updated 2022-08
A. Front sprockets
B. Rear sprockets
C. Sprocket Parts
D. Sprocket Info
A. Front sprockets
Engine sprockets are also listed with the engine parts.
Sprockets are new old stock originals unless noted.
Price: green is new, dark green is good used, low wear.
teeth price MMI# Minarelli# Minarelli 15 x 10 x 5
09T $12.0 4800 58.0220.0 1.0 hp V1 2.25-16
10T $20.0 4810 58.0221.0 1.5/2 V1 2.25-16
11T $15.0 4820 58.0222.0 2.0 hp V1 2.25-16
12T $30.0 4822 58.0203.0 1.5 hp C2 2.25-16
13T $25.0 4823 58.0204.0 2.0 hp C2 2.25-16
00T $2.00 4830 49.0641.0 washer ∅10 ∅22 x 0.8
00T $2.00 4840 49.0323.0 nut M10-1.25 x 6 hex17
teeth price Morini# Morini 15 x 12 flat sided
10T $17.0 23-2550 13.5 thick for M101
11T $15.0 23-2551 13.5 thick for M101
11T $15.0 23-2508 6.0 thick S5K, S5K2
13T none 23-2534 6.5 thick for M1
13T $15.0 23-2561 13.5 thick for M1 late
14T none 23-2552 13.5 thick for M1 late
teeth price Morini# Morini 15 x 12 flat sided
14T $15.0 23-2580 splined thick for S6?
12T $15.0 23-2506 tapered, keyed MO1, MO2
13T $15.0 23-2501 tapered, keyed MO1, MO2
00T $2.00 25-4002 washer ∅12 ∅20? x 1?
00T $10.0 13-1002 nut M12-1.25 x 6 hex17
teeth price Motobecane# Motobecane
11T $15-00 17352 for 40, 50 25mph, 50V 25, 30
12T none 0 18939 for model 40, 50 20mph
13T $00-00 20732 for model 40, 50 30mph
teeth price Puch# 00000 Puch
11T $00-00 000.050.1316 for 1.0 hp E50
13T $20-10 349.113.1132 for 1.0 hp E50
14T $20-10 349.113.1142 for 1.5 hp E50
15T none 0 349.113.1152 for 1.5 hp E50
16T $20-10 349.113.1162 for 1.5/2.0 E50
18T $20-10 349.113.1182 for 2.0 hp ZA50
Some original Puch sprockets still have the polyurethane covering,
but it will soon crack and fall off, because it has become brittle.
Tomos front for thin tire models, rear for Arrow/Racing
teeth price Tomos# ID looseness (mm)
18T none 000000 28.? 0.4? flat replica
18T $65.0 000000 27.8 0.0 flat modified, orig. center
24T none 236544 27.8 0.0 flat original for Arrow rear
25T $13.0 000000 28.3 0.5 flat replica chrome
26T $25.0 209078 27.8 0.0 flat original for thin rear tire
26T $13.0 000000 28.3 0.5 flat replica K Star
27T $13.0 000000 28.2 0.4 flat replica black
Tomos front for wide tire models
teeth price Tomos# ID looseness (mm)
26T $50.0 230788 28.0 0.2 dished original for wide rear tire
26T none 000000 28.? 0.4? dished replica
27T none 000000 28.? 0.4? dished replica
Tomos original sprockets made before 2008 said TOMOS and fit properly. The center splined hole fits tight and has no wiggle room. Most aftermarket sprockets, and ones made from 2008 on, do not fit properly. The center splined hole is bigger than it needs to be.
When the center hole is too big, the sprocket does not stay centered. Instead, it shifts back and forth every revolution. That make the chain pulsate, where it gets tighter and looser every revolution of the front sprocket. It feels like always being on a bumpy road. It leads to chain wear and sometimes damage to the driveshaft splines.
B. Rear sprockets
Sprockets in the same family have the same centering hole,
and the same bolt hole circle.
Families 1 to 12 sprockets are on the opposite side as the brake.
They are for mopeds and mini-cycles with a single drive chain.
Tomos lip x 60 
Sprockets in this family are kept centered by the
lip that surrounds the small 17 mm center hole.
28.0 centering lip, 17 hole, 1-chain aluminum hub
60 bolt holes diameter, M7 bolts, 415 chain
teeth dish
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# engine models ∅32 bearing
22T 4 0 27-15 Tomos 209261 A3 SP ’75-91 Bullet 30mph
24T 4 0 $27.0 Tomos 213256 A3 GM ’76-91 Bullet 25mph
26T 4 0 none Tomos 211847 A3 SL ’76-89 Bullet 20mph
32T 4 0 $20.0 Tomos trike
Grimeca 36.5 x 62 
36.5 centering hole diameter, 1-chain hub or wheel
62 bolt holes diameter, M7 bolts, 415 chain
teeth dish
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# engine models ∅32 bearing
31T 4 0 none Ward Riverside ’65-66 (Benelli)
Grimeca 38.0 x 60 
38.0 centering hole diameter, 1-chain hub or wheel
60 bolt holes diameter, M7 bolts, 415 chain
teeth dish
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# engine models ∅32 bearing
22T 5 0 none generic black from treatland
24T 5 0 $25.0 Tomos 232880 good-used A35 Revival ’02
24T 5 0 none Grimeca steel hub 118 mm drum
24T 5 0 none Grimeca 3 Razze 16″ cast alum. wheels
37T 5 0 none Grimeca 3 Razze 16″ from treatland
Grimeca 39.5 x 62 
39.5 centering hole diameter, 1-chain hub or wheel
62 bolt holes diameter, M7 bolts, 415 chain
teeth dish
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# engine models ∅32 bearing
22T 4 0 34-17 Tomos 217089 A3 SP ’77-86 Silver Bullet 30
22T 4 0 $17.0 good-used, low wear
24T 4 0 none Tomos 217093 A3 GM ’77-86 Silver Bullet 25
26T 4 0 none Tomos 000000 A3 SL ’77-86 Silver Bullet 20
27T 4 0 $24.0 Tomos 230187 A35 MC36
28T 4 0 $34.0 Malaguti H123/28 MO1 13/28T 30mph
28T 4 0 none Pacer 230 123/28 MO1 12/28T 25mph
32T 4 0 $25.0 good-used, low-wear
30T 4 0 none Motobecane H123/30 MO1 Sebring 17″
32T 4 0 $34.0 Malaguti H123/32 MO1 12/32T 25mph
32T 4 0 none Garelli 500451.4.227 Gar H1 30mph
33T 4 0 $24.0 generic black
34T 4 0 none Demm 4.7535.1560 Demm Smily
35T 4 0 none generic black
36T 4 0 none Garelli 503551.4.227 Gar H1 25mph
38T 4 0 $32.0 Gitane 71052144 Min V1 .
38T 4 0 $19.0 good-used, low-wear
38T 4 0 $24.0 generic black
40T 4 0 none Malaguti H123/40 MO1 12/40T 20mph
40T 4 0 none Pacer 230A H123/40 MO1 12/40 20mph
42T 4 0 $40.0 Cimatti 2670 Min V1 .
42T 4 0 none Garelli 503701.4.227 Gar H1 20mph
44T 4 0 $40.0 Motron 0050 Min V1 .
44T 4 0 none generic black
45T 4 0 $32.0 Benelli Ben G2 G2
45T 4 0 $27.0 Fantic black plastic
Trac 40.0 x 62 
40.0 centering hole diameter, 1-chain hub or wheel
62 bolt holes diameter, M8 bolts, 420 or 415 chain
teeth dish
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# engine models ∅32 bearing
39T 4 0 $24.0 Trac 41201-M56-8930 used, M56 415 chain, spoke wheel
42T 4 0 $32.0 Trac 41201-CL1-000 for Daelim 420 chain, spoke wheel
Tomos 40.5 x 60 
40.5 centering hole diameter, 1-chain hub
60 bolt holes diameter, M7 bolts, 415 chain
teeth dish
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# engine models ∅32 bearing
24T 5 0 none Tomos 243060 A35 MC50 Jr
24T 5 0 none 243060 modified see 42.5 x 60 4-hole
28T 5 0 none Tomos 243061 A35 MC50 Sr
Indian 42.0 x 62 
42.0 centering hole diameter, 1-chain hub or wheel
62 bolt holes diameter, M8 bolts, 415 chain
teeth dish
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# engine models ∅32 bearing
28T 4 8 none Indian W213-28-50 Mira wheel
30T 4 8 $43.0 Indian W213-00-50 spoke wheel
40T 4 0 $34.0 unidentified
Grimeca 42.5 x 66 
42.5 centering hole diameter, 1-chain hub or wheel
66 bolt holes diameter, M7 bolts, 415 chain
teeth dish
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# engine models ∅35 bearing
20T 4 0 $9.00 generic 633084 too small, must modify
22T 4 0 $20.0 generic for Tomos with non-Tomos wheels
28T 4 0 none Malaguti H123/28M Morini MO1 13/28T 30mph
28T 4 0 none Pacer 247 H23/28M Morini MO1 12/28T 25mph
30T 4 0 $30.0 Garelli 000966.4.234 Garelli G2,V2 Gulp, VIP
30T 4 8 none Bernardi H123/30B Morini MO1 .
32T 4 0 none Malaguti H123/32M Morini MO1 12/32T 25mph
32T 4 0 none Garelli 500601.4.299 Garelli H1 mags 30mph
32T 4 8 none Bernardi H123/30B Morini MO1 .
36T 4 0 none Garelli 506873.4.234 Garelli H1 mags 25mph
36T 4 8 none Bernardi H123/36B Morini MO1 .
39T 4 0 none Batavus H123/39M Regency M56 w/mags
39T 4 0 $38.0 Trac 41201-M56-8900 used, M56 w/mags #415
39T 4 0 $29.0 Trac 41201-M56-8900 Eagle M56 w/mags #420
40T 4 0 none Malaguti H123/40M Morini MO1 12/40T 20mph
40T 4 0 none Pacer 247A 23/40M Morini MO1 12/40T 20mph
40T 4 0 none Hercules 0890 222 000 Sachs 505 .
40T 4 8 none Bernardi H123/40B Morini MO1 .
42T 4 0 none Garelli 501501.4.234 Garelli H1 mags 20mph
42T 4 0 $29.0 Trac 41201-HA1-000 Daelim mags #420 M6 holes
42T 4 0 $29.0 Trac 41201-HA1-000 Daelim mags #420 M7 holes
44T 4 0 $30.0 Motron 0050B used Minarelli V1 w/mags
46T 4 0 none Hercules 0890 239 000 Sachs 505 .
50T 4 0 none Hercules 0890 223 000 Sachs 505 .
50T 4 0 none Hercules 0890 239 001 Sachs 505 .
Tomos 42.5 x 60 
42.5 centering hole diameter, 1-chain hub or wheel
60 bolt holes diameter, M7 bolts, 415 chain
teeth dish
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# engine models ∅32 bearing
20T 4 0 $9.00 633084 aftermarket too small, must grind
22T 4 0 $27.0 Tomos 222586 A3, A35 ’86-06 2.25-16 30mph
22T 4 0 $00.0 Tomo A55 derestricted ’07-18 2.25-16 35mph
22T 4 0 $20.0 222586 aftermarket .
24T 4 0 $25.0 Tomos 227361 A3, A35 ’86-91 2.25-16 25mph
24T 4 0 $00.0 Tomos 227361 A3/A35 ’04-06 3.25-16 30mph
24T 4 0 $00.0 Tomo A55 derestricted ’06-13 3.25-16 35mph
24T 5+4 $29.0 243060 modified to replace 227361
28T 4 0 $10.0 Tomos 223119 A55 orig. ’07-18 2.25-16 30mph
31T 4 0 $14.0 Tomos 227863 A55 orig. ’06-13 3.25-16 30mph
General 44.0 x 62

44 centering hole diameter, 1-chain hub
62 bolt holes diameter, M8 bolts, 415 chain
teeth dish
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# ∅90 small hub models
40T 3 0 none General 2150-5482 for Sachs 505/1A
44T 3 0 none General 1150-5482 for Minarelli V1
50T 3 0 none General 2150-5483 for Sachs 505/1B
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# ∅110 big hub models
40T 4 0 $32.0 General 1150-5482 for Sachs 505/1A
Grimeca 45.5 x 66 
45.5 centering hole diameter, 1-chain hub or wheel
66 bolt holes diameter, M7 bolts, 420 chain
teeth dish
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# engine models ∅35 bearing
42T 4 0 $28.0 Columbia 713-0227 used, worn Sachs 505 25/30mph
48T 4 0 $32.0 Columbia 713-0228 used, low-wear Sachs 505 20mph
Columbia sprockets do not have lightening holes.
Derbi 53.0 x 65 
53.0 centering hole diameter, 1-chain hub or wheel
65 bolt holes diameter, M8 bolts, 415 chain
teeth dish
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# engine models
30T 4 0 $38.0 Derbi 000.821.3030 Variant SL, SLE, TT
33T 4 0 none Derbi 0F0.131.0031 Variant Sport
42T 4 0 $36.0 Derbi 000.791.3030 C-5 Diablo, RD50
Trac 62.0 x 80 
62.0 centering hole diameter, 1-chain hub or wheel
80 bolt holes diameter, M8 bolts, 420 chain
teeth dish
⇓ holes ⇓ price link part# engine models
44T 4 0 $30.0 unidentified, maybe Honda
Families 13 to 18 sprockets are on the same side as the brake.
The drum brake is in the center of the sprocket,
for 2-chain hubs with both motor and pedal chains.
Leleu 81 x 93 

81 centering hole diameter, 2-chain aluminum hub
93 bolt holes diameter, M6 bolts, 415 chain
teeth pat dish price link part# engine models 70 brake drum
35T 4 10 none Motobecane 23043 model 7 30mph
39T 4 10 none Motobecane 54183 model 7 20, 25mph
42T 5p 10 none Peugeot 68855 black 102 U3 30mph
48T 6p 8 $39.0 Batavus 44.420 M48 VA, HS50, Starflite 20, 30
50T 6p 8 $25.0 Batavus 44.379 M48 VA, HS50, Starflite 25 mph
50T 6p 8 $12.0 good-used, low-wear
50T 5p 10 $30.0 Peugeot 64150 black 102 U2 25mph
Angel 92 x 112
92 centering hole diameter, 1-chain hub
112 bolt holes diameter, M6 bolts, 420 chain
teeth pat dish price link part# engine models 80 brake drum
40T 4 14 $26.0 Taiwan
44T 4 5.5 $25.0 Taiwan
50T 4 8.0 $25.0 Taiwan (Angel)
Grimeca 94 x 107

This sprocket family is for Grimeca 90 mm 2-chain hubs
with internal shield brake plates, instead of external.
94 centering hole diameter, 2-chain hub or wheel
107 bolt holes diameter, M6 bolts, 415 chain
teeth pat dish price link part# engine models 90 brake drum
38T 4d 0 none KTM Foxi 1210.060.000 Sachs 504 spoke wheel
38T 5 0 none KTM Foxi 0000.000.000 Sachs 504 mag wheel
40T 4d 0 none generic black from treatland
40T 4d 14 none Kynast Flying Dutchman Sachs 504 spoke whl
45T 4d 0 $55.0 Hercules 0890 215 000 Sachs 504 25, 30 mph
45T 4d 0 $35.0 good-used
50T 4d 0 none Hercules 0890 211 000 Sachs 504 20 mph
50T 4d 0 $28.0 good-used, low-wear
Leleu 94 x 104 

94 centering hole diameter, 2-chain hub or wheel
104 bolt holes diameter, M6 bolts, 415 chain
teeth pat dish price link part# engine models 80 brake drum
36T 5p 12 none Peugeot 51608 103L2 U3=30mph
36T 5p6p 12 $25.0 good-used, not worn
36T 6p 12 none Sparta 055029 Sachs 504 25/30mph
36T 6p 7.5 $16.0 generic black
36T 6p 12 $40.0 Kreidler 265.02.11 MP-9, MP19 Flory 30/25
38T 6p 7.5 $24.0 generic chrome
39T 5p 12 none Batavus 44.521 M56 Regency w/spoke wheel
40T 5p 12 $35.0 Peugeot 40947 103L2 U2=25mph
40T 5p6p 12 $25.0 generic vintage
40T 6p 7.5 none Puch 349.141.0401 Puch ZA50 spoke wheels
40T 6p 7.5 $20.0 generic light grey
40T 6p 7.5 $24.0 generic chrome
40T 6p 7.5 $15.0 generic used
44T 6p 10 $45.0 Motobecane 20090 ’74-80 40, 50 25/30
44T 6p 10 $30.0 good-used, low wear
44T 6p 12 $35.0 Kreidler 000.00.00 MP-9, MP19 Flory 20mph
45T 6p 7.5 none Puch 349.141.0451 Puch E50 spoke wheels
45T 6p 7.5 $30.0 good-used low wear
45T 6p 7.5 $15.0 good-used
48T 5p 12 $35.0 Peugeot 48795 103LS U1, 103L2 U1 20mph
48T 5p6p 12 $25.0 generic vintage, tight fit, needs grinding
48T 5p6p 12 $25.0 generic vintage
48T 6p 10 $30.0 Motobecane 53873 ’76-78 40, 50 20mph
48T 6p 12 none Sparta 055029 Sachs 504 20mph models
52T 5p 12 $38.0 Peugeot 51608 103LVS U2, U3 103SP U3
52T 5p6p 12 $16.0 generic black
54T 6p 10 $45.0 Motobecane 20093 ’74-80 50V 25/30
54T 6p 10 $30.0 good-used, low wear
56T 5p 12 $35.0 Peugeot 54443 103SP U2=25mph
56T 5p 12 none good-used, low wear
59T 5p 12 none Peugeot 61443 black 103SPR U2, U3
Grimeca 98 x 115 

98 centering hole diameter, 2-chain hub or wheel
115 bolt holes diameter, M6 bolts, 415 chain
teeth pat dish price link part# engine models 90 brake drum
40T 4 7.5 $35.0 Puch 349.141.7401 ZA50 snowflake wheels
42T 5 7.5 none generic replacement from treatland
45T 4 7.5 $35.0 Puch 349.141.7451 E50 snowflake wheels
45T 4 7.5 $20.0 good-used, low wear
45T 5 7.5 none Puch Korado 5-hole E50 from treatland
51T 5 7.5 none Puch Korado 5-hole E50 from treatland
Columbia 115 x 125 
115 centering hole diameter, 2-chain hub or wheel
125? bolt holes diameter, M6 bolts, 415 chain
teeth pat dish price link part# engine models 105 brake drum
42T 4 7.5 none Columbia 713-0244 Sachs 25/30mph
48T 4 7.5 none Columbia 713-0245 Sachs 20 mph
57T 4 7.5 none Columbia 713-0246 Solo 20/25/30
C. Sprocket Parts
Part# colors: Italian (MMI), Tomos, Taiwan, Puch .
# holes price holes bolt 0 Locking Plates .
# holes price c-c pattern part# .
21 2-M8 $4.00 43.8 ∅62 x 4 1150-5481 Gen/Trac 110/90
00 0-M0 $0.00 for 4. 40 x 62, 6. 42 x 62, 9. 44 x 62 (4-hole)
22 2-M6 $5.50 81.3 ∅115×4 349.141.7181 Puch 90 mag
00 0-M0 $0.00 for 17. 98 x 115 “snowflake mag” 2-chain
31 3-M8 $5.00 53.7 ∅62 x 3 1150-5478 General 90 hub
00 0-M0 $0.00 for 9. 44 x 62 (3-hole)
41 4-M7 $4.50 42.4 ∅60 x 4 222583 Tomos 105/90 hub/mag
00 0-M0 $0.00 for 5. 40.5 x 60, 8. 42.5 x 60
42 4-M7 $4.00 43.8 ∅62 x 4 H122 Italian/Tomos 90 hub
00 0-M0 $0.00 for 1. lip x 62, 3. 39.5 x 62
43 4-M7 $5.00 46.7 ∅66 x 4 H122M Italian 105/90 hub/mag
00 0-M0 $0.00 for 7. 42.5 x 66, 10. 46.5 x 66
hex head price 00 part000# chains Sprocket Bolts .
mm size price 00 part# 00000 type drum type .
M6 x 16 /00 $0.80 000000000000 2 alloy 70/80 hub
M6 x 20 /00 $1.00 000000000000 2 steel 90 hub
M7 x 18 /00 $1.00 H124 0000000 1 steel 90 hub
M7 x 20 /00 $0.80 H124alt
M7 x 22 /00 $1.70 025208 H124T 1 alloy 90 hub
M7 x 25 /00 $0.80 026304 00000 1 alloy105 hub/mag
M7 x 30 /00 $0.80 025210 H124M 1 alloy 90 mag
M7 x 35 /00 $1.00 026305 00000 1 alloy105 wide hub
M8 x 35/34 $0.60 611-08034 00o 1 alloy 90 hub
M8 x 40/43 $0.60 611-08043 00o 1 alloy110 hub
mm size hex price part# Sprocket Nuts .
M6 x 5 hex10 $0.30 000000 regular
M7 x 6 hex11 $0.60 000000 regular
M7 x 7 hex11 $1.20 H124A tall nut
M8 x 7 hex13 $0.80 000000 regular
D. Sprocket Info
How to tell the chain pitch by measuring the sprocket
1. The teeth are counted. That gives n.
2. A round tapered tool like a punch or chopstick is placed in the sprocket tooth valley, and slid back and forth until it matches the half circle at the bottom of the valley. The tapered tool is measured where it matched the sprocket tooth valley. That gives dr.
3. If the tooth count n is an even number, the sprocket minumum diameter is measured directly with a caliper. If the tooth count n is an odd number, the sprocket minimum diameter is estimated. That gives dm.
4. Chain pitch is then calculated. pitch = (dr+dm)*sin(180/n)
How to calculate the holes diameter
When the hole count n is an odd number, the holes diameter d cannot be measured directly. d must be calculated from the measured hole spacing s.
d = s/sin(180/n)
How to tell if the teeth are worn
The valleys in between the teeth are U shaped. On a new sprocket both sides of the U are the same. As the sprocket wears, the side of the U that the chain pulls on becomes worn were the roller contacts it.
Trac Sprockets and Chains
82-84 M56 17T Eagle, Hawk Grimeca mag 16
41201-M56-8900 sprocket 42.5 x 62 39T 4-M7
40530-M56-8900 chain #415 98L
82-84 M56 17T Clipper, Eagle, Hawk spoke wheel 16
41201-M56-8930 sprocket 40.0 x 62 39T 4-M8
40530-M56-8900 chain #415 98L
84-89 Daelim 12T Hawk, Image Grimeca mag 16
41201-HA1-000 sprocket 42.5 x 66 42T 4-M6x25
40530-HA1-000 chain #420 96L
40531-005-890 master link
84-89 Daelim 12T Clipper, Escot spoke wheel 16
41201-CL1-000 sprocket 40.0 x 62 42T 4-M8
40530-HA1-000 chain #420 96L
40531-005-890 master link
84-89 Daelim 12T Liberty, Olympic spoke big hub 17
41201-005-890 sprocket 00.0 x 00 44T 4-M8x35
40530-005-890 chain #420 00L
40531-005-890 master link
40.0 x 62 42T 4-M8 41201-CL1-8930? #420 spoke wheel
chain #420