A24 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A24. 12x1 female side mount Maxi

A24 12×1 side mt.
01z2141069a  $16
←reserve  on↓ off→
Italy-made by OMG

A24b 12×1 side mount
401400    none
⇐reserve  on⇓  off⇒
made in Taiwan

Links to photos of examples:

1976 Intramotor-Gloria Blanco original
1977 Intramotor-Gloria Blanco original
1977 Puch Maxi Sport original
1978 Puch Maxi original
1978 Puch Sport MKII with A24b
1984 Puch Maxi Sport LS original

Puch Maxi: The most popular 1970’s moped in the USA uses this valve. Puch Maxi and Maxi equivalents GN, Rigid, Sport, Sport MkII, Newport, Newport-L, Newport II and Maxi II all have the same sheet-metal gas tank built into the frame. The gas valve is on the right side mounted horizontally. 


A23 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A23. 12x1 female side mount Ciao

A23 12×1 side mount 5320   $18 
 ←reserve  on↓ off→
Italy-made by Franconi

A23b 12×1 side mt. 
01Z2141023A  $18   
←reserve  on↓ off→
 Italy-made by OMG

Links to photos of examples:

1974 Vespa Ciao frame

This valve fits a Vespa (Piaggio) Ciao. It can also fit a Puch Maxi type frame, but the upper filter hits the inside upper wall of the Puch gas tank. The reserve tube, which is a light press fit, can simply be rotated so it is not aimed straight up, to allow a Ciao valve to fit a Puch.



A22 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A22. 12x1 female spigot right long shaft

A22 12×1 rt. long shaft
01z2691051 $19
←reserve  on↓ off→
made in Italy by OMG

Links to photos of examples:

1978 Benelli G2, A22 is too long

Benelli G2 This A22 valve has a round aluminum shaft that is 56mm long, too long for a Benelli G2 or Moto Guzzi Robin. It needs to be 15 to 25mm shorter. Use A20.




A21 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A21. 12x1 female spigot right medium shaft

A21 12×1 spigot right
long shaft 5321 $15
←reserve  on↓ off→
Italy-made by Mec Eur

Links to photos of examples:

1978 Baretta 44 original
1978 Vespa Grande original
1979 Vespa Grande frame with no valve
1979 Vespa Grande with spigot right
1980 Vespa Si original
1985 Vespa Si frame with original valve

Vespa Grande: The Vespa Grande has a vertical type valve, but it is mounted at an angle of about 60 degrees from vertical, or “2 o’clock”, as seen in the red frame photo. Although the spigot direction is wrong, this still works fine on a Vespa Grande. The gas has to go uphill a little at first, but the gas hose stays below the bottom of the gas tank (when routed under the throttle cable like shown below). So it will flow gasoline all the way to empty.

Tomos Targa: While the Tomos Targa valve works on a Vespa Si, the opposite is not true. The Tomos engine is too close, unless the cover is left off and the valve is rotated.

A20 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A20. 12x1 female spigot left medium shaft

 A20 12×1 spigot right, long shaft, price $20
01Z2691051 ←reserve  on↓ off→ Italy-made by OMG

This shaft is too long for a Benelli G2 or a Tomos Targa. The handle hits the pedal or the rider’s shoe.


 A20t 12×1 spigot left, medium shaft, price none
229169 ←reserve  on↓ off→ Taiwan-made by FS
Photos:  1995 Tomos Targa original, 1998 Tomos Targa original, 2005 Tomos ST original


A20b 12×1 spigot right, short shaft, price $35
01Z2691051-modified ←reserve  on↓ off→ Italy-made by OMG
1978 Moto Guzzi Robin original, 1979 Benelli G2 original

Benelli G2 The valve shaft sticks out of a small hole in the plastic side cover. To get the shaft through the hole in the plastic side cover, the black handle knob must be pried off and the metal rod unscrewed. The valve must be aimed just right. It might take 2 or 3 guesses to get the shaft aimed at the hole. Then the plastic cover is replaced, and then the handle knob is pressed back onto the shaft.




A19 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A19. 12x1 female spigot back short extended knob

A19 12×1 spigot back with short shaft
Left is original, right is replacement
It is a A15 with a longer handle shaft   $27
←reserve  on↓ off→   OMG made in Italy

Links to photos of examples:

1985 Garelli Rally SL original
1985 Garelli Rally SL original

Garelli 1980-86: This valve is made for the 1980-86 Garelli Sport, Rally Sport, Rally SL step-thru models with side panels that cover everything up to the bottom of the gas tank. The valve handle shaft passes through a hole in the panel.

The replacement sticks out a few mm farther than the original. Not bad.




A18 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A18. 12x1 female spigot right

A18   01z2391037  $19    ↑res ←off  on↓ Italy-made by OMG
A18b 5322-A 000 none  ←res  on↓ off→ Italy-made Franconi
A18c Piag. 180581 $45    ↑res ←off  on↓ Italy-made by Paioli

Links to photos of examples:
1976 Flandria Bermuda Hampton (cover hole widened)
1977 Flandria Bermuda Hampton (no cover no petcock)
1978 Flandria Bermuda Pembroke
1978 Vespa Bravo original
1978 Vespa Bravo gas tank original
1978 Cimatti City Bike (when 10-12 adaptor is there)
1978 JC Penney Pinto (no petcock)
1979 Columbia 2220 (sheet frame) original
1979 Columbia 2220 (sheet frame) with spigot down
1979 Batavus Starflite with spigot right
1982 Batavus Mondial with spigot right
1980 Columbia Medallion (top tank) original
1981 Murray 8320 original
Tomos 233727 gas valve original
2007 Tomos Sprint with 233727
1980 Sachs Prima original
1969 Honda PC50

Columbia sheet frame: The sheet metal frame Columbia is different from a tube frame Columbia. It can have different marketing names. Original valve was spigot right, but down, back, or left also fit.

Tomos A55: All Tomos models with the A55 engine have a 12×1 spigot right gas valve #233727, above the left side of the engine. Earlier A35 models had a opposite valve on the opposite side. 

Vespa Bravo: This screw-on valve is for Vespa Bravos with a metal tank. Some have a plastic gas tank, with a different gas valve than this. See clamp-on valves below.

Flandria Bermuda: Bermuda (made by Flandria) mopeds use this vertical 12×1 spigot right valve, but in the horizontal position. There is no reserve function. The owners manual says that either rear or forward is closed (off), and outward is open (on). The valve handle is protected behind the cover. There is a finger width long slot in the right cover, for one-finger access. 


A17 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A17. 12x1 female spigot left

A17 12×1 spigot left
01z2361059    $15
←reserve  on↓ off→
made in Italy by OMG

A17c 12×1 sp. left
403300    $15
←res  on↓  off→
made in Taiwan

Links to photos of examples:

1978 Garelli VIP original
1978 Sachs Westlake with spigot left
1978 Cimatti Town Bike original
1979 Batavus Starflite with spigot left
1979 Sachs Balboa with spigot left
1979 Columbia 2250 (tube frame, Solo engine)
1979 Columbia 2260 (tube frame, Sachs engine)
1980 Sachs Seville original
1980 Sachs Prima original
1985 Tomos Bullet original
1994 Tomos Sprint original
1998 Tomos Sprint original
2000 Avanti Autopower original
2001 Avanti Kobra original
2001 Avanti Super Sport original

Columbia with tube frame:The original valve on a Columbia Commuter (tube frame) was a vertical mount valve, mounted in the sideways position. So the valve faces up, instead of sideways. That is not bad, but the poor handle gets kicked easily since it is right where you step through the frame at. The original valve had a reserve tube that curved upward, like on a Puch side mount. The replacement valve has a short straight reserve tube. Sideways installation disables the reserve feature. Optionally, a longer curved soft aluminum reserve tube is available. See below.


A17b. 12x1 female spigot left with extended round knob

A17b 12×1 spigot left
round knob
401602 $18
←reserve  on↓ off→
made in Taiwan by FS

Links to photos of examples:

2007 Tomos LX

This valve was made to replace Tomos 229.455, on 1994-2013 top tanks. Before 1994 was 10×1 male.








A16 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A16. 12x1 female spigot back with clear trap

A16 12×1 spigot back
clear sediment trap
01z2101024  $18
←reserve  on↓ off→
made in Italy by OMG

PA50 original

Links to photos of examples:

1978 Honda PA50 Hobbit tank
1978 Honda PA50 Hobbit original
1993 Hero Panther original
2000 Kinetic TFR-USA original
2002 Whizzer with the tank hole drilled bigger

This valve has a clear sediment trap. Anything heavier than gasoline, like water, dirt, rust settles at the bottom. The trap not only filters, but allows visual monitoring of the fuel for purity.

Whizzer The 2002 Whizzer tank takes a 12×1 thread gas valve. But the original Whizzer valve has no reserve tube or fuel filter. To have those, the 6.3mm hole can be drilled to 7.0mm. Here it is shown with a A16 “spigot back” type valve, but a A18 “spigot right” type would be better.


A15 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A15. 12x1 female spigot back

A15 12×1 spigot back
01B1451015   $20
←reserve  on↓ off→
OMG made in Italy

Links to photos of examples:

1977 Garelli Sport original made by BAP
1977 Moto Guzzi Chiu original (lies above engine covers)
1978 Garelli Rally Sport original
1978 JC Penney Pinto original
1978 Sears Free Spirit original
1979 Batavus Starflite original
1980 AMF Roadmaster 130 original
1980 AMF Roadmaster 130
1980 Garelli VIP original
1980 Garelli Super Sport original
1983 Garelli Basic original (lies below engine cover)
1984 Garelli Basic original, needs long reserve tube due to the tank extension
1984 Garelli Monza GT original
1990’s Hero Panther, Pacer, Gizmo original