Motobecane 40, 50, 50V Parts

Table of Contents


A. Identification B. Parts Catalogs  
C. Parts for ‘74-81 40S, 40L, 50S, 50L, 50VL 1. Gaskets, bolts
2. Engine mounts 21. Pedal crank 33. Left Control
3. Cylinder and head 22. Cables 34. Front fender
4. Piston 23. Chain tensioner 35. Rear fender
5. Intake pipe 22. Cables 36. Rear carrier
6. Crank and case 24. Front hub 37. Rear shocks
7-8-9. Exhaust 25. Rear hub 38. Handlebar
10-11-12. Carburetor 26. Front wheel 39. Seat
13. Fuel tap 27. Rear wheel 40. Speedometer
14-15-16-17. Magneto 28. Frame parts 40 41. Headlight
18. Dimoby clutch 29. Frame parts 50 42-43. Tail light
19. Variator clutch 30-31. Front fork 44-45. Electrical
20. Pulley 32. Right control 46. Mirror
D. Parts exclusive to ‘77-79 50VLC, ‘79-82 Moby
E. Parts exclusive to ‘77-79 50VLA
F.  Parts exclusive to ‘78-79 50VLX
G. Parts exclusive to ‘79-82 Le Moped
H. Parts exclusive to ‘79-82 Traveler



A. Identification

Model names: S is standard, L is deluxe, T is telescopic fork, V is variator. At first the Model 40 was made with a rigid or a telescopic fork. Then later it was only made with telescopic fork. Motobecane eliminated the unnecessary letter T, so 40TL became 40L and 40TS became 40S.

1. ’74-76 40L (US), 2. ’71-74 40L (Euro)
These have the Dimoby transmission.

1. ’76-77 50L (US), 2. ’74-76 50S (US)
These have the Dimoby transmission.

1. ’76-77 50VL (US), 2. ’71-74 50VL (Euro)
These have the Variator transmission.

Dimoby and Variator: Left is an AV7 Dc Dimoby engine (fixed pulley). Right is an AV7 Vc Variator engine (variable pulley). Both types have dual automatic centrifugal clutches, one for starting and one for running. They are the same except for the pulley-clutch system. They have the same crankcase and crankshaft.

From the right side the Dimoby and Variator engines are indistinguishable. From the left they are distinguished by the belt cover, belt cover mounts and clutch nut depth. The Variator clutch wheel sticks out about 10 mm more than Dimoby, so it has a 10 mm deeper clutch nut.


B. Parts Manuals


Sources: The parts info below is from these manuals.

1974-75 Motobecane America Dealer Manual
contains these parts manuals for 25 mph versions:

1. ’74-75 40TS, 40TL solo seat, Dimoby, no rear susp, thin rims
1. ’74-75 50S, 50L 00  solo seat, Dimoby (no variator)
1. ’74-75 50VL 0000   solo seat, variator

1976-82 Motobecane America Dealer Manual
contains these 7 parts manuals for 20, 25, 30 mph versions:

1. ’76-77 40TS, 40TL solo seat, Dimoby, no rear susp, thin rims
2. ’76-79 50S, 50L solo seat, Dimoby (no variator)
2. ’76-79 50VL       solo seat, variator
3. ’77-79 50VLC     long seat, variator
3. ’79-82 Moby      long seat, variator
4. ’77-79 50VLA     long seat, variator, aluminum wheels
5. ’78-79 50VLX     solo seat, variator, trail model
6. ’79-82 Le Moped long seat, variator, aluminum wheels, deluxe
7. ’79-82 Traveler   solo seat, Dimoby (no variator), thin rims

1971-75 Motobecane/Motoconfort Series 50 Parts Catalog  
provided by Motobecane Club de France
This has most specifications and better illustrations.



C. Parts for 40S, 40L, 50S, 50L, 50VL

Price: The price is for each item unless noted.
Bright green is new, dark green is good used.

Quantity: The quantity is how many are on the bike,
within that parts group. ‘x’ means as needed.

45V: These are quantity columns. 4 is 40, 5 is 50, V is 50V


#   45V  part#  price   1. Gaskets, bolts
1    001 52341 none  engine ’74-75 variator 25 mph
1.1 110 53444 none  engine ’76-77 Dimoby 20 mph
1.2 110 53949 none  engine ’76-77 Dimoby 25 mph
1.3 110 53744 none  engine ’76-77 Dimoby 30 mph
1    001 52341 none  engine ’76-77 variator 25 mph
1.4 001 53745 none  engine ’76-77 variator 30 mph 
1.5 110 54146 none  engine ’78-81 Dimoby 20 mph
1.6 110 54147 none  engine ’78-81 Dimoby 25 mph
1.7 110 54149 none  engine ’78-81 Dimoby 30 mph
1.8 001 54148 none  engine ’78-81 variator 25 mph
1.9 001 54844 none  engine ’78-81 variator 30 mph

2    111 18568 $15.0 case bolt set 2×2.1, 2×2.2, 3×2.3
2.1 111 15276 $1.50 bolt M7-1.25 x 45 flange (10 hex)
2.2 111 14936 $1.00 bolt M7-1.00 x 33 (10 hex)
2.3 111 00366 $1.40 bolt M7-1.00 x 48 (10 hex)
2.4 111   366b $1.50 bolt M7-1.00 x 40 (set has 48)
2.5 111 00366 $1.40 bolt M7-1.00 x 48 (10 hex)
2.6 111 14936 $1.00 bolt M7-1.00 x 33 (10 hex)
2.7 111 15276 $1.50 bolt M7-1.25 x 45 flange (10 hex)
2.8 555 00011 $0.50 nut  M7-1.00 (10 hex)
3    111 14854 $7.00 gasket cylinder head 
4    111 14895 $6.00 gasket cylinder base
5    111 16910 $3.00 gasket crankcase
6    111 52646  N/A    gasket intake restricted (20mph)
6    111 17073 $3.00 gasket intake (25 and 30mph)
7    111 16912 $15.0 gasket kit 3, 4, 5, 6


#   45V  part#  price   2. Engine mounts      
1    111 19886 $6.00 bolt engine mount M8-1.00 x 140     
1    001 20453  none  bolt for up-exhaust
M8-1.00 x 145?  
2    111 20534 $4.00 spacer tube 8-12 x 18
3    111 17994 $11.0 R Flexibloc     ∅8.0 ∅32.0 x 23
3a  111 17994a$8.00 R red rubber  ∅9.7 ∅28.8 x 18
3b  111 17994b$8.00 R center tube ∅11.3 ∅8.0 x 23
4    111 19888 $3.00 ground cable, engine-to-frame
5    222 21014 $3.00 step spacer  ∅8 x ∅12-17 x 10.5
6    111 20789 $11.0 L Flexibloc    ∅11.0 ∅32.0 x 23
6a  111 20789a$8.00 L red rubber ∅12.4 ∅28.8 x 18
6b  111 20789b$8.00 L center tube ∅14.0 ∅11.0 x 23
7    111 17523 $2.50 nut locking M8-1.00
8    111 16541 $0.20 washer ∅8
9    111 20790 $6.00 plastic tube 8-11 x 23
10  001 17661 $3.00 bracket for variator cover
11  444 00011 $0.50 nut  M7 (10 hex)
12  777 01527 $0.50 lock washer ∅7
13  222 15276 $1.50 bolt M7-1.25 x 45 flange (10 hex)
14  222 14936 $1.00 case bolt M7-1.0 x 33 hex10
15  222 01526 $1.00 flange nut M6 
16  222 01172 $0.50 lock washer Ø6 inner teeth
17  111 17120 $5.00 bracket spring retainer variator
17  111 21282 $6.00 bracket spring retainer 1-speed
18  222 00968 $1.00 bolt M6-1.0 x 20 hex10
19  222 15933 $7.00 belt tension springs (each)
20  222 00366 $1.40 case bolt M7-1.00 x 48 (10 hex)
21  222 00010 $0.30 nut M6
22  111 15934 $9.00 Flexibloc lower Ø6 x Ø?? x ??
23  111 00050 $0.80 bolt M6-1.0 x 33 hex10 less treads
24  111 21709 $4.00 lower engine mount plate right
25  111 21710 $5.00 lower engine mount plate left
26  001 17354 $3.00 bracket variator cover

Motor Mount Bushings (Flexiblocs)
top: #2 tube, #6 left Flexibloc, #3 right Flexibloc
bottom: #6a red rubber, #3a red rubber 

The red rubbers replace just the old black rubber part. The old bushing metal shell and metal center tube are re-used. The shell is not removed from the frame so no special press tool is needed. Instead the black rubber is removed with a knife. 

But the red rubber holes 9.7 and 12.4 are too small for the center tubes 11.3 and 14.0. The small hole must be widened by drilling. The large hole is a very tight fit without drilling. Drilling is recommended for both.



Motobecane Decompression Valve
#  qty part# price   3. Cylinder and head
1    1 53505 $140. cylinder E with piston J (20 mph)
1    1 53505 $140. higher top deck, lower compression

1    1 23460 $180. cylinder AA w/piston AA (25 & 30)
1    1 23460 $180. cylinder AA w/piston AA (25 & 30)
1    1 23460 $180. cylinder C with piston C  (25 & 30)
1    1 23460 $180. cylinder C with piston C  (25 & 30)
1    1 23460 $180. cylinder C with piston C  (25 & 30)
1    1 23460 $180. cylinder E with piston E  (25 & 30)
1    1 23460 $140. cylinder C with piston C good-used
1    1 23460 $140. cylinder C with piston E good-used

2    1 14721 $12.0 decomp valve kit
3    2 14821 $10.0 piston ring (pre-6/76) Ø39 x 2.0 FG
3    2 22148 $12.0 piston ring (6/76-on) Ø39 x 2.0 GI
4    1 15094 $12.0 piston pin Ø13 x 30
5    2 00658 $2.00 piston pin clip Ø13
7    1 19885 $35.0 cylinder head complete
8    2 00053 $1.50 rivet for ID plate

9    1 21294  none  engine ID plate   
10  1 00059 $1.00 spark plug gasket ring
11  1 01547 $5.00 spark plug NGK BR6HS

12  1 15025 $8.00 decomp valve bare
13  1 14919 $7.00 mounting lug
14  1 14855 $7.00 guide
15  1 14897 $7.00 gasket
16  1 14987 $4.00 decomp washer
17  1 15007 $4.00 spring 
18  1 15099 $6.00 valve link
19  1 00018 none  cottor pin, use small bent nail
21  1 22156 $3.00 wire guide

Cylinders on US models:
53505 is the 20mph cylinder. It says 681051 and TUM207.  The top deck is higher. The exhaust port top is lower.
54328 is the 25mph cylinder. It says S25682051 and TUM207
22340 is the 30mph non-var. It says? 581051 and FB2 47
23460 is the 30mph variator. It says 682051 and most say nothing

Piston (at skirt) to cylinder clearance: new is 0.005 to 0.01 mm (0.0002 to 0.0004″), max is 0.05 mm (0.002″).
This is a very small clearance, measured at the bottom of the piston, allowed by the all-aluminum cylinder. 
Usually pistons are measured at the bottom skirt, called “lower” below, because when cold, that is the widest part.
The bottom is slightly wider than the top, because there is less material, and therefore less thermal expansion.
When the piston is hot, the bottom and top are the same. The whole piston expands, as does the cylinder. 
Motobecane measures just below the rings, called “upper” below. On these pistons lower is 0.02 mm bigger.
Motobecane original pistons have no marks on top, listed below as “(M)”. Inside has the M logo (some also AJ3). 

< Some original replacement pistons have this logo stamped on top, listed as “(Θ)”. Inside says FRANCE.
They also have a size letter stamped on top. These were original replacements from Motobecane USA.
Other vintage aftermarket have no logo on top, listed below as “(O)”.

#  qty part# price  description  skirt    4. Piston
1    1 22273 $70  piston W  38.92 for 38.93 cyl
2    1 22274 $70  piston AA 38.93 for 38.94 cyl
3    1 22275 $70  piston A   38.94 for 38.95 cyl
4    1 22276 n.a.  piston C   38.95 for 38.96 cyl
5    1 22277 $75  piston E   38.96 for 38.97 cyl
6    1 22278 n.a.  piston G   38.97 for 38.98 cyl
7    1 22279 n.a.  piston  J   38.98 for 38.99 cyl
8    1 22280 n.a.  piston  L   38.99 for 39.00 cyl
9    1 22281 $75  piston N   39.00 for 39.01 cyl
10  1 22435 $75  piston P   39.01 for 39.02 cyl
11  1 22435 $75  piston O   39.11 for very worn


#  qty part# price   5. Intake pipe
1    1 16673 none  intake (variator 25mph) Ø16 x 10
1    1 16619 $33.0 intake (var 30 pre-3/77) Ø17 x 12
1    1 00000 $21.0 intake Malossi 022066B Ø19 x 15

2    3 01176 $0.90 nylock nut M6
3    3 01172 $0.20 plain washer Ø6
4    1 52646 none  intake gasket restricted (20mph)  
4    1 17073 $7.00 intake gasket (25 & 30 mph) 
5    2 00796 $2.50 stud M6 x 31
6    1 53496 none  intake pipe thin long (1-sp 20mph) Ø19
6    1 21201 $13.0 intake pipe long (1sp 25&30mph) Ø19
6    1 22899 $16.0 intake pipe long (var. 30 3/77-on) Ø19
7    1 21202 $6.00 support bracket
8    1 00679 $1.00 74-76 hex bolt M6-1.0 x 15
8    1 23018 $1.50 76-81 carriage bolt M6


#  qty part#  price   6. Crank and case
1    1 19608  none  case set with seals (25 & 30)
1.1 1 19608l $15.0 left case bare (25 & 30)
1.2 1 19608r $15.0 right case bare (25 & 30)
1 19608  none  case set w/seals (20mph) see note 1
2    4 00011  $0.50 head nut M7-1.0 thick, 10hex
3    4 18921  $0.30 washer M7
4    4 14716  $4.00 cylinder stud
5    2 19089  $7.00 crank seal Ø15 x Ø21 x 4
6    2 54977  $14.0 special crank bearing 6302QR
7    1 15855  $19.0 needle bearing Ø13 x Ø16 x 14(13.6)
8    1 19609  $150  crankshaft Ø16 Ø15 pre-’80 see note 2
8.1 1 19609  $150  crankshaft Ø16 Ø15 ’80-on see note 3
8.2 1 19609r $150  crankshaft Ø15 Ø15 ’80-on see note 4
9    1 16910  $3.00 case gasket     x = as needed
10  x 01285  $4.00 crank shim 19 x 24 x 0.1
11  x 01286  $4.00 crank shim 19 x 24 x 0.2
12  x 01287  $4.00 crank shim 19 x 24 x 0.3
13  x 01288  $4.00 crank shim 19 x 24 x 0.5

Note 1. The 19608 20mph case set has a ridge that only allows a 53505 20mph cylinder to fit.

Note 2. At top, the 19609 pre-80 crankshaft has less threads for the 17429 pre-80 domed square-hole flywheel nut.

Note 3. Not shown, the 19609 80-on crankshaft has more threads for the 143195 large hex flywheel nut.

Note 4. At bottom, the 19609r 80-on crankshaft is machined to take regular 6302 15 x 42 x 13 bearings instead of 6302QR 16 x 42 x 13. The press fit is precise and correct. The piston pin and needle bearing are new, included, and factory sealed in wax, that peels off. 


#   45V  part#  price   7. 8. 9. Exhaust
1   111 22872  none  #9 exhaust complete ’77-81 
1b 111 19869  none  #8 exhaust complete ’74-76
1c  111 00000  none  #7 exhaust muffler ’70-73?
2   111 22874  $18.0 #9 outlet tube cap new note 1
2   111 22874  $12.0 #9 outlet tube cap used cut short 
2b 111 00687  none  #7 pipe clamp bolt-nut M6
2c 111 14390  none  #7 pipe clamp
2d 111 01525  $0.30 #8-9 washer M6
3   111 01545  $0.70 #8-9 end cap washer M6-14 x 1
4   111 00010  $0.50 #8-9 nut M6
5   111 01189  $1.90 #8-9 clamp bolt-nut M7 x 53
6   111 19891  $8.00 #8-9 clamp spacer 7-12 x 30
7   111 00011  $0.60 #8-9 clamp nut M7 hex10
8   111 01113  $0.30 #8-9 clamp washer M7
8b 111 52791  none  #7 header pipe
9   111 19890  $15-8 #8-9 round clamp
10 111 00675  $4.00 #7-8-9 gasket ring
11 111 14786  $6.00 #8-9 nut stop ring
12 111 23780  $8.00 #9 aluminum washer 30-33 x 1
13 111 18500  $12-6 #7-8-9 exhaust nut M32-1.5
13 000 18500b$12.0 #7-8-9 oversize M33-1.5 note 2 
14 111 20212  $6-$4 #8 exhaust stud M6 x 130
15 111 21712  $15.0 #7 oval clamp
16 111 19871 
$15-8 #8 outer baffle end cap
17 111 19870 
$12.0 #8 inner baffle
00 111 24339  $6.00 #9 ex. nut lock clip (not shown)

Note 1. Cut off all of the straight section of the outlet tube to improve power without much increase in noise.

Note 2. The oversize nut is for cylinders with exhaust threads that have been damaged and then cut bigger with a special bottoming tap.


10. Carburetor Dimoby 20-25-30 side mount, see Gurtner
11. Carburetor variator 25 mph center mount, see Gurtner
12. Carburetor variator 30 mph side mount,    see Gurtner

13. Fuel Tap (aka gas valve or petcock) see Gas Valves

14. Flywheel magneto (6 volt)  see MB magneto 
15. Flywheel magneto (6 volt)  see MB magneto
16. Flywheel magneto
(12 volt) see MB magneto
17. Flywheel magneto (12 volt) see
MB magneto

#   45V  part#  price   years  18. Dimoby clutch 
1    110 21680 
$85.0 74-76 D-clutch assy 3-shoe good-used
1b  110 22914  $75.0 77-81 D-clutch assy 4-shoe good-used
2    110 14750  none  74-81 washer ∅15
3    110 14567  none  74-81 felt seal inner ∅15
4    110 14588  $7.00 74-81 washer 15.5-31 x 0.85
5    110 19228  none  74-81 pulley with running drum
6    222 20456  none  74-81 start clutch pivot (riveted on)
7    220 15383  $2.00 74-76 start clutch spring 13 x 34
7b  222 22402  $5.00 76-81 start clutch spring 10 x 29.5
8    222 15356  $3.50 74-81 start clutch screw
9    111 21682 
$6.00 74-81 start clutch cover
10  111 14712  $18.0 74-81 needle bearing 15-19 x 21.5
11  222 14562  $6.00 74-76 washer 15-21.7 x 0.5 use 14562
11  111 14562  $7.00 77-81 washer 15-21.7 x 0.8
11a xxx 14931  $5.00 77-81 shim 15-21 x 0.1 mm
11a xxx 14932  $5.00 77-81 shim 15-21 x 0.25
11a xxx 14933  $5.00 77-81 shim 15-21 x 0.45
12  222 21946  none  74-81 start shoe wave washer
13  220 16540  none  74-76 start shoe bumper
13b222 22401  $5.00 77-81 start shoe bumper
14  110 17252  none  74-81 oil deflector pressed-on
15  110 17253  $1.50 74-81 felt seal ring outer 30-36 x 4
16  111 14561  $2.50 74-81 inverted external circlip 15 x 1 photo
17  111 14563  $2.50 74-81 internal circlip 22 x 1.0 photo
18  110 17454 
$4-2   74-81 Dimoby clutch nut M10-1.0 x 8
19  111 14587  none  74-76 grease zerk nipple type
19b111 22896  $8-5  77-81 grease zerk flat type (shown)
20  110 21683  none  74-76 D-clutch wheel 3-shoe good-used
20  110 21683  none  74-76 starting drum and running clutch
20b110 22898 
$45.0 77-81 D-clutch wheel 4-shoe good-used
20b110 22898  none  77-81 starting drum and running clutch
21  110 22147  none  74-76 start set, 2 of 21,13,7 use 22400
21b110 22400 
$45.0 76-81 start set, 2 of 21b,13b,7b

In June ’76 the start shoe set changed to 22400 on both Dimoby and variator clutch versions.

Dimoby clutch wheels:  to  3-shoe  1, ’77  4-shoe   
Variator clutch wheels:   to-’76 21051, ’77-on 22925
Dimoby clutch wheels:  to-’76 21683, ’77-on 22898
Variator pulley-clutches: to-’76 21056, ’77-79? 23695, ’80?-on 24659
Dimoby pulley-clutches: to-’76 21680, ’77-on 22944

The Variator clutch wheel sticks out 18mm more than the Dimoby wheel. So it’s that much closer to hitting the left pedal arm.


#   45V  part#  price   years  19. Variator clutch 
1    001 21056  none  74-76 V-clutch assy 3-ball 3-shoe new
1    001 23695  none  77-79 V-clutch assy 3-ball 4-shoe new
1    001 23695u$90.0 77-79 V-clutch incomplete good-used
1    001 23695u none  77-79 without 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, 21, 22
1    001 23695u none  77-79 with rusty or scratched clutch wheel
1    001 24659  none  80-81 V-clutch assy 4-ball 4-shoe new
2    001 16845 
$5.00 74-81 pulley nut M25-1.0 left thread hex 35
3    001 17797  none  74-81 fixed pulley cheek M27-1.0 thread
4    001 19262  $18.0 74-81 movable pulley cheek
5    001 20638  none  74-79 ball retainer 3-ball
5    001 23398  $14.0 80?81 ball retainer 4-ball
6    003 16723  none  74-81 ball for variator 13.5 mm
7    222 15356  $3.50 74-81 start clutch screw
8    222 22401  $5.00 74-81 start clutch bumper
9    001 16842  $48.0 74-81 variator hub
10  222 14562  $6.00 74-76 washer 15-21.7 x 0.5 use 14562
10  111 14562  $7.00 77-81 washer 15-21.7 x 0.8
10a xxx 14931  $5.00 77-81 shim 15-21 x 0.1 mm
10a xxx 14932  $5.00 77-81 shim 15-21 x 0.25
10a xxx 14933  $5.00 77-81 shim 15-21 x 0.45
11  111 14561  $2.50 74-81 inverted external circlip 15 x 1 photo
12  001 21051  none  74-76 V-clutch wheel 3-shoe new
12  001 21051  none  74-76 starting drum and running clutch
12  001 22925  none  77-81 V-clutch wheel 4-shoe new
12  001 22925  none  77-81 starting drum and running clutch
12  001 22925u$80.0 77-81 V-clutch wheel 4-shoe good-used
12  001 22925u none  77-81 original, rusty and/or scratched
13  001 17455  $9-6   74-81 variator clutch nut M10-1.0 x 21
14  111 14587  none  74-76 grease zerk nipple type (shown)
14b111 22896  $8-5   77-81 grease zerk flat type
15  001 20683  $30.0 74-81 running clutch drum
16  222 16542  none  74-76 start wave washer
16b222 21946  none  77-81 start wave washer
17  002 16539  none  74-76 start shoe bare
17  001 22924  none  74-76 start shoe set use 22400
17b001 22400  $45.0 76-81 start shoe set 
18  002 16721  none  74-76 start shoe spring 
18b002 22402  $5.00 77-81 start shoe spring 10 x 29.5
19  001 15187  $12.0 74-81 shield ring inner
20  222 20456  none  74-81 start clutch pivot pin
21  111 14712  $18.0 74-81 needle bearing 15-19 x 21.5
22  111 14563  $2.50 74-81 internal circlip 22 x 1.0 photo
23  001 15349  $2.00 74-81 o-ring seal 2.5 x 20 (25od)
24  001 19851  352074-81 variator belt cover
25  003 17426  $2.00 74-81 plastic washer
26  003 17425  $6.00 74-81 belt cover screw
26  003 17425u $3.00 74-81 belt cover screw used


#   45V  part#  price   20. Pulley  see note 1
1    110 18940  none  pulley 12T Dimoby 20 mph
1    111 16653  none  pulley 11T Dimoby 25, variator 25-30
1    110 20731  none  pulley 13T Dimoby 30 mph
2    110 18939  $15.0sprocket 12T Dimoby 20 mph
2    111 17352  $15-9sprocket 11T Dimoby 25, variator 25-30
2    110 20732  $15.0sprocket 13T Dimoby 30 mph

3    111 14756  none  belt 14-9.0-830 Optibelt original
3    111 14756r $21.0 belt 14-7.9-828 Ventico D24 repl.
4    222 17353  $4.00 rubber ring 25-33 x 3 see note 2
5    111 15219  $3.00 extension spring
6    111 16960  $2.00 spring limiter
7    111 15220  none  spring rivet
8    111 18275  $6-$4 shoulder bolt M8-1.0 x 9, ∅12 x 5
9    110 17517  $26.0 lock lever bare for 12 tooth
9    111 17515  $23.0 lock lever bare for 11 tooth
9    110 20735  none  lock lever bare for 13 tooth
10  111 15217  $2.00 washer
11  111 15216 
$2.00 selector knob
12  111 15218  $2.00 pivot pin
13  222 14330  $18.0 needle bearing HK1612 16-22 x 12
14  111 14147  $2-$1 pivot nut M8-1.0 rounded
15  110 17518 
$29.0 lock lever set for 12 tooth
15  111 17516  $26.0 lock lever set for 11 tooth
15  110 20736  none  lock lever set for 13 tooth
16  100 18429  none  motor chain 415   93+1L for 40 (20)
16  100 18429r 
$20.0 motor chain 415H 94L see note 2
16  100 20766  none  motor chain 415   90+1L for 40 (25)
16  100 20766r $24.0 motor chain 415H 91L see note 2
16  100 53874  none  motor chain 415   91+1L for 40 (30)
16  100 53874r $20.0 motor chain 415H 92L see note 2

16  010 18368  none  motor chain 415   99+1L for 50 (20)
16  010 18368r $22.0 motor chain 415H 100L see note 2
16  010 17693  none  motor chain 415   96+1L for 50 (25)
16  010 17693r $24.0 motor chain 415H 97L see note 2
16  010 18427  none  motor chain 415   97+1L for 50 (30)
16  010 18427r $20.0 motor chain 415H 98L see note 2
16  001 18370  none  motor chain 415   102+1L var. 25-30
16  001 18370r $25.0 motor chain 415H 103L see note 2
17  111 17695  $5.00 master link 415 original
17  111 17695r $3.00 master link 415H (not for 415)

Note 1. There are three different sprocket sizes 11, 12 and 13 tooth. Each sprocket has a specific lock lever. The lock lever and sprocket are part of the pulley complete. So there are three pulley completes.

Note 2. The two rubber rings #4 must be removed for the replacement chain 415H because the taller link plates cause the chain to not fit the sprocket correctly. That causes grinding and skipping.


#   45V  part#  price   21. Pedal crank
1    111 20056  none  pedal set M14-1.25 thread original
1    111 20056r $20.0 pedal set M14-1.25 replacement
2    111 20057  none  right pedal M14-1.25 thread original

3    111 20058  none  left pedal M14-1.25 thread original
4    111 20733  22-15 right pedal arm M14-1.25
4    001 22925  none  right pedal arm for 50VLX (more offset)
5    111 14158  $1.50 circlip external 16 x 1
6    111 15998  $7.00 washer 16-26 x 1.0
7    222 14179  $7.00 pedal shaft bushing 16-24 x 19
8    111 16566  $2.50 circlip inverted external 16 x 1
9    xxx 14863  none  shim washer 16-30 x 0.1
9    xxx 14865  $7.00 shim washer 16-30 x 0.3
9    xxx 15001  $7.00 shim washer 16-30 x 0.75
10  111 20737  $45.0 pedal shaft
11  111 14153  $7.00 washer 16-27 x 2.0
12  111 16568  $3.00 shield ring (oil deflector)
13  111 20441  none  wedge pin nut orig.
14  111 20734  $45.0 left pedal arm M14-1.25
15  222 00006  $2.00 wedge pin w/nut 9.0 replacement
16  111 20738  $8.00 spacer 16-20 x 13
17  222 20697  none  pedal cap for original pedal
18  111 22868  $4.00 grease fitting brass press-in
19  100 20765  $11.0 pedal chain 87+1L for 40 (18T)
19  011 21142  $11.0 pedal chain 93+1L 50, 50V (18T)
20  111 14368  $2.00 master link 1/2 x 1/8


22. Cables  see Motobecane Cables

#   45V  part#  price   23. Pedal chain tensioner 
1    011 16891 
$39.0 tensioner complete for 50
2    022 01815 
$0.50 mount nut M5
3    022 00874  $0.20 mount washer M5
4    011 00004  $1.50 thin washer+nut M6
5    011 16688  none  roller complete
6    011 14356 
$1.00 roller screw+nut M6 x 19
7    011 16689  none  roller spacer ∅6-8 x 11.5
8    011 14354  none  bridge
9    011 15623  none  spring
9a  011 15623a none  pivot-anchor w/
M7 nut
10  011 15767  $1.50 spring plate
11  022 15629  $2.50 mount bolt+nut M5 x 19 special
12  011 15624  none  tensioner pivot
13  011 15625 
$8.00 tensioner arm
21  100 22943  29-22 tensioner complete for 7, late 40
22  100 22943a none  pivot-anchor w/M6 nut
23  100 01526  $1.50 nut M6 flange
24  100 22944  $5.00 spring
31  100 16111  $45.0 tensioner complete for early 40
33  100 16111a $8.00 tensioner arm
41  200 00968  $1.00 mount bolt+nut M6 x 20


24.  F. hub Motobecane see Leleu wheel parts 
24A Front hub Leleu
xxxsee Leleu wheel parts
25.  R. hub Motobecane
see Leleu wheel parts
25A Rear hub Leleu
xxxxsee Leleu wheel parts

#   45V  part#  price   26. Front spoke wheel 
1    100 53421  $00.0 front wheel thin  complete
1    011 53470  $00.0 front wheel wide complete
2    100 20742  $00.0 rim 17 x 1.2? 36 hole
2    011 19634  $00.0 rim 17 x 1.5 36 hole
3    100 53571  $35.0 tire 2.00-17 Vee Rubber 126
3    011 53572  $36.0 tire 2.25-17 Shinko
4    111 52219  $11.0 tube 2.25-17 fits 2.00
5    111 17851  $1.50 rim strip
6   (36) 17859  $1.00 spoke nut 0.60 thread 
7   (36) 19625  $2.00 spoke 168 x 3.0-0.60



#   45V  part#  price   27. Rear spoke wheel 
1    100 53424  $00.0 rear wheel thin  44T Dimoby 25-30
1    100 53424a none  rear wheel thin  48T Dimoby 20
1    010 53470  $00.0 rear wheel wide 44T Dimoby 25-30
1    010 53871  none  rear wheel wide 48T Dimoby 20
1    001 53753  $00.0 rear wheel wide 54T variator 25-30
2    100 20742  $00.0 rim 17 x 1.2? 36 hole
2    011 19634  $00.0 rim 17 x 1.5 36 hole
3    100 53571  $35.0 tire 2.00-17 Vee Rubber 126
3    011 53572  $36.0 tire 2.25-17 Shinko SR704
4    111 52219  $11.0 tube 2.25-17 fits 2.00
5    111 17851  $1.50 rim strip
6   (36) 17859  $1.00 spoke nut 0.60 thread 
7   (36) 21195  $1.80 spoke 174 x 3.0 x 0.60


#    45V  part#  price   
28. Model 40 frame parts 
1    100 53405  none  74-79 frame yellow
1    100 53756  none  74-79 frame orange

2    100 22185  none  74-76 tank set 23164+23165
2    100 23164  none  74-76 tank sticker R gold
2    100 23165  none  74-76 tank sticker L gold
2    110 23111  none  77-79 tank sticker R sil/blk
2    110 23112  none  77-79 tank sticker L sil/blk
3    111 53429  $21.0 74-76 gas cap new w/vent switch
3    111 53429u $15.0 53429 used with no dip stick
3    111 54444  $32.0 77-79 gas cap chrome M logo
3    111 54444u none  54444 used with no dip stick
3    111 52225  $28.0 77-79 gas cap plastic off-white
3    111 52225u $19.0 52225 used with no dip stick
4    111 20460  none  gas cap gasket
5    111 17202  none  tank moulding chrome
6    111 53515  none  ID plate
7    222 16949  none  ID plate rivet
8    111 21783 
$8.00 cable holder bracket
9    111 20106  none  tire pump
10  111 19163 
$7.00 seat post clamp w/10,11,12
10  111 19163  $7.00 seat post clamp w/10,11,12
11  111 14991 
$2.00 carriage bolt+nut M8-1.0 x 45
11  111 14991 
none  carriage bolt+nut M8-1.0 x 45
12  111 14147  $0.80 clamp nut M8-1.0 x 6.5
13  111 18738 $1.00 washer lock  ∅8-?? inner teeth
14  111 22187  none  74-76 M sticker
14  111 22376  $2.00 77-81 M sticker = 23376?
15  100 21777  none  rear triangle cover
16  111 20389  $2.00 rear wires grommet 5-12 x 5
17  100 20769  $4.00 chain adjuster eyelet type
18  100 01545 $0.20 washer plain ∅6
19  100 01176  $0.80 adjuster lock nut M6-1.0

#    45V  part#   price   Model 40 frame continued
1    100 22239  none  74-76 side sticker R
1    100 23166  none  77-79 side sticker R “40”

2    100 22247  none  side cover R
2-8 100 22247n $85.0 side cover set new white
2-8 100 22247u $70.0 side cover set used off-white
3    111 21779  $35.0 floor mat set
3    111 21779r 20-10floor mat right
3    111 21779l  $15.0 floor mat left
4    111 53428  none  74-76 gas valve sticker black?
4    111 54313  none  77-79 gas valve sticker white?
5    200 21969  none  cover moulding

6    666 17424  $4.00 A side screw M5-0.9 x 11 w/washer
6    666 17424s $2.00    substitute M5-0.9 x 16 philips
7    669 17426  $2.00 I plastic washer ∅5 off-white
7    009 17426s $2.00 J plastic washer ∅5 black
8    100 22248  none  side cover L
9    100 22240 
$15.0 74-76 side sticker L
9    100 23167  none  77-79 side sticker L “40”
10  110 18376  $15.0 74-81 Dimoby belt guard
11  100 20349  $12.0 stand spring Model 40 ∅14.5 x 119
12  100 21024  none  center stand short (primed)
13  200 20637  $2.00 stand nut M8-1.0 flange-lock
14  200 20586  $9-$6 shoulder bolt M8-1.0 x 19, ∅11 x 7

Model 40 side covers new, 2. used off white


#    45V  part#  price   29. Model 50 frame parts 
1    010 20757  none  74-77 tank sticker R white 50S

1    111 23111  none  77-81 tank sticker R sil/blk
2    010 20758  none 
74-77 tank sticker L white 50S
111 23112  $12.0 77-81 tank sticker L sil/blk
3    011 23109  30-20 74-77 tank plate R smooth 50L/VL
3    111 21128  30-20 77-81 tank plate R slotted
4    011 21127  30-20 74-77 tank plate L smooth 50L/VL
4    111 23110  35-25 77-81 tank plate L slotted
4b  222 13237  $23.0 74-77 emblem R or L 50L,VL
4c  444 21093  $2.00 74-77 emblem screw M3 x 11 
5    011 21787  $10.0 74-81 tool box body
6    111 22187  none  74-76 M sticker
6    111 22376  $2.00 77-81 M sticker = 23376?
0    111 53428  none  74-76 gas valve sticker black?
0    111 54313  none  77-79 gas valve sticker white?
7    011 21793  none  74-77 frame cover orange
7    011 21794  none  74-77 frame cover yellow
7    011 54326  none  78-81 frame cover black
7    011 54289  none  78-81 frame cover met blue
7    011 54290  none  78-81 frame cover met red
7    011 54456  none  78-81 frame cover dark blue
7    011 54697  none  78-81 frame cover copper
8    011 21854  $45.0 74-77 swing arm orange
8    011 21981  none  74-77 swing arm yellow
8    011 54334  none  78-81 swing arm black
8    011 54286  none  78-81 swing arm met blue
8    011 54287  none  78-81 swing arm met red
8    011 54312  none  78-81 swing arm dark blue
8    011 54696  none  78-81 swing arm copper
9    011 21176  none  74-81 center stand long
10  001 19851  $13.0 74-81 variator belt guard
11  110 18376  $15.0 74-81 Dimoby belt guard
12  011 22243  none  74-76 side sticker R 
12  010 23170  none  77-79 side sticker R “50”
13  010 23171  none  77-79 side sticker L “50”
14  001 23172  none  77-79 side sticker R “50V”
14  001 54866  $15.0 79-81 side sticker R “Moby”
12  011 22244  none  74-76 side sticker L 
15  001 23173  none  77-79 side sticker L “50V”
15  001 54867  $15.0 79-81 side sticker L “Moby”
16  010 22249  35-45 74-77 side cover R white
17  010 22251  none  74-77 side cover L white
18  011 54318  none  78-79 side cover R wht/gold
19  011 54319  none  78-79 side cover L wht/gold
20  011 54304  none  78-81 side cover R met red
21  011 54305  none  78-81 side cover L met red
22  011 54302  35-40 78-81 side cover R met blue
23  011 54303  none  78-81 side cover L met blue
24  011 54698  none  79-80 side cover R copper
25  011 54699  none  79-80 side cover L copper
25  011 00000  $80.0 side set MLM polished stainless
26  011 54315  none  frame black
26  011 54869  none  frame met red
26  011 54868  none  frame met blue
26  011 53491  none  frame yellow
26  011 53757  none  frame orange
26  011 54691  none  frame copper
26  011 54244  none  frame dark blue

#    45V  part#  price   Model 50 frame continued
1    011 22911  none  helmet lock (parcel holder)
2    011 22871  none  helmet lock spring
3    011 21788 
35-25 tool box cover right
111 20106  none  tire pump
5    111 19163  $7.00 seat post clamp
5b  111 19163  $7.00 seat post clamp
6    111 14147  $0.80 clamp nut M8-1.0 x 6.5
7    111 01422  $1.00 clamp washer ∅8
8    111 14991  $2.00 clamp bolt+nut M8-1.0 x 45
8b  111 14991  none  clamp bolt+nut M8-1.0 x 45
9    044 21126  none  tank plate screw
10  022 17780  none  74-78 chain adj+nut M5-0.9 x 35
10  022 23468  none  78-81 chain adj+nut M7-1.0 x 35
11  011 21789  35-25 tool box cover left
12  011 20031  $4-$2cover knob ivory
12  011 23981  $6.00 cover knob black
13  011 15871  none  swingarm bushing R 10-?? x 47

14  011 15870  none  silentbloc bushing L 10-?? x ??

15  011 19834  $10.0 stand spring Model 50 ∅16 x 115-120
16  222 20586  $9-$6 shoulder bolt M8-1.0 x 19, ∅11 x 7

17  003 17425  $6.00 G belt screw M5-0.9 x 9 new
17  003 17425u $3.00 D belt screw M5-0.9 x 9 w/washer
18  222 20349  $2.00 stand nut M8-1.0 flange-lock
19  669 17426  $2.00 I plastic washer ∅5 ivory
19  009 17426s $2.00 J plastic washer ∅5 black
20  011 15872 
$10-7 swingarm bolt M10-1.0 x 135
21  011 16555  $3.50 swingarm nut M10-1.0 nylock

22  666 17424  $4.00 C side screw M5-0.9 x 11 new
22  666 17424u $4.00 A side screw M5-0.9 x 11 w/washer
22  666 17424s $2.00 substitute M5-0.9 x 16 philips
23  011 10533  none  grommet
24  111 20389 
$2.00 rear wires grommet 5-11 x 5
25  111 21779  $35.0 floor mat set
25  111 21779r 20-10floor mat right
25  111 21779l $15.0 floor mat left
26  111 21783  $8.00 cables holder bracket
27  222 16949 
$2.00 ID plate rivet
28  111 53415  none  certification (ID) plate
29  111 17202  none  tank moulding chrome
30  111 20460  none  74-79 gas cap gasket
31  111 53429  $21.0 74-76 gas cap new w/vent switch
31  111 53429u $15.0 53429 used with no dip stick
31  111 54444  $32.0 77-79 gas cap chrome M logo
31  111 54444u none  54444 used with no dip stick
31  111 52225  $28.0 77-79 gas cap plastic off-white
31  111 52225u $19.0 52225 used with no dip stick

Motobecane 50 covers 
1. Model 50 ’74-76 side covers used, 2. MLM replacements


#   45V  part#  price   30. Fork parts painted
1    111 53406 
$100  fork complete yellow 40, 50
2    111 53407  none  fork stripped  yellow 40, 50
3    111 54097  none  fork cover R   yellow 40, 50
4    111 54098  none  fork cover L   yellow 40, 50

1    111 53762  $100  fork complete orange 40, 50
2    111 53763  none  fork stripped  orange 40, 50
3    111 54099  none  fork cover R   orange 40, 50
4    111 54100  none  fork cover L   orange 40, 50

1    011 54254  none  fork complete dark blue
2    011 54255  $80.0 fork stripped  dark blue
3    011 54256  none  fork cover R   dark blue
4    011 54257  none  fork cover L   dark blue

1    011 54296  $100  fork complete met red
2    011 54297  none  fork stripped  met red
3    011 54298  none  fork cover R   met red
4    011 54299  none  fork cover L   met red

1    011 54292  none  fork complete met blue
2    011 54293  none  fork stripped  met blue
3    011 54294  none  fork cover R   met blue
4    011 54295  none  fork cover L   met blue

1    011 54692  none  fork complete copper
2    011 54693  none  fork stripped  copper
3    011 54694  none  fork cover R   copper
4    011 54695  none  fork cover L   copper

1    011 54823  $100  fork complete black
2    011 54824  none  fork stripped  black
3    011 54825  none  fork cover R   black
4    011 54826  none  fork cover L   black



#    <78 78>
#    45V 5V  part#  price   31. Front fork 
2    222 22 23581  none  upper spacer L=?
4    100 00 20399  none  plug for fork lock hole
6    222 00 22188  none  molding yellow
6    222 00 20787  none  molding orange
7    111 11 16714  $1.20 ground wire bolt M6 x 9 hex10
8    222 00 00791  none  grease nipple

9    111 00 16940  none  fork leg right ∅15.5 w/spring guide
9a  000 11 22476  none  fork leg right ∅15.5
10  222 22 19857 
$8.00 fork leg nut
11  222 22 19858 
$6.50 fork seal ∅15-23 x 3
12  222 22 19856  none  fork boot
14  222 00 01088  none  cover washer ∅4
15  222 00 01430  none  cover nut
16  666 66 14591  $4.00 nylon bushing ∅15.8-20.5 x 30
17  222 00 20060  none  cover screw
18  222 22 16789  $15.0 middle spacer L=113
19  222 22 16790  $8.00 lower spacer L=20
20  222 22 21105 
$3.00 spring anchor nut
21  222 22 21103  $5.00 chrome cover
22  222 22 21104  $2.50 rubber washer
23  222 00 14601  none  spring anchor long
23a000 22 22478  none  spring anchor short
23b000 22 22479  $15.0 rubber bumper L=125
24  222 22 16895  none  fork spring
25  111 00 16941  none  fork leg left ∅15.5 w/spring guide
25a000 11 22477  none  fork leg left ∅15.5

26  011 11 19798  $44.0 lock with keys & hardware
26  011 11 22311  none   fork lock hardware
27  111 00 15524  $24.0 head set 29 30 31 32 33
27  000 11 23312  $24.0 head set 29 30 31 32 33
28  222 22 00005  $2.00 #7 set of 26 balls 5/32″
29  111 11 15528  18-12 #2 top nut cap
30  111 11 15526  $6.00 #3 top nut M25-1.0 oct32
30a111 11 15526a $6.00 #4 top washer 25-35 x 1
31  111 11 15515  $12-8 #5 upper cone M25-1.0
32  111 11 23016  $7.00 #6 upper cup ∅30.2
33  111 11 14208  $7.00 #9 lower cup ∅30.2

35  111 11 19859  none  #10 steering tube w/cone note 1
36  111 11 14606  $4.00 #11 bottom lock plate
37  111 11 14605  $15.0 #12 bottom bolt M20-1.0

Note 1: The 19859 steering tube is M25-1.0 thread and 190 mm long. It is part# PIV0520353 and the same as on ’64-71 AV85 and AV88 models.


32. Right control see Motobecane controls
33. Left Control
see Motobecane controls

#<78 78>
#  5V 5V  part#  price   34. Model 50 front fender
1   10 00 53499  none  front fender wide yellow   50S 
1   10 00 21863  none  front fender wide orange  50S 
1   11 11 21123 
$20.0 front fender wide stainless 50L, VL
 11 11 21111  $9.00 rear brace ∅6 chrome 312 x 84
3   11 00 21112  $9.00 front brace ∅6 chrome 307 x 84
4   11 11 21124  20-12 main brace chr 315 x 84 50L, VL
4   10 00 53123  none  main brace yel 315 x 84 50S
4   10 00 21865  none  main brace org 315 x 84 50S
4   00 10 54828  $25.0 main brace blk 315 x 84 Traveler
5   22 00 00020  $0.30 washer flat  ∅6-12
6   66 22 00797  $0.70 washer lock ∅6-11 outer teeth
6   66 22 01172  $0.50 washer lock ∅6-14 inner teeth
7   22 22 00679 
$1.00 top bolt+nut M6 x 15 hex
8a 33 33 21167l $8-4   brace bolt M6 x 14 (23 total) note 1
8   44 22 21167  $7-5   brace bolt M6 x 11 (20 total) note 2

9   88 88 00010  $0.30 nut M6 x 4.5 hex10 (5.0)
9   88 88 00679a $2-1   nut thin M6-1.0 x 4.0 hex10 
10 22 22 20100  $7-4   brace bolt M6 x 17 (26 total) note 3
11 11 11 20059  $6-3   cable stop bolt M6 x 17 (27 total) note 4
12 00 11 23660  none  fender protector

Note 1. 21167l (6 x 14) brace bolt had cup and nut 00010. Washer 00797 was sold separately. This what came on all models. Under the fender the threaded part sticks out 3mm past the nut. This is the same brace bolt as on Peugeot 103.

Note 2. 21167 (6 x 11) brace bolt had cup and nut 00010. Washer 00797 was sold separately. Under the fender the threaded part ends at the nut.

Note 3. 20100 (6 x 17) main brace bolt had cup and nut 00679a. Washer 01172 was sold separately. Originals had nut 00010. It is 3mm longer for the main brace. It also holds the rear brace.

Note 4. 20059 (6 x 17) cable stop bolt had cup, washer 00020, and nut 00679a. Originals had washer 01172, nut 00010. It is 3mm longer for the main brace. It also holds the front brake cable.


#  4  part#  price   34b. Model 40 front fender
1   1 53497  none  front fender thin  yellow   40S
1   1 53758  none  front fender thin  orange  40S
2   1 20782  none  front fender thin  chrome 40L
3   1 20761  $18.0 rear brace chrome 300 x 73
4   1 53498  $20.0 main brace yellow 308 x 70 40S
4   1 53759  $20.0 main brace orange 308 x 70 40S
5   1 20783  none  main brace chrome 308 x 70 40L
6   2 14267  $0.00 top bolt M5-0.9 x 10 hex8
7   2 00052  $0.20 top washer plain ∅5
8   2 00079  $1.00 top nut M5-0.9 x 4.0 hex8
9   2 01171  $0.50 washer lock  ∅5 inner teeth
10 4 01172  $0.50 washer lock  ∅6-14 inner teeth
11 4 00010  $0.30 nut M6-1.0 x 4.5 hex10 (5.0)
11 0 00679a $2-1   nut thin M6-1.0 x 4.0 hex10
12 1 21167l $8-4   brace bolt M6 x 14 (23 total) note 1
13 1 20059  $6-3   cable stop bolt M6 x 17 (27 total) note 4

14 1 0
0679  $1.00 bolt+nut M6 x 15 hex10

15 2 21167  $7-5   brace bolt M6 x 11 (20 total) note 2
16 1 20100  $7-4   brace bolt M6 x 17 (26 total) note 3


Note 1 to 4. See above group 34.


#   5V  part#  price   35. Model 50 rear fender
1    11 53476 
none  rear fender yellow
1    11 53761  none  rear fender orange
1    11 54311 
$25.0 rear fender black
1    11 54301  none  rear fender met red
1    11 54300  none  rear fender met blue
1    11 54700  none  rear fender copper
2    22 00679  $0.80 bolt+nut M6-1.0 x 15 hex10 (16)
3    22 17160  none  wires grommet
4    22 00679  $0.80 nut M6-1.0
5    22 00797  $0.50 washer lock ∅6-11 outer teeth
6    44 01172  $0.50 washer lock ∅6-14 inner teeth
7    11 16948  none  front plug
8    22 20094  none  top & rear plug
10  22 01545  $0.20 washer plain ∅6
11  22 20105  $6-4   screw M6-1.0 x 15 phil-wide


#   4  part#  price  35b. Model 40 rear fender    
1    1 53490 
$25.0 rear fender yellow 40S
1    1 53760  none  rear fender orange 40S
2    1 53411  none  rear fender chrome 40L
3    1 21971 
$35.0 luggage carrier bare yellow
3    1 21762  $48.0 luggage carrier bare orange
4    1 22198 
$8.00 reinforcing plate
5    1 21972 
$9.00 right bracket yellow
5    1 21987  none  right bracket orange
6    1 21970  none  luggage carrier assy yellow
6    1 21761  none  luggage carrier assy orange
7    1 21973  $9.00 left bracket yellow
7    1 21826  none  left bracket orange
8    2 20094  none  fender rubber ∅6-14? x 5? note 1
8a  1 00968  $1.00 fender bolt M6-1.0 x 20 hex10
8b  1 01545  $0.70 fender washer ∅6-14 x 1
9    1 53500 
$19.0 rear brace zinc 353 x 73
10  1 17160  none  wires grommet
11  1 16948  none  front plug (only on stainless)
12  2 20105  $5-3   screw M6-1.0 x 11 phil-wide
13  2 00052  $0.20 washer plain ∅5-10
14  6 00010  $0.30 nut M6-1.0 x 5.0 hex10
15  2 00797  $0.50 washer lock ∅6-11 outer teeth
16  2 01545  $0.20 washer plain ∅6
17  5 01172  $0.50 washer lock ∅6-14 inner teeth
18  2 21167l $8-4   brace bolt M6 x 14 (23 total) or
18  2 21167  $7-5   brace bolt M6 x 11 (20 total)
19  1 20019  $3.00 bracket with fender brace cup
20  2 20100  $7-4   brace bolt M6 x 17 (26 total)
21  2 01171  $0.50 washer lock  ∅5 inner teeth
22  2 14267 
$1.50 bolt M5-0.9 x 10 hex8
23  1 20107  $3.00 support plate
24  1 00046  $1.00 bolt+nut M6-1.0 x 12 hex10
25  2 53440  none  side reflector ∅57 x 8 Lucas RER14
25  2 53440  28-18 side reflector ∅56×10 Seima 2022T
26  1 20021  none  bracket and cable end?

Note 1. The model 40 rear fender is mounted to the bottom of the carrier (luggage rack). There are two #8 mount rubbers, one above and one below the fender. The #8a and #8b fender bolt and washer are not shown.


#   5V  part#  price   36. Model 50 side bag brackets
1    11 22167  $75.0 side bag brackets kit 1.1 to 2
1.1 11 22167t 25-15 top bracket
1.2 11 22167l $20.0 left bracket
1.3 11 22167r $20.0 right bracket
1.4 44 20105  $5-3   lower screw M6-1.0 x 11 phil-wide
1.5 66 01545  $0.70 washer flat   ∅6-14 x 1
2    22 00046  1- .50 lower front bolt M6-1.0 x 12 hex10
3    11 21974  45-20 carrier chrome

Note 1: 22167 came with two #2 M6 x 12 hex bolts, four #1.4 M6 x 11 wide-phil screws, six #1.5 6-14 x 1 washers.


#   5V  part#  price   37. Model 50 rear shocks 
1    22 16720 60-15 covered spring shock 8 x 280
22 20369 $2.00 upper bolt+nut M8-1.0 x 45
3    22 01422 $1.00 lock washer ∅8-16? inner teeth
4    88 16947 $0.50 wide washer ∅8-22 x 1.5
5    22 17024 $3.00 lower spacer ∅8-16 x 5
6    22 15874 $3.00 lower bolt+nut M8-1.0 x 37
7    44 15990 none  rubber bushing
8    44 14147 $0.70 upper nut thick M8-1.0 x 8
9    44 00198 $2.50 lower nut thin M8-1.0 x 4.5
#   5V  part#  price   for 50 VLX and Le Moped
1b  02 54842 60-35 exposed spring shock 8 x 280
2b  02 17023 none  up+lo bolt+nut M8-1.0 x 39
3    22 01422 $1.00 lock washer ∅8-16? inner teeth
4    88 16947 $0.50 wide washer ∅8-22 x 1.5
5b  02 22674 $2.00 lower spacer ∅8-16 x 7.5
6b  02 17023 $3.00 up+lo bolt+nut M8-1.0 x 39
7b  02 20690 $2.50 upper spacer ∅8-16 x 3.5
8    44 14147 $0.70 upper nut M8-1.0
9    44 00198 $2.50 lower nut M8-1.0 thin

Note 1: The lower left shock bolt and nut are near the moving chain. They cannot stick out any more than original. Washers can be added or subtracted to adjust the space between the bolt end and the chain.

Note 2: The exposed spring shock is 6 mm wider, 40 mm instead of 34. That’s 3mm more on each side.


#   45V  part#  price   38. Handlebar 
1    111 21143 none  handlebar
2    100 20971 none  74-76 clamp set short
2    111 22403 none  77-81 clamp set long
3    200 20822 none  74-76 clamp u-bolt short
3    222 22404 none  77-81 clamp u-bolt long
4    200 20006 none  74-76 clamp bottom short
4    222 15523 none  77-81 clamp bottom long
5    444 01113 none  clamp washer ∅7 inner teeth
6    444 00011 $0.50 clamp nut M7-1.0 hex10
7    111 21269 $7.00 cable guide


#   45V  part#   price   39. Seat 
1    111 20705  none  ’74-76 solo seat with tool pouch 
1A  101 22338  none  ’76-79 solo seat for 40, 50V 
1B  010 24179  none  ’76-81 solo seat for 50, Traveler
2    111 20708  none  ’74-76 solo seat cover
2A  111 22354  none  ’76-79 solo seat cover
3    111 18988  $15.0 seat spring
4    111 18987  $15.0 seat clamp with 5,6,7
5    111 00000  none  carriage bolt M8-1.25 x 50
5    111 00000  $1.00 substitute hex bolt M8 x 50
5B  010 15875  $1.70 clamp bolt+nut M8-1.0 x 57
5C  010 13258  $0.60 clamp nut M8-1.25 x 6.5
6    111 16947  none  clamp washer 8-26 x 2
7    111 13258  $0.80 clamp nut M8-1.25 x 6.5
8    111 14417  $16.0 plain seat post ∅25.5
8B  010 24180  none  expander seat post 
8C  010 24181  none  expander bolt
9A  020 18987a none  seat clamp plate
9B  010 18987b none  seat clamp
10  111 18417  none  tool kit 
11  111 19171  none  ’77-81 tool pouch


40. Speedometer see Huret speedos
41. Headlight
see Luxor headlights

#   45V  part#  price   42. ’74-77 Tail light 
1    111 53511  none  tail lamp complete ULO 250
2    111 21478 
$7.00 lens gasket
3    222 52418 
$20.0 bulb socket-mirror
4    111 53435 
$1.00 upper screw M6 x 25 phil-wide
5    222 01172  $0.50 washer lock  ∅6-14 inner teeth
6    222 00010  $0.30 nut M6-1.0 x 4.5 hex10 (5.0)
7    111 53307  none  red lens ULO 250-0015
8    222 21481  $1.50 lens screw ST x 55
9    111 22588  $6-4   lower screw M6-1.0 x 15 phil-wide
10  111 21370 
$4.00 ground wire
11  111 53469 
$2.00 bulb 6V 21/5 watt
12  111 53434  $9.00 rubber pad thick on top
13  111 53436 
$5-3   backing plate
14  022 53440  none  side reflector ∅57 x 8 Lucas RER14
14  022 53440  28-18 side reflector ∅56×10 Seima 2022T
15  011 53489  $3.00 reflector mount
16  011 16714  $1.20 mount bolt M6-1.0 x 9 hex10
17  011 00797  $0.50 washer lock  ∅6-11 outer teeth
18  011 53438 
26-17 rear reflector+frame Lucas RER22
19  022 20550 
$1.00 reflector screw+nut M4-0.7 x 10? phil
20  022 01430  $0.60 nut M4-0.7 x 3.0 hex7
21  022 01088  $0.30 washer flat   ∅4

Tail Light Parts: See more photos and listings of Motobecane tail light parts in the ULO Tail Lights department.

Reflectors. Model 50 had the red round side reflectors under the tail light. Model 40 had them on the luggage rack supports. See more photos and listings of Motobecane reflectors in the Reflectors department.


#   45V  part#  price   43. ’78-81 Model 50 Tail light 
1    011 54207  none  tail lamp complete ULO 248
2    011 54208  none  tail lamp housing ULO 248-6017
3    011 00050  $0.80 bolt only M6-1.0 x 32 or 25?
4    022 00010  $0.30 nut M6-1.0 x 4.5 hex10 (5.0)
5    022 00797  $0.50 washer lock  ∅6-11 outer teeth
6    011 00004  $1.00 washer flat   ∅6 thin
7    011 20105  $5-3   screw M6-1.0 x 11 phil-wide
8    011 54210 
$20.0 bulb socket-mirror
9    011 54134  $1.20
bulb 12V 21/5 watt
10  011 21370  $4.00 ground wire
11  011 54209  none  red lens ULO 248-0015
12  022 21611  $0.70 lens screw M4-0.7 x 45 phil-wide

 This light has built-in side reflectors. Eliminating the round rear side reflectors gives the bike a cleaner look.


#   45V  part#  price   
44. ’74-77 Electrical 6 volt
1    111 22398 $17.0 6V regulator bare (dual zener diode)
1a  001 53443 $27.0 6V regulator w/black heat sink
1a  111 54704 $20.0 6V regulator w/silver heat sink
1b  111 53556 $5.00 regulator mount bracket
2    111 20330 44-28 74-77 horn small for tank note 1
2a  111 53557 $5.00 74-77 horn mount for under tank
2b  222 20672 $1.00 horn connector female mini-blade
3    111 20674  $0.80 horn bolt M5-0.8 x 8 hex8 horn
4    111 00874 $0.30 horn washer M5
5    111 13609 none  74-76 branch for add-on kill switch
6    222 14762 none  cable sheath ∅13 x 430 orig silver
6    222 14762 $2.00 cable sheath ∅13 x 430 repl black
7    111 53418
65-45 horn and run switch (left side)
8    222 21468 $2.00 switch screw M3-0.5 x 21
8    222 01556 $0.50 switch nut M3-0.5
9    111 53441 29-18 brake light switch (right)
10  111 53442 29-18 brake light switch (left)
11  222 21467 $2.00 rubber washer
12  222 21466 $1.50 brake switch nut
13  111 53446 69-48 main wiring harness
14  111 53534 42-25 lights switch rotary type

15  111 53579 $8.00 speedo lights wire
16  111 53580 $9.00 switch ground wire
17  100 53577
$35.0 rear harness 40″ for 40
17  011 53576
none  rear harness 43″ for 50 note 2
18  111 53578 45-25 wiring harness magneto
19  111 19888 $9-6   frame-to-engine ground strap
20  111 21370 $5.00 tail light and zener ground wire
21  111 54196 $8.00 76-81 ignition wire with branch
22  111 00000 none  74-76 ignition wire no branch
00  111 21866 $3.00 magneto terminal kit

Note 1: See notes 3 to 5 about horns in the next section.

Note 2: Use the #2 rear harness 54830 below. It’s the same as 53576 except for wire color.

Note 3: Here is the Myrons wiring diagam with notes.


#   45V  part#  price   45. ’78-81 Electrical 12 volt.
1    011 54138 75-50main harness grey sheath
1    011 54821 $50.0 main harness black sheath
2    011 54830
$45.0 rear harness
3    001 54266 none  rear harness VLX
4    011 21370 $5.00 tail light ground wire
5    011 54140 45-25 magneto harness
6    011 54136 28-18 R brake switch 27″ grey
6    011 54166 32-22 R brake switch 27″ black
6    001 54251
28-18 R brake switch 29″ grey VLX
7    222 21466 $1.50 brake switch nut
8    222 21467 $2.00 rubber washer
9    011 54137 30-20 L brake switch 27″ grey
9    011 54165 32-22 L brake switch 27″ black
9    001 54252 30-20 L brake switch 29″ grey VLX
10  011 54135
$45.0 horn-run switch 22″ grey
10  011 54167
65-45horn-run switch 22″ black
10  001 54250 none  horn-run switch 24″ black VLX
11  222 21468 $2.00 switch screw M3-0.5 x 21
12  011 54196 $8.00 ignition wire
13  111 19888 $9-6   frame-to-engine ground strap
14  011 00000 $7.00 speedo lights wire
15  011 21439 55-40headlight switch slide type note 1
16  011 00000 $8.00 headlight ground wire
17  011 20330 49-30 78-81 horn large for fork notes 2-5
18  011 20331 $5.00 78-81 horn mount L-type for fork
19  111 20674  $0.80 horn bolt M5-0.8 x 8 hex8 horn
20  111 00874 $0.30 horn washer M5
00  111 21866 $3.00 magneto terminal kit note 6

Note 1: The 21439 slide type light switch breaks easily. Because so many have been replaced, the supply has ran out. Fortunately there is an easy way to bypass the broken switch. Simply connect all three white wires together and wrap with tape. Then the lights are always on.

Note 2: In 1978 the voltage regulator under the headlight was eliminated. The horn was relocated from under the gas tank to the fork where the regulator was.

Note 3: The parts catalogs don’t show the horn mounts and they have only one horn part number 20330. So the horns and mounts are identified by actual samples and photos. 17 Motobecane horns came from stripped out bikes in the greater Los Angeles area. 8 were large with fork mount (L shape) brackets. They must be 12 volt ’78-81 because before that the regulator was in that location. 9 were small with under tank mount (twisted) brackets. They are 6 volt ’74-77. This was verified with photos from Motobecane US Models.

Note 4: 20330 horns were sold complete with mount screw, washer and a clamp-on horn button with long wire. This was an add-on option for Euro models. US models already have a built-in horn button. So here the horn is sold with the screw but without the button switch.

Note 5: Batches of used horns are tested on a running bike. They are compared and rated by loudness. Some horns get weaker with age, from corrosion on the aluminum sound plate. Any that are less loud than the others are rejected.

Note 6: Here is the Myrons wiring diagam with notes.



#   45V  part#  price   46. Mirror
1    111 24403  none  mirror left on all except 40S, 50S
1    001 24403  none  mirror right on VLA, VLX, Le Moped




D. Parts exclusive to 50VLC and Moby

The seat is long for two people.
On Moby the side cover stickers say Moby.

#   45V  part#   price   50VLC & Moby  1. Seat 
1    001 53567 
none long seat VLC
2    001 53568  $20.0rear mount VLC
3    002 01113 
$0.50 washer ∅7-20 x 1
4    002 00011  $0.60 nut M7-1.0 x 6 hex10
5    002 00010  $0.30 nut M6-1.0 x 5
6    002 01172 
$0.50 toothed lock washer ∅6-10
7    002 00057  $1.00 wide washer ∅6-14 x 0.8
8    002 22588  $6-4   screw M6-1.0 x 15 phil-wide


E. Parts exclusive to 50VLA

The seat is semi-long for one person.
The Motobecane-made mag wheels are different.

#   45V   part#  price   50VLA 1. Seat 
1    001 54320 
none long seat VLA
2    001 54327  $20.0rear mount VLA
3    002 01113  $0.50 washer ∅7-20 x 1
4    002 00011  $0.60 nut M7-1.0 x 6 hex10
5    002 00010  $0.30 nut M6-1.0 x 5
6    002 01172  $0.50 toothed lock washer ∅6-10
7    002 00057  $1.00 wide washer ∅6-14 x 0.8
8    002 22588  $6-4   screw M6-1.0 x 15 phil-wide




F. Parts exclusive to 50VLX

The handlebars are 4 inches wider.
So the cables and wires that go to each side are 2 inches longer.
The shocks are stiffer with exposed chrome springs.
The exhaust is a special upswept long type.
The rear fender and rear harness are different.
The front fender is different, higher and mounted to the upper fork.


G. Parts exclusive to Le Moped

The shocks are stiffer with exposed chrome springs.
The seat is long for two people and lifts up with storage tray underneath.
The sides of the gas tank have covers to make it look bigger and better.
The Motobecane-made mag wheels are different.
The cables, wirings and switch wirings are black instead of grey.


H. Parts exclusive to Traveler

The front fender is painted black instead of polished stainless.
The side cover stickers say Traveler.
The tank sides have no chrome covers.
The tank stickers are different.
The cables, wirings and switch wirings are black instead of grey.
The exhaust and handlebar are black instead of chrome.