============== K E I H I N P A R T S ===========
15. Float needles
16. Float bowls
17. Gaskets and O-rings
18. Jets
15. Float needles (valves)
Baby valves: These are the float needle valves for the smallest “baby” Keihin carburetors. Most other float needles are bigger than these, but look the same in photos.

16123-063-004 float needle valve $13 all metal type
On road models: 1969-70 Honda PC50, 1969-70 Honda PS50, 1970-72 Honda PC50K1, 1971-73 PF50 Amigo standard (FR DK NE), 1971-73 PF50 Amigo Graduate (UK), 1970-71 PS50K1, PS50K1 (NE), others

16011-881-741 float needle valve $21 stirrup type, 3-sided for 4.00 hole
supersedes 16011-143-62016011-147-004
On road models: 1977-79 Honda NC50 Express (with PA08B-A carb), 1978-79 PA50I and PA50II Hobbit, 1976-78 Z50A Mini Trail Off road: 1976-78 Honda Z50A, 1977-79 XL75, 2004-07 CR80F, 1976-78 XR75, 1979-84 XR80, 1985-03 XR80R, 1977 CT125, 1976 TL125
16155-883-005 float needle valve $22 regular type, 3-sided for 4.00 hole
On road models: 1973-77 Honda PC50K1, 1973-78 Honda PF50 Amigo/Novio, 1978-83 Indian AMI-50, 1979-83 Honda NC50 Express (with PA08B-B carb), 1980-83 PA50II Hobbit, 1979-81 NA50 Express II, 1981-82 NX50 Express SR, 1982-83 NU50 Urban Express, 1980-83 C70 Passport, 1978-79 CT90 Trail 90, 1986 CT110 Trail 110, 1982 MB5, 1990 NS50, 1984-85 NQ50 Spree, 1988-90 SA50 Elite 50, 1985-91 CH80 Elite 80 Off road: 1979-99 Honda Z50R, 1988 ZB50, 2000-03 XR50R, 2004-12+ CRF50F, 2004-09, CRF70F, 1978-82 CT70, 1997-03 XR70R, 1978-79 Honda CT90, 1980-84 CT110
Valve seats: The seat is the hole that the needle tip seals against. These “baby” Keihin PA series carbs have non-replaceable valve seats. Most motorcycle carburetors have replaceable float valve seats that screw in or push in. The seat is normally replaced with the needle. With these the seat must be cleaned, polished and inspected. It’s a tiny round hole at the end of a dark small round tunnel. It’s hard to see. It must be perfectly circular with no nicks or scratches on the edge of the hole, where it seals against the rubber cone tip of the needle. The walls of the tunnel must be clean, smooth and shiny or the float might stick open a little and cause an overflow leak.

Beware of low cost float needles (valves). These have to be made precisely the same as originals in order to function properly. In the photo, the left one is a 16011-991-741 generic low-cost replica, made incorrectly. The stirrup wire is bent and the needle is longer. The right and middle are 16011-991-741 Honda originals (or KL-made replicas) for comparison, made correctly.

Chamber families 165, 147A, 191, GK8
16. “baby” Keihin float bowls
Here the chamber sets from above are all listed together, along with the carbs and bikes they go on. A chamber set includes the float bowl, float gasket, drain screw, and drain screw o-ring. As a courtesy, here are the links to CMS in Netherlands where you can view their image and see their price and availability.
Families: A chamber set family is one or more chamber sets that can interchange.
Jet pad: Before about 1980 these carburetors had push-in main jets. The push-in main jet was supported by a pill size rubber pad. The jet pad was held by a circular wall in the bottom of the float bowl. You can see that in the image on the right. The second bowl is for a jet pad, but the first bowl is not.
Choke jet: Carbs with fuel enrichment type chokes have a jet in one corner of the float bowl (2nd, 3rd, and 4th in the image). Carbs with air valve choke plates do not have a choke jet (first in the image).
Float Bowls (chambers) with no choke jet ================= chamber gasket

16015-064-004 064 family
cmsnl.com roundish shape, shallow for jet pad, no choke jet
on carbs C4A C5A C5B F4A F5A lever-plate choke
on bikes 69-70 PC50/PS50, 70-73 PC50K1/PS50K1, 71-73 PF50

16015-114-004 114 family
cmsnl.com roundish shape, deep for jet pad, no choke jet
on carbs 655A 674A lever-plate choke
on bikes 72-75 Z50, 70-75 QA50

16015-081-004 081 family
cmsnl.com NC50-shape, shallow for jet pad, no choke jet
on carbs PA00A PA01A lever-plate choke
on bikes 73-77 PF50R, 73-78 PC50K1

cmsnl.com NC50-shape, shallow, for jet pad, no choke jet
on carbs PA03AA lever-plate choke
on bikes 76-78 Z50A, 79-81 Z50R and other Z50’s

16015-099-691 165 family
cmsnl.com NC50-shape, shallow, for no jet pad, no choke jet
on carbs PAM0A PA03HA PA03HB PA03MA others lever-plate choke
on bikes 78-83 Indian, 88-99 Z50R, 04-05 CRF50F many others

16015-130-641 ⇒ 16015-165-621
cmsnl.com NC50-shape, shallow, for no jet pad, no choke jet
on carbs PA03CA PA03DA lever-plate choke
on bikes 80-85 Z50R

16015-165-920 ⇒ 16015-165-621
cmsnl.com NC50-shape, shallow, no jet pad, no choke jet
on carbs
on bikes

16015-165-621 ⇒ 16015-165-B10
cmsnl.com NC50-shape, shallow, for no jet pad, no choke jet
on carbs PA03FB lever-plate choke
on bikes 86-87 Z50R

cmsnl.com NC50-shape, shallow, for no jet pad, no choke jet
on carbs PA03?? lever-plate choke
on bikes 93-96 Z50J (Japan model)
Float Bowls (chambers) with choke jet ================= chamber gasket

16015-147-004 147A family
cmsnl.com NC50-shape, shallow, for jet pad, with choke jet
on carbs PA08BA black float, cable-enrich choke
on bikes 77-78 NC50

16015-147-014 147B family
cmsnl.com NC50-shape, shallow, for no jet pad, with choke jet
on carbs PA08BB 08EA 08EB 08DA white float cable-enrich choke
on bikes 78-80 NC50, 79-80 NA50

16015-187-043 use 16015-191-034 191 family
cmsnl.com NC50-shape, deep, for no jet pad, with choke jet
on carbs PA13EA white float vacuum-enrich choke
on bikes 82-83 NU50, NU50M

16015-187-671 use 16015-191-034
cmsnl.com NC50-shape, deep, for no jet pad, with choke jet
on carbs PA13BA white float vacuum-enrich choke
on bikes 81-82 NX50

16015-191-014 ⇒ 16015-191-024
cmsnl.com NC50-shape, deep, for no jet pad, with choke jet
on carbs PA15AA PA16AA white float vacuum-enrich choke
on bikes 81 NC50, 81 NA50

16015-191-024 ⇒ 16015-191-034
cmsnl.com NC50-shape, deep, for no jet pad, with choke jet
on carbs PA15AA PA16AA white float vacuum-enrich choke
on bikes 81 NC50, 81 NA50

16015-191-034 available soon
cmsnl.com NC50-shape, deep, for no jet pad, with choke jet
on carbs PA15AA PA16AA white float vacuum-enrich choke
on bikes 81 NC50, 81 NA50

16015-GA6-671 use 16015-191-034
treatland.tv NC50-shape, deep, for no jet pad, with choke jet
on carbs PA13EA white float vacuum-enrich choke
on bikes 82-83 NC50
16015-GK8-671 GK8 family
cmsnl.com NC50 with outer loop, very deep, choke jet
on carbs PA29CD PA29HA others electric-enrich choke
on bikes 84-86 NQ50, 83-85 NM50
17. Gasket Multi-App Sets (for several carburetors)
There are 100’s of vintage Honda carburetors. Many share the same gaskets, but have maybe one or two things different. To reduce the number of different gasket sets, Honda combines several sets into one multi-set. In a multi set there are extra “optional” gaskets, that may or may not be needed. These are in separate packages labeled A or B. There is a sheet of paper with a table of replacement gasket set part numbers, the specific part numbers they replace, and a number, usually 1 or 0, in the A and B columns, telling how many of each “optional” gaskets are required.

16010-114-305 $20
fits 1972-75 Honda Z50A (minus 2 x 18 o-ring)
fits 1970-75 Honda QA50
1p top rubber washer 10 x 15 x 1
1q (A) drain screw washer 3 x 6 x 0.5
1d main jet o-ring 1 x 3 (5 od)
1e jet support disk Ø7.5 x 1.8?
1n float bowl gasket 1.5 x 40 (43 od)
1r drain plug o-ring 2 x 4 (8 od)

16010-143-305 $28
fits 1976-78 Honda Z50A Mini Trail, 1979-81 Z50R
fits 1977 NC50 Express and some 1978 (except for the drain plug o-ring)
fits 1970-77 PC50K1 and 1978-80 Indian AMI50 (except drain plug o-ring)
1a top rubber washer 10 x 18 x 1
1h (A) intake o-ring 2 x 18 (22 od)
1c (B) intake o-ring 2 x 20 (24 od)
1d main jet o-ring 1 x 3 (5 od)
1e jet support disk Ø7.5 x 1.8
1f float bowl gasket Ø1.5 NC50 type
1i drain plug o-ring 2 x 2.5 (6.5 od)

16010-147-505 $24
fits 1979 NC50 and some 1978
fits 1979-80 NA50 and NC50
1b top rubber washer 13 x 16.5 x 1
1c intake o-ring 2 x 20 (24 od)
1d (A) idle fuel screw o-ring 1 x 3 (5 od)
1g (A) drain plug o-ring 1.5 x 4 (7 od)
1f float bowl gasket Ø1.5 NC50 type
1i (B) drain plug o-ring 2 x 2.5 (6.5 od)

16010-156-305 $15
fits 1978-83 Honda PA50
1c intake o-ring 2 x 20 (24 od)
1w intake o-ring 2.5 x 24 (29 od)
1g drain plug o-ring 1.5 x 4 (7 od)
1j float bowl gasket 2 x 50 (54 od)

16010-181-305 $23
fits 1979-86 Z50R, 2000-03 XR50R, 2004-11+ CRF50F
1a top rubber washer 10 x 18 x 1
1h intake o-ring 2 x 18 (22 od)
1l top rubber washer 13 x 19 x 1
1g drain plug o-ring 1.5 x 4 (7 od)
1f float bowl gasket Ø1.5 NC50 type

fits 84 NB50M, 82-85 NJ50M, 84-86 NQ50, NQ50M
1b top rubber washer 13 x 16.5 x 1
1c intake o-ring 2 x 20 (24 od)
1y (A) o-ring 1 x 12.5 (14.5 od)
1z (B) o-ring 1 x 16 (18od)
1g drain plug o-ring 1.5 x 4 (7 od)
1k float bowl gasket 2.5 tall x 1.5 wide NQ50 type

16010-GF8-305 $25
fits 1981-82 NX50, 1982-83 NU50
1b top rubber washer 13 x 16.5 x 1
1h intake o-ring 2 x 18 (22 od)
1d (A) idle fuel screw o-ring 1 x 3 (5 od)
1t (B) o-ring 1.5 x 8.5 (11.5 od)
1u (B) nylon washer 6.2 x 11 x 0.8
1g drain plug o-ring 1.5 x 4 (7 od)
1k float bowl gasket 2.5 tall x 1.5 wide NQ50 type
1a rubber washer 10 x 18 x 1
1b rubber washer 13 x 16.5 x 1
1c o-ring 2.0 x 20 (24 od)
1d o-ring 1.0 x 3 (5 od)
1e jet disk Ø7.5 x 1.8?
1f float gasket Ø1.5 NC50 type
1g o-ring 1.5 x 4 (7 od)
1h o-ring 2.0 x 18 (22 od)
1i o-ring 2.0 x 2.5 (6.5 od)
1j o-ring 2.0 x 50 (54 od)
1k float gasket 2.5 tall x 1.5 wide NQ50 type
1l rubber washer 13 x 19 x 1
1n o-ring 1.5 x 40 (43 od)
1p rubber washer 10 x 15 x 1
1q fiber washer 3 x 6 x 0.5
1r o-ring 2.0 x 4 (8 od)
1t o-ring 1.5 x 8.5 (11.5 od)
1u nylon washer 6.2 x 11 x 0.8
1v float bowl gasket 2.5 x 1.5 with loop
1w o-ring 2.5 x 24 (29 od)
1x o-ring 1.0 x 12 (14 od)
1y o-ring 1.0 x 12.5 (14.5 od)
1z o-ring 1.0 x 16 (18 od)
18. Jets

∅ 5 P U S H – I N J E T S ∅5.0 x 9.5 with o-ring 1 x 3 (5 od)
N/A 99201.081.0500 jet push-in 50
N/A 99201.081.0520 jet push-in 52
N/A 99201.081.0550 jet push-in 55 C4A C4B F4A C5A
$16 99201.081.0580 jet push-in 58 PA 03A-A
N/A 99201.081.0600 jet push-in 60
N/A 99201.081.0620 jet push-in 62 C5B F5A
$16 99201.081.0650 jet push-in 65 PA 01A
N/A 99201.081.0680 jet push-in 68
$16 99201.081.0700 jet push-in 70 PA 00A
N/A 99201.081.0780 jet push-in 78 PA 08B-A
$23 substitute jet, #70 drilled to 78 PA 08B-A

∅ 5 P U S H – I N J E T S ∅5.0 x 9.5 with o-ring 1 x 3 (5 od)
N/A 99201.122.0650 jet push-in 65 PA 06A
N/A 99201.122.0700 jet push-in 70
N/A 99201.122.0750 jet push-in 75 006A, PA 07A

M 6 S C R E W – I N J E T S M6-0.75 thread
0$7 99101-187-0580 jet #58 PA03DA PA03FB 82-87 Z50R
N/A 99101-187-0600 jet #60
N/A 99101-187-0640 jet #64
0$7 99101-187-0680 jet #68 PA29CD PA29HA 84-87 NQ50
$$7 99101-187-0700 jet #70 PAMOA PA25A ? 78-80 Indian, 82-83 NC50I
0$7 99101-187-0750 jet #75 PA15A 16A 13BB 81-83 NC50, 81 NA50
0$7 99101-187-0760 jet #76
0$7 99101-187-0780 jet #78 PA13BA 81-82 NX50
0$7 99101-187-0800 jet #80
N/A 99101-187-0820 jet #82
0$7 99101-187-0850 jet #85 PA13EA 82-83 NU50

M 7 S C R E W – I N J E T S M7-0.75 thread
$7.00 99101-124-0600 main jet 60 BB21A
$7.00 99101-124-0780 main jet 78 BB20A
19. Where else to get Keihin parts
Consolidated Motor Spares B.V. (CMS): This is an excellent online store from the bike-loving nation of Netherlands that has “every” Honda part. They have parts schematic illustrations for every Honda model worldwide, and photos of every part on every Honda, and not just motorcycles. And not just Honda, but also Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Yamaha. Much of the information of the Honda “Baby” Keihin carburetors came from CMS. https://www.cmsnl.com/