
November 29, 2020


This website does not have online ordering. Ordering is by email.

Before ordering parts, your moped’s identity must be known. The year, make, model, version, and serial number are stamped into the ID plate, usually located on the frame behind the headlight. Use the Brand menu to help learn the identity (year, make, model, version, ser#) of your machine and many of it’s components. Be aware there are some false names and remakes.

Email Shaun at myronsmoped@gmail.com to ask questions. Please send pictures of the parts you are asking about. Shaun is often unable to answer many questions over the phone. 

Email Shaun at myronsmoped@gmail.com first, if there are several items or more, or if any of the items are not listed or require investigation. Your itemized order will be listed with prices, and sent in a reply, for your review. Any changes can be made. A revised order is sent in a reply. When it is final, then you pay by email (to PayPal), or by phone (to Myrons) usually.

Payment by email: Ask Shaun to send a PayPal invoice. You don’t need an account to pay. You pay with a payment card, credit or debit. 

Shipping and Terms:  Shipping is by USPS. Small items (small flat rate box or envelope) ship for $9, all 50 states, US Priority Mail, 2-3 days to most areas. 



Brands Menu (alternate)

November 29, 2020

Baretta/Piccoli   Benelli/Motobi
Bianchi/Italvelo   Cimatti  Cosmo/Colt
Demm/Smily   DiBlasi   Fantic/Concord
F. Morini/Lem  Gadabout/BM  Garelli/Agrati
Gitane/Testi   Harley-Davidson/Aermacchi
Intramotor-Gloria   Italjet/Indian    Malaguti 
MB Sebring   Minarelli Motor   Morini Motor
Moto Guzzi   Motomarina    Motron    Negrini
Pacer/Italtelai   Rizzato/Califfo   Safari/MZV 
Vespa/Piaggio    Wards Riverside   Others

Angel/Speedbird/TYM   Indian   Others

AMF   Columbia   Murray   Others  

KTM/Foxi Deluxe   Puch   Sears Allstate
Sears Free Spirit/JC Penney/Kromag

Motobecane   Peugeot   Solex/Velosolex
 Ward Riverside   Impex/Solex

Kreidler   Kynast   Solo/Odyssey 
Sachs/Hercules    Rog Badger   Tomos

Avanti/Cosmo   Hero/Yumbo/TVS 
Majestic Auto Ltd.   Kinetic/Soni

Honda   Yamaha   Suzuki   Kawasaki  

Batavus  Laura Motor  Sparta/Foxi GT

  Flandria/Bermuda   Honda PA50/Benelux  

Jawa/Babetta   Puch Korado/Manet  

Chengdu/GD/Chung Qing   SSR/Lazer  

Trac/Kia/Daelim     NVT/Scorpion

Derbi    Casal/SIS    Carabela


KTM Cables

November 29, 2020

KTM Cables

KTM Foxi Deluxe

KTM Foxi Deluxe

Foxi Salzburg

Foxi Salzburg









KTM Foxi Baron

KTM Foxi Baron
stem handlebars

1977 KTM Foxi Baron
clamp on handlebars
takes short type cables

’77 KTM Foxi Salzburg
stem-type handlebars
takes long type cables










KTM Foxi mopeds are very Sachs-ish. They have a Sachs engine, same controls and similar cables and wheels as Hercules. 


KTM choke cable 1-ended 12.11.097
1977-80 KTM Foxi (Austria) with Sachs 504
39.6+ = 38.0 + 1.6+ with pinch bolt

12.11.097r   1-ended replacement  $12


KTM throttle cable 2-end 
some ’77-80 KTM Foxi with Sachs 504
41.0 = 36.5 + 4.5 for short cable pipe
10.11.191rs 2-ended replacement


KTM throttle cable 2-end 10.11.191 $28
most ’77-80 KTM Foxi with Sachs 504
41.0 = 36.0 + 5.0 for long cable pipe
10.11.191r 2-ended replacement


KTM start cable 1-ended 12.11.195
1977-80 KTM Foxi with Sachs 504
40.9″ = 1.1+2.8+0.3+34.5+1.2+1.0
12.11.195r   1-ended replacement


KTM front brake 2-ended clevis type
1977-80 KTM Foxi with Sachs 504
42.0=37.8+4.2 with Magura adjuster
12.11.092      original long xxxxx   
41.3=37.2+4.0  NO Magura adjuster
12.11.092      original long xxxxx    

38.3=34.2+4.1  NO Magura adjuster
12.11.092s    original short xxxx    

40.0=35.8+4.2  NO Magura adjuster
12.11.092rB  80’s Barnett long x   
36.4=32.5+3.9 with Magura adjuster
12.11.092rBs  80’s Barnett short  $14
65.2=61.3+3.9  NO Magura adjuster


KTM rear brake 2-ended clevis type
1977-80 KTM Foxi with Sachs 504
65.2=61.3+3.9 with Magura adjuster
12.11.096      original long xxxxx   
65.2=61.3+3.9  NO Magura adjuster
apparently was never made xxx 
62.1=58.2+3.9 with Magura adjuster
12.11.096s    original short xxxx   
65.9=61.7+4.2 with Magura adjuster
12.11.096rB  80’s Barnett long none
64.2=60.0+4.2 with Magura adjuster
12.11.096rBs 80’s Barnett short   $24
65.2=61.3+3.9  NO Magura adjuster
12.11.096r     replacement long     $29







KTM clevis end
not riveted

KTM clevis end
not riveted to arm

Hercules cable end clevis type

Hercules clevis end
is riveted to arm


KTM brake cables have the clevis piece trapped on the cable. Hercules brake cables have the clevis piece trapped on the brake arm. When installed, both clevis end cable types almost look the same. 





KTM Foxi with short and long elbow


KTM uses the long Bing Sachs carb elbow. The 5.0″ exposed length is for a long elbow (4.45″ is for short elbow). But here on the left is a 1977 KTM with a short elbow and a 1979 carburetor. It must be from another bike.






Kreidler Cables

November 29, 2020

Kreidler Cables

Kreidler MP9 throttle cable original 255.04.81 xxxxxxxx N/A
Kreidler MP9 replacement throttle cable (with pipe 2g)  $32

Kreidler original thin throttle cable
makes a sharp bend under the cover.






The original Kreidler throttle cable is thinner than all others, with a 4mm conduit instead of 5mm. The thin conduit allowed it to bend sharply above the carburetor.

Replacement cables all have 5mm conduit that cannot bend that much. So they need to have a curved metal pipe like many throttle cables have.

substitute throttle cable


The curved pipe that works best is #2g listed in the Dellorto carburetor parts section. It has M6-0.75 fine metric threads for a Dellorto carb top. Here it is being used on a Bing carb top with no threads. Fortunately the 6mm Bing carb top hole is just the right size to screw-in the Dellorto curved pipe. Slots are ground in the threads so the curved pipe cuts it’s own threads as it is screwed in. Here is what it looks like screwed on to the Kreidler carburetor.

The original throttle cable 255.04.81-28/36 package says it fits type MF (mofa) from 2231921, and type MP (moped) from frame number 2605111.



Kreidler MP9 front brake cable original 255.04.84  $18
Kreidler MP9 front brake cable replacement xxxxx $15

Kreidler brake plates










Kreidler brake plates have special cable stops with 8mm holes instead of 6mm. This makes “universal” cables that fit many mopeds, not fit well on Kreidler. The cable does not stay centered and straight at the cable stop. They need a 8mm “step-ferrule” instead of the usual M6 adjuster at the brake.

Kreidler brakes use Grimeca pinch bolts, like on Italian mopeds. That means the brake arms have 9mm holes with flat sides 7mm. 

Kreidler MP9 rear brake cable original 255.04.85  $28
Kreidler MP9 rear brake cable replacement xxxxx  $15

The original rear brake cable comes with an inner wire that is barely long enough, with only 3.9 inch of exposed length. When installed the end is right after the pinch bolt.

The replacement cable has a more correct inner wire length, one inch longer than original. When installed the end is about one inch past the pinch bolt.

The original rear brake cable 255.04.85-18/14 package says it fits type MF (mofa) from 2217511, and type MP (moped) from frame number 2604893.




Kreidler MP9 start cable original 255.04.79  $30
Kreidler MP9 start cable replacement xxxxx $15

The original start cable upper end has a curved pipe with adjuster. This helps prevent the adjuster from getting broken if it contacts certain handlebars the wrong way. It is not necessary. Most other models do not have it. 

The replacement cable has no adjuster. Adjustment is made by loosening the pinch screw in the hand lever. The modern lined conduit performs as good as the curved metal pipe did, and it never breaks

The original start cable 255.04.79 (with curved pipe) package did not say what it fits.

Another start cable 255.04.79-6/41 (without curved pipe) package says it fits type MF 2 from 2350620, MF 4 from 2257812, MP 2 from 2704941.




Kinetic Cables

November 29, 2020

Kinetic Cables

Kinetic TFR throttle cable

Kinetic TFR carb top







Kinetic TFR decomp cable







Jawa Cables

November 29, 2020

Jawa Cables

1970’s Jawa moped cables will be listed and some offered when this is finished. 

Jawa 207 cables 1973-83























JC Penney Cables

November 29, 2020

JC Penney Cables

JC Penney Pinto and Swinger (late 1970’s) moped cables are displayed and offered in Puch Cables.

JC Penney start cable  42.5 x 31.9″
(1080 x 810 mm) with special stop piece

JC Penney start cable stop piece







Honda Cables

November 29, 2020

Honda moped cables have many versions and differences. This is an illustrated spec sheet and price list combined. Showing what all the lengths and specs are allows substitutes to be found or replacements to be made or modified.



1977-79 Honda NC50 Express 

These 1977-79 silver cables interchange with 1980 black ones.



17910-147-030   throttle cable silver none
57.0″ goes inside frame, PA08B, no cable pipe
17910-147-030r  replacement gray     $35


14950-147-020  choke cable silver    none
56.3″ goes inside frame, orig. had grommet
14950-147-020r replacement gray      $23


45450-190-670  front brake cable sil none
42.4″ total length
45450-190-670r replacement gray     none


43450-147-712 rear brake & start sil none
57.4″ goes inside frame, 57.4″ total
43450-147-712r replacement gray     none



1980 Honda NC50 Express  

These 1980 black cables interchange with 1977-79 silver ones.


17910-147-650   throttle cable black  none 
57.0″ goes inside frame, PA08B, no cable pipe
17910-147-650r  replacement black     $35


14950-147-650  choke cable  black  none
56.3″ goes inside frame, orig. had grommet
14950-147-650r replacement black  $23


45450-190-671  front brk cable blk  none
42.4″ total length
45450-190-671r replacement black  none


43450-147-970  rear brk & start blk none
57.4″ new# 43450-147-651
43450-147-970r replacement black none


1981 Honda NC50 Express

For 1981 the wind-up start was changed to direct kick start, so the rear brake cable no longer had to operate the starter. Also the unregulated oil injection pump became regulated by a split throttle cable. 


17910-191-850  throttle cable A blk none
48.0″ goes inside frame, to splitter, not carb
17910-191-850r replacement  black  $36


17911-191-010  throttle cable B blk none
13″ rotary splitter with 2 cables, to oil pump 
and to PA15A carb with cable pipe
Et=2.4″, Eo=?, Ct=?, Co=? 
17911-191-010r replacement  black none


45450-190-671  front brk cable  blk none
42.4″ total, same as 1980
45450-190-671r replacement black none


43450-191-405 rear brake cable blk none
57.4″, inside frame, no more wind-up start
43450-191-405r replacement black none



1982-83 Honda NC50 Express



17910-GA6-670  throttle cable black none
57.5″ goes outside frame, 1-into-2 cables
to PA13B carburetor with long cable pipe
E=?, Et=?, Ct=?
17910-GA6-670r replacement  black none


45450-187-672  front brk cable  blk none
42.4″ total, longer rubber boot
45450-GA6-670r replacement  black none


43450-GA6-670  rear brk cable  blk none
57.4″ total, goes inside frame
43450-GA6-670r replacement black none



1979-80 Honda NA50 Express II



17910-163-000  throttle cable silver none
60.1″ goes outside frame, also 17910-162-010
to PA08C or PA08D carb, no cable pipe
17910-163-000r replacement gray    $35
17910-163-770r replacement  black  $35


14950-163-010   choke cable   silver none
58.8″ goes outside frame, also 14950-162-010
14950-163-010r replacement  gray    $23


45450-193-670   front brk cable silv none
45.4″ can be 42.4″ routed more directly
45450-193-670r replacement  gray   none


43450-163-670  rear brk & start silv none
60.4″ outside frame, new# 43450-163-671
43450-163-670r replacement  gray   none



1981 Honda NA50 Express II

17910-193-671  throttle cable silver none
goes outside frame, 1-into-2 cables
to PA16A carb with cable pipe
60.0″ E+Ct+Et=60″, E+Co+Eo=57″
17910-193-671r replacement gray   none


45450-193-670   front brk cable silv none
45.4″ total, can be 42.4″ with NC50 routing
45450-193-670r replacement  gray   none


43450-193-670   rear brk cable  silv none
60.4″ total
43450-193-670r replacement  gray   none



1982-83 Honda NU50 Urban Express



17910-GC1-000  throttle cable silver none
51″?? outside frame, 1-into-2 cables
to PA13E carburetor with cable pipe
17910-GC1-000r replacement  gray   none


45450-GC1-000   front brk cable silv none
52.0″ total, rod type
45450-GC1-000r replacement gray   none


43450-GC1-000   rear brk cable  silv none
67.0″, fits ’85-90 Spree but is 2″ longer
43450-GC1-000r replacement gray   none
43450-GC1-020r replacement black none



1978-79 Honda PA50 Hobbit

The PA50 front brake cable angles more upward, like European mopeds, unlike NC50 and Japanese motorcycles. Because of the more direct routing, the cable is shorter.

The benefit of Japanese routing is no interaction with the suspension (going over bumps does not affect the braking), while the benefit of European routing is convenience, because the cable does not hang out and interfere or get damaged. 

17910-148-671  throttle cable silver none
43.7″ = 4.0 + 39.7
17910-148-671r replacement gray    $20


14950-148-010   start (decomp) silv none
32.75″ = 1.25 + 31.5
14950-148-010r replacementgray   $13
34.4″ = 1.2 + 33.2    #2071


45450-148-670   front brk cable silv none
38.4″ = 3.6 + 34.8
45450-148-670r replacement  gray   none


43450-148-670   rear brk cable  silv none
57.0″ = 2.0 + 2.4 + 52.6
43450-148-670r replacement  gray   $18
57.8″ = 2.1 + 2.4 + 53.3    #2106



1980-83 Honda PA50 Hobbit

The ’80-83 PA50 black handlebars are 2.1 inches taller than ’78-79 PA50 chrome handlebars. So all of the cables are 2.1 inches (53 mm) longer. These longer ’80-83 cables fit on a ’78-79 but have to bend forward against the side of the headlight. 


17910-148-780  throttle cableblack none
45.8″ = 4.0 + 41.8
17910-148-780r replacementblack  $19


14950-148-020B start-decomp  blk none
35.5″ = 1.25 + 34.25
14950-148-020Br replacement black none
34.4″ = 1.2 + 33.2    #2072


45450-148-671   front brk cable blk none
40.5″ = 3.6 + 36.9
45450-148-671r replacement black none


43450-148-671B rear brk cable blk none
59.1″ = 2.0 + 2.4 + 54.7
43450-148-671Br replacement blk  none









NC/NA50 comparison

FRONT BRAKE CABLE – length measurements, calculations and estimations

Treatland conduit length TC is “from top of metal cable end to the edge where the black housing plastic meets the threaded rod adjuster thing”. Myrons conduit length MC is defined by the illustration. So TC = MC – 0.9″

Treatland total length TT and Myrons total length are defined the same. So TT = MT.

Exposed length is calculated. TE = TT – TC and ME = MT MC. So TE = MT – MC + 0.9 and TE =  ME + 0.9″.

TC     TT      TE  upper  lower
MC     MT    ME
00.0   00.0   0.00  ∅8   ∅8  45450-190-670  77-79 NC50 F brake silver
00.0   00.0   0.00  ∅8   ∅8  45450-190-671  80-81 NC50 F brake black
38.8   42.4  .3.6               measured 

PA50 front cable fits
NC50 except for length

00.0   00.0   0.00  ∅8   ∅8  45450-193-670 79-81 NA50 F brake black
41.8? 45.4? 3.6                   3″ longer cable (estimated)

36.5   42.25 5.75  ∅8   ∅8  45450-GA6-671 82-83 NC50 F brake black
38.8? 42.4? 3.6                   longer rubber boot

47.0   52.0   5.00  ∅8  rod  45450-GC1-000 82-83 NU50 F brake silver
47.7? 52?  2.2+2.1?            longer cable for longer fork

33.5   38.0   4.50  ∅8   ∅8  45450-148-670  78-79 PA50 F brake silver
33.5   38.0   4.50  ∅8   ∅8  45450-148-671  80-83 PA50 F brake black
34.8   38.4   3.6                  measured – cable goes more straight down


REAR BRAKE CABLE – length measurements, calculations and estimations


TC     TT      TE  upper  lower
MC     MT    ME
42.0   58.0   16.0  ∅8  rod  43450-147-712 77-79 NC50 R br/st silver
43.0   59.0   16.0  ∅8  rod  43450-147-651 80-80 NC50 R br/st black
44.0   58.5   14.5  ∅8  rod  43450-190-670 80-81 NC50 R brake silver
00.0   00.0   0.00  ∅8  rod  43450-191-405 81-81 NC50 R brake black
42.7   57.4   14.7                 measured

00.0   00.0   0.00  ∅8  rod  43450-163-670 79-80 NA50 R br/st silver
46.0   61.0   15.0  ∅8  rod  43450-193-670 81-81 NA50 R brake silver
45.7? 60.4? 14.7?               3″ longer? than NC50, for longer frame

00.0   00.0   0.00  ∅8  rod  43450-GC1-000 82-83 NU50 R brk silver
60.0   67.0    7.0   ∅8  rod  43450-GC1-020 82-83 NU50 R brk black
61.1?  67?     5.9?               9.6″ longer? than NC50, cable stop is closer

00.0   00.0   0.00  ∅8  rod  43450-GA6-670 82-83 NC50 R brk black
51.5? 57.4?  5.9?                 same length? as NC50, cable stop is closer

53.0   57.0   4.0   ∅8  rod  43450-148-670  78-79 PA50 R brk silver
52.6? 57.0? 4.4?

00.0   00.0   0.00  ∅8  rod  43450-148-671B 80-83 PA50 R brk black
54.7? 59.1? 4.4?


Honda C100 Throttle Cable






Bianchi Cables

November 29, 2020

1976-79 Bianchi Snark with Minarelli engine

1977 Bianchi Snark Eagle, Minarelli V1 engine

Bianchi cables are single-ended like most Italian mopeds. The carb is center mount so the throttle cable is short.

Front brake 39 x 46″     $10

Rear brake 60 x 67″       $11

Start (clutch) 43 x 47+”  $10

Throttle cable 34 x 40+” $11

1976-79 Bianchi with Morini MO-1 engine

The start cable is different but the other three are the same.





General and Lazer Cables

November 29, 2020

updated 2021-06

A. Overview and Parts Manuals
B. Cables for Sale, listed by Application
C. Cables for Sale, listed by Cable Type




A. Overview and Parts Manuals

General cable sets: With General and General-compatible mopeds there are 36 possible cable sets, because there are 3 engine types (Sachs, Sachs-foot-brake, and Minarelli) times 2 control types (Lazer or General) times 3 hub sizes (80, 90 or 110 mm drum) times 2 brake switch types (in-cable or in-lever).

But on actual bikes there were 10 different cable sets, made out of 16 different original cables, and listed below. 

General part numbers: The first 4 digits tell the cable version: 1150, 2150, 3150, 4150, 5150. These are from the manuals, condensed in the table below. The last 4 digits tell the cable application: 6284 choke, 6293 start, 6294 front brake, 6295 rear brake, 6296 throttle. These are in table header below.

General parts manuals: The parts manuals were inside the service manuals or were separate add-on lists. Cable part numbers are sourced from these 7 parts manuals or price lists.   

set 1

set 1

set 1

set 5

set 6

set 2

1983  3, 









Cables for General and General-compatible Mopeds

0 choke start  front  rear throttle drum  controls   
0  6284 cable brake brake cable drums left   right

 or 6295 6293 6294 6295 6296 drums 6282 6281  engine  xxxx  brand   top tank   step-thru

  1. none 1150 1150 1150 1150  080  1150  1150  Minarelli ’77-79 Lazer Sport 50, Sport ST

  1. none 1150 1150 1150 1150  080  1150  1150  Minarelli ’78-79 General 5 Star 

  1. none 1150 1150 1150 1150  080  1150  1150  Minarelli ’78-79 General 5 Star ST

  1. none 1150 1150 1150 1150  080  1150  1150  Minarelli ’78-79 AMS Tahoe 50

  2. none 3150 3150 3150 1150  080  3150  3150  Minarelli ’79-81 General 5 Star, C2, 5 Star ST

  2. none 3150 3150 3150 1150  080  5150  5150  Minarelli ’82-83 General 5 Star, C2, 5 Star ST

  3. none 3150 5150 5150 1150  090  3150  3150  Minarelli ’79-83 General Limited Edition

  4. 2150 2150 1150 none 2150  080  1150  1150  Sachs foot ’77-78 Jui Li Honey 50

  4. 2150 2150 1150 none 2150  080  1150  1150  Sachs foot ’77-78 Clinton 50-A

  5. 4150 2150 1150 none 2150  080  2150  2150  Sachs foot ’79-80 Grycner models

  5. 4150 2150 1150 none 2150  080  2150  2150  Sachs foot ’78-80 AMS Sierra 50

  6. 4150 4150 1150 none 2150  080  4150  4150  Sachs foot ’79-80 General 5 Star ST

  6. 4150 4150 1150 none 2150  080  4150  4150  Sachs foot ’78-80 Jui Li Honey 50

  6. 4150 4150 1150 none 2150  080  4150  4150  Sachs foot ’78-80 Clinton 50-A

  7. 4150 2150 3150 none 1151  080  5151  5151  Sachs foot ’80-83 General 5 Star ST

  8. 4150 4150 3150 3150 1151  080  3150  4150  Sachs  oof ’80-83 General 5 Star ST

  8. 4150 4150 3150 3150 1151  080  5150  5151  Sachs  oof ’80-83 General 5 Star  made by Jui Li

  9. 4150 2150 1151 none 1151  110  4150  4150  Sachs foot ’80-85 AMS Sierra 50     by Her Chee

  9. 4150 2150 1151 none 1151  110  4150  4150  Sachs foot ’80-82 Sachs G4

10. 4150 4150 1151 3150 1151  110  3150  4150  Sachs  oof ’80-85 AMS Tahoe 50 

10. 4150 4150 1151 3150 1151  110  3150  4150  Sachs  oof ’80-82 Foxi 47

10. 4150 4150 1151 3150 1151  110  3150  4150  Sachs  oof ’80-83 General 5 Star ST

10. 4150 4150 1151 3150 1151  110  5150  5151  Sachs  oof ’80-85 General 5 Star 

10. 4150 4150 1151 3150 1151  110  3150  4150  Sachs  oof ’80-85 AMS Tahoe Sport G1, G2 






B. Cables for Sale, listed by Application

Sources: Part numbers are mostly from the parts manuals above. Some are guessed based on internet photos and measurements. Measurements are mostly from actual cables or calculated. Some are calculated from parts measurements.


Cable Set 1. 1977-79 Lazer Sport 50, Sport 50 ST
Cable Set 1. 1978-79 AMS Tahoe 50
Cable Set 1. made by Her Chee, with Minarelli V1 engine
Cable Set 1. 1978-79 General 5 Star, 5 Star ST
Cable Set 1. made by Jui Li, with Minarelli V1 engine

1977 Lazer Sport 50
1150 controls (black)

1977 Lazer Sport 50 ST
1150 controls (black)

1979 General 5 Star ST
1150 controls (silver)









Set 1 both hand brakes, 1150/1150 or 1150/1150 controls

1150-6282 left lever assy
1150-6287 left lever
1150-6285 start lever

1150-6281 right lever assy
1150-6297 throttle/switch
1150-6286 right lever


On Lazer-type controls the switches were separate from the controls.

Left control: No brake light switch hole. Left lever 1150-6287 and start lever 1150-6285 had 8.5 mm cable holes for 8.0 mm diameter barrel ends.

Right control: No brake light switch hole. Right lever 1150-6286 had a 8.5 cable hole for 8.0 cable end.




1150-6293   start cable Min/Laz none
42.3″ = 5.1 + 37.2  1 end ∅8 x 10
1150-6293r replacement black   $12

1150-6294   front brake cable     $27
40.2″ = 3.8 + 36.4 with switch
1150-6294u fr. brk. cable used   $19

1150-6295   rear brake cable    none
63.4″ = 2.1 + 3.8 + 57.5 with switch
1150-6295r replacement black  $27

1150-6296   throttle cable          $32
36.7″ = 3.7 + 29.5 + 3.5″
for Dellorto cable pipe 2c or 2cr
1150-6296r replacement black   $27




Cable Set 2. 1979-83 General 5-Star or C2
Cable set 2: made by Jui Li, Minarelli V1 or C2 engine

1979 General 5 Star

1980 General 5 Star

’81 General 5 Star

’82 General 5 Star








’83 General 5 Star ST

’83 General C2

’85 General 5 Star








Set 2 both hand brakes, 3150/3150 (1979-81) or 5150/5150 (1982-85) controls

3150 and 5150

3150 and 5150

Left control 3150: Left lever 3150-6287. The plastic start lever 3150-6285 with mount 3150-6289 was below the control. Start cable end hole 6.5 mm for a 6.0 diameter barrel end.

Left control 5150: Left lever 5150-6287. The metal start lever 5150-6285 with mount 5150-6289 was below the control. Start cable end hole 6.5 mm for a 6.0 diameter barrel end.

Right control 3150: Right lever 3150-6286. Brake cable hole 8.5.  No choke lever.

Right control 5150: Right lever 5150-6286. Brake cable hole 8.5.  No choke lever.


3150-6293   start cable Min/Gen $13
42.3″ = 5.1 + 37.2  1 end ∅6 x 10
3150-6293r replacement black   $12

3150-6294   front brake cable   $34 
40.2″ = 3.8 + 36.4 ∅6 conduit
3150-6294r replacement black none

3150-6295   rear brake cable     $31
63.4″ = 2.1 + 3.8 + 57.5 ∅6 conduit
3150-6295r replacement black

315A-6295  1980’s aftermarket $25
63.9″ = 2.0 + 4.4 + 57.5 ∅7 conduit
315A-6295r replacement black

1150-6296   throttle cable         $32
36.7″ = 3.7 + 29.5 + 3.5″
for Dellorto cable pipe 2c or 2cr
1150-6296r replacement black  $27



Cable Set 3. 1979-83 General 5-Star Limited
Cable Set 3. made by Jui Li, with Minarelli V1 engine

1979 Limited Edition

1983 Limited Edition

’80 Limited Edition front wheel & brake



#2 is arm 5150-5084 &
pinch bolt 5150-5070






The Limited Edition has the same cables as the 5 Star, except the brake cables are 5150 one-ended type. A pinch bolt 5150-5070, Grimeca type P25, attaches the lower end to the brake arm 5150-5084. 


Set 3 both hand brakes, 3150/3150 controls

3150-6282 left control
3150-6287 left lever
3150-6285 start lever

3150-6281 right control
3150-6286 right lever

On General-type controls the switches were built into the controls.

Left control: Left lever 3150-6287 had a 8.5 mm cable hole for a 8.0 mm diameter barrel end. The plastic start lever 3150-6285 was below the bar with mount 3150-6289. Cable end hole was 6.5 mm for a 6.0 diameter barrel end.

Right control: Right lever 3150-6286 had a 8.5 hole for a 8.0 cable. No choke lever.



3150-6293   start cable Min/Gen $13
42.3″ = 5.1 + 37.2  1 end ∅6 x 10
3150-6293r replacement black   $12

5150-6294   front brake cable   none
41.5″ = 5.0 + 36.5  1 end ∅8 x 10
5150-6294r replacement black   $14

5150-6295   rear brake cable    none
64.5″ = 7.0 + 57.5  1 end ∅8 x 10
5150-6295r replacement black   $15

1150-6296   throttle cable          $32
36.7″ = 3.7 + 29.5 + 3.5″
for Dellorto cable pipe 2c or 2cr
1150-6296r replacement black   $27



Cable Set 4. 1977-78 Jui Li Honey 50
Cable Set 4. 1977-78 Clinton 50-A
Cable Set 4. 1979-80 Grycner Floozie, Palm Springs
Cable Set 4. made by Jui Li, with Sachs 505/1A engine with foot brake



1978 Jui Li Honey 50

1978 Clinton 50 A








Set 4 rear foot brake, 1150/1150 controls

1150-6281 right lever assy
1150-6297 throttle/switch

1150-6282 left lever assy
1150-6287 left lever
1150-6285 start lever

On Lazer-type controls the switches were separate from the controls.

Left control: No brake light switch hole. Left lever 2150-6287 and start lever 2150-6285 had 8.5 mm cable holes for 8.0 mm diameter barrel ends. The left lever was for start. The start lever was for choke.

Right control: No brake light switch hole. Right lever 2150-6286 had a 8.5 cable hole for 8.0 cable end.




2150-6284/6295  choke cable  none
39.9″ = 2.5 + 36.4 ∅8
2150-6284r replacement black  $23

2150-6293   start cable Sachs   none
40.5″ = 1.1 + 37.6 + 1.8 1-ended ∅4.5-∅6
with upper pinch bolt P7b ∅7×11
2150-6293r replacement black  $23

2150-6294 = 1150-6294 f. brk. $27
40.2″ = 3.8 + 36.4 with switch
2150-6294r replacement black

2150-6296   throttle cable        $32
38.2″ = 4.4 + 30.3 + 3.5″
for Sachs-Bing long cable pipe  
2150-6296r replacement black $28




Cable Set 5. 1977-78 AMS Sierra 50
Cable Set 5. 1979-80 Grycner Floozie, Palm Springs
Cable Set 5. made by Jui Li, with Sachs 505/1A engine with foot brake


1978 AMS Sierra 50 with 2150 controls
The left 2150 control has a 4150 lever.


1980 Grycner with 2150 controls









Set 5 rear foot brake, 2150/2150 small-hand controls

L, 2150-6281 right control small
R, 4150-6281 for comparison

L, 2150-6282 left control small
R, 4150-6282 for comparison

No threaded hole for brake light switch.

These photos show the 2150 brake levers are smaller than 3150, 4150 and 5150 ones, and pull the cable less. The levers do not interchange but the cables do. This design is for smaller hands.

The brake cable inner wire length required by the the 2150 controls is 3 mm less than on 3150, 4150, 5150 controls, but 4 to 5 mm more than on 1150 controls.


4150-6284/6295  choke cable    $20
37.9″ = 1.5 + 36.4″ 2-ended 
4150-6284r replacement black  $20

415B-6284   1980’s aftermarket $10
38.5″ = 1.4 + 37.1″  0.6″ longer
USA made by Barnett, lined 

2150-6293   start cable Sachs   none
40.5″ = 1.1 + 37.6 + 1.8 1-ended ∅4.5-∅6
with upper pinch bolt P7b ∅7×11
2150-6293r replacement black  $23

2150-6294 = 1150-6294 f. brk. $27
40.2″ = 3.8 + 36.4 with switch
2150-6294r replacement black

2150-6296   throttle cable        $32
38.2″ = 4.4 + 30.3 + 3.5″
for Sachs-Bing long cable pipe  
2150-6296r replacement black $28





Cable Set 6. 1979-80 General 5 Star ST
Cable Set 6. 1978-80 Jui Li Honey 50
Cable Set 6. 1978-80 Clinton 50-A
Cable Set 6. made by Jui Li, with Sachs 505/1A, 1B engine with foot-brake


1978 Jui Li Honey 50
4150/4150 controls

1978 Clinton 50-A

1980 Clinton 50-A

1980 Gen. 5 Star ST
505/1A foot brake









Set 6 rear foot brake, 4150/4150 controls

left control 4150-6282

right control 4150-6281

Left control: Has threaded hole for brake light switch. The left lever 4150-6287 was used as the start lever. It was made black to distinguish it from the right brake lever. A sticker says “start” and points to the black lever. Cable hole 8.5 mm for a 8.0 mm diameter barrel end.

Right control: Has threaded hole for brake light switch. Right lever 3150-6286 had a 8.5 cable hole for 8.0 cable end. Choke lever 4150-6270.


4150-6284/6295  choke cable    $20
37.9″ = 1.5 + 36.4″ 2-ended 
4150-6284r replacement black  $20

415B-6284   1980’s aftermarket $10
38.5″ = 1.4 + 37.1″  0.6″ longer
USA made by Barnett, lined 

2150-6293   start cable Sachs    none
40.5″ = 1.1 + 37.6 + 1.8 1-ended ∅4.5-∅6
with upper pinch bolt P7b ∅7×11
2150-6293r replacement black  $23

1150-6294   front brake cable    $27
40.2″ = 3.8 + 36.4 with switch
1150-6294r replacement black

2150-6296   throttle cable         $32
38.2″ = 4.4 + 30.3 + 3.5″
for Sachs-Bing long cable pipe  
2150-6296r replacement black  $28

215L-6296   1980’s aftermarket $32
40.7″ = 4.4 + 32.8 + 3.5″  2.5″ longer
for Sachs-Bing long cable pipe  
215L-6296r replacement black  $28



Cable Set 7. 1980-83 General 5 Star ST
Cable Set 70. made by Jui Li, with Sachs 505/1A engine with foot brake

1983 General 5 Star ST







Set 7 rear foot brake, 5151/5151 controls

right control 5151-6281

left control 5151-6282


Left control: The start lever and mount were removed. Brake cable hole 8.5 mm for a 8.0 mm barrel end.

Right control: Brake cable 8.0 barrel end.  Choke lever 2150-6287. Choke lever hole 6.5 mm for a 6.0 diameter barrel end.



4150-6284/6295  choke cable    $20
37.9″ = 1.5 + 36.4″ 2-ended 
4150-6284r replacement black  $20

415B-6284   1980’s aftermarket $10
38.5″ = 1.4 + 37.1″  0.6″ longer
USA made by Barnett, lined 

2150-6293   start cable Sachs   none
40.5″ = 1.1 + 37.6 + 1.8 1-ended ∅4.5-∅6
with upper pinch bolt P7b ∅7×11
2150-6293r replacement black  $23

3150-6294   front brake cable   $34 
40.2″ = 3.8 + 36.4 ∅6 conduit
3150-6294r replacement black none

1151-6296   throttle cable        none
38.2″ = 4.0 + 30.7 + 3.5″
for Sachs-Bing short cable pipe  
1151-6296r replacement black  $27




Cable Set 8. 1980-83 General 5-Star ST
Cable Set 8. 1980-83 General 5 Star
Cable Set 8. made by Jui Li, with Sachs 505/1A engine

1980 General 5 Star ST
3150/4150 controls

1983 General 5 Star ST
3150/4150 controls

1981 General 5 Star
5150/5151 controls

















Set 8 both hand brakes, 3150/4150 or 5150/5151 controls

3150 and 5150

4150 and 5151


Left control: The metal start lever 5150-6287 with mount 5150-6289 was below the control.  Start cable end hole 6.5 mm for a 6.0 diameter barrel end. Brake cable hole 8.5 mm for a 8.0 mm barrel end.

Right control: Brake cable 8.0 barrel end.  Choke lever 2150-6287. Choke lever hole 6.5 mm for a 6.0 diameter barrel end.




4150-6284/6295  choke cable    $20
37.9″ = 1.5 + 36.4″ 2-ended 
4150-6284r replacement black  $20

415B-6284   1980’s aftermarket $10
38.5″ = 1.4 + 37.1″  0.6″ longer
USA made by Barnett, lined 

4150-6293   start cable Sachs    none
40.3″ = 1.1 + 37.4 + 1.8 1-ended ∅4.5-∅6
with upper pinch bolt P6c ∅5.5×10
4150-6293r replacement black  $23

3150-6294   front brake cable   $34 
40.2″ = 3.8 + 36.4 ∅6 conduit
3150-6294r replacement black  none

3150-6295   rear brake cable     $31
63.4″ = 2.1 + 3.8 + 57.5 ∅7 conduit
3150-6295r replacement black

1151-6296   throttle cable        none
38.2″ = 4.0 + 30.7 + 3.5″
for Sachs-Bing short cable pipe  
1151-6296r replacement black  $27



Cable Set 9. 1980-85 AMS Sierra 50
Cable Set 9. 1980-82 Sachs G4
Cable Set 9. made by Her Chee, with Sachs 505/1A, B or D engine

1981 Sachs G4, 505/1B foot brake
rod type F brake cable, 4150 controls

1981 Sachs G4




Sachs G4 rear foot brake
110 mm ID brake drum





3150 rear brake cable. left: 110 mm drum, right: 80 mm drum. They both use the same cable!
Here an Angel ∅80-left brake plate is shown, an exact mirror image of a General ∅80-right.




1984 AMS Sierra 50
505/1D foot brake
rod type F brake cable

’84 AMS Sierra 50
505/1D foot brake
rod type F brake cable









Set 9 rear foot brake, 4150/4150 control

left control 4150-6282

right control 4150-6281







4150-6284/6295  choke cable    $20
37.9″ = 1.5 + 36.4″ 2-ended 
4150-6284r replacement black  $20

415B-6284   1980’s aftermarket $10
38.5″ = 1.4 + 37.1″  0.6″ longer
USA made by Barnett, lined 

2150-6293   start cable Sachs   none
40.5″ = 1.1 + 37.6 + 1.8 1-ended ∅4.5-∅6
with upper pinch bolt P7b ∅7×11
2150-6293r replacement black  $23

1151-6294   front brake cable   $30
44.2″ = 1.9 + 4.2+ 38.1 rod type
1151-6294r replacement black  $27

3150-6295   rear brake cable     $31
63.4″ = 2.1 + 3.8 + 57.5 ∅7 conduit
3150-6295r replacement black

1151-6296   throttle cable        none
38.2″ = 4.0 + 30.7 + 3.5″
for Sachs-Bing short cable pipe  
1151-6296r replacement black  $27




Cable Set 10. 1980-85 General 5 Star
Cable Set 10. 1980-85 AMS Tahoe 50, Tahoe Sport G1
Cable Set 10. made by Her Chee, with Sachs 505/1D engine
Cable Set 10. 1980-82 Foxi 47
Cable Set 10. 1980-83 General 5 Star ST
Cable Set 10. made by Her Chee, with Sachs 505/1A engine


1980 Foxi 47
3150/4150 controls
rod type F brake cable

1980 5 Star ST 
3150/4150 controls

1983 General 5 Star
5150/5151 controls

1983 AMS Tahoe G2
rod type F brake cable








1983 5-Star (Her Chee), 5150/5151 controls

’84 AMS Tahoe Sport
3150/4150 controls












3150/4150 controls are on dual hand brake models with Sachs engines

1151 rod-type front brake cable is on big hub models made by Her Chee











Set 10 both hand brakes, 3150/4150 or 5150/5151 controls

3150 and 5150

4150 and 5151


Left control: The metal start lever 5150-6287 with mount 5150-6289 was below the control.  Start cable end hole 6.5 mm for a 6.0 diameter barrel end. Brake cable hole 8.5 mm for a 8.0 mm barrel end.

Right control: Brake cable 8.0 barrel end.  Choke lever 2150-6287. Choke lever hole 6.5 mm for a 6.0 diameter barrel end.




4150-6284/6295  choke cable    $20
37.9″ = 1.5 + 36.4″ 2-ended 
4150-6284r replacement black  $20

4150-6293   start cable Sachs    none
40.3″ = 1.1 + 37.4 + 1.8 1-ended ∅4.5-∅6
with upper pinch bolt P6c ∅5.5×10
4150-6293r replacement black  $23

1151-6294   front brake cable   $30
44.2″ = 1.9 + 4.2+ 38.1 rod type
1151-6294r replacement black  $27

3150-6295   rear brake cable     $31
63.4″ = 2.1 + 3.8 + 57.5 ∅7 conduit
3150-6295r replacement black  none

1151-6296   throttle cable        none
38.2″ = 4.0 + 30.7 + 3.5″
for Sachs-Bing short cable pipe  
1151-6296r replacement black  $27







C. Cables for Sale, listed by type


General-Sachs cables compared to Hercules-Sachs and Columbia-Sachs:

Choke cables for 1970’s mopeds with Sachs 504 and 505 engines all have about a 36 to 38 inch conduits. Hercules is 37, Columbia is 38.4, General is 36.4.

Throttle cables for 1970’s mopeds with Sachs 504/505 engines all have 34 to 37 inch conduits. Hercules is 35, Columbia is 37, General is 34.2.

Start (clutch and decompression) cables for 1970’s mopeds with Sachs 504/505 engines all have 34 to 37 inch conduits. Hercules is 35, Columbia is 37, General is 34.5.


6284/6295 – Choke Cables

2150-6284/6295  choke cable  none
39.9″ = 2.5 + 36.4 ∅8
2150-6284r replacement black  $23

4150-6284/6295  choke cable    $20
37.9″ = 1.5 + 36.4″ 2-ended 
4150-6284r replacement black  $20

415B-6284   1980’s aftermarket $10
38.5″ = 1.4 + 37.1″  0.6″ longer
USA made by Barnett, lined 

415S-6284   1980’s aftermarket $15
34.4″ = 1.5 + 32.9″  3.5″ shorter
Taiwan made, Shorter for low bars


Choke cables are about 2 inches longer than Sachs 504/505 throttle cables. Most of that difference is due to the throttle cable pipe length.


6293 – Start Cables

1150-6293   start cable Min/Laz none
42.3″ = 5.1 + 37.2  1 end ∅8 x 10
1150-6293r replacement black   $12

2150-6293   start cable Sachs    none
40.5″ = 1.1 + 37.6 + 1.8 1-ended ∅4.5-∅6
with upper pinch bolt P7b ∅7×11
2150-6293r replacement black   $23

3150-6293   start cable Min/Gen $13
42.3″ = 5.1 + 37.2  1 end ∅6 x 10
3150-6293r replacement black   $12

4150-6293   start cable Sachs    none
40.3″ = 1.1 + 37.4 + 1.8 1-ended ∅4.5-∅6
with upper pinch bolt P6c ∅5.5×10
4150-6293r replacement black   $23


The Sachs 504 and 505 engine start cable goes through a small hole in the engine case. It cannot be double-ended and ready-made because the lower end cannot fit though the small hole. So it is single-ended and must have the upper end installed last as a pinch bolt.

The lower cable end goes in a starter clutch arm with two different holes, 5.1 and 6.5 mm ID. So the cable end has to be 4.9 and 6.3 mm OD or less. Here the specification is 4.5 and 6.0 but it can be a little more or less.




6294 – Front Brake Cables

1150-6294   front brake cable    $27
40.2″ = 3.8 + 36.4 with switch
1150-6294u fr. brk. cable used   $19

1151-6294   front brake cable   $30
44.2″ = 1.9 + 4.2+ 38.1 rod type
1151-6294r replacement black  $27

2150-6294 = 1150-6294            $27

3150-6294   front brake cable   $34 
40.2″ = 3.8 + 36.4 ∅6 conduit
3150-6294r replacement black  none

5150-6294   front brake cable    none
41.5″ = 5.0 + 36.5  1 end ∅8 x 10
5150-6294r replacement black   $14


6295 – Rear Brake Cables

1150-6295   rear brake cable     none
63.4″ = 2.1 + 3.8 + 57.5 with switch
1150-6295r replacement black  $27

3150-6295   rear brake cable     $31
63.4″ = 2.1 + 3.8 + 57.5 ∅7 conduit
3150-6295r replacement black  none

315A-6295  1980’s aftermarket $25
63.9″ = 2.0 + 4.4 + 57.5 ∅6 conduit
315A-6295r replacement black  none

5150-6295   rear brake cable    none
64.5″ = 7.0 + 57.5  1 end ∅8 x 10
5150-6295r replacement black  $15


6296 – Throttle Cables

1150-6296   throttle cable          $32
36.7″ = 3.7 + 29.5 + 3.5″
for Dellorto cable pipe 2c or 2cr
1150-6296r replacement black   $27

1151-6296   throttle cable        none
38.2″ = 4.0 + 30.7 + 3.5″
for Sachs-Bing short cable pipe  
1151-6296r replacement black  $27

2150-6296   throttle cable         $32
38.2″ = 4.4 + 30.3 + 3.5″
for Sachs-Bing long cable pipe  
2150-6296r replacement black  $28

215L-6296   1980’s aftermarket $32
40.7″ = 4.4 + 32.8 + 3.5″  2.5″ longer
for Sachs-Bing long cable pipe  
215L-6296r replacement black  $28



Dellorto cable pipes

Sachs-Bing cable pipes


These cables are for a specific length of cable pipe.

Left,  Dellorto 2c or 2cr is required for 1150-6296.

Right,  Sachs-Bing long is required for 2150-6296.

Right, Sachs-Bing short is required for 1151-6296.