Garelli US Models

December 26, 2020


American Garelli Parts Catalogs

pages    1978 Parts Catalog 
01-59  ’75-77 Eureka, Eureka Deluxe, Gran Sport Twin (Gulp) 

01-59  ’77-78 Sport, Gran Sport,
Super Sport XL

Agrati-Garelli Corporation of America Parts Catalogs

pages    1. 1979 Parts Catalog
01-560  ’77-80 Gulp Matic, VIP, Sport, Gran Sport, Super Sport

57-101  ’75-77 Eureka Flex, Gulp Matic 

pages    2. 1980 Parts Catalog
001-560  ’77-80 Gulp Matic, VIP, Sport, Gran Sport, Super Sport

057-101  ’75-77 Eureka Flex, Gulp Matic 
102-104  ’79-79 Super Sport 2
105-146  ’79-80 Rally Sport, VIP, Gran Sport Ltd, Super Sport Ltd

pages    2. 1981 Parts Memo
011-143 revisions and changes

pages    3. 1983 Parts Catalog 
001-560  ’77-80 Gulp Matic, VIP, Sport, Gran Sport, Super Sport

057-101  ’75-77 Eureka Flex, Gulp Matic 
102-104  ’79-79 Super Sport 2
105-133  ’79-80 Rally Sport, VIP, Gran Sport Ltd, Super Sport Ltd

105-133  ’79-84 Rally Sport 2, Super Sport XL, Super Sport 2
134-146  ’79-80 Rally Sport, VIP, Gran Sport Ltd, Super Sport Ltd

147-159  ’83-84 Monza GT

pages    3. 1985 Parts Memo
147-157  Nov ’84 revisions and changes to Monza GT
150-150  Nov ’84 new starting mechanism with freewheel
106-132  Nov ’84 revisions and changes to SSXL

160-000  ’83-86 Basic, Rally SL, VIP-N





American Garelli 1978 Catalog

This is the American Garelli parts catalog notebook. It’s a standard size ring binder. In 1977 the Eureka was renamed Sport. Eureka Deluxe was renamed Gran Sport. And a top tank model was added, the Super Sport XL. 

Agrati Garelli Corporation of America Acquired American Garelli in in 1978. They kept the same model names except Gran Sport Twin was renamed back to it’s original name Gulp Matic. 



1. Parts Catalogs – 1979 First Edition
Agrati-Garelli Corporation of America

Garelli Spare Parts Catalogues

This is the Agrati-Garelli Corporation of America (AGCA) parts catalog notebook. It’s an oversize ring binder. Pages could be added when new models came out, or replaced if there were any corrections. The first edition 1979 had 101 pages. Second edition 1980 had 146, 45 more. Third edition 1983 had 159, 13 more. The fourth edition 1985 is not yet known.  

The 3rd Edition of this parts catalog has been made available as a free download from Lucky Two Strokes. All of the page numbers 1 to 159 or the revised pages “/1” referred to here, can be viewed there. 


1978-80 H1 6-fin iron

engine#     5/79  A. Engine
6-fin iron cylinder, early covers, silver faceted, say G

F200001-F271810  77-78 Sport, Gran Sport
=71810 -F271810  77-78 Rally Sport, Super Sport
6-fin iron cylinder, late covers, black, say GARELLI
F271811-F337644  78-80 Gran Sport Ltd, Super Sport Ltd .
=65833 -F337644  79-80 Sport, Gran Sport, Rally Sport
F271811-F337644  79-80 Rally Sport, Super Sport XL
page  parts group

1/1 oil injector
1/A oil injector
2 crankcase rubber mounted
3 cylinder & crank
4 clutch
5 starting
6 carburetor
7 magneto


mph teeth 5/79  B. Frame    frame#
tail light 9350, ax 11/11, br 90/90, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″

25 10×36 76-77 Sport xxx RB00101-RB00831  =731
30 10×32 76-77 Sport xxx RC00101-RC00105  =  5
tail light 9350, ax 11/12, br 90/90U, hubs 32/35 spk 16″

25 10×36 77-77 Sport HD  RB00832-RB01231  =400
30 10×32 77-77 Sport HD  RC00106-RC00445  =340
tail light 9401.2

20 10×42 77-78 Sport HD  RA00101 to
25 10×36 77-78 Sport HD  RB01232 to
30 10×32 77-78 Sport HD  RC00446 to
page  parts group

8 frame   hard-tail
9 fork
10 controls
11 front wheel xxxxx  11 axle, 32 ID hub, brake 90
12-13 rear wheel std  11 axle, 32 ID hub, brake 90
12-13 rear wheel HD  12 axle, 35 ID hub, brake 90U
14 body
15 body
16 lighting head light 2158,
17 lighting tail light 9350 on 76-77, 9401.2 on 77-78 


mph teeth 5/79  C. Frame           frame#
axles 11/11, brakes 90/90, hubs 32/32
wheels spoke 16″, early Domino 70’s controls

20 10×42 77-78 Gran Sport xxx NP03431-NP03724  =294
25 10×36 77-78 Gran Sport xxx NU05976-NU10270=4295
30 10×32 77-78 Gran Sport xxx NZ00621-NZ02017=1397
wheels spoke 17″, late controls with throttle helper spring

20 10×42 78-79 Gran Sport xxx NP03725 to
25 10×36 78-79 Gran Sport xxx NU10271 to
30 10×32 78-79 Gran Sport xxx NZ02018 to
20 10×42 78-79 Rally Sport xxx SR00101 to
25 10×36 78-79 Rally Sport xxx SS00101 to
30 10×32 78-79 Rally Sport xxx ST00101 to ST01153+
axles 11/12, brakes 90U/90U, hubs 32/35 x-ray 17″

20 10×42 77-78 Gran Sport Ltd SL00101 to
25 10×36 77-78 Gran Sport Ltd SM00101 to
30 10×32 77-78 Gran Sport Ltd SN00101 to
page  parts group

18 frame
19 fork
20 fork
21 controls
22 front wheel brake 90, axle 11
23 rear wheel  brake 90, axle 11
24/1 mag wheels Ltd x-ray (snowflake) 17″
25 body
26 body
27 lighting
28 lighting  tail light 9401.2, head light 2157
29 lighting
30 accessories


mph teeth 5/79  D. Frame     
axles 11/11, brakes 90/90, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″

20 10×42 77-78 Super Sport XL B00101-B00682   =582
25 10×36 77-78 Super Sport XL C00101-C04038 =3938
30 10×32 77-78 Super Sport XL D00101-D01666 =1566
axles 11/11, brakes 90/90, hubs 32/32 spoke 17″

20 10×42 78-79 Super Sport XL B00683 to
25 10×36 78-79 Super Sport XL C04039 to
30 10×32 78-79 Super Sport XL D01667 to
axles 11/12, brakes 90U/90U, hubs 32/35 x-ray 17″

20 10×42 77-78 Super Sport Ltd F00101 to
25 10×36 77-78 Super Sport Ltd G00101 to
30 10×32 77-78 Super Sport Ltd H00101 to
page  parts group

31 frame
32 fork
33 fork
34 controls
35 front wheel
36 rear wheel
37/1 mag wheels
38 body
39 body
40 lighting  tail light 9401.2, head light 2157
41 accessories


1977-86 V2 engine

mph teeth 5/79  E. Engine and Frame     
axles 11/12, brakes 105/90, hubs 32/35 spoke 16″

30 13×30 77-78 VIP De Luxe SA01622-SA02346    =725
axles 11/12, brakes 105/90, hubs 32/35 spoke 17″

30 13×30 78-79 VIP De Luxe SA02347-
page  parts group    eng#  A150001-A177887  =27887

42/1 crankcase
43 cylinder & crank
44 clutch
45 starting
46 carburetor
47 magneto
48 frame
49 fork
50 controls
51 front wheel
52 rear wheel
53 body
54 body
55 lighting   tail light 9401.2, head light 2158
56 accessories

In late 1977 spoke wheels changed from 16 to 17″ rims. Then in early 1979 they changed back to 16″ (except VIP). This has caused much confusion with Garelli tire size over the years!


This is the actual beginning. Agrati-Garelli Corporation of America (AGCA) made this parts catalog after they acquired American Garelli (AG). They put the 1975-77 AG models in the back, and the 1977-78 AGCA models in the front. This made sense in 1978, but not years later. 

1975-78 G2 engine

mph teeth 5/79  F. Engine and Frame 
axles 11/12, brakes 105/90U, hubs 32/35 spoke 16″

25 13×30 75-78 Gulp Matic De Luxe  RM00101-RM00245   =145

30 13×30 75-78 Gulp Matic De Luxe  PG00101-PG01624  =1524
page  parts group     engine# A100001-

57 crankcase
58 cylinder 25, 30 and crank
59 clutch freewheel body early A100001-A102114 =2114
59 clutch freewheel body late A102215 to

60 starting
61 carburetor
62 magneto
63 frame
64 fork
65 controls
66 front wheel spoke 16″, brake 105, axle 11
67 rear wheel  spoke 16″, brake 90,   axle 12
68 body
69 body
70 lighting    tail light 9401.2, head light 2158
71 accessories


1976-78 H1 early 6-fin

mph teeth 5/79  G. Engine and Frame
axles 11/11, brakes 90/90, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″
standard: painted fenders, no speedo, deluxe: chrome fenders

25 10×36 76-77 Eureka Flex Standard NV01211-NV01420   =210
25 10×36 76-77 Eureka Flex De Luxe  NU04010-NU05975 =1966
page  parts group    engine#  F201241-

72 crankcase rubber mounted
73 cylinder radial 205051.3111 (25) F200001-F201240
73 cylinder 6-fin  205060.3111 (25) F201241 to

74 clutch
75 starting
76 carburetor
77 magneto
78 frame
79 fork
80 controls
81 front wheel spoke 16″, brake 90, axle 11
82 rear wheel  spoke 16″, brake 90, axle 11
83 body
84 body
85 lighting  tail light 9401.2, head light 2158
86 accessories


1970-76 H1 radial fins

mph teeth 5/79  H. Engine and Frame
painted fenders, no speedo, ax 11/11, br 90/90, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″

20 10×42 75-76 Eureka Flex Standard NN00101-NN00830  =730
25 10×36 75-76 Eureka Flex Standard NV00101-NV01210 =1110
chrome fenders, speedo, axles 11/11, br 90/90, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″

20 10×42 75-76 Eureka Flex De Luxe  NP00101-NP03430  =3330
25 10×36 75-76 Eureka Flex De Luxe  NU00101-NU04009 =3909
30 10×32 75-76 Eureka Flex De Luxe  NZ00101-NZ00620   =520
page  parts group    engine#  F200001-
87 crankcase solid mounted
88 cylinder radial fin 205051.3111 (20-25), 205001.3111 (30)
89 clutch
90 starting
91 carburetor
92 magneto
93 frame
94 fork
95 controls
96 front wheel spoke 16″, brake 90, axle 11
97 rear wheel  spoke 16″, brake 90, axle 11
98 body
99 body
100 lighting    tail light 9350, head light 2158
101 accessories



2. Parts Catalogs – 1980 Second Edition
Agrati-Garelli Corporation of America

A to H same.


1979-80 H2 6-fin iron

mph teeth  no date  I. Engine and Frame 
axles 11/11, brakes 90/90, hubs 32/32 spoke 17″

25 10×50 79 Super Sport 2 sp  L00101 to
page  parts group   engine# H038472-H042464

102 engine revisions for 2-speed
103 clutch group for H2 2-speed
104 frame revisions for 2-speed
104 tail light 9401.2, head light 2157


’81-83 H1 6-fin

’79-80 H1-a1 12-fin

’79-82 H2-a2 5-fin






engine#     5/80  J. Engine 
6-fin cast iron cylinder, late covers, 1-speed H1

F337645-F342161  80-83 Sport, Rally Sport,
=4516 0-F342161  80-83 Super Sport XL
12-fin aluminum cylinder, late covers, 1-speed H1-a1
F342162-F344000? 79-80 Rally Sport Ltd
=1838?   -F360932  79-80 Super Sport Ltd
5-fin aluminum cylinder, late covers, 1-speed H1-a2
F344001?-F360932 79-80 Rally Sport Ltd
=20932?  -F360932  79-80 Super Sport Ltd
12-fin alum, early black 2-sp covers, 2-speed H2-a1
H042465-H043000? 79-82 Rally Sport 2sp
=535? 00 H043000? 79-82 Super Sport XL 2sp

5-fin alum, early black 2-sp covers, 2-speed H2-a2
H043001?-H042465 79-82 Rally Sport 2sp
H042465-H042465  79-82 Super Sport XL 2sp
page  parts group     

105 crankcase
106 cylinder  6-fin iron 205060.3111 (20), 205003.3111 (25-30)
107 cylinder 12-fin alu. 205054.3111 (20), 205002.3111 (25-30)
108 clutch
109 clutch 2-sp
110 starting
111 carburetor  page 111 is missing in pdf
112 magneto


mph teeth 5/80  K. Frame
axles 11/11, brakes 90/90, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″

20 10×42 79-79 Sport xxxxxxxx TZ00101-TZ00401   =301
25 10×36 79-79 Sport xxxxxxxx UA00101-UA00701  =601
30 10×32 79-79 Sport xxxxxxxx UB00101-UB00801  =701
20 10×42 79-80 Sport xxxxxxxx TZ00402-
25 10×36 79-80 Sport xxxxxxxx UA00702-
30 10×32 79-80 Sport xxxxxxxx UB00802-
20 10×42 79-80 Rally Sport xxx UC00101-UC00501  =401
25 10×36 79-80 Rally Sport xxx UD00101-UD01801 =1701
30 10×32 79-80 Rally Sport xxx UE00101-UE01801 =1701
20 10×42 80-80 Rally Sport xxx UC00502-
25 10×36 80-80 Rally Sport xxx UD01802-
30 10×32 80-80 Rally Sport xxx UE01802-
axles 11/12, brakes 90U/90U, hubs 32/32 7-ray 16″

20 10×42 79-80 Rally Sport Ltd UF00101-
25 10×36 79-80 Rally Sport Ltd UG00101-
30 10×32 79-80 Rally Sport Ltd UH00101-
page  parts group     

113 frame
114 frame
115 fork and controls
116 front wheel
117 rear wheel
118 mag wheels
119 mag wheels
120 body
121 body
122 body
123 body
124 lighting  tail light 9417.2, head light 1211
124 accessories

These models have the fuel petcock hidden. The petcock shaft passes through a hole in the metal side cover. So only the handle is in view. Previously the petcock was out in the open.

mph teeth 5/80  L. Frame
axles 11/11, brakes 90/90, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″

20 10×42 79-80 Super Sport XL x UL00101 to
25 10×36 79-80 Super Sport XL x UM00101 to
30 10×32 79-80 Super Sport XL x UN00101 to
axles 11/12, brakes 90U/90U, hubs 32/32 7-ray 16″
20 10×42 79-80 Super Sport Ltd 0 UP00101 to
25 10×36 79-80 Super Sport Ltd 0 UR00101 to
30 10×32 79-80 Super Sport Ltd 0 US00101 to
25 10×50 79-80 Super Sport Ltd 2 WD00101 to
30 11×50 79-80 Super Sport Ltd 2 WC00101 to
page  parts group     

125 frame
126 fork and controls
127 front wheel
128 rear wheel
129 mag wheels
130 mag wheels
131 body
132 body
133 lighting tail light 9417.2, head light 1211


mph teeth 5/80  M. Engine and Frame
axles 11/12, brakes 105/90U, hubs 32/35 spoke 17″

25 12×30 80-82 VIP 2-sp De Luxe  UT00101 to
30 13×30 80-82 VIP 2-sp De Luxe 
UV00101 to
page  parts group    eng#  A177888-

134 crankcase
135 cylinder & crank
136 clutch
137 starting
138 carburetor
139 magneto
140 frame
141 fork and controls
142 front wheel
143 rear wheel
144 body
145 body
146 lighting   tail light 9417.2, head light 1211



Parts Memo March 16 1981

page 1-2: Changes to 1980 Parts Manuals
page 3: Pistons now only sold complete

Left 1985 105 mm, right 1980 90 mm

Brake shoes, brake plates, and hubs on spoke wheels changed from 90 to 105 mm drum size.

Aluminum cylinder and head changed from 12-fin type to 5-fin type.








3. Parts Catalogs – 1983 Third Edition
Agrati-Garelli Corporation of America

This parts catalog has been made available as a free download from Lucky Two Strokes. All of the page numbers 1 to 159 or the revised pages “/1” referred to here, can be viewed there.

A to I and M are the same


1980-81 H2 5-fin alum

engine#  3/81  J. Engine RS=Rally Sport, SS=Super Sport
6-fin cast iron cylinder, late covers, 1-speed H1
F337645-F342161  80-80 Sport, Rally Sport, Super Sport 
12-fin alum cylinder, late covers, 1-speed H1-a1
F342162-F360932  79-80 Rally Sport Ltd, Super Sport Ltd
5-fin alum cylinder, late covers, 1-speed H1-a2
F360933-F360933  81-82 Rally Sport Ltd, Super Sport Ltd
5-fin alum cylinder, 2sp covers, 2-speed H2-a2
H042465-H042465 80-80 Super Sport Ltd 2sp
6-fin iron cylinder, 2sp covers, 2-speed H2 
H044809-H044809 81-82 Rally Sport 2sp 

page  parts group

105/1 crankcase
106/1 cylinder  6-fin iron 205060.3111 (20), 205003.3111 (25-30)
107/1 cylinder 12-fin alu. 205054.3111 (20), 205002.3111 (25-30)
107/1 cylinder  5-fin alu. 205059.3111 (20), 205004.3111 (25-30)

108 clutch
109/1 clutch 2sp
110/1 starting
111 carburetor
112/1 magneto


In 1981 spoke wheel hubs and drum brakes changed from 90 to 105 mm diameter. Pages 116/1, 117/1, 127/1, and 128/1 show this. The parts catalogs do not say what frame numbers had the newer and bigger brake drums, so here “x”‘s are used to represent the unknown digits.

mph teeth 3/81  K. Frame
axles 11/11, brakes 105/105, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″

20 10×42 81-83 Sport xxxxxxxxx TZ0xxxx to
25 10×36 81-83 Sport xxxxxxxxx UA0xxxx to
30 10×32 81-83 Sport xxxxxxxxx UB0xxxx to
20 10×42 81-82 Rally Sport xxx  UC0xxxx to
25 10×36 81-82 Rally Sport xxx  UD0xxxx to
30 10×32 81-82 Rally Sport xxx  UE0xxxx to
25 10×50 81-82 Rally Sport 2sp WE0xxxx to
30 10×50 81-82 Rally Sport 2sp WF0xxxx to
axles 11/12, brakes 90U/90U, hubs 32/32 7-ray 16″

20 10×42 81-82 Rally Sport Ltd UF0xxxx to
25 10×36 81-82 Rally Sport Ltd UG0xxxx to
30 10×32 81-82 Rally Sport Ltd UH0xxxx to
page  parts group

113/1 frame
114/1 frame
115/1 fork & controls
116/1 F wheel
117/1 R wheel
118/1 mag whls
119    mag whls
120/1 body
121/1 body
122/1 body
123/1 body
124/1 lighting  tail light 9417.2, head light 1211
124/1 accessories


mph teeth 5/80  L. Frame
axles 11/11, brakes 105/105, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″

20 10×42 79-82 Super Sport XL x  UL00101 to
25 10×36 79-82 Super Sport XL x  UM00101 to UM01001 =901
30 10×32 79-82 Super Sport XL x  UN00101 to UM02401 =2301
axles 11/12, brakes 90U/90U, hubs 32/32 7-ray 16″

20 10×42 79-82 Super Sport Ltd x UP00101 to
25 10×36 79-82 Super Sport Ltd x UR00101 to
30 10×32 79-82 Super Sport Ltd x US00101 to
25 10×50 79-82 Super Sport Ltd 2 WD00101 to
30 11×50 79-82 Super Sport Ltd 2
WC00101 to
page  parts group

125/1 frame
126/1 fork & controls
127/1 F wheel
128/1 R wheel
129/1 mag whls
130/1 mag whls

131/1 body
132    body
133/1 lighting  tail light 9417.2, head light 1211
133/1 accessories


1983-84 M1 1-speed

mph teeth 4/83  N. Engine and Frame
axles 11/11, brakes 105/105, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″

25 16×24 83-84 Monza GT  white XF00101 to
30 17×24 83-84 Monza GT 
 white XG00101 to
page  parts group   engine# B344619 to
147 crankcase
148 cylinder & crank
149 clutch
150 starting
151 carburetor
152 magneto

153 frame
154 fork and controls
155 front wheel
156 rear wheel  

157 body
158 body
159 lighting  tail light 9436.1, headlight 1211
159  accessories




Parts Memo Jan 24 1985


Nov ’84 changes to Monza GT

mph teeth 1/85  Engine and Frame 
axles 11/12, brakes 105/90U, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″
tail light 9436.1, headlight 1211, M1 engine

25 16×24 84-85 Monza GT  black
30 17×24 84-85 Monza GT  black
axles 12/12?, brakes 90U/90U, hubs 32/32 5-star 16″

tail light 9436.1, headlight 1211, M1S engine

25 16×24 85-86 Monza GT/S  gold  XF0xxxx? to
30 17×24 85-86
Monza GT/S  gold  XG0xxxx? to

Left 1983-85 M1, right 1985-86 M1-S. The head changed.


Nov ’84 changes to engine for Monza GT (and others)

Pedal pawls: These mid-80’s one speed engines have a different pedal ratchet mechanism. Before 1983 there was a sideways sliding block with a ring of teeth, on spiral grooves that engaged driven teeth when the pedals moved forward, and disengaged when pedaled backward. There was a U-shaped spring that provided some resistance to movement. That is on most internal pedal mopeds, and is also on a most automotive starter motors. In 1983 that changed to a click-click-click ratchet mechanism, like bicycles and socket wrenches have. There were two pawls and two tiny springs.

Garelli pedal ratchet comparison

The pedal pawls are similar to the two-speed shift pawls (13.7 x 11.9 x 2.4), but about half as wide (5.8 x 11.7 x 2.5). This was for sure on the 1985 Garelli Basic and 1985 Monza GT. It is likely also on the other ’84 and ’86 US-models, and all 1985-93 models worldwide.


Nov ’84 changes to SSXL

mph teeth 1/85   Frame 
axles 11/11, brakes 105/105, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″
tail light 9417.2, headlight 1211, H1 6-fin iron cyl.

25 10×36 84-85 SSXL  UM01002 to
30 10×32 84-85 SSXL UN02402 to UN02756+

Rear spokes changed from 156 x 2.5 to thicker 156 x 3.0 mm.


Nov ’84 changes to Rally SL

mph teeth     Frame 
axles 11/11, brakes 105/105, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″
tail light 9417.2, headlight rect, H1 6-fin iron cyl.

25 10×36 83-84 Rally XL  UM01002 to
30 10×32 83-84 Rally XL UN02402 to UN02756+


Missing Parts Memo 1985-86

Despite the missing parts catalogs or memos, many of the parts have been identified from internet photos, customers photos and data, sales brochures and other official publications.

1986 Garelli


mph teeth    Engine and Frame
axles 11/12, brakes 105/90U, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″
tail light 9436.1, headlight 1233.1, V2 2-spd engine

25 12×30 84-86 VIP-N   UT0xxxx? to
30 13×30 84-86 VIP-N   UV0xxxx? to



engine#        Engine 
6-fin iron cylinder, silver head, 1-speed H1

F36xxxx-F36xxxx?  83-86 Basic

5-fin alum. cylinder, black head, 1-speed H1-a3

F36xxxx-F36xxxx?  85-86 Rally SL, SSXL

Black head: The head from H1-a2 was painted black on H1-a3.

Combs: Plastic combs were added to reduce engine noise from vibrating fins.

Pedal pawls: The starting mechanism became ratchet type with pawls.


mph teeth     Frame
axles 11/12, brakes 105/90U, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″
tail light 9436.1, headlight 1233.1, H1 6-fin engine

25 10×36 83-86 Basic .  
30 10×32 83-86 Basic .  


mph teeth      Frame 
axles 11/11, brakes 105/105, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″
tail light 9417.2, headlight 1211, H1 6-fin iron cyl.

25 10×36 83-85 Rally SL 
UD0xxxx? to
30 10×32 83-85 Rally SL  
UE0xxxx? to


mph teeth      Frame 
axles 11/11, brakes 105/105, hubs 32/32 spoke 16″

tail light 9417.2, headlight 1233.1, H1-a3 5-fin alum.

25 10×36 85 Rally SL ZAGAE11??FM00xxxx
25 10×36 86 Rally SL ZAGAE11??GM00xxxx
30 11×32 85 Rally SL ZAGAE1131FM00xxxx
30 11×32 86 Rally SL ZAGAE11??GM00xxxx


♥Garelli♥ Menu

December 26, 2020


Garelli Models 1947-1979   Garelli Engines   

Garelli Models 1980-2020   Engine Parts   

USA Models 1975-1986       Non-Engine Parts
and Frame Numbers


1920 Garelli


Agrati began in 1900 as A. Agrati i Figli (Antonio Agrati and Sons) producing electric motors and later bicycles. In the late 1950’s Agrati produced the successful Capri line of motor scooters and was also Italy’s leading producer of bicycle parts. 

1913: Garelli began in 1913 when Italian engineer Adalbarto Garelli built his first motorcycle, a 350cc two-stroke. The company started in 1919, and by 1923 Garelli established a reputation of quality and reliability by setting 76 world records, mostly for endurance. After WWII production of military equipment shifted to civilian necessities. In 1947 Garelli produced the Mosquito, a 38cc bicycle engine. Later Mosquito engines were 49cc, or complete mopeds.

1961: Ag Gar
In 1961 Garelli was acquired by the family owned Agrati company and became Agrati Garelli. From  In 1961 the Agrati Garelli Group was established and production commenced in the two industrial complexes in Sesto San Giovanni, home of Garelli, and in Monticello where Agrati was based. The two businesses operated independently but with one Directorate General coordinating production which then flowed into a single distribution network with a combined sales organization. Thus began a consistent production of both basic and sports mopeds, and of motor cars, outboard engines and go-carts. Output is substantial with, for example, production of the Eureka Flex ciclomotore (moped) from 1972 to 1977 achieving some 500,000 units. In 1982, the introduction of the TSR model 125 began the production of lightweight motorcycles.

1963: Agrati Garelli established a sporting image, after a series of records achieved in 1963 in the 50cc category with machines prepared by the engineer William Soncini. In the late 60’s to early 70’s Garelli set many 50cc speed records, and was successful in 50cc road racing. That’s why the after-1966 sport models were called Rekord and Monza.

Garelli Logo
1965: Garelli
Into the Desert by Mark Daniels: After 1965, the Agrati name was largely dropped from corporate branding, all motor cycles and scooters continuing thereon under the Garelli badge only.

In 1965 Accessory Supply Company, 65 Page St, San Francisco CA, imported and sold Garelli motorcycles in the US. Both 49 and 98cc models are called Fan Trail because both have upswept exhaust for trail riding, although only the 98 had a fan.

1965: Rex
In 1965 United Rex Motorcycle Corporation 3566 South 2nd West, Salt Lake City UT began importing and selling Garelli motorcycles, rebranded as Rex, in the US. 

1968: Fantic Motor was founded in 1968 by Dr. Mario Agrati of Agrati Garelli, and Henry Keppel-Hesselink, who was responsible for foreign sales at Agrati Garelli. Fantic produced a line of mini-bikes, go-karts and mini-enduro bikes, branded as Broncco for the American youth market. From In 1969 the Lombard factory launched the famous 50cc Caballero which immediately met success with younger riders due to its technical superiority and competitive pricing. In 1973 the first 125 appeared, powered by a Minarelli engine built specifically for Fantic. Late 1970’s and early 80’s Fantic mopeds also had Minarelli engines built specifically for Fantic. 

1968: Broncco
minibikes and enduro bikes were made by Fantic Motor or Agrati Garelli from 1968 to 1972 and sold by Engine Specialties, in Cornwells Heights, Pennsylvania. The 1969 to 1970 TC-4, TS-4 and BC-4 models were made by Agrati Garelli and had Garelli engines. All other Broncco models were made by Fantic Motor. See Fantic. The 1969 Broncco logo is the same as Fantic, suggesting it’s hidden identity.

So Agrati, Garelli, Fantic and Broncco were connected in the late 1960’s and 70’s. Sources are Wheels of Italy, Wikipedia-Garelli, and Fantic Motor Heritage.

1976: American Garelli
After the gas shortage “energy crisis” of 1974, In 1975 the US congress and DOT created new laws for mopeds. This welcomed European makers and American importers to begin selling mopeds in the gasoline-starved USA. 
American Garelli East Ltd, 1211 Gadsden St, Columbia SC 29201 was the importer from 1976 to 1978.

1978: Agrati-Garelli Corporation of America, at 1800 Edmond Rd, Cayce SC 29033, and then at North Frontage Rd, I-20, Hwy 6, Lexington SC 29072, was the importer from 1978 to 1986.

In the mid 1980’s the moped boom was over thanks to new drivers license laws or restrictions, cheap gas, and competition from Japanese makers. Most European moped makers pulled out of the US in the late 1980’s.

1983 Garelli 125 GP

1983 Garelli 125 GP, rotary valve intake
provided by Elsberg Tuning in Denmark

1982: From ’82 to ’84 Agrati Garelli competed in 50cc, 125cc and 250cc GP motorcycle racing. From Into the Desert by Mark Daniels: Under the team leadership of Daniel Agrati, Garelli returned to racing in 1982, devastating all competition as Angel Nieto and Eugeno Lazzarini swept to first and second places in the 125cc World Championship, and soundly secured the Constructors Cup. Lazzarini also finished second in the 50cc class.

 The (1982) single-cylinder 50 cc has a disc valve and delivers 13 bhp at 14,800 rpm. Riders for Garelli included Eugenio Lazzarini, Angel Nieto (of Derbi fame), Fauso Gresini, Riccardo Tormo, Edward Granata, Ezio Gianola, Maurizio Vitali, Luca Cadalora, Bruno Casanova, Miguel Reyes, Emilio Cuppini, Paolo Casoli, and Domenico Brigaglia. 

After years of 50cc GP racing experience, competing with 50cc world champions Kreidler and Derbi, Garelli became successful in 125cc Gran Prix Motorcycle Road Racing. Garelli was 125 GP world champion in 1982, 1983, 1984, and 1985.

1984: Read more about Garelli 50cc racing: The last race for a 50cc Garelli was in 1984 at the first 80cc GP race at Misano. The 50cc Garelli won the 80cc race, and set a new lap record. It made 21.5 horsepower and had a 29.5mm carburetor. That racing 50 made ten times more power than a mild mannered 50cc moped, and it went 100 mph faster!  

1986: Fabbrica Motoveicoli The 1980’s were hard times for European motorcycle manufacturers, because of Japanese competition. Fabbrica Motoveicoli was an Italian government subsidized group of struggling motor vehicle companies. The last models produced by Garelli/Fantic Motor/Fabbrica Motoveicoli were the Gary Uno and Gary Due, before the bankruptcy in 1992.







Vespa (Piaggio) Engine Parts

December 26, 2020

9 Piaggio parts catalogs for US models are combined here, by using 9 quantity columns, labeled C, C, C, C, G, P, G, S, S.

5 of those catalogs also have 7 turn signal versions, labeled Ct, Ct, Ct, Bt, Bt, Gt, Gt.

C ’67-71 Ciao C
C ’72-75 Ciao C, Ct
C ’76-77 Ciao C, Ct, Bravo B, Bt

C ’78-80 Ciao C, Ct, Bravo B, Bt
G ’78-80 Grande 048 G, Gt
P ’80-83 Ciao PX P

G ’81-83 Grande 068 G, Gt
S ’79-83 Si S
S ’84-85 Si S

The quantity is 1 or more if the part is on all of the models in that catalog, or zero if the part is not on any of the models in that catalog, or light blue if the part is only on some bikes or models.

The part number color is green for carburetor parts, orange for magneto and ignition parts, red for top-end parts, blue for engine parts.


#   price         quantity
01 $0.1.CCC CGP GSS Piaggio# engines yrs model code mph
01 none   100 000 000 112963 engine 67-71 Ciao xxxxC  25

01 none   010 000 000 144262 engine 72-72 Ciao xC, Ct 25
01 none   010 000 000 152439 engine 73-75 Ciao xC, Ct 25

01 none   001 000 000 147521 engine 76-77 Ciao x  C, Ct 25
01 none   001 000 000 161242 engine 76-77 Bravo  xx B  25
01 none   001 000 000 162928 engine 76-77 Bravo  xx Bt 25
01 none   000 100 000 166965 engine 78-80 Ciao xxxx Ct 25-30
01 none   000 100 000 166966 engine 78-80 Ciao xxxx C  25-30
01 none   000 100 000 166967 engine 78-80 Bravo xx  Bt 30
01 none   000 100 000 166968 engine 78-80 Bravo xx  B  30
01 none   000 100 000 182366 engine 78-80 Ciao xxxx Ct 20
01 none   000 100 000 182367 engine 78-80 Ciao xxxx C  20
01 none   000 100 000 182038 engine 78-80 Bravo  xx Bt 20 25 30
01 none   000 100 000 182039 engine 78-80 Bravo  xx Bt 20 25
01 none   000 010 000 307142 engine 78-80 Grande x  G  25-30
01 none   000 010 000 307173 engine 78-80 Grande x  G  20
01 none   000 010 000 307186 engine 78-80 Grande x  Gt 25-30
01 none   000 010 000 307196 engine 78-80 Grande x  Gt 20
01 none   000 001 000 193580 engine 80-83 Ciao PX x  P  30
01 none   000 001 000 213443 engine 80-83 Ciao PX x  P  25
01 none   000 001 000 213445 engine 80-83 Ciao PX x  P  20
01 none   000 000 100 308449 engine 81-83 Grande xG  25-30
01 none   000 000 100 308447 engine 81-83 Grande xG  20
01 none   000 000 100 307842 engine 81-83 Grande x  Gt 25-30
01 none   000 000 100 308448 engine 81-83 Grande x  Gt 20
$320  000 000 010 191871 engine 79-83 Si xxxxxx S  25-30
01 none   000 000 010 191228 engine 79-83 Si xxxxxx S  20
01 $0.1.  CCC CGP GSS carburetors Dellorto SHA-12
01 $0.1.CCC CGP GSS Piaggio# carb  jet  version mph 
02 none   111 000 000 113344 12/10 #43CCCtCCt 25
02 none   001 000 000 131257 12/10 #43 xxx BBt 25
02 none   001 100 000 114338 12/7   #39  CCtCCt 20
02 none   000 100 000 182378 12/10 #43 xxx CCt 25-30
02 none   000 100 000 141902 12/7   #39 xxx BBt 20-25
02 none   000 100 000 157180 12/10 #45 xxx BBt 30

02 none   000 010 100 307174 12/7   #39 GGtGGt 20
02 none   000 010 100 353881 12/12 #49 GGtGGt 25-30
02 none   000 001 000 177647 12/7   #39 xxxx   P 20
02 none   000 001 000 188327 12/10 #42 xxxx   P 25
02 none   000 001 000 157501 12/10 #49 xxxx   P 30
02 none   000 000 010 191230 12/7   #39 xxxx  S 20
02 none   000 000 010 191863 12/10 #42 xxxx  S 25
02 none   000 000 010 168549 12/10 #49 xxxx  S 30
02 $73.0 000 000 000 000000 12/10 #42 replacement *
02 $73.0 000 000 000 000000 12/12 #51 replacement *
02 $00.0 000 000 000 000000 * must reuse choke lever

1. 102939 condenser, 2. 103133 points, 3. 144241 early condenser,
4. 162935 condenser for turn signal models, 5. 14825 flywheel

1. 120391 ignition feed coil, 2. 120397 lights feed coil, 
3. 162929 lights, 4. 162930 aux, 5. 162933 ign, 6. 185048 aux

01   $0.1.CCC CGP GSS Piaggio#  engine electrical
11   none   100 000 000 103466 ignition feed coil C

11   $700  011 110 100 120391 ignition feed coil CCCGG
11   none   001 010 00o 162933 ignition feed coil Ct Bt Gt
11   none   000 100 100 185047 ignition feed coil Ct Bt Gt
11   none   000 000 010 189813 ignition feed coil S
11   none   000 001 000 212403 ignition feed coil P

41   $10.0 111 111 111 103137 points cam
42   $3.00 111 111 111 102943 wave washer 10276
43   $85.0 111 110 100 103485 flywheel CCCt
CCGG says 103485
43  140-90 00
1 110 100 148125 flywheel CtBtCtBtGtGt xx 990195
43   none   000 001 0
11 176418 flywheel PSS for pts says 991355
43   none   000 000 00
1 223818 flywheel S for CDI   says 992295
45   none   111 111 111 122390 lights red output plug
46   $0.80 111 111 111 071482 connector female blade
47   $0.80 111 111 111 S15005 lights coil eyelet-4
48   $0.50 444 444 444 S16404 coils lock washer M4
49   $1.50 442 224 240 S15612 coils screw M4 x 18 phil
49A $1.50 002 220 204 S15650 aux coil screw M4 x 22 phil
50   $0.80 111 111 111 S00622 points wire washer M3 plain
51   $0.80 111 111 111 S05962 pts wire lock washer M3 star
52   $1.20 111 111 111 S10028 points wire screw M3 x 8 slot
53   $17.0 111 111 111 103133 points
54   $0.00 001 111 100 180823 ignition wire 46 56 57 61
54B none   000 000 011 189815 ignition wire 00 56 57 61 117
54A none   000 000 000 114471 ignition wire 46 56 57 61 117
55   $9.00 001 110 111 102939 condenser with 61 only note 1
55A none   100 000 000 114471 cond. with 61 46 56 57
55B none   010 000 000 144241 cond. with 61 46 56 57 117 note 2
55B none   010 000 000 152440 cond. with 61 46 56 57 117 68
55C $29.0 001 111 100 162935 cond. with 61 120 & long wires
55D none  
000 000 001 187555 cond. with 61 56 117
56   $0.00 111 111 111 142561 ign wire grommet (non-blinker)
57   $0.00 111 111 111 073943 ign wire boot (non-blinker)
58   $1.50 222 222 222 S00838 cond & pts screw M4x8 slot
59   $0.70 222 222 222 S12554 cond & pts washer M4
60   $0.00 001 110 101 149000 felt with mount BtCtBtGtGt
61   $0.80 111 111 110 014501 connector eyelet-3 to points
66   $55.0 011 110 100 120397 lights feed coil CCtCCtCBGG
66   $55.0 001 110 100 162929 lights feed coil BtCtBtGtGt
66   none  
000 000 010 189812 lights feed coil S
66   none   000 001 000 214547 lights feed coil P
67   $0.30 222 222 222 S03054 lights coil washer-4
68   $0.00 111 111 111 102941 felt wiper bare
87   $3.00 111 111 111 102931 flywheel inspection plug 7400
104 none   110 000 000 121908 spark plug B5HS CC use BR5HS
104 none   001 101 000 143541 spark plug B5HS CCP use BR5HS
104 none   
000 010 100 137776 spark plug B6HS GG use BR6HS
104 $5.00 000 000 011 A15029 spark plug BR6HS S
104 $5.00 000 000 000 000000 spark plug BR5HSS
105 $69.0 001 010 000 162930 aux lights coil CtBtGt
105 none   000 100 100 185048 aux lights coil CtBtGt

108 $8.00 111 110 100 155475 spark cap metal non-res?
108 none   000 001 011 029465 spark cap metal resistor?
109 $4.00 111 111 101 155753 spark cap rubber boot
109 none   000 000 010 071671 spark cap rubber boot S
114 $0.00 001 110 101 S15544 felt screw M4x? slot BtCtBtGtGtS
115 $0.00 001 110 101 S12554 felt washer BtCtBtGtGtS
116 $0.00 001 110 101 145298 tie strap x  BtCtBtGtGtS
117 $0.00 111 111 111 071054 connector male blade note 3
118 $0.00 111 111 111 S15008 connector fem blade + male note 3
119 $0.00 111 111 111 000000 engine stop branch note 2
120 $1.00 111 111 111 122429 connector female blade 3mm

Note 1. Original condenser said “Facet”, orig. points said “Icet”, coil said “Femsa”.

Note 2. In 1967-71 the engine could only be stopped by the decompression lever. In 1972 an engine stop switch was added. So an engine stop branch wire was added on to the condenser wire.

Note 3. 117 plugs into the engine stop wire. 118 plugs into the spark coil.


1. 113243, 2. 120871 and 152793, 3. 124533, 166038 and 164310

01 $0.1.CCC CGP GSS Piaggio#  top-end parts
13 $0.20 222 222 222 003057 head washer ∅7
18 $0.50 333 333 333 020106 head lock washer ∅7
28 $0.60 333 333 333 020107 head nut M7 hex11
79 $8.00 111 111 111 113243 decomp cable hook plate
81 $5.00 111 111 111 113242 decomp cable spring
82 none   222 222 222 113247 valve spring cup
83 $1.80 111 111 111 012768 split pin 1.8 x 14
84 $3.50 111 111 111 113246 clevis clip
85 none   111 111 111 113244 valve spring
86 none   111 111 111 113245 decomp valve

89 $45.0 111 101 000 124533 cylinder head CCCCP
89 $45.0 000 010 100 166038 cylinder head GG
89 none   000 000 011 164310 cylinder head SS
90 $3.50 333 333 333 000595cylinder stud M7 x 120 5049
91 none   110 000 000 120871 cylinder gasket CC
91 $4.00 001 111 111 152793 cylinder gasket CCGGSS 9181
93 $16.0 000 220 000 166945 ring ea. std. xx  38.2 x 2.0gn

93 $10.0 202 22
0 000 077775 ring ea. std, 1os 38.4 x 2.0gn
93 $14.0
202 220 000 098196 ring ea. 1os,2os 38.6 x 2.0gn
93 $10.0
202 220 000 098197 ring ea. 2os,3os 38.8 x 2.0gn
93 $14.0 000 00
1 111 182519 #1 ring ea. std. 38.2 x 2L
93 $10.0 000 001 111 182518
#2 ring ea. std. 38.2 x 1.5gn

93 none 
010 111 111 G68473 #1 ring std, 1os 38.4 x 2
93 $14.0 010 
1 111 132515 #2 ring std, 1os 38.4 x 1.5gn

93 $13.0 010 111 111 137690 #1 ring 1os,2os 38.6 x 2L
93 $9.00 0
10 111 111 137693 #2 ring 1os,2os 38.6 x 1.5gn

93 $11.0 010 111 111 137691 #1 ring 2os,3os 38.8 x 2L
93 $10.0 0
10 111 111 137694 #2 ring 2os,3os 38.8 x 1.5gn

1. USA piston, 2. 20-12-16 pre-’84, 3. 21-10-17 ’84-on, 4. rings

01 $0.1.CCC CGP GSS piston assy size rings 20-12-16 mm
94 $60.0 000 110 000 182591 Std 38.2 2.0 2.0 says USA

94 none   100 110 000 112979 Std 38.4 2.0 2.0
94 none   100 110 000 152381 1os 38.6 2.0 2.0 2973
94 none   100 110 000 152382 2os 38.8 2.0 2.0
94 $50.0 011 000 000 132521 Std 38.4 2.0 2.0 3517
94 none   011 000 000 137681 1os 38.6 2L  1.5 48F12
94 $65.0 011 000 000 137682 2os 38.8 2L  1.5
 says 2M
94 $60.0 000 001 110 191034 Std 38.2 2L  1.5 4514 Asso 3517
94 $70.0 000 111 110 182592 1os 38.4 2L  1.5 says 1M
94 none   000 111 110 182593 2os 38.6 2L  1.5
94 $0.1.CCC CGPGSS piston assy size rings 21-10-17 mm

94 none   000 000 001 196123 Std 38.2 2L  1.5 4554
94 none   000 000 001 196115 1os 38.4 2L  1.5
94 none   000 000 001 196116 2os 38.6 2L  1.5
94 $0.1. CCC CGPGSS piston parts

95 $7.00 111 100 000 150868 piston pin           ∅12
95 $7.00 000 011 110 132233 piston pin           ∅12 x 31.5
95 $7.00 000 000 001 166921 piston pin ’84-on ∅10 x 31.5
96 $2.50 222 222 220 006612 piston clip           ∅12 snap ring
96 $1.00 222 222 220 000000 piston clip subst. ∅12 wire type
96 none   000 000 002 006610 piston clip ’84-on ∅10 snap ring
97 none   100 000 000 123028 piston bushing use 120070
97 $4.00 011 111 110 120070 piston bushing see note 1
97 none   000 000 001 166920 piston bearing ∅10 ∅13

01 $0.1.CCC CGP GSS Piaggio#  engine parts
37   $0.00 000 000 000 ??????? ground terminal only on some?
38   $0.30 555 555 555 020106 case nut M6 hex10
39   $0.25 555 555 555 006966 spring washer ∅6
40   $1.00 555 555 555 030055 case bolt M6 x 38 (40)
44   $12.0 111 111 110 152040 fan cover good-used
62   $10.0 111 111 111 103137 right crank bearing 6202
63   $1.00 111 111 111 S08455 air deflector screw
65   $0.30 111 111 111 S13963 air deflector washer
80   $1.20 444 444 444 S15585 fan screw M5x12 phil-wide
88   none   100 000 000 114046 air deflector C
88   $$.$$ 011 000 000 121504 air deflector CCtCCtBBt
88   $$.$$ 000 101 011 190310 air deflector CCtBBtPSS
88   $$.$$ 000 010 100 353883 air deflector GGtGGt

99   $3.50 222 222 222 113681 crank shim 15.4-21×0.5 10289
100 $75.0 111 111 110 113708 crank w/ 12×14 bushing 5179
100 none   000 000 000 000000 crank for 12×15 bearing
100 none   000 000 001 184154 crank for 10×13 bearing 5183
101 $5.00 111 000 000 000267 flywheel key M-96
101 $2.00 000 111 111 000267 flywheel key M-96a 5036
102 $5.00 111 111 111 112967 case gasket
103 none   100 000 000 121044 case set C
103 $$.$$ 011 100 000 131250 case set C, C, B, B
103 none   001 000 000 160947 case set Bt
103 $$.$$ 000 110 000 157531 case set C, G    big port
103 $$.$$ 000 110 000 146659 case set Ct, Gt big port
103 none   000 100 000 146699 case set Bt

103 none   000 001 011 168595 case set P, S, S
103 none   000 000 100 308460 case set G oil inj, big port
103 none   000 000 100 308435 case set Gt oil inj, big port

106 $6.00 111 111 111 112978 crank seal 5900 15x24x5
107 $10.0 111 111 111 S08753 left crank bearing 6202C3
113 $0.00 001 110 100 122181 fan cover clip BBtBBtGGtGGt

001 $0.1.CCC CGP GSS Piaggio#  items not illustrated
000 $o.00 111 111 111 000000 alignment tube ∅6.5 ∅7.5 x 17
000 none  222 222 222 008977 front engine mount bolt M6 x 120 hex
000 $1.00 111 111 111 031092 rear engine mount bolt M6 x 25 hex
000 $0.50 555 555 555 006176 engine mount washer M6 wide
000 $2.00 111 101 000 113732 belt tension lever Ciao non-var
000 $$.$$ 001 100 000 124680 belt tension lever Bravo var.






Vespa (Piaggio) Transmission Parts

December 26, 2020


Vespa one speed belt drive

1. Piaggio Single Speed

1a. Front Fixed Pulley-Clutch
1b. Rear Fixed Pulley and Belt
1c. Rear Hub-Gearbox


Vespa belt drive with variator

2. Piaggio Variable Speed

2a. Front Variable Pulley (Variator)
2b. Rear Variable Pulley-Clutch and Belt
2c. Rear Hub-Gearbox





front pulley-clutch

1. Piaggio Single-Speed

1a. Piaggio Front Pulley-Clutch
(Fixed Pulley with Dual Auto Clutch)


5 parts catalogs have 5 quantity columns: C C C C P
The quantity is zero (blank) if the part is not on any of the bike models in that catalog.

Parts only on 1967-71 Ciao are light green. 20 mph parts are dark red. 18.6 mph are red.
Superseded part numbers are crossed out. New # source is 

26 mph

26 mph

18.6  30

20 25 30

Ciao PX
20 25 30








Piaggio front pulley-clutch exploded view

# quantity
.# CCCCP  price   part# 
 alt#   description
45 11111 $3.00 104040  6608  stepped pacer ∅12id, ∅23.5 x 3.0, ∅15.5 x 2.5
46 11111 $2.50 000674  6610  circlip inner 25×1.2
47 11111 $2.50 103556  6605  washer ∅12.0/23.5×1.0
48 22222 $2.50 103557  6606  washer ∅16.2/23.5×0.6
49 01111 $11.0 120668  5813  needle bearing HK1622
50 11111 $9.50 104234  5577  bush ∅12/16 x 28.9
51 10000  none  120788  0000  pulley-drum bare
51 01111 $35.0 136141  6603  pulley-drum bare
51 00111  none  122689  0000  pulley-drum says 30km
52 10000  none  102479  0000  pulley-clutch assy
52 01111 $110. 136140  5575  pulley-clutch assy
52 00111  none  114849  0000  pulley-clutch assy 30km
53 22222  none  120262  0000  start shoe cushion
54 01111 $5.00 124571  5901  oil seal 16 x 22 x 3
55 22222 $12.0 121213  5573  start shoe set
56 22222 $2.00 121537 5576A start spring ∅1.2-7.9-22
57 11111  old# 121022 220441 push ring
57 11111 $4.00 220441  6604  push ring
58 11111 $2.50 006426  6609  circlip outer 26×1.2
59 11111 $12.0 114913  5387  start clutch drum
61 33333 $3.00 121753  0000  run spring ∅1.1-7.7-23.6
61 00000  soon   221600 5576fv run spring ∅1.2-7.9-22
62 33333  old# 104480 249813 run shoe set
62 33333 $15.0 249813  5570  run shoe set
63 11111 $4.00 104488  6607  run clutch plate
64 11111 $0.50 016302  0000  star lock washer ∅8
65 11111 $0.80 015229  0000  plain nut M8 13hex
65 00000 $1.50 015229  5185  flange nut M8 13hex


20 mph pulleys info from Moped Army Wiki: The 20 mph front pulley 122689 is bigger than 136141. It has higher gearing, not lower like you would expect. The 20 mph rear pulley 114848 is smaller than 103049. That also has higher gearing, not lower. The gearbox had the lower gearing, not the pulleys. Piaggio’s tactic made increasing the speed difficult.



1b. Piaggio Rear Pulley (fixed) and Belt

1c. Piaggio Rear Hub (single speed)

L, single speed hub with 2 gears
R, variator type hub with 5 gears

single speed rear hub









5 parts catalogs have 5 quantity columns: C C C C P
The quantity is zero (blank) if the part is not on any of the bike models in that catalog.

Parts are black for 25-30 mph, light green for early ’67-71, dark red for 20 mph, or red for 18.6 mph with extra gears.

26 mph

26 mph

18.6  30

20 25 30

Ciao PX
20 25 30







Vespa one speed rear hub

# quantity
.# CCCCP  price   part#
  alt#   description  
1 10000 none   0152270000 nut M12? <212541
10000 none   0152450000 nut M12? >212540
2 10000 none   0163010000 washer <212541
10000 none   0163150000 washer >212540
03 10000 none   1149360000 mount bolt plate
4 11111 $25.0 1036310000 freewheel 18T Ocean
04 11111 $15.0 103631a 000 freewheel 18T generic
05 40000 $0.70 0155920000 hex bolt M8 x 14
05 04444 $1.50 0311503010 hex bolt M10-1.5×14
06 20000 $0.25 0125400000 lock washer ∅8
06 04444 $0.50 0164100000 lock washer ∅10

07 10000 none   102899 0000 keyed freewhl hub
07 01111 $12.0 1315150000 screw-on freew. hub
08 10000 none   102902 0000 dust cover big
08 01111 none   124226 0000 dust cover
09 11111 $10.0 1138170000 bearing 6202ZZ 
10 10000 none   122594 0000 mount bare ∅8
10 01111 $8.00 1249640000 mount bare ∅10
11 22222 none   002942 0000 dust cover rivet
12 10000 none   103014 0000 mount assy ∅8
12 01111 $12.0 12496310131 mount assy 10+9 ∅10

13 10000 none   102892 0000 drum, keyed hole
13 01110 $22.0 138449 0000 drum, splined hole
14 10000 none   0087520000 oil seal C 22-35-6
14 01111 $6.50 1315115905 oil seal 20-30-5

15 20000  none  006635 0000 circlip inner
16 11111 $3.00 1030620000 brake spring
17 11111 $$$.$ 010882 0000 brake cup rivet
18 11111 $$$.$ 103061 0000 brake shoe cup
19 11111 $$$.$ 103060 0000 spring anchor
20 10000  none  103104 0000 housing assy C     ∅35   14 15 17-19 21 28       1-speed type with 2 gears
20 01110 $$$.$ 141152 0000 housing assy CCC ∅26 with 14 17-19 21 28       1-speed type with 2 gears
20 00100  none  131529 0000 housing assy C     ∅26 with 14 17-19 21 28(x3) variator type with 5 gears
20 00001  none  177176 0000
housing assy P      ∅26 with 14 17-19 21 28       1-speed type with 2 gears
21 10000 $10.0 10225816202 ball bearing 6202C3
21 01111 $8.00 1315095819 roller bearing HK2012
22 11111 $3.00 0088080000 roll pin  ∅2.5 x 14
23 10000  none  123204 0000 axle keyed 67-71
23 01111 $28.0 132903 0000 axle splined ’72-on
24 10000  none  121308 0000 axle pin
24 01111 $$$.$ 131503 0000 axle pin ∅7
25 10000  none  121311 0000 engage spring ∅20
25 01111 $4.00 131502 6613 engage spring ∅23

26 20000  none  121310 0000 washer ∅20.3
26 01111 $2.00 13151210277 washer ∅23.3/34 0.5
26 01111 $2.00 13151410283 washer ∅15.1/28 1.2
27 10000  none  121317 0000 big gear C9     ’67-69 ∅20 Z75s 
27 10000  none  121315 0000 big gear C7     ’70-71 ∅20 Z74s 
27 01111 $45.0 141155 0000 big gear CCCP ’72-83 ∅23 Z74s
27 00100  none  136952 0000 big gear C        ’76-77 ∅23 Z46s
27 00110  none  174016 0000 big gear CCP    ’76-83 ∅23 Z76s
28 11111 $5.00 103613 5817 cup bearing BK0912
00 00500 $5.00 103613 5817 cup bearing BK0912
29 10000  none  102921 0000 pinion shaft C9       ’67-69 Z10s 10+75=85
29 11111 $25.0 103790 0000 pinion shaft CCCCP 70-83 Z11s 11+74=85
29 00100  none  114362 0000 pinion shaft C         ’76-77 Z10s 10+23=33
29 001
11  none  174017 0000 pinion shaft CCP     76-83   Z9s   9+76=85
30 11111 $2.00 10350810284 washer ∅17.9/29 1.0
31 10000  none  103106 0000 cover assy C     M8-1.25 holes with 32-34, 69
1-speed type with 2 gears
31 01101 $$$.$ 131018 0000 cover assy CCP M10-1.5 holes with 32-34, 69 1-speed type with 2 gears
31 00010 $$$.$ 141153 0000
cover assy C     M10-1.5 holes with 32-34, 69 1-speed type with 2 gears
31 00100  none  131024 0000 cover assy C
       M10-1.5 w/28(x2), 32-34, 69 variator type with 5 gears
32 11111 $7.00 103689 5809 cup bearing BK1512
33 11111 $7.00 103696 5817 bearing HK1712
34 11111 $6.00 114469 5903 oil seal 17-25-4

35 11111 $6.00 103049 0000 pulley original used ∅94
35 11111 $8.00 103049 5559 pulley ∅92 (called 90 or 95)

35 00100  none  114848 5560 pulley ∅80 C 20mph
35 00000 $9.00 000000 5561 pulley ∅70 modified
36 11111 $0.30 013861 0000 plain washer, pulley ∅8
37 11111 $0.40 012540 0000 lock washer, pulley ∅8
38 11111 $0.50 020108 0000 plain nut, pulley M8-1.25
42 00100 $$$.$ 103237 0000 idle gear C       Z23s 23+30=53
43 00100 $$$.$ 131554 0000 intermediate gear C Z30 Z9s
67 10000  old #  103046 0000 superseded to 130240
67 0111
old #  130240 0000 superseded to 180207
67 00001  old #  180207 0000 superseded to 414557
67 11111 $11.0 414557 0190 brake shoe        135 x 16

68 11111 $5.00 103105 9381 transmission cover gasket
69 11110 $4.00 006057 0000 vent cover disk inner ∅18.2 ’67-80
69 00011  none  192763 0000 vent cover disk ∅18 ’81-83
70 11111 $18.0 102905 0000 V-belt original     9.8 x 970 Pirelli 2931-102905-11
36 11111  none  102905a  00  V-belt for ∅90-95 10 x 960 Gates 6266MC
70 00000  none  00000000 00 V-belt for ∅80-8  9.5 x 940 Dayco 10A-940C
70 00000  none  000000000 0 V-belt for ∅70-75 10 x 930 Malossi 61-7224
70 00000  none  0000000 000 V-belt for ∅70-709.5 x 925 Dayco 10A-925C
73 11111  none  103059 0000 brake shoe plate (comes with brake shoe)
74 11111 $3.00 103054 0000 engage lever spring
75 11111 $1.50 006705 0000 engage o-ring     ∅6 x 2 (10od)
75 10000 $1.50 006705 0000 disengage o-ring ∅6 x 2 (10od)
76 10000  none  103051 0000 disengage lever with post ∅9
76 01111 $3.00 131031 0000 disengage lever no post ∅6 hole
76a 1111 $3.00 131031a  000 post for disengage lever ∅5.8
77 11111 $2.00 103018 7210 engage button ∅8.7
78 10000  none  103453 0000 engage fork ∅9
78 01111 $7.00 131523 0000 engage fork ∅9
79 10000  none  0672330000 disengage washer ∅9
80 10000  none  0059660000 “E” clip ∅9
81 44444 $0.25 0069660000 lock washer ∅6
82 44444 $1.40 0310910000 hex bolt M6 x 25
83 11111 $1.00 0003970000 oil plug gasket ∅8
84 11111 $2.00 0311100000 oil plug M8 x 12 slot
85 11111 $7.00 124446 0000 brake lever
86 11111 $0.20 013877 0000 plain washer ∅7
87 11111 $2.50 005965 0000 circlip for lever ∅7

88 11111 $2.00 103112 0000 wire clip for shoe ∅8
89 11111 $0.80 014441 0000 bolt M7x20 cable clamp
90 11111 $3.50 102414 0000 spacer  ∅7  cable clamp
91 11111 $3.00 102413 0000 plate     for cable clamp
92 11111 $0.60 020207 0000 nut M7  for cable clamp
93  see below Table of Hubs, Gears, Specs and Apps
93 10000  none  122600 0000 hub assy C     ’67-69 C9 with 16, 20, 23, 26-31, 67-68, 74-88
93 10000  none  122610 0000 hub assy C     ’70-71 C7 with ” “
93 01110 $130. 152420 0000 hub assy CCC ’72-80     with ” “
93 00100  none  152421 0000 hub assy 
C     ’76-77     20mph with ” ” and 42, 43
93 00010  none  174480 0000 hub assy C     ’78-80     with ” “
93 00001  none  177186 0000 hub assy P     ’80-83     with  ” “
93 0000 none  177191 0000 hub assy P     ’80-83     20mph with ” “

95 10000 $$.$$ 121309 0000 washer ∅15
95 01111 $2.50 13151310278 washer  ∅20.3/33 1.2
96 22222 $0.80 003057 0000 washer ∅7 cable clamp
101 1110 $6.00 004282 0000 plug, metal dome ∅14 ’69-80
101 000none  192762 0000 plug ’81-83
00 00111  none  048531 0000 brake inspect plug DOT ’76-83
00 11111 $6.00 154533 5312
cable clamp assy 89-92, 96


revision kit 10058K $35  with gasket 68,
seals 14 20-30-5 and 34 17-25-4, bearings
21 HK2012, 28 BK0912, 32 BK1512, 33 HK1712,
washers 26 23/34, 26 15/28, 30 18/29, 95 20/33

In the 80’s brake shoe design changed but not fitment.
103046, 130240(1978), 130240(1985), 180207=414557







trans gasket

rear pulley ∅94

cable clamp
assy 5312 $6








axles 123204 keyed, 132903 splined

seal set 5695 $20
2c-14 20-30-5
crank 15-24-5
2c-34 17-25-4
2a-54 16-22-3


Gates 6266MC 10 x 960

Note: A 10mm smaller pulley needs a 10*π/2 = 15mm shorter belt, 20 smaller needs 30 shorter.













Vespa Variator Front Pulley

variable pulley

2. Piaggio Variable-Speed

2a. Piaggio Front Variator
(Variable Front Pulley)


7 parts manuals combined into 6 quantity columns:  C C B G S S
Parts only on 1967-71 are light green. 20mph parts are dark red.


Ciao C7V
’76-77: 25
26 mph

’76-77: 25
20 25 30

048, 068
20 25 30


20 25 30

20 25 30








Vespa front variator-pulley exploded view

#   price  quantity
#   price  CCBGSS  part#   alt#  description

69 none   100000 103252 0000 variator nut C M8 stepped

69 $7.00 011111 131331 0000 variator nut CBGSS M8x7 hex24
70 none   100000 103251 0000 early tab washer C

70 $5.00 011111 131332 0000 special tab washer CBGSS
71 none   110011 114056 5533 outer plate CCSS
71 $15.0 001100 124714 0000 outer plate BG
72 $23.0 111010 114058 0000 outer roller guide CCBS most say 990340, all say batch # 1A 1B 2A 2B …
72 $21.0 000100 174449 0000 outer roller guide
G       all say 174449
72 none   000001 221185 0000 outer roller guide S       says ?

73 $25.0 111010 114057 0000 inner roller guide CCBS most say 990345, all say batch # 1A 1B 2A 2B …
73 $23.0 000100 174450 0000 inner roller guide G       all say 174450
73 none   000001 221184 0000 outer roller guide S       says ?

74 $27.0 110000 104857 0000 outer pulley half CC ∅22 x 29.0
74 none   001011 130530 0000 outer pulley half BS ∅22 x 27.0 came with the new assy
74 $24.0 001011 130530 0000 outer pulley half BS ∅22 x 27.3
what was on the bikes
74 $22.0 000100 354244 0000 outer pulley half G   ∅22 x 28.0
74 none   000001 221165 0000 outer pulley half S    ∅22 x ??

75 $24.0 111011 104864 5526 center tube CCBSS   ∅22 x  37.6
75 none   000100 174457 0000 center tube G          ∅22 x 38.0
76 $12.0 111111 104862 5530 inner pulley half
77 $5.00 111111 103241 0000 spacer ∅12.8 ∅22 x 9.6
78 none   100000 114059 0000 variator-pulley assy C

78 none   010000 152729 0000 variator-pulley assy C  same except for nut 69 and washer 70
78 $110  001000 124709 0000 variator-pulley assy same except for 71 and 74
78 none   001000 158729 0000 variator-pulley assy B  same except it has limiting washer 79
78 $120  000100 354245 0000 variator-pulley assy G   
78 $110  000010 124709 0000 variator-pulley assy S  up to frame# SIV1T 2034225

78 none   000010 158883 0000 variator-pulley assy S  after frame# SIV1T 2034225
78 none   000010 221163 0000 variator-pulley assy S
79 none   001000 152728 0000 limiting washer B
97 $1.50 555555 104559 5529 roller cap (pair)
98 $1.30 555555 104560 5527 roller weight
98 $12.0 111111 10456 5527K roller set (of 5)  In 1995 the variator changed from 5 to 8 rollers.


Vespa variable front pulley outer halves

Vespa variator rollers

variator rollers











2b. Piaggio Rear Pulley-Clutch and belt
(Variable Rear Pulley with Dual Auto Clutch)

Here 7 parts manuals are combined into 6 quantity columns.  C B G G S S
20 mph parts are dark red, but none in this group. Here 20, 25, 30 are the same.


Ciao C7V
’70-77: 25
26 mph

’76-77: 25
20 25 30

20 25 30

20 25 30

20 25 30

25 30








Vespa rear variable pulley with dual auto-clutch

 #  price  quantity
#   price  CBGGSS  part#   alt#   description

45 $$.$$ 111000 123146 0 000 clutch drum CBG
45 $44.0 000111 1903126603V clutch drum GSS
46  old #  222222 120870 0000  start shoes superseded
46 $18.0 222222 249816 5574  start shoe set(2)
47 $2.00 222222 1215375576A start shoe spring
48  old #  111110 121022 0000  superseded to 220441
48 $4.00 111111 220441 6604  push ring ∅5? holes
49 $2.50 111111 006426 6609  circlip outer 26×1.2
50 $6.00 111111 008771 5902  oil seal 18-24-4
51 $3.00 111111 016702 0 000 circlip inner 24×1.2
52  none  111111 120215 0 000 washer ∅19.0-22.7×0.8
53 $3.50 111111 120214 0 000 washer ∅10.3-22.4×1.2
54  none  100000 122870 0 000 clutch housing C
54 $$.$$ 011000 124777 0 000 clutch housing BG
54  none  010000 124871 0 000 clutch housing B ’78-80
54  none  000110 190315 0 000 clutch housing GS
54  none  000001 221111 0 000 clutch housing S
55  none  300000 104672 0 000 spring C ∅1.3-8.8-26.4
55 $3.00 033330 124783 0 000 spring    ∅1.2-7.9-32.4
55  soon  000003 2216005576fv spring S
56  old #  300000 114692 0 000 superseded to 288558
56 $52.0 300000 288558 0 000 run shoe set(3) C

56  old #  033330 124781 0 000 superseded to 288557
56  none  033330 288557 0 000 run shoe set(3) BGGS
56  none  000003 221169 0 000 run shoes >2114702
57 $8.00 222222 103614 5830  bearing HK1312
58 $5.50 111111 008766 5954  oil seal 13 x 19 x 3
59 $12.0 111110 104662 0 000 contra spring   ∅3.5 44×80
59 $8.00 000001 221172 0 000 contra spring S∅3.8 45×80

60 $$.$$ 110010 130529 0 000 outer ½ pulley CB∅90
60 $$.$$ 001100 174456 0 000 outer ½ pulley GG  ∅90
60  none  00000220923 0 000 outer ½ pulley  ∅100
61  old #  111110 103823 0000  superseded to 220493
61 $6.00 111110 220493 5531  inner ½ pulley    ∅90

61  none  000001 220924 5532  inner ½ pulley S ∅100
62  old #  111110 103825 0 000 superseded to 220443
62 $2.50 111111 220443 5534  2-inner-tab washer
63 $7.00 111111 103826 0 000 nut M24-0.75 x 4.7 hex32
64 $0.50 111111 012540 0 000 star washer ∅8
65 $0.80 111111 020108 0 000 nut M8-1.25 x 8 hex13
66  none  100000 114720 0 000 rear clutch assy C
66 $$.$$ 0100
10 124775 0 000 rear clutch assy BS
66 $$.$$ 001100 160944 0 000 rear clutch assy GG

66  none  000001 221171 0 000 rear clutch assy
70 $17.0 100000 102906 0 000 belt C      13 x 975 Pirelli
70  none  011100 130937 0 000
belt BGG 13 x 1050 Pirelli
$19.0 011100 130937  AX39
belt    12.7 x 1041 Gates
70  none  000011 122292 0 000 belt SS 13 x 1143? Pirelli

97  none  300000 013763 0 000 pivot washer C
98  none  300000 114690 0 000 pivot spring C
99  none  600000 013020 0 000 roll pin C ∅3 x 22
100 none 222222 120262 0 000 start shoe cushion
102 none 066666 104469 0 000 run shoe side plug
103 none 033333 104468 0 000 run shoe side spring

Note that the start shoes can be installed forward or backward. When backward they slip and don’t catch. The correct way is when they are like right hands, where the wrist is the pivot, and the back of the fingers are the shoe.

variator clutch shoes, types C,  BGGS and S

start shoes swing
like right hands

Gates A39














variable speed rear hub

2c. Piaggio Rear Hub (variable speed)

This list covers US model mopeds with variators 1967-85.
There were many different gears, sizes and versions made.
That has made it difficult to get correct replacement parts.
It is hoped that this parts list will end the gears confusion.

Here 7 parts manuals have 7 quantity columns. C C B G G S S
Parts only on 1967-71 are light green. 20mph parts are dark red.


Ciao C7V
’76-77: 25
25 mph

’76-77: 25
20 25 30


20 25 30

20 25 30

20 25 30

25 30







Piaggio variator type rear hub

##  quantity
.# CCBGGSS  price   part#   alt#   description
01 1000000  none  0152270000 nut M12? to-212540
01 1000000  none  0152450000 nut M12? 212541-on
02 1000000  none  0163010000 washer to-212540
02 1000000  none  0163150000 washer 212541-on
03 1000000  none  1149360000 mount bolt plate
4 1111111 $25.0 1036310000 freewheel 18T Ocean
04 1111111 $15.0 103631a 000 freewheel 18T generic
07 1000000  none  102899 0000 keyed freewhl hub
07 0111111 $12.0 1315150000 screw-on freew. hub
08 1000000  none  102902 0000 dust cover big
08 0111111  none  124226 0000 dust cover
09 1111111 $10.0 1138170000 bearing 6202ZZ 
10 1000000  none  122594 0000 mount bare ∅8
10 0111111 $8.00 1249640000 mount bare ∅10
11 2222222  none  002942 0000 dust cover rivet
12 1000000  none  103014 0000 mount assy ∅8
12 0111111 $12.0 12496310131 mount assy 10+9 ∅10
13 1000000  none  102892 0000 drum, keyed hole
13 0111000 $22.0 138449 0000 drum, splined hole
14 1000000  none  0087520000 oil seal 22-35-6
14 0111111 $6.50 1315115905
oil seal 20-30-5
15 2000000  none  006635 0000 circlip inner
16 1111111 $3.00 1030620000 brake spring
17 1111111 $$$.$ 010882 0000 brake cup rivet
18 1111111 $$$.$ 103061 0000 brake shoe cup
19 1111111 $$$.$ 103060 0000 spring anchor
21 1000000 $10.0 10225816202 ball bearing 6202 C3
21 0111111 $8.00 1315095819 roller bearing HK2012
22 1111111 $3.00 0088080000 roll pin  ∅2.5 x 14

covers: L 1-speed 131018, R variator 131021

23 1000000  none  123204 0000 axle keyed 67-71
23 0111111 $28.0 132903 0000 axle splined ’72-on
24 1000000  none  121308 0000 axle pin
24 0111111 $$$.$ 131503 0000 axle pin ∅7
25 1000000  none  121311 0000 engage spring ∅20
25 0111111 $4.00 131502 6613 engage spring    ∅23

26 2000000  none  121310 0000 washer  ∅20.3
26 0111111 $2.00 13151210277 washer ∅23.3/34 0.5
26 0111111 $2.00 13151410283 washer ∅15.1/28 1.2
28 5555555 $5.00 103613 5817 cup bearing BK0912
28a 000555 $2.00 17575110279 washer GSS ∅10/18×1.0 for helical
32 1111111 $7.00 103689 5809 cup bearing BK1512
1000000  none  103397 0000 cover assy ∅8 holes
1111000 $$$.$ 131021 0000 cover assy CBG ∅10
0000111  none  175741 0000 cover assy GSS
40 1000000  none  121319 0000 big gear C9  ∅20 Z?  gear pair  total

40 1000000  none  121319 0000 big gear C9  ∅20 Z46s  46+ 9 =55
40 1000000 $$.$$ 121318 0000 big gear C7  ∅20 Z45s  45+10=55
40 0111100 $$.$$ 131505 0000 big gear CBGG    Z45s  45+10=55
40 0001110  none  136952 0000 big gear BGG,S25Z46s  46+ 9 =55
40 0000010  none  136951 0000 big gear 
S,B ’78  Z45s  45+10=55
40 00000
10  none  165749 0000 big gear S           Z46s  46 + 9=55    s = straight, h = helical, b = straight big
40 0000001  none  17869710050 big gear S          Z37b  37+10=47
41 1111000 $$.$$ 103236 0000 pinion shaft CBZ11s 11+23=34  For any pair of gears the total teeth is constant.
41 0011000  none  124074 0000 pinion shaft BG    Z10s 10+24=34  If one gets bigger the other must get smaller.
41 0000110 $$.$$ 176409 0000 pinion shaft GS    Z11h 11+23=34  The pairs are #40+43b, #41+42, #42+43a.
41 0000111  
none  17644710051 pinion shaft GSSZ10h 10+24=34  Their total teeth are 55 (or 47), 34 and 53. 

housings: L 1-speed 141152, R variator 131529

42 1111000 $$$.$ 103237 0000 idle gear CBG      Z23s 23+30=53
42 0011000  none  124075 0000 idle gear BG        Z24s 24+29=53

42 0000110 $$$.$ 175749 0000 idle gear GS       Z23h 23+30=53
42 0000
110  none  17644810056 idle gear GS      Z24h 24+29=53
42 000010none  17644810056 idle gear S

43 1000000  none  103238 0000 int gear C9V Z30s  9s
1000000  none  104092 0000 int gear C7V Z30s 10s
43 0
111000 $$$.$ 131248 0000 int gear CBG Z30s 10s
43 0011000  none  131925 0000 int gear B     Z??? ??s ’78-80 

43 00
11000  none  139993 0000 int gear BG   Z29s  9s
43 0000
100  none  175750 0000 int gear G     Z30h 10s
43 00000
10  none  176609 0000 int gear S     Z30h 10s
43 00000
10  none  176610 0000 int gear S25 Z30h  9s
43 00000
10  none  176612 0000 int gear S     Z29h  9s
43 0000001 $28.0 17869610053 
int gear S  Z29h 10b big teeth
44 1000000  none  103396 0000 housing   14 15 17-19 21 28(x3)
44 0
111000 $$$.$ 131529 0000 housing CBG 14 17-19 21 28(x3)
44 00
10000 $$$.$ 182042 0000 housing B ’78-80  ”   “
44 0000
111  none  175739 0000 housing GSS 14 17-19 21 28(x3)
57 1111111 $8.00 103614 5830 bearing HK1312
58 1111111 $6.00 017002 5955 oil seal 13 x 22 x 4
44a 222222 $4.00 000000 0000 housing centering dowel 

67 1000000  old #  103046 0000 superseded to 130240
67 0111101 
old #  130240 0000 superseded to 180207
67 000000
1  old #  180207 0000 superseded to 414557
1111111 $11.0 414557 0190 brake shoe 135 x 16

revision kit 10059-K $42 with gasket 68,
seals 14 20-30-5 and 58 13-22-4,
bearings 21 HK2012,
28(x5) BK0912,
32 BK1512, 57 HK1312, washers
28a(x5)10/18, 26 23/34, 26 15/28,
72 14/24, 95 20/33

68 1111111 $5.00 103105 9381 transmission cover gasket
69 1111111 $4.00 006057 0000 vent cover disk inner ∅18.2 ’67-80
69 0000111  none  192763 0000 vent cover disk 18 ’81-83

71 1100000 $5.00 0002670000 woodruff key early rounded
71 0111111 $2.00 0002675036 woodruff key late square
72 1111000 $7.50 1033860000 washer ∅13.7/28 x 1.0 use 175747
72 0000111 $2.00 17574710282 washer ∅13.9/24 x 1.0
73 1111111 $3.00 103059 0000 shoe plate (sold w/shoe)
74 1111111 $3.00 103054 0000 engage lever spring
75 1111111 $1.50 006705 0000 engage o-ring     ∅6 x 2 (10 od)
75 1000000 $1.50 006705 0000 disengage o-ring ∅6 x 2 (10 od)

76 1000000  none  103051 0000 disengage lever with post ∅9
76 0111111 $3.00 131031 0000 disengage lever no post ∅6 hole
76a 111111 $3.00 131031a  000 post for disengage lever ∅5.8
77 1111111 $2.00 103018 7210 engage button ∅8.7
78 1000000  none  103453 0000 engage fork ∅9
78 0111111 $7.00 131523 0000 engage fork ∅9
79 1000000  none  0672330000 disengage washer ∅9
80 1000000  none  0059660000 “E” clip ∅9
81 4444444 $0.25 006966 0000 lock washer ∅6
82 4444444 $1.40 0310910000 hex bolt M6 x 25
83 1111111 $1.00 0003970000 oil plug gasket ∅8
84 1111111 $2.00 0311100000 oil plug M8 x 12 slot
85 1111111 $7.00 124446 0000 brake lever
86 1111111 $0.20 013877 0000 plain washer ∅7
87 1111111 $2.50 005965 0000 circlip for lever ∅7
88 1111111 $2.00 103112 0000 wire clip for shoe ∅8
89 1111111 $0.80 014441 0000 bolt M7x20
 cable clamp
90 1111111 $3.50 102414 0000 spacer  ∅7  cable clamp
91 1111111 $3.00 102413 0000 U-turn plate cable clamp
92 1111111 $0.60 020207 0000 nut M7 
for cable clamp
94  see below Table of Hubs, Gears, Specs and Apps

seal set 5695V $24
3c-14 20-30-5
crank 15-24-5
3b-50 18-24-4
3c-58 13-22-4
3b-58 13-19-3

cable clamp
assy 5312 $6

95 1000000  none  121309 0000 washer  ∅15
95 0111111 $2.50 13151310278 washer  ∅20.3/33 1.2
96 2222222 $0.80 003057 0000 washer ∅7 cable clamp
101 111100 $6.00 004282 0000 vent cover disk outer ∅14.2 ’69-80
101 000011  none  192762 0000 vent cover plug ’81-83
00 001111 none  048531 0000 brake inspect plug DOT ’76-83

00 1111111 $6.00 154533 5312 cable clamp assy 89-92, 96


3 x 5 keys: M-96, M96a, M86

M-96 early Vespa woodruff key was beveled at the bottom. M-96a was beveled on the top ends and superseded M-96 with the same part number 000267. M-86 generic can be ground to look like either kind.  

The bevel on top makes installation easier, since the key often slides out of the shaft groove instead of sliding into the wheel groove. 




    Table of Rear Hubs, Gear Sets, Specs and Apps

5-gear set

2-gear set


Gear pair rule: Different pairs of gears must have the same total number of teeth, because the distance between their centers is the same. Applying the rule, by doing the math, can detect mistakes and predict unknowns.

’67-71 is light green. 20 mph is dark red. 18.6 mph is red. aftermarket is gray


 none   122700 0000 var. hub   pair total: 55 or 47 0 53 000 34    ⇐ must have same total
. price   122700 0000 var. hub,     gears#  40/43b  43a/42  42/41    RATIO     applications
Variator Hubs (5 Gears)====straight==straight teeth=====================
 none   122710 var hub keyed axle 45/10 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 12.27     ’70-71 Ciao C7V
 none   122700 var hub keyed axle 46/09 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 13.94     ’67-69 Ciao C9V
=====================straight==straight teeth=====================
 none  00 0865 var. hub gear set    44/11 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 10.91      ’00-00 Pinasco
 none  00 0867 var. hub gear set    44/11 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 11.60      ’00-00 Pinasco
 none   152427 var. hub assembly  45/10 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 12.27 US ’72-77 Ciao, Bravo 25, ’78-80 C. 25 30
 none   182042 var. hub assembly  45/10 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 12.27 US ’78-80 Bravo 25 30
 none   87001DD v. hub gear set    45/10 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 12.27      ’00-00 Olympia  
$150.  152423 var. hub assembly  46/09 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 13.94 US ’78-80 Grande 25 30
 none   174029 var. hub assembly  46/09 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 14.82 US ’78-80 Bravo 20
 none   354045 var. hub assembly  46/09 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 14.82 US ’78-80 Grande 20
 none   000000 var. hub assembly  47/08 x 28/25 x 25/09 = 18.28 CH ’00-00 Si Postal
=====================straight==helical teeth======================
 none  00 0866 var. hub gear set    44/11 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 10.91      ’00-00 Pinasco
 none   176618 var. hub assembly  45/10 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 12.27 US ’79-83 Si 25 30, CH ’74-80 Ciao
 none   176388 var. hub assembly  45/10 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 12.27 US ’80-83 Grande 25 30
 none   000000 var. hub assembly  45/10 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 13.05 IT   to-’86 Ciao
 none   177356 var. hub assembly  46/09 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 14.82 US ’79-83 Si 20, CH ’74-80
 none  00 0000 var. hub assembly  47/08 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 16.02 CH ’74-80 Si
====================big teeth==straight teeth=====================
 none   677021 var. hub gear set    36/11 x 30/23 x 23/11 =   8.93      ’00-00 Malossi
====================big teeth==helical teeth======================
 none  00 0000 var. hub assembly  36/11 x 30/23 x 23/11 =   8.93 FR ’00-00 Grillo
 none  00 0000 var. hub assembly  36/11 x 29/24 x 24/10 =   9.49 IT  ’00-00 Grillo, FR Si
 none   10055K var. hub gear set    36/11 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 09.49      ’00-00 CIF
 none   178698 var. hub assembly  37/10 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 10.73 US ’84-85 Si 25 30, CH FR IT ’87-on
 none   10054K var. hub gear set    37/10 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 10.73      ’00-00 CIF 
 none  00 0000 var. hub assembly  38/09 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 11.52 IT   to-’86 Si, CH 81-87 Si
 none  00 0000 var. hub assembly  38/09 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 12.24 IT   to-’86 Bravo
1-speed Hubs (5 Gears)====straight==straight teeth=====================
 none   152421 1sp hub assembly  46/09 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 14.82 US ’76-77 Ciao 30km (18.6 mph)

none  122700 single speed  pair total:  85     ⇐ gear pairs must have this many teeth
 price 122700 single speed h gears  #27/#29  xxxxxxxxx    RATIO     applications
1-speed Hubs (2 Gears)
====straight teeth===========================
none  122610 1-spd hub keyed axle  74 / 11 xxxxxxxxxx  =  6.73 US ’70-71 Ciao C7
none  122600 1-spd hub keyed axle  75 / 10 xxxxxxxxxx  =  7.50 US ’67-69 Ciao C9
======================straight teeth=========================
$130 152420 single speed hub assy  74 / 11 xxxxxxxxxx  =  6.73 US ’72-80 Ciao 25, 30
none  177186 single speed hub assy  74 / 11 xxxxxxxxxx  = same US ’80-83 Ciao PX
none  174480 single speed hub assy  76 / 09 xxxxxxxxxx  =  8.44 US ’78-80 Ciao 20
none  177191 single speed hub assy  76 / 09 xxxxxxxxxx  = same US ’80-83 Ciao PX 20
======================helical teeth==========================
none  03212020  single spd hub assy  75 / 10 xxxxxxxxx   =  7.50 US ’95-99 Kinetic TFR


US model sources: The 12 parts manuals shown above provided the US model applications and part numbers. Gear sizes are from actual parts, internet images, gears for sale, and from calculation. Gear size (teeth count) is never listed in the parts manuals.

Euro model sources: Part numbers, gear sizes and apps are from Moped Army, Vespa and Kinetic Transmissios and Euro models chart from Moped Army. Some of those were corrected with calculation. Gear set ratios and other data are also from treatland.

Superseded part number source: Modern Piaggio part number equivalents are from MSP in Germany. You can type any Piaggio part number and it tells you all of the equivalent part numbers, if there are any.

Speed versions: US models came in 20, 25 or 30mph versions, depending on what state. Many European countries had 30 or 45 km/h versions (18.6 or 27.9 mph). The lower speed models had less power, like half as much.

Lower is higher: A lower hub gearbox ratio means the rear wheel rpm is closer to the engine rpm, which is called higher gearing. Bikes with more powerful engines can benefit from lower ratios (higher gearing). But less powerful bikes cannot. That’s partly why restricted mopeds have higher gearbox ratios. 

Rear tire matters: The outer diameter of the rear tire affects the final ratio. So bikes with small diameter tires need lower gearbox ratios (higher gearing). The Grillo had 14″ rims, so it has a low gearbox ratio. Si and Bravo had 16″ rims, Ciao had 17″, early Ciao had 19″. The gearbox ratio is chosen accordingly.

Rear pulley matters: The rear variable pulley (90 mm) got bigger (100 mm) and the gearbox ratio (12.27) got smaller (10.73) in the mid-1980’s. Not long after that change, Piaggio pulled out of the US. After the mid-80’s Piaggio continued selling mopeds in Europe and worldwide until 2006, all with 100 mm pulleys. That is why most “Euro” pulleys are 100, and most “US” ones are 90. This matters for the final gearing. The bigger rear pulley (lower gearing) needs a smaller gearbox ratio (higher gearing) for the same engine and bike. 

Higher is not better: Higher gearing divides down the driving force, making worse performance uphill and accelerating. It does allow more speed downhill or with a tail wind, or with a more powerful engine. Generally, higher gearing is only better when the engine has increased power at the same rpm.

Vespa Electrical Parts

December 26, 2020

9 Piaggio parts catalogs for US models are combined
by using 18 quantity columns, labeled
C, C, C, C,
G, P, G, S, S and  C, C, C, B, B, G, G.


1   C ’67-71 Ciao
2   C ’72-75
3   C ’72-75 Ciao with turn signals
4   C ’76-77  Ciao
5   C ’76-77 Ciao with turn signals
6   B ’76-77 Bravo
7   B ’76-77 Bravo with turn signals
8   C ’78-80  Ciao
9   C ’78-80 Ciao with turn signals
10 B ’78-80 Bravo
11 B ’78-80 Bravo with turn signals
12 G ’78-80 Grande 048
13 G ’78-80 Grande with turn signals
14 P ’80-83 
Ciao PX
15 G ’81-83  Grande 068
16 G ’81-83 Grande with turn signals
17 S ’79-83  Si
18 S ’84-85  Si



1. 143972, 2. 147556, 3. 162912, 4. 145498 key, 5. 307872

..CCCB CBGP GSS CCB CBGG price  key switch with key
1 0100 0000000  00o 0000 $75.0 143972 2-pos. with diode
0 0000 0000000  100 0000 none   152453 2-position
2 0000 0000000  010 0000 $90.0 147556 3-pos. with diode
3 0000 0000000  001 1110 $105  162912 3-position
4 0100 0000000  111 1111 $16.0 145498 key for 1,2,3
5 0000 0000000  000 0001 none   307872 2-position


1. 126938, 2. 2806.20.04, 3. 126899, 4. 2218.20.04, 5. 126939

..CCCB CBGP GSS CCB CBGG price   brake light switch note 1
1 2222 2222 222  222 0020 22-17 126938 =CEV 9342 original
2 2222 2222 222  222 0020 $9.00 2806.20.04 Domino substitute
3 0000 0000 000  000 2202 $15.0 126899 =CEV 9343 original
4 0000 0000 000  000 2202 $9.00 2218.20.04 Domino substitute

5 2222 2222 222  222 2222 $2.00 126939 rubber boot cover

Note 1: 126938 is NCWI (normally closed when installed). NCWI switches are connected in series. They are for magnetos with an external ignition ground. 126899 is NOWI (normally open when installed). NOWI switches are connected in parallel. They are for magnetos with an internal ignition ground.


1. 156645,  2. 307113, 3. 186515

..CCCB CBGP GSS CCB CBGG price   light switch
0 1000 0000000  00o 0000 none   114446 light switch

0 0100 0000000  00o 0000 $00.0 143972 key switch see above
1 0011 1100000  00o 0000 $32.0 156645 light switch =CEV 8040
2 0000 0010100  00o 0000 $13.0
 307113 light switch =CEV 8188
3 0000 0001010  00o 0000 $24.0 186515 light switch Becar
0 0000 0000000  10o 0000 $00.0 152453 key switch see above
0 0000 0000000  01o 0000 $00.0 147556 key switch see above
0 0000 0000000  001 1110 $00.0 162912 key switch see above
0 0000 0000000  00o 0001 $00.0 307872 key switch see above


1. 128598, 2. 189834

..CCCB CBGP GSS CCB CBGG price   horn switch normally open
0 1000 0000000  00o 0000 none   123323 horn button

1 0100 0000000  00o 0000 $10.0 128598 Grabor N.O.
0 0011 1100000  00o 0000 $00.0 156645 light/horn see above
0 0000 0010100  00o 0000 $00.0 307113 light/horn see above
0 0000 0001000  00o 0000 none   213516 Grabor N.O.
2 0000 0000010  00o 0000 $30.0 189834 Grabor N.O.

These horn switches can be used for engine stop because they are normally open. They close momentarily when the button is pushed.


1. 163376, 2. 307264, 3. 307297

..CCCB CBGP GSS CCB CBGG price   horn switch normally closed
1 0000 0000000  00o 1100 $35.0 163376 Grabor N.C.
2 0000 0000000  00o 0010 $25.0 307264 =CEV 8192 N.C.
3 0000 0000000  00o 0001 none   307297 Grabor N.C.

These horn switches can not be used for engine stop because they are normally closed. They open momentarily when the button is pushed.


1. 147304

..CCCB CBGP GSS CCB CBGG price   turn/horn switch
1 0000 0000000  01o 0000 $16.0 147304 =CEV 8176 N.O.

This turn/horn switch can be used for engine stop because the horn button is normally open. It closes momentarily when pushed.

The left-off-right turn signal function can also be for lights, lo-off-lo or lo-off-hi.


1. 144474

..CCCB CBGP GSS CCB CBGG price   turn switch 
1 0000 0000000  10o 0000 $13.0 144474 =CEV ???? says 188
0 0000 0000000  001 0100 none   163377 Grabor


1. 307263

..CCCB CBGP GSS CCB CBGG price   run/turn switch
1 0000 0000000  00o 0011 $16.0 307263 =CEV 8191


1. 147305,  2. 307114, 3. 189833

..CCCB CBGP GSS CCB CBGG price   run switch 
1 0011 1100  000  011 1100 $54.0 147305 =CEV 8177
2 0000 0010100  00o 0000 $29.0 307114 =CEV 8189
3 0000 0000011  00o 0000 $45.0 189833 =Grabor


1. 142805=307162, 2. 185026, 3. 185028, 4. 307877, 5. 187893, 6. 189054

..CCCB CBGP GSS CCB CBGG price   tail light 
1 1111 1010000  11o 0010 none   142805 =307162 =CEV 9350
2 0000 0000000  000 1100 $74.0 185026 =CEV 9400 grey
3 0000 0100000  001 0000 $89.0 185028 =CEV 9400.2 grey
4 0000 0000100  000 0001 $94.0 307877 =CEV 9400 black
5 0000 0000011  000 0000 none   187893 =CEV says 234
6 0000 0001000  000 0000 none   189054 =Becar


1abc. CEV 176 for 9350, 2abcd. CEV 210 for 9400, 3. CEV 234

.a.CCCB CBGP GSS CCB CBGG price   tail light lens note 1
1a 1111 1010000  11o 0010 none   CEV 176, 3-174 reflectors
1b 1111 1010  000  11o 0010 $35.0 CEV 176, 1-174 reflector
1c 1111 1010  000  11o 0010 $24.0 generic 176, 3-refs. note 2

2a 0000 0100100  001 1101
$31.0 CEV 210, red reflectors
2b 0000 0100  100  001 1101 $23.0 generic 210, red reflectors
2c 0000 0100  100  001 1101 
none  CEV 210, orange refs.
2d 0000 0100  100  001 1101 $15.0 generic 210, orange refs.
3a 0000 0000011  000 0000 
$45.0 CEV 234
4a 0000 0001000  000 0000 none   Becar

Note 1: CEV 174 stick-on reflectors are also used on tail lights and turn signals. On a CEV 176 lens, the reflector number 174 is more prominant than the lens number 176. So most other people and places call the lens CEV 174.

Note 2: The generic 176 lens fits too tight on the mirror. The mirror edges must be filed.


12. 145107, 3. 161395, 4. 189870, 5. 147554, 6. 162909, 7. 307262

..CCCB CBGP GSS CCB CBGG price   Piag# CEV# head light
1 0100 0000000  00o 0000 none   145107 2139 lt. grey

2 0100 0000000  00o 0000 $90.0 145107 2139 partial
0 0010 0000000  00o 0000 $90.0 156729 2139 silver
3 0001 1100000  00o 0000 none   161395 2139 silver
0 0000 0010000  00o 0000 none   307110 2143 chrome
4 0000 0001010  00o 0000 none   189870 Becar dark grey
0 0000 0000100  00o 0001 none   307868 2143 black
0 0000 0000000  10o 0000 none   152452 2139 lt. grey
5 0000 0000000  011 0000 $150  147554 2139 silver
6 0000 0000000  00o 1100 none   162909 2139 silver
7 0000 0000000  00o 0010 none   307262 2139 chrome


1. 156045 coil,

..CCCB CBGP GSS CCB CBGG price   head light parts
1 0100 0000000  10o 0000 none   156045 impedance coil
0 0111 1100000  111 1111 none   121559 sealed beam CEV 171
0 0000 0010100  000 0011 none   307238 sealed beam CEV 171
0 0000 0001 011000  0000 
$15.0 A10004 sealed beam GE 4667-1


mopeds >
Ciao C7E1T
Bravo EEV1T
Ciao PX

Version >
points 103133 103133 103133 103133 103133 103133 103133 103133 103133 103133 103133 103133
condenser 144241 102939 102939 102939 102939 102939 102939 152440 162935 162935 162935 162935
source coil
spark coil
143062 143062
132299 132299 132299 132299 143062 132299 132299 132299 132299
spark plug
121908 143541
A15029 137776
121908 143541
flywheel 103485 103485 103485 103485 176418 103485 176418 103485 148125 148125 148125 148125
lights coil 120397 120397 120397 120397 189812 120397 214547 120397 162929 162929 162929 162929
aux. coil none none none none none none none none none
185048 162930 185048
main key
none none none none none none 152453
brake light
NCI in
NCI in
NCI in
NCI in
NCI in
NCI in
NCI in
NCI in
NCI in
NOI in
NCI in
NOI in
143972 156645 156645 307113 186515 307113 186515 152453 147556
162912 162912 307872
horn switch
run switch
none 147305
none 147305
turn switch none none none none none none none 144474
tail light
77 4350
lt. grey

dk grey

dk grey
lt. grey
hl housing 307239 no # 307869 no # 307339 307869
coil in hl
156045 none none none none none none 156045 156045
none none none
hl bulb
6V sealed
307238 A10004
307238 A10004
mopeds >
Ciao C7E1T
Bravo EEV1T
Ciao PX





Jawa Manuals

December 25, 2020

Jawa Manuals

American JawaJawa USAWelcome. Jawa parts before the 1980’s, were all made by suppliers from Eastern European countries, probably mostly from within CSSR (Czecho-Slovak Socialist Republic). Trade with Western Europe was restricted. So instead of sourcing their components from Germany, Italy, France like other moped makers, they had to get things from Eastern Europe or USSR suppliers or make their own. Yet they did export the finished product to the US and many European countries.    

By 1980 Jawa mopeds, US models, had Domino controls with CEV lights and switches, both made in Italy.



Jawa Parts List Model 28

Babetta 28 Parts List

1970-72 Jawa 28

1970-75 Babetta 28

1972 Babetta Service Manual

1972 Babetta 28 Workshop Manual









Jawa 207.011 Parts Book cover

Jawa 207.011 Parts List
This has some older pre-US (1970-75) pages.

1977 Jawa Transistor 40

1977 Jawa Babetta
(US model 207.011)

This parts book had many pages from the earlier Babetta 28 book that were not updated. It was for the 206 and earliest 207 with a rigid frame (no swing arm), because it did not include any of the parts specific to the swing arm models, like the rear shocks. But most of the Jawa mopeds first sold in the US starting in 1976, were the 207 with a swing arm frame. So there was confusion when US moped dealers ordered center stands and got the wrong kind. The misleading parts book explains why there are leftover rigid frame new parts.  



Jawa Parts List Model 207.111

Jawa 207.111 Parts List

1978 Jawa 50DL

1978 Jawa 50DL
(US model 207.111)

Jawa Service Manual Model 207.111

Jawa 207.111 Shop Manual


Each of these seven manuals has things that the others do not. Combining them increases completeness and reduces repetition,  errors and omissions. 






Jawa Parts List Model 207.300

Jawa 207.300 Parts List

1979 Jawa X30
(US model 207.300)

This late-207 parts manual, dated 1979, is for 1979-83 American Jawa models. But it does not include any of the parts unique to the top tank models, “Supreme 2” and “Supreme 3”. There must have been a supplement for that, sent to dealers in 1981-82. Myrons Mopeds is missing that sheet, which would have shown the top gas tank (that looks like a Puch Magnum), long seat, and other Supreme-only items.






ZVL Parts List Model 207.100-200-300

ZVL (Jawa) Parts List
207.100 – 200 – 300

1979 Jawa Babetta (UK model 207.305)

1979 Jawa Babetta
(UK model 207.305)

This late-207 parts manual, from, is the source of the part names or descriptions. The English words are British rather than American English. It says “tyre”, “mudguard”, “sealing” instead of “tire”, “fender”, “gasket”, for example. Some alternate American English descriptions are added to the right in aqua blue. In some places, to save space, the original British English descriptions are removed, and only the MM-made aqua blue descriptions are shown. This manual is the source of the more complete descriptions with millimeter sizes included on hardware items. It also has both old and new part number for most items. 





♥Jawa♥ Menu

December 25, 2020

made in Slovakia

Select which section:

Jawa USA Models    Jawa Manuals    

Jawa 207 Parts






Welcome. Jawa Motors (pronounced ‘YAH-vah’) is a Slovakian producer of motorcycles that also produced mopeds. Founded in 1929 by František Janeček, the company name is a combination of the first letters of the founder’s name and the first two letters of their motorcycle product, the Wanderer.

Povážské Strojárne is the company that made Babetta (Jawa) mopeds. In 1983 they had 3500 employees making mopeds, and 10,000 employees making mainly large ball bearings for cranes and weapons.

Jawa Tranzimo 40 automatic moped engine

Jawa Tranzimo 40 automatic moped engine

ZVL is the parent company, with 64,000 employees in 1983, that produced bearings, weapons, and military aircraft engines, and other machinery products.


Babetta was a line of mopeds made in Slovakia (formerly C.S.S.R or Czechoslovakia). Babetta is a girls name from a popular 1960’s Czech song. The domestic models were called Babetta, while most export versions were called Jawa. Before 1986 the production was at Povážské Strojárne (PS) (Povaska machinery company) near the city of Povážské Bystrica in north-central Slovakia. After 1985 production moved to the town of Kolárovó (Gúta in Hungarian), in southern Slovakia near the Hungarian border. As a result of that move, quality issues plagued many of those mid-to-late 1980’s Jawa mopeds. Later in the 1990’s back at Povážské Strojárne, production restarted with the Puch Korado, made by Manet, with a Puch remake engine. The full Jawa Babetta history is told by Edgar Uher, the German importer of Babetta mopeds in the 1990’s, with the help of long time Babetta engineer Jan Sujansky, who lives in Povážské Bystrica and also worked at Kolárovó for many years:

Jawa USA


American Jawa Ltd. was the US importer, located at 185 Express St, Plainview, New York 18803, and 18408 Laurel Park Rd, Compton, California 90224.


Motokov was the Czechoslovakian importer/exporter of automotive products. They were the sole exporter of Jawa mopeds. 

Motokov Canada Inc. was the Canada importer, located at 7600 Trans-Canada Hwy, St. Laurent, Quebec H4T1A5.


1970-72 Jawa 28

1970-72 Babetta 28
one speed, 19″ rims
no rear suspension
thyristor ignition

1973-75 Jawa 206

1973-75 Babetta 206
one speed, 16″ rims
no rear suspension
thyristor ignition

1975-82 Jawa 207

1975-82 Babetta 207
one speed, 16″ rims
full suspension
thyristor ignition

These are European models, with smaller lights, no horn, no brake light.


There was the Transistor 40 (40 km/h = 25 mph), and Transistor 25 (25 km/h = 16 mph).







Jawa Models

December 25, 2020

Jawa Mopeds (US models)


1976 Jawa Transistor 40

1976 Babetta Transistor 40 (207.011)
orange, 1-speed, 1.5 hp, 25mph (40kmh)
12 tooth front sprocket
Jikov 9mm carb, frame up to 210999
Peterson trailer tail light
thyristor (transistor) ignition

1977 Jawa Transistor 40

’77 Babetta Transistor 40 (207.011)
red, 1-speed, 1.5 hp, 25mph (40kmh)
12 tooth front sprocket
Jikov 9mm carb, frame up to 210999
Peterson trailer tail light
thyristor (transistor) ignition

American Jawa



These are US models, with front and rear side reflectors, brake light, electric horn, and bigger lights.

PetersonThe 1970’s US models had Peterson Manufacturing Company (PMCO) lights, made in Grandview, Missouri. The 1980’s and 1990’s had CEV lights made in Italy. 




Jawa Flyer

1977 Jawa Babetta (207.011) color flyer


1976-77 Babetta (207.011)













Info Jawa

MM Jawa Info Sheet














The “Babetta” and “Transistor 40” stickers were in use from 1975 to 1978. In 1978, starting with frame number 211000, the model number changed from 207.011 to 207.111. The big red “tranzimo” electronic unit became a small black box and a separate coil. The engine stop rotary switch on the top of the headlight was eliminated. There is no engine stop switch. Instead the right thumb operates the decompression lever, that says “engine stop”.  The white fenders became chrome. New 1978-79 model names were 50C, 50DL, and 50DLX, but the bikes were labeled with only JAWA on the tank sides.

1978 Jawa Transistor 40

78 Jawa Babetta (207.011)
frame # up to 210999
Jikov 9mm carb, 1.5 hp
25mph, Peterson lights
12 tooth front sprocket

1978 Jawa 207.111 flyer

1978 Jawa 50DL (model 207.111), called Jawa, not Babetta










1980 Jawa X25

1978 Jawa 50DL (model 207.111)
frame 211000 to 249999
Jikov 9mm carburetor, 1.5 hp
25mph (40kmh), Peterson lights
12 tooth front sprocket










1978 Jawa 50DL

1978 Jawa 50C (207.111)
frame 211000 to 249999
Jikov 9mm carb, 1.5 hp
20mph, Peterson lights
11 tooth front sprocket








Until now the highest speed version was 25 mi/h (40 km/h). In 1979-80 the 50DL and 50DLX models had Bing 1/12/167 or 1/12/325 (12mm) carburetors, instead of Jikov 2909 (9mm). These were rated to go 30mph. You can tell these from a distance by the grey flat top air box that points forward just above the spark plug. That air box was originally rear-facing, for 1950’s-60’s Sachs 502 series mopeds. See more in Bing Carburetor. Scroll down to “Bing Jawa”.



1979 Jawa X30

1979 Jawa 50DLX (207.300)
frame 250000 – 349999
Bing 12mm carb, 30mph
Peterson lights, long seat
13 tooth front sprocket

1979 Jawa 207.300

1979 Jawa 50DL (207.300) Flyer for US and Canada










1980 Jawa X30

1980 Jawa 50DL (207.311)
frame 250000 – 349999
Bing 12mm carb, 30mph
Peterson lights, solo seat
13 tooth front sprocket














1981 Jawa Flyer

This 1981 Jawa Flyer for USA and Canada lists the 1980-81 colors: silver metallic, blue metallic, carmel metallic, plum metallic, black, blue, burgundy.

In 1980-81 the 30mph models went back to a Jikov carburetor, but a bigger Jikov 2912 (12mm). New model names and specs:

X30 (207.385), 30mph, 13T, 2.3 hp, $460
X25 (207.385), 25mph, 12T, 1.8 hp, $430
X20 (207.377), 20mph, 11T, 1.5 hp, $430
Trans. 25 (208.450), 16mph, 10T, 1.5hp

1978 Jawa X30

1980 Jawa X30 (207.385)
1-speed, frame 350000 and up
Jikov 12mm carb, 30mph
CEV lights, solo seat
13 tooth front sprocket










1981 Jawa X30

1981 Jawa X30 (207.385)
1-speed, frame 350000 and up
Jikov 12mm carb, 30mph
CEV lights, solo seat
13 tooth front sprocket














1982 Jawa Supreme 3

1982 Jawa Supreme 3 (207.392)
frame 350000 and up, 1-speed
Jikov 12mm carb, 2.3 hp, 30mph
CEV lights, top gas tank
13 tooth front sprocket

1982 Jawa Supreme 2

1982 Jawa Supreme 2 (207.394)
frame 350000 and up, 1-speed
Jikov 12mm carb, 1.8 hp, 25mph
CEV lights, top gas tank
11 tooth front sprocket

Jawa models chart

Jawa 1980-83 Models
(1 horsepower is 746 watts)













1982 Jawa Supreme 3

1982 Jawa Supreme 3 (207.392)
frame 350000 and up
one speed, gear and chain drive
square cylinder fins, 2.3 hp, 30 mph
CEV lights, top gas tank

1983 Jawa Supreme 2

1983 Supreme 2 (207.394)
1 speed, gear/chain drive
square cylinder fins, 25 mph
CEV lights, top gas tank

1983 Jawa Supreme 3

1983 Supreme 3 (207.392)
1 speed, gear/chain drive
square cylinder fins, 30 mph
CEV lights, top gas tank












Jawa 210 flyer p1

Jawa 210 flyer p2


















1984 Jawa 210

1984 Jawa 210 (210.230)
two speed, belt/chain drive
rounded-square cylinder fins
CEV lights, step-thru tank

1984 Jawa 210

1985 Jawa 210 (210.230)
two speed, belt/chain drive
rounded-square cylinder fins
CEV lights, step-thru tank

The Jawa model 210 came out in 1983-84. It featured a redesigned frame and engine, with more torque for faster starts and better hill climbing. For 2 or 3 years, the engines were two-speed. Later years had one speed engines. The one-speed engine came in 20mph (210.120) or 30mph (210.130) versions. The 210.230 two-speed 30mph engine had three automatic clutches, one to start the engine, one to get going from a stop, and one to shift gears. The 30mph “210” versions (210.130 and 210.230) produced 2.1 horsepower (down slightly from 2.3).


Here is a link to the 1984 Jawa 210 Parts List from POVAŽSKÉ STROJÁRNE ZVL, branch works POVAŽSKÁ BYSTRICA.

1984 Jawa 210 VIN is TLJ210036EK02xxxx

1985 Jawa 210-01

1985 Jawa (210.230)

1985 Jawa 210 Sport

1985 Jawa Sport (210.230)

1985 Jawa 210 Sport

1985 Jawa Sport (210.230)








In 1985 the production plant was moved from Povážské Bystrica to to Kolárovó, Slovakia. Not all of the equipment and expertise survived the move. There were some quality issues after 1985. There are many 1986-88 one speed models (210.130) but not many two speeds (210.230). So it seems like they made 210.130 models mostly during the first year or two at the new plant. 

1986 Jawa 130

1986 Jawa 130 (210.130)

1986 Jawa 210-130

1986 Jawa 130 (210.130) 1-sp 30mph

1987 Jawa 210

1987 Jawa 230 (210.230)









1987 Jawa 210

1987 Jawa 130 (210.130)

1988 Jawa 210-130

1988 Jawa 130 (210.130) 1-sp 30mph

1988 Jawa Parts List cover

’88 Parts List type 210
210.130 1-speed 30mph
210.230 2-speed 30mph
210 Sport 2-spd 30mph












1990 Jawa 210-120

1990 Jawa 120 (210.120) 1-sp 25mph












1989 Jawa 210 Breeze

1989 Jawa 230 Breeze (210.230) 
same as 230, except for mag wheels



1989 Jawa Price List

1989 A.J. Product List

1989 American Jawa Product List

210.130 (1-s 30mph)  $503
225.120 (1-s 25mph)  $535 (kick start)
210.230 (2-s 30mph)  $535
210.230 (2-s 30mph)  $680 Breeze
210.130 (1-s 30mph)  $633 Sport
210.220 (2-s 25mph)  $670 Cat
210.230 (2-s 30mph)  $670 Alley Cat

Velorex Sidecar 562   $1100
Velorex Sidecar 700   $1300
CZ motocross 250cc  $1800
CZ motocross 400cc  $1900




Until now all Jawa mopeds had pedals because they were motor asisted bicycles. But as Germany dropped the pedal requirments for mofas (25 kmh) in the early 1990’s, other countries and states followed. To satisfy the demand for “mokicks” aka “nopeds”, Jawa introduced the 225 model in 1990-1991.

1991 Jawa 225

1991 Jawa 225  (225.120?)
2-speed, CDI ignition, 1.7 hp
no pedals, kickstart, 25 mph

1991 Jawa 225

1991 Jawa 225 (225.120?)
2-speed, CDI ignition, 1.7 hp
no pedals, kickstart, 25 mph

1991 Jawa 210.211

1991 Jawa 210 (210.211)
2-speed, CDI ignition
pedals, 30 mph, 2.0 hp











Jawa 210.211

1991 Jawa Babetta brochure excerpt: US model 210.211 specs

This 1991 sales brochure lists all the 210 models, including 215, 225, 226. They are all one speed engines, with different power levels, except for the 215.000 and the US model 210.211. Here is the link:

By the 1990’s all Jawa mopeds all had CDI ignitions. No more thyristors!

1992 Jawa 210.211

1992 Jawa 210 (210.211)
2-speed, CDI ignition
pedals, 30 mph, 2.0 hp








1994 Jawa Flyer

1993-94 Jawa Series 210 Model 130 (210.130)



Jawa Automatic 120-130 Parts Book

1993 Jawa 120, 130 Parts Book














Notice how the 1992-1995 Jawa mopeds have white powder coated rims, rails, handlebars instead of chrome. That is a way to hide flaws or rough textures, and is easier and cheaper than chroming. 




1987 Jawa 130

1993 Jawa 120 (210.120)

1994 Jawa 210

1994 Jawa 130 (210.130)










1990's Jawa Sport 210.130

1995 Jawa Sport (210.130)

1995 Jawa Ultrasport

1995 Jawa Ultrasport (210.230)













1995 Jawa Sport greyscale

1995 Jawa Sport (210.130)
1-speed, 30mph, pedals
1995 list $899

1995 Jawa Supersport

1995 Jawa Supersport (210.130)
1-speed, 30mph, pedals
1995 list $999

1995 Jawa Ultraport

1995 Jawa Ultrasport
1-speed, 30mph, pedals
1995 list $1099











1995 Jawa Price List

1995 American Jawa Price List with Puch

One of the last dealer price lists of American Jawa had 3 Jawa’s and 1 Puch. The Puch Korado was made in the old Povážské Strojárne (PS) (Povaska machinery building) near the city of Povážské Bystrica in north-central Slovakia. At the same time, 1994-95 Jawa Sport, Supersport, Ultrasport were made in the small agricultural town of Kolárovó. While the Puch Korado was made with Piaggio top notch equipment and modern methods, the last few years of Jawa’s were made using obsolete, worn-out equipment with not enough expertise and concern for quality.

Starting with the fall of socialist economies in 1990, and the privatization of industries, Kolárovó faced increasing costs, and decreasing market demand, as Slovakians were free to purchase from outside the country. In 1993 Czechoslovakia was split in half. Suddenly Kolárovó’s exporter, Motokov, was in Czech Republic, a foreign country, as well as some suppliers. All of these things combined to cause the bitter end of Jawa Babetta mopeds. Read the full history on John Woods awesome website,




Spark Plug Analysis

December 23, 2020

updated 2020-12

Welcome. The photos and info below are from:
1) 1976 ND Spark Plugs Service Manual 
    The info is for pre-1977 four-stroke engines, mostly cars.

2) 1979 Haynes Honda Express Manual

Dark blue text is quoted from the manual. Dark green text is Myrons. 

The condition of the spark plug indicates both engine condition and combustion products. A new car with an unworn engine would soon have black spark plugs if a little oil or diesel fuel was added to the gas tank. The combustion of oil produces tar or soot. An old car with a worn engine might also have the same black spark plugs. The tar or soot in that case is partly from the combustion of oil that leaked past worn rings, cylinder walls and valve guides, and partly from low compression. Low compression then has many possible causes. So a spark plug analysis does not tell exactly what is wrong or right in one step. Other evidence is needed in order to make a conclusion or diagnosis.


1) 1976 ND Spark Plugs Service Manual 


Light grey or tan deposits indicate proper heat range. 

On mopeds this indicates a clean and proper combustion process. That means quality gasoline and quality two-stroke oil are mixed correctly and are free from dissolved contaminants such as tar. Also the engine is healthy and is operated normally.

The white porcelain insulator of a new spark plug takes awhile to became tan colored, about 50 miles.

Dry sooty black deposits result from over rich carburetion, sticking choke, clogged air filter, poor ignition circuit, continuous low speed operation or heat range too cold. Carbon fouling is mostly affected by the air-fuel ratio. The richer the charge is, the more the spark plugs are apt to be carbon fouled. When only one spark plug in a group is carbon fouled, it is probably due to a poor ignition circuit or poor compression.

On mopeds, carbon fouling is caused by, most frequently first, stale old gasoline, fresh gasoline containing dissolved tar from a tarry gas tank, low compression, continuous low speed operation, spark plug heat range too cold, or a rich air-fuel mixture.

Wet oily deposits are usually caused by oil leaking through worn piston rings or valve guides, or engine still in “break-in” period. Oil fouling may also be caused by poor carburetion or over rich mixture.

Spark plugs cannot solve this trouble fundamentally. An engine overhaul may be necessary to correct this condition. Hotter spark plugs might help oil fouling.

On mopeds, oil fouling is caused by, most frequently first, too much two-stroke oil mixed in the gasoline, clogged exhaust, continuous low speed operation, poor quality two-stroke oil, spark plug heat range too cold, rich air-fuel mixture, or non-two-stroke oil mixed in the gasoline.

Blistered white insulator and excessively eroded electrodes are usually signs of overheating. Spark plug overheating may result from improper tightening (too loose), clogged cooling system, or improper heat range (too hot).

The overheated spark plugs will ignite the fuel-air mixture prematurely before sparking takes place across the plug gap (pre-ignition). When pre-ignition becomes really bad, the prematurely ignited charge may pop through the open inlet valve, thus producing no power but overheating the valves and other parts, which eventually are severely damaged.


On mopeds (and cars), pre-ignition (pinging) is caused by the compression ratio being too high for the octane rating of the gasoline being used. It is also caused by an overheated spark plug. Occasional light pinging is not bad, but constant or heavy pinging causes damage. The ping explosions carve out tiny craters in the top of the piston. The molten aluminum mist then coats the spark plug insulator silvery, and also the cylinder wall. Both spark plug electrodes erode from the ping explosions. The one shown is extremely bad.


The lead compound and associated additives reduce pinging or knocking (pre-ignition) and help promote long valve life. But since the 1980’s lead has been banned from use in gasoline. It was found to be poisonous and to cause brain damage, especially a young child repeatedly standing next to a running car or school bus exhaust. This info about lead fouling and lead additives is from 1976 before the days of unleaded gas.

You may have experienced hesitation just after steep acceleration with the spark plugs used for a few thousand miles. There are counted many causes, but if the spark plugs have powdery or granular deposits around the insulator tip and/or at the end of the insulator tip, the hesitation is due to lead fouling.

Most of the fuels used in automobiles contain tetraethyl lead additives to improve anti-knock quality. And at the same time a halogenide is added, which helps lead compounds from combustion of such fuels to gasify easily and be emitted through the exhaust system. Furthermore phosphorous additives are mixed in the fuels to prevent the troubles of lead fouling. 

But when the temperature at the insulator tip is low, halogenide lead in gaseous state accumulates on the insulator tip. This accounts for the fact that under city driving, the accumulation of lead deposits occurs more frequently.

Such a coating on the insulator tip remains nonconductive when cold, though at high temperatures (high speed driving) it becomes conductive and provides a leakage path for the high voltage current, which eventually weakens the ignition sparks or even causes misfiring.




2) 1979 Haynes Honda Express Manual 

Checking the plug gap with a feeler gauge.

the plug gap. Note use of correct tool. A small screwdriver can also be used to pry open the gap as long as it does not push against the center electrode. Instead it pushes against the outer shell.

rown, tan or gray firing end is indicative of correct engine running conditions and the selection of the correct heat rating plug.

Black sooty deposits indicate an over-rich fuel-air mixture, or a malfunctioning ignition system. If no improvement is obtained, try one grade hotter plug.

A blistered white insulator or melted electrode indicates over-advanced ignition timing or a malfunctioning cooling system. If correction does not prove effective, try a colder grade plug.

White deposits have accumulated from excessive amounts of oil in the combustion chamber or through the use of low quality oil. Remove deposits or a hot spot may form.

Wet, oily carbon deposits form an electrical leakage path along the insulator nose, resulting in misfire. The cause may be badly worn engine or a malfunctioning ignition system.

A worn spark plug not only wastes fuel but also overloads the whole ignition system because the increased gap requires higher voltage to initiate the spark. The condition can also affect air pollution.





Indian Publications

December 19, 2020

1978 Ads

Indian Ad b&w

1978 Moped Dealer magazine ad
Tillotson carb, Indian head tank





















1979 Ads

Indian Flyer front

Early ’79 flyer front, “The four stroke difference”
Tillotson carb, color stripes, spoke wheels

Indian Flyer back

Early ’79 back “No mixing of gas and oil”



















1979 Indian Sales Brochure with debut of USA-made Sport Mag II aka “8-ray” wheels







1980 Ads

1980 Indian flyer. What’s new is bar-mount signals, Mira wheels, silver cylinder head, Mikuni cable-choke carb.
























1980 dealer folder with excerpt from July 1979 Moped Dealer magazine















1981 Ads

1981 Indian flyer. The back page is the same as the 1980 flyer.


















Catalogs and Manuals

Indian Accessories p1

Accessories p1

Accessories p2

Accessories p2

Owners manual cover

Owners manual back










1978 Parts Book

1979 Parts Book

7-79 Parts Book

1980 Parts Book

6-81 Supplement















Indian Service Manual 1981