembly
03  1  0000 000 000 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare
06  1  0265 113 003 1214 210 042 generator armature 18W (yellow)
09  1  2783 039 001 1217 013 021 points late type one piece (black)

14  1  0265 052 003 1237 330 035 condenser short solder type
17  1  0265 142 002 2204 211 045 ignition armature-transformer


Bosch 0212-112-053 
non-US models with no brake light  Laura M48 engine
2-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 17W internal ignition ground

# qty  Laura #   Bosch part #     solder type
01  1  48 18 22 1217 031 344  stator assembly 
02  1  48 18 23 0000 000 000 spark plug wire  
03  1  48 18 28 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare 
05  3  82 34 00 0000 000 000 base plate screw M4 x 14
06  1 
48 18 29 1214 210 ??? generator armature 17W (yellow)
07  7  84 74 00 0000 000 000 washer M4
08  4  82 34 22 0000 000 000 coil screw M4 x 22
09  1  48 18 26 1217-013-012 points early type, no pivot post
11  1  48 18 21 0000 000 000 flywheel
12  1  48 18 31 0000 000 000 condenser-to-points wire
13  1  48 18 32 0000 000 000 cond.-to-stop-switch wire (black)
14  1  48 18 30 1237 330 035 condenser short solder type
15  1  48 18 34 2201 005 007 oil wick
16  1  48 18 24 0000 000 000 rubber boot for ignition coil
17  1  48 18 25 2204 210 ???  ignition armature-transformer

This early 70’s Bosch magneto was modified and reused in the late 70’s on Angel and Speed Bird mopeds, US models made in Taiwan. See below.


Bosch 0212-112-053
Angel (TYM) ’78-83 US models  Laura M48 remake
3-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 25/10W external ignition ground

# qty  Angel part#   Bosch part #     solder type
00  1  78601 40100 0212 112 053 magneto assembly
01  1  00000-00000 1217 031 344 stator assembly
03  1  00000-00000 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare
06  1  00000-00000 1214 210 ???  generator armature 25W (yellow)
09  1 4811POINTS   1217 013 021 points late type one piece

14  1 4811CONDEN  1237 330 035 condenser short solder type
17  1 4811COIL 000 0000 000 000 ignition armature (black & brown)

This was an early 70’s 0212-112-053 with different coils. The ignition armature had more windings and an external ignition ground for powering a brake light. The lighting armature had more windings and more watts. 

Comparison of Laura M48 Flywheels:

Left is 0212-112-053. Right is 0212-124-041. They have the same cam position, relative to the key groove. That is the ignition timing angle. They also have almost the same magnet timing angle. They have the same key groove width and center taper


Bosch 0212-112-070
Garelli ’70’s Gulp (Euro) Garelli Gulp engine
2-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 18W internal ignition ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #     solder type     
1  1  0283 130 001 1217 031 439 stator assembly
03  1  0000 000 000 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare
06  1  0265 113 003 1214 210 042 generator armature 18W (yellow)
09  1  2783 039 001 1217 013 021 points late type one piece (black)

14  1  0265 052 003 1237 330 035 condenser short solder type
17  1  0265 142 002 2204 211 045 ignition armature-transformer


Bosch 0212-112-095 
non-US models, no brake light Sachs 505/1A, ANL, B, C, D
2-wire 2-coil anticlockwise 6V 18W internal ignition ground

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #     description
1  1  0283 130 004  0000 000 000 stator assembly
03  1  0000 000 000 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare
06  1  0265 113 004 1214 210 042 generator armature 17W (yellow)
09  1  0283 116 002 0000 000 000 points late type with eyelet-wire (black)

14  1  0265 052 007 2207 330 041 condenser with screw post for eyelet-wires
17  1  0265 142 004 0000 000 000 ignition armature-transformer with eyelet-wire

This solder-less magneto has eyelet connector wires on ignition coil and points, and screw-post type condenser.

Bosch 0212-115-023  
Flandria Bermuda  Flandria dry-clutch engine
3-wire 3-coil  clockwise 6V 20/5W internal ignition ground

# qty  Flandria#  Bosch part #     description      same illustration
1  00 00 00   1217 031 ???  stator assembly
03  1  00 00 00   1217 031 000 stator base plate bare

06  1  00 00 00   1214 210 ???  generator armature 20W (yellow/red)
09  1  00 00 00   1217 013 021 points late type one piece (black)
14  1  00 00 00   1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type

17  1  00 00 00   2204 211 ???  ignition armature-transformer
20  1  00 00 00   1214 210 ???  generator armature 5W (green/red)


Bosch 0212-120-020
’73-75+ Concorde Bimatic (UK)
2-wire 2-coil clockwise 6V 24W internal ignition ground



Bosch 0212-120-021  
Batavus ’72-75 early US models
Laura M48 engine
3-wire 3-coil clockwise  6V 20/5W internal ignition ground

# qty  Laura #   Bosch part #     description      same illustration
48 18 22 1217 031 286 stator assembly
03  1 
48 18 28 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare
06  1 
48 18 36 1214 210 ???  generator armature 20W (yel/red)
7a  2  00 00 00 0000 000 000
bush (spacer tube) Ø8 x 12
8a  2  00 00 00 0000 000 000 upper coil screw M4 x 34
8b  2  82 34 22 0000 000 000 lower coil screw M4 x 28

09  1 
48 18 26 1217 013 021 points late type one piece (black)
14  1 
48 18 40 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
17  1 
48 18 25 2204 210 013 ignition armature-transformer
20  1  48 18 37 1214 210 ???  generator armature 5W (grn/red)


Bosch 0212-120-023
Volvo-Penta marine outboard made in Sweden
2-wire 2-coil clockwise  12V 30W internal ignition ground   

# qty  Bosch part #     description
01  1  0000 000 000 stator assembly 
06  1  0000 000 000
 generator armature 12V 30W (yellow)
09  1  1217 013 012 points early type, no pivot post (black)

14  1  1237 330 035 condenser short solder type
15  1  2201 005 007 oil wick
17  1  2204 211 041 ignition armature-transformer


Bosch 0212-120-026  superseded by 0121-120-029 
mid-80’s US 1.0hp models Sachs 505/1B engine
4-wire 4-coil anticlockwise 6V 19-5/10W internal ign. ground


Bosch 0212-120-027
Puch ’70’s Monza (UK model) Puch 1-speed kick engine
5-wire 4-coil anticlockwise 6V 19-5/10W internal ign. ground

black = ignition
yellow = lights
green = brake light?
lilac and lilac/black = battery?


Bosch 0212-120-029   
mid-80’s US 1.0hp models Sachs 505/1B engine
4-wire 4-coil anticlockwise 6V 19-5/10W internal ign. ground

These have 4 coils like the Laura one above. The ignition coil is also the transformer (spark) coil.


Bosch 0212-122-006  
mid-70’s models Sachs 505/1C
3-wire 3-coil anticlockwise 6V 18/5W  

#  qty  Sachs part#    Bosch part #     description 
1  1  0286 254 002 1217 031 ???  stator assembly
03  1  0000 000 000 1217 031 000 stator base plate bare

06  1  0265 139 001 1214 210 055  generator armature 18W (yellow/red)
09  1  2783 039 001 1217 013 021 points late type one piece (black)
14  1  0265 052 003 1237 330 035 condenser short solder type

17  1  0265 142 002 2204 210 000 ignition armature-transformer
20  1  0265 139 006 1214 210 ???  generator armature 5W (green/red)


Bosch 0212-122-030
Batavus ’78 Bingo Canada model Laura M48-02
Batavus ’74 Go-Go Canada model Laura M48-02
2-wire 2-coil clockwise  6V 17/5W


Bosch 0212-122-053
Solex ’74 Tenor Canada model Laura M54
2-wire 2-coil clockwise  6V 17/5W


Bosch 0212-124-014 
Sachs ’70’s 1251/6A engine 125cc
5-wire? 4-coil           6V 35/10w 

ignition armature    1.3 Ω  is Bosch 1214-210-069 = Sachs 0265-139-012
lights armature       0.2 Ω
tail light armature   7.2 Ω or 5.9 for new
stop light armature 0.9 Ω or 0.9 for new
test leads shorted <0.2 Ω



Bosch 0212-124-015
Attex ’72-73 (Coleman) Sport 5.3 Sachs 50S
4-wire 4-coil  clockwise 6V 25-4/5W

gray = tail light
grn/red = brake light
yel/red = head light
lite blue = ignition


Bosch 0212-124-038   
Puch ’74-75 N up to #6547172 US model Puch 1-speed E50
Puch ’74-75 S, Nostalgic to #8421028 US model Puch E50
4-wire 4-coil clockwise 6V 22-5/18W CEV 9350 tail light 

#  qty  Puch part#    Bosch part #     description  
00  1  349.150.8000 0212 124 038 magneto assembly
01  1  349.150.8102 0000 000 000 flywheel-rotor
2  1  000.000.0000 1217 031 414 stator assembly
18  1  366.150.0122 
1214 210 069 ignition armature (blue)
16  1  349.250.8142 
1214 210 492 gen. arm. 10W (green & grn/blk)
20  1  349.250.8112 
1214 210 064 generator armature 22W (yellow)
21  1  349.150.8192 1214-210-460 generator armature 05W (gray)
23  1  500.250.0132 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
26  1  302.350.0150 1217 013 021 points late type one piece


Bosch 0212-124-039
Odyssey US models Solo 236, 237, 254, 255
Colombia US models Solo 254, 255 engine

5-wire 4-coil clockwise 6V 22-5/10W  

#  qty   Solo #    Bosch part #     illustration 124-040
0  1  23 00 395 0212 124 039 magneto assembly
02  1  00 00 000 1217 031 415 stator assembly
18  1  05 20 148 
1214 210 069 ignition armature xxxxxx (blue)
16  1
  05 20 151 1214 210 492 gen. arm. 10W (grn & grn/blk)
20  1  05 20 149 1214 210 064 generator armature 22W (yellow)
21  1 
05 20 150 1214 210 490 generator armature 05W (gray)
23  1  05 20 147 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
26  1  05 20 146 1217 013 021 points late type one piece


Bosch 0212-124-040    
Hercules US models Sachs 505/1A, 1B, 1D
 US models Sachs 505/1A, 1B, 1D

Grycner (some) US models Sachs 505/1A

5-wire 4-coil anticlockwise 6V 22-5/10W

#  qty     Sachs #      Bosch part #     description
01  1  0283 129 000 1215 254 ???  flywheel-rotor
2  1  0283 130 001 1217 031 431 stator assembly, bare wires
02  1  0283 130 000 1217 031 429 stator Grycner, bullet plugs
03  3  0240 106 100 0000 000 000 base plate screw M4 x 14
04  3  0244 108 000 0000 000 000 plain washer 4.1 x 9 x 1.2
14  4  0240 122 002 1213 429 042 coil screw fillister head M4x31
15  5  0245 023 000 0000 000 000 lock washer M4
16  1  0265 139 021 1214 210 492 gen. arm. 10W (grn & grn/blk)
17  2  0247 106 005 0000 000 000 bush (spacer tube) Ø8 x 9
18  1  0265 139 020 1214 210 069 ignition armature xxxx (blue)

19  2  0232 115 000 0000 000 000 bush (spacer tube) Ø8 x 6
20  1  0265 139 022 1214 210 064 generator armature 22W (yel)
21  1  0265 139 023 1214 210 490 generator armature 5W (gray)
22  1  2865 008 000 2201 005 007 lubricating felt
23  1  0965 091 000 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
24  1  0241 021 004 0000 000 000 points screw fillister head M4x10
25  1  0644 031 000 0000 000 000 plain washer 4.3 x 8 x 0.5
26  1  2783 039 001 1217 013 021 points late type one piece


Bosch 0212-124-041
Batavus ’76-80 US models Laura M48 engine
Flandria ’76-80 Bermuda US model Flandria engine

5-wire 4-coil clockwise 6V 22-5/10W

# qty  Laura #  Bosch part #     description
150  1  48 18 95 0212 124 041 magneto assembly
152  1  48 18 51 1214 210 069 ignition armature (blue)
153  1  48 18 55 1214 210 064 generator armature 22W (yellow)
154  1
  48 18 54 1214 210 492 gen. arm. 10W (grn & grn/blk)

155  1  48 18 56 1214 210 490 generator armature 5W (gray)
156  1  48 18 40 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
157  1  48 18 53 1215 254 ???  flywheel says 0212 124 041

158  1  48 18 52 1217 031 415 stator assembly with blade plugs
159  1  48 18 26 1217 013 021 points late type one piece (black)
160  1  82 34 04 0000 000 000 points screw M4 x 10
161  1  84 34 00 0000 000 000 ondulated washer M4
162  1  82 74 01 0000 000 000 plain washer M4
163  3  82 34 00 0000 000 000 stator screw M4 x 14
164  3  84 74 00 0000 000 000 plain washer M4
165  2  82 37 30 0000 000 000 lower coil screw M4 x 30
166  2  84 34 00 0000 000 000 coil screw washer M4
167  2  48 18 58 0000 000 000 lower distance tube Ø8 x 6
168  2  82 37 30 0000 000 000 upper coil screw M4 x 31
169  2  84 34 00 0000 000 000 coil screw washer M4
170  2  48 18 59 0000 000 000 upper distance tube Ø8 x 9
171  1  48 18 34 2201 005 007 oil felt


Bosch 0212-124-042  
Puch ’75-76 N after #6547172 US model Puch 1-speed E50
Puch ’75-76 S, Nostalgic after #8421028 US model Puch 

Puch ’76-77 Rigid, Maxi, Maxi-S, Newport US model Puch 
all with ULO 250-2 two-bulb tail light

5-wire 4-coil clockwise 6V 22-5/10W

#  qty  Puch part #    Bosch part #     description
01  1  349.250.8102 1215 254 635 flywheel 042 for 1-speed
2  1  000.000.0000 1217 031 431 stator assembly, no wire plugs
18  1  349.250.8122 1214 210 069 ignition armature xxxxxx (blue)
16  1  349.250.8142 
1214 210 492 gen. arm. 10W (green & grn/blk)
20  1  349.250.8112 
1214 210 064 generator armature 22W (yellow)
21  1  349.250.8192 1214 210 490 generator armature   5W (gray)
22  1  364.450.6181 2201 005 007 lubricating felt
23  1  500.250.0132 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
26  1  302.350.0150 1217 013 021 points late type one piece


Bosch 0212-124-043
’77-86 US models Puch 1-speed E50 engine
’78 Free Spirit US model Puch E50 engine
JC Penney
’78-79 US model Puch E50 1-sp engine
’78-80 US model Puch 1-speed E50 engine
6-wire 4-coil clockwise 6V 26/5/10W external ignition ground

Bosch 0212-124-044 
’78-86 US models Puch 2-speed ZA50 engine
6-wire 4-coil anticlockwise 6V 26/5/10W external ignition ground

#  qty  Puch part#    Bosch part #     description
0  1  000.000.0000 1217 031 438 stator assy, no wire plugs
04  1  349.210.8122 0000-000-000 rubber grommet for 1-speed
4a  1  321.110.6101 0000-000-000 rubber grommet for 2-speed
05  1  349.350.8122 1214 210 554 ignition armat. (blu & blu/blk)
06  1  364.450.5132 1237 330 035 condenser short solder type
07  3  000.901.3941 0000-000-000 
washer M4 x 8 x 2.1
08  3  000.900.3253 0000-000-000
serrated lock washer M4
09  3  000.00.27458 0000-000-000
pan head screw M4 x 15
10  1  349.350.8112 1214 210 556 generator armature 26W (yel)
11  1  349.350.8142 1214 210 555 gen. arm. 10W (grn & grn/blk)
12  1  349.350.8192 1214 210 557 generator armature 5W (gray)
13  1  349.350.8102 1215 254 658 flywheel 043 for 1-speed
13  1  321.150.8102 1215 254 674 flywheel 044 for 2-speed
14  1  000.900.4503 0000-000-000 woodruff key 3 x 3.7
15  1  000.901.2943 0000-000-000 hex nut with flange M10-1.0
16  1  302.350.0150 1217 013 021 contact set (points) late type
17  1  364.450.6181 2201 005 007 lubricating felt pad
27  4  000.000.0000 0000 000 000 coil screw phillips head M4 x 31
28  4  000.000.0000 0000 000 000 bush (spacer tube) Ø8 x 8


Bosch 0212-124-045
’79-85 (most) US model Sachs 505/1A,D
Grycner ’78-79 (some) US model Sachs 505/1A
’80 Prima US model Sachs 505/1A,B,D
3-wire 2-coil  anticlockwise 6V 23/15W  external ignition ground

#  qty  Sachs part#    Bosch part #     description
1  1  0283 130 002 1217 031 449 stator assembly
02  1  0283 129 002 1215 254 ???  flywheel
14  4  0240 105 000 0000 000 000 
coil screw phillips head M4 x 22
16  1  0265 139 024 1214 210 554 ignition arm. (blu & blu/blk)
17  1  0265 139 025 1214 210 532
generator arm. 23W (yellow)
18  1  0965 091 000 1237 330 037 condenser tall solder type
19  1  2865 008 000 2201 005 007 lubricating felt
20  1  0241 021 004 0000 000 000
points screw fillister head M4x10
21  1  0644 031 000 0000 000 000 
plain washer 4.3 x 8 x 0.5
22  1  2783 039 001 1217 013 021 points late type one piece


Bosch 0212-124-057 superseded by 0212-124-062
early-80’s non-US models, with brake light Sachs 505/1B
3-wire 3-coil anticlockwise 6V 19/10W has different armature coils

Bosch 0212-124-062
early-80’s non-US models, with brake light Sachs 505/1B, BX, D
3-wire 3-coil anticlockwise 6V 19/10W internal ignition ground

#  qty  Sachs part#    Bosch part #     description
1  1  0283 129 006 1215 254 ??? flywheel
02  1  0283 130 006 1217 031 ???  stator assy
14  2  0240 122 002 0000 000 000 coil screw phillips head M4 x 30
16  1  0265 139 032
 1214 210 ??? generator arm. 10W
17  2  0247 106 005 0000 000 000 distance bush

18  1  0265 142 006 1214 210 554 ignition armature (blue)
19  1  0265 139 033 1214 210 ??? 
generator arm. 19W (yellow)
21  1  0265 052 007 2207 330 041 condenser M32 screw-post type

22  1  2865 008 000 2201 005 007 lubricating felt
25  1  0283 116 002 0000 000 000 points M19B late type with eyelet wire


Bosch 0212-124-066
 mid-80’s non-US models, with brake light  Puch 1-speed E50
3-wire   clockwise 6V 19/10W    

#  qty  Bosch part #     description
21  1  2207 330 041 condenser M32 screw-post type

25  1  0000 000 000 points M19B late type with eyelet wire


Bosch 0212-???-???   internal spark coil
Puch late 60’s Puch engine
4-wire 3-coil anticlockwise 6V 25/2/3W?

#  qty  Puch part#    Bosch part #     description
0  1  000.000.0000 1217 031 282 stator assy

ignition = black
headlight = yellow
brake light = green
tail light = grey

This early Puch stator is identified by the grommet. The ignition-spark coil is missing. 


Bosch LM/UR 1/115/17 L5 internal spark coil
Sears Allstate Mo-Ped Puch# 050.5000.0
3-wire   anti-clockwise 6V 27/5w?

Same timing and interchanges with 1970’s Puch 1-speed 0212-124-043 (except for fan screw holes). 


Bosch 0212-125-001
= Bosch LM/URC1/116/27/5 L1
internal spark coil
Sears Allstate
Puch# 302.
3-wire  anti-clockwise 6V 17/5W?
wires have bare ends for a screw terminal strip

The Sears Allstate Parts Manual is where this specification and illustration are from. It lists the light bulbs: head 6V 15/15W and tail 6V 2.4W, brake 6V 3W. So the magneto rating must be close to 6V 17/3W.

Notice how the 1972-75 Batavus magneto 0212 120 021 is identical to this except for the points.  


Bosch 90mm flywheel for Sears Allstate front view Bosch 90mm flywheel for Sears Allstate
Bosch 1M/URP1/116/29/18L1
Bosch 1M/URCP1/116/29/18L1
Allstate Mo-Ped Puch# 364.1.50.600.0
3-wire 3-coil anticlockwise 6V 29/18W



Bosch LM/URP1/115/27L1
Sears ’58-60 Allstate Mo-Ped Puch 
3-wire 3-coil anticlockwise 6V 27/5W


Bosch 0212-441-006  
Sachs 1960’s 100cc engine
??-wire  anticlockwise 6V 40/6W




2. Parts for Sale

Price colors: new, usedN/A or none is not available.


Flywheel Nut $2.00 nut M10-1.0, hex 17 (most)

Flywheel Puller $19.0 puller M26-1.50 thread

Bosch# 00000 Magnetos (∅90 rotor and ∅90 stator)
0212 005 007 none  superseded to 0212-005-024
0212 112 070 $210  Garelli Gulp (Euro)  2-wire 2-coil internal transformer
0212 120 021 $210  Laura 48 18 ?? 000  3-wire 3-coil internal transformer

0212 124 038 $220  Puch 349.150.8000 4-wire 4-coil
0212 124 039 $210  Solo 23 00 395 000 5-wire 4-coil
0212 124 040
none  Sachs 0212 024 040 5-wire 4-coil
0212 124 041 $210  Laura 48 18 95 000 5-wire 4-coil
0212 124 042 $180  Puch 349.250.8000 5-wire 4-coil
0212 124 043 $180  Puch 349.350.8000 6-wire 4-coil

0212 124 044 $180  Puch 321.150.8000 6-wire 4-coil
0212 124 045 $230-180 Sachs  3-wire 2-coil external ignition ground

Bosch# 00000 Points (contact set) for ∅90, aftermarket
0217 013 012 $14.0 Laura 48 18 26 xxxx M19A early, no pivot post
0217 013 021 $16.0 Laura 48 18 26 xxxx M19 no wire
0217 013 ???  $15.0 Sachs 0283 116 002 M19B with wire

0217 013 012
early type

0217 013 021
late type

early with post

late plate no post







Points: 1950’s-60’s had “early” points, no pivot post. The early pivot post was part of the base plate, but it unscrews. 1970’s-80’s had “late” points, with pivot post. These replace the older points, once the post is removed. The early and late points have the same Laura part number, because the new parts replace and supersede. 

Bosch# 00000 Condenser (capacitor) ∅18 aftermarket
1237 330 035 $15.0 Laura 48 18 30 M32A ∅18 x 21
1237 330 037 $12.0 Laura 48 18 40 M36 tall ∅18 x 31
2217 330 041 none  superseded to 2217 330 050
2217 330 050 $15.0
Laura 56 18 30 M32 ∅18 x 21

1237 330 035

1237 330 037

2207 330 050







Eyelet Connectors (ring terminals)
60¢ each #8 hole, uninsulated, at left
50¢ each #6 hole, insulated, at middle
80¢ each #6 hole, uninsulated, at right

Condenser: 1950’s-60’s had short solder-type condensers, but can have long. 1970’s-80’s had short or long solder-type condensers. Either solder-type can be replaced with a screw-on type, by adding eyelet connectors to the wire ends.

All 3 condensers have the same diameter 18.0 mm. So a short can replace a tall type, and a screw-post can replace a solder type. They all interchange, except for the tall type, which only fits “big” Bosch Ø90 magnetos.


Bosch# 00000 Flywheels (rotors) ∅90 inner diameter
1215 254 ???  none  for 0204 110 002 Puch Magnum X use 042

1215 254 ???  none  for 0212 112 053 Laura (Euro) use 041
1215 254 ???  0$90  for 0212 112 070 Garelli Gulp (Euro)  

1215 254 ???  $130  for 0212 124 038 Puch 349.150.8102 use 042
1215 254 ???  $140  for 0212 124 039 Solo 05 20 ???
1215 254 ???  none  for 0212 124 040 Sachs 0283 129 000 use 045

1215 254 ???  $110  for 0212 124 041 Laura 48 18 53
1215 254-635 0$90  for 0212 124 042 Puch 349.250.8102
1215 254 658 $110  for 0212 124 043 Puch 349.350.8102 use 042
1215 254 734 $100  for 0212 124 044 Puch 321.150.8102
1215-254 ??? $100  for 0212 124 045 Sachs 0283 129 002  

Bosch# 00000 Stators Base Plate ∅90 outer diameter
1217 031 000 0$40  base plate bare, 3-screw

Bosch# 00000 Stator Assemblies ∅90 
1217 031 286 $150  for 0212 120 021 Laura 48 18 22, 3-male-pin plug
1217 031 414 $120  for 0212 124 038 Puch, no plugs use 415
1217 031 415 $120  for 0212 124 039 Solo, no plugs use 431
1217 031 429 none  for 0212 124 040 Sachs-General, bullet plugs
1217 031 431 $120  for 0212 124 040 Sachs 0283 130 001, no plugs
1217 031 415 $130  for 0212 124 041 Laura 48 18 52, blade plugs
1217 031 431 $120  for 0212 124 042 Puch, no plugs use 438
1217 031 438 0$90  for 0212 124 043 Puch, no plugs use 431
1217 031 438 0$90  for 0212 124 044 Puch, no plugs
1217 031 449 none  for 0212 124 045 Sachs 0283 130 002, 4-blade plug
1217 031 449 $130  for 0212 124 045 Sachs-General, bullet plugs

“no plugs” means no connectors on the wire ends. They attach to a screw-terminal strip, instead of plugging in.
These have good wires. But some cost $10-$20 less, because the wires are cut or damaged.
Points are not worn out. Everything is cleaned, prepared and tested. Condenser is good, as are coils and wires. 

Bosch# 00000 Ignition Armatures (source coils) 54 hole spacing
1214 210 069 $80-50 Sachs 0265 139 020  1-wire

1214 210 554    $75    Puch 349.350.8122  2-wire










Bosch# 00000 Lighting Armatures (source coils)
1214 210 042 none Sachs 0265 113 003 17W 1-wire
1214 210 055 none Sachs 0265 139 001 18W 1-wire
1214 210 064   $30 Sachs 0265 139 022 22W 1-wire

1214 210 490   $40 Sachs 0265 139 023 05W 1-wire

1214 210 492   $35 Sachs 0265 139 021 10W 2-wire
1214 210 555   $45 Puch   349.350.8142 10W 2-wire
1214 210 556   $30 Puch   349.350.8112 26W 1-wire
1214 210 557   $50 Puch   349.350.8192 05W 1-wire

















Bosch# 00000 Armature-Transformers (spark coils)
2204 210 013 0$90 Sachs 0265 142 002
2204 211 045 $100 Sachs 0265 142 002

Bosch# 00000 Coil Screws for ∅90
1213 429 042 $0.50 Sachs 0240 122 002 M4 x 31 phillips 
1213 429 ???  $0.50 Laura 00 00 00 xxxx M4 x 34 phillips
Bosch# 00000 Bushes (spacer tubes) for ∅90  
0000 000 000
$2.00 Sachs 0232 115 000 Ø8 x 6
0000 000 000 $2.00 Sachs 0247 106 005 Ø8 x 9
0000 000 000 $4.00 Laura 00 00 00 xxxx Ø8 x 12
Bosch# 00000 Bushes (spacer tubes) for ∅80  
0000 000 000 $2.00 Sachs 0247 106 002 Ø8 x 8



Spark Plugs, Plug Wires and Coils

July 16, 2017

updated 2020-06


1. Spark Plugs
2. Spark Plug Info
3. Plug Caps and Wires
4. Spark Coils




1. Spark Plugs

Resistor plugs came out in the 1980’s on engines with electronic ignition. They have an R in the plug number, and are not specified in any 1970’s manual. They help protect the electronic unit from damage and reduce radio interference. Points ignitions do not need resistor plugs, but work fine with them. As the years go by more and more non-resistor plugs are becoming obsolete, in favor of resistor types. In 2019 NGK stopped making B5HS and B6HS, which are for most mopeds. Whenever those are specified, it is OK, and now required, to use BR5HS or BR6HS instead.

10 mm x 12.7 (½”)

3228 NGK C6HSA   $4.00 =Champion 
4629 NGK C7HSA   $4.00 =Champion   Z10YC =Bosch U4BC
2983 NGK CR6HSA none   
4549 NGK CR7HSA $3.50 =Champion RZ10YC =Bosch UR3AS

This size is on very small 4-stroke motorcycle engines, 50-70cc per cylinder. C6HSA is on 1968-78 Honda Z50A, 1979-81 Honda Z50R. CR6HS is on 1982-99 Honda Z50R. C7HSA is on 1979-83 Indian, 1970-74 Honda PC50, PF50, 1980-81 Honda C70.  CR7HS is on 1982-83 Honda C70 Passport. 

12 mm x 12.0

6512 NGK D6HA $3.50 =Champion P8Y
7112 NGK D8HA none   =Champion P7

This size is on small 4-stroke engines, mostly vintage Honda, 80 – 125cc. D6HA is on 1962-63 Honda CB92, 1964-69 S90, 1967-69 CL90, 1973-75 ST90. D8HA is on 1966-79 Honda CT90, 1963-66 CA200, 1964-66 CT200, 1966-69 CM91

12 mm x 19.0 (¾”)

7912 NGK D7EA   none   =Champion P8Y
2120 NGK D8EA   none   =Champion A8YC
7162 NGK DR8EA none   =Champion RA8YC

This size is on small 4-stroke motorcycle engines, 80 – 500cc per cylinder. D8EA is on 1970-72 Honda CB100, CL100, 1973-74 Honda CL125, and many 1970’s Honda models.

12 mm x 19.0 (¾”) projected tip
5829 NGK DP8EA-9   $3.50 =Champion
4929 NGK DPR8EA-9 none   =Champion


14 mm x 9.5 compact

5921 NGK BM6A $3.50 =Champion CJ11 = Bosch WS8E
6521 NGK BM7A $3.50 =Champion

This has a short reach (3/8″ = 9.5mm) and a short insulator, for compact or hand-held equipment. BM6A is on many bicycle motors, such as MX5 and Safari Fox. Most are hand-held gardening equipment engines.


14 mm x 9.5

3210 NGK B4     $3.50 
0000 NGK BP5S $3.50
3510 NGK B6S   none   =Champion J8J
  Champion J8J $2.00
3710 NGK B7S   none   =Champion J4J
  Champion J4J $2.00

This has a short reach (3/8″ = 9.5mm), mostly for marine engines. 


14 mm x 12.7 (½”)

4110 NGK B4H     none  
NGK B5HS   none   =Champion L90C =Bosch W8AC =ND W16FS
NGK BR5HS $5.00 = B5HS substitute, resistor type 
7534 NGK B6HS   none   =Champion L86C =Bosch W7AC =ND W20FS
NGK BR6HS $5.00 = B6HS substitute, resistor type
1052 NG. B6HS-10 none   = B6HS with a wider gap 0.040″ not 0.020″

5110 NGK B7HS   $3.50 =Champion L82C =Bosch W5AC =ND W22FS
5510 NGK B8HS  $4.00 =Champion L87   =Bosch W3AC =Bosch W240T1 
Bosch W240T1   $2.00

This size is mostly on small air-cooled 2-stroke motorcycle engines 50-150cc per cylinder. B4H is on 20mph 1.0hp Puch mopeds, and Angel, Speed Bird. B5HS is on mopeds with Laura M48 and M56 engines (20 and 25mph), Batavus, Trac mopeds with Minarelli V1 engines, including AMF 140, Baretta, Bianchi, Carabela, Cimatti, Concord (Fantic), Cosmo (some), Gadabout, General, Gitane,  Motomarina, Maico, Motron, Safari, Testi, and mopeds with Puch engines (all 1.5 hp and some 2.0 hp), Puch, Sears Free Spirit, JC Penney, Murray, and mopeds with Sachs 504/1 and 505/1 engines, Columbia, General (and aliases), Hercules (Sachs), KTM Foxi, Kynast (Flying Dutchman), Lazer, Sparta, and mopeds with Solo engines, Columbia, Odyssey, and on many other mopeds Benelli, Bermuda (Flandria), Garelli (most), Jawa 207, Motobecane, Moto Guzzi, Tomos (A3 and A35 engine). B6HS is on Benelli, Bermuda (Flandria), Kreidler Flory, Motobecane (30mph 2hp), Peugeot 102 U3, 103 U3 (30mph 2hp), Puch 30mph 2.0 hp models Cobra, Magnum, Maxi, Sport MkII, Rizzato Califfo, on mopeds with Sachs 504/1 and 505/1 engines (30mph 2hp), Columbia, General (and aliases), KTM Foxi, Kynast, Lazer, Sparta,  on mopeds with Solo engines (30mph 2hp) Columbia, Odyssey, and on mopeds with Laura engines (30mph 2hp), Batavus, Trac. B7HS is on 1988-92 Yamaha YSR50, and many other small vintage Yamaha’s.

You can see the progression here: 20mph bikes use heat range “4”, 25mph use “5”, 30mph use “6”, 45mph use “7”. This obeys the “spark plug heat range rule of thumb”. More restricted, less powerful engines need hotter spark plugs. Less restricted, more powerful engines need colder spark plugs.


14 mm x 12.7 (½”) projected tip

3511 NGK BP4HA   none   
3611 NGK BP4HS   $3.50 =Champion L95Y   =ND W14FP-U
   ND W14FP-U $2.50 =Champion L95Y   =NGK BP4HS

4111 NGK BP5HS   $3.50 =Champion L95YC =Bosch W8BC
7331 NGK BP6HS   $3.50 =Champion L92YC =Bosch W7BC or W6BC
7022 NGK BPR5HS none   

7022 NGK BPR6HS none   =Champion L92YC =Bosch WR7BP

BP4HA is on 1981-84 and 1987-91 Suzuki FA50 Shuttle. BP4HS is on 1979-88 Yamaha QT50 Yamahopper, 1981-00 Yamaha PW50, 1970-71 Suzuki F50 Cutlass, BP5HS is on 1977-83 Honda NC50 Express, 1978-83 Honda PA50 Hobbit


14 mm x 12.7 (½”) fine wire tip

7067 NGK BR7HIX $14.0

These super-plugs have a ultra-fine wire center electrode which lowers the voltage required. This makes a stronger spark at very low rpms, for easier starting. They also increase horsepower, typically ½ to 1 mph speed increase on a 30-40mph bike. The fine wire has a cap of precious metal, iridium, that resists erosion and allows the thin wire electrode to last thousands of miles. The down side is iridium costs more than platinum or gold, so the spark plug price is four times as much as a regular NGK spark plug. BR6HIX replaces BR6HS, BP6HS and B6HS. BR7HIX replaces BR7HS, BP7HS, and B7HS. 


14 mm x 19.0 (¾”)

6410 NGK B5ES   $3.50 =ND W16ES-U =Bosch W8CC 
   ND W16ES-U $2.50 =Bosch W8CC =NGK B5ES

7432 NGK B6ES   $4.00 =Champion N5C =Bosch W7C
Bosch W7C  $2.00 =Champion N5C =NGK B6ES

1111 NGK B7ES   $3.50 =Champion N4C =Bosch W5CC
2411 NGK B8ES   $3.50 =Champion N3C =Bosch W4CC
W240T2 $2.00
2611 NGK B9ES   $3.50 =Champion N2C =Bosch W3CC
5866 NGK BR5ES $4.50   

4922 NGK BR6ES none    
0000 NGK BR7ET $3.00 this obsolete plug has three outer electrodes, not just one!
5422 NGK BR8ES $3.50

This size is on many motorcycle engines, 4-stroke with over-125cc per cylinder, many 2-stroke air-cooled, and all 2-stroke liquid-cooled. B5ES is on Puch Dart and Maxi Plus (Austro Daimler). B6ES is on Garelli Monza GT.


14 mm x 19.0 (¾”) projected tip

7832 NGK BP5ES   none  =Champion N11YC =Bosch W8DC
Bosch W8D   $1.00 =Champion N11YC =NGK BP5ES
7333 NGK BP6ES   $3.50 =Champion N9YC =Bosch W6DC
Bosch W7D   $2.00 =Champion N11YC =NGK BP6ES

1034 NGK BP7ES   $3.50 =Champion N7YC =Bosch W5DC
2912 NGK BP8ES   none   =Champion N6YC =Bosch
NGK BPR6ES none   =Champion RN9YC =Bosch WR6DC
2023 NGK BPR7ES none   =Champion RN7YC =Bosch WR5DC

This size is on many motorcycle engines, 4-stroke with over-125cc per cylinder, many 2-stroke air-cooled, and all 2-stroke liquid-cooled. BP5ES and B5ES are on mopeds with Morini MO1, MO2, M1 engines, including Bianchi, Colt, Cosmo, F. Morini, Italvelo, Intramotor, Italjet, Lem, Malaguti, Motobecane Sebring, Motomarina Sebring, Negrini, NVT, Pacer (Italtelai), Scorpion, and on Beta, and others.


14 mm x 19.0 (¾”) fine wire tip

0000 NGK BR7EIX $14.0

These super-plugs have an ultra-fine wire center electrode which lowers the voltage required. This makes a stronger spark at very low rpms, for easier starting. They also increase horsepower, typically ½ to 1 mph speed increase on a 30-40mph bike. The fine wire has a cap of precious metal, iridium, that resists erosion and allows the thin wire electrode to last thousands of miles. The down side is iridium costs more than platinum or gold, so the spark plug price is four times as much as a regular NGK spark plug. BR7EIX replaces BR7ES, BP7ES and B7ES.



2. Spark Plugs and Spark Checking

Spark Plugs are important. They’re also cheap and easy to change. The spark plug is the first thing you look at when a motor won’t start. Spark, compression, and fuel are the three main ingredients. Spark plugs come in different sizes and styles. 

Spark Plugs are the #1 selling part on a moped. It’s good to have a spare. Spark plugs under normal conditions last for thousands of miles. A plug gets worn out when the sharp corners on the center electrode become rounded from erosion.

Fouling: A new spark plug might only last 1 mile in a “sick” engine, if the insulator becomes fouled, or coated with semi-conductive carbon (black instead of brown or white). Once the white porcelain insulator becomes fouled, the plug no longer functions. 

Bosch spark plugs obsolete in 1978

Non-resistor: Vintage engines with points ignition, mostly before 1982, have non-resistor type spark plugs.

Resistor: Modern engines with electronic ignition, mostly after 1990, have resistor type spark plugs. The resistor inside the spark plug helps protect the electronic unit from burning out. But many modern motorcycles with electronic ignition do not need resistor plugs, and instead come with and specify non-resistor spark plugs.

Obsolete numbers: Many or most spark plug numbers specified in vintage owners manuals or application charts are obsolete. For example, in the 1979 Champion spark plug application chart below, most of the moped spark plugs specified are no longer made. The obsolete Champions are L89CM (=B5HS), N4 (=B7ES), N5 (=B6ES), and N9Y (=BP6ES). The only non-obsolete Champion is L82 (=B6HS or B7HS). In Bosch, at right is a list of 160 obsolete spark plugs, from the 1978 Puch Service Manual. Many or most of those upgraded spark plug numbers are now themselves obsolete. This situation can make it difficult to learn what modern spark plug is correct for a vintage motorcycle or moped.

1979 Spark Plug Chart page 1

1979 Champion Motorcycle Spark Plug Chart page 1

1979 Spark Plug Chart page 2

1979 Champion Motorcycle Spark Plug Chart page 2

1979 Spark Plug Chart page 3

1979 Champion Motorcycle Spark Plug Chart page 3











Heat range errors: Fortunately there are spark plug cross-reference websites. But there are small errors in heat range that occur when spark plugs are “translated” from one brand to another, or from vintage to modern. The heat range of the replacement can be half of a number higher or lower than the original. For example Champion L82 translates to a NGK 6.5 heat range, half way between B6HS and B7HS. So some spark plug cross reference charts will say L82 = B6HS, some will say L82 = B7HS, and some will say L82 = B6HS or B7HS. It’s an error that looks bad on paper, but does not matter much.


Reading spark plugs: The condition of the spark plug tells you about the condition of the engine. A normal spark plug has a light brown coating on the white porcelain insulator, and sharp corners on the center electrode. A high mileage spark plug in a healthy engine looks the same but the electrode corners are rounded. Sparks like to jump from pointy things. A rounded center electrode or way too big a gap might make the engine hard to start. 


Checking for Spark: Remove the spark plug, connect the cap to it, and lay it on the engine so the metal shell touches the engine. Turn the engine over either by pedal starting or by flicking the flywheel with your hand. Little momentary light blue sparks should be jumping the gap, making a “snap” sound each time the piston goes up and down. Modern CDI ignitions are hard to see in bright sunlight, so check for spark in the shade. A bright white, pink, or yellowish spark is bad. That usually indicates a fouled plug. Dim and blue is good, especially if the snap snap snap sound is loud.     


3. Spark Plug Caps and Wires

Spark Plug Cap Screw-On

Screw post goes into wire core.

NGK Plug Caps Explained

NGK Spark Plug Caps








Mopeds have copper core spark plug wires, that last “forever”. Cars have carbon core wires, that break down when they get old. Moped spark plug caps and ignition coils attach differently. Most screw into the end of the wire. Some spark plug caps have a pointed screw that pokes sideways into the wire near the end. The ends of the copper core get wore out from vibration or burned from arcing. Usually there is enough length to cut off the bad end and reuse the old wire. Always make a pilot hole with a something like a dental pick, before attempting to screw a cap onto a freshly cut wire.  



Spark Plug Cap Rubber








Spark Plug Cap LB05F









C1  $4.00 Cap rubber poke-thru, xxxxxxx  requires nut W5 on plug
C2  none   Cap rubber,  screw-on, xxxxxxx  requires nut W5 on plug
C3  $8.00 Cap C1 with wire 29 inch, xxxx  requires nut W5 on plug
C4  $8.00 Cap NGK LB05F screw-on, 5k resistor, for no W5 on plug
C5  $6.00 Cap generic, xxscrew-on,   5k resistor, for no W5 on plug
C5  $5.00 Cap generic, xxscrew-on,   no resistor, for no W5 on plug









W1  $2.00 spark plug wire 7mm copper core black, per foot
W2  $1.00 spark plug wire 5mm copper core red, per foot
W3  $1.50 spark plug wire rubber boot for cap 7 x 12 mm
W4  $2.00 spark plug wire adapter sleeve 5 to 8mm with lip
W5  $0.25 spark plug terminal nut, comes with new plugs


4. Ignition Spark Coils (Transformers)

Be advised. These transformer coils do not go bad and completely loose spark. If you have no spark at all, and you replace the spark coil, 98% of the time you will still have no spark with a new coil. Even if you have power or voltage on the coil wire, yet no spark, replacing the coil will not help (because it needs interrupted power). Read more in Ignition Service Information

Initial troubleshooting: Performed first to eliminate some possible causes, using only fingers, eyes, pencil and paper.

  1. Eliminate the spark plug as the cause by testing for spark with another known good spark plug.
  2. Eliminate the spark plug cap and wire end, by removing the cap, exposing a short piece of braided copper, placing that between two cooling fins, and testing for spark. Sparks should jump 1/4 inch, or at least 1/8 inch. If no spark at all, then the cause is before the coil.
  3. Eliminate the points being adjusted badly, by observing with your eyes, as the wheel is turned around, that they open and close, and not always stay open or always stay closed.
  4. Eliminate the ignition timing being way off, by first finding which direction is forward, by moving the rear wheel forward and engaging the starter clutch, finding top dead center by using a pencil in the spark plug hole that touches the top of the piston, then seeing with your eyes if the points open a little before top, going in the forward direction.
  5. Try cleaning the points. Without performing continuity tests with an ohmmeter, one last “hail Mary” attempt to get spark, easy and zero cost, is to clean the points with a strip of paper. Cut a strip of plain paper. Rotate the wheel until the points are open. Place the paper in between the points. Rotate the wheel gently until the points touch the paper gently, the pull the strip of paper out. It might have black or grey spots of burnt oil film. Recheck for spark. Realize that even though the points were just cleaned, they could still be “dirty”. A hard white coating can be on them, that paper does not wipe off. A points file, or a folded-into-two-sided piece of emery cloth, is needed to clean points, followed by paper to remove grit.

  6. Beyond these tests an ohmmeter or continuity tester is required to test for loose, corroded, or pinched wires or dirty points, and more.

Indian Magneto Testing

Vespa ignition wire behind points corroded

If these steps (tests) did not reveal the cause of “no spark” then there are more troubleshooting tests needed using an ohmmeter or continuity tester.

The details of that are in Ignition Service Information 


Spark Coil Interchangeability: Ignition (transformer) coils for magneto-points ignition, like on vintage mopeds and off-road bikes, interchange except for the mount. So a German moped will run fine with an Italian coil, and an Italian moped will run fine with a German coil, attached temporarily with clip leads and wires. There are one-wire and two-wire types. On one-wire types, the mount is the “second wire”, and must be grounded to the frame. On two-wire types, either wire is the points wire, and the other must be grounded to the frame. So a Bosch 2-wire coil would replace any 1-wire coil, by adding a short ground wire, except for possibly the mount. The replacement might need a different mount or mount location. Or it might need to be mounted with on only mount bolt, instead of two.


Dansi Ignition Coil

H79 Dansi

Bosch Coil

H79A Bosch

Ignition Coil Remake

H79G generic

Motoplat Ignition Coil

H79M Motoplat







CEV 6309 Ignition Coil

CEV 6309

CEV 6313

CEV 6317 Ignition Coil

CEV 6317







H79   Dansi  $75-$40 2 wire male blades, plug wire unscrews,  16-20 x 5 slots, made in Italy
H79A Bosch $60-$45 2 wire male blades, plug wire unscrews,       53 x 5 holes, made in Germany
H79B Dansi     N/A      1 wire male blade,   plug wire molded in,
H79G generic  N/A      1 wire male blade,   plug wire molded in,      32 x 5 holes, weaker than Bosch
H79M Motoplat    $45 1 wire male blade,   plug wire molded in, 15-25 x 6 slots, made in Spain
6309  CEV   O0$55.0 1 wire screw post,    plug wire molded in,      48 x 5 holes, made in Italy
6313  CEV   $95-$65 1 wire male blade,   plug wire molded in, 12-34 x 6 slots, made in Italy
6317  CEV   $90-$65 1 wire male blade,   plug wire molded in, 13-25 x 6 slots, made in Italy


A detachable wire that unscrews, is a big advantage. If your dog chews up your spark plug wire, you don’t have to buy a whole new coil (with molded-in wire). It is possible to solder on a new wire, but it will be prone to sparks leaking at the joint. As long as there’s no path to ground nearby, that it not a problem. Any of these coils will function well on any other type of moped or small vintage motorcycle with points and magneto ignition. They are just transformers with different mounting brackets. The Bosch coils seem to give the strongest spark, and are not sensitive to heat, and last “forever”. The only bad thing is the two mounting holes are usually too far apart. To get around this, you can use only one bolt with a  nylock nut.

The spark coil should have 2-3 ohms between the points wire and ground, and a few thousand ohms between the spark plug wire and ground. Often the very end of the plug wire loses some strands of braided copper core where the spark plug cap attaches. Remove the cap and make sure there is copper at the very end. Test it without the plug cap.



Vespa (Piaggio) Electrical Service

April 8, 2017

A. Wiring Diagrams

Original wiring diagrams were scanned from original Owners Manuals, or Assembly and Preparation Manuals.


Original Wiring Diagrams for models without turn signals

No original available
1972-75 Vespa Ciao
4-wire magneto with
external ignition ground

Original wiring diagram
1976-80 Vespa Ciao
 4-wire magneto with
external ignition ground

Original wiring diagram
1977-80 Vespa Bravo
4-wire magneto with
external ignition ground

Original wiring diagram
1978-80 Vespa Grande
4-wire magneto with
external ignition ground










Original wiring diagram
1979-83 Vespa Si
4-wire magneto with
external ignition ground

Original wiring diagram
1980-83 Vespa Grande
4-wire magneto with
 external ignition ground

Original wiring diagram
1980-85 Vespa Ciao PX
4-wire magneto with
external ignition ground

All of these have an external ignition ground, which is the blue magneto wire. It must be connected to ground in order to have “spark”.









Original Wiring Diagrams for models with turn signals

No original available
72-75 Ciao with blinkers
4-wire magneto with
external ignition ground

No original available
76-77 Ciao with blinkers
4-wire magneto with
external ignition ground

No original available
1977 Bravo with blinkers
 6-wire magneto with
external ignition ground

Original wiring diagram
78-80 Ciao with blinkers
 6-wire magneto with
internal ignition ground










Original wiring diagram
78-80 Bravo w/ blinkers
 6-wire magneto with
internal ignition ground

Original wiring diagram
78-80 Grande w/blinkers
6-wire magneto with
external ignition ground

Original Wiring Diagram
80-83 Grande w/blinkers
 6-wire magneto with
internal ignition ground

Most of these have an external ignition ground, which is the blue magneto wire. It must be connected to ground in order to have “spark”.








Myrons Wiring Diagrams

Making these wiring diagrams was difficult and took over 150 hours of study. Some original diagrams were not available. To produce them, 1) all the Vespa USA-models and years had to be identified, 2) the parts catalogs and amendments were studied to make the table of electrical part numbers, 3) actual parts from Myrons inventory were photographed, or images from the internet were collected, to identify every electrical part, 4) some of the parts, especially switches, were tested to determine their internal wiring and function, 5) some actual wirings from stripped out mopeds were photographed and studied, matching each actual wire to the diagrams. 


1972-75 Vespa Ciao
4-wire 2-coil magneto with external ignition ground

1972-75 Vespa Ciao with blinkers
4-wire 2-coil magneto with external ignition ground












1976-80 Vespa Ciao and Bravo
4-wire 2-coil magneto with external ignition ground

1976-77 Vespa Ciao with blinkers
4-wire 2-coil magneto with external ignition ground












1977 Vespa Bravo with blinkers
6-wire 3-coil magneto with external ignition ground

1978-80 Vespa Grande with blinkers
6-wire 3-coil magneto, external ignition ground











1978-83 Vespa Grande, Grande MX
4-wire 2-coil magneto, external ignition ground

1978-80 Vespa Ciao and Bravo with blinkers
6-wire 4-coil magneto, internal ignition ground












1980-83 Vespa Ciao PX
4-wire 2-coil magneto, external ignition ground

1980-83 Vespa Grande MX with blinkers
6-wire 4-coil magneto, internal ignition ground













B. Electrical Service

Magneto-Generator and Engine Wires

Top coil is ignition source coil. One end (red with eyelet) goes to the points. The other end goes to ground, either internally or externally.

Bottom coil is lights source coil. One end is grounded internally. The other end (with red plug) goes to the main lights.

Side coil is auxiliary lights, only on turn signal models. Both ends go to a rectifier for battery charging.

1976-80 Vespa Ciao

1978-80 Vespa Grande

1978-80 Vespa Grande
with turn signals









Vespa Ciao with blinkers, ignition wire behind points is corroded badly

Bad wires: 1970’s Vespa moped wires are often corroded badly. They all have faded brittle insulation that breaks in places, exposing the braided copper core. Here is a turn signal model Ciao with a vital wire shorting out secretly behind the points. All of the wires near the engine are cracked and corroded badly, in places. They break like glass when you try to bend them.




Vespa Ciao with blinkers, brittle and badly corroded condenser wires

Bad wires: The bad wire shown above is this condenser wire. This is a turn signal model Ciao, with the condenser mounted externally. Non-turn-signal models have internal mounted condensers. This poor wire is actively shedding green flakes of copper oxides. Also note that the blue wire (external ignition ground) is faded to dark grey. It is also cracked open and corroding. Both of these wires are needed to run.




Replacing engine wires: Many 1970’s Vespa mopeds need their engine wires replaced. Many have intermittent or no spark, or dim or flickering lights, because of bad wires. Some electronic or hardware stores sell braided copper wire by the foot, but some only have 50 ft rolls. The old connectors can be cleaned and re-soldered to the new wire. That requires good flux-core solder and some skill.

Indian Service

April 8, 2017

updated 2020-12

Indian Service

Selected Topics




1978 Dealer Service Manual free pdf 


Tightening Torques

This is from the Haynes “Honda 4-Stroke Mopeds 49cc PC and PF OHV models 1970-on” service manual. It is the same engine as Indian.

xmm-0.0..0 ft-lbs   torque specification
0M5-0.0  5.1-8.0  valve adjust nuts
0M6-0.0  5.8-8.7  valve cover nuts

0M6-0.0  6.5-8.7  head nuts
0M6-0.0  5.1-8.7  case and cover bolts
0M6-0.0  6.5-8.7  camshaft and intake bolts
M10-0.0    22-28  flywheel and clutch nuts
M12-0.0    15-22  oil drain plug


Compression test

The Indian service manual does not state the compression pressure or the compression ratio. But the Indian motor is a copy of an earlier Honda PC50K1 motor. The Haynes “Honda 4-Stroke Mopeds 49cc PC and PF OHV models 1970-on” service manual does state the compression ratio, 8.5 to 1.

The compression test pressure can be calculated from the compression ratio, the displacement (swept volume), atmospheric pressure at sea level (14.7 psi), and the ideal gas law.

P2/P1=V1/V2   P2/14.7=8.5  P2=125 psi  relative to a vacuum

Minus the atmosphere, about 15 psi   P=125-15=110 psi  this is the ideal pressure

Actual “new” compression pressure would be 5-10 psi less than ideal because of leaks and the small additional volume of the pressure gauge hose. 

So Pnew = 100 to 105 psi   So over 95 psi is good, under 90 psi is bad


Ring Gap

A new ring in a new cylinder has a gap of 0.007 inch (7 thousandths).

Place a used ring at the very top of the cylinder where there is no wear. A gap of 0.007″ to 0.011″ is OK. Over about 0.011″ indicates excessive ring wear.

Place that same ring about 5/8″ below the top. That is the maximum wear area. Compare the ring gap there with the ring gap at the very top. A difference of over about 0.005″ indicates excessive cylinder wear.


Indian Crankcase Vent

Crankcase vent

Here is an Indian engine, minus head and magneto. Red arrow is a crankcase vent. If it is blocked off or clogged, the bike will only run for a while. Blow-by past the rings causes the pressure to increase. The high crankcase pressure cancels some or most of the intake vacuum suction pressure.



Cylinder Wear

Right, close up of the fresh cylinder wall. You can see the reflection of the marks on the piston crown on the exhaust side (back) cylinder wall. A new Indian 42mm ring with a gap of only 0.007″ shows there is almost no wear.

The Haynes PC50 manual states the cylinder wear specs):

42.00 – 42.02 mm Cylinder (cast iron) bore diameter   wear limit 42.1
41.98 – 42.00 mm Piston (aluminum) skirt diameter
0.10 mm (0.004″) Ring gap minimum 


Valve Timing

At right is page 14 from the Indian Service Manual showing the timing marks on the cam.

Valve Adjustment

From the service manual, the valve clearance when cold is adjusted to be 0.002 inch (two thousandths). It can be a little more than that without any harm, other than the valve will open a tiny bit less.




Indian Magneto Service

A. Indian Moped: 4-Coil Magneto – Wires Service 

The entire Indian WTEMCO flywheel/magneto is Bosch compatible. Indian has the same engine, controls, switches, and wiring as a Honda PC50. It looks like the light green wire goes to the ignition armature, but there is no connection. The ignition armature has a support tab for the battery charging coil next to it. That tab is the black dot in the wiring diagram, where the light green wire originates.

Indian Magneto 1

Indian Magneto 1
After the lite green and blue cut wires were repaired, the solid copper source coil wire with the white cloth sheath was ready to break off of the blue ignition wire.

Indian Magneto 2

Indian Magneto 2
The black condenser wire was partially melted under the source coil, and smashed flat against the stator plate. Here shows the resin that was poured over the coils, after the wires were in position.

Indian Magneto 3 (hi res)

Indian Magneto 3 (big)
The excess resin is grinded off. All wires are exposed. Any loose connections are cleaned and re-soldered. Lite green is for battery charging. It goes through both small outer coils, in series. Yellow is (main) lights. Blue is ignition.

Indian Magneto 4

Indian Magneto 4
The 3 branches from the points are 1) blue wire to outside coil, 2) black wire to condenser, 3) white cloth wire to source coil. The ignition ground is on the bottom left coil bolt, shown here at top right.













Indian Magneto 6

Indian Magneto 5
The blue wire plus white wire eyelet, and the black wire eyelet go on the points, but cannot touch anything metal nearby.

Indian Magneto 6

Indian Magneto 6
All 3 wires get fatigued where they pass through the hole in the stator plate. Here the points are back on. The light green will go through the hole next, then the lower two coils bolted on after that.

Indian Magneto 7

Indian Magneto 7
Coils are on. Ignition ground is checked, top right (bottom left when installed). Next the loose wires will be tucked in under the coil. Yours first might need rearranging. Don’t let sharp edges rub.

Indian Magneto 8

Indian Magneto 8
Points wire bolt and nut are both 5.5mm hex. Be careful to keep the leaf spring centered while tightening, by holding the bolt solid with the needle nose pliers while tightening the nut.













Indian Magneto 9

Indian Magneto 9
Still oriented upside down. Tested and ready for flywheel installation, after stator screws are in.

Indian 4-coil Magneto

Indian 4-coil Magneto












Testing for spark is done with the essential wires connected. Stationary testing for continuity is done with the essential wires disconnected, as shown below.


Indian Magneto Testing

Indian Magneto Testing

When each test is performed, the wires are wiggled and prodded to see if the ohms reading changes. Sometimes a conductor will conduct until it is moved a certain way. Sometimes an insulator will insulate until it is moved a certain way. During each test the tester is tested by either disconnecting or connecting the test leads. Most ohmeters do not have a sensitive enough scale to go down below 1 or 2 ohms. Sometimes “testing the tester” by shorting the test leads, shows the slight difference. 










B. Indian Moped: 2-Coil Magneto – Wires Service 

The entire Indian WTEMCO flywheel/magneto is Bosch 90mm compatible. Early Indians had 4-coil, while most have 2-coil. The 2-coil magneto has the ignition coil (45mm bolt spacing) on the bottom and the lighting coil (52mm bolt spacing) on top, like the 4-coil. But the two outboard battery charging armatures on the 4-coil have been incorporated into the single lighting coil on the 2-coil. The connections and function is all the same, as is the troubleshooting.  One good thing about Indian magnetos is that both kinds have an internal ignition ground. It is on the lower left armature bolt. On many mopeds it is external, and part of the brake light. 

Indian 2-coil mag assembled from new separate parts - not final

Indian 2-coil magneto:
Condenser wire passes near top left bolt, so the lights coil doesn’t pinch it.
White cloth ignition wire gets soldered to the condenser. Then the blue and white get “tucked in”.

Indian 2-coil Magneto

Indian 2-coil Magneto













Once again, the ignition part of it is the same. In fact, schematically it’s the same for all points-magneto ignitions. Imagine a fork with 3 prongs: one prong is points, one prong is condenser, one prong is source coil (armature). The three prongs join together as one, the handle of the fork, which is the wire going to the ignition coil (transformer). To static test each prong separately with an ohm meter or continuity tester, the wires detach at the points with eyelet connectors. See above for the exact same procedure. As a reminder, checking for spark is completely different and separate from checking the ignition components for continuity. Checking for spark is done with everything assembled and connected, with essential wires grounded, if any, and “kill” wires left disconnected.

When a condenser is replaced, the lights coil is unbolted, and the new condenser wire is laid under it, to prevent it from rubbing against the rotating flywheel points cam. The thicker lights coil will pinch the condenser wire unless it is positioned in the corner before the coil bolts are tightened. Verify it and all other wires are not being pinched by tugging on them and feeling or seeing if they can move freely. 

Indian WTEMCO 2-coil magneto

Indian WTEMCO 2-coil magneto is actually 3-coil because the lights coil and battery coil are one unit.

Indian WTEMCO 2-coil stator plate

Indian stator plate says WTEMCO FHA 11035, same on 2-coil and 4-coil, but 2-coil has wire clamp

Indian WTEMCO 2-coil magneto top view of lighting armature

Indian WTEMCO 2-coil magneto top view of lighting armature showing wire clamp and improved wire routing

Indian WTEMCO 2-coil magneto

Indian magneto wires: blue=ignition (internal ground), yellow=lights, green=battery charging










Indian Magneto Substitution

timing angle

The entire 82mm WTEMCO magneto is a 90mm Bosch compatible. Any 90mm Bosch magneto will bolt on and fit, both the 3-bolt stator plate and the flywheel. However, the ignition timing in the flywheel is different on the various Bosch flywheels. An Indian flywheel has the same timing angle as a Tomos. Both of those bikes can take an entire Puch magneto, but it must be installed without the woodruff key, and positioned at the correct timing angle. It must be very tight, and can still slip later. Many of the modern CDI ignitions require that the woodruff key be left off, and the flywheel positioned at a particular angle on the crank. Such is the case if someone wanted to run a modern CDI ignition made for a Puch, on an Indian. Some more talk about this is in the Indian parts section.

The stationary part of the magneto, the stator, can not be substituted with a 90mm Bosch moped stator, such as one for a Puch.

If the entire magneto is substituted, the 5 or 6 Puch wires will have to become 3. On a Puch 6-wire stator, 2 of the output wires are actually grounds (green/black = brake light ground, and blue/black = ignition ground). Once they are grounded, and the grey tail light wire is left unused, then a Puch 6-wire will directly substitute for Indian 3-wire, blue for blue, yellow for yellow, and green for green. Knowing this should help many Indian owners that have very bad stators or none at all.

The armatures on a Bosch stator (Puch) are 54mm hole spacing, both upper and lower mounts. The WTEMCO Indian ones are 52mm on the upper (lights) and 45mm on the lower (ignition). So Puch armatures don’t interchange with Indian ones.


Notes about Indian magneto substitution:

With the piston is parked at top dead center, the rod is in the 12 o’clock position, straight up in this view. The woodruff key for the magneto flywheel is in the 1:15 position, or about 38 degrees. A Puch 1-speed crank has the same size and taper, but the key in the 12:00 position. However, a Tomos crank does have the same size, taper and key position as an Indian. Too bad early Tomos magnetos are scarce because they get rusty from trapped water. 1996-2006 Tomos A35 CDI-ignition, with 70 watts of lights power, magnetos would substitute if the coil is changed to the Tomos A35 coil with CDI unit built-in.





Ignition Coil Substitution

Indian coil original

Indian ignition coil made by Wtemco

Wtemco coil bottom view

Wtemco coil bottom view

Wtemco and Bosch coils top view

Wtemco and Bosch coils top view

Wtemco and Bosch coils front view

Wtemco and Bosch coils front view









The Wtemco coil bolt hole centers are 58mm apart. The Bosch coil holes are 53mm. That is not so bad, but the metal plates are taller. Since the Wtemco coil plates are already up against the floor plate of the frame, there is no room for a Bosch coil in the same location. It would have to be hung with one bolt, at an angle. Furthermore the Bosch bolt holes are for 5mm bolts, whle the Wtemco ones are 6mm. So a special step stud 5-6mm is needed. Fortunately there are some 5-6 step studs on a Motobecane, that are the correct length.





Mikuni Carburetors

October 19, 2016

1 a. for 1979-81 Yamaha QT50, VM12-SC-3L5 round float
   b. for 1982-87 Yamaha QT50, VM12-SC-4L4 round float
   c. for 1983-02 Yamaha PW50, VM12-SC-4X4 round float
   d. for 2003-06 Yamaha PW50, VM12-SC-5PG round float
2 a. for 1983-90 Trac (Daelim),  VM13-SC-R4  round float
   b. for 1980-84 Indian AMI50,  VM10-SC-H9  round float
3.    for 1976-80 Angel (TYM),  VM10-24 square twin float 
4.    Other Carbs like Mikuni
5.    Mikuni Jets
6.    Info
7.    Tillotson Carburetor on 1978 Indian AMI-50

These are the baby Mikuni’s, the smallest of the small, 10 to 13mm for limited 50cc engines. See Info below.  

1. Mikuni VM12SC on Yamaha QT50 and PW50

This is a 12mm carburetor (12mm venturi diameter) with a 18mm clamp diameter.

It is not like any common Mikuni for a limited 50cc, like a moped or a kids off road. Apparently, Mikuni made carbs according to to each big manufacturer’s design. So Kawasaki KDX50, Suzuki JR50 have baby Mikuni carbs but with different designs than Yamaha PW50 and QT50. 

VM12SC versions: The first version was 3L5 on 1979-81 QT50. It had an idle air screw just to the left of the idle speed screw. After 1981, on versions 4L4, 4X4, 5PG the air screw was to the right of the idle speed screw. The off road 4X4 and 5PG versions were mostly the same except the cables exited at 90 degrees, with metal curved pipes, instead of straight up.

1979-81 Yamaha QT50
3L5-00 with #75 jet
3L5-01 with #70 jet

1982-87 Yamaha QT50
4L4-00 with #70 jet

1983-02 Yamaha PW50 4X4-00
2003-06 Yamaha PW50 5PG-00











Mikuni 3L5, 4L4, 4X4, 5PG

Combined Parts List  A= 3L5 on ’79-81 QT50,  B= 4L4 on ’82-87 QT50
Combined Parts List  C= 4X4 on ’83-02 PW50, D= 5PG on ’03-06 PW50
#  quantities
01 A B C D   Yamaha # xxx price    description
01 1 0 0 0  3L5-14101-01    N/A  carburetor 70 jet 79-81 QT50
01 0 1 0 0  4L4-14101-00    N/A  carburetor 70 jet 82-87 QT50
01 0 0 1 0  4X4-14101-00    N/A  carburetor 70 jet 83-02 PW50
01 0 0 0 1  5PG-14101-00    N/A  carburetor 70 jet 03-06 PW50
02 1 1 1 1  3L5-14181-07    N/A  float bowl
03 1 1 1 1  3L5-14184-00    N/A  float bowl gasket
04 1 1 1 1  620-14231-14 $8.00 main jet 70 M5-0.75 large round
05 1 1 0 0  3L7-14141-10    N/A  needle jet E0 Ø2.05
05 0 0 1 1  3L7-14141-12    N/A  needle jet
06 1 1 1 1  3L5-14142-40 $0.00 idle jet 40 M4-0.7 thread
07 4 4 4 4  98580-04014  $0.70 float bowl screw M4 x 14 phillips
08 1 1 1 1  3L5-14198 00    N/A  top gasket
09 1 1 0 0  3L5-14158-00    N/A  carb top cap
10 2 2 0 0  12G-14106-00 $5.00 cable adjuster-stop M6-0.75 
11 2 2 1 1  802-14161-00 $2.50 adjuster lock nut M6-0.75 x 3 hex9
12 2 2 0 0  8A7-14169-10 $2.00 cable rubber cap
13 1 1 1 1  3L6-14185-01    N/A  float (not Trac, 90 deg different)
14 1 1 1 1  3L5-14190-00  N/A    float needle = Trac 10206
15 1 1 1 1  603-14186-00 $4.00 hinge pin Ø2 x 16
16 1 1 0 0  3L5-14112-25    N/A  throttle slide
16 0 0 1 1  3L5-14112-40    N/A  throttle slide
17 1 1 1 1  3L5-14137-00 $5.00 spring stop “M” clip
18 1 1 1 1  3L6-14116-06    N/A   jet needle 3X1  Ø2.0 Ø1.36 x 30.7
18 1 1 1 1  36R-1490J-06    N/A   jet needle set 17, 18, 20  3X1
19 1 1 1 1  174-14131-01 $9.00 throttle spring Ø10.5 x 52
20 1 1 1 1  127-14137-00 $2.00 jet needle clip    Ø2.0
21 1 1 1 1  3L6-14133-00 $0.00 idle speed screw spring
22 1 1 1 1  36R-14103-00 $0.00 idle speed adjust screw
23 1 1 1 1  58E-14171-00 $0.00 choke plunger
24 1 1 1 1  127-14135-00 $0.00 choke spring
25 1 1 1 1  98580-05012  $0.60 top cover screw M5 x 12 phillips
26 1 1 1 1  92990-05100  $0.25 top screw washer M5 spring type
27 1 0 0 0  3L5-14123-01 $0.00 early idle air mixture screw (’79-81)
28 1 0 0 0  3L5-14962-00 $0.00 early idle air screw washer (81 only?)
29 1 1 1 1  95380-05600  $1.50 clamp nut M5 x 5 hex9
30 1 1 1 1  98517-05030  $0.70 clamp bolt M5 x 30 pan phillips
31 1 1 1 1  90445-05N13  $0.00 drain hose 200mm
32 2 2 2 2  3F7-14134-00  $5.00 air and drain screw spring Ø4.8 x 10
33 1 2 2 2  36R-14104-00  $6.00 air and drain screw M6-0.75×20
34 1 1 1 1  1M3-14997-00   N/A  clamp seal Ø23
35 1 1 1 1  1V3-14271-00   N/A   clamp sleeve Ø18 x Ø23 slotted
36 0 0 1 1 not sold separate
N/A  top cover with curved pipes
39 0 0 2 2  17L-14106-00 $2.50 cable adjuster nut M6-0.75×3 hex9
40 0 0 2 2  17L-14106-00 $6.00 cable adjuster
41 0 0 2 2  180-14169-00 $0.00 cable rubber cap

41 0 0 2 2  WPS-70-1028  $3.00 rubber cap similar, newer style




2. Mikuni H9-10 on Indian, R4-13 on Trac (Daelim)

H9 is a 10mm carb with a 18mm clamp diameter.
R4 is a 13mm carb with a 20mm clamp diameter.

They look almost the same, and share many parts in common.

1979-84 Indian mopeds, some

1984-90 Trac mopeds with Daelim engine















Mikuni H9-10 and R4-13

Combined Parts List         L = Trac Liberty, Escot, Image  O = Trac Olympic
0 quantities Trac#  new xx   C = Trac Clipper, Hawk, Sprint   I = Indian AMI50 

0 quantities Trac#  new  
01  L O C I  Trac#  Trac# xxIndian# xx price   description   
00  1 1 0 0  12201 13201 E000-00-00   N/A    carburetor Trac Liberty R4-13
01  0 0 1 0  00000 13202 E000-00-00   N/A    carburetor Trac Clipper R4-13D
01  0 0 0 1  00000 00000 E210-30-50   N/A    carburetor Indian AMI50 H9-10   
01  1 1 1 0  12201 13201 E000-00-00   $75   carburetor body bare Trac
01  0 0 0 1  00000 00000 E210-30-50   N/A  carburetor body bare Indian
02  1 1 0 1  12211 13215 E237-70-50   N/A    needle jet E8 Ø2.05
02  0 0 1 0  00000 13216 E000-00-00   N/A    needle jet D8 Ø2.10
03  1 1 1 1  10206 00000 E238-80-50   N/A    float needle Yamaha 3L5-14190-01
04  1 1 1 0  10201 00000 E000-00-00  $0.00 idle jet 40, thread M4-0.7
04  0 0 0 1  00000 00000 no number     N/A   idle jet not-replaceable, tight press
05  0 0 0 0  00000 00000 E236-00-50  --N/A- main jet 60, M5-0.75 small round
05  0 0 0 1  00000 00000 E236-25-50  $8.00 main jet 62.5  use Dellorto  #60
05  1 1 0 0  12205 13206 E000-00-00  --N/A- main jet 65 use Dellorto 1486 #62

05  0 0 1 0  00000 13207 E000-00-00  --N/A- main jet 70 use Dellorto 1486 #68
06  1 1 1 1  12218 13223 E238-10-50    N/A   float white-clear plastic (not QT50)
07  1 1 1 1  10207 00000 E238-07-50  $4.00 float hinge pin Ø2 x 16
08  1 1 1 1  12203 13204 E238-00-50    N/A   float bowl gasket
09  1 1 1 0  12204 13205 E000-00-00    N/A   float bowl no vent
09  0 0 0 1  00000 00000 E238-30-50    N/A   float bowl w/vent
10  2 2 2 2  10202 00000 E237-06-50  $0.70 float bowl screw M4 x 14 phillips
11  1 1 1 1  12217 13222 E238-12-50  $0.60 top cover screw M4 x 25 phillips
12  2 2 2 2  10203 00000 E237-01-50  $N/A   rubber cap original short
12a2 2 2 2 10203a00000 E237-01-50a $3.00 rubber cap substitute 70-10228c
14  0 0 0 1  00000 00000 E237-02-50    N/A   top cover, smooth cable holes
15  1 1 1 1  12213 13218 E237-04-50    N/A   top gasket
16  1 1 1 1  10204 00000 E238-16-50 $9.00 throttle spring Ø10.5 x 52 
17  1 1 1 1  12207 13209 E237-11-50  $6.00 spring plate (can use “M” clip)
18  1 0 0 0  12210 00000 E000-00-00  $0.00 jet needle 3J2-3 Ø2.0 
18  0 1 0 0  00000 13213 E000-00-00  $0.00 jet needle 3X6-4 Ø2.0
18  0 0 1 0  00000 13214 E000-00-00  $0.00 jet needle 3T6-4 Ø2.0 Ø1.45 x 31.9
18  0 0 0 1  00000 00000 E237-08-50 $0.00  jet needle 3G1-6 Ø2.0 Ø1.40 x 34.4 

19  1 1 1 1  12206 13208 E237-12-50  $2.00 needle clip    Ø2.0
20  1 1 0 1  12216 00000 E238-14-50    N/A   throttle slide Ø14 x 20, says 2.0
20  0 0 1 0  00000 13221 E000-00-00    N/A   throttle slide Ø14 x 20, says 4.0

21  1 1 1 1  12213 13218 E237-04-50  $1.50 clamp nut M5 x 4 hex9
22  1 1 1 1  12220 13225 E238-02-50  $0.00 choke spring Ø6 x 19
23  1 1 1 1  12219 13224 E238-06-50  $0.00 choke plunger Ø8 x 20
24  1 1 1 1  12212 13217 E237-05-50  $0.60 clamp screw M5 x 25 phillips
25  1 1 1 1  12208 13210 E237-10-50  $9.00 idle spd screw M6-0.75×17 short tip
26  2 2 2 2  12209 13211 E237-09-50  $5.00 idle screw spring Ø4.8 x 10 (used 9)
27  1 1 1 1  10205 00000 E238-18-50  $6.00 idle air screw M6-0.75×20, long tip
28  2 2 2 0  10208 00000 E000-00-00  $N/A   cable rubber boot original
28a2 2 2 0  10208a 0000 E000-0 0-00  $2.00 cable rubber boot substitute 1476-06
29  2 2 2 0  10209 00000 E000-00-00  $6.00 cable adjuster-stop M6-0.75×16 hex7
30  1 1 1 0  12215 13220 E000-00-00   $19   top cover, threaded cable holes
31  4 4 4 0  10210 00000 E000-00-00  $3.00 adjuster lock nut M6-0.75 x 2 hex7
32  2 2 2 0  12222 13227 E000-00-00  $0.00 cable curved pipe M6-0.75
33  0 0 0 1  00000 00000 E000-00-00    N/A  clamp sleeve Ø18 x Ø23
33  1 1 1 0  00000 00000 E000-00-00    N/A  clamp sleeve Ø20 x Ø23

Mikuni cable rubbers

Indian Mikuni idle hole before and after drilling









Indian Mikuni carb service

The idle hole is often blocked. There are three spray holes, the main and mid-range under the throttle slide, and the smaller idle hole downstream of the throttle slide. When the bike is idling the slide is down and only the idle hole is active. A small slit of air under the slide blows over it, creating the suction and breaking up the liquid gasoline into small droplets. The drill size is tiny, a #76 which is 0.020 inch. The drill is held in a pin vise. The pin vise goes into the drill chuck. After about 2mm of depth there is a empty chamber behind the hole. That chamber leads to the idle jet which is at the top of a vertical tunnel-tube made into the zinc casting. The idle jet can be cleaned separately from below. It is smaller, like maybe 0.010 inch. That is smaller than the smallest drill #80 in a numbered set.

Carb spray is used to tell if the idle hole or idle jet is clogged. When sprayed up from the vertical idle tunnel-tube, the spray should shoot out from the mid range hole and dribble out from the idle hole.


3. Mikuni VM10-24 on Angel (TYM) mopeds

This carb is on Taiwan-made Angel and Speed Bird mopeds. It is a 10mm carburetor with a 20mm clamp diameter.

It is a 1960’s to early 70’s design, like a 1965 Yamaha U5 Newport, or a 1970 Suzuki F50 Cutlass carburetor. It has a brass swinging twin-float and a replaceable float needle seat. It has nothing made of rubber in it, unlike more modern carburetors. 

1977 Angel AP48

1983 Angel BP48-S carb

1979 Angel BP48-S

1977 Speed Bird BP48













Mikuni VM10-24

Parts List
 #    Angel part #  Trac#   price      description
00  786-01-31000 00000     N/A  carburetor assy
01  786-01-3100a 00000  $0.00 carburetor body bare
02  786-01-31510 00000  $0.00 cable rubber boot
03  786-01-3110a 00000  $0.00 carb top M20-1.0 thread
04  786-01-31440 00000    N/A  throttle spring Ø13 x 38 stiff original
04  786-01-3144a 00000  $6.00 throttle spring Ø13 x 50 soft substitute
05  786-01-31380 00000  $0.00 spring plate Ø13 Ø2.5
06  786-01-31340 13208  $2.00 needle clip Ø2.0
07  786-01-31330 00000    $15  jet needle 3G9  Ø2.00 Ø1.60 x 34.4
08  786-01-31470 00000    $45  throttle slide Ø16 x 23.5, says 2.0
09  786-01-3120a 00000  $5.00 cable adjuster-stop M6-0.75  hex7
10  786-01-3120b 10210  $3.00 adjuster lock nut M6-0.75 x 2 hex7
11  786-01-3120c 00000  $0.00 choke housing M10-1.0 thread, pipe thread subst?
12  786-01-31490 00000  $0.00 choke spring Ø6.5 x 23 stiff
13  786-01-31480 00000  $0.00 choke plunger Ø8 x 17.5
15  786-01-31520 13218  $1.50 clamp nut M5 x 5 hex9
16  786-01-31530 00000  $0.00 clamp screw M5 x 27 slot-hex8
17  786-01-31450 13211  $5.00 idle (both) spring Ø4.8 x 10
18  786-01-31460 00000  $6.00 idle air screw M6-0.75×19, long tip (-1)
19  786-01-31540 13210  $9.00 idle speed screw M6-0.75×17 short tip
20  786-01-31370 00000  $0.00 idle jet 15
21  786-01-31320 00000  $0.00 needle jet E2-137 Ø2.05
22  786-01-31300 00000  --N/A- main jet 45 M5-0.75 small hex
23  786-01-3139a 00000  $0.00 float seat seal washer Ø7 x Ø10
24  786-01-3139b 00000  $0.00 float valve seat M7-0.75 thread hex8
25  786-01-3139c 00000  $0.00 float valve needle
26  786-01-31350 00000     N/A  float
27  786-01-31410 00000  $4.00 float hinge pin Ø2.5 x 23
28  786-01-31360 00000     N/A  float bowl gasket
29  786-01-3100b 00000     N/A  float bowl
30  786-01-31430 10202  $0.70 float bowl screw M4 x 14 phillips
31  786-01-3100c 00000  $0.00 float overflow hose Ø3 x 200
32  786-01-3100d 00000     N/A  clamp sleeve with lip Ø20 x Ø23 x 15.5
34  786-01-3110b 10209  $6.00 cable adjuster-stop M6-0.75 x 16 female hex7
35  786-01-3110c 00000  $3.00 adjuster lock nut M6-0.75 x 2 hex7
36  786-01-3110d 00000  $0.00 carb top rubber cap
37  786-01-3110e 00000  $0.00 curved pipe cable guide


Angel Carb Service:

Angel service p9

Angel service p10

Angel service p11

Angel service p12












4. Mikuni design

A. Pacco

The India-made Pacco P-60 MT carburetor used on 2000-2002 Avanti mopeds

Pacco P-80 MT carburetor 21mm clamp diameter, same as Dellorto SHA 15/15

Pacco P-60 MT carburetor, 21 clamp diameter
Left, Dellorto SHA 15/15, same 21 clamp size


Pacco P-60 MT carburetor, 16mm slide parts












B. Mikcarb

The India-made Mikcarb is used on 2005 Hero Majestic Pacer. It looks identical to Pacco P-60, except it has a cable choke instead of a flip lever.

Mikcarb on 2005 Hero Majestic Pacer






5. Mikuni Jets

Small Hex used on 1960’s-70’s Yamaha and Kawasaki
045    --N/A-  Angel #786-01-31300
050      N/A

060      N/A

70    $3.00
75    --N/A-
080    $3.00
085    $3.00

090      N/A
100      N/A

Small Round used on many Yamaha, Kawasaki, and Suzuki products
060    --N/A- Indian #E236-00-50
062.5 $8.00  Indian #E236-25-50
065    --N/A-  Trac #13206
070    --N/A-  Trac #13207
75    --N/A-
080    --N/A-
090      N/A
100      N/A
110      N/A
116    $3.00
118    $3.00
120    $3.00
124    $2.50
132    $2.50
140    $3.00
150    $2.00
155    $2.50
160    $3.00

Large Round  used on many Yamaha, Kawasaki, and Suzuki motorcycles
060    --N/A-
062.5 $8.00
065    --N/A-
070    $8.00  Yamaha #620-14231-14-00
75    --N/A-
080    --N/A-
090      N/A
097.5 $2.50
100    $2.50
102.5 $2.50
105      N/A
107.5 $2.50

110    $2.50
112.5 $2.50
115      N/A
117.5   N/A

120    $2.50
122.5   N/A
125    $2.50
127.5 $2.50
130    $2.50
132.5 $2.50
135      N/A
137.5 $2.50
140    $2.50
142.5 $2.50
147.5 $2.50
150    $2.50

152.5 $2.50
155    $2.50
157.5 $2.50


6. Info

These are the baby Mikuni’s, the smallest of the small, 10 to 13mm for limited 50cc engines. Unlimited 50cc like Kawasaki AR50 or Yamaha YSR50 have 18mm size carburetors. Those are bigger babies, but still “off the charts”.

USA motorcycle parts suppliers commonly have parts for 28 to 44mm Mikuni VM series (classic round slide) carburetors. They have 2.5 or 3.0mm jet needles, not 2.0 like the “babies” have. Their float needles are also bigger.

Yamaha, Suzuki, and Kawasaki supply some parts for the small Mikuni carburetors that are on their 50cc models.


Carb clips


Jet Needle Clips are tiny and get lost easily. The full name of that kind of clip is “metric side-mount external retaining ring (E-style)”. The clip size for moped carburetors is smaller than any motorcycle carburetor clip, because the jet needle and everything else in the carburetor is smaller. A 10mm Indian moped carb jet needle is 2.0mm thick with a 1.5 clip groove. Mikuni carbs 18mm and up have needles 2.5mm thick with a 1.9mm clip grooves, or bigger.






  1. Parts Catalogs provided illustrations, part numbers, descriptions, applications, and some specifications.
  2. Service Manuals provided most specifications.
  3. Packaging Labels on some new parts provided part numbers and applications.
  4. Markings on some used parts provided specifications.
  5. Direct Measurement on most parts provided specifications.
  6. Internet Images provided some identification by photo-matching, and occasionally dimensions by photo-scaling.



7. Tillotson HK25A Carb on ’78 Indian AMI-50

Carb kit Rk-32Hk


Tillotson HK25A Carburetor Parts (none)
 E210-12-50 Tillotson carb comp.   none  has no float reservoir

These have an adapter “bell” for the air filter, to interchange with Keihin. These did not work well when they were new with fresh rubber back in 1978. Tillotson carbs were replaced by Keihin, only months after they came out. 40 years later in 2018 their rubber parts, especially the diaphragm, are all stiff. This is the Tillotson carb kit for Indian, Rk-32Hk-4911, available on Amazon.


Tillotson carb, front and back view

Tillotson carb on 1978 Indian


Gurtner Service

July 25, 2016

Contents:    1. Peugeot Carb Service     2. Motobecane Carb Service

1. Peugeot Carburetor ServicePeugeot 1980 tiny

Welcome. Here is service information for 1976-1980 Peugeot 102 and 103 moped carburetors (US models).

These carburetors are French made, by Gurtner, size 12mm, 10mm, or 8.5mm for different speed versions. They can be quick-serviced without carb removal. The main jet is the brass hexagonal slot head facing the right side, at the bottom. It is also a drain plug for quick flushing. If you are out riding and your main jet gets clogged, causing the engine to not run, you can easily remove the jet with just a key, coin or screwdriver, blow it out with your lips, put it back, restart and continue your ride. That is one of Peugeot’s best features. 

Peugeot Carb Diagram

How it Works

There are three spray holes. When the engine is idling, the throttle slide is down, and the first two spray holes are shielded from the moving air. When the throttle is opened, the slide is up and out of the way. All three spray holes are active. The first (main) spray hole flows about 3 times as much as the second (middle) spray hole, which in turn flows about 3 times as much as the third (idle) spray hole. So the idle uses about one ninth as much gas, roughly. When it gets clogged the net flow at full throttle is about 8/9 or of normal. So it will still run OK with a clogged idle jet.   

An automatic float lets in fuel to the reservoir when needed.

Removing the Carburetor

1. Turn the gas valve (petcock) off. With one finger pressing down hard on the float top, so it does not lift up, twist and pull on the fuel hose to disconnect it from the carburetor. If the top is not held down, pulling on the fuel hose can bend the float needle when the lid lifts. Many Peugeot floats have been damaged in this way.

2. Leave both (choke and throttle) cable pinch bolts alone. Disconnect the choke cable, remove the phillips screw on top, and lift out the throttle slide. Notice the round throttle slide has a little prong on top that slides into a slot in the carburetor. You will need to remember that during re-assembly.

3. Loosen the mount clamp nut (10mm hex), then rotate the carburetor assembly gently back and forth, with both hands holding the carburetor, not the air filter box, while pulling rearward. Then wiggle it free.

Servicing the Carburetor 

The normal service consists of cleaning out all tar, rust, and corrosion. After disassembly, carb cleaner spray or parts dip is used to clean off tar and varnish. Anything plastic or rubber is not allowed to come in contact with the carb solvent. Scraping with small screwdrivers, knives, and wire brushes and/or wire wheels are usually needed on the float chamber walls and floor. A small drill bit is twisted, by fingers, in the guide hole at the bottom center of the float bowl, to lift out the fine rust powder that builds up there. Compressed air and carb spray are used to clean out and check all passageways. Seeing the spray enter and exit a passageway tells if it is open, even if you cannot visually see through it, like when there is a “bend in the tunnel”.

Testing with Carb Spray

Carefully (wear goggles) shoot carb spray into the froth air inlet in front below the venturi. There should be “three geysers” or jets of spray shooting out of 1) the main spray hole, 2) the large middle spray hole in the floor, and 3) the small idle spray hole in the floor.

Most of the time, on a bike that has been sitting for years, the idle jet (restriction) is blocked, causing the engine to not idle. When that happens, only the first two spray holes active in the carb spray test, instead of all three. The result is the engine will start and run fine, but won’t idle for over 2 or 3 seconds. Using the choke will compensate a little. Soaking the carburetor does not usually clean out the idle restriction hole, and neither does carb spray. The brass diffuser is pressed tightly into a single-ended hole. The only remedy is to drill a new one.

Drilling a New Idle Hole

Peugeot Carb Before and After DrillingThis is for when the carb spray test shows only the first two spray holes active. The careful and delicate drilling procedure uses a #71 drill bit, chucked in a pin vise, chucked in a hand held drill. The #71 is the thinnest drill that is long enough to reach horizontally from the front face back to the third vertical hole. A #72 is a little thinner and shorter, but still works if it is not inserted too deep in the pin vise chuck. A #70 drill is a little bigger and longer, but still works. Already the idle mixture, and mid-throttle mixture, are being made richer by drilling with a #71. On an old moped that is a good thing, because various small air leaks are compensated for. With a too rich idle mixture, the engine will stumble after waiting for a long red light, when the throttle is first opened. So a bigger drill size makes that bad behavior.

Use a half drop of oil and a sharp drill. Dull drill bits can get hot, melt in place, or veer off to one side, and then break off in the hole. Then there is no fixing that. You are drilling, blindly, into a round thing, so the drill wants to go to either side. Try to keep the drill centered and parallel to the horizontal tunnel front to rear.  It takes about 5-10 seconds to drill through each wall. After the drilling through the first wall of the diffuser, the bit breaks into the open vertical tunnel, and then encounters the second brass wall. Once through that, the horizontal tunnel is open for the rest of the way. Check the idle circuit before and after drilling, to verify that the idle spray hole did in fact get cleaned and is now working. Other things (air leaks) can cause the engine to not idle, like worn out piston rings and cylinder walls, and leaking crank seals or a stuck-open reed valve.

Restoring the Float

The float is a hollow plastic bulb type, with a 1.5mm thick brass rod pressed through it. The top end of the rod or needle has a precise cone shaped tip. The float needle tip gets worn, or the shaft gets bent. Then the float overflows and fuel drips out of the bottom of the air filter box.

Most of the time, the float will need regrinding of the tip, and maybe also some straightening of the needle shaft. Check to see if the needle is close to 37.8mm in length, the lower part sticks out 5.7mm, and the upper part is 11.9mm. If the bulb needs moving, hold one end of the float needle against the side of a table, while pushing on opposite sides of the bulb with both thumbs. If the needle moves too easy, it might leak fuel into the bulb, so then seal the ends with fuel proof sealant or epoxy, like below.

Shake it to see if it has any fuel inside the bulb. That would make it sink. Evacuate the fuel with compressed air and seal the needle holes with fuel proof sealant (like Kreem tank sealer or epoxy), without adding too much weight.

Chuck the bottom blunt end of the float needle into a hand drill. Spin it to check for trueness. If it is perfectly straight, it will almost appear to be not spinning. If it is bent, then straighten it with a small needle nose pliers. Take small bends and study the result to learn where the pliers need to be for the next bend. 

Once the needle is straight, the tip can be sharpened. Machine or sharpen the perfect cone tip, by chucking the needle rod in a small drill and spinning it, at a constant angle and pressure but moving around, against a flat sheet of fine sandpaper, taped to the edge of a table. Follow that with super fine and then polish. Try to keep the needle as long as possible, by only removing what is necessary, and no more.

Peugeot Float SeatFinally polish the float valve seat in the float top. Use a spinning toothpick, in a drill, with metal polish (or car wax). Inspect the hole with a magnifier. Illuminate it from the side hole as shown on the right. See if there are any scratches in the tiny hole down in the bottom of the small hole.

Bryan of Myrons discovered in 2007 an extremely useful way to sometimes fix a leaking Peugeot float, in a matter of seconds, without removing the carburetor. Close the petcock and remove the jet from the bottom of the carburetor. Blast compressed air into the jet hole. This spins the float rapidly inside the float chamber. Like lapping engine valves, the circular rubbing tends to make the two things (needle and seat) more circular, and less likely to leak.

2. Motobecane Carburetor Service

Welcome. This is from the big blue Motobecane Dealer Manual, section “Repair Operations Models 40, 50, 7”, pages 32-35. The original words are dark grey, and Myrons Mopeds added words are purple.

MB Carb very dirty and oxidized

Don’t replace, restore!

Most importantly, the cleaning procedures in original manuals are for new machines. They say to use compressed air to blow out tiny holes, which does clean the holes perfectly on a new carburetor. But compressed air alone is not enough to clean most older carburetors. Carburetor spray solvent, scraping, brushing, and poking the holes with certain size wires or tiny drills, are normally needed cleaning techniques. That is because years of decomposed gasoline and oil, called varnish, or tar, have coated the inside of the carburetor and gas tank. In addition, moisture can corrode the metal, coating the zinc alloy white and the brass brown or green. Zinc or aluminum corrosion is best cleaned with scraping and vinegar. Brass things like float needles and seats can be lightly machined and then polished.

Removing the Carburetor:

Fig 1 Carb Removal

Fig 1 Carb Removal

1. Remove the side covers.

2. Close the fuel tap and disconnect the fuel hose from the carburetor.

3. Remove the air box from the carburetor.

4. Loosen the carburetor clamp bolt. (8mm hex)

5. Remove the carburetor from the inlet pipe.

6. (Top pull choke cable type) Loosen the top cover screw. Remove the cables, slides and top assembly.

7. (Top pull choke cable type) Remove the carburetor (fig. 1).

6. (Bottom pull choke cable type) Leave the cables alone. Continue the service with the carburetor next to the bike.

7. (Bottom pull choke cable type) OR loosen the choke cable pinch bolt on the left handlebar control lever. Loosen the top cover screw. Remove the cables slides and top asssembly. Remove the carburetor (fig. 1).

Installing the Carburetor

1. (Center mount carburetor type) Make sure the plastic bushing on the inlet pipe is in good condition, if so equipped.

2. Make sure the nuts securing the intake pipe to the cylinder are tightened to the correct torque (7 ft lbs) using a torque wrench and 10mm socket. If the intake pipe was removed make sure the mating surfaces are clean. Fit a new gasket.

3. Insert the throttle slide (note the position of the guiding pin) and the choke slide.

4. Fit the top cover and tighten the screw securing it.

5. Make certain that the throttle slide operates freely and fully opens when the throttle grip is fully opened. If necessary, screw the adjustment screw on the handlebar throttle control. It needs to be tight enough to lift the throttle slide in the carburetor fully, yet still have a little bit of slack (so the bike does not accelerate when the steering is turned to the side!) 

6. Fit the carburetor to the intake pipe and push fully home. (rotating gently back and forth) 

7. Position the carburetor body vertically.

8. Tighten mount clamp (8mm hex)

9. Connect the fuel hose

10. Final idle adjustment can be made with the engine running by screwing or unscrewing the idle adjustment screw on the left of the carburetor.

11. Fit the side covers.

 Disassembling the Carburetor:MB Carb Service Fig 1-2

Fig 1 and 2 Float top cover

Fig 1 and 2 Float top cover

Fig 3 Diffuser and idle tunnel

Fig 3 Diffuser and idle tunnel

Motobecane Float Top Covers

Fig 4 Float top cleaning screw

Fig 4 Float top cleaning screw and fuel filter

1. Remove the float bowl cover using a 10mm wrench.

2. Check the paper gasket and o-ring.

3. Loosen the small “cleaning” screw (using a small phillips head screwdriver) or the plastic cap (fig 1 and 2).

4. Clear this pipe if necessary with an air stream.

5. Fit the screw or plastic cap. Apparently the US DOT did not allow the plastic caps, because none were ever on US models. Instead they had a larger cleaning screw, M4 instead of M3. That M4 screw is not listed in the MB USA parts catalogs. Neither is the plastic cap.

6. Check the float for good condition. Plastic (not brass) float bulbs slide up and down on the needle rod with considerable pressure (like with both thumbs pushing the bulb, with the needle pressed against a solid wall). If the bulb is too high, the float will overflow, causing a rich mixture and/or fuel leakage. If the bulb is too low, the engine will “starve” for fuel, at times of high demand. Check if the needle is nearly 41.4mm long, and position the bottom of the bulb to 7.0mm.  

MB float service

Straighten a bent needle with a small needle-nose pliers. Take small steps, study the result, and adjust the grip point, in order to not make a “dog leg”.

Machine or sharpen the perfect cone tip, by chucking the needle rod in a small drill and spinning it, at a constant angle and pressure but moving around, against a flat sheet of fine sandpaper, taped to the edge of a table. Follow that with super fine and then polish. Try to keep the needle as long as possible, by only removing what is necessary, and no more.

Motobecane Carb with bulge in float bowl wall caused by air filter stud overtightening

Bulge in float bowl wall caused by air filter stud over-tightening

Check that the float moves up and down freely without touching the walls. Check for a bulge in the float chamber wall, where the air filter stud sometimes pokes through. 

7. Remove the fuel jet (8mm wrench or screwdriver) and clear it if necessary with an air stream. (fig 3). There are tiny drills, about drill number 75 and 74, that are the size perfect for cleaning out moped main jets. Any piece of wire thin and stiff enough will work, but only a size just smaller than the hole will clean it out completely, if it is coated with varnish. Even after soaking, it can still need “scraping”. A kinky wire can be a second best tool. A welder’s torch tip file is another way to clean tiny holes. So is a dentist’s root canal file.

8. Look into the hole for the small slot in the center and a large different slot in the outer collar. If you don’t see this then it might be a press-fit diffuser type carburetor, instead of the usual slide-fit type. If this is covered in white (zinc oxide), then use vinegar on it first to remove enough white to see where the screwdriver slot is.

9. (Slide fit diffuser types) Apply a drop of oil to the lowest threads. With a 6mm wide (small but not tiny) screwdriver, unscrew the collar that holds the diffuser. Rattle or tap the carburetor to get it to fall out the bottom.

Fig 5 Idle hole plug

Fig 5 Idle hole plug

Cleaning MB diffuser idle holes with 0.012 inch thick ordinary twist ties

10. (Slide fit diffuser types) Push the diffuser from the top end downward. It might drop out. If the diffuser cannot be easily removed, lightly tap on the top end with a small hammer and punch. Clear the diffuser with a high pressure air line. Use an ordinary bread wrap twist tie, to “poke out” the two idle holes in the diffuser. Use a bigger wire (paper clip?) to scrape the center hole. Carefully (wear goggles) use carb spray to both check and clean the holes. 

Note: Some carburetors are not equipped with a diffuser holder (collar). These carburetors do not have a removable diffuser. Do not try to remove the diffuser from this type of carburetor. Simply leave it installed and clear it with an air stream. See below “Press Fit Diffuser Type”.

11. Clean the fuel filter, the filter bowl, and the carburetor float bowl (fig 4). Clean the bottom guide hole by twisting a small drill bit with your fingers, to lift out the rust powder at the bottom. If this hole is dirty the float will not go down far enough, and the engine will starve at times. 

12. Unscrew the plug screw (small phillips head screwdriver) and if necessary, clean it with an air stream (fig 5). This screw gives you access to the idle circuit. Here carb spray can again, carefully (wear goggles) be used to both clean and check the idle holes and tunnels. Locate all of the holes entries and exits. Verify that spray can get through everywhere.

This last operation can be done without removing the carburetor. Turn off the gas valve, lay the bike over on it’s side, and access the idle circuit cleaning plug from the bottom. Give it a shot of carb spray, replace the plug, stand the bike up, and start the flooded engine full throttle, carefully with the rear wheel held safely above the ground by a good centerstand. After it runs fast for a minute and it gets un-flooded, hope that it idles after that.

13. Reinstall the plug screw.

1. horizontal fuel supply tunnel 2. two side supply holes in main jet 3. main jet restriction (not shown) 4. diffuser inlet vertical channel 5. diffuser lower idle hole (not shown) 6. chamber around lower idle hole 7. lower flat side vertical channel 8. diffuser upper idle hole (not shown) 9. horizontal idle tunnel under slide 10. threaded plug hole for cleaning 11. middle spray hole into venturi 12. idle spray hole into venturi

1. horizontal fuel tunnel  2. side holes in main jet 3. main jet restriction
4. diffuser inlet   5. vertical channel  6. chamber around lower idle hole
7. lower flat side is a fuel channel     8. chamber around upper idle hole
9. horizontal idle tunnel under slide 10. threaded plug hole for cleaning
11. idle spray hole to venturi 12. middle spray hole 13. main spray hole
14. upper flat side for aligning or locating diffuser    15. upper idle hole
16. lower flat side lets lower idle merge with upper   17. lower idle hole
18. screwdriver slot for lining up during installation      19. diffuser inlet

Assembling the Carburetor:

1. Fit the diffuser making sure the diffuser flattened side coincides with the flat side in the carburetor hole. The slot in the diffuser lower end is for rotating it gently during installation until the flat sides line up and it snaps up into it’s “home” position, where the shoulder is just below the floor of the venturi.

2. Locate the diffuser fully home.

3. Fit the diffuser holder (6mm slot head screwdriver) and the jet (8mm wrench).

Understanding where all the holes are, where they go, and what they do, and what happens when each one gets blocked or partially blocked, is half the battle. The other half is the actual cleaning and restoring. 

True restoration is more difficult, but more rewarding than “replacement restoration”. It’s like fishing versus buying fish in the market.

Testing for Fuel Flow:

The carburetor is assembled and installed, fuel line connected, but with the jet removed. When the fuel petcock is turned on, in a few seconds fuel should begin dripping rapidly from the bottom jet hole. There should be a small continuous stream of fuel, not just rapid drips. The amount of fuel flow, for any size float-type carburetor, is enough to fill the volume of the float bowl in a few seconds. For a moped carburetor, this is about two or three teaspoons in five seconds, roughly. This tests the entire fuel system for flow. If there is low flow, then further tests are needed to isolate where it is blocked at.

Note that this is not the fuel flow to the engine. This is testing fuel flow to the reservoir or float bowl/chamber. When fuel flow to the engine, through the jet and diffuser, is blocked, the engine will not ever run right. When the jet gets partially blocked, applying the choke or blocking off some air with your hand will help compensate. When fuel flow to the reservoir is blocked, the engine will run perfect, for awhile, until the reservoir gets low. Then it will run dry and die out. Then after waiting for the float chamber to refill, the engine will restart and run fine again, for awhile, again and again.

Additional Information:

Motobecane 20mph carb sliced in half

Slide Fit and Press Fit Diffusers: Some Motobecane carburetors have “press fit” diffusers, instead of the usual “slide fit”. This is one of those types (AR2-10-737 or AR2-10-991 or perhaps others) that has been sliced in half to expose it’s secrets.

While “slide fit” diffusers slide in and out from the bottom, this “press fit” diffuser 52560, and carburetor type, slides (presses actually) in or out from the top. Many of these get smashed on top by Motobecane mechanics trying to push the diffuser downwards, the normal way out.

Press-fit-diffuser carburetors cannot be made to accept slide fit diffusers. 

Motobecane Choke Circuit cut away

Choke (cold starting) system: Unlike the Peugeot Gurtner and most other moped carburetor chokes, the Motobecane Gurtner AR2 has an additional fuel path or tunnel. It’s “choke” is a fuel enrichment device rather than an air restricting device. The choke circuit is completely independent of the main fuel circuit. It has it’s own fuel tunnel out of the float bowl, that bypasses the throttle slide, diffuser, and jet. 

Original Equipment Carbs have Dates: This carburetor clearly shows it’s manufacture date of 5/77, below the model number. It could be from a late 1977 or a 1978 bike. The 39 used Gurtner AR2 carburetors in Myrons Mopeds inventory on Dec 2014 have dates ranging from 03/74 to 04/80. The majority are from 1977 and 1979. See above “Population Study of Gurtner AR1 and AR2 Carburetors in Southern California”.   


Choke Slide: This is often mysteriously missing, but actually stuck in the lowest (normal) position, either by tar or corrosion. It can be unfroze with solvent and/or by removing the cable wire and pushing it up from the bottom by tapping with a small punch and hammer. When the choke slide is pulled up, the choke is “on” for cold starting, and an extra fuel path is exposed by the step in the choke slide. If the choke slide is actually missing, the choke would be “on” all the time, but some extra air gets in along with the extra fuel. So the net effect of running without a choke slide is minor. 
Gurtner MB bottom pull choke parts exposed

Gurtner AR2 bottom pull choke parts exposed

Gurtner MB Top pull choke cable routing

Gurtner AR2 top pull choke cable routing

Motobecane 30mph variator center-mount carb with short pipe

MB 30mph variator center-mount carb w/short pipe

Top Pull or Bottom Pull Choke Cable:

1. On center mount carburetors, for variator models, the choke cable is “top pull”. The choke and throttle cables detach, allowing the carburetor to be serviced away from the bike.

Motobecane 40TS has side mount Gurtner with top pull choke cable

Motobecane 40TS has side carb top pull choke

Motobecane 20mph no-variator side-mount carb with thin long pipe

Motobecane 20mph no-variator side-mount carb with thin long pipe

CEV Tail Lights

July 14, 2016





CEV 9350

CEV 9350: Many 1972 -1976 US mopeds, and some Italian scooters and motorcycles, had this “oval with flat sides” single bulb lamp. It meets 1972 US DOT requirements of having a brake light and shining to the sides. Original USA 9350 versions also had red lenses with side reflectors. Rear red side reflectors were required, but they did not have to be part of the light. 

## 0 CEV# 0 price    9 3 5 0    P A R T S
07.0 10630.4 $2.00 bulb 6V 21/5W #1154
07.1 10630.1 $2.00 bulb 6V 15/3w    
07.3 10630.3 none  bulb 6V 18/3w

07.5 10630.5 $1.20 bulb 12V 21/5W #1157
07.6 10630.6 $2.50 SIM lower bulb 12V 15W 15×44 festoon
07.7 10630.7 $2.00 SIM upper bulb 6V 5W
08.1 19955.0 $12.0 mount with no license bracket
08.1 19955.0 $8.00 mount with no license bracket, used
08.2 16590.0 $30.0 mount with license bracket
08.2 16590 .0$18.0 mount with license bracket, used
08.3 02748 .0$45.0 long high mount with license bracket, used,
08.3 02748 .0$00.0 weakened, needs reinforcement like most
09.0 03211 .0none  red lens with reflectors, says CEV 174
09.2 03211.2 $35.0 red lens, no reflectors, says CEV 174
09.3 03211.3 $24.0 red lens with side reflectors, generic
09.3 03211.3 $00.0 fits tight on mirror, requires mirror edge filing
10.0 22253.0 $1.90 lens screw M4 x 72 phillips
10.2 22253.2 $2.00 lens screw long bolt-thru with nut
10.2 22253.2 $0.00 for when the body’s screw post is broken off
11.0 00000.0 $1.00 M6 x 20 hex bolt
12.0 00000.0 $0.25 M6 lock washer
13.0 03212.0 40-55 lamp body chrome, used various
13.2 03212.2 $52.0 lamp body black
13.2 03212.2 $35.0 lamp body black, good-used
13.3 03212.3 $15.0 SIM lamp body, no bulbs or wires, see below
13.3 03212.3 $00.0 requires modification and a special bulb
15.1 19606.0 $4.00 rubber gasket

9  CEV 174 w/reflectors
9.2 CEV 174 no reflectors
9.3 generic w/reflectors

13.2 CEV 9350 black
13.3 SIM 78 black

8 19955, 8.2 16590
8.3 02748 “long”










.#   MMI#    price    9 3 5 0    L A M P S
21  9350CR none  9350 chrome  new, CEV lens new with side reflectors
22  9350CR none  9350 chrome used, CEV lens new,  no side reflectors

23  9350B   
none  9350 black     new, CEV lens new with side reflectors
24  9350B   $75.0 9350 black     new, generic lens, with side reflectors

.#   MMI# price    9 3 5 0    L A M P S   w i t h   M O U N T S
31  9359.2   none  9350 chrome, CEV lens w/ref, 19955 mount
32  9359.2B none  9350 black,    CEV lens w/ref, 19955 mount
33  9359.4B $95.0 9350 black,    CEV lens no ref, 19955 mount
34  9359.3   none  9350 chrome, CEV lens w/ref, 16590 mount w/lic
35  9359.3B none  9350 black,    CEV lens w/ref, 16590 mount w/lic
36  9361CR  none  9350 chrome, CEV lens w/ref, 02748 long mt. w/lic
36  9361CR  none  the one shown has a bent and weakened mount top

21. CEV 9350 chrome

22. 9350 used, no-side-reflector lens






23. CEV 9350 black

36. CEV 9361CR









#   MMI#    price    9 3 5 0   R E P L I C A 
25  SIM 78  $50.0 SIM 78 black new, SIM lens new with side reflectors

Sim 78 looks good in photos but it has several issues.
1. It does not have the wire connectors.
2. The connectors have to be bent and placed just right, to clear the back wall.
3. The act of adding and bending the connectors loosens the rivets.
4. The center rivet may need a thin tiny washer slid under it, to make it solid.
5. The lower tail light bulb is a special kind, a festoon. There are no 6 volt versions that can fit. There is only a 12V 5w 11 x 39mm. So on a 6 volt moped the running light will be only about half as bright.
6. The upper brake light bulb fits tight, almost to the point of the bulb breaking when removing or installing.
7. The ground wire inside eyelet gets bent when the mount screw is tightened. It is relocated to the outside.




CEV 9400 Series

In 1977 the CEV 9400 Series “rectangular” series rear lamps came out. They have two separate bulbs. Top is brake light and bottom is tail light.

CEV 9400, 9401, 9417: The brake light bulb is a low wattage type with a small glass.

top bulb 6V 10w, bottom 6V 5w, no ignition ground resistor
black $94.0 
grey  $74.0 Piaggio 185026

9401  use 9400
top bulb 6V 10w, bottom 6V 5w, no resistor

top bulb 6V 10w, bottom 6V 5w  or 12V
no ignition ground resistor, price $65$45
on Tomos (12V) ’86-10
on Puch (6V) ’78-86


CEV 9400.1, 9401.1, 9417.1: These are the same except for the bulb holder and upper bulb. The bulb holder is made for a “large glass” brake light bulb. This can be for a brighter brake light on battery powered motorcycles. Or it can be for many US model mopeds with a special “external ignition ground” that powers the brake light. On those the brake light bulb needs to be 6V 21W in order to have good spark with the brakes on. 

9400.1  superseded to 9400.2
top bulb 6V 18w large glass, bottom 6V 5w, no resistor

9401.1  superseded to 9400.2
top 6V 18w large glass, bottom 6V 5w, no resistor

9417.1  superseded to 9417.2
top 6V 18w large glass, bottom 6V 5w, no resistor



CEV 9400.2, 9401.2, 9417.2: To solve the problem of loosing spark if the brake light burned out, CEV made versions special for USA mopeds, with a power resistor hidden inside. If the brake light burned out, the resistor would allow the engine to stay running. In ’78-79 the 9400.2, 9401.2 and 9417.2 superseded the 9400.1, 9401.1, and 9417.1.

top bulb 6V 10w, bottom 6V 5w, with ignition ground resistor 

black $109  on ’80-83 Grande
grey  $89.0 Piaggio 185028

9401.2  superseded to 9400.2
top bulb 6V 10w, bottom 6V 5w
with ignition ground resistor
on Garelli ’77-78 and some ’79-83
on Tomos ’77 and some ’78

top bulb 6V 10w, bottom 6V 5w
with ignition ground resistor, price $75$55
on Tomos ’79-85 and some ’78
Garelli ’84-86 and some ’79-83




————-9 4 0 0—P A R T S——————-
04818  0$8 bulb housing for 9400, 9401, 9417
xxxxxxxxx   says 19314, small glass BL, no resistor

04818.1 $15 bulb housing 9400.1,9401.1,9417.1
xxxxxxxxx   says 19477, large glass BL, no resistor

04818.2 $22 bulb housing 9400.2,9401.2,9417.2
xxxxxxxxx    says 19314 behind resistor

Left CEV 04818, right 04818.1





18596 x0$1 9400 lens screw ST#6 x 1.5″ 38mm
18596.1 xxx original for when the post is normal

18596.1  $1 9400 long screw ST#6 x 1.7″ 44mm

18596.2  $1 9400 long screw ST#6 x 2.0″ 51mm
18596.1 xxx for when part of the post breaks off
18596.3  $2 9400 long screw #6-32 x 2.5″ 63mm
18596.3  $1 9400 long screw shortened to 60mm

18596.1 xxx for when all of the post breaks off

04816 x$28 red lens with clear bottom, original
04818 xxx x says CEV 210, with side reflectors
213452 $22 red lens with red sides, replica
000000 $15 red lens with orange sides, replica

04814   $70 tail lamp body for 9400, says 19317
04815   $70 tail lamp body for 9401, says 19318
04927   $65 tail lamp body for 9417, says 19845

19609 x0$8 fender mount rubber for 9400, 9401

CEV 19609, for less-curved more-flat fenders

10628.2 $2.00 bulb 6V 5W small glass
10628.3 $2.00 bulb 6V 10W small glass
10629.2 $2.00 bulb 6V 15W large glass

19626 x0$6 resistor 3.9 Ω 10W, original is 4Ω
19626.1  $4 resistor 6.2 Ω 10W, for brighter BL

22222 x  N/A mount bolt for 9401 M6x40 all-thread

—- Solid Mount Parts, like on most mopeds

a  o31075 $0.50 hex nut M6
b  031845 $0.20 lock washer M6
c  031925 $0.20 plain washer M6
d  Cwedge $7.00 wedge with hole
e  025253 $1.00 hex bolt M6x20

—- Flexible Mount Parts, like on 1978-2011 Tomos

f  219869 $7.00 shoulder nut M6 11 hex
g  031926 $0.30 plain washer M8
h  219946 $5.00 vibration rubber 8 x 12
i  219866 $6.00 distance tube 6 x 9 x 5.5

9400 and 9401 are solid mount, M6 stud and a plastic post.
9417 is either solid or flexible mount, M6 stud and M6 bolt.


Left 9417, and right 9401 on Tomos






2a. Replica CEV Tail Lights

222639  CEV 9417 replica with red sides  N/A
1 bulb type, 12V 10/5W (uncommon in USA)
wires: black=ground, orange=brake, green=tail






222639-O1 CEV 9417 replica, orange sides N/A
1 bulb type, 12V 10/5W (uncommon in USA)
wires: black=ground, orange=brake, green=tail

These lamps look exactly like the original CEV 9417 on the outside. But inside the bulb holder-mirror is different. It is a single bulb type that cannot be swapped for an original 2-bulb type. In the USA, in motorcycle parts stores, the single dual filament bulb has limited choices in volts and watts. There is just 12V 21/5W #1157 or 6V 21/5W #1154. 

Because of the bulb availability, this lamp with a 6V 21/5W #1154 bulb is a good substitute for 9417.1 or 9417.2, without any resistor. But it is not a good substitute for 9417 because 6V 10/5W or 12V 10/5W dual filament bulbs are unavailable in USA auto parts stores. 

The three male blade connecters have a tiny barb on top. The barb can be depressed with a tiny screwdriver. That allows the connectors to be removed. Then the original lens and/or bulb holder can be transferred onto it. But modification is required. More to follow…


222639-O2 CEV 9417 replica orange sides $39
2 bulb type, 12V 10W top, 12V 5W bottom
wires: green=ground, black=brake, blue=tail

This lamp also looks exactly like the original CEV 9417. Inside it has a 2 bulb holder-mirror. The bulbs can be 6 or 12 volt, and 5 or 10 watt. A 1970’s bike needs 6V, but a 1990’s or later needs 12 volt bulbs. 

This entire lamp is a good substitute for CEV 9417.

Many 1970’s US-model bikes had a “secret” ignition ground resistor hidden inside this light. It allowed the bike to run even when the brake light was missing or burned out. This new light cannot hold a resistor, but one can be added to the ignition ground wire above the engine. The resistor costs $5 or $6, listed above.







Gurtner Carburetors

July 14, 2016


Contents (carburetor families):
1.  AD  on ’81-83 Motobecane  

2. D, E on ’75-83 Peugeot 102, 103
3. AR2 on ’70-80 Motobecane 40, 50
4. AR1 on ’66-78 Motobecane 7, Cady
5.  BA  on ’60-69 Motobecane, Raleigh
6.  AR  on ’55-65 Motobecane, Riverside

7. Floats
8. Jets
9. More  


Jules Gurtner started making carburetors in 1907, for some of the earliest automobiles and motorcycles.

Gurtner carburetors are made in France, and original on French mopeds Peugeot and Motobecane. See also

Gurtner early M18D M20D M22D M23.5D M25D

1940’s M series

Gurtner early M series article from 1945

1945 M series









Gurtner Master Catalogs: Here are the 1961 Gurtner Catalog and the 1980 Gurtner Catalog from 

Gurtner Moped Carburetors: Here are the 1961 Carb List and the 1980 Carb List. From those you can see that about one third of all Gurtner carbs are for mopeds (mobylettes). Before 1960, most Mobylettes had 10mm carburetors (or 8.7). So the speed and power were limited to be under about 25mph. After 1959, some had 10mm carbs and went 25mph, and some had 13mm carbs and went 30-35mph.

Much of this information and photos are from the Motobecane Club of France.




1. M Gurtner AD


Jet type 9831, float 13105, slide 13138 (∅15?) or 13416 (∅15?)

AD was the last Gurtner carburetor on Motobecane/MBK mopeds, before the change to Dellorto SHA.


1A. AD Carb List

AR2float 0 slide 0000 jet  000 diffuser       air box
float 000 slide 00000  jet  000 diffuser   assm.   bare

∅13 AD13-858-A  7/82  parts list
’80-82? Motobecane 99Z, 94Z
13105  13138 ∅15? 9831/78   13345 0  13104  13185

∅13 AD13-915   parts list
’80-82? Motobecane/MBK 51V
13105  13416 ∅15? 9831/78   11316 0  13534  11301

∅13 AD13-945   parts list
’80-82? Motobecane/MBK 51S
13105  13416 ∅15? 9831/76   14097 0  13534  11301



2. Peugeot 1980 tiny D and E


Jet 5012, float 6437, slide 4649/10 (∅11?) or 4649/8 (∅13)

102 has a fixed engine and piston port intake, to cylinder.
103 engine swings and has a reed valve intake, to case.
USA versions: U1 (20 mph), U2 (25 mph), U3 (30 mph)

Left, 102 has a fixed engine and piston port intake, to cylinder. R, 103 engine swings on the swing arm pivot, case reed intake.

Gurtner Peugeot remake

generic D12G remake

D12G-724F for 103

1980 102 SP U3 D12.698.G.1.80

D12G-698 for 102








2A. D Parts List

102 and 103 combined. Part numbers with “b” are 102-only.
New items prices are green. Used prices are dark green.

1970's 103 types had Gurtner D12 carburetors. '81-on 103/104 had Gurtner E12B carburetors. 
Original Carburetors with air cover   
fig price  Peug#  Gurtner# 
 jet slide  US/EU models
1a none 00000 D10G-754B 250 11 70’s 103 00  25kph
1a none 00000 D10G-918B 230 11 70’s 103 CH 30kph

1a none 48929 D12G-724C 245 13 76-80 103 0 25-30
1a none 00000 D12G-724E 245 13 70’s 104 L, LV 

$83.000000 D12G-724F 255 13 replacement 25-30
1a none 58036 D8.5G-826  240 11 76-80 103 0 20mph
1b none 46479 D12G-698   245 13 79-80 102 0 30mph
1b none 64203 D10G-975   220 13 79-80 102 0 25mph
1c  none 00000 E12B-738    000 00 81-83 103 0 25-30

fig  price   Peug# Gurtner# MB#  Carburetor Parts
2    $45.0 48929 carb 48929 bare   good used, tested
3    $15.0 69299 4649/8 15319 throttle slide Ø13 
3    none  69445 4649/10 throttle slide Ø?? for D8.5G-826
4    $5.00 53386 17732 14107 spring Ø9.5 x 30
5    10-$7 12156 carb top bare
5    $12.0 12156 7701 top assy 5,6,8,9,10,12,13  no slide
6    $1.00 07016 10218 14311 screw M4 x 12 
7    $4.00 09939 9939 air filter bracket
7b  $0.208560993660 01088 lock washer   
8    $5.00 01510 1510 00189 adjuster M6-0.75 
9    $2.50 01511 1511 04172 adjuster nut      
10  $3.00 08947 8947 drawing rod washer 
11  $8-$5 09394 9394 drawing rod gasket 
12  18-12 09393 9393 drawing rod 
$8.00 09391 9391 throttle pull clip  a wire “crankshaft”
14  $2.00 06546 6546 18892 idle screw M5-0.8
15  $2.00 05072 5072 00204 idle screw spring
15  none  06546 13667 idle screw and spring
16  none  69463 5012/66 jet 260=66 0.64  (0.025″)
16  none  69462 5012/64 jet 255=64  
16  none  69461 5012/63 jet 250=63 0.63 mm
16  $19.0 69460 5012/62 jet 245=62 0.62 mm
16  $11.0 69459 5012/60 jet 240=60 0.60 mm
16  $14.0 69458 5012/59 jet 235=59 0.59 mm
16  $14.0 69457 5012/58 jet 230=58 0.58 mm
16  none  69456 5012/56 jet 220=56 0.56 mm
17  $2.00 69300 fiber washer 19 x 12.5 x 0.4   optional
18  55-35 69755 float cover w/seat     
19  $5.00 09348 9348 rubber ring 22 x 27 x 1  
20  $5.00 69754 12372 plug M12-1.0 taper seal, no gasket
21  $2.00 08048 8048 float cover strap  for 103
21b $12.009365 9365 float cover strap  for 102
22  $0.60 10306 10306 13392 screw M5 x 10       
23  $24.0 06437 6437 float with needle Gurtner         
23  $14.0 06437 5440 float w/needle aftermarket
24  $8.00 04159 4159 14133 fuel filter screen
25  none  09860 9860 air box with filter   for 103
26  $12.0 09672 9672 air filter gasket          
26b $39.0 09388 9388 air box with filter   for 102
27  $15-9 09286 air box screw for 103 #1 original
27  $16.0 09286 air box screw for 103 #2 replacement
27  $10.0 09286 air box screw for 103 #3 or 4 original
27b $22.0 09395 air box screw for 102 #5 original
27b $16.0 09395 air box screw for 102 #6 replacement
28  $1.00 68239 9617 19689 screw M3-0.5 x 6
29  $6.00 68239 clamp bolt M6 special  
30  $0.3083208700010 clamp bolt nut
31  $10.0 68202 23134 mount clamp w/bolt  

Air box screw for Peugeot 102 and 103






3. M Gurtner AR2 


Jet type 581, float 4901, slide 4649/10 (∅13) or ????? (∅14)

Gurtner AR212/R705 remake

AR2-12-705 remake

Gurtner AR210-R991

Gurtner AR2-10-991





Gurtner AR2 series moped carburetors have a large flange, like a wall. It is for an “air box”, a noise silencing, fuel mist recovering, and air filtering chamber. There are two (venturi) sizes, 10 or 12 mm, and two styles, side or center mount. Center and side mount carbs look the same, but don’t interchange completely.


3A.  AR2 Parts List

Key: A= center mount carb only   B = side mount only
New prices are green. Used prices are dark green.


Original Carburetors without air cover   S is air box stud
fig price  MB#   Gurtner# 0 jet diffuser S US/EU models   mph
B none 00000 AR2-13-712 00   00000 0 70’s SP94 00 00   ?

A $110 20026 AR2-12-705 54   19990 0 74-76 50V 00 00 30 
B none 54973 AR2-12-873 56   22937 5 76-79 50V 00 00 30
B $180 54973 Ø12 07776   56   22937 5 orig replacement 30
B none 54973 AR2-12-978 56   22937 6 79-80 50V 00 00 30
B none 54973 Ø12 13512   56   21002 6 orig replacement 30
B $120 22160 AR2-12-729 56   21002 5 74-77 50 40   25-30 
B none 22160 AR2-12-729 56   21002 6 78-80 50 40   25-30 
A none 52175 AR2-10-759 52   54237 0 75-77 50V 00 00 25 
A none 52175 AR2-10-737 K80 52560 0 77-79 50V 00 00 25 
A none 52175 AR2-10-991 K80 52560 0 78-80 50V 00 00 25
none 54115 AR2-10-910 52   20573 5 76-77 50V 50 40 20
none 54115 AR2-10-910 52   20573 6 78-78 50V 50 40 20
none 54115 Ø10 13510   52   20573 6 orig replacement 20

  fig  price    MB#  Carburetor Parts 
$65.0 53657 carb body bare AR2-12-705
  1A none  52430 carb body bare AR2-10-991 & 737
  1B $50.0 54466 carb body bare AR2-12-873 & 729
  1B none  54235 carb body bare AR2-10-910
  2A $19.0 18355 air filter cover   for center mount
  2B none  20949 air filter cover   for side mount
  3A $12.0 15041 air filter screen  for center mount
  3B $6.00 20999 air filter screen  for side mount
  4A $12.0 18356 spring clip         for center mount
  4B $4.00 m6cup cupped washer upgrade, see above
  5B $1.00 m5lock M5 nylock nut   for M5 stud
  5B $1.00 m6lock M6 nylock nut   for M6 stud
  5B $2-$1 13339 M5 knurled nut  for M5 stud
  6B $5.00 21000 stud 5mm         side mount pre-79
  6B $8.00 23562 stud 6mm         side mount 78-on
  6B $5.00 special M6-M5 step stud for stripped M5 hole
  7B $3.00 20997 air filter gasket  18 x 21 x 1.5mm
  8B $8.00 20996 air filter 5mm     side mount pre-79
  8B $20.0 23561 air filter 6mm     can drill a 5 to 6
  9   $1.00 19689 taper screw M4-0.7 x 6/8 on USA models
10   $1.00 19767 bolt M5-0.8 x 44    M5 w/flange 10 hex
11   $2.00 15326 fiber washer 5mm 5 x 10mm
12   $6.00 20475 o-ring 21×24 x 1.5  this is optional
12   $0.00 somehow, removing this often makes it leak less
13A $5.00 00189 adjuster M6-0.75   A13
13B $16.0 21940 cable guide, used   for side mount
13B $14.0 substitute 2cr + 3a Dellorto cable pipe
14   $0.50 18893 screw M5-0.8 x 12  
15   $0.20 01271 washer M5           
16A $12.0 21229 slide cap M6-0.75   threaded for adjuster
16B $5.00 21696 slide cap                recessed for elbow
17   $5.00 14107 spring Ø9.5 x 30    same as Peugeot
18   $15.0 15319 throttle slide Ø13   for AR2-10 & Peugeot
18   $15.0 19278 throttle slide Ø14   for AR2-12 carbs
19   $7.00 14120 choke spring       
19B $2.00 22935 choke cable ring    cable end adapter
20   $9.00 14119 choke slide brass   stepped 6.3 x 5.7 x 15
20B $8.00 22936 choke push rod      original white plastic
20B $3.00 22936 substitute (adjuster A2)
21   $2.00 00204 idle spring 7.5 x 11 
22   $2.00 18892 screw M5-0.8 x 16  same as Peugeot
23   $5.00 00208 bolt assy M6-1.0 
24   $3.00 00878 tall nut M6-1.0   12mm tall 8mm hex
25   $2.00 15043 clamp for ∅21.7 (to 3/78)
26   $10.0 23134 clamp for ∅23.5 (4/78-on) 
26A none  14100 sleeve 19×16 black   for AR2-10-991
26A $21.0 16630 sleeve 19×17 white  for AR2-12-705
26B none   22689 rubber washer 15 x 19 x 2
27   $6.00 18880 float gasket   
28   $8.00 14133 fuel filter/screen     same as Peugeot
29   42-25 14101 float Gurtner 4901 41.4 x 23.6 
29   $12.0 14101 float aftermarket   40.3-40.9 x 22.6-22.7
30B $38.0 22937 slide fit diffuser Ø0.91  AR2-12-873 & 978
30A $7.00 19990 9346/1 diffuser Ø1.50  AR2-12-705
30A none  20573 9529/3 diffuser Ø0.00  AR2-10-910 pre-78
30A none  54237 slide fit diffuser Ø1.50  AR2-10-910 ’78-on
30B $35.0 21002 slide fit diffuser Ø0.91  AR2-12-729
31   $3.00 20000 collar M7-1.0           holds slide-fit diffuser
32   $1.00 19689 screw M3-0.5 x 7     M3 taper seal
33   none  52560 press diffuser Ø0.61 AR2-10-991 & 737
34A none  21228 float top horiz inlet   for center mount
34B none  22161 float top vert inlet    for side mount
35   none  22339 float top no inlet      for carb w/inlet
36   $17.0 23545 581/52 jet 0.52 mm 210cc  for AR2-10-910
36   none  21841 581/52 jet 0.52 mm   #52  
36   $10.0 23546 581/54 jet 0.54 mm 220cc  for AR2-12-705
36   $14.0 21843 581/54 jet 0.54 mm   #54  for 
36   $19.0 23547 581/56 jet 0.56 mm 230cc  AR2-12-873 & 978
36   $19.0 21949 581/56 jet 0.56 mm   #56  for AR2-12-729
36   $15.0 00000 581/57 jet 0.575mm   #00 drilled w/#74 drill
36   $19.0 23548 581/58 jet 0.58 mm 240cc  for AR1-10
36   $19.0 22938 581/58 jet 0.58 mm   #58  
36   $19.0 23549 581/60 jet 0.60 mm   #60  for AR1-10
36   $15.0 00000 581/61 jet 0.615mm   #00 drilled w/#73 drill

36   $15.0 00000 581/64 jet 0.64 mm    #00 drilled w/#72 drill
36   $19.0 51052 000/00 jet 0.80 mm   K80  AR2-10-991 & 737
40   $17.0 aftermarket AR2 Carb Kit correct only for AR2-12-705



3B.  AR2 Information

Side mount carburetors have threads for an air filter stud, side holes for a center mount air box clip, and clamp to a 19mm intake pipe. The side mount float top cover has a vertical fuel hose spigot. A stripped bare side mount body, as is, will exactly replace a bare center mount body.

Motobecane 30mph variator side-mount carb with long pipe

side mounted AR2 carburetors

Motobecane 20mph no-variator side-mount carb with thin long pipe

side mount thin pipe

40TS side mount with top-pull choke









Center mount carburetors have no threads in the stud hole, side holes for a center mount air box clip, and have removable sleeves, black 16 x 19 (for AR210), and white 17 x 19mm (for AR212). The sleeves reduce the precision clamp size from 19mm to 16 or 17. The purpose is to be tamper resistant. The sleeves fit tight and are difficult to remove without damaging them. The center mount float top cover has a horizontal fuel hose spigot. A stripped bare center mount body, after threads are cut in the air box post hole, will replace a bare side mount body.

Motobecane 30mph variator center-mount carb with short pipe

center mounted AR2 carburetors


Center mount early  Some pre-USA years 1960’s or early 1970’s had no fuel hose inlet in the float top cover. Instead it was in the carburetor body just below the float top. This type is in many Motobecane USA parts illustrations, but it was not used on any, or hardly any US models. In the illustration below it was edited out. Out of 47 original carbs, taken off once-living Motobecanes from around Southern California, none were this “center mount early” type with the fuel hose spigot in the carb body.


OEM Replacements Motobecane USA 1976-80  
is pre-1978 12mm, 5mm stud, thin mount.

13512 is 1978-on 12mm, 6mm stud, thick mount.
13510 is 1978-on 10mm, 6mm stud, thick mount.

In 1977 the air box stud 5 mm threads would sometimes get stripped, or the clamp mounts would sometimes break. So during 1978, on some they made the air box stud 6 mm and the casting thicker at the mount. From 1979-on all were 6 mm.

MB carb mounts early (thin) and late (thick).

MB carb mounts
early (thin)
and late (thick).


Mount Type: All Motobecane carbs clamp to 19.0mm inlet pipes. But many of the pre-March 1978 carburetors were cracking at the edge of the clamp, or the base of the petals. So Gurtner beefed up the carb body with a reinforcing ring, made the clamp petals about 1mm thicker each, and changed the clamp to the bigger Peugeot double-wall type.

Air Filter Stud: When the mount was made stronger in 1978, the air filter post was also beefed up from 5mm to 6mm. This made the threads in the body more resistant to stripping. Another issue that was improved is when the air filter stud is over tightened, a bulge can form in the float chamber wall behind it. That bulge makes the float stick. See below.

Center Mount Air Cover: The center mount type (short and deep) air box is too deep and sticks out too much as a side mount. The right side engine cover panel must be removed, and some kind of high-offset right pedal crank arm installed. Then maybe pedal threads are different.

Side Mount Air Cover: The side mount type (tall and flat) air box is too tall and hits the frame as a center mount. More importantly, they break, fall off, and get thrown away, in addition to getting lost. Because of that, they have become scarce and pricey. From 2000-2015 maybe 200 people have asked for this item, but only two were available and sold at MM.

Gurtner Motobecane air box covers

Three views of the side (L) and center (R) types of MB air box covers


Motobecane side mount air box nut and cupped washer upgrade

Side mount air cover breaks without cupped washer/nut.

The Motobecane piston-port two-stroke engine needs the air cover because the gasoline mist flows in and out in both directions. So there is a little cloud of fuel and oil mist out in front of the carburetor. Without the air cover, this fuel cloud gets wasted and blown away (or ends up on the riders right leg or shoe). Besides that, the air cover provides the correct amount of flow restriction, which is a good thing, up to a point. See below about running without an air cover (how it can damage the engine by over-heating from not enough fuel and oil).



Air cover substitution: Here is a center-mount air cover installed on a side-mount carburetor. Holes have to be drilled for the mounting wire clip, and the lower right corner has to be warmed up and molded inward where it touches the round magneto base plate. More importantly, the side cover must be removed, and it almost touches the pedal. So it’s easy to kick it when pedalling.

Choke Slide: This is often mysteriously missing, but actually stuck in the lowest (normal) position, either by tar or corrosion. It can be unfroze with solvent and/or by removing the cable wire and pushing it up from the bottom by tapping with a small punch and hammer. When the choke slide is pulled up, the choke is “on” for cold starting, and an extra fuel path is exposed by the step in the choke slide. If the choke slide is actually missing, the choke would be “on” all the time, but some extra air gets in along with the extra fuel. So the net effect of running without a choke slide is minor. 

Top Pull or Bottom Pull Choke Cable:

1. On center mount carburetors, for variator models, the choke cable is “top pull”. The choke and throttle cables detach, allowing the carburetor to be serviced away from the bike.

Gurtner MB Top pull choke cable routing

Gurtner AR2 top pull choke cable routing

2. On side mount carbs for non-variator (Dimoby) models, the choke cable is “top pull”, but has a elbow (curved tube), like the throttle cable. The choke and throttle cables detach, allowing the carburetor to be serviced away from the bike.

Gurtner MB bottom pull choke parts exposed

AR2 bottom pull choke parts exposed

3. On side mount carbs for ’78-later 30mph variator models, the choke cable is “bottom pull”, where the choke wire runs through the carb body, trapping it on or near the bike. On those most service operations are done with cables attached, about one foot away from the bike. To remove the carb you have to pull the choke wire all the way out. Then it won’t usually go back because the braided end gets frayed. Then the choke wire has to be replaced. 


 Le Diffuseur: When you look down the “throat” or venturi of a Gurtner carburetor, with the throttle wide open (throttle slide up and out of the way of the air), the little brass tube that sticks up from the floor of the venturi is the diffuser. It sprays the gasoline mist sucked up by the moving air.

Left, top are the way more common type, the “slide fit” type diffusers. Can you see, besides the main large hole down the middle, that each diffuser has two small holes facing out of the page? Those are the idle holes. When they are blocked, the engine will run OK, but will not run slow or “idle”. On a 21002 diffuser the idle holes are 0.016″. That size hole is cleaned with a #78 drill, also 0.016″.

Left, bottom are the less common type, the “press fit” type diffusers. You can only see one idle hole on this kind, but there is another on the opposite side. These diffusers have a very small center hole, that serves has the limiting jet. They are installed by pressing in from above, instead of sliding in from below like the other kind. The purpose of this type is to be tamper resistant. There is no particular direction that they have to be aimed at, and no flat side in the carb body for that purpose.


Motobecane 20mph carb sliced in half

Slide Fit and Press Fit Diffusers: Some Motobecane carburetors have “press fit” diffusers, instead of the usual “slide fit”. This is one of those types (AR2-10-737 or AR2-10-991 or perhaps others) that has been sliced in half to expose it’s secrets.

While “slide fit” diffusers slide in and out from the bottom, this “press fit” diffuser 52560, and carburetor type, slides (presses actually) in or out from the top. Many of these get smashed on top by Motobecane mechanics trying to push the diffuser downwards, the normal way out.

Press-fit-diffuser carburetors cannot be made to accept slide fit diffusers. 


Motobecane Choke Circuit cut away

Choke (cold starting) system: Unlike the Peugeot Gurtner and most other moped carburetor chokes, the Motobecane Gurtner AR2 has an additional fuel path or tunnel. It’s “choke” is a fuel enrichment device rather than an air restricting device. The choke circuit is completely independent of the main fuel circuit. It has it’s own fuel tunnel out of the float bowl, that bypasses the throttle slide, diffuser, and jet. 

Original Equipment Carbs have Dates: This carburetor clearly shows it’s manufacture date of 5/77, below the model number. It could be from a late 1977 or a 1978 bike. The 39 used Gurtner AR2 carburetors in Myrons Mopeds inventory on Dec 2014 have dates ranging from 03/74 to 04/80. The majority are from 1977 and 1979. See above “Population Study of Gurtner AR1 and AR2 Carburetors in Southern California”.   



4. M Gurtner AR1


AR1 has Gurtner jet type 581, float 5186 or 6758

Parts for five Gurtner AR1 carburetors are listed here, combined into one list using quantity colums a,b,c,d,e. 


a. Gurtner AR1-10-674 ’66-68 Motobecane Cady M1


b. Gurtner AR1-10-691 ’66-78 Cady M1P, PR, PRT, PRTS

MB Cady and MB 7 air boxes


c. Gurtner AR1-11.5-753 ’74-77 Cady M3PR, PRT, PRTS


d. Gurtner AR1-10-919 ’78 Motobecane 7 (US 20, 25)
e. Gurtner AR1-12-884
’78 Motobecane 7 (US 30mph)

1978-79 Motobecane 7

Gurtner AR1-12 carburetor complete 3 views

In US mopeds, AR1 carburetors were only on one model for one year. That lone French pony was the 1978 Motobecane Model 7. Only about 2 or 4% of the Motobecanes sold in the US were Model 7.


AR1 Carb List

AR1float 0 slide 0000 jet  000 diffuser       air box
float 000 slide 00000  jet  000 diffuser   assm.   bare

∅10 AR1-10-691  parts list
1966-78 Cady M1P, PR, PRT, PRTS
5186  8686 ∅00 00 581/B53    fixed 00  7679  4909

∅10 AR1-10-A691  parts list
1974-77 Cady M3PR, PRT, PRTS export
6758  8686 ∅00 00 581/B52    fixed 00  7682  11021

∅11.5 AR1-11.5-753  parts list
1974-77 Cady M3PR, PRT, PRTS
6758  4685/12 ∅00  581/B55   fixed 00  7681  11021

∅10 AR1-10-+919   parts list
1978 Motobecane 7 (20)
5186  8686 ∅00 00 581/B60   8669/1    7783  13289

∅10 AR1-10-919  3/78 parts list
1978 Motobecane 7 (25), 70’s M7
5186  8686 ∅00 00 581/B58   8669/2    7783  13289

∅12 AR1-12-884  11/77 parts list
1978 Motobecane 7 (30), 70’s M7
5186  4685/1 ∅14  581/B54   4687/3    7783  13289


Gurtner MB7

pic abcde price   MB#   Gurt#   description    remarks 

00 10000 none  00000 carburetor Ø10 AR1-10-674
00 01000 none  19600 carburetor Ø10 AR1-10-691
00 00100 none  00000 carbur.    Ø11.5 AR1-11.5-753
00 00010 none  54458 carburetor Ø10 AR1-10-919
 00001 none  23021 carburetor Ø12 AR1-12-884
01 00001 none  54454 7782 carb body bare Ø12
01 11010 none  54225 carb body bare Ø10
02 00111 $2.00 23194 9754 top screw M4-0.75 x 22
02 11000 $2.00 17760 top screw M4-0.75 x 20
03 00111 $0.20 01088 3650 washer M4 lock
03 11000 none  00943 washer M4 lock
04 11111 none  17759 8002 carb top
05 11111 $7.00 14120 3936 choke spring    
06 11111 $9.00 14119 3935 choke slide  
07 11111 $5.00 14107 3771 throttle spring 9.7 x 29
08 11010 none  19605 8086 throttle slide Ø12  
08 00101 $35.0 16629 4685/1 throttle slide Ø14
09 11111 $2.00 00204 5072 idle screw spring
10 11111 $2.00 18892 6546 idle screw
11 11111 $5.00 00208 bolt assy
12 11111 $2.00 15043 4330 clamp
13 00111 none   22689 7088/1 seal ring 15 x 19 x 2
01000 none  19215 581/B48 jet 19 = 195cc = 48
14 01000 none  18973 581/B52 jet 20 = 210cc = 52
14 0000$10.0 23546 581/B54 jet 22 = 220cc = 54
14 00010 $19.0 23548 581/B58 jet 00 = 240cc = 58
14 00010 $19.0 23549 581/B60 jet 24 = 245cc = 60
15 00011 none  23196 7783 air filter assy
16 00011 none  23195 13288 air filter mount
17 00022 none  23139 13432 screw M5x10 allen
17 00022 $0.60 subst. screw M5x10 phillips
17 22200 none  19248 screw M4x10
18 00011 none  14123 5186 float
18 11100 none  16113 6758 float
19 11111 none  14103 3764 float gasket
20 00022 $0.20 01088 3680 lock washer M4
22 22200 $0.20 00943 subst. lock washer M4
21 00022 $1.00 14106 10218 float screw M4x12 phillips
22 00011 none  19143 3752 fuel filter
23 00011 $2.00 15326 14025 fiber washer 5×10
24 00011 $0.60 13245 8176 bolt M5x10 hex
25 00122 $16.0 21940 cable guide 
26 00011 none  23197 13289 air box
27 22222 none  19606 10271 wood-type screw 4 x 13
28 11111 none  19145 8523 air box clamp assy
29 00011 $50.0 23199 12931 float chamber cap




5. M Gurtner BA


BA has Gurtner type 5012 jet, 6685 float


1962 Riverside 14030

BA Carb List

BAfloat 0 slide 00000 jet  000 diffuser       air box
float 000 slide 00000  jet  000 diffuser   assm.   bare

∅10 BA10-549-D (BA-549-D)  7/60  parts list
1960 Mobylette
6685  4649/10 ∅13  5012/19    fixed 00  6747  4022

∅10 BA10-540-F (BA-540-F) 2/62 parts list  photos 1 2 3 4
1962 Riverside 14030
6685  4649/10 ∅13  5012/20    fixed 00  6747  4022

∅10 BA10-610-B (BA-610-B)  5/63  photos 1
1963 Raleigh RM6 Runabout
6685  4649/10 ∅13  5012/20?  fixed 00  6747  4022

∅10 BA10-610 (BA-610)  parts list  photos 1
1962 Motoconfort AU65, 60’s AV44, 76, 85
6685  4649/10 ∅13  5012/21, 20 fixed   6747  4022

∅10 BA10-610-C (BA-610-C)  10/63  photos 1 2 3 4
1962 Motobecane AV48
6685  4649/10 ∅13  5012/19   fixed 00  6747  4022



6. M Gurtner AR


AR has Gurtner type 3983 jet, 5186 float



1960 Riverside 14011

AR Carb List

ARfloat 0 slide 00000 jet  000 diffuser       air box
float 000 slide 00000  jet  000 diffuser   assm.   bare

∅10 AR10-429  parts image
1957-60 Riverside 14007A, 14010A, 14010B
5186  14124 ∅13 00  01122 0014126  00 000  15037

∅10 AR10-501  7/57  parts list
1957 Motobecane AV78 (variator)
5186  3100/10 ∅13  3983/21  5523 00  6747   4022

∅10 AR10-511  parts list
1950’s Motobecane, Dimoby (no variator)
5186  3763/8 ∅13 0 3983/20  5370 0    5946   5782

∅13 AR13-488-K  6/60  parts image
1960-62 Riverside 14010, 14010C, 14011, 14011A
5186  4685/14 ∅14  3983/21  4687 0 6904/2  4022

∅13 AR13-488  parts list
1961 Motobecane AV87 
5186  4685/14 ∅14  3983/21  4687 0 6904/2  4022






7. Gurtner Floats



Gurtner Floats

Gurtner 6437 and 4901

On 1970’s US mopeds there are 3 Gurtner floats:
5186 (Motobecane 14123) for AR1 carbs on Model 7

4901 (Motobecane 14101) for AR2 carbs on 40, 50
6437 (Peugeot 06437) for D-type carbs on 102, 103

Gurtner used to color code their new float containers green for Motobecane and red for Peugeot. Otherwise they are almost indistinguishable, unless together side by side. 

5186, 4901, 6437 specs

6685 specs

Float Service: On plastic types the needle is a press fit into the top and bottom holes in the bulb. The needle can simply need moving up or down. Or it could also need the tip straightened and/or sharpened/machined. Or the needle could need to be replaced, if it has become too short or too bent. Any piece of 1.5mm brass rod, cut to these lengths, and machined to a cone tip, would restore the float. In addition, a gasoline-proof sealant should be used to seal the press-fit holes, as a precaution, or if gasoline enters the bulb. 

Float List

Most data are from in France.
Most of these floats can be purchased there.
US models in blue.

13160 brass  for
needle ∅1.5 x 37.8, bulb ∅22.2
for chamber ∅23.4

1950’s Peugeot
superseded by 6437

13155 brass  for
needle ∅1.5 x 41.5, bulb ∅24.0
for chamber ∅25.2
1950’s Motobecane
superseded by 4901

6758 brass  for AR and AR¹ carbs
needle ∅1.5 x 41.7, bulb ∅22.7
for chamber ∅
for 66-78 Motobecane Cady
Motobecane #16113

5186 brass  for A, AR, AR1 carbs
needle ∅1.5 x 41.5, bulb ∅22.5 x 20.3
for chamber ∅23.6-23.9

’57-64 Ward (except 14030), 78 MB7
high bulb, Motobecane #14123

3739 brass  for C carbs: C10D
needle ∅1.5 x 41.7, bulb ∅22.5 x 20.3
for chamber ∅

for Peugeot Bima
low bulb, Peugeot #03739

6685A brass  for B, BA, BR carbs
needle ∅1.5 x 35.7, bulb ∅22.2 x 20.5
for chamber ∅23

60’s MB, Raleigh, ’61-63 Ward 14030
Motobecane #

6437 plastic for D carbs: D8.5 D10 D12
needle ∅1.5 x 37.8, bulb ∅22.0 x 20.1
for chamber ∅23.4

76-83 Peugeot 102, 103, 70’s BB
Peugeot #06437

4901 plastic for AR2 carbs
needle ∅1.5 x 41.5, bulb ∅24.0 x 20.3
for chamber ∅25.2

74-80 Motobecane 40, 50, others
wide bulb, Motobecane #14101

4901/2 plastic for E carbs: E12
needle ∅1.5 x 41.5, bulb ∅24.0 x 20.3
for chamber ∅

81-83 Peugeot 103, 80’s 104, GT10
wide bulb, Peugeot #

13105 plastic for AD carbs: AD13
needle ∅1.5 x 41.5, bulb ∅25.2 x 20.6
for chamber ∅

1980’s MBK 51, M16, 99Z 92GT
wider bulb, MBK #23135





8. Jets



There are three types of Gurtner jets (gicleurs), 581, 5012, and 9831. 


M5.5-0.75 thread




M7-1.0 thread




M7-1.0 thread




There are three size label types, here called 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.
A  581  jet, 60’s size 21, equals 70’s size 215, equals 80’s size 53.
A 5012 jet, 60’s size 21, equals 70’s size 215, equals 80’s size 54.
A 9831 jet, 60’s size 00, equals 70’s size 215, equals 80’s size 55.

Use this table to cross reference Gurtner sizes.



9. More



Population Study of Gurtner AR1 and AR2 Carburetors in Southern California

These 47 Motobecane carburetors all came from whole bikes that were stripped out for parts. The Motobecane population in the greater Los Angeles area is roughly represented by this large subset. Out of 47 carbs there were only two AR1 types, from Model 7. All of the 45 others were from Models 40 and 50. 

Year  Qty  Carb Type   Mount   Dates

1974   1  AR2-12-774   center  03/74

1975   7  AR2-12-705   center  07/75 07/75 07/75

1975   6   AR2-12-729   center  11/75 12/75 12/75 12/75

1976   8  AR2-12-705   center  01/76 01/76 01/76 01/76 01/76 03/76 10/76

1976   5   AR2-10-759   center  06/76

1977  13  AR2-12-705   center  01/77

1977   10  AR2-12-873     side   03/77 04/77 05/77 06/77 11/77 12/77 12/77

1977   10  AR2-12-729   center  02/77 04/77

1977   10  AR2-10-737     side   05/77

 1977   10 AR1-12-884    —–    11/77  11/77

1978   6  AR2-12-873     side   01/78 05/78 05/78 11/78 11/78

1978   1  AR1-10-919     side 03/78

1979   9  AR2-12-729   center  01/79

1979   9   AR2-12-873     side   03/79 05/79 05/79 05/79 06/79 07/79 07/79 11/79

1980   4  AR2-12-978     side   04/80 04/80 04/80 04/80

total  47

These are the surviving Motobecane carburetors that lasted longer than the rest of the bike. If there were times when the metal was weak, those months or batches would be missing from this collection, pretty much, because the ones that tended to break already broke and were thrown away. It seems like 1978 is missing some survivors, mysteriously. Perhaps they were used as upgrades/replacements for 1976-77 thin-mount ones that broke. You can see from this sub-population that early carburetors were center mount, and late ones were side mount, and in between was both.




Engine Hardware

July 13, 2016

updated 2023-07

1. Top End Hardware
2. Woodruff Keys
3. Engine Nuts
4. Shim Washers
5. Circlips (Snap Rings)
6. Variator Weights


1   T O P   E N D   H A R D W A R E


P I S T O N   P I N S
∅10  (9.98) x 32.0  $10.0  Tomos A3 #201627
∅12(11.98) x 30.0  $10.0  Derbi #00.00.000, Solex
∅12(11.98) x 30.5  $10.0  Sachs 504,505 1A,1B
∅12(11.98) x 31.3  $9.50  Minarelli V1   #4480
∅12(11.98) x 31.5 
$10.0  Puch E50,ZA50 #331.110.0111
∅12(11.98) x 31.5  $0.00  Morini #26-8001, Demm, Vespa #132233
∅12(11.98) x 31.8  $12.0  Sachs 504,505 1C,1D
∅12(11.98) x 32.0  $10.0  Tomos A35,A55 #227501
∅12(11.98) x 32.4  $10.0  Garelli H1,H2,G2,V2
∅12(11.99) x 32.9  $10.0  Laura M48,M56 #480501
∅12(11.98) x 32.9  $10.0  Peugeot 102,103 #27194
∅12(11.98) x 34.5  $0.00  Minarelli V1L #4481
∅13(12.98) x 30.0  $10.0  Motobecane #F15094
∅14(13.97) x 32.0  $10.0  Jawa #28-1221


Piston pin clips: 2-tail, 1-tail, no tail, circlip

P I S T O N   P I N   C L I P S
clip ∅10 x 0.9 no tail   $3.00  Honda 13115-147-000

clip ∅10 x 1.2,  1 tail   $1.00  generic 132038
clip ∅10 x 1.2,  2 tail  $1.00 Tomos 032038

clip ∅12 x 1.2,  2 tail   $1.00  Tomos 032039
clip ∅12 x 1.2,  1 tail   $1.50  Minarelli 4490, Morini 10.4001
clip ∅12 x 1.2 no tail   $1.90  generic for Honda 13115.156.000
circlip ∅12 x 1.0 tail    $1.00  Peugeot 22309, Piaggio S.6612
clip ∅13 x 1.2,  1 tail   $1.50  Motobecane 00658, generic 132039
clip ∅14 x 1.2,  1 tail   $1.50  generic 633848

Choices: 1 or 2 tails is easier to install or remove. No tail is better for high RPM, where the tail rubs and can break off. No tail clips require a notch in the piston for removal. Circlip type (aka snap ring or retaining ring) is more secure and takes less skill, but requires special pliers and weighs more.

Important: So the clip doesn’t come out and destroy the engine, it must make a “snap” or “click” sound when it snaps into the groove. Mild pulling on the clip tail with a needle-nose pliers should not dislodge it from the clip groove. If it doesn’t click, then it has lost it’s spring tension, or maybe the piston pin is over part of the clip groove. Wire clips can be bent back, to restore tension.


Nuts: M5x25, M6x5, M6x6, M6x8, M6x8, M6x18

H E A D  o r  E X H A U S T   N U T S
steel nut  M5 -0.8 x 5   $0.40  regular
steel nut  M5 -0.8 x 25 $1.50  tall, Morini 13.3023
steel nut  M6 -1.0 x 5   $0.30  regular
steel nut  M6 -1.0 x 6   $0.60  thick
brass nut M6 -1.0 x 8   $2.50  thick, Puch #902.2919
brass nut M6 -1.0 x 8   $1.80  thick, sharp corners

steel nut  M6 -1.0 x 18 $1.00  tall, coupling nut
steel nut  M7 -1.0 x5.5 $0.60  regular
steel nut  M7 -1.0 x 7   $0.60  thick, Grimeca hub sprocket

steel nut  M7 -1.0 x 10 $1.50  thick, Motobecane #00011

Choices: Tall nuts (aka coupling nuts) are for hard to reach places. Thick nuts are for the head. They have more strength, and can hold more torque. Brass nuts are for the exhaust flange. They expand more when hot and stay tight.


Cylinder studs, oriented top end at right

C Y L I N D E R   S T U D S
M6  x 105  $4.00  Puch E50, ZA50 1970-86, #360.110.0341
M6  x 107  $4.20  Laura M56 engine, Trac 1982-86 #E1-14
M6  x 110  $3.50  generic for Puch, M56, others #407801
M6  x 112 
$4.00  Jawa 207, 210 replacement

M6  x 114  none    Jawa 207, 210 1970-88+ #28-1112
M6  x 115  $9.00  Laura M48 used Batavus  #829680
M6  x 116  $7.50  Honda 92700-06115
M6  x 130  $4.00  unknown app
M6  x 136  $4.50  Minarelli V1 series engines, MMI #5530
M6/7  105  none  generic for stripped Puch case #6/7×105
M6/7  115  none  generic for Tomos A55 2002-13, #233716
M7  x 103  $5.00  Garelli horizontal-cyl eng, #205001.3.486
M7  x 112  $2.50  Peugeot 103, 102 eng. 1975-83 #827022
M7  x 113  $5.00  Garelli vert.-cylinder eng. #000351.3.486
M7  x 115  $2.80  Tomos A3, A35 engines 1974-06, #205386
M7  x 117  $4.50  Derbi Variant engines 1974-86, #31.30.050
M7  x 120  $3.50  Vespa (Piaggio) #S.595
M7  x 129  $4.00  Motobecane 50V, 50, 40 engines #14716

C Y L I N D E R   B O L T S
M6 x 100  none    Honda PA50 cylinder hex bolt 95801-0610000
M6 x 120 
$5.00  unknown app cylinder hex bolt


Studs, oriented top at right

E X H A U S T  or  I N T A K E   S T U D S
M5  x 23  $3.50  Jawa exhaust #28-1410
M5  x 27  $3.00  Jawa intake #28-1408
M5  x 30  $2.50  Morini exhaust #23-5014
M5  x 33  $2.00  
M5  x 55  $2.00  
M5  x 62  $3.00  Motobecane air filter
M6  x 24  $2.00  12-4-8 uneven ends 

M6  x 26  $2.00  12-4-10 uneven ends 
M6  x 28  $3.00  12-4-12 Minarelli
M6  x 28  $2.00  14-4-10 uneven ends 

M6  x 30  $3.00  12-6-12 Tomos A55 exhaust, others
M6  x 32  $2.50  14-4-14 
M5  x 62  $3.00  Motobecane air filter
M6/8  23  $5.50  step-stud for stripped thread repair
M8  x 33  $2.00  1.00 and 1.25 thread
M10 x44  $2.00  both ends 1.25 thread


223440 and 233718

C E N T E R I N G   T U B E S   a n d   P I N S
type outer inner length price      applications

pin   ∅6.00 ∅6.0 x 19  $2.50  Tomos #037.290 A3 clutch & case
tube ∅9.74 ∅6.2 x 16  $4.50  Tomos #223440 A35/A55 clutch & mag


Tomos A55 cylinder

E L A S T I C   C E N T E R I N G   S L E E V E S
outer inner length price      applications
∅7.7   ∅6.7 x 15 
 N/A     Puch #328.910.1081 Magnum cylinder 
∅8.2   ∅7.2 x 16  $2.00  Tomos #233718 A55 cylinder base

Note: These elastic sleeves get smaller when installed, like piston rings.
The installed diameter is 8.2 but the free diameter is like 8.7 mm.
You can see the large gap in the photo, that closes when installed.


2   W O O D R U F F    K E Y S


1. top key is normal, bottom key is beveled
2. cutter tool makes a circular key groove

Chart of keys grouped by size and shape



Woodruff Keys for Sale

Key colors: Beige keys are in most assortments. Grey keys are not.

part#  price   W  x   H  x   L     D     7 mm circle
   $2.00 2.0 x 2.6 x 6.9   ∅7   
Garelli 1-spd 273.511.0046, CEV 6933 flywheel


part#  price   W  x   H  x   L     D    10 mm circle
   $5.00 2.0 x 2.6 x 8.7   ∅10
made by grinding an M81 lower

   $2.00 2.0 x 3.7 x 9.4   ∅10    
Sachs 504 (KTM), CEV 6949 flywheel
Sachs 504, sm Bosch 0212 010 001 flywheel
Kreidler, sm Bosch 0212 010 002 flywheel
Italjet + Morini, Bosch 0212 010 003 flywheel
Batavus/Trac M56, sm Bosch 0212 010 004 flywheel

M83   $4.50 2.5 x 3.0 x 9.0   ∅10  
Garelli 2-spd 271.018.00, CEV 6939 flywheel
made by grinding an M82 lower

Mmo  none  2.5 x 3.1 x 9.2   ∅10  beveled
Morini #12-7025 MO1,MO2,M1   use M83

M82   $2.00 2.5 x 3.7 x 9.6   ∅10  
Derbi ’76-86 Motoplat & ’86-89 CEV flywheels

M85   $2.00 3.0 x 3.7 x 9.5   ∅10   
Puch #900.4503, big Bosch flywheel
Sachs 505 big Bosch flywheel
Minarelli #4720, 4730


part#  price   W  x   H  x   L     D    13 mm circle
$8.00 3.0 x 3.0 x 10.2 ∅13  beveled
early Minarelli P4,P6 to 3-’74 pinion gear
made by grinding an M96 from 5.0 to 3.0

Min    $7.00 3.0 x 4.6 x 12.2 ∅13  beveled
Indian AMI-50 E606-00-50, WTEMCO flywheel

M96   $5.00 3.0 x 5.0 x 12.4 ∅13  beveled
pre-’78  Vespa #267 flywheel & rear clutch
Morini 12-7002 MO-1, MO-K sprocket, or use M86

M96a $2.00 3.0 x 5.0 x 12.4 ∅13  top beveled 
post-78 Vespa #267 flywheel & rear clutch

M86   $1.50 3.0 x 5.0 x 12.4 ∅13   
Puch 1-sp clutch
Batavus M48 big Bosch flywheel
Batavus/Trac M56 clutch
Kinetic flywheel & rear pulley
Morini 12-7002 MO-1, MO-K sprocket

M89   none  4.0 x 5.0 x 12.5 ∅13 


part#  price   W  x   H  x   L     D    16 mm circle
   $3.00 3.0 x 6.5 x 15.4 ∅16   
Batavus, Trac #81031 M56 trans shaft

M97   $5.00 4.0 x 6.5 x 15.5 ∅16  beveled

M90   none  4.0 x 6.5 x 15.5 ∅16   
Garelli 217.036.00 2-spd primary shaft


part#  price   W  x   H  x   L     D    19 mm circle
none  3.0 x 2.4 x 12.9 ∅19  
Honda NC50, PA50 flywheel 907410-35000

Mp4   none  3.0 x 3.7 x 14.4 ∅19
early Minarelli P4, P6

M100 $5.00 4.0 x 5.5 x 18.0 ∅19


part#  price   Other keys not woodruff

Mtr    $4.00 round (roller)  ∅3 x 4
 Tomos 200048 all years, all flywheels

Mts   $2.00 straight 5.0 x 5.0 x 12.0
Tomos 044835 countershaft key (race track shaped)



3   E N G I N E    N U T S

These are the engine nuts that go on rotating shafts, rather than stationary nuts, like the head nuts. For head nuts see Engine Top End. Some are very specific and others are more universal.   




ref  thread R or L   hex   E N G I N E  N U T S
0 thread 0 length     price   o.e.m. part#

A1 M8 - 1.00 R   8 13  $0.80 2842.001.000
plain nut Sachs 504, Batavus/Trac M56 flywheel

A2 M8 - 1.00 R   9 12  none  000361.8.446
tall nut Garelli ’74-76 1-speed flywheel

B1 M8 - 1.25 R   8 13  $0.80 020108
plain nut Vespa rear pulley, non-variator clutch

B2 M8 - 1.25 R   7 24  $7.00 131331
thin wide Vespa Bravo/Grande/Si variator

B3 M8 - 1.25 R 16 15  $10.0 13-3007
tall nut Morini MO1, MO2, M1, M101,
tall nut S5, S5K, S5K2, S5R, S5N, S5E, S5T, S5GS

B4 M8 - 1.25 L   8 13  none  00 20 161
plain nut Odyssey (Solo) flywheel

C1 M9 - 1.00 R   6 14  $4.00 4430 = 49.0326.0
plain nut Minarelli ’69-77 stub plane clutch use locktite

C2 M9 - 1.00 R   6 14 $10.0 5040 = 49.0311.0
castle nut Minarelli pre-’78 stub plane clutch use C1

C3 M9 - 1.00 R 12 14  none  6270 = 49.0311.0
flange Minarelli ’78 to 9-79 early cone clutch use C1

C4 M9 - 1.00 R 12 14  none  G7090
spacer nut Benelli ’65-73 GM, GK, GK65 use C8

C5 M9 - 1.00 R 14 15  none  I9020
spacer nut Benelli ’65-77 4M, 4MS, 4M65 use C8

C6 M9 - 1.00 R 16 14  $9.50 UI7090
spacer nut Benelli ’70-80 G2, G2K use C8

C7 M9 - 1.00 R   9 12  none  205011.8.446
tall nut Garelli horiz 1-sp flywheel use C8

C8 M9 - 1.00 R 09 12  $7.00 C8
tall nut replacement for C1 to C7

D1 M10-1.00 R   5 17  $4.00 D1
thin nut replacement Motobecane 20767

D2 M10-1.00 R   5 19  $4.00 D2
thin nut replacement Motobecane 20767

D3 M10-1.00 R   6 14  $8.00
thin nut Derbi 1976-86 variator/clutch nut

D4 M10-1.00 R   6 17  $4.00 828010
thin nut Sachs 504 & 505 and Batavus M48 clutch nut

D5 M10-1.00 R   7 21  $7.00 49812
flange nut Peugeot clutch nut

D6 M10-1.00 R   8 14  $5.00 901.2943
flange nut Puch flywheel nut

D7 M10-1.00 R   8 17  $1.80 900.2011
plain nut Solo, Sachs 505, Laura M48 flywheel
plain nut Tomos pre-’87 flywheel, Laura M56 pulley

plain nut Puch 1-spd and Solo clutch

D8 M10-1.00 R   9 17  $3.00 D8
plain nut replacement Motobecane 24284

D9 M10-1.00 R 14 14  $7.00 000315.8.446
tall nut Garelli 2-spd 00315.8.446, flywheel

D10M10-1    R 15 15   $4.00 D10
tall nut replacement flywheel

D11M10-1    R 15 16   $12.0 46768
tall nut Peugeot flywheel use D10

D12M10-1  R 14.5 19  $3.00 D13
spacer nut replacement Motobecane 17567

D13M10-1    R 17 19   $3.00 D14
spacer nut replacement Motobecane 24258

D14M10-1    R 18 17   $10 
tall nut Derbi flywheel pre-86 use D10

E1  M10-1.25 R   6 17 $2.50 4840 = 49.0323.0
thin nut Minarelli sprocket, Honda NC50 flywheel
thin nut Morini MO1, M1, MO2 clutch 13-1003

E2 M10-1.25 R   8 14  $2.50 H210-00-50
plain nut Indian flywheel
plain nut Honda PA50 clutch and flywheel

E4 M10-1.25 R 14 15  $7.00 4750 = 49.0312.0
tall nut Minarelli flywheel nut

F1 M10-1.00 L   8 14  $12.0 0F0.2600.401
plain nut Derbi flywheel and rear pulley 1986-91

F2 M10-1.00 L 12 32  $10.0 143195
special Motobecane flywheel 1980-later

F3 M10-1.00 L 15 10  $13.0 17429
square hole Motobecane flywheel 1974-1979

F4 M10-1.00 L 30 17  none   0F0.2610.401
special Derbi clutch 1986-91 “Start” flat case reed

F5 M10-1.25 L   6 15  $2.00 6275
thin nut Minarelli after Sep ’79 cone clutch

G1 M11-1.00 R  6.5 17  $2.00
thin nut
Replacement axle nut

G2 M11-1.00 R   8 14  $6.00 17454
flange nut Motobecane clutch (non-var)

G3 M11-1.00 R 21 14  $12.0 17455
spacer nut Motobecane clutch (variator)

H1 M12-1.00 R   6 24  $3.00 H1
thin nut Replacement axle nut

H2 M12-1.00 R   7 19  $2.50 H2
thin nut Replacement axle nut

H3 M12-1.00 R   7 17  $9.00 201001.2.917
thin nut Garelli 2-speed clutch

H4 M12-1.00 R   7 19  $3.00 0242.124.000
thin nut Sachs sprocket

I1 M12-1.25 R   6 17  $10.0 13-1002
thin nut Morini MO1 sprocket

I2  M12-1.25 R 10 19  $3.00
plain nut Batavus/Trac M56 sprocket

J1 M14-1.00 R6.5 19  $3.00 H214-00-50
thin nut Indian clutch nut

J2 M14-1.00 R   7 19  $5.00 200141
thin nut Tomos A3, A35, A55 countershaft

K1 M14-1.50 R   5 19  $8.00
thin nut Derbi rear pulley 1976-1986

L1 M16-1.50 R   8 24  $7.00 902.2922
thin nut Puch 2-spd clutch nut


4.  W A S H E R S   a n d   S H I M S

10 x 16 x 2

14 x 20 x 2


15 x 22 x 0.8

16 x 24 x 0.5






16 x 30 x 1.00

22 x 29 x 0.5








Shim (precision) washers, in blue, are always required. They are all the same size for every machine.
Adjustment s
him washers, in black, are “as required”. There are different sizes for each machine.

05.1 x 11.5 x 0.5.00 G369 $1.50 Benelli start clutch

10.1 x 16.0 x 2.00 $3.00 Tomos A35-A55 trans cover, rear
10.1 x 14.0 x 0.20 $5.00 Tomos A3-A35-A55 trans cover, rear
10.1 x 14.0 x 0.50 $5.00 Tomos A3-A35-A55 trans cover, rear
10.1 x 18.0 x 1.00 $2.00 Piaggio variator hub w/helical gears
10.1 x 20.0 x 0.60  321.1.13.637.1 $7.00 Puch ZA50 trans cover, rear
10.1 x 20.0 x 0.80  350.2.13.642.1 $8.00 Puch ZA50 trans cover, rear
10.1 x 20.0 x 1.00  321.2.13.637.1 $7.00 Puch ZA50 trans cover, rear
10.1 x 21.8 x 0.80 4830 $5.00 Minarelli V1 sprocket, under nut
10.1 x 22.0 x 0.60  5030 $5.00 Minarelli V1 clutch, under nut
10.1 x 24.0 x 0.80 491088 $5.00 Laura M56 drive shaft
10.3 x 22.4 x 1.20 120214 $3.50 Vespa-Piaggio rear var-clutch

12.1 x 16.0 x 0.1 0000000 0000000 N/A    Kreidler clutch drum
12.1 x 16.0 x 0.2 0000000 0000000 N/A    Kreidler clutch drum
12.1 x 16.0 x 0.3 0000000 0000000 N/A    Kreidler clutch drum
12.1 x 17.0 x 0.4  5730 none  Minarelli V1 idler shaft
12.1 x 21.0 x 0.2 0000000 25-4026 N/A    Morini MO2 trans

12.1 x 23.5 x 1.0 0000000 103556 $2.50 Vespa front pulley-clutch
12.1 x 24.0 x 0.5 0000000 480899 $7.00 Laura M48 clutch washer (25 & 30mph)
12.1 x 24.0 x 0.8 000000  480899a $5.00 Laura M48 clutch washer (as required)
12.05×23.95×0.5  000000 490814 $7.00 Laura M56 clutch washer
12.05×23.95×0.8  000000 490813 $5.00 Laura M56 clutch washer (as required)

13.2 x 18.0 x 0.2  000000 25-4040 none  Morini MO2

13.9 x 24.0 x 1.0 $2.00 Vespa variator rear hub, after 1980
13.7 x 28.0 x 1.0 $7.50 Vespa variator rear hub, before 1980

14.1 x 20.0 x 2.00 $4.00 Tomos A35-A55 clutch, inner

15.2 x 20.0 x 0.08 $4.00 unknown app
15.2 x 20.0 x 0.13 $4.00 unknown app
15.2 x 20.0 x 0.20 $4.00 unknown app
15.2 x 20.0 x 0.30 $4.00 unknown app
15.2 x 20.0 x 0.50 0 0246.009.001 $4.00 Sachs 505 left crank, behind bearing
15.2 x 20.0 x 0.80 $4.00 unknown app
15.2 x 20.0 x 1.00 $4.00 unknown app

15.2 x 21.7 x 0.50  0.0.0 old14562 $6.00 Motobecane clutch, var and 1-s
15.2 x 21.7 x 0.80 $7.00 Motobecane clutch, var and 1-s
15.2 x 21.7 x 0.10 $5.00 Motobecane clutch, var and 1-s
15.2 x 21.7 x 0.25 $5.00 Motobecane clutch, var and 1-s
15.2 x 21.7 x 0.45 $5.00 Motobecane clutch, var and 1-s

15.2 x 22.0 x 0.60  000.0. 25.4005 none  Morini MO1, MO2 trans
15.2 x 22.0 x 0.60  321.1.13.627.1 none  Puch ZA50 trans cover, front
15.2 x 22.0 x 0.80  321.2.13.627.1 $7.00 Puch ZA50 trans cover, front
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.00  321.3.13.627.1 $8.00 Puch ZA50 trans cover, front
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.10 $9.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.30 $8.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.50 $7.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.70 $5.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.80 $5.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.85 $3.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.90 $2.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 1.95 $2.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 2.00 $5.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 2.10 $7.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 22.0 x 2.20 $8.00 Puch E50 clutch, outer
15.2 x 28.0 x 1.20  0.0.00 .131514 $2.00 Vespa rear hub, var and non-var
15.4 x 20.8 x 0.50  0.0.00 .113681 $5.00 Vespa crank washer, 1 per side
15.5 x 31.0 x 0.85  0.0.00    14588 $7.00 Motobecane Dimoby clutch

16.2 x 26.0 x 0.60 5790 none  Minarelli V1 pedal shaft
16.2 x 23.5 x 0.60 $2.50
Vespa front pulley-clutch
16.2 x 24.0 x 1
.00 $3.00 Tomos A3-A35-A55 pedal shaft
16.2 x 24.0 x 0.20 $$.$$ Tomos A3-A35-A55 pedal shaft
16.2 x 24.0 x 0.50 $$.$$ Tomos A3-A35-A55 pedal shaft

16.2 x 27.8 x 1.00  321.1.13.624.1 $9.00 Puch ZA50 2-speed main shaft, inner

16.2 x 30.0 x 0.10 none  Motobecane pedal shaft
16.2 x 30.0 x 0.30 $7.00 Motobecane pedal shaft
16.2 x 30.0 x 0.40 $$.$$ Peugeot 102-103 clutch
16.2 x 30.0 x 0.60 $$.$$ Peugeot 102-103 clutch
16.2 x 30.0 x 0.75 $$.$$ Motobecane pedal shaft
16.2 x 30.0 x 0.80 $$.$$ Peugeot 102-103 clutch
16.2 x 30.0 x 1.00 $$.$$ Peugeot 102-103 clutch

16.2 x 32.0 x 2.00  ..200001.7.187  N/A   Garelli H1/H2 pedal shaft

16.8 x 30.5 x 1.00  .0 321.112.6141  N/A   Puch 2-speed start inner
16.8 x 30.5 x 1.00  .0 321.212.6141  N/A   Puch 2-speed start inner

17.0 x 24.0 x 1.00  .0 337.113.1751  N/A   Puch 2-speed start inner

17.2 x 24.0 x 0.10 $5.00 Tomos pre-1986 A3 crank, left or right
17.2 x 24.0 x 0.15 $8.00 Tomos pre-1986 A3 crank, left or right
17.2 x 24.0 x 0.20 $9.00 Tomos pre-1986 A3 crank, left or right
17.2 x 24.0 x 0.50
17.2 x 24.0 x 1.10 $9.50 Puch E50 1-speed clutch, inner
17.2 x 24.0 x 1.30 $7.00 Puch E50 1-speed clutch, inner
17.2 x 24.0 x 1.50 $7.00 Puch E50 1-speed clutch, inner
17.2 x 24.0 x 1.70 $5.00 Puch E50 1-speed clutch, inner

18.0 x 22.4 x 0.20  44809-044-000 none  Honda ∅80 front brake speedo gear
18.0 x 22.4 x 0.20  000 1150-5079 none  Taiwan ∅80 front brake speedo gear

18.2 x 24.0 x 0.05 $9.50 Puch ZA50 2-speed crank, left
18.2 x 24.0 x 0.10 $8.00 Puch ZA50 2-speed crank, left
18.2 x 24.0 x 0.20 $9.50 Puch ZA50 2-speed crank, left
18.2 x 24.0 x 0.30 $4.00 Puch ZA50 2-speed crank, left

18.5 x 24.0 x 0.12
18.5 x 24.0 x 0.20
19.0 x 22.7 × 0.80 120215  N/A   Vespa-Piaggio rear var-clutch

18.9 x 23.9 x 0.1 01285 $4.00 Motobecane crank
18.9 x 23.9 x 0.2 01286 $4.00 Motobecane crank
18.9 x 23.9 x 0.3 01287 $4.00 Motobecane crank
18.9 x 23.9 x 0.5 01288 $4.00 Motobecane crank

19.2 x 25.8 x 0.10  0.0. old209073 $7.00 Tomos A3 2-speed clutch
19.2 x 25.8 x 0.20  0.0. old209119 $7.00 Tomos A3 2-speed clutch
19.2 x 26.0 x 0.30 209073 $5.00 Tomos A35 2-speed clutch
19.2 x 26.0 x 0.50 209119 $4.00 Tomos A35 2-speed clutch

20.0 x 29.0 x 0.5 69280 $5.00 Leleu front wheel hub dust ring
20.3 x 33.0 x 1.2 131513 $2.50 Vespa rear hub, var and non-var
20.3 x 24.0 x 0.5 227393 $2.50 Tomos A35 oil pump

21.0 x 27.0 x 0.10 $8.00 Puch ZA50 2-speed crank, right
21.0 x 27.0 x 0.20 $7.00 Puch ZA50 2-speed crank, right

22.0 x 29.0 x 0.5 69680 $8.00 Leleu rear wheel hub dust ring

23.3 x 34.0 x 0.5 131512 $2.00 Vespa rear hub, var and non-var

25.3 x 34.0 x 0.2     0246.008.003 $7.00 Sachs 505 left crank for centering

27.0 x 39.9 x 0.30 37742 $8.00 Peugeot 102-103 case, right
28.0 x 46.9 x 0.40 37034 $7.00 Peugeot 102-103 case, left
28.0 x 56.0 x 1.00 25-4028 $0.00 Morini MO2 clutch

30.0 x 36.7 x 1.5     0244.153.000 $4.00 Sachs 505 right crank for centering


S P E C I A L   S H A P E S

thrust washer 1.5 $$5 Peugeot 102-103 clutch, variator & 1-spd
thrust washer 1.8 $$7 Peugeot 102-103 clutch, variator & 1-spd

folding washer $$6 Tomos A3 clutch



5.  C I R C L I P S

Circlips are circular clips. Officially they are known as retaining rings. The “size” is not the actual size, but rather the size of the shaft or hole that it is for. For external rings, the shaft size “For OD” is more than the groove OD, which is more than the actual ring ID. For internal rings, the hole size “For ID” is less than the groove ID, which is less than the actual ring OD.

There is a “click” sound when the spring-loaded clip-ring snaps into the clip-ring groove. The ring should be free to rotate, but with some friction from the spring tension. If the ring is too big it will rotate with no friction. If the ring is too small it will have to be over-stretched to get on, and will rotate with much friction. That’s how to tell if a clip-ring fits properly, by feeling, hearing and seeing.

External Retaining Ring

External Retaining Rings “circlips” or “snap rings”

8 x 0.8 $0.00 Puch #900.4608 3-shoe clutch

10 x 1.0  $1.50 Puch #900.4610, 1-speed clutch
10 x 1.0  $$.$$ Derbi #00.471.10, seat hinge pin
10 x 1.0  $$.$$
Benelli #, clutch shoes

11 x 1.0  $2.00 Benelli #, start clutch shaft

12 x 1.0  $2.00 Batavus #841505, M56 right crank shaft end
12 x 1.0  $$.$$ Morini #10-5006 MO2

13 x 1.0  $2.00 Sachs #0245.121.000, 504, 505 main shaft

14 x 1.0  $2.00 Minarelli #6000, V1 after Sep 79 with cone clutch
14 x 1.0  $$.$$ Puch 900.4766 1-speed start shaft

15 x 1.0  $1.50 Puch #900.4619, 1-speed clutch outer  
15 x 1.0  $$.$$ Minarelli #4860, V1 right drive shaft
15 x 1.0  $$.$$ Derbi #00.471.15, 75-86 Variant drive shaft
15 x 1.0  $$.$$ Benelli #, 75-80 Benelli G2

16 x 1.0 $1.50 Puch #900.4616, drive sprocket
15 x 1.0  $$.$$ Minarelli #5800, V1 pedal shaft
16 x 1.0  $$.$$ Motobecane #14158, pedal shaft outer, before pulley
16 x 1.0  $$.$$ Tomos #032073, pedal shaft
16 x 1.0  $$.$$ Morini #10-0005, MO1

16 x 1.5   N/A   Sachs #0245.020.001, 505 pedal shaft

17 x 1.0 $2.00 Puch #900.4617, 1-spd and 2-spd clutch inner

20 x 1.0  $2.00 Tomos #032077, 2-speed counter shaft

22 x 1.0  $2.50  Morini #10-5009 MO2
22 x 1.0  $$.$$ Motobecane #14563 clutch-pulley, var and non var

26 x 1.2  $2.50 Vespa #006426, front clutch non-variator outer side
26 x 1.2  $0.00 Tomos 032082 clutch inner


Motobecane 14561

Motobecane 16566

Inverted External Retaining Rings

13 x 1.0  $2 Sachs 0245.121.000 504, 505 driveshaft

15 x 1.0  $2.50 Motobecane #14561, left crankshaft var. and non-var.

16 x 1.0  $2.50 Motobecane #16566, pedal shaft inner, after pulley



E-clips for jet needles

Side-Mount External Retaining Rings “E-clips”

1.4-2 x 0.3  $1 for 1.2 groove, this is Myrons smallest item!

2-2.5 x 0.4  $2 for 1.5 groove, Dellorto PHVA needle, 2.0 mm

2.5-3 x 0.5  $1 for 1.9 groove,

3 – 4 x 0.6  $1 for 2.3 groove,

4 – 5 x 0.6  $1 for 3.2 groove, Bosch M19A points pivot post

Side Mount External Retaining Rings

5 – 7 x 0.7  $1 for 4.0 groove,

6 – 8 x 0.7  $1 for 5.0 groove,

7 – 9 x 0.7  $2 for 6.0 groove, Puch #900.4606, 1-spd starter shaft
7 – 9 x 0.7  $2 for 6.0 groove, Derbi #00.473.08, clutch shoes

While the other clips are named by the shaft size, these E-clips are often named by the groove size. Since they install from the side they don’t have to spread over the shaft. So the shaft size does not matter. Puch calls the “7-9 x 0.7” e-clip “BZ-circlip 6”. The groove is 6.0mm but the shaft is 7.6mm.


Low-Clearance Side-Mount
External Retaining Ring

Low-Clearance Side-Mount External Retaining Rings “C-clips”

14 x 1.0  $2 Puch #900.4766, 1-speed starter shaft






Internal Retaining Ring

Internal Retaining Rings “inner circlips”

12 x 1.0  $2.00 Peugeot #22309, piston clip

15 x 1.0

22 x 1.0  $2.50 Motobecane #14563 clutch

25 x 1.2  $2.50 Vespa #000674, front clutch non-variator inner side

32 x 1.2  $5.00 Derbi #00.472.32, clutch hub-drum

35 x 1.2  none   Benelli #, left crankshaft

40 x 1.0  none  Minarelli #03.0317.9, P6R right crankshaft

Garelli 275.955.00

40 x 1.7  $5.00 Puch #900.4740, 2-speed drive shaft
40 x 1.7  $0.00 
Garelli #000315.1.193, vert. 2-sp left crankshaft
40 x 1.7  $0.00 Minarelli #03.0318.9, P6R right crankshaft

42 x 1.7  $5.00 Batavus #841512, Laura M48 left crankshaft
42 x 1.7  $0.00
Garelli #274.030.00, vert. 2-sp right drive shaft
42 x 1.7  $0.00
Benelli #,  drive shaft

49 x 1.2  $5.00 Garelli #275.955.00, horizontal 1-speed clutch
49 x 1.2  $5.00 the installed outer diameter is 49, the free OD is 50



Motobecane 14563

Inverted Internal Retaining Rings

22 x 1.0  $2.00 Motobecane #14563, var. and non-var. clutch-pulley

24 x 1.2  $3.00 Vespa #16702, rear var. clutch-pulley 

40 x ?.?   $5.00 Puch #901.4656, 1-speed drive shaft



Puch 900.4635

External C Rings

05 x 0.80   $1.50 Puch #900.4635  1-speed start clutch center pin (4.4 x 0.8 x 6.0mm)







6.  V A R I A T O R  P A R T S

Table of Variator Rollers

Diam. Length Qty  Application
  15.0     18.0     3   Honda PA50I and PA50 II
  14.0     14.0     6   Honda Camino (Non US)
  14.4     14.0     5   Vespa Ciao, Bravo, Grande, Si
  14.6     19.6     3   Derbi 1974-1986
  14.0     13.0     ?   Morini M101
  14.0     13.0     6   Malossi variator for Motobecane
  15.0     12.0     3   Aftermarket guide Motobecane (instead of balls)
  16.0     13.0     ?  Malossi, Polini, TJT, DR (and many chinese scooters)





Now, do you feel like an engine nut?


Shaun has been organizing moped parts since 1986, when he made this seal and bearing chart on his Commodore 64. This actual paper was in daily use for 26 years.

Shaun has been organizing moped parts since 1986, when he made this seal and bearing chart on his Commodore 64. This actual paper was in daily use for 26 years, at Royal Cyclery and Myrons Mopeds!