Minarelli Cables

November 30, 2020


Minarelli is the name of the engine. Only the lower end of the throttle and start cables are for the engine. The cables upper ends are for whatever controls that are on the bike’s handlebars. The brake cables lower ends are for whatever brakes the bike has. The cable lengths depend on the frame and handlebars.

Cables for mopeds with Minarelli V1 engines, 1970’s Domino controls and Grimeca brakes, are in Cimatti.

Cables for mopeds with Minarelli V1 engines, 1970’s Taiwan controls and brakes, are in General or Lazer.


Malaguti Cables

November 30, 2020



’76-77 Malaguti Commuter
Morini MO1-Malaguti eng.

’77-79 Malaguti Commuter
Morini MO1-Malaguti eng.

’79-80 Malaguti Commuter
Morini M1 engine (black)










for ’76-80 Malaguti Commuter

H75    $10.0 throttle cable 37 x 47″ ∅1.2


for ’76-80 Malaguti Commuter

H76    $19.0 rear brake cable 62 x 69″ ∅2.0
H76.1 $11.0 replacement cable 62 x 69″ ∅1.5
H00.0 $00.0 sold separately:
D14    $4.00 cable anchor (at hand lever)
A2a    $3.00 cable adjuster M6 hex (at wheel)
P25    $4.00  Grimeca pinch bolt (at wheel)


for ’76-79 Malaguti Commuter with Morini MO1-Malaguti engine

H77.1 $11.0 start cable side-pull 43 x 50″ ∅1.5
F1c     $1.50 step ferrule included with cable
H00.0 $00.0 sold separately:
P20    $3.00 stepped pinch bolt
D14b  $4.00 cable anchor with centering washer


Morini 1-speed start cable and lever
for ’79-80 Malaguti Commuter with Morini M1 engine (black)

H77    $10.0 start cable forward-pull 43 x 50″ ∅1.5
H00.0 $00.0 sold separately:
P8      $2.00 pinch bolt a
D14b  $4.00 cable anchor c with centering washer b
D14b  $4.00 cable anchor c with centering washer b
A2a    $3.00 cable adjuster d


MO-2 starting mechanism showing original wire clip MO-2 start wire is a bicycle gear wire
for ’76-79 Malaguti Commuter with Morini MO2 engine
12.7061 none  start inner wire 2-sp  55″ ∅1.6 requires D14p
12.606I  $5.00 replacement inner wire  50″ ∅1.2 requires D14p
12.706S $11.0 replacement cable 43 x 50″ ∅1.2 requires D14p
H00.0 $00.0 sold separately:
none  pinch bolt ∅8 x 17 with centering grooves
P8g    $5.00 pinch bolt ∅8 x 15 no grooves


for ’76-80 Malaguti Commuter

H78    $10.0  front brake cable 39 x 48″ ∅1.5
H00.0 $00.0 sold separately:

D14    $4.00 cable anchor (at hand lever)
A2a    $3.00 cable adjuster M6 hex (at wheel)
P25    $4.00  Grimeca pinch bolt (at wheel)





Morini MO1 Start Cable Versions

The three left photos A,B,C are Malaguti Commuters with Morini MO-1 Gyromat “side pull” engine. The start cable goes through the frame and pulls sideways. It enters the frame through a large hole on the left above the flywheel. The conduit stops at a small hole on the right.

The two right photos D,E are non-Malaguti mopeds with Morini MO-1 Gyromat and non-Gyromat “front pull” engines. The start cable does not go through the frame. Instead it is “backwards” because the inner wire is fixed and the conduit moves with the start lever arm.

This also shows that some Gyromat branded MO-1 engines have side-pull type clutch covers, and some have forward-pull type clutch-transmission covers.



Cable Anchors


Domino Socket Bolts: 1970’s Italian moped brake levers and start lever use these adapter pieces to convert the pear end to a longer sideways barrel. They are more than just an adapter, because they have a slot for the inner wire to pass through, to allow installation. There are two lengths, 16mm for brake levers, and 14mm for decomp/start levers. It is important to have the cable wire centered in the lever. So there is a groove that the sheet metal lever sits in when the lever is squeezed. That groove keeps the socket bolt from sliding sideways. Without that groove, the cable still functions, but maybe not as well, or it might make a “click” sound and feel, when it does not stay centered. A longer one will substitute for a short one, with a 8mm washer under it. But the washer covers the centering groove, so it might not perform as well as an original.





Kynast Cables

November 30, 2020

Kynast Cables

1979 Kynast KML 40

1979 Flying Dutchman KML 40












Kynast choke cable     1-ended
1977-80 Kynast Flying Dutchman with Sachs 504
37.4+ = 35.8 + 1.6+ with pinch bolt

replacement black $12


Kynast start cable    1-ended
1977-80 Kynast Flying Dutchman with Sachs 504
38.4″ = 1.1+2.8+0.3+32.0+1.2+1.0
replacement black


Kynast throttle cable A      2-ended
most ’77-78 Flying Dutchman w/’77 covers, 504
41.0 = 36.5 + 4.5 for short cable pipe
746-0291Ar replacement black


Kynast throttle cable B      2-ended
most ’79-80 Flying Dutchman w/’79 covers, 504
41.0 = 36.0 + 5.0 for long cable pipe
746-0291Br replacement black







More Menu

November 29, 2020


2003 Rides 01-06    2004 Rides 07-18

2005 Rides 19-31    2006 Rides 32-43

2008 Rides 56-67    2009 Rides 68-75

2010 Rides 76-81    2011 Rides 82-90

2012 Rides 91-97    2013 Rides 98-101

USA and California LAWS:

CA Vehicle Codes   CA Environmental   

US Safety Laws      US Environmental     


Traffic Lights    Safety   Body Language  

Anaheim Streets     Nature Walks


Encyclopedia       1100-Name Index  

Moped Books     1981 Buyers Guide 


Links    Shop Tour   A few more bikes

Myrons Artwork   M.A.A. Intro Flyer



Service Menu (alternate)

November 29, 2020

S E R V I C E  
 Introduction xxx  Manuals  
 Tank Cleaning xx Tire Mounting 
 Spot a Bent Fork  About Threads  
 Wheel Servicing   Puch Wheels

C A R B U R E T O R  
 Introduction Cleaning, Jetting  
 Jet Sizes and Drills  
 Dellorto  Bing  Gurtner  Mikuni

 Torque Specs    Top End Service  
 Seized Engine   How to Diagnose    All About Oils

E L E C T R I C  
 Wiring Diagrams    Ignition Service  
 Indian Ignition  xx Peugeot Ignition    Vespa Electrical

T O M O S   ‘9 2 – 0 6  
 Clutch Service    Throttle Upgrade 
 Electrical    CDI Ignition    Oil Injection

T O M O S   ‘0 7 – 1 8   
 Owners Manual    Assembly    Carb Sleeve 
 Trans Oil Leak  x  Pedal Driveshaft  
 Operating Costs    Maintenance  
 Performance  xxx Electrical



Parts Menu (alternate)

November 29, 2020

ACCESORIES   Stickers   Manuals   Tools    Mirrors   Oils   Helmets/Shirts   Other

ENGINE   Pistons, Rings   Bearings/Bushings   Seals/O-rings   Engine.Hardware

CARBURETOR   Dellorto   Bing   Encarwi   Gurtner   Mikuni/Pacco/Tillotson   Keihin

IGNITION   Plugs/points/condensers   Bosch magnetos   CEV   Peugeot/Novi   Ducati/IDM/Iskra   Dansi/Motoplat/Wtemco 

FRAME   Gas Caps   Gas Valves   Covers   Steering   Shocks/Seats   Forks

ELECTRICAL   Bulbs   Headlights   Switches  Batteries   Tail Lights   Other

WHEELS    Tires and Tubes   Brakes   Spokes   Wheels   Wheel Parts   Grimeca   Leleu   Taiwan

CONTROLS   Handlebars  Grips   Magura  Domino   Motobecane   Taiwan   Other

DRIVETRAIN   Chains   Sprockets  Pedals and Cranks   Pedal Parts   Belts

MORE   Speedo   Reflectors   Locks/Keys   Hardware   Cables and Cable Parts

What is Myrons Mopeds

November 29, 2020

Shaun in 2017

Myrons Mopeds in 2010

Myrons Mopeds is the only moped shop remaining from the 1970’s in southern California. It is operated by Shaun Strahm.



Shaun has serviced thousands of mopeds, daily for 35 years, from 1978 to 2013.

Since 1985, almost daily, he has been sorting and processing thousands of moped parts from dozens of moped shop buyouts, and hundreds of bikes turned into parts.

Since 2013, Shaun has stopped doing service and bike sales, instead focusing on this online encyclopedia and parts sales. His goal is studying, documenting, displaying and explaining every (US model) moped and moped part. 

This website is for your enjoyment and practical use. Thousands of images and hundreds of pages of text, are all free for the public. Enjoy!

If you feel grateful for free advice you received, or for this huge commercial-free website, and you wish to contribute a donation, you can send it by PayPal to myronsmoped@gmail.com. Thank you in advance, from Shaun!


What’s a moped

November 29, 2020

What is a moped?

A moped is a lightweight motorbike that can be pedaled. Most mopeds are made in Europe. Millions were sold in the US from ’76 to ’79 after the gas shortage. By 1985 the moped boom was over, and scooters became popular.

A scooter has a floor, small tires, no pedals, and can have various sizes of engines from under 50cc to over 600cc. Most scooters are made in Asia. The smallest scooters are like mopeds in that they are both 49cc automatics that go 30 – 35 mph. A moped means MOtor with PEDals, a hybrid vehicle half way between a small motorcycle and a bicycle. Since 2000 China has flooded the US with scooters that they call mopeds, causing confusion. Some USA states require pedals and some do not. In California, a “moped” has pedals, a 2hp motor and goes 30 mph. Mopeds, scooters, and motorcycles can also be electric.

A 2008 Tomos Sprint is a moped.

Some motor driven cycles are similar to mopeds. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) classifies anything with 2 or 3 wheels and over 5 horsepower as a motorcycle, and anything with 2 or 3 wheels and under 5 horsepower as a motor-driven cycle. So what appears on the VIN plates of all four examples below is Vehicle Type: Motor Driven Cycle, since they’re all under 5 horsepower.

Here we divide the Motor Driven Cycle category into Mopeds, Nopeds, Scooters, or Small Motorcycles. This is because the parts inventory and service expertise at Myrons Mopeds is limited to true mopeds and some nopeds. Other types of motor driven cycles are excluded.

Examples of Motor Driven Cycles: Four Different kinds of “Honda 50”

Moped: Honda P50
49cc 1.5hp 25mph
one-speed automatic
feet go on pedals

Noped: Honda NC50
49cc 2.0hp 30mph
one-speed automatic
feet go on foot pegs

Scooter: Honda SA50
49cc 2.0hp 30mph
multi-speed automatic
feet go on floor

Motorcycle: Honda C110
49cc 4.3hp 43mph
multi-speed manual
feet go on foot pegs









US Moped History

November 29, 2020

Brief History of Mopeds in the USA

Author: Daven (m025001.sctcorp.com) Date: 02-22-2000 13:22
About the rise of mopeds in the 1970’s, and the fall in the 1980’s.

Among the many sorrows of 1995, America’s failure to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the arrival of the moped on its shores probably doesn’t rank very high. The oversight is, perhaps, even understandable. With their puny engines, fragile suspensions, and lumpy contours, mopeds were a paean to defensive driving, and as such, seem completely antithetical to what passes for a recreational vehicle today. Yet the moped was beloved. Twenty years ago, it was up there with hot tubs and Studio 54 on the top of the charts–a hallmark of its age. Since then, times have been tough. Even the recent 70s revivals have largely ignored the moped. Unresuscitated, unable to leap Travoltalike into our decade, the moped languishes in the dark recesses of the past, growing ever more obscure, fading like the leisure suit and Ben Gazzara. So quickly, before everyone who remembers the moped joins the Shah in the hereafter, indulge me, and to celebrate it. The semi-successful marriage of the motorcycle and the bicycle was first performed in gas-starved Europe at the end of WWII. Dubbed the moped (a contraction of the words motor and pedal), and basically unregulated, it flourished in the streets of Paris and Rome. The motors were very small (50 cc’s max) and of the simple two-stroke variety, so you had to mix the oil and gas yourself. But these spunky vehicles got ungodly mileage (between 100 and 200 miles per gallon). The pedals were used to help start the engine and to assist in hill climbing (although on some models, real hill climbing could be more easily accomplished by getting off the moped and walking). Those chic Europeans seemed to love them. But in America, mopeds were effectively barred by laws that classified them as motorcycles and demanded that they have foot brakes, turn signals, and various other features that they didn’t possess. We had to slake our thirst for this kind of machine with motor scooters and electric bikes. We probably didn’t even know we had such a thirst. Then in 1974, after a heavy industry lobby, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration relaxed the safety standards for mopeds. The great American moped markets were open. Laws varied from state to state, but basically, the U.S. moped’s maximum speed was set between 20 and 30 miles an hour, and drivers were forbidden to enter major highways. Beyond that, the mid-70s moped laws were pretty lax. Many states didn’t require a license, insurance, or registration; some didn’t even set a minimum operating age–which was a blessing for eager-to-get-dating 15-year-olds. (The 30 mph top speed was somewhat elusive, since most models that could achieve that kind of speed tended to shake the fillings out of your teeth when they did it. Yes, these mopeds were slow, and their engines were meek.)

They came from strange-sounding companies at first: Puch, Garelli, Batavus, and Tomos, to name a few. But once the craze was on, many of the big motorcycle manufacturers joined the fray. The Honda Hobbit, introduced in 1978, may have been the quintessential moped in name and appearance (especially name). The consumer appeal was easy to grasp: The moped was cheap, very cheap. Cheap to operate, cheap to buy, and free to insure. You could get a good one for about $350. That’s $350 for a machine that could take you anywhere you wanted to go at 20 m.p.h., and make it seem like a good time if there weren’t too many hills or big trucks around. $350! I spend about seventy bucks a week these days just on cough medicine and phone calls to the Motorcycle Industry Council, never mind transportation. Moreover, the moped was fun to ride–it put you low to the ground with some wind in your hair and moved you through traffic sort of like a motorcycle did. And in a nation delirious about all sorts of moving vehicles and the trappings thereof (truckers and CBs, the Dukes of Hazzard and CHiPs, go-carts and slot-cars) the fun little moped fit right in. Sales jumped from 25,000 in 1975 to 75,000 in 1976 to 150,000 in 1977–and then doubled again in 1978. There were moped articles in every magazine from Newsweek to Glamour. They were popular with men and women, with the young and the old (and the very old, who liked to tool around retirement communities). They were sold in drugstores and newsstands, as well as your more conventional cycle shops, and everyone was back-ordered. Some high schools began to offer Moped Ed courses to eager freshmen. Nick Nolte and Jacqueline Bisset were in a ridiculous moped chase scene in The Deep. Jimmy Carter encouraged us to buy mopeds as part of his energy conservation program. And the Department of Transportation estimated that in the 1980s, America’s roads would be covered by two- to three-million mopeds.

But the good days didn’t last. Lawmakers began to consider the safety issues raised when a vehicle with a top speed of 30 m.p.h. mingles with normal traffic (acceleration at stop lights was a big problem). There were some accidents: not as many as with motorcycles, but there were a lot more safety laws for motorcyclists–including helmet requirements. And in a moped accident, the mopeder always seemed to lose. Furthermore, the police became troubled by the fact that mopeds, with licensing optional in most states, were a good means of transportation for people who’d had their automobile licenses revoked. Resulting legislation greatly increased restrictions on the mopeds. Alas, public perception changed too: The novelty wore off, and the moped became wimpy. Sales leveled, then declined, then dropped off the map. By 1985, there were fewer than 12 moped dealers in the country, down from a late 70s peak of several hundred. Moped madness was over.


What’s new

November 29, 2020

What’s new

Click on these links to visit the newest sections, updated or revised.
These are the major revisions. Many more minor ones are not listed.

2022-07 Main Menus were made small-screen-friendly. 

2022-06 Parts/Ignition/CEV Magnetos was improved.

2022-06 Brands/Slovenia/Tomos/A3 Parts and A35/A55 Parts were revised.

2022-05 Parts/Cables/Cable Parts was improved.

2022-05 Parts/Cables/Tomos Cables was updated.

2022-04 Parts/Carburetor/Gurtner was revised.

2022-04 Parts/Cables/Puch Cables was updated.

2022-04 Parts/Wheels/Tires and Tubes was updated.

2022-03 Brands/Japan/Honda was revised.

2022-03  Parts/Frame/Covers, Reflectors/Reflectors was expanded.

2022-02  Parts/Cables/Motobecane Cables was updated.

2022-02  Parts/Electrical/Tail Lights. CEV Tail Lights was updated.

2022-02  Brands/France/Motobecane/Motobecane Cady was revised.

2022-01  Parts/Electrical/Batteries was revised.

2022-01  Brands/Puch/Puch U.S. Models was revised.

2021-12  Parts/Controls/Grips was revised.

2021-12  Parts/Controls/Handlebars was revised.

2021-12  Brands/Italy/Di Blasi was revised.

2021-11  Parts/Electrical/Speedometer Parts was revised.

2021-10  Parts/Accessories/Tools was revised.

2021-09  Brands/Germany/Sachs/504 and 505 Engine Parts was completed. Eighteen 1974 to 1984 parts and service manuals were combined to make colorized illustrated parts lists.

2021-08  Brands/Austria/KTM Photos and specs were added for 1968-88 KTM Hobby and other worldwide KTM moped models. The purpose is to learn what parts might be available.

2021-08  Brands/France/Motobecane/Cady Photos and specs were added for 1966-76 Cady, with the unusual Isodyne engine, to hopefully learn what parts are the same as other models. Cady’s were sold in mid-70’s Canada, but never in the US.

2021-08  Parts/Cables/Sachs Cables, Columbia Cables, Hercules Cables, KTM Cables, and Kynast Cables were all updated. Each cable is illustrated and specified so that replacements can be found or made.

2021-07  Parts/Controls/Taiwan Controls 1970’s and 80’s General and Lazer moped controls and parts are explained, shown and offered. So far these are just the controls with brake cable adjusters, used on General, Lazer, Clinton, Grycner and others. Later, Taiwan controls without brake cable adjusters will be added, used on Angel, Indian and others.

2021-06  Parts/Cables/General and Lazer Cables All Taiwan-made, Japan-style 1970’s and 80’s General and Lazer moped cables are now illustrated and specified. Most are offered for sale. 

2021-06  Parts/Cables/Honda Cables Many Honda moped cables are now illustrated and specified, but only some are offered. This is an effort to find replacements for all Japanese style cables.

2021-05  Brands/India/Kinetic, Soni Kinetic history and US models are explained. The Soni connection is revealed.

2021-05  Parts/Cables/Batavus Cables The table was replaced with a text list with application columns a,b,c,d,e. 

2021-05  Parts/Cables/Columbia Cables The table was replaced with a text list with application columns a,b,c. More specs were learned. Now all replacement cables are offered.

2021-04  Parts/Frame/Gas Valves was divided into five sections, selected by a menu. 

2021-04  Parts/Electrical/Tail lights, turn lights was expanded with a new menu. ULO was corrected and updated.

2021-04  Parts/Drivetrain/Pedals, cranks, pins, freewheels was revised. Pedal cranks are now easier to understand.

2021-04  Parts/Carburetor/Keihin was completely overhauled. The single long page was subdivided using a Keihin Menu. Links to photos were replaced with photos. New content was added. 

2021-03  Parts/Carburetor/Dellorto was made neater and easier to follow. Short codes now allow all prices to be in view. A Dellorto Menu was created. It is the first Myron’s menu that you click on images instead of words.

2021-03  Brands/Italy/Pacer was improved. History, models, parts, wiring, speed versions are all explained better.

2021-03  Parts/Engine/Pistons, Rings/Pistons 230 different pistons, all of the possible versions on US-model mopeds, were assigned universal 11-digit part numbers that contain their specs. The piston list was cleaned up and made easier to understand.

2021-02  Parts/Controls/Domino was organized and updated. 1970’s and 80’s moped controls are grouped in families, each with many variations. “D” part numbers are used that help with understanding the differences.

2021-02  Brands/France/Solex A complete list of Solex engine numbers was added. It incudes specs, photos, and links to photos. Now anyone can identify the year and model of their Solex. 

2021-01  Brands/Italy/Benelli was completely overhauled. New parts lists and color illustrations were added, for beloved Benelli mopeds and mini-cycles 50 to 65cc. A Benelli Dynamo Service Manual was added. 

2021-01  Brands/Italy/Motron was improved. All US models ’78-80 are explained. Colorized parts illustrations and official parts lists are shown. 

2020-12  Service/Engine Service/Spark Plug Reading was created, with color photos and analysis.

2020-12  Service/Engine Service/Torque Specs was created, listing both generic and service manual specs.

2020-12  Brands/Taiwan/Indian/Engine Parts was revised after recent discoveries. New items were added.

2020-12  Parts/Accessories/Manuals Tomos manuals were updated. New ones are offered.

2020-12  Main-bar/Pull-down/Sub-menu/Sub-sub A new sub-sub layer of menus was created in some of the larger posts. This menu revolution began a month ago with cables. Instead of waiting for the large post to load, looking in it’s table of contents, then scrolling to the section you want, you choose that section almost instantly from a sub-sub menu. Finding things is easier and faster. 

2020-12  Brands and Parts menus were embellished with eye-friendly country flags and icons.

2020-11  Home was revised. New Brands, Parts, Service, and More alternate menus were created. They have the same choices but in a thin-screen-friendly format. They also serve as back-ups. Having back-up menus allowed for the menus to be overhauled safely. 

2020-11  Brands/Spain/Derbi/Derbi Parts Illustrations for 1986-89 (flat reed) engine parts were added.

2020-11  Parts/Hardware/Cables/Derbi Cables was expanded and improved. All 27 original Derbi USA cables are illustrated, specified and listed. Most are offered.

2020-11  Parts/Hardware/Cables was overhauled. Cables A to J and K to Z are reunited. Now, instead of scrolling, you select the cable brand from a sub-sub menu. This was needed as the cable list grew longer.

2020-11  Brands/Slovenia/Tomos Motor was added. 44 Tomos USA parts catalogs are combined! All Tomos A3, A35, and A55 engine parts are illustrated, explained and listed. Most are offered.

2020-10  Brands/Italy/Gadabout was improved. A BM-Pryer-Gadabout connection is exposed.

2020-09  Parts/Carburetor/Keihin was expanded after much study. More carbs are covered. More parts are offered. The goal was to find available substitutes for unavailable parts. 

2020-08  Brands/Italy/Garelli Models now includes all models worldwide 1947-1993, not just USA. Each year has a model list and a sales flyer image, made from several pages combined. 

2020-07  Parts/Drivetrain/Chains is now cleaner and easier to follow and understand.

2020-06  Brands/Italy/Baretta was expanded and updated, but parts lists are not finished.

2020-05  Parts/Controls/Magura was updated. The part numbers now link to part images.

2020-05  Parts/Engine/Seals, O-Rings O-rings are listed by size so that substitutes can be found.

2020-04  Parts/Frame/Gas Valves was improved. 172 applications images were converted to links. Now the page loads faster, scrolls better, and is easier to understand and use.

2020-04  Brands/Taiwan/Indian Info was improved. The 26 page Indian Owners Manual was added.

2020-03  Parts/Controls/Domino 1970’s Domino Italian controls are renovated. New items are offered.

2020-02  Brands/Italy/Benelli Benelli is loved, admired and updated. All US models 50-900cc are listed. Benelli 50-65cc engine types are explained. Benelli G2 engine parts are shown, some are offered. 

2020-02  Service/Engine/Top End Service How to check and restore cylinders by honing is added.

2020-02  Brands/Italy/Vespa Parts Vespa (Piaggio) parts are revised. Engine parts are shown and listed. 

2020-02  Brands/Italy/Vespa, Piaggio Piaggio moped models are separated from Piaggio moped parts. Ciao models worldwide 1967-87 are added, with frame numbers and quantities made for each year.

2020-01  Brands/Italy Misc. 1964-69 Chris Cycle (Wilier) mini-cycles are added, Morini 3CV or 101 engines.

2020-01  Parts/Engine/Transmission Vespa (Piaggio) 1967-86 transmission parts are added. All US model moped parts are specified and explained, including gears and gear ratios. 

2019-12  Parts/Engine/Pistons, Rings Rings and pistons are organized, corrected and updated. 217 different 50cc pistons are listed, 82 are offered. 80 different rings are listed, 63 are offered.

2019-11  Parts/Ignition, Magneto/Dansi, Motoplat/Wtemco Dansi magneto parts for 1960’s – 1970’s small Italian motorcycles are revived and revised. A table of over 30 Dansi magneto images and specs is presented, with ID numbers decoded. 6 different Dansi points are shown and offered for Benelli, Morini, Moto Guzzi, Aermacchi, and others. Many Dansi stator images online have missing points. This info ends the widespread confusion. 

2019-11  Parts/Engine/Bearings, Seals Needle bearings and bushings are organized and updated. 

2019-10  Brands/Italy/Garelli Parts Garelli Parts is separated from Garelli Models. Engine parts are illustrated, specified and listed. Most but not all are offered for sale. Agrati-Garelli of America parts manuals and revisions are shown and understood.

2019-09  Parts/Engine/Bearings, Seals Seals are updated. Seal types are illustrated and listed.

2019-08  Brands/Italy/Di Blasi Di Blasi folding mini-cycles and parts are shown and explained.

2019-08  Parts/Cables K to Z Motobecane cables and cable parts are revised.

2019-08  Parts/Controls/Motobecane Motobecane controls and parts are organized, illustrated and offered.

2019-07  Brands/Derbi Derbi history is told and appreciated. US models 1976-89 are shown and explained in detail.

2019-07  Brands/Motobecane Motor 1949-98 Mobylette engine versions are explained, and how to tell the year by the engine number. 1970-80 engine parts for model series 40 and 50 are illustrated and offered.

2019-07  Brands/Italy/Wards Riverside 1965-69 Montgomery Wards mopeds (Benelli) are shown, along with the parts manual. All 1955-69 50-350cc Wards Riverside models and product codes are listed and compared.

2019-07  Brands/France/Wards Riverside 1960-64 Montgomery Wards mopeds (Motobecane) are shown. How to tell the year is explained. Correct Motobecane equivalent models are shown and explained. Tire size confusion is ended.

2019-06  Parts/Cables, Hardware/Cables K-Z  Cables are split into A-J and K-Z. Kreidler cables are illustrated, explained and offered.

2019-06  Brands/Italy/Italjet, Indian Indian and Italjet mini-cycles 1969-84 are loved, studied, displayed and explained.

2019-06  Parts/Wheel Parts/Tires and Tubes  Tubes for sale are updated. Weights and sizes are shown and compared. Expansion and correct fit are explained. Misleading size labeling is exposed. 

2019-05  More/Riding and Maps/Nature Walks This has nothing to do with mopeds. Shaun and his dog explore natural and wild areas. 96 local wild plants are studied and identified. Most are photographed and explained.

2019-04  Parts/Wheel Parts/Spokes 10,000 spokes in 200 different sizes are listed and explained. Most are offered. Every spoke at MM is identified, from 200 wheels and 20+ moped shops inventories.

2019-02  Parts/Carburetor/Dellorto  Dellorto SHA type Italy-made carburetors 1960’s to 2010’s explained. Parts offered.

2019-01  Brands/Italy/Misc Italian Harley Davidson (Aermacchi) US models 1961-78 are shown.

2018-12  Brands/Taiwan/Indian Parts All AMI-50 4-stroke moped parts are listed. Most are offered. Parts illustrations are revised.

2018-12  Brands/Japan/Yamaha Every US-model vintage Yamaha up to 1993 is listed, displayed, explained. Confusing early models are understood. History and two-stroke development is appreciated.

2018-12  Parts/Carburetor/Mikuni Baby Mikuni Japan-made carbs for 50cc mopeds are shown. Parts are listed. Some offered. Mikuni jets for many motorcycles are displayed and listed. Many are offered for sale.

2018-11  Parts/Controls/Magura Installing a 1970’s Magura wrap-around throttle cable is added.

2018-11  Parts/Cables, Hardware/Hardware Over 1000 different sizes and types of metric bolts, screws and nuts are listed and offered. Many are original replacements, for when it is desired to match the existing original bolts.

2018-10  Brands/Italy/Morini Motor All vintage Franco Morini (FM) engines 50-80cc 1954-1999 are displayed and explained. Parts for most 1970’s-80’s engines are illustrated, explained, listed. Some are offered.

2018-10  (all sections) Until now, item prices that appear in many places had a link to a single place.  The price of a 6×25 hex bolt would say “see Hardware“. Shortcode variables make that obsolete. In future revisions, shortcode variables replace links, for the price of items listed in many places. The only other change visible is “shortcode new” price is a lighter green than “new price.

2018-09  Brands/Italy/Misc Italian Table of Contents is a “who’s who” of vintage Italian mopeds. All US-model and many Euro-model Italian moped brands and their manufacturers are listed. Twenty 1966-70 Italian-model moped advertisements are added, each in their brand section. Benelli, Cimatti, Fantic, Franco Morini, Garelli, Itom, Malaguti, Minarelli, Moto Bimm, Moto Graziella, Moto Guzzi, Motom, Negrini, Omer, Paloma, Testi.

2018-09  Brands/Italy/Fantic Many Euro models and all US models, including Concord, are specified and displayed. The underlying connection between Fantic and Agrati-Garelli is explained.

2018-08  Brands/Korea/Daelim Motor A large color-coded cut-away illustration comparing the DP50 and DK50 engines is shown.

2018-07  Brands/India/Hero Majestic Some 2003-2006 Hero, TBS and Yumbo flyers are added.

2018-07  Parts/Cables, Hardware/Cables  Vespa and Trac cables are illustrated and added.

2018-07  Brands/Korea/Trac Parts catalog illustrations are scanned, enhanced, colorized and added. Many parts for 1982-1990 Trac mopeds and nopeds are shown. Some are listed and offered.

2018-06  Brands/Slovenia/Tomos Models Myrons Tomos flyers and 2017-18 models are added. All US models 1975-2018 are displayed and explained with VIN codes, speed versions and specs.

2018-06  Brands/Slovenia/Tomos Grid 2 Part 2 of apps grid. What bikes each part goes on. All painted Tomos parts are in a Part Colors Grid, with actual bikes of each color-column. All US model moped colors are listed for each year and model in a Bike Colors Chart. This is to help eliminate mistakes or confusion between similar colors or bike models.

2018-05  Brands/Slovenia/Tomos Grid 1 Takes a minute or two to load. Part 1 of 2. All Tomos USA parts from 2012 are indexed in a massive 2300 row by 34 column applications grid. It tells the model and year range each part is original on. Tomos part names are also enhanced.

2018-04  Brands/Italy/Garelli 1967-70 Broncco Garelli mini cycles US models are added. All US models 1967-92, remakes 2000-02 and some Euro models are shown and explained. Engine parts for 1975-92 US models are illustrated and listed. Some are offered.

2018-03  Brands/Austria/JC Penney, Sears Free Spirit (Kromag) All US models 1978-79, Puch-compatible, are shown and explained, including speed versions. 

2018-03  Parts/Cables, Hardware/CablesAMF, Batavus, Peugeot, Sparta cables are shown and added. 

2018-02  Parts/Ignition, Magneto/Ducati, IDM, Iskra, AET  AET magnetos are shown and explained.

2018-01  Parts/Ignition, Magneto/Bosch magnetos Bosch moped magnetos 1960-1990 are shown,explained. Parts are listed. Some are offered. 

2018-01  Brands/Germany/Kreidler US-model Kreidler mopeds 1977-80 are shown and explained. Engine parts and some frame parts are illustrated and listed. Only some are offered.

2018-01  Brands/France/Peugeot Motor All parts for 1975-83 Peugeot 102 and 103 engines are illustrated and listed. Many are offered.

2017-12  Parts/Ignition, Magneto/Dansi,Motoplat,Wtemco Motoplat magnetos 1970-90 are shown.

2017-12  Brands/Italy/Malaguti Malaguti US models with Morini engines are displayed and explained.

2017-12  Brands/Italy/Bianchi Bianchi, Snark, Italvelo US models are shown and explained.

2017-12  Parts/Ignition, Magneto/Spark plugs, Points Plugs points condensers are shown and offered.

2017-11  Parts/Ignition, Magneto/CEV magnetos Many CEV magnetos 1960-1990 are shown and explained. Most parts are listed and offered.

2017-11  Brands/England/NVT, Scorpion  All US models 1976-78 are shown and explained.

2017-11  Brands/America/Dialex, Pivar, Pryer, Tri-Rad, Whizzer All Whizzer originals 1938-1965, and remakes 1997-2009 are displayed, listed and explained.

2017-11  Parts/Cables, Hardware/Cables Garelli cables are illustrated, explained, and offered.

2017-10  Brands/France/Peugeot Parts in other sections are listed. Peugeot history is appreciated. All Peugeot mopeds US models 1976-1983, and many Euro models, are shown and explained. A photo tour through the massive 1977 Cycles Peugeot moped factories is presented. Be amazed!

2017-10  Brands/Italy/Misc Italian 1970’s Beta mopeds are added. The relation to Bianchi is explained.

2017-10  Brands/Italy/Benelli 1965-75 mini-cycles, ’76-77 Blazer, ’77-80 G2 mopeds are shown. 

2017-10  Brands/Italy/Moto Guzzi 1970’s Moto Guzzi mopeds are shown. SEIMM is explained.

2017-09  Parts/Carburetor/Keihin “baby” Keihin carburetors for vintage 50cc Hondas are shown. Keihin carb versions are explained. Parts are illustrated and most are offered for sale.

2017-09  Brands/Slovakia/Manet 1995-99 Puch Korado and parts are shown. Manet is explained.

2017-08  Parts/Engine/Engine Hardware Circlips (snap rings) and apps are illustrated and offered. 

2017-08  Brands/Germany/Hercules 1972-82 Sachs and Eagle mopeds made by Hercules are shown. Hercules, DKW history and brands are explained. Some US-model parts are illustrated and listed.

2017-08  Brands/Germany/Sachs Motor Sachs engines are explained. Model numbers are decoded. Sachs 504/1 and 505/1 parts are illustrated, listed and some offered. Speed versions are explained.

2017-07  Parts/Drivetrain/Pedal Parts Pedals, pedal cranks and freewheels are shown and updated. Most original and replacement pedal cranks and measurements are shown, listed and offered. Pedal and freewheel threads are explained, including French thread freewheels on Motobecanes. 

2017-07  Parts/Ignition, Magneto/Bosch Magneto 38 magneto numbers (on flywheel) are shown. Illustrations and specs are listed for each magneto. Most parts are shown, listed and offered.

2017-06  Parts/Engine/Engine Hardware Shim washers and apps are specified, shown and offered.

2017-06  Parts/Electrical/Tail Lights  Moped tail lights and parts, original on US models, are shown. Parts for CEV, ULO, Peterson, Stanley, Cateye, Saturnus, Fiem brands, and replicas are offered. 

2017-05  Parts/Accessories/Mirrors Mirrors are updated, displayed, and offered.

2017-04  Brands/Slovenia/Tomos Models Tomos model photos, specs, VINs are shown and updated. 

2017-04  Service/Electric/Indian Ignition Magneto testing and points replacing are topics covered.

2017-04  Service/Electric/Vespa Electrical Many Vespa moped colorized wiring diagrams are shown. Confusing electrical systems, parts varieties, and corroded engine wires are the main topics. 

2017-03  Brands/Italy/Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa moped electrical parts are shown with apps, and offered.

2017-03  Brands/Taiwan/Angel  Mikuni carburetor service info, for Angel and Speed Bird, is added.

2017-02  Parts/Electrical/Tail Lights CEV and ULO tail light versions are displayed. Parts are offered.

2017-02  Brands/Italy/Vespa (Piaggio) 1968-85 Vespa mopeds (US models) are shown and explained. Piaggio history and aircraft production is explained and appreciated.

2017-02  Brands/Belgium/Flandria Flandria history and US models 1976-79 are shown and explained.

2017-01  Brands/France/Motobecane 1949-88 mopeds and 1974-81 US-model mopeds are shown.

2017-01  Parts/Frame/Gas Valves  Replacement gas valves (petcocks) and apps are shown and offered. 

2017-01  Parts/Controls/Handlebars, Grips Many stock handlebars are measured, shown, and offered.

2016-12  Brands/Italy/Garelli The history of US distributors, manuals and models are explained.