Ride 91 Toms Farms Corona to South Corona 25 riders Mar 25 2012
Ride 91 went around Lake Mathews and stopped in Mockingbird Canyon at an Indian pictographs (rock paintings) site. We had to walk, hop over rocks, and jump across a small creek to see the Native American religious markings. The reward was a bee hive. What a great defense against trespassers! After that we rode to Toms Farms for lunch.
Ride 92 Tios Tacos Riverside Corona to Riverside 30 riders May 22 2012
First of all, the Ride 92 on May 20, 2012 was excellent. About 30 people rode from Corona to downtown Riverside. The Inland Empire Friends of the Myrons Rides (IEFMR) hosted the ride. The route passed through the famous Mission Inn, and wound through historic downtown Riverside to Tio’s Tacos for lunch. Tio’s Tacos is a 100 year old house and garden, converted into a Mexican restaurant, in a kind of “poor man’s Disneyland” sort of way. It has huge sculptures towering around the house, made of trash items, held in a net. All over, inside and out, are art objects made of stuff that was thrown away. The ride was 30mph until a little after lunch, where it was unlimited for a stretch. Then the last leg was a nice pleasant 30mph cruise through Norco, where horses, open areas, and horse paths are everywhere. Many of Riverside’s best attractions were visited in a nice loop.

Tio’s Tacos entry. There’s much more amazing folk art, inside, outside, in the gardens, and on the roof top.

Tio’s Tacos, in Riverside CA, is the most folk-art-decorated restaurant anywhere. Thanks IEFMR for Ride 92!
Ride 93 Beach City Mopeds F. Valley to Laguna Beach 39 riders June 24 2012
And now, Ride 93 to Laguna was arguably one of the best of all time! You’ll remember it for life if you were there.
Left, in black leathers, Trevor on his silver Free Spirit looks menacing but is well prepared for possible 60mph gymnastics tumbling. At right, Sam and Kanika behind head down Pacific Coast Highway on twin blue 1988 Yamaha DT50’s, 50cc 6-speed buzz bombs. In the background is the Edison power plant in Huntington Beach. This first part of the ride was a “stay together” group ride, at 30mph.
At far left is Shaw riding an 1978 Arciero top tank moped, with a 2003 Tomos A35 engine in it. The engine is special and amazing, in both power and longevity. If it was a painting it would definitely be called a masterpiece. That engine was in Colby’s 2003 black Tomos Sprint from Ride 2, on July 27, 2003. See the Myrons Ride 2A Picture. After it had a few thousand miles, Shaw modified the 49cc cylinder heavily and very beneficially, by fabricating a much larger reed chamber, to fit like a small dirt bike 4-petal V-shape reed valve, and also modified all of the ports. The engine has been in the Arciero for about almost 4 years now, with 8000 miles and dozens of Myrons Rides. See Myrons Ride 64A, where on September 7, 2008 the Arciero was clocked at 61 mph on Shaw’s GPS, and has topped 65 at times. That’s with the original Tomos A35 cast iron (originally flat reed) cylinder that came with the bike.
Left, Trevor is actually smiling inside that safety gear. The three black Tomos STs and one black Tomos LX are most of the Corona Brewmasters, left Malcolm, behind him, Rich, and right, Eric and somewhere else, Gil, rode to the ride from Corona, hard core. Third row right, orange shirt Carl and wife Marty on the high tech Honda SH150. Far right, jammin Jerry on the four stroke Lazer moped uses hand signals, owner of J and J Motorsports, in El Monte. Check out http://www.jjmotorsportsinc.com/ to see the many scooters and Lazer 4-stroke pedal mopeds he sells there. Third row left, wise comic Ron rides a black 95-ish Tomos Targa LX.
The front of the line for the Balboa Ferry. Front row left, Jamie has pole position on the red Free Spirit. Front row right, Shaun’s fully faired primer grey Tomos Streetmate, with large route map on the back for everyone to see.
Another view of the ferry waiting line. Second row right, Mark and his silver-blue and white Honda Passport. Later on he wound up getting a flat tire in Laguna, and did not get rescued for at least 2-3 hours, maybe more. Third row right, red Yamaha Vino commanded by veteran rider and coach Nancie. Nancie and husband Ray were on Myrons Ride 2, July 27 2003, and dozens of Myrons rides since then. They are professionals and role models and weekend scooterists. Front row left, Gil is not too big for that little Tomos LX mighty mouse that carries twice it’s own weight like an ant.
Loading the 3-auto ferry with 39 mopeds and light motorcycles. Front right, Wal steadies his brand new SYM 100cc scooter, similar to a Honda Passport. He got it at Beach City Mopeds, and he’s very happy. In his Targa LX days, Wal was on Myrons Ride 2, July 27 2003 and dozens since, but not many lately. He rode his new SYM all the way from La Verne, about 50 miles. Far left, taking a picture, southern California’s fastest moped racer, the honorable Christophe at www.tomahawktuning.wordpress.com/ rides a black Tomos. See his exotic 50cc French racers there. He was the fastest person at La Grange kart track, no matter what class he was in. Salute!
Crossing the sea water of Newport Bay. The ferry stopped in the middle of the channel to give the attendant more time to collect the $1.50 fee from each of the 35 or so mopeds and light motorcycles. Far left, Bryan’s red quarter fairing is shaped well and looks fantastic on that red Tomos Streetmate-R.

One of the world’s most serene and beautiful places, Crescent Bay Point Park in Laguna Beach, California.

View of Crescent Bay from Crescent Bay Point. Shallow water is light blue with dark underwater rocks visible.

Above, looking down at the wave-cut-flat rocks of the Laguna Beach rugged shoreline. Scuba divers were enjoying the underwater scenery there.
After Crescent Bay Point, the group rode to Beach City Mopeds and Scooters, about two miles inland in Laguna Canyon. The Myrons Riders arrived at 1:20 pm. There was a feast of sandwiches, chips, cold drinks, courtesy of our comrades Lee and Sheri. There were about 60 scooters by Kymco, SYM, Genuine, and others, and about 10 Tomos mopeds there, all super clean and spotless, like they were all freshly made yesterday. What great place to buy a high quality scooter, starting from around $2000. Check out www.beachcitymopedsandscooters.com/. For people who want the stability of safety of big 16″ wheels, like mopeds usually have and scooters usually don’t have, and want more power and speed than a Tomos moped (40+mph with de-restriction, sprocket and exhaust), or want to carry a passenger, check out the Kymco People 150 (MSRP $2799 plus F & DP). Freeway legal, it can go about 70mph, where Chinese 150 scooters go about 60mph. Go green, save gas, save money, have convenience, and of course, fun.
At about 2:45 they left Beach City Mopeds, and headed back up PCH. After a breif gas stop in crowded Laguna, it was a free for all. Everybody got back between about 3:50 and 4:20 pm, except for about half who peeled off and went their own way. Tyler’s Derbi Sport Laguna (with Euro model Sport Coppa plastics) was the fastest moped, by far, at near 65 mph (Felix speedo said 70). Felix and wife Adela rode the Honda 450 alongside the fastest mopeds on PCH, to measure their speed. Next was Shaw’s Arciero at around 61 mph (Felix speedo said 65), third was Ryan’s Puch at 54mph, and fourth was Shaun’s Aero Potato, at about 52 (Felix speedo said 57). The reported speeds are estimated for still air and level ground. Actual speeds are more, especially on PCH, where there’s traffic wind sucking you along and rolling gentle hills. There were several other mopeds that could go over 50mph, but no one ever did that day, probably because they did not want to risk seizing. Only one bike seized. Ryan was screaming the Polini-kitted Puch at about 58mph for awhile before it stuck. Ouch. Only one friend Mark, had a flat and got stranded. Other than that it was fun, fun, fun until the CHP motor cop almost pulled Shaun over, after the ride driving home, for acting “goofy” by tucking down and racing on the Tomos, to catch up to the Derbi Racing Team of Shaw and Tyler in the truck, heading north on Magnolia. Fortunately, Shaw gave Shaun the Vulcan Cloak of Protection. Thank you, zen master.
Ride 94 Palos Verdes San Pedro to Point Vicente 30 riders July 22 2012
Ride 94 line up minus about 11, regrouping on 25th St in San Pedro on the return. Click to enlarge.
Ride 94 was Sunday July 22 2012. It went from San Pedro California USA, new home of the WWII battleship USS Iowa, counter-clockwise around the Palos Verdes penninsula. Lunch was at Point Vicente Interpretive Center, next to the Pt Vicente lighthouse, on the picnic tables near the cliff edge overlooking the ocean.
30 riders gathered at the start place, the north end of the Ports O’Call parking lot next to the trolly tracks. The first stop was at the USS Iowa, a retired WWII battleship. The early photos of that and the starting line up were terribly blurred by the camera focus set for “close-up”. Operator error. They left San Pedro by heading north on Gaffey, past historic Agajanian Drive and the Naval Reservation, then left onto Palos Verdes Drive North. Up the hill, through Rolling Hills Estates, with trees most of the way, and horse paths, they enjoyed the beautiful country. After entering Palos Verdes Estates they turned left on Via Campesina, which delitefuly passes the PV Tennis Club and the PV Golf Club and a couple of hairpin curves down to Malaga Cove Plaza. Across PV Drive West and down to the “path of the ocean”, Paseo Del Mar. They stopped at the first view spot, looking north at Redondo Beach. Further south-west to almost the furthest west tip of the Palos Verdes penninsula they went to the second view spot, at Paseo Del Mar and Epping Rd. There isn’t much left of the 1964 ship wreck, but the view of ocean and rock formations was good enough.
Looking at the ship wreck site, at the tip of Palos Verdes Point. That black speck is an abandoned bulldozer. To the left of that is a dark horizontal finger coming out of the 45 degree slope edge. That piece, about 2 car lengths long, is all that’s left above water, of the Dominator, a Greek freighter carrying grain that wrecked here in 1964. One of our riders, Larry, used to dive there in the early 1970’s and spear fish. He was snooping around near the wreck when a 300 pound sea bass appeared. He said the fish’s mouth was big enough to easily bite off a human head. It’s skin was so thick his spears just bounced off it.

Here are some of the bikes at Paseo Del Mar and Epping, the ship wreck view spot, north of Lunada Bay.

What the group saw while eating Subway sandwiches. Pelicans flew by, just yards away, every few minutes.
After lunch, the return leg was east along Palos Verdes Drive South, past the old Marineland site, Abalone Cove, Wayfarers Chapel, and then through the natural roller coaster of the Portuguese Bend landslide area. PV Drive South turns into 25th Street in San Pedro.
Jack Woolf had some amazing stories:
In like 1947-49 during World War II there was a shortage of tires and rubber products because of the war effort. Jack could not get any new or used tires for his Schwinn bicycle. After riding his tires through the cords in places by stuffing them with rags, he eventually had to ride on the rims for a few months. It was bone shaking but still better than walking.
In 1968 Jack bought a new red Honda CT90 Trail 90, specifically for pig hunting on Santa Cruz Island. Santa Cruz Island is the largest of the Channel Islands about 20 miles from Santa Barbara, California. The domestic pigs turned wild had become too numerous and were destroying the natural habitat. So hunting them was encouraged. He had it equipped with a rifle holder, a spare gas tank, and a large luggage rack for carrying the dead pig. He went there and enjoyed the adventure. Afterwards, he kept that bike for the rest of his life. It was in several Myrons Rides and is in the ride pictures, somewhere.
Ride 95 Queen Mary Tour F. Valley to Long Beach Aug 19 2012
Ride 95 was August 19 2012. 30 riders were ocean air cooled from Fountain Valley to Long Beach, and back, a total of 47 miles. The heat was on, like 100 inland and maybe 85 at the beach. Everyone did a great job and had a good time. There were no mishaps. No one broke down, or got pulled over, or got dropped. Let freedom ring!
Ride 95 is going west on Talbert during the first mile. First stop was Bolsa Chica wetlands overlook. Then they sped northwest on their beloved Pacific Coast Highway through Huntington Beach and Seal Beach, past Bolsa Chica Wetlands, Huntington Harbor, Anaheim Bay, and Alamitos Bay, to In-N-Out Burgers for lunch at 2nd St and PCH. Then it was on to the fun part, after passing through the crowded-in-a-good-way Naples district and Belmont Shore, it was time for looping over water and under bridges and going on one special section of the 710 freeway. The after lunch destination was the end of Scenic Drive, always peaceful and quiet on Sundays.

That row of container cranes at Berth 268 is immense. The blue sometimes-off-limits line is for port security.

Above, relaxing at lands end. Two empty container ships wait outside of the Long Beach Outer Harbor.
Left, storming back east on Shoreline Drive at the Pike. The black tire marks were made by Indy cars in April 2012 when the Toyota Gran Prix of Long Beach was held here. The finish line is less than a quarter mile ahead. The fake roller coaster commemorates the real one that lasted for many decades into the 1960’s. The group just turned right from Aquarium Way, where they just passed the Aquarium of the Pacific. Before that they went around and around a traffic circle almost under the Queensway Bridge. Complex and spectacular for all to enjoy!
Ride 96 Two Stroke Extravaganza Fullerton to G.G. Sep 23 2012
Ride 96 was Sunday Sept 23 2012. About 27 riders met at Myrons Mopeds between 8:00am and 8:30. They departed at 8:35 for an 8 mile ride that only lasted 30 minutes. It was all about the destination, the Two Stroke Extravaganza, an annual gathering of mostly two stroke street motorcycles.
Left to right: 1) a classic Kawasaki, late 60’s maybe, 2) a 1976 Kawasaki KH100 in showroom condition, unrestored and preserved in a climate sealed garage. It still has some of the original peel off protective clear plastic. 3) a 1970’s Kawasaki KV75 two-stroke mini-motorcycle. The babies of the tribe.
At 12:00 noon this is the Smoke Out, where all 150 engines are started at once. Behind the blue tent is the music stage where the white smoke of two stroke oil mist clouds the air.
One of the regulars on the Myrons Rides is Doug Kirk, of Pasadena Moped. Besides racing mopeds in the Polini Cup, and downhill mountain bikes, he also used to road race at Willow Springs on a 1981 Yamaha RD350LC, white with 2-tone blue stripes. It was called an RZ350 in the US, but Doug’s is a Japanese model. He had two of the same early RZs, the racer and a mint condition show bike one. These bikes would out accelerate a 1981 Honda CB750F four cylinder four stroke. Half the displacement, half the cylinders, but twice as many power strokes per revolution, less weight, and lower price tag.
Left, a land speed record motorcycle, for Bonneville Speed Week, made from a 1985 Motobecane/MBK 51V moped, heavily modified for speed and for safety rules. From the mid 1980’s to the mid 1990’s these mild mannered French mopeds were modified for road racing, mostly 49cc, the stock displacement. This was one of those French 50cc “variated” road racers, shipped to the US for Bonneville speed record attempts. It has a Conti liquid cooled cylinder. Before they had the frame modified for an aerodynamic rider position, the top speed was 72mph, and after, it was 78mph. At Bonneville in the 50cc A-G class the record is 85.927mph by Cathy Butler on an Aprilia RS50 (with no fairing). The best speed at the 2011 Bonneville Speed Week for bike 523 was 77.611mph.
None of these show bikes were on the Myrons Ride. There was no group photo or pictures of the rider’s bikes this time. It was all about the Extravaganza!
Thanks to all the talented Myrons Riders. Thanks to Mark, Farrell, Taylor, Wicked Motorsports, for hosting. Salute!
Ride 97 Historic Orange Circle Fullerton to Orange Dec 9 2012
Wow! 29 riders attended the last ride of the season. Ride 97 went from Myrons Mopeds in Fullerton to the city of Orange, with several attractions along the round about way. First, wooden suspension type foot bridge, across Fullerton Creek. Second, a view of the back side of Knotts Berry Farm, that included the 1920’s Iowa church, the replica of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, and the Soak City waterpark. Third, a slow tour of residential neighborhoods along peaceful Orangewood Av. Fourth, a view of Angels Stadium and the Santa Ana River crossing. Fifth attraction was the best, a loop through Hart Park and Santiago Creek Nature Preserve. It featured a concrete parking lot that was also a dry river bed, so the center was a shallow “V” shape, like a mild half-pipe, 200 yards long, followed by a short stretch of bike path with a foot bridge, then a stop at the nature center under the ribbon of mostly sycamore trees. Sixth and last was the glorious Orange Circle, a two-lane continuous left turn at the center of historic Orange, once the citrus capital of the western US. After several loops of that, the group parked nearby for an hour and a half long lunch stop at the various restaurants and sidewalk bistros.