Handlebar Switches – Integrated

January 19, 2022

Here are switches that are, or can be, integrated or built into the hand controls.


1. 36 mm hole spacing by CEV, Aprilia, Grabor
     for Domino “diamond” controls or direct mount

2. 30 mm hole spacing by CEV
     for Domino “square” controls

3. late ’80’s integrated in English, by CEV, Daelim
     for Domino “80’s black” controls

4. ’91-06 integrated with icons, by HR
    for HR controls on Tomos

5. ’01-07 integrated with icons, by Domino
     for Domino controls on Tomos

6. ’08-17 integrated with icons, by TBS
     for TBS controls on Tomos


Integrated controls means the electrical buttons and switches are part of the twist throttle and hand levers, rather than separate. The purpose of integrated controls is to locate the switches close to the operator’s thumbs, for increased safety and convenience, and to reduce cost and save space on the handlebar. Motorcycles had this first, because they have more buttons, generally. While the European switches below can be replaced separately from the controls, with most Taiwan and Japanese mopeds you had to buy the whole control assembly to get new switches and buttons. More on that will be in the Taiwan Mopeds parts department.



1. 36 mm hole spacing by CEV, Aprilia, Grabor


Switches in this section can fit on Domino diamond controls.

CEV or Aprilia Diamond switch mount
They can also be mounted directly to the handlebar by drilling holes and using a diamond direct mount.



CEV switch 8033
CEV 8033 Turn/Horn Switch – L or R 
part#   price    parts list 

8033   none   switch, no mount, set screws


CEV switch 8042
CEV 8042 Lights/Horn Switch – L or R
part#   price    parts list

8042   none   switch with mount, set screws
M4x16 $0.50 screw M4 x 16 phillips


1.3 CEV 8109 Run/Lights/Horn Switch – L
or R
part#     price    parts list  

8109      none  switch, 36mm hole spacing, set screws
Omount none  oval mount, use diamond direct mount
Oscrew  $2.00  M4-0.7 x 28 sunk slot screw
This is on ’68 Harley Davidson MS65 Sport.


Aprilia switch Garelli engine stop  Domino Chrome Oval
1.4 Garelli 8109GR Run Switch – R or L
part#     price    parts list  

8109GR none  switch only, 36mm hole spacing

photo 2. For ’77-80 Garelli w/Domino “Diamond” controls, Garelli 506961.6.300

The pivot post inside breaks if the rider’s knee hits it. Then the “clicker” escapes. Replace the base with a CEV 8176. 


Aprilia switch Garelli light-horn
1.5 Garelli 8109GL Lights/Horn Switch – L
or R
part#     price    parts list
8109GL none  switch only, 36mm hole spacing

For ’77-80 Garelli w/Domino “Diamond” controls, Garelli 507991.6.400

The pivot post inside breaks if the rider’s knee hits it. Then the “clicker” escapes. Replace the base with a CEV 8176. 


CEV switch 188
CEV 188? Turn Switch – R or L 
says “CEV 188 SAE GB 55″

part#   price    parts list   Piaggio 144474

?????     $13.0 switch, no mount, set screws
Dscrew $0.70 screw M4 x 14 phillips
05020? $5.00 direct mount

Switch can be for lights ON-OFF-ON or LO-OFF-HI.


1.7 CEV 8176 Turn/Horn Switch – L or R
says “horn  L turn R”, normally open horn button

part#    price    parts list   Piaggio 147304

8176    $16.0 switch, no mount, set screws
Dscrew $0.70 screw M4 x 14 phillips
05020? $5.00 direct mount

Switch can be for lights/horn ON-OFF-ON or LO-OFF-HI.
Button can be for engine stop.


CEV switch 8192
CEV 8192 Horn or Run Switch – R or L 
part#    price    parts list   Piaggio 307264

8192     $25.0 switch, no mount

Original on ’78-79 Vespa Grande with blinkers


Grabor switch substitute for CEV 8192
Grabor 8192G Horn Switch – L or R
says “Grabor
part#    price    parts list
8192G  none  switch, without mount
Dscrew $0.70 screw M4 x 14 phillips

Original on ’80-83 Vespa Grande with blinkers.


CEV switch 8193CEV switch 8193 installed
CEV 8193 Lights/Horn Switch
– L or R
says “CEV Lights ON OFF”
part#    price    parts list
8193      N/A  Switch, without mount, with solder connections
M4x14 $0.70 screw M4 x 14 phillips

The wires must to be soldered on skillfully. Use CEV 8176 above as a substitute.


By the end of the 1970’s, the shape of pretty much everything from toasters to automobiles, that used to be rounded, was straight. Many things that were metal became plastic. On Garelli mopeds, the all curved Garelli “Oval Chrome” switch shape was modernized to CEV “Diamond Plastic”, with the same 36mm bolt spacing. The new design was much stronger and more resistant to breaking, because the sliding switch had a large platform that almost touches the base. The newer “knobs” are low and wide, not tall and thin. 

CEV switch 8194CEV switch 8194 installed
CEV 8194 Engine Stop Switch
– R or L
says “CEV Engine Stop RUN OFF”
part#    price    parts list 
8194    none  Switch, without mount, with solder connections
M4x14 Dscrew $0.70 screw M4 x 14 phillips

Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.


Domino Diamond block off plate black plastic
1.12 Domino D-25 Block-Off Plate – L or R
says “Domino”
part#    price    parts list
D-25    $3.00 plate, 36mm holes, for when there is no switch
M4x10 $1.20 phillips screw M4 x 10, shorter for a plate


Aprilia Diamond Chrome all in one
Aprilia Run/Lights/Horn Switch L or R
part#    price    parts list 
A-1.13  none  switch with clamp,
M4 screws, 36 mm spacing

Clamps across the handlebar.
Original on ’68 Innocenti Lambretino and others.


Aprilia Diamond Chrome engine stop

1.14 Aprilia Diamond Chrome – R or L
part#    price    parts list 

A-1.14  none  Complete switch with clamp
Aprilia “Diamond Chrome” switches are  mounted at 90 degrees
to the handlebar,
while CEV “Diamond Chrome”
switches are  mounted in line with the handlebar.  


CEV 40488
CEV ????  Diamond Clamp-On Mount – L or R 
part#     price    parts list  

40488? none   switch mount, clamp-on
For mounting CEV or Aprilia “Diamond”
switches (36 mm M4 holes) onto a 22 mm bar.


CEV or Aprilia Diamond switch mount
CEV ????  Diamond Direct Mount – L or R 
part#    price    parts list  

05020? $4.00 switch mount bare, 36 mm hole spacing

For CEV or Aprilia “Diamond” switches
Drill small 1/16″ holes in handlebar 36mm (1 7/16″) apart.
Use sheet metal screws, appropriate size and length. 



2. 30 mm hole spacing by CEV, Grabor

Switches in this section can fit on Domino square controls.



CEV switch 8191CEV switch 8191 on Domino square right control CEV 8191 apart with rubber mount
2.1 CEV 8191 Turn/Run Switch – R or L
part#    price    parts list  Piaggio 307263

8191    $16.0 switch only, 30mm hole spacing
8191m $15.0 rubber mount

photo 2. CEV 8191 for Vespa Grande, no rubber mount. The wire notch is in the Domino control.

photo 3. CEV 8191 with rubber mount for ’79-83 Tomos Silver Bullet. The wires come out of the notch in the rubber base.


2.2 Grabor Run Switch – R or L
says “Grabor  ENGINE STOP  OFF RUN”
part#    price    parts list  Piaggio 189833

Gr-2.2  none  switch only, 30mm hole spacing





3. late ’80’s plastic in English, by CEV, Daelim
     1980’s with black horn button

There were not many US-model mopeds in the late 1980’s, other than Derbi, Garelli, Jawa, Tomos, Trac (Daelim), pretty much. Except for Jawa, they all used late 1980’s black Domino controls with fully integrated switches.


Trac late 1980's right side engine stop switch      Trac late 80's Domino right switch engine stop installed
3.1 Daelim Engine Stop switch – right side

says “ENG. STOP   OFF  RUN”
part#    price    parts list

23232        $35   new, switch only
Comes with wires (black male bullet, green male bullet)

Original on 1985-88 Trac Clipper, Olympic, Hawk (no turn signals, pedals), and 1986-89  Trac Escot,  Liberty,  Image  (turn signals, kickstart)

Fits any “late 1980’s – 90’s Domino” right control.


Trac late 1980's left side lights horn switch
3.2 Daelim Lights/Horn switch – left side

says “⊂≡  ON  OFF   HORN”
part#    price    parts list

23233  $40  used, tested good, switch only
Comes with wires
(red bullet, yellow bullet, grey bullet)

Original on 1985-88 Trac Clipper, Olympic, Hawk (no turn signals, pedals)

Fits any “late 1980’s – 90’s Domino” left control.


Trac late 1980's Domino left switch lights, turn, horn Trac late 80's Domino left switch lights, turn, horn
3.3 Daelim Lights/Turn/Horn switch – left side

says “⊂≡  ON  OFF    HORN    ⇐  TURN  ⇒”
part#    price    parts list
23234   none  switch only,
Comes with wires (red,yellow,grey,orange,lt blu, lt grn, all male bullet)

Original on 1986-89  Trac Escot,  Liberty,  Image  (turn signals, kickstart) Fits any “late 1980’s – 90’s Domino” left control.

This is the first use of icons on moped switches – 1985.


CEV late 1980s right side lights and engine stop
CEV 8246.01   lights, engine stop – right side
part#    price    parts list
222.427 none   switch only
M3 x 8   $2.00 bottom screw

Original on 1986-91 Tomos Bullet, Bullet TT, Golden Bullet, Golden Bullet TTLX
Original on 1986-89 Derbi Variant Sport, others. Bottom screw $2, size M3 x 8
Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.

The red switch button breaks, usually from the riders knee hitting it.


CEV late 1980s left side horn only CEV 1980s left switch horn only installed
3.5 CEV 8230.07  Horn only – left side

says “HORN    “
part#    price    parts list

222.426     N/A   Switch only
M3 x 8   $2.00 bottom screw

Original on 1986-91 Tomos Bullet, Bullet TT (round head light, no turn signals)


CEV late 1980s left side turn and horn
3.6 CEV 8232.08 Turn/Horn switch – left side
says “HORN   L  TURN  R  CEV 300
part#    price    parts list

222.429      $35   Switch only
M3 x 8   $2.00 bottom screw

Original on 1986-91 Golden Bullet, Golden Bullet TTLX (round head light, turn signals)
At right, it’s European all-icon cousin. Over there they signal by momentarily flashing their high beam, rather than by horn. So their buttons have different functions. By 1984-85 Europe already had all-icon switches, a few years before the USA allowed them. 


CEV late 1980s left side turn, hi-lo and horn
3.7 CEV 8232 Turn/Hi-Lo/Horn switch – left side
says “HI  LO  P   HORN   L  TURN  R  CEV 300
part#    price    parts list

34040        N/A   Switch only
M3 x 8   $2.00 bottom screw

Original on 1987-90 Trac DH100 Super Hawk
Original on many late 80’s bikes with turn signals and hi-lo head light.
Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.



4. ’91-06 plastic with icons, by HR
     1990’s with blue horn button

HR and Domino 1990's controls

Top: HR controls, Bottom: “80’s – 90’s Domino”

Icons appeared first on US mopeds in 1985 on Trac/Daelim, then in 1987 on Derbi Variant Sport and DS50. In the 1980’s the world somehow realized it made more economic sense for motorcycle switches to use symbols, with one version for all, rather than using words and having to make many language versions. By the 1990’s the US had switched to icons, at the time when Tomos and Jawa were the only European mopeds remaining. There were several “remakes”: Kinetic (India) is like Vespa/Piaggio, Manet (Slovakia) is like Puch, Hero (India) is like Puch, and others. Some of those copied “80’s – 90’s Domino” controls. These HR (Hidria Rotomatika) switches below do not interchange with Domino. The HR switches are slightly smaller than Domino, and their top peg is smaller. HR switches must go on HR controls, aka “1992-2007 Tomos” controls. 



CEV 1990s right switch lights and engine stop HR 1990s right switch lights and engine stop bottom view

4.1 HR   Lights/engine stop switch – right side
227002        $40   Switch only, all icons

Original on 1992-2007 Tomos (A35 and A55) Sprint, Targa, ST, LX
Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.

Look just below the black light switch to see the circled HR logo (Hidria Rotomatica).


CEV 1990s right switch lights engine stop and start
HR Hi-Lo/Horn/Engine stop – left side
???        N/A   Switch only, all icons

Not for US models. For countries that allow engine stop to be on the left.
Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.


CEV 1990s left switch hi-lo and horn HR 1990s left switch hi-lo and horn bottom view

4.3 HR Hi-Lo, horn switch – left side
227595        $40   Switch only, all icons

Original on 1993-07 Tomos Sprint, 1993-94 Sprint TT (no turn signals)
Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.

Many switch problems are from “cold” solder joints. The cure is re-solder.


CEV 1990s left switch hi-lo turn horn HR 1990s left switch hi-lo turn horn bottom view

4.4 HR  Hi-Lo/Turn/Horn switch – left side
227001        $30   Switch only, all icons

Original on 1992-07 Tomos A35 Bullet, Targa, ST, LX (all with turn signals)
Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.

Many switch problems are from “cold” solder joints. The cure is re-solder.



5. ’01-07 plastic with icons, by Domino
     2000’s with yellow horn button

 Put away that soldering iron. The new century brings wires pre-soldered by the factory, with a convenient multi-pin plug. 


Domino 2000s right side engine stop and start
Domino Engine stop, start – right side

232987        $50   Switch only, all icons, made in Italy by Domino

Original on Tomos 2002-07 Revival, 2005-07 Streetmate, 2005 Arrow
For mopeds, scooters and motorcycles with electric start.
Was sold new with wires soldered on, with a single multi-pin plug.


Domino 2000s left side hi-lo turn and horn
5.2 Domino hi/lo, turn, horn – left side
232788        $50   Switch only, all icons, made in Italy by Domino

Original on Tomos 2002-07 Revival, 2005-07 Streetmate, 2005 Arrow
For mopeds, scooters and motorcycles with hi/lo and turn signals.
Was sold new with wires soldered on, with a single multi-pin plug.



6. ’08-17 plastic with icons, by TBS
     2010’s with red horn button

 High quality long lasting switches and controls at half the price of Italian. They’re as good, or better.


TBS 2010s right switch engine stop and start TBS 2010s right switch parts

6.1 TBS engine stop, start – right side
237129        $25   Switch only, all icons

Original on Tomos 2008-13 all models.
For mopeds and motorcycles with electric start.
Sold new with wires and a single multi-pin plug.

Fits any “2000’s Domino” right control, or compatible.
The TBS plug is different from Domino. See above and Wirings.


TBS 2010s left switch hi-lo turn and horn aluminum casting number

6.2 TBS  Hi/lo/Turn/Horn – left side
37130        $30   Switch only, all icons

Original on Tomos 2008-13 all models.
For mopeds and cycles with hi/lo and turn.
Sold new with wires and a single multi-pin plug.

Fits any “2000’s Domino” left control, or compatible.
The TBS plug is different from Domino. See above and Wirings.







Handlebar Switches – Separate

January 19, 2022

Here are switches that clamp to the handlebar, separate from the hand controls.


1. Generic Clamp-On
2. 50’s-60’s Clamp-On
3. 60’s-70’s Clamp-On
4. 70’s-80’s Clamp-On 


1. Generic Clamp-On Switches


1.1 Engine Stop Button – R or L
part#       price    parts list 
609-1451 $10  momentary, press to “kill” engine
(can also be used as a horn button)  
This is a low cost substitute for the original engine stop switch.
Pushing the button grounds the ignition wire, stopping the engine.


1.2 Engine Stop Button – R or L
part#        price    parts list 
TLswitch $10  momentary contact, press to “kill” engine
(can also be used as a horn button) 
Pushing the button grounds the ignition wire, stopping the engine.


1.3 Lights/Horn/Run – L or R side
part#       price    parts list  

8052g    $18   chrome, 2 buttons + 3-way toggle
8052gB  $18   black, same

Can also be turn L-off-R, horn, and engine stop


1.4 Turn Signal Switch – L or R side
part#       price    parts list 

029708  $10   chrome, with wires



2. 50’s – 60’s Clamp-On Switches
that do not say what they do

These are shown for information purposes, not for sale.

CEV 1950s all in one

1959 Tomos “all in one”

Puch MS50 and Tomos Colibri switch late 1950's

50’s CEV all in one










3. 60’s – 70’s Clamp-On Switches
that do not say what they do

These switches were used worldwide.
They are for any language because they have no words.


CEV switch 8041
3.1 CEV 8041 Lights/Horn Switch – left
part#    price    parts list 

8041.1  $38  Switch assembly with set screw connections
8041.c  none Chrome cap, says “CEV Mod. 8041
8041.m $25  clamp assy new, with original screw and nut
8041.m $15  clamp assy used, with substitute screw and nut


CEV switch 8052.1
3.2 CEV 8052 Lights/Horn/Run Switch – left
part#     price    parts list 

8052.1  none  chrome, 2-buttons plus 3-way toggle
base says 9432


CEV switch 8053.1
3.3 CEV 8053 Turn Switch – left side
part#    price    parts list 

8053.1  none  Switch with set screws, says “CEV”

8053.s  $45  substitute made from 8041 & 8040.3
photo left: 8041 switch assy, right: 8040.3 base top
photo 8040.3 bottom view before cutting jumper
photo top: original cap & base, bottom: modified
photo R: orig CEV 8041 cap, L: button cut & glued


Merit 1960s lights and horn
3.4 Merit 60’s Rounded chrome – left side
Lights and horn
$19  says “MW Germany” inside, with clamp

Merit 1960s all in one

Merit 60’s Rounded chrome
All-In-One – left side
$16  Cap only


Merit 1960s engine stopMerit 60’s Rounded chrome
Engine Stop – right side
$16  Cap only  says ON  OFF  OFF




4. 70’s – 80’s Clamp-On Switches
that say what they do, in English

Mopeds (motorized bicycles) had less strict equipment laws than motorcycles did, and still do. They don’t need to have turn signals, or a permanently-on head light. The US DOT equipment laws dictate what the switches do, what they say and where they go. Engine stop always goes on right, reachable by right thumb. Lights and horn are reachable by left thumb. After 1972 US DOT compliant switches had English words. After the mid-80’s US DOT allowed international icons.


CEV switch 8177

CEV 8177





4.1 CEV 8177 Round Chrome –  Right Side

8177 $54.0 Switch with solder connections
8177.5 $55 Switch with set screw connections
8177.cap $13  cap, says ENGINE STOP  OFF RUN
8177.m $25  clamp assy new, with original screw and nut
8177.m $15  clamp assy used, with substitute screw and nut
8177.screw $1.00  wire set screw M2.5 x 4






4.2 CEV 8040 Round Chrome – Left Side
Lights and horn
  Piaggio 156645
8040 $32.0 Switch with solder connections
8040.5 $35  Switch with set screw connections
8040.cap $6  cap, says LIGHTS  LO HORN
8040.m $25  clamp assy new, with original screw and nut
8040.m $15  clamp assy used, with substitute screw and nut
8040.screw $1.00  wire set screw M2.5 x 4






4.3 Merit 342 Rounded chrome – Right side
Engine stop
342 $34  replacement switch, Puch 349.1.53.830.0
342.b $19  replacement body only, with handle
342.cap $15  cap, says ENGINE STOP  RUN OFF
342.clamp $4  4-piece clamp with M4x12 screw
Repair broken knob by sticking a red hot small nail straight in.
It freezes in strong. Cover the nail with tape and shrink wrap.






4.4 Merit 343 Rectangular Chrome – Left side
Lights, horn momentary closed, normally open horn button
343 $43  replacement for Puch 349.2.53.817.0 (pre-1977)
343.cap $19  Chrome cap with horn button – see #2 below
343.clamp $4  4-piece clamp with M4x12 screw
When the knob breaks, just leave the lights always on.
On a pre-1977 Puch, with violet and yellow horn wires,
if you remove this switch and unplug the horn the engine will still run.






4.5 Merit 343Z Rounded Chrome – Left side
Lights, horn momentary open, normally closed horn button
343Z  none  replacement for Puch 349.3.53.817.0 (USA late-77 to 86)
343.cap $19  Chrome cap with horn button – see #2 below
343.clamp $4  4-piece clamp with M4x12 screw
If the knob breaks, just leave the lights always on.
On a late-77 to 86 Puch, with brown and blue/black horn wires,
if you remove this switch, and unplug the horn, the engine will not run.
The blue wire with the black stripe is an “external ignition ground” wire.

To bypass this, and make it run, ground the blue/black wire at the engine.

Merit Rectangular Chrome Switch Caps

1 HI-LO-OFF  HORN  $19  cap used, like new, tested
2 LO-OFF-LO HORN  $19  cap used, like new, tested
3 ENGINE RUN-OFF  $14  cap used, like new
Inside the cap, the horn button spring gets weak, or the rivet gets rusty.
On most bikes, that just makes the horn weaker, but on a ’77-later Puch,
that causes the horn to stay on all of the time (so does a loose clamp).


Aprilia Long Square Chrome all in one switch
Aprilia Run/Lights/Horn – L side 
part#    price    parts list  

Ap-2.8  none  switch only, 38 mm hole spacing

This Aprilia Long Square Chrome 38mm has the horn rivet on the right. CEV Long Square Chrome 38mm interchanges, but has the rivet on the left.  


4.7 CEV 8166.? “Square Plastic” Turn/Engine Stop Switch – right side
CEV8166.?   $30   used switch only, tested good
The electric start button is missing on this version for pedal or kick start bikes. 


CEV 195

4.8 CEV 8166.? “Square Plastic” Turn/Engine Stop/Start Switch – right side
CEV8166.?   none   Switch only, solder connectors
For many 1970’s Italian motorcycles with electric start. 


CEV switch 8167.2 (says 196)

4.9 CEV 8167.2 “Square Plastic” Lights/Hi/Lo/Horn/Flash Switch – left side
8167.2   $65 – $40  Switch only, says “CEV 196 Lights On/Off, Hi/Lo, Flash, Horn”
For Cimatti, KTM, Sparta mopeds original with hi/lo head light.
For Italian made, pre-1973 US motorcycles, and many others.


CEV switch 8167.1 (says 196)

4.10 CEV 8167.? “Square Plastic” Hi/Lo /Horn /Flash Switch – left side
8167.?    N/A   Switch only, says “CEV 196 Lights Hi/Lo, Flash, Horn”
For Italian made, 1973-later US motorcycles required to have head light always on.
The rails in the switch body, and the steel rollers get cavities from arcing.
They can usually be cleaned and made smooth again.


CEV square plastic switch parts

4.11 CEV 195 and 196 “Square Plastic” Switch Parts
1   blue rocker       n/a  these get melted
2   black rocker     n/a  these get melted worse
3   rocker spring    n/a  12.0 x 3.6 mm
4a roller contact    $3  used
4b roller contact    $7  new   Make this from a piece of drill bit.
5   switch body     $15  new  Replace if rails are badly pitted.
6   hinge pin          $1
7   screw M3x21     $1
8   blue button       $3
9   button spring    n/a  13.5 x 3.9 mm
10 plate contact    n/a
11 black button     n/a
12 cover plate       n/a


CEV switch mount 04726

4.12 CEV 04726 “Square Plastic” Switch Housing/Mount – left side (or R)
04726  $50-$35  Aluminum switch housing assy
18395      $8   rubber grommet
18453  $0.70   two M6 x 16 allen bolts
18368u   $25   switch body bare, used
18376    $19  switch clamp (breaks when over tightened),
MPclamp  $5  substitute for 18376, clamp for Merit mount 342B and 343B
The substitute clamp holes must be drilled and tapped to M6x1.0, or use smaller bolts.


CEV switch 8189CEV 8189 wiring

4.13 CEV 8189 “Clamp-on Plastic” Engine Stop Switch – Right side
8189    $29.0 Switch assy, says “ENGINE STOP   OFF   RUN”
8189u  $15.0 Switch assy used, with the writing faded away
Pclamp $4.00 Chrome clamp
Pscrew $0.60 M4x27 phillips screw
These plastic switches were more durable than older chrome kinds.
Their knob did not break easy. Their clamp did not detach easy.


CEV switch 8188CEV 8188 wiring

4.14 CEV 8188 “Clamp-on Plastic” Lights/Horn Switch – Left side
8188    $13.0 Switch assy, says “LIGHTS  OFF  Lo” , 2-position + horn
8188u  $7.00 Switch assy used, with the writing faded away
Pclamp $4.00 Chrome clamp
Pscrew $0.60 M4x27 phillips screw
These  switches have 3mm wide mini male blade connectors.
The wires have female mini blades, like the brake light wires.


CEV switch 8190CEV 8190 wiring

4.15 CEV 8190 “Clamp-on Plastic” Hi/Lo/Off/Horn Switch – Left side
8190    none  Switch assy, says “LIGHTS  Hi Lo OFF” , 3-position + horn
Pclamp $4.00 Chrome clamp
Pscrew $0.60 M4x27 phillips screw


Merit switch 342A and mount 342B

4.16 Merit 342A “Square Plastic” Engine Stop Switch – Right side
MP-342A   $26  Right switch, without mount, Puch part 349.2.53.830.0
MP-342A   $10-17  Right switch, good used, without mount

4.17 Magura 342B  Mount for Engine Stop Switch – Right side 
MP-342B   $25  Right mount, good used, without switch, 349., without clamp
MP-342B1 $15  Right mount, 3D  printed remake, trimmed and ready to use, without clamp
MP-342B2 $23  Right mount, CNC machined aluminum black anodized, without clamp
MPclamp    $8  L or R clamp used for 342B & 343B, also fits CEV “square plastic”

Merit mount 342B repaired with zip tie

mount 342B repaired


Merit switch 343A and mount 343B

4.18 Merit 343Az “Square Plastic” Light/Puch-Horn Switch – Left side
(momentary open, normally closed horn button, for Puch only)
MP-343Az $65  Left switch, new, without mount, 349.4.53.817.0
MP-343Az $35-45  good-used

4.19 Magura 343B  Mount for Light/Puch-Horn Switch – Left side 
MP-343B   $25  Left mount, good used, without switch, 349.1.54.818.0
MP-343B1 $15  Left mount, 3D printed remake, trimmed, without clamp, breaks easy if over-tightened
MP-343B2 $23  Left mount, CNC machined aluminum black anodized, without clamp
MPclamp    $4  L or R clamp used for 342B & 343B, also fits CEV “square plastic”

Merit mount 343B repaired

mount 343B repaired

These clamp-on switches are almost the integrated type, because the switch hangs over part of the control. Magura made the switch base and Merit made the switch, both in 1970’s Germany. The switch bases broke easily, and so the supply ran out early on. They were on US-model mopeds: deluxe Puch models 1978-86, and deluxe Kreidler MP-19. 





Handlebar Grips

January 1, 2022

updated 2022-01


Inner diameter: All small motorcycle left (L) grips have an inside diameter of 22 mm (7/8″), to fit the bare handlebar. Right (R) grips have an ID of 25 mm (1″) to fit the throttle twist tube.

Length: Vintage moped grips are short, 100 mm (4″). Modern grips are longer, 115 to 130 mm (4½ to 5¼”) or more. Short grips for vintage mopeds are not offered by most motorcycle shops or suppliers.  

Why length matters: The left side doesn’t matter, in most cases, because most lever housings (perches) can be repositioned along the handlebar to match the grip. The right side matters because the throttle twist tube is a fixed length. When the right grip is too long for the throttle twist tube, it hangs over the end and flexes. The flexible grip end causes less control when just the end is held onto. To eliminate that, the throttle housing can be repositioned along the handlebar to make the bare handlebar stick out past the end of the throttle twist tube, inside the grip. But then the grip rubbing on the bare handlebar can cause the throttle to stick and not spring back.

Grips listed below with logos are original on US-model and many worldwide-model mopeds. Most are for sale but some are only for identification. Grips without logos are aftermarket. Some aftermarket grips are replicas that look the same as originals.


Magura 60’s grey
#    price  100 mm
1 L  none
1 R  none
1 set none 


Magura 70’s ribbed
#    price  100 mm
2 L  $3.00 new
2 R  none
2 set none  use Replica 70’s ribbed


Magura 70’s waffle
#    price  100 mm
3 L  $11.0 used in good condition
3 R  $14.0 used in good condition
3 set none


Domino 70’s ribbed
#    price  100 mm
4 L  $8.00 D22
4 R  $15.0 D21
4 set none  use Replica 70’s ribbed


Domino 70’s waffle
#    price  100 mm
5 L  none  D22a new
5 R  none  D21a new
5 set none  use Replica 70’s ribbed


Domino 1980 octagon
#    price  100 mm
6 L  none D22c
6 R  none D21c
6 set none  use Replica 70’s ribbed


Domino 1980 texture
#    price  100 mm
7 L  none  D22b
7 R  $15.0 D21b used
7 set none  use Replica 70’s ribbed


70’s grey #    price  100 mm
9 L  none  #21655
9 R  none  #21654
9 set none  use Replica 70’s ribbed


Motobecane 80’s black
#      price  100 mm
10 L  none  #24029
10 R  none  #24028
10 set none  use Replica 70’s ribbed


Replica 70’s ribbed
#      price  105 mm
11 L   $3.00   left only
11 R   $12.0   right only
11 set $12.0  new, matches Magura


General 70’s ribbed
#      price  105 mm
12 L  $5.00 3150-6292
12 R  none   3150-6291
12 set none  


P.V. 70’s ribbed
#      price  112/105 mm
13 L  none   112 mm left
13 R  none   105 mm right
13 set none  use Replica 70’s ribbed


Lazer 1977 70’s ribbed
#      price  112 mm
14 L  none    1150-6292
14 R  none    1150-6291
14 set none 


Magura 80’s block
#      price  115 mm
15 L $6.00
15 R $9.00
15 set $12.0  new, vintage


ProGrip Scooter
#      price  115 mm
16 L  none
16 R  none
16 set $12.0 new, modern gel


Domino 80’s octagon
#      price  120 mm
17 L  $8.00 D22K
17 R  $11.0 D21K
17 set $15.0 new, #1973.82 vintage


UtahGrip 80’s foam
#      price  120 mm
18 L  none
18 R  none
18 set $10.0 new in sealed package


Hidria domed ’92-07 Tomos
#      price  125 mm
19 L  none
19 R  none all have cracked
19 set none


ProGrip Superbike
#      price  125 mm
20 L  none
20 R  none
20 set $12.0 new, modern gel


Tomos thick on Revival, Streetmate
#      price  125 mm
22 L none  232877 ends break, sold as is
22 R $13   232876 ends break, sold as is
22 set none   


TBS modern on Tomos ’08-17
#      price  130 (145 with bumper)
23 L  none
23 R  none
23 set $20.0 #241099





OEM grips: Original equipment grips, some new and some used, are offered for “correct” restorations, when modern replacement grips are not desired. Many original grips are not for sale, but are shown for reference. OEM grips are usually made by the controls maker. Below are the major moped controls makers.

Domino controls are made in Italy. They are on most Italian mopeds, such as Arciero, Aspes, Baretta/Piccoli, Beta, Bianchi, Cimatti, Concord/Fantic, Demm, Gadabout, Garelli, Malaguti, Motobecane Sebring, Motomarina, Motron, Negrini, Pacer/Italtelai, Snark, late 80’s Tomos, and Vespa/Piaggio. 1970’s Domino controls are silver with chrome (stamped stainless steel) levers. Early 80’s were black, most with integrated diamond shape switches and chrome levers. 1970’s and early 80’s had black ribbed grips 100mm long. Late 70’s and early 80’s had waffle style grips. Early 80’s had basketball texture grips. Mid to late 80’s had all black controls with built-in switches and octagon style grips (also called square because they are shaped like a square with shaved off corners). See Domino controls

Magura controls are made in Germany. They were on most non-Italian European mopeds, such as Batavus, Columbia, Hercules/Sachs, JC Penney, Kreidler, Kromag, Kynast, Murray, Peugeot, Puch, Solo/Odyssey, Sparta/Foxi, 70’s to early 80’s Tomos, and Trac. Magura moped grips evolved like Domino. 70’s Magura controls were silver with silver levers (stamped aluminum) with black ribbed grips. Late 70’s to early 80’s controls were black with silver levers, and waffle style grips, early 80’s was block style, or basketball texture. See Magura controls .

Motobecane controls are made in France. They are on 1970’s to early 80’s Motobecane mopeds. The 70’s had silver with chrome levers, 80’s were black with chrome levers. They had built-in (integrated) switches. 70’s grips were grey ribbed 100mm long, 80’s were black ribbed 100mm. See Motobecane controls .

PV controls are made in Italy. They are on some 1970’s Italian mopeds, such as Benelli, Califfo, Cosmo (some), Intramotor Gloria, Moto Guzzi, Testi/Gitane and Velomec. They are silver with black plastic levers. The grips are black ribbed, very close to Domino, but they have a PV logo. The right PV grip is 105mm, but the left one is longer 112mm. See Other controls .

Taiwan controls are made in Taiwan. They are on Taiwan mopeds such as General, Lazer, Indian, Angel and others. They are cast aluminum housings and levers, with built-in switches and buttons, made the same as early 70’s “baby” Hondas, such as PC50. The 1970’s ones had black ribbed short grips 105 mm long. The ribs are small and have gaps. See Taiwan controls .


H.R. controls are made in Slovenia by Hidria Rotomatika (HR). They are on 1992 to early 2008 Tomos, and Volocci electric bicycles. HR controls contain HR-made integral switches, sold separately in Switches. HR controls are similar to ’80’s Domino black, but most of the parts do not interchange with Domino. See Other controls .





♥Di Blasi♥ Menu

December 8, 2021

updated 2021-12


Di Blasi R2, R7 Info   Identification, parts and service info

R2, R7 Parts List   Parts specifications, applications, prices







Di Blasi Industriale is an Italian manufacturer of folding bicycles, tricycles, and mopeds, based in Francofonte, Sicily.

From Wikipedia  The founder of the company, Rosario Di Blasi, began development of a folding scooter in 1952, which by 1968 had evolved into a Zanetti-powered folding tricycle called the DIBLA 7 that was shown at the Turin Auto Show as a prototype. Finally in 1974 Di Blasi began production of a folding moped with a Franco Morini motor and single-speed transmission called the R2 (also known as the “Paperino”). In 1979 the model R7 replaced the R2 and featured an engine of Di Blasi’s own design as well as a multi-speed transmission. This moped has been continuously improved and is still in production as the R7E. It has been used by the Polizia Stradale, the Traffic Police division of the Italian National Police, aboard their helicopters. The R7 is sold by Di Blasi of America as the “Express.”

Di Blasi of America is in Florida USA. Here is the website: https://www.diblasi.com/

Di Blasi folding moped is a mini-cycle that can fit in a bus, airplane, train, boat or car. It folds into an incredibly compact size in seconds. When you load or unload it you get to say “hand me that motorcycle” with a devious smile!

In Italian it is called a ciclomotore pieghevole, in German it is a faltmokick or klappmoped and in French it is called a cyclomoteur pliable.

Di Blasi parts are sold online at diblasi-shop.com and diblasi.it



Di Blasi Info

December 8, 2021

updated 2021-12

1. Identification
    1974 – 79  R2
    1979 – 85  R7ST
    1985 – 89  R7WT

    1989 – 95  R7TB

    1995 – 97  R7TB

    1998 – 04  R7E Express, R7ES Mariner

    2005 – on  R7E2 Express

    2011 – on  R70
2. Parts Info


1. Identification


R2 1974 to 1979

frame# 000001 to 003999
3.50-5 and 4.00-5 tires, 6 volt lights
Morini S5K2 engine, points ignition
chrome fenders, curvy handlebar

1978 Di Blasi R2

1974 Di Blasi R2







R2 “Paparino” had a Franco Morini S5K2 engine, 50cc limited-power kick-start one speed automatic. Top speed 22 mph (35 km/h). It folds up super small in just 5 seconds!


R7ST 1979 to 1985

frame# 004000 to 013999
2.50-8 tires, 6 volt lights
Di Blasi M1 engine, points ignition
chrome fenders, H type handlebar

1980 Di Blasi R7ST, 1979 R7ST-US

R7ST had a new engine called M1, designed and made by DiBlasi. It was made to be compact and light weight. Bore and stroke were 39 x 41.8 mm, comp ratio 8.7, horsepower 1.25. It had an expanding pulley with a V-belt (a variator) like a French moped, kick start, and a 415 chain final drive with 9 x 42T sprockets. The cylinder and piston are the same as a ’70’s Motobecane AV7. It had a Dellorto SHA 14/12 carburetor with size 54 jet. The wheels and tires were new, 2.50-8, but had the same 13 inch outer diameter as the previous 4.00-5 tires. The Huret speedometer was way up on the right handlebar, so the speedo cable was long and straight. That solved the problem of broken speedo cables on the R2, which had a short S shaped cable.

R7ST was the Euro version. Engine stop, horn and light switch were all on the left handlebar. The magneto-generator produced 6 volt AC 18 watts, for a 3 watt tail light and a 15 watt headlight or parking light. The ignition part of the magneto-generator was completly separate from the lights. The Huret speedometer said kilometers.

R7ST-US was the United States (US), Great Britian (GB) and Switzerland (CH) version. Engine stop switch was on the right. Horn/light switch was on the left. The switches had English words on them saying what they do. The magneto-generator produced 6 volt AC 25 watts, for a 5 watt tail light and a 20 watt headlight. The ignition part of the magneto independently produced 10 watts of power for a brake light, by using an external ignition source ground wire (blue). The blue must always go to ground (frame or engine case) in order to have spark. The Huret speedometer said miles.

R7ST specs

R7ST-US identification








R7WT 1985 to 1989

frame #014000 to 019999
4.00-5 tires, 6 volt lights
Di Blasi M1 engine, points ignition
chrome fenders, H type handlebar

1985 R7WT-US, 80’s R7WT and R7WT-US

R7WT was mostly the same as R7ST except the wheels and tires changed back to 4.00-5.

R7WT for most of Europe and the world. It had a 6 volt 18 watt magneto. The lights were smaller and less watts. No brake light. One left-side handlebar lights/horn/engine-stop switch. It had a CEV 6931 (CEV #04394) magneto with internal ignition ground, external spark coil. Source coils are 04233 lights and 04277 ignition in the parts list, but at least some have an 04235 ignition spark coil and no external spark coil. All the other parts (points, condenser, flywheel, etc) are the same as the USA version.

R7WT-US was for United States (US), Great Britain (GB) and Switzerland (CH). It had a 6 volt 25 watt magneto. The lights were bigger. There was extra equipment for a brake light. Two handlebar switches, right-side engine stop, and left-side lights/horn. These were the CEV “diamond” type. The points-type magneto was CEV 6932 (CEV04212), with external ignition ground, external spark coil. The blue wire must be grounded to have spark. This was to meet the legal requirement that the headlight must not get dim when the brake light goes on. 

Di Blasi magneto part numbers are CEV-Pagani numbers with the prefix PG (for Pagani-CEV).


R7TB 1989 to 7/95

frame# 020000 to 024999
4.00-5 tires, 6 volt lights, low headlight
Di Blasi M1 engine, CDI ignition
plastic fenders, T type bar
 (or clamp-on)

1990 Di Blasi R7TB, ’92-95 R7TB-US

’89-95 R7TB had a low headlight. The handlebar at first was the T-type, and then changed to the clamp-on type. The M1 engine had the following improvements. The ignition became electronic and maintenance-free. The lights generator made more more watts. A solid-state electronic voltage regulator #2004 made the lights not get too bright when going fast, yet not get too dim when stopped at a light idling. There was one lighting equipment version, 6 volt 40 watt.


R7TB 7/95 to 1997

frame# 025000 to 029999
4.00-5 tires, 12 volt lights, low headlight
Di Blasi M1 engine, CDI ignition
plastic fenders, clamp-on handlebar 

1995-97 R7TB and R7TB-US

1995-97 R7TB was mostly the same except the lights changed from 6 to 12 volt.

R7TB was for most of Europe and the world. It had a 12V 40W IDM magneto #725. The lights were the same. No turn signals. No brake light. One left-side handlebar lights/engine-stop switch #792.

R7TB-US was for United States (US), Great Britain (GB) and Switzerland (CH). It had a 12V 60W IDM F085 magneto DiBlasi# 2002. Turn signals. There was extra equipment for a brake light. Two handlebar switches, right-side engine stop/turn #794, and left-side lights/horn #792. These were CEV integrated black plastic switches that fit into the all-black Domino controls. The headlight became square in 1997.


R7E 1998 to 2004

frame# 030000 and up
4.00-5 tires, 12 volt lights, high headlight
Di Blasi M1 engine, CDI ignition
plastic fenders, bolt-on handlebar

1998 R7E (round light), R7E-US (square light)

1998 R7ES (stainless)

1999 R7E, 98 R7E-US








R7E has the same M1 Motobecane-based engine, and an improved final drive, with a cogged belt, instead of a chain. The engine pulley drives the V-belt, which drives a rear pulley, which drives the cogged belt, which drives the rear wheel. For the cogged belt #281 see Parts/Drivetrain/Belts. Newer and flat style CEV tail light.

R7E was for most of Europe and the world. 12V 60W IDM F085 magneto DiBlasi# 2002 and lights were the same. Turn signals. No brake light. Two CEV integrated handlebar switches, right-side engine stop/turn #794, and left-side lights/horn #792. 

R7E-US was for United States (US), Great Britain (GB) and Switzerland (CH). 12V 60W IDM F085 magneto DiBlasi# 2002. Turn signals. There is extra equipment for a brake light. Two handlebar switches, right-side engine stop #2112, and left-side lights/horn/turn #2111. These are CEV integrated black plastic switches that fit into the all-black Domino “80’s” controls.

1998 R7E-US

1999 R7E

R7E drive belts







1998 R7E head

1998 R7E Specs









R7E2 2005 to now

frame# 30000 and up
4.00-5 tires, 12 volt lights
Di Blasi M1 engine, CDI ignition
plastic fenders, air pollution equipment

2005-07 R7E2 and R7E2-US

R7E2 has air pollution recducing equipment



R70 2011 to now

4.00-5 tires, 12V volt lights, LED rear
48 volt 1.15 kw electric motor
lithium battery, 48-12V converter

plastic fenders, bolt-on handlebar

2011-on Di Blasi R70

R70 controls






R70 is electric. Instead of a gas tank it has a long detachable battery. The wheels are the same as R7E-V2 with 4.00-5 tires and 70 mm drum brakes. The fenders, handlebars, seat and other things are also the same as R7E-V2.



2. Parts Info



Wheels and Axles ruote e assi

R2, R7WT wheels

R2 and R7 axle parts









R2, R7ST, R7WT wheels: ’70’s-80’s wheels had loose bearings and threaded 11 mm axles. The axles did not slide out. Threaded cones were the inner bearing race, press-in cups were the outer bearing race, and ten 1/4″ balls were in between the races. 

R7TB, R7E wheels: ‘90’s-on wheels had press-in sealed bearings and smooth 10 mm axles. The axles slide out once one of the inner nuts is removed. The bearings are one-piece deep groove type aka “sealed”. There is no central tube between the bearings to support the tightening load of the axle nuts. Instead there are thin nuts required on both sides of the axle. If either inner nut is missing, the wheel freezes up and the bearings get crushed when the axle nuts are tightened. 



Electrical System sistema elettrico


1979-82 R7ST and 1982-89 R7WT

R7ST, R7WT wiring …………….. Essential wires


1979-82 R7ST-US and 1982-89 R7WT-US

R7ST-US, R7WT-US ……………. Essential wires


1989-95 R7TB, 1989-95 R7TB-US

89-95 R7TB, R7TB-US wiring …. Essential wires


1995-97 R7TB, 1995-97 R7TB-US

95-97 R7TB, R7TB-US wiring …. Essential wires


1995-97 R7TB-US, 1998-05 R7E and R7E-US

98-05 R7E    95-97 R7TB-US, R7E-US    Essential wires



Controls commandi

Since the mid-1970’s US motorcycles and mopeds were required to have the engine stop button reachable with the right thumb, without removing the hand from the handlebar. Since that time European motorcycles and mopeds were required to have it on the left side. You can tell a US model from an EU model by the location of the engine stop button. Left is EU, right is US.

’74-79 Di Blasi R2

’79 R7ST-US







’80-82 R7ST
’82-89 R7WT

’80-82 R7ST-US
’82-89 R7WT-US







’89-90 R7TB  .. ’89-90 R7TB-US







’91-95 R7TB, R7TB-US

’95-97 R7TB, R7TB-US


98-04 R7E, 05-07 R7E2

1998-04 R7E-US,
2005-07 R7E2-US

’98 R7E, R7E-US







’08-on R7E2, R7E2-US with Domino switches











’11-on R70







Speedometer tachiometro

R2 speedometer

R7ST-US speedometer

R7ST driver






R7E speedometer









Engine motore


Di Blasi R7 (M1 engine) right case versions

M1 engine case: The right engine case half has threaded mount holes and centering ridges for the stator base plate. The 1979 to 7/95 R7ST, R7WT, R7TB had CEV magnetos 6956, 6931, 6932 and 6477 with 80 mm 2-bolt stator base plates. The 7/95 and later R7TB, R7E and R7E-V2 had Ducati or IDM F085 magnetos with 94 mm 2-bolt stator base plates. The post 7/95 case had both stator mounts 80 and 94. It interchanged with the pre 7/95 case, so the part number did not change. 

Many other Di Blasi parts were changed or improved without changing the part number, as long as they could correctly replace the previous part version.

Crankshaft right end: The right crankshaft tapered end holds the flywheel precisely. The taper angle has one standard. The diameter has two standards. A woodruff key locates the flywheel at the correct ignition timing angle. The key width is 3.0 mm. The Di Blasi R7 timing angle is the same as a late 70’s or 80’s Minarelli V1, because they both used, at different times, the same CEV 6931 or 6932 magneto-flywheel. 



Motobecane Cady

August 1, 2021

updated 2022-02

1. Identification
2. Parts Catalogs and Service Manuals
3. Engine Parts Comparison


The purpose here is to learn about Cady models, their parts differences, and then to specify or offer replacement parts. 



1. Identification

Cady Engines

Most Motobecane moped engines have the pulley-clutch on the left and the magneto-generator on the right. But Motobecane Cady and Moby X have Isodyne (same side) engines have both clutch and magneto on the left.

1.  ’66-74 19641 Isodyne M1 motor has rounded head fins,
no bulge on right case (no right bearing).

2. ’74-78 20108 Isodyne M1 motor has angled head fins,
no bulge on right case (no right bearing).

3. ’74-78 22200 Super Isodyne M3 has angled head fins,
with bulge on right case for right bearing.

4. ’75-78 22329 Super Isodyne M3 has angled head fins,
with a bearing greaser on the right case.


Look for the buldge

Mid-70’s Cady M1PRTS yellow and M3PRTS blue are identical.
The only visible difference is the bulge in the M3 right engine case.
Only a right side view shows this.


Look for the light

The headlight style and color can narrow down the identity.





Models with Isodyne Engine M1 #19641

M1  1966-68
2.00-19 tires (23 x 2.00)
no suspension
red metallic
, 33 km/h = 20.5 mph
AR1-10-674 carb, 19134 19124 controls
33 km/h = 20.5 mph

M1  1968-74
2.00-19 tires (23 x 2.00)
no suspension
red metallic
S10-693 carb, 20069 19725 controls

M1 P demontable 1966-68  
2.00-16 tires (20 x 2.00)
no suspension, headlight on fender
red metallic  with S10-693 carb

M1 P demontable 1968-74
2.00-16 tires (20 x 2.00)
no suspension, headlight on fender
red metallic, red, blue, white, topaz
AR1-10-691 carb, 20069 19694 controls

M1 PR 1967-74
2.00-16 tires (20 x 2.00)
no suspension  (PR means 16″ rims)
red, blue, white, topaz
AR1-10-691 carb, 20069 19725 controls
20069 20008 controls after 4/68

M1 PRT 1968-74
2.00-16 tires (20 x 2.00)
Telescopic fork
red, blue, white, topaz
AR1-10-691 carb, 20069 20008 controls

M1 PRTS 1970-74
2.00-16 tires (20 x 2.00)
Telescopic fork, rear Suspension
red, blue, white, topaz
AR1-10-691 carb, 20069 20008 controls



Models with Isodyne Engine M1 #20108

M1  1974-77
2.00-19 tires
no suspension
metallic red, metallic brown
AR1-10-691 carb, 21675 20957 controls


M1 PR  1974-77
2.25-16 tires (PR means 16″ rims)
no suspension
red, white 
AR1-10-691 carb, 21675 21284 controls

Cady PR  1974-77
2.00-16 tires PR
no suspension
red, white with AR1-10-691 carb
sold in Canada by Canadian Tire

M1 PRTS 1974-78
2.00-16 tires PR
Telescopic fork, rear Suspension
red, blue, white, yellow
AR1-10-691 carb, 21675 21284 controls

Cady PRTS 1974-78
2.00-16 tires PR
Telescopic fork, rear Suspension
red, blue, white, yellow
AR1-10-691 carb, 21675 21284 controls
sold in Canada by Canadian Tire


M3: 1976-77
2.00-19 tires
no suspension
metallic brown
this has an M1 engine, not M3


M3T: 1976-77
2.00-19 tires
Telescopic fork
metallic brown
this has an M1 engine, not M3




Models with Super Isodyne Engine M3

M3 PR  1974-77
2.00-16 tires PR
no suspension
sandy white, green
AR1-11.5-753 carb, 21675 21284 controls

M3 PRT  1974-77
2.00-16 tires PR
Telescopic fork
yellow, sandy white, green
AR1-11.5-753 carb, 21675 20957 controls




Moby (M3 PRT)  1974-77
2.00-16 tires PR
Telescopic fork
blueother colors
AR1-11.5-753 carb, 21675 21284 controls

M3 PRTS  1974-77
2.00-16 tires PR
Telescopic fork, rear Suspension
yellow, sandy white, green, met blue
AR1-11.5-753 carb, 21675 21284 controls
sold in Canada by Canadian Tire

M3 PRTSG: 1975-77
2.00-16 tires PR
separately Greased
Telescopic fork, rear Suspension
yellow, sandy white, green, met blue
AR1-11.5-753 carb, 21675 21284 controls






2. Parts Catalogs and Service Manuals

The Motobecane Club de France has free pdf downloads of all Motobecane manuals. Here are their five Cady Parts Manuals and models covered. Insert sheets in gray text. Model colors are colored diamonds.


Nov 1966  2.00-19 tires M1
Sep 1966  clutch and magneto service
Sep 1966  early M1 engine bottom-end versions
Jun 1967  front brake and fork changes
Nov 1966  crankshaft service
Nov 1966  bearing and seal info

Nov 1968  2.00-19 tires M1
Nov 1968  2.00-16 tires M1P, M1PR, M1PRT

Nov 1968  2.00-19 tires M1
Nov 1968  2.00-16 tires M1P, M1PR, M1PRT, M1PRTS
Nov 1969  (missing M1PRTS addition)
Mar 1970  points cam change

Feb 1975  2.00-19 tires M1
Feb 1975  2.00-16 tires M1PR, M1PRT, M1PRTS

Apr 1976  2.25-16 tires M3PR, M3PRT, M3PRTS, M3PRTSG
Mar 1974  2.25-16 tires M3PRT, M3PRTS yellow (jaunte) parts addition
Jun  1976  2.25-16 tires M3 metallic brown, M1 engine
Jun  1976  2.00-19 tires M3T metallic brown, M1 engine


Cady Timeline

1966-67 M1

1967-68 M1, M1P

1968-70 M1, M1P, M1PR, M1PRT

1970-74 M1, M1P, M1PR, M1PRT, M1PRTS

1974-76 M1, ♦M1P, M1PR, M1PRT, M1PRTS
1974-76 ♦M1, ♦M1P,

1976-78 M3, M3T, ♦◊M3PR,   M3PRT,  M3PRTS, M3PRTSG



3. Engine Parts Comparison

The purpose is to provide replacement parts for Cady, by knowing which parts are the same as on US models. Cady’s were sold in Canada, but not in the US.

1959 Ward Riverside

1974 Motobecane Cady

1977 Motobecane 50V









Here ’66-77 Motobecane Cady engine parts are compared with other US-model Motobecane mopeds, ’57-64 Wards Riverside and ’74-80 Motobecane 50V.


Piston rings: In June 1976 Motobecane piston rings changed on all models. Before 6/76 the the 14821 ring gap style was GN (grano normal) where the piston ring stop pin was on one side of the ring groove. After 6/76 the 22148 ring gap style was GI (grano interno) where the piston ring pin was in the center of the ring groove. 

Cady pistons have 7 sorts and 2 ring gap styles
Left is 6/76-on, center-pin GI, 22481 to 22487
Right is to-6/76, side-pin GN, 19185 to 19103


Piston: Pistons for Isodyne engines (on Cady and Moby X) are special. They have a 11 mm wrist pin, unlike most other 50cc pistons, and a total height of 47.5mm. The cylinder bore is 39mm. More precisely,, the bore ranges from 38.98 to 39.04 mm in seven tiny increments of 0.01 mm, called sorts. Cylinders and pistons are stamped with a letter. The replacement piston should be the same sort as the cylinder (unless the cylinder is worn).

After July 1976 Motobecane stopped making pistons with side-pins. From then on they made only ones with center-pins. The seven sorts of pre-6/76 replacement pistons remaining in the late 1970’s were sold until each size ran out. Then only center-pin replacements 22481-22487 were supplied when an older part number 19185-19103 was requested.  



Colors: light grey means superseded, blue means same as AV7 Vc


——- Wards Riverside ——–   Cady   Cady   Cady    Motobecane USA 
AV7 V  AV7Dbe  —-AV7 V2—- isodyne sup-iso sup-iso AV7 Vb  —-AV7 Vc—- < engine model
1.5 hp  1.5 hp  1.5 hp  2.0 hp  1.5 hp  1.5 hp  2.0 hp  2.0 hp 1.5 hp 2.0 hp < horsepower
’57-59  ’61-62   1960   ’60-64  ’66-70 ’74-77 ’75-77   ’74-75 ’76-77 ’76-77 < year range
14007A 14030 14010A 14010C C1,M1    M3   PRTSG    50V    50V    50V    < bike model 

50165  ??????  50294  50298  19093  22200  22329  53745 52341 53745  engine complete
10165  ??????  50294  50298  3 #’s    22201  22313  53745 52341 53745  engine lower assy
14791  14791  14791  16625
  19252  22227  22227  19885 19885 19885  cylinder head
14854  14854  14854  14854  19098  19098  19098  14854 14854 14854  head gasket
14816  16618  16618  16618  19081  22202  22202  19478 23460 23460  cylinder with piston
14816  16618  16618  16618  22480  22480  22480  23460 23460 23460  replaced with
14407  16673  16673  16619  19099  22235  00000  16619 16673 16619  intake pipe
14407  16673  16673  16619  19099  22235  00000  16619 16673 16619  intake pipe Ø17
14407  16673  16673  16619  19099  22235  22235  16619 16673 16619  intake pipe
14815  16620  16620  16620  19100  19100  19100  17073 17073 17073  intake gasket
14819  14819  14819  14819  00000  00000  00000  21240 22275 22275  piston A for 38.97 cylinder
14819  14819  14819  14819  19103c 19185  19185  21242 22276 22276  piston B or C 38.98 cylinder
14819  14819  14819  14819  19103e 19186  19186  21244 22277 22277  piston D or E for 38.99 cylinder
14819  14819  14819  14819  19103g 19187  19187  21246 22278 22278  piston F or G for 39.00 cylinder
14819  14819  14819  14819  19103 j 19188  19188  21248 22279 22279  piston H or J for 39.01 cylinder
14819  14819  14819  14819  19103 l 19189  19189  21250 22280 22280  piston K or L for 39.02 cylinder
14819  14819  14819  14819  19103n 19190  19190  21252 22281 22281  piston M or N for 39.03 cylinder
14819  14819  14819  14819  19103p 19103  19103  21254 22435 22435  piston Q or P for 39.04 cylinder
above is pre-June’76 piston rings, GN gap style (side-pin), below is June’76-on, GI gap style (center-pin)
14819  14819  14819  14819  00000  00000  00000  22275 22275 22275  piston A for 38.97 cylinder

14819  14819  14819  14819 
22481  22481  22481  22276 22276 22276  piston B or C for 38.98 cylinder
14819  14819  14819  14819 
22482  22482  22482  22277 22277 22277  piston D or E for 38.99 cylinder
14819  14819  14819  14819 
22483  22483  22483  22278 22278 22278  piston F or G for 39.00 cylinder
14819  14819  14819  14819
  22484  22484  22484  22279 22279 22279  piston H or J for 39.01 cylinder
14819  14819  14819  14819 
22485  22485  22485  22280 22280 22280  piston K or L for 39.02 cylinder
14819  14819  14819  14819 
22486  22486  22486  22281 22281 22281  piston M or N for 39.03 cylinder
14819  14819  14819  14819
  22487  22487  22487  22435 22435 22435  piston Q or P for 39.04 cylinder
14821  14821  14821  14821  14821  14821  14821  14821 14821 14821  piston ring pre-6/’76
39×2 GN
00000  00000  00000  00000  00000  00000  00000  22148 22148 22148  piston ring 6/’76-on
39×2 GI
14895  14895  14895  14895  19097  19097  19097  14895 14895 14895  base gasket
14716  14716  14716  14716  00000  00000  00000  14716 14716 14716  cylinder stud M7-1.00 x 129
14716  14716  14716  14716  19102  19102  19102  14716 14716 14716  cylinder bolt M6-1.00 x 25

14721  14721  14721  14721  19096  19975  19975  14721 14721 14721
  decomp valve assembly
15094  15094  15094  15094  19169  00000  00000  15094 15094 15094
  piston pin       13 x 30
15094  15094  15094  15094  19169  19169  19169  15094 15094 15094
  piston pin       11 x 30
15855  15855  15855  15855  19084  19084  19084  15855 15855 15855
  piston bearing 13-16 x 14
15855  15855  15855  15855  19084  19084  19084  15855 15855 15855
  piston bearing 11-14 x 14
50230  16903  16903  16903  00000  00000  00000  19609 19609 19609
518  16906  16906  16906  19175  19645  19645  16906 16906 16906
  bearing L 15-42×13 #6302
00518  16906  16906  16906  19175  00000  00000  16906 16906 16906
  bearing L 16-42×13 #6302-QR
518  16906  16906  16906  19175  19645  19645  16906 16906 16906  bearing L 15-42×19 #5302 dbl
518  16906  16906  16906  19175  19645  19645  16906 16906 16906  bearing L 17-47×14 #6303
00518  16906  16906  16906  19175  00000  00026  16906 16906 16906
  bearing R 15-35×11 #6202
00518  16906  16906  16906  19175  00000  00000  16906 16906 16906
  bearing R 16-42×13 #6302-QR
  00060  00060  00060  00000  000  0000000  19089 19089 19089  crank seal
14814  14814  14814  14814  00000  00000  00000  19608 19608 19608
14896  14896  14896  16910  19088  19088  00000  16910 16910 16910
  case gasket



1966-73 Motobecane Cady M1 or C1 engine parts illustration


1977 Cady magneto





Taiwan Moped Controls

June 27, 2021

updated 2021-06


1.  Photos for Identification and Comparison

2. 1150. 2150 controls for Sachs-with-foot-brake or Minarelli

a. 1977-79 Lazer Sport 50, Sport 50 ST
a. made by Her Chee, 80 mm brakes Minarelli V1 engine, 1150 controls
a. 1978-79 General 5 Star, 5 Star ST
a. made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes,      Minarelli V1 engine, 1150 controls
b. 1977-78 Jui Li Honey 50
b. 1977-78 Clinton 50-A
b. 1978-79 Grycner moped
b. made by Jui Li, 80 mm Sachs 505/1A foot brake 2150 = 1150 controls

3. 1150-00, 3150, 5150 controls for Minarelli

a. 1979 General 5-Star
a. made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Minarelli V1 engine,     1150-00 controls
b. 1979-81 General 5-Star or C2, 5 Star ST
b. made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Minarelli V1 or C2 engine, 3150 controls
c. 1982-85 General 5-Star or C2, 5 Star ST
c. made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Minarelli V1 or C2 engine, 5150 controls

4. 1150-01, 4150, 5151 controls for Sachs-with-foot-brake

a. 1977-78 AMS Sierra 50
a. 1979-80 Grycner Floozie, Palm Springs
a. made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes Sachs 505/1A foot brake 1150-01 controls
b. 1979-80 General 5 Star ST
b. 1978-80 Jui Li Honey 50
b. 1978-80 Clinton 50-A
b. made by Jui Li, 80 mm brks, Sachs 505/1A, 1B foot brake, 4150 controls
c. 1980-83 General 5 Star ST
c. made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Sachs 505/1A foot brake,    5151 controls

5. 1150-00/1150-01, 3150/4150, 5150/5151 controls for Sachs

a. 1979-79 General 5 Star ST
a. made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Sachs 505/1A,   1150-00/1150-01 controls
b. 1980-83 General 5 Star, 5 Star ST
b. made by Jui Li,   80 mm brakes, Sachs 505/1A engine, 3150/4150 controls
c. 1980-85 General 5 Star
c. 1980-85 AMS Tahoe 50, Tahoe Sport G1
c. 1980-82 Foxi 47
c. 1980-83 General 5 Star ST
c. made by Her Chee, 110 mm brakes Sachs 505/1A or 1D 5150/5151 controls



1. Identification Photos






























1150-6282-01 and 4150-6282

1150-6281-01 and 4150-6281










3150-6282 and 5150-6282

3150-6281 and 5150-6281

4150-6281 and 5151-6281














5150-6282 and 5150-6281 with 5151-6282 and 5151-6281




Japanese 5 mm screws changed in 1969


Screwy threads: The 5mm screws in the 5150 and 5151 black controls have regular metric thread M5-0.8. That has been the world standard since 1969. But the 5mm screws on all of the other Taiwan moped controls are pre-1969 JIS (Japan Industry Standard) thread M5-0.9, which is coarser.

1970’s Taiwan controls are remakes of 1960’s Japanese controls, made from 1960’s molds and tooling. 1980’s Taiwan controls are remakes of certain 1970’s Japanese controls, made from 1970’s molds and tooling. That’s why 1150, 3150, 4150 have the special thread and 5150, 5151 have regular thread. This thread confusion is only for the 5mm size screws. 




2. 1150 controls for Minarelli or Sachs foot-brake

1977-79 Lazer Sport 50, Sport 50 ST
made by Her Chee, 80 mm brakes, Minarelli V1 engine
1978-79 General 5 Star, 5 Star ST
made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Minarelli V1 engine

1977 Lazer Sport 50
Minarelli, hand brakes
1150 controls

1977 Lazer Sport 50 ST
Minarelli, hand brakes
1150 controls 

1979 General 5 Star ST
Minarelli, hand brakes
1150 controls (silver)









1977-78 Jui Li Honey 50
1977-78 Clinton 50-A
1978-79 Grycner moped
made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Sachs 505/1A engine with foot brake

1978 Jui Li Honey 50
Sachs, rear foot brake
1150 controls

1978 Clinton 50 A
Sachs, rear foot brake
1150 controls

1978 Grycner
1150 controls









Taiwan 1150 control housings are separate from the electrical switch housing. The electrical buttons are near the riders thumbs. The brake levers are about 1.5 inch longer, because the lever housings (perches) are 1.5 inch further inward on the handlebar.

Taiwan 1150 levers break easy, because they are only 6mm wide at the pivot. Most other vintage Japanese small motorcycle hand levers are 8mm wide at the pivot.

1150 and 2150: The entire Grycner parts list uses 2150 prefix on all parts except hardware. But most parts on a Grycner are the same as on Lazer step-thru. That is evident from photos. What is different is the engine, Minarelli or Sachs, and the parts that are connected to the engine. The 2150 controls are the same as 1150. The 2150 front brake cable is the same as 1150. But the 2150 throttle, start, and choke cables are different from 1150, since they go to different engines.

1150 left control

1150 right control


What the 1150 left control does:

Minarelli engine, rear hand brake:
left lever is rear brake, lower lever is clutch

Sachs 505 engine with rear foot brake:
left lever is clutch, lower lever is choke



Taiwan moped controls: a. 1150 Minarelli and b. 2150 Sachs

1150 list









1150 list










2150 list














o#   Taiwan#    qty  price
o#   Taiwan#
    qty  price    price color: new, used   font:  original part, replacement part

#   Taiwan#    ab  price    description     a is 1150 Minarelli, b is 2150 Sachs with foot brake

01  1150-6299  11  none    handlebar, no wires or mount holes
02  1150-6283  11  $15.0  mirror M8 screw-in round chrome
03  1150-6291  11  none    right grip 112 x 25 ribbed
04  1150-6290  11  $12.0  throttle twist tube
05  1150-6297  11  $35.0  throttle/switch assy engine stop
06  6220-1105  44  $0.20  lock washer ∅5
07  6130-5022  44  $1.50  phillips screw M5-0.9 x 22  (60’s JIS thread)
08  1150-6281  11  none    right lever assembly
08  1150-6281  11 $21.0  right lever assembly silver C
09  1150-6288  11  none    right lever bracket (perch)
10  1150-6286  11 $30.0   right brake lever H
10  1150-6286  11 $16.0  right brake lever w956-56-6264B
11  1150-6279  33  $3.00  cable adjuster M8 slotted
12  1150-6278  3 $2.00  adjuster nut M8 slotted
13  1150-6277  22  none    plastic plug for mirror hole (optional)
14  6110-6016  33  $1.50  pivot bolt M6 x 16 hex chrome
15  1150-6280  33  $5.00  bushing ∅6 ∅7 x 9
16  6110-6024  22  $1.00  clamp bolt M6 x 24 hex
17  1150-6292  11  none    left grip 112 x 22 ribbed
18  1150-6298  11  $45.0  left switch assembly
19  1150-6282  11  $75.0  left dual lever assembly F
19  1150-6282  11 $23.0  left single lever assembly silver A
20  1150-6289  11  $33‘0  left dual lever bracket (perch)
21  1150-6287  11 $30.0   left brake lever G
21  1150-6287  11 $16.0   left brake lever w956-56-6264C
22  1150-6285  11  $20.0  start (clutch or choke) lever, left style I
22  1150-6285  11  $20.0  start (clutch or choke) lever, right style J
23  1150-6296  10  $32.0  throttle cable Minarelli
00  2150-6296  01  $28.0  throttle cable Sachs-long-elbow
24  1150-6294  11  $27.0  front brake cable with switch
25  1150-6295  10  $27.0  rear brake cable with switch
26  1150-6293  10  $12.0  start cable Minarelli
00  2150-6293  01  $23.0  start cable Sachs
00  2150-6284  01  $23.0  choke cable Sachs for 1150 control
27  1150-6284  10  $0.00  retaining clip (at rear end of rear brake cable)
28  1150-8893  77  $3.00  rubber tie strap (for electrical wires only)
29  1150-6276  10  $3.00  clutch cable adjuster (at engine) M6


6mm thin type levers

Lazer original levers and substitutes

Lazer left perch

1150 left perch

Lazer right perch

1150 right perch













3. 1150-00, 3150 and 5150 controls for Minarelli

1979 General 5-Star
made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Minarelli V1 engine

1979 General 5 Star
1150-00 controls








1150-6282-00 control

1150-6281-00 control

1150-00 does not have threaded holes for brake light switches but 3150 does. The brake levers are shorter than 3150, 4150 ones, and pull the cable less. This design is for smaller hands.

The brake cable inner wire length required by the the 1150-00 controls is 3 mm less than on 3150, 4150, 5150 controls, but 4 to 5 mm more than on 1150 controls.




1979-81 General 5-Star or C2, 5 Star ST
made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Minarelli V1 or C2 engine

1979 General 5 Star
3150 controls

1980 General 5 Star
3150 controls

’81 General 5 Star
3150 controls








1982-85 General 5-Star or C2, 5 Star ST
made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Minarelli V1 or C2 engine

’82 General 5 Star
5150 controls

’83 General 5 Star ST
5150 controls

’83 General C2
5150 controls

’85 General 5 Star
5150 controls









3150 and 5150

3150 and 5150

Left control 3150: Left lever 3150-6287. The plastic start lever 3150-6285 with mount 3150-6289 was below the control. Start cable end hole 6.5 mm for a 6.0 diameter barrel end.

Left control 5150: Left lever 5150-6287. The metal start lever 5150-6285 with mount 5150-6289 was below the control. Start cable end hole 6.5 mm for a 6.0 diameter barrel end.

Right control 3150: Right lever 3150-6286. Brake cable hole 8.5.  No choke lever.

Right control 5150: Right lever 5150-6286. Brake cable hole 8.5.  No choke lever.



Taiwan moped controls: a. 1150-00, b. 3150 and c. 5150











3150 list










5150 list













o# 0000-0000-00   qty   price    price color: new, used   font:  original part, replacement part
#  0000-0000-00  abc   price    description     a is 1150-00, b is 3150, c is 5150

01  3150-6299-00  111   none   handlebar, no wires or mount holes
01150-6298-01  100   none   left housing/switch assy small, no brake switch threads
02  3150-6298-00  01  none   left housing/switch assy silver with brake switch threads
02  5150-6298-00  00  none   left housing/switch assy black with brake switch threads
01150-6297-01  100  none   right housing/switch assy small, no brake switch threads
03  3150-6297-00  01 $45.0  right housing/switch assy silver, no choke lever threads
03  5150-6297-00  001   none   right housing/switch assy black, no choke lever threads
04  1150-6296-00  111  $32.0  throttle cable original
05  1150-6295-00  100  $27.0  rear brake cable with switch
05  3150-6295-00  011  $31.0  rear brake cable no switch
05  5150-6295-00  010  $15.0  rear brake cable 1-ended for Limited Edition only
06  1150-6294-00  100  $27.0  front brake cable with switch
06  3150-6294-00  011  $34.0  front brake cable no switch
05  5150-6294-00  010  $14.0  front brake cable 1-ended for Limited Edition only
07  3150-6293-00  111  $12.0  start cable
08  3150-6292-00  11$5.00  left grip original   ∅22 x 105
09  3150-6291-00  11  none   right grip original ∅25 x 105
10  3150-6290-00  111  $20.0  throttle twist tube original for 105 grip
10  3150-6290L-0  111  $19.0  throttle twist tube long for 120 grip
11  3150-6289-00  110  18-12  start lever mount small M5-0.9 and M4 thread
11  5150-6289-00  001  $26.0  start lever mount large M5-0.8 and M4 thread

12  1150-6287-01  100  $14.0  left lever short-pull
12  3150-6287-00  010  $27.0  left lever medium
12  5150-6287-00  001  $36.0  left lever large

13  1150-6286-01  100  $14.0  right lever short, use 3150
13  3150-6286-00  010  $16.0  right lever medium
13  5150-6286-00  001  $29.0  right lever large used
14  1150-6285
-01  100  none  start lever black plastic
14  3150-6285-00  010  $26.0  start lever silver metal
14  5150-6285-00  001  $26.0  start lever large black metal

15  1150-6283-00  111  $15.0  mirror M8 screw-in round chrome
16  1150-6282-00  100   none   left control assy small with lower lever
16  3150-6282-00  01$85.0  left control assy silver with lower lever
16  5150-6282-00  001  95-80  left control assy black with lower lever
17  1150-6281-00  100   none   right control assy small no choke lever
17  3150-6281-00  010  65-40  right control assy silver no choke lever
17  5150-6281-00  001  $82.0  right control assy black no choke lever
17  3150-6281L-0  010  65-40  right control assy silver no choke lever, long for 120 grip
17  5150-6281L-0  001  $82.0  right control assy black no choke lever, long for 120 grip
18  3150-6280-00  33$6.00  pivot bushing ∅5.0-∅6.0 x 11.8
19  1150-6279-00  111  $3.00  cable adjuster M8 slotted
20  1150-6278-00  222  $2.00  adjuster nut M8 slotted
21  1150-6275-00  444  $3.00  rubber tie strap (for electrical wires only)
22  1150-6274-00  111  $3.50  start cable adjuster
23  1150-6273-00  111  $2.50  start cable adjuster nut
24  3150-9089-00  111   none   sticker START
25  3150-9088-00  111   none   sticker HORN
26  3150-9087-00  111   none   sticker OFF  ON
27  3150-9086-00  111   none   sticker LIGHTS
28  3150-9085-00  111   none   sticker PRESS TO STOP RELEASE TO RUN
29  3150-9084-00  111   none   sticker STOP
30  3150-9083-00  111   none   sticker ENGINE STOP
31  3150-9082-00  111   none   sticker L TURN R
32  6220-1105-00  777  $0.20  lock washer ∅5
33  6160-0105-00  330  $1.00  nut M5-0.9 (60’s JIS thread)
33  6161-0105-00 
003  $0.40
  nut M5-0.8 
34  6130-5030-00  22$1.50 
reascrew M5-0.9 x 30 phillips  (60’s JIS thread)
34  6131-5030-00 
002  $0.70  rear screw M5-0.8 x 30 phillips 

35  6130-5025-00  440  $1.50  pivot & front screw M5-0.9 x 25 (60’s JIS thread)
35  6131-5025-00 
002  $0.60  front screw M5-0.8 x 25
35  5150-6280-00  002  $4.50  pivot screw M5-0.8 x 25 with shoulder ∅6 x 11

36  6130-5020-00  110  $0.60  start pivot screw M5-0.9 x 20 phillips (60’s JIS thread)
37  5150-6281-00  00$6.00  start pivot screw M5-0.8 x 22 with shoulder ∅6 x 11

37  6130-5010-00  110  $3.00  start mount screw M5-0.9 x 10 phillips (60’s JIS thread)
37  6131-5010-00 
001  $0.60  start mount screw M5-0.8 x 10 phillips
38  6130-4006-00  111  $2.50  start mount screw M4-0.7 x 6 phillips



4. 1150-01, 4150 and 5151 controls for Sachs foot-brake

1977-78 AMS Sierra 50
1979-80 Grycner Floozie, Palm Springs
made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Sachs 505/1A engine with foot brake

1978 AMS Sierra 50 with 1150-01 controls
This left control now has a 4150 left lever.

1980 Grycner Floozie with 1150-01 controls
This left control now has a 1150-01 right lever.









1150-6282-01 and 4150-6282

1150-6281-01 and 4150-6281

1150-01 does not have threaded holes for brake light switches but 4150 does.

1150-01 brake levers are shorter than 3150, 4150 ones, and pull the cable less. This design is for smaller hands.

The brake cable inner wire length required by the the 1150-01 controls is 3 mm less than on 3150, 4150, 5150 controls, but 4 to 5 mm more than on 1150 controls.



1979-80 General 5 Star ST
1978-80 Jui Li Honey 50
1978-80 Clinton 50-A
made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Sachs 505/1A, 1B engine with foot-brake

1978 Jui Li Honey 50
4150 controls

1978 Clinton 50A
4150 controls

1980 General 5-Star ST
4150 controls









1980-85 AMS Sierra 50
1980-82 Sachs G4
made by Her Chee, with Sachs 505/1A, B or D foot brake engine

1981 Sachs G4, 505/1B foot brake
rod type F brake cable, 4150 controls

1981 Sachs G4
4150 controls




Sachs G4 rear foot brake
110 mm ID brake drum





3150 rear brake cable. left: 110 mm drum, right: 80 mm drum. They both use the same cable!
Here an Angel ∅80-left brake plate is shown, an exact mirror image of a General ∅80-right.




1984 AMS Sierra 50
505/1D foot brake
rod type F brake cable

’84 AMS Sierra 50
505/1D foot brake
rod type F brake cable










left control 4150-6282

right control 4150-6281

Left control: Has threaded hole for brake light switch. The left lever 4150-6287 was used as the start lever. It was made black to distinguish it from the right brake lever. A sticker says “start” and points to the black lever. Cable hole 8.5 mm for a 8.0 mm diameter barrel end.

Right control: Has threaded hole for brake light switch. Right lever 3150-6286 had a 8.5 cable hole for 8.0 cable end. Choke lever 4150-6270.


1980-83 General 5 Star ST
made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Sachs 505/1A engine with foot brake

1983 General 5 Star ST
5151 controls








right control 5151-6281

left control 5151-6282


Left control: The start lever and mount were removed. Brake cable hole 8.5 mm for a 8.0 mm barrel end.

Right control: Brake cable 8.0 barrel end.  Choke lever 2150-6287. Choke lever hole 6.5 mm for a 6.0 diameter barrel end.





Taiwan moped controls: a. 1150-01, b. 4150, and c. 5151











4150 list










5151 list









o# 0000-0000-00   qty   price    price color: new, used   font:  original part, replacement part
#  0000-0000-00  abc   price    description     a is 1150-01,
b is 4150, c is 5151
01  3150-6299-00  111   none   handlebar, no wires or mount holes
01150-6298-01  100   none   left housing/switch assy, no brake switch threads
02  4150-6298-00  010   none   left housing/switch assy with brk sw threads, no start lever hole
01150-6297-01  100   none   right housing/switch assy with choke threads
03  4150-6297-00  01$48.0  right housing/switch assy with choke & BL switch threads
04  2150-6296-00  110  $28.0  throttle cable for Sachs-Bing long pipe
04  1151-6296-00  001  $27.0  throttle cable for Sachs-Bing short pipe
05  1150-6294-00  100  $27.0  front brake cable with switch
05  3150-6294-00  011  $34.0  front brake cable for ∅80 hub
05  1151-6294-00  011  $27.0  front brake cable for ∅110 hub 
06  4150-6293-00  111  $23.0  start cable Sachs replacement
07  3150-6292-00  11$5.00  left grip original   ∅22 x 105
08  3150-6291-00  111   none   right grip original ∅25 x 105
09  3150-6290-00  111  $20.0  throttle twist tube original for 105 grip
09  3150-6290L-0  111  $19.0  throttle twist tube long for 120 grip
10  1150-6287-01  100  $14.0  left lever short pull (clutch)
10  4150-6287-00  010  $28.0  left lever medium dark, means “not brake”
10  5150-6287-00  001  $36.0  left lever large (clutch)

11  1150-6286-01  100  $14.0  right lever short pull (front brake)
11  3150-6286-00  010  $16.0  right lever medium (front brake)
11  5150-6286-00  001  $29.0  right lever large (front brake) used

12  4150-6284-00  111  $20.0  choke cable Sachs original
13  1150-6283-00  111  $15.0  mirror M8 screw-in round chrome
14  1150-6282-01  100   none   left control assembly no lower lever
14  4150-6282-00  01$95.0  left control assembly no lower lever
14  5151-6282-00  001   none   left control assembly no lower lever
15  1150-6281-01  100  $75.0  right control assy used with choke lever
15  4150-6281-00  010  75-50  right control assembly with choke lever
15  5151-6281-00  001  $105.  right control assembly with choke lever
15  4150-6281L-0  010  75-50  right control assy silver with choke lever, long for 120 grip
15  5151-6281L-0  001  $105.  right control assy black with choke lever, long for 120 grip
16  3150-6280-00  220  $6.00  pivot bushing ∅5.0-∅6.0 x 11.8
17  1150-6279-00  111  $3.00  cable adjuster M8 slotted
18  1150-6278-00  222  $2.00  adjuster nut M8 slotted
19  2150-6276-00  111  $2.50  pinch bolt P7 for start cable
20  1150-6275-00  444  $3.00  rubber tie strap (for electrical wires only)
21  2150-6274-00  111    none   cable adjuster dark, same as 1150-6279
22  4150-6272-00  11$4.00  choke shim washer ∅9.0-∅15.0 x 0.5 
23  4150-6271-00  11$2.50  choke plain washer ∅5.3-∅15.8 x 1.0
24  4150-6270-00  111  $9.00  choke lever ∅8.5
25  4150-6269-00  111  $6.50  choke lever bracket
26  4150-9089-00  111   none   sticker START
27  3150-9088-00  111   none   sticker HORN
28  3150-9087-00  111   none   sticker OFF  ON
29  3150-9086-00  111   none   sticker LIGHTS
30  4150-9085-00  111   none   sticker CHOKE
31  3150-9084-00  111   none   sticker STOP
32  3150-9083-00  111   none   sticker ENGINE STOP
33  3150-9082-00  111   none   sticker L TURN R
34  6220-1105-00  666  $0.20  lock washer
35  6160-0105-00  220  $1.00  nut M5-0.9 (60’s JIS thread)
35  6161-0105-00  002  $0.40
  nut M5-0.8 

36  6130-5030-00  220  $1.50  rear screw M5-0.9 x 30 phillips  (60’s JIS thread)
36  6131-5030-00  00$0.70  rear screw M5-0.8 x 30 phillips
37  6130-5025-00  220  $1.50  front screw
M5-0.9 x 25 phillips  (60’s JIS thread)
37  6131-5025-00  002  $0.60  front screw M5-0.8 x 25 phillips
37  6130-5022-00  220  $1.50  pivot screw M5-0.9 x 22 phillips  (60’s JIS thread)
37  5150-6280-00  00$4.50  pivot screw M5-0.8 x 25 with shoulder ∅6 x 11

37  6130-5010-00  11$3.50  choke screw
M5-0.9 x 10 phillips  (60’s JIS thread)
37  6131-5008-00  00$0.60  choke screw M5-0.8 x 8 phillips (or 10)



5. 1150-00/01, 3150/4150, 5150/5151 for Sachs hand-brake

1980-83 General 5 Star, 5 Star ST
made by Jui Li, 80 mm brakes, Sachs 505/1A engine

1980 General 5 Star ST
3150/4150 controls

1983 General 5 Star ST
3150/4150 controls

1981 General 5 Star
5150/5151 controls








1980-85 General 5 Star
1980-85 AMS Tahoe 50, Tahoe Sport G1
1980-82 Foxi 47
1980-83 General 5 Star ST
made by Her Chee, 110 mm brakes, Sachs 505/1A or 1D engine

1980 Foxi 47
3150/4150 controls
rod type F brake cable

1980 5 Star ST 
3150/4150 controls

1983 General 5 Star
5150/5151 controls

1983 AMS Tahoe G2
rod type F brake cable








1983 5-Star (Her Chee), 5150/5151 controls

’84 AMS Tahoe Sport
3150/4150 controls












3150/4150 controls are on dual hand brake models with Sachs engines

1151 rod-type front brake cable is on big hub models made by Her Chee











3150 and 5150

4150 and 5151


Left control: The metal start lever 5150-6287 with mount 5150-6289 was below the control.  Start cable end hole 6.5 mm for a 6.0 diameter barrel end. Brake cable hole 8.5 mm for a 8.0 mm barrel end.

Right control: Brake cable 8.0 barrel end.  Choke lever 2150-6287. Choke lever hole 6.5 mm for a 6.0 diameter barrel end.





Taiwan moped controls: a. 1150-00/1150-01, b. 3150/4150 and c. 5150/5151

o# 0000-0000-00   qty
o# 0000-0000-00   qty   price    price color: new, used   font:  original part, replacement part
#  0000-0000-00  abc   price    description   a is 1150-00/1150-01, b is 3150/4150, c is 5150/5151

01  3150-6299-00  111   none   handlebar, no wires or mount holes
01150-6298-00  100   none   left housing/switch assy silver, no brake switch threads
02  3150-6298-00  01  none   left housing/switch assy silver, with brake switch threads
02  5150-6298-00  001   none   left housing/switch assy black, with brake switch threads
01150-6297-01  100   none   right housing/switch assy silver, no brake switch threads
03  4150-6297-00  010  $48.0  right housing/switch assy silver with choke threads
03  5151-6297-00  001   none   right housing/switch assy black with choke and brake switch threads
04  2150-6296-00  110  $28.0  throttle cable for Sachs-Bing long pipe
04  1151-6296-00  001  $27.0  throttle cable for Sachs-Bing short pipe
05  1150-6295-00  100  $27.0  rear brake cable with switch
05  3150-6295-00  011  $31.0  rear brake cable rod type for 80 or 110
06  1150-6294-00  100  $27.0  front brake cable non-rod with switch
06  3150-6294-00  011  $34.0  front brake cable non-rod for ∅80 hub
06  1151-6294-00  011  $27.0  front brake cable rod type for ∅110 hub
07  4150-6293-00  111  $23.0  start cable Sachs
08  3150-6292-00  11$5.00  left grip original   ∅22 x 105
09  3150-6291-00  111   none   right grip original ∅25 x 105
10  3150-6290-00  111  $20.0  throttle twist tube original for 105 grip
10  3150-6290L-0  111  $19.0  throttle twist tube long for 120 grip
11  3150-6289-00  110  18-12  start lever mount small M5-0.9 and M4 thread
11  5150-6289-00  001  $26.0  start lever mount large M5-0.8 and M4 thread
12  1150-6287-01  100  $14.0  left lever short pull

12  3150-6287-00  010  $27.0  left lever medium
12  5150-6287-00  001  $36.0  left lever large
13  1150-6286-01  100  $14.0  right lever short pull

13  3150-6286-00  010  $16.0  right lever medium
13  5150-6286-00  001  $29.0  right lever large used
14  1150-6285-01  100  $22.0  start lever black plastic

14  3150-6285-00  010  $26.0  start lever silver metal
14  5150-6285-00  001  $26.0  start lever large black metal

15  1150-6283-00  111  $15.0  mirror M8 screw-in round chrome
16  1150-6282-00  100   none   left control assy small with lower lever
16  3150-6282-00  010  $85.0  left control assy silver with lower lever
16  5150-6282-00  001  $95.0  left control assy black with lower lever
17  1150-6281-01  100  $75.0  right control assy used small with choke lever
17  4150-6281-00  0175-50  right control assy silver with choke lever
17  5151-6281-00  00$105.  right control assy black with choke lever
17  4150-6281L-0  010  75-50  right control assy silver with choke lever, long for 120 grip
17  5151-6281L-0  001  $105.  right control assy black with choke lever, long for 120 grip
18  3150-6280-00  33$6.00  pivot bushing
19  1150-6279-00  222  $3.00  cable adjuster M8 slotted
20  1150-6278-00  222  $2.00  adjuster nut M8 slotted
21  1150-6275-00  444  $3.00  rubber tie strap (for electrical wires only)
22  1150-6274-00  111  $3.50  start cable adjuster
23  1150-6273-00  111  $2.50  start cable adjuster nut
24  4150-9089-00  11  none   sticker START
25  3150-9088-00  11  none   sticker HORN
26  3150-9087-00  11  none   sticker OFF  ON
27  3150-9086-00  111   none   sticker LIGHTS
28  4150-9085-00  11  none   sticker CHOKE
29  3150-9084-00  11  none   sticker STOP
30  3150-9083-00  11  none   sticker ENGINE STOP
31  3150-9082-00  111   none   sticker L TURN R
32  6220-1105-00  777  $0.20  lock washer ∅5
33  6160-0105-00  330  $1.00  nut M5-0.9 (60’s JIS thread)
33  6161-0105-00  003  $0.40  nut M5-0.8
34  6130-5030-00  220  $1.50  rear screw M5-0.9 x 30 phillips  (60’s JIS thread)
34  6131-5030-00  002  $0.70  rear screw M5-0.8 x 30 phillips
35  6130-5025-00  440  $1.50  pivot & front screw M5-0.9 x 25 (60’s JIS thread)
35  6131-5025-00  002  $0.60  front screw M5-0.8 x 25
35  5150-6280-00  002  $4.50  pivot screw M5-0.8 x 25 with shoulder ∅6 x 11

36  6130-5020-00  110  $0.60  start pivot screw M5-0.9 x 20 phillips (60’s JIS thread)
36  5150-6281-00  001  $6.00  start pivot screw M5-0.8 x 22 with shoulder ∅6 x 11
37  6130-5010-00  110  $3.00  start mount screw M5-0.9 x 10 phillips (60’s JIS thread)
37  6131-5010-00  001  $0.60  start mount screw M5-0.8 x 10 phillips

38  6130-4006-00  111  $2.50  start mount screw M4-0.7 x 6 phillips 
41  4150-6284-00  111  $20.0  choke cable Sachs
42  4150-6272-00  11$4.00  choke shim washer ∅9.0-∅15.0 x 0.5 
43  4150-627 1-00 11$2.50  choke plain washer ∅5.3-∅15.8 x 1.0
44  4150-6270-00  111  $9.00  choke lever ∅8.5
45  4150-6269-00  111  $6.50  choke lever bracket



ULO Tail Lights

April 18, 2021

ULO made tail lights, reflectors, and turn signals for German mopeds, Hercules (Sachs), Kreidler, Solo, Kynast, and tail lights for many non-German mopeds, Batavus, Sparta, Puch, Peugeot, Motobecane and Honda PA50. 

ULO was founded by Moritz Ullman in 1947 in Geislingen Germany. Ullman knew how to make molded glass products, like bicycle reflectors. Today ULO is worldwide, making tail lights for cars like BMW and Audi.

250 and 248: There are two versions of 1970’s -80’s moped tail lights, 250 and 248. The black housing says the number on the inside. The 250 came first in about 1972 to 1978. The 248 replaced the 250 in about 1978 to 1984. 

Dates: ULO plastic parts have a date mark. The lens has the compliance standards and those have a start date.


1975 ULO 250-1   lens 250-0015
bulb 6V 18/5w brake/tail
USA ’75-80 Motobecane 40 and ’75-77 50, 50V

1977 ULO 250-2   lens 248-0015
upper bulb 6V 10w brake, lower bulb 6V 5w tail
USA ’75-78 Batavus, Columbia, Hercules, Kreidler,
Kynast, Puch, Sparta, Solo, ’78-80 Honda PA50

1978 ULO 248-1   lens 248-0015
bulb 6V 18/5w brake/tail
USA ’78-80 Motobecane 50, 50V

1978 ULO 248-2   lens 248-0015
upper bulb 6V 10w brake, lower bulb 6V 5w tail
USA ’78-83 Peugeot 103SP, Columbia, Solo, Sparta

1978 ULO 248-3   lens 248-0015
upper bulb 6V 10w brake, lower bulb 6V 5W tail
ignition ground resistor in parallel with brake
USA ’78-82 Batavus 

Rep 250 replica, bulbs 12V 10w and 12V 5w
has no upper mount hole, loose bulb sockets
does not allow original wires under fender

The housing has no upper mount hole, so a 6mm (15/64″) hole must be drilled. The housing and lens screw hole tubes are 2mm higher and 1mm farther apart. So the lens does not directly fit an original ULO 250 housing. The bulb holder-mirror is different, a metal plate with plastic bulb sockets that are loose. The looseness might cause bulb burnout from vibration. The bulb sockets have 3mm male blade connectors, instead of 8mm male blades like the originals. So the original wires with 8mm female blade connectors will not fit. 

Rep 250-w replica, bulbs 6V 10w and 6V 5w
modified to accept original wires

Made from: 1) Rep-hous with the upper mount hole drilled, M5 or M6 mount bolt added, wires hole widened to 9 mm, 2) Rep-mirr with 8mm blade connectors soldered on, 3) Rep-lens, 4) Rep-ST44 screws.

Benefits: 1) allows the original wires to be reused, 2) the wire connectors are protected inside the light, unlike a plain Rep 250 where they are under the fender, 3) replaces ULO 250-2. Can also replace CEV lights without ignition ground resistors, with fender drilling.

Rep 250m1 replica, bulb 6V 21/5w (or 12V)
modified with ULO 1-bulb holder

Made from: 1) Rep-hous with the upper mount hole drilled, M5 or M6 mount bolt added, lens screw posts reduced in height, wires hole widened to 9 mm, 2) 250-0016 with the top cut down by 2 mm and the screw holes moved 1 mm farther apart by grinding off the outer edge, 3) Rep-lens, 4) 250-ST55 55 mm screws shortened to 50 mm.

Benefits: 1) solid bulb sockets for less bulb burn out, 2) uses the same original wires, no soldering, 3) replaces ULO 250-1. Can also replace CEV lights with ignition ground resistors, with fender drilling.

Rep 250m2 replica, bulbs 6V 10W and 6V 5W (or 12V)
modified with ULO 2-bulb holder

Made from: 1) Rep-hous with the upper mount hole drilled, M5 or M6 mount bolt added, the lens screw posts reduced in height, the wires hole widened to 9 mm, 2) 248-0016 with the top cut down by 2 mm and the screw holes moved 1 mm farther apart by grinding off the outer edge, 3) Rep-lens, 4) 250-ST55 55 mm screws shortened to 50 mm.

Benefits: 1) solid bulb sockets for less bulb burn out, 2) uses the same original wires, no soldering, 3) replaces ULO 250-2. Can also replace CEV lights without ignition ground resistors, with fender drilling.



Lights for Sale

60a ULO 250-1  $73 used, 6V 21/5w bulb (or 12V)
60a ULO 250-2  N/A used, 6V 10w, 6V 5w (or 12V)
60b ULO 248-1
 $65 used, 6V 21/5w bulb (or 12V)
60b ULO 248-2  N/A used, 6V 10w, 6V 5w (or 12V)
60b ULO 248-3  $80 used, 6V 10w, 6V 5w with ignition resistor

60a Rep 250 -0  $25 12V 10w, 12V 5w, sold as is
60a Rep 250-w  $42 6V 10w, 6V 5w bulbs (or 12V)
60a Rep 250m1 $48 6V 21/5w single bulb (or 12V)

60a Rep 250m2 $55 6V 10w, 6V 5w bulbs (or 12V)

Parts for Sale

61a 250-6017 none  ULO250 housing used
61a 250-hous $30.0 Rep250 housing modified
61a 250-hous $00.0 lens screws must be 5mm shorter
61r Rep-hous $15.0 Rep250 housing (not modified)

 248-6017 $20.0 ULO248 housing used broken

left 61a 250-hous, right 61a 250-6017

62x 250-pum $0.50 Puch upper bolt M5x32
62a 250-upm $0.50 250 upper bolt M6x32
62b 248-upm $0.50 248 upper bolt M6x25

63a 250-ST55 $1.00 250 lens screw self-threading x 55
250-ST50 $2.00 shortened screw self-threading x 50
63b 248-m445 $0.70248 lens screw M4 x 45
63r  Rep-ST44 $1.00 Rep 250 lens screw self-threading 3.95 x 44

64x 248-0015 $30.0 new original lens ’76-84 holes 89 mm
64x 250-lens  $23.0 replica lens modified, requires modified housing
250-0015 $35.0 used original lens ’72-75 holes 89 mm
64r Rep-lens  $16.0 replica lens unmodified, holes 90, 2 mm higher

left 64 250-0015, right 64 250-lens

65x 250-gask $7.00 ULO 250 lens gasket
65x 250-gask $0.00 not for ULO 248 or Rep 250

66x 250-ge63 $2.00 6V 5w lower bulb GE 63
66  250-ge67 $1.50 12V 5w lower bulb GE 67

67x 250-ge81 $2.00 6V 10w upper bulb GE 81
67  250-ge89 $1.50 12V 10w upper bulb GE 89
67a 248-1154 $2.00 6V 21/5w dual bulb GE 1154
67a 248-1157 $1.20 12V 21/5w dual bulb GE 1157

68x 250-lomb $0.50 “Puch” lower bolt M5x16
68a 248-lomb $0.80 non-Puch lower bolt M6x16
248-lwas  $0.20 non-Puch lower mnt washer M6

61a 250-hous, 69b 250-csh3

69x 250-csh1 $9.00 cushion foam (only on some)
69a 250-csh2 $9.00 cushion thick (only on some)
69b 250-csh3 $9.00 cushion thin (only on some)

69a thick on top, 69b thin, flat, 69 foam, flat

70x 250-locw  $0.20 “Puch” mount lock washer M5
70a 248-locw  $0.20 non-Puch mnt lock washer M6

71x 250-mnut $0.25 “Puch” mount hex nut M5
71a 248-mnut $0.25 non-Puch mount hex nut M6

72x 248-grom $1.00 grommet for 2-bulb mirror

left 73 248-mirr, right 73 248-0016

73x 248-0016 $25.0 used 2-bulb holder-mirror
x 248-mirr  $32.0 used 2-bulb holder modified
73a 250-0016 $13.0 1-bulb holder-mirror
73a 250-mirr  $20.0 1-bulb holder modified
73r Rep-mirr  $10.0 Rep 250 bulb holder-mirror

73r Rep-mirr

The little rubber grommets #72 for the two-bulb holder-mirror, are important. When one is missing, the bulb holder is loose. Engine vibration causes the loose holder to “buzz” or vibrate and rub against the lens and housing. The buzzing causes the bulbs to burn out, and produces white powder. The white plastic dust or powder is evidence of “buzzing”.  Slices of small rubber hose can be good substitutes.





Other Tail Lights

April 18, 2021


4. Peterson Tail Lights

Peterson tail lights, made in Grandview, Missouri USA, were on ’76-80 Jawa and ’76-77 Derbi mopeds.

Peterson PM420

Peterson PM-420 1960’s – 70’s trailer tail light
used on 1976-77 Jawa Babetta (USA models)

–   3296-061  N/A  Tail Lamp PM420
1   3296-061  N/A  Lamp housing
2    3296-061 N/A Lens used PM420-15
3  34544-001 50¢ Lens screw ST (2)
4      34213 $1.00 Nut 3/8-24 fine
5      34213    50¢ Lock washer 3/8″
6      60507  $2.00 Bulb 6V 21/5W #1154



Peterson PM-421 meets 1970’s US safety standards for motorcycle tail lamps (shines to the sides). Also has built-in side reflectors, eliminating the need for separate ones. Used on 1978-80 Jawa, 1976-77 Derbi, and not many others. 

–  70106  N/A Tail lamp used PM-421
1  70100  $33 Housing-mirror used PM-421
2  70101  N/A Lens cover new PM-421-15
3  70102  N/A Lens screw ST (3)
4  70103  N/A Mount screw ST (3)
5  60507  $2.00 Bulb 6V 21/5W #1154

Peterson PM-421 tail light

6  422-10  $19 plastic mount PM-422-10
7  422-24  $$6 mount rubber PM-422-24

Jawa metal mount

PM-422 plastic mount







5. Stanley Tail Lights

Dozens of different Stanley tail lights, made in Japan, are on most Honda motorcycles and mopeds. Here we focus on those used on mopeds and small motorcycles.  

Stanley 040-4765 tail light


Stanley 040-4765, used on 1977-85 General (top-tank), Lazer (top-tank) and compatibles, made in Taiwan.

N/A lamp assembly
N/A chrome housing-mirror
2  N/A (2) M6 threaded holes spaced 90mm
N/A mount bracket (not shown)
$2.00 bulb 6V 21/5W
5 $8 lens gasket
6 none  lens screw M4x50 phillips-wide
$40 red lens new, small crack on clear bottom


Stanley HM-23RC tail light


Stanley HM-23RC, used on 1977-83 Honda Express NC50 and Express II NA50, made in Japan.

1 none  lamp assembly
2 $45.0 black housing-mirror-mount with license mount
2 none  (3) M6 bolt-thru rubber mounts
4 $2.00 bulb 6V 21/5W
5 none  lens gasket (used)
6 none  lens screws ST (2) 60mm
7 $8.00 red lens (used, side reflectors broken off)




Stanley HM-42RC tail light, with NS50 mount

Stanley HM-42RC, used on 1984-85 Honda Spree NQ50, 1990 Honda NS50, and other late 1980’s Hondas.

$45 lamp assembly, without mount
2  $35 black housing-mirror
$45 (2) M5 threaded holes spaced 100mm
$10 black mount for NS50 (shown)
2  $18 black mount for NQ50 with license mount
$1.20 bulb 12V 21/5W
5 $12 lens gasket (used)
6 $$3 lens screws ST (2) 40mm
$15 red lens (used)



6. Cat Eye Tail Lights

Cat Eye reflectors, lights, and turn signal kits, for bicycles and mopeds, were made in Japan.

Cat Eye TL-800 tail light with mount

Cat Eye TL-800, used on 1977-85 Taiwan mopeds, Indian, Angel, General (step-thru) and compatibles.

$70.0 lamp assembly, with mount, used
$42.0 chrome housing-mirror, used
$35.0 black metal mount (shown) good-used
$2.00 bulb 6V 21/5W #1154
$12.0 lens gasket (used)
6 $1.00 lens screw M4 x 50 or 55 phillips
$32.0 red lens 35mm hole spacing




7. Saturnus Tail Lights

Saturnus tail, turn and head lights were made in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Saturnus tail lights were only on 2012-13 Tomos mopeds (US models), but they have been on European models for decades. 

 Saturnus 2-bulb tail lamp parts, from 2012 Tomos USA Parts Manual.

#  part#  price  qty    description
30  223572  N/A   1  Rear lamp 2012-on
31  044698 $1.50 1  bulb 12V/5W  BA15S
32  044689 $1.50 1  bulb 12V/10W BA15S
33  044439  $$1   2  Lens screw ST 3.9×16
34  236963  N/A   1  Rear lamp holder (mount) 2012-on
35  026690 1- .60 2  Screw M6x16 button-head allen
36  031509  20¢   2  Washer 6
37  222187  $$8   2  Distance tube 6x10x7.5 (not 6x9x5.5 like pre-2012)
38  219946  $$5   2  Vibration rubber for taillight xxx (same as pre-2012)
39  031925  20¢   2  Washer 6 xxxxxxxxxx   (lower is same as pre-2012)

Saturnus tail light

40  044284 $1.40 2  hex bolt M6x22 xxxxxx  (not M6x20 like pre-2012)
41  217674  50¢   2  Washer 6.4×16 xxxxxxx (not 8.4×16 like pre-2012)
42  030040  50¢   2  Nut M6 self-locking (not shoulder nut like pre-2012)

The fender mount was made to interchange with CEV 9417. The upper 6mm stud on CEV 9417 was very short. That made the special shoulder nut necessary, on 1978-2012 Tomos with CEV 9417. This Saturnus mount uses separate bolts, which are longer. That eliminates the need for a more costly shoulder nut. So Saturnus mount uses a 2mm shorter nut, 2mm longer bolt, 2mm longer spacer. This makes the bolts/nuts 2mm closer to the rear tire.  


8. Fiem Tail Lights

Fiem tail and turn lights are made in India. On US models, Fiem rear lamps are on early 2000’s Hero Pacer, Panther, Ankur (Hero Majestic), Cosmo Stinger (Mont) and Avanti Autopower, Mont, Supersport, Kobra (Mont) mopeds.

Fiem tail light on Hero Pacer

Fiem tail light on Avanti Autopower










These two lights are the same. The Avanti one is missing the lower red reflector and left side reflector. The Hero one is missing the right side reflector. The top bulb is bigger for the brake light, 12V 10W with base BA15S (bayonet 12 mm single contact). The bottom bulb is smaller for the tail light, 12V 4W with base BA9S (bayonet 9 mm single contact). The tail light also illuminates the license plate through a clear bottom in the red lens.


The Avanti wire colors are yellow = tail, green = brake, black = ground. See wirings for more.


Tail Lights and Turn Lights Menu

April 18, 2021

updated 2021-04

Click image to select:

CEV tail lights

ULO tail lights






other tail lights

turn signal lights










USA moped tail lights: 1970’s and 1980’s USA moped models generally have different tail lights than European models. That is because of the 1972 and 1976 US DOT motor vehicle safety requirements for motor-driven cycles and motorized bicycles. The rear light must shine to the rear and the sides, and illuminate the license plate. The rear of the bike must have red side and rear reflectors. Putting the reflectors with the tail light eliminates the need for adding them on elsewhere. Also the bulbs are bigger, 15 not 9mm, because of higher watts required for the running light, 5 watts instead of 3, and for the brake light 10 watts instead of nothing.  

The most troublesome US DOT requirement was that the brake light operation cannot cause the head light to get dimmer. This meant that the brake light had to be powered by a separate source coil in the magneto-generator. There was no solid-state voltage regulation until the mid-1980’s. The AC voltage was crudely regulated by generator magnetism, rather than a external mechanical or electronic device.


Internal ignition ground family: Some US moped versions had an additional source coil to operate the brake light, such as Puch or Batavus (Bosch magnetos). On these the brake light wires never cause the engine to not run. The ignition source coil is grounded internally, inside the generator. So the ignition is never affected by any of the lights.

The brake light only needs to be matched with the generator source coil, usually 6 volt 10 watt. Unlike your house, a higher wattage bulb makes less light. If a 6V 18W bulb is used, it will be dim. If a 6V 5W bulb is used, it will be too bright and burn out.


External ignition ground family: Some US mopeds use the ignition source coil to operate the brake light, such as Garelli or Minarelli with (CEV magnetos). On these the brake light wires can cause the engine to loose spark and not run. If the connecters or wires are corroded or loose, on the brake light wires, the engine will stall when the brakes are applied. If the brake switch wires up at the handlebars are also loose, then the engine will not ever “have spark”. Removing the tail light assembly, or changing it, can cause these bikes to not run.

The brake light needs a 4 ohm (10 watt max) resistor in parallel with a 6 volt 10 watt bulb #81, or just a 6 volt 18 watt bulb #1129, or a 6V 21/5W #1154 dual filament bulb. For a brighter brake light but a weaker ignition spark, the resistor can be 6.8 ohm 10 watt.


Modern family: After the 1980’s, thankfully, there were no more mopeds with external ignition grounds. They had internal ignition grounds. So the brake light wires never cause the engine to loose spark. Their solid state AC voltage regulators allowed all the lights to run off of the same generator wire, yet still stay the same brightness as additional lights (brake) were turned off or on. The modern family also uses 12 volt bulbs instead of 6 volt.

The brake light bulb does not need to be any particular wattage. Just like in your house, a higher wattage bulb would produce more light. You want the brake light to be brighter than the tail light, for safety, but it doesn’t need to be.


Price List: Prices are for each item. Bright green means new. Dark green means used. N/A means not available.

Screws: M means metric machine screw M3, M4, M5, M6. ST means self tapping screw (for plastic).