A34 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A34. 16x1 female, side mount

A34 petcock, 16×1 side mount, price $32
made in the 1970’s in Italy by Paioli
A34 is for Euro model KTM Foxi and Hobby mopeds, not US versions.
A33 is for US model KTM Foxi mopeds.


A34 will substitute for A33 if a hole is cut in the top of the right side cover.





A33 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A33. 16x1 female side mount

A33 petcock, 16×1 side mount, none available
made in the 1970’s in Italy by Paioli
A33 is for US model KTM Foxi mopeds, not Euro versions.
A34 is for Euro model KTM Foxi and Hobby mopeds.

Links to photos of examples:

1977 KTM Foxi (US model) original
1978 KTM Foxi (US model) original


A34 will substitute for A33 if a hole is cut in the top of the right side cover.






A32 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A32. 16x1 female spigot back

A32 16×1 spigot back
01z2331027  $16
←reserve  on↓ off→
made in Italy by OMG

Links to photos of examples:

1982 Jawa Supreme with A31 spigot down
1979 Kynast Flying Dutchman original
1978 Puch Magnum original Karcoma
1986 Puch Cobra original
1977 Solo Odyssey with spigot left
70’s Sparta Lucky (Euro)
1970 Gemini SST 80 mini trail




A31 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A31. 16x1 female spigot down

A31 16×1 spigot down
01z2271026  $15
←reserve  on↓ off→
made in Italy by OMG

A31b 16×1 spigot down
408200 none
←reserve  on↓ off→
made in Taiwan

Links to photos of examples:

1956 Puch VS50 (Euro)
1963 Sears Allstate original
70’s Sparta Buddy original
1977 Sparta Foxi original





A30 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A30. 14x1.25 male spigot down

A30 14×1.25 spigot down
D400181  $26
←res  on↓ off→
made in Spain by Ideal

Links to photos of examples:

1978 Derbi Laguna original
1980 Derbi C5 Diablo original
1985 Derbi RD50 original

This motorcycle valve has a 7.7 mm spigot, for 1/4″ (6.3mm) fuel hose.






A29 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A29. 14x1 female side mount

A29 14×1 side mount
original  Not Available
A26 14×1 spigot left
substitute $18 no res.

Links to photos of examples:

1983 Trac Eagle original (installed at an angle)

The upper valve is an original Trac 14×1 side mount, made in Korea.
All their inner seal disks have decomposed.
But there is a replacement inner seal disk D2 for $8 see below.

The lower one is a modern Honda substitute, made in China. It is a 14×1 vertical mount spigot left mounted sideways. The cover panel must be removed, or a large hole cut, to allow access to the substitute valve. There is no reserve capacity on the substitute, since the reserve tube is horizontal. 



A28 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A28. 14x1 female spigot back

A28 14×1 sp back
with trap   $30
↑reserve ←off on↓
General original

A28a 14×1 spigot back
01z3264268 N/A
↑reserve ←off on↓
Italy-made by OMG

Links to photos of examples:

1977 Lazer Sport 50 original
1978 AMS Sierra 50 original
1984 Trac Image original
1985 General 5-Star original

Many of the original valves had poorly made cast nuts. The nuts were too big and also weak. When fully tightened they would strip. Some have good nuts, but after 35 years the rubber seal disk inside is brittle and deformed. All of the mopeds listed that came with a spigot-back gas valve, can take a less expensive spigot down or spigot left valve.

The A28a valve has a 7.7 mm spigot, for 1/4″ (6.3mm) fuel hose.

Honda Design: Note that the little arrow on the handle points opposite to the handle. So off is arrow left (handle right), on is arrow up (handle down), reserve is arrow down (handle up).

A27 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A27. 14x1 female spigot right

A27 14×1 spigot right
01z3234229 $25
↑reserve ←off on↓
Italy-made by OMG

Links to photos of examples:

1978 Moprix top tank original
1980 Yamaha QT50 (left is A25 substitute, right is original)
1979 General 5-Star ST original (use A28 or A26)

This valve configuration was original on Yamaha QT50, early Yamahas and Hondas, and early Taiwan mopeds. It can replace other 14×1 thread valves, in most cases.

This motorcycle fuel valve has a 7.7 mm spigot, for 1/4″ (6.3mm) fuel hose.

Honda Design: Note that the little arrow on the handle points opposite to the handle. So off is arrow left (handle right), on is arrow up (handle down), reserve is arrow down (handle up).



A26 and A26a Petcocks

July 14, 2022

A26, A26a. 14x1 female spigot left

A26 14×1 spigot left
Golden  $19
A26a with shortened filter & reserve tube


Links to photos of examples:

1978 Honda NC50 Express original valve
1980 Honda NC50 Express original
1981 Honda NC50 Express original

Short reserve tube for short gas tanks.





A26a 14×1 spig. left
Golden  $18
↑res ←off  on↓
long reserve tube


Links to photos of examples:

1979 Oakwood Catalina replacement
(original was spigot-right)

Long reserve tube for tall gas tanks.








This spigot left valve was original on Honda NC50 Express. It also substitutes for other 14×1 thread valves, including Yamaha QT50 (spigot right), Honda NA50 (spigot down), Trac Eagle (side mount), and most Taiwan-made mopeds (mostly spigot back).

Honda Design: Note that the little arrow on the handle points opposite to the handle. So off is arrow left (handle right), on is arrow up (handle down), reserve is arrow down (handle up).

This valve has a 6.5 mm spigot, for a 3/16″ (4.8mm) hose, or a 1/4″ (6.3mm) hose with clamps.


A25 Petcock

July 14, 2022

A25. 14x1 female spigot down

A25 14×1 sp. down
633783  $19
↑reserve ←off on↓
made in China

Links to photos of examples:

1980 Honda NA50 Express II original
1979 Yamaha QT50 original spigot-back with trap
1980 Yamaha QT50 (left is A25 substitute, right is original)

This spigot down valve was original on 1979-81 Honda NA50 Express II. It also replaces the original spigot left on Honda NC50 Express, and the original spigot right on Yamaha QT50 Yamahopper.  

Honda Design: Note that the little arrow on the handle points opposite to the handle. So off is arrow left (handle right), on is arrow up (handle down), reserve is arrow down (handle up).

This valve has a 6.0mm spigot, for 3/16″ (4.8mm) hose.