Sparta Cables

December 1, 2020

Sparta Cables

’77 Sparta Foxi GT

’77 Sparta Foxi GT Sport

’78 Foxi GT Sport

1978 Flying Dutchman
made by Sparta










1979 Flying Dutchman
made by Sparta

1980 Sparta Buddy

1980 Sparta Buddy









Replacement cables for 70’s Sparta mopeds:

Sparta choke cable 1-ended  xxx $12
39.7+ = 38.0 + 1.7″ + extra
includes 5 x 8 pinch bolt

Sparta throttle cable A 2-ended   $19
41.0 = 36.5 + 4.5″
for short cable pipe (most ’76-78)

Sparta throttle cable B 2-ended   $19
41.0 = 36.0 + 5.0″
for long cable pipe (most ’78-81)

Sparta start cable 1-ended  xxxx $21
2-piece conduit for decompression

Sparta start cable for no decomp $19
39.8+= 1.1 + 37.6 + 2.2″ + extra
1-piece conduit for no decomp. valve

Sparta front brake cable 2-ended $20
39.7″ = 35.6 + 4.1″
large chrome Magura adjuster

Sparta rear brake cable 2-ended  $22
65.9″ = 61.8 + 4.1″
large chrome Magura adjuster




Solex Cables

December 1, 2020


1. Solex Cables
2. 1949-67 Solex 45, 330, 660, 1010

and 1400, 1700, 2200, 3300, 3800

3. 1968-74 Solex 3800
4. 1975-80 Solex 4600 (US) 

5. 1975-85 Solex 3800 Motobecane

6. 1986-88 Solex 3800 MBK

and ’98-05 Solex 3800 Impex
7. 2005-08 Solex 4800 Mopex
8. Resources




1. Solex Cables

Solex cable ends


6mm ball end is for Solex-type controls on
’49-85 Solex 45 to 3800 original brake cables

6mm pear end is for Magura and Domino controls on
’75-05  3800 and 4600 original and replacement brake cables
6mm pear replaces 6mm ball

6 x 6 barrel end is only for China-type controls on
’98-05 Solex 4800 brake, throttle and decomp. cables

5 x 3 barrel end is for Solex-type controls on
’68-85 Solex 3800 original and replacement throttle cables

3 x 5 inline end is for Domino controls on
’86-05 Solex 3800 original and replacement throttle cables
3 x 5 inline can replace 5 x 3 barrel

5 x 7 barrel end is for Magura or Domino controls on
’75-80 Solex 4600 V2, V3 throttle cables (Magura)
’86-05 Solex 3800 decomp cables (Domino)



Lower right, original Solex slow-down cable has a ∅5 x 3 sideways barrel end.
Left and upper right, a normal throttle cable with a ∅3 x 5 inline barrel end also fits. Myron’s replacements have the ∅5 x 3 end, which is the same as a vintage bicycle gear shift cable.



2. Cables on ’49-67 Solex

1949 Solex 45      1951 Solex 45 

1949-55 Solex 45, 330
front caliper brake, rear caliper brake, 23″ tires
no slow-down control (always full throttle)


1958 Solex 1010     

1955-58 Solex 660, 1010
front caliper brake, rear caliper brake, 21″ tires
no slow-down control (always full throttle)


1958-61 Solex 1400, 1700
front caliper brake, rear caliper brake, 19″ tires
no slow-down control (always full throttle)


1961-64 Solex S 2200
front caliper brake, rear caliper brake, 19″ tires
front brake cable also controls throttle


1966 Solex S 3800

1964-65 S 3300 and 1966-67 S 3800
front caliper brake, rear drum brake
front brake cable also controls throttle

original cables were silver, replacements are light grey
Solex#   mm inch   price

11800  1620 63.8 $00.0 rear brake cable
00050  0000 00.0 $00.0 rear brake conduit ∅5
00758  1620 63.8 $5.00 rear brake wire ∅1.5
11605  0000 00.0 none  pinch bolt
11573  0000 00.0 none  cable stop

11799  1000 39.4 $10.0 front brake cable
10270  0680 24.4 $5.00 front brake conduit ∅5
11659  1000 39.4 $5.00 front brake wire ∅1.5



3. Cables on ’68-75 Solex S 3800 

1973 Solex S 3800 (USA)


The 1968-85 Solex S 3800 right inverted brake lever also controls the throttle. Either squeeze the brake or twist the grip forward to close the throttle. A cam in the grip pushes that little trigger (center photo) which pulls the throttle wire. The single-ended throttle and brake wires are ordinary “universal” moped inner wires.


1968-75 Solex S 3800 
front caliper brake, rear drum brake, slow-down cable
front brake lever or twist grip controls throttle



1968-74 Solex S 3800 (US model)

original cables were silver, replacements are light grey 
fig# Solex#  mm inch  price    black is optional

A76 11800 1660 65.4 $00.0 rear brake cable
A56 00000 0000 00.0 $00.0 rear brake conduit
B20 13108 = 61365 0 $2.00 pinch bolt P7

A57 12185 0860 33.9 $10.0 front brake cable
A26 10270 0680 24.4 $5.00 front brake conduit

A62 12187 0600 23.6 $0.00 slow down cable
A61 08258 0000 00.0 $00.0 slow down conduit


From Solex 3800 USA by Brian Solex  In 1974, new regulations were created concerning mopeds being imported into America. All new imported mopeds would need to pass new Federal Safety Standards and would need to be equipped with DOT-approved safety equipment. The S 3800s that were available did not meet the new Safety Standards, and did not have the proper safety equipment. So Solex created the model 4600 DOT (4600 V2 and 4600 V3) which had all of the required safety equipment, and which met the Federal Safety Standards.


4. Cables on ’75-80 Solex S 4600 (US) 

Solex 4600 Parts Catalog 1975
Solex 4600 Parts Catalog 1979 (in big blue notebook)

Left, 1976 Solex 4600 V2   Right, 1980 Solex 4600 V3

Cable Parts for ’75-76 4600 V2 and ’77-80 4600 V3 
US models with ’70’s Magura controls with normal levers

nylon-lined, in either GREY for ’75-76, or BLACK for ’77-80
fig  S/M#  mm inch  price   replacement items unless noted

11 13307 1460 57.5 $10.0 rear brake cable grey 39.4 x 58″
12 08346 1000 39.4 $5.00 rear brake conduit grey 39.4″
11 62175 1460 57.5 $10.0 rear brake cable black 39.4 x 58″
12 60179?1000 39.4 $5.00 rear brake conduit black 39.4″

13 61339?1460 57.5 $5.00 rear brake wire ∅1.5 x 58″
u7 13500 00.0 0000 $4.00 brake cable anchor pin
u8 13108 = 61365 0 $2.00 rear brake pinch bolt P7
u9 13317 00.0 0000 $5.00 brake cable adjuster
p9 61371 00.0 0000 none  cable stop assembly P6 P7 P8

15 13306 0720 28.3 $10.0 front brake cable grey 24.0 x 29″
16 08346 0610 24.0 $5.00 front brake conduit grey 24.0″
15 62174 0720 28.3 $10.0 front brake cable black 24.0 x 29″
16 60178?0610 24.0 $5.00 front brake conduit black 24.0″

17 60933?
0720 28.3 $5.00 front brake wire ∅1.5 x 29″
u7 13500 00.0 0000 $4.00 brake cable anchor pin
u9 13317 00.0 0000 $5.00 brake cable adjuster

19 13308 0425 16.7 $12.0 decomp. cable grey 14.8 x 17″
20 00000 0375 14.8 $5.00 decomp. conduit 14.8″
19 61453 0425 16.7 $12.0 decomp. cable black 14.8 x 17
21 63094?0425 16.7 $7.00 decomp wire ∅1.2 x 17″
22 61446 0000 00.0 $0.70 decomp step ferrule F3
u8 63092 0000 00.0 $2.00 decomp pinch bolt P7

23 13332 0700 27.6 $12.0 throttle cable grey 21.1 x 28″
24 08347 0535 21.1 $5.00 throttle conduit grey 21.1″
23 61494 0700 27.6 $12.0 throttle cable black 21.1 x 28″
24 61223?0535 21.1 $5.00 throttle conduit black 21.1″

25 61230?
0700 27.6 $7.00 throttle wire Magura ∅1.2 x 28″



5. Cables on ’75-85 Solex 3800 (Motobecane)

. Solex 3800 Motobecane Parts Catalog 1978

fig# Solex#  mm inch  price   replacement items unless noted

192 11800 1660 65.4 $00.0 rear brake cable
056 00050 0000 00.0 $00.0 rear brake conduit
002 13281 0000 00.0 $00.0 cable stop screw
002 13141 0000 00.0 $00.0 cable stop adjuster

198 12185 0860 33.9 $00.0 front brake cable
000 00000 0000 00.0 $00.0 front brake conduit

062 12187 0600 23.6 $10.0 slow down cable
061 08305 0432 17.0 $5.00 slow down conduit

The Solex S-3800 MBK Parts Manual 1985 cable section on page 16 covers both ’86-on Domino controls and pre-86 Solex backwards-lever controls. The front and rear brake cables are the same length, but the color changed from silver to black in 1986. Since the pre-86 cables go inside the handlebar to near the end, the pre-86 handlebar 12365 must be narrower than the 86-on handlebar 60191 by about 4 inches.

The same 1985 manual also shows a high handlebar 61837.


6. Cables on ’86-88 Solex S-3800 (MBK-France)
3. Ca and ’98-05 Solex S-3800 (Impex-Hungary)

. Solex S-3800 MBK Parts Manual 1985 
. Solex S-3800 Impex Parts Manual 1998

1987 Solex S-3800     2000 Solex S-3800

Cable parts for ’86-05 Solex with 90’s Domino controls

nylon-lined, in either GREY or BLACK (original color)
fig MBK# Impex#  mm inch  price   replacement items unless noted

11  60974 90974 1660 65.4 $00.0 rear brake cable
12  00000 00000 0000 00.0 $0.00 rear brake conduit 

13  00000 00000 1660 65.4 $5.00 rear brake wire ∅1.5 x 66″
u6  26607 93102 0000 00  $3.00 brake cable anchor pin D14k
u8  00716 93092 0000 00.0 $2.00 rear brake pinch bolt P7
p9  61371 91371 00.0 0000 $0.00 cable stop assembly P6 P7 P8

15  62174 92174 0910 35.8 $00.0 front brake cable
16  00000 00000 0000 00.0 $0.00 front brake conduit
17  00000 00000 
0910 35.8 $5.00 front brake wire ∅1.5 x 36″
u6  26607 93102 0000 00$3.00 brake cable anchor pin D14k

19  62178 92178 0440 17.3 $00.0 decompressor cable
20  00000 00000 0000 00.0 $00.0 decomp conduit
21  61453 00000 0440 17.3 $00.0 decomp wire ∅1.2 x 17.3″
22  61446 91446 0000 00.0 $0.70 decomp step ferrule F3
u8  62177 92177 0000 00.0 $2.00 decomp pinch bolt P7

23  26469 93104 0000 00.0 $00.0 throttle cable Domino
24  00000 00000 0000 00.0 $0.00 throttle conduit
25  00000 00000 0000 00.0 $0.00 throttle wire ∅1.2 x 




7. Cables on ’05-08 Solex 4800 (Mopex-Taiwan)

’07 Solex 4800 Velosolex    ’08 Solex 4800 Black n Roll

Solex 4800 parts can be purchased online at from the Netherlands.


Cable parts for ’05-08 Solex 4800 made in Taiwan by Mopex

SKU# conduit total  price    nylon-lined, black
SKU# conduit total  price   with ∅1.5 wires, ∅6×6 ends

60974  0000 0000  none  rear brake cable

60230  0000 0000  none  front brake cable

62178  0370 1040  $0.00 decomp cable 14.5 x 41.0″

62175  0820 0965  $0.00 throttle cable 32.3 x 38.0″




8. Resources

Solex 3800 Parts Manual (images) Feb 1975,  Solex 3800 USA by Brian Solex

Solex Parts for Sale Van de Ven Solex Limburg

Solex 3800 Parts Manual (PDF) July 1978 Motobecane Club of France

Solex 3800 MBK Parts Manual (PDF) Dec 1985 Motobecane Club of France

Solex 4600 USA Owners Manual (PDF) 1975 Sunday Morning Motors

Solex 4600 Parts Manual (images) 1975 Solex 4600 by Brian Solex

Solex Parts for Sale Solex Onderdelen Nederland

Solex S 3800 (Impex) Parts and Service Manual (PDF) 1999






Sears Cables

December 1, 2020

Sears Cables

Sears Allstate (late 1950’s and 60’s) moped cables are not yet covered here. They are the same as 60’s Puch cables.

Sears Free Spirit (late 1970’s) moped cables are displayed and offered in Puch Cables, since they are the same.


Sears Allstate Cable Specs

050.6200.2 Clutch cable  wire 1160, conduit 1060

050.6300.2 Front brake cable  wire 955, conduit 815

050.6500.2 Throttle cable  wire 937, conduit 780

050.6600.2 Shift cable   wire 2510 (98.8″), conduits 1080 (42.5″) and 1055 (41.5″)

050.6700.2 Decomp cable  wire 825, conduit 760

050.6503.0 Choke cable

050.5.2500.2 Rear brake cable  wire 521, conduit 380


1966 Sears Sabre (Puch VZ50) 3-speed foot-shift manual-clutch

throttle cable:






Sachs Cables

December 1, 2020

updated 2021-07

Sachs Cables

Sachs is both an engine name and a moped name.


1978 Sachs Westlake



Sachs mopeds are made in Germany by Hercules.
Cables for Sachs mopeds are in Hercules cables.




1978 Sachs 504


Sachs engines: Sachs 504 and 505 moped engines are made in Germany. They are on six USA moped brands or families (and many more worldwide). Different brands have different frames, handlebars, controls, and wheel brakes. Those things determine the cables.



Sachs cables: Cables for mopeds with Sachs engines are listed in these bike brands/families:

for Columbia mopeds with Sachs 505 engine, see Columbia cables.

for General   mopeds with Sachs 505 engine, see General cables.

for Hercules  mopeds with Sachs 504 or 505, see Hercules cables.

for KTM        mopeds with Sachs 504 engine, see KTM cables.

for Kynast    mopeds with Sachs 504 engine, see Kynast cables.

for Sparta     mopeds with Sachs 504 engine, see Sparta cables.




Choke Cables for Sachs 504 and 505 Engines

Sachs choke cables depend on what frame, what handlebar and what controls. The frame and handlebar matter only for the overall length.

Sachs-Hercules choke short 1-ended 170.80.08
’80-83 Sachs Prima G3, low bars with 505 foot brake
1982 Bombardier Eagle III with Sachs 505 foot brake

33.4+ = 31.8 + 1.6+ with pinch bolt
replacement black $12

Sachs-Hercules choke 1-ended 170.80.09
1970-77 Hercules M1, M2, P1 sheet frame, Sachs 504
1978-80 Sachs Westlake, Sundancer with Sachs 504
1973-77 Hercules M4, M5, P3 tube frame 505 foot brake

1978-80 Sachs Balboa, Suburban with 505 foot brake
1980-83 Sachs Seville, Prima with 505 foot brake
1982 Bombardier Eagle I, II with Sachs 505 foot brake

Sachs-Kynast choke     1-ended
1977-80 Kynast Flying Dutchman with Sachs 504
= 35.8 + 1.6+ with pinch bolt

replacement black $12

Sachs-Sparta choke       1-ended 054011
1976-80 Foxi (Holland), Sparta Buddy with Sachs 504
Sachs-KTM choke xxx  1-ended 12.11.097
1977-80 Foxi (Austria) sheet frame with Sachs 504

Sachs-Columbia choke 1-ended 746-0292
1976-80 Columbia Commuter with Sachs 505
1977-82 Western Flyer, Imperial, Yard Man with 505
1987-95 KKM Mopet with Sachs 505 engine

= 38.0 + 1.6+ with pinch bolt

replacement black $12

Sachs-Jui Li (early foot brake) 2-ended 2150-6284
1977-78 Jui Li Honey 50 with Sachs 505 foot brake
1977-78 Clinton 50-A, others with Sachs 505 foot brake

38.9″ = 36.4 + 2.5, for left start lever
replacement black $23

Sachs-General        2-ended 4150-6284
1978-85 General 5 Star, 5 Star ST with Sachs 505
1978-80 Jui Li, AMS, Sachs G4 Sachs 505 foot brake
1978-80 Grycner, Clinton with Sachs 505 foot brake
1981-85 Grycner, AMS, Jui Li, Clinton, Foxi  Sachs 505

37.9+ = 36.4 + 1.5+  right thumb lever
original black $20  replacement $20

Sachs-General       2-ended 415B-6284
USA made by Barnett, lined 

38.5″ = 1.4 + 37.1″  0.6″ longer
1980’s aftermarket $10

Sachs-General       2-ended 415S-6284
Taiwan made, Shorter for low bars

34.4″ = 1.5 + 32.9″  3.5″ shorter
1980’s aftermarket $10




Start Cables for Sachs 504 and 505 Engines

Sachs start  cables depend on what frame, what handlebar and what controls. All Sachs start (clutch-decomp) cables have to be single-ended because they must pass through a small 2.5 mm hole in the Sachs 504 or 505 engine case.

Sachs start (clutch) inner wire 1-ended WCS
47″ universal ’70-95 with Sachs 504 or 505 engine
replacement 1.5 mm

Sachs-Hercules start short 1-ended 170.69.02
’80-83 Sachs Prima G3, low bars with 505 foot brake
Bombardier Eagle III with Sachs 505 foot brake

34.4″ = 1.1+2.8+0.3+28.0+1.2+1.0
replacement black

Sachs-Hercules start 1-ended 170.73.81
1970-77 Hercules M1, M2, P1 sheet frame, Sachs 504
1978-80 Sachs Westlake, Sundancer with Sachs 504
1973-77 Hercules M4, M5, P3 tube frame 505 foot brake
1978-80 Sachs Balboa, Suburban with 505 foot brake

1980-83 Sachs Seville, Prima with 505 foot brake
1982 Bombardier Eagle I, II with Sachs 505 foot brake
Sachs-Kynast start x 1-ended

1977-80 Kynast Flying Dutchman with Sachs 504
38.4″ = 1.1+2.8+0.3+32.0+1.2+1.0
replacement black

Sachs-Sparta start 1-ended 054009
1976-80 Foxi GT, Buddy, Flying Dutchman, Sachs 504
Sachs-KTM start xxx 1-ended 12.11.195

1977-80 Foxi Deluxe sheet frame with Sachs 504

Sachs-Columbia start 1-ended 746-0293
1976-80 Columbia Commuter with Sachs 505
1977-82 Western Flyer, Imperial, Yard Man with 505
1987-95 KKM Mopet with Sachs 505 engine

= 1.1+2.8+0.3+34.5+1.2+1.0
replacement black

Sachs start cable long 1-ended 0291 021 000
universal long for 1975-85 with Sachs 504/1A, 505/1A 

46.6″ = 1.1+2.8+0.3+40.6+0.8+1.0
replacement black
$21 needs cutting or re-routing

Sachs-Jui Li (early foot brake) 1-ended 2150-6293 
1977-78 Jui Li Honey 50 with Sachs 505 foot brake
1977-78 Clinton 50-A, others with Sachs 505 foot brake

40.5″ = 1.1+2.8+0.3+34.5+0.8+1.0 with pinch bolt
replacement black $23 for General upper lever

Sachs-General        1-ended 4150-6293 
1978-85 General 5 Star, 5 Star ST with Sachs 505
1978-80 Jui Li, AMS, Sachs G4 Sachs 505 foot brake
1978-80 Grycner, Clinton with Sachs 505 foot brake
1981-85 Grycner, AMS, Jui Li, Clinton, Foxi  Sachs 505

40.3″ = 1.1+2.8+0.3+34.3+0.8+1.0 with pinch bolt
replacement black $23 for General lower lever




Throttle Cables for Sachs 504 and 505 engines

Sachs throttle cables depend on what frame, what handlebar and what controls. The frame and handlebar matter for the overall length. The frame also matters because low floorboards above the carburetor require a lower short-type throttle cable pipe, and that requires a throttle cable with a shorter exposed length. Some frames do not require a low cable pipe, but have it anyway.

Many bikes do not have their original throttle cable pipe (aka elbow, bendy) since the carburetor or top parts can be from other models or a remake. So to avoid guessing, the cable pipe length, short or long, must be identified visually, to get the correct throttle cable.



Hercules A x        1-ended 170.72.92
most ’70-76 Herc. M1, M2, P1 sheet frame with 504
most ’73-76 Moppet P504 with Sachs 504
most ’73-76 Herc. M4, M5, P3 tube frame 505 ft brk
most ’74-76 Moppet P505 with Sachs 505 foot brake

40.0+ = 35.5 + 4.5 + 1.3 with pinch bolt
170.72.92r       replacement black
40.0 = 35.5 + 4.5 for short cable pipe

170.72.92Ar 2-ended replacement


Hercules B x        1-ended 170.72.17
most ’77-83 Herc. M1, M2, P1 sheet frame with 504
most ’78-80 Sachs Westlake, Sundancer with 504
most ’77-83 Herc. M4, M5, P3 tube frame 505 ft brk
most ’78-80 Sachs Balboa, Suburban 505 foot brake
most ’80-83 Sachs Seville, Prima with 505 foot brake
most ’82 Bombardier Eagle I, II with 505 foot brake

40.0+ = 35.0 + 5.0 + 1.3 with pinch bolt
170.72.17r   1-ended replacement
40.0 = 35.0 + 5.0 for long cable pipe

170.72.17Br 2-ended replacement


Hercules B short  1-ended 170.72.16 
’80-83 Sachs Prima G3, low bars with 505 foot brake
1982 Bombardier Eagle III with Sachs 505 foot brake

36.0+ = 31.0 + 5.0 + 1.3 with pinch bolt
170.72.16r   1-ended replacement $12
36.0 = 31.0 + 5.0 for long cable pipe

170.72.16Br 2-ended replacement $19


Sparta  A xx 2-ended 054010
most ’76-78 Foxi, Buddy, Flying Dutchman, 504

Columbia A  2-ended 746-0291
most ’76-77 Columbia Commuter with Sachs 505
most ’76-77 Western Flyer models with 505
KTM A xxxx 2-ended
some ’77-80 KTM Foxi with Sachs 504
Kynast A xx 2-ended
most ’77-78 Flying Dutchman w/’77 covers, 504

41.0 = 36.5 + 4.5 for short cable pipe
746-0291Ar replacement black


Gadabout  2-ended MS-4282 
with inline adjuster to fit either cable pipe

43.9 = 39.2 to 38.8 + 4.7 to 5.1
1980’s aftermarket black       $22


Sparta B xx  2-ended 054010B
most ’78-80 Foxi, Buddy, Flying Dutchman, 504

Columbia B  2-ended 746-0291B
most ‘
78-80 Columbia Commuter with Sachs 505
most ’77-82 Western Flyer, Imperial, Yard Man
most ’87-95 KKM Mopet with Sachs 505 engine
KTM B xxxx 2-ended 10.11.191
most ’77-80 KTM Foxi with Sachs 504
Kynast B xx 2-ended
most ’79-80 Flying Dutchman w/’79 covers, 504

41.0 = 36.0 + 5.0 for long cable pipe
746-0291Br replacement black


General A     2-ended 1151-6296
most ’80-85 General 5 Star, 5 Star ST  Sachs 505
most ’80-83 General 5 Star ST with 505 foot brake
most ’80-85 AMS Sierra, Sachs G4  505 foot brake
most ’80-85 Foxi 47, AMS Tahoe with Sachs 505

38.2″ = 4.0+30.7+3.5″ for short cable pipe
1151-6296Ar replacement black $27


General B     2-ended 2150-6296
most ’78-80 General 5 Star ST with 505 foot brake
most ’77-80 Jui Li, Clinton 50-A with 505 foot brake
most ’78-80 Grycner, AMS Sierra 50  505 foot brake

38.2″ = 4.45 + 30.25 + 3.5″ for long cable pipe
$32  2150-6296Br replacement $28


General B long 2-ended 215L-6296
aftermarket cable 2.5″ longer 

40.7″ = 4.45 + 32.75 + 3.5″ for long cable pipe
$32  215L-6296Br replacement $28




Sachs-Magura Throttle Cables Raw Data: These data from actual original or vintage replacement cables were used to make specifications for replacement throttle cables. 

 carb   conduit exposed    
elbow   length  xx length xxcable  xxxx part
  xx    inch mm   inch mm x style  xxx number

short  33.5 852   4.53 115  Sparta xx 000-0000 most 1977-78 (Kynast) Flying Dutchman (early engine cover)
short  36.8 935   4.49 114  Sparta xx 746-0291 most 1976-78 (Columbia) Columbia (sheet-frame Sachs 505)
short  36.8 935   4.49 114  Sparta xx 000-0000 most 1976-78 (Sparta) Sparta Std., Deluxe, Foxi GT, GT Sport
short  37.0 940   4.49  113  Sparta xx 000-0000most 1977-78 (Sparta) Flying Dutchman Deluxe, Lucky
short  39.6 1007  4.61 117  Sp. repl.  000-0000 Sparta replacement for “Sachs-Magura with short elbow”
short  40.4 1027  4.80 122  Barnett x MP-0000 
Barnett replacement for “Sachs-Magura with short elbow”

either 38.9 988    113-125  Taiwan x MS-4282  Gadabout replacement with inline adjuster, for short or long elbow
either 38.8 986    121-131  Taiwan x MS-4282  (same)  apparently these are not all the same length

long   35.6 903   4.92 125  Puch xx   000-00000 most 1977-80 (KTM) Foxi Deluxe, Salzburg, Baron
long   35.6 903   4.92 125  Herc xx   000-00000 most 1976-80 (Hercules) Sachs models
long   33.5 851   4.92 125  Sparta x  000-00000 most 1979-80 (Kynast) Flying Dutchman (late engine cover)
long   36.8 935   4.96 126  Sparta x  746-0291B most 1978-80 (Columbia) Columbia (sheet and tube frame)
long   36.8 935   4.96 126  Sparta x  000-00000 most 1978-80 (Sparta) Foxi GT, GT Sport, Flying Dutchman
long   37.0 940   4.9  126   Sparta x  000-00000 most 1979-81 (Sparta) Sparta Buddy, Deluxe
long   36.7 932   5.08 129  Barnett  MP-0000 xx  Barnett replacement for “Sachs-Magura with long elbow”
long   36.4 925   5.23 133  Barnett  MP-0000 xx  (same)  apparently these are not all the same length


Long and Short Elbow (bendy): There is a 12mm (about 1/2″) difference between short and long elbow. For a short elbow the exposed length must be 114 to 121 mm. For a long elbow the exposed length must be 125 to 132 mm. The cable adjuster has an adjustment range of 7mm. So the 12mm of slack from a “long” cable used in a “short” elbow cannot be adjusted out.

To get around this, in the 1980’s one aftermarket Sachs throttle cable (Gadabout MS-4282) had an inline adjuster, with a wide adjustment range (13mm). This cable worked on either short or long elbows. 


Hercules P1 with short and long cable pipe


Hercules P1 models had both short and long cable pipes. Yet four Sachs engine parts catalogs (1975 Sachs 504, 1978 Sachs 504, 1977 Sachs 505, 1980 Sachs 505) list the same Sachs part number 0261-143-000 for the cable pipe. 

Like Columbia and Sparta, early models had short pipes and later models had long. The short pipe had a tighter bend that rubbed harder on the throttle cable. Some throttle cables would develop broken strands at the sharp bend. So the long cable pipe superseded the short one, on models that had enough space below the left floorboard. You can see on the red P1 photo the tops of the floorboard mounts are even with the top of the throttle cable pipe, but on the blue P1 the mounts are a little higher than the cable pipe. 

If you stand on the left floorboard, the mounts bend downward. Hercules designers first chose the short pipe because it would not be affected by standing on the floorboard, unlike the long cable pipe that would get broken from the rider’s weight on it. 

KTM’s with short and long cable elbows (pipes)

Sparta’s with short and long cable pipes










Rizzato Cables

December 1, 2020

Rizzato Cables

Rizzato Califfo is a 1970’s Italian moped with Domino “1970’s chrome” type controls, but the throttle is a “wrap-around” type, instead of the usual “sliding block” type. So it takes a double-ended throttle cable, specific to that model bike. The throttle has no adjuster threads, and the center-located carburetor has no curved pipe. Those details affect the length of the exposed inner wire. At the throttle end, an 8mm diameter ferrule (end cap) is added over the regular 6mm crimp-on end cap, to keep the cable end centered and straight. 

Rizzato throttle cable






Puch Cables

November 30, 2020

updated 2022-04






Colors:  original  replacement  application  unknown

Front Brake Cables


Replacement front brake cable, double ended
  0000 204500850/1010 6.5/2.0 lined 35.6 x 4.1
$00  204500  000   replaces these originals:
850/1010 4.8/1.6 plain 35.6 x 4.1
none 910.810.0020  75-76 Maxi N, S, Nostalgic

$27  910.818.0020  850/1010 5.3/2.1 plain 35.6 x 4.1
$00  910.818.0020  76-77 Rigid, Maxi, Newport,
$00  910.818.0020  78-85 GN (Rigid), Maxi,
$00  910.818.0020  78-79 Maxi II, Luxe, Newport L
none 910.819.0020  850/1010 6.4/2.1 lined 35.6 x 4.1
none 910.819.0020  76-77 Maxi Sport
none 910.818.0030  870/1030 5.3/2.1 oiler  36.4 x 4.1
none 910.818.0030  77-79 Sport, 83-86 Maxi Sport LS, LS2,
none 910.818.0030  80-84 Maxi Luxe, Sport MkII, Newport II,
none 910.818.0030  78-79 JC Penney, 84-86 Cobra 1, 2
none 910.819.0040  880/1040 6.4/2.1 lined 36.8 x 4.1
none 910.819.0040  78-79 Sport MkII


Replacement front brake cable, long, double-ended
000 204500L  940/1100 6.5/2.0 lined 39.2 x 4.1
00   replaces these originals:
$35  910.818.0050  940/1100 5.3/2.1 plain 39.2 x 4.1
$00  910.818.0050  78-79 Magnum XK, MkII
$00  910.818.0050  78-79 Sears Free Spirit
$00  910.818.0050  80-81 Magnum II, MkII
none 300.163.1000  945/1105 5.6/1.7 plain 39.4 x 4.1
none 300.163.1000  79-83 Series B, Murray 80343


Replacement front brake cable, short, no upper adjuster
$25  910.326.0010r 800/925  6.5/2.0 lined 32.3 x 4.1

910.326.0010  800/925  5.3/2.1 plain
 32.3 x 4.1
78-79 Magnum X 


none 910.810.0000  770/945 5.3/2.1 plain 32.5 x 4.7″
none 910.818.1032  80-81 Magnum LTD (low bars)



none 910.818.1032  900/1040 5.3/2.1 plain 36.2 x 4.7
none 910.818.1032  84-86 Austro Daimler (Maxi Plus I)
none 910.818.0032  900/1040 6.4/2.1 lined 36.2 x 4.7
none 910.818.0032  84-86 Austro Daimler II (Maxi Plus II) 



Other Puch Front Brake Cables

Original front brake cables:
none 910.810.0000  000/0000 0.0/0.0 lined
none 000.000.0000  83-85 Dart (Mini Maxi)




Rear Brake Cables


Replacement rear brake cable, double ended
$22  0000 2047001515/1675 6.5/2.0 lined  61.8 x 4.1

$00  204700000   replaces these originals:
none 910.811.0010  1500/1645 4.7/1.6 plain  60.6 x 4.1
none 910.818.0010  75-76 Maxi N

none 910.818.0010  1490/1650 4.7/1.6 plain 60.8 x 4.1
none 910.818.0010  75-76 Maxi S, Nostalgic

none 910.818.0040  1490/1650 5.3/2.1 oiler 60.8 x 4.1
none 910.818.0040  76-77 Rigid, Maxi, Newport,
none 910.818.0040  77-85 GN (Rigid), Maxi
none 910.818.0040  78-79 JC Penney, Sears, Magnum XK
none 910.818.0040  80-83 Magnum II, MkII, LTD 

none 910.819.0010  1490/1650 6.4/2.1 lined 60.8 x 4.1
none 910.819.0010  76-80 Maxi Sport, Sport MkII
none 910.819.0010  80-86 Maxi Luxe, Maxi Sport LS, LS2
none 910.819.0010  78-79 Magnum MkII, 84-86 Cobra 1, 2
none 300.163.1100  1495/1655 5.6/1.7 plain 61.0 x 4.1
none 300.163.1100  79-83 Series B, Murray 80342



Replacement rear brake cable, short, no upper adjuster
$34  910.820.0010r 1260/1390  6.5/2.0 lined 50.6 x 4.1

910.820.0010  1260/1390  5.3/2.1 plain
 60.6 x 4.1
78-79 Magnum X 


Replacement rear brake cable on left side of bike
$12  910.824.1010r 1560/1690 5.0/1.6 lined 63.1 x 3.4+
$00  910.824.1010r replaces: b

none 910.824.1010 1500/1590 
none 910.824.1010 1560/1690 5.3/2.1 plain 63.1 x 3.4+

none 910.824.1010  84-86 Austro Daimler
none 910.824.1010  aka Maxi Plus or Maxi II in Europe


Replacement on right side of bike with inline adjuster
$36  910.827.1010r 1290/1690 5.0/1.6 lined 62.3 x 4.2
none 910.827.1010  replaces:

none 910.827.1010  1290/1690 6.4/2.1 lined 62.3 x 4.2
none 910.827.1010  84-86 Austro Daimler 2
none 910.827.1010  aka Maxi Plus 2 in Europe



Other Puch Rear Brake Cables

Double-ended original rear brake cables
none 910.820.0000  0000/0000 0.0/0.0 lined
none 000.000.0000  83-85 Dart (Mini Maxi)


Throttle Cables




Double-ended short cable pipe replacement
none 000 204400945/1068 5.0/1.2 lined 37.5 x 4.5
$00  0000 204400
$20  910.510.0030  895/1026 4.8/1.2 plain 
none 910.510.0030  75-76 Maxi N, S, Nostalgic
none 910.510.0030  76-77 Rigid, Maxi, Newport,
none 910.510.0030  77-85 GN, Maxi (1.0, 1.5 hp)
none 910.510.0030  77-78 Maxi Sport, Sport
none 910.510.0030  78-79 Sears Free Spirit, JC Penney
none 300.165.1000  898/1030 4.7/1.3 plain 
none 300.165.1000  79-83 Series B, Murray 80353
none MP-4282 00o0  898/1026 4.8/1.2 plain
none MP-4282 00o080’s replacement




Double-ended long cable pipe replacement
$19  0000 204401932/1068 5.0/1.2 lined  37.0 x 5.0
$00  204401000   replaces:

none 910.510.0050  895/1031 4.8/1.2 plain 
none 910.510.0050  77-85 GN (Rigid), Maxi (2.0 hp)
none MP-4284 00o0  895/1031 4.8/1.2 plain
none MP-4284 00o080’s replacement


Single-ended sliding-block replacement for either cable pipe
$10  0000 409500900/1010 5.0/1.2 lined 35.6 x 4.2+
$00  409500000   replaces:

none 910.522.0010  900/1010 4.8/1.2 plain 35.6 x 4.2+
none 910.522.0010  78-79 Maxi Luxe, Newport L
none 910.522.0010  78-81 Sport, Sport MkII, Maxi II
none 910.522.0010  80-81 Newport II (to 5365319)
none 910.522.0010  80-81 Maxi Luxe (to 7743644)
none 910.522.0010  78-79 Magnum XK, MkII
none 910.522.0010  80-81 Magnum II, MkII


Double-ended sliding-block short cable pipe replacements
$24  910.530.0010r 901/1005 5.0/1.2 lined 35.8 x 3.7

$28  910.530.0010  900/1005 4.7/1.3 oiler  35.8 x 3.7
$00  910.530.0010  81-82 Magnum MkII ?

$24  910.530.0000r 760/865 5.0/1.2 lined 29.9 x 3.7
$25  910.530.0000  760/865 4.7/1.3 oiler 29.9 x 3.7
$00  910.530.0000  80-81 Magnum LTD (low bars)


Double-ended sliding-block long cable pipe replacement
$24  910.530.1110r 895/1013 5.0/1.2 lined 35.6 x 4.3 

none 910.530.1110  895/1013 4.7/1.3 oiler  35.6 x 4.3
none 910.530.1110  81-83 Newport II (from 5365320)

none 910.530.1110  81-86 Maxi Luxe (from 7743645)
none 910.530.1110  84-86 Maxi Sport LS, LS2, Cobra 1, 2


Other Puch Throttle Cables

Double-ended original throttle cables:
910.528.0012  700/765    4.7/1.3 plain
78-79 Magnum X (wrap-around)
none 910.500.0000  000/000    0.0/0.0 oiler  
none 000.000.0000  83-85 Dart (Mini Maxi)
none 910.531.1060  955/1070 5.7?/1.3 lined 
none 910.531.1060  84-85 AD (sliding block throttle)
none 910.504.1130  970/1110 5.7?/1.3 lined 
none 910.504.1120  85-86 AD (wrap-around throttle)



Start (Clutch) Cables

for ONE SPEED Automatic (E50)


One-speed single-ended replacement
$17  204800000   850/1100 6.0/2.0 lined  

000   aka 33.5 x 9.8+ replaces:
$19  910.211.0010  800/1050 4.8/1.6 plain  
$00  910.211.0010  75-76 Maxi N, S, Nostalgic
$00  910.211.0010  76-77 Rigid, Maxi, Newport
$00  910.211.0010  77-85 GN, Maxi, Maxi Sport, Sport
$00  910.211.0010  78-79 Maxi Luxe, Newport L

910.211.0030  850/1100 4.8/1.6 plain 
910.211.0030  80-84 Maxi Luxe
$00  910.211.0030  84-86 Maxi Sport LS
none 910.228.0020  850/1055 0.0/1.6 lined
none 910.228.0020  84-86 Cobra 1
  MP-4360 000   850/1100 6.0/2.0 plain  
  MP-4360 000   80’s replacement


One-speed long single-ended replacement
$12  204800L00   960/1120 5.0/1.6 lined  

00   aka 37.8 x 6.3+ replaces:
none 910.228.0010  960/1120 4.8/1.6 plain  
none 910.228.0010  78-79 Magnum XK
none 910.228.0010  78-79 Sears Free Spirit
none 910.228.0010  79-83 Series B, Murray 80344


One-speed short single-ended replacement
$15  204800S00   810/1100 5.0/1.6 lined  

00   aka 31.9 x 11.4+ replaces:
none 910.000.0000  810/1080 4.8/1.6 plain 
none 910.000.0000  78-79 JC Penney Pinto, Swinger



Other 1-Speed Start Cables

Single-ended 1-speed original start cables:
none 910.021.0010  1005/1150 0.0/1.6 lined 
none 910.021.0010  84-86 Austro Daimler (Maxi Plus)



Start (Clutch) Cables

for TWO SPEED Automatic (ZA50)


OUTER CABLES 414 for short cup  (on ’78-79)
none 910.414.0020  890/1020  4.7/1.6 assembly
$12  000 414.0020r 890/1020  5.0/1.6 lined, bare 

none 910.414.0020  78-79 Magnum MkII

none 910.414.0030  930/1060  4.7/1.6 assembly
$12  000 414.0030r 930/1060  5.0/1.6 lined, bare

$00  910.414.0030  78-79 Maxi II, Sport MkII
OUTER PARTS 414 for short cup 
$19  910.414.0020a adapter bolt M7-1.0 ∅3.5 10hex
  910.414.0020b short cup used

  910.420.0020c Magura adjuster large
  910.424.0060d inner wire 1100 with ∅6 ∅3.5 end

INNER PARTS 412 for short cup 
$32  910.412.0010  inner cable assembly 412
$00  910.412.0010  78-79 Maxi II, Sport MkII
$00  910.412.0010  78-79 Magnum MkII

$15  910.412.0010a adaptor nut short
M7-1.0, M7-1.0
0$4  910.412.0010b shell-cylinder short type

none 910.412.0010c inner cable 66 mm


OUTER CABLES 420 for long cup  (on ’80-81)
$35  910.420.0000 
730/850  4.7/1.6 assembly
$12  000 420.0000r 730/850    5.0/1.6 lined, bare
none 910.000.0000  80-81 Magnum LTD (low bars)

$45  910.420.0020  890/1020  4.7/1.6 assembly
$00  910.420.0020  (910.420.0030 shortened) 

$12  000 420.0020r 890/1020  5.0/1.6 lined, bare

none 0000 MP-4364  80’s remake (end pops off)
$00  910.420.0020  80-81 Magnum II, MkII

$44  910.420.0030  930/1060  4.7/1.6 assembly
$12  000 420.0030r 930/1060  5.0/1.6 lined, bare

none 0000 MP-4362  80’s remake (end pops off)
$00  910.420.0030  80-81 Sport MkII,
$00  910.420.0030  80-82 Newport II (to 5365319)

OUTER PARTS 420 for long cup  
$19  910.414.0020a adapter bolt M7-1.0 ∅3.5 10hex
  910.420.0020b long cup
  910.420.0020c Magura adjuster large
  910.424.0060d inner wire 1100 with ∅6 ∅3.5 end

INNER PARTS 418 for long cup  
$29  910.418.0010  inner cable assembly 418

$25  000  MP-4366   80’s remake of 910.418.0010
$00  910.418.0010  80-81 Sport MkII,
$00  910.418.0010  80-82 Newport II (to 5365319)
$00  910.418.0010  80-81 Magnum II, MkII, LTD

$11  910.418.0010a adaptor nut long M7-1.0, M7-1.0
$$2  910.418.0010b inner cable shell-cylinder long

$18  910.418.0010c inner cable 66 mm

Magnum LTD cables are about 160 mm (6.3″) shorter because of the low bars.
Measured from actual cables:
start cable is  890 – 730 = 160 shorter
throttle is 900-760 mm = 140 shorter
front brake is 940 – 770 = 170 shorter


OUTER CABLES 424 service-friendly  (on ’82-86)
none 910.424.0020  890/1020  4.7/1.6 assembly  
$12 000 424.0020r 890/1020  5.0/1.6 lined, bare cable

$00  910.424.0020  84-86 Cobra 2

$44  910.424.0030  930/1060  4.7/1.6 assembly 
$12 000 424.0030r 930/1060  5.0/1.6 lined, bare cable

$00  910.424.0030  82-83 Newport II (from 5365320)

$00  910.424.0030  84-86 Maxi Sport LS 2
none 910.424.0060  950/1085 4.7/1.6 assembly 
$12 000 424.0060r  950/1085  5.0/1.6 lined, bare cable

none 910.424.0060  84-86 Austro Daimler 2 (Maxi Plus 2)
  910.420.0020b long cup
  910.420.0020c Magura adjuster large
  910.424.0060d inner wire 1100 with ∅6 ∅3.5 end

none 910.422.0010  inner cable assembly 422
none 910.422.0010  81-83 Newport II (from 5365320)
none 910.422.0010  84-86 Maxi Sport LS 2, Cobra 2
none 910.422.0010  84-86 Austro Daimler 2 (Maxi Plus 2)

none 910.009.0181  adaptor nut long Ø6 hole, M7-1
$$2  910.418.0010b inner cable shell-cylinder long

$18  910.418.0010c inner cable 66 mm



Peugeot Cables

November 30, 2020

Peugeot Cables

Peugeot 1970’s controls are made in Germany by Magura. They have threaded-bottomless brake cable holes. All others have bottomed-threadless brake cable holes.

Peugeot 102 and 103 cables are all single-ended. So the inner wires can slide out and be replaced separately. The sleeves/housings are all black, 2.0mm ID by 5.0mm OD, for both 1.6mm brake wires, and 1.2mm throttle, choke, decomp wires. The original housing 53409 for all cables was sold by the foot. The right and left side cables ran through a black outer housings or sheaths, 11mm ID by 13mm OD, part no. 69774, also sold by the foot.

sleeve x wire
upper end
lower end
sleeve x wire
upper end
lower end
sleeve x wire
upper end
lower end
sleeve x wire
upper end
lower end
sleeve x wire
upper end
lower end
1976-83 Peugeot 103 LVS
with original Gurtner carb
35 x 41" Ø1.5
6mm pear
no end
black $10
55 x 64" Ø1.5
6mm pear
no end
black $10
37 x 41" Ø1.2
5x7 barrel
no end
black $12
34 x 37" Ø1.3
5x7 barrel
no end
black $12
42 x 46" Ø1.2
5x7 barrel
no end
black $12
1978-80 Peugeot 103 SP
1980-82 Peugeot 102 SP
with original Gurtner carb
37 x 43" Ø1.5
6mm pear
no end
black $10
same as above same as above same as above same as above


Original Peugeot moped cables are shown below. They do not have crimped-on end caps at the conduit ends. This is how most vintage bicycle cables are. The “ferrule” #11 looks like an “end cap”, but it fits loose and slides on and off easily. A true end cap is permanently attached to the conduit.

Replacement Peugeot moped cables do have end caps on both ends. This is how motorcycle cables are. They are black, 5mm thick, and lined for low friction. Modern lined cables are way better than vintage non-lined.

58176  choke inner wire 48″ (46 min. no ends) xx $3
11 44526  ferrule Ø6 fits loose  N/A  use F6 Ø5 xxx  50¢
12 53409-42 cable conduit Ø5 x 42″ xxx xxxxx xxxx  $6
04 40802  pinch bolt Ø6 x 8 xx N/A  use P5 Ø5.5 x 8 $2
14 37817  (for 102) pinch bolt  N/A use P20a Ø4-7?  $8
15 replacement for 10,11,12 42 x 48″ xxxxxxx xxx $10

58570-65 inner wire 65″ (62 min. 1-end Ø6 pear) $5
53409-55 pre-1978 cable conduit Ø5 x 55″ xxx xx $6
53409-57 1978-on cable conduit Ø5 x 53″ xxxxxx $6
22 42778  adjuster no slot A3  $5 xx  or can use A2  $2
33 00242 (pre-1978 only) ferrule use F3 Ø4-7 x 10  50¢
24 38583  pinch bolt Ø7 x 13  N/A  use P7b Ø7 x 11  $4
35 replacement for 30, 32  1978-on   53 x 65″ xxxx $10
36 replacement for 30,31,33 pre-78  55 x 65″ xxxx $10
37 replacement for 30,31,33 ’80 102 57 x 65″ xxxx $10

 58570-48 inner wire 48″ (?? min. 1-end Ø6 pear) $5
53409-35 102/103 cable conduit Ø5 x 35″ xxxxxx $6
19 53409-38 103 SP cable conduit Ø5 x 38″ xxxxxxx $6
22 42778  adjuster no slot A3  $5 xx  or can use A2  $2
23 43678  step ferrule Ø6-to-8 x 10  use F1 Ø6-8×10 $3
24 38583  pinch bolt Ø7 x 13  N/A  use P7b Ø7 x 11  $4
25 replacement for 20, 21 102/103 35 x 48″ xxxxx $10
26 replacement for 20, 19  103 SP  38 x 48″ xxxxx $10

01 57372  inner wire 47″ (41 min. 1-end Ø5.5 x 7) x $7
 53409-37 throttle cable conduit Ø5 x 37″ xxxxxx  $6
 40802 pinch bolt Ø6 x 8 xx N/A  use P5 Ø5.5 x 8  $2
11 44526  ferrule Ø6 fits loose N/A  use F6 Ø5 xxxx   $2
12 replacement for 1, 2, 11  102/103 37 x 47″ xxx  $12

57185 inner wire 40″ (37 min. 1-end Ø5.5 x 7) xx $7
 53409-37 decomp cable conduit Ø5 x 34″ xxxxxx  $6
33 00242  step ferrule xxxxxx N/A use F3 Ø4-7 x 10 50¢
11 44526  ferrule Ø6 fits loose N/A  use F6 Ø5 xxxx   $2
14 37817  special pinch bolt xxx use P20 Ø3.8 – 7.0  $3
 replacement for 40,41,33,11 102/103 34 x 40″  $12

69774 cable sleeves ½ x 22″ black B20 $4 each


Peugeot rear brake cables #35, 36, 37










Murray Cables

November 30, 2020

Murray Cables

Murray mopeds have American-made nylon-lined cables, the same type as AMF. They have the same lengths as Puch Series B and Sears Free Spirit, close relatives of Murray.  See Puch Cables below.

Motobecane Cables

November 30, 2020

1. Motobecane Cables
2. Cables for center mount carb models
3. Cables for side mount carb models
4. Cables for Motobecane Cady


1. Motobecane Cables

Motobecane cables are all single-ended, with a screw-on pinch bolt at one end. So the inner wire can slide out and be replaced separately from the conduit. 

Original cables from leftover inventory and from actual bikes were measured. The conduit and inner wire lengths are used to make substitute (replacement) cables. Original cables are nylon lined for smooth operation.

Cable lengths are for original handlebars. Low or narrow bars need shorter cables. Tall or wider bars need longer cables.

Old cables: The sleeve/sheath becomes brittle with age. When that happens, it breaks in certain places. Then the cables get flexed only in certain places. So new inner wires in old brittle sleeves/sheaths is not a good idea. It’s better to remove or replace the brittle sheaths with new flexible ones. When the sheath is flexible, the whole cable flexes gently. It performs better and lasts longer.

Lubrication: Always lube cables with a drip oil can, or buy a small bottle of cable lube. Often cables and throttles resist moving, and at first seem bad, but become freer after oil gets inside them.

Cable ends:

Substitute cables and cable parts have an “s” on the end of the part number. Originals do not.

Substitute cables are recently made. Originals are made in France in the 1970’s. The substitute cables perform better than original ones. The nylon lining makes the wire slide easier. But substitute cables have a different appearance. This matters most when you replace one cable and you want it to look like the other cables.

Inner wires are sold with extra length for easier installation. The extra is cut off afterwards with a wire cutter (diagonal cutting pliers).

Cable parts
are sold separately. They are not included with a new cable.

Price color is green or green for new, and dark green for used items.


2. Models with Center Mount Carbs



1960’s Center Carb

1 is ’57-59 Riverside Mobylette FZP-14007A
1 is ’59-62 Riverside Mo-Ped FZP-14010A, B, C
1 is ’60-60 Riverside Mo-Ped FZP-14011A
1 is ’61-64 Riverside Mo-Ped FZP-14011R
1 is ’61-62 Riverside Mo-Ped FZP-14030R
2 is ’64-68 Motobecane AV85, AV88

# 12   
1 11 15580s $10.0 rear brake cable  gray 56 x 64″
a 11 15600s $5.00 rear brake inner wire WR1 64″
b 11 00716  $7.00 pinch bolt P6a Ø6 x 11
b 11 00716s $2.00 pinch bolt P6c Ø5.5 x 10
c 11 15581s $1.50 step ferrule F1 6-to-8mm
d 11 15518  $6-$4 cable adjuster with round nut A3

# 12  
1 11 15579s $10.0 front brake cable  gray 30 x 38″
a 11 15599  $5.00 front brake inner wire WF1 38″
b 11 00716  $7.00 pinch bolt P6a Ø6 x 11
b 11 00716s $2.00 pinch bolt P6c Ø5.5 x 10
c 11 15581s $1.50 step ferrule F1 6-to-8mm
d 11 15518  $6-$4 cable adjuster with round nut A3a

# 12
1 11 15576s $10.0 choke cable 35.0 x 42″ gray
a 11 22069s $4.00 throttle inner wire WTGc 47″
b 11 14903  none  adjuster M5-0.9 use 23089
c 11 14322  $7.00 choke pinch bolt 12mm long
d 11 20053  $3.50 choke step spacer 3mm long

# 12  
1 11 15577s $10.0 throttle cable 35.0 x 42″ gray
a 11 22069s $6.00 throttle inner wire WT1 47″

# 12  
1 11 15578s $14.0 decomp cable gray 29×33″ 32″min
1 11 15578  $20.0 decomp orig. silver 29×35″
a 11 14974  $7.00 decomp wire 37.5″
b 11 16944  $2.00 step ferrule F2 4-to-7
c 11 14903  none  adjuster M5-0.9 use 23089

# 12  Cable Sets 
1 11 155s.1  $48.0 15576s 15577s 15578s 15579s 15580s


1970’s Center Carb

1 is ’70-73 40, 40V, 50V, ’70-71 50
2 is ’74-80 40V
3 is ’74-76 50V US 30, ’75-80 50V US 25
4 is ’78-80 50V US 25,30 black cables
5 is ’78-79 7 US 25,30 black cables


# 12345  
1 10000 15580s $10.0 rear brake cable  gray 56 x 64″
1 01100 20533  $19.0 rear brake original silv 56 x 64″
1 01100 20533s $10.0 rear brake cable  gray 56 x 64″
1 00010 23857s $10.0 rear brake cable black 56 x 64″
1 00001 23868s $10.0 rear brake cable black 56 x 64″
a 11111 15600s $5.00 rear brake inner wire WR1 64″
b 11111 00716  $7.00 pinch bolt P6a Ø6 x 11
b 11111 00716s $2.00 pinch bolt P6c Ø5.5 x 10
c 11111 15581s $1.50 step ferrule F1 6-to-8mm
d 10000 15518  $6-$4 cable adjuster with round nut A3a
d 01111 21222  $4.50 cable adjuster with star nut A3c
f  01111 21157  $1.00 black star nut for adjuster

# 12345 
1 11000 15579s $10.0 front brake cable  gray 30 x 38″
1 00100 20532s $10.0 front brake cable  gray 31 x 38″
1 00100 54270s $10.0 front brake cable  gray 33 x 38″ VLX
1 00011 23856  $16.0 front brake orig.  black 31 x 38″
1 00011 23856s $10.0 front brake cable black 31 x 38″
a 11111 15599  $5.00 front brake inner wire WF1 38″
b 11111 00716  $7.00 pinch bolt P6a Ø6 x 11
b 11111 00716s $2.00 pinch bolt P6c Ø5.5 x 10
c 11111 15581s $1.50 step ferrule F1 6-to-8
d 10000 15518  $6-$4 cable adjuster with round nut A3a
d 01111 21222  $4.50 cable adjuster with black star nut A3c
e 11111 20059  $7.50 cable stop
f  01111 21157  $1.00 black star nut for adjuster

# 12345
1  11000 15576s $10.0 choke cable 35 x 42″ gray
1  00010 24198s $10.0 choke cable 35 x 44″ black
1  00001 23866s none  choke cable 37.5?x 44″ black
3  00100 23338s $10.0 choke cable 35 x 44″ gray
a  11000 14927  none  choke wire original 42″ use WT1
a  00111 21286  $6.00 choke wire original 44″ use WT1
a  11111 22069s $6.00 throttle inner wire WT1 47″
b  111111 23089  $5.00 adjuster A1c M5-0.9
c   11111 14322  $7.00 choke pinch bolt 12mm long
d  11111 20053  $3.50 choke step spacer 3mm long
e  11111 14120  $7.00 choke spring
f   11111 14119  $9.00 choke slide

# 12345
1 11000 14334s none  throttle cable 35?x 42″ gray
2 00100 23338  $19.0 throttle orig.  35 x 44″silver
2 00100 23338s $10.0 throttle cable 35 x 47″gray
1 00010 24198s $10.0 throttle cable 35 x 47″ black
1 00001 23866s none  throttle cable 37.5?x 47″ black
a 00001 21286  $6.00 throttle wire orig 44″ =53420 use WT1
a 00010 22069  none  throttle wire orig 48″ use WT1
a 11111 22069s $6.00 throttle inner wire WT1 47″
b 11111 23089  $5.00 adjuster A1c M5-0.9 coarse
c 11111 23114  $8.00 throttle sliding block w/screw
d 00001 00189  $4.00 adjuster w/nut A10 M6-0.75
d 00001 04172  $2.50 adjuster nut A7d M6-0.75 9hex

x = some
# 12345
1 11100 15578  $20.0 decomp orig. silver 29 x 35″

1 11100 15578s $14.0 decomp cable gray 29 x 33″ 32″min
1 00100 54271  $19.0 decomp orig. silver 31 x 37″ VLX
1 00010 24098s $14.0 decomp cable black 29 x 33″
1 00001 23867s $14.0 decomp cable black 28 x 32″ for 7
a 11111 14974  $7.00 decomp wire 37.5″
b 11111 16944  $2.00 step ferrule F2 4-to-7
c 11000 14903  none  adjuster M5-0.9 use 23089
c 1xx11 23089  $5.00 adjuster A1c M5-0.9 coarse
d 0xx00 53819  $7.50 ’75-76 adjuster A12 M7-1.0
e 00111 23123  $6.50 decomp pinch bolt 17mm long
f  00111 23122  $3.00 decomp step spacer 8mm long


Cable Sets

1 $48 15580 56, 15579 30, 15576 35, 14334 35, 15578 29
grey    for ‘70-73 40, 40V, 50V, and ’70-71 50

2 $48 20533 56, 15579 30, 15576 35, 21287 38, 15578 29
grey    for ’74-80 40V

3 $48 20533 56, 20532 31, 23338, 35 23338, 35 15578 29
grey    for ’74-80 50V-US (some)

4 $48 23857 56, 23856 31, 24198 35, 24198 35, 24098 29
black for ’78-80 50V-US

5 $48 23868 56 23856 31, 23866 38, 23866 38, 23867 28
black for ’78-79 7-US

6 $48 20533 56, 20532 31, 21285 40, 21287 38, 22533 28
grey    for ’78-80 7, Ranger



3. Models with side mount carbs


1970’s Side Carb

1 is ’72-73 H50

2 is ’74-76 H40 
3 is ’76-77 40 US 20,25,30
is ’77-80 40 US 20,25,30, 50 US 20,25,30

with bottom pull choke cable:
5 is ’76-80 50V US 20,30 
6 is ’78-80 50V US 20,30 black cables
7 is ’78-80 50VLX US 20,30 black long 


# 123456  
1 100000 15580s $10.0 rear brake cable  gray 56 x 64″
1 011110 20533  $19.0 rear brake orig.  silver 56 x 64″
1 011110 20533s $10.0 rear brake cable  gray 56 x 64″
1 000001 23857s $10.0 rear brake cable black 56 x 64″
a 111111 15600s $5.00 rear brake inner wire WR1 64″
b 111111 00716  $7.00 pinch bolt P6a Ø6 x 11
b 111111 00716s $2.00 pinch bolt P6c Ø5.5 x 10
c 111111 15581s $1.50 step ferrule F1 6-to-8mm
d 111111 21222  $4.50 cable adjuster with star nut A3c
f  111111 21157  $1.00 black star nut for adjuster

# 1234567
1 1100000 15579s $10.0 front brake cable  gray 30 x 38″
1 0011100 20532s $10.0 front brake cable  gray 31 x 38″
1 0000010 23856  $16.0 front brake orig.  black 31 x 38″
1 0000010 23856s $10.0 front brake cable black 31 x 38″
1 0000001 54270s none  front brake cable  gray 33?x 38″ VLX
a 1111111 15599  $5.00 front brake inner wire WF1 38″
b 1111111 00716  $7.00 pinch bolt P6a Ø6 x 11
b 1111111 00716s $2.00 pinch bolt P6c Ø5.5 x 10
c 1111111 15581s $1.50 step ferrule F1 6-to-8
d 1111111 21222  $4.50 cable adjuster with black star nut A3c
e 1111111 20059  $7.50 cable stop
f  1111111 21157  $1.00 black star nut for adjuster

# 123456
2  111000 21285  $17.0 choke orig.  39.5 x 44″ silver

2  111000 21285s $10.0 choke cable 39.5 x 44″ gray
3  000100 23338s $10.0 choke cable 34.8 x 44″ gray
4  000010 24198s$10.0 choke cable 42.0 x 47″ gray
4  000001 24198s$10.0 choke cable 42.0 x 47″ black
a  111100 21286  $6.00 choke wire original 44″ use WT1
a  000011 22069  $8.00 choke wire original 48″ use WT1
a  111111 22069s $6.00 throttle inner wire WT1 47″
b  111111 23089  $5.00 adjuster A1c M5-0.9
c  111111 14322  $7.00 choke pinch bolt 12mm long
d  111111 20053  $3.50 choke step spacer 3mm long
e  111111 14120  $7.00 choke spring
f   111111 14119  $9.00 choke slide
g  000011 22936  $8.00 cable stop (guide)
g  000011 22936s $3.00 guide substitute = adjuster A2
h  000011 22935  $2.00 choke cable ring
h  000011 22935s $2.00 ring substitute ferrule F2
i   000100 21940  $16.0 cable elbow (cable guide)

1 000000 53474  $19.0 throttle orig.  36 x 41″ silver for?
3 000000 53419  $19.0 throttle orig.  37.5 x 43″ silver for?
2 000110 23338s $10.0 throttle cable 35 x 47″gray
2 000110 23338  $19.0 throttle orig.  35 x 44″silver
1 000001 24198s $10.0 throttle cable 35 x 47″ black
a 111100 21286  $6.00 throttle wire original 44″ =53420 use WT1
a 000011 22069  none  throttle wire original 48″ use WT1
a 111111 22069s $6.00 throttle inner wire WT1 47″
b 111111 23089  $5.00 adjuster A1c M5-0.9 coarse
c 111111 23114  $8.00 throttle sliding block w/screw
d 000100 00189  $4.00 adjuster w/nut A10 M6-0.75
d 000100 04172  $2.50 adjuster nut A7d M6-0.75 9hex
e 111111 21940  $16.0 cable elbow (guide)

x = some 
# 1234567
1 1111100 15578  $20.0 decomp orig. silver 29×35″

1 1111100 15578s $14.0 decomp cable gray 29×33″ 32″min
1 0000010 24098s $14.0 decomp cable black 29×33″
1 0000001 54271  $19.0 decomp orig. silver VLX 31×37″
a 1111111 14974  $7.00 decomp wire 37.5″
b 1111111 16944  $2.00 step ferrule F2 4-to-7
c  1000000 14903  none adjuster M5-0.9 use 23089
c 1xx1111 23089  $5.00 adjuster A1c M5-0.9 coarse
d 0xx0000 53819  $7.50 ’75-76 adjuster A12 M7-1.0
e 0111111 23123  $6.50 decomp pinch bolt 17mm long
f  0111111 23122  $3.00 decomp step spacer 8mm long

All 5 cables go inside 2 Sleeves/Sheathes
1 1111111 14762  none sleeve Ø13 x 17″ silver each
1 1111111 14762s $2.00 sleeve Ø13 x 17″ black each


1 15580 56 15579 30 21285 40 21287 38 15578 29
grey    for ’72-73 H50
2 20533 56 15579 30 21285 40 21287 38 15578 29
grey    for ’74-76 H40
3 20533 56 20532 31 21285 40 21287 38 15578 29
grey    for ’76-77 40
4 20533 56 20532 31 23338 35 53474 36 15578 29
grey    for ’77-80 40, 50 top-pull, 2 elbows
5 20533 56 20532 31 23338 42 23338 35 15578 29
grey    for ’77-80 50V bottom-pull-choke
5 00000 58 54270 33 00000 44 00000 37 54271 31
grey    for ’78-80 50VLX same but wide bars
6 23857 56 23856 31 24198 42 24198 34.8 24098 29
1 1 ’77-80 50V bottom-pull-choke 


Around late 1977, on USA variator models with side carbs, the choke cables 23338 and 24198 changed from top-pull to bottom-pull. That change required more length, 34.8 to 42.0 inch (conduit length). The length changed but the part number apparently did not. The evidence for this is the bundle of 23338’s with original price tag with part #. and no apparent parts bulletins, out of nine 1978-80 Motobecane Dealer Manuals. Their conduit is 42 inches, not 34.8. To distinguish the ’78-on longer cables from the pre-’78, the ’78-on part numbers are shown here in itallic 23338 and 24198.

2. The 53419 throttle cable is not in the 1978-80 Motobecane Dealer Manuals, yet actual cables were in 1980’s leftover inventory




4. Cables for ’67-78 Cady


Application Columns
1  1966-’67 Cady M1
2   ’67-4/68 Cady M1
3   ’67-4/68 Cady M1P low bars
’67-4/68 Cady M1PR
5   5/68-’74 Cady M1PR
6   5/68-’74 Cady M1PRT, PRTS
7  1974-’78 Cady M1, M1PR, M3PR
8  1974-’78 Cady M1PRT, PRTS
9  1974-’78 Cady M3PRTS PRTSG

# 123456789
1 000011000 15580s $10.0 rear brake cable  gray 56 x 64″
1 110100000 19152s none  rear brake cable  gray 58?x 64″
1 001000111 19737s none  rear brake cable  gray 59?x 66?”
a 001000111 19738s none  rear brake inner wire 66?
a 110111000 15600s $5.00 rear brake inner wire WR1 64″
b 111111111 00716  $7.00 pinch bolt P6a Ø6 x 11
b 111111111 00716s $2.00 pinch bolt P6c Ø5.5 x 10
c 111111111 15581s $1.50 step ferrule F1 6-to-8mm
d 111111111 15518  $6-$4 cable adjuster with round nut A3a

# 123456789
1 000001010 15579s $10.0 front brake cable  gray 30 x 38″
1 110110100 15792s none  front brake cable  gray 15?x 38″
1 000000001 20532s $10.0 front brake cable  gray 31 x 38″
a 111111111 15599  $5.00 front brake inner wire WF1 38″
b 111111111 00716  $7.00 pinch bolt P6a Ø6 x 11
b 111111111 00716s $2.00 pinch bolt P6c Ø5.5 x 10
c 000001011 15581s $1.50 step ferrule F1 6-to-8
c 111110100 16944  $2.00 step ferrule F2 4-to-7
d 111111111 15518  $6-$4 cable adjuster with round nut A3a
e 000001011 20059  $7.50 cable stop

# 123456789
1  000011111 15576s $10.0 choke cable 35.0 x 42″ gray
1  100000000 19153s none  choke cable 35.0?x 42″
a  100011111 14927  none  choke/throttle wire original 42″
a  111111111 22069s $4.00 throttle inner wire WTGc 47″
b  000000001 14903  none  adjuster M5-0.9 use 23089
e  100011111 14120  $7.00 choke spring
f   100011111 14119  $9.00 choke slide

# 123456789
1 000011111 14334s none  throttle cable 35.0?x 42″ gray
a 000000111 14927  none  choke/throttle wire original 42″
a 111111111 22069s $6.00 throttle inner wire WT1 47″
e 000000001 21940  $16.0 cable elbow (guide)

# 123456789
1 110111111 15578s $14.0 decomp cable gray 29×33″ 32″min
1 110111111 15578  $20.0 decomp orig. silver 29×35″
a 111111111 14974  $7.00 decomp wire 37.5″
b 111111111 16944  $2.00 step ferrule F2 4-to-7
c 111111111 14903  none  adjuster M5-0.9 use 23089




Morini Cables

November 30, 2020

Morini (Motori Franco Morini) is the name of the engine. Only the lower end of the throttle and start cables are for the engine. The cables upper ends are for whatever controls that are on the handlebars. The brake cables lower ends are for whatever brakes the bike has.  The cable lengths depend on the frame and handlebars.


Morini MO1 and M1 Start Cable

The original start cable conduit stops at, and moves with the start lever, while the inner cable end is fixed to the engine. This is the opposite way most cables are attached. Usually the conduit stops on the engine and the inner wire attaches to and moves with the start lever. The cable is single ended, so it can slide out of the conduit and be replaced separately.

Morini 1-speed start cable and lever
for Franco Morini MO1 and M1 engines 

H77    $10.0 start cable forward-pull 43 x 50″ ∅1.5
H00.0 $00.0 sold separately:
P8      $2.00 pinch bolt a
D14b  $4.00 cable anchor c with centering washer b
D14b  $4.00 cable anchor c with centering washer b
A2a    $3.00 cable adjuster d  


Morini MO1-Malaguti Start Cable

for ’76-79 Malaguti Commuter with Morini MO1-Malaguti engine

H77.1 $11.0 start cable side-pull 43 x 50″ ∅1.5
F1c     $1.50 step ferrule included with cable
H00.0 $00.0 sold separately:
P20    $3.00 stepped pinch bolt
D14b  $4.00 cable anchor with centering washer


Morini MO2 Start Cable:



MO-2 starting mechanism showing original wire clip MO-2 start wire is a bicycle gear wire
for Franco Morini MO2 engines
12.7061 none  start inner wire 2-sp  55″ ∅1.6 requires D14p
12.606I  $5.00 replacement inner wire  50″ ∅1.2 requires D14p
12.706S $11.0 replacement cable 43 x 50″ ∅1.2 requires D14p
H00.0 $00.0 sold separately:
none  pinch bolt ∅8 x 17 with centering grooves
P8g    $5.00 pinch bolt ∅8 x 15 no grooves