1. Peugeot 103
2. Peugeot 102
Source: All of the illustrations and information below are from the 1980 Cycles Peugeot Spare Parts Catalog 64390.
Peugeot 103: Photo The engine swings on the pivot for the rear suspension. So the exhaust has to be short and compact because it swings with the engine. On a 103 no-variator model, the engine can swing, but does not, because the front pulley does not vary in size. On a 103 variator model, the engine swings as the front pulley varies in size. When the bike is stopped or going slow, the front pulley is small and the engine is forward. As the rear wheel speeds up, the front pulley gets bigger and the engine swings backward. Above 15 or 20mph the variable pulley is at maximum size and the engine is fully back.
Peugeot 102: Photo The engine does not swing. It is bolted solid to the frame. So the exhaust can be long. There is no variator on a 102.
Batavus models: Photo Early 1980’s Batavus Mondial and Gran Prix had Peugeot 103 motors.
1. Peugeot 103
abcdefgh part# price E N G I N E S
10000000 63575 none a 1.0hp no-vari. for 103 L2 U1, -LS
01000000 63578 none b 1.5hp variator for 103 LVS U2
00100000 63574 none c 2.0hp variator for 103 LVS U3
00010000 63579 none d 1.5hp no-vari. for 103 L2 U2
00001000 60697 none e 2.0hp no-vari. for 103 L2 U3
00000100 63577 none f 1.5hp variator for 103 SP U2, -B, -R
00000010 63573 none g 2.0hp variator for 103 SP U3, -B, -R
00000001 64420 none h 2.0hp variator for TSM U3
Each model family a to h has a column for the part quantity.
The part quantity can be 0, 1 or more, or 1 (as required).
00 abcdefgh part# price H E A D
01 11010100 51944 $48.0 head assy 103 U1,U2 (1.0 mm deeper)
01 00101010 48498 $52.0 head assy 103 U3 new
01 00101010 48498 $29.0 head assy 103 U3 good-used
02 00000001 68836 $79.0 head assy TSM U3
03 44444444 32115 $0.50 head nut M7-1.0 hex10
04 44444444 58011 $0.20 plain washer M7
05 11111111 32135 $0.50 decomp pivot pin
06 11111111 00000 $9.00 decomp arm
07 11111111 00000 $8.00 decomp spring
08 11111111 00000 $7.00 decomp body
09 11111111 40594 $0.00 decomp o-ring
10 11111111 31152 $3.00 decomp gasket
11 11111111 00000 none decomp valve shaft
12 11111111 51012 $25.0 decompression valve assy
00 abcdefgh part# price P I S T O N
13 22222222 22309 $1.50 piston clip
14 22222222 38315 $14.0 piston ring 40.0 x 2.5 GI
14 00000000 00000 $15.0 aftermarket ring 40.0 x 1.5 GI
14 00000000 33648 $12.0 o.s. piston ring 40.5 x 2.5 GI
15 11111111 27194 $10.0 piston pin Ø12
16 11111111 69707 none piston assembly A, XX xx39.88
16 11111111 69708 none piston assembly B, XX xx39.89
16 11111111 69709 none piston assembly C, AA xx39.90
16 11111111 69710 $60.0 piston GOL ebly D, BB xx39.91
16 11111111 69711 none piston assembly E, CC xx39.92
16 11111111 69712 $75.0 piston assembly F, DD xx39.93
16 11111111 69713 $75.0 piston assembly G, EE xx39.94
16 11111111 69714 $75.0 piston assembly H, FF xx39.95
16 11111111 69715 none piston assembly I, GG xx39.96
16 11111111 69715 none piston assembly J, HH xx39.97
16 11111111 69716 $60.0 piston oversize K, XXxx 40.45
16 11111111 69717 $60.0 piston oversize L, XXxx 40.46
16 11111111 69718 $60.0 piston oversize M, XXxx40.47
16 11111111 69719 $60.0 piston oversize N, XXx 40.48
16 11111111 69720 $65.0 piston oversize P, XXxx 40.49
16 11111111 69721 $60.0 piston oversize Q, XXx 40.50
00 abcdefgh part# price C Y L I N D E R
18 11111111 36123 $6.00 head gasket
19 11010100 47972 $130 U2,U1 cylinder II and piston H
19 00101011 47226 $140 U3 cylinder C and piston assy A
19 00101011 47226 $175 U3 cylinder C, piston C, 1.5 rings
19 00101011 47226 $140 U3 cylinder DD, piston aftermarket
19 00101011 47226 $150 U3 cylinder DD ported, piston DD
19 00101011 47226 $140 ported in a good way, not “ruined”
19 00101011 47226 $140 U3 cylinder EE and piston assy C
19 00101011 47226 $150 U3 cylinder G and piston assy FF
19 00101011 47226 $125 U3 cylinder G, piston F, 1.5 rings
19 00101011 47226 $16 0 broken fins at left rear
19 00101011 47226 $140 U3 cylinder FF and piston assy E
19 00101011 47226 $160 U3 cylinder I and piston assy I
19 00101011 47226 $175 U3 cylinder II and piston HH
20 11111111 46467 $5.00 cylinder base gasket
00 abcdefgh part# price C R A N K S H A F T
21 10011000 53596 none crankshaft non-variator
21 01100111 53594 $140 crankshaft for variator
22 11111111 54198 $16.0 piston needle bearing
23 11111111 14403 $12.0 ball bearing 20x47x14 #6204
24 11111111 37004 $7.00 seal ring 20 x 30 x 4.5(or 5)
25 11111111 37034 $7.00 thrust washer 28 x 47 x 0.40
26 11111111 14292 $16.0 ball bearing 17x40x12 #6203C3
27 11111111 37742 $8.00 thrust washer 27 x 40 x 0.30
28 11111111 37616 $3.00 seal ring 16 x 30 x 4.5(or 5)
29 11111111 37615 $3.00 felt ring
00 abcdefgh part# price E N G I N E M O U N T
31 11111111 51271 $25.0 engine bracket with 2 of 32
32 22222222 51221 $9.00 sleeve bushing
33 11111111 51220 $8.00 pivot tube
34 22222222 57361 $5.00 stepped ring
35 11111111 48890 $5.00 spring
36 11111111 51367 $5.00 thrust plate
37 22222222 01136 $0.80 hex screw M7 x 28
38 22222222 56091 $0.50 lock washer M7
39 22222222 41003 $0.80 nut M7 square
40 01100111 58818 $5.00 spring clip
41 01100111 58224 $4.00 thrust bolt
42 01100111 59258 $7.00 special plastic nut
76 11111000 51277 $0.00 belt cover spacer see Belt Cover
00 abcdefgh part# price C R A N K C A S E
46 11111000 53395 $95.0 case assembly with 87, 88
56 11111100 same but has bolts for plastic belt cover
51 00000111 64351 $70.0 case assy without 87, 88
46 00000011 same but has bolts for metal belt cover
47 11111111 47224 $15.0 case gasket
48 11111111 01131 $1.00 case bolt M6 x 65
49 00000111 01130 $1.20 case bolt M6 x 60
49 11111000 01122 $1.20 case bolt M6 x 55
50 00000111 01130 $1.20 case bolt M6 x 60
50 11111000 01122 $1.20 case bolt M6 x 55
51 11111111 58141 $2.00 centering bolt M6
52 00000111 01131 $1.00 case bolt M6 x 65
52 11111000 01130 $1.20 case bolt M6 x 60
53 11111111 56165 $3 - 2 case bolt M6 x 70 flange
54 22222222 53331 $0.20 plain washer M6
57 33333333 53331 $0.20 plain washer M6
58 33333333 56060 $0.25 lock washer M6
59 66666666 32087 $0.30 case bolt nut M6
60 44444444 27022 $2.50 cylinder stud M7 x 112
61 33333333 27012 $2.00 reed valve stud M5 x 19
62 11111111 27016 $3.00 reed valve stud M5 x 45
63 10000000 57453 $12.0 intake manifold U1
63 01111111 48924 $22.0 intake manifold U2, U3
64 11111111 50490 $2.00 intake (upper) gasket
65 11010100 51737 none reed valve U1, U2
65 00101011 47229 $17.0 reed valve U3
66 11111111 47241 $3.00 reed valve (lower) gasket
67 44444444 56058 $0.25 lock washer M5
68 44444444 32085 $0.40 nut M5
70 11111111 50602 $3.00 seal retaining plate
71 22222222 16027 $1.00 plate screw 3.5 x 9.5
00 abcdefgh part# price B E L T C O V E R
72 22222200 08025 $2.00 cover screw short M5 x 10
73 11111111 08049 $2.00 cover screw long M5 x 35
74 33333300 53086 $0.25 plain wide washer M5
75 33333333 56058 $0.25 lock washer M5
76 11111000 51277 $5.00 plastic belt cover spacer
77 00000111 57927 $50.0 metal belt cover mount
78 10011000 48982 $0.00 plastic belt cover non-variator
79 01100000 48910 $0.00 plastic belt cover variator
80 00000110 57584 $35.0 metal belt cover silver
80 00000001 57584 $0.00 metal belt cover black
81 00000111 58477 none VARIATEUR sticker
82 00000111 01429 1- .50 hex bolt M5 x 30
83 00000111 00000 1- .60 hex bolt M5 x 55
84 00000111 01092 $0.60 hex bolt M5 x 10
85 00000111 59377 $8.00 screw-in spacer metal
86 00000111 59528 $5.00 metal belt cover spacer
87 11111000 48917 $15.0 front plastic belt cover bracket
88 11111000 48918 $15.0 rear plastic belt cover bracket
89 03300000 07013 $2.00 variator cover screw M4 x 8
90 01100000 48985 $10.0 variator cover chrome
000 abcdefgh part# price P U L L E Y – C L U T C H
101 10011000 53593 $150 pulley-clutch assy no-variator
102 11111111 45795 $5.00 flat sided washer 1.5 thick
102 11111111 47610 $7.00 flat sided washer 1.8 thick
103 11111111 45777 95-75 clutch drum
104 11111111 45818 $0.00 shim washer 16.2 x 30 x 0.4
104 11111111 45819 $0.00 shim washer 16.2 x 30 x 0.6
104 11111111 45820 $0.00 shim washer 16.2 x 30 x 0.8
104 11111111 45821 $0.00 shim washer 16.2 x 30 x 1.0
105 11111111 42012 $30.0 running clutch friction plate
106 11111111 45770 $15.0 running clutch 4-star leaf spring
107 11111111 45810 $12.0 running clutch pressure plate
108 11111111 45771 $12.0 running clutch thrust plate drum
109 66666666 42020 $1.00 running clutch steel ball Ø12
110 10011000 53526 $10.0 stepped spacer no-var.
111 10011000 46712 $3.00 nylon washer 16.0-31.7 x 0.45
112 11111111 50520 $5.00 starting clutch locking ring
113 22222222 56058 $0.20 starting clutch lock washer M4
114 22222222 32085 $1.00 starting clutch thin nut M4
115 11111111 45791 $35.0 starting clutch shoe set
116 22222222 43286 $7.00 starting clutch spring
117 10011000 53466 $0.00 pulley assembly no-variator
118 10011000 49457 $0.00 needle bearing no-var. 15x21x14
119 11111111 53527 $0.00 inner sleeve
120 10011000 46319 $3.00 nylon washer 15.0-25.7 x 0.45
121 10011000 44922 $3.00 nut no-var. M11-1.0 x 5 hex17
122 22222222 47252 $0.00 starting clutch washer
123 10011000 48063 $0.00 outer washer no-var.
124 66666666 49898 $0.00 running clutch spring clip
125 22222222 55926 $0.00 starter clutch bumper
000 abcdefgh part# price V A R I A T O R
129 01100111 53799 $180 pulley-clutch-variator assy
130 01100111 53526 $0.00 washer
131 01100111 53539 $0.00 stepped spacer
132 01100111 53491 $0.00 tab washer
133 01100111 48615 $0.00 nut
134 01100111 49816 $7.00 outer nylon spacer ring
135 01100111 49812 $5.00 clutch nut M11-1.0 x 7 hex21
136 01100111 69829 $0.00 spacer ring
137 02200222 51893 $0.00 needle bearing 15 x 21 x 14
138 01100111 45750 $0.00 inner sleeve
139 01100111 53527 $0.00 inner sleeve
141 01100111 48613 $0.00 inner pulley half
142 01100111 48983 $0.00 outer pulley half
143 01100111 48611 $0.00 centrifugal driver
144 02200222 53058 $0.00 centrifugal weight
145 04400444 48680 $0.00 cent. weight bushing
146 02200222 53052 $0.00 cent. weight brake
147 02200222 48696 $0.00 cent. weight pivot pin
148 02200222 48699 $0.00 locking piece
149 01100111 50530 $0.00 holder plate
2. Peugeot 102
ab part# price E N G I N E S
10 63482 none a 2.0hp no variator for 102 SP U3, -B
01 63484 none b 1.5hp no variator for 102 SP U2
Each model family a to b has a column for the part quantity.
The part quantity can be 0, 1 or more, or 1 (as required).
00 ab E N G I N E T O P E N D
01 11 48494 $45 head assy 102 U2, U3
03 to 18: same as 103 above, 3 to 18
19 11 68833 $170 102 cylinder BB and piston BB
19 11 68833 $170 102 cylinder CC and piston CC
19 11 68833 $90.0 102 cylinder B only, good-used 39.92
20 11 46467 $5.00 cylinder base gasket
21 11 32097 $0.30 nut M6
22 11 27010 $2.00 intake stud M5 short
23 11 27013 $2.00 intake stud M5 long
24 11 56060 $0.25 lock washer M6
25 10 56278 none intake pipe U2
25 01 46070 $35.0 intake pipe U3, good-used
26 11 46031 $8.00 intake gasket
27 11 56058 $0.25 lock washer M5
28 11 32085 $0.40 nut M5
29 11 01105 1- .50 hex bolt M6 x 12
00 ab C R A N K S H A F T a n d C A S E
31 11 53596 140 crankshaft non-variator
32 to 39: same as 103 above, 22 to 29
41 11 53398 $$$ crankcase assy
42 44 27022 $2.50 cylinder stud M7 x 112
43 11 44893 $5 case gasket
44 22 01122 $1.20 case bolt M6 x 55
45 11 01130 $1.20 case bolt M6 x 60
46 11 01131 $1.00 case bolt M6 x 65
47 11 01339 $1.20 case bolt M6 x 70
48 11 45636 $2 centering bolt M6
49 66 32087 $0.30 nut M6
50 33 56060 $0.25 lock washer M6
51 11 50602 $3.00 seal retaining plate
52 22 16027 $1.00 plate screw 3.5 x 9.5
54 11 46803 $0.00 right engine bracket
55 11 45870 $0.00 left engine bracket
56 11 46340 $0.00 front fixing bracket
57 11 46341 $0.00 rear fixing bracket
58 22 01154 $1.50 bolt M7 x 65
59 22 48670 $0.20 washer M7
60 22 56105 $0.50 lock washer M7
61 22 32094 $0.60 nut M7
00 ab B E L T C O V E R
71 11 61821 $00 belt cover see below
72 22 08025 75¢ screw M5 x 10
73 22 53086 25¢ plain washer
74 22 56058 25¢ lock washer
75 11 61822 none decal
#71 61821 belt cover, several choices:
1 $13 good-used, has some paint spray
2 $15 almost new, has a rough area
3 $17 good-used, has the decal
4 $15 good-used, has decal, scratched
5 $15 good-used, has decal, scratched
6 $12 good-used, scratched
7 $12 good-used, sun-faded, has a rough area
00 ab P U L L E Y – C L U T C H
101 to 125: same as 103 above, 101 to 125