Contents: 1. 1982-84 Trac M56 engine, pedal start Clipper, Eagle, Hawk, Magura controls
Contents: 2. 1984-86 Trac M56 engine, pedal start Clipper, Eagle, Hawk, Domino controls
Contents: 3. 1986-90 Trac DP50 engine, pedal start Clipper, Olympic, Sprint or Hawk, Blitz
Contents: 4. 1984-90 Trac DM50 engine, kick start Escot, Liberty, Liberty LS, Image, Metro
1. 1982-84 with M56 engine
1982-84 Trac mopeds are made in Korea by Kia Motorcycle Company, Ltd. The engine, made in Korea by Daelim Motor Co. (DMC), is a remake of a 1978-80 Laura M56 engine originally made in Holland and used on Batavus mopeds.
Some of the components are European, and some are Korean. This matters for parts compatibility. The spoke wheels, brakes, speedometer, shocks, forks, fenders and seat are Korean or Asian. European things are CEV (Italian) lights and switches, Bosch (German) magneto, Magura (German) controls, Grimeca (Italian) mag wheels, Encarwi (Dutch) carburetor, and the Laura (Dutch) M56 remake engine and exhaust.
seat: xx solo xxXx solo xXxx solo xxXxx long xXxx long xxXxx long xXxx long
wheels: spoke xXx mags xXx spoke xXxx mags xXx spoke xxxx mags xXx spoke
1982 Clipper Eagle I dlx Eagle I std Eagle II dlx Eagle II std Hawk dlx Hawk std
1983 Clipper Eagle I dlx Eagle I std Eagle II dlx Eagle II std Hawk dlx Hawk std
1984 Clipper Eagle I dlx Eagle I std Eagle II dlx Eagle II std Hawk dlx Hawk std
In Trac parts manuals “standard” or “deluxe” refers to the wheels, on Eagle and Hawk.
In Trac parts manuals “I” or “II” refers to the seat, solo or long, on Eagle. Most are Eagle II (long seat).
Hawk weight 120 lbs
Eagle weight 100 lbs
in-frame gas tank 1.2 gal
Clipper weight 115 lbs
rear gas tank 1.0 gal
All models: Laura M56 engine, Daelim re-make
The original Dutch-made Laura M56 engine was on 1978-80 Batavus Regency and Regency HS.
2. 1984-1986 with M56 engine
1984-86 Trac mopeds are mostly the same as 1982-84, except for:
1) the controls are 1980’s Domino black, instead of 1970’s Magura silver
2) the cables are different for the Domino controls
3) the switches are integrated instead of separate clamp-on.
4) the wiring is different for the new integrated (built-in) switches
seat: xx solo xxXx solo xXxx solo xxXxx long xXxx long xxXxx long xXxx long
wheels: spoke xXx mags xXx spoke xXxx mags xXx spoke xxxx mags xXx spoke
1984 Clipper Eagle I dlx Eagle I std Eagle II dlx Eagle II std Hawk dlx Hawk std
1985 Clipper Eagle I dlx Eagle I std Eagle II dlx Eagle II std Hawk dlx Hawk std
1986 Clipper Eagle I dlx Eagle I std Eagle II dlx Eagle II std Hawk dlx Hawk std

1986 Trac new mopeds with DP50 engines.
All have a small left lower lever for starting.
Later years did not have a starter lever.
3. 1986-1990 with DP50 engine
Since 1984 Trac made the Escot and Image “no-peds” with the Daelim DM50 2-speed automatic engine. It was proven to be good. In 1986 Trac introduced a pedal version Daelim DP50 1-speed automatic for their models Clipper and Hawk. Both DM50 and DP50 had oil injection, where you don’t have to mix oil with the gas. The older M56 engine models needed 50:1 premix oil and gas.
The DP50 engine replaced the 1982-86 Laura M56 Daelim remake engine. During 1986 both engine types were sold, as not all models and colors changed at once.
In late 1986 or early 1987, the Hawk was renamed Sprint.
In 1986 the Olympic, and kick version Liberty, replaced the Eagle. The Olympic was all Korean or Asian made. So most of the parts are different from the other models. The brakes were bigger, and the fork improved, true hydraulic with oil dampening, for a smoother ride.
DP50 upgrades: In 1987 two things were improved.
1) The change lever E13-9 was upgraded to a cable-less type. The start cable and start lever below the left handlebar were eliminated.
2) The gear set E7B-3 and E8B-13 was upgraded. Gear E7B-3 has a rounded square center hole. The four engage balls move inward (to disengage the motor for easy pedaling) and outward (to engage the motor) into the four corners of the square hole. These gears crack at one of the corners, when the engage process is not done gently. The upgraded gear set has 3? more teeth on the E7B-3 gear and 3 less on the mate gear E8B-13. More teeth made the E7B-3 gear thicker at the four corners where it was cracking at.
Driveshaft gear E7B-3 changed from #13009 (24T) to #18750 (27T?).
Idleshaft gear E8B-13 changed from #13019 (23T) to #18751 (20T?).
In 1988 the Blitz came out. It was an Olympic with a solo seat and luggage rack.
seat: xx solo xxx long xx long xxx solo
wheels: spoke xx spoke x mags xx spoke
1986 Clipper Olympic Hawk
1987 Clipper Olympic Sprint
1988 Clipper Olympic Sprint x Blitz
1989 Clipper Olympic Sprint x Blitz
4. 1984-1990 with DM50 engine
seat: xx solo xx solo xx long xxx solo
wheels: spoke x spoke x mags xx spoke
1984 x Escot x Liberty xx Image
1985 x Escot x Liberty xx Image
1986 x Escot x Liberty xx Image x Liberty LS
1987 x Escot x Liberty xx Image x Liberty LS
1988 x Escot x Liberty xx Image x Liberty LS
1989 x Escot x Liberty xx Image xx Metro
1987-1990 Trac DH100