Bing Puch

December 11, 2020


Puch small1.  B I N G   P U C H   C A R B S
12, 14, or 15mm     clamp size 20mm

 #   part number   price    description        notes

1a ..115.0091/48 $15.0 3.5mm jet #48  see Carb Specs Table 
 ..115.0091/50   none 3.5mm jet #50  see Carb Specs Table 
 ..115.0091/52 $5.00 3.5mm jet #52  see Carb Specs Table 
 ..115.0091/56 $11.0 3.5mm jet #56  see Carb Specs Table 
 ..115.0091/58 $10.0 3.5mm jet #58  see Carb Specs Table 
 ..115.0091/64 $6.00 3.5mm jet #64  see Carb Specs Table 
 ..115.0091/68  none  3.5mm jet #68  see Carb Specs Table 
2   ..115.0081/22 $8.00 needle jet 2.22  see Carb Specs Table 
2a ..115.0081/12 $15.0 needle jet 2.12A see Carb Specs Table 
2b ..115.0081/17 $15.0 needle jet 2.17   see Carb Specs Table
3   ..115.0151/24 $12.0 slide Ø16.5 #24 see Carb Specs Table
3a ..115.0151/51 $15.0 slide Ø16.5 #51 see Carb Specs Table
3b ..115.0151/11  N/A    slide Ø16.5 #11 see Carb Specs Table
4    364.415.5161 $18.0  jet needle 1-mark, 36mm, for 1/14/xxx 
4a  330.115.0161 $18.0  jet needle 2-mark, 36mm, for 1/12/xxx
5    362.115.0131 $2.00  clip for needle    
6    362.115.0141 $1.00 disc (washer), this is optional
7    362.215.0131 $7.00 spring throttle Ø13 x 58   
8    349.115.0291 $3.00 gasket for top      
9    349.115.0191 $7.00 carb top bare                 
9 + 13 + 33 xxxx $15.0 top assy  long choke rod for 1/14/xxx
9 + 13 + 33a xxx $15.0 top assy short choke rod for 1/12/xxx
10   050.1535 xxx $1.50 screw M4 thin shank (2) stays with top
11 + 12 xxxxxxxx $4.00 adjuster w/nut M5-0.80 (in 2-end cable)
13   362.115.0641 $2.00 clip for choke rod, clicks when fully up
14a 349.115.0181 $14.0 elbow long  M6-0.75, M5 for Maxi-types
14b 321.115.0181 $18.0 elbow short M6-0.75, M5 Magnum-types
15   26779 xxxxxx $2.50 lock nut thin M6 – 0.75
16   349.115.0111 $3.00 idle speed screw M5-0.8
17   349.115.0121 $3.00 spring idle Ø5,Ø7 x 9 
18   362.215.0252 $15.0 float slotted, wt. 5.6g
18a early float xx  $16.0 float not slotted, Sears+Kreidler
19   362.115.0271 $4.00 hinge pin float    
20   362.215.0262 $15.0 rubber tip for slotted float
20a early needle   $39.0 metal tip for non-slotted float
21   362.115.0241 $8.00 float bowl used metal    
22   362.115.0281 $3.50 gasket float bowl 45 x 41 x 1.5mm
24   320.115.0381 $10.0 banjo fuel inlet steel     
25   320.115.0391 $7.00 banjo bolt M8 x 0.75     
26   900.3702 xxx $1.00 seal washer M8 x 12 (2)
00  Puch24.25.26 $20.0 inlet assy, swivel type, 24,25,26
27   362.115.0372 $15.0 fuel filter thimble, clean and reuse
28   349.115.0131 $3.00 clamp bolt M6x20 thin shank
29   328.115.0362 $3.00 primer for cold starting, pushes float down
30   364.115.0331 $7.00 spring for primer         
31   364.115.0341 $1.50 cottor pin for primer, original is crimped
32   349.115.0651 $9.00 slide choke       
33   349.215.0631 $4.00 rod choke short 38mm for 1/12/xxx
33a 349.115.0631 $3.00 rod choke long 40mm  for 1/14/xxx
34   349.115.0471 $7.00 choke rod extension     for Maxi-types

Puch Bing photos

Maxi-type frames are sheet metal: Puch Maxi, Sport, Newport, GN, …
Magnums are tube frames: Puch Cobra, Sears Free Spirit, JC Penney…

35   349.115.0070 $22.0 intake silencer for Maxi-type models
36   349.115.0731 $7.00 inlet tube damper pre-84 Maxi 1.5&2hp
37   900.1320 xxx $0.80 slot screw M6x20
37a 900.226 xxxx $0.30 nut M6
40   321.115.2700 $55.0 silencer 2.0hp, no #44’s Magnum-types
40a 321.215.2700 $55.0 silencer 1.5, 1hp w/44’s Magnum-types
41   900.9886 xxx $2.00 hose clamp 1 inch         
42   321.115.2711 $15.0 front silencer half        
43   050.1540.2 x  $22.0 air filter metal mesh      
44   349.115.0741 $3.00 restrictor 1.5 & 1.0hp   
45   321.115.0741 $5.00 sound damper pipe       
46   321.115.0741 $8.00 mount clamp               
47   26565            $0.80 hex bolt M5 x 16
48   321.315.0701 $15.0 rear silencer              

Bing Puch choke rods

Bing “Puch” choke rods
left long, right short

Bing "Puch" carb elbows

Bing “Puch” carb elbows
left long, right short

Bing 16.5mm throttle slides









Puch smallbing crown                     P U C H   C A R B   S P E C S   T A B L E

Normally, carburetors appear first in the parts list. But Puch has over 30 versions. So they are here instead. Use this table to find your Puch carburetor’s original jet size and other settings, just by knowing the ID Number. Or use the applications and other clues to find what ID Number and settings that it originally had, if the original carb ID Number is not known or not trusted.  


Bing 1/12/xxx Carburetors (12 mm)

00 intake   0000   mm  0000  slide  needle jet 
fins  .0000.0000  mm   00 jet 0  needle 000 air box

000.000.0000  1/12/279 modern remake

349.215.4000  1/12/292 54  24  2  2.22   maxi
7 ∅12 circ  ’75-76 Maxi-N, Maxi-S, Nostalgic 1.0 hp
7 ∅12 circ  ’76-77 Rigid, Maxi, Maxi Sport, Newport 1.0 hp
7 ∅12 circ  ’78 Maxi Luxe, Sport, Newport 1.0 hp

349.315.4000  1/12/293 60  24  2  2.22   maxi
7 ∅12 circ  ’76-77 Rigid, Maxi, Maxi Sport, Newport 1.5 hp
7 ∅12 circ  ’78-79 GN, ’78 Maxi, ’79 Maxi to 7705250 1.5 hp

7 ∅12 circ  ’78 Maxi Luxe, Sport, Newport 1.0 hp

349.415.4000  1/12/294 54  24  2  2.22   maxi
7 ∅12 circ  ’76-77 Rigid, Maxi, Maxi Sport, Newport 1.0 hp

7 ∅12 circ  ’78-79 Maxi Luxe, Sport, Newport L 1.0 hp

7 ∅12 circ  ’80-85 Maxi, Maxi Luxe 1.0 hp

349.715.7000 1/12/297A50  51  2  2.12A mag rest.
9 ∅12 tall  ’80-83 Magnum MkII, II, LTD 1.0 hp

000.000.0000  1/12/299 unknown

349.815.4000  1/12/300 48  11  2  2.12A maxi
7 ∅12 tall  ’78-79 Sport MkII, ’79 Maxi II 1.0 hp

7 ∅12 tall  ’80-85 Sport MkII, Newport II 1.0 hp

000.000.0000  1/12/302 50  ??   2  2.22   mag rest.
7 ∅12 circ  ’78-79 JC Penney Swinger 1.0 hp

349.115.7000  1/12/304 66  24  2  2.22   maxi
8 ∅12 circ  ’78 Maxi Luxe, Sport, Newport 1.5 hp

349.215.7000  1/12/307 58  11  2  2.12A maxi
8 ∅12 tall  ’78 Sport MkII 1.0 hp

349.215.7000  1/12/307 58  11  2  2.12A maxi
7 ∅12 circ  ’80-84 Maxi from 7705251 1.5 hp

7 ∅12 circ  ’85 Maxi Sport LS from 2421597 1.5-2.0 hp

7 ∅12 circ  ’80-85 Maxi Luxe 1.0 hp

8 ∅12 circ  ’85 Maxi 1.5-2.0 hp

349.615.7000  1/12/309 48  51  2  2.12A maxi
8 ∅12 circ  ’80-85 Maxi Luxe 1.5 hp

349.615.7000  1/12/309 48  51  2  2.12A mag rest.
9 ∅12 tall  ’80-83 Magnum MkII, II, LTD 1.5 hp

349.615.7000  1/12/310 48  51  2  2.12A maxi
8 ∅12 circ  ’79 Maxi Luxe, Sport, Newport L 1.5 hp

349.315.8000  1/12/314 56  24  2  2.22   maxi
8 ∅14 tall  ’79 Sport MkII, Maxi II 2.0 hp

8 ∅14 tall  ’80-85 Sport MkII, Newport II 2.0 hp

8 ∅14 tall  ’85-86 Maxi Sport LS 2 1.5-2.0 hp

349.415.8000  1/12/316 64  11  2  2.12A magnum
9 ∅14 circ  ’78-79 Magnum XK 2.0 hp

349.515.8000  1/12/317 50  11  2  2.12A mag rest.
9 ∅12 circ  ’78-79 Magnum XK 1.5 hp

349.615.8000  1/12/318 50  11  2  2.12A mag rest.
9 ∅12 circ  ’78-79 Magnum XK 1.0 hp

9 ∅12 tall  ’78-79 Magnum MkII 1.0 hp

349.815.7000  1/12/321 50  51  2  2.12A mag rest.
8 ∅12 tall  ’79 Sport MkII, Maxi II 1.5 hp

7 ∅12 ????  ’78-79 JC Penney Pinto, Swinger 1.5 hp

8 ∅12 tall  ’80-85 Sport MkII, Newport II 1.5 hp

349.715.8000  1/12/322 60  51  2  2.12A magnum
9 ∅14 tall  ’78-79 Magnum MkII 2.0 hp

9 ∅14 tall  ’80-83 Magnum MkII, II, LTD 2.0 hp

349.815.8000  1/12/323 48  11  2  2.12A mag rest.
9 ∅12 tall  ’78-79 Magnum MkII 1.5 hp

000.000.0000  1/12/339 52
10 ∅12 ??  ’83-84 Dart 1.5 hp

000.000.0000  1/12/340 54
10 ∅12 ??  ’83-84 Dart 2.0 hp


Bing 18/12/xxx Carburetors (12 mm)
00 intake   0000   mm  0000  slide  needle jet 
fins  .0000.0000  mm   00 jet 0  needle 000 air box

345.315.6000 18/12/10652  13  2  2.26   maxi+
10 ∅12 3b ’84-85 Maxi Plus 1 and 2 1.5 hp

345.415.6000 18/12/10754  13  2  2.26   maxi+
10 ∅12 3b ’84-85 Maxi Plus 1 2.0 hp


Bing 1/14/xxx Carburetors (14 mm)
00 intake   0000   mm  0000  slide  needle jet 
fins  .0000.0000  mm   00 jet 0  needle 000 air box

349.415.5000  1/14/152 64  24  2  2.20   maxi
7  ∅14 sqr.  ’75-76 Maxi-N, Maxi-S, Nostalgic 1.5-2.0 hp

000.000.0000  1/14/157 00  00  0  0.00   magnum
7 ∅14 sqr.  ’78-79 JC Penney Swinger 2.0 hp

349.815.5000  1/14/160 64  24  1  2.22   maxi
7 ∅14 sqr.  ’76-77 Rigid, Maxi, Maxi Sport, Newport 2.0 hp

7 ∅14 sqr.  ’78-79 GN, ’78-79 Maxi to 7705425 2.0 hp

000.000.0000  1/14/163 68  11  2  2.12A magnum
7 ∅14 sqr.  ’78 Sears Free Spirit 2.0 hp

349.115.6000  1/14/???  68  51  2  2.12A magnum
7 ∅14 sqr.  ’80-82 Series B 2.0 hp

000.000.0000  1/14/164 52  11  2  2.12A mag rest.
7 ∅6.5 sqr  ’78 Sears Free Spirit 1.0 hp

7 ∅8.5 sqr  ’78 Sears Free Spirit 1.5 hp

349.915.5000  1/14/???  52  51  2  2.12A mag rest.
7 ∅8.5 sqr  ’80-82 Series B 1.5 hp

000.000.0000  1/14/166 62  51  2  2.12A magnum
7 ∅14 sqr.  ‘80-81 Murray 2.0 hp

349.815.6000  1/14/185 64  24  1  2.22   maxi late
7 ∅14 circ  ’79-83 Maxi from 7705426 2.0 hp

7 ∅14 circ  ’84-85 Maxi Sport LS to 2421596 2.0 hp

349.515.5500  1/14/196 68  24  2  2.17   magnum
8 ∅14 circ  ’85-86 Cobra 1.5-2.0 hp

8 ∅14 tall  ’85-86 Cobra 2 2.0 hp

349.315.6500  1/14/203 70  24  2  2.17   magnum
8 ∅14 tall  ’85-86 Cobra 2 1.5 hp


Bing 1/15/xxx Carburetors (15 mm)
00 intake   0000   mm  0000  slide  needle jet 
fins  .0000.0000  mm   00 jet 0  needle 000 air box

000.000.0000  1/15/46   82  24  1  2.17   hi-flow or none
0  000 000 modern replacement


Above is a list of 35 different Bing Puch carburetors. On the 33 Bing 1/xx/xxx carbs there are just 3 carb bodies,  12, 14 and 15 mm. But they can have different jets, needle jets, throttle slides, and throttle needles (different from float needle!).  Use the chart above to configure (change the settings) a carburetor for a particular model, as long as it’s original and stock. For example, you have a 1977 Puch Maxi with no carburetor. You have a 1980 Murray carburetor that looks identical. From the chart they are both 14mm venturi, but the jet needs to be size 64 not 62, the slide #24 not 51, the needle 1 notch not 2, and the needle jet size 2.22 not 2.12A. Change those four things, and change the stamped on number from 1/14/166 to 1/14/160, and you will have the original specification carburetor. Or if you have a scrambled pile of carburetors and loose pieces, you can make any original configuration carburetor from the chart.

There are always some (sometimes lots of) little things that make life difficult. Old engines with compression and/or air leaks will need bigger than original jets. Old engines with clogged exhausts will need smaller than original jets. Engines with the original air box removed or modified will need bigger jets. Engines with performance exhausts will need bigger jets. Engines with big bore cylinder kits will need much bigger jets. This chart says what jet your bike had when it was brand new, not necessarily what jet is correct for it in it’s current state.




Bing Menu

December 10, 2020


































Bing Jets

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Jet Drills










Welcome. Included here are Bing carburetors used on mopeds, originally sold in the US from 1960 to 1990. This is only a small segment of Bing. There are also Bing carburetors on mopeds not originally sold in the US, or from earlier or later times, and on most German motorcycles and power equipment.

These carburetor categories are nick-named after the most popular US model or make. The Sears Allstate moped had the same carburetor and engine as 1950’s and 60’s Puch MS50 series and Tomos Colibri mopeds. The Puch Magnum X small motorcycle carburetor was the same as on many other 50cc motorcycles, especially German.    

Bing moped carburetors, 10, 12, and 14mm, came on German (Sachs, Kreidler, Solo), Austrian (Puch, Kromag), and Slovakian (Jawa-Babetta, Manet-Puch) mopeds (US models). Besides the three venturi sizes, there are also different configurations and clamp mount sizes. Puch, Solo, and Kreidler Bings have round float bowls that screw on, and 3.5mm jets. Sachs Bings are square and “smashed up against a wall”, too close for any other carburetor to substitute, and have 4.0mm jets. Puch Bings have a 20mm ID clamp mount, and 20mm OD spigot mount for the air filter. Sachs Bings also have a 20mm clamp mount, and a two-bolt flange mount for the air filter and external choke. Solo and Kreidler Bings have a smaller 16mm clamp mount, and a large 53mm “bell” for the air filter to clamp to. Puch A-D Bings have a 23mm clamp mount.  

The model number, stamped on, tells the size and settings. If it’s a Puch carb, use the Puch Carb Specs Table below to find what jet number and other parts your carburetor originally came with. Then use the Bing Jet list or graph to find what jet drill should pass through. Then use that drill to clean the old jet and restore it to normal size.

Carb types: Carburetors for each type 1 to 8 look and fit the same and share most of the same parts.

ID Numbers: These are just the known Bing ID numbers, mostly from USA-model mopeds. There are many more not listed here. ID numbers from different types can be similar, a source of confusion.

Nick Names: The names are from the most common 1970’s US-model moped that carburetor type is used on. Some of the nick names might be inappropriate, or downright goofy, for other places and times. Nick names are necessary because many ID numbers do not tell the type. For example, a 1/12/315 is a “Bing 1 Jawa” type, but a 1/12/314 is a “Bing 1 Puch” type, completely different.

Bing Carb Types – Specs and Apps

1. Bing “Puch”  clamp 20, slide 16.5 (9 o’clock slot), jet 3.5, needle 36
 0 carb ID #    specifications  on years  version  make   models
 0  size ID #  jet slide n. n.jet 

01/12/279   0  00  0  0.00   modern remake
2   54  24  2  2.22  1977-78  1.0hp  Puch  GN, Maxi, Sport, Newport
   60  24  2  2.22  1977-78  1.5hp  Puch GN, Maxi, Sport, Newport
   60  24  2  2.22  1978-78  2.0hp  Puch  Maxi Luxe, Sport, Newport
   52  24  2  2.22  1977-78  1.0hp  Puch  GN, Maxi, Sport, Newport
   52  24  2  2.22  1979-80  1.0hp  Puch  GN, Maxi, Sport, Newport
 52  51  2 2.12A 1980-80  1.0hp  Puch  Magnum II, Magnum MkII
 00  ??  2  2.22  1978-79  0.0hp  JC Penney  Swinger 1, 2?, Pinto 1?, 2?
   48  11  2 2.12A 1978-80  1.0hp  Puch  Sport MkII, New. II, Maxi II
   50  ??  2  2.22  1978-79  1.0hp  JC Penney  Swinger 1, 2?, Pinto 1?, 2?
 66  24  2  2.22  1978-78  1.5hp  Puch  Maxi Luxe, Sport, Newport
  00  00  0  0.00   1978-79  1.5hp  JC Penney  Swinger 1?, 2?, Pinto 1?, 2?
  58  11  2 2.12A 1978-78  2.0hp  Puch  1978 Sport MkII

  58  24  2  2.22  1979-80  2.0hp  Puch  ’79-80 Maxi Luxe, Sport, Newport

  48  51  2 2.12A 1980-80  1.5hp  Puch  Magnum II,Magnum MkII,Maxi Luxe
  48  51  2 2.12A 1979-79  1.5hp  Puch  Maxi Luxe, Sport, Newport
  56  24  2  2.22  1979-80  2.0hp  Puch  Maxi II, Sport MkII, New. II
  64  11  2 2.12A 1978-79  2.0hp  Puch  Magnum XK
  50  11  2 2.12A 1978-79  1.5hp  Puch  Magnum XK
  50  11  2 2.12A 1978-79  1.0hp  Puch  Magnum XK, Magnum MkII
  60  51  2 2.12A 1978-80  2.0hp  Puch  Magnum II, Magnum MkII
  48  11  2 2.12A 1978-79  1.5hp  Puch  Magnum MkII
01/14/15  64  24  2  2.20  1976-76  2.0hp  Puch  N, S, Nostalgic
01/14/157   00  00  0  0.00  1978-79  2.0hp  JC Penney  Swinger 1?, 2, Pinto 1?, 2?
  64  24  1  2.22  1977-79  2.0hp  Puch  GN, Maxi
  68  11  2 2.12A 1978-78  2.0hp  Sears  Free Spirit, 1980 Murray 2.0hp
   52  11  2 2.12A 1978   1, 1.5hp  Sears  Free Spirit
   52  51  2 2.12A 1981-82  1.5hp  Puch  Series B
   62  51  2 2.12A 1980-81  2.0hp  Murray ??
  68  51  2 2.12A 1981-82  2.0hp  Puch  Series B
   64  24  1  2.22  1980-85  2.0hp  Puch  Maxi, Sport LS
   68  24  2 2.17 1984-86  2.0hp  Puch  Cobra 1, Cobra 2
  70  24  2 2.17 1984-86  1.5hp  Puch  Cobra 2
     82   00  02.17   modern replacement

2. Bing Type 85  clamp 20, slide 14.5 (9 o’clock slot), jet 4.0, needle 36(12) or 33(10)
 0 carb ID #    specifications  on years  version  make   models
 0  size ID #  jet slide n. n.jet 

85/10/101 A50  2B  2.17  1976-79 1.0hp  Sachs engines 504/1B, 505/1B
85/10/101A 50  2B  0  2.17  1979-85 1.0hp  Sachs engines 504/1B, 505/1B
85/12/101 A
52  2B  0  2.17  1976-79 1.5hp  Sachs engines 504/1A, 505/1A
85/12/101A 52  2B  0  2.17  1979-85 1.5hp  Sachs engines 504/1A, 505/1A
85/12/104A 58  02   none    1978-79 2.0hp  Sachs engines 504/1D, 505/1D
85/12/118 A55  02   none    1980-85 2.0hp  Sachs engines 504/1D, 505/1D

3. Bing “Kreidler”  clamp 16, slide 14.5 (2 o’clock slot), jet 3.5, needle 36
68  10  2  2.17  1976-78  2.0hp Kreidler 
  68  10  2  2.17  1976-78 2.0hp  Kreidler  Flory
  68  10  2  2.17  1979-80 2.0hp  Kreidler  Flory

4. Bing “Solo”  clamp 16, slide 14.5 (12 o’clock slot), jet 3.5, needle 31(10) or 33(12)
 58  16  1  2.12  1978 -80 1.5hp  Solo engine
 58  16  1  2.12  1978-80 1.5hp  Solo engine on Columbia Open Road

5. Bing “Jawa”  flange, slide 14.5 (12 o’clock slot), early jet, needle 31(10) or 33(12)
  62  32
    62  32
  62  24  2  0.00  1979-83 1.7kW  Jawa Supreme 2 & 3, 207-392 & 394
 60  24  2  0.00  1960’s  xxxxxx  Sachs 50/2 engine
  66  24  2  0.00 

 62  24

6. Bing SSE “Allstateflange, slide 14.5 (12 o’clock slot), early jet, needle 31?
SSE – 12  
50  00  0  0.00  50’s 60’s euro   Puch MS50, MV50, JLO
SSE – 12  
62  00  0  0.00  1954-68  xxxx  Sears-Puch Allstate Mo-Ped

7a. Bing Type 15 clamp 23, slide 16.5 (11 o’clock slot), jet 4.0, needle 36
Type 15 is same as Type 18 except reversed left to right, and 15 has a intake bell Ø55.
52  13  2  2.26  
unknown app
/15/102 58  13  2  2.26  unknown app

7b. Bing Type 17 and 18  clamp 23, slide 16.5 (11 o’clock slot), jet 4.0, needle 36
Type 17 is same as Type 18 except reversed left to right.
 68  13  2  2.15? 1988-93
? euro  Piaggio-Puch Supermaxi LG1, LG2
   52  13  2  2.26  1984-86 1.5hp  Puch  Austro Daimler (Maxi Plus)
   54  13  2  2.26  1984-86 2.0hp  Puch  Austro Daimler (Maxi Plus)
   52  13  2  2.26  1992-99
? euro  Zundapp
   52  13  2  2.26  1995-96 2.0hp  Manet-Puch Korado

8. Bing “Magnum X” clamp 23, slide 18.5 (9 o’clock slot), jet 3.5, needle 40
    Like Bing “Kreidler”, but everything is bigger, except the float and float bowl.
    84  11  1  2.20  unknown app

   84  02  1  2.20  1978-79 3.5hp Puch Magnum X 


♥Derbi♥ Menu

December 9, 2020

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Derbi Parts     Derbi Cables






The name Derbi is from Derivats de Bicicletes (derivatives of bicycles).

From WikipediaDerbi’s origins began with a little bicycle workshop in the village of Mollet, Spain near Barcelona, founded in 1922 by Simeó Rabasa i Singla. The focus remained the repair and hire of bicycles until May 1944 when Rabasa formed a limited liability company named Bicicletas Rabasa with the aim of moving into manufacturing bicycles. The venture proved very successful and in 1946, supported by its profits, work began on a motorized version. More moped than motorcycle, this first model, the 48cc SRS included plunger rear suspension, and a motorcycle type gas tank and exhaust system. The SRS proved so successful it prompted a change in the company’s direction, and on November 7, 1950, the company changed its name to Nacional Motor SA. Just prior to this, at that summer’s Barcelona Trade Fair, the company unveiled its first real motorcycle, the Derbi 250.

1985 GP80 136mph

Derbi 50cc Road Racing

50cc Road Racing

Derbi successfully competed in Grand Prix motorcycle racing, winning 50cc world championships in 1969, 1970 and 1972. When the 50cc class was increased to an 80cc displacement in 1984, Derbi would claim four consecutive world championships between 1986 and 1989, before the class was discontinued in Grand Prix competition. The firm also experienced racing success in 125cc Grand Prix competitions, winning world championships in 1971, 1972, 1988, 2008 and 2010. The Derbi RSA 125 earned 405 points in the constructor’s championship in the 125cc class. The 405 points in 2010 are second only to Aprilia which earned 410 points in 2007.

Unlike Ossa, Bultaco, and Montesa, Derbi successfully met the challenges that followed the Spanish transition to democracy and Spain’s entry into the European Community. Simeó Rabasa i Singla died in 1988 but the company remained independent until 2001, when it was bought out by the Piaggio group.




1978 Derbi SLE ad

Derbi parts on 1970’s mopeds were mostly made in Spain. The Arbeo carburetor is a re-make of an Italian Dellorto. The Walker speedometer is a remake of a German VDO. The Motoplat magneto is made in Spain. Everything else is made in Spain by Derbi, except the lighting equipment is made in Italy by CEV Pagani. The reason was Spain’s high import tariffs and socialist economy. On late 80’s models there were more non-Spanish parts. The controls were Italian-made by Domino, and the magneto was Italian CEV. Gradually Spain’s trade practices became more like the rest of Europe.  

Derbi lights: European models had Rinder headlights, square with angled sides, like the gold 1978 SLE on the right. US models had round CEV headlights because they were DOT approved. Euro versions had smaller tail lights and no brake light, while for-sale-in-US bikes had larger CEV 9417.2 tail lights that shine to the sides with brake light and side reflectors. 

Nunca debera pedalear: “Never had to pedal” was the slogan in this Spanish ad. The bottom says “vane summit 3492 m (11,350 ft) the highest road in Europe”. Derbi was always setting records. In 1980 A Derbi SLE went around the world in 76 days. Derbi mopeds also crossed the Sahara and won world-class 24-hour competitions. The Derbi Variant was proven to be the world’s best moped in performance and capability.






Derbi Models

December 9, 2020

updated 2020-12

Contents: 1. Engines
Contents: 2. Mopeds



1. Engines

1976-85 Derbi moped engines (for sale in the USA) came in three speed versions:
30mph (2.0hp) 12mm xxx no restrictor,  1 – 1mm variator limiting washer (gas mileage 117 mpg)
25mph (1.5hp)  10mm intake restrictor,  1 – 4mm variator limiting washer (gas mileage 130 mpg)
20mph (1.0hp)  10mm intake restrictor,  2 – 4mm variator limiting washers

1985-89 Derbi moped engines (for sale in the USA) came in one speed version:
30mph (2.0hp) 10mm intake restrictor,  1 mm variator limiting washer
43mph actual when de-restricted!


1977 Derbi flyer

2. Mopeds


nr is non-reed , pr is pyramid reed, fr is flat reed engine

year  model   colors eng rims

1976 Variant SL xx ♥ nr 17 17
1976 Variant TT xt nr 17 17

1977 Variant SL xx ♥ nr 17 17
1977 Variant TT xt nr 17 17

SL and TT had 2.50-17 tires and 19T, 30T sprockets.

Derbi is the most heavy-duty moped, with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 450 lbs.
The SL was 123 lbs, and SLE was 125 lbs, so the rider (with passenger and cargo) can weigh 325 lbs.

Derbi C5 Diablo

1978-82 C5 Diablo

Derbi 1980 C5 Diablo

1978-82 C5 Diablo

Derbi Sport Laguna

’78-82 Laguna

1978 Variant SL X   ♥ nr 17 17
1978 Variant SLE  ♥ nr 17 17
1978 Variant TT    nr 17 17
1978 Laguna xxxx  ♥ nr 17 17
1978 C5 Diablo xx  ♥ nr 21 18

SLE and Laguna also had 5-star wheels, 2.50-17 tires and 19T, 30T sprockets. C5 had 2.50-21 and 2.75-18 tires, and 20T, 42T sprockets.


Derbi TT

’78-82 Variant TT

Derbi Variant SLE

’78-82 Variant SLE

 Derbi Variant SL

’78-82 Variant SL

1979 Variant SL  nr 17 17
1979 Variant SLE  nr 17 17
1979 Variant TT    nr 17 17
1979 Laguna xxx    ♥ nr 17 17 
1979 C5 Diablo xx  ♥ nr 21 18


1980 Variant SL  nr 17 17
1980 Variant SLE  nr 17 17
1980 Variant TT x    nr 17 17
1980 Laguna xxx    ♥ nr 17 17
1980 C5 Diablo xx   nr 21 18

 Derbi 1980 Flyer

Derbi 1980 Flyer

Derbi 1980 Flyer

Derbi 1980 Flyer

Derbi 1980 Flyer

1980 Flyer

Derbi 1980 Flyer

1980 Flyer







1981 Variant SL x nr 17 17
1981 Variant SLE  nr 17 17
1981 Variant TT x   nr 17 17
1981 Laguna xxxx  ♥ nr 17 17
1981 C5 Diablo xx   nr 21 18

1983 Derbi flyer

1982 Derbi electric start debut



1982 Variant SL xx    nr 17 17
1982 Variant SLE    nr 17 17
1982 Variant TT x    nr 17 17
1982 Laguna xxxx  ♥ nr 17 17
1982 C5 Diablo xx   nr 21 18






1983 Derbi flyer side 2

1983 Variant SL x pr 16 16
1983 Variant SLE   pr 17 17
1983 Variant SLE-E pr 17 17
1983 Sport Laguna ♥ pr 17 17
1983 RD50 Diablo   pr 21 18
1983 Scoot 50  xxx  pr 10 10
1983 Scoot 50-E  ♥ pr 10 10
1983 Scoot 80-E  ♥ pr 10 10

The movie “War Games” came out in May 1983. It featured a 1983 Derbi SL white. The flyer says “60th anniversary 1922-1982”.

1983 Derbi news letter



The 1983-86’s have these subtle improvements:
crankcase 3-petal pyramid reed valve for more torque

90 degree throttle cable, not “straight out” (longer wire)
black aluminum brake levers not black plastic
front sprocket sticks out more, nut hits earlier left cover
the cast aluminum swing arm was upgraded to box steel
the center panel choke button is 2 inches farther back


1984 Derbi flyer side 1


The 1983 SL had 2.50-16 tires and 20T, 30T sprockets. RD50 had 20T, 42T sprockets, same tires as C5, 2.50-21 and 2.75-18.

The 1983 SLE-E (electric) had electric start. The sticker on the side of the frame was “Variant Botton Rojo”

1984 Derbi flyer side 2

There never was a parts catalog made for the 1983-1986 Derbi mopeds. There were only addenda or updates to the 1976-1982 parts catalog, in the form of loose sheets of paper.

1984 Variant SL     pr 16 16
1984 Variant SLE   pr 17 17
’84 Variant SLE-E  pr 17 17
’84 Variant SLE-C    pr 17 17
1984 RD50 xxxxxx   pr 21 18
1984 Scoot 50-E  ♥◊ pr 10 10
1984 Scoot 80-E   pr 10 10


The Scoot 50 and Scoot 80 had a de-restricted pyramid-reed moped engine, but without pedals. Notice how much thicker the front exhaust header pipe is. These scooters went 40 to 55 mph. 

The SLE-C (commercial) had a solo seat to allow a cargo rack. It was for business, like pizza delivery.  


Derbi 1984 RD50

1984 RD50

1984 Derbi SL

 Derbi 1984 RD50

1984 RD50









1985 Variant SL x- pr 16 16
1985 Variant SL xx  fr 16 16
’85 Variant SLE-X  fr 17 17
1985 RD50 xxxxxx  pr 21 18

The new SL flat-reed had 13T, 33T sprockets.
The new SLE flat-reed had 13T, 35T and 17″ 7-star wheels.


Derbi 1987 DS50

Derbi 1987 DS50 scooter with pedals
The floorboards fold up for pedaling.
and pedals disconnect for motoring.

1985 Derbi SLE-X



1986 Variant SL xx  fr 16 16
’86 Variant SLE-X fr 17 17
1986 DS50 Scooter fr 10 10
1986 RD50 xxxxx    pr 21 18

The new DS50 had electric start, 3.00-10 tires, and 16? front, 33 or 34T rear sprockets.


The 1986-89’s have these subtle improvements:
Many things are different that appear to be the same.
Flat 2-petal case reed valve, “Scanimet” all aluminum cylinder
Reverse rotation for better induction, so it has an extra shaft
Both crankshaft nuts are left thread, old ones are both right
Domino controls with integrated CEV switches, different cables
CEV square speedo and square headlight with hi/lo, not round
New frame – engine swings with rear wheel, takes bumps better
Improved variator with wider range, more torque
Voltage regulator and stronger magneto, brighter lights
Top speed 43 mph! with intake & variator restrictors removed.

Variant Sport had 2.75-16 tires, 13T, 33T sprockets.


Info Motomarina Marina Mobili

1988 Marina Mobili (MMI) flyer
featuring 1988 Derbi DS50

Derbi 1988 Variant Sport

Derbi 1988 Variant Sport


1987 Variant Sport fr 16 16
1987 DS50 Scooter fr 10 10
1987 RD50 xxxxxx    pr 21 18


1988 Variant Sport  fr 16 16
1988 DS50 Scooter  fr 10 10


1989 Variant Sport  fr 16 16
1989 DS50 Scooter  fr 10 10



1989 Derbi DS50 fold-out poster






















♥Vespa♥ Menu

December 5, 2020


 Vespa (Piaggio) Models     Vespa Parts 

Engine Parts      Transmission Parts

Electrical Parts      Electrical Service

Vespa Speed Versions    Vespa Cables



made in Italy








Welcome Vespa scooters and mopeds were made in Italy by Piaggio. Vespa is a division of Piaggio, like Chevrolet is a division of General Motors. In the USA the bikes were branded as “Vespa” but in most countries they were called “Piaggio”. The brand name Vespa was used up to the 1980’s.   

Scooters and Mopeds: Piaggio made scooters from 1947 to present, and mopeds from 1967-2006. Only mopeds are covered here. Mopeds have a front engine and large thin tires. Scooters have a rear engine and small wide tires. 

2016 Piaggio P.1HH unmanned aircraft

History: Founded by Rinaldo Piaggio in 1884, Piaggio first made railroad locomotives. In WWI and WWII they made military aircraft. They still do make aircraft and many other machines. After WWII they transitioned to civilian necessities, like motor scooters. The first Piaggio Vespa scooters had front suspension made from a light airplane landing gear. The first scooter wheels were aircraft wheels and tires. The stamped sheet metal body-frame was an aircraft design. They were named Vespa, which means “wasp” in Italian, because the two-stroke engine sounded like a wasp. The superior designs made the products light, efficient, affordable, convenient and safe. Soon Vespa became a worldwide motor vehicle manufacturer. By the 1970’s the name Vespa became synonymous with motor-scooter, like Coke is with cola, or Kleenex is with facial tissue. Read more at

From about 1968 to 1975 Vespa mopeds were imported to the US and distributed by Western Scooter Distributors, 1599 Custer St, San Francisco CA 94124.

From about 1976 to 1985 they were imported and distributed by Vespa of America Corporation, National Headquarters, 355 Valley Dr, Brisbane CA 94005.


Here are Myrons Mopeds old info sheet handouts. They were black and white copies on paper.

Info Vespa 1

Info Vespa 1

Info Vespa 3

Info Vespa 3

Info Vespa 2

Info Vespa 2

Info Vespa 4

Info Vespa 4

Info Vespa 5

Info Vespa 5











♥TOMOS♥ Menu

December 4, 2020


A3 Engine

A5 Engine Parts

. Non-
. Parts

  Tomos          Parts          Parts      Owners   
  Models          Grid          Grid 2     Manual   

 Operating          Tomos                Tomos        
     Costs         Maintenance     Performance  

    A55              Clutch           1992-2008  
   Tuning          Service        Throttle Slider 

     Oil                Tomos          Balanced
        Assembly      Clutch Drum

A55 Intake  A55 Trans  A55-pedal    Tomos
    Oil Leak   Driveshaft   Electrical






The name TOMOS is from varna (factory) tornih koles (motorcycles) Sezana (city in western Yugoslavia). TOMOS began in Sezana but later moved to Koper, Yugoslavia.

former-Yugoslavia nations

Slovenia was a republic of Yugoslavia until March 1991, when it became an independent country, the Republic of Slovenia. Here is the historic district of Koper, Slovenia in 2004.  








1955: TOMOS began

1956 to 1981+ Puch remakes: From 1956 to 1981 Tomos made, under license, mopeds and motorcycles that were exact copies of Puch models. Until 1973 the Puch remakes were called Colibri 1,2,3, up to 15. After 1973 most were called APN. They had 2, 3, and 4-speed manual transmission. Pedal models had left-hand grip-shift. Kick models had foot shift.

1973 to 1974 Tomos A3: In 1973 Tomos introduced their own stamped steel frame, engine, and wheels, the 1973 Automatic 1, a one speed. A two speed version soon followed, the 1973 Automatic 3, and the 1974 Automatic 3K. These went 28mph, made 2.0 horsepower, and weighed 97 lbs. The A3 pedaled forward like a bicycle, yet started the engine by kicking backwards. There is no start lever on a Tomos.

1991 was the break up of former Yugoslavia, after years of civil war, into eight independent countries.


Inside the Tomos plant in 2004.










Yamaha Cables

December 1, 2020

Yamaha QT50

Yamaha Cables

The throttle and choke cables on Yamaha are longer than most, because they go inside the frame, first way down low, then up high and then down again, like a roller coaster. That gives the bike a clean look, and a convenient low step-thru frame. But the bottom low part traps water. This happens with many other cables that go way low then up, like all scooters have.


1979-87 Yamaha QT50 choke cable $22






Vespa Cables

December 1, 2020



Here are the 1968 to 1985 USA-model mopeds, made in Italy by Piaggio, and their controls, made in Italy by Domino. 

 Domino VB left control VA "60s chrome" sliding-block throttle and brake control silver (no throttle spring)
Ciao and controls (left, right)

Ciao Deluxe and controls (left, right)

 Ciao Bravo Grande (no blinkers) L control Ciao, Bravo, Grande no blinkers R control
Bravo and controls (left, right)

 Bravo w/blinkers Bravo R control
Bravo Deluxe and controls (left, right)

 Ciao Bravo Grande (no blinkers) L control Ciao, Bravo, Grande no blinkers R control
Grande and controls (left, right)

 Grande left control Grande right control
Grande Deluxe and controls (left, right)

 Ciao Bravo Grande (no blinkers) L control Ciao, Bravo, Grande no blinkers R control
Si and controls (left, right)

Ciao PX and controls (left, right)


Brake cable holes are bottomless threaded. They require threaded adjusters. Other ’70’s Domino controls have threadless holes with bottoms, that do not need adjusters.

Throttle and start cable holes are threadless bottomed. No adjusters required.





price color: bright green is new, dark green is good-used.


Piaggio# price  length wire  Front Brake cables and parts

103204  $12.0 21x26 ∅2.0 original cable silver ’68-71 Ciao caliper
103204r $11.0 21x26 ∅1.5 replacement  grey 
103205  $7.00 21x26 ∅2.0 orig. inner wire (conduit is 103207)

000000  $15.0 41x53 ∅2.0 original cable silver ’68-71 Ciao drum
000000r $13.0 41x53 ∅1.5 replacement  grey  see note 1
000000 $7.00 41x53 ∅2.0 orig. inner wire

135015  none  41x49 ∅2.0 original cable silver ’72-80 Ciao
135015r $11.0 41x49 ∅1.5 replacement  grey
135014  $7.00 41x49 ∅2.0 orig. inner wire (conduit is 135016)

136134  none  37x44 ∅2.0 original cable silver ’77-80 Bravo
136134r $11.0 37x44 ∅1.5 replacement  grey
136135  $7.00 37x44 ∅2.0 orig. inner wire (conduit is 136136)

353860  $9.00 37x44 ∅2.0 original cable black ’78-83 Grande
353860r $10.0 37x44 ∅1.5 replacement   black
353861  $7.00 37x44 ∅2.0 orig. inner wire (conduit is 353862)

185602  $13.0 38x52 ∅2.0 original cable black ’79-85 Si
185602r $10.0 38x52 ∅1.5 replacement   black
118310  $7.00 38x52 ∅2.0 repl. inner wire (conduit is 185604)

187023  none  41x49 ∅2.0 original cable black ’80-86 Ciao PX
187023r $10.0 41x49 ∅1.5 replacement   black
135014  $7.00 41x49 ∅2.0 original inner wire

090511 $1.50 F1c cable nipple (step ferrule) ∅5-8 x 12
103964 $6-$4 A3a adjuster original M6 round no slot
103964 $3.00 A2a adjuster substitute M6 hex no slot   

114282 $4.00 D14 anchor pin (socket bolt)
154533 $12.0 P21 clamp assy (loop pinch bolt) M7 ∅11


Piaggio# price  length wire  Rear Brake cables and parts

103209  none  46x65 ∅2.0 original cable silver ’68-80 Ciao
103209r $12.0 46x65 ∅1.5 replacement  grey 
103210  $7.00 46x65 ∅2.0 WR2 inner wire (conduit is 103211)

135791  none  52x67 ∅2.0 original cable silver ’77-80 Bravo
135791r $12.0 52x67 ∅1.5 replacement  grey 
135792  $7.00 52x67 ∅2.0 WR2 inner wire (conduit is 135793)

353863  none  52x67 ∅2.0 original cable black ’78-83 Grande
353863r $11.0 52x67 ∅1.5 replacement    black
353864  $7.00 52x67 ∅2.0 WR2 inner wire (conduit is 353861)

185605  none  47x68 ∅2.0 original cable black ’79-85 Si
185605r $11.0 47x68 ∅1.5 replacement   black
185606  $7.00 47x68 ∅2.0 WR2 inner wire (conduit is 185607)

187025  none  46x65 ∅2.0 original cable black ’80-86 Ciao PX
187025r $11.0 46x65 ∅1.5 replacement   black
103210 $7.00 46x65 ∅2.0 WR2 inner wire

090511 $1.50 F1c cable nipple (step ferrule) ∅5-8 x 12
103964 $6-$4 A3a adjuster original M6 round no slot
103964 $3.00 A2a adjuster substitute M6 hex no slot   

114282 $4.00 D14 anchor pin (socket bolt)
154533 $12.0 P21 clamp assy (loop pinch bolt) M7 ∅11


Piaggio# price  length wire  Throttle cables and parts

103220  none  42x46 ∅1.2 original cable silver ’68-80 Ciao
103220r $11.0 42x47 ∅1.2 replacement  grey 
103221  $6.00 42x47 ∅1.2 WT1 inner wire (conduit is 103222)

135797  $13.0 38x42 ∅1.2 original cable silver ’77-80 Bravo
135797r $11.0 38x47 ∅1.2 replacement  grey
135798  $6.00 38x47 ∅1.2 WT1 inner wire (conduit is 135799)

353869  none  39x43 ∅1.2 original cable black ’78-83 Grande
353869r $10.0 39x47 ∅1.2 replacement  black
353871  $6.00 39x47 ∅1.2 WT1 inner wire 

185611  none  43x46 ∅1.2 original cable black ’79-85 Si
185611r $10.0 43x47 ∅1.2 replacement  black
103221  $6.00 43x47 ∅1.2 WT1 inner wire (conduit is 185613)

187027  none  42x46 ∅1.2 original cable black ’80-86 Ciao PX
187027r $12.0 42x47 ∅1.2 replacement  black  
103221  $6.00 42x47 ∅1.2 WT1 inner wire 

098128 $5.00 1. adjuster A13 with nut M5-0.75
120074 $3.00 2. lock nut M5-0.75 special thread
113903 $6.00 3. cable pipe bare 2ar replica
120073 $3.00 4. lock nut M6-0.75 special thread
098130 $3.00 5. spring Ø5 x 7 x 12 


Piaggio# price    length   wire  Decomp cables  see note 2

103217  $27.0 33.7 35.6 ∅1.2 original cable silver ’68-80 Ciao,
103217r $23.0 33.7 35.6 ∅1.2 replacement grey and ’77-80 Bravo

353866  $27.0 41.7 45.1 ∅1.2 original cable black ’78-83 Grande
353866r $23.0 41.7 45.1 ∅1.2 replacement black  see note 3

212687  $27.0 33.7 35.6 ∅1.2 original cable black ’79-85 Si
212687r $23.0 33.7 35.6 ∅1.2 replacement black

140594  none  35.7 37.6 ∅1.2 original cable black ’80-86 Ciao PX
140594r $23.0 35.7 37.6 ∅1.2 replacement black

114283 $4.00 D14b replacement anchor pin
113243 $8.00 decomp cable hook plate



Note 1. The original cable was for a inline brake light switch. But when the 4 inch conduit piece is removed, the cable is also for no inline brake switch.

Note 2. 114282 (left) and 114283 (right) are original Domino anchor pins (socket bolts). The replacement for the shorter 114283 is a longer 114282 with a washer added. The washer keeps the cable centered in the lever.

 Note 3. Because the Grande has a foot rest above the engine, the decomp (start) cable is longer and routed differently than the other Vespa models. It exits the engine towards the rear instead of the front.



Cable Sets



Piaggio# price    length    wire  ’72-80 Ciao  
135015r $11.0 41 x 49    ∅1.5 front brake cable grey
103209r $12.0 46 x 65    ∅1.5 rear brake cable grey 
103220r $11.0 42 x 46    ∅1.2 throttle cable grey
103217r $23.0 33.7 35.6 ∅1.2 decomp cable grey
7280c    $53.0 cable set Ciao

Piaggio# price    length    wire  ’77-80 Bravo
136134r $11.0 37 x 44    ∅1.5 front brake cable grey
135791r $12.0 52 x 67    ∅1.5 rear brake cable grey 
103220r $11.0 42 x 46    ∅1.2 throttle cable grey
103217r $23.0 33.7 35.6 ∅1.2 decomp cable grey
7780b    $53.0 cable set Bravo

Piaggio# price    length    wire  ’78-83 Grande
353860r $10.0 37 x 44    ∅1.5 front brake cable black
353863r $11.0 52 x 67    ∅1.5 rear brake cable black
353869r $10.0 39 x 43    ∅1.2 throttle cable black
353866r $23.0 41.7 45.1 ∅1.2 decomp cable black
7883g    $50.0 cable set Grande

Piaggio# price    length    wire  ’79-85 Si
185602r $10.0 38 x 52    ∅1.5 front brake cable black
185605r $11.0 47 x 68    ∅1.5 rear brake cable black
185611r $10.0 43 x 46    ∅1.2 throttle cable black
212687r $23.0 33.7 35.6 ∅1.2 decomp cable black
7985s    $50.0 cable set Si

Piaggio# price    length    wire  ’80-85 Ciao PX
187023r $10.0 41 x 49    ∅1.5 front brake cable black
187025r $11.0 46 x 65    ∅1.5 rear brake cable black
187027r $12.0 42 x 46    ∅1.2 throttle cable black
140594r $23.0 35.7 37.6 ∅1.2 decomp cable black
8085p    $50.0 cable set Ciao PX






Trac Cables

December 1, 2020

Trac cables have been terribly confusing since the 1980’s. You can see why; 3 kinds of part numbers, 4 kinds of brake cables not mentioned in parts manuals, and 8 kinds of incorrectly made replacement brake cables. Finally the clouds have cleared and the sun shines again!


1982-85 Trac Eagle, Clipper, Hawk     

1982-85 Trac, Laura M56 engine, 1970’s Magura controls

F12-30 61.0 x 3.3 ∅1.5 says nothing none   replacement $27 

F12-31 38.8 x 4.7 ∅1.2 says nothing $19    replacement $12

F12-32 38.8 x 2.7 ∅1.2 says nothing $27

F12-33 40.2 x 4.5 ∅1.5 says nothing $15    replacement $12

F12-34 39.1 x 3.3 ∅1.5 says nothing $27    replacement $25



1985-86 Trac Eagle, Clipper, Hawk

Domino Black

1985-86 Trac, Laura M56 engine, all black Domino controls

F4-01 23210 right control (front brake, throttle)
on ’86 and late ’85 Eagle, Clipper, Hawk
Domino 903.03 = DA7K

F4-02 23510 left control (rear brake, starter)
on ’86 and late ’85 Eagle, Clipper, Hawk
Domino 908.06 = DB7K


F12-56 84585 17910-M56-8960 throttle cable 41.4+”
38.9 x 2.4 ∅1.2 says M56 896 $12   for Eagle, Clipper, Hawk
38.9 x 4.7 ∅1.2 says nothing   $10   replacement

F12-57 84586 17920-M56-8960 choke cable 43.7+”
38.8 x 4.7 ∅1.2 says nothing $12   for Eagle, Clipper, Hawk
same as F12-31, single-ended with a 5x7pinch bolt

F12-58 84589 45460-M56-895D rear brake cable 
61.1 x 3.3 4.1 says M56 895D none  for Eagle deluxe 66.8
59.5 x 3.3 4.1 says MT1 895D none  for Hawk deluxe 65.2
61.0 x 4.1 ∅1.5 says nothing   $27     replacement 66.7″

F12-58 84589 45460-M56-895S rear brake cable
60.8 x 2.8 3.6 says M56 895S none  for Eagle std 66.0
59.5 x 2.8 3.6 says MT1 895S none  for Hawk std 64.7
58.8 x 3.6 ∅1.5 says ESCOT    none  for Clipper 64.0
61.0 x 3.6 ∅1.5 says nothing   $27     replacement 66.2″

F12-59-1 84588 45450-M56-895D front brake cable 
39.1 x 4.1 ∅1.5 says M56 895D none  for Eagle Deluxe 43.2
37.5 x 4.1 ∅1.5 says MT1 895D none  for Hawk Deluxe 41.6
39.0 x 4.1 ∅1.5 says nothing    $27     

F12-59-1 84588 45450-M56-895S front brake cable 
39.1 x 3.6 ∅1.5 says M56 895S none  for Eagle std 42.7
37.5 x 3.6 ∅1.5 says MT1 895S none  for Hawk std 40.1
37.1 x 3.6 ∅1.5 says ESCOT      none  for Clipper 40.7
39.0 x 3.6 ∅1.5 says nothing   $27     

F12-60-1 84587 17930-M56-8960 start cable 
40.0 x 3.1 ∅1.5 says M56 896 none for Eagle, Clipper, Hawk
40.6 x 2.9 ∅1.5 says M56 896 none F4-39-1 23521

40.0 x 3.1 ∅1.5 says nothing   $27    replacement


D and S brake cables D (Deluxe) is for mag wheels. S (Standard) is for spoke wheels. The D inner wire was 0.5 inch longer than S, because the Grimeca brake (D) on mag wheels is different from the Duck Chang brake (S) on spoke wheels. 

Corrections The 1985-86 (M56 engine) Eagle and Hawk front and rear brake cables with codes M56 and MT1, were made incorrectly. The inner wire was 0.8 inch too short. In the listing here the incorrect exposed lengths are crossed out. Trac forgot to include the distance of the removable slotted adjuster 23224.

The 1984-86 (M56 engine) Clipper and 1984-90 (DMC engine) Escot, Sprint, Image with cable codes CL1 and HA1 had correctly-made replacement brake cables. The CL1 or HA1 inner wire was 0.3 inch longer than a M56-895D, or 0.8 inch longer than a M56-895S.



’84-90 Escot, Image, Liberty, Metro (kick start)
’86-90 Clipper, Hawk, Sprint, Olympic, Blitz (pedals)

Domino Black

1984-90 Trac, Daelim DP50 or DK50, all black Domino controls
Image, Hawk, Sprint have cast aluminum mag wheels
Clipper, Escot, Liberty, Olympic, Blitz
have spoke wheels

F4-01 23210 right control (front brake, throttle)
on ’84-90 models with DK50, late DP50 engines
Domino 903.03 = DA7K

F4-02 23010 left control (rear brake only)
on ’84-90 models with DK50, late DP50 engines
Domino 904.04 = DB8K

F4-02 23510 left control (rear brake, starter)
on ’86 and early ’87 Trac Olympic, early DP50 engine
Domino 908.06 = DB7K


F4-31-1 23515 45450-CL1-000 front brake cable 42.2″
37.1 x 3.6 ∅2.0 says ESCOT    none  for Clipper, Escot
37.0 x 3.6 ∅1.5 says nothing   $27     

F4-31-2 23516 45450-HA1-000AM fr0nt brake cable 41.7″
35.5 x 4.1 ∅2.0 says IMAGE   none  for Image, Hawk, Sprint
36.0 x 4.1 ∅1.5 says nothing   $27     replacement

F4-31-3 23015 43450-HD2-890AM front brake cable 48.6″
42.9 x 5.7 ∅2.0 says K.C.C.   $27    for Liberty, Olympic, Blitz

F4-32-1 23517 45460-CL1-000 rear brake cable 64.7″
58.6 x 3.6 ∅2.0 says ESCOT    none  for Clipper, Escot
59.0 x 3.6 ∅1.5 says nothing     $27     

F4-32-2 23518 45460-HA1-000AM rear brake cable 64.7″
58?  x 4.1 ∅2.0 says IMAGE   none  for Image, Hawk, Sprint
59.0 x 4.1 ∅1.5 says nothing   $27     replacement 

F4-32-3 23016 43460-HD2-890AM rear brake cable 61.8″
46.5 x 15.3 ∅2.0 says K.C.C.   $32   for Liberty, Olympic, Blitz
61.8 is the length of 3 actual cables, but it seems too short.

F4-37-1 23021 17910-HD2-890AM throttle cable 44.5?
39.8 x 4.7 ∅1.2 says K.C.C.   none  for Liberty, Olympic, Blitz
40.0 x 4.7 ∅1.2 says nothing $10    replacement

F4-37-2 23022 17910-HA1-000 throttle cable 42.5″
37.8 x 4.7 ∅1.2 says HA1-CL1  $13   for Escot, Image

F4-37-3 23519 17910-HA1-010 throttle cable 42.5″
37.8 x 4.7 ∅1.2 says HA1-CL1  none  for Clipper, Hawk, Sprint

F4-38-1 23023 17950-HD2-892AM choke cable+knob
29.2 x 3.0 ∅1.2 says K.C.C.  $28   for Liberty, Olympic, Blitz

F4-38-3 23520 17950-HA1-010     choke cable+knob
29.2 x 3.0 ∅1.2 says HA1-CL1  $28    for Clipper, Hawk, Sprint

F4-38-2 23024 17950-HA1-000    choke cable+knob
29? x 3.0 ∅1.2 says HA1-CL1  none  for Escot, Image
same as 23520 but with a cover sleeve


F4-39-2 23522 17930-DKM-890AM start cable
42? x 2.9 ∅2.0 says K.C.C.  none  for 86 and early ’87 Olympic



DK50 and DP50 choke: These 1984-90 Trac models with Daelim engines and Domino controls, have a Honda type push-pull choke knob, located to the lower left of the speedometer. Other 1985-86 Trac models with Laura M56 engines and Domino controls, listed above, have a right thumb lever for the choke. 




Tomos Cables

December 1, 2020



1976 Tomos Automatic

1974-86 Tomos A3, Magura controls
models: Automatic, Bullet, Silver Bullet, Golden Bullet

front brake $10

rear brake $10

throttle cable $25 
not included:  A2 adjuster $3.00AP anchor pin $4.00
P22 loop pinch bolt $7.50 on spoke wheels
P25 Grimeca pinch bolt $4.00 on mag wheels


1987 Tomos Bullet

1986-91 Tomos A3, Domino controls
models: Bullet, Bullet TT, Golden Bullet, Golden Bullet TTLX

front brake $10

rear brake $10

throttle cable $10 
not included with cables: D14K anchor pin $3.00
adjusters A2 $3.00, A3b $5.50, A1b $4.00

P22 loop pinch bolt $7.50 on spoke wheels
P25 Grimeca pinch bolt $4.00 on mag wheels


1996 Tomos Sprint

1992-08 Tomos A35/A55, HR controls
92-94: A35 Bullet, A35 Bullet TT, A35 Golden Bullet, A35 G. B. TTLX
93-08: Sprint, Sprint TT, Targa, Targa LX, LX, TT Classic, ST 

front brake $10

rear brake $10

throttle cable $10
not included:  adjusters A2 $3.00, A3b $5.50, A1b $4.00
P25 Grimeca pinch bolt $4.00, LA long anchor pin 227169 $4.50


2009 Tomos ST

2008-13 Tomos A55, TBS controls
models: Sprint, ST, LX

front brake $15  

rear brake $23

throttle cable $25
not included with cables:  adjuster A2 $3.00,
P25 Grimeca pinch bolt $4.00DA end adapter $1.80


2003 Tomos Revival

2001-03 Tomos A35 Revival, Domino controls

rear brake $26

throttle cable $27
not included with cables:  adjuster A2 $3.00,
P25 Grimeca pinch bolt $4.00DA end adapter $1.80


2007 Tomos Revival TS

2005 Tomos Streetmate









2004-07 A55 Revival, Streetmate, Domino controls
2008-13 A55 Revival, Streetmate, TBS controls (not Streetmate-R)

rear brake $26

throttle cable $25
not included with cables:  adjuster A2 $3.00,
P25 Grimeca pinch bolt $4.00E1f end adapter


2012 Streetmate-R

2008-13 A55 Streetmate-R, TBS controls

rear brake $26


throttle cable $25
not included with cables:  adjuster A2 $3.00,
P25 Grimeca pinch bolt $4.00E1f end adapter