CEV-2.0/2.0 speedometer family is on US models of Italian mopeds, Baretta (some), 80’s Cosmo (some), Bianchi (some), Gadabout, Italvelo (some), Intramotor Gloria, Malaguti (some), Motobecane Sebring, Motobee, Motomarina, Motron (some), Negrini (some), Rizzato, Safari, Snark (some), Testi (some), Vespa Grande (some), West Wind, Yankee Peddler, and some non-Italian mopeds, Carabela, KTM Foxi.
CEV-2.0/1.8 speedo family is on 1974 to 2002 Tomos mopeds.
Speedo drivers and cables are listed in Tomos Speedometer Parts.
CEV-1.8/2.0 speedo family is on some Italian mopeds or mini-cycles
CEV-2.0/2.7 speedo family is on some Italian scooters, mini-cycles or motorcycles.
A. CEV Speedometers
CEV 2.0/2.0 60mm speedometers in Nov 2024
Speed testing: They are all tested on the same drill, for comparison of speed accuracy. The odometer accuracy never varies – it either works or not. It takes up to 3 minutes at 20mph to click off one mile. Each speedometer is tested for at least 3 minutes, some over 10 minutes all together. Once all of the 17 tested speeds are retested and verified, an average speed can be calculated. First the highest and lowest are ignored. Then the remaining 15 test speeds are added up and the sum is divided by 15 to give 23.8 average. You can see that most of the speedos tested at 23, 24, or 25 mph. The accuracy is an important factor in determining the price. The condition of the glass, face, and needle are also important.
CEV-2.0/2.0 60mm round speedometers: 15 out of 17 were originally frozen. They have all been cleaned, checked, and lubed, and tested.
# dia. miles price tested
# mm miles price speed error odometer
1 60 00130 $70 40 -1 odo works
2 60 00004 $30 22 -19 odo works, speedo reads very low
4 60 00009 $30 40 –1 no odo (no miles)
5 60 04726 $40 37 -4 odo works, ugly, broken light
6 60 00002 $30 42 +1 no odo (no miles)
7 60 00002 $85 42 +1 odo works, goes to 60 mph
8 60 00359 $65 41 -0 odo works
Vespa Grande came with three different 60mm speedos, CEV blue #307252, Veglia black #307168, and CEV black #307872.
B. CEV Speedo Drivers
Rinvio per contachilometri CEV 7408
CEV speedo drivers come in a wide range of styles, sizes, and ratios, perhaps 100 kinds. Here are only about half of them, the ones with small axle holes, mostly 11 or 12 mm, for lightweight motorcycles, mini-cycles and mopeds.
CEV speedo driver part numbers in the 1960’s and 70’s all had a 4-digit number starting with 7. They were sequential, here starting at 7121. Most older ones (lower part numbers) had higher ratios for larger tires 18 and 19 inch. But only the last 3 digits were stamped on the driver, at the brass end cap. After the mid 1980’s the 3-digit stamped-on numbers replaced 4-digit numbers. So a CEV 7416 is the same as a CEV 416. But some changed, like the CEV 7408 with an 11 mm axle hole became the CEV 408 with a 12 mm axle hole.
’82 MMI catalog
Grease zerk or cap: CEV drivers in the 1960’s, 70’s and early 80’s all had grease zerks for applying grease with a grease gun, up to number 7429. The 1982 Marina Mobili Parts Catalog and 1985 price list contain 9 CEV drivers from 7121 to 7429 for mopeds, mini-cycles and lightweight motorcycles. Some time after that, in the late 1980’s or 90’s, starting with number 7430, the zerk was discontinued, replaced at first by a small non-removable cap, and then a large removable grease cap. With that you just push the grease in with your finger tip. That was the most visible thing that changed. Some versions also got thinner. Here we use the older 4-digit numbers for the older grease zerk versions, and the newer 3-digit numbers for the newer grease cap versions.
Right or left: The cable must rotate clockwise, looking down from the speedometer. So for each side of the bike there are right or left types. It happens that CEV worm gear drives are all wound in the same direction, like a normal bolt. There are no reverse threads inside. So the shape of the speedo driver determines what side of the bike it goes on. Ones that resemble a “d” go on the left, and “b” ones go on right. This is true for CEV speedo drivers, but not all other makes.
1. driver with grease zerk
2. grease cap permanent
3. grease cap removable
ID# Index: look up the ratio, then scroll down to it
CEV 001 1.4 003 1.7 004 1.7 011 1.4 012 1.6 013 1.7
CEV 121 1.8 221 1.8 238 1.9 240 0.9 252 1.5 278 1.2
CEV 287 1.3 288 1.1 289 1.6 290 1.6? 296 1.7 303 1.7
CEV 324 1.7 337 1.2 341 0.9 358 1.9 373 1.8 375 1.9
CEV 402 1.3 403 1.8 408 1.6 416 1.6 419 1.3
CEV 421 1.8 422 1.6 428 1.7 429 1.8
CEV 430 1.8 442 2.1 456 1.6 486 1.7
CEV 508 1.9 536 1.8 543 1.3
CEV#: 4-digit has grease zerk, 3-digit has grease cap, 2-digit has none
CEV# color: violet is from the ’82 MMI catalog (Marina Mobili Inc).
ratio color: black is from ’82 MMI, green is measured, gray is guessed
xx# axle ratio mar side/ cable
xx# hole ratio mark type hole depth price
7341 11 0.9 341 R b 2.0 07.5 $47
for OD 11.2 3.00-5
7240 12 0.9 240 L d 2.0 07.5 none
for OD 11.2 3.00-5
7xxx 12 0.9 xxx L d 2.0 20.6 none
for OD 11.2 3.00-5
Benelli CB1160/B ’69-73 Buzzer (3.00-5)
7xxx 10 1.0 xxx R b 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 12.4 3.50-5, 4.00-5, 3.00-7
Di Blasi 172 ’74-79 R2 (3.50-5)
1979-1997 Di Blasi R7 had Huret
xxx 0 10 1.0 xxx L d 2.7 03.7 none
for OD 12.4 4.00-5, 3.00-7, 2.50-8
Di Blasi 2343 ’97-on R7E (4.00-5)
7xxx 12 1.1 xxx R b 2.7 00.0 none
for OD 13.7 3.50-7
Benelli CB2157 ’71-72 Hurricane (3.50-7)
maybe ’70-72 Fantic Broncco TX6 (3.50-7)
7278 12 1.2 278 R b 2.7 20.6 none
for OD 14.9 3.50-8, 2.75-9 or 2.50-10
Benelli K55/B ’69-71 Hornet (2.75-9)
’67-72 Dynamo Compact (3.50-8)
7337 12 1.2 337 R b 2.7 22.0 $47
for OD 14.9 3.50-8, 2.75-9 or 2.50-10
7287 11 1.3 287 R b 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 16.2 3.00-10 or 3.50-10
7288 12 1.3 288 R b 2.0 06.8 none
for OD 16.2 3.00-10 or 3.50-10
’68-70 Garelli Broncco TC4, TS4 (3.00-10)
7402 11 1.3 402 R b 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 16.2 3.00-10 or 3.50-10
7419 11 1.3 419 L d 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 16.2 3.00-10 or 3.50-10
435 12 1.3 435 L d 1.8?03.7? none
for OD 16.2 3.00-10 or 3.50-10
Derbi 0E01620051 ’87-89 DS50
543 11 1.3 543 L d 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 16.2 3.00-10 or 3.50-10
7xxx 12 1.3 xxx R b 2.7 03.7none
for OD 16.2 3.00-10
Benelli K104 ’70-73 Dynamo Trail, II
7252 12 1.5 252 R b 2.7 00.0 none
for OD 18.7 2.50-14
Benelli G716 ’71-73 Mini Enduro
7422 10 1.6 422 0 0 2.0 00.0 none
for OD 19.9 2.00-16 or 2.25-16
012 0 12 1.6 16:10 L d 2.0 04.5 $29.0
plastic India-made for Tomos ’74-’18 most
Tomos 209650
7289 11 1.6 289 L d 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 19.9 2.00-16 or 2.25-16
’78-80 Rizzato Califfo 16″
7290 11 1.6? 290 L d 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 19.9 2.00-16 or 2.25-16
’78-80 Rizzato Califfo 16″
7416 12 1.6 416 R b 2.0 03.7 $49
for OD 19.9 2.00-16 or 2.25-16
456 12 1.6 456 L d 2.0 05.3 $47
for OD 19.9 2.00-16 or 2.25-16
Motron 0122
013 0 12 1.7 17:10 R b 2.0 04.5 $27.0
plastic India-made for Tomos ’02-13 Rev, Sm
Tomos 232801
7428 11 1.7 428 R b 2.0 00.0 none
for OD 21.1 2.50-16, 2.25-17 or 2.50-17
474 12 1.7 474 L d 2.0? 00.0 none
1987 Motomarina Sebring
shield lip on finger ring
7296 11 1.7 296 L d 2.0 00.0 none
for OD 21.1 2.50-16, 2.25-17 or 2.50-17
MMI J103 Motron 16″, Sebring 17″
7303 11 1.7 303 R b 2.0 07.5 $49
for OD 21.1 2.50-16, 2.25-17 or 2.50-17
shield lip on finger ring and outer step
7324 11 1.7 324 L d 2.0 03.7 $49
for OD 21.1 2.50-16, 2.25-17 or 2.50-17
Cimatti C3540 shield lip on finger ring
486 12 1.7 486 L d 1.8 03.7 none
for OD 21.1 2.50-16, 2.25-17 or 2.50-17
Derbi 0F01620051 ’87-89 Variant Sport
004 12 1.7 none R b 2.7 12.8 $39
for OD 21.1 2.50-16, 2.25-17 or 2.50-17
58556 ‘93-12 Aprilia Scarabeo 50-100
7121 11 1.8 121 L d 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 22.4 2.25-18 or 2.00-19
7373 11 1.8 373 R b 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 22.4 2.25-18 or 2.00-19
7221 11 1.8 221 L d 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 22.4 2.25-18 or 2.00-19
wide shield lip on finger ring
430 11 1.8 430 L d 2.0 07.5 none
for OD 22.4 fits Ward 450SS with the hub
hole moved inward, and a regular CEV 2.0 cable
7429 12 1.8 429 R b 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 22.4 2.25-18 or 2.00-19
7421 12 1.8 421 R b 2.0 07.6 none
for OD 22.4 2.25-18 or 2.00-19
536 12 1.8 536 R b 2.7 03.7 none
for OD 22.4 2.25-18 or 2.00-19
7239 12 1.8 239 L d 00.0 none
for OD 22.4 2.25-18 or 2.00-19
Benelli G227/3 Riverside 450SS
7358 9.7 1.9 358 R/L 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 23.6 2.25-19, 2.75-18 or 2.50-19
reversible right or left
7403 12 1.9 403 R b 2.7 22.0 $47
for OD 23.6 2.25-19, 2.75-18 or 2.50-19
7375 12 1.9 375 R b 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 23.6 2.25-19, 2.75-18 or 2.50-19
conduit screws on directly, no end cap
508 15 1.9 508 L d 2.7 23.5 $47
for OD 23.6 2.25-19, 2.75-18 or 2.50-19
7238 15 1.9 238 R b 2.7 00.0 none
for OD 23.6 2.25-19, 2.75-18 or 2.50-19
Benelli M92/2 Riverside 125, Cobra 125
442 12 2.1 442 L d 2.0 03.7 none
for OD 26.1 2.50-21 or bicycle 26 x 2.0
ultra-light off-road like a Derbi RD50
Tomos speedo drivers: In mid-2008 Tomos in Slovenia began outsourcing most production to India. Components also changed to India-made, such as the speedo driver. The part number did not change, but the square cable hole grew from 1.8 to 2.0 mm. This caused the square cable to slip often. The simple no-cost remedy is to smash the square 1.7 x 1.7 end of the cable into a rectangle 1.9 x 1.5.
Gear ratios: Several known tire sizes and gear ratios were used to calculate all others. First the tire outer diameter (OD) for a 1.6 ratio was guessed. Then all the other tire OD’s were calculated from that. The guess was revised, tire OD’s recalculated and compared. This was repeated, to finally match the known values.
Tire size: These vintage tires all have a 100% profile. The height is 100% of the width. So a 2.25-17 tire has an outer diameter of 17 + 2.25 + 2.25 = 21.5 inch. A 2.75-16 also has that same OD. Different tire sizes can have the same outer diameter.
gear for Tire sizes for CEV gear ratios
ratio OD tire size OD tire size OD tire size OD
0.9 11.2 0.00-11 00.1 3.00 - 5 11.0
1.0 12.4 3.50 - 5 12.0 2.50 - 7 12.0 4.00 - 5 13.0
1.1 13.7 3.00 - 7 13.0 2.50 - 8 13.0 3.50 - 7 14.0
1.2 14.9 2.75 - 9 14.5 3.50 - 8 15.0 2.75-10 15.5
1.2 14.9 3.50 - 8 15.0 2.50-10 15.0
1.3 16.2 3.00-10 16.0 3.25-10 16.5
1.4 17.4 2.50-12 17.0 2.75-12 17.5 3.00-12 18.0
1.5 18.7 2.25-14 18.5 2.50-14 19.0
1.6 19.9 2.75-14 19.5 2.00-16 20.0 2.25-16 20.5
1.7 21.1 0.00-11 00.1 2.50-16 21.0 2.75-16 21.5
1.7 21.1 0.00-11 00.1 2.00-17 21.0 2.25-17 21.5
1.8 22.4 3.00-16 22.0 2.75-17 22.5 2.50-18 23.0
1.8 22.4 2.50-17 22.0 2.25-18 22.5 2.00-19 23.0
1.9 23.6 2.75-18 23.5 2.25-19 23.5 2.50-19 24.0
2.0 24.9 0.00-11 00.1 3.00-19 25.0
2.1 26.1 2.50-21 26.0 0000 26 x 2.0 bicycle 26.0
C. CEV Speedo Cables
mm inch ⇓ end mm ⇑ end mm price
conduit 0 CEV part# part# description CEV-1.8/2.0
575 22.6 1.80-1.90 1.60-1.65 $47.0 original
mm inch ⇓ end mm ⇑ end mm price
conduit 0 CEV part# part# description CEV-2.0/2.0
575 22.6 1.85-1.90 1.90-1.95 $39.0 original
575 22.6 7804/575 C3530 Cimatti
600 23.6 1.85-1.90 1.90-1.95 $44.0 original
600 23.6 7804/600 307253 Vespa Grande w/blinkers
650 25.6 1.85-1.90 1.90-1.95 $38.0 original good-used
650 25.6 7804/650 0010B ’80 Motron
wire only 1.85-1.90 1.90-1.95 $17.0 original
700 27.6 1.85-1.90 1.90-1.95 $48.0 original
700 27.6 7804/700
750 29.5 1.85-1.90 1.90-1.95 $46.0 original
750 29.5 7804/750 ’78-79 0010 Motron
750 29.5 1.94-1.98 1.70-1.75 $18.0 replacement
750 29.5 Rep1/750 for ’74-02 Tomos (CEV 2.0/1.8)
750 29.5 1.94-1.98 1.85 x 1.6 $32.0 replacement
750 29.5 RepC/750 Rep1 modified see note 1
800 31.5 1.85-1.90 1.90-1.95 $42.0 original
800 31.5 7804/800
Note 1: RepC is made from Rep1 in 4 steps. 1. Using a tapered punch, the upper end tube is bent wider at the entrance flare, from 7.2 to 7.5 mm ID, to fit the 7.4 OD lip on the CEV speedometer. 2. A C-clip, made from a section of a paper clip, is added inside the upper plastic screw cap, if it does not screw on far enough to retain the upper end tube solid, straight and centered. 3. The 2.0+ mm weld bulge at the tip of the lower square end is ground off to make the tip a 1.9 mm square. 4. The 1.7 mm upper square end is formed into a slight rectangle by gentle hammer taps.
mm inch ⇓ end mm ⇑ end mm price
conduit 0 CEV part# part# description CEV-2.0/2.7
500 19.7 2.60-2.65 1.88-1.98 $37.0 unknown application
D. CEV Speedo Housings
CEV 04820 is a handlebar-mounted black plastic housing for a 60 mm diameter speedometer.
9408 0 none with clamps, indicator lights, key switch
9408.1 none with clamps, indicator lights
9408.2 none with clamps, key switch
04820 none with clamps, plain
04820b $33.0 without clamps, plain
19323 $7.00 clamp original new
19324 $1.00 clamp screw original M5 x 16 allen
3648 0 $0.50 clamp nut M4
19323r $7.00 replacement clamp-screw-nut M5x25
CEV 04918 is a headlight mounted black plastic housing for a 60 mm speedometer.
It only fits on a CEV 1211 thin type headlight.
04918 $19.0 speedo housing for 1211 headlight