Vespa Speed Versions
December 27, 2020Odyssey Models
December 27, 2020
US Models 
Identification: 2-speed has pulley screws, Regular does not
32/1-R 32kph (20mph), Regular transmission
11 x 53T sprockets, Solo 254 engine, thin exhaust
link switches head light tail light colors
’76 195 & 8177 ULO xxxxx CEV 9350 orange
’77 8040, 8177 CEV bullet ULO 250 orange
’78 8040, 8177 CEV bullet ULO 248 blue
’78 343 & 342 ULO xxxxx ULO 248
40/1-R 40kph (25mph), Regular transmission
14 x 53T sprockets, Solo 255 engine
link switches head light tail light colors
’76 195 & 8177 ULO xxxxx CEV 9350 orange
’77 343 & 342 ULO xxxxx ULO 250 red
’78 343 & 342 ULO xxxxx ULO 248
40/2-R 47kph (29mph), Regular transmission
15 x 50T sprockets, Solo 255 engine
link switches head light tail light colors
’76 195 & 8177 ULO xxxxx CEV 9350 orange
’77 8040, 8177 CEV bullet ULO 250 orange
’78 343 & 342 ULO xxxxx ULO 248 black/chrome
32/1-2 32kph (20mph), 2-speed transmission
11 x 53T sprockets, Solo254 engine, thin exhaust
link switches head light tail light colors
’76 195 & 8177 ULO xxxxx CEV 9350 orange
’77 343 & 342 ULO xxxxx ULO 250 yellow
’78 343 & 342 ULO xxxxx ULO 248 red/chrome
40/1-2 40kph (25mph), 2-speed transmission
14 x 53T sprockets, Solo 255 engine
link switches head light tail light colors
’76 195 & 8177 ULO xxxxx CEV 9350 orange
’77 8040, 8177 CEV bullet ULO 250 green
’77 343 & 342 ULO xxxxx ULO 250 orange
’78 343 & 342 ULO xxxxx ULO 248 red/chrome
40/2-2 47kph (29mph), 2-speed transmission
15 x 50T sprockets, Solo 255 engine
link switches head light tail light colors
’76 195 & 8177 ULO xxxxx CEV 9350 orange
’77 8040, 8177 CEV bullet ULO 250 orange
’77 343 & 342 ULO xxxxx ULO 250 orange
’78 343 & 342 ULO xxxxx ULO 248 red/chrome
Derbi Engines and Speed Versions
December 27, 2020
1976-85 Derbi moped engines (for sale in the USA) came in three speed versions:
30mph (2.0hp) 12mm xxx no restrictor, 1 – 1mm variator limiting washer (gas mileage 117 mpg)
25mph (1.5hp) 10mm intake restrictor, 1 – 4mm variator limiting washer (gas mileage 130 mpg)
20mph (1.0hp) 10mm intake restrictor, 2 – 4mm variator limiting washers
1985-89 Derbi moped engines (for sale in the USA) came in one speed version:
30mph (2.0hp) 10mm intake restrictor, 1 mm variator limiting washer
43mph actual when de-restricted!
Peugeot Speed Versions
December 27, 2020
US-model Peugeot mopeds were made in three different speed and power versions to comply with different state laws. For example, mopeds in California go 30mph, but in Nevada or Arizona they go 25mph. Each state has different moped laws. Peugeot moped speed versions are referred to by the speed version codes U1, U2 and U3. The speed version code appears after the model on the I.D. plate, on the frame behind the headlight. For example, a 103 LVS U2 is a 25mph moped with 1.5 horsepower.
U1 is 20 mph and 1.0 hp, U2 is 25 mph and 1.5 hp, U3 is 30 mph and 2.0 hp
76-80 103 L2S U3 carb jet intake reed
6-80 103 L2S U3 size size pipe valve xx cylinder cyl. head x exhaust x clutch/variator gearing x seat wheels
102 No Variator
79-80 102 SPB U2 10 220 8.5 none xxx xx 102 all same xxx 102 all same fixed pulley 11 x 50T long spoke
79-80 102 SPB U3 12 245 12 none xxx xx 102 all same xxx 102 all same fixed pulley 11 x 42T solo spoke
79-80 102 SPB U3 12 245 12 none xxxxx 102 all same xxx 102 all same fixed pulley 11 x 42T long spoke
103 No Variator
76-77 103 LSS U1 8.5 240 8.5 restricted restricted lo-comp restricted xx fixed pulley 11 x 48T solo spoke
78-83 103 L2S U1 8.5 240 8.5 restricted restricted lo-comp restricted xx fixed pulley 11 x 48T solo spoke
78-80 103 L2S U2 12 245 12 restricted restricted lo-comp long baffle xx fixed pulley 11 x 40T solo spoke
78-80 103 L2S U3 12 245 12 restricted normal xx normalx long baffle xx fixed pulley 11 x 36T solo spoke
103 Variator
76-83 103 LVS U2 12 245 12 restricted restricted lo-comp long baffle xx U2 weightsx 11 x 52T solo spoke
78-80 103 SPS U2 12 245 12 restricted restricted lo-comp long baffle xx U2 weightsx 11 x 56T solo spoke
79-80 103 SPB U2 12 245 12 restricted restricted lo-comp long baffle xx U2 weightsx 11 x 56T long spoke
80-83 103 SPR U2 12 245 12 restricted restricted lo-comp long baffle xx U2 weightsx 11 x 56T long mags
76-78 103 LVS U3 12 245 12 normal x. normal xx normal x short baffle X U3 weightsx 11 x 52T solo spoke
78-83 103 LVS U3 12 245 12 normal x. normal xx normal x long baffle xx U3 weightsx 11 x 52T solo spoke
77-78 103 SPS U3 12 245 12 normal x. normal xx normal x short baffle x U3 weightsx 11 x 52T solo spoke
78-80 103 SPS U3 12 245 12 normal x. normal xx normal x long baffle xx U3 weightsx 11 x 52T solo spoke
79-80 103 SPB U3 12 245 12 normal x. normal xx normal x long baffle xx U3 weightsx 11 x 52T long spoke
80-83 103 SPR U3 12 245 12 normal x. normal xx normal x long baffle xx U3 weightsx 11 x 52T long mags
79-80 1oo TSM U3 12 245 12 normal x. TSM xxxx normal x TSM long xxx U3 weightsx 11 x 56T long spoke
Cylinder: 102 U2 and U3 are the same, but 103 U1,U2 have a different cylinder than 103 U3, with a slightly smaller exhaust port. A U1,U2 cylinder can be converted to U3 by mild “porting”, by grinding the top pf the port, at the cylinder wall, higher by 1.0 mm, and each side wider by 0.5mm.
Head: The 103 U1,U2 low compression head can be converted to U3 by milling off 1 or maybe 2 mm. Leaving off the head gasket instead, is a quick and beneficial way to increase the compression ratio. But when the head is moved closer to the piston, contact can happen. Care must be taken. A squish clearance of 0.6mm (0.024″) is recommended when cold. A minimum combustion chamber volume of 5.0cc is recommended for a 50cc swept volume, to have a maximum compression ratio of (50+5)/5 equals 11 to 1.
Reed Valve: The 103 U1 and U2 small round reed plate holes can be widened to “normal” round holes. Furthermore a Tomos A35 reed valve fits, and gives even more power increase because the reed plate holes are rectangles with more area. Expect a stock healthy 103 LVS U3 to go 4-5 mph faster and accelerate quicker, with just a Tomos reed valve, with no side effects.
Carburetor: To upgrade an 8.5 to a 12mm carburetor you can replace the bare body. It is too difficult to carve out because the non-removable brass spray tube is in the way.
Intake Pipe: To upgrade an 8.5 to a 12mm intake manifold you can carve out the inside, or replace it. On a Peugeot 102 the only difference between a U2 and U3 is the intake manifold.
Exhaust: The 103 U1 muffler is gloss black and has a U-turn in the removable baffle, and a hemispherical end cap. The 103 U2 and U3 muffler is dull black, with a straight tube removable baffle and a vertical channel end cap. The wider end of the vertical channel should face down, or the bike will go slower.
Baffle tube: Early 103 U3 models came with a short baffle tube. These went 35mph and were the fastest moped. Then in 1978 Peugeot had to slow all the bikes down to meet 30mph DOT requirements. They issued a recall to all 103 U3 owners to bring their mopeds into their dealer to have the long baffle put in. All later 103 U3 models were made with long baffles. Simply removing the baffle makes it only a little bit louder, but adds 2-3 mph in speed.
Belt Pulleys: The front pulley is the same on all 102 and 103-no-variator models. The variable front pulley on 103-variator models is the same except for the centrifugal variator weights are different on U2 and U3 models. All 102’s have the same 7 inch rear pulley. All 103’s have the same 8″ rear pulley.
Sprockets: All Peugeot’s have an 11 tooth front sprocket. 102 rear sprockets have smaller center holes than 103 rear sprockets (because the rear hub is smaller). 103 rear sprockets can interchange with Puch or Motobecane, except for the bolt holes. On both 102 and 103 Peugeot uses a special 5-hole pattern that is unique. They did not want people to easily change to a 6-hole Puch 45 tooth rear sprocket. It can be done with drilling.
Gearing: A smaller rear sprocket makes higher gearing, and higher possible speed. But if the gearing is already optimum, then higher gearing alone will not make any more speed, except on downhills and with tail winds. It takes a greater amount of driving force to push through the air at a greater speed, but higher gearing decreases the rear wheel driving force. So the engine has to make much more torque to achieve the higher speed.
Gearing: 102 and 103 no-variator have the same size front pulley, but the rear pulley is bigger on the 103, about 8 inch, while 102 is about 7 inch. So a 102 rear sprocket must be bigger by 8/7 to have the same overall gearing as a 103. That is why 102 rear sprockets are bigger than 103 no-variator ones.
Peugeot Models
December 27, 2020
1976-77 Peugeot 103 (US models)

1977 Peugeot 103 L2 (hard tail), modified engine and handlebars
bright blue with white trim, bleu radieux (radiant blue)
103 L2 has no rear suspension and no variator, 103 LS has rear suspension, but no variator, 103 LVS has rear suspension and a variator.
Cycles Peugeot Paint Colors
TS rouge tison (cinder red)
BX bleu radieux (radiant blue)
VK vert kentucky (Kentucky green)
VD vert dore (golden green)
BS bleu sidéral (sidereal blue)
IP ivoire persan (Persian ivory)
CM ciel métalisé (sky metallic)
OM orange métalisé (orange metallic)
AM amande métalisé (almond metallic)
BZ blanc irisé (iridescent white)
1978-79 Peugeot 103 (US models)
The L models (L2, LS, LVS) are 3 inches lower than the SP (SP, SPB, SPR) models. They have less suspension travel, and less chrome.
1980-83 Peugeot 103 (US models)
103 SP has a solo seat and spoke wheels, 103 SPB has a long seat and spoke wheels, 103 SPR has a long seat and mag wheels.
1980-82 Peugeot 102, TSM (US models)
102 SP has a solo seat, 102 SPB has a long seat. That is the only difference. Neither came with a speedometer.
Non-US Models
Tour de Cycles Peugeot
December 27, 2020
Enjoy these pages from “CYCLES PEUGEOT – Structures of the Group” May 1977. This 72-page brochure with a plain silver cover, promotes Cycles Peugeot products, for Peugeot products dealers, sellers and business clients.
Peugeot mopeds were made in several different factory locations.
Beaulieu is the main production facility, where Peugeot frames, wheels, and parts were made, and mopeds are assembled.
Saint Louis is where Peugeot engines were made by SMHR.
Dannemarie is where Peugeot magnetos were made, by SMHR.
Cerci la Tour is where Peugeot forks, fenders, racks were made, by SOMENI.
Components like tires, speedometers, switches, lights, brakes were purchased from component makers.
The SMHR Factory at Saint Louis
The Societe Mecanique du Haut-Rhin factory at Saint Louis is where Peugeot engines were manufactured. In 1977 SMHR was producing 3500 moped engines per day.
The SMHR Factory at Dannemarie
The Societe Mecanique du Haut-Rhin factory at Dannemarie is where Peugeot magneto flywheels were manufactured.
The Doubs Factory at Beaulieu
Doubs is the region, Beaulieu is the town. This is the main production center of Cycles Peugeot. Impressive, massive, mind-boggling. What would you call it?
Garelli Parts
December 26, 2020Most Garelli parts are listed in the section for that part type.
A. Garelli Parts Links
B. Garelli Parts
1. Exhausts

Garelli 1-speed exhausts:
1. comp. no baffle $100
2. comp. good cond $150
3. comp. no baffle $100
4. complete $120
5. header pipe N/A
6. header pipe N/A
7. tail pipe no baffle $50
8. tail pipe Afranconi $75
9. tail pipe blk w/rub $80

Garelli 1-speed exhausts
same ones bottom view
1-speed is horiz. cylinder
two 6mm front pipe bolts
two 5mm tail pipe bolts
Garelli 2-spd is vert. cyl
front pipe screws on
one 8mm tail pipe bolt
made by GL Afranconi

Garelli exhaust parts
1. two 6mm flange bolts
2. Puch exh. gasket $5
(must file holes to fit)
3. original rubber N/A
4. 1″id hose 2″ long $10
5. orig. clamps each $2
(can use hose clamps)
6. original baffle $12

Garelli 2-spd exhausts
1. comp no rubber none
2. head pipe no nut $45
3. head pipe w/nut $60
4. tail pipe no baffle $35
2. Center Stands
1. 503754.7.020 $45.00 good-used, short for Sport hard tail 16″
2. 504651.7.020 $65.00 new, medium for 16″ tire models pre-’78
3. 506904.7.020 $55.00 good-used, long for 17″ tire models
4. 006551.7.020 none new, for 16″ tire models ’79-on
5. 508871.7.020 none new, for ’83-86 Monza GT
Garelli Engines
December 26, 2020
# yrs spds cc Horizontal Cylinder Engines
1. 50’s 1-0 38 307
1. 50’s 1-0 49 311, 38-B, 38-B auto
2. 60’s 1-0 35 387
3. 70’s 1-2 49 H1-radial, H1, H1-late, H2
4. 80’s 1-0 49 H1-late, H1-a1, H1-a2, H1-a3, H1-a4
5. 80’s 2-0 49 H2-black, H2-late, H2-a2, H2-a4k
# yrs spds cc Vertical Cylinder Engines
6. 50’s 3-4 49 315H, 315HS, 315M2
6. 50’s 3-4 70 319, 319E, 319RB
7. 60’s 1-0 49 341P, 351P, 351nP
8. 60’s 2-0 49 357P?, 357cP, 357sP, 357gP
9. 60’s 3-0 49 353P, 353K, 353ERKY, 353cERKY
9. 60’s 3-0 49 353bEKY, 353cEKY
10. 60’s 4-0 49 354K, 354KR, 354KZ, 354RZKY, 354nZKW
10. 60’s 4-0 49 354mBZKW, 354nBZKW, 354pZKW
10. 60’s 4-0 94 374bEKW, 374cRKY, 374gRKY, 374hRKY
11. 70’s 1-2 49 G1, G2, G2k
12. 70’s 3-0 49 G3m, G3mk
13. 70’s 4-5 49 G4mk, G4akr, G4ak, G4ak2, G4akp
13. 70’s 4-5 49 G5ak, G5akp, G58k
14. 80’s 1-0 49 V1, M1-radial, M1
15. 80’s 2-3 49 V2, V2N, V3, V3k
16. 80’s 4-5 49 V4k, V5ak2, M5ak
1960’s Engine Model Name Meanings:
35 is 49cc, 37 is 94cc engine size
1, 7, 3, 4 are 1, 2, 3, 4 trans. speeds
b, c, h, m, n, p are model identifiers
P is pedal-start, K is kick-start
Y is hand-shift, W is foot-shift
E is export (special power), B is ?
R is fan cooled, Z is increased power
Unofficial Model Names: In 1970 Garelli stopped using engine model names. Instead they spelled out the engine models, like “vertical cylinder two speed automatic”. So these ’70’s and ’80’s engine model names are made up. They are green to distinguish them from official names.
Horizontal Cylinder Engines
1950’s: After WWII much of Europe was damaged. Because gas stations and roads were scarce, Garelli shifted their focus to 50cc lightweight mopeds. In the early 50’s Garelli only made Mosquito horizontal-cylinder friction-drive bicycle engines. They were sold as kits and on bikes. In the late 50’s Garelli also made Mosquito vertical-cylinder chain-drive moped engines. They were only sold on bikes.
1. 1950’s 1-speed Horizontal Cylinder
1947-51 307 Mosquito 38 kit 38cc 0.8hp
piston GOL 0058.A 5+22.5+13+17.5=58
rings three 35 x 2.5 GN, pin 13 x 26
1951-55 311 (38-B) Bici Mosquito 49cc 1.0hp
piston GOL 0058.B 6+22.5+14+17=59.5
rings three 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 14 x 32
1953-60 38-B Mosquito 38-B kit 49cc 1.0hp
1955-70 38-B auto Mosquito 511 49cc 1.2 hp
piston GOL 0058.B 6+22.5+14+17=59.5
rings three 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 14 x 32
2. 1960’s 1-speed Horizontal Cylinder
1966-68 387 Velo Mosquito 35cc alum. cylinder
1968-72 387 Mosquito Baby kit
piston GOL 0058.C 3+21.5+10+9=43.5
rings two 38 x 1.5 GN, pin 10 x 31.5
3. 1970’s 1 or 2-speed Horizontal Cylinder
1971-76 H1 with radial fins
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
on 71-76 Garelli Katia
on 71?76 Garelli Katia (UK)
on 72-76 Garelli Eureka
on 72-76 Garelli Eureka Flex
on 72?76 Garelli Eureka (UK)
on 75-76 Garelli Eureka Flex (US)
This 50cc one speed automatic moped engine began on the 1971 Katia. US models began on the 1975 Eureka. This ’71-76 version is solid-mounted to the frame, with no rubber bushings to dampen vibration.
iron cylinder 205.051.3111 20-25 mph
iron cylinder 205.001.3111 30 mph
left cover 205002.1131 silver faceted
right cover 205001.1132 silver faceted
F200001-F201240 = 1,240
1976-78 H1 with 6 side fins
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
Cylinder and head changed from radial fin iron to 6-fin iron type. The new and old types interchange. Cases and case gasket changed from solid mount to rubber mount type.
iron cylinder 205.060.3111 20-25-30 mph
left cover 205002.1131 silver faceted
right cover 205001.1132 silver faceted
F201241-F271810 = 70,570
1978-80 H1 with 6 side fins, late covers
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
Side covers changed from silver faceted to black with lines type. The new and old types interchange.
iron cylinder 205.060.3111 20 mph, 25 mph up to F275010
iron cylinder 205.003.3111 30 mph, 25 mph from F275011
left cover 205013.1131 black with lines
right cover 205013.1132 black with lines
intake pipe 205001.3321 rounded
F271811-F337644 = 65,834
1978-79 H2 with 6 side fins
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
This two-speed engine looks the same as a one-speed.
iron cylinder 205.003.3111 25 mph
left cover 205002.1131 silver faceted
right cover 205001.1132 silver faceted
H038472-H040000? = 1,528?
4. 1980’s 1-speed Horizontal Cylinder
1981-83 H1 with 6 side fins, late covers
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
Intake pipe changed from rounded to straight.
intake pipe 205002.3321 square
F337645-F342161? = 4,517?
1980 H1-a1 with 12 side fins
piston GOL 0534 0+18.8+12+16.7=47.5
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
Cylinder and head changed from 6-fin iron to 12-fin aluminum.
alum. cylinder 205.054.3111 20 mph
alum. cylinder 205.002.3111 25-30 mph
left cover 205013.1131 black with lines
right cover 205013.1132 black with lines
F342162-F344000? = 1,839?
1980-85 H1-a2 with 5 side fins
piston GOL 0534 0+18.8+12+16.7=47.5
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
Cylinder and head changed from 12-fin aluminum to 5-fin aluminum.
alum. cylinder 205.054.3111 20 mph
alum. cylinder 205.002.3111 25-30 mph
left cover 205013.1131 black with lines
right cover 205013.1132 black with lines
F344001?-F360932 = 16,932?
1985-86 H1-a3 with 5 side fins
piston GOL 0534 0+18.8+12+16.7=47.5
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
The head changed from silver to black. Plastic combs were added to reduce engine noise from vibrating fins. The starting mechanism changed from sliding-spiral type to ratchet type.
alum. cylinder 205.054.3111 20 mph
alum. cylinder 205.002.3111 25-30 mph
left cover 205013.1131 black with lines
right cover 205013.1132 black with lines
1987-93 H1-a4 with shoe clutch
piston GOL 0534 0+18.8+12+16.7=47.5
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
The head changed back to silver. The automatic centrifugal clutch changed from rubber ring type to shoe type.
5. 1980’s 2-speed Horizontal Cylinder
1979-80? H2-black with 6 side fins
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder 205.003.3111 25 mph
left cover 207056.1131 black faceted
right cover 205012.1132 black faceted
H040001-H042464 = 2,464?
1980-81? H2-a2 with 5 fin alum. cylinder
piston GOL 0534 0+18.8+12+16.7=47.5
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
alum. cylinder 205.054.3111 20 mph
alum. cylinder 205.002.3111 25-30 mph
left cover 207056.1131 black faceted
right cover 205012.1132 black faceted
H042465-H044808 = 2,343
1987-93? H2k-a4 kick start 2sp with shoe clutches
piston GOL 0534 0+18.8+12+16.7=47.5
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
Vertical Cylinder Engines
1950’s: In the early 50’s Garelli only made Mosquito horizontal-cylinder friction-drive bicycle engines. They were sold as kits and on bikes. In the late 50’s Garelli also made Mosquito vertical-cylinder chain-drive moped engines. They were only sold on bikes.
6. 1950’s 3 or 4-speed Vertical Cylinder
1956-60 315H 49cc 2.5hp type 3V-pedal
piston GOL 0000 4+25+14+17=60
rings two 40 x 2.5 GN, pin 14 x 32
on 56-60 Mosquito 50 Gran Turismo
on 56-58 Mosquito 515
1956-61 315HS 49cc ??hp type 3V-pedal
piston GOL 0000 4+25+14+17=60
rings two 40 x 2.5 GN, pin 14 x 32
on 56-61 Mosquito 50 Sport (pedal)
1956-60 315M2 49cc ??hp type 3V-kick
piston GOL 0000 4+25+14+17=60
rings two 40 x 2.5 GN, pin 14 x 32
on 56-60 Mosquito 50 Sport (kick)
1958-61 319 70cc 3.3hp type 3V-kick
on 58-61 Motoleggera 70 Turismo (Garelli 70)
rings three 45 x 2.0? GN?, pin 12 x 37?
carb: Dellorto ME16 BS or UA16 BS .
1958-61 319E 70cc 4.0hp type 3V-kick
on 58-61 Motoleggera 70 Super (Extra)
1958 Garelli 70 Parts Catalog PDF, in Italian from
1958-60 319RB 70cc 3.5hp type 4V-kick
on 56-60 Capri 70 scooter
1960’s: In ’60-69 engine models had encoded digits:
Digit 1 is always 3.
Digit 2 tells the engine size 4 or 5 is 50 cc, 7 is 100 cc.
Digit 3 tells the speeds 1, 3, or 4 or 7 for 2-speed automatic.
Digit 4+ tells the type, pedal P or kick K.
Digit 4+ R means fan cooled for scooter or 3-wheel truck.
7. 1960’s 1-speed Vertical Cylinder
1960-64 341P 49cc 1.5hp type 1A-pedal
piston GOL 0038 3+13+12+20=48
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
on ’60-65 Mosquito M Matic .
on ’62 Garelli Tze-Tze (M Matic)
1966-71 351P 49cc 2.2hp type 1A-pedal
piston GOL 0038 3+13+12+20=48
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
carb: center-mount Dellorto SHA 14/12
on ’66-71 Garelli M
on ’69-70 Broncco Colt 2.5hp (US)
1967-70 351nP 49cc 1.5hp type 1A-pedal
piston GOL 0038 3+13+12+20=48
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
carb: side-mount Dellorto SHA 14/9?
on 67-70 Garelli Gulp, Gulp Flex
on 77-78 Garelli M (UK)
8. 1960’s 2-speed Vertical Cylinder
1960-63 357P? 49cc 1.4hp type 2A-pedal
piston GOL 0038 3+13+12+20=48
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
carb: center-mount Dellorto SHA 14/9?
on 60-63 Mosquito M2
1963-70 357cP 49cc 2.2hp type 2A-pedal
piston GOL 0038 3+13+12+20=48
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
carb: center-mount Dellorto SHA 14/12 .
on 63-65 Garelli Automatic .
on 65-68 Garelli Bimatic (UK) .
1969-70 357fP 49cc 1.4hp type 2A-pedal
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
carb: side-mount Dellorto SHA 14/9?
on 69-70 Garelli Gulp Matic
1969-70? 357gP 49cc 2.2?hp type 2A-pedal
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
carb: side-mount Dellorto SHA 14/12?
9. 1960’s 3-speed Vertical Cylinder
1961-78 353P 49cc 1.5hp type 3V-pedal
on 63-69 Garelli M3
on 68-70 Garelli Gulp 3V
on 77-78 Garelli M3 (UK)
1961-69 353K 49cc 1.5hp type 3V-kick
on 61-69 Garelli Junior Turismo
1961-62 353bEKY 49cc 2.5hp type 3V-kick
on Garelli Junior standard
1961-62 353cEKY 49cc 2.5hp type 3V-kick
on Garelli Junior extra
same as 353bEKY except for two rear sprockets
1960-62 353cERKY 49cc 2.5hp type 3V-kick
on 60-62 Capri 50-S scooter
same as 353cEKY except for fan cooling
1967-67 353ERKY 49cc 2.0hp type 3V-kick
on 67-67 Capri 50 scooter
same as 353EKY except for fan cooling
10. 1960’s 4-speed Vertical Cylinder
1963-69 354K 49cc 3.8hp type 4M-kick
piston GOL 0039 3+13+12+20=48
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
on 62-65 Garelli Junior Sport
on 62-65 Rex KL75 (US)
1964-68 354KR 49cc 3.8hp type 4M-kick-fan
piston GOL 0039 3+13+12+20=48
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
on 64-68 Capri 50 scooter
on 68-69? Garelli 50 3-wheel utility truck
same as 354K except for fan cooling
1960-68 354KZ 49cc 5.0hp type 4M-kick
piston GOL 0039 3+13+12+20=48
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
on 62-66 Garelli Junior Sport
on 60-65 Garelli Sport 50
on 65-65 Garelli Jr 50 Fan Trail (US)
on 67-68 Garelli Mini Bat .
on 68-68 Broncco TC-4 (US)
1961-68 354RZKY 49cc 4.3hp type 4V-kick
piston GOL 0039 3+13+12+20=48
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
on 61-68 Capri 50 scooter
1968-69 354mBZKW 49cc 5.0hp type 4M-kick
piston GOL 0039 3+13+12+20=48
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder
on 69-69 Garelli Mini Bat
on 68-69 Broncco TC-4, TS-4 (US)
1967-70 354nBZKW 49cc 6.2hp type 4M-kick
aluminum cylinder
on 67-69 Garelli Rekord
on 67-69 Garelli Cross
on 67-69 Garelli Monza Special
on 67-69 Rex KL75 Gadabout (US)
on 67-69 Garelli 50 Sport (UK)
on 69-70 Garelli Mini Bat
on 69-70 Broncco TC-4, TS-4 (US)
1961-64 374bEKW 94cc 6.0hp type 4M
on 61-64 Garelli 98 (export)
1962-63? 374cRKY 94cc 5.2hp type 4V-kick-fan
on 62-63? Capri Monaco scooter
1963-64? 374gRKY 94cc 5.5hp type 4V-kick-fan
on 63-64? Capri Monaco scooter
1964-65? 374hRKY 94cc 7hp type 4M-kick
on 64? Capri Monaco scooter
on 65 Rex Monaco scooter (US)
The one shown is foot shift, but the ID says hand shift (Y),
so foot shift must have been an option.
1970’s: Most of the 1960’s engines with rounded engine cases and cylinder fins were discontinued in 1970-71. The cases and fins became more square. Horizontal lines were added to the side covers. Because of that you can tell a 70’s Garelli from a 60’s one by a photo or from 100 feet away.
Engine Models: In 1970 Garelli stopped using engine model numbers. Instead they spelled out the engine models, like “vertical cylinder two speed automatic”.
11. 1970’s 1 or 2-speed Vertical Cylinder
1971-78 G1 49cc 1.5hp type 1A-pedal
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder, Dellorto SHA 14/12L carb
on 71-78 Garelli M
on 71-77 Garelli Gulp Flex
on 71?72 Concord Flex (UK)
on 73?77 Concord Matic (UK)
on 71-80 Garelli Bonanza
1970-78 G2 49cc 1.5hp type 2A-pedal .
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder, side mount SHA 14/12L carb
on 71-77 Garelli Gulp Matic
on 76-78 Garelli Gulp Matic (US)
on 71?72 Concorde Bimatic (UK)
1970-77 G2K 49cc 1.9hp type 2A-kick .
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder, side mount SHA 14/12L carb
on 71-72 Garelli Bonanza 40 (DE)
1970 Gulp Service Manual PDF in Italian, from
12. 1970’s 3-speed Vertical Cylinder
1971-77 G3m 49cc 1.5hp type 3V-pedal
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder, Dellorto SHA 14/12L carb
on 70-76 Garelli Gulp 3M
on 70?72 Concorde 3V (UK)
1970-77 G3mk 49cc 5.0hp type 3V-kick
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder, Dellorto carb
on 70-72 Garelli Junior (Gran) Turismo
on 70-71 Garelli Junior Rekord
on 70-70 Garelli Junior Cross
on 70-70 Garelli Mini Bike
13. 1970’s 4 or 5-speed Vertical Cylinder
1970-77 G4mk 49cc 2.0hp type 4M-kick
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder, Dellorto SHA 14/12L carb
on 72-72 Garelli Bonanza
1970-77 G4akr 49cc 2.0hp type 4M-kick
piston GOL 0040 2+22.8+12+15.7=52.5
rings 40L x 2.0, 40 x 1.5 GN, pin 12 x 33
aluminum cylinder, Dell0rto 14/12L carb
on 70-71 Garelli BC-4 Mini (Bat) Cross
on 70-71 Garelli BC-4L Mini (Bat) Cross Lusso
on 70-71 Broncco BC-4
1970-77 G4ak 49cc 6.2hp type 4M-kick
piston GOL 0040 2+22.8+12+15.7=52.5
rings 40L x 2.0, 40 x 1.5 GN, pin 12 x 33
angled head fins, Dellorto UB 20S carb, 90 jet
on 70-71 Garelli Rekord
on 70-71 Garelli Tiger Cross
on 70-71 Garelli Rekord (UK)
on 70-71 Garelli Tiger Cross (UK)
1971-73 G4ak2 49cc 6.2hp type 4M-kick
piston GOL 0040 2+22.8+12+15.7=52.5
rings 40L x 2.0, 40 x 1.5 GN, pin 12 x 33
radial head fins, Dellorto UB 20S carb, 90 jet
on 71-73 Garelli Rekord Mk I
on 71-73 Garelli Tiger Cross Mk I
on 70-73 Garelli KL50 4V
1973-77 G5ak 49cc 6.2hp type 5M-kick
piston GOL 0040 2+22.8+12+15.7=52.5
rings 40L x 2.0, 40 x 1.5 GN, pin 12 x 33
radial head fins, Dellorto UB 20S carb, 90 jet
on 73-77 Garelli Rekord Mk II
on 73-77 Garelli Tiger Cross Mk II
on 73-77 Garelli KL50 5V
1972-73 G4akp 49cc 6.2hp 4M-kick-pedal
piston GOL 0040 2+22.8+12+15.7=52.5
rings 40L x 2.0, 40 x 1.5 GN, pin 12 x 33
on 72-73 Garelli Rekord Mk I (UK)
on 72-73 Garelli Tiger Cross Mk I (UK)
1973-75 G5akp 49cc 6.2hp 5M-kick-pedal
piston GOL 0040 2+22.8+12+15.7=52.5
rings 40L x 2.0, 40 x 1.5 GN, pin 12 x 33
on 73-75 Garelli Rekord Mk II (UK)
on 73-75 Garelli Tiger Cross Mk II (UK)
In Jan 1972 the UK “sixteener law” required 16-year-olds to drive only “mopeds”. The new definition of “moped” was 50cc with pedals, unlimited in power and speed. By late-1972 or early-1973, makers like Garelli added pedals to their 50cc motorcycles.
The book “Funky Mopeds” by Richard Skelton covers these bikes and this period. The UK-model specs and year ranges listed here are from there.
(looks the same as G5ak2)
1973-75 G58k 79cc 9.5hp 5M-kick
bore x stroke 48 x 44, instead of 40 x 39
al cyl, Dellorto SHB 19/19B carb, 120 jet
on 73-75 Garelli Record 80
on 73-75 Garelli Cross 80
on 73-75 Garelli Record 80 (UK)
on 73-75 Garelli Cross 80 (UK)
on 73?79 Garelli KL100E
1980’s: In 1978 all vertical cylinder engines changed from type G (Gulp) to type V (VIP). The differences are subtle. The biggest visible difference is the side covers. G type has horizontal lines on top front and bottom front. V type has horizontal lines only on bottom front. G type has a flattened 8-sided sticker in the middle. V type says GARELLI in raised letters. There are internal differences. The transfer ports and base gasket are different. The front lower engine mount was eliminated or unused.
Left is a G2 engine, right is V2.
Left is a G5ak engine, right is M5ak.
14. 1980’s 1-speed Vertical Cylinder
1978-85 V1 49cc 1.5-2.0hp type 1A-pedal
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder, side mount SHA 14/12L carb
on 78-85 Garelli VIP 1
on 78-80 Concorde Matic (UK)
1983-84 M1 49cc 1.5-2.0hp type 1A-pedal
piston with boost port 2+22.8+12+15.7=52.5
rings 40L x 2.0, 40 x 1.5 GN, pin 12 x 33
aluminum cylinder,
on 83-84 Garelli Monza GT (US)
1985-86 M1 49cc 1.5-2.0hp type 1A-pedal
piston and rings same as M1 .
aluminum cylinder,
on 85-86 Garelli Monza GT-S (US)
15. 1980’s 2 or 3-speed Vertical Cylinder
1978-83 V2 49cc 1.5-2.0hp type 2A-pedal .
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder, side mount SHA 14/12L carb
on 78-80 Garelli VIP 2 Deluxe
on 78-83 Garelli VIP 2-Speed (US)
on 78-80 Concorde Bimatic (UK)
1983-85 V2N 49cc 1.5-2.0hp type 2A-pedal .
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder, center mount SHA 12/12 carb
on 84-85 Garelli VIP-N 2-speed (US)
1978-78 V3 49cc 1.5hp type 3V-pedal .
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder, side mount SHA 14/12L carb
on 78-78 Garelli VIP 3
on 78-78 Garelli VIP 3 Deluxe
1978-78 V3k 49cc 1.5-2.0hp type 3V-kick .
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder, side mount SHA 14/12L carb
on 78-78 Garelli VIP 3K
on 78-79 Concorde 3V (UK)
on 79-80 Garelli VIP 3V
on 79-80 Garelli VIP 3V SL Deluxe
16. 1980’s 4 or 5-speed Vertical Cylinder
1983-87 V4k 49cc 3.8?hp type 4V-kick
piston GOL 0037 3+18.5+12+16.5=50
rings two 40 x 2.0 GN, pin 12 x 33
iron cylinder, side mount SHA 14/12L carb
on 83-87 Garelli VIP 4 N
on 83-84 Garelli VIP 4 Deluxe
on 84-85 Garelli VIP 4 Super Self Mix
on 85-87 Garelli VIP 4 Supervip
on 85-87 Garelli VIP 4 Supervip Self Mix
1978-81 V5ak2 49cc 6.2?hp type 5M-kick
aluminum cylinder,
on 78-81 Garelli Ciclone 5V
on 78-81 Garelli Gran Turismo
1982-87 M5ak 49cc 6.5hp type 5M-kick (was K5mk)
aluminum cylinder,
on 82-85 Garelli Ciclone 5V
on 82-82 Garelli Gran Turismo