Here are switches that are, or can be, integrated or built into the hand controls.
1. 36 mm hole spacing by CEV, Aprilia, Grabor
for Domino “diamond” controls or direct mount
2. 30 mm hole spacing by CEV
for Domino “square” controls
3. late ’80’s integrated in English, by CEV, Daelim
for Domino “80’s black” controls
4. ’91-06 integrated with icons, by HR
for HR controls on Tomos
5. ’01-07 integrated with icons, by Domino
for Domino controls on Tomos
6. ’08-17 integrated with icons, by TBS
for TBS controls on Tomos
Integrated controls means the electrical buttons and switches are part of the twist throttle and hand levers, rather than separate. The purpose of integrated controls is to locate the switches close to the operator’s thumbs, for increased safety and convenience, and to reduce cost and save space on the handlebar. Motorcycles had this first, because they have more buttons, generally. While the European switches below can be replaced separately from the controls, with most Taiwan and Japanese mopeds you had to buy the whole control assembly to get new switches and buttons. More on that will be in the Taiwan Mopeds parts department.
1. 36 mm hole spacing by CEV, Aprilia, Grabor
Switches in this section can fit on Domino diamond controls.
They can also be mounted directly to the handlebar by drilling holes and using a diamond direct mount.
1.1 CEV 8033 Turn/Horn Switch – L or R
part# price parts list
8033 none switch, no mount, set screws
1.2 CEV 8042 Lights/Horn Switch – L or R
part# price parts list
8042 none switch with mount, set screws
M4x16 $0.50 screw M4 x 16 phillips
1.3 CEV 8109 Run/Lights/Horn Switch – L or R
part# price parts list
8109 none switch, 36mm hole spacing, set screws
Omount none oval mount, use diamond direct mount
Oscrew $2.00 M4-0.7 x 28 sunk slot screw
This is on ’68 Harley Davidson MS65 Sport.
1.4 Garelli 8109GR Run Switch – R or L
part# price parts list
8109GR none switch only, 36mm hole spacing
photo 2. For ’77-80 Garelli w/Domino “Diamond” controls, Garelli 506961.6.300
The pivot post inside breaks if the rider’s knee hits it. Then the “clicker” escapes. Replace the base with a CEV 8176.
1.5 Garelli 8109GL Lights/Horn Switch – L or R
part# price parts list
8109GL none switch only, 36mm hole spacing
For ’77-80 Garelli w/Domino “Diamond” controls, Garelli 507991.6.400
The pivot post inside breaks if the rider’s knee hits it. Then the “clicker” escapes. Replace the base with a CEV 8176.
1.6 CEV 188? Turn Switch – R or L
says “CEV 188 SAE GB 55″
part# price parts list Piaggio 144474
????? $13.0 switch, no mount, set screws
Dscrew $0.70 screw M4 x 14 phillips
05020? $5.00 direct mount
Switch can be for lights ON-OFF-ON or LO-OFF-HI.
1.7 CEV 8176 Turn/Horn Switch – L or R
says “horn L turn R”, normally open horn button
part# price parts list Piaggio 147304
8176 $16.0 switch, no mount, set screws
Dscrew $0.70 screw M4 x 14 phillips
05020? $5.00 direct mount
Switch can be for lights/horn ON-OFF-ON or LO-OFF-HI.
Button can be for engine stop.
1.8 CEV 8192 Horn or Run Switch – R or L
part# price parts list Piaggio 307264
8192 $25.0 switch, no mount
Original on ’78-79 Vespa Grande with blinkers
1.9 Grabor 8192G Horn Switch – L or R
says “Grabor“
part# price parts list
8192G none switch, without mount
Dscrew $0.70 screw M4 x 14 phillips
Original on ’80-83 Vespa Grande with blinkers.
1.10 CEV 8193 Lights/Horn Switch – L or R
says “CEV Lights ON OFF”
part# price parts list
8193 N/A Switch, without mount, with solder connections
M4x14 $0.70 screw M4 x 14 phillips
The wires must to be soldered on skillfully. Use CEV 8176 above as a substitute.
By the end of the 1970’s, the shape of pretty much everything from toasters to automobiles, that used to be rounded, was straight. Many things that were metal became plastic. On Garelli mopeds, the all curved Garelli “Oval Chrome” switch shape was modernized to CEV “Diamond Plastic”, with the same 36mm bolt spacing. The new design was much stronger and more resistant to breaking, because the sliding switch had a large platform that almost touches the base. The newer “knobs” are low and wide, not tall and thin.
1.11 CEV 8194 Engine Stop Switch – R or L
says “CEV Engine Stop RUN OFF”
part# price parts list
8194 none Switch, without mount, with solder connections
M4x14 Dscrew $0.70 screw M4 x 14 phillips
Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.
1.12 Domino D-25 Block-Off Plate – L or R
says “Domino”
part# price parts list
D-25 $3.00 plate, 36mm holes, for when there is no switch
M4x10 $1.20 phillips screw M4 x 10, shorter for a plate
1.13 Aprilia Run/Lights/Horn Switch – L or R
part# price parts list
A-1.13 none switch with clamp, M4 screws, 36 mm spacing
Clamps across the handlebar.
Original on ’68 Innocenti Lambretino and others.
1.14 Aprilia Diamond Chrome – R or L
part# price parts list
A-1.14 none Complete switch with clamp
Aprilia “Diamond Chrome” switches are mounted at 90 degrees
to the handlebar, while CEV “Diamond Chrome”
switches are mounted in line with the handlebar.
1.15 CEV ???? Diamond Clamp-On Mount – L or R
part# price parts list
40488? none switch mount, clamp-on
For mounting CEV or Aprilia “Diamond”
switches (36 mm M4 holes) onto a 22 mm bar.
1.16 CEV ???? Diamond Direct Mount – L or R
part# price parts list
05020? $4.00 switch mount bare, 36 mm hole spacing
For CEV or Aprilia “Diamond” switches
Drill small 1/16″ holes in handlebar 36mm (1 7/16″) apart.
Use sheet metal screws, appropriate size and length.
2. 30 mm hole spacing by CEV, Grabor
Switches in this section can fit on Domino square controls.
2.1 CEV 8191 Turn/Run Switch – R or L
part# price parts list Piaggio 307263
8191 $16.0 switch only, 30mm hole spacing
8191m $15.0 rubber mount
photo 2. CEV 8191 for Vespa Grande, no rubber mount. The wire notch is in the Domino control.
photo 3. CEV 8191 with rubber mount for ’79-83 Tomos Silver Bullet. The wires come out of the notch in the rubber base.
2.2 Grabor Run Switch – R or L
part# price parts list Piaggio 189833
Gr-2.2 none switch only, 30mm hole spacing
3. late ’80’s plastic in English, by CEV, Daelim
1980’s with black horn button
There were not many US-model mopeds in the late 1980’s, other than Derbi, Garelli, Jawa, Tomos, Trac (Daelim), pretty much. Except for Jawa, they all used late 1980’s black Domino controls with fully integrated switches.
3.1 Daelim Engine Stop switch – right side
part# price parts list
23232 $35 new, switch only
Comes with wires (black male bullet, green male bullet)
Original on 1985-88 Trac Clipper, Olympic, Hawk (no turn signals, pedals), and 1986-89 Trac Escot, Liberty, Image (turn signals, kickstart)
Fits any “late 1980’s – 90’s Domino” right control.
3.2 Daelim Lights/Horn switch – left side
says “⊂≡ ON OFF HORN”
part# price parts list
23233 $40 used, tested good, switch only
Comes with wires (red bullet, yellow bullet, grey bullet)
Original on 1985-88 Trac Clipper, Olympic, Hawk (no turn signals, pedals)
Fits any “late 1980’s – 90’s Domino” left control.
3.3 Daelim Lights/Turn/Horn switch – left side
says “⊂≡ ON OFF HORN ⇐ TURN ⇒”
part# price parts list
23234 none switch only,
Comes with wires (red,yellow,grey,orange,lt blu, lt grn, all male bullet)
Original on 1986-89 Trac Escot, Liberty, Image (turn signals, kickstart) Fits any “late 1980’s – 90’s Domino” left control.
This is the first use of icons on moped switches – 1985.
3.4 CEV 8246.01 lights, engine stop – right side
part# price parts list
222.427 none switch only
M3 x 8 $2.00 bottom screw
Original on 1986-91 Tomos Bullet, Bullet TT, Golden Bullet, Golden Bullet TTLX
Original on 1986-89 Derbi Variant Sport, others. Bottom screw $2, size M3 x 8
Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.
The red switch button breaks, usually from the riders knee hitting it.
3.5 CEV 8230.07 Horn only – left side
says “HORN “
part# price parts list
222.426 N/A Switch only
M3 x 8 $2.00 bottom screw
Original on 1986-91 Tomos Bullet, Bullet TT (round head light, no turn signals)
3.6 CEV 8232.08 Turn/Horn switch – left side
says “HORN L TURN R CEV 300“
part# price parts list
222.429 $35 Switch only
M3 x 8 $2.00 bottom screw
Original on 1986-91 Golden Bullet, Golden Bullet TTLX (round head light, turn signals)
At right, it’s European all-icon cousin. Over there they signal by momentarily flashing their high beam, rather than by horn. So their buttons have different functions. By 1984-85 Europe already had all-icon switches, a few years before the USA allowed them.
3.7 CEV 8232 Turn/Hi-Lo/Horn switch – left side
says “HI LO P HORN L TURN R CEV 300“
part# price parts list
34040 N/A Switch only
M3 x 8 $2.00 bottom screw
Original on 1987-90 Trac DH100 Super Hawk
Original on many late 80’s bikes with turn signals and hi-lo head light.
Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.
4. ’91-06 plastic with icons, by HR
1990’s with blue horn button

Top: HR controls, Bottom: “80’s – 90’s Domino”
Icons appeared first on US mopeds in 1985 on Trac/Daelim, then in 1987 on Derbi Variant Sport and DS50. In the 1980’s the world somehow realized it made more economic sense for motorcycle switches to use symbols, with one version for all, rather than using words and having to make many language versions. By the 1990’s the US had switched to icons, at the time when Tomos and Jawa were the only European mopeds remaining. There were several “remakes”: Kinetic (India) is like Vespa/Piaggio, Manet (Slovakia) is like Puch, Hero (India) is like Puch, and others. Some of those copied “80’s – 90’s Domino” controls. These HR (Hidria Rotomatika) switches below do not interchange with Domino. The HR switches are slightly smaller than Domino, and their top peg is smaller. HR switches must go on HR controls, aka “1992-2007 Tomos” controls.
4.1 HR Lights/engine stop switch – right side
227002 $40 Switch only, all icons
Original on 1992-2007 Tomos (A35 and A55) Sprint, Targa, ST, LX
Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.
Look just below the black light switch to see the circled HR logo (Hidria Rotomatica).
4.2 HR Hi-Lo/Horn/Engine stop – left side
??? N/A Switch only, all icons
Not for US models. For countries that allow engine stop to be on the left.
Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.
4.3 HR Hi-Lo, horn switch – left side
227595 $40 Switch only, all icons
Original on 1993-07 Tomos Sprint, 1993-94 Sprint TT (no turn signals)
Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.
Many switch problems are from “cold” solder joints. The cure is re-solder.
4.4 HR Hi-Lo/Turn/Horn switch – left side
227001 $30 Switch only, all icons
Original on 1992-07 Tomos A35 Bullet, Targa, ST, LX (all with turn signals)
Was sold new without wires, which had to be soldered on skillfully.
Many switch problems are from “cold” solder joints. The cure is re-solder.
5. ’01-07 plastic with icons, by Domino
2000’s with yellow horn button
Put away that soldering iron. The new century brings wires pre-soldered by the factory, with a convenient multi-pin plug.
5.1 Domino Engine stop, start – right side
232987 $50 Switch only, all icons, made in Italy by Domino
Original on Tomos 2002-07 Revival, 2005-07 Streetmate, 2005 Arrow
For mopeds, scooters and motorcycles with electric start.
Was sold new with wires soldered on, with a single multi-pin plug.
5.2 Domino hi/lo, turn, horn – left side
232788 $50 Switch only, all icons, made in Italy by Domino
Original on Tomos 2002-07 Revival, 2005-07 Streetmate, 2005 Arrow
For mopeds, scooters and motorcycles with hi/lo and turn signals.
Was sold new with wires soldered on, with a single multi-pin plug.
6. ’08-17 plastic with icons, by TBS
2010’s with red horn button
High quality long lasting switches and controls at half the price of Italian. They’re as good, or better.
6.1 TBS engine stop, start – right side
237129 $25 Switch only, all icons
Original on Tomos 2008-13 all models.
For mopeds and motorcycles with electric start.
Sold new with wires and a single multi-pin plug.
Fits any “2000’s Domino” right control, or compatible.
The TBS plug is different from Domino. See above and Wirings.
6.2 TBS Hi/lo/Turn/Horn – left side
837130 $30 Switch only, all icons
Original on Tomos 2008-13 all models.
For mopeds and cycles with hi/lo and turn.
Sold new with wires and a single multi-pin plug.
Fits any “2000’s Domino” left control, or compatible.
The TBS plug is different from Domino. See above and Wirings.