Sparta history, as told by Sheldons Emu: “Established as a bicycle factory in Apeldoorn, Holland, named Verbeek & Schakel in 1917, the company very soon changed its name to Sparta and produced their first autocycles of 74cc and 98c in 1931 using Sachs engines. During the 1930s they built numerous motorcycles using Villiers engines of 148cc and 200cc, many of which were delivery vehicles for bakers, milkmen and the like, and JLO powered machines were added to the range towards the end of the thirties. Subsequent to WWII 250cc Victoria power units saw service in Sparta motorcycles, and a rather nice 98cc Villiers powered scooter was built between 1953 and 1957. Production of motorcycles ceased in 1965.”
Moped production began in 1931 but got big after WWII and continued strong until the 70’s. 1965 was the peak year for Sparta moped production, with 380 workers making 47,000 units. The 1975 helmet law in The Netherlands made the already declining moped sales worse. Sales got a boost from exports to the US during 1977-1980, but declined after 1980, with new US laws and lower gas prices. Sparta made it’s last “classic” moped in 1982. In the mid-80’s Sparta and Sachs joined forces to make a gas powered rear-engine pull-start motorized bicycle, the 18mph 30cc Spartamet. That was the last gas powered moped Sparta made, and the single most succesful moped model, after 60 years from 1931 to 1992. In 1990, 105,000 bikes were made, and 20,000 of them (1 out of 4) were Spartamets. Sparta B.V. continues to build bicycles and electric powered bikes. They are still in Apeldoorn, but in a smaller facility, at 37 Wilmersdorf. Tour the superb online Sparta history museum.
The USA had two kinds of Sparta mopeds, both curvey sheet metal stampings, welded together down the center seam, both with Sachs 504/1A engines (in either 45km=26mph, or 25km=17mph versions). The Buddy aka Foxi has the gas tank in front. The Lucky aka Flying Dutchman has the gas tank in back. Otherwise, everything else is basically the same. Sparta Bromfietsclub of the Netherlands has all the classic Sparta models. The USA models have long bench seats and bigger lights, with brake light and side reflectors. The Netherlands models have solo seats, and a front fender license plate holder.
Netherlands Models with solo seat, less lights:
US Models with long seat, more lights:

1980 Sparta Buddy
has a larger headlight, not CEV bullet like Foxi
has a left side mount speedo, not inside head lite
has a 12mm longer throttle cable wire
has a colored front fender, not silver like Foxi
Sticker images are free. Copy-Print-Cut-Stick.

Foxi GT tank set, for sale in stickers

Sparta tank set, for sale in stickers
US Importers/Distributors of Sparta:
1. Flying Dutchman Moped and Bicycle, Inc
was a company made by Ted Van Der Kolk Sr, at 509-511 E Broadway, Glendale CA 91205, one block west of city hall.
Ted Van Der Kolk grew up in the Netherlands. He had a moped shop there, as well as souvenir shops in the Dutch West Indies, before moving to California in 1972. Ted was already selling Sparta mopeds and bicycles in the Netherlands. His shop Flying Dutchman Moped and Bicycle, Inc in Glendale, just north of Los Angeles, was open from 1972 to 1991. John Cochran worked for Ted Van der Kolk for awhile, then later formed is own shop, T. and J. Inc, at 3518 Firestone Blvd, South Gate CA 90280, just south of Los Angeles. Later T and J (Ted and John) became Moped City (John only), a few doors down, in South Gate CA. All of the Flying Dutchmans in Southern California came from those three shops. Besides teaming up with Van Der Kolk, John Cochran made one of the first moped expansion chamber exhausts, and employed Carlos Rodriquez as main mechanic at Moped City. John Cochran died in 2004. The “Flying Dutchman”, Ted Van Der Kolk, Sr is alive, as of Sep 2013, but in his nineties.
Flying Dutchman
1977-80 Models
(Sparta) Flying Dutchman Lucky, Sachs 504/1A 1-speed
(Sparta) Flying Dutchman Deluxe, Sachs 504/1A 1-speed
(Kynast) Flying Dutchman KML 40, Sachs 504/1A 1-speed
(Kynast) Flying Dutchman KML 40, Sachs 504/1D 1-speed
(Kynast) Flying Dutchman KML 40, Sachs 508/AD 2-speed
Click to see Kynast Flying Dutchman models.
2. Sparta, Inc.
611 Main St/Route 38, Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887
also 3737 Cook Blvd, Chesapeake, Virginia
bullet HL w/speedo, painted fenders, no rack, console L, chrome R switches Sparta Inc.
bullet HL w/speedo, painted fenders, no rack, console L, chrome R switches 1976-77 Models 1978 Models
bullet HL w/speedo, painted fenders, no rack, console L, chrome R switches Sparta Standard Sparta Standard
bullet HL with speedo, chrome fenders, rack, console L, chrome R switches Sparta Deluxe Sparta Deluxe
bullet HL, no speedo, chrome fenders, rack, plastic L & R CEV slide switches Sparta Deluxe Sparta Stingray
3. United Moped
18475 Bandelier Circle, Fountain Valley, California 92708
United Moped
1976-78 Models
Foxi GT, $649, in blue, brown, orange, green, black
Foxi GT Sport (chrome fenders & rear rack) $695, in black, dark grey, and brown.
United Moped
1978-80 Models MSRP
Foxi GT, $649, in blue, brown, orange, dark green
Foxi GT Sport (chrome fenders & rear rack) $695, in black, dark grey, and brown.
111 Prospect St, Stamford Connecticut 06902
Dutch United Sales and Contracting Organization. Dusor very likely bought out Sparta, Inc.
shipped from Boston, Mass.
Dusor USA
1980-81 Models MSRP
Sparta Buddy $660
Sparta Deluxe $725
Kynast Deluxe $675.
5. Moby/Sparta
145 Steadman St, Building 6, Chelmsford, Massachusetts 01824
Moby/Sparta used Dusor’s nice flyers, but with the Dusor name and contact info cut away with a scissors. Then 11 pages of Sparta parts lists and price lists were inserted into the ex-Dusor flyer, to make a Sparta dealer packet.
shipped from Woburn, Mass
1980-81 Models MSRP
Sparta Buddy $699 blue
Sparta Deluxe $725 black, brown
End of history and trivia. Thank you. Beginning of the parts for sale (what is finished so far).
Foxi owners, make sure you have a “Sparta” Foxi.
There are four different “Foxi” frames, made in different countries:
Foxi GT, curvy frame with 16 inch tires, made in Holland by Sparta Sachs 504 1A engine, Bosch 3-coil magneto, right hand exhaust Internal igniton ground with normally open (on bike) brake switches Sparta Foxi parts are listed on this page, below.Note that the KTM Foxi also says “Foxi GT”
Foxi Deluxe, straight frame with 17 inch tires, made in Austria by KTM Sachs 504 1A (1977-78) or 504 1D (1978-80) engine, CEV 2-coil magneto External ignition ground with normally closed (on bike) brake switches KTM Foxi parts are listed on this page. Scroll down to the bottom.
Note that the Sparta Foxi also says “Deluxe” on the side covers.
Foxi 47, top tank, made by Jui Li, aka Taiwan Foxi Sachs 505 1D engine. Same bike as AMS Tahoe 50 except for wheels. Same as General 5-Star and Lazer Sport 50, but with Sachs engine. Silver Foxi, made by Testi, aka Italian Foxi Minarelli V1 engine Same bike as Gitane Cricket or Testi Cricket.
SPARTA FOXI “UNIVERSAL” ITEMS: click on these links or choose these menu items: Sachs Bing Carburetor parts are in Parts/By Type/Carburetor <scroll down past Dellorto and Bing Puch Sachs 504 Engine parts are in Parts/By Brand/Sachs/Sachs EngineMagura Controls and Levers are in Parts/By Type/Controls & Bars <past bars, grips but before Domino
CEV Electrical, switches, bulbs are in Parts/By Type/Electrical < switches first, then bulbs, complete headlights ULO Tail Light parts, “superman” shape: Parts/By Type/Electrical < same tail light as 1977 Puch Leleu Hubs, axles, brakes, spokes are in Parts/By Type/Wheel Parts < axles & nuts first, spokes are last Tires and Tubes, size 16 x 2.25 are in Parts/By Type/Tires & Tubes Bosch Ignition, spark plugs, coils are in Parts/By Type/Ignition < except magneto flywheels and stators are here Gas Valve M16x1, Gas Cap 30mm qtr-turn: Parts/By Type/Gas Tank Parts
VDO Speedometer, cable, driver are in Parts/By Type/Speedometer <like Puch, but goes to 60 Pedals, Arms, Chains, adjusters are in Parts/By Type/Drivetrain Parts <pedal arms same as Tomos ============================================================================
Sparta Cover Parts:
Gas Tank Stickers: See Accessories/Stickers Scroll down to #51 and #52 for price/availability.
Sparta Engine Covers: See Frame/Covers
Sparta Frame Parts:
Sparta Fenders: Front fenders are silver and very rounded, for the 16 x 2.25 tires. Used front fenders from $30 to $50, depending on condition and whether or not it has the braces. Rear fenders are painted the color of the frame. Used good ones in orange, brown, blue for $30 to $40. There are no braces on the rear fender. Foxi GT Sport has chrome fenders and chaingaurd. Myrons does not have any chrome ones, sorry.
Sparta Luggage Racks: Not the extension rack, just the side rails below the seat, used $30 to $50.
Sparta Rear Shocks: They’re chrome, heavy, and they leak oil when they’re upside down. $15 to $30 each.
Sparta Front Fork Assy: Used but straight. Would probably need painting. $100 to $140.
Fork tubes, swing arms, chain guards, tank chrome covers, and other Sparta items available, but not centerstands.
Sparta Steering Bearing sets: Brand new steering bearing sets (headsets), shiny in the sealed package. Cups, cones, bearings, nuts. $40
Sparta Speedometer: VDO 60mph, 60mm diameter, black background white numbers N/A. VDO speedo cable $17. VDO speedo driver “11mm Left 16”
Sparta Magneto Parts:
Sparta Magnetos: Sparta (Sachs 504 engine) had different magnetos. Most 1976-1978 Sparta magnetos are Bosch 0212 010 001 (made in Germany). Most 1978-1980 Sparta magnetos are Motoplat (made in Spain). Bosch magnetos, parts, are offered in Bosch magnetos. Motoplat magnetos, parts, are offered in Dansi and Motoplat magnetos.
Sparta Points and Condensers: Bosch and Motoplat types are different. They are both offered in Spark Plugs and Points.
Sparta Bosch stators: are offered in Bosch magnetos. They are 4-wire, 3-coil. Top coils are (behind) ignition (blue wire) and (in front) brake light (green wire and green/black wire). Bottom coil is lights (head light, tail light, speedo light, and horn) (yellow wire). The ignition and light coils are grounded internally. The brake light coil has an external ground. Because of the internal ground on the ignition source coil, the points continuity cannot be checked unless the source coil is disconnected. Bosch has provided a condenser with a screw-on nut with detachable eyelet connector wires, for testing the points for continuity. Otherwise, the ohms of the coil is almost the same as the ohms of the points.
Sparta Wiring: See Service/Electrical/Wiring Diagrams/Sparta Foxi for more Sparta wiring info.

Left: long elbow, orig on
Sparta Buddy, KTM Foxi
Right: short elbow, orig on
Sparta Foxi, others ????
There’s two throttle wires, 12mm length difference
Sparta Cables:
Sparta Front Brake Cable (with Magura adjuster like Puch) $15 dbl-ended
Sparta Rear Brake Cable (with Magura adjuster like Puch) $17 dbl-ended
Sparta Throttle Cable: for short carb elbow (Sparta Foxi) $22 double-ended
Sparta Throttle Cable: for long carb elbow (Sparta Buddy) $22 double-ended
Sparta Choke Cable: was a univ throttle cable with pinch bolt $14 wire only $6
Sparta Start Cable: goes thru decomp valve to inside of trans. $30 wire only $15