Japan Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Viet Nam, and others follow JIS Japan Industry Standards. That is why some things from different Asian countries are the same, such as speedometer threads.
Jap-Eu European countries follow DIN Deutches Institut fur Normung. The Honda PC50 and PA50 mopeds are made in Belgium and have some European-made components, such as the speedometer, speedo driver and fuel petcock. The PC50 speedo cable is Euro on top, and Japan on the bottom. The PA50 speedo cable is Japan on top, and Euro on the bottom.
figure refers to the parts manual (A is AMS, G is Grycner, F is Trac), parts group illustration, and part number in the illustration.
colors: US models Euro models
A. Speedometers
Tatung and Chaolong speedometers, made in Taiwan, are on US models of 1970’s-80’s Taiwan-made mopeds; Angel, Clinton, General, Grycner, Jui Li, Indian and others. They are also on 1970’s Indian motorcycles.
figure Grycner# price
G9-1 2150-8099 $45.0 speedometer bare Tatung ∅76 mm, 50 mph
10-7 1150-8092 $00.0 M12-1.0 thread, 2.7 cable hole, 88mm cover
G9-2 2150-8098 $9.00 mounting plate
G9-3 2150-8095 $5.00 rubber grommet substitute
G9-4 621-00106 $0.20 plain washer M6
G9-5 622-01106 $0.20 spring washer M6
G9-6 616-00106 $0.30 nut M6
G9-7 2150-8094 $1.50 bulb ba9s 6V 1.5w
G9-8 2150-8096 $19.0 wire harness with bulbs
Jui Li mopeds with spoke wheels ∅80 drum
’78-79 AMS Sierra 50, Sachs 505-1A
’78-80 Clinton, Sachs 505-1A engine
’79-85 General 5 Star, Minarelli V1
’79-80 General 5 Star ST, Minarelli V1
’78-79 Grycner, Sachs 505-1A or 1B
’78-79 Jui Li Honey 50, Sachs 505-1A
’77-79 Lazer Sport 50, Minarelli V1
Her Chee mopeds with spoke wheels ∅110 drum
’84-85 AMS Sierra 50, Sachs 505-1A
’84-85 AMS Tahoe Sport, Sachs 505-1A
’79-80 Foxi 47, Sachs 505-1A engine
’80-85 General 5 Star ST, Sachs 505 engine
’80-82 Sachs G4, Sachs 505 engine
Jui Li mopeds with mag wheels ∅90 drum
’79-80 General 5 Star LTD, Minarelli V1
Merida or Mira mopeds
’78-81 Indian AMI-50, four-stroke engine
Merida motorcycles
’73-75 Indian ME-74, 76, 100, 125, ML-100
’75-76 Indian MI-125, 175, MS-100, 175
Taiwan Speedometers
04811-20515 Tatung 50 mm 35mph $45
good-used but still sticky, lubed 04-23, no odometer
TYM mopeds
’77-83 Angel AP48, BP48, CP48
’77-80 Speed Bird BP48, BP48S
Wheel King mopeds
’78-79 Wheel King, Cuyler
Nippon Seiki speedometers are on Honda motorcycles and mopeds made in Japan.
37200-044-602 none 30mph wht/blk
’67 Honda P50
37200-064-681 none M10-1.0 thread
’69-77 Honda PC50, PC50K1, PS50
37200-147-711 $45.0 35mph dark blue, used
’77-81 Honda NC50 Express
’78-83 Honda PA50 Hobbit
37202-163-600 none 40mph black
’79-81 Honda NA50 Express II
37202-192-600 none 35mph black
’82-83 Honda NC50 Express
37200-GC1-671 none 35mph black
’82-83 Honda NU50, NU50M Urban Express
Trac speedometers are on Trac mopeds and motorcycles, made in Korea by Kia or Daelim.
F-15 37100-028-800-AM (34600)
console with 70 mph speedo $55 no key switch
’87-90 Trac DH100
F-13 37100-MT1-0000
console with 35 mph speedo $60 no key switch
’83-86 Trac Hawk (deluxe), Laura M56 engine
F-3 37200-HD2-890-AM (23201)
console with 35 mph speedo $65 no key switch
’85-89 Trac Olympic, Sprint, Hawk, Clipper, DP50 engine
’84-90 Trac Image, Liberty, Escot, Daelim DK50 engine
F-13 37200-M56-8950
speedometer round, 35 mph $45 good-used
’82-86 Trac Eagle, Clipper, Hawk (standard), M56 engine
B. Speedo Drivers
Speedo Drivers
figure General# price Japan 2.7/slot 1
2-17 1150-5083 $6.00 pinion
2-18 1150-5082 none pinion washer ∅4.5 ∅7.2 x 0.5
2-18 1150-5082 $1.00 pinion washer substitute
2-19 1150-5081 $5.00 gear ∅25.6, 2 flat sides
2-19 1150-5081 $13.0 gear & receiver ∅25.6, 36.5 mm
2-20 1150-5080 $9.00 receiver ∅25.6, 36.5, 2 flat sides
2-21 1150-5079 none gear box washer ∅18.0 ∅22.4 x 0.20
2-22 1150-5078 none oil seal ∅39 ∅47 x 5
2-24 1150-5076 $5.00 oil seal ∅4.5 ∅11 x 3.5
2-25 1150-5075 $7.00 wheel bearing 6201Z ∅12 ∅32 x 10
Jui Li mopeds with spoke wheels ∅80 drum
’78-79 AMS Sierra 50, Sachs 505-1A
’78-80 Clinton, Sachs 505-1A engine
’79-85 General 5 Star, Minarelli V1
’79-80 General 5 Star ST, Minarelli V1
’78-79 Grycner, Sachs 505-1A or 1B
’78-79 Jui Li Honey 50, Sachs 505-1A
’77-79 Lazer Sport 50, Minarelli V1
TYM mopeds with spoke wheels ∅80 drum
’78-83 Angel AP48, BP48, M48 remake
’78-80 Speed Bird BP48, BP48S
figure AMS# 000 price Japan 2.7/slot 11
A1-16 A1150-5084 $32.0 speedo driver M11-1.00
Her Chee mopeds with spoke wheels ∅110 drum
’84-85 AMS Sierra 50, Sachs 505-1A
’84-85 AMS Tahoe Sport, Sachs 505-1A
’79-80 Foxi 47, Sachs 505-1A engine
’80-85 General 5 Star ST, Sachs 505 engine
’80-82 Sachs G4, Sachs 505 engine
Jui Li mopeds with mag wheels ∅90 drum
’79-80 General 5 Star LTD, Minarelli V1
Speedo Drivers
Indian# 00 price 0 figure Japan 2.7/slot 11
W112-00-50 $32.0 9-12 speedo driver M11-1.00
Merida or Mira mopeds ∅90 or ∅100 drum
’78-81 Indian AMI-50 with spoke wheels
’79-80 Indian AMI-50 with Sport Mag II “7-ray” wheels
’79-81 Indian AMI-50 with Mira “snowflake” wheels
Speedo Drivers
fig Honda# 00000 price Japan 2.7/slot 1
11 44804-147-000 none gear & receiver 35.5 mm
11 44804-147-000 none receiver only ∅25.0, 35.5, 1 flat side
12 44809-044-000 none washer ∅18.0 ∅22.4 x 0.20
21 90752-147-003 none brake seal ∅34 ∅47 x 5
23 93500-04006 -0 $2.00 screw M4x6 cross
27 99140-6200-010 $6.00 wheel bearing 6200Z ∅10 ∅30 x 9
’77-81 Honda NC50 Express
fig Honda# 000000 price Japan 2.7/slot 1
9 44805-044-690 $6.00 pinion
10 44806-044-040 none gear & receiver P50 use 690
10 44806-044-690 $13.0 gear & receiver ∅25.6, 36.5 mm
10 44806-081-000 $5.00 gear only ∅25.6, 2 flat sides
10 44808-081-000 $9.00 receiver only ∅25.6, 36.5, 2 flat sides
11 44809-044-000 none gear box washer ∅18.0 ∅22.4 x 0.20
12 45100-081-000 none brake panel bare
17 90539-044-000 none pinion washer
17 90539-044-000 $1.00 pinion washer substitute
18 90751-044-000 none brake seal ∅39 ∅47 x 5
20 90753-044-000 $5.00 pinion seal ∅4.5 ∅11 x 3.5
25 96100-6201-000 $7.00 wheel bearing 6201Z ∅12 ∅32 x 10
’66-70 Honda P50 (044), ’67 Honda P50 (US)
’69-70 Honda PC50A (063), ’69 PC50 Little Honda (US)
’70-77 Honda PC50K1 (081) but not PC50M or PC50L
Speedo Drivers
Trac# 0000000 price 0 figure Japan 2.7/slot 2
44800-M56-8930 $32.0 F8-10-0 speedo driver M11-1.00
models with spoke wheels ∅90 drum
’82-86 Trac Eagle, Hawk, Clipper with M56
’84-89 Trac Escot, Clipper with DK50, DP50
Trac# 0000000 price 0 figure Japan 2.7/slot 2
44800-M56-8900 $38.0 F7-10-0 speedo driver M11-1.00
models with mag wheels ∅90 drum
’82-86 Trac Eagle, Hawk, Sprint, M56 engine
’84-89 Trac Image, Hawk with DK50, DP50
Trac# 000000 price 0 figure Japan 2.7/slot 11
44806-035-681 none F8A-2-2 speedo gear
’84-89 Trac Liberty, Olympic DK50, DP50
C. Speedo Cables
Speedo Cables
figure General# 0 price Japan 2.7/slot 1
10-2 1150-8097 $35.0 speedo cable black 26.6″
Jui Li mopeds with spoke wheels ∅80 drum
’78-79 AMS Sierra 50, Sachs 505-1A
’78-80 Clinton, Sachs 505-1A engine
’79-85 General 5 Star, Minarelli V1
’79-80 General 5 Star ST, Minarelli V1
’78-79 Grycner, Sachs 505-1A or 1B
’78-79 Jui Li Honey 50, Sachs 505-1A
’77-79 Lazer Sport 50, Minarelli V1
figure AMS# 00o0 price Japan 2.7/slot 11
A9-2 A1150-7498 $42.0 speedo cable black 28.6″
Her Chee mopeds with spoke wheels ∅110 drum
’84-85 AMS Sierra 50, Sachs 505-1A
’84-85 AMS Tahoe Sport, Sachs 505-1A
’79-80 Foxi 47, Sachs 505-1A engine
’80-85 General 5 Star ST, Sachs 505 engine
’80-82 Sachs G4, Sachs 505 engine
Jui Li mopeds with mag wheels ∅90 drum
’79-80 General 5 Star LTD, Minarelli V1
Speedo Cables
Indian# 00 price 0 fig# Japan 2.7/slot 11
C120-00-50 $29.0 16-8 speedo cable silver 27.5″
C120-00-50 $12.0 16-8 speedo cable silver 27.5″ used
’78-81 Indian AMI-50 with spoke wheels
’79-80 Indian AMI-50 with Sport Mag II “7-ray” wheels
’79-81 Indian AMI-50 with Mira “snowflake” wheels
Taiwan Speedo Cables
figure 0 TYM# 0000 price Japan 2.7/slot 1
0-00 04811-20246 none speedo cable 38″ (longer)
TYM or Honda with ∅80 drum, cantilever fork
’77-79 Angel AP48 (PM50 remake)
’74 Honda PM50 Novio
figure 0 TYM# 0000 price Japan 2.7/slot 1
2-33 B4811-20246 $30.0 speedo cable 31.7″
TYM mopeds with ∅80 drum, telescopic fork
’77-83 Angel BP48, BP48S, CP48
’77-80 Speed Bird BP48, BP48S
part# 000o0 price Japan 2.7/2.7
2.7-2.7×28.0 $26.0 speedo cable black 28.0″
’78-79 Wheel King, Cuyler and others
part# 0000o0 price Japan 2.7/slot 14
2.7-slot14x27.6 $26.0 speedo cable silver 27.6″
unknown application
Speedo Cables
part# 00000o0 price Jap-Eu 2.0/slot 1
44830-063-010 none speedo cable silver
’73-77 Honda PC50K1
part# 00000o0 price Jap-Eu 2.7/2.0
44830-148-670 none speedo cable silver
’77-79 Honda PA50 Hobbit (148)
44830-148-671 none speedo cable black
’80-83 Honda PA50 Hobbit (148)
part# 00000o0 price Japan 2.7/slot 1
B4811-20246 0 $26.0 speedo cable silver 31.7″ replacement
44830-147-672 $16.0 speedo cable silver 32.1″ used original
44831-147-670 none speedo inner wire 32.1″
44831-GF0-000 none speedo inner wire 32.1″
44831-GK8-870 none speedo inner wire 32.1″
’77-79 Honda NC50 Express (147)
44830-163-670 none speedo cable silver
’79-80 Honda NA50 Express II
44830-147-650 none speedo cable black with grommet
44831-192-600 none speedo inner wire
’80-81 Honda NC50 Express (147)
44830-193-670 none speedo cable black
’81-81 Honda NA50 Express II
44830-GA6-670 none speedo cable black
44831-192-600 none speedo inner wire
’82-83 Honda NC50 Express (GA6)
44830-GK8-871 none speedo cable black 32.1″
44831-GK8-870 none speedo inner wire 32.1″
’84-87 Honda NQ50 Spree (GK8)
Speedo Cables
# Trac# Daelim# 00000000 price 0 figure# Japan 2.7/slot 2
1 84625 44830-M56-8900-M $32.0 F13-11 speedo cable
’82-86 Trac Eagle, Clipper with M56 engine
2 23501 44830-MT1-0000-M $32.0 F13-11-1 speedo cable
’83-86 Trac Hawk with Laura M56 engine
3 23501 44830-MT1-010 -M $40.0 F3-9-2 speedo cable
’84-89 Trac Escot, Clipper with DK50, DP50
’84-89 Trac Image, Hawk, Sprint DK50, DP50
5 34080 44830-028-9400 -M $37.0 F15-4 speedo cable
’87-90 Trac DH100 Super Hawk
# Trac# Daelim# 00000000 price 0 figure# Japan 2.7/slot 11
4 23003 44830-HD2-890-AM $40.0 F3-9-1 speedo cable
’84-89 Trac Liberty, Olympic DK50, DP50