VDO Speedometer Parts

VDO-1.8/1.8 speedo family is on US models of Batavus, Columbia, Hercules, Kreidler, Murray, Odyssey, Puch, Sachs, Sears Free Spirit, Solo, Sparta and Tomos mopeds 2003 to 2008.

VDO-2.0/1.8 speedo family is on US-model Derbi Variant Sport 1986-89.
Speedo drivers are listed in CEV Speedometer Parts.

VDO-2.0/2.0 speedo family is on Tomos mopeds 2008-18. 

Derbi-1.8/1.8 speedo family is on US-models of Derbi Variant 1976-86.
Speedo drivers are listed in Veglia Speedometer Parts.


A. VDO Speedometers

VDO 60mm speedos on US model Puch mopeds


VDO Speedometers For Sale

30mph, Puch logo, straight needle  $60


40mph, straight needle  none


B. VDO Speedo Drivers

Metal Drivers (made up to 4/1978) Plastic Drivers (made from 4/1978 on)
mark   price axle ratio  mar side/ cable

markings 00 price axle ratio type hole  open with 1 finger

21 LH 027/1  none 12.7 1.7  L d  1.8  Columbia  dates 11/77
17 LH 29/54  none 12.7 1.7  L d  1.8  Columbia  dates
00 LV 06/63   none  11  1.7  L b  1.8  Kynast  dates 4/77
00 LV 28/18   $55.0 11  1.7  L b  1.8  unknown  dates 11/79
16 LH 29/26  $55.0 11  1.6  L d  1.8  unknown  dates 6/78

markings 00 price axle ratio type hole  open with 2 prongs

21 LH 06/70  $52.0 11  1.7  L d  1.8  KTM 1009-050-000  dates 11/76
17 LH 29/24  $55.0 11  1.7
  L d  1.8  unknown  dates 4/80
21 LH 06/61  $55.0 11  1.8
  L d  1.8  unknown  dates 1/77 7/71
21 RH 17/17  $65.0 11  1.6LRdb1.8  Batavus 42.138 dates 2/77 3/78
16 RH 032/1  none 11  1.6 LRdb1.8  Batavus 42.365 dates 4/78

markings 00 price axle ratio type hole  shielded with 2 prongs

17 LH 31/17  $70.0 11  1.7  L d  1.8  Hercules  dates 4/78 11/79
21 R023/1  $52.0 11  1.7
  R d  1.8  Puch  dates 5/77  7/77 10/77 4/78 12/78
00 RH   23/4  none  11  1.7  R b  1.8  Puch  date 5/78 (79 Magnum)

17 RV 031/5  none  11  1.7  R d  1.8  Puch  dates 7/78 8/78
23 LH 023/5  $52.0 11  1.6  L d  1.8  Sparta 06008 dates 11/74 12/76 7/77 4/78
17 RH 23/10  $52.0 11  1.7  R b  1.8  Honda PA50 44800-148-670 dates 11/77
17 RH   30/2  none  11  1.7  R b  1.8  Honda PA50 44800-148-670 dates 
markings 00 price axle ratio type hole  aftermarket with 2 prongs

AE-88 00000 $20.0 12  1.7  R b  1.8  Puch greased, photo below, sold “as is”

Markings: The brass end caps on VDO speedo drivers are marked with the tire or rim that they are geared for. 1970’s metal drivers are marked with the tire outer diameter (23, 22, 21, 20). 1980’s plastic drivers are marked with the rim size (19, 18, 17, 16). The tire OD’s are 4 inches more than the rim sizes, because moped tires are about 2 inches tall.

Batch marking: The marking that looks like a gear ratio is not. It’s some kind of batch number.

Tire marking: On some (21LH 6/61 and 23LH 23/5) the tire size marking disagrees with the measured gear ratio. 

Side: Most (10 of 14) VDO speedo drivers are for the left side. Some (2 of 14) are for right side. Some (2 of 14) are for left or right side. On those the cable can attach in two places with opposite rotation. 

AE-88 driver, greased by a modified syringe

Greasing: The 70’s metal VDO speedo drivers had a grease zerk, but the 80’s plastic ones did not. One way to grease them without a grease gun or zerk is with spray chain lube. It penetrates in thin and then soon becomes thick. Another way is with a 5cc syringe and a 10-1.00 x 15 tall nut (for a Peugeot moped flywheel).





C. VDO Speedo Cables

conduit 000  lower 000 upper
mm inch 000 end 0000  end 0 price   VDO-1.8/1.8

550 21.6  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  28-17 black original
570 22.4  42.137 Batavus VA, HS50

565 22.2  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $28.0 black original
570 22.4  42.137 Batavus VA, HS50, Starflite, Regency

570 22.4  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $17.0 silver original
570 22.4  Sparta Foxi

580 22.8  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $28.0 black original

590 23.2  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  28-17 black original

625 24.8  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  28-17 black original
630 24.8  328.153.0250 Puch Maxi

625 24.8  1.70-1.75 1.70-1.75  none  replacement
625 24.6  MP-3150 80’s Taiwan

640 25.2  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $28.0 black original

700 27.6  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  none  black original
625 24.6  367.153.0250 Puch Magnum XK, Sears FS red

700 27.6  1.70-1.75 1.70-1.75  $20.0 replacement
700 27.6  MP-3154 80’s Taiwan

750 29.5  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $20.0 replacement
750 29.5  UN12006  

750 29.5  1.65-1.70 1.65-1.70  $19.0 replacement
750 29.5
 D. 204200 020’s replacement

750 29.5  1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60  none  replacement
750 29.5
 E. 204200 010’s replacement
750 29.5
 ends are too small

790 31.1  1.70-1.75 1.70-1.75  none  black original
790 31.1  321.153.8250 Puch Magnum MkII, Sears FS silver

790 31.1  1.70-1.75 1.70-1.75  none  replacement
790 31.1  A. 217.664 Tomos ’03-on
790 31.1  white area needs grinding 4.0 to 3.3 mm

790 31.1  1.70-1.75 1.73-1.78  none  replacement
790 31.1  B. MP-3152 ’80’s Gadabout
790 31.1  white area needs grinding 4.0 to 3.3 mm

790 31.1  1.70-1.75 1.73-1.78  $22.0 modified replacement
790 31.1  MP-3152G  after grinding

830 32.7  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $25.0 black original
830 32.7  27.78.96  Kreidler (longer than necessary)

850 33.5  1.75-1.78 1.75-1.78  $17.0 replacement
850 33.5
  UN12017  modern replacement


conduit 000  lower 000 upper
mm inch 000 end 0000  end 0 price   VDO-2.0/1.8

780 30.7  1.73-1.75 1.85-1.90  $29.0
790 31.1 0A0.165.0021 Derbi Variant Sport ’86-89

???   ??.?  1.73-1.75 1.85-1.90  none
790 31.1  0E0.165.0021 Derbi DS50 ’87-89

conduit 000  lower 000 upper
mm inch 000 end 0000  end 0 price

540   21.3  1.83-1.93 1.72-1.80  $20.0  grey replacement
790 31.1  YA12018 MBK mini-cycle 

790 31.1  1.80-1.85 1.80-1.85  none  replacement
790 31.1  C. even-better
790 31.1  white area needs grinding 4.0 to 3.3

790 31.1  1.80-1.85 1.80-1.85  $22.0 modified replacement
790 31.1  even-betterG  after grinding

conduit 000  lower 000 upper
mm inch 000 end 0000  end 0 price  Derbi 1.8/1.8

780  30.7  1.75-1.79  1.90-1.95  $47.0
780  30.7  0A0.163.0021
Derbi Variant ’75-86

800 31.5  1.75-1.79  1.90-1.95  none
800 31.5  0A0.164.0021
Derbi C5, RD50 

Derbi 1.8/1.8 cables: Many Derbi speedometer cables have a kink below the speedometer that causes the inner wire to break repeatedly. The kink is from the back of the “pancake” headlight pushing the speedo cable back. There is no easy remedy. As with any speedometer cable, any kink or sudden change in direction will eventually cause the inner cable wire to break there, because as it rotates it is being bent back and forth.    


D. VDO-Derbi Speedometers (Walker)

Derbi speedometers are made in Spain by Walker, under license by VDO. 

VDO-Derbi #000.501.6010 on all US models 1976-85

#  miles   price  condition
1   10447  $60.0 new cond test=16.5mph, worked good  flat rim original on TT
2   01953  $70.0 new cond  test=16.0mph, worked good flat rim original on TT
3   05565  $30.0 fair cond  test=16.0mph, worked good
4   03702  $30.0 fair cond  test=17.0mph, worked good
5   01944  none  good cond  test=17.0mph, worked good
6   00038  $80.0 new cond  test=16.5mph, worked good
7   00001  $90.0 new cond  test=17.0mph, worked good
8   00124  none  new cond  test=16.5mph, worked good
9   00933  $55.0 good cond  test=17.5mph, worked good shown with rubber visor ring
10 04376  $35.0 fair cond  test=16.0mph, worked good
11 16748  $15.0 bad needle  test=18.0mph, worked good shown with rubber visor ring
12 00000  $10.0 000.821.6830 rubber visor ring (optional)


E. Veglia-Derbi Speedo drivers

See Veglia Speedometer Parts